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Love is… Желаю счастливой любви
Love is… Желаю счастливой любви

Автор: Группа авторов

Перед вами чудесная книжка-открытка со знаменитыми иллюстрациями «Love is…». Забавные картинки с нежными словами любви станут лучшим подарком на День святого Валентина, 23 февраля, 8 марта, День рождения, свадьбу, годовщину и другие праздники! А еще эту книжку можно подарить в любой день в году – ведь любовь не зависит от времени… Чудесные иллюстрации «Love is…» создадут романтичное настроение и вызовут самые теплые и волшебные воспоминания из детства…

Серия: Love is…

Цена: 99 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-699-77312-1


Luther – Steckbrief eines ?berzeugungst?ters
Luther – Steckbrief eines ?berzeugungst?ters

Автор: Christoph T?rcke

Auf dem Reichstag zu Worms trotzte Luther Kaiser und Reich und berief sich dabei auf nichts als sein Gewissen und seine Glaubens?berzeugung. Doch diese ?berzeugung gebar auch Ungeheuer. Seine Ausf?lle gegen aufr?hrerische Bauern, gegen Juden und Hexen kamen aus dem Herzen seines Glaubens und zeigen den gnadenlosen Untergrund seiner Gnadenlehre. Gefeiert wird Luther als Wegbereiter moderner Gewissensfreiheit. Aber war seine Reformation nicht eher ein gewissenhafter Durchbruch zu spezifisch neuzeitlichen Gewaltverh?ltnissen? Die Verinnerlichung von Herrschaft aus ?berzeugung ist jedenfalls eine signifikant protestantische Mitgift.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783866744905


Mad Prince - Elite Kings Club, Teil 4 (Ungek?rzt)
Mad Prince - Elite Kings Club, Teil 4 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Amo Jones

Исполнители: Alexander Schwarz

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783966351669


Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right
Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right

Автор: Группа авторов

2019 was a defining year for the radical right globally. From national and supranational elections that witnessed a surge in support for radical right parties to transnationally-inspired terrorist attacks in New Zealand, the USA, and Germany, the radical right is not just on the rise, but becoming an international mainstream phenomenon. The yearbook draws upon insightful analyses from an international network of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners who explore the processes and impact of the radical right. Beginning with reflections on the ideology and then historical perspectives of the radical right, the volume then turns to contemporary manifestations of movements and political parties as well as terrorism and the role of online spaces. It ends by examining various perspectives towards countering and challenging the radical right.
This overview provides a widespread examination of the global radical right in 2019, which will be useful to scholars, students, policy makers, and the public.

Цена: 3057 руб.
ISBN: 9783838274461


Master Kit. Как перестать жить чужой головой
Master Kit. Как перестать жить чужой головой

Автор: Дарья Трутнева

Избавление от чувства вины, жалость к самому себе и своему прошлому, прокрастинация и отсутствие мотивации… Где найти истоки этих проблем и откуда черпать силы, чтобы их преодолеть? Основательница платформы Master Kit Дарья Трутнева знает ответы на эти вопросы. В течение многих лет Дарья специализируется на работе с подсознанием и саморегуляцией и в своей книге «Мастер Кит. Почему мы живем чужой головой?» рассказывает о том, как научиться жить в гармонии со своим внутренним капризным ребенком, перестать оглядываться на прошлое, стремиться только к будущему, выйти из постоянного состояния апатии и отыскать для себя самую лучшую мотивацию. Не секрет, что следование позиции жертвы ― верный способ закрыть дверь, ведущую к исполнению всех ваших желаний. Дарья Трутнева поможет вам с этим справиться, а также распланировать свою жизнь на десятилетия вперед. © Трутнева Дарья, 2022 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2022

Серия: Инстаблог

Исполнители: Вероника Райциз

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-17-140198-6


Master Kit. Как перестать жить чужой головой
Master Kit. Как перестать жить чужой головой

Автор: Дарья Трутнева

Избавление от чувства вины, жалость к самому себе и своему прошлому, прокрастинация и отсутствие мотивации… Где найти истоки этих проблем и откуда черпать силы, чтобы их преодолеть? Основательница платформы Master Kit Дарья Трутнева знает ответы на эти вопросы. В течение многих лет Дарья специализируется на работе с подсознанием и саморегуляцией и в своей книге «Master Kit. Как перестать жить чужой головой» рассказывает о том, как научиться жить в гармонии со своим внутренним капризным ребенком, перестать оглядываться на прошлое, стремиться только к будущему, выйти из постоянного состояния апатии и отыскать для себя самую лучшую мотивацию. Не секрет, что следование позиции жертвы – верный способ закрыть дверь, ведущую к исполнению всех ваших желаний. Дарья Трутнева поможет вам с этим справиться, а также распланировать свою жизнь на десятилетия вперед. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Серия: Инстаблог

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-17-111285-1


Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance
Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance

Автор: Stephen H. Gillespie

Цена: 4024.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781119592143


... meine Seele sterben lassen, damit mein K?rper weiterleben kann
... meine Seele sterben lassen, damit mein K?rper weiterleben kann

Автор: Arshaluys Mardigian

Unmittelbar nachdem sie 1917 den T?rken entkommen ist, beginnt Arshaluys Mardigian als eine der wenigen ?berlebenden des V?lkermords an den Armeniern, von ihren Erfahrungen w?hrend des Genozids zu berichten. Ihr authentischer Augenzeugenbericht wurde seit seiner Erstver?ffentlichung 1918 bereits in zwanzig Sprachen ?bersetzt und 1919 erfolgreich verfilmt; sie selbst spielte in dem Stummfilm die Hauptrolle. Der Leidensweg des M?dchens erscheint nun nach hundert Jahren erstmals auf Deutsch und l?sst uns auch hierzulande, wo eine gr?ndliche historische Aufarbeitung des t?rkischen V?lkermords an den Armeniern nach wie vor aussteht, die Schrecken jener Ereignisse erahnen. Schonungslos und eindringlich erz?hlt Arshaluys Mardigian von ihren Erlebnissen w?hrend der Todesm?rsche, der Gefangenschaft in den H?usern reicher T?rken, den Raubz?gen kurdischer Reiter, den Massakern an ihrem Volk, ihrem sechsmonatigen Umherirren in der Steppe und schlie?lich ihrer Rettung und ?bersiedlung nach Amerika.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783866747722


