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Евразийский экономический союз: сегодня и завтра
Евразийский экономический союз: сегодня и завтра

Автор: И. Бондарев

Складывающаяся под влиянием различных факторов система международных отношений не может функционировать без международных организаций, которые представляют собой органическую составную часть системы международных отношений и которые отражают все политические, экономические, социальные изменения, происходящие в международной сфере. Для отечественных правоведов изучение вопросов, связанных с построением таможенных союзов, представляет собой особый интерес. Но в силу различного рода причин, и политического, и другого свойства, исследования в данной сфере носили недостаточный характер, что делает востребованным анализ вопросов и проблем межгосударственного таможенного сотрудничества, прежде всего в рамках региональных организаций.

Цена: 39.9 руб.


Механика грунтов. Курс лекций
Механика грунтов. Курс лекций

Автор: А. Ю. Михайлов

Изложен курс лекций, приведены примеры решения задач, даны контрольные вопросы для проверки знаний с ответами. Учтены требования актуальных нормативных документов, учебных планов и рабочих программ для студентов. Для студентов всех форм обучения строительных направлений. Пособие также может быть полезно преподавателям.

Цена: 920 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9729-0507-2


Открытая разработка месторождений строительных материалов
Открытая разработка месторождений строительных материалов

Автор: К. Р. Аргимбаев

В пособии рассмотрены современные технологии открытой разработки строительных материалов, системы разработки, а также приведен пример вскрытия и способы разрушения горных пород. Учебное пособие рекомендуется студентам горно-геологических колледжей и техникумов.

Цена: 293 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-6723-5


Прикладная полуэмпирическая теория безотрывного движения ротора по статору
Прикладная полуэмпирическая теория безотрывного движения ротора по статору

Автор: Андрей Никифоров

В монографии изложены результаты экспериментально-теоретических исследований самовозбуждения в различных роторных системах разрушительного режима качения со скольжением ротора по статору в результате периодического или случайного их контакта. Её содержание представляет собой закономерное, вследствие накопления новых знаний и совершенствования измерительной и компьютерной техники, развитие научных трудов Л. Я. Банах [2], которую по мнению автора и многих других ученых можно считать отечественным основоположником глубокого исследования обкатывания ротором статора с проскальзыванием между ними.

Цена: 199 руб.
ISBN: 9785996517374


Сборник задач по начертательной геометрии
Сборник задач по начертательной геометрии

Автор: С. А. Фролов

В сборнике представлены задачи, распределенные по разделам, соответствующим тематике глав учебника С. А. Фролова «Начертательная геометрия». В начале каждой главы приводятся основные сведения теоретического характера. Особое внимание уделяется инвариантным свойствам параллельного проецирования. На конкретных примерах показано их применение для решения графических задач. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов технических ссузов.

Цена: 663 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-6764-8


Строительная механика. Учебник
Строительная механика. Учебник

Автор: Владимир Владимирович Лалин

Учебник нового поколения содержит комплекс материалов, необходимых для обеспечения всего учебного процесса по дисциплине «Строительная механика». Он снабжен упражнениями, заданиями для самостоятельных работ с образцами решений, указаниями по выполнению контрольных работ, примерами расчетов и вопросами для подготовки к экзамену. Авторы стремились к тому, чтобы студенты, закончив изучение строительной механики в рамках учебного плана, получили возможность уверенно решать задачи строительной механики с использованием персональных компьютеров и современных вычислительных комплексов (на примере ПВК SCAD). Учебник соответствует Государственному образовательному стандарту дисциплины «Строительная механика» инженерной подготовки по направлению «Строительство». Предназначается студентам дневной, вечерней и заочной форм обучения, изучающим дисциплину «Строительная механика».

Исполнители: Коллектив авторов

Цена: 741 руб.
ISBN: 9785392014743


A Companion to Folklore
A Companion to Folklore

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to Folklore presents an original and comprehensive collection of essays from international experts in the field of folklore studies. Unprecedented in depth and scope, this state-of-the-art collection uniquely displays the vitality of folklore research across the globe. An unprecedented collection of original, state of the art essays on folklore authored by international experts Examines the practices and theoretical approaches developed to understand the phenomena of folklore Considers folklore in the context of multi-disciplinary topics that include poetics, performance, religious practice, myth, ritual and symbol, oral textuality, history, law, politics and power as well as the social base of folklore Selected by Choice as a 2013 Outstanding Academic Title

Цена: 19898.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781444354362


A Companion to Urban Anthropology
A Companion to Urban Anthropology

Автор: Donald M. Nonini

A Companion to Urban Anthropology presents a collection of original essays from international scholars on key issues in urban anthropology and broader cross-disciplinary urban studies. Features newly commissioned essays from 35 leading international scholars in urban and global studies Includes essays in classic areas of concern to urban anthropologists such as built structures and urban planning, community, security, markets, and race Covers emergent areas in the field including: 21st-century cities borders, citizenship, sustainability, and urban sexualities

