современные любовные романы (страница 662)

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Lena-prosecutor. Russian story
Lena-prosecutor. Russian story

Автор: Leon Malin

The hero suddenly receives a message from the past and goes to an unheard of adventure, to revive the deceased. What is it, somebody’s joke, a rally or really invented the Elixir of Eternal Life? But real life puts everything in its place. The adventure turns into a deadly danger, and love is an official necessity. The story is quickly read, it is really interesting. There are here also characteristic characters, there is a twisted plot and an unexpected ending.

Цена: 80 руб.
ISBN: 9785448541995


Lena-Staatsanwalt. Liebe und das Grab
Lena-Staatsanwalt. Liebe und das Grab

Автор: Leon Malin

Der Held erh?lt pl?tzlich eine Nachricht aus der Vergangenheit und geht zu einem unerh?rten Abenteuer, um den Verstorbenen wiederzubeleben. Was ist es, jemandes Witz, Kundgebung oder erfand wirklich das Elixier des ewigen Lebens? Aber das wirkliche Leben bringt alles an seinen Platz. Das Abenteuer wird zu einer t?dlichen Gefahr, und Liebe ist eine offizielle Notwendigkeit. Die Geschichte wird schnell gelesen, es ist wirklich interessant.

Цена: 60 руб.
ISBN: 9785448584510


Leon und Jelena - Die hohen Fichten
Leon und Jelena - Die hohen Fichten

Автор: R?diger Hansen

Die beiden Hauptfiguren Leon und Jelena gehen gemeinsam in den Kindergarten. Hier d?rfen sie bei vielen Dingen des Alltags mitentscheiden und mithandeln, so zum Beispiel bei der Frage, wie man das Fr?hst?ck besser organisiert, oder wie man den Streit um die Dreir?der, die viele Kinder gleichzeitig benutzen m?chten, l?st. Dadurch lernen sie viel dar?ber, wie man eine Gemeinschaft so gestalten kann, dass alle zu ihrem Recht kommen. Die einzelnen B?nde zeigen lebendig und kindgerecht aus der Praxis, wie Leon und Jelena ihr gesellschaftliches Engagement fr?hzeitig erleben k?nnen. Leon, Nermin und Luc?a wollen im Garten unter den hohen Fichten eine H?hle bauen. Die Fichten sind sehr gro? und alt und die Nachbarn, Herr und Frau K?hn, haben gro?e Sorge, dass bei einem Sturm die Fichten abbrechen und auf ihr Haus fallen k?nnten. Um das Problem zu besprechen und eine L?sung zu finden, wird das Ehepaar ins Kinderparlament eingeladen. Gemeinsam schauen sich alle die Fichten an und Nermin hat die Idee, die Spitzen der Fichten abzus?gen. So haben die K?hns genug Sonne auf ihrer Terrasse und der Wind kann die Fichten nicht mehr umpusten. Die Schwester von Frau Schneider kommt mit der Jugendabteilung der freiwilligen Feuerwehr und s?gt die Kronen der Fichten ab. Aus den Zweigen bauen Leon, Nermin und Luc?a ihre H?hle und laden alle zu einer gro?en Einweihungsparty ein.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783867939553


Leonetti s Housekeeper Bride
Leonetti's Housekeeper Bride

Автор: Линн Грэхем

His innocent wife…The last thing Gaetano Leonetti wants is to be shackled in marriage, but his grandfather has decreed that if he’s to become CEO of the family’s bank Gaetano must find a nice, ordinary woman to wed.Convinced his grandfather is mad, Gaetano sets about proving him wrong with housekeeper Poppy Arnold. With her outspoken nature and unusual dress sense, she’s definitely not wife material!But it’s not long before hard-working, self-sacrificing Poppy charms his grandfather, and Gaetano’s stuck with a union he didn’t want and a bride he sinfully craves! Having set her up to fail, can he really take the precious gift of her virginity?

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781474043380


Les ufs fran?ais. Recueil d’histoires sur l’amour
Les œufs fran?ais. Recueil d’histoires sur l’amour

Автор: Gleb Karpinskiy

Ce recueil d’histoires « Les œufs fran?ais” est sans aucun doute un chef-d’œuvre de la litt?rature moderne. Les histoires sont ?crites par une langue vivante et riche avec des ?l?ments d’?rotisme l?ger et d’humour. Ils font ?galement r?fl?chir le lecteur sur la v?ritable mission de l’homme et de la femme. L’auteur cr?e parfaitement une atmosph?re de r?alit? de ce qui se passe. Le recueil a ?t? traduite en anglais et en espagnol et a obtenu une note positive parmi les lecteurs.

