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Kurzgeschichten, wie sie das Leben so schreibt
Kurzgeschichten, wie sie das Leben so schreibt

Автор: Susanne Uenal

Er f?hrt zur?ck in sein Heimatdorf, zur?ck zu seinen Eltern, die er seit Jahren nicht gesehen hat. Im Grunde stellt sich die Frage, ob er die Tischlerei seines Vaters ?bernehmen wird. Aber vorher biegt er ab auf eine kleine Waldlichtung. Die Wiesen waren voller Mohnbl?ten, und etwas regte sich in seinem Herz. Ja. Seine alte Jugendliebe. Und dann findet er den Baum, wo sie in einem geschnitzten Herz ihre Initialen hinterlassen haben. R und M, Ralf und Mona. "Das Holzherz" ist, wie so viele andere Erz?hlungen dieses Bandes, eine Geschichte, die uns zur?ckf?hrt zu einem vergangenen Gl?ck, das man sich vielleicht zur?ckholen kann. Und zu unseren Vers?umnissen, die heute vielleicht nicht mehr so schmerzen wie damals …

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783991077114


Kyle & Jason - Together (ungek?rzt)
Kyle & Jason - Together (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Andy D. Thomas

Исполнители: Michael Wilhelm

Цена: 2362.54 руб.
ISBN: 4066004650487


L?grima Dulce
L?grima Dulce

Автор: Iago Tudela

Octubre de 2019. En el barrio G?tico de Barcelona aparecen los cad?veres de varias j?venes con misteriosos mensajes en sus cuerpos. Las macabras muertes se mezclan con la sublevaci?n en la cual se encuentra inmersa la ciudad, adversa a una situaci?n pol?tica y judicial que carga duramente contra el movimiento independentista de Catalu?a. La investigaci?n se tornar? sombr?a cuando se descubre que dos de los cad?veres pertenecen a las hijas de un reputado juez. ?Qu? relaci?n tienen los asesinatos con el hist?rico contexto pol?tico y social en Espa?a? La inspectora Luc?a Guijarro tomar? el mando de la investigaci?n y dejar? de lado su pasado para descubrir el autor de las muertes y la conexi?n de los asesinatos con una relaci?n de amor prohibida surgida tres a?os antes a seiscientos kil?metros de distancia. Amor, pol?tica y suspense se combinan en esta novela que describe con exquisitez los detalles que no han salido a la luz sobre el procedimiento judicial en el que se juzgaron a los pol?ticos independentistas de Catalu?a, y los mezcla con una historia de ficci?n. Un thriller absorbente de lectura vertiginosa de principio a fin que invita al lector a tratar de diferenciar lo real de lo inventado.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788419198327


La convalescence, или Исцеление
La convalescence, или Исцеление

Автор: Екатерина Самусенко

Он, она… и трудности перевода с французского языка. История любви-противостояния под крышей старинного университета, рассказанная в трех десятках писем.

Цена: 99.9 руб.
Год: 2023


La criptolog?a de la enfermedad
La criptolog?a de la enfermedad

Автор: Luis Alejandro Barrera Avellaneda

"?Qu? forma mas poderosa de estudiar la humanidad puede haber, que leer el propio manual de instrucciones?" , escribi? alguna vez Francis Collins, quien lider? el proyecto para descifrar el genoma humano. Tal vez exista una: estudiar sus errores o, m?s bien, sus variaciones por cuenta del azar y las leyes de lan herencia. Es lo que ha hecho el investigador Luis Alejandro Barreraa lo largo de su vida al inscribirse en una tradici?n cient?fica que se remonta a los primeros galenos, desconcertados ante la orina negra de algunos pacientes o el olor a jarabe de arce en otros, y que hoy se ramif?ca en cientos de laboratorios en donde se buscan afanosamente m?todos para corregir las m?s de 1500 enfermedades asociadas a esos errores innatos que alteran nuestro metabolismo.

