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Faces of History, or History in Faces. Учебное пособие
Faces of History, or History in Faces. Учебное пособие

Автор: С. Г. Шишкина

Цена: 125 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-9765-0230-7


Fairy Tales of the Fiercer Sex (Unabridged)
Fairy Tales of the Fiercer Sex (Unabridged)

Автор: Ганс Христиан Андерсен

Alison Larkin selects and introduces fairytales of strong, independent, brave, at times irreverent girls and women who take charge of their lives, go on their own adventures, rescue themselves and sometimes even save the men they love. These are not stories of helpless females shut up in high towers waiting around for a handsome man to rescue them while they sleep for years or from brushing their golden hair a lot. These heroines have far more to distinguish them than the fact that they (sometimes) end up married to a prince. Stories included: The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, Molly Whuppie and the Double-faced Giant by Flora Annie Steel, A Pottle of Brains by Joseph Jacobs, Cap O Rushes by Joseph Jacobs, Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, Mr. Fox by Joseph Jacobs, Clever Grethel by the Brothers Grimm, Kari Woodengown by P.C. Absjornsen, The Twelve Dancing Princesses by the Brothers Grimm, Felicia and the Pot of Pinks by Madame la Comtesse d'Aulnoy, The Iron Stove by Miss Mulock, The Hedley Kow by Joseph Jacobs, The Six Sillies by Monsieur Lemoine, Baba Yaga a Russian folk tale re-told by Verra Xenophontovna Kalamatiano De Blumenthal, The Old Woman in the Woods by the Brothers Grimm, The Idle Spinner by the Brothers Grimm, The Twelve Brothers by the Brothers Grimm, Frederick and Catherine by the Brothers Grimm, Little Red Cap by the Brothers Grimm, Beauty and The Beast by Marie Le Prince de Beaumont.

Исполнители: Alison Larkin

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781518940538


False Mirrors: The Weaponization of Social Media in Russia’s Operation to Annex Crimea
False Mirrors: The Weaponization of Social Media in Russia’s Operation to Annex Crimea

Автор: Andrey Demartino

In his timely study, Andrii Demartino investigates the multitude of techniques how social media can be used to advance an aggressive foreign policy, as exemplified by the Russian Federation’s operation to annex Crimea in 2014. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Demartino traces the implementation of a series of Russian measures to create channels and organisations manipulating public opinion in the Ukrainian segment of the internet and on platforms such as Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal, and Twitter.
Addressing the pertinent question of how much the operation to annex Crimea was either improvised or planned, he draws attention to Russia’s ad-hoc actions in the sphere of social media in 2014. Based on an in-depth analysis of the methods of Russia’s influence operations, the book proposes a number of counterstrategies to prevent such “active measures.” These propositions can serve to improve Ukraine’s national information policy as well as help to develop adequate security concepts of other states.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783838275338


FAQ: Как стать приезжим в собственном городе
FAQ: Как стать приезжим в собственном городе

Автор: Элиас Эрдлунг

Небольшой иронический майндхак в псевдо-коучинговом стиле на злободневную тематику достигаторства в Большом Городе. Содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2020


Faust oder Mephisto?
Faust oder Mephisto?

Автор: Willi Jasper

Wo sind die kritischen Streiter, die geistigen Kraftzentren, die die Debatten ?ber die EU, Pandemiegesetze oder die Zukunft der Demokratie anf?hren? Sind sie im Medienwandel untergegangen? Auf welche Weise haben die Intellektuellen den europ?ischen Einigungsprozess beeinflusst? Und was tun sie heute in der Corona-Krise? Haben sie Europa verlassen? Gar verraten, wie schon Julien Benda vor gut 100 Jahre meinte? Es gibt sie nicht mehr, jedenfalls als Typus. Dies ist ein enormer kultureller und politischer Verlust. Faust oder Mephisto – auf diesen Mythos ?bertr?gt Willi Jasper die intellektuelle Krise Europas. Die wirtschaftliche und politische Vorherrschaft Deutschlands steht f?r Faust: die antiintellektuelle Funktionalisierung der Macht. Doch wenn wir eine lebendige transnationale europ?ische Demokratie wollen, brauchen wir den freien, einklagenden, kritischen Geist. Er geh?rt zu Politik und Gesellschaft wie Mephisto zu Faust. ?bernehmen die neuen «Medienintellektuellen» sein Erbe?

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783801270322


Filming the Unfilmable
Filming the Unfilmable

Автор: Ben Hellmann

In this amply illustrated book, Hellman and Rogachevskii tell the fascinating story behind the screen adaptation of one of the most impactful novels of all times. Despite its huge global success, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn refused all offers to have his One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich turned into a movie for many years for artistic reasons. It took the full resolve and commitment of the Finnish director Caspar Wrede to bring this challenging project to fruition, eight years after the novel had been published.

This second, expanded edition of 'Filming the Unfilmable' offers an all-encompassing account of the movie's production, reception and impact. Filled with little-known facts, it also gives unique and valuable insights into Solzhenitsyn's complex relationship with the art of filmmaking."