Цена: 160 руб.
ISBN: 9785449839626


Les promesses – Обещания. Криминальная мелодрама
Les promesses – Обещания. Криминальная мелодрама

Автор: Ирен Беннани

Действия романа, написанного в жанре криминальной мелодрамы, разворачиваются на заре 21 века в эпоху перемен в России, Турции и Марокко.Судьба главной героини необычна, и вместе с тем, это настоящая удача для читателя увидеть жизнь семейного клана с традиционной культурой страны Марокко изнутри, куда вход крайне ограничен. История главной героини необычна: любовь, которая загоняет её в ловушку, и чтобы выбраться из неё, нужно распутать клубок преступлений…

Цена: 472 руб.
ISBN: 9785448375149


Les secrets des meilleures ma?tresses: parfaites et habiles au lit. L«?ducation sexuelle pour les femmes
Les secrets des meilleures ma?tresses: parfaites et habiles au lit. L«?ducation sexuelle pour les femmes

Автор: Veronica Larsson

Voulez-vous contr?ler les hommes ? travers le sexe? S’efforcer de rester dans son cœur pour toujours, comme la meilleure fille de sa vie? Pour ce faire, vous devez savoir quelles femmes aiment les hommes au lit.Saviez-vous que la pose “cavalier” est la pr?f?r?e des hommes?Ma?trisez l’art de cette pose et apprenez toutes les nuances ? ce sujet dans ce manuel.

Цена: 296 руб.
ISBN: 9785449305824


Lesson To Learn
Lesson To Learn

Автор: Пенни Джордан

Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.Gray Philips had hired Sarah to be his son's nanny out of desperation – she alone could reach and comfort the unhappy child.But Gray made no secret of the fact he resented her presence in his home and in his life.Forging a bond between father and son was near impossible task – as was hiding her growing feelings for a man who'd forsaken love and trust…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408998489


Lessons from the Heart
Lessons from the Heart

Автор: Dorothy Clark

When ambitious reporter David Carlson was assigned a story on her fledgling literacy center, Erin Kelly was nearly swept off her feet by his keen intelligence and incisive remarks. But the story uncovered agonizing memories Erin thought long buried and feelings she struggled to hide. Then a deadly shooting placed David's life in danger, and everything changed.While Erin's courage and spirit rocked David's natural cynicism to its core, they each needed to overcome the past if they were to have a future together. Teaching David to open his heart to God's love just might be Erin's most important lesson yet.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408964873


Lessons in Seduction
Lessons in Seduction

Автор: Sandra Hyatt

Be swept away by passion… with intense drama and compelling plots, these emotionally powerful reads will keep you captivated from beginning to end.Dare he break royal protocol? A prince on a quest to find the perfect wife doesn’t have time to trifle with a commoner. But Adam Marconi’s longtime friend and sometime driver, Danielle St. Claire, has him contemplating a change in plans.Why can’t a royal have a little fun before finally settling down?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408971895


Let Me Hold You
Let Me Hold You

Автор: Melanie Schuster

In the five years since Alana Sharp Dumond lost her husband, she has remodeled her life. Her vintage car company, Custom Classics, is raking in money.She owns her own home and she has top-of-the-line friends. If she misses the feel of a man’s arms around her, she’d never admit it. The shadows from her past are nobody’s business but her own. Worldly restaurateur Roland Casey has had his eye on Alana for months, but and now he wants to speed up put their relationship. With his tall, muscled build and cognac brown eyes, he’s never had any trouble romancing a woman—until now. Sultry Alana keeps putting the brakes on all his moves. Roland has no doubt that he can send her temperature racing, but can he mend her once broken heart?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472013323


Let Me In
Let Me In

Автор: Lauren Hawkeye

Imogen hasn’t had sex with her husband, Ty, in over a year.She’s still as attracted to him as ever, but they’ve both been looking for something new to renew their desire for one another. Yet she never thought to find it at a friend’s wedding when another couple invites them to share their bed.Ty is obviously aroused by the idea and the thought of a manage thrills Imogen to her core. Could this be the key to rekindling their passion – and can Imogen go through with it? Book four of Lauren Hawkeye’s Erotic Me series.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408973875


Let s Call The Whole Thing Off
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off