Цена: 17389.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118378649


A Companion to the English Novel
A Companion to the English Novel

Автор: Группа авторов

This collection of authoritative essays represents the latest scholarship on topics relating to the themes, movements, and forms of English fiction, while chronicling its development in Britain from the early 18th century to the present day. Comprises cutting-edge research currently being undertaken in the field, incorporating the most salient critical trends and approaches Explores the history, evolution, genres, and narrative elements of the English novel Considers the advancement of various literary forms – including such genres as realism, romance, Gothic, experimental fiction, and adaptation into film Includes coverage of narration, structure, character, and affect; shifts in critical reception to the English novel; and geographies of contemporary English fiction Features contributions from a variety of distinguished and high-profile literary scholars, along with emerging younger critics Includes a comprehensive scholarly bibliography of critical works on and about the novel to aid further reading and research

Цена: 16690.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118607220


A Practical Guide to Vulval Disease
A Practical Guide to Vulval Disease

Автор: Fabrizio Bogliatto

This book is a practical guide to the diagnosis and management of vulval disorders. It offers guidance for all those who are treating patients with vulval disease at trainee and specialist level, helping to improve management for the patient and prevent delays in diagnosis, including referrals to specialists. It contains key information about diagnosis, investigation and basic management, with a section on signs and symptoms guides the reader to the correct chapter for the treatment of that disease. The experienced authors include updated classification and terminology of vulval disease with an explanation of how this should be useful in clinical practice and guidance as to when the patient should be referred on to a specialist. As vulval diseases are different to those of the rest of the skin patients with vulval disease present a large unmet need, often with delays in diagnosis due to a lack of training from physicians. This practical guide provides the specialist knowledge required for diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.

Цена: 15382.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119146063


Acoustic Array Systems
Acoustic Array Systems

Автор: Jacob Benesty

Presents a unified framework of far-field and near-field array techniques for noise source identification and sound field visualization, from theory to application. Acoustic Array Systems: Theory, Implementation, and Application provides an overview of microphone array technology with applications in noise source identification and sound field visualization. In the comprehensive treatment of microphone arrays, the topics covered include an introduction to the theory, far-field and near-field array signal processing algorithms, practical implementations, and common applications: vehicles, computing and communications equipment, compressors, fans, and household appliances, and hands-free speech. The author concludes with other emerging techniques and innovative algorithms. Encompasses theoretical background, implementation considerations and application know-how Shows how to tackle broader problems in signal processing, control, and transudcers Covers both farfield and nearfield techniques in a balanced way Introduces innovative algorithms including equivalent source imaging (NESI) and high-resolution nearfield arrays Selected code examples available for download for readers to practice on their own Presentation slides available for instructor use A valuable resource for Postgraduates and researchers in acoustics, noise control engineering, audio engineering, and signal processing.

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780470827246


Actuators and Their Applications
Actuators and Their Applications

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 19732.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119662709


Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Control
Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Control

Автор: Ashish Tewari

This is the first book on adaptive aeroservoelasticity and it presents the nonlinear and recursive techniques for adaptively controlling the uncertain aeroelastic dynamics Covers both linear and nonlinear control methods in a comprehensive manner Mathematical presentation of adaptive control concepts is rigorous Several novel applications of adaptive control presented here are not to be found in other literature on the topic Many realistic design examples are covered, ranging from adaptive flutter suppression of wings to the adaptive control of transonic limit-cycle oscillations

Цена: 12239.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781118927731


Advanced Computational Nanomechanics
Advanced Computational Nanomechanics

Автор: Nuno Silvestre

Contains the latest research advances in computational nanomechanics in one comprehensive volume Covers computational tools used to simulate and analyse nanostructures Includes contributions from leading researchers Covers of new methodologies/tools applied to computational nanomechanics whilst also giving readers the new findings on carbon-based aggregates (graphene, carbon-nanotubes, nanocomposites) Evaluates the impact of nanoscale phenomena in materials

Цена: 13080.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781119068907


Advanced Millimeter-wave Technologies
Advanced Millimeter-wave Technologies

Автор: Группа авторов

This book explains one of the hottest topics in wireless and electronic devices community, namely the wireless communication at mmWave frequencies, especially at the 60 GHz ISM band. It provides the reader with knowledge and techniques for mmWave antenna design, evaluation, antenna and chip packaging. Addresses practical engineering issues such as RF material evaluation and selection, antenna and packaging requirements, manufacturing tolerances, antenna and system interconnections, and antenna One of the first books to discuss the emerging research and application areas, particularly chip packages with integrated antennas, wafer scale mmWave phased arrays and imaging Contains a good number of case studies to aid understanding Provides the antenna and packaging technologies for the latest and emerging applications with the emphases on antenna integrations for practical applications such as wireless USB, wireless video, phase array, automobile collision avoidance radar, and imaging

