современные любовные романы (страница 681)

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Nympholiada. Тайна, «подсказанная» Лувром. Роман в стихах
Nympholiada. Тайна, «подсказанная» Лувром. Роман в стихах

Автор: Сергей Лемехов

Легендарная «Мона Лиза» Леонардо да Винчи овеяна тайнами и слухами. Историки, критики и эксперты из мира искусства на протяжении многих столетий спорят о том, кем в действительности была девушка, изображённая на картине. Идея сюжета родилась в Лувре, в Париже, там же появились основные сцены. Роман о большой любви; о том, что значил для художника портрет. Начинается история с самого Начала – с далёких времён до Исхода. Так это было увидено; более впечатлительные люди могут назвать это озарением.

Цена: 200 руб.
ISBN: 9785005362438


Nахальный гость
Nахальный гость

Автор: Rina Miller

Спустя столько лет он решил вернуться. Зачем? Это я узнаю спустя время… Время, за которое успею влюбиться в него. Но что, если повод его возвращения уничтожит все, что подарило время?

Цена: 69.9 руб.
Год: 2024


O Empreendedor Crist?o Poderoso
O Empreendedor Crist?o Poderoso

Автор: Rotimi Ogunjobi

? o desejo de cada pessoa racional alcan?ar um sucesso mensur?vel em seu trabalho. No entanto, a maioria das pessoas passam a vida infelizes com a maioria dos aspectos de suas vidas. Ansiamos por uma vida boa, mas raramente levamos nossas aspira??es al?m da cren?a de que poderiam ser alcan?adas por meio de trabalho duro, muitas vezes nas profiss?es erradas. Trabalhamos regularmente em tarefas para as quais n?o somos adequados e, infelizmente, fazemos uma p?ssima imita??o do que imaginamos ser o sucesso. O Empreendedor Crist?o Poderoso ? um livro para crist?os que creem na B?blia, tanto jovens como idosos. Ele ilustra por meio de instru??es e atividades como se reerguer das falhas na vida e criar um novo empreendimento de vida adequado ao que Deus te formou para ser. O Empreendedor Crist?o Poderoso mostra como usar princ?pios comprovados de defini??o de metas em conjunto com princ?pios crist?os s?lidos para alcan?ar metas de vida e financeiras, mesmo nas dificuldades. Embora escrito para crist?os praticantes, este livro ? destinado a qualquer pessoa buscando seriamente objetivos mensur?veis, progresso, realiza??es em sua vida e sinceramente capazes de se comprometerem com essa busca. CONTE?DO: Cap?tulo 1 Como voc? sabe se sua vida est? indo bem ou n?o? Muitas vezes ? muito f?cil descobrir se voc? conhecer os sinais indicadores. Fa?a uma auditoria em sua vida. Cap?tulo 2 Se voc? est? convencido de que est? errando na vida, ? preciso se livrar das dores. Examine todas as suas m?s decis?es, influ?ncias e falhas quantific?veis. Decida se perdoar. Cap?tulo 3 Muitas das coisas e pessoas nas quais voc? confiou anteriormente n?o s?o nada al?m de um suporte desnecess?rio. Resolva se livrar deles. Cap?tulo 4 Comece a construir seu esp?rito falando coisas boas para e sobre voc?. Defina uma meta com prop?sito e fa?a planos sobre como realiz?-la. Cap?tulo 5 Fa?a um invent?rio de suas habilidades. Decida quais voc? precisar? para concretizar seu objetivo e quais novas habilidades voc? precisar? aprender. Cap?tulo 6 Uma rea??o ? sempre o resultado natural de uma a??o. Examine os obst?culos que podem atrapalhar e interromper completamente seu progresso e lide com eles. Cap?tulo 7 Agora ? hora de come?ar a implementar seu plano, mas qu?o positivo voc? est? sobre o sucesso e qu?o bem preparado voc? est? para o fracasso? Perseguir um objetivo ? muito parecido com a guerra, e voc? precisa fazer planos de batalha de conting?ncia. Cap?tulo 8 O sucesso requer uma atitude incomum ou v?rias dessas atitudes. Crie uma nova rotina e siga em frente com seriedade, com seu objetivo constantemente ? vista. Cap?tulo 9 ? uma lei natural que voc? n?o pode semear laranjas e colher ma??s. Da mesma forma, para colher dinheiro, voc? deve necessariamente semear dinheiro. Cap?tulo 10 Ter um objetivo ? importante, mas ter uma vis?o ? mais gratificante para a vida. Como voc? gostaria de ser lembrado? Aprenda como criar uma vis?o para coroar sua vida.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835423775


O Escritor E A Cineasta
O Escritor E A Cineasta

Автор: Manu Bodin

Em um bar de um bairro parisiense, um homem est? rabiscando algumas folhas. De repente, uma jovem mulher se aproxima dele e pergunta se ele ? escritor. A conversa come?a…