Автор: Jill Steeples

Reasons why you should never, ever, read your best friend’s diary (even if it has fallen to the floor, pages open oh-so temptingly…):– It’s morally indefensible.– She would never trust you again.– You probably know it all anyway…So what harm could the tiniest peek do…? Answer: Lots! The best reason for never reading your best friend’s diary:– You might just find out something you really didn’t want to know!Learning her fianc?, Ed – the guy she’s supposed to marry this weekend! – is having an affair with her best friend, is a devastating bombshell for bride-to-be Anna. Confused, hurt and absolutely livid, she hops on the first train to anywhere-but-here in need of some serious soul searching.Can she ever forgive Ed? Who is Anna ‘sans Ed’? And more importantly, should she go through with the wedding or should she just call the whole thing off?Jill Steeples first novel Desperately Seeking Heaven is shortlisted for the Romantic Novelists' Association Joan Hessayon Award 2014Praise for Jill Steeples'Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off by Jill Steeples is a well written and easy to like book.If you are looking for a chick lit with a twist then give this one a read.' – HarlequinJunkie'So gripping, vivid, enjoyable and fascinating!!!' – Sky's Book Corner'It was a thoroughly enjoyable read that kept you wanting more.' – A Book and Tea'I enjoyed reading this a lot. Jill is a great writer, she knows how to tell a story. I can’t wait to read more of Jill Steeples.' – Dreaming with Open Eyes

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781472074287


Leteroj. Ctrl+Alt+dekstra sago
Leteroj. Ctrl+Alt+dekstra sago

Автор: Valentin Ruzanov

Knabino el Litovio venas al la angla klubo, kiun mi vizitas, kaj post ses monatoj ŝi foriras hejmen. Jaron poste, mi trovas ŝin interrete kaj provas komenci korespondadon sur ŝia persona Facebook-paĝo kun demandoj kiel: «Kia estas via vetero nun?»

Цена: 490 руб.
ISBN: 9785005533043


Lethal Exposure
Lethal Exposure

Автор: Lori Wilde

Surrendering to a sensual playboy!Hot bodies don’t come any hotter than drop-dead gorgeous PR whiz Sebastian Black, who’s come to the luxurious Confidential Rejuvenations clinic to save its shaky public image.Nurse Julie has been playing the good girl her whole life, so falling into bed with sinfully seductive Sebastian is the perfect opportunity to let her naughty side out. As long as it’s just no-strings sex, that is! After all, naughty girls don’t fall in love with their late-night bed buddies…do they?

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408915189


Letras. Ctrl+Alt+flecha correcta
Letras. Ctrl+Alt+flecha correcta

Автор: Valentin Ruzanov

Una chica de Lituania viene al club ingl?s, que visito, y despu?s de seis meses se va a casa. Un a?o despu?s, la encuentro en l?nea e intento iniciar una correspondencia en su p?gina personal de Facebook con preguntas como: "?C?mo est? tu tiempo ahora?»

Цена: 490 руб.
ISBN: 9785005529114


Letter from a Stranger
Letter from a Stranger

Автор: Barbara Taylor Bradford

SCaptivating and evocative, Letter from Istanbul will take you on an unforgettable journey from idyllic Connecticut to exotic Istanbul to war-torn Berlin then back to the present day.When award-winning film maker Justine Nolan returns to her beautiful childhood home, she is intrigued by an envelope she finds in her absent mother’s post. But the letter inside contains a shocking revelation. If genuine, it will change everything she believes about her family’s recent history, her mother and her adored grandmother, Gabriele.With the support of her beloved twin brother, Richard, Justine resolves to uncover the truth. To do so she must travel to Istanbul – the teeming, beguiling city on the cusp of East and West. It is a place which holds its own secrets, leading her to a fascinating man who appears to know more than he is prepared to disclose.Yet even when her quest succeeds, Justine is faced with a further mystery: Gabriele’s background is not what it seems. Justine is given a book of memories in which the real story unfolds, taking her back to the darkest days of European history, with its suffering and astonishing acts of bravery. At the heart of it lie the final facts of Gabriele’s identity – and her own.The letter from a stranger has brought her not only to the truth about her family but also a chance to heal the wounds of past betrayals, to embrace a new love and a new life.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007304226


Letter from Chicago
Letter from Chicago

Автор: Cathy Kelly

Every woman needs her Cathy Kelly time – lose yourself with this warm and enjoyable short story perfect for a relaxing break.Elsie loves her regular letters from her sister Maisie in Chicago. Maisie emigrated to America forty-five years ago but the sisters keep in touch monthly. The letters cross the Atlantic, back and forth, filled with news about their families, their hopes, dreams and successes. Of course, it’s not quite as good as seeing each other in person, but they are happy enough with the arrangement.But when Maisie suddenly announces that her granddaughter wants to visit Elsie in Ireland, Elsie is besides herself with worry. A great deal has happened in the last forty-five years, and she may not have always reported it all accurately back to her sister. She can’t possibly bear the humiliation of being found out for having stretched the truth, but there is no way she can refuse to play host to a member of her family, is there?A funny, heartwarming and true-to-life Cathy Kelly story – tuck in and enjoy.This story also appears in Cathy’s collection of stories, Christmas Magic.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007444465


Letters to the Lady Upstairs
Letters to the Lady Upstairs

Автор: Марсель Пруст

102 Boulevard Haussmann, an elegant address in Paris’s eighth arrondissement.Upstairs lives Madame Williams, with her second husband and her harp. Downstairs lives Marcel Proust, trying to write In Search of Lost Time, but all too often distracted by the noise from upstairs.Written by Proust to Madame Williams between the years 1909 and 1919, this precious discovery of letters reveals the comings and goings of a Paris building, as seen through Proust’s eyes. You’ll read of the effort required to live peacefully with annoying neighbours; of the sadness of losing friends in the war; of concerts and music and writing; and, above all, of a growing, touching friendship between two lonely souls.