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783838265940


Foundations of Homeland Security
Foundations of Homeland Security

Автор: Martin J. Alperen

The Complete Guide to Understanding the Structure of Homeland Security Law New topics featuring leading authors cover topics on Security Threats of Separatism, Secession and Rightwing Extremism; Aviation Industry’s 'Crew Resource Management' Principles'; and Ethics, Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland Security Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland Security. In addition, the chapter devoted to the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a description of economic statecraft, what we really gain from the TPP, and what we stand to lose. The Power of Pop Culture in the Hands of ISIS describes how ISIS communicates and how pop culture is used expertly as a recruiting tool Text organized by subject with the portions of all the laws related to that particular subject in one chapter, making it easier to reference a specific statute by topic Allows the reader to recognize that homeland security involves many specialties and to view homeland security expansively and in the long-term Includes many references as a resource for professionals in various fields including: military, government, first responders, lawyers, and students Includes an Instructor Manual providing teaching suggestions, discussion questions, true/false questions, and essay questions along with the answers to all of these

Цена: 11588.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119289128


From DNA to Social Cognition
From DNA to Social Cognition

Автор: Группа авторов

Decision-making is an integral part of our daily lives. Researchers seek a complete understanding of the decision-making process, including the biological and social basis and the impact of our decisions. From DNA to Social Cognition fills a gap in the literature that brings together the methods, perspectives, and knowledge of the geneticists, neuroscientists, economists, and psychologists that are integral to this field of research. The editors’ unique expertise ensures an integrated and complete compilation of materials that will prove useful to researchers and scientists interested in social cognition and decision-making.

Цена: 16323.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781118101780


Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks. Theory and Practice
Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks. Theory and Practice

Автор: Poellabauer Christian

In this book, the authors describe the fundamental concepts and practical aspects of wireless sensor networks. The book provides a comprehensive view to this rapidly evolving field, including its many novel applications, ranging from protecting civil infrastructure to pervasive health monitoring. Using detailed examples and illustrations, this book provides an inside track on the current state of the technology. The book is divided into three parts. In Part I, several node architectures, applications and operating systems are discussed. In Part II, the basic architectural frameworks, including the key building blocks required for constructing large-scale, energy-efficient sensor networks are presented. In Part III, the challenges and approaches pertaining to local and global management strategies are presented – this includes topics on power management, sensor node localization, time synchronization, and security. At the end of each chapter, the authors provide practical exercises to help students strengthen their grip on the subject. There are more than 200 exercises altogether. Key Features: Offers a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical and practical concepts pertaining to wireless sensor networks Explains the constraints and challenges of wireless sensor network design; and discusses the most promising solutions Provides an in-depth treatment of the most critical technologies for sensor network communications, power management, security, and programming Reviews the latest research results in sensor network design, and demonstrates how the individual components fit together to build complex sensing systems for a variety of application scenarios Includes an accompanying website containing solutions to exercises (http://www.wiley.com/go/dargie_fundamentals) This book serves as an introductory text to the field of wireless sensor networks at both graduate and advanced undergraduate level, but it will also appeal to researchers and practitioners wishing to learn about sensor network technologies and their application areas, including environmental monitoring, protection of civil infrastructure, health care, precision agriculture, traffic control, and homeland security.

Цена: 14139.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470666395


Gaslighting (Ungek?rzt)
Gaslighting (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Claudia Szczesny-Friedmann

Исполнители: Katja Sallay

Цена: 1474.74 руб.
ISBN: 4251513996618


Gef?hrliche Gesch?fte
Gef?hrliche Gesch?fte

Автор: Adi Waser

Fremde Wesen landen auf der Erde und schleichen sich nach Bedarf in die Tr?ume der Menschen ein, um diese f?r ihre Zwecke gef?gig zu machen. Sie f?hlen sich erst aufgrund ihres technischen Fortschritts sehr selbstsicher, um dann sp?ter feststellen zu m?ssen, dass Menschen in Angst kein gegenseitiges Vertrauen aufbauen k?nnen, welches gerade hier so bitter n?tig ist. Nebenbei sind f?r die Wesen viele Selbstverst?ndlichkeiten der Erdenb?rger interessant und kurios: Die Lust, etwas geniessen zu wollen, der freie Wille, sich f?r oder gegen etwas entscheiden zu k?nnen, oder, trotz Herdentrieb, ein Individualist zu bleiben. Carl Boromeo ist Unternehmensberater der Handelsfirma Finegood. Er m?chte im Beruf „einen Gang zur?ckschalten“, da er das heutige Wirtschaftssystem satt hat. Stattdessen erh?lt ausgerechnet er von den Wesen den Auftrag, undercover Aluminium und Diamanten in ungeheuren Mengen an der B?rse zu kaufen. Seine Compagnons sind B?rsenh?ndler: Der Yuppie James Locklear, sowie der orthodoxe Jude Ruben Stern, charakterlich zwei komplett unterschiedliche Typen, die auf ganz differenzierte Art und Weise ihren Auftrag erledigen. Als grosser Financier bietet sich Jakob Blumenstein an, ein steinreicher Erbe aus der Pharmabranche, der sich lieber als Mysterienversteher, denn als Gesch?ftsmann zeigt. Carl Boromeo finanziert mit Blumensteins Geld den Kauf der Rohstoffe. Und mit dem Verkauf k?nftiger Nutzungslizenzen bei Logistikunternehmen schliesst er den Geldkreislauf. Als Abgeltung f?r die guten Dienste hinterlassen die Wesen der Menschheit zwei Verm?chtnisse: Zum einen die Teleportation, sodass G?ter- und Personenverkehr ?berfl?ssig werden, und neuer Raum f?r neue Nutzung entsteht. Zum zweiten die Technik der Telepathie f?r grenzenlose Kommunikation – f?r jeden Erdenb?rgers zum Nulltarif, und ohne sich dabei sch?dlicher Strahlung aussetzen zu m?ssen. Das Projekt wird letztlich an der B?rse doch ruchbar. Eine B?rsenhausse k?nnte die Mission jetzt scheitern lassen, ein handfester Firmenkrach steht ins Haus, Raffgier und Erpressung kommen ins Spiel. Wie verkraften dies Menschen, die einen vermeintlich grossen Fisch an der Angel haben? Um weltweit eine Beruhigung der B?rsenschwankungen zu erreichen, wird eine s?damerikanische Seherin beauftragt, das Resultat von tranceartigen Sitzungen zu verf?lschen. Gar mancher f?hlt sich als Schachfigur, der nach Belieben verschoben oder gar geopfert wird. Wird Carl Boromeo dieses nervenaufreibende Spiel durchstehen, oder wird er die Stopptaste dr?cken? Kann er ?berhaupt unbeschadet diesem Albtraum entfliehen? Und die Menschheit: Verdient sie denn das sagenhafte Verm?chtnis?

