электроэнергетика (страница 2)

Электронные книги

Категория: - знания и навыки - учебная и научная литература - технические науки - энергетика

Формат посмотра: Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Полный без аннотации, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена

Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Год

Рекламные предложения от интернет-магазина "Litres.ru"

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Станислав Дробышевский: откуда антропологи об этом знают?
Станислав Дробышевский: откуда антропологи об этом знают?

Автор: Лекс Кравецкий

Самый важный вопрос в любой области научного знания: откуда известно, что всё действительно так, а не иначе? Хотя этот вопрос часто обходят стороной, предпочитая выдавать широкой общественности лишь конечные результаты научных изысканий, без ответа на него научное знание перестаёт быть научным знанием, а становится по сути религией. Сколько всего было «антропологических» находок к данному моменту? Как по ним отследили эволюцию человека? Поменяют ли будущие находки представления о нашем происхождении? Каков статус новейших находок? Легко ли обмануть антрополога, подсунув ему фальшивку?

Серия: Антропология

Цена: Бесплатно


Технология сбора и подготовки нефти, газа и воды на промыслах
Технология сбора и подготовки нефти, газа и воды на промыслах

Автор: Р.У. Шафиев

В учебнике освещены основы проектирования обустройства месторождений нефти и эксплуатации систем сбора и подготовки нефти с утилизацией попутно добываемого газа и пластовой воды.Даются характеристика объекта исследования, необходимые исходные данные нефти, газа, газового конденсата и пластовой воды их свойства в отдельности и в смеси. Приводятся сведения о стандартах, технических условиях, характеристики используемого оборудования, а также сведения теоретического и технического характера необходимые для понимания процессов и принятия решений.

Цена: 183.16 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-998-72-8


Трансгуманизм – новые тренды
Трансгуманизм – новые тренды

Автор: Михаил Батин

Лекция Михаила Батина на тему: «Трансгуманизм – новые тренды.»

Серия: Антропология

Цена: Бесплатно


Трансформаторлар ва автотрансформаторлар
Трансформаторлар ва автотрансформаторлар

Автор: Ж. Салимов

Трансформаторлар «Электр машиналари» фанининг дастлабки бўлимини ташкил қилиб, уларнинг назариясини ўрганишда муҳим роль ўйнайди.Ўкув қўлланмада электроэнергетика ва электр таъминоти системаларида ҳамда хўжалик турларининг бошқа соҳаларида кенг қўлланиладиган куч трансформаторлари ва автотрансформаторларининг ҳамда микротрансформаторларнинг тузилиши, ишлаш принципи, уларда бўладиган асосий физик жараёнлари ва иш режимларига оид тафсилий маълумотлар ҳамда уларни ишлаб чиқариш технологиясига оид умумий маълумотлар баён этилган. Куч трансформаторлари ва автотрансформаторларини меъёрий режимда тежамли ишлатиш учун муҳим бўлган амалий тавсиялар ва маслаҳатлар келтирилган.Мазкур қўлланмадан техника олий ўқув юртларининг: электроэнергетика, электр таъминоти, энергия тежамкорлиги ва кон электромеханикаси бўйича касбларга эга бўлиш мақсадида таълим олаётган талабалар; касб-ҳунар коллежларининг электромеханика ва электроэнергетика ихтисосликлари талабалари фойдаланишлари ҳамда трансформаторларни ишлад-чиқаришда мутахассислар малакасини ошириш системасида ҳам фойдаланиш мумкин.Ўқув қўлланма таълим, фан ва ишлаб-чиқаришлар интеграллашувининг маҳсули бўлиб, трансформаторлар ва автотрансформаторларга оид замонавий маълумотлар асосида тайерланган.

Цена: 160.34 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-343-69-6


Тренажер по грамматике
Тренажер по грамматике

Автор: С. А. Матвеев

В книге даются начальные сведения по английской грамматике. Материал изложен в доступной ребенку форме в виде простых правил и таблиц. Задания учебника помогут не только изучить основные правила английской грамматики, но и выучить около 300 новых слов и овладеть навыками разговорной речи.

Серия: Английский школьникам (АСТ)

Цена: 179 руб.
Год: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-17-082605-6


Триумф солнечного века. Революция возобновляемых источников
Триумф солнечного века. Революция возобновляемых источников

Автор: Вольфганг Пальц

Эта книга о взлете рынков солнечной энергетики, точнее – об идеях и технологиях, положенных в основу ее развития. Начиная изложение с фундаментальных основ нашего мира, автор разворачивает величественную панораму эволюции звезд, раскрывая роль Солнца в эволюции всего живого на Земле. Эволюции природы вторит картина эволюции научного знания как усилий множества людей, искавших путь к чистому развитию. Осуществление мечты породило технологический взрыв новой энергетики. Книга рассказывает о том, что с начала этого века было установлено более триллиона ватт источников солнечной и ветровой энергии, для чего были мобилизованы триллионы долларов и созданы более 10 млн рабочих мест. «Пришествие» Интернета, которого ждет не менее трех миллиардов людей, невозможно без электроэнергии, которую можно получить от возобновляемых источников, избегая «ресурсных» ловушек. Новые технологии делают возобновляемые ресурсы информации и энергии доступными для всех.

Серия: Возобновляемая энергетика

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-904553-09-8


Уголовное наказание: понятие, цели, состав исполнения. (Адъюнктура, Аспирантура). Монография
Уголовное наказание: понятие, цели, состав исполнения. (Адъюнктура, Аспирантура). Монография

Автор: Владислав Николаевич Орлов

В монографии рассматриваются понятие, содержание, цели уголовного наказания, состав исполнения уголовного наказания. Впервые комплексно проанализированы объективные и субъективные признаки (элементы) состава исполнения уголовного наказания. Для студентов, адъюнктов, аспирантов, преподавателей юридических вузов и факультетов, практикующих юристов, работников уголовно-исполнительной системы и иных правоохранительных органов, может представлять интерес для всех, кто интересуется уголовным наказанием.