Цена: 327.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780008262884


Letting Go With Dr Rodriguez
Letting Go With Dr Rodriguez

Автор: Fiona Lowe

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408975800


Letting Go!
Letting Go!

Автор: Mara Fox

Emma Daniels wanted a wild sexfest–and she got it. After being cheated on by her very boring accountant boyfriend, executive secretary Emma decided to go on vacation and get crazy with the most exciting man she could find. Along came Andres, the Latin lover she met on a singles cruise. And after doing everything possible in bed with Andres, she returned home with a big smile on her face….Which quickly disappeared when she ran into sexy, thrilling «Andres» at the office working as the new systems analyst, of all things. His name wasn't even Andres–it was Tony! Apparently he'd been playing a little game himself while away. And when confronted, what did he have the nerve to say? «There are a few more things I think we should try….»

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408949146


Leveled: A Novella
Leveled: A Novella

Автор: Jay Crownover

Love hurts…Leveled by a broken heartOrlando Frederick has spent so long running from a real connection with another person that he can’t remember what love even feels like. The fear of being hurt by someone leaving is almost overwhelming and he can’t get past it.Leveled by a broken bodyDominic Voss was a cop, first and foremost, until a life-threatening injury put his career on the back-burner. Unable to face the prospect that he might never go back to his old normal, he’s ready to try anything to feel alive again.Leveled by loveAs Lando and Dom try to find a way to be together, they must find a way to be themselves first.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780008116255



Автор: Эмилия Марр

ЛЕКС : Нашел девушку, которая отвечает всем моим требованиям. Разве что строптивый характер, упрямство и незрелость явно лишние. Но это дело Я поправлю.Содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2021


Lexy s Little Matchmaker
Lexy's Little Matchmaker

Автор: Lynda Sandoval

Emergency: Mother Needed!The minute emergency dispatcher Lexy Cabrera heard the desperate six-year old’s voice, she knew it was life or death. But together, Lexy and the little boy saved his daddy. Soon, Drew was making a smooth recovery, his son Ian was a local hero… Lexy had enough guilt and scars to last a lifetime.Saving Drew and people like him was how she gave back to her community. Now Drew Kimball was about to return the favour – giving her back her life, teaching her how to love…

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408902219


Lezione D’Amore
Lezione D’Amore

Автор: Dawn Brower

Il tempo non ? dalla parte di Carter Jackson. Non appena i minuti sull'orologio scatteranno dovr? fare una scelta fondamentale per la sua vita. Riuscir? a salvare Olivia West e avr? un futuro con lei? Olivia West ? un ottimo avvocato, e su questo non ci piove…Ha seguito il caso di una donna maltrattata dal marito, ma non aveva calcolato che avrebbe potuto avere delle ritorsioni.. Il detective Carter Jackson la ama e farebbe qualsiasi cosa per lei. Ma non si sarebbe mai aspettato d doverla strappare dalle grinfie di un suo ex cliente impazzito.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835413684


Li: Венера в Скорпионе и выпал шестой аркан
Li: Венера в Скорпионе и выпал шестой аркан

Автор: Любовь Калиновская

Алекс – статный шикарный метис, наполовину кореец. Его хобби – дорогие авто, его талант – разбивать женские сердца. Алекс думал, что не умеет любить, но так ли это? Выполняя приказ, он оказывается в маленьком городке и арендует часть дома, хозяйка которого – мать-одиночка Елена. Пройдя через сложный развод, она желает лишь одного – спокойствия и найти своё место в этом мире, реализоваться как личность!Но у судьбы совсем другие планы… В момент, когда, казалось, хуже быть уже не может, в её жизни появляется Алекс. Но к добру ли это? Ведь у него есть серьёзная тайна…Алекс решил много её проблем, но вместе с этим привнёс и новые…С первых страниц вы увидите или, скорее, прочувствуете, что книга буквально пронизана тайными знаниями, женской, а также психологией отношений, практиками… И просто массой полезной информации, которая пригодится каждой современной девушке.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2022


