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Introductory Applications of Partial Differential Equations
Introductory Applications of Partial Differential Equations

Автор: G. L. Lamb, Jr

INTRODUCTORY APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS With Emphasis on Wave Propagation and Diffusion This is the ideal text for students and professionals who have some familiarity with partial differential equations, and who now wish to consolidate and expand their knowledge. Unlike most other texts on this topic, it interweaves prior knowledge of mathematics and physics, especially heat conduction and wave motion, into a presentation that demonstrates their interdependence. The result is a superb teaching text that reinforces the reader's understanding of both mathematics and physics. Rather than presenting the mathematics in isolation and out of context, problems in this text are framed to show how partial differential equations can be used to obtain specific information about the physical system being analyzed. Designed for upper-level students, professionals and researchers in engineering, applied mathematics, physics, and optics, Professor Lamb's text is lucid in its presentation and comprehensive in its coverage of all the important topic areas, including: * One-Dimensional Problems * The Laplace Transform Method * Two and Three Dimensions * Green's Functions * Spherical Geometry * Fourier Transform Methods * Perturbation Methods * Generalizations and First Order Equations In addition, this text includes a supplementary chapter of selected topics and handy appendices that review Fourier Series, Laplace Transform, Sturm-Liouville Equations, Bessel Functions, and Legendre Polynomials.

Цена: 21651.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118031087


Introductory Ecology
Introductory Ecology

Автор: Peter Cotgreave

In this age of increasing human domination of the Earth's biological and physical resources, a basic understanding of ecology is more important than ever. Students need a textbook that introduces them to the basic principles of ecological science, one that is relevant to today's world, and one that does not overwhelm them with detail and jargon. Peter Cotgreave and Irwin Forseth have designed this book to meet the needs of these students, by providing a basic synthesis of how individual organisms interact with their physical environment, and with each other, to generate the complex ecosystems we see around us. The unifying theme of the book is biodiversity-its patterns, causes, and the growing worldwide threats to it. Basic ecological principles are illustrated using clearly described examples from the current ecological literature. This approach makes the book valuable to all students studying ecology. Examples have been chosen carefully to represent as wide a range of ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic, northern and southern hemisphere) and life forms (animal, plant and microbe) as possible. Particular attention is paid to consequences of global change on organisms, populations, ecological communities and ecosystems. The end result is a text that presents a readable and persuasive picture of how the Earth's natural systems function, and how that functioning may change over the coming century. Features include: · strong coverage of applied and evolutionary ecology · applications of ecology to the real world · a question-orientated approach · the only comprehensive treatment of ecology written for the introductory student · an emphasis on definitions of key words and phrases · an integration of experimental, observational and theoretical material · examples drawn from all over the world and a wide variety of organisms · a logical structure, building from the response of individual organisms to physical factors, through population growth and population interactions, to community structure and ecosystem function · suggested further reading lists for each chapter · boxes to explain key concepts in more depth · dedicated textsite featuring additional information and teaching aids www.blackwellpublishing.com/cotgreave Peter Cotgreave is an animal ecologist who has worked for the University of Oxford and the Zoological Society of London. His research interests centre on abundance and rarity within animal communities. Irwin Forseth is a plant physiological ecologist who has taught introductory ecology and plant ecology at the University of Maryland since 1982. His research focuses on plant responses to the environment. The authors have studied organisms as diverse as green plants, insects and mammals in habitats from deserts to tropical rainforests. They have worked in ecological research and education in Africa, Asia, North and South America, Europe and the Caribbean.

Цена: 11488.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781444311341


iPad for the Older and Wiser. Get Up and Running Safely and Quickly with the Apple iPad
iPad for the Older and Wiser. Get Up and Running Safely and Quickly with the Apple iPad

Автор: Sean McManus

Easy-to-follow, friendly advice on using the iPad 2 This heavily illustrated, approachable guide for the anyone over 50 provides a solid resource for learning how to use the iPad in everyday situations. Veteran author and technology expert Sean McManus clearly explains how to use the iPad to send e-mails, listen to music, watch movies, and play games. Detailed coverage walks you step by step through setting up and registering your iPad, connecting to the Internet, syncing your iPad to other devices, and much more. The iPad is an ideal companion for making your life easier, and this friendly guide will help you gain a firm understanding of how to get started. Serves as a friendly tutorial for learning how to use the iPad for everyday functions Walks you through connecting to the Internet to browse and shop online, setting up your e-mail to keep in touch with family and friends, and watching movies anywhere at anytime Explains how to sync your iPad to other devices, visit the app store to download apps, play games, organize your photos, and much more This friendly and understandable book gets you up to speed with this highly usable gadget in no time.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119976295


K?nige zum Anfassen
K?nige zum Anfassen

Автор: Annette K?per

Die Autorin dieses Buches lebt seit fast drei?ig Jahren mit Airedale-Terriern zusammen. Ihre Geschichten erz?hlen wahre Begebenheiten, die alle relevanten Themenkreise umfassen: die Welpenzeit, die Erziehung, den Jagd­trieb, den ureigenen Sinn des Airedales f?r Humor, die Vielfalt seiner F?higkeiten, seine Selbstst?ndigkeit, den schon fast sprichw?rtlichen Terrierkopf, die Pflege – und schlie?lich den Charme des alten Hundes und den Abschied von einem treuen Begleiter. King ist der fiktive Hauptakteur in den Geschichten. Stellvertretend f?r viele seiner Rasse zieht er den Leser in seinen Bann und ?berrascht ihn dabei immer wieder aufs Neue. Wie es sich eben f?r einen K?nig geh?rt! Wunderbare Fotos und Composings illustrieren das Buch und machen es zu einem einmaligen Rasseportr?t.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783946424055