Цена: 18697.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780470742952


Advanced Smartgrids for Distribution System Operators, Volume 1
Advanced Smartgrids for Distribution System Operators, Volume 1

Автор: Marc Boillot

The dynamic of the Energy Transition is engaged in many region of the World. This is a real challenge for electric systems and a paradigm shift for existing distribution networks. With the help of «advanced» smart technologies, the Distribution System Operators will have a central role to integrate massively renewable generation, electric vehicle and demand response programs. Many projects are on-going to develop and assess advanced smart grids solutions, with already some lessons learnt. In the end, the Smart Grid is a mean for Distribution System Operators to ensure the quality and the security of power supply. Several books have been written to provide a definition of Smart grids, explore the different technical evolution needed and explain / analyse what would be the benefits. All those books are conducted on theoretical basis by academics and strategy consultants. This new book will propose a complementary and singular approach based on a practical experience from DSO's.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119054047


Advanced Structural Damage Detection
Advanced Structural Damage Detection

Автор: Группа авторов

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is the interdisciplinary engineering field devoted to the monitoring and assessment of structural health and integrity. SHM technology integrates non-destructive evaluation techniques using remote sensing and smart materials to create smart self-monitoring structures characterized by increased reliability and long life. Its applications are primarily systems with critical demands concerning performance where classical onsite assessment is both difficult and expensive. Advanced Structural Damage Detection: From Theory to Engineering Applications is written by academic experts in the field and provides students, engineers and other technical specialists with a comprehensive review of recent developments in various monitoring techniques and their applications to SHM. Contributing to an area which is the subject of intensive research and development, this book offers both theoretical principles and feasibility studies for a number of SHM techniques. Key features: Takes a multidisciplinary approach and provides a comprehensive review of main SHM techniques Presents real case studies and practical application of techniques for damage detection in different types of structures Presents a number of new/novel data processing algorithms Demonstrates real operating prototypes Advanced Structural Damage Detection: From Theory to Engineering Applications is a comprehensive reference for researchers and engineers and is a useful source of information for graduate students in mechanical and civil engineering

Цена: 13920.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118536117


Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics VI, Volume 34, Issue 6
Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics VI, Volume 34, Issue 6

Автор: Группа авторов

Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Volume 34, Issue 6 – Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics VI A collection of 13 papers from The American Ceramic Society’s 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 27-February 1, 2013. This issue includes papers presented in Symposium 5 – Next Generation Bioceramics and Biocomposites and Symposium 9 – Porous Ceramics: Novel Developments and Applications.

Цена: 9055.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118807910


Advances in Ceramics for Environmental, Functional, Structural, and Energy Applications II
Advances in Ceramics for Environmental, Functional, Structural, and Energy Applications II

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 25296.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119631491


Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 162
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 162

Автор: Группа авторов

The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline.

• This is the only series of volumes available that presents the cutting edge of research in chemical physics.
• Includes contributions from experts in this field of research.
• Contains a representative cross-section of research that questions established thinking on chemical solutions
• Structured with an editorial framework that makes the book an excellent supplement to an advanced graduate class in physical chemistry or chemical physics

Цена: 31037.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119325543


Advances in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Volume 1
Advances in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Volume 1

Автор: Группа авторов

The topic of wettabilty is extremely important from both fundamental and applied aspects. The applications of wettability range from self-cleaning windows to micro- and nanofluidics. This book represents the cumulative wisdom of a contingent of world-class (researchers engaged in the domain of wettability. In the last few years there has been tremendous interest in the «Lotus Leaf Effect» and in understanding its mechanism and how to replicate this effect for myriad applications. The topics of superhydrophobicity, omniphobicity and superhydrophilicity are of much contemporary interest and these are covered in depth in this book.

Цена: 21780.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781118795637


Aerospace Navigation Systems
Aerospace Navigation Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

Compiled by leading authorities, Aerospace Navigation Systems is a compendium of chapters that present modern aircraft and spacecraft navigation methods based on up-to-date inertial, satellite, map matching and other guidance techniques. Ranging from the practical to the theoretical, this book covers navigational applications over a wide range of aerospace vehicles including aircraft, spacecraft and drones, both remotely controlled and operating as autonomous vehicles. It provides a comprehensive background of fundamental theory, the utilisation of newly-developed techniques, incorporates the most complex and advanced types of technical innovation currently available and presents a vision for future developments. Satellite Navigation Systems (SNS), long range navigation systems, short range navigation systems and navigational displays are introduced, and many other detailed topics include Radio Navigation Systems (RNS), Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), Homing Systems, Map Matching and other correlated-extremalsystems, and both optimal and sub-optimal filtering in integrated navigation systems.