Liaisons Interdites
Liaisons Interdites

Автор: Victory Storm

Est-ce qu'un amour qui d?fie la loi de deux familles s?par?es par une haine ancestrale pourra survivre ? ”Liaisons interdites” est la r?interpr?tation de l'œuvre de Shakespeare ”Rom?o et Juliette”, dans une version au go?t du jour et une touche de suspense suppl?mentaire. Ginevra Rinaldi n'a jamais su ce qu'?tait la libert?. Ayant v?cu dans une prison dor?e, ?touffante et surcharg?e de r?gles ?dict?es par son p?re, elle est habitu?e ? ob?ir et ? subir la sanction de sa famille pour tout manquement. Lorenzo Orlando a renonc? ? la succession de sa famille afin d'avoir la libert? de faire ce qui lui plaisait, m?me au risque de sa propre vie. Aujourd'hui, toutefois, c'est un homme respect? et il est propri?taire de l'?tablissement le plus prestigieux de Rockart City, le Bridge. D?cid?e ? rompre le carcan pr??tabli, Ginevra p?n?trera dans l'antre du loup. Que lui arrivera-t-il lorsqu'elle sera envo?t?e par le regard p?n?trant de Lorenzo et d?couvrira qu'elle ne peut plus le fuir ? De combien de temps disposera Ginevra avant de finir dans les filets de Lorenzo ?

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835408321


Liam s Perfect Woman
Liam's Perfect Woman

Автор: Beth Kery

IT HAPPENED ONE SUMMER…The moment new chief-of-police Liam Kavanaugh glimpsed the exotic beauty dancing on a moonlit beach, he was smitten. But he got the surprise of his life when he found out his dream girl was Natalie Reyes! The lone survivor of the crash that destroyed both their families, Natalie needed Liam’s help to move on.Yet she wasn’t prepared for the passion that flared between them. And now her future was in the hands of a man who might be able to heal her heart…

Цена: 327.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781472012104


Libert?re Bildung
Libert?re Bildung

Автор: Ulrich Klemm

Серия: edition unerzogen

Исполнители: Валерия Егорова

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783937797472



Автор: Татьяна Соколова

Эта маленькая повесть о большой настоящей любви римского нотариуса и молодой русской женщины из уральского городка, кроме высоких чувств и благоухающей красоты вечного города, наполнена очарованием сопровождающей всякую любовь нежности и грусти.

Цена: 199 руб.
ISBN: 9780880002684


Licensed To Marry
Licensed To Marry

Автор: Charlotte Douglas

By day these agents are cowboys; by night they are specialized government operatives. Men bound by love, loyalty and the law–they've vowed to keep their missions and identities confidential…THE MISSION: UNDERCOVER HUSBANDNo woman had ever looked more beautiful to Kyle Foster than the trembling female he rescued from the wreckage of an explosion. But he never dreamed he'd marry Laura Quinlan just days later! When traces of the bomb led to a security leak inside Laura's top-secret laboratory, a stricken Laura made Kyle a shocking proposal–marry her, and infiltrate the lab to find the traitor. As a Confidential agent and single father, Kyle would do anything to make the world a safer place. But living with Laura could prove a deadly distraction. Kyle's daughter loved her. Kyle's own heart was in jeopardy. And now the enemy knew it…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474022408


Liebe und andere Pflichten eines Marquis - The Worthingtons, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)
Liebe und andere Pflichten eines Marquis - The Worthingtons, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Ella Quinn

Исполнители: Amanda Felser

Цена: 1770.67 руб.
ISBN: 9783986371272


Liebe und Siloviki. Agentur Amur
Liebe und Siloviki. Agentur Amur

Автор: Leon Malin

Oleg und Vika, Spezialisten in verliebten Angelegenheiten der Amur-Agentur, erhalten einen Befehl, den Verbindungen eines bestimmten Eugene zu folgen. Aber es stellt sich heraus, dass Eugene nicht die Person ist, f?r die er sich selbst betr?gt. Und die Menschen um ihn herum sind gef?hrlich und m?chtig. Die Agenturspezialisten riskieren hier nicht nur Geld, sondern auch ihr eigenes Leben.

Цена: 60 руб.
ISBN: 9785449047618


Liebe, des Lebens gr??te Energie
Liebe, des Lebens gr??te Energie

Автор: Monika Hermes

Liebe wurde schon oft beschrieben. – Hier aber geht es um die Emotionen. Die Themen Freundschaft, Verliebtheit und Liebe mit allen Farben des Gef?hls. – Liebe mit ihren wahnsinnigen Empfindungen und dem Irrsinn, der w?hrend der Phase der Verliebtheit daher galoppiert. Bilder und Geschichten in Gedichtform, die Erinnerungen an eigenes Erleben wachrufen k?nnen und ein Schmunzeln entlocken wollen. Lasst euch von den Emotionsexplosionen der Freundschaft, Verliebtheit und der Liebe in meinen Texten mitrei?en. Wollt ihr der chaotischen Achterbahn des Lebens lauschen? Denn man zu!