Membership Essentials. Recruitment, Retention, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources
Membership Essentials. Recruitment, Retention, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources

Автор: Sheri Jacobs

The updated and expanded ASAE guide to membership fundamentals Membership Essentials is the American Society of Association Executives' flagship guide to all aspects of membership development, recruitment, and retention. One of the five core topics for CAE preparation, membership is a fundamental area central to the role of membership director and association leader. This book is a comprehensive exploration of all aspects of membership, from engagement theory, to membership functions, to infrastructure, and much more. This new second edition has been updated with the most current practices, and includes expanded coverage of value proposition, strategic planning, model development, staff leadership, legal considerations, and other important topics that have come to the fore since the book's initial publication. Environmental factors and sustainability, governance, globalization, online communities, and the role of volunteers are discussed in greater depth, alongside foundational concepts that association leaders must understand to fill the role effectively. This book reflects the experience and expertise of thought leaders from a range of associations—small, large, local, regional, national, and global—and represents the ASAE's fundamental body of knowledge on membership topics, and provides an invaluable resource for those preparing for or already in association leadership positions. Engage members more fully in the evolving membership environment Develop models and strategies for relationships, engagement, and affiliation Explore ways in which the web and social media can benefit your membership Examine the implications of globalization and the related relational models The ASAE is comprised of over 21,000 association executives and industry partners from more than 10,000 organizations from around the world. The concepts presented in this book have been proven time and time again, and serve as a global template for membership management. Whether you're preparing for the CAE or striving to provide better association leadership, Membership Essentials is the resource you need at the ready.

Цена: 6758.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118976265


Microaggressions in Everyday Life
Microaggressions in Everyday Life

Автор: Derald Wing Sue

The essential, authoritative guide to microaggressions, revised and updated The revised and updated second edition of Microaggressions in Everyday Life presents an introduction to the concept of microaggressions, classifies the various types of microaggressions, and offers solutions for ending microaggressions at the individual, group, and community levels. The authors—noted experts on the topic—explore the psychological effects of microaggressions on both perpetrators and targets. Subtle racism, sexism, and heterosexism remain relatively invisible and potentially harmful to the wellbeing, self-esteem, and standard of living of many marginalized groups in society. The book examines the manifestations of various forms of microaggressions and explores their impact. The text covers: researching microaggressions, exploring microaggressions in education, identifying best practices teaching about microaggressions, understanding microaggressions in the counseling setting, as well as guidelines for combating microaggressions. Each chapter concludes with a section called «The Way Forward» that provides guidelines, strategies, and interventions designed to help make our society free of microaggressions. This important book: Offers an updated edition of the seminal work on microaggressions Distinguishes between microaggressions and macroaggressions Includes new information on social media as a key site where microaggressions occur Presents updated qualitative and quantitative findings Introduces the concept of microinterventions Contains new coverage throughout the text with fresh examples and new research findings from a wide range of studies Written for students, faculty, and practitioners of psychology, education, social work, and related disciplines, the revised edition of Microaggressions in Everyday Life illustrates the impact microaggressions have on both targets and perpetrators and offers suggestions to eradicate microaggressions.

Цена: 6072.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119513810


Microaggressions in Everyday Life
Microaggressions in Everyday Life

Автор: Derald Wing Sue

Цена: 6072.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119513803


Military Alliances in the Twenty-First Century
Military Alliances in the Twenty-First Century

Автор: Alexander Lanoszka

Alliance politics is a regular headline grabber. When a possible military crisis involving Russia, North Korea, or China rears its head, leaders and citizens alike raise concerns over the willingness of US allies to stand together. As rival powers have tightened their security cooperation, the United States has stepped up demands that its allies increase their defense spending and contribute more to military operations in the Middle East and elsewhere. The prospect of former President Donald Trump unilaterally ending alliances alarmed longstanding partners, even as NATO was welcoming new members into its ranks. Military Alliances in the Twenty-First Century is the first book to explore fully the politics that shape these security arrangements – from their initial formation through the various challenges that test them and, sometimes, lead to their demise. Across six thematic chapters, Alexander Lanoszka challenges conventional wisdom that has dominated our understanding of how military alliances have operated historically and into the present. Although military alliances today may seem uniquely hobbled by their internal difficulties, Lanoszka argues that they are in fact, by their very nature, prone to dysfunction.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781509545582


Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Science
Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Science

Автор: Группа авторов

A comprehensive overview of the current state of this highly relevant topic. An interdisciplinary team of researchers reports on the opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology in the agriculture and food sector, highlighting the scientific, technical, regulatory, safety, and societal impacts. They also discuss the perspectives for the future, and provide insights into ways of assuring safety so as to obtain confidence for the consumer, as well as an overview of the innovations and applications. Essential reading for materials and agricultural scientists, food chemists and technologists, as well as toxicologists and ecotoxicologists.

