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Das Jesus-Video, Folge 1: Spuren
Das Jesus-Video, Folge 1: Spuren

Àâòîð: Andreas Eschbach

Bei Ausgrabungen in Israel findet der Arch?ologe Stephen Foxx in einem 2000 Jahre alten Grab die Bedienungsanleitung einer Videokamera, die erst in einigen Jahren auf den Markt kommen soll. Es gibt nur eine Erkl?rung: Jemand muss versucht haben, Aufnahmen von Jesus Christus zu machen! Der Tote im Grab w?re demnach ein Mann aus der Zukunft, der in die Vergangenheit reiste. Und irgendwo in Israel wartet das Jesus-Video darauf, gefunden zu werden. Oder ist alles nur ein gro?angelegter Schwindel? Eine turbulente Jagd beginnt …

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Robert Frank

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838778488


Das kleine Cottage auf dem H?gel - Cottage-Reihe, Teil 1 (Ungek?rzt)
Das kleine Cottage auf dem H?gel - Cottage-Reihe, Teil 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Emma Davies

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Luise Schubert

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838796222


Das Leben f?llt, wohin es will - Hamburg-Reihe, Teil 4 (Ungek?rzt)
Das Leben f?llt, wohin es will - Hamburg-Reihe, Teil 4 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Petra H?lsmann

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Yara Bl?mel

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838784045


Das letzte Verm?chtnis - Ein Jill Carter Thriller (Ungek?rzt)
Das letzte Verm?chtnis - Ein Jill Carter Thriller (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Ernst Jakob

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Moritz Brendel

Öåíà: 1672.03 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783987780592


Das Licht in meiner D?mmerung (ungek?rzt)
Das Licht in meiner D?mmerung (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Sarah Saxx

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Tami Fischer

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 4066004437286


Das Schweigen im Koffer
Das Schweigen im Koffer

Àâòîð: Nuran Joeri?en

Selma, eine junge Frau, verbringt auf Wunsch ihres 16-j?hrigen Bruders Can die Semesterferien bei ihren Eltern. Auf Grund einiger Gespr?che mit ihrem Bruder bekommt sie den Eindruck, dass er homosexuell sei und versucht, ihm den Weg zu ebnen, den er dringend braucht, um zu sich selbst zu stehen. Selma sieht sich mit vielen Fragen konfrontiert, auf die sie eine Antwort sucht und l?sst sich auf einige Abenteuer ein. Parallel dazu bekommt sie mit, dass ihr Vater Kadir einen Brief mit unbekanntem Absender erh?lt und ihre Freundin Maya einen mysteri?sen Mann wahrnimmt. Im Laufe der Zeit wird Selma bewusst, wie wichtig f?r sie die Vergangenheit ihrer Eltern ist, um ihre Gegenwart verstehen zu k?nnen. Hinter der Vergangenheit ihrer Eltern entdeckt sie die grausame Geschichte eines Landes, das ihre Eltern als ihre Heimat bezeichnen. Selma sieht die Beziehung zur Mutter Bahar eher distanziert und kalt, wohingegen sie sich ihrem Vater nahe f?hlt. Selma stellt sich der Vergangenheit ihrer Eltern, in der es um die Helden und die Verlierer einer Gesellschaft geht, die in unmittelbarer Verbindung mit den politischen Ereignissen ihres Herkunftslandes steht und setzt sich damit auseinander, ob die Helden die wirklichen Helden und die Verlierer wirklich gescheitert sind. Die Autorin meint, dass unsere Gegenwart auch ein Resultat unserer Vergangenheit ist, die man nicht ausl?schen oder gar verleugnen kann. »Solange wir uns der Vergangenheit nicht stellen, wird sie uns wie ein D?mon auf den Fersen bleiben und uns an einer anderen Stelle des Lebens eine Rechnung pr?sentieren, die wir augenscheinlich nicht zuordnen k?nnen. So wie wir unsere famili?re Vergangenheit nicht ?bersehen d?rfen, d?rfen wir auch die Geschichte unseres Herkunftslandes nicht verleugnen. Ansonsten werden wir sie als eine Hypothek auf die Schultern derer laden, die nach uns kommen.«