Karibik ohne Kannibalen
Karibik ohne Kannibalen

Автор: Walter Laufenberg

Nur Mut! Als die ersten Besucher aus Europa unter Christoph Columbus auf der Insel Hispaniola landeten, trafen sie auf Eingeborene, die sich vor den Bewohnern der Nachbarinsel ?ngstigten, weil die angeblich Menschenfresser waren. Aus der Stammesbezeichnung der gef?rchteten Insulaner entstand das Wort Kannibalen f?r den Schrecken der Karibik. Das war vor rund f?nfhundert Jahren. Also h?chste Zeit, einiges zurecht zu r?cken. Deshalb hat der Autor vor 45 Jahren auf einem russischen Schiff die Karibik erkundet. Und jetzt noch einmal auf einem deutschen Kreuzfahrtschiff. Walter Laufenberg schaut mit den Augen des erfahrenen Weltenbummlers auf die viel ger?hmte westindische Inselwelt. Er schildert seine Eindr?cke als Besucher auf einer ganzen Reihe von Inseln und erz?hlt von den Erlebnissen an Bord der beiden so unterschiedlichen Kreuzfahrtschiffe und von der uns allen gemeinsamen Suche nach dem Gl?ck damals und heute.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783945961629



Автор: Thomas Sajdak

Jede Verkaufssituation ist genauso unterschiedlich wie die Menschen, die an diesem Prozess teilnehmen. Kein Kunde oder Verk?ufer verh?lt sich wie der andere. Erfolg im Vertrieb definiert sich nicht ?ber die eine Technik, die eine Methode oder den einen Trick. Auch wenn erfolgreiche Leute stetig lernen und sich weiterbilden sollten, kommt es neben all dem Wissen auf die pers?nliche Komponente an, die den letzten Feinschliff an Individualit?t gibt – angewendet zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Es ist nicht der Abschluss, der einen erfolgreichen Verk?ufer ausmacht, sondern der «Kundenschwarmeffekt». Spitzenverk?ufer wollen zum Schwarm ihrer Kunden werden. Sie wollen Kunden durch ihr Auftreten und Verhalten begeistern. Durch diese Einstellung erzielen sie herausragenden Verkaufserfolg und werden konstant weiterempfohlen. Wenn Verk?ufer zum Kundenschwarm werden wollen, m?ssen sie sowohl an ihrer Pers?nlichkeit arbeiten als auch ?berlegen, was sie tun k?nnen, um einen Schwarm an Kunden zu bekommen. Genau damit besch?ftigt sich Thomas Sajdak in seinem Buch. Die Leser erfahren, was erfolgreiche Verk?ufer wirklich auszeichnet, 8 Denkmuster von Kundenschw?rmen, die 12 besten Verkaufstechniken und die 6 Strategie-Faktoren, um Erfolg zu reproduzieren. Es wird Zeit f?r eine neue Denkweise und herausragenden Erfolg im Vertrieb!

Цена: 2272.77 руб.
ISBN: 9783527838103


Life in the Open Ocean
Life in the Open Ocean

Автор: Joseph J. Torres

Цена: 11245.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119840305


Linear and Nonlinear Waves
Linear and Nonlinear Waves

Автор: G. Whitham B

Now in an accessible paperback edition, this classic work is just as relevant as when it first appeared in 1974, due to the increased use of nonlinear waves. It covers the behavior of waves in two parts, with the first part addressing hyperbolic waves and the second addressing dispersive waves. The mathematical principles are presented along with examples of specific cases in communications and specific physical fields, including flood waves in rivers, waves in glaciers, traffic flow, sonic booms, blast waves, and ocean waves from storms.

Цена: 22037.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118031209


Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation
Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation

Автор: David B. Lindenmayer

The distinctive relationships between landscape change, habitat fragmentation, and biodiversity conservation are highlighted in this original and useful guide to the theory and practice of ecological landscape design. Using original, ecologically based landscape design principles, the text underscores current thinking in landscape management and conservation. It offers a blend of theoretical and practical information that is illustrated with case studies drawn from across the globe. Key insights by some of the world’s leading experts in landscape ecology and conservation biology make Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation an essential volume for anyone involved in landscape management, natural resource planning, or biodiversity conservation.

Цена: 12918.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780470691601


Manual of Research Techniques in Cardiovascular Medicine
Manual of Research Techniques in Cardiovascular Medicine

Автор: Группа авторов

While some research methods or techniques are applicable in several areas of medicine, research in cardiovascular diseases requires knowledge of an increasing array of procedures, techniques and measurements that are highly specialized and unique to this area of investigation. Edited by senior clinical investigators who are recognized leaders in cardiovascular medicine worldwide, this book provides readers with a comprehensive, practical “how-to-do-it” review of best-practice techniques for cardiovascular research.