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783742752123


Liebe. Urknall
Liebe. Urknall

Автор: Виталий Мушкин

Der Protagonist baut ein gro?es Landhaus. Und doch wei? er nicht, dass dieses Haus zur Personifikation seines neuen Lebens, seiner neuen gro?en Liebe wird. Die Handlung spielt in unseren Tagen im Dorf Vaskelovo in der N?he von St. Petersburg. Es scheint alles kitschig zu sein. Ehe, Verrat, eine neue Frau. Aber ein tolles Gef?hl verleiht der Erz?hlung eine au?ergew?hnliche Sinnlichkeit, Sch?nheit, Originalit?t.

Цена: 76 руб.
ISBN: 9785449073716


Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies

Автор: Adele Parks

Daisy and Simon’s marriage is great, isn’t it?After years together, the arrival of longed-for daughter Millie sealed everything in place. A happy little family of three.And so what if Simon drinks a bit too much sometimes – Daisy’s used to it, she knows he’s letting off steam. Until one night at a party things spiral horribly out of control. And that happy little family of three will never be the same again.In Lies Lies Lies Sunday Times bestseller Adele Parks explores the darkest corners of a relationship in freefall in a mesmerising tale of marriage and secrets.Praise for I Invited Her In:‘really REALLY good’ Marian Keyes‘Packed with secrets, scandal and suspense, this is Adele Parks at her absolute best.’ Heat‘Wow! What a read. Intense, clever and masterful.’ Lisa Jewell'Original and compelling. I read it in one sitting.’ Jane Fallon‘Fabulously gripping. Superb.’ Ruth Jones

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780008284671


Lies of closed eyes
Lies of closed eyes

Автор: Виктория Олеговна Рогозина

An interesting story not based on real events. The characters are original and fictional. In addition to all life (and not so) horrors, the book describes an extraordinary and beautiful love story. Or maybe not.

Цена: 400 руб.
ISBN: 9785005946256


Life Happens
Life Happens

Автор: Sandra Steffen

She's Hiding Something…Well, everyone is hiding something–but Mya Donohue's secret is knocking on the front door, in no uncertain terms. Mya is about to answer to the daughter she'd given birth to nineteen years ago, and Elle has news for her biological mother. Mya is not only a mom, but a grandmother, too. And Elle isn't sticking around for long. She can't.Offering Mya their assistance are her best friends–the only ones who will dare tell her the truth in unmitigated terms; her mother–a woman still sowing her own share of wild oats; and Elle's father–a man of few words, but usually memorable ones, at that. (Note: Mya's current fianc? has conveniently decided to take a long walk.)

Серия: Mills & Boon Silhouette

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472089069


Life is Strange. Пыль
Life is Strange. Пыль

Автор: Эмма Вичели

Новая история вселенной «Life is Strange» разворачивается после одной из возможных концовок игры. Спустя год после травмирующих событий, связанных с ураганом в Аркадии Бэй, Макс Колфилд и её лучшая подруга Хлоя Прайс стараются построить новую жизнь. Но когда Макс начинает неосознанно и неконтролируемо путешествовать во времени, им с Хлоей приходится вернуться туда, откуда всё началось, чтобы понять, что происходит, расставить всё по местам и встретиться с призраками прошлого!

Серия: Life is Strange

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-115102-7


Life Of Lies
Life Of Lies

Автор: Шарон Сала

Fame, fortune…and a fatal obsessionSahara Travis is used to being worshipped by adoring fans, but now someone is fixated on her in a dangerous way. After multiple attempts on her life, she reluctantly agrees to hire a security specialist for her protection, though the last thing she wants is some burly bodyguard invading her personal space.Former army ranger Brendan McQueen's job is to keep the starlet safe and track down her would-be assassin. But when Sahara receives news that her estranged mother has been murdered and her father, the top suspect, is missing, Brendan quickly realizes this is a much more serious case than your average celebrity stalker.With Brendan and her devoted assistant, Lucy, in tow, Sahara returns to her family estate in New Orleans to uncover the identity of her attempted killer before he can close in on his final target.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474074452