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9788835419167


O Escritor E A Realizadora
O Escritor E A Realizadora

Автор: Manu Bodin

Num bar de bairro parisiense, um homem est? a enegrecer folhas de texto em branco. De repente, uma jovem aproxima-se dele e pergunta-lhe se ? escritor. A conversa come?a…

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835428893


O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo (Integral)
O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo (Integral)

Автор: Allan Kardec

Исполнители: Di Ramon

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788562657047


O petala de Trandafir
O petala de Trandafir

Автор: Vera Samson

“O petala de trandafir” este o poveste de dragoste a celor doi indragostiti. O petala de trandafir era acea scinteie, care a fost sa se aprinda intr-o flacara, ce avea sa mistuie totul in jur, sa se transforme intr-o mare iubire, ca o vraja spre calea fericirii. Eroii principali, Dorin si Dorina, trecind prin cele mai grele obstacole a vietii, au pastrat puritatea si curatenia dragostei, necatind ca Siberia i-au despartit.

Цена: 400 руб.
ISBN: 9785449304728


O Poveste de Dragoste
O Poveste de Dragoste

Автор: Vera Samson

Eroina ?și ține ?n altarul sufletului icoana cu chipul primei iubiri. Eroul principal i-a făcut o invitație către veșnicie. El devine tandru și grijuliu ?n fața frumoasei fete pentru toată viața. Iubirea reprezintă rolul principal din relațiile tinerilor și formarea lor ca personalități. Nu există pe lume nimic mai prețios dec?t dragostea adevărată.

Цена: 200 руб.
ISBN: 9785449613585


O Reilly s Bride
O'Reilly's Bride

Автор: Trish Wylie

Trish Wylie's novels sparkle with lyrical Irish warmth! Sean O'Reilly had become so close to his colleague and friend Maggie Sullivan that he was beginning to imagine their friendship could lead to more. Only now, bizarrely, she's backed offand, even more strangely, she's started looking for love on the Internet! Well, if he can't beat them, he'll have to join them. Maggie can't let herself get close to Sean. Not now. Not when she's discovered something that will break all his dreams of happy-ever-after. But she has no idea how much she has hurt Seannor how much she has just fueled his determination to make her hisby any means necessary!

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474012003


Obl enie Gda ska
Oblężenie Gdańska

Автор: Marek Adamkowicz

Gdańsk, sierpień 1813 roku. Kończy się przerwa w oblężeniu miasta przez wojska rosyjskie i pruskie, ale za murami wcale nie jest spokojnie. Upadek twierdzy pr?bują przyspieszyć szpiedzy. Naprzeciw nich staje kapitan Savigny, znany z bezwzględności oficer gubernatora Gdańska, generała Jeana Rappa. Ścigając wrog?w, Savigny musi uważać nie tylko na skrytob?jc?w, ale też zmagać się z własną przeszłością. Tymczasem ofiar przybywa… „Znakomity warsztat gdańskiego prozaika zaowocował kryminałem historycznym, jakich pr?żno szukać na p?łkach księgarskich. To jędrna, barwna opowieść o losach francuskiego garnizonu, zmagającego się nie tylko z wrogiem zewnętrznym, ale także z własnymi słabościami, wycieńczeniem i wszechobecnymi spiskami. Świetny kryminał i błyskotliwa powieść historyczno-przygodowa w jednym”. ZwB

Исполнители: Mateusz Drozda

Цена: 818.78 руб.
ISBN: 9789179959142


Obligation To Love
Obligation To Love

Автор: Catherine O'Connor

All love is an illusion.Hayley was a woman with a mission: she was going to convince Andros Christos to agree to the marraige of her sister and his cousin. Having met Andros, Hayley realized that she had her work cut out for her.It seemed the Greek tycoon didn't believe in love – especially when it came to marriage! Andros, however, made it clear what he did believe in. But would the passionate attraction that flared between them ever be enough for Hayley?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408986622


Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 2. Чувство судьбы
Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 2. Чувство судьбы

Автор: Рона Цоллерн

Прошлое! Как неожиданно оно раскрывает зев! В жизни вдруг обнаруживается брешь – твои воспоминания больше не правда… Семейная тайна требует погружения в минувшее, потому что без этого невозможно будущее. Героям обеих историй – и библиотекарю, и братьям Цоллернам – предстоит путь через лабиринт догадок и обрывочных фактов к обретению ясности. Путь только обозначился, но его не избежать, по нему влечет неумолимое чувство судьбы. Книга с тысячей лиц. Детектив и броманс, лавстори и семейная сага, сказка и психологический роман. Книга-иллюзионист со множеством карманов, в которых спрятаны фамильные тайны, семейные реликвии, древние рукописи, катакомбы и неопознанные могилы, тайные убежища, неутоленные страсти, комплексы, жажда счастья, сокровенные мысли, философские записки о творчестве. Роман для влюбленных… Для влюбленных в книги! Содержит нецензурную брань.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2015


Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 2. Чувство судьбы
Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 2. Чувство судьбы

Автор: Рона Цоллерн

Прошлое! Как неожиданно оно раскрывает зев! В жизни вдруг обнаруживается брешь – твои воспоминания больше не правда… Семейная тайна требует погружения в минувшее, потому что без этого невозможно будущее. Героям обеих историй – и библиотекарю, и братьям Цоллернам – предстоит путь через лабиринт догадок и обрывочных фактов к обретению ясности. Путь только обозначился, но его не избежать, по нему влечет неумолимое чувство судьбы. Книга с тысячей лиц. Детектив и броманс, лавстори и семейная сага, сказка и психологический роман. Книга-иллюзионист со множеством карманов, в которых спрятаны фамильные тайны, семейные реликвии, древние рукописи, катакомбы и неопознанные могилы, тайные убежища, неутоленные страсти, комплексы, жажда счастья, сокровенные мысли, философские записки о творчестве. Роман для влюбленных… Для влюбленных в книги! Содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2015


Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 3. Алхимическое средство
Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 3. Алхимическое средство

Автор: Рона Цоллерн

В 3-й части действие стремительно мчится вперед в обеих историях: братья Цоллерны отправляются в путешествие в поисках утраченной реликвии, не догадываясь, что это путешествие кардинально изменит жизнь одного и сильно повлияет на жизнь второго; библиотекарь пытается разгадать загадку неведомого мира, который обитает в тайной комнате под лестницей, дом его превращается в место битвы иллюзий, его гостья открывает свое истинное лицо. А некое алхимическое средство, упоминаемое в романах, пожалуй, слишком часто, преобразовывает время, людей и события. Книга с тысячей лиц. Детектив и броманс, лавстори и семейная сага, сказка и психологический роман. Книга-иллюзионист со множеством карманов, в которых спрятаны фамильные тайны, семейные реликвии, древние рукописи, катакомбы и неопознанные могилы, тайные убежища, неутоленные страсти, комплексы, жажда счастья, сокровенные мысли, философские записки о творчестве. Роман для влюбленных… Для влюбленных в книги! Содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2018


Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 1. Герой попадает в историю
Obscura reperta [Тёмные открытия]. Игра в роман. Часть 1. Герой попадает в историю

Автор: Рона Цоллерн

Давно не читали ночь напролет? Отпустить вора или задержать вора? Выпроводить проститутку под носом школьного друга или оставить, представив своей девушкой? Рассказать об изнасиловании или умолчать о нем? Герои делают выбор и прокладывают новый стежок судьбы, не подозревая, к каким последствиям ведет вроде бы незначительный шаг. Книга с тысячей лиц. Детектив и броманс, лавстори и семейная сага, сказка и психологический роман. Две параллельно развивающие истории: одиночка, влюбленный в книги, пытается разгадать загадку утраченных дней; два брата обнаруживают во дворе своего дома нечто, способное увести их далеко от привычной жизни. Книга-иллюзионист со множеством карманов, в которых спрятаны фамильные тайны, семейные реликвии, древние рукописи, катакомбы и неопознанные могилы, тайные убежища, неутоленные страсти, комплексы, жажда счастья, сокровенные мысли, философские записки о творчестве. Роман для влюбленных… Для влюбленных в книги! Содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2015


Obscura reperta. Тёмные открытия. Игра в роман. Часть 5. Поверхность бездны
Obscura reperta. Тёмные открытия. Игра в роман. Часть 5. Поверхность бездны

Автор: Рона Цоллерн

Как одолеть врага, если не можешь ненавидеть его? Да и точно ли знаешь, кто твой враг? Приходит момент разобраться в самых темных глубинах души, выпустить наружу своих демонов и посмотреть им в глаза. Карты раскрываются одна за другой. Две истории сходятся как реки в общее русло. Скрытые до времени мотивы являются как чертик из коробки, расставляя все на свои места. Книга с тысячей лиц. Детектив и броманс, лавстори и семейная сага, сказка и психологический роман. Книга-иллюзионист со множеством карманов, в которых спрятаны фамильные тайны, семейные реликвии, древние рукописи, катакомбы и неопознанные могилы, тайные убежища, неутоленные страсти, комплексы, жажда счастья, сокровенные мысли, философские записки о творчестве. Роман для влюбленных… Для влюбленных в книги! Содержит нецензурную брань.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2018


Obscura reperta. Тёмные открытия. Игра в роман. Часть 5. Поверхность бездны
Obscura reperta. Тёмные открытия. Игра в роман. Часть 5. Поверхность бездны