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783960081104


Das unsichtbare Netz des Lebens
Das unsichtbare Netz des Lebens

Àâòîð: Martin Grassberger

Der Erfolgsautor zeigt neue Wege auf, wie der Mensch sich vor sch?dlichen Umwelteinfl?ssen sch?tzen kann.
Wie erhalten wir in Zeiten neuartiger Pandemien, chronischer Krankheiten, zunehmender Urbanisierung und medialem Dauerfeuer unsere k?rperliche und geistige Gesundheit? Basierend auf umfassenden ?kologischen Betrachtungen und unter Ber?cksichtigung der neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse der Mikrobiomforschung zieht Martin Grassberger Schl?sse ?ber die fundamentalen Wechselwirkungen zwischen uns und unserer Umwelt und zeigt, wie wir trotz beunruhigender Entwicklungen ein gutes und gesundes Leben f?hren k?nnen. Martin Grassberger stellt in «Das unsichtbare Netz des Lebens» den Menschen in den Fokus und erkl?rt, wie jeder Einzelne sich, seine Kinder und die Umwelt sch?tzen kann.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Àâòî÷òåö

Öåíà: 1774.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783701746675


Das Wunschtraumhaus
Das Wunschtraumhaus

Àâòîð: Ingrid Neufeld

Aus den unterschiedlichsten Gr?nden k?nnen vier Kinder nicht in den Urlaub fahren. Da ist Tom, dessen Vater arbeiten muss, Alex, der einen Bauernhof zu Hause hat, den die Familie nicht alleine lassen kann, Jana, deren Familie nur jedes zweite Jahr in Urlaub f?hrt und schlie?lich Anna-Maria, deren Vater sich kurz vor Urlaubsbeginn so sehr verletzt, dass er im Krankenhaus liegen muss. Anna-Maria erz?hlt aus ihrer Sicht wie die vier beschlie?en, die Ferien gemeinsam zu verbringen. Eigentlich passen sie nicht zusammen. Darum ?rgert sich Anna-Maria mehr ?ber die anderen, als dass sie sich auf die gemeinsamen Ferien freut. Doch nach und nach freunden sie sich langsam miteinander an. Sie erkunden ihre Umgebung, zu der auch ein Schloss mit Park geh?rt. Dieser Park ist von einer hohen Mauer umgeben, die ungebetene Eindringlinge abhalten soll. Aber gerade das macht es f?r die Kinder interessant. Sie entdecken einen losen Stein in der Mauer und zw?ngen sich erfolgreich durch die L?cke. Jetzt versprechen die Ferien aufregend zu werden. Was verbirgt sich in dem geheimnisvollen Garten? Die Abenteuerlust ist erwacht. Schon bald sto?en sie auf ein r?tselhaftes Haus. Im Haus machen sie eine ungew?hnliche Entdeckung und finden sich pl?tzlich im alten Jerusalem vor zweitausend Jahren wieder. Das anstrengende Leben im Haus von Pilatus wird ihnen schnell zu viel. Auf einmal sind sie Sklaven und werden wie Gegenst?nde behandelt. Au?erdem ist da noch die Gerichtsverhandlung um Jesus Christus. Und bei der ganzen Aufregung m?ssen sie immer wieder vor den Aufsehern fl?chten. Am liebsten w?ren sie wieder zu Hause. Doch f?r die R?ckkehr nach Deutschland brauchen sie einen Gegenstand aus der heutigen Zeit. Wo sollen sie diesen finden? Dann ist da noch dieser r?mische Legion?r, der sie verfolgt. Werden sie wirklich entkommen k?nnen? Anna-Maria f?rchtet schon, dass sie f?r immer in Jerusalem bleiben muss… Gibt es einen Ausweg?

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783847642985


Dateline Matrimony
Dateline Matrimony

Àâòîð: Gina Wilkins

THERE WASN'T A WOMAN ALIVE WHO HAD EVER REJECTED REPORTER RILEY O'NEAL.All he had to do was smile and flash those dimples. But there was a first time for everything. Riley's first came in the form of waitress Teresa Scott, and what a lovely form she had. It was a ritual. Every morning he ate breakfast at the Rainbow Caf?, where, along with great coffee, Teresa served up a big «No.»But when a scandalous news story led Riley to discover that Teresa wasn't exactly who he'd thought she was–but instead was a single mom and a…criminal–he hoped that the gorgeous waitress would try to steal his heart.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472081001