Цена: 15317.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781118495162


Marine Ecology. Concepts and Applications
Marine Ecology. Concepts and Applications

Автор: Speight Martin R

This book began life as a series of lectures given to second and third year undergraduates at Oxford University. These lectures were designed to give students insights as to how marine ecosystems functioned, how they were being affected by natural and human interventions, and how we might be able to conserve them and manage them sustainably for the good of people, both recreationally and economically. This book presents 10 chapters, beginning with principles of oceanography important to ecology, through discussions of the magnitude of marine biodiversity and the factors influencing it, the functioning of marine ecosystems at within trophic levels such as primary production, competition and dispersal, to different trophic level interactions such as herbivory, predation and parasitism. The final three chapters look at the more applied aspects of marine ecology, discussion fisheries, human impacts, and management and conservation. Other textbooks covering similar topics tend to treat the topics from the point of view of separate ecosystems, with chapters on reefs, rocks and deep sea. This book however is topic driven as described above, and each chapter makes full use of examples from all appropriate marine ecosystems. The book is illustrated throughout with many full colour diagrams and high quality photographs. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students at colleges and universities, and it is hoped that the many examples from all over the world will provide global relevance and interest. Both authors have long experience of research and teaching in marine ecology. Martin Speight’s first degree was in marine zoology at UCNW Bangor, and he has taught marine ecology and conservation at Oxford for 25 years. His research students study tropical marine ecology from the Caribbean through East Africa to the Far East. Peter Henderson is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Oxford, and is Director of Pisces Conservation in the UK. He has worked on marine and freshwater fisheries, as well as ecological and economic impacts and exploitation of the sea in North and South America as well as Europe.

Цена: 11040.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781444323245


Marine Fisheries Ecology
Marine Fisheries Ecology

Автор: Simon Jennings

This topical and exciting textbook describes fisheries exploitation, biology, conservation and management, and reflects many recent and important changes in fisheries science. These include growing concerns about the environmental impacts of fisheries, the role of ecological interactions in determining population dynamics, and the incorporation of uncertainty and precautionary principles into management advice. The book draws upon examples from tropical, temperate and polar environments, and provides readers with a broad understanding of the biological, economic and social aspects of fisheries ecology and the interplay between them. As well as covering 'classical' fisheries science, the book focuses on contemporary issues such as industrial fishing, poverty and conflict in fishing communities, marine reserves, the effects of fishing on coral reefs and by-catches of mammals, seabirds and reptiles. The book is primarily written for students of fisheries science and marine ecology, but should also appeal to practicing fisheries scientists and those interested in conservation and the impacts of humans on the marine environment. particularly useful are the modelling chapters which explain the difficult maths involved in a user-friendly manner describes fisheries exploitation, conservation and management in tropical, temperate and polar environments broad coverage of 'clasical' fisheries science emphasis on new approaches to fisheries science and the ecosystem effects of fishing examples based on the latest research and drawn from authors' international experience comprehensively referenced throughout extensively illustrated with photographs and line drawings

Цена: 13581.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781444311358


Megatrends in Food and Agriculture
Megatrends in Food and Agriculture

Автор: Helmut Traitler

Highlights and examines the growing convergence between the food and agricultural industries—the technological, environmental, and consumer-related drivers of this change, and the potential outcomes This is the first book of its kind to connect food and the food industry with agriculture, water resources, and water management in a detailed and thorough way. It brings together a small community of expert authors to address the future of the food industry, agriculture (both for plants and animals), and water—and its role in a world of increasing demands on resources. The book begins by highlighting the role of agriculture in today's food industry from a historical perspective—showing how it has grown over the years. It goes on to examine water management; new ways of plant breeding not only based on genetic modification pathways; and the attention between major crops (soy, corn, wheat) and so-called «orphan crops» (coffee, cocoa, tropical fruits). The book then turns towards the future of the food industry and analyzes major food trends, the new food, and «enough» food; discusses possible new business models for the future food industry; and analyzes the impact that the «internet of everything» will have on agriculture and the food industry. Finally, Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition offers scenarios about how agriculture, food, and the food industry might undergo some radical transformations. Assesses the evolution of food production and how we arrived at today's landscape Focuses on key areas of change, driven by both innovation and challenges such as new technologies, the demand for better nutrition, and the management of dwindling resources Highlights the role of better-informed consumers who demand transparency and accountability from producers Is written by industry insiders and academic experts Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition is an important resource for food and agriculture industry professionals, including scientists and technicians as well as decision makers, in management, marketing, sales, and regulatory areas, as well as related NGOs.

Цена: 12512.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119391166



Автор: Emanuele Coccia

Цена: 6688.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781509547685


Mixed Breeds For Dummies
Mixed Breeds For Dummies

Автор: Miriam Fields-Babineau

Understand your mixed-breed dog Discover tips and tricks for the most effective training techniques Share your life with your new mixed-breed companion Own a classy dog—no pedigree required All dogs are unique—but mixed breeds are even more so! This friendly guide helps you count the ways, including why they often enjoy better health than their pedigreed counterparts and the reasons they can make better domestic companions. Whether you prefer mystery mixes or designer Labradoodles, a rescue from a shelter or a pup from a breeder—or you just want to know more about your dog—you'll find everything you need to properly choose, train, and care for your not-quite-best-in-show (but much-loved) best friend. This book will ensure you and your mixed-breed pal will live happily and healthily ever after. Inside… Decide which mix is the one for you Understand your pooch's temperament Establish discipline and overcome common training challenges Groom and exercise your dog the right way

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119711445


Modern Computational Finance. AAD and Parallel Simulations
Modern Computational Finance. AAD and Parallel Simulations

Автор: Antoine Savine

Arguably the strongest addition to numerical finance of the past decade, Algorithmic Adjoint Differentiation (AAD) is the technology implemented in modern financial software to produce thousands of accurate risk sensitivities, within seconds, on light hardware. AAD recently became a centerpiece of modern financial systems and a key skill for all quantitative analysts, developers, risk professionals or anyone involved with derivatives. It is increasingly taught in Masters and PhD programs in finance. Danske Bank's wide scale implementation of AAD in its production and regulatory systems won the In-House System of the Year 2015 Risk award. The Modern Computational Finance books, written by three of the very people who designed Danske Bank's systems, offer a unique insight into the modern implementation of financial models. The volumes combine financial modelling, mathematics and programming to resolve real life financial problems and produce effective derivatives software. This volume is a complete, self-contained learning reference for AAD, and its application in finance. AAD is explained in deep detail throughout chapters that gently lead readers from the theoretical foundations to the most delicate areas of an efficient implementation, such as memory management, parallel implementation and acceleration with expression templates. The book comes with professional source code in C++, including an efficient, up to date implementation of AAD and a generic parallel simulation library. Modern C++, high performance parallel programming and interfacing C++ with Excel are also covered. The book builds the code step-by-step, while the code illustrates the concepts and notions developed in the book.