Цена: 1300 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 9785466017816


Управление конфликтами в сфере природопользования. Анализ и поиск компромиссов. (Аспирантура, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография
Управление конфликтами в сфере природопользования. Анализ и поиск компромиссов. (Аспирантура, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография

Автор: Иван Михайлович Потравный

Монография охватывает широкий спектр проблем от анализа возникновения конфликтов между населением и добывающими компаниями до реализации проектов и программ, направленных на предупреждение (ликвидацию) таких конфликтов. Книга основывается на результатах исследований в арктических региона России, проведенных в ходе этнологических экспедиций, обработке полученных данных и разработанных специальных моделях и алгоритмах достижения компромисса между населением, добывающими компаниями и администрацией региона. Разработанные авторами экономико-математические модели отличаются научной новизной и нашли применение в практической работе. Особый интерес представляют модели формирования оптимальной динамики формирования и использования фонда финансирования компенсационных проектов, а также программы реализации компенсационных проектов с учетом ограниченности финансовых средств. Приведенные авторские модели и алгоритмы оценки интересов участников конфликта и формирования оптимального набора компенсационных проектов проиллюстрированы численными примерами.Книга будет полезна специалистам в области регионального управления, научным работникам, а также аспирантам.

Цена: 690 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 9785436592527


Управление энергосбережением и повышением энергетической эффективности в организациях топливно-энергетического комплекса. (Аспирантура). (Бакалавриат). (Магистратура). Монография
Управление энергосбережением и повышением энергетической эффективности в организациях топливно-энергетического комплекса. (Аспирантура). (Бакалавриат). (Магистратура). Монография

Автор: Юрий Николаевич Линник

В монографии рассмотрены мировой и российский опыт управления энергосбережением и повышением энергетической эффективности, выявлены основные принципы организации энергоменджмента на основе мирового и российского опыта. Рассмотрена практика внедрения и реализации системы энергетического менеджмента (СЭнМ) на промышленных предприятиях в организациях ТЭК России и дана оценка эффективности управления энергосбережением и повышением энергетической эффективности. Предложенный в монографии методический подход к оценке эффективности внедрения СЭнМ дает возможность проводить мониторинг и сравнительный анализ эффективности управления энергосбережением и повышением энергетической эффективности по отраслям промышленности и по Российской Федерации в целом. Разработанный инструментарий может быть использован организациями ТЭК, промышленными предприятиями, организациями – крупными потребителями ТЭР России для обоснования принятия решений о внедрении и развитии СЭнМ, также предоставляет возможность компаниям самостоятельно оценивать эффективность внедрения и реализации СЭнМ. Значительный объем монографии посвящен исследованиям возобновляемых источников энергии (ветровая, солнечная, водородная и биологическая энергия, геотермальные источники энергии, малая гидроэнергия, энергия приливов и отливов) как существенного резерва в повышении уровня энергосбережения. Результаты исследований могут быть использованы: – для подготовки и аттестации специалистов в области энергоменеджмента, – для оценки и подтверждения компетенции организаций, предлагающих услуги в сфере управления энергосбережением и повышением энергетической эффективности, – для уточнения государственной политики в области энергосбережения и повышения энергетической эффективности в качестве инструментов и механизмов стимулирования и поддержки организаций, которые внедряют и сертифицируют СЭнМ. Ключевые слова: энергосбережение, энергоэффективность, энергоменеджмент, топливно-энергетический комплекс, управление, инструментарий, альтернативная энергетика, возобновляемые источники энергии, состояние и перспективы, мировой опыт, российский опыт

Цена: 790 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785466056679


Экономическое развитие России 1 2014
Экономическое развитие России № 1 2014

Автор: Группа авторов

Журнал «Экономическое развитие России» издается с 1993 года. Издание сконцентрировано на освещении вопросов макроэкономического и финансового состояния национальной экономики. Аналитические материалы, публикуемые в журнале, посвящены развитию отдельных сфер национальной экономики – промышленности, инвестиций, внешней торговли, государственного бюджета, денежной политики, банковского сектора, готовятся сотрудниками Института экономической политики им. Е.Т. Гайдара – учредителя журнала «Экономическое развитие России». Также представлена статистика основных параметров развития России. Журнал интересен с точки зрения авторских взглядов на происходящие в экономике России события и предназначен для широкого круга читателей.

Серия: Журнал «Экономическое развитие России» 2014

Цена: 49.9 руб.
Год: 2014


Эксплуатация электрооборудования. Учебное пособие для СПО
Эксплуатация электрооборудования. Учебное пособие для СПО

Автор: М. А. Таранов

Изложены теоретические и практические положения эксплуатации электрооборудования. Рассматриваются вопросы надежности, диагностики, технической эксплуатации, организации и управления электротехническими службами. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. Учебное пособие рекомендуется студентам средних специальных учебных заведений, обучающимся по специальности «Электрификация и автоматизация сельского хозяйства».

Цена: 793 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-507-44108-2


Электрификация строительства городских подземных сооружений
Электрификация строительства городских подземных сооружений

Автор: Г. Петров

Изложены основные методические указания и рекомендации по выполнению курсового и дипломного проектов по дисциплине «Электрификация строительства городских подземных сооружений». Приведены методы расчета подземного электрического освещения, расчет электрических нагрузок, выбор кабельной сети участка, расчет токов короткого замыкания в подземных электрических сетях, выбор аппаратуры управления и защиты общепромышленного и рудничного исполнений, уставок максимальной токовой защиты, выбор и расчет кабелей и аппаратов защиты напряжением 6—10 кВ, основные технико-экономические показатели системы электроснабжения предприятий горного производства. Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Электропривод и автоматика промышленных установок и технологических комплексов» направления подготовки «Электротехника, электромеханика и электротехнологии».