Цена: 12180.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119163039


Aircraft Control and Simulation
Aircraft Control and Simulation

Автор: Frank L. Lewis

Get a complete understanding of aircraft control and simulation Aircraft Control and Simulation: Dynamics, Controls Design, and Autonomous Systems, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to aircraft control and simulation. This updated text covers flight control systems, flight dynamics, aircraft modeling, and flight simulation from both classical design and modern perspectives, as well as two new chapters on the modeling, simulation, and adaptive control of unmanned aerial vehicles. With detailed examples, including relevant MATLAB calculations and FORTRAN codes, this approachable yet detailed reference also provides access to supplementary materials, including chapter problems and an instructor's solution manual. Aircraft control, as a subject area, combines an understanding of aerodynamics with knowledge of the physical systems of an aircraft. The ability to analyze the performance of an aircraft both in the real world and in computer-simulated flight is essential to maintaining proper control and function of the aircraft. Keeping up with the skills necessary to perform this analysis is critical for you to thrive in the aircraft control field. Explore a steadily progressing list of topics, including equations of motion and aerodynamics, classical controls, and more advanced control methods Consider detailed control design examples using computer numerical tools and simulation examples Understand control design methods as they are applied to aircraft nonlinear math models Access updated content about unmanned aircraft (UAVs) Aircraft Control and Simulation: Dynamics, Controls Design, and Autonomous Systems, Third Edition is an essential reference for engineers and designers involved in the development of aircraft and aerospace systems and computer-based flight simulations, as well as upper-level undergraduate and graduate students studying mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118870990


Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Control
Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Control

Автор: Wayne Durham

Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Control addresses airplane flight dynamics and control in a largely classical manner, but with references to modern treatment throughout. Classical feedback control methods are illustrated with relevant examples, and current trends in control are presented by introductions to dynamic inversion and control allocation. This book covers the physical and mathematical fundamentals of aircraft flight dynamics as well as more advanced theory enabling a better insight into nonlinear dynamics. This leads to a useful introduction to automatic flight control and stability augmentation systems with discussion of the theory behind their design, and the limitations of the systems. The author provides a rigorous development of theory and derivations and illustrates the equations of motion in both scalar and matrix notation. Key features: Classical development and modern treatment of flight dynamics and control Detailed and rigorous exposition and examples, with illustrations Presentation of important trends in modern flight control systems Accessible introduction to control allocation based on the author's seminal work in the field Development of sensitivity analysis to determine the influential states in an airplane's response modes End of chapter problems with solutions available on an accompanying website Written by an author with experience as an engineering test pilot as well as a university professor, Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Control provides the reader with a systematic development of the insights and tools necessary for further work in related fields of flight dynamics and control. It is an ideal course textbook and is also a valuable reference for many of the necessary basic formulations of the math and science underlying flight dynamics and control.

Цена: 12429.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118646793


Airdrop Recovery Systems With Self-Inflating Airbag
Airdrop Recovery Systems With Self-Inflating Airbag

Автор: Hongyan Wang

A complete reference text to airdrop recovery systems with self-inflating airbags, focusing on analysis, test data, and engineering practicalities Comprehensively covers the fundamental theories, design, matching, and analysis of airdrop recovery systems that include a parachute and self-inflating airbag system Gives step-by-step guidance to aid readers in analyzing and designing their own recovery systems Highlights advanced research programs in the field of airdrop recovery systems, such as simulation and optimization methods.

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119237372


Algorithms For Dummies
Algorithms For Dummies

Автор: John Paul Mueller

Your secret weapon to understanding—and using!—one of the most powerful influences in the world today From your Facebook News Feed to your most recent insurance premiums—even making toast!—algorithms play a role in virtually everything that happens in modern society and in your personal life. And while they can seem complicated from a distance, the reality is that, with a little help, anyone can understand—and even use—these powerful problem-solving tools! In Algorithms For Dummies, you'll discover the basics of algorithms, including what they are, how they work, where you can find them (spoiler alert: everywhere!), who invented the most important ones in use today (a Greek philosopher is involved), and how to create them yourself. You'll also find: Dozens of graphs and charts that help you understand the inner workings of algorithms Links to an online repository called GitHub for constant access to updated code Step-by-step instructions on how to use Google Colaboratory, a zero-setup coding environment that runs right from your browser Whether you're a curious internet user wondering how Google seems to always know the right answer to your question or a beginning computer science student looking for a head start on your next class, Algorithms For Dummies is the can't-miss resource you've been waiting for.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119870005