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9789587816488


La felicidad conyugal (Completo)
La felicidad conyugal (Completo)

Автор: Le?n Tolstoi

Исполнители: Victoria Claria

Цена: 1085.08 руб.
ISBN: 9798889441540


La Isla del Tesoro (abreviado)
La Isla del Tesoro (abreviado)

Автор: Robert Louis Stevenson

Исполнители: Elenco FonoLibro

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781611540659


La selecci?n de talentos en la era digital
La selecci?n de talentos en la era digital

Автор: Daniel Martinez

Los cambios en el mundo de los negocios –producto de irrupci?n las nuevas tecnolog?as digitales– desaf?an a los profesionales de Recursos Humanos a revisar sus propias formas de gesti?n.
De manera sencilla pero exhaustiva, Daniel Mart?nez nos presenta la agenda del selector para abordar los temas que se avecinan: la aplicaci?n de la inteligencia artificial, el inbound recruiting, el employee journey map y la gesti?n de la diversidad en selecci?n.
Propone adem?s un cambio del paradigma «Yo elijo, t? aceptas» por el «Yo elijo, t? eliges», que ubica en un lugar distinto al candidato y obliga a integrar selecci?n y fidelizaci?n en la empresa como un solo proceso.
Aborda tambi?n los puntos cr?ticos del proceso de selecci?n mediante tips concretos, a fin de evaluar con precisi?n las competencias del aspirante.
En suma, una lectura imprescindible para conocer y asimilar las nuevas condiciones que imponen la selecci?n de personal y la b?squeda de nuevos talentos en las organizaciones.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9789878935041


La sociedad del riesgo: retos del siglo XXI
La sociedad del riesgo: retos del siglo XXI

Автор: Ang?lica Tornero

Cuando plane?bamos el Coloquio anual de la Academia de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades del Estado de Morelos nos pareci? pertinente explorar la situaci?n de riesgo de las sociedades menos favorecidas econ?micamente; dirimir qu? peligros enfrentamos en la segunda d?cada del siglo XXI y alertar sobre la importancia de no abandonar este mirador, de cara a los relevantes desarrollos cient?ficos y tecnol?gicos que est?n modificando nuestras formas de vida. Motivadas y motivados por esta orientaci?n, durante la reuni?n hablamos sobre el impacto del imparable desarrollo de la tecnolog?a de las comunicaciones, de las implicaciones de este en la conformaci?n de las subjetividades; hablamos sobre los riesgos de las Redes sociales, de las fake news y del Internet de las cosas. Tambi?n abordamos asuntos como los riesgos actuales en la educaci?n superior, en los procesos productivos y en el ?mbito del trabajo, y dialogamos sobre la oportunidad que tenemos, a la luz de las discusiones sobre el fin o no de la modernidad, de pensar las modernidades desde otro locus, el latinoamericano. En este libro ofrecemos a los lectores reflexiones, resultado de aquellos trabajos, que pretenden contribuir a la b?squeda de soluciones a la situaci?n de riesgo contante por la que atravesamos -no se diga ahora con la aparici?n del SARS-Cov-, debida a los excesos de un modelo de desarrollo que promueve un modo de vida con costos muy altos.

Серия: P?blica Social

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9786078781393


La verdad sobre el caso del se?or Valdemar
La verdad sobre el caso del se?or Valdemar

Автор: Edgar Allan Poe

Исполнители: Roberto Garc?a

Цена: 789.16 руб.
ISBN: 9789566101048


La voluntad tarada
La voluntad tarada

Автор: Roberto Arlt

La voluntad tarada es una selecci?n para lectores y lectoras, todav?a sin iniciarse en el mundo arltiano. Mezcla ficci?n y no-ficci?n y a veces no queda claro si el narrador es Arlt o una de sus m?scaras ficticias. Por lo general da lo mismo. Ambas comparten el mismo esp?ritu rabioso y urbano. (…) Es un libro descarnado, s?. Pero uno en el que por eso mismo se rastrean pistas de las escrituras urbanas que hoy exploran la violencia social".
"A Roberto Arlt le interesaban los libros, pero tambi?n todo aquello que no cab?a en los libros. A veces, por ejemplo, el argentino miraba por la ventana y escrib?a esto: «Cada ventana iluminada en la noche crecida, es una historia que a?n no se ha escrito». Y puede que haya sido el esp?ritu joven, esa energ?a que lo consum?a, lo que finalmente termin? por matarlo. Porque Roberto Emilio Godofredo Arlt, hijo de inmigrantes europeos y pobres y reci?n llegados a Argentina, naci? en 1900 en Buenos Aires. Durante su vida public? cuatro novelas y varios libros de cuentos y cr?nicas o aguafuertes. Tambi?n algunas obras de teatro. Y viaj? por Espa?a, partes de ?frica, Brasil, Uruguay y Chile. Y tuvo dos esposas, un hijo y una hija. Muri? joven, de un paro cardiaco, a los 42 a?os.