Цена: 259 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-98672-086-9


Электромонтер. Основы профессиональной деятельности. (СПО). Учебно-практическое пособие
Электромонтер. Основы профессиональной деятельности. (СПО). Учебно-практическое пособие

Автор: Галина Викторовна Ткачева

Дается пошаговый алгоритм решения профессиональных задач, которые составляют восемь компетенций, выделенных авторами в данной профессии. Основной текст пособия – инструментально-практический, его главной целью является формирование способов деятельности, кроме текста этому способствуют большой иллюстративный материал и другие структурные элементы. Предназначено для использования на занятиях по теоретическому и практическому обучению в профессиональных образовательных организациях, осуществляющих подготовку высококвалифицированных рабочих во многих отраслях экономики. Обеспечит успешное прохождение ГИА в форме демонстрационного экзамена. Соответствует ФГОС СПО последнего поколения. Для студентов СПО, обучающихся по программам подготовки квалифицированных рабочих и служащих.

Цена: 1800 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785406123690


Электроснабжение и электропотребление в сельском хозяйстве. Учебное пособие для СПО
Электроснабжение и электропотребление в сельском хозяйстве. Учебное пособие для СПО

Автор: Е. Ф. Щербаков

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)

Цена: 839 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 978-5-507-48835-3


Энергетические войны – 2
Энергетические войны – 2

Автор: Владимир Гришин

Автор В. Гришин – потомственный энергетик, более 40 лет проработал в жизненно важной отрасли экономики – электроэнергетике. А его династия отдала ей 460 лет труда, и знает её досконально. И потому он уверен, что мир последние 200 лет живёт во власти электроэнергии, то есть, в Электрическом веке. Автором доказано, что нашим врагам не только удалось довести отрасль до катастрофического состояния (примером которой стала трагедия на Саяно-Шушенской ГЭС), но, сбив прицелы энергетики и экономики на работу с низкими тарифами на электроэнергию и тепло, лишить нашу холодную страну возможности производить конкурентную продукцию для мирового рынка. По-новому показаны и взаимоотношения России с США, которые с начала ХХ века приобрели форму перманентной войны, поражение в которой и стало главной причиной разгрома СССР. Вместе с тем В.И. Гришин предлагает читателям ознакомиться с… открытием великого Закона о бессмертии материальной души человека, познание чего позволит совершенно по-новому посмотреть на развитие нашей цивилизации. Автором предложены также основные тезисы теории перехода к новой формации постэлитарного общества равноправия.

Цена: 490 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-906861-75-7


Энергосбережение в энергетике. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат). Монография
Энергосбережение в энергетике. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат). Монография

Автор: Станислав Михайлович Аполлонский

Аннотация. Анализируются энергосберегающие технологии в энергетике, способствующие снижению энергозатрат и уровней физических полей, поступающих в техносферу от объектов энер-гетики, снижению экологической нагрузки на человека и элементы биосферы. Используемый мате-риал может оказаться полезным для специалистов в области энергетики, занимающихся разработкой энергосберегающих технологий в различных областях производства, передачи и потребления разных видов энергии, для экологов, занимающихся снижением уровней загрязняющих антропогенных фи-зических полей в окружающей среде, для магистров и аспирантов, специализирующихся в области электроэнергетики, для научных и инженерно-технических работников, занимающихся проблемами энергосбережения, а также для студентов электротехнических учебных заведений, занимающихся изучением электронного оборудования и линий связи в технических системах и сталкивающихся с изложенными в книге проблемами. Книга даёт возможность познакомиться с нормативно-правовыми актами и стандартами, регу-лирующими эти вопросы в Российской Федерации и Евросоюзе. Материал монографии может быть использован в учебном процессе при обучении студентов и курсантов очной, очно-заочной и заочной форм обучения, изучающих дисциплины, связанные с ис-пользованием энергосберегающих технологий в энергетике. Ключевые слова: энергосбережение в энергетике, физические поля в техносфере, электромаг-нитная безопасность, экологическая безопасность человека в техносфере

Цена: 990 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785466046120


Энергосбережение и энергоэффективность. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Монография
Энергосбережение и энергоэффективность. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Монография

Автор: Юрий Николаевич Линник

В монографии рассмотрены мировой и российский опыт управления энерго-сбережением и повышением энергетической эффективности. Рассмотрена практика внедрения и реализации системы энергетического менеджмента на предприятиях ТЭК России. Предложенный в монографии методический подход к оценке эффек-тивности внедрения Сонма дает возможность проводить мониторинг и сравнитель-ный анализ эффективности управления энергосбережением и повышением энергети-ческой эффективности по отраслям промышленности и по Российской Федерации в целом. Разработанный инструментарий может быть использован организациями ТЭК, промышленными предприятиями, организациями – крупными потребителями ТЭР России для обоснования принятия решений о внедрении и развитии Сонма. Значительный объем монографии посвящен исследованиям возобновляемых источ-ников энергии (ветровая, солнечная, водородная и биологическая энергия, геотер-мальные источники энергии, малая гидроэнергия, энергия приливов и отливов) как существенного резерва в повышении уровня энергосбережения. Результаты исследований могут быть использованы: – для подготовки и аттестации специалистов в области энергоменеджмента, – для оценки и подтверждения компетенции организаций, предлагающих услуги в сфере управления энергосбережением и повышением энергетической эф-фективности, – для уточнения государственной политики в области энергосбережения и повышения энергетической эффективности в качестве инструментов и механизмов стимулирования и поддержки организаций, которые внедряют и сертифицируют СЭнМ.