Alternative Energy Systems and Applications
Alternative Energy Systems and Applications

Автор: B. K. Hodge

The comprehensive guide to engineering alternative and renewable energy systems and applications—updated for the latest trends and technologies This book was designed tohelp engineers develop new solutions for the current energy economy. To that end it provides technical discussions, along with numerous real-world examples of virtually all existing alternative energy sources, applications, systems and system components. All chapters focus on first-order engineering calculations, and consider alternative uses of existing and renewable energy resources. Just as important, the author describes how to apply these concepts to the development of new energy solutions. Since the publication of the critically acclaimed first edition of this book, the alternative, renewable and sustainable energy industries have witnessed significant evolution and growth. Hydraulic fracturing, fossil fuel reserve increases, the increasing popularity of hybrid and all-electric vehicles, and the decreasing cost of solar power already have had a significant impact on energy usage patterns worldwide. Updated and revised to reflect those and other key developments, this new edition features expanded coverage of topics covered in the first edition, as well as entirely new chapters on hydraulic fracturing and fossil fuels, hybrid and all-electric vehicles, and more. Begins with a fascinating look at the changing face of global energy economy Features chapters devoted to virtually all sources of alternative energy and energy systems Offers technical discussions of hydropower, wind, passive solar and solar-thermal, photovoltaics, fuel cells, CHP systems, geothermal, ocean energy, biomass, and nuclear Contains updated chapter review questions, homework problems, and a thoroughly revised solutions manual, available on the companion website While Alternative Energy Systems and Applications, Second Edition is an ideal textbook/reference for advanced undergraduate and graduate level engineering courses in energy-related subjects, it is also an indispensable professional resource for engineers and technicians working in areas related to the development of alternative/renewable energy systems.

Цена: 8700.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119109228


An Introduction to the Meteorology and Climate of the Tropics
An Introduction to the Meteorology and Climate of the Tropics

Автор: J. F. P. Galvin

What do we mean by the tropics? The weather and the climates it produces across the tropical zone are significantly different from those experienced by the people living in higher latitudes, so forecasters across Europe and much of North America are unfamiliar with its effects. In this book, Jim Galvin demystifies the topic in this zone that is increasingly of interest to those studying weather and climate. This book was written for weather forecasters, meteorology, environmental science and geography students as an introductory guide. It builds on the experience of the author, his professional experience in the World Area Forecast Centre at the Met Office, Exeter, using studies into the weather and climate seen within the tropical air mass conducted over many years. Its unique approach presents a practical approach to tropical weather studies, drawing on both academic and practical knowledge, covering air mass dynamics, seasonal changes, moist and dry weather, climate variability and human health in chapters and appendices that build up the overall picture, summarising our current state of knowledge. As an overview, it covers the broad range of effects connected with climate and weather in a straightforward way and is clearly illustrated throughout.

Цена: 7220.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781119086246


Analysis and Design of Machine Elements
Analysis and Design of Machine Elements

Автор: Wei Jiang

Цена: 12713.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119276098


Android Hacker s Handbook
Android Hacker's Handbook

Автор: Zach Lanier

The first comprehensive guide to discovering and preventing attacks on the Android OS As the Android operating system continues to increase its share of the smartphone market, smartphone hacking remains a growing threat. Written by experts who rank among the world's foremost Android security researchers, this book presents vulnerability discovery, analysis, and exploitation tools for the good guys. Following a detailed explanation of how the Android OS works and its overall security architecture, the authors examine how vulnerabilities can be discovered and exploits developed for various system components, preparing you to defend against them. If you are a mobile device administrator, security researcher, Android app developer, or consultant responsible for evaluating Android security, you will find this guide is essential to your toolbox. A crack team of leading Android security researchers explain Android security risks, security design and architecture, rooting, fuzz testing, and vulnerability analysis Covers Android application building blocks and security as well as debugging and auditing Android apps Prepares mobile device administrators, security researchers, Android app developers, and security consultants to defend Android systems against attack Android Hacker's Handbook is the first comprehensive resource for IT professionals charged with smartphone security.

Цена: 5066.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118608616


Annual Plant Reviews, The Gibberellins
Annual Plant Reviews, The Gibberellins

Автор: Группа авторов

First discovered as fungal metabolites, the gibberellins were recognised as plant hormones over 50 years ago. They regulate reproductive development in all vascular plants, while their role in flowering plants has broadened to include also the regulation of growth and other developmental processes. This timely book covers the substantial and impressive recent advances in our understanding of the gibberellins and their roles in plant development, including the biosynthesis, inactivation, transport, perception and signal transduction of these important hormones. An introductory chapter traces the history of gibberellin research, describing the many discoveries that form the basis for the recent progress. The exciting emerging evidence for the interaction of gibberellin signalling with that of the other hormones is critically evaluated. The occurrence of gibberellins in fungal, bacterial and lower plant species is also discussed, with emphasis on evolution. Manipulation of gibberellin metabolism and signal transduction through chemical or genetic intervention has been an important aspect of crop husbandry for many years. The reader is presented with important information on the advances in applying gibberellin research in agriculture and horticulture. Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 49: The Gibberellins is an important resource for plant geneticists and biochemists, as well as agricultural and horticultural research workers, advanced students of plant science and university lecturers in related disciplines. It is an essential addition to the shelves of university and research institute libraries and agricultural and horticultural institutions teaching and researching plant science.