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783033046368



Автор: Группа авторов

Mit den Neuauflagen der Krankheitskataloge ICD und DSM werden die Grenzen dessen ausgedehnt, was als psychisch krank gilt. Formulierten in den 1960/70er Jahren noch au?erparlamentarische Linke und ihr verbundene Psychiater_innen eine radikale Kritik an der Institution Psychiatrie, wurde im Anschluss daran die Kritik haupts?chlich von Betroffenen getragen und in die Praxis ?bersetzt. Heute findet Psychiatriekritik selbst im b?rgerlichen Mainstream statt. Diese reibt sich allerdings lediglich an den aktuell in den Katalog aufgenommenen Diagnosen und den Interessen der Pharma-Industrie. Eine radikale Gesellschafts- und Machtkritik, wie sie die Alte und Neue Antipsychiatrie enth?lt, l?sst sie jedoch vermissen.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783960428114


Geopolitical Imagination
Geopolitical Imagination

Автор: Mikhail Suslov

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783838273617


Gesti?n ambiental empresarial
Gesti?n ambiental empresarial

Автор: Группа авторов

Esta obra, resultado de la investigaci?n que se lleva a cabo en la Maestr?a en Derecho y Gesti?n Ambiental de la Universidad del Rosario, busca aportar a las discusiones sobre la sostenibilidad del desarrollo. Estas reflexiones parten de la premisa de que la «ambientalizaci?n del derecho privado» debe iniciar desde el n?cleo de las empresas, es decir, desde los principios corporativos que orientan su actuar, en la manera en como dise?an sus estatutos y procedimientos y en c?mo encaran el cumplimiento y respeto de las normas nacionales e internacionales. De all?, que su desempe?o y relacionamiento con su entorno en la implementaci?n de obras, proyectos o actividades, sea el reflejo de la interiorizaci?n clara y responsable de premisas fundamentales como el respeto por las costumbres locales, la comprensi?n de los l?mites ecosist?micos y la consideraci?n de personas y grupos en situaci?n de vulnerabilidad. En ese entendido, este libro est? compuesto por cuatro cap?tulos, en donde los dos primeros fueron organizados desde una mirada general, sobre el derecho ambiental corporativo y los proyectos de infraestructura y en el tercero y cuarto, se estudian las implicaciones de dos sectores econ?micos particulares y pol?micos en Colombia: la industria de palma de aceite y la industria del fracking o fracturamiento hidr?ulico.

Серия: Derecho

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9789587847161


Green Solvents. Reactions in Water
Green Solvents. Reactions in Water

Автор: Anastas Paul T

There has been dramatic growth in the community of researchers and industrialists working in the area of Green Chemistry. There has been an increasing recognition by a wide-range of scientists and engineers in the chemical enterprise that the framework of Green Chemistry is relevant and enabling to their work. There has been a significant body of work that has accumulated over the past decade that details the breakthroughs, innovation and creativity within Green Chemistry and Engineering. While there have been edited volumes on Green Chemistry that collect a limited number of papers often on a particular topic area, there is not currently a series that seeks to provide a more comprehensive overview of the current state of the science. The lack of this type of series is a notable niche for which the continually growing Green Chemistry and engineering community would value and welcome. The Handbook of Green Chemistry comprises of 9 volumes in total, split into 3 subject-specific sets. The three sets are available individually. All 9 volumes are available individually, too. Set I: Green Catalysis – Volume 1: Homogeneous Catalysis – Volume 2: Heterogeneous Catalysis – Volume 3: Biocatalysis Set II: Green Solvents – Volume 4: Supercritical Solvents – Volume 5: Reactions in Water – Volume 6: Ionic Liquids Set III: Green Processes – Volume 7: Green Synthesis – Volume 8: Green Nanoscience – Volume 9: Designing Safer Chemicals The Handbook of Green Chemistry is also available as Online Edition. Podcasts Listen to two podcasts in which Professor Paul Anastas and Journals Editor Paul Trevorrow discuss the origin and expansion of Green Chemistry and give an overview of The Handbook of Green Chemistry.

Цена: 29052.18 руб.
ISBN: 9783527688562


Hitlers Vater
Hitlers Vater

Автор: Roman Sandgruber

Ein spektakul?rer Quellenfund ?nderte radikal das Bild, das wir uns bislang ?ber Adolf Hitlers Vater Alois und die Familie Hitler gemacht haben: ein dickes B?ndel vergilbter Briefe des Vaters in gestochener Kurrentschrift, das sich auf einem Dachboden ?ber den Kahlschlag der NS-Zeit hinwegrettete und das dem Historiker Roman Sandgruber in die H?nde fiel. Die 31 Briefe er?ffnen einen v?llig neuen und genaueren Blick auf die v?terliche Pers?nlichkeit, die den jungen Adolf Hitler ma?geblich pr?gte. Und bringen etwas Licht ins Dunkel des von Mythen, Erfindungen und Vermutungen gepr?gten Alltags der Familie Hitler. Denn immer noch, und immer wieder bewegt uns die Frage: Wie konnte ein Kind aus der ober?sterrreichischen Provinz, ein Versager und Autodidakt, einen derartigen Aufstieg schaffen?