Исполнители: Chantal Busse

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9789569967139


Lady Beneath the Veil
Lady Beneath the Veil

Автор: Sarah Mallory

SECRETS AT THE ALTAR…When Gideon Albury lifts his new bride's veil he can't believe his eyes–this dark-haired dab of a girl isn't the blonde beauty he's been courting! Stunned, Gideon resolves to seek an annulment at the earliest opportunity, but to do so he must first make sure Dominique Rainault's virtue stays intact….Blackmailed into marrying Gideon by her despicable cousin, Dominique is just as keen to keep her distance from her unsettling husband. But despite their good intentions the marital bed beckons–and a stolen kiss could prove to be their undoing!

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 449.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781472043559


Lady Isobel s Champion
Lady Isobel's Champion

Автор: Carol Townend

HIS LADY IN WAITING In her long years at the convent, waiting for her betrothed, Lady Isobel de Turenne has built the Comte d’Aveyron into a fantasy – a man who will rescue, protect and love her… But when the Comte finally returns to claim his bride Isobel finds instead a man of contradictions – one who masks dark secrets with desire.Wary of a man’s touch, but desperate to grasp her new freedom, Isobel must decide if it’s solely duty forcing the Comte to marry or whether he is truly her longed-for champion.Knights of Champagne Three swordsmen for three ladies

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 449.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781472003935


Lady Killer
Lady Killer

Автор: Kathleen Creighton

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472057365


Lakeside Hero
Lakeside Hero

Автор: Lenora Worth

A Soldier Returns Former marine Alec Caldwell is happy to return home alive. The scars he carries–inside and out–are a burden he plans to face alone. All he wants is a quiet life devoted to helping wounded veterans. That is, until he meets pastry chef Marla Hamilton–who's just too sweet to resist. But the single mother is fighting her own battles. The last man in Marla's life hurt her and put her daughter in danger, leaving the child frightened of strangers. Alec seems like the thrill-seeking men Marla avoids. But can becoming a family give these wounded hearts a chance to heal?

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781474036672


Lakeside Peril
Lakeside Peril

Автор: Lenora Worth

Enemy WatersChloe Conrad suspects foul play in the plane crash that killed her sister—and she's determined to hire private investigator Hunter Lawson to prove it. But convincing the former Special Forces operative to help isn't easy, especially since he blames her family for his sister's death. Hunter sees something familiar in Chloe's hunt for justice—and he can't leave her unprotected when he realizes the killer's switched focus to her. As they search for clues, he's beginning to wonder if his enemy's daughter could be the person who helps him heal from his painful past. But neither of them will have a future unless they find a way to unravel the twisted conspiracy that threatens both their lives…

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Цена: 258.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781474058674


Lancaster County Reckoning
Lancaster County Reckoning

Автор: Kit Wilkinson

PLAIN PROTECTORThe father Darcy Simmons thought was dead is actually alive, but in a coma, and the men who attacked him are after her to produce what he was hiding. But she hasn’t spoken to her father in twenty years, since he entered witness protection and became Amish, and has no clue what the criminals want. Now the only person she can depend on is Amish farmer Thomas Nolt, her father’s neighbor and closest friend. Thomas knows nothing of his friend’s past, but he’s determined to save the fragile beauty the man shielded all these years with his silence. But with men willing to kill for stolen items her father was hiding, can Thomas and Darcy find them before their time runs out?