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527697717


Network Modeling, Simulation and Analysis in MATLAB
Network Modeling, Simulation and Analysis in MATLAB

Автор: Dac-Nhuong Le

Цена: 22763.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119631453


New Human Rights Movement
New Human Rights Movement

Автор: Peter Joseph

Society is broken. We can design our way to a better one.In our interconnected world, self-interest and social-interest are rapidly becoming indistinguishable. If current negative trajectories remain, including growing climate destabilization, biodiversity loss, and economic inequality, an impending future of ecological collapse and societal destabilization will make &quote;personal success&quote; virtually meaningless. Yet our broken social system incentivizes behavior that will only make our problems worse. If true human rights progress is to be achieved today, it is time we dig deeper-rethinking the very foundation of our social system.In this engaging, important work, Peter Joseph, founder of the world's largest grassroots social movement-the Zeitgeist Movement-draws from economics, history, philosophy, and modern public-health research to present a bold case for rethinking activism in the twenty-first century.Arguing against the long-standing narrative of universal scarcity and other pervasive myths that defend the current state of affairs, The New Human Rights Movement illuminates the structural causes of poverty, social oppression, and the ongoing degradation of public health, and it ultimately presents the case for an updated economic approach. Joseph explores the potential of this grand shift and how we can design our way to a world where the human family has become truly sustainable.The New Human Rights Movement reveals the critical importance of a unified activism working to overcome the inherent injustice of our system. This book warns against what is in store if we continue to ignore the flaws of our socioeconomic approach, while also revealing the bright and expansive future possible if we succeed. Will you join the movement?

Исполнители: Peter Joseph

Цена: 2639.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781538438831


Nicht nur M?tter waren schwanger
Nicht nur M?tter waren schwanger

Автор: Группа авторов

"Nicht nur M?tter waren schwanger" vereint pers?nlich geschilderte Erfahrungen mit Schwangerschaft, die im gesamtgesellschaftlichen Diskurs oft ?berh?rt werden: Es geht um unerf?llte und lesbische Kinderw?nsche, um trans-m?nnliche oder alters-untypische Schwangerschaften, genauso wie um Abtreibung und Fehlgeburt, Repro-Medizin, Pr?nataldiagnostik und vieles mehr. Der Sammelband will den einengenden und Druck aus?benden Blick, Schwangerschaft sei f?r die cis-Heteronorm die „nat?rlichste Sache der Welt“, f?r alle anderen hingegen unm?glich, aufweichen, und dabei alternative Visionen entwickeln: f?r mehr Offenheit und Selbstbestimmung im Umgang mit Kinderw?nschen, Schwangerschaft und Eltern-Sein.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783960428077


Nietzsche aus Frankreich
Nietzsche aus Frankreich

Автор: Jacques Derrida

Die hier vereinten Texte der f?hrenden K?pfe des franz?sischen Poststrukturalismus machen mit einer bis heute ungewohnten Herangehensweise an das schwer zu fassende OEuvre Friedrich Nietzsches bekannt. Die Autoren dieser Sammlung stellen insgesamt die Legitimit?t in Frage, Nietzsches Werk nach der Logik des Gegensatzes von Metaphysik und Nicht-Metaphysik, Aufkl?rung und Gegenaufkl?rung, Philosophie und Literatur zu bestimmen. Das Buch l?sst eine Diskussion des »guten« oder »b?sen« Nietzsche hinter sich, stattdessen f?hren die hier versammelten Lekt?ren Denkbewegungen vor, die zeigen, wie fruchtbar Nietzsches Schriften f?r ein Denken der Vielfalt und Differenz zu machen ist und welche Impulse auch heute noch von seinen Schriften ausgehen. Hamachers Sammlung will Nietzsche aus ideologisierenden Festschreibungen l?sen und dazu beitragen, Nietzsche erneut zu lesen.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783863936082


Nondigestible Carbohydrates and Digestive Health
Nondigestible Carbohydrates and Digestive Health

Автор: Paeschke Teresa M

Featuring authors from academia as well as industry, this book provides a broad view of carbohydrates influencing digestive health. Part 1 is a general overview of carbohydrates that function as prebiotics or fermentable carbohydrates. Part 2 is a more in depth examination of specific carbohydrates for digestive health and applications. This book provides an in-depth review and thorough foundation for food scientists, product developers and nutrition scientists seeking to understand the digestive health implications of carbohydrates. Key features: Analyzes the most active fields of research currently performed on nondigestible carbohydrates Focuses on the growing opportunity to deliver digestive health benefits through fibers and other novel carbohydrates Authors include highly recognized researchers from academe and industry experts Explores new possibilities in prebiotics and fermentable carbohydrates

Цена: 26616.44 руб.
ISBN: 9780470958179


On Nostalgia (Unabridged)
On Nostalgia (Unabridged)

Автор: David Berry

Исполнители: Adam Daniel Mezei

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781770566606


Orhan Pamuk: Critical Essays on a Novelist between Worlds
Orhan Pamuk: Critical Essays on a Novelist between Worlds

Автор: Группа авторов

This collection of new essays brings together scholarly examinations of a writer who—despite the prestige that the Nobel Prize has earned him—remains controversial with respect to his place in the literary tradition of his home country. This is in part because the positioning of Turkey itself in relation to the cultural divide between East and West has been the subject of a debate going back to the beginnings of the modern Turkish state and earlier.
The present essays, written mostly by literary scholars, range widely across Pamuk’s novelistic oeuvre, dealing with how the writer, often adding an allegorical level to the personages depicted in his experimental narratives, portrays tensions such as those between Western secularism and traditional Islam and different conceptions of national identity.