Цена: 12592.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119539544


Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosis and Therapy
Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosis and Therapy

Автор: Stankiewicz James M

Multiple Sclerosis: a complex disease requiring sophisticated management Multiple Sclerosis poses labyrinthine challenges. There is no blood test to rely on for diagnosis; clinical acumen is essential. Yet an effective diagnosis only takes you part of the way: treatment offers further enigmas. The MS treatment landscape is complicated, and will become even more so with time. Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Therapy is the map you need to navigate this maze. Written and edited by leaders in the field, it guides you towards effective and positive choices for your patients. The diagnosis section provides state-of-the-art thinking about pathogenesis. With clear coverage of biomarkers, genetics, and imaging, it presents a coherent framework for making the correct diagnosis. The management section comprehensively covers current and future treatments to steer you through the many options for • Symptom management • Cognitive dysfunction • Depression and other mental health issues ‘Top Tips’ throughout provide the practical guidance you need for the best management of your patients. Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Therapy should be on the bookshelf of anyone who treats patients with multiple sclerosis.

Цена: 12150.18 руб.
ISBN: 9781119963684


Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for PhD Students, Postdocs, and New Faculty
Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for PhD Students, Postdocs, and New Faculty

Автор: Jeffrey J. McDonnell

Demystifies the academic career path with practical advice With the number of people being awarded PhDs growing far more rapidly than the supply of academic jobs, those at an early-career stage must think strategically in order to be competitive and successful. Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for PhD students, Post docs, and New Faculty is a concise and conversational manual that guides readers through starting their academic journey, surviving the demands of their first academic position, and thriving in academia and beyond. Volume highlights include: Firsthand perspective on the characteristics of a successful academic Guidance on interviewing, negotiating, branding, and other essential soft skills Tips for effective time management and writing high-impact research papers Insights into developing leadership skills and mentoring others The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Цена: 3030.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781119642213


ORCAS Supremac?a en el mar
ORCAS Supremac?a en el mar

Автор: Orcaman

9.000 a?os atr?s, un desconocido poblador de Noruega septentrional grababa sobre unas rocas costeras la que se conoce como la m?s antigua imagen de un cet?ceo, representando una orca. Seguramente, desde mucho antes las orcas atrajeron la atenci?n e imaginaci?n de los hombres relacionados al mar, generando distintas opiniones y leyendas. Hacia fines de 1974 siete orcas atrajeron la atenci?n de Juan Carlos L?pez, en ese entonces uno de los guardafaunas de Punta Norte, Pen?nsula Vald?s. Ese d?a marc? para siempre un camino que no tiene fin en la vida de Juan Carlos, dio el paso pionero en la investigaci?n de orcas en estado silvestre en Argentina, luchando hasta cambiar el mal concepto que se ten?a en nuestro pa?s sobre la llamada «ballena asesina». Logrando que el 16 de enero de cada a?o, las orcas tengan su d?a en Argentina. Juan Carlos durante m?s de una d?cada observ? la conducta de las orcas identificando los ejemplares que compusieron el 1° cat?logo de orcas de Patagonia, con los primeros nombres propios, como nuevos integrantes de su propio grupo familiar. En esta reedici?n de su libro, nos trasmite sus vivencias y emociones cuando observa la actividad de las orcas desde la costa, cuando era seguido por ?stas en sus patrullajes por la playa y cuando en el fondo del mar buceaba con ellas, mientras intentaban capturar lobos marinos para alimentarse, siendo aceptado como un integrante m?s del grupo. Nos traslada en un viaje emocionante entre historias de buceadores, relatos de quienes tuvieron experiencias con orcas y otros cet?ceos, leyendas de abor?genes y acciones incre?bles cuando depredador y presa se encuentran frente a frente y cuando las orcas se encuentran con hombres que las capturan y someten a la muerte y el cautiverio. En definitiva, nos muestra su familia orca.

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9789878712345


Oxidative Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems
Oxidative Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems

Автор: Группа авторов

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are increasingly appreciated as down-stream effectors of cellular damage and dysfunction under natural and anthropogenic stress scenarios in aquatic systems. This comprehensive volume describes oxidative stress phenomena in different climatic zones and groups of organisms, taking into account specific habitat conditions and how they affect susceptibility to ROS damage. A comprehensive and detailed methods section is included which supplies complete protocols for analyzing ROS production, oxidative damage, and antioxidant systems. Methods are also evaluated with respect to applicability and constraints for different types of research. The authors are all internationally recognized experts in particular fields of oxidative stress research. This comprehensive reference volume is essential for students, researchers, and technicians in the field of ROS research, and also contains information useful for veterinarians, environmental health professionals, and decision makers.

