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Bab k

Автор: Шамиль Садиг

B?y?k adam olmuş uşaqlar – Babək. Əziz uşaqlar! B?y?klər sizə tez-tez “mənim balam b?y?k adam olacaq”,– deyirlər. Bu sizin sabahınıza olan inamdan irəli gəlir. Bu g?n hamımız b?y?k kəşflər, icadlar etmiş, insanlığa yol g?stərmiş, xeyir işlər sahibi olmuş şəxsləri tanıyır və sevirik. Bəzən də onlar kimi olmağın bir m?c?zə olduğuna inanırıq. “B?y?k adam olmuş uşaqlar” kitab setində millətimizin alim, filosof, h?kmdar kimi şəxsiyyətləri ?z həyat yollarını sizə danışacaqlar. Və siz g?rəcəksiniz ki, b?y?k işlər g?rm?ş şəxsiyyətlər də bir zamanlar sizin kimi uşaq olublar. Sən niyə b?y?k adam olmayasan ki? B?y?k adam olmağın yeganə yolu ?alışmaq və i?indəki enerjiyə g?vənməkdir. Əslində, sən bir qiymətli daşsan, əgər bunu g?rmək istəyirsənsə, qurduğun xəyalların b?y?kl?y?nə bir bax… Məgər sən he? d?ş?nmədin ki, u?a bilsəydin, nə g?zəl olardı? Məgər sən d?ş?nmədin ki, Ayın yanına gedə bilsəydin, nə əla olardı? Məgər sən istəmirsən ki, sənin sehirli ?ubuğun olsun? Əlbəttə, d?ş?nd?n, bunu d?ş?nə bilən hər kəs b?y?k adam ola bilər… Ona g?rə də d?ş?nd?klərini, qurduğun xəyalları ger?əkləşdirmək ???n, sadəcə, ?alışmaq və oxumaq lazımdır… Mən də bir zamanlar d?ş?n?rd?m ki, g?rəsən, mən kitab yaza bilərəmmi? ?alışdım və bunu bacardım. Sən də b?y?k adam olsan, uşaqlar da bir g?n sənin haqqında yazılan kitabları oxuyacaq…

Серия: Uşaq ədəbiyyatı

Цена: 62.7 руб.



Автор: Lynne Banks Reid

The stellar partnership who brought you Harry the Poisonous Centipede are back together. This is the funny story of a very naughty cat, from bestselling author Lynne Reid Banks and award winning illustrator Tony RossCats aren't there for people, people are there for cats. At least that's how Turk believes things should be. He takes every liberty with his family, while Peony is a model of good-catliness – until she falls under Turk's spell. Should cats be good or bad? They find out when they are left to fend for themselves after their humans are tricked into going on holiday without them.A wonderful animal adventure.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007436552


Balaca Delfinin mac ralar
Balaca Delfinin macəraları

Автор: Гамид Пириев

Bu kitab ucsuz-bucaqsız okeanın dərinliklərində yaşayan delfin balasının başına gələn macəralardan bəhs edir. Tək ?zməyə ?alışan balaca delfin ?ox uzağa getməyəcəyinə dair anasına s?z verir. Sualtı d?nyanın g?zəlliklərini g?rd?kcə heyran olur. Amma i?ində məktub olan ş?şə tapması balaca delfini suyun ?z?nə ?ıxmağa və faydalı bir işi sona ?atdırmağa s?vq edir. Bu işdə sarı balıqla xər?əng ona necə k?mək edə bilər? Bu ?? dostun “Ş?şədəki məktub” macərası ?ox maraqlı hadisələrlə davam edir. Sən də onlarla birgə macəra yaşamaq istəyirsənsə, kitabı oxumağa başlaya bilərsən!

Серия: Uşaq ədəbiyyatı

Цена: 82.61 руб.


Battle Lines
Battle Lines

Автор: Will Hill

Book 3 from the talent behind the bestselling hardback YA debut of 2011. Dracula is on the verge of coming into his full power. Department 19 is on the back foot. Ladies and gentlemen: welcome to war. The stakes? Mankind’s very survival…As the clock ticks remorselessly towards Zero Hour and the return of Dracula, the devastated remnants of Department 19 try to hold back the rising darkness.Jamie Carpenter is training new recruits, trying to prepare them for a fight that appears increasingly futile. Kate Randall is pouring her grief into trying to plug the Department's final leaks, as Matt Browning races against time to find a cure for vampirism. And on the other side of the world, Larissa Kinley has found a place she feels at home, yet where she makes a startling discovery.Uneasy truces are struck, new dangers emerge on all sides, and relationships are pushed to breaking point. And in the midst of it all, Department 19 faces a new and potentially deadly threat, born out of one of the darkest moments of its own long and bloody history.Zero Hour is coming. And the Battle Lines have been drawn.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007354528


Battle of the Beasts
Battle of the Beasts

Автор: Ned Vizzini

Book two in the bestselling HOUSE OF SECRETS series. Get ready for another action-packed adventure!Just when the Walker kids thought they were safe, the Wind Witch blasts Kristoff House into a crazy world of battles, beasts and cyborgs. From the searing heat and clashing swords of the Colosseum, to the snow-capped Tibetan mountains and some seriously freaky monks – the stakes have never been higher!Can the Walkers save the world? Again? Brendan, Cordelia and Nell better be prepared to fight for their lives…The second book in the major new House of Secrets series. IT’S GOING TO BE EPIC!