Автор: Рона Цоллерн

Как одолеть врага, если не можешь ненавидеть его? Да и точно ли знаешь, кто твой враг? Приходит момент разобраться в самых темных глубинах души, выпустить наружу своих демонов и посмотреть им в глаза. Карты раскрываются одна за другой. Две истории сходятся как реки в общее русло. Скрытые до времени мотивы являются как чертик из коробки, расставляя все на свои места. Книга с тысячей лиц. Детектив и броманс, лавстори и семейная сага, сказка и психологический роман. Книга-иллюзионист со множеством карманов, в которых спрятаны фамильные тайны, семейные реликвии, древние рукописи, катакомбы и неопознанные могилы, тайные убежища, неутоленные страсти, комплексы, жажда счастья, сокровенные мысли, философские записки о творчестве. Роман для влюбленных… Для влюбленных в книги! Содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2018



Автор: Kay David

What would you do for your kids?Emma Toussaint would do anything–or so she's always thought. She needs money–lots of it–to regain custody, and then one day, opportunity comes knocking. All she has to do is break the law.What would you do to get even with the man who stole your life?Raul Santos would do anything–or so he's always thought. He was framed and sent to prison by a corrupt DEA agent. Now he wants revenge, and he doesn't care who gets hurt along the way–until he meets Emma.What would you do if the person you love is caught between you and your worst enemy? That's the question Raul has to answer.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474019378



Автор: Tori Carrington

The French Quarter: where seduction is a game…The Game: ObsessionThe Players: Josie Villefranche, notorious hotel owner; Drew Morrison, business sharkObject of the Game: Have a Cajun-hot love affair, without getting burnedBordello-turned-hotel-owner Josie has a hands-off rule when it comes to men. Too many have wanted her only for her talents in bed. But when too-sexy-to-resist Drew checks in, she decides to make an exception: use him, then lose him–no regrets.Ruthless businessman Drew has a hidden agenda: to buy the cash-strapped hotel. But he's been bedding its bewitching proprietor instead. When a murder puts Josie in both financial and legal trouble, Drew must make a choice: grab the hotel and run–or sacrifice everything for another night in her bed….

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472061591


Obsession & Eyewitness: Obsession / Eyewitness
Obsession & Eyewitness: Obsession / Eyewitness

Автор: Carol Ericson

THESE HEROES WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO PROTECT THE WOMEN THEY LOVE! OBSESSION FBI Agent Colin Roarke vows to protect former crush Michelle Girard from the «Reunion Killer.» Staying one step ahead is Colin's specialty, but as his frustration intensifies, so do the complications of long-buried feelings. When Michelle is kidnapped, clues lead Colin to an abandoned mansion where dark secrets are concealed–and dangerous desires hidden.EYEWITNESS Four years in an Afghan prison couldn't erase beautiful Devon Reese from Kieran Roarke's damaged memory. So when they meet on a beach back in Coral Cove and she begs for help, he doesn't hesitate. Especially when he learns Devon's little boy–a son he hadn't known existed–witnessed a murder. Kieran is desperate to keep his new family safe. He lost them once–he won't lose them again.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781474033312


Obsession 2. После падения
Obsession 2. После падения

Автор: Novela

Больше всего на свете она хочет заслужить прощение любимого мужчины. Его самое большое желание – никогда больше не видеть женщину, предавшую его доверие. Два пути сойдутся в один, и они получат ответ: есть ли жизнь после падения? Продолжение книги "Шаг до падения". Содержит нецензурную брань.

Серия: Одержимость

Цена: 176 руб.
Год: 2015


Odd Girl Out
Odd Girl Out

Автор: Ann Bannon

The classic 1950s love story from the Queen of Lesbian Pulp Fiction, and author of Odd Girl Out, I Am a Woman, Women in the Shadows, Journey to a Woman and Beebo BrinkerShe was the brain, the sparkle, the gay rebel of the sorority, and wonders of wonders, she chose Laura as her roommate. That was how it began…Suddenly they were alone on an island of forbidden blissTaking a pseudonym in the interest of privacy, Bannon wrote her first book, Odd Girl Out, as a coming-of-age novel that involved love between college sorority sisters. When an editor singled-out the school-girl romance as her story's most compelling feature, the book was re-written for a lesbian pulp fiction audience. Unlike most pulps, however, Bannon broke with tradition by avoiding sensationalistic plots in favour of emotionally engaged character development. Odd Girl Out enjoyed tremendous success, inspiring other ground-breaking works, most notably Beebo Brinker.“Odd Girl Out begins the saga of Laura, off on her own at college, appallingly shy and terminally polite…Laura meets Beth, whose brash straightforwardness and friendly attitude take the younger woman by storm, leading into an equally stormy affair” Metro Times

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472090669


Odd Man Out
Odd Man Out

Автор: B.J. Daniels

Would She Stand By Her Man…or Suspect him of Murder?Ever since J. D. Garrison had broken her adolescent heart when he'd skipped town years ago, the radio and the supermarket tabloids had been Denver McCallahan's only link to the man who'd become country music's «brightest star.» That is, until her uncle Max got murdered….Suddenly J.D. was waltzing back into her life…sweeping her off her feet and warning her not to trust his best friend, Pete, the one man who'd helped dry her teenage tears.The two men Denver loved most were now accusing each other of murder! One had stood by her…the other had broken her heart. Would Denver choose the right man?