Dating a Single Dad
Dating a Single Dad

Àâòîð: Kris Fletcher

A family worth staying for… Brynn Catalano is in Comeback Cove to help her cousin with a relationship crisis and plan an anniversary celebration for the local dairy. Sure, her new landlord, Hank North, is worth a second look…or three! But she's here only for a short time, and definitely not for romance, especially with a headstrong single dad who says he doesn't need her help.Still, she can't resist Hank's daughter, Millie. The girl is almost as irresistible as her gorgeous daddy, and Brynn is surprised at how easily their twosome accommodates her…and how much she likes that. Yet when the job and the crisis are over there's nothing to keep Brynn here. Or is there?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Superromance

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472096890


Dating By Numbers
Dating By Numbers

Àâòîð: Jennifer Lohmann

What is the formula to finding true love?Life is pretty perfect for Marsie Penny—she has great friends, a career she is passionate about, plus financial security. The one thing missing is a partner to share it all with. Frustrated by the online dating scene, Marsie’s created an algorithm to help find her perfect match. Could she have gotten her formula wrong, though? Her feelings for colleague Jason Ellis just don’t add up. Jason believes in love at first sight—which is ridiculous. And he doesn’t tick off any of her boxes…except for his charm, his warm smile and his cute butt. But all it takes is one heated kiss to make her wonder if she should rethink her numbers.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Superromance

Öåíà: 464.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474072991


Dating the Rebel Tycoon
Dating the Rebel Tycoon

Àâòîð: Ally Blake

The black sheep billionaire…As a gawky teenager, Rosie knew she never stood a chance with heart-throb Cameron Kelly. She had pigtails and glasses, and washed dishes by night to help support her and her mother, whilst Cameron came from one of the richest and most revered families in Brisbane…Years later they meet again, and Rosie finds herself on a date with the gorgeous billionaire! There’s something different about him – he’s darker, more intense, dangerous. But she’s determined to ignore his three-dates-only rule and get to the heart of the rebel tycoon…

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Romance

Öåíà: 270.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408911785


Day of Reckoning
Day of Reckoning

Àâòîð: B.J. Daniels

Somehow Ford Lancaster seemed to turn up just when Rozalyn Sawyer needed him most. And as much as she hated to admit it, she couldn't help but want more of his steady presence…his smoldering kisses. Rozalyn was sure a crime had been committed against her family, but was her desperate search for the truth based on fear or madness?Ford had come to settle an old score only to find his investigation colliding with a killer's next target: Rozalyn. She had every reason to doubt his hidden motives, but Ford knew he would pay any price to reconcile the past and claim Rozalyn as his wife.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 270.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472032430


Dead Aim
Dead Aim

Àâòîð: Anne Woodard

She wasn't strictly beautiful, but something about Maggie Mann made a man sit up and take notice. Like her warm green eyes.Her honeyed smile. And the gun she carried with confident ease. Yes, there was something about Maggie, all right. And scientist Rick Dornier wasn't letting her out of his sight until he discovered what made her tick–and what she knew about his missing sister.The fact that she stirred his blood was an inconvenience he would have to conceal. Because as they became reluctant partners in unraveling a web of danger and deceit, love might prove the deadliest distraction of all….

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076663


Dead Astronauts
Dead Astronauts

Àâòîð: Jeff VanderMeer

Under the watchful eye of The Company, three characters – Grayson, Morse and Chen – shapeshifters, amorphous, part human, part extensions of the landscape, make their way through forces that would consume them. A blue fox, a giant fish and language stretched to the limit.A messianic blue fox who slips through warrens of time and space on a mysterious mission. A homeless woman haunted by a demon who finds the key to all things in a strange journal. A giant leviathan of a fish, centuries old, who hides a secret, remembering a past that may not be its own. Three ragtag rebels waging an endless war for the fate of the world against an all-powerful corporation. A raving madman who wanders the desert lost in the past, haunted by his own creation: an invisible monster whose name he has forgotten and whose purpose remains hidden.Jeff VanderMeer's Dead Astronauts presents a City with no name of its own where, in the shadow of the all-powerful Company, lives human and otherwise converge in terrifying and miraculous ways. At stake: the fate of the future, the fate of Earth – all the Earths.