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007465873


Bayangan Cinta
Bayangan Cinta

Автор: Dawn Brower

Lady Anya Montgomery dapati dirinya di waktu yang lain, bukan dalam tubuhnya sendiri, dan bertunang dengan seorang lelaki yang menjijikkan. Dia tidak tahu bagaimana dia berada dalam situasi ini atau bagaimana caranya untuk dia pulang ke rumah, tetapi hari demi hari, dia tertanya-tanya jika di sini adalah tempat yang dia seharusnya berada apabila dia mula jatuh cinta. Lady Anya Montgomery bangun suatu hari, 20 tahun yang lalu, dalam tubuh berbeza, dengan seorang bapa yang mengawal, dan seorang tunang yang tidak diingini. Setiap hari membawa kejutan yang baharu, tetapi Anya hanya mempunyai satu matlamat: untuk pulang ke tempat asalnya. Namun, apabila dia mula jatuh cinta, dia tertanya-tanya jika tempat ini adalah di mana dia seharusnya berada… Bahaya bakal berlaku dan dia mungkin tidak dapat untuk teruskan hidup. Anya perlu membuat keputusan yang rumit untuk selamatkan nyawa dua orang kanak-kanak, dan keputusannya akan mendatangkan impak yang besar. Hidup dengan kesusahan daripada hasil keputusannya mungkin membuktikan bahawa dia tidak berjaya. Dia hanya perlu fahami mengapa dia dihantar ke masa lalu, dan jika dia dapat melakukan sebarang perbezaan. Dalam pencariannya, dia temui seseorang yang dapat memberikan jawapan yang dicari, dan bantunya untuk fahami segalanya. Namun, kepercayaan bukanlah mudah baginya, dan tiada yang dapat mempersiapkan Anya untuk menghadapi kejutan yang bakal menimpanya.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835425649


Be More Chill
Be More Chill

Автор: Ned Vizzini

One boy’s exploration of what it takes to be “cool”, how to get a girl and what (not) to do when you’ve got one…What do you do if you’re not cool?If girls are just an impossible (wet) dream?Simple.Take a pill containing a supercomputer that travels to your brain and tells you how to be cool – all the time! In the voice of your choice!Then, it’s goodbye porn and geekdom, and hello hot chicks, parties and a whole new perspective on life.Meet Jeremy – the guy with a heart, who exchanges the **** in his hand for a squip in his head.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007342884


Beauty and Atrocity: People, Politics and Ireland’s Fight for Peace
Beauty and Atrocity: People, Politics and Ireland’s Fight for Peace

Автор: Joshua Levine

An ambitious and powerful account of modern Irish history through the eyes of those who experienced it at first hand.Forty years after the Provisional IRA was formed and British troops arrived in Ireland, Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness sit together as leaders of a devolved Northern Irish government, in which Sinn F?in and the Democratic Unionists share power. The Troubles appear to be over; the future promises to be quite different from the past. But recent events perhaps suggest otherwise, as old tensions rise to the forefront once more.Through countless interviews with the people from both sides that lived through, participated in and were victims of the Troubles, the author builds a picture of the attitudes and the beliefs that shaped three decades of Ireland's history. There are those whose lives have been shattered, those who have tried to ignore the realities, those who have attempted to bridge the divide, those who do not accept the peace, and some who refuse to look back at all.What emerges is a balanced and wide-ranging account that explores the struggle between ideology and compassion, how the battles and politics of centuries ago still define people's attitudes towards their neighbours today, and how political injustice and the course of time can make a complex reality seem like simple history.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007375004



Автор: Lisa Clark

The essential go-for-it guide to feeling dazzlingly beauty*licious! Self-professed self-esteem queen, Lola Love, is back with the delicious Pink Ladies in their sparkly new quest to make teens feel fabulous!Embrace your individuality and feel great about yourself! Lola and the Pink Ladies are here to show you how to look great, think great and feel great. This style bible is bursting with beauty tips and ideas on how to make the very best out of your own funky style.Find excellent tips on how to develop your style with confidence and how to make your hair, clothes and make-up totally cool! Then get great ideas on how to stay happy and healthy without having to resort to fad diets or unhealthy eating regimes.Beauty*Licious is an absolute must-have for every teen and tween girl on the planet. Learn to make the most of your individuality and be fun, feisty, fearless and fabulous!

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007339747


Beauty: Illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis and Classificatin of Beauty in Woman
Beauty: Illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis and Classificatin of Beauty in Woman

Автор: Alexander Walker

Цена: Бесплатно


Beetle Power!
Beetle Power!

Автор: Joe Miller

Even bugs can be heroes! Join the Bug Buddies on bug-tastic adventures, as they pit their wits against the dreaded spider Spinner, creepiest of all creepy crawlies…Spinner's Wood is full of sticky mud, tall trees and long grass. But most of all, it's full of bugs!Meet the Bug Buddies – four best friends called Zap, Buzz, Lurch and Crunch. Their life would be perfect if it weren't for Spinner, who has eight legs and one mission: to trap the whole wood in his evil web. But even bugs can be heroes…It’s the final showdown with Spinner – if the wicked spider is defeated he will be banished from the wood forever. But if he wins, Gonzo must leave… This is a battle the Bug Buddies cannot afford to lose!