Цена: 15992.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781444345957


Painless Evidence-Based Medicine
Painless Evidence-Based Medicine

Автор: Группа авторов

This updated edition of Painless Evidence-Based Medicine presents basic concepts and application of research statistics in simple and practical manner creating an introductory approach to the complex and technical subject of evidence-based medicine from experienced teachers. A simplified introductory approach to the complex and technical subject of evidence-based medicine from experienced teachers Approaches learning from the vantage point of clinical questions on therapy, diagnosis, prognosis or harm rather than the framework of study designs Provides tables and boxed case studies throughout highlighting key topics, or difficult issues, in an easy to read manner Emphasizes applicability of EBM, encouraging readers to dissect the evidence and how results can be applied to individual patients with different circumstances, varying values and preferences New to the Second Edition are chapters on health screening, clinical practice guidelines, and major updates incorporating recommended trial criteria

Цена: 5320.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781119196266


Parakeets For Dummies
Parakeets For Dummies

Автор: Nikki Moustaki

Цена: 1272.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119755296


Parrots For Dummies
Parrots For Dummies

Автор: Nikki Moustaki

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119753681


Pit Bulls For Dummies
Pit Bulls For Dummies

Автор: D. Caroline Coile

The good, the bad, and the snugly about your new best friend No breed of dog is the subject of more extreme feelings—both good and bad—than the Pit Bull. Man-eating monster or heroic nanny-dog: What's the real story? Are Pit Bulls the very best breed for kids? (Not always.) Is it all in how you raise them? (Not totally). Will they lick you to death? (Absolutely!) In the fully updated 2nd Edition of Pit Bulls For Dummies , Dr. Caroline Coile—Dog Writer's Association of America Hall of Famer and former Pit Bull owner—sniffs out the reality behind the myth, rips through the dogma that both vilifies and sanctifies this unique family of dogs, helps you find the best source for your new family member, and shows you the latest and greatest ways to raise, train, and live with your own partying Pit Bull and reap the rewards of happy canine companionship for years to come. Understand your Pit Bull’s origins and characteristics Decide if a Pit Bull is for you Evaluate Pit Bull sources, whether adopting, rescuing, or buying Care for all ages, from puppies to older dogs Deal with bad behavior Socialize your new dog Follow the advice in this book and help show the world that well-brought-up Pit Bulls are some of the most charming, companionable, and fun-to-be-around dogs out there—enjoy!

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119720812


Population Parameters
Population Parameters

Автор: Hamish McCallum

Ecologists and environmental managers rely on mathematical models, both to understand ecological systems and to predict future system behavior. In turn, models rely on appropriate estimates of their parameters. This book brings together a diverse and scattered literature, to provide clear guidance on how to estimate parameters for models of animal populations. It is not a recipe book of statistical procedures. Instead, it concentrates on how to select the best approach to parameter estimation for a particular problem, and how to ensure that the quality estimated is the appropriate one for the specific purpose of the modelling exercise. Commencing with a toolbox of useful generic approaches to parameter estimation, the book deals with methods for estimating parameters for single populations. These parameters include population size, birth and death rates, and the population growth rate. For such parameters, rigorous statistical theory has been developed, and software is readily available. The problem is to select the optimal sampling design and method of analysis. The second part of the book deals with parameters that describe spatial dynamics, and ecological interactions such as competition, predation and parasitism. Here the principle problems are designing appropriate experiments and ensuring that the quantities measured by the experiments are relevant to the ecological models in which they will be used. This book will be essential reading for ecological researchers, postgraduate students and environmental managers who need to address an ecological problem through a population model. It is accessible to anyone with an understanding of basic statistical methods and population ecology. Unique in concentrating on parameter estimation within modelling. Fills a glaring gap in the literature. Not too technical, so suitable for the statistically inept. Methods explained in algebra, but also in worked examples using commonly available computer packages (SAS, GLIM, and some more specialised packages where relvant). Some spreadsheet based examples also included.

Цена: 20104.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780470757420


Practical Residual Stress Measurement Methods
Practical Residual Stress Measurement Methods

Автор: Группа авторов

An introductory and intermediate level handbook written in pragmatic style to explain residual stresses and to provide straightforward guidance about practical measurement methods. Residual stresses play major roles in engineering structures, with highly beneficial effects when designed well, and catastrophic effects when ignored. With ever-increasing concern for product performance and reliability, there is an urgent need for a renewed assessment of traditional and modern measurement techniques. Success critically depends on being able to make the most practical and effective choice of measurement method for a given application. Practical Residual Stress Measurement Methods provides the reader with the information needed to understand key residual stress concepts and to make informed technical decisions about optimal choice of measurement technique. Each chapter, written by invited specialists, follows a focused and pragmatic format, with subsections describing the measurement principle, residual stress evaluation, practical measurement procedures, example applications, references and further reading. The chapter authors represent both international academia and industry. Each of them brings to their writing substantial hands-on experience and expertise in their chosen field. Fully illustrated throughout, the book provides a much-needed practical approach to residual stress measurements. The material presented is essential reading for industrial practitioners, academic researchers and interested students. Key features: • Presents an overview of the principal residual stress measurement methods, both destructive and non-destructive, with coverage of new techniques and modern enhancements of established techniques • Includes stand-alone chapters, each with its own figures, tables and list of references, and written by an invited team of international specialists

Цена: 14909.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118402818


Protein Kinase CK2
Protein Kinase CK2

Автор: Lorenzo Pinna A

Protein kinases play a critical role in cellular processes that impact overall organismal health and function. Of the kinases that collectively make up the Human Kinome, CK2 has garnered special attention because of its significant role in the generation of the human phosphoproteome. The role CK2 plays in the development of cancer and other disease has also made it of significant interest for its potential role in future therapeutics. Protein Kinase CK2 comprehensively brings together the varied work being done on this critical enzyme. Protein Kinase CK2 is logically divided into three sections. The first section reviews key molecular and structural aspects of the enzyme. The second section looks at functional aspects of CK2 and the diverse roles it plays in cellular development, function, and health. The final section focuses on CK2 and cancer, looking at the impacts of the kinase on neoplastic development and its rapidly developing role as a therapeutic agent. With contributions from the world’s leading experts in the field, Protein Kinase CK2 will serve as an invaluable guide to the expanding and vibrant body of research being performed on this enzyme. This will be an essential volume for anyone working in the fields of biochemistry, protein science, signal transduction, metabolic regulation, and cancer biology and therapeutics. Editor Lorenzo A. Pinna is Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Padua, Padua, Italy. Also Published in the Wiley-IUBMB Series on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Plant Phenolics and Human Health: Biochemistry, Nutrition, and Pharmacology Edited by Cesar G. Fraga ISBN: 978-0-470-28721-7