Цена: 990 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785466049220


Acrylic Painting For Dummies
Acrylic Painting For Dummies

Автор: Colette Pitcher

Hands-on, full-color instruction in this versatile painting medium Acrylic paint is easy to use, quick to dry, a cinch to clean up, and relatively inexpensive–which makes it a great medium for amateur artists. Following a simple step-by-step approach, Acrylic Painting For Dummies provides hands-on instruction and easy-to-follow exercises in acrylic painting techniques and styles, making the medium accessible to would-be artists at all levels. Featuring large-scale projects at the end of most chapters and ample additional opportunities for readers to paint along, this friendly guide will help anyone discover the artist within.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9780470526460


Applied Landscape Ecology
Applied Landscape Ecology

Автор: Stephen Bunting C

An insightful guide to the concepts and practices of modern landscape ecology Elements of geography, conservation biology, soil science and other disciplines factor into landscape ecology's rich analyses of the ecological and environmental forces at play across different terrains. With its unique, organism-oriented approach to the subject, Applied Landscape Ecology considers the effects of ecological processes upon particular species and places its findings within the context of larger-scale concerns. Students, researchers, and practitioners alike will find this a rewarding and instructive read that offers practical and detailed information on the latest methods and technologies used in the field today. This essential resource: Takes an interdisciplinary approach to landscape ecology Examines the subject within the contexts of specific organisms Covers cutting-edge technologies and methods Represents a collaboration between an international team of landscape ecology experts Whether new to the practice or an established ecologist, anyone with an interest in this exciting and developing field should have a copy of Applied Landscape Ecology at their disposal.

Цена: 9389.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781119368243


Artificial Intelligence for Audit, Forensic Accounting, and Valuation
Artificial Intelligence for Audit, Forensic Accounting, and Valuation

Автор: Al Naqvi

Цена: 4221.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119601913


Basic Guide to Dental Procedures
Basic Guide to Dental Procedures

Автор: Carole Hollins

Basic Guide to Dental Procedures, Second Edition provides an essential introduction to the core preventative and restorative treatments routinely carried out in the modern dental practice. Written as a guide for the whole dental team, ‘before and after’ colour photographs enable the reader to understand and explain the procedures to their patient with confidence. Each section is clearly structured to cover the reasoning behind the treatment described, the relevant dental background, the basics of how each procedure is carried out and any necessary aftercare information. Key features include: Colour photographs throughout combined with concise text to highlight the crucial points of each procedure Suitable for the whole dental team, from office support staff to the dentist explaining procedures to a patient Thoroughly updated and revised in line with the substantial changes to the role and professional obligations of the dental nurse, including a new chapter detailing extended duties The new images of tray set-ups means it is an ideal companion for trainee dental nurses studying for the NEBDN OSCE exam

Цена: 3900.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118924563


Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)
Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Автор: Sarah Mander

An essential resource for understanding the potential role for biomass energy with carbon capture and storage in addressing climate change Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) offers a comprehensive review of the characteristics of BECCS technologies in relation to its various applications. The authors – a team of expert professionals – bring together in one volume the technical, scientific, social, economic and governance issues relating to the potential deployment of BECCS as a key approach to climate change mitigation. The text contains information on the current and future opportunities and constraints for biomass energy, explores the technologies involved in BECCS systems and the performance characteristics of a variety of technical systems. In addition, the text includes an examination of the role of BECCS in climate change mitigation, carbon accounting across the supply chain and policy frameworks. The authors also offer a review of the social and ethical aspects as well as the costs and economics of BECCS. This important text: Reveals the role BECCS could play in the transition to a low-carbon economy Discusses the wide variety of technical and non-technical constraints of BECCS Presents the basics of biomass energy systems Reviews the technical and engineering issues pertinent to BECCS Explores the societal implications of BECCS systems Written for academics and research professionals, Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) brings together in one volume the issues surrounding BECCS in an accessible and authoritative manner.

Цена: 12151.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781119237631


Capitalism. A Conversation in Critical Theory
Capitalism. A Conversation in Critical Theory

Автор: Nancy Fraser

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781509525249


Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children
Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 24077.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119695301


Computational Methods in Electromagnetic Compatibility
Computational Methods in Electromagnetic Compatibility

Автор: Dragan Poljak, PhD

Offers a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in the area of computational electromagnetics Computational Method in Electromagnetic Compatibility offers a review of the most recent advances in computational electromagnetics. The authors—noted experts in the field—examine similar problems by taking different approaches related to antenna theory models and transmission line methods. They discuss various solution methods related to boundary integral equation techniques and finite difference techniques. The topics covered are related to realistic antenna systems including antennas for air traffic control or ground penetrating radar antennas; grounding systems (such as grounding systems for wind turbines); biomedical applications of electromagnetic fields (such as transcranial magnetic stimulation); and much more. The text features a number of illustrative computational examples and a reference list at the end of each chapter. The book is grounded in a rigorous theoretical approach and offers mathematical details of the formulations and solution methods. This important text: Provides a trade-off between a highly efficient transmission line approach and antenna theory models providing analysis of high frequency and transient phenomena Contains the newest information on EMC analysis and design principles Discusses electromagnetic field coupling to thin wire configurations and modeling in bioelectromagnetics Written for engineering students, senior researchers and practicing electrical engineers, Computational Method in Electromagnetic Compatibility provides a valuable resource in the design of equipment working in a common electromagnetic environment.

Цена: 14360.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781119337195


Conventional and Alternative Power Generation. Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability
Conventional and Alternative Power Generation. Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability

Автор: Tarik Al-Shemmeri

A much-needed, up-to-date guide on conventional and alternative power generation This book goes beyond the traditional methods of power generation. It introduces the many recent innovations on the production of electricity and the way they play a major role in combating global warming and improving the efficiency of generation. It contains a strong analytical approach to underpin the theory of power plants—for those using conventional fuels, as well as those using renewable fuels—and looks at the problems from a unique environmental engineering perspective. The book also includes numerous worked examples and case studies to demonstrate the working principles of these systems. Conventional and Alternative Power Generation: Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability is divided into 8 chapters that comprehensively cover: thermodynamic systems; vapor power cycles, gas power cycles, combustion; control of particulates; carbon capture and storage; air pollution dispersal; and renewable energy and power plants. Features an abundance of worked examples and tutorials Examines the problems of generating power from an environmental engineering perspective Includes all of the latest information, technology, theories, and principles on power generation Conventional and Alternative Power Generation: Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability is an ideal text for courses on mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering.