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007497249


Behandeling Van Acne
Behandeling Van Acne

Автор: Owen Jones

Miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld worden door acne geplaagd. De meesten onder hen zijn jong en emotioneel nog niet sterk genoeg om zich te wapenen tegen de schaamte en soms zelfs het schuldgevoel of de afkeer, tot aan pesten toe, die maar al te vaak met een uitbraak van acne gepaard gaan. De informatie in dit boek zal je helpen om met acne om te gaan. Miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld worden door acne geplaagd. De meesten onder hen zijn jong en emotioneel nog niet sterk genoeg om zich te wapenen tegen de schaamte en soms zelfs het schuldgevoel of de afkeer, tot aan pesten toe, die maar al te vaak met een uitbraak van acne gepaard gaan. Nog erger is dat de littekens in het gezicht een trieste herinnering zijn aan een uitbraak van acne of een ernstige vorm ervan in het verleden. Ze zijn onverdraaglijk, omdat ze permanent aanwezig lijken te zijn en ze niet bepaald flatteren. Dit boek wil de acnelijder de best mogelijke verdediging tegen deze potentieel levensverwoestende aandoening bieden: kennis, de informatie die nodig is om acne te vermijden, ermee om te gaan en ervan af te raken.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788835420316



Автор: Jean Ure

Four stray dogs all with a story to tell of their rescue and how they came to live at Munchy Flats Cottage with their people, Flossie and Jo.The second title in this new series. Bella is a pedigree – her real name being Princess Isadora of Bude! She’s a lapdog and spoilt rotten by her elderly owner. When her owner is taken into hospital, Bella has to go and live with another family and is bullied and teased by the other dogs. Bella’s hair gets matted, her ribbon torn and she’s very unhappy. She runs back to the hospital where she thinks her owner is, but sadly her owner has died. Bella has to learn to live with her new bullying siblings. One day, out in the park Bella is bullied by a pack of dogs and is left cowering in the bushes. Her new owners decide that they must find Bella a new home and they take her to Munchy Flats Cottage where she settles in nicely with Buster… A heartwarming ending to a story about bullying dogs.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008116729


Benjamin Bl?mchen, Folge 83: Benjamin als Gespenst
Benjamin Bl?mchen, Folge 83: Benjamin als Gespenst

Автор: Ulli Herzog

Исполнители: J?rgen Kluckert

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4033694265833


Best Friends!
Best Friends!

Автор: Rose Impey

The hugely popular Sleepover Club series is back with a brand new story and a gorgeous new look. Meet Frankie, Kenny, Fliss, Rosie and Lyndz – five best friends who just want to have fun!In this new introductory story from series originator Rose Impey the five girls have their first ever sleepover together and become the best of friends. When their school rivals, the horrible M&Ms, steal their club mascot, the girls are determined to get revenge…As well as a great story this book tells you how to have your own brilliant sleepover party – with a list of things to bring, food to eat and games to play, you and your friends are guaranteed to have a fantastic time.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007290734


Best Mates
Best Mates

Автор: Michael Morpurgo

A collection of six magical and heart-warming animal stories, specially for World Book Day, by the nation’s favourite storyteller.From the author who brought you Joey the War Horse, Shadow the dog and Kaspar the cat comes a pocket-sized collection of perfect animal stories – proving that it’s not just dogs that are man’s best friends…Taken from the length of Michael Morpurgo’s career, the tales in this charming book will delight any child who loves animals … or stories! Readers will return to the best mates in this little book again and again.From dogs to cats, and from horses to dolphins and whales, it’s all here in this timeless treasury.Contains the stories:• The Silver Swan• It’s a Dog’s Life• Snug• Didn’t We Have a Lovely Time?• Dolphin Boy• This Morning I Met a Whale

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780008135010



Автор: Морган Райс

""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"" –Vampirebooksite.com (Turned) BETRAYED is book #3 in the #1 Bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which begins with TURNED (Book #1)! In BETRAYED (Book #3 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine awakes from a deep coma to discover she has been turned. Now a true, full-bred vampire, she marvels at her new powers, including her ability to fly, and her superhuman strength. She finds that her true love, Caleb, is still by her side, waiting patiently for her to recover. She has everything she could dream of. Until it all, suddenly, goes terribly wrong. Caitlin is horrified to discover Caleb with his ex-wife, Sera, and before Caleb has a chance to explain, Caitlin tells him to leave. Heartbroken, confused, Caitlin wants to curl up and die, her only consolation being in her wolf-pup Rose. Caitlin also finds consolation in her new surroundings. She finds she has been placed on a hidden island in the Hudson River—Pollepel—amidst an elite coven of teenage vampires, boys and girls alike, 24 in all, including her. She learns that this is a place for outcasts, just like her, and as she meets her new best friend, Polly, and begins her training in elite vampire combat, she realizes that she might finally have a place to call home. But a major vampire war is looming, and her brother Sam is still out there, kidnapped by Samantha. The evil Kyle, too, now wielding the mythical Sword, is still on the warpath, and he will stop at nothing to wipe out New York. Caitlin, despite her new home, and despite her finding a new love interest in the elusive vampire Blake, knows that she can only stay on this island for so long before her destiny calls. After all, she is still the One, and all eyes still look to her to find her father and the other weapon that might save them all. Torn between her new friends and her lingering feelings for Caleb, she must come to decide where her true loyalties lie, and whether she is willing to risk it all to try to find Caleb and have him in her life once again…. “BETRAYED is a great installment for this series. If you haven't read her first two novels, read them and then get your hands on BETRAYED.” VampireBookSite “The cliffhanger at the end of BETRAYED will leave the reader panting for more, and BETRAYED receives a solid A for its face paced read, and imaginative story.” –The Dallas Examiner “BETRAYED has good romance, a strong plot, lots of action, and a very quick pace. There are so many wonderful surprises that you will not want to stop reading it until the very end.” –The Romance Reviews Books 1-11 now available online!