Цена: 2465.13 руб.
ISBN: 9783990406182


Horizon Scanning. The Role of Information Technologies in the Future of Civil Society
Horizon Scanning. The Role of Information Technologies in the Future of Civil Society

Автор: Сборник статей

Herein, an interdisciplinary group of scholars analyze the possible technological impacts on civil society's development, drawing upon the «Horizon Scanning» methodology. The overarching aim of this collection is to broaden the spectrum of the social and technical imaginare. One specific objective is to analyze how technological advancements may influence the development of civil society in Russia, the former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe. A second is to assist those involved in such issues to make decisions in the context of possible future development scenarios.

Серия: School of Anthropology of the Future

Цена: 130 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-89353-606-5


How to Promote Wellbeing
How to Promote Wellbeing

Автор: Rachel K. Thomas

Цена: 4498.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119614395


How to understand everything
How to understand everything

Автор: Кто Я

A book with pictures of how to understand everything for an hour. It will tell you the answers to the most obscure questions of psychology, creation and faith: Who am I? When happiness comes? What is the meaning of life? What does a woman want? How to get all the answers? And even who is the God, and why does He want all of this? – will know who will read.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2021


Human Rights
Human Rights

Автор: Michael Freeman

Human Rights , now in its fourth edition, is an introductory text that is both innovative and challenging. Its unique interdisciplinary approach invites students to think imaginatively and rigorously about one of the most important and influential political concepts of our time. Tracing the history of the concept, the book shows that there are fundamental tensions between legal, philosophical and social-scientific approaches to human rights. This analysis throws light on some of the most controversial issues in the field: What are the causes of human-rights violations? Is the idea of universal human rights consistent with respect for cultural difference? Are we living in a ‘post-human rights’ world? Thoroughly revised and updated, the new edition engages with recent developments, including the Trump and Biden presidencies, colonial legacies, neoliberalism, conflict in Syria, Yemen and Myanmar, the Covid-19 pandemic, new technologies and the supposed crisis of liberal democracy. Widely admired and assigned for its clarity and comprehensiveness, this book remains a ‘go-to’ text for students in the social sciences, as well as students of human-rights law who want an introduction to the non-legal aspects of their subject.

Цена: 2414.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781509546053


Ich mach mir die Welt
Ich mach mir die Welt

Автор: Harry Gatterer

Jeder kreiert seine eigene Zukunft – wie eine Malerin eine wei?e Leinwand vor sich hat oder ein Regisseur einen Film inszeniert. Wir k?nnen unser Leben frei gestalten, auch wenn wir uns manchmal von den Umst?nden getrieben f?hlen und das unm?glich scheint. Gatterer ?bersetzt selbst schwierige Emotionen wie Angst oder Zweifel in einen neuen M?glichkeitsraum. Und das hat nichts mit Motivationstricks oder Selbstdisziplin zu tun. Der bekannte Trendforscher Harry Gatterer sagt: „Die Zukunft selbst ist zwar eine glatte Konstruktion, trotzdem steckt sie voller M?glichkeiten.“ Er n?hert sich dem komplexen Thema auf ?berraschende Weise und pr?sentiert Werkzeuge, die ein neues Verst?ndnis f?r die Zusammenh?nge der Welt liefern und uns helfen, zu einer guten Beziehung zu uns selbst zu finden: Das Geheimnis einer gegl?ckten Zukunft liegt in uns selbst.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783990405628



Автор: Дэн Браун

Ein Kernforscher wird in seinem Schweizer Labor ermordet aufgefunden. Auf seiner Brust finden sich merkw?rdige Symbole eingraviert, Symbole, die nur der Harvardprofessor Robert Langdon zu entziffern vermag. Was er dabei entdeckt, erschreckt ihn zutiefst: Die Symbole geh?ren zu der legend?ren Geheimgesellschaft der «Illuminati». Diese Gemeinschaft scheint wieder zum Leben erweckt zu sein, und sie verfolgt einen finsteren Plan, denn aus dem Labor des ermordeten Kernforschers wurde Antimaterie entwendet.

Исполнители: Wolfgang Pampel

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783838760292


Improvement Science in Evaluation: Methods and Uses
Improvement Science in Evaluation: Methods and Uses

Автор: Группа авторов

While improvement science has experienced a surge of interest over the past 30 years, applications of it are rare in the evaluation literature. This issue promotes the cross-fertilization of ideas, techniques, and tools between evaluation and improvement science. There are at least four areas where this cross-fertilization is particularly relevant: learning from error, examining variation, appreciating context, and focusing on systems change. This volume considers: the conceptual similarities and distinctions between improvement science and evaluation; the intellectual foundations, methods, and tools that collectively comprise improvement science; and case chapters that offer an inspiring review of state-of-the-art improvement science applications. Cutting across all of these applications is a shared grounding in systems thinking, a determination to capture and better understand variation and contextual complexity, as well as a sustained commitment to generative learning about projects and programs—all issues of great concern to evaluators. The issue offers producers and users of evaluations the potential benefits of a closer engagement with improvement science. This is the 153rd issue in the New Directions for Evaluation series from Jossey-Bass. It is an official publication ofthe American Evaluation Association.

Цена: 2935.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119378617


In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing
In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing

Автор: Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

This book is about the facts of fundamental dependency between the mankind development and cosmic energies: both electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic ones. The facts are systematized in graphs.