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783838270074



Автор: Peter Barnes

We think our wealth today comes from productive corporations and workers, but they merely add icing to a cake baked long ago. In this provocative book, Peter Barnes argues that most of today's wealth is co-inherited from nature and past human efforts, not individually earned. If some of that co-inherited wealth were placed in trust for each of us, living and yet-to-be born – creating what Barnes calls “universal property” – capitalism would be fundamentally transformed. As Barnes notes, capitalism as we know it has two tragic flaws: it relentlessly widens inequality and destroys nature. Both flaws are a result of one-sided property rights that favor capital over everything else. Adding universal property to the current property mix would create a market economy in which businesses prosper, nature’s limits are respected, and a large middle class thrives. This smart and concise book could set the agenda for a post-COVID world.

Цена: 1740.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781509544844


P. F.: Постфактум для девушек, или Как жить после расставания?
P. F.: Постфактум для девушек, или Как жить после расставания?

Автор: Дарья Даринади

В жизни каждой девушки случается момент расставания с любимым. Куда идти, что делать, о чём думать, как жить дальше? Книга, написанная на основе личного опыта автора и анализа ситуаций клиенток, поможет найти себя, посмотреть на жизнь под другим углом, позитивным и многообещающим. Как понять и простить обидчика, как полюбить себя, чем заняться и как побороть депрессию и начать жить заново – ответы на эти животрепещущие вопросы, чаще всего обсуждаемые на консультациях, вы найдёте в книге.

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2023


P. F.: Постфактум для девушек, или Как жить после расставания?
P. F.: Постфактум для девушек, или Как жить после расставания?

Автор: Дарья Даринади

В жизни каждой девушки случается момент расставания с любимым. Куда идти, что делать, о чём думать, как жить дальше? Книга, написанная на основе личного опыта автора и анализа ситуаций клиенток, поможет найти себя, посмотреть на жизнь под другим углом, позитивным и многообещающим. Как понять и простить обидчика, как полюбить себя, чем заняться и как побороть депрессию и начать жить заново – ответы на эти животрепещущие вопросы, чаще всего обсуждаемые на консультациях, вы найдёте в книге.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2023


Pandemic! 2
Pandemic! 2

Автор: Slavoj ?i?ek

What do sex doll sales, locust swarms and a wired-brain pig have to do with the coronavirus pandemic? Everything—according to that “Giant of Lubliana,” the inimitable Slovenian philosopher Slavoj iek. In this exhilarating sequel to his acclaimed Pandemic!: COVID-19 Shakes the World , iek delves into some of the more surprising dimensions of lockdowns, quarantines, and social distancing—and the increasingly unruly opposition to them by “response fatigued” publics around the world. iek examines the ripple effects on the food supply of harvest failures caused by labor shortages and the hyper-exploitation of the global class of care workers, without whose labor daily life would be impossible. Through such examples he pinpoints the inability of contemporary capitalism to safeguard effectively the public in times of crisis. Writing with characteristic daring and zeal, iek ranges across critical theory, pop-culture, and psychoanalysis to reveal the troubling dynamics of knowledge and power emerging in these viral times.

Цена: 2012.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781509549085


Patient Safety
Patient Safety

Автор: Alexander Gungov

In our time of well-publicized health care travails, in the USA and the UK and elsewhere, matters of financing too often subsume the dimension of patient care. In his latest book, Alexander L. Gungov studies a vital but neglected aspect of patient safety. Of the thousands of medical errors committed on a daily basis, in the bulk of unfortunate clinical decisions, a significant share pertains to various logical flows and epistemological fallacies. By focusing on the logical dimensions of clinical medicine, Gungov promotes awareness of the logical and epistemological traps that lie in the day-to-day care of patients.
Such a focus not only allows us to avoid falling into them, but demonstrates the practical value of looking at medicine from a new philosophical perspective. That perspective involves a broad and unusual collection of philosophers. The discussion takes its starting point from J. S. Mill’s inductive methods and Giambattista Vico’s verum-factum principle, but then sets out a unique combination of Charles Sanders Peirce’s abductive reasoning, Immanuel Kant’s reflective judgment, as well as G. W. F. Hegel’s and D. P. Verene’s speculative thinking, all marshalled to present a novel philosophical account of clinical diagnostics. Interpretation of practical examples elucidate the logical aspect of medical errors and suggests strategies of overcoming them. The book as a whole demonstrates the value of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutical insights into the enigmatic character of health.
This much-needed book will be of interest to medical practitioners, health policy-makers, patients and their families, and to advanced students and scholars in medicine, the medical humanities, medical epistemology, and the philosophy of medicine in general.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783838272139