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

Цена: 464.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781474067973


Lancelot et Guinevere
Lancelot et Guinevere

Автор: Евгения Князь

Старая легенда, ожившая в иных героях, связавшая сердца. Или же просто Рождественская история о вечере в чудо и волшебстве.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2023


Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 11: Gro?e weite Welt
Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 11: Gro?e weite Welt

Автор: Nora L?mmermann

Digitaler Serienroman in 12 Folgen. Folge 11 – Es h?tte alles so sch?n sein k?nnen, wenn Iris nicht pl?tzlich ?berlegen w?rde, mit ihrem Liebhaber Nikolai die Welt zu erobern, und Mia sich nicht von allen verlassen f?hlen w?rde. Als der Spreewald in einem Sommergewitter versinkt, scheinen alle verr?ckt zu spielen – nicht nur die Menschen, sondern auch die Tiere. Und alles endet in einem gro?en Knall

Исполнители: Yara Bl?mel

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838773049


Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Sammelband 3: 4 Folgen in einem Band
Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Sammelband 3: 4 Folgen in einem Band

Автор: Nora L?mmermann

Digitaler Serienroman in 12 Folgen. Dieser Sammelband enth?lt die Folgen 9 bis 12. Mia (33), ein quirliger, in den Tag hineinlebender, leicht chaotischer Hipster aus Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, und Iris (44), ein wandelndes Erfolgsrezept samt Ehemann, Kind und Karriere, haben nichts gemeinsam – au?er ihrem Vater und einem Hof im Spreewald, den beide ?berraschend von ihrer Gro?mutter erben. Doch dar?ber freuen sich die Frauen nur kurz. Denn das Erbe ist an eine Bedingung gekn?pft – und die hat weitreichende Konsequenzen – Neben dem Audio-Download gibt es «Landluft f?r Anf?nger» auch als E-Book.

Исполнители: Yara Bl?mel

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783838776255


Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 8: Offene Rechnungen
Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 8: Offene Rechnungen

Автор: Nora L?mmermann

Digitaler Serienroman in 12 Folgen. Folge 8 – Offene Rechnungen Der Mai ist gekommen, die B?ume schlagen aus und nicht nur die tierischen Bewohner des Spreewalds balzen um die Wette. Doch der Zauber allen Anfangs ist tr?gerisch. Und so m?ssen die Schwestern am eigenen Leibe erfahren, dass unbeglichene alte Rechnungen einen manchmal teuer zu stehen kommen.

Исполнители: Yara Bl?mel

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838773018


Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 2: Wirklich Landei?
Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 2: Wirklich Landei?

Автор: Nora L?mmermann

Digitaler Serienroman in 12 Folgen. Folge 2 – Zwei Gro?stadtfrauen auf dem Land – ob das so eine gute Idee ist? Mia und Iris m?ssen auf ihrem Hof im Spreewald nicht nur miteinander, sondern auch noch mit den tierischen Bewohnern und dem fiesen Dauerregen klarkommen. Keine einfache Aufgabe. Neben dem Audio-Download gibt es Landluft f?r Anf?nger auch als E-Book.

Исполнители: Yara Bl?mel

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838772691


Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 10: Vaterfreuden
Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 10: Vaterfreuden

Автор: Nora L?mmermann

Digitaler Serienroman in 12 Folgen. Folge 10 – Endlich, die Pension Hedwig brummt und die Schwestern m?ssen zeigen, was in ihnen steckt. Doch nicht nur verschrobene ?ltere und renitente junge G?ste sorgen f?r jede Menge Trubel. Auch Mias und Iris Vater macht den Neustart der Schwestern zu einer echten Feuerprobe. Steht er doch pl?tzlich mit einer neuen Frau auf der Matte! Als auch noch wertvolle Gegenst?nde aus den Zimmern der G?ste verschwinden und Geheimverstecke auftauchen, deren Inhalt die Familienverh?ltnisse vollkommen auf den Kopf stellt, bleibt keine Zeit f?r Liebeskummer!

Исполнители: Yara Bl?mel

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838773032


Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 6: Gehen oder bleiben?
Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 6: Gehen oder bleiben?

Автор: Nora L?mmermann

Digitaler Serienroman in 12 Folgen. Folge 6 – Gehen oder bleiben? Kurz vor dem Fr?hling weht der Wind in Feulenitz noch einmal rauer. Ein versto?enes L?mmchen, ein schmerzvoller Abschied und alte Familiengeheimnisse stellen die Schwestern vor schwierige Entscheidungen.