Серия: The Vampire Journals

Исполнители: Emily Gittelman

Цена: 238.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781640298286


Betrayed by Love
Betrayed by Love

Автор: Diana Palmer

From New York Times bestselling author Diana Palmer comes a fan-favorite story of second-chance love.Cattle rancher Jacob Cade rarely denies himself anything–except his passion for Kate Walker. When it comes to his younger sister's best friend, Jacob sets boundaries as solid as his ranch fences. But when Kate returns home for his sister's wedding, he sees her with new eyes. She's older, wiser and more attractive than ever–and Jacob can't help but feel that the time for restraint is over…Kate has been in love with Jacob for as long as she can remember. She knows the ruggedly handsome older man isn't offering forever, but the sparks between them are as hot as they ever were. Yet, will a few precious nights in his arms be worth the heartache that's sure to follow?

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781474035842


Beware, Princess Elizabeth
Beware, Princess Elizabeth

Автор: Carolyn Meyer

A matter of life and death – and the Throne of EnglandCompanion volume to Mary, Bloody Mary. Set in the 16th Century, this tells of the danger and conflict Elizabeth Tudor faced after the death of her father, Henry VIII. Once again told from a young girl's point of view, we follow Elizabeth's teenage years through the turbulent reigns of her young brother Edward, and then her half-sister Mary who becomes her mortal enemy.

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007389445


Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 40: Bibi und die Vampire
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 40: Bibi und die Vampire

Автор: Elfie Donnelly

Исполнители: Susanna Bonasewicz

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4033694266403


Bibi Blocksberg, Klangreise auf der Junghexeninsel
Bibi Blocksberg, Klangreise auf der Junghexeninsel

Автор: Том Вильямс

Исполнители: Susanna Bonasewicz

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 4001504147013


Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife

Автор: Stephen Moss

A tie-in to the TV series, offering practical advice to beginners wanting to learn more about wildlifeBill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife is a practical beginner's guide to enjoying the wildlife of Britain. Organised into a calendar of months, Bill tells you the best places to visit, how to catch a glimpse of our best-loved species, and things you can do for each month of the year. For example, in May, you could visit some wild flower meadows which are in their prime, see a nightingale, and experience the dawn chorus.Written in Bill's endearingly frank and witty style, this is an inspiring and refreshingly straightforward approach to watching wildlife. There are suggestions for places to visit within reach of wherever you live in Britain, and advice on watching wildlife with children. With stories of Bill's experiences in the field, it offers you and your family the know-how to start out with confidence.Bill Oddie sets out to demystify wildlife watching, giving advice on basic equipment and field craft, as well as explaining how to make the most of your encounters with animals. To guide you successfully through some of the finest wildlife experiences, there are top tips, advice for things to take with you that you might never have considered, and helpful addresses and websites for some of the activities less close to home. And in case you really get bitten by the bug, there is information on taking the next step, with hints on getting more advanced equipment, which conservation trusts to join, and wildlife holidays to make the most of your new-found skills.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007282883


Billionaire Boy
Billionaire Boy

Автор: David Walliams

A hilarious, touching and extraordinary new fable from David Walliams, number one bestseller and one of the fastest growing children’s author across the globe.Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion of them, in fact. You see, Joe's rich. Really, really rich. Joe's got his own bowling alley, his own cinema, even his own butler who is also an orangutan. He's the wealthiest twelve-year-old in the land.But Joe isn't happy. Why not? Because he's got a billion pounds… and not a single friend. But then someone comes along, someone who likes Joe for Joe, not for his money. The problem is, Joe's about to learn that when money is involved, nothing is what it seems.The best things in life are free, they say – and if Joe's not careful, he's going to lose them all…

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780007371433


Bird Brain: Over 2,400 Questions to Test Your Bird Knowledge
Bird Brain: Over 2,400 Questions to Test Your Bird Knowledge

Автор: Литагент HarperCollins USD

An ornithological quiz book packed with challenging questions for birders, based on the popular ‘Bird Brain of Britain’ contest at the annual BirdFair.The British Birdwatching Fair, held every August at Rutland Water Nature Reserve, attracts over 30,000 visitors every year. One of the most popular attractions in the events marquee is the ‘Bird Brain of Britain’ contest. Each of the four contestants must answer a set of questions on their nominated specialist subject, and a second set on general (ornithological) knowledge. The participants have included popular presenters and experts throughout the years, including Stephen Moss, Chris Harbard, Mark Andrews, Nigel Redman, Mike Dilger and David Lindo, among many others.The book will feature the questions asked in the contest over its 30-year lifespan. Many seemingly simple questions turn out to have complex answers, and some that seem difficult have a very simple explanation. The questions are difficult and varied enough to test any birder’s knowledge, and will provide many hours of challenging entertainment. Be they trivial, idiosyncratic, baffling or strange, the varied bird trivia included makes this compilation as entertaining and enlightening as it is educational.