Öåíà: 1378.77 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008375348


Dead Beat
Dead Beat

Àâòîð: Val McDermid

The stunning first novel in the Kate Brannigan series, from No.1 Sunday Times bestseller Val McDermid.‘This is crime writing of the very highest order’ The TimesIntroducing Kate Brannigan, Manchester’s most-loved private detective – a woman who won’t take no for an answer.As a favour, Kate agrees to track down a missing songwriter, Moria Pollock. It was supposed to be a nice simple case, but the search soon leads Kate into the dark underworld of Leeds, Manchester and Bradford – and finally to a shocking confrontation with a killer…

Ñåðèÿ: PI Kate Brannigan

Öåíà: 744.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007327645


Dead by Wednesday
Dead by Wednesday

Àâòîð: Beverly Long

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472049933


Dead Don t Lie
Dead Don't Lie

Àâòîð: Lynell Nicolello

You can run from the past… but you can never truly hide…Detective Evelyn Davis delves deep into the minds of monsters for a living. She's the best psychological profiler in the Seattle P.D., with a talent that comes from heartbreaking experience. When Evelyn was just eighteen, she received word of her family's murder in the form of a horrifying video. Fifteen years later, tracking down other psychopaths is the only thing that brings her some peace. But now two local families have been wiped out. Though the chilling crime scenes suggest murder-suicides, Evelyn believes a serial killer is at work. So does Special Agent Marcus Moretti, whose easy charm and fiercely protective instincts are breaking down all her defenses. Evelyn needs to put aside her emotional attachment to find the madman stalking her city-but with each discovery, this case becomes more personal.She's starting to suspect the killer wants her-and he is edging closer with every step, ready to make Evelyn pay a devastating price… .

Öåíà: 272.64 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474001052


Dead End
Dead End

Àâòîð: Lisa Phillips

COLD CASE INVESTIGATIONNina Holmes won’t rest until she finds her mother’s killer—and proves that her father was wrongly convicted. And now that she’s left the CIA, she finally has time to pursue the case that shattered her childhood. But someone realises that Nina’s digging into the past, and soon it’s her own life that’s in jeopardy. Deputy US Marshall Wyatt Ames is just as determined to keep Nina safe as she is to keep investigating. But as he helps her with the case, they discover that this killer may be even more dangerous than anyone expected. And to capture him, Wyatt and Nina must be willing to do whatever it takes—even use themselves as bait.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Öåíà: 258.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474056878


Dead Girls
Dead Girls

Àâòîð: Graeme Cameron

‘Utterly compulsive’ Fiona CumminsFIVE MISSING. THE HUNT IS ON FOR NUMBER SIX.THE SERIAL KILLER With five girls already missing and two dead police officers to add to the body count, the hunt is on. But how do you catch a man who doesn’t exist?THE VICTIM Held captive for months, Erica Shaw has now vanished. In the race to find her, the police uncover evidence that leave them wondering, was she ever actually a victim?THE DETECTIVE This isn’t DS Ali Green’s first murder case. But only recently recovered from her near-fatal injuries and battling some personal demons of her own, she’s out for justice.One thing’s for sure. Not everyone is going to make it out of this alive.

Ñåðèÿ: MIRA

Öåíà: 690.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474046688


Dead No More
Dead No More

Àâòîð: L. R. Nicolello

The next person you trust…may be the last…Lily Andrews was once the most sought-after undercover operative at Unit 67, a Black Ops agency buried deep within the U.S. Intelligence Community. But then her partner–and fianc?–turned rogue, leaving her for dead after a mission gone horribly wrong. Disgusted with 67's attempt to cover up Jackson's traitorous actions, Lily walked away from everything she knew and loved…and swore she'd hunt her ex down on her own and bring him to justice.When the handsome, undeniably alpha Derek Moretti needs her help to pursue a ruthless sociopath who is putting advanced weaponry into the hands of terrorists, Lily sees her chance to return to 67 with her pride intact. She didn't realize how much she'd missed the adrenaline rush of being undercover–or maybe that's the heat that races through her whenever Derek is near. But soon Lily will have to choose between the vengeance she craves and the country she's sworn to protect. And with the clock ticking down on a nuclear catastrophe, she knows that this time, if she's trusted the wrong man, she won't live to regret it…

Öåíà: 641.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474024556


Dead Reckoning
Dead Reckoning

Àâòîð: Sandra K. Moore

Notes from the Captain's log:My destination: An island not marked on any mapMy mission: To rescue my sister from her drug lord husband, come hell or high waterBut first, I need to figure out which of the undercover DEA agents aboard my ship–men sworn to protect Natalie and me–is a traitor.I'd been poisoned by exhaust fumes and nearly sucked into propeller blades–and these were no accidents. Unfortunately, the agent I took into my confidence–and into my bed–has been lying to me all along. Suddenly, navigating the good guys from the bad is a lot harder. But I'm one mistress and commander no one wants to cross….–Captain Christina Hampton, the Obsession