Автор: Stefan Marxer

Hinein in den Wald, ?BER WURZELN UND B?CHE springen, MOOSIGE H?NGE hinaufklettern, sich durch Unterholz und Dickicht schlagen, die FRISCHE WALDLUFT einatmen – und nebenbei noch das EIGENE ESSEN SAMMELN. Das willst du auch? Wir pr?sentieren dir: dein ULTIMATIVES PILZBUCH. Darin steckt alles, was du f?r die PILZJAGD brauchst. NICHT NUR PILZBESTIMMUNG, sondern massenhaft Infos und Tipps dazu, WIE DU DEN PILZEN AUF DIE SPUR KOMMST. Und zwar nicht nur im Sp?tsommer oder Herbst: Hier findest du n?mlich SAMMELTIPPS F?RS GANZE JAHR. Du hast richtig geh?rt: Essbare Pilze lugen zu allen Jahreszeiten aus Waldboden und Baumst?mmen hervor. Stefan Marxer erkl?rt dir ganz genau, wann du Pilze sammeln, wie du Pilze bestimmen und Pilze erkennen kannst, welche Pilze giftig sind, und, ganz klar: wo du sie findest. Es gibt n?mlich einige Anzeichen, die dich auf die RICHTIGE PILZF?HRTE locken – du musst sie nur kennen! Sch?rfe deine Sinne, WERDE ZUM DETEKTIV DES WALDES und schnapp sie dir, bevor sie wieder in Deckung gehen!
HALLO PILZE, WO VERSTECKT IHR EUCH DENN? Im Wald wachsen NICHT NUR STEINPILZE UND PFIFFERLINGE, sondern auch noch viele andere bunte Gesch?pfe, die sich unbedingt sammeln lassen m?chten. Sie warten nur darauf, VON DIR ENTDECKT ZU WERDEN – und in der Pfanne und auf dem Grill ihr EINZIGARTIGES AROMA zu entfalten. Schon einmal etwas vom Frostschneckling geh?rt? Oder vom Prachtbecherling? Es gibt so viele erstaunliche Pilze, die in den heimischen W?ldern lauern. Im Buch findest du Portr?ts von 30 LIEBLINGS-PILZSORTEN, nach denen du das ganze Jahr lang Ausschau halten kannst. Die Frage, ob es schon Pilze gibt, wirst du dir in Zukunft nicht mehr stellen m?sssen. Schultere einfache deine Tasche, wenn dich das SAMMELFIEBER wieder ?berkommt, geh raus, lass alles hinter dir.
AB IN DIE PFANNE! ODER DEN TOPF. ODER DAS EINMACHGLAS. Pilze sammeln – und was dann? Mit vollem Beutel zu Hause angekommen wird nicht gerastet, sondern schnurstracks losgeschnippelt. Wie geht das: PILZE PUTZEN, Pilze waschen, Pilze zubereiten? Hier erf?hrst du's! Und gleich darauf: SCHNEIDEN, BRATEN, GRILLEN, PANIEREN. Oder doch lieber einlegen? Immer eine gute Idee ist es, PILZE ZU TROCKNEN. Mit einem PILZPULVER kannst du jedem Gericht eine kleine Prise Waldgenuss verleihen. Willst du deine Pilze f?r sp?ter aufbewahren, schau dir an, wie du sie RICHTIG EINFRIEREN, LAGERN UND AUFTAUEN kannst. Weitere Kochinspiration findest du in Stefan Marxers LIEBLINGS-PILZREZEPTEN. Dann steht nichts mehr zwischen dir und deinem ABSOLUTEN PILZGENUSS. Es ist ein Gl?cksgef?hl, das man fast nicht toppen kann: DAS EIGENE ESSEN IM WALD UND IN DER NATUR HOLEN. Und es in ein unvergleichliches, kostbares Gericht zu verwandeln.
– VIEL MEHR ALS EIN GEW?HNLICHER SAMMELGUIDE – dein UNSCHLAGBARER PILZBEGLEITER durchs ganze Jahr! Tauch ein in das faszinierende Universum der Pilze, lerne die Pl?tze kennen, an denen sie sich wohlf?hlen, finde raus, wie du deine Lieblingspilze aufsp?rst und erkennst. – Du magst nur Steinpilz und Pfifferling? ENTDECKE DIE BESTEN SPEISEPILZE IN UNSEREN HEIMISCHEN W?LDERN – vom bunten Purpurleistling bis zur korallenartigen Krausen Glucke! – Nach erfolgreicher Pilzsuche: Was nun? Richtig putzen, einlegen und haltbar machen. Oder am besten: frisch grillen, d?nsten oder panieren! SELBST GESAMMELT, SELBST GEMACHT – DAS IST PILZGENUSS!

Исполнители: Максим Суслов

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783706629041


Plat?n en Anfield
Plat?n en Anfield

Автор: Seraf?n S?nchez Cembell?n

Dec?a Bill Shankly, el m?tico entrenador del Liverpool, que el f?tbol no es una cuesti?n de vida o muerte, sino algo mucho m?s importante. ?l sab?a que, en realidad, no se trata solo de jugar o de vivir, sino de c?mo se juega y de c?mo se vive, dos aspectos que para el escoc?s estaban inevitablemente unidos. Este libro parte de la idea de Shankly que enlaza f?tbol y filosof?a a trav?s de la vida; porque en ?ltima instancia, es la vida aquello de lo que prioritariamente ha de ocuparse la filosof?a, una disciplina infinitamente m?s cercana a nosotros de lo que muchos piensan, y que como el f?tbol, tiene todo que ver con lo que somos, con lo que sentimos y con lo que nos pasa. Al final, ya sea en la vida o en un estadio, de lo que se trata es de jugar lo mejor que se pueda, pero siempre con deportividad. Desde la b?squeda socr?tica de la esencia del Atl?tico de Madrid, hasta los fundamentos filos?ficos del f?tbol ingl?s, pasando por un hipot?tico di?logo entre Ep?cteto y Del Bosque, el libro nos promete un apasionante recorrido futbol?stico por las cuestiones filos?ficas claves planteadas por el hombre a lo largo de su historia.

Серия: Logoi

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9788416783175


Politics of Disinformation
Politics of Disinformation

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119743323


Politics of Disinformation
Politics of Disinformation

Автор: Группа авторов

POLITICS OF DISINFORMATION Discover a comprehensive exploration of the underlying theories of disinformation, and their impact, from leading voices in the field Politics of Disinformation delivers a thorough discussion of the overwhelming problem of modern fake news in the political arena. The book reviews fundamental theoretical concepts of disinformation and analyzes the impact of new techniques of misinformation and the dissemination of false information in the public space. A group of distinguished authors provide case studies throughout the text to illustrate the effect of disinformation all around the world; including, but not limited to Europe, the Middle East, and South America. The chapters include examination of topics such as the rise of populism, the increasing political influence of social networks, the use of fact checking to combat fake news and echo chambers, and comparative analyses of how disinformation affects conservatives and liberals. A final case study examines all of these factors as they relate to the recent Spanish election of 2019 and how they affected the results. This book also includes: A thorough introduction to the politics of disinformation and the relationship between disinformation and populism An exploration of the democratic implications of networked persona construction and the likely reaction to disinformation by future journalists Discussions of the third person effect and fake news in Spain, as well as perceptions, views, and definitions of fake news among Israeli conservatives and liberals A treatment of disinformation in campaigns in France, Brazil, and Spain Perfect for use as a reference book for students and scholars of political communication and political science, Politics of Disinformation will also earn a place in the libraries of practicing journalists and students of journalism and media studies, as well as those studying or working in communications.