Цена: 1324.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780008315757


Bitter Sweet Love
Bitter Sweet Love

Автор: Дженнифер Ли Арментроут

In a sizzling prequel novella to her new series The Dark Elements, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout draws readers into the extraordinary, irresistible world of Wardens and demons.Dez wasn’t just Jasmine’s crush. A gargoyle Warden like Jas, he helped her come to terms with her destiny—fending off demons and maintaining the balance between good and evil. He was her everything…right until the moment he disappeared without a trace. It didn’t help that Jas’s father had just announced that she and Dez would one day be mated. Hard not to take that personally.And now he’s back, three years older, ten times hotter, ready to pick up exactly where they left off. But Jas isn’t taking that risk again. Dez has seven days to meet all her conditions and earn back her trust. Seven days filled with terrifying danger and sweet temptation. Seven days to win her heart—or shatter it all over again… Don’t miss White Hot Kiss, book one in Jennifer L. Armentrout’s The Dark Elements series from Harlequin TEEN!

Цена: 246.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781472071095


Black Ice
Black Ice

Автор: Anne Stuart

Her new job was a Killer Chloe Underwood had come to Paris looking for adventure and landed up living hand-to-mouth as a children’s book translator. So when she’s offered a lucrative weekend translating at an international business conference in a remote ch?teau, she leaps at the opportunity. Then Chloe discovers her employers aren’t the boring businessmen they seem.Suddenly, she’s running for her life from a group of international and highly illegal arms dealers – and now Chloe knows too much to be allowed to live…‘‘A master at creating chilling atmosphere with a modern touch’’ – Library Journal

Цена: 246.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781408917022


Black Stars of the Civil Rights Movement
Black Stars of the Civil Rights Movement

Автор: Jim Haskins

AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY COMES TO LIFE Discover why young people all over the country are reading the Black Stars biographies of African American heroes. Here is what you want to know about the lives of brave black men and women during the Civil Rights Movement: * LOUIS «SATCHMO» ARMSTRONG * MARY MCLEOD BETHUNE * MAJOR GENERAL BENJAMIN O. DAVIS JR. * W. E. B. DU BOIS * LIEUTENANT HENRY O. FLIPPER * MARCUS GARVEY * MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. * THURGOOD MARSHALL * ROSA PARKS * ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR. * PHILIP RANDOLPH * PAUL ROBESON * JACKIE ROBINSON * BOOKER T. WASHINGTON * IDA B. WELLS-BARNETT * CARTER G. WOODSON * WHITNEY M. YOUNG JR. «The books in the Black Stars series are the types of books that would have really captivated me as a kid.» -Earl G. Graves, Black Enterprise magazine «Inspiring stories that demonstrate what can happen when ingenuity and tenacity are paired with courage and hard work.» -Black Books Galore! Guide to Great African American Children's Books «Haskins has chosen his subjects well . . . catching a sense of the enormous obstacles they had to overcome. . . . Some names are familiar, but most are little-known whom Haskins elevates to their rightful place in history.» -Booklist «The broad coverage makes this an unusual resource-a jumping-off point for deeper studies.» -Horn Book

Цена: 1988.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780471467670


Blast from the Past
Blast from the Past

Автор: Cathy Hopkins

Praise for Cathy Hopkins:‘Funny and feelgood’ Good Housekeeping‘Warm, funny and uplifting’ Reader’s DigestOn a trip of a lifetime to India, Bea is given an unexpected fiftieth birthday present – an hour with a celebrated clairvoyant. Unlucky in love, Bea learns that her true soulmate is still out there ̶ and that he’s someone she has already met.Returning home, Bea revisits the men in her life and can’t resist looking up a few old lovers – the Good, the Bad and the… well, the others. As Bea connects with the ones that got away, she suspects that her little black book has remained shut for a reason. But one man out there has her in his sights.They say love is blind and maybe Bea just needs an eye test…Funny and wise, this is the perfect read for anyone who believes in finding love, no matter what their age.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780008289270


Blaze and the Dark Rider
Blaze and the Dark Rider

Автор: Stacy Gregg

The second adventure in this fresh, fun and accessible new series – perfect for all pony-loving girls out there.Issie and her friends have been picked to represent the Chevalier Point Pony Club at the Interclub Gold Shield – the biggest competition of the year. It’s time to get training!But when equipment is sabotaged and one of the riders is injured, Issie and her friends are determined to find out who’s to blame. With a little help from Issie’s old pony Mystic, maybe they can solve the mystery…Another action-packed adventure from the Chevalier Point Pony Club.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007340675


Bleiki The Viking Mouse And The Conquest Of Highlands
Bleiki The Viking Mouse And The Conquest Of Highlands

Автор: Fabio Pozzoni

Bleiki is the Viking white mouse with real horns that, left behind by his family, is raised by Trolls. He left his adoptive parents to go to find friends, he is being ostracized, and he begins his adventure with Vikings until colonize Scottish Highlands. It's a fairy tale with Viking original names, and invented names for Trolls. The book is full of images, all of it blazes with actions, and it has historical and geographic references. It's a perfect combination and co-ordination between fantasy and reality. It's indicated for children 6 through 10 years of age.