Цена: 23081.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118482384


Public History
Public History

Автор: Jennifer Lisa Koslow

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119146780


Puppies For Dummies
Puppies For Dummies

Автор: Sarah Hodgson

Цена: 1795.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119558484


Saltwater Aquariums For Dummies
Saltwater Aquariums For Dummies

Автор: Gregory Skomal

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119612759


Sampling and Estimation from Finite Populations
Sampling and Estimation from Finite Populations

Автор: Yves Tille

A much-needed reference on survey sampling and its applications that presents the latest advances in the field Seeking to show that sampling theory is a living discipline with a very broad scope, this book examines the modern development of the theory of survey sampling and the foundations of survey sampling. It offers readers a critical approach to the subject and discusses putting theory into practice. It also explores the treatment of non-sampling errors featuring a range of topics from the problems of coverage to the treatment of non-response. In addition, the book includes real examples, applications, and a large set of exercises with solutions. Sampling and Estimation from Finite Populations begins with a look at the history of survey sampling. It then offers chapters on: population, sample, and estimation; simple and systematic designs; stratification; sampling with unequal probabilities; balanced sampling; cluster and two-stage sampling; and other topics on sampling, such as spatial sampling, coordination in repeated surveys, and multiple survey frames. The book also includes sections on: post-stratification and calibration on marginal totals; calibration estimation; estimation of complex parameters; variance estimation by linearization; and much more. Provides an up-to-date review of the theory of sampling Discusses the foundation of inference in survey sampling, in particular, the model-based and design-based frameworks Reviews the problems of application of the theory into practice Also deals with the treatment of non sampling errors Sampling and Estimation from Finite Populations is an excellent book for methodologists and researchers in survey agencies and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in social science, statistics, and survey courses.

Цена: 9700.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781119071273


Scaling Leadership
Scaling Leadership

Автор: Robert J. Anderson

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119538271


Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence
Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence

Автор: Pearce-Smith Nicola

Searching Skills Toolkit is an expert guide to help you find the clinical evidence you need more easily and effectively. Clearly presented with useful tips and advice, flow charts, diagrams and real-life clinical scenarios, it shows the best methods for finding quality evidence. From deciding where to start, to building a search strategy, refining results and critical appraisal, it is a step-by-step guide to the process of finding healthcare evidence, and is designed for use by all health and social care professionals. This second edition has been expanded with new chapters on searching for sources to support evidence-based management decision making and how to better enable your patients to make informed choices. It has also been fully updated to include new web sources, open source reference management software, and new training resources and exercises. Searching Skills Toolkit is an ideal reference for doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, managers and decision makers, researchers and students.

Цена: 3750.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781118463123


Sein letzter Zug
Sein letzter Zug

Автор: Eckart zur Nieden

Jens Kaltenbacher hat sein Leben satt: Familie weg, Job weg, Wohnung weg. Als er sich von einem Bauger?st st?rzen will, kommt er dem Einbrecher Karl Aumann in die Quere. Eine Partie Schach soll ?ber Leben und Tod entscheiden. Kann Karl den lebensm?den Jens retten? Was beide nicht ahnen: Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass sich die Wege ihrer Familien kreuzen. In f?nf spannenden R?ckblicken erz?hlt Eckart zur Nieden vom Schicksal der Familienmitglieder im Laufe der Geschichte: Angefangen bei den Pestseuchen im 14. Jahrhundert ?ber die Reformation und den 30-j?hrigen Krieg bis in die Gegenwart.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783865068224


Signal Theory Methods in Multispectral Remote Sensing
Signal Theory Methods in Multispectral Remote Sensing

Автор: Группа авторов

An outgrowth of the author's extensive experience teaching senior and graduate level students, this is both a thorough introduction and a solid professional reference. * Material covered has been developed based on a 35-year research program associated with such systems as the Landsat satellite program and later satellite and aircraft programs. * Covers existing aircraft and satellite programs and several future programs *An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.

Цена: 26064.11 руб.
ISBN: 9780471721253


Singapur – oder t?dliche Tropen
Singapur – oder t?dliche Tropen

Автор: Volker Schult

1899. Das deutsche Kanonenboot Iltis unter Kapit?n Kurz ist auf dem Weg nach Tsingtau in China. Sein Geheimauftrag, der Deutschland und England in einen Krieg st?rzen kann, f?hrt ihn auf die malaiische Halbinsel und nach Singapur. Dort ger?t er in eine Welt voller Exotik und Erotik, aber auch voller Geheimnisse und Gefahren. Die Engl?nder wollen um jeden Preis an den Geheimplan kommen, ein Chinesenclan will die Familienehre s?hnen, eine junge Frau erf?hrt eine kurze Liebe. Im Strudel dieser dramatischen Ereignisse muss Wilhelm Kurz um sein Leben k?mpfen. – Volker Schult, 1960 geboren, studierte Englisch und Geschichte. Er promovierte in S?dostasienwissenschaften und war an verschiedenen deutschen Auslandsschulen als Lehrer und Schulleiter t?tig. Schult ver?ffentlichte zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Publikationen. Zuletzt erschien 2016 im Engelsdorfer Verlag (zusammen mit B. Siever und I. Claussen) der historische Roman »T?dlicher Orient«.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783961450244