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119743316


Politischer Kitsch
Politischer Kitsch

Автор: Alexander Grau

Der politische Kitsch hat Hochkonjunktur – in allen politischen Lagern: Betroffenheitsrhetorik, Mahnwachen, Solidarit?tsbekundungen – alles im Namen von Buntheit, Menschlichkeit oder Anst?ndigkeit. Sentimentale Worth?lsen, penetrante Gef?hligkeit, Verkl?rung des Gestern und infantile Inszenierungen bestimmen den ?ffentlichen Diskurs. Die gesellschaftlichen Debatten sind gepr?gt von aggressiver R?hrseligkeit und peinlichen Politritualen. Leerformeln scheinen das bevorzugte Sprachspiel in deutschen Landen. Der Philosoph und Publizist Alexander Grau deckt schonungslos die gesellschaftlichen Ursachen des grassierenden Politkitsches auf und analysiert seine Funktion in den aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783532600429


Position beziehen
Position beziehen

Автор: Heinrich Bedford-Strohm

Welche Werte braucht unser Gemeinwesen? Gibt es Gerechtigkeit in der Wirtschaft? Kann ein vers?hntes Miteinander verschiedener Religionen und Kulturen gelingen? Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, bayerischer Landesbischof, bezieht Position zu gesellschaftlichen Fragen, die uns auf den N?geln brennen.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783532600023


Preventing College Student Suicide. New Directions for Student Services, Number 141
Preventing College Student Suicide. New Directions for Student Services, Number 141

Автор: Robertson Jason

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among college students. Further, one in ten college students has considered suicide in the past year. Experts have called for a comprehensive, systemic approach to campus suicide prevention that addresses both at-risk groups and the general campus population. Since 2005, 138 colleges and universities have received funding under the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act to develop and implement campus suicide prevention programs. This volume highlights successful strategies implemented by grantee campuses. These approaches can serve as models to address student suicide and prevention on other campuses. This is the 141st volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education quarterly series. An indispensable resource for vice presidents of student affairs, deans of students, student counselors, and other student services professionals, New Directions for Student Services offers guidelines and programs for aiding students in their total development: emotional, social, physical, and intellectual.

Цена: 3203.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781118701003


PRO-ЖИВИ. Чувства. Отношения. Любовь
PRO-ЖИВИ. Чувства. Отношения. Любовь

Автор: Вероника Хлебова

Вас мучает чувство, что жизнь проходит, а самое важное еще не сделано? И кажется, что у других жизнь интереснее и ярче? Вы чувствуете себя виноватым по пустякам? А еще хотите разобраться в себе? Научиться понимать других людей? Видеть глубинные мотивы поведения? Узнайте, как общаться с людьми, переживать тяжелые моменты в жизни. Не винить себя по пустякам. И в трудные периоды быть себе и другим опорой. Начните новую жизнь без чувств тревоги и вины, которые так вам мешают.

Серия: Сам себе психолог (Питер)

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-4461-0579-3


Propaganda (Ungek?rzt)
Propaganda (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Edward L. Bernays

Исполнители: Rob Hackemesser

Цена: 1376.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781628616545


Qui pro quo. Интуитивные основы разума
Qui pro quo. Интуитивные основы разума

Автор: А. В. Маслова

Феномен интуиции вызывает большой интерес в современном гуманитарном знании. Философия, психология, культурология, методология научного исследования обращаются к поиску природы интуиции, по-своему играющую роль в каждой из прикладных сфер данных наук. Вопрос о том, какова природа интуиции является необходимым ответом на рост иррациональных веяний сегодня, в связи с открытостью и рисками. Данная книга посвящена обоснованию интуитивной природы разума, который вплоть до XX века считался единственным гарантом истины. Но без интуиции разум не способен совершить научное открытие, сделать выбор, понять другого. Сегодня, в период цифровизации и информатизации общества роль интуиции становится все более значимой. Интуиция является когнитивным феноменом, пронизывающим все сферы жизни человека. Монография будет полезна специалистам в области философии, эпистемологии, психологии, студентам, изучающим философию, психологию, историю медицины, а также всем интересующимся вопросами природы интуиции.

Цена: 255 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-4499-2005-8


Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence
Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence

Автор: Derald Wing Sue

Learn to talk about race openly, honestly, and productively Most people avoid discussion of race-related topics because of the strong emotions and feelings of discomfort that inevitably accompany such conversations. Rather than endure the conflict of racial realities, many people choose instead to avoid the topic altogether, or remain silent when it is raised. Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race puts an end to that dynamic by sharing strategies for smoothing conversations about race in a productive manner. A guide for facilitating and participating in difficult dialogues about race, author Derald Wing Sue – an internationally recognized expert on multiculturalism, diversity, and microaggressions – explores the characteristics, dynamics, and meaning behind discussions about race as well as the hidden «ground rules» that inhibit honest and productive dialogue. Through emotional and visceral examples, this book explains why conversations revolving around racial issues are so difficult, and provides guidelines, techniques, and advice for navigating and leading honest and forthright discussions. Readers will develop a stronger ability to build rapport with people unlike themselves, and discover how not talking about race impacts society as a whole. Overcome and make visible the fears associated with race talk Learn practical ideas for talking openly about race Facilitate and navigate discussion with expert strategy Examine the hidden rules that govern race talk Understand the benefits of successful conversations Discussions about race do not have to result in disastrous consequences, and can in fact be highly beneficial to all parties involved. It's important that people have the ability to converse openly and honestly with their students, colleagues, children, and neighbors, and Race Talk provides the path for achieving this goal.