Life Or Something Like It
Life Or Something Like It

Автор: Энни Лайонс

‘Annie Lyons is my go-to author for feel-good fiction’ – Mandy BaggotJoin Annie Lyons for a journey that will make you laugh and cryStep into someone else’s shoes for a day… And it will change you for a lifetime.Cat is very good at her job. She runs a PR company with her best friend (and secret crush) Jesse, and is never happier than when her high-profile celebrities are glittering in the spotlight.But when her footballer client gets in the press for all the wrong reasons, Cat’s career takes a sudden nosedive. So when her brother Andrew unexpectedly needs her to look after his kids for a few weeks, she can hardly say no. She’s happily single, hasn’t exactly been the ‘World’s Best Auntie’ over the years, and what she knows about looking after children would fit on the back of a postage stamp. But it’s only temporary until she gets her real life back on track – isn’t it?From the bestselling author of Not Quite Perfect comes a hilarious story that will have you wondering just how perfect your life is!What reviewers are saying about Life or Something Like It‘This book has it all, it's cheerful, it's warm, it's special, it's loving, it's touching and it's sweet, a fantastic combination that works really well.’ – Librarian Lavender‘If you’re looking for a gorgeous read that will give you warm, fuzzy feelings aplenty then Life or Something Like It is definitely a read for you…’ – Bookaholic Confessions‘I cannot recommend this book enough for something light, yet thought provoking, definitely one to get the conversations going, though also one to make you smile.’ – Brymaycock’s Book Blog‘I highly recommend this read for some laughs… but also for a whole lot more of emotions!’ – Alba in Bookland‘I can’t help but gush about this book. This is one of the best novels I have read so far this summer… I definitely did not want to put it down and I don’t think you will want to either.’ – Good Book and a Cup of Tea‘…just the perfect tonic I needed to enable me to forget about my own life for a few hours and enjoy this entertaining tale from Annie Lyons.’ – Shaz’s Book Blog‘Life Or Something Like It was light hearted and witty, I often found myself laughing out loud’ – Lozza’s Book Corner

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781474036528


Life Skills 101. Everything You Need, But Won’t Learn In School
Life Skills 101. Everything You Need, But Won’t Learn In School

Автор: Smart Reading

As parents, we want our kids to become successful people with high self-esteem, confidence, and great self-organization skills. There are so many questions they run into growing up, but not a single source of wisdom to answer them all. We get it! We've found hundreds of best non-fiction books for teens, we read them, we extracted key ideas, organized and visualized them, and… We created a fun visual life-defining book for kids and teens to learn social skills, self-development, confidence, and mindfulness tools in an easy-to-use visual way. It’s a colorful, practical, and engaging 100-page guide to every soft skill for teens your teenage boy or girl needs to be happy. We covered everything from goal definition and time management to reasonable budgeting and children-parents relationships. While applying the scientifically proven method of visual learning, Life Skills 101 is a book for teens that teaches life skills for teens in a way that is accessible and easy to digest. Whether 10 or 18, your kid won’t be able to put it down (and neither will you). BOOK FOR TEENS, BY A TEEN: this unique book for teenagers has been written by a mom for her teen girl who then translated it into English. It won’t talk down to its readers; it’s a much-needed, fresh teen take on the self-help genre ACCESSIBLE TO A WIDE RANGE OF AGES: although this life skills book is primarily targeted towards teens 12-16, the skills in our books for teens are not age-specific; it’s never too late or too early to learn and work toward growing into the person you strive to be SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN WAY TO LEARN: our infographics use attention-grabbing, and relevant illustrations to help your teen learn and retain valuable life skills for kids long-term. Keep their attention with the most visual of all books for teen girls and boys EASY TO DIGEST: short and simple book for teenagers like a social media thread; no-nonsense, no filler language to clog the thought process; skips the fluff so readers can focus on life skills that matter CONNECTS KIDS AND PARENTS: teaches kids life skills their parents want them to perform and helps parents understand their teens better; a great way for parents and teens to bond again by reading and discussing the book for teens

Серия: Чему не учат в школе

Исполнители: Cindy Piller

Цена: 769 руб.
Год: 2022


Life Without You
Life Without You

Автор: Liesel Schmidt

Moving on from the past was never supposed to be easyOdelle Pearl Simms, Dellie for short, is a writer. A good one in fact. Then out of the blue her own life hits a nasty plot turn she never saw coming. With her recent marriage in ruins, Dellie finds herself alone, with no idea how to move on. So when her friends and family insist she get away from it all, she packs her bags for a month-long stay with her Grandpa. With Grammie gone, he too is facing up to a new life on his own…Returning to a town that is a haven of childhood memories, surrounded by long-lost family and finding inspiring new friends, this could be a chance for Dellie to discover who she really is. As old secrets are revealed, this trip could be just the thing that could save her and bring her right back to where she was always meant to be.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781474055475