Цена: 18797.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781119213239


Applied Biostatistics for the Health Sciences
Applied Biostatistics for the Health Sciences

Автор: Richard J. Rossi

Цена: 17720.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119722670


Applied Gas Dynamics
Applied Gas Dynamics

Автор: Ethirajan Rathakrishnan

Цена: 15862.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781119500384


Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials
Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials

Автор: Группа авторов

Research in the area of nanoindentation has gained significant momentum in recent years, but there are very few books currently available which can educate researchers on the application aspects of this technique in various areas of materials science. Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials addresses this need and is a comprehensive, self-contained reference covering applied aspects of nanoindentation in advanced materials. With contributions from leading researchers in the field, this book is divided into three parts. Part one covers innovations and analysis, and parts two and three examine the application and evaluation of soft and ceramic-like materials respectively. Key features: A one stop solution for scholars and researchers to learn applied aspects of nanoindentation Contains contributions from leading researchers in the field Includes the analysis of key properties that can be studied using the nanoindentation technique Covers recent innovations Includes worked examples Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials is an ideal reference for researchers and practitioners working in the areas of nanotechnology and nanomechanics, and is also a useful source of information for graduate students in mechanical and materials engineering, and chemistry. This book also contains a wealth of information for scientists and engineers interested in mathematical modelling and simulations related to nanoindentation testing and analysis.

Цена: 18099.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119084525


Applied Tribology
Applied Tribology

Автор: Michael M. Khonsari

Insightful working knowledge of friction, lubrication, and wear in machines Applications of tribology are widespread in industries ranging from aerospace, marine and automotive to power, process, petrochemical and construction. With world-renowned expert co-authors from academia and industry, Applied Tribology: Lubrication and Bearing Design, 3rd Edition provides a balance of application and theory with numerous illustrative examples. The book provides clear and up-to-date presentation of working principles of lubrication, friction and wear in vital mechanical components, such as bearings, seals and gears. The third edition has expanded coverage of friction and wear and contact mechanics with updated topics based on new developments in the field. Key features: Includes practical applications, homework problems and state-of-the-art references. Provides presentation of design procedure. Supplies clear and up-to-date information based on the authors’ widely referenced books and over 500 archival papers in this field. Applied Tribology: Lubrication and Bearing Design, 3rd Edition provides a valuable and authoritative resource for mechanical engineering professionals working in a wide range of industries with machinery including turbines, compressors, motors, electrical appliances and electronic components. Senior and graduate students in mechanical engineering will also find it a useful text and reference.

Цена: 15382.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118700259


Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology
Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology

Автор: Группа авторов

Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology goes beyond a mere review of current literature and features the most up to date contributions from numerous scientists working in the field. The book represents a groundbreaking and comprehensive resource covering the plethora of applications of micromorphology in archaeology. Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology offers researchers, students and professionals a systematic tool for the interpretation of thin sections of archaeological contexts. This important resource is also designed to help stimulate the use of micromorphology in archaeology outside Europe, where the technique is less frequently employed. Moreover, the authors hope to strengthen the proper application of soil micromorphology in archaeology, by illustrating its possibilities and referring in several cases to more specialized publications (for instance in the field of plant remains, pottery and phytoliths). Written for anyone interested in the topic, this important text offers: Contributions from most of the world's leading authorities on soil micromorphology A series of chapters on the major topics selected among the most recurrent in literature about archaeological soil micromorphology Systematic descriptions of all important micromorphological features Special analytical tools employed on thin sections, such as SEM/EDS, image analysis, fluorescence microscopy, mass spectrometry, among others Numerous cross-references 400 illustrated full-colour plates The resource provides the most current and essential information for archaeologists, geoarchaeologists, soil scientists and sedimentologists. Comprehensive in scope, Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology offers professionals and students a much-needed tool for the interpretation of thin sections of archaeological contexts.

Цена: 15737.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118941072


Architectural Management
Architectural Management

Автор: Группа авторов

Architectural Management represents the state of the art of research and practice in the field and includes contributions from leading international figures. The book looks back at over a decade of research into architectural management, considers the present challenges and opportunities, and looks to the future. You'll find a review of earlier work and developments as well as a focus on new research areas. The book is divided into six sections representing topical themes, each section contains two research-based chapters and one practical case study. Case studies are from six European countries – Belgium, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, and the UK.