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472064851


Of Lions and Unicorns: A Lifetime of Tales from the Master Storyteller
Of Lions and Unicorns: A Lifetime of Tales from the Master Storyteller

Автор: Michael Morpurgo

A lifetime of tales from the nation’s favourite storyteller, and award-winning author of WAR HORSE – the perfect gift for any book-lover.The most comprehensive and definitive Michael Morpurgo collection ever, this gorgeous edition features twenty-five enchanting short stories by the nation’s favourite storyteller – as well as extracts from twenty-five of his best-loved novels.Divided into five parts – covering war, animals, memory, the sea and folk tales – this timeless treasury spans the whole of Michael Morpurgo’s glittering literary career.Each of the five parts also features a full page illustration by the illustrators Michael has worked most closely with in the course of his writing life: Michael Foreman, Quentin Blake, Christian Birmingham, Emma Chichester-Clark and Peter Bailey. With such beautiful illustrations and such a wealth of extraordinary stories, don’t miss this stunning treat for collectors and fans alike.

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007523320


Of Royal Blood
Of Royal Blood

Автор: Carolyn Zane

FROM THE DESK OF LUC DUMONT, HEAD OF SECURITY ST. MICHEL DAY 12Still no sign of any missing heir. Must speak with Queen Simone about the longing looks her granddaughter, the beautiful Princess Marie-Claire, is giving that aristocratic Sebastian LeMarc. He seems too worldly for her innocence, but the protective and personal touches he gives her leads me to believe something is brewing between them…. I see how he watches her as she laughs with her sisters–and the way she looks at him as he dances with others. But is their budding relationship true enough to withstand rumors that Sebastian's ties to the royal family might be stronger than we think?

Цена: 451.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781474011853


Office Scandals: The Petrelli Heir / Gilded Secrets / An Inconvenient Affair
Office Scandals: The Petrelli Heir / Gilded Secrets / An Inconvenient Affair

Автор: Ким Лоренс

The Petrelli HeirInterior designer Isabel Carter has been offered her dream job. But it comes with a catch: her new employer is Roman Petrelli. Three years ago, one scorching night with brooding Roman came with consequences…and now, Roman is determined to claim his heir by any means necessary!Gilded SecretsWhen scandal threatens the luxury auction house that bears his family’s name, Vance Waverly can’t help suspecting that his gorgeous assistant, Charlotte Potter, could be involved. And there’s one way to find out: seduce the truth out of her!An Inconvenient AffairTo clear her name, events planner Hillary has agreed to go undercover as brooding billionaire Troy Donavan’s date. The stakes are high and Hillary knows she needs to focus on the job. But Troy’s kisses are like molten sin…and being sensible in the face of such desire is simply not an option…

Цена: 608.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781474047418


Officer, Surgeon...Gentleman!
Officer, Surgeon...Gentleman!

Автор: Janice Lynn

When Dr Amelia Stockton sees dashing naval surgeon and old flame Cole Stanley on board her ship her heart calls mayday! Cole knows Amelia belongs in his arms – though getting her to admit to their explosive chemistry is difficult, especially given the Navy's ‘no relationship' policy!But when it comes to the beautiful Amelia, rules are made to be broken!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472059826


Official Escort
Official Escort

Автор: Jean Barrett

HIS CHRISTMAS MISSIONMitchell Hawke had closed the doors of the Hawke Detective Agency to take some much-needed time off when a top secret delivery arrived on his doorstep just days before Christmas. This was no ordinary package, but a witness in desperate need of protection from a brutal mobster–the beautiful Madeline Raeburn. A woman Mitch had every reason not to trust.But with a killer who seemed to know her every move, Madeline broke through Mitch's barriers when she placed her body and soul into his keeping. Now they faced a journey fraught with peril–and unexpected passion. A passion Mitch had to resist to keep Madeline alive.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472034007


Oklahoma Reunion
Oklahoma Reunion

Автор: Tina Radcliffe

Facing Her Past Single mother Kait Field is back home in the small Oklahoma town she left eight years ago. It’s time to empty the family home, close the door on the past and introduce her daughter, Jenna, to her daddy. Ryan Jones hasn’t quite forgiven his teenage sweetheart, who left him with unanswered questions and a broken heart.But Kait was never accepted by his controlling family, and they don’t seem any more welcoming this time around. Yet now Ryan and Kait are resolved that nothing will come between renewed promises of faith, forever—and the second chance that neither expected.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408956915