Цена: 11966.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119479376


Dementia Care at a Glance
Dementia Care at a Glance

Автор: Catharine Jenkins

Dementia Care at a Glance is the perfect companion for health and social care professionals, nurses, students as well as family members and voluntary workers needing information and guidance about dementia care. Taking a person-centred and interpersonal approach, each chapter outlines an aspect of the experience of living with dementia and the steps that the nurse or healthcare professional can take to support them. This comprehensive book will assist readers to respond effectively, sensitively and with compassion to people living with dementia in acute settings, as well as in care environments and at home. It acknowledges the challenges that arise for people with dementia, family members and professionals and offers practical solutions based on current thinking and best practice. Presented in the bestselling at a Glance format, with superb illustrations and a concise approach Covers the common forms and manifestations of dementia, their causes, and how to address them Addresses a wide range of topics including, interventions, communication, care planning, medication, therapy, leadership as well as ethical and legal issues Takes a positive holistic approach, including not only physical and mental health issues but social and spiritual implications and a person-centred focus throughout Suitable for students on a range of healthcare courses Supported by a companion website with multiple-choice questions and reflective questions

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781118859995


Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology
Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology

Автор: Andrew Porteous

This superb and highly-acclaimed dictionary includes over 4000 in-depth entries on scientific and technical terminology associated with environmental protection and resource management. In addition, it contains numerous illustrations, a wide range of international case studies and extensive cross-references to guide the reader. The new edition will be a major update with 30% new material, additional illustrations and a greatly expanded list of relevant web resources.

Цена: 23081.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780470997826


Die Playmos - Das Original Playmobil H?rspiel, Folge 55: Die Belagerung der L?wenritterburg
Die Playmos - Das Original Playmobil H?rspiel, Folge 55: Die Belagerung der L?wenritterburg

Автор: David Bredel

Исполнители: Santiago Ziesmer

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4260229663257


Electrical Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
Electrical Systems for Nuclear Power Plants

Автор: Dr. Omar S. Mazzoni

Covers all aspects of electrical systems for nuclear power plants written by an authority in the field Based on author Omar Mazzoni’s notes for a graduate level course he taught in Electrical Engineering, this book discusses all aspects of electrical systems for nuclear power plants, making reference to IEEE nuclear standards and regulatory documents. It covers such important topics as the requirements for equipment qualification, acceptance testing, periodic surveillance, and operational issues. It also provides excellent guidance for students in understanding the basis of nuclear plant electrical systems, the industry standards that are applicable, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’ rules for designing and operating nuclear plants. Electrical Systems for Nuclear Power Plants offers in-depth chapters covering: elements of a power system; special regulations and requirements; unique requirements of a Class 1E power system; nuclear plants containment electrical penetration assemblies; on-site emergency AC sources; on-site emergency DC sources; protective relaying; interface of the nuclear plant with the grid; station blackout (SBO) issues and regulations; review of electric power calculations; equipment aging and decommissioning; and electrical and control systems inspections. This valuable resource: Evaluates industry standards and their relationship to federal regulations Discusses Class 1E equipment, emergency generation, the single failure criterion, plant life, and plant inspection Includes exercise problems for each chapter Electrical Systems for Nuclear Power Plants is an ideal text for instructors and students in electrical power courses, as well as for engineers active in operating nuclear power plants.

Цена: 12427.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781119483656


Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage

Автор: Rudolf Holze

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783527340286


Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion
Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion

Автор: Группа авторов

In this handbook and ready reference, editors and authors from academia and industry share their in-depth knowledge of known and novel materials, devices and technologies with the reader. The result is a comprehensive overview of electrochemical energy and conversion methods, including batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, hydrogen generation and storage as well as solar energy conversion. Each chapter addresses electrochemical processes, materials, components, degradation mechanisms, device assembly and manufacturing, while also discussing the challenges and perspectives for each energy storage device in question. In addition, two introductory chapters acquaint readers with the fundamentals of energy storage and conversion, and with the general engineering aspects of electrochemical devices. With its uniformly structured, self-contained chapters, this is ideal reading for entrants to the field as well as experienced researchers.

Цена: 38465.51 руб.
ISBN: 9783527640089


Electromagnetic Fields
Electromagnetic Fields

Автор: Boris Katsenelenbaum Z

The fields scattered by metallic bodies or radiated by some types of antennas are created by the surfaces currents and therefore they are subject to some restrictions. The book is the first one where the properties of these fields are investigated in details. The properties have the important significance for the antenna synthesis, body shape reconstruction and other diffraction problems. The material of the book lies in the meetingpoint of the antenna theory, highfrequency electrodynamics and inverse scattering problems. The author is an internationally renowned investigator in the field of electromagnetic waves and diffraction theory.

Цена: 20435.93 руб.
ISBN: 9783527622085


Electromagnetic Well Logging. Models for MWD / LWD Interpretation and Tool Design
Electromagnetic Well Logging. Models for MWD / LWD Interpretation and Tool Design

Автор: Wilson Chin C

Almost all publications on borehole electromagnetics deal with idealizations that are not acceptable physically, and unfortunately, even these models are company proprietary. On the other hand, “exact models” are only available through detailed finite element or finite difference analysis, and more often than not, simply describe case studies for special applications. In either case, the models are not available for general use and the value of the publications is questionable. This new approach provides a rigorous, fully three-dimensional solution to the general problem, developed over almost two decades by a researcher familiar with practical applications and mathematical modeling. Completely validated against exact solutions and physics-based checks through over a hundred documented examples, the self-contained model (with special built-in matrix solvers and iteration algorithms) with a “plain English graphical user interface” has been optimized to run extremely fast – seconds per run as opposed to minutes and hours – and then automatically presents all electric and magnetic field results through integrated three-dimensional color graphics. In addition to state-of-the-art algorithms, basic “utility programs” are also developed, such as simple dipole methods, Biot-Savart large diameter models, nonlinear phase and amplitude interpolation algorithms, and so on. Incredibly useful to oilfield practitioners, this volume is a must-have for serious professionals in the field, and all the algorithms have undergone a laborious validation process with real use in the field.