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 279.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472032447


Dead Run
Dead Run

Àâòîð: Jodie Bailey

A SOLDIER’S SECRETKristin James’s morning run turns deadly when she’s attacked by a stranger who’s after something her deceased soldier brother stole overseas. Her neighbor Sergeant First Class Lucas Murphy steps in to help her and won’t let her brush the attack under the rug. He’ll do everything he can to keep Kristin alive, but he can’t tell her that he’s under orders to investigate her link to her brother’s misdeeds. Kristin has no idea what the bad guy is after and doesn’t want to believe that her brother wasn’t on the straight and narrow. But as evidence against him piles up, can they catch the criminals without becoming the next casualties?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Öåíà: 258.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474065078


Deadly Christmas Pretense
Deadly Christmas Pretense

Àâòîð: Dana Mentink

A cowboy to her rescue…but she’s not who he thinks she is.Posing as her sister for Christmas is the only way to save her, but Maggie Lofton needs help—even if it means working with her twin’s cowboy ex-boyfriend, Liam Pike. But between the bull’s-eye on her back and the dangerous connection she’s forming with Liam, Maggie’s mission is harder than expected. Will their tenuous partnership be enough to shield her when the killer closes in?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Öåíà: 383.08 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474098939


Deadly Christmas Secrets
Deadly Christmas Secrets

Àâòîð: Shirlee McCoy

THE CHRISTMAS TARGETWhen new evidence surfaces that Harper Shelby's niece is possibly alive, Harper doesn't expect it to endanger her life. For her protection, she has to put her much-guarded trust in Logan Fitzgerald, the man who unknowingly led a killer to her doorstep. Hired to track Harper down, security and rescue expert Logan doesn't like that he's been used to find a woman who someone apparently wants dead. Now he won't leave Harper's side until he can guarantee her safety and untangle the truth from the lies regarding her sister's and niece's murders. The closer they get to finding answers, the more intent the killer becomes on making sure that there won't be a family reunion—or happily-ever-after—for Harper this Christmas.Mission: Rescue—No job is too dangerous for these fearless heroes

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Öåíà: 396.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474046404


Deadly Competition
Deadly Competition

Àâòîð: Roxanne Rustand

The single mother hasn't been found. And all her daughter, Sarah, has is her uncle. Clueless at parenting, Clint Herald seeks a loving, responsible nanny. What he finds instead is a stranger as mysterious as his sister's disappearance. Mandy Erick is secretive and seems scared, yet she's so good with Sarah that Clint can't help but trust her.In fact, he even enters Mandy in the town's Mother of the Year contest. But attention is the last thing Mandy wants. Her time in the public eye may prove just as dangerous as she fears.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

Öåíà: 360.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408966907


Deadly Exchange
Deadly Exchange

Àâòîð: Lisa Harris

NO EASY ESCAPEChased across Amsterdam by a human trafficking ring, social advocate Kayla Brooks refuses to help them recapture Mercy, the young girl she rescued from their clutches. Even if they’ve already abducted her father as a hostage…and wouldn’t hesitate to kill her. There’s only one man Kayla can turn to for help: her ex-fianc?’s brooding older brother, Levi Cummings. Though Kayla relies on the handsome former Army Intelligence Officer’s experience, fully trusting Levi seems impossible after she helped send his brother to jail. But as they struggle to save her father, protect Mercy, and outmaneuver the traffickers, Kayla and Levi’s bond transcends pure survival. Armed with only a few clues about her father’s location, though, Kayla and Levi must bring down the crime ring…or lose all their lives.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Öåíà: 464.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474080552


Deadly Fall
Deadly Fall

Àâòîð: Elle James

New York Times bestselling author Elle James's chilling romance brings together a billionaire and his beautiful bodyguard! In a Gothic mansion on a windy coast, former soldier Dixie Reeves and her client, billionaire Andrew Stratford, are in grave danger. The single dad has hired her to help him protect his daughter from a mysterious threat. As their enemy closes in, even tough-as-nails Dixie has to hold her nerveand keep her guard up to stop herself from falling for Andrew and his adorable little girl. The long nights pass, and Dixie and her handsome boss can't deny they're barreling toward the kind of love that changes lives. That is, if they can somehow keep their instant family safe from the danger at the door!