Light the Stars
Light the Stars

Автор: RaeAnne Thayne

Wade Dalton was having a very bad day.His five-year-old had accidentally set the kitchen on fire. His daughter was surly, as usual. The baby hadn't been fed yet. And his mother–aka «The Childminder»–had eloped…with a scam artist. Could it get any worse?Turned out it could. Because the annoyingly beautiful daughter of said scam artist was now at the door, batting her doe eyes at him and proposing that she be his temporary nanny while awaiting the newlyweds' return. Could he trust her to be under his roof? Could he trust himself with her under his roof?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472080066


Lightning Strikes
Lightning Strikes

Автор: Colleen Collins

THE RIGHT BEDThe first time Blaine Saunders spies the antique brass bed, she has to have it. Practical in every other way, she's suddenly discovered a weakness for sensuous beds where dreams come true.THE WRONG ADDRESSBut the chances of her beautiful bed being delivered to the wrong address twice are about the same as lightning striking twice. Who knew that could happen? Tracking down the elusive bed is exhausting. So when she finally finds it in a stranger's apartment, she's sure no one will notice if she has a quick nap….THE RIGHT MAN!Where is his bed? When Donovan Roy arrives home late one night, the last thing he expects to find is a different bed…complete with a sleeping beauty! And in a white-hot flash of shared passion, he knows he'll do anything to keep her…and the bed.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474027311


Lightning Strikes
Lightning Strikes

Автор: Mary Baxter Lynn

36 hours: a town is plunged into darkness.. the mayor is missing..two doctors race the clock to save lives.. as a blackout paralyzed Grand Springs, Colorado, Dr. Noah Howell was back on the job in Vanderbilt Memorial's ER, thrown together with Dr. Amanda Jennings, the woman he'd never forgotten,,, the woman he's walked away from one long year ago; in the desperate hours of the night, tension turned to passion, and fate brought Noah one last chance to reveal the truth behind his betrayal, but some secrets were better left untold.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474008853


Lightning Strikes Part 2
Lightning Strikes Part 2

Автор: Mary Baxter Lynn

Lightning Strikes SerialAs a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents forever…Lightning Strikes Part 2At Vanderbilt Memorial’s ER, the power goes out, casualties flood in, and hospital staff must fight for lives in the dark.Mayor Olivia Stuart has been rushed to the ER with a heart attack. Noah’s sister Randi’s still AWOL from her own wedding, and Dr. Karen Sloane’s daughter is trapped by a mudslide. Working with Noah again is only bringing back a flood of regret for Amanda – feelings she doesn’t need since she’s engaged to Gordon. She’s starting to wish that Noah hadn’t come back to town at all, as her anger melts each time he smiles…The story continues in Lightning Strikes Part 3.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472094797


Like a Hurricane
Like a Hurricane

Автор: Roxanne St. Claire

Quinn McGrath's Irish grandmother always said he'd know «the one.» Only, the well-meaning matriarch hadn't cautioned that the perfect woman would literally fall from overhead into his arms–or hate him desperately the moment she learned who he was.Resort owner Nicole Whitaker was as wild and unpredictable as the storm that destined their meeting. But whereas Quinn saw the beach beauty as a fated lover, she viewed him as the six-figure-earning enemy who'd come to destroy her dream.She was right.But that was before he discovered the meaning of paradise…and something worth fighting for in Nicole.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472037343


Lilac Lane
Lilac Lane

Автор: Sherryl Woods

From #1 New York Times bestseller, Sherryl Woods.Chesapeake Shores is now a major TV series starring Meghan Ory and Jesse Metcalfe.Can a broken heart find love?When single mother Kiera Malone moves from a small town off the coast of Ireland to be with her family in Chesapeake Shores, finding love is the last thing on her mind. Overwhelmed with grief after losing her fianc?, she’s alone and in desperate need of a fresh start.The community of Chesapeake Shores welcome her with open arms, and Kiera moves into a charming cottage on Lilac Lane. But when she begins working at the local Irish pub alongside Bryan Laramie, the argumentative chef, little does she know that this fresh start may be about to get a lot more complicated…

Цена: 327.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781474074483


Lilac Spring
Lilac Spring

Автор: Ruth Morren Axtell

Daughter of a prominent nineteenth-century Maine shipbuilder, Cherish Winslow had a deep love for ships, the ocean–and her father's apprentice, Silas van der Zee. Once his childhood companion in Haven's End, Cherish wished Silas could see she was no longer a girl in pigtails but a woman in love.To Silas, Cherish was a beacon of light, illuminating his lonely life…yet he doubted a lowly apprentice could win the heart of such an elegant young lady. A stolen kiss brought a moment's hope…but he soon found himself tossed out on the street, with no job, no home, no chance of a future. In his darkest hour, Silas must find the strength to fight for his life–and for his beloved Cherish.

Серия: Mills & Boon Silhouette

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472092168


Liljecronas Heimat
Liljecronas Heimat

Автор: Selma Lagerl?f

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783825161477


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