Цена: 490 руб.
Год: 2018


In the Frame - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series, Episode 42 (Unabridged)
In the Frame - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series, Episode 42 (Unabridged)

Автор: Matthew Costello

Исполнители: Neil Dudgeon

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783754008614


In the Midst of Plenty
In the Midst of Plenty

Автор: Marybeth Shinn

Foreword by Nan Roman, President and CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness This book explains how to end the U.S. homelessness crisis by bringing together the best scholarship on the subject and sharing solutions that both local communities and national policy-makers can apply now In the Midst of Plenty shifts our understanding of the phenomenon of homelessness away from issues of individual disability and embeds it in larger contexts of poverty, income inequality, housing affordability, and social exclusion. Homelessness experts Shinn and Khadduri provide guidance on how to end homelessness for people who experience it and how to prevent so many people from reaching the point where they have no alternative to sleeping on the street or in emergency shelters. The book is organized around four questions: Who becomes homeless? Why do people become homeless? How do we end homelessness? How do we prevent it? Based on a comprehensive look at relevant research, the authors show that we know how to end homelessness—if we devote the necessary resources to doing so. In the Midst of Plenty: Homelessness and What to Do About It is an excellent resource for professionals and decision-makers in the homeless services system, as well as for anyone who is interested in helping to end homelessness. It also can be used as a text in undergraduate or masters courses in public policy, sociology, psychology, social work, urban studies, or housing policy. “ The knowledgeable and thoughtful authors of this book—two brilliant women who know as much as anyone in the country about the nature of homelessness and its solutions — have done a great service by taking us on a journey through the history of homelessness, how our responses have changed, and how we can end it.” Nan Roman, President and CEO National Alliance to End Homelessness. “Shinn and Khadduri’s new book is a thorough yet concise examination of what we know about the nature and causes of homelessness, and the crucial lessons learned. This critically important work provides a roadmap to restoring basic housing and income security as viable policy options, in the face of our daunting inequality divide that otherwise threatens millions with destitution and homelessness .” Dennis Culhane, Dana and Andrew Stone Professor of Social Policy, University of Pennsylvania “Marybeth Shinn and Jill Khadduri have combined their significant expertise to create an essential guide about the history of modern homelessness and to offer a clear path forward to end this American tragedy. Their policy recommendations on ending homelessness are culled from the best about what we know works.” Barbara Poppe, Executive Director US Interagency Council on Homeless, 2009-2014.

Цена: 6688.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119104759


Industrial Security
Industrial Security

Автор: David L. Russell

A comprehensive and practical guide to security organization and planning in industrial plants Features Basic definitions related to plant security Features Countermeasures and response methods Features Facilities and equipment, and security organization Topics covered are applicable to multiple types of industrial plants Illustrates practical techniques for assessing and evaluating financial and corporate risks

Цена: 9469.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119028406


International Counseling
International Counseling

Автор: Группа авторов

In this book, designed to increase mental health professionals’ global literacy, authors from 33 countries demonstrate multicultural skills and competencies through case studies that illustrate approaches to counseling and psychotherapy in their countries. Following an introductory section on the use of case studies, chapters focus on a cross section of countries in Africa; Australia and Asia; Central, North, and South America; Europe; and the Middle East. Each case describes the client and his or her presenting concerns and includes a culture-sensitive assessment and treatment plan, an analysis and critical reflection of the case, and questions for discussion. The final chapter of the text presents a comparative analysis of the cases. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

Цена: 6202.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119098300


Introduction to Desalination
Introduction to Desalination

Автор: Fuad Nesf Alasfour

One book dealing with the fundamentals of thermal and membrane desalination systems and discussing their economical as well as environmental aspects. With a growing population, climate change and greater water demand, desalination has increasingly become a part of the solution to regional water scarcity – seawater desalination capacity has roughly doubled in the past ten years. Desalination has also begun to receive more attention in academia, with research focusing on improving energy efficiency and system robustness and lowering capital costs. With this book, an introduction is given to the basics and fundamentals of desalination systems. Both, thermal and membrane desalination systems, are covered and discussed in view of energy, exergy, economic and environmental aspects. In the beginning, Introduction to Desalination: Systems, Processes and Environmental Impacts describes multi effect evaporation, vapor compression and multi-stage flashing. Further chapters deal with common membrane-based separations like reverse osmosis and membrane filtration, forward osmosis, diffusion dialysis and pervaporation as well as thermo-osmosis, electrodialysis and electrodeionization. Subsequently, hybrid systems are discussed, and the economic analysis of such systems and their environmental impact are highlighted. Each chapter contains theoretical and practical examples and concludes with questions and problems for self-study. * Needed: Desalination has become a part of the solution to regional water scarcity and an introductory book in this field is urgently needed. * Balanced Approach: Presents the fundamentals of thermal and membrane desalination systems. * Learning Material: Each chapter includes exercises for self-study and Instructors can find teaching material online. Introduction to Desalination: Systems, Processes and Environmental Impacts is an important resource for master's students in engineering sciences, lecturers in chemical and mechanical engineering, engineers, environmental chemists, as well as process engineers, engineering scientists in industry, and environmental consultants.

Цена: 12304.94 руб.
ISBN: 9783527811632


Introduction to Probability
Introduction to Probability

Автор: Markos V. Koutras

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118548622


It IS About Islam
It IS About Islam

Автор: Glenn Beck

#1 bestselling author and radio host Glenn Beck exposes the real truth behind the roots of Islamic extremism in Muslim teachings in this sharply insightful handbook that debunks commonly held assumptions about Islam and the dream of a renewed caliphate.From the barbarians of ISIS to the terror tactics of Al-Qaeda and its offshoots, to the impending threat of a nuclear Iran, those motivated by extreme fundamentalist Islamic faith have the power to endanger and kill millions. The conflict with them will not end until we face the truth about those who find their inspiration and justification in the religion itself. Drawing on quotes from the Koran and the hadith, as well as from leaders of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood, Glenn Beck seeks to expose the true origins of Islamic extremism as well as the deadly theological motivations behind these agencies of destruction. Using the same unique no-holds-barred style from his bestselling books Control and Conform, Glenn Beck offers straight facts and history about the fundamental beliefs that inspire so many to kill.