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

Öåíà: 258.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474062879


Deadly Force
Deadly Force

Àâòîð: Beverly Long

It was the one case Detective Sam Vernelli couldn’t solve: the murder of his fianc?e more than a decade ago.So he’s not about to let her sister Claire Fontaine go it alone against whoever is threatening her. As Sam and Claire begin to uncover the truth, the price of revealing it could be more than they bargained for.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472007148


Deadly Obsession
Deadly Obsession

Àâòîð: Maggie Shayne

A cold-blooded killer with a burning obsession…Rachel de Luca has a bad feeling about the new woman in Detective Mason Brown’s life, the nurse taking care of him after he’s injured in the line of duty. She’d like to think it’s just jealousy, but intuition tells her it’s something more, maybe something dangerous.Mason knows Rachel’s wary of commitment, and asking her to stay when he’s in this condition would be the worst thing for their relationship. Then they receive chilling news that drives everything else from their minds.Mason’s psychotic sister-in-law has escaped from custody, putting her sons—the nephews he’s raising—in the crosshairs. When his house is burned to the ground, he and Rachel are relieved that there are no bodies in the smoldering rubble, but now his nephews are missing and the clock is ticking.As Mason and Rachel try to find the boys, she senses a new and unexpected danger stalking them. Soon, everyone close to Mason is in deadly peril—Rachel more than anyone….

Ñåðèÿ: MIRA

Öåíà: 641.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474007412


Deadly Reckoning
Deadly Reckoning

Àâòîð: Elle James

Experience the thrill of life on the edge and set your adrenalin pumping! These gripping stories see heroic characters fight for survival and find love in the face of danger.Trouble has followed pregnant artist Kayla to the Oregon town where she hopes to paint away memories of a brutal attack. Then a woman’s murder coincides with her arrival. Shaken, Kayla finds temporary comfort in the arms of sheriff Gabe. Until another vicious attack on Kayla changes everything…

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 360.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408977361


Deadly Reunion
Deadly Reunion

Àâòîð: Florence Case

Warren Detry killed his previous wife.Police officer Angie Delitano is convinced of it. She arrested the man herself, and testified against him in court. However, Angie's former fianc?, attorney Boone Walker, did too good a job with the defense. And now a murderer is free to marry Angie's sister.When Angie uncovers startling new evidence, she turns to the only person who can help before it's too late: Boone, the handsome, hardened man she once loved. But the deadly secrets they expose could lead Angie to her own early grave.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

Öåíà: 360.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408966358


Deadly Reunion
Deadly Reunion

Àâòîð: Lauren Nichols

When Lindsay Hollis's brother died, so did her passionate, whirlwind marriage to bounty hunter Ike Walker, the man she held responsible. Now nearly two years later, Ike was back, determined to prove once and for all that he wasn't to blame–and Lindsay was damn well going to help him do it.Bringing a killer to justice meant working closely with the man she thought was in her past–and risking the comfortable, safe life she'd struggled to build. But like the criminal who'd targeted her brother, the deep-rooted desire Ike could always evoke refused to stay buried.This could be Lindsay's second chance at love…. If she lived long enough.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue

Öåíà: 279.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076687


Deadly Sight
Deadly Sight

Àâòîð: Cindy Dees

Since Grayson Pierce’s family was murdered, loyalty to Code X – and a death wish – is all that keeps him going.But now the hardened agent is facing his riskiest assignment yet, with a distractingly sexy operative. But will their combustible chemistry compromise their mission?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 360.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472007087


Deadly Silence
Deadly Silence

Àâòîð: Lindsay McKenna

Lieutenant Matt Sinclaire has always loved fighting fires–until the fateful day when the flames came for his family. Arson took his wife and has left him alone with an eight-year-old daughter too traumatized to speak–and the ruins of his life are proving difficult to rebuild.When U.S. Forest Ranger Casey Cantrell is assigned to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the last thing she expects to find is a wounded firefighter and his damaged daughter. But after a chance encounter in the woods, she finds herself becoming almost a mother to the girl.Now, two years after the fire, Matt feels on the verge of finally getting his little girl back, and even of finding love again. But can he protect them from the evil that stripped him of his life once before?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon M&B

Öåíà: 641.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472053558


Deadly Vows
Deadly Vows

Àâòîð: Shirlee McCoy

Olivia Jarrod was newly placed in witness protection when she discovered she was pregnant. First rule of the program: no contact with anyone from her former life.That includes her estranged husband, Ford Jensen–the unknowing father of her unborn child. Despite their rocky marriage, Olivia still loves him deeply. And when Ford shocks her by tracking her down, she knows the mobster pursuing her can't be far behind. But now their baby's very life depends on both of them staying alive–and together.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472023476