Olivero s Outrageous Proposal
Olivero's Outrageous Proposal

Автор: Kate Walker

One problem…For Dario Olivero, Alyse Gregory is supposed to be a way to wreak revenge against his estranged half-brother. But Alyse carries the key to the family acceptance he’s always craved and, realising just how much trouble she’s in, he can’t turn away.One solution!A marriage proposal is not what Alyse was expecting! But this deliciously sexy Italian will resolve her family’s debts if she becomes his convenient wife… Her head says no, but her body begs her to say yes.With an intensity rivalling the Tuscan sun, their mutual desire soon escalates to something inconvenient…creating a whole new dilemma!Praise for Kate WalkerA Throne for the Taking 4.5* RT Book ReviewThe majesty of Walker’s fictional principality shines, and her frenemies-to-love story is perfectly passionate.The Proud Wife 4.5* RT Book Review This is an emotionally charged page-turner with plenty of tension and passion.Konstantos Marriage Demand 4.5* RT Book Review Misunderstandings and family betrayals propel this terrifically well-paced and fiery romance to its very rewarding conclusion.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781472098566


On Common Ground
On Common Ground

Автор: Tracy Kelleher

When Lilah Evans graduated from Grantham U, she was ready to leave college behind and change the world. Now, at a crossroads, she's doing something she never wanted to do: attending her ten-year reunion. And that means running into Justin Bigelow.A decade ago, Justin was the big man on campus–Mr. Self-Involved himself. So why did he nominate Lilah for the Distinguished Alumni award? One thing that's clear this nostalgia-filled weekend, he isn't the partying jock she remembers.What's also clear is that the attraction that used to simmer between them is now more intense–and impossible to ignore. With the stakes higher, do they finally have the courage to go for it?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472027450


On Equal Terms
On Equal Terms

Автор: Catherine O'Connor

An adult desire…Sebastian Ferrari had accused Kate of being a spoiled, selfish child and his harsh words had made her angry. Why couldn't her stepbrother accept that she'd grown up and changed? Her feelings for him were certainly different – her teenage infatuation had deepened into very adult desire… .Kate knew that she was more than ready to meet and work with Sebastian on equal terms. She was no longer a girl; she had to convince him that now she was all woman and that she wanted an affair – with him!

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781408986646


On Europe
On Europe

Автор: Margaret Thatcher

First published in her pioneering treatise Statecraft, the opinions and projections of the former Prime Minister on Europe remain potent and resoundingly prophetic.Margaret Thatcher foresaw the European Union as a swelling superstate, gradually eroding Britain's freedom. Irreparable and doomed, European integration did not allow for the birthright of nationhood. It was the most recent incarnation of an idea that has been tried many times before, and the outcomes were far from happy. “During my lifetime,” she says, “most of the problems the world has faced have come, in one fashion or other, from mainland Europe, and the solutions from outside it.”

Цена: 880.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780008263775


On Her Side
On Her Side

Автор: Beth Andrews

Attorney Nora Sullivan wants her mother's killer behind bars. To do that, she needs the help of the primary suspect's son–Griffin York.Too bad Griffin seems determined to avoid all involvement. Fortunately, Nora knows something about persuasion and sets out to convince him he's needed. It's not easy getting past his rebel facade, yet she sees glimpses of the considerate–and sexy–side he hides. Her efforts to sway him have an unexpected effect when every glimpse of the inner Griffin makes her want him more!Regardless of the simmering attraction, what can the future hold for them? Their differences go beyond the murder case between them. Yet when Nora needs Griffin the most, he proves he just might be on her side.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472027467


On Pins and Needles
On Pins and Needles

Автор: Victoria Pade

OF ALL THE NERVE!Why, Josh Brimley not only expressed doubt about Megan Bailey's medical abilities…but the handsome sheriff actually accused her family of having buried a skeleton in the backyard–eighteen years ago! Megan knew she'd have her work cut out for her, convincing the townsfolk of Elk Creek to buy into her nontraditional treatments, but Josh's theories–and sex appeal–threw an unexpected wrench into things.Skeptical Sheriff Josh Brimley found it tough enough to seek treatment from beautiful Megan before he knew her relatives were the prime suspects in a years-old murder. Afterward, he found it downright impossible–because he believed only in things he could get his hands on. Although his hands sure seemed to be moving more in Megan's direction….