Исполнители: Yara Bl?mel

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838772998


Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 5: ?ber M?tter und Babys
Landluft f?r Anf?nger, Folge 5: ?ber M?tter und Babys

Автор: Nora L?mmermann

?ber M?tter und Babys Digitaler Serienroman in 12 Folgen. Folge 5 – W?hrend Iris versucht, sich mit den Neuigkeiten ihrer Tochter abzufinden, bef?rchtet Mia, ihr Geburtstagswochenende k?nnte sehr ernsthafte Folgen haben. F?r noch mehr Trubel sorgen der spontane Besuch von Mias bester Freundin samt Nachwuchs und die anstehende Fastnachtszeit.

Исполнители: Yara Bl?mel

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838772981



Автор: Delores Fossen

The Rylands of Silver Creek are back and hungry for justice in USA TODAY bestselling author Delores Fossen's latest heart-stopping suspense!After returning home to investigate a brutal murder, Detective Landon Ryland is shocked to learn the body was discovered in the home of Tessa Sinclair, a woman he once knew intimately. Seeing Tessa again is like a jolt to his heart. Too bad the beautiful brunette has no idea who she is—or why she's cradling a newborn. With evidence pointing toward Tessa and the baby being next on the killer's hit list, Landon refuses to leave their safety in anyone else's hands. Or admit that losing them would permanently destroy the future he secretly envisioned.

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Цена: 258.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781474039918


Las Trece Claves del Desarrollo Personal Integral (abreviado)
Las Trece Claves del Desarrollo Personal Integral (abreviado)

Автор: Luis Vel?zquez Araque

Исполнители: Luis Vel?zquez Araque

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781611541946


Las Vegas: Scandals
Las Vegas: Scandals

Автор: Nina Bruhns

Prince Charming for One Night One night suave millionaire Conner Rothchild meets stripper Vera LaRue in a search for his stolen family heirloom. Suddenly, a night of unbridled passion doesn’t seem out of the question, especially when they team up to catch the elusive thief!Her 24-Hour Protector Socialite Jenna Rothchild swooned when FBI agent Lex Duncan was participating in a charity bachelor auction. Winning a hot date with Lex was easy. Getting information about a priceless diamond required a lot more finesse. The only rule: don’t fall in love.Five Minutes to Marriage Jack Cortland had crashed and burned during his rock ’n’ roll heyday. Although the handsome loner had sworn off love, he was single-handedly raising his motherless sons, so he hired a nanny, Marisa Perez. He just didn’t expect they’d end up married in Vegas!

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request

Цена: 137.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781472044808


Last Broken Rose - Rose and Thorn, Book 3 (Unabridged)
Last Broken Rose - Rose and Thorn, Book 3 (Unabridged)

Автор: Fawn Bailey

Исполнители: Eve Leonard

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781624616440


Last Seen
Last Seen

Автор: Rick Mofina

They are the perfect family. But perfection is fragile…Cal Hudson knows the world can be an ugly place. As a journalist, he has journeyed into society's darkest corners to expose the vilest crimes. But the world he shares with his wife, Faith, and their son, Gage, is different – it is a safe place, filled with love and kindness.Until the unthinkable happens.In a split second at a local carnival, nine-year-old Gage vanishes and the Hudsons' world begins unravelling. A frantic search starts to uncover splinters in their carefully crafted facade, revealing buried secrets that cast just as much suspicion on Cal and Faith as any stranger, and proving that the line between love and violence can disappear as suddenly as a child at a chaotic funfair.A gripping thriller for fans of James Patterson and Michael Connelly, which makes you wonder what really goes on behind closed doors…Readers love Mofina:“Fantastic plot”“I couldn't put the book down”“Outstanding”“A totally, riveting, intense story!”“Absolutely fantastic!!!”“He hooks you from the first chapter!”“Absolutely AMAZING read!!”“Mofina really scares the heck out of me. 5/5”

Цена: 930.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781474074780


Last Seen
Last Seen

Автор: Carla Cassidy

Cast #OK0773: Reckless Endangerment of a single mother's sanityInvestigating Officer: Breanna JamesSuspect: Adam Spencer, officer's next-door neighborBackground: From the moment she'd drawn her gun on him, Breanna knew he would be trouble. His touch thrilled her, his kisses floored her. And his tea-party manners had little Maggie dreaming of daddies. But Breanna knew better than to trust her own judgment when it came to men.And as a cop, she couldn't help but wonder why he was here, in Cherokee Corners, in the abandoned cottage next door? And why, since he'd claimed no interest in family, was he so interested in hers? Case status: Open, pending further investigation