Dealmaker, Heartbreaker
Dealmaker, Heartbreaker

Àâòîð: Rochelle Alers

Business plus pleasure Might equal true loveNoah Wainwright’s always viewed business as a game. But when he stumbles across bed-and-breakfast owner Viviana Remington, she’s playing by different rules. Rules of honour that bring the love-‘em-and-leave-‘em playboy to his knees…

Ñåðèÿ: Wickham Falls Weddings

Öåíà: 464.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474091107


Deep Cover Detective
Deep Cover Detective

Àâòîð: Lena Diaz

A detective needed a mysterious woman's help–even if she had secrets to spare…In the heart of Everglade country, Detective Colton Graham lays his plans to catch a robbery kingpin. What he fails to plan for is Silver Westbrook. Proprietress of a local B&B, Silver is as sharp-witted as she is easy on the eyes. But Colton senses Silver is hiding something. Suspicious that she might be harboring the very criminals he's tracking, Colton keeps a watchful eye on her. It doesn't take long to learn her true motives and her involvement in the case. But unfortunately for both of them, attraction can be the deadliest distraction.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 258.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474039772


Deep Down
Deep Down

Àâòîð: Karen Harper

You can’t leave the past behind…As a child, Jessie Lockwood spent many hours helping with her mother Mariah’s research in the local woods of Deep Down, Kentucky. There she fell in love with the tiny Appalachian town. Now a PhD student, Jessie’s made her home elsewhere, even though it meant leaving Deep Down and her beloved mother – and Sheriff Drew Webb, the man she secretly loved.When Jessie is notified that her mother never returned from her last walk in the woods, she comes home to Deep Down – and to Drew. As Jessie and Drew race to find her mother, only two things make sense to Jessie. She will protect her family at any cost. And she can’t help falling desperately in love with Drew all over again…

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Öåíà: 449.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408975053


Deep Undercover
Deep Undercover

Àâòîð: Lenora Worth

A dangerous undercover assignment…Another exciting True Blue K-9 Unit thrillerIn order to take down a serial bomber, NYPD K-9 officers Brianne Hayes and Gavin Sutherland must go undercover—as a married couple. But now the bomber’s targeting them to halt the investigation. As the clock ticks down, can Brianne, Gavin and their K-9 partners find the culprit in time to save the city—and save their own lives?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Öåíà: 383.08 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474096836



Àâòîð: Andr? Oettel

Duette sind im Jazz auch unter Schlaginstrument nichts un?bliches, so auch in diesem Arrangement. Zwei Schlagzeuger die ein eher offenes «Straight Ahead» Duett spielen. Das St?ck variiert in den Taktarten 3/4, 4/4 und 5/4, wobei gew?hnliche Beckenphrasierungen durch Turnarounds und diverse Comping-Figuren erg?nzt werden. Gebr?uchliche Rudiments wie Flams, Drags and Rolls finden ebenso ihren Platz im St?ck, genau wie eine kurze Passage in Anlehnung an das «2nd Line» New Orleans Drumming.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Àâòî÷òåö

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783945080689


Defender for Hire
Defender for Hire

Àâòîð: Shirlee McCoy

No matter how many times Tessa Camry moves, her mysterious tormentor always finds her…and leaves a grim reminder of all she’s lost.But this year, no longer content to deliver roses, her stalker wants her dead. When former Army Ranger Seth Sinclair becomes her bodyguard, he encourages her to stand her ground, even if it means letting go of long-held secrets.Seth realizes that Tessa may be his second chance at love, but their future depends on finding the man determined that Tessa never forgets the past…

Ñåðèÿ: Heroes for Hire

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472014610


Defending the Duchess
Defending the Duchess

Àâòîð: Rachelle McCalla

HE’LL KEEP HER SAFE—AT ANY COSTProtecting the royal family is Linus Murati’s job. So when the queen’s younger sister is attacked, the devoted Lydian royal guardsman goes into action and saves her life. But this was no random occurrence. Danger has followed Julia Miller across the Atlantic from Seattle.Now Linus has two missions: to keep the maddeningly independent future duchess in his sights at all times, and to catch the culprit who threatens the woman whose trust—and love—he desires above all others. Protecting the Crown: The royal guardsmen serve their country with honor and integrity.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Öåíà: 360.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472011312


Defending the Eyewitness
Defending the Eyewitness

Àâòîð: Rachel Lee

A killer lies in waitThe note wasn’t a threat, exactly. But for Corey Donahue, who’d witnessed her mother’s murder as a child, it felt menacing. Surprisingly, the one person she trusted to show the note to was a man merely renting a room from her. Traumatised, Corey had never trusted men…until Austin Mendez moved in. Six years undercover had caused Austin to shut everyone out…until Corey. The vulnerability she hid made him yearn to break down the walls around her heart. And, with a killer closing in, two souls were discovering the trust they’d lost – and much more – in each other’s arms.