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472051912


On Temporary Terms
On Temporary Terms

Автор: Джанис Мейнард

Sometimes keeping things strictly business isn’t an option…There’s a new bachelor in town knocking Abby Hartman off her game. Scotsman Duncan Stewart, her client’s grandson, should be off-limits – but certainly a brief, mind-blowing affair wouldn’t be too terrible…

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474076616


On the Doorstep
On the Doorstep

Автор: Dana Corbit

To: Meg, Rachel, Anne From: Pilar Re: My exciting day ?Hola, amigas! You'll never guess what I found on my way to work today…a baby! His name is Gabriel, and he is certainly heaven-sent. And so is Zach Fletcher, the dedicated detective assigned to find the mother. This is the first time we've spoken, even though we attend the same church.I'm torn. I want the girl to be found but I also want to keep Gabriel for myself – my biological clock has been ticking like crazy! And I've been fantasizing about Zach rounding out my dream family….

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408964781


On the First Night of Christmas
On the First Night of Christmas

Автор: Heidi Rice

Cassie’s tips for the Perfect Christmas Fling!1. ’Tis the season to be daring: Find the perfect Mr Right Now (extra points for a bad-boy-turned-billionaire) and be brave about getting him – even if that means jumping straight into sexy Jace Ryan’s car!2. Enjoy the ride: Once you’ve chosen your flingee, get swept away by the moment! For once, Cassie’s determined to stop worrying about the future. But she must remember one thing…3. This fling is just for Christmas: Jace Ryan’s a seasonal special. Do not start falling for him, Cassie. No matter how perfect the package or how much you’ve enjoyed unwrapping it…

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781408920091


On the Scent: A laugh out loud pet detective rom com!
On the Scent: A laugh out loud pet detective rom com!

Автор: Angela Campbell

The USA TODAY bestseller‘Campbell has a snarky sense of humor’ USA Today’s Happy Ever AfterPerfect for fans of Sookie Stackhouse & Stephanie Plum!Hannah Dawson has a big problem: she’s just become the unexpected owner of a snarky cat, a loveable but not-so-bright dog… and their $10 million fortune!Which would be awesome if it hadn’t made her the target of every wacko in the metro Atlanta area. Now Hannah and her famous pets need protecting and there’s only one man who can help them…Enter Zachary Collins: ex-TV star of ‘The Psychic Detective’ and street-wise private investigator – all 6 foot blue-eyed gorgeousness!Only Zach’s got secrets of his own – not least that he finds his new client irresistibly hot. The more time he spends keeping Hannah out of harm’s way, the more he’s tempted to give in to the attraction… even if it means breaking all his own rules.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007543052


On The Texas Border
On The Texas Border

Автор: Linda Warren

Abby Duncan's come home to Hope, Texas – the town known as Brewster's Valley, after the wealthy, powerful old man who rules it – to find the truth behind the accusations that drove her father to his death. Only Brewster knows what really happened. But he refuses to tell Abby unless she agrees to find his missing daughter, the child he's never acknowledged. Part of Brewster's deal is that Abby undertake this search with the help of Jonas Parker, foreman of Brewster's farming empire. Jonas knows only too well that the truth may not be what Abby expects.But neither of them can anticipate the secrets they're about to uncover. Secrets that threaten to shatter everything they've ever believed about themselves…and each other.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408944776


On Wings of Love
On Wings of Love

Автор: Kim Watters

Ruth Fontaine's job is to deliver lifesaving organs to those urgently in need. But the gruff pilot of her charter plane has no kind words for her work.And then she discovers the heartbreaking reason why. Noah Barton lost his wife and young son. Grieving, he gave in to pressure to donate his child's organs–a decision he regrets. He's bitter against those who «take advantage» of people's anguish. Yet he still flies her on her missions, with his beloved family dog, Houston, as his copilot. Now Ruth will have to show Noah he has two other copilots: the Lord and her love.

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781472022387


On, koji otvara puteve, ili Bog je Ljubav. 3. dio
On, koji otvara puteve, ili Bog je Ljubav. 3. dio

Автор: Merjem Jolač

Roman u tri djela na 8 jezika. Knjiga-savetnik za one, koji žele da prate put svog srca. Posvećeno je Muškarcu ljubav prema kojem je promenila moj život.

Цена: 490 руб.
ISBN: 9785005579621


Ona koja otvara puteve. Dio 2
Ona koja otvara puteve. Dio 2

Автор: Merjem Jolač

Roman u tri dela.Ljubavna priča koja mi je preokrenula život.Knjiga za obuku onih, koji žele da prate put svog srca.Posvećeno je Muškarcu ljubav prema kojem preokrenula je moj život.

Цена: 490 руб.
ISBN: 9785005370242


Ona koja otvara puteve. 1. dio
Ona koja otvara puteve. 1. dio

Автор: Merijem Jolač

Roman u tri dela.Knjiga-savetnik za one, koji žele da prate put svog srca.Posvećeno je Muškarcu, ljubav prema kojem je promenila moj život.