Цена: 117.39 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356993


Blink and You Die
Blink and You Die

Автор: Lauren Child

Say goodbye to Ruby Redfort: every smart kid’s smart kid. The mind-blowing conclusion to the thrilling series by award-winning author Lauren Child.Ruby Redfort: undercover agent, code-cracker and thirteen-year-old genius – you can count on her when the ice starts to crack.All good things come to an end… Ruby Redfort is running scared, a whole bunch of people want her dead and worst of all one of them is on her team. But just who is this agent of doom?You can run, Ruby, but you can’t hide…

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780008190156



Автор: Robert Westall

Four stories of wartime childhood showing the effects of war on the lives of ordinary people, especially children.A mysterious air-raid shelter…A plane crash under fire…A secret operation…A noise in the attic…Four short stories bringing World War 2 to life. In these stories, Robrt Westall shows the effects of war on the lives of ordinary people, especially children.

Цена: 327.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780007573240


Bloodborne. Жажда исцеления
Bloodborne. Жажда исцеления

Автор: Алеш Кот

Город Ярнам, который когда-то был известен своими чудесными лекарствами, пал жертвой кошмарной чумы. Подозревая, что виновата во всем Церковь исцеления, пара непохожих друг на друга жителей начинает искать ответы, надеясь раскрыть истинную природу проклятия. Готовьтесь покопаться в темных подвалах Церкви исцеления, ведь сценарист Алеш Кот возвращается к пропитанным кровью улицам Ярнама вместе с художником Пётром Ковальски! События разворачиваются в мире Bloodborne – высоко оценённой критиками игре геймдизайнера Хидэтаки Миядзаки!

Серия: Bloodborne

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-113032-9



Автор: Тесс Герритсен

A spine-tingling thriller from the bestselling author of the Rizzoli & Isles series.The small resort of Tranquillity, Maine, seems like the perfect spot for Dr Claire Elliot to shelter her son, Noah, from the temptations of the city and the traumatic memory of his father's death. Claire's hopeful that she can earn the trust of the town as she builds a new practice. But her plans unravel when an outbreak of teenage violence, far more deadly than anything she has encountered in the city, erupts in the local school.In trying to find a medical explanation for this murderous epidemic, Claire stumbles upon an insidious evil which has blighted the town's past and threatens its future. Terrified that Noah too is at risk, she must prove her theory before everything she loves is destroyed.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007370788


Blue Fire
Blue Fire

Автор: Janice Hardy

Nya must leave the only home she’s ever known.Trust the very people she always hated.And become the weapon she never wanted to be…Re-enter the fascinating world of Healers and Takers in the gripping sequel to THE PAIN MERCHANTS in the epic dystopian fantasy adventure trilogy, THE HEALING WARS.Nya has survived her battles with the Luminary and freed the Takers who were enslaved at the Healer’s League. But all is not well in Geveg and war rages on.Nya, Tali and friends are in hiding, plotting their escape as the Duke posts a ransom for their capture. But plans are thwarted by treachery and kidnap as trackers, rascals and soldiers overwhelm them.Soon Nya finds herself alone in alien city Baseer. She must break her comrades out of jail, find her sister and unravel the Duke’s fiendish new plot surrounding the mysterious goings-on at the pynvium Foundry.And to accomplish any of this she must face the almighty new menace… the Undying.

Цена: 327.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780007352401


Boa constrictor
Boa constrictor

Автор: Іван Франко

«Boa constrictor» Івана Франка – перша в українській літературі натуралістична повість, в якій автор піднімає питання психофізіології, згубного прагнення до золота і влади***. Найвідомішими творами Івана Франка є «Перехресні стежки», «Лель і Полель», «Грицева шкільна наука», «Малий Мирон», «Олівець», «Украдене щастя», «Будка Ч. 27», збірки поезій «Зів’яле листя», «З вершин і низин», «Мій Ізмарагд» тощо. Іван Франко – видатний український письменник, який працював у жанрах поезії, прози та драматургії, талановитий літературознавець і публіцист.


Цена: 24.95 руб.
ISBN: 978-1-387-66612-6


Bombs on Aunt Dainty
Bombs on Aunt Dainty

Автор: Judith Kerr

Partly autobiographical, this is the second title in Judith Kerr’s internationally acclaimed trilogy of books following the life of Anna through war-torn Germany, to London during the Blitz and her return to Berlin to discover the past…It is hard enough being a teenager in London during the Blitz, finding yourself in love and wondering every night whether you will survive the bombs. But it is even harder for Anna, who is still officially classified as an “enemy alien”. Those bombs are coming from Germany – the country that was once her own. If Hitler invades, can she and her beloved refugee family possibly survive?This was previously published as The Other Way Round.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007375714



Автор: Jean Ure

Four stray dogs, all with a story to tell of their rescue and how they came to live at Munchy Flats Cottage, with their people Flossie and Joe. This is Bonnie’s story .Poor little Bonnie was a pathetic, timid little dog. As a puppy she was taken to a loving home, where her People – Alison and Jake – adored her. But they started arguing and eventually split up. Jake left home and Bonnie was left with Alison who wasn’t quite as kind as her partner had been. When Alison’s new friend moves in, he doesn’t particularly like dogs and Bonnie finds herself ignored for most of the time. She escapes to the countryside but injures her paw on a rusty nail and is bleeding and frightened. Buster – that very brave dog – finds her and coaxes her out The Munchy Flats People find both dogs and taken them home to their growing family!