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Цена: 270.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781408946329


Last Virgin In California
Last Virgin In California

Автор: Maureen Child

LILAH, A MILITARY WIFE? NO WAY!For years, Lilah Forrest had dodged her matchmaking colonel father's 'bachelor bullets.' But that didn't stop him from steamrolling Sergeant Kevin Rogan into playing Lilah's personal escort. She'd never marry military–not even sexy soldier Rogan. But at the drill instructor's touch, her icy emotions did a swift about-face…and the virgin found herself unable to resist his masterful seduction. Still, Lilah knew what she wanted in a man–and gruff and solitary wasn't it. So why, after just one more night of loving, did she want to give this marine his marching orders…to meet her at the altar?

Серия: Mills & Boon Desire

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781474027212


Late pigeons
Late pigeons

Автор: Bakhtiyor Raximovich Sharipov

Abdulla Kodiriy, a tremendous writer once wrote: “Since we entered into a new epoch, we follow the novelties of this new epoch in any direction, and thus we change in writing of stories, novels and epics, we feel the responsibility of introducing modern epoch “Takhirs and Zukhras”, “Chor Darveshs”, “Farkhads and Shirins” and “Bakhromgurs” to our people.”

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2019


Latimer s Law
Latimer's Law

Автор: Mel Sterling

THE PROMISE OF A NEW FUTURE AWAITS ONE COUPLE IN MEL STERLING'S STUNNING DEBUT NOVELStealing a pickup truck, newly widowed Abby McMurray hopes to escape her abusive brother-in-law. But the vehicle's owner and his attack dog halt her plans. She knows she's made a terrible mistake. Yet there's something tender about the stranger that makes her feel safe.K-9 deputy Cade Latimer senses Abby isn't a criminal. And when he sees her bruises, he knows she's running from someone. Physically and emotionally scarred from a botched investigation, Cade has his own demons. Yet he can't resist protecting the gentle woman who's capturing his heart. But little do they know, Abby's brother-in-law will go to any lengths to track Abby down….

Серия: Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472088420


Laurie Walsh - Profiling Murder, Folge 2: Kalter Abgrund (Ungek?rzt)
Laurie Walsh - Profiling Murder, Folge 2: Kalter Abgrund (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Dania Dicken

Laurie Walsh war eine erfolgreiche Polizistin. Bis sie aus Notwehr schie?en musste – und ein Mensch starb. Die Bilder verfolgen sie jede Nacht – selbst jetzt, mehr als ein Jahr sp?ter. Doch dann meldet sich ihr ehemaliger Partner Jake und bittet sie um Hilfe bei einem Fall. Und Laurie wird klar, wie sehr ihr Herz noch an der Polizeiarbeit h?ngt. Immer wieder hilft sie Jake fortan bei harten F?llen, die die Ermittler tief ersch?ttern. Und ger?t dabei nicht selten selbst ins Visier der T?ter … Folge 2 – Kalter Abgrund: Ein Mann ersticht seine Verlobte auf brutalste Art und Weise – und ruft selbst den Notruf. Angeblich hat ein D?mon ihm befohlen, die Tat zu begehen. Doch Jake glaubt ihm sein Gest?ndnis nicht: Der Mann hatte kein Motiv, ist nicht psychisch krank und stand auch nicht unter dem Einfluss irgendwelcher Drogen. Wieder bittet er Laurie um Unterst?tzung. Doch diesmal wird Laurie tiefer in den Fall gezogen, als ihr lieb ist …

Исполнители: Nicole Engeln

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838791586


Law And Disorder
Law And Disorder

Автор: Heather Graham

Trust the enemy? Desperate to escape her kidnappers, Kody Cameron can turn to only one man…and he's holding a gun. Nick Connolly is undercover when Kody is taken hostage, and the two have a passionate past…he can’t let her blow his cover but he can’t let her die either!