Серия: The Control Series

Исполнители: Jeremy Lowell

Цена: 2068.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781442394247


John Sinclair, Folge 121: Die Geburt des Schwarzen Tods. Teil 3 von 4
John Sinclair, Folge 121: Die Geburt des Schwarzen Tods. Teil 3 von 4

Автор: Jason Dark

Eine fesselnde Komposition aus d?sterer Gruselatmosph?re, temporeicher Action, einem ph?nomenalen Soundtrack und den besten Stimmen Hollywoods. VON SINCLAIR-SCH?PFER JASON DARK PERS?NLICH EMPFOHLEN!

Исполнители: Dietmar Wunder

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783838783352


John Sinclair, Folge 122: Inferno in der Alptraum-Schlucht. Teil 4 von 4
John Sinclair, Folge 122: Inferno in der Alptraum-Schlucht. Teil 4 von 4

Автор: Jason Dark

John Sinclair und Suko sind in der Vergangenheit des versunkenen Kontinents Atlantis verschollen, wo sie im H?llensumpf Zeuge der Geburt des Schwarzen Tods wurden! In der Gegenwart versuchen Kara und Myxin von den Flammenden Steinen aus vergeblich, einen Kontakt herzustellen. Sie ahnen nicht, dass John Sinclair bereits verloren ist – in der Alptraum-Schlucht! Eine fesselnde Komposition aus d?sterer Gruselatmosph?re, temporeicher Action, einem ph?nomenalen Soundtrack und den besten Stimmen Hollywoods. VON SINCLAIR-SCH?PFER JASON DARK PERS?NLICH EMPFOHLEN!

Исполнители: Dietmar Wunder

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783838783369


John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun, Folge 6: Die Vampirfalle. Teil 3 von 3
John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun, Folge 6: Die Vampirfalle. Teil 3 von 3

Автор: Jason Dark

Sheila Conolly war gefangen, in dem schaurigen Gew?lbe der Pesttoten – von Kalurac, dem K?nig der Vampire. Sie und ihr kleiner Sohn Johnny. Es gab kein Entrinnen mehr. Jeden Augenblick konnte die Meute der Blutsauger ?ber sie herfallen. Schritte n?herten sich der T?r. Kreischend drehte sich der Schl?ssel im rostigen Schlo?. Es war soweit… Das Kult-Comeback der H?rspiel-Legende: Die originalen Klassiker von Tonstudio Braun digital ?berarbeitet!

Исполнители: diverse

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783838780061


John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun, Folge 81: Der unheimliche M?nch (Ungek?rzt)
John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun, Folge 81: Der unheimliche M?nch (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Jason Dark

Jahrhundertelang hatte er in seinem Sarkophag gelegen. Dann schreckte ihn ein Ereignis aus seiner Ruhe auf. Der rote M?nch erwachte, verlie? seine Gruft, und mit ihm kehrte das Grauen auf die Erde zur?ck-.. Das Kult-Comeback der H?rspiel-Legende: Die originalen Klassiker von Tonstudio Braun digital ?berarbeitet!

Исполнители: diverse

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4251234326572


Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations
Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations

Автор: Michael I. Sanders

Цена: 15187.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119845621


Journal of Romanian Studies
Journal of Romanian Studies

Автор: Группа авторов

The biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of Romanian Studies, jointly developed by The Society for Romanian Studies and ibidem Press, examines critical issues in Romanian studies, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for junior and senior scholars. The journal also presents articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities and minorities, and with other groups by investigating the challenges of migration and globalization and the impact of the European Union.

Issue No. 3 contains:

Alexandra Chiriac: Ephemeral Modernisms, Transnational Lives: Reconstructing Avant-Garde Performance in Bucharest
Petru Negura: Compulsory Primary Education and State Building in Rural Bessarabia (1918-1940)
Vladimir Solonari: Record Weak: Romanian Judiciary in Occupied Transnistria
Delia Popescu: A Political Palimpsest: Nationalism and Faith in Petre Țuțea’s Thinking
Cynthia M. Horne: What Is too Long and When Is too Late for Transitional Justice? Observations from the Case of Romania
Brindusa Armanca and Peter Gross: Searching for a Future: Mass Media and the Uncertain Construction of Democracy in Romania

Цена: 2465.13 руб.
ISBN: 9783838274195


Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

Автор: Группа авторов

Special Sections:
Remembering Diversity in East-Central European Cityscapes
Russia’s Annexation of Crimea I

Based on up-to-date field material, this issue focuses on the palimpsest-like environments of East-Central European borderland cities. The present shapes and contents of these urban environments derive from combinations of cultural continuities and political ruptures, present-day heritage industries and collective memories about the contentious past, expressive material forms and less conspicuous meaning-making activities of human actors; they evolve from perpetual tensions between the choices of the present and the weight of the past.
The contributors address a set of key questions: What is specific about the transnationalization of memory in these urban public spaces? What are the political rationales and ramifications of the different approaches taken to the legacies of perished population groups in different cities? How do these approaches relate to European dimensions of memory and the “European vector” of identity-making of the contemporary urban populations?