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008116736


Book of Fire: a debut fantasy perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner
Book of Fire: a debut fantasy perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner

Автор: Michelle Kenney

‘I found it hard to put the book down!’Esha Packer’I have not enjoyed reading a fantasy book this much since The Hunger Games and I devoured every single page.’ Zoe MannLife outside the domes is not possible. At least that’s what Insiders are told.Twins Eli and Talia shouldn’t exist. They’re Outsiders.Their home is a secret. Their lives are a secret. Arafel is a secret.An unexpected forest raid forces Talia into a desperate mission to rescue her family while protecting the sacred Book of Arafel from those who would use it as a weapon. As Talia and her life long friend Max enter the dome, she makes some unexpected discoveries, and allies, in the form of rugged Insider August, that will change the course of her life forever.She’ll stop at nothing to save her family but will she sacrifice her heart in the process?The Fire Sermon meets Gladiator in this brilliant YA debut.Praise for Book of Fire‘The world building was done with great detail, I was able to picture what I was reading and that made the experience that much greater.’ Esha Packer‘I was blown away by the intricate details throughout this book of the 2 different worlds, the characters, the mythical beasts, the character development and their relationships with one another.’ Zoe Mann‘Michelle has woven elements into the story beautifully, she has brought history and the future together in one book.’ Gemma McGee

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008271541


Book Three: Part 1 The Dusk of Hope
Book Three: Part 1 The Dusk of Hope

Автор: Sean Wolfe Fay

Part 1 of the stunning conclusion to the Elementia Chronicles: an unofficial MINECRAFT-fan adventure series, inspired by the bestselling game.The Republic of Elementia is in ruins after the Noctem Alliance waged war on Element City. President Stan and his council are scattered across the aerver, trying to find their way back to one another to continue their fight for freedom. And a mysterious figures has joined their world – one with the power to save or destroy them all. Can Stan reunite with Kate, Charlie and their friends and make a last stand for the world they love in an epic battle of good vs. evil?Disclaimer: This book is not authorized, sponsored, endorsed or licensed by Mojang AB, Microsoft Corp. or any other person or entity owning or controlling any rights to the Minecraft name, trademarks or copyrights. Minecraft is a registered trademark of Mojang Synergies AB.

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780008152819


Born to Dance
Born to Dance

Автор: Jean Ure

The first in a brand-new series about dancing, friendship and following your dreams from best-loved author Jean Ure, whose books are described by Jacqueline Wilson as “funny, funky, feisty – and fantastic reads!”When new girl Caitlyn arrives at Coombe House School Maddy is sure she must be a fellow ballet dancer; she certainly has all the grace and poise of a ballerina. So when Caitlyn denies it, Maddy isn’t convinced. But it isn’t until she comes across Caitlyn practising ballet in the gym that she realises there must be more to her story… Just what can it be? Maddy is determined to find out!

Цена: 1324.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780008174781


Born to Run
Born to Run

Автор: Michael Morpurgo

Discover the beautiful stories of Michael Morpurgo, author of Warhorse and the nation’s favourite storytellerJoy and heartbreak combine in this bittersweet tale of a champion greyhound’s journey through life – and from owner to owner…“The sack wasn't just drifting gently along like everything else, it was turning of its own accord. There was definitely something inside it, struggling against the side of the plastic bag, kicking at it, squeaking and squealing in terror. He had no idea what it might be, only that it was alive and in danger of drowning.”When Patrick saves a litter of greyhound puppies from the canal, he can’t bear to hand them all over to the RSPCA. He pleads with his parents: couldn’t he just keep one of them? But nothing will convince them and Patrick cries himself to sleep – only to be woken by a greyhound puppy licking his face!Patrick christens his puppy Best Mate, and that’s what he becomes. Patrick’s favourite thing is to watch Best Mate running at full stretch on the heath, a speeding bullet, a cheetah-dog. Until one day Best Mate is kidnapped by a greyhound trainer, and begins a new life as a champion race dog. Suzie, the greyhound trainer’s step-daughter, loves Best Mate on first sight and gives him a new name, Bright Eyes. But what will happen when he can’t run any more?Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007369997


Boy Meets Boy
Boy Meets Boy

Автор: Дэвид Левитан

The unforgettable debut novel by co-author with John Green of Will Grayson, Will GraysonTo be together with someone for twenty years seems like an eternity. I can’t seem to manage twenty days…How do you stay together?Paul has been gay his whole life and he’s confident about almost everything. He doesn’t have to hide his feelings like best friend Tony or even cope with loving the wrong guy like his other best friend Joni.But heartbreak can happen to anyone. Falling in love changes everything.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007405510