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Цена: 248.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781474061728


Lawman Lover
Lawman Lover

Автор: Lisa Childs

Experience the thrill of life on the edge and set your adrenalin pumping! These gripping stories see heroic characters fight for survival and find love in the face of danger.Macy hadn’t expected to find a perfectly healthy man lying inside a body bag.Rowe claimed to be a special agent who’d escaped from prison by faking his own death. Now they’re both targets. Taking a civilian on the run went against Rowe’s lawman code, but leaving Macy, the woman he was beginning to fall for, behind could mean putting her in even greater danger…

Серия: Outlaws

Цена: 360.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781408972359


Lawman s Perfect Surrender
Lawman's Perfect Surrender

Автор: Jennifer Morey

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Цена: 360.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781408972380


Lawman s Redemption
Lawman's Redemption

Автор: Marilyn Pappano

Hallie Madison couldn't help but reach out to the brooding lawman, to help him connect with the lonely teenager who might be his daughter–who needed him to be her father. She risked her tattered heart on a man who couldn't promise her anything and a girl who was someone else's daughter.Life had taught Brady that the safest way to live was alone, but after one night with Hallie, alone was the last thing he wanted to be. And when his newfound «daughter» wound up kidnapped, Brady knew there was nothing he wouldn't do for the women he loved and the chance to be a family.

Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472077264


Lead Me On
Lead Me On

Автор: Victoria Dahl

Opposites don't just attract, they combust in this daring and sexy reader-favourite story from USA TODAY best selling author Victoria Dahl…Raw, animal magnetism is a big red flag to prim and proper office manager Jane Morgan. After a rough childhood with a mother who liked her men in prison jump-suit orange, Jane changed her name, her look and her taste for bad boys. So why is she lusting for William Chase with his tattoo-covered biceps and steel-toed boots? The man blows things up for a living!She gives herself one explosive, fantasy-filled night with Chase. The next day it's back to plain Jane and safe men. But when her beloved brother becomes a murder suspect,it's Chase who comes to her rescue. And Jane discovers that a man who's been around the block knows a thing or two about uncovering the truth…

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 630.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781474046657


Learning to Hula
Learning to Hula

Автор: Lisa Childs

Being Strong Is a State of Mind…Everyone in town thinks Holly DeJong has handled her husband's death well, including her. Until the day she spots a cupcake display at Smiley's General Store and lets loose. Holly's husband is dead…because he cheated on her. He didn't have just one Kitty Cupcake on the side; he had boxes of them!Now everyone in town thinks she's lost it, except Holly. For the first time in months she feels as if she can handle anything, including her children, dating-minded family members and a certain deputy with more on his mind than the cupcake massacre. Just like the hula dancer on her husband's favorite lamp, Holly is learning that happiness comes from swaying with whatever possibilities life throws her way.

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 319.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781472086884


Learning to Ride
Learning to Ride

Автор: Джеймс Паттерсон

James Patterson's BookShots. Short, fast-paced, high-impact entertainment.She never wanted to love a cowboy…Rodeo king Tanner Callen doesn't want to be tied down. When he sees Madeline Harper at a local honky-tonk and everything about her screams New York, he brings out every trick in his playbook to take her home. But soon he learns that he doesn't just want her for a night and, instead, hopes for forever…

Серия: Sunnybell Series

Исполнители: Cortney Patterson

Цена: 478.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781473538092


Least Likely To Wed
Least Likely To Wed

Автор: Judy Christenberry

SEALED WITH A…SLAP?The kiss was desperate, passionate, leaving Kelly Hampton no alternative but to smack the sinfully sexy cowboy who'd taken liberty with her lips. Didn't matter that Pete Crawford was her best friend's brother. Didn't matter that he'd handpicked her to foil a fortune-hunting femme fatale's advances. Pete was a cowboy, and Kelly had the broken heart and fatherless baby boy to prove that cowboys couldn't be trusted.What if Pete doted on Drew, becoming the dad her child had never known? What if he proved to be more a gentleman during their «pretense» than anyone she'd ever known? The irrefutable truth was that neither of them intended to wed…ever.Then Pete kissed her again….

Серия: Mills & Boon Silhouette

Цена: 234.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781474012324


Legacy of Lies
Legacy of Lies

Автор: Jill Elizabeth Nelson

Evidence from a decades-old murder is the last thing Nicole Keller-Mattson expected to find in her grandmother's backyard. The finger-pointing and accusations aimed at her family were easier to predict.Everyone in Ellendale is eager to blame the Kellers–but after an attack leaves Nicole's grandmother in a coma, only Nicole can clear the family name. With the assistance of police chief Rich Hendricks, she stands a chance of solving the mystery…if she's willing to accept Rich's help. Nicole lost her husband in the line of duty–trusting another cop is too painful. But not trusting Rich could be deadly.