Цена: 22197.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118835265


Energy Production and Storage
Energy Production and Storage

Автор: Группа авторов

Energy production and storage are central problems for our time. In principle, abundant energy is available from the sun to run the earth in a sustainable way. Solar energy can be directly harnessed by agricultural and photovoltaic means, but the sheer scale of the energy demand poses severe challenges, for example any major competition between biomass production and food production would simply transfer scarcity from energy to food. Indirect use of solar energy in the form of wind looks also promising, especially for those regions not blessed with abundant sunlight. Other modes such as tidal and wave energy may well become important niche players. Inorganic chemistry plays a decisive role in the development of new energy technologies and this Volume covers some promising modes of alternative energy production and storage that minimize the atmospheric burden of fossil-derived carbon monoxide. No one production or storage mode is likely to dominate, at least at first, and numerous possibilities need to be explored to compare their technical feasibility and economics. This provides the context for a broad exploration of novel ideas that we are likely to see in future years as the field expands. This Volume covers a wide range of topics, such as: – Water splitting, only water is a sufficiently cheap and abundant electron source for global exploitation; – Energy conversion by photosynthesis; – Molecular catalysts for water splitting; – Thermochemical water splitting; – Photocatalytic hydrogen production; – Artificial photosynthesis, progress of the Swedish Consortium; – Hydrogen economy; – Reduction of carbon dioxide to useful fuels; – Conversion of methane to methanol; – Dye sensitized solar cells; – Photoinitiated electron transfer in fuel cells; – Proton exchange membranes for fuel cells; – Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells; – Direct Ethanol fuel cells; – Molecular catalysis for fuel cells; – Enzymes and microbes in fuel cells; – Li-Ion batteries; – Magic Angle Spinning NMR studies of battery materials; Supercapacitors and electrode materials. About EIC Books The Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry (EIC) has proved to be one of the defining standards in inorganic chemistry, and most chemistry libraries around the world have access either to the first or second print edition, or to the online version. Many readers, however, prefer to have more concise thematic volumes, targeted to their specific area of interest. This feedback from EIC readers has encouraged the Editors to plan a series of EIC Books, focusing on topics of current interest. They will appear on a regular basis, and will feature leading scholars in their fields. Like the Encyclopedia, EIC Books aim to provide both the starting research student and the confirmed research worker with a critical distillation of the leading concepts in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, and provide a structured entry into the fields covered. This volume is also available as part of Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, 5 Volume Set. This set combines all volumes published as EIC Books from 2007 to 2010, representing areas of key developments in the field of inorganic chemistry published in the Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry. Find out more.

Цена: 18632 руб.
ISBN: 9781118632659


Ensemble Classification Methods with Applications in R
Ensemble Classification Methods with Applications in R

Автор: Esteban Alfaro

An essential guide to two burgeoning topics in machine learning – classification trees and ensemble learning Ensemble Classification Methods with Applications in R introduces the concepts and principles of ensemble classifiers methods and includes a review of the most commonly used techniques. This important resource shows how ensemble classification has become an extension of the individual classifiers. The text puts the emphasis on two areas of machine learning: classification trees and ensemble learning. The authors explore ensemble classification methods’ basic characteristics and explain the types of problems that can emerge in its application. Written by a team of noted experts in the field, the text is divided into two main sections. The first section outlines the theoretical underpinnings of the topic and the second section is designed to include examples of practical applications. The book contains a wealth of illustrative cases of business failure prediction, zoology, ecology and others. This vital guide: Offers an important text that has been tested both in the classroom and at tutorials at conferences Contains authoritative information written by leading experts in the field Presents a comprehensive text that can be applied to courses in machine learning, data mining and artificial intelligence Combines in one volume two of the most intriguing topics in machine learning: ensemble learning and classification trees Written for researchers from many fields such as biostatistics, economics, environment, zoology, as well as students of data mining and machine learning, Ensemble Classification Methods with Applications in R puts the focus on two topics in machine learning: classification trees and ensemble learning.

Цена: 11506.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781119421573


Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Автор: Denis Carr?

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, entrepreneurship is growing and actively promoted by policy makers. Several reports explore the influence of entrepreneurship on the economy and put some emphasis on its positive influence GDP per capita, unemployment and exports. However, entrepreneurship does not go per se and it is now broadly admitted that the decision of the entrepreneur is narrowly connected with its environment, the so-called entrepreneurial ecosystem. This book show why policymakers, entrepreneurship supporters, and entrepreneurs themselves should keep in mind the locally structured nature of entrepreneurial networks. Even if the notion of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem has become quite popular, among the international organization, development agencies and public administrations, this concept is often considered as a new one having its origins in very recent publications. This books aims at showing that entrepreneurial ecosystems have their roots in the history of economic thought and that scholars have long been conscious of their importance. Instead of insisting upon the diversity of agents involved in these organizations, it also put some emphasis on the importance of the linkages and sharing between them and suggests some orientations in view of a performing evaluation system.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119285168


Erneuerbare Energie
Erneuerbare Energie

Автор: Roland Wengenmayr

Leading scientists explain photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar air-conditioning, wind and hydroelectric power, fuel cells, energy-efficient buildings, and hydrogen storage for stabilizing networks. Contains about 20% more information than the second edition.