Small Area Estimation
Small Area Estimation

Автор: Molina Isabel

Praise for the First Edition «This pioneering work, in which Rao provides a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of small area estimation, will become a classic…I believe that it has the potential to turn small area estimation…into a larger area of importance to both researchers and practitioners.» —Journal of the American Statistical Association Written by two experts in the field, Small Area Estimation, Second Edition provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the methods and theory of small area estimation (SAE), particularly indirect estimation based on explicit small area linking models. The model-based approach to small area estimation offers several advantages including increased precision, the derivation of «optimal» estimates and associated measures of variability under an assumed model, and the validation of models from the sample data. Emphasizing real data throughout, the Second Edition maintains a self-contained account of crucial theoretical and methodological developments in the field of SAE. The new edition provides extensive accounts of new and updated research, which often involves complex theory to handle model misspecifications and other complexities. Including information on survey design issues and traditional methods employing indirect estimates based on implicit linking models, Small Area Estimation, Second Edition also features: Additional sections describing the use of R code data sets for readers to use when replicating applications Numerous examples of SAE applications throughout each chapter, including recent applications in U.S. Federal programs New topical coverage on extended design issues, synthetic estimation, further refinements and solutions to the Fay-Herriot area level model, basic unit level models, and spatial and time series models A discussion of the advantages and limitations of various SAE methods for model selection from data as well as comparisons of estimates derived from models to reliable values obtained from external sources, such as previous census or administrative data Small Area Estimation, Second Edition is an excellent reference for practicing statisticians and survey methodologists as well as practitioners interested in learning SAE methods. The Second Edition is also an ideal textbook for graduate-level courses in SAE and reliable small area statistics.

Цена: 12151.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781118735794


Social Security For Dummies
Social Security For Dummies

Автор: Jonathan Peterson

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119689966


Sociobiology of Caviomorph Rodents
Sociobiology of Caviomorph Rodents

Автор: Группа авторов

Fully integrative approach to the socibiology of caviomorph rodents Brings together research on social systems with that on epigenetic, neurendocrine and developmental mechanisms of social behavior Describes the social systems of many previously understudied caviomorph species, identifying the fitness costs and benefits of social living in current day populations as well as quantified evolutionary patterns or trends Highlights potential parallels and differences with other animal models

Цена: 12512.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118846513


Solutions Manual to accompany An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis
Solutions Manual to accompany An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis

Автор: James F. Epperson

Цена: 3243.44 руб.
ISBN: 9781119604587


Species Conservation in Managed Habitats
Species Conservation in Managed Habitats

Автор: Werner Kunz

Written by an author with longstanding experience in the ecology of insects and birds and with a stellar academic record in molecular life sciences, this is a welcome challenge to the widely held beliefs in conventional environmental policies. Werner Kunz convincingly explains why maintaining high biodiversity in Europe depends heavily on the existence of open space and sparse ground vegetation that is neither used for intensive modern agriculture, nor eliminated by reforestation. He questions the commonly propagated opinion that nature conservation is equivalent to species protection – and shows that technical habitat design can rescue endangered species. A must-have for environmental agencies, policy makers, ecologists and all who are witnessing the current loss of species in Central Europe.

Цена: 8700.45 руб.
ISBN: 9783527688869


Spectrum Sharing
Spectrum Sharing

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 15737.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119551478


Statistics for Terrified Biologists
Statistics for Terrified Biologists

Автор: Helmut Emden van

“We highly recommend it—not just for statistically terrified biology students and faculty, but also for those who are occasionally anxious or uncertain. In addition to being a good starting point to learn statistics, it is a useful place to return to refresh your memory.” –The Quarterly Review of Biology, March 2009 «During the entire course of my Ph.D. I've been (embarrasingly) looking for a way to teach myself the fundamentals of statistical analysis. At this point in my education, I've come to realize that often times, simply knowing the basics is enough for you to properly apply even the most complex analytical methods. ‘Statistics for Terrified Biologists’ has been just such a book – it was more than worth the $40 I spent on it, and while my 'book clubs' aren't meant to be reviews, I highly recommend the book to anyone who's in a similar predicament to my own.» –Carlo Artieri's Blog Book Club The typical biology student is “hardwired” to be wary of any tasks involving the application of mathematics and statistical analyses, but the plain fact is much of biology requires interpretation of experimental data through the use of statistical methods. This unique textbook aims to demystify statistical formulae for the average biology student. Written in a lively and engaging style, Statistics for Terrified Biologists draws on the author’s 30 years of lecturing experience. One of the foremost entomologists of his generation, van Emden has an extensive track record for successfully teaching statistical methods to even the most guarded of biology students. For the first time basic methods are presented using straightforward, jargon-free language. Students are taught to use simple formulae accurately to interpret what is being measured with each test and statistic, while at the same time learning to recognize overall patterns and guiding principles. Complemented by simple illustrations and useful case studies, this is an ideal statistics resource tool for undergraduate biology and environmental science students who lack confidence in their mathematical abilities.