Ñåðèÿ: Conard County: The Next Generation

Öåíà: 357.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472051035


Defying Desire
Defying Desire

Àâòîð: A.C. Arthur

Fashion model Tia St. Claire keeps things light when it comes to men…no strings, just flings. She's got her reasons, thank you. But even she finds Trent Donovan hard to resist–he's sexy, successful, persistent and built for a woman's wildest dreams. When their one-night stand leaves defiant longings, Tia isn't sure whether to run, hide or surrender to the former navy SEAL's rugged charms.The last of the successful and seriously single «Triple Threat» Donovan brothers still happily unattached, Trent Donovan has dedicated his career to duty and danger. Until desire and beautiful, spirited Tia change everything. Now he's sleepless over an attraction too powerful to deny, and a secret dilemma with only one way out–following his heart.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Kimani

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472019325


Degree of Risk
Degree of Risk

Àâòîð: Lindsay McKenna

A couple's future is under fire in New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Lindsay McKenna’s Shadow Warriors miniseriesWhen her Black Hawk helicopter is shot down in Afghanistan, Army medevac pilot Sarah Benson does what she must to survive. Hiding by day and hiking through the mountains by night, Sarah manages to save a mother and daughter before being taken captive. Even then she fights. She has to get back to the base—and to the man she loves.Once Ethan Quinn learns that Sarah has survived the crash, he refuses to stop until he finds her, though the battle-hardened Navy SEAL knows the odds are against him. For him, it's more than a matter of courage—it’s their future he is fighting for.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472057310


Deliverance at Cardwell Ranch
Deliverance at Cardwell Ranch

Àâòîð: B.J. Daniels

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472050595


Delta Force Defender
Delta Force Defender

Àâòîð: Carol Ericson

Her reluctant bodyguard. Fiery, independent Cam Sutton will go to any length to prove his Delta Force mentor isn’t a terrorist. But by-the-book CIA translator Martha Drake already knows the evidence is fishy. Soon the strong, capable soldier is her protector…and inciting a passion neither can deny.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Heroes

Öåíà: 464.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474079471


Demanding His Hidden Heir
Demanding His Hidden Heir

Àâòîð: Jackie Ashenden

A sizzling weekend…Changes the Italian’s life – foreverEnzo Cardinali had never known a passion like the one he shared with Matilda St. George during their red-hot Caribbean fling. Beautiful, irresistible Matilda made brooding Enzo crave something more for the first time. But when she left abruptly, he vowed to forget her, rebuilding the walls around his damaged heart. Now Matilda has reappeared—with his son! Enzo demands his heir, but will he claim vibrant Matilda too?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Modern

Öåíà: 343.64 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474087988


Demanding His Secret Son
Demanding His Secret Son

Àâòîð: Louise Fuller

‘You want us to get married—again?’He’ll do anything to secure his shock child! By the time Theodora realised she was pregnant, her turbulent marriage to Greek hotel magnate Aristotle Leonidas was over. Since then she’s zealously guarded her secret… Until Aristotle discovers his heir and demands Teddie marry him—again! But, even with their chemistry as red-hot as ever, Teddie wants more this time. Now, to claim his son, Aristo must reclaim his wife!

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Modern

Öåíà: 343.64 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474087407


Demetriou Demands His Child
Demetriou Demands His Child

Àâòîð: Êåéò Õüþèò

An heir for her enemy…Ten years ago, innocent Iolanthe Petrakis surrendered to the most ruthless tycoon in Athens. Alekos Demetriou gave her the one and only sinfully seductive night of her life. But when he discovered she was the daughter of his enemy, he cast her out…before Iolanthe could reveal she was pregnant with his child!Now, with her family’s company in peril, Iolanthe’s forced to reveal her most precious secret to her nemesis. When he learns the truth, Alekos declares he will legitimize his son and, to Iolanthe’s horror, informs her they will marry!

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Modern

Öåíà: 356.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474044172


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