Цена: 490 руб.
ISBN: 9785005365699


Once a Cowboy
Once a Cowboy

Автор: Linda Warren

Brodie Hayes is a former rodeo star, now a rancher—a cowboy, through and through. But when he finds out some shocking news about the circumstances of his birth, he begins to question his identity.Luckily, private investigator Alexandra Donovan is there to help him find the truth about who he is. Along the way, he discovers that even a man who thought he'd be alone for the rest of his life can fall in love.For Brodie, love was something you did once—and for always. But is Alex the type of woman who can take on a stubborn man like him? Because there's one thing about him that will never change, no matter what they find out about his past—once a cowboy, always a cowboy.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472075215


Once a Father
Once a Father

Автор: Marie Ferrarella

When a bomb ripped through the Lone Star Country Club, all of Mission Creek, Texas, was shaken. Who was responsible? Was it the Mercados, Mission Creek's answer to the mob? The Carsons or the Wainwrights, two of the club's founding families? Or an even more sinister force?Only a young boy rescued from the burning wreckage knows the truth. But the culprits want him eliminated–fast! Little Jake's savior, firefighter Adam Collins, and his doctor, Tracy Walker, have taken the orphaned boy into their lives, creating an instant family. But while Adam and Tracy fight their attraction for each other, can they keep Jake out of harm's way?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472077578


Once a Ferrara Wife
Once a Ferrara Wife

Автор: Сара Морган

For better… or for bedding?Laurel Ferrara wouldn’t know a happy ending if she fell over it – of course her whirlwind wedding was always going to end in disaster. But it wasn’t as simple as just walking away. From the moment she is summoned back to Sicily the shivers of unease set in…The command comes from legendary billionaire Cristiano Ferrara, the husband she can’t forget – but it might as well have come from the devil himself. The outrageously gorgeous Cristiano’s power is a potent reminder of this Sicilian dynasty’s unbreakable rule: once a Ferrara wife, always a Ferrara wife…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408926338


Once a Hero
Once a Hero

Автор: Jillian Burns

Sassy heroines and irresistible heroes embark on sizzling sexual adventures as they play the game of modern love and lust. Expect fast paced reads with plenty of steamy encounters.Once a hero…always a hero. Subject: Captain Luke Andrews, MD. Current Status: On stress leave in beautiful Hawaii. Mission: Rest and recovery. Obstacle: There’s no rest from the wicked chemistry he’s found with her. After a too-close-for-comfort brush with cancer, ocean photographer Kristen Turner heads to Hawaii for three months, determined to never take life for granted again.Then fate handed her a smokin’-hot opportunity she couldn’t resist… Cpt. Luke Andrews has got to get some serious R&R, but he can't keep his hands off Kristen–his mysterious beauty.Spending his nights with her seems more dangerous than his last mission. So is this hot little vacation romp an escape from real life… or will the survivor and the hero battle it out for the long haul and learn to live each day as a gift? Uniformly Hot! The Few. The Proud. The Sexy as Hell!

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781408969168


Once A Moretti Wife
Once A Moretti Wife

Автор: Мишель Смарт

'I love having you at my mercy… And you love it too.'The only desire billionaire Stefano Moretti has for his estranged wife Anna is for revenge. Humiliatingly, she left him weeks ago—so when Anna returns to his life, with no memory of their tempestuous marriage, he’s certain fate has dealt him a winning hand.Stefano’s plan is two-fold: a private seduction that will reawaken Anna to their red-hot attraction, followed by a public humiliation to match the one she landed on him. Until Stefano realises there’s something he wants even more than vengeance—Anna, back in his bed for good!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474052290


Once A Playboy...: Resisting the Sicilian Playboy / Her Playboy s Proposal / The Playboy s Proposal
Once A Playboy...: Resisting the Sicilian Playboy / Her Playboy's Proposal / The Playboy's Proposal

Автор: Kate Hardy

Once a Playboy…Resisting the Sicilian PlayboyLeo Valente is as notorious as the tabloids claim. But feisty wedding planner Dara isn't deterred. Seducing Dara is the distraction he needs and claiming her? The ultimate prize…Her Playboy's ProposalNurse Isla McKenna is warned about Dr Harry Gardiner the moment she enters the emergency department. But there’s more to this ‘bad boy’ than meets the eye and they are both left wanting more…The Playboy's ProposalJoel Kendrick isn't interested in a permanent relationship. So, after embarking on a passionate affair, Kathryn conceals her feelings. Then suddenly her bachelor playboy proposes….

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781474081580


Once a Playboy…
Once a Playboy…

Автор: Kate Hardy

Adrenalin junkie aristocrat George Somers is used to relationships as short and as sweet as the thrills he seeks. But, when an accident puts him in the care of physiotherapist and single mum Serena James, being bed-bound suddenly seems more than appealing!George may be a risk-taker…but letting Serena and her little boy into his heart will be his biggest challenge yet…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408973608


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