Цена: 13482.76 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312188


Architecture Workbook
Architecture Workbook

Автор: Sir Peter Cook

Organised into 9 parts that highlight a wide range of architectural motives, such as ‘Architecture as Theatre’, ‘Stretching the Vocabulary’ and ‘The City of Large and Small’, the workbook provides inspiring key themes for readers to take their cue from when initiating a design. Motives cover a wide-range of work that epitomise the theme. These include historical and Modernist examples, things observed in the street, work by current innovative architects and from Cook’s own rich archive, weaving together a rich and vibrant visual scrapbook of the everyday and the architectural, and past and present.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118965207



Автор: J. Christopher States

This book illustrates the chemistry, toxicology, and health effects of arsenic using novel modeling techniques, case studies, experimental data, and future perspectives. • Covers exposure sources, health risks, and mechanisms of one of the most toxic minerals in the world • Helps readers understand potential health effects of arsenic, using population studies, mammalian and invertebrate models, and pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic models • Discusses outcomes, epidemiology, real-life examples, and modes of action for arsenic-induced diseases, like lung cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, and immunotoxicity • Acts as a reference for toxicologists, environmental chemists, and risk assessors and includes up-to-date, novel modeling techniques for scientists • Includes future perspectives on special topics, like extrapolation from experimental models to human exposures, biomarkers for phenotypic anchoring, and pathology of chronic exposure

Цена: 20514.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118876596


Atlas of Benthic Foraminifera
Atlas of Benthic Foraminifera

Автор: Norman Macleod

An up-to-date atlas of an important fossil and living group, with the Natural History Museum. Deep-sea benthic foraminifera have played a central role in biostratigraphic, paleoecological, and paleoceanographical research for over a century. These single–celled marine protists are important because of their geographic ubiquity, distinction morphologies and rapid evolutionary rates, their abundance and diversity deep–sea sediments, and because of their utility as indicators of environmental conditions both at and below the sediment–water interface. In addition, stable isotopic data obtained from deep–sea benthic foraminiferal tests provide paleoceanographers with environmental information that is proving to be of major significance in studies of global climatic change. This work collects together, for the first time, new morphological descriptions, taxonomic placements, stratigraphic occurrence data, geographical distribution summaries, and palaeoecological information, along with state-of-the-art colour photomicrographs (most taken in reflected light, just as you would see them using light microscopy), of 300 common deep-sea benthic foraminifera species spanning the interval from Jurassic – Recent. This volume is intended as a reference and research resource for post-graduate students in micropalaeontology, geological professionals (stratigraphers, paleontologists, paleoecologists, palaeoceanographers), taxonomists, and evolutionary (paleo)biologists.

Цена: 23313.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118452509


Atlas of Natural and Induced Fractures in Core
Atlas of Natural and Induced Fractures in Core

Автор: John C. Lorenz

An invaluable reference that helps geologists recognize and differentiate the many types of natural fractures, induced fractures and artefacts found in cores Atlas of Natural and Induced Fractures in Core offers a reference for the interpretation of natural and induced fractures in cores. The natural and induced fracture data contained in cores provides a wealth of information once they are recognized and properly interpreted. Written by two experts in the field, this resource provides a much-needed tool to help with the accurate interpretation of these cores. The authorsinclude the information needed to identify different fracture types as well as the criteria for distinguishing between the types of fractures. The atlas shows how to recognize non-fracture artefacts in a core since many of them provide other types of useful information. In addition, the text’s illustrated structures combined with their basic interpretations are designed to be primary building blocks of a complete fracture assessment and analysis. The authors show how to recognize and correctly interpret these building blocks to ensure that subsequent analyses, interpretations, and modeling efforts regarding fracture-controlled reservoir permeability are valid. Presented in full color throughout, this comprehensive reference is written for geologists charged with interpreting fracture-controlled permeability systems in reservoirs as well as for students or other scientists who need to develop the skills to accurately interpret the natural and induced fractures in cores.