Boy Underwater
Boy Underwater

Автор: Adam Baron

A heart-breaking, heart-warming novel for everyone of 10 and older – this book will probably make you cry, and will definitely make you laugh.Cymbeline Igloo (yes, really!) has NEVER been swimmingNot ever. Not once.But how hard can it be? He’s Googled front crawl and he’s found his dad’s old pair of trunks. He’s totally ready.What he’s not ready for is the accident at the pool – or how it leads his mum to a sudden breakdown.Now, with the help of friends old and new, Cymbeline must solve the mystery of why his mum never took him near water – and it will turn his whole life upside down…‘A wonderful story, moving and funny’ – Ross Welford

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780008267025


Boys Beware
Boys Beware

Автор: Jean Ure

Another brilliant story containing comedy, calamity and cool characters by acclaimed writer Jean Ure.Even though Tash and Emily go to a nunnery (well, an all girls' school, which amounts to the same thing!), they are into boys in a BIG WAY. They're also stepsisters and the hugest of best friends. So when their mum and dad have to go Peru for work for a couple of months, leaving the girls in their own flat in Aunty Jay's house, they are seriously excited.Of course they've got to take their weird elder sister, Ali, hundreds of her Star Trek videos and Fat Man the cat, but apart from that they are INDEPENDENT GIRLS. And when they find out that there's a dishy boy living in the flat downstairs, they just can't believe their luck…

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007439966


Brauch Blau
Brauch Blau

Автор: Julia Malik

"Brauch Blau" ist ein Roman über Mutterinstinkt, weibliche Lust, Versagens?ngste und Selbstbehauptung, wütend und abgründig, ironisch und leidenschaftlich, radikal und z?rtlich. In schnell pulsierenden S?tzen, mit einer starken Sprache und einem zerrei?end zarten Blick auf ihre Figuren erz?hlt Julia Malik von einer Frau, die sich wehrt.

Sie erwacht auf einem Hotelbett, sie ist unbekleidet. Ihre Erinnerungen sind im Nebel, dringen nur splitterhaft zu ihr durch. Eine Erkenntnis fl utet wie eine hei?e Welle ihr Bewusstsein: Sie hat zwei kleine Kinder! Wieso ist sie allein? Eines steht fest: Sie muss sie fi nden, und zwar schnell. Eine atemlose Suche beginnt. Sie rennt. Sie muss ihr Leben in den Griff und endlich diese Hauptrolle in der Oper bekommen. Alles steht auf dem Spiel: das Wohlergehen ihrer Kinder und ihr eigenes Selbstverst?ndnis als Karrierefrau und Mutter, die verzweifelt versucht, sich gegen die Selbstaufopferung zur Wehr zu setzen, die ihr der Alltag als Alleinerziehende abverlangt. Sie hat es endgültig satt, allen immer nur zu gefallen. In Brauch Blau sieht eine Mutter rot. Es ist die Geschichte einer Frau, die k?mpft: gegen ihre gesellschaftliche Rolle, die ihr den Atem abschnürt, gegen den Vater ihrer Kinder, der sie nicht nur verlassen hat, sondern der ihre Grenzen übertritt, gegen die Fremdbestimmtheit und nicht zuletzt gegen sich selbst.

Серия: Deb?tromane in der FVA

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783627022815


Breaking The Rules
Breaking The Rules

Автор: Кэти Макгэрри

“I wish life could be like this forever,” I say.“We’d be okay then.We’d forever be okay.”For Echo Emerson, a road trip with her boyfriend is the perfect way to spend the last summer between school and college. It’s a chance forget all the things that make her so different at home. But most of all, it means almost three months alone with gorgeous Noah Hutchins, the only boy who’s never judged her.Echo and Noah share everything.But as their pasts come crashing back into their lives, its harder to hide that they come from two very different worlds. And as the summer fades, Echo faces her toughest decision – struggle to face the future together or let her first love go… The Pushing the Limits Series1. Pushing the Limits2. Dare You To3. Crash Into You4. Take Me On5. Breaking the Rules.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781474008600


Brewing Up
Brewing Up

Автор: Nathan Reed

Jessica and Miss Strega go off to source the Brewing ingredients, to the Market at the Very End of the Earth. The fourth title in this magical series.Jessica and Miss Strega are off on an expedition to restock Miss Strega’s shop with Brewing Ingredients.They moon-vault up to the Milky Way, meeting a rather fat dragon on the way. When Jess Spells the dragon out of trouble, he tells her where she can get that elusive ingredientt Mandrake and also the name of a dentist who will supply Dragons’ Teeth and Dragon Blood. They visit the Market at the Very End of the Earth, where they choose from the Pool of Lost Socks and buy some Rompadenti biscuits. They camp out in an orange orchard and Jess learns about the Modern Witch’s Brewing Pyramid. Jess brews up a Shock Brew which makes Miss Strega and the familiars itch all night. But Miss Strega gets her own back on Jessica for the itchy brew, by giving her a Rompadenti biscuit with her name on… luckily Jess uses the Dragon’s Blood to make the writing disappear, otherwise who knows what might have happened.The fourth title in this magical series, fizzing with fun and excitement.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007571840


Bright Girls
Bright Girls

Автор: Clare Chambers

Outstanding voice in girls’ fiction.Fifteen-year-old Robyn (the “sensible