Цена: 3369.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783527646937


Essentials of WISC-V Assessment
Essentials of WISC-V Assessment

Автор: Dawn P. Flanagan

The comprehensive reference for informative WISC-V assessment Essentials of WISC-V Assessmentprovides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Packed with practical tips for more accurate assessment, this informative guide includes numerous case studies that illustrate a range of real-world issues. Special attention is devoted to the assessment of individuals who have significant learning difficulties, such as learning disabilities, and who speak English as a second language. The WISC-V is a valuable assessment tool, but it must be administered and scored appropriately to gain meaning from score interpretation. This book gives you an in-depth understanding of the WISC-V assessment and interpretive process to assist practitioners in: Conducting efficient and informative WISC-V assessments Utilizing WISC-V in cross-battery and neuropsychological assessment Applying WISC-V in the identification of specific learning disabilities Utilizing WISC-V in nondiscriminatory assessment of English language learners Writing theory-based WISC-V reports Linking WISC-V findings to interventions based on individual performance As the world's most widely-used intelligence test for children, the WISC-V is useful in diagnosing intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, as well as in identifying giftedness. In this volume, sample reports demonstrate how WISC-V assessment results may be linked to interventions, accommodations, modifications, and compensatory strategies that facilitate positive outcomes for children. Essentials of WISC-V Assessment is the all-in-one practical resource for both students and practitioners. The book can be used on its own or with companion software (purchased separately) that provides a user-friendly tool for producing psychometrically and theoretically defensible interpretations of WISC-V performance, and may be used to develop interventions based on each child's strengths and weaknesses.

Цена: 5800.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118981009


Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean. Diversity, Bioecology and Exploitation
Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean. Diversity, Bioecology and Exploitation

Автор: Jean-Pierre Quignard

Lagoons and estuaries are transition spaces between earth and sea. Beyond their expanse, geographic repartition, geomorphological, hydroclimatic and ecobiological diversity and biodiversity, they play an important role in regional economies and are some of the ecosystems most vulnerable to global change. Reinforced by numerous references, this book studies Mediterranean lagoonal and estuarine fishes whose diversity largely depends on the composition of neighboring marine and continental ichtyofauna. The authors describe their morphological, biological, ecological and behavioral characteristics by evoking their distinctive features and differences with their marine or freshwater homologues. Their adaptation strategies, elucidated thanks to recent advances in morphology, genetics and molecular biology, are recognized as a major advantage in the context of climate change. This book is for natural environment managers, engineers, teachers, students and researchers.

Цена: 19220.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781119572169



Автор: Michael Holloway D

Since the first edition of Fracking was published, hydraulic fracturing has continued to be hotly debated. Credited with bringing the US and other countries closer to “energy independence,” and blamed for tainted drinking water and earthquakes, hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) continues to be one of the hottest topics and fiercely debated issues in the energy industry and in politics. Covering all of the latest advances in fracking since the first edition was published, this expanded and updated revision still contains all of the valuable original content for the engineer or layperson to understand the technology and its ramifications. Useful not only as a tool for the practicing engineer solve day-to-day problems that come with working in hydraulic fracturing, it is also a wealth of information covering the possible downsides of what many consider to be a very valuable practice. Many others consider it dangerous, and it is important to see both sides of the argument, from an apolitical, logical standpoint. While induced hydraulic fracturing utilizes many different engineering disciplines, this book explains these concepts in an easy to understand format. The primary use of this book shall be to increase the awareness of a new and emerging technology and what the various ramifications can be. The reader shall be exposed to many engineering concepts and terms. All of these ideas and practices shall be explained within the body. A science or engineering background is not required.

Цена: 32587.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781119364320


Framing Community Disaster Resilience
Framing Community Disaster Resilience

Автор: Maureen Fordham

An essential guide to the foundations, research and practices of community disaster resilience Framing Community Disaster Resilience offers a guide to the theories, research and approaches for addressing the complexity of community resilience towards hazardous events or disasters. The text draws on the activities and achievements of the project emBRACE: Building Resilience Amongst Communities in Europe. The authors identify the key dimensions of resilience across a range of disciplines and domains and present an analysis of community characteristics, networks, behaviour and practices in specific test cases. The text contains an in-depth exploration of five test cases whose communities are facing impacts triggered by different hazards, namely: river floods in Germany, earthquakes in Turkey, landslides in South Tyrol, Italy, heat-waves in London and combined fluvial and pluvial floods in Northumberland and Cumbria. The authors examine the data and indicators of past events in order to assess current situations and to tackle the dynamics of community resilience. In addition, they put the focus on empirical analysis to explore the resilience concept and to test the usage of indicators for describing community resilience. This important text: Merges the forces of research knowledge, networking and practices in order to understand community disaster resilience Contains the results of the acclaimed project Building Resilience Amongst Communities in Europe – emBRACE Explores the key dimensions of community resilience Includes five illustrative case studies from European communities that face various hazards Written for undergraduate students, postgraduates and researchers of social science, and policymakers, Framing Community Disaster Resilience reports on the findings of an important study to reveal the most effective approaches to enhancing community resilience. The emBRACE research received funding from the European Community‘s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement n° 283201. The European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this publication.

Цена: 9363.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781119165996


Fundamentals and Applications of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Drive Vehicles
Fundamentals and Applications of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Drive Vehicles

Автор: Jiuchun Jiang

A theoretical and technical guide to the electric vehicle lithium-ion battery management system Covers the timely topic of battery management systems for lithium batteries. After introducing the problem and basic background theory, it discusses battery modeling and state estimation. In addition to theoretical modeling it also contains practical information on charging and discharging control technology, cell equalisation and application to electric vehicles, and a discussion of the key technologies and research methods of the lithium-ion power battery management system. The author systematically expounds the theory knowledge included in the lithium-ion battery management systems and its practical application in electric vehicles, describing the theoretical connotation and practical application of the battery management systems. Selected graphics in the book are directly derived from the real vehicle tests. Through comparative analysis of the different system structures and different graphic symbols, related concepts are clear and the understanding of the battery management systems is enhanced. Contents include: key technologies and the difficulty point of vehicle power battery management system; lithium-ion battery performance modeling and simulation; the estimation theory and methods of the lithium-ion battery state of charge, state of energy, state of health and peak power; lithium-ion battery charge and discharge control technology; consistent evaluation and equalization techniques of the battery pack; battery management system design and application in electric vehicles. A theoretical and technical guide to the electric vehicle lithium-ion battery management system Using simulation technology, schematic diagrams and case studies, the basic concepts are described clearly and offer detailed analysis of battery charge and discharge control principles Equips the reader with the understanding and concept of the power battery, providing a clear cognition of the application and management of lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles Arms audiences with lots of case studies Essential reading for Researchers and professionals working in energy technologies, utility planners and system engineers.