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783838272962



Автор: Овгенъ Байковъ

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-98604-676-1


Kyrgyzstan. Traditions of Nomads
Kyrgyzstan. Traditions of Nomads

Автор: В. В. Кадыров

Over the relentless passage of time the nomads were forced to change their lifestyle – in that they had to settle down. The seemingly «hard rock» of customs and traditions, once resolutely observed, began to be eroded away. Whilst some traditions and customs of the Kyrgyz nomadic tribes were left behind in the far-flung past, to be reflected in legends and eposes, (epic poems), others prevail to the present day, either unchanged or slightly transformed. The purpose of this book is to uncover for readers the diversity of national ceremonies, customs and traditions, born in those ancient times when the Kyrgyz people were still a nomadic people.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2005
ISBN: 9967-424-42-7


La formaci?n en investigaci?n en la universidad
La formaci?n en investigaci?n en la universidad

Автор: Gladys Rosa Calvo

?C?mo se forma un investigador? ?Qu? instancias se prev?n en las carreras de grado para preparar en los quehaceres investigativos? ?Qu? caracter?sticas did?cticas tiene la formaci?n en investigaci?n en la universidad? ?Qu? particularidad asume en las carreras de grado de las ciencias sociales y humanas? Estas y otras preguntas orientan el desarrollo de esta obra que abre a respuestas y a nuevos interrogantes para los docentes y estudiantes preocupados por la formaci?n en la universidad, dado que investigaci?n, docencia y extensi?n se constituyen en los pilares de nuestra instituci?n. El rol de investigador se integra en las competencias a desarrollar en esa formaci?n, y, a la vez, se constituye en un rasgo que distingue y caracteriza al profesional que desarrolla actividades acad?micas. La mayor parte de los planes de estudios universitarios explicitan la intenci?n de formar profesionales capacitados para realizar investigaciones cient?ficas, sin embargo, este inter?s no deriva necesariamente en el desarrollo de contenidos y estrategias tendientes al logro de esta finalidad. El presente trabajo, parte de un estudio did?ctico general para, posteriormente, profundizar en las modalidades de relaci?n teor?a y pr?ctica que adquieren las distintas instancias curriculares dedicadas a formar en investigaci?n, especialmente aquellas que se encuentran en el ciclo de formaci?n general. El estudio tiene su anclaje emp?rico en las nueve carreras de la Facultad de Filosof?a y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Preguntarnos en torno a la formaci?n de los investigadores en la universidad resulta de inter?s ya que problematiza y busca aportar conocimiento sobre un tema de relevancia acad?mica y social, ya que no solo implica a la instituci?n productora de ese conocimiento sino tambi?n a la sociedad que aparece como destinataria de ese conocimiento producido.

Серия: Ideas en debate. Serie educaci?n

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788418929014


La fuerza de la esperanza
La fuerza de la esperanza

Автор: L?zaro Albar Mar?n

Rafael Zornoza, obispo de C?diz y Ceuta, afirma en el Pr?logo de este libro que «la esperanza es el gran motor de la vida, unida profundamente a la ilusi?n». Esta es la raz?n de ser de esta obra: dejar claro que el hombre agarrado a Dios es capaz de salir adelante, de recuperar fuerzas, de realizar lo imposible. Para ello, el autor refl exiona sobre diversos aspectos de la esperanza: la necesidad de la humildad, la pobreza, la confianza y la oraci?n para abrirse, cultivar, fortalecer y alimentar la esperanza; la visi?n de la esperanza como la respuesta a la angustia y a la soledad del mundo, y la convicci?n de que la esperanza mueve al cristiano a la alegr?a, al compromiso por el Reino y al seguimiento de Jes?s. Propone tambi?n el Adviento como tiempo privilegiado de la esperanza, y a Mar?a como modelo y ejemplo de espera cristiana. Todos los cap?tulos se complementan con preguntas para la reflexi?n personal o comunitaria.

Серия: Mambr?

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788428561853


Lada Granta 2190 с двигателем 1,6. Устройство, обслуживание, диагностика, ремонт. Иллюстрированное руководство
Lada Granta 2190 с двигателем 1,6. Устройство, обслуживание, диагностика, ремонт. Иллюстрированное руководство

Автор: Группа авторов

Книга из серии многокрасочных иллюстрированных руководств по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей своими силами. В настоящем руководстве приведена подробная информация о конструкции всех систем, отдельных узлов и агрегатов автомобиля Lada Granta 2190 с двигателем 1,6. Подробно описаны возможные неисправности автомобиля, их причины и способы устранения. Операции по обслуживанию и ремонту представлены на цветных фотографиях и снабжены подробными комментариями. В Приложениях показаны инструменты и лампы, приведены смазочные материалы и эксплуатационные жидкости, моменты затяжки резьбовых соединений. Книга предназначена для водителей, желающих обслуживать и ремонтировать автомобиль самостоятельно, а также для работников СТО.

Серия: Своими силами

Цена: 250 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-9698-0411-1


Las pel?culas que no vi con mi padre
Las pel?culas que no vi con mi padre

Автор: Alberto Moreno

Algo tan sencillo como sentarte en el cine con tu padre, o con tu hijo, se convierte en este libro en una reflexi?n divertida, ?ntima y conmovedora. Las pel?culas que no vi con mi padre son tambi?n las pel?culas que s? viste, y las que quieres ver con tu hijo y por extensi?n, con todos a los que quieres. Alberto Moreno salta de Indiana Jones a La guerra de las galaxias con humor y con inteligencia, y va construyendo el relato de las cosas importantes: la infancia, la amistad, el amor o la familia delante de una pantalla junto a la mejor compa??a posible. O junto a su ausencia. Porque la vida ense?a que somos tambi?n porque otros fueron; una amalgama de nostalgia y de memoria que nos sujeta cuando nos quedamos solos.El autor nos habla de nosotros mismos, con la naturalidad de una conversaci?n entre amigos sobre las escenas favoritas de Antes del atardecer o de El Padrino, esas im?genes de las pel?culas compartidas por una generaci?n cuyas emociones atrapan a todos por igual.Las p?ginas de Las pel?culas que no vi con mi padre son un homenaje a los afectos, al dolor de las p?rdidas irreparables y a c?mo pasado y presente se encadenan hasta forjar una biograf?a sentimental.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788412482027


Latvia - A Work in Progress?
Latvia - A Work in Progress?