Цена: 5296.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781444300390



Автор: Barrett Kevin M

Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death Early and rapid diagnosis of stroke is essential for identifying the optimum treatment strategy. Recurrence can be prevented if the underlying mechanism is understood. The earlier appropriate rehabilitation programmes can be started, the better the chance of a strong recovery. Stroke provides the foundations for practice that will enhance your patient’s chances of recovery. The expert authors provide the evidence-based roadmap you need to provide the best bedside care including: Bedside evaluation of the stroke patient Neurovascular imaging Treatment of acute ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke Diagnosis of stroke mechanism and secondary prevention Post stroke recovery Telemedicine for the acute stroke patient Clinical in approach, practical in execution, Stroke will help you diagnose and manage your patients more effectively.

Цена: 10378.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118560419


Studying Captive Animals. A Workbook of Methods in Behaviour, Welfare and Ecology
Studying Captive Animals. A Workbook of Methods in Behaviour, Welfare and Ecology

Автор: Paul Rees A

Studying Captive Animals outlines the methods that may be used to study the behaviour, welfare and ecology of animals living under the control of humans, including companion animals, feral populations, and those living on farms and in zoos. This book is a step-by-step guide to the whole process of conducting a scientific study: from designing the original project, formulating testable hypotheses, and collecting and analysing the data, to drawing conclusions from the work and writing it up as a scientific report or paper. It also illustrates how to write a formal research proposal – a crucial and often difficult element of the student project – and how to deal with the ethical review process. Sample data collection sheets are provided and the analysis and presentation of data are worked through in diagrammatic form. In addition, exercises are included that enable the reader to practice analysing different types of data and advice is provided on the selection of appropriate statistical tests. The text describes the different types of student projects that may be undertaken in the field, and explains where secondary data may be found for zoos. This is an insightful resource, particularly for those studying and working with zoo and farm animals. It is essential reading for students studying zoo biology and animal management; it is also suitable for students on courses in animal behaviour, animal welfare, zoology, biology, psychology, animal science, animal production, animal ecology, conservation biology, and veterinary science. This book is primarily intended for undergraduates but will also be of value to postgraduate students who have not previously engaged in field studies. Professionals working in institutions that are members of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria and other regional and national zoo organisations will benefit from access to this practical guide.

Цена: 16564.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118629321


Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry. Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics
Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry. Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics

Автор: Hedley Rees

This book bridges the gap between practitioners of supply-chain management and pharmaceutical industry experts. It aims to help both these groups understand the different worlds they live in and how to jointly contribute to meaningful improvements in supply-chains within the globally important pharmaceutical sector. Scientific and technical staff must work closely with supply-chain practitioners and other relevant parties to help secure responsive, cost effective and risk mitigated supply chains to compete on a world stage. This should not wait until a drug has been registered, but should start as early as possible in the development process and before registration or clinical trials. The author suggests that CMC (chemistry manufacturing controls) drug development must reset the line of sight – from supply of drug to the clinic and gaining a registration, to the building of a patient value stream. Capable processes and suppliers, streamlined logistics, flexible plant and equipment, shorter cycle times, effective flow of information and reduced waste. All these factors can and should be addressed at the CMC development stage.

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470920534


Systems and Network Infrastructure Integration
Systems and Network Infrastructure Integration

Автор: Saida Helali

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119779940


The Behavior of Animals
The Behavior of Animals

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 7585.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119109518


The Data Science Handbook
The Data Science Handbook

Автор: Field Cady

A comprehensive overview of data science covering the analytics, programming, and business skills necessary to master the discipline Finding a good data scientist has been likened to hunting for a unicorn: the required combination of technical skills is simply very hard to find in one person. In addition, good data science is not just rote application of trainable skill sets; it requires the ability to think flexibly about all these areas and understand the connections between them. This book provides a crash course in data science, combining all the necessary skills into a unified discipline. Unlike many analytics books, computer science and software engineering are given extensive coverage since they play such a central role in the daily work of a data scientist. The author also describes classic machine learning algorithms, from their mathematical foundations to real-world applications. Visualization tools are reviewed, and their central importance in data science is highlighted. Classical statistics is addressed to help readers think critically about the interpretation of data and its common pitfalls. The clear communication of technical results, which is perhaps the most undertrained of data science skills, is given its own chapter, and all topics are explained in the context of solving real-world data problems. The book also features: • Extensive sample code and tutorials using Python™ along with its technical libraries • Core technologies of “Big Data,” including their strengths and limitations and how they can be used to solve real-world problems • Coverage of the practical realities of the tools, keeping theory to a minimum; however, when theory is presented, it is done in an intuitive way to encourage critical thinking and creativity • A wide variety of case studies from industry • Practical advice on the realities of being a data scientist today, including the overall workflow, where time is spent, the types of datasets worked on, and the skill sets needed The Data Science Handbook is an ideal resource for data analysis methodology and big data software tools. The book is appropriate for people who want to practice data science, but lack the required skill sets. This includes software professionals who need to better understand analytics and statisticians who need to understand software. Modern data science is a unified discipline, and it is presented as such. This book is also an appropriate reference for researchers and entry-level graduate students who need to learn real-world analytics and expand their skill set. FIELD CADY is the data scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, where he develops tools that use machine learning to mine scientific literature. He has also worked at Google and several Big Data startups. He has a BS in physics and math from Stanford University, and an MS in computer science from Carnegie Mellon.

Цена: 6309.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119092933


The Digital Big Bang
The Digital Big Bang

Автор: Phil Quade

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119617389


The Giraffe
The Giraffe

Автор: Bryan Shorrocks

Provides a comprehensive overview of one of nature's most engaging mammals Covers fossil history, taxonomy, genetics, physiology, biomechanics, behavior, ecology, and conservation Includes genetic analysis of five of the six subspecies of modern giraffes Includes giraffe network studies from Laikipia Kenya, Etosha National Park, Namibia andSamburu National Reserve, Kenya

Цена: 8753.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118587447


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