Цена: 3030.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118959664


Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right
Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right

Автор: Группа авторов

Numerous political commentators have noted the rise of the radical right worldwide. How has the radical right responded to the COVID-19 pandemic? Has the radical right been legitimized in a world of closed borders and greater securitization? Have radical right regimes in power cracked under the strains of the crisis and thus undermined their own political fortunes? Have radical right-wing responses to COVID-19 been uniform or diversified? These are some of the questions tackled in Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right.
This volume gathers a collection of short pieces, which highlight the multi-faceted ways in which right-wing and radical right-wing political forces have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. It presents research by scholars from all around the world concentrating on the evolution of radical right-wing movements since the COVID-19 crisis began and their influence on mainstream and alternative narratives.
The edited volume includes case studies as well as far-reaching reports on the radical right’s utilizing of the crisis to re-shape ideas about sovereignty, globalization, democracy, equality, diversity, and political legitimacy. Such studies comprise cases on gender and class, racism, religious hatred, scapegoating, anti-Semitism and Sinophobia, conspiracy theories, and online radicalization, focusing on locations as diverse as the US, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, France, Spain, Ukraine, Latvia, Israel, and India. All such studies are compiled in a total of six chapters and an epilogue, organized thematically and by country.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783838274881


Running For Local Office For Dummies
Running For Local Office For Dummies

Автор: Dan Gookin

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119588221


Rural Social Work
Rural Social Work

Автор: Группа авторов

A thoughtful text integrating strengths, assets, and capacity-building themes with contemporary issues in rural social work practice Now in its second edition, Rural Social Work is a collection of contributed readings from social work scholars, students, and practitioners presenting a framework for resource building based on the strengths, assets, and capacities of people, a tool essential for working with rural communities. This guide considers methods for social workers to participate in the work of sustaining rural communities. Each chapter features a reading integrating the themes of capacity-building and rural social work; discussion questions that facilitate critical thinking around the chapter; and suggested activities and assignments. Rural Social Work, Second Edition explores: Important practice issues in rural communities, including the challenges of working with stigmatized populations such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people, the homeless, and people living with HIV/AIDS Practice models that hold special promise for rural social workers, including evidence-based practice and community partnership models Newer research tools such as asset mapping, social network analysis, concept mapping, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Exploring how social workers can integrate the tremendous resources that exist in rural communities into their practice, Rural Social Work, Second Edition provides a solid introduction to the complex, challenging, and rewarding work of building and sustaining rural communities.

Цена: 6273.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118673096


S-T-I-K-S. Вальтер
S-T-I-K-S. Вальтер

Автор: Денис Владимиров

Внимание! Аудиозапись содержит нецензурную брань "Вальтер" – фантастический роман Дениса Владимирова по миру Артёма Каменистого «S-T-I-K-S», жанр боевая фантастика. Он должен был умереть, но выжил. При этом узнал тайну, упоминание о которой смертельно опасно. А еще есть наследие «крестного», манящее многих. Аваста Павел «Смертник» Архипов Андрей «Второй Хранитель. Книга 1.» Архипов Андрей «Второй Хранитель. Книга 2. Антагонист» Видина Нелли «Чёрный рейдер» Владимиров Денис «Вальтер» Владимиров Денис «Люгер» Деев Денис «Ночь Грядущая» Дорохов Михаил «Быстрее судьбы» Евстратов Василий «Шатун» Кручинин Сергей «Беглец» Панченко Сергей «Брат во Христе» Сиянов Дмитрий «Скил» Старский Валерий «Змей» Текшин Антон «Окаянный» Уленгов Юрий «Внешник» © Каменистый Артём (Мир S-T-I-K-S, его устройство и терминология) © Владимиров Денис © ИДДК

Серия: Вальтер

Исполнители: Дмитрий Шабров

Цена: 219 руб.


Salud de la Botica del Se?or
Salud de la Botica del Se?or

Автор: Maria Treben

Das Hauptwerk Maria Treben‘s, die „Gesundheit aus der Apotheke Gottes“, ist 1980 im Ennsthaler Verlag erschienen und wurde bisher in 27 Sprachen ?bersetzt. Es werden 31 Heilkr?uter, deren Heilkraft und Anwendungsm?glichkeiten als Tee, aufzulegender Brei, Bad oder Frischsaft ausf?hrlich beschrieben. Maria Treben hat sich als eine der wichtigsten Pioniere der Kr?uterheilkunde ihren Platz in der Geschichte erobert. Viele verehrten sie wie eine Heilige, tats?chlich war sie ein Frau, die sich ein Leben lang mit Heilkr?utern besch?ftigte und ihre Erfahrungen m?glichst vielen Menschen nahe bringen wollte. In all den Jahren hat ihre Popularit?t und die ihrer Werke nie nachgelassen. Ihre B?cher erleben heute durch die fortschreitende Anwendung der Alternativmedizin eine neue und ungebrochene Aktualit?t.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783709500958


Schatten ?ber dem Martinshof - Bibi & Tina - H?rbuch, Folge 1 (Ungek?rzt)
Schatten ?ber dem Martinshof - Bibi & Tina - H?rbuch, Folge 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Vincent Andreas