Цена: 16690.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119160038


Automated Transit
Automated Transit

Автор: Rongfang Liu

A comprehensive discussion of automated transit This book analyzes the successful implementations of automated transit in various international locations, such as Paris, Toronto, London, and Kuala Lumpur, and investigates the apparent lack of automated transit applications in the urban environment in the United States. The book begins with a brief definition of automated transit and its historical development. After a thorough description of the technical specifications, the author highlights a few applications from each sub-group of the automated transit spectrum. International case studies display various technologies and their applications, and identify vital factors that affect each system and performance evaluations of existing applications. The book then discusses the planning and operation of automated transit applications at both macro and micro levels. Finally, the book covers a number of less successful concepts, as well as the lessons learned, allowing readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Key features: Provides a thorough examination of automated transit applications, their impact and implications for society Written by the committee chair for the Automated Transit Systems Transportation, Research Board Offers essential information on planning, costs, and applications of automated transit systems Covers driverless metros, automated LRT, group and personal rapid transit, a review of worldwide applications Includes capacity and safety guidelines, as well as vehicles, propulsion, and communication and control systems This book is essential reading for engineers, researchers, scientists, college or graduate students who work in transportation planning, engineering, operation and management fields.

Цена: 10523.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119289883


Automated Vehicles and MaaS
Automated Vehicles and MaaS

Автор: Bob Williams

Цена: 13648.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119765332


Automation for Robotics
Automation for Robotics

Автор: Luc Jaulin

In order to enable a better understanding of the key concepts of automation, this book develops the fundamental aspects of the field while also proposing numerous concrete exercises and their solutions. The theoretical approach that it presents fundamentally uses the state space and makes it possible to process general and complex systems in a simple way, involving several switches and sensors of different types. This approach requires the use of developed theoretical tools such as linear algebra, analysis and physics, generally taught in preparatory classes for specialist engineering courses.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119081395


Autonomous Mobile Robots and Multi-Robot Systems
Autonomous Mobile Robots and Multi-Robot Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14909.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119213178


Beam Structures
Beam Structures

Автор: Erasmo Carrera

Beam theories are exploited worldwide to analyze civil, mechanical, automotive, and aerospace structures. Many beam approaches have been proposed during the last centuries by eminent scientists such as Euler, Bernoulli, Navier, Timoshenko, Vlasov, etc. Most of these models are problem dependent: they provide reliable results for a given problem, for instance a given section and cannot be applied to a different one. Beam Structures: Classical and Advanced Theories proposes a new original unified approach to beam theory that includes practically all classical and advanced models for beams and which has become established and recognised globally as the most important contribution to the field in the last quarter of a century. The Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) has hierarchical properties, that is, the error can be reduced by increasing the number of the unknown variables. This formulation is extremely suitable for computer implementations and can deal with most typical engineering challenges. It overcomes the problem of classical formulae that require different formulas for tension, bending, shear and torsion; it can be applied to any beam geometries and loading conditions, reaching a high level of accuracy with low computational cost, and can tackle problems that in most cases are solved by employing plate/shell and 3D formulations. Key features: compares classical and modern approaches to beam theory, including classical well-known results related to Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories pays particular attention to typical applications related to bridge structures, aircraft wings, helicopters and propeller blades provides a number of numerical examples including typical Aerospace and Civil Engineering problems proposes many benchmark assessments to help the reader implement the CUF if they wish to do so accompanied by a companion website hosting dedicated software MUL2 that is used to obtain the numerical solutions in the book, allowing the reader to reproduce the examples given in the book as well as to solve other problems of their own www.mul2.com Researchers of continuum mechanics of solids and structures and structural analysts in industry will find this book extremely insightful. It will also be of great interest to graduate and postgraduate students of mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering.

Цена: 10700.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781119978572


Beginning Rust Programming
Beginning Rust Programming

Автор: Ric Messier

Цена: 4221.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119712985



Автор: Abdelkhalak El Hami

In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that they developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied to biomechanical studies.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119379102


Bird Strike in Aviation
Bird Strike in Aviation

Автор: Ahmed F. El-Sayed

Цена: 17631.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119529828


Bulletproof Problem Solving
Bulletproof Problem Solving

Автор: Robert McLean

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119553045


Case Studies in Mechanical Engineering
Case Studies in Mechanical Engineering

Автор: Stuart Sabol

Using a case study approach, this reference tests the reader’s ability to apply engineering fundamentals to real-world examples and receive constructive feedback Case Studies in Mechanical Engineering provides real life examples of the application of engineering fundamentals. They relate to real equipment, real people and real decisions. They influence careers, projects, companies, and governments. The cases serve as supplements to fundamental courses in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, instrumentation, economics, and statistics. The author explains equipment and concepts to solve the problems and suggests relevant assignments to augment the cases. Graduate engineers seeking to refresh their career, or acquire continuing education will find the studies challenging and rewarding. Each case is designed to be accomplished in one week, earning up to 15 hours of continuing education credit. Each case study provides methods to present an argument, work with clients, recommend action and develop new business. Key features: Highlights the economic consequences of engineering designs and decisions. Encourages problem solving skills. Application of fundamentals to life experiences. Ability to practice with real life examples. Case Studies in Mechanical Engineering is a valuable reference for mechanical engineering practitioners working in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and related areas.

Цена: 9600.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781119119791


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