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118414804


Gas Hydrates 2
Gas Hydrates 2

Автор: Daniel Broseta

Gas hydrates in their natural environment and for potential industrial applications (Volume 2).

Цена: 18226.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119522416


Handbook of Hot-dip Galvanization
Handbook of Hot-dip Galvanization

Автор: Группа авторов

Hot-dip galvanization is a method for coating steel workpieces with a protective zinc film to enhance the corrosion resistance and to improve the mechanical material properties. Hot-dip galvanized steel is the material of choice underlying many modern buildings and constructions, such as train stations, bridges and metal domes. Based on the successful German version, this edition has been adapted to include international standards, regulations and best practices. The book systematically covers all steps in hot-dip galvanization: surface pre-treatment, process and systems technology, environmental issues, and quality management. As a result, the reader finds the fundamentals as well as the most important aspects of process technology and technical equipment, alongside contributions on workpiece requirements for optimal galvanization results and methods for applying additional protective coatings to the galvanized pieces. With over 200 illustrated examples, step-by-step instructions, presentations and reference tables, this is essential reading for apprentices and professionals alike.

Цена: 10700.98 руб.
ISBN: 9783527636907


Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful Algal Blooms

Автор: JoAnn Burkholder M

Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference provides basic information on harmful algal blooms (HAB) and references for individuals in need of technical information when faced with unexpected or unknown harmful algal events. Chapters in this volume will provide readers with information on causes of HAB, successful management and monitoring programs, control, prevention, and mitigation strategies, economic consequences of HAB, associated risks to human health, impacts of HAB on food webs and ecosystems, and detailed information on the most common HAB species. Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference will be an invaluable resource to managers, newcomers to the field, those who do not have easy or affordable access to scientific literature, and individuals who simply do not know where to begin searching for the information needed, especially when faced with novel and unexpected HAB events. Edited by three of the world's leading harmful algal bloom researchers and with contributions from leading experts, Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference will be a key source of information for this increasingly important topic.

Цена: 32587.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118994696


High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission

Автор: Dragan Jovcic

Цена: 16211.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781119566649


HPLC and UHPLC for Practicing Scientists
HPLC and UHPLC for Practicing Scientists

Автор: Michael W. Dong

Цена: 10120.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119313793


Hydrocarbons in Basement Formations
Hydrocarbons in Basement Formations

Автор: M. Hossain E

Petroleum and natural gas still remain the single biggest resource for energy on earth. Even as alternative and renewable sources are developed, petroleum and natural gas continue to be, by far, the most used and, if engineering properly, the most cost-effective and efficient, source of energy on the planet. Contrary to some beliefs, the industry can, in fact, be sustainable, from an environmental, economic, and resource perspective. Petroleum and natural gas are, after all, natural sources of energy and do not have to be treated as pariahs. This groundbreaking new text describes hydrocarbons in basement formations, how they can be characterized and engineered, and how they can be engineered properly, to best achieve sustainability. Covering the basic theories and the underlying scientific concepts, the authors then go on to explain the best practices and new technologies and processes for utilizing basement formations for the petroleum and natural gas industries. Covering all of the hottest issues in the industry, from oil shale, tar sands, and hydraulic fracturing, this book is a must-have for any engineer working in the industry. This textbook is an excellent resource for petroleum engineering students, reservoir engineers, supervisors & managers, researchers and environmental engineers for planning every aspect of rig operations in the most sustainable, environmentally responsible manner, using the most up-to-date technological advancements in equipment and processes.

Цена: 27505.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119294535


Hyrdogen Storage and Technologies
Hyrdogen Storage and Technologies

Автор: Mehmet Sankir

Hydrogen storage is considered a key technology for stationary and portable power generation especially for transportation. This volume covers the novel technologies to efficiently store and distribute hydrogen and discusses the underlying basics as well as the advanced details in hydrogen storage technologies. The book has two major parts: Chemical and electrochemical hydrogen storage and Carbon-based materials for hydrogen storage. The following subjects are detaled in Part I: • Multi stage compression system based on metal hydrides; • Metal-N-H systems and their physico-chemical properties; • Mg-based nano materials with enhanced sorption kinetics; • Gaseous and electrochemical hydrogen storage in the Ti-Z-Ni; • Electrochemical methods for hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of metal hydrides. In Part II the following subjects are addressed: • Activated carbon for hydrogen storage obtained from agro-industrial waste; • Hydrogen storage using carbonaceous materials; • Hydrogen storage performance of composite material consisting of single walled carbon nanotubes and metal oxide nanoparticles; • Hydrogen storage characteristics of graphene addition of hydrogen storage materials; • Discussion of the crucial features of hydrogen adsorption of nanotextured carbon-based materials.

Цена: 20712.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119460688


Inorganic Massive Batteries
Inorganic Massive Batteries

Автор: Virginie Viallet

Since the 90s, the Li-ion batteries are the most commonly used energy storage systems. The demand for performance and safety is constantly growing, current commercial batteries based liquid electrolytes or gels may not be able to meet the needs of emerging applications such as for electric and hybrid vehicles and renewable energy storage , and it is therefore necessary to develop advanced storage systems with characteristics such that the highest density of energy technology, long life, low cost of production, little or no maintenance and high safety of use. Batteries «all solid» are a technology of choice to meet these requirements. In this technology, the electrolyte separator between the two electrodes is no longer a liquid medium but a solid.

Цена: 13255.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119006978


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