Автор: Marina Germane

A quarter century after the formation of the Popular Front and a decade since joining the EU, processes of state- and nation-building in Latvia are still on-going. Issues such as citizenship, language policy, minority rights, democratic legitimacy, economic stability, and security all remain objects of vigorous public discussion. The current situation also reflects longer-standing debates on the relationship between state, nation, and sovereignty in Latvian society and polity. By examining different aspects of these relationships, this volume aims to reveal both key turning points and continuities in Latvia's development, thereby helping to inform current debates.

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783838267180


Leading from the Middle
Leading from the Middle

Автор: Scott Mautz

The definitive playbook for driving impact as a middle manager Leading from the Middle: A Playbook for Managers to Influence Up, Down, and Across the Organization delivers an insightful and practical guide for the backbone of an organization: those who have a boss and are a boss and must lead from the messy middle. Accomplished author and former P&G executive Scott Mautz walks readers through the unique challenges facing these managers, and the mindset and skillset necessary for managing up and down and influencing what happens across the organization. You’ll learn the winning mindset of the best middle managers, how to develop the most important skills necessary for managing from the middle, how to create your personal Middle Action Plan (MAP), and effectively influence: Up the chain of command, to your boss and those above them Down, to your direct reports and teams who report to you Laterally, to peers and teams you have no formal authority over Anyone in an organization who reports to someone and has someone reporting to them must lead from the middle. They are the most important group in an organization and have a unique opportunity to drive impact. Leading from the Middle explains how.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119717942


Lean Computing for the Cloud
Lean Computing for the Cloud

Автор: Eric Bauer

Applies lean manufacturing principles across the cloud service delivery chain to enable application and infrastructure service providers to sustainably achieve the shortest lead time, best quality, and value Applies lean thinking across the cloud service delivery chain to recognize and minimize waste Leverages lessons learned from electric power industry operations to operations of cloud infrastructure Applies insights from just-in-time inventory management to operation of cloud based applications Explains how traditional, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Enhanced Telecom Operation Map (eTOM) capacity management evolves to lean computing for the cloud

Цена: 8937.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119232308


Legal Change in Post-Communist States
Legal Change in Post-Communist States

Автор: Группа авторов

Reformers had high hopes that the end of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union would lead to significant improvements in legal institutions and the role of law in public administration. However, the cumulative experience of 25 years of legal change since communism has been mixed, marked by achievements and failures, advances and moves backward. This book—written by a team of socio-legal scholars—probes the nuances of this process and starts the process to explain them. It covers developments across the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and it deals with both legal institutions (courts and police) and accountability to law in public administration, including anti-corruption activities. In explaining their findings, the authors probe the impact of such factors as the type of political regime (democratic to authoritarian), international influences (such as the European Union), and culture (legal and political).
The volume’s contributors are: Mihaela Serban, Kim Lane Scheppele, Kriszta Kovacs, Alexei Trochev, Peter Solomon, Olga Semukhina, Maria Popova, Vincent Post. Marina Zaloznaya, William Reisinger, Vicki Hesli Claypool, Kaja Gadowska, and Elena Bogdanova.

Цена: 2662.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783838273129


Letzte Schicht
Letzte Schicht

Автор: Dominique Manotti

Ein St?dtchen in Lothringen, ein Tal voller stillgelegter Eisenh?tten. Hier arbeitet Rolande Lepetit am Flie?band einer Daewoo-Fabrik, die sich mit EU-Zusch?ssen knapp ?ber Wasser h?lt. Doch die Unf?lle h?ufen sich, die Stimmung ist explosiv. Nach einem weiteren Zwischenfall geht die Belegschaft auf die Barrikaden. Pl?tzlich steht das Werk in Flammen! In Paris wird derweil ?ber die Privatisierung des Elektronik- und R?stungskonzerns Thomson entschieden. Als Matra-Daewoo gr?nes Licht f?r die ?bernahme erh?lt, holt die Konkurrenz zum Gegenschlag aus. Ein Krisenstab soll kompromittierendes Material ausgraben, die j?ngsten Ereignisse in der Daewoo-Fabrik k?nnten sich eignen. Also schickt man Charles Montoya nach Lothringen, einen Privatdetektiv, der mit allen Wassern gewaschen ist … Erpressung, Manipulation, Mord – die Gegner in diesem Mega-Monopoly schrecken vor nichts zur?ck. Lebendige Miniaturen von kleinen Leuten und skrupellosen Machern verbinden sich zu einem handfesten Wirtschaftsthriller, dessen realen Hintergrund die Machenschaften um den Verkauf des franz?sischen Staatskonzerns Thomson bilden.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783867549721


Liquid Crystal Displays
Liquid Crystal Displays

Автор: Ernst Lueder

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119667933


Love is… Желаю счастливой любви
Love is… Желаю счастливой любви

Автор: Группа авторов

Перед вами чудесная книжка-открытка со знаменитыми иллюстрациями «Love is…». Забавные картинки с нежными словами любви станут лучшим подарком на День святого Валентина, 23 февраля, 8 марта, День рождения, свадьбу, годовщину и другие праздники! А еще эту книжку можно подарить в любой день в году – ведь любовь не зависит от времени… Чудесные иллюстрации «Love is…» создадут романтичное настроение и вызовут самые теплые и волшебные воспоминания из детства…

Серия: Love is…

Цена: 99 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-699-77312-1


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