Исполнители: Sascha Rotermund

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4033694231029



Автор: Stefan Fr?hling

Einsam sitzt er in dem kleinen Turmzimmer. Wieder und wieder liest Luther die Worte des Apostels Paulus im R?merbrief, sucht nach einem Ausweg, der sich doch nicht finden l?sst. Da pl?tzlich d?mmert es ihm, eine Erkenntnis bahnt sich den Weg durch die Dunkelheit, als er zum wiederholten Male die bekannten Worte bewegt: „Der Gerechte wird aus dem Glauben leben …“ Aus dem Glauben? Ohne eigenes Zutun? Manchmal reicht ein einziger Augenblick und nichts ist mehr, wie es war. In „Schicksalsmomente“ versammeln die Erfolgsautoren (Philipp Laubmann-Reihe) Stefan Fr?hling und Andreas Reu? Augenblicke im Leben pr?gender Pers?nlichkeiten, die nicht nur deren Dasein auf den Kopf stellen: Die Wandlung des Saulus zum Paulus, die Br?der Grimm und die Entdeckung der deutschen M?rchen, Sophie Scholl und ihr Entschluss zum Widerstand gegen das Naziregime oder auch Hanns Dieter H?sch und Steve Jobs.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783865065919


Schriften und Traktate
Schriften und Traktate

Автор: Friedrich der Gro?e

Friedrich II., auch Friedrich der Gro?e oder der Alte Fritz genannt war ab 1740 K?nig in und ab 1772 K?nig von Preu?en sowie Kurf?rst von Brandenburg und entstammte dem Adelshaus Hohenzollern. Die von ihm gegen ?sterreich gef?hrten drei Schlesischen Kriege um den Besitz Schlesiens f?hrten zum Deutschen Dualismus. Nach dem letzten dieser Kriege, dem Siebenj?hrigen von 1756 bis 1763, war Preu?en als f?nfte Gro?macht neben Frankreich, Gro?britannien, ?sterreich und Russland in der europ?ischen Pentarchie anerkannt. Dieser Band beinhaltet folgende Schriften: Inhalt: Betrachtungen ?ber die Taktik und einige Fragen des Krieges Betrachtungen ?ber die milit?rischen Talente und den Charakter Karls XII. Die Generalprinzipien des Krieges und ihre Anwendung auf die Taktik und Disziplin der preu?ischen Truppen Denkw?rdigkeiten zur Geschichte des Hauses Brandenburg Der Antimachiavell Ged?chtnisrede auf Knobelsdorff Ged?chtnisrede auf Prinz Heinrich den J?ngeren Ged?chtnisrede auf Stille Kritik der Abhandlung «?ber die Vorurteile» Regierungsformen und Herrscherpflichten Schriften ?ber Religion ?ber die deutsche Literatur Die M?ngel, die man ihr vorwerfen kann, ihre Ursachen und die Mittel zu ihrer Verbesserung ?ber die Erziehung ?ber die Schm?hschriften Der Siebenj?hrige Krieg Geschichte meiner Zeit Mein politisches Verm?chtnis

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783849615000


Se?or del asteroide (Completo)
Se?or del asteroide (Completo)

Автор: Clark Ashton Smith

Исполнители: Estela Frank

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 4066004675695


Seven Essays on Populism
Seven Essays on Populism

Автор: Paula Biglieri

Цена: 6688.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781509547029



Автор: Елена Иосифовна Сумовская

Ясное видение – не эзотерика, не вера и не религия! Матрица Состояний – необходимый каждому элемент жизненной программы душевного благополучия, физического здоровья и финансовой свободы. Бесценный опыт поколений – ключ от вселенной человеческих состояний и мира взаимоотношений для ныне живущих людей! Тайна, зашифрованная в Легенде, сделает из Вас другого человека! На обложке фотография с сайта pixabay. Рисунки и фото в тексте из архива автора.

Цена: 439 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-532-10862-2


Stephen Fry In America
Stephen Fry In America

Автор: Stephen Fry

Исполнители: Dugald Bruce-Lockhart

Цена: 1407.52 руб.
ISBN: 9780007291090



Автор: Urschitz Josef

In ?sterreich w?chst die allgemeine Unzufriedenheit. Ausl?nderfeindlichkeit und Chauvinismus sind wieder salonf?hig, die Menschen suchen nach einfachen L?sungen f?r eine komplexer werdende Welt. Wann haben die Politiker die Bodenhaftung und den Kontakt zu ihren W?hlern verloren? Wie ist ?sterreich „von der ?berholspur auf den Pannenstreifen“ (© Hannes Androsch) geraten? Josef Urschitz zeigt auf, wie der Reformstau unseren Wohlstand bedroht, und benennt Baustellen und Bremser – aber auch Wege aus dem Stillstand.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783990404423


Summary: The Emotional Compass. How to Think Better about Your Feelings. Ilse Sand
Summary: The Emotional Compass. How to Think Better about Your Feelings. Ilse Sand

Автор: Smart Reading

Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Emotional Compass: How to Think Better about Your Feelings” by Ilse Sand. In the book, The Emotional Compass: How to Think Better about Your Feelings, Ilse Sand describes which emotions exist and gives us advice on how to recognize better understand what we are experiencing. Relying on her many years of practical experience, she gives tailor-made advice to people with various temperaments on how to deal with unpleasant emotions and avoid conflict situations, allowing them to live in harmony with their feelings and the people around them. She also stresses the importance of finding the right approach not only to those who have difficulty expressing their emotions, but to ourselves as well.

Серия: Smart Reading. Ценные идеи из лучших книг. Саммари

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2022


Summary: The Innovator’s DNA. Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators. Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen
Summary: The Innovator’s DNA. Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators. Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen

Автор: Smart Reading

Notice: This is a SUMMARY of “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators” by Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton Christensen. The thesis of the book is that each of us has in our DNA what it takes to become an innovator.

Серия: Smart Reading: Саммари на английском языке

Исполнители: Smart Reading

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2022


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