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472023605


Legal Desire
Legal Desire

Автор: Lisa Childs

Innocent until proved wicked He'll need all his powers of seduction…Lawyer Trevor Sinclair knows that gorgeous ice-queen Allison McCann is sabotaging his firm. All he needs is proof, with a plan that involves a little deception…and a whole lot of sizzling seduction! But no one warned him that her chilly exterior hides a desire as hot as his own. Is it entrapment if they're both playing with fire?

Серия: Legal Lovers

Цена: 347.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781474071451


Legal Passion
Legal Passion

Автор: Lisa Childs

Verdict: guilty……of corrupting Ms. Prim and Proper!Hotshot lawyer Stone Michaelsen never loses a case, but rival Hillary Bellows is determined to beat him in court. When they’re alone together, the gloves—and clothes—come off. Uptight in court yet naughty in private, they can’t keep their hands off each other, and their jobs are on the line. Real feelings emerge, raising the stakes and turning sexy sparks into a roaring fire!

Серия: Legal Lovers

Цена: 343.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781474071390


Legendary Beast
Legendary Beast

Автор: Barbara J. Hancock

She slept…his love didn’tOnce upon a time, Madeline was trapped in an enchanted sleep, her baby wrapped tight in her arms. Then the white wolf woke her, and her son disappeared.For centuries, Lev Romanov searched for his wife and their child, and the search drove him half-mad. Can Madeline trust the wolf to be the man who can help her save their son.

Серия: Mills & Boon Supernatural

Цена: 431.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781474082167


Legendary Wolf
Legendary Wolf

Автор: Barbara J. Hancock

The girl he’d loved…has become a woman he despisesOnce upon a time, Anna was an orphan girl, her only friend a shifter. Then the red wolf Soren Romanov learned that the girl he loved was the daughter of his family’s greatest foe… Now grown and beginning to master her own power, Anna knows that only Soren can help her stop a great evil. Can he learn to trust the woman—and the witch—she’s become?

Серия: Mills & Boon Supernatural

Цена: 431.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781474082150


Leidenschaft und Weihnachtsk?sse - Fool s Gold Novellen (Ungek?rzt)
Leidenschaft und Weihnachtsk?sse - Fool's Gold Novellen (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Susan Mallery

Ein Schlag auf den Kopf – und ihre Vergangenheit ist wie ausgel?scht. Als Angela aufwacht, sitzt ein verf?hrerisch starker Mann neben ihrem Bett, vorgeblich Deputy Sheriff Shane McBride. Seine Fragen kann sie nicht beantworten. Stattdessen gibt sie sich dem Traum hin, ein neues Leben mit ihm zu beginnen.

Исполнители: Luise Schubert

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783961091768


Lessons From A Latin Lover
Lessons From A Latin Lover

Автор: Anne McAllister

"You want me to what?" Wealthy jet-setter Joaquin Santiago can't believe his ears. He's flown to the tranquil island of Pelican Cay to escape from screaming hordes of adoring women. And now the most unlikely candidate has asked him to teach her how to seduce a man…!Molly McGillivray doesn't want Joaquin to…she needs him to! Molly just isn't a girly girl–but she thinks it's time to get married. And who better than sexy Spaniard Joaquin to teach her how to become a mistress in the art of love…?

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

Цена: 246.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781472030900


Let them Eat Cake - French Twist Trilogy, Book 1 (Unabridged)
Let them Eat Cake - French Twist Trilogy, Book 1 (Unabridged)

Автор: Sandra Byrd

What do you do when you've got a degree in French and absolutely no job prospects? You slide into your favorite French bakery, of course! When a lighthearted conversation with the manager of the local patisserie turns into a job offer, Lexi Stuart gladly accepts. She's put in charge of a high-end catering bakery, but there's a catch: she has to make this lavish bakery into a successful business in just a few, short months. In over her head and at a loss for creative marketing ideas, Lexi can't compose the perfect recipe for success.

Исполнители: Sophie Amoss

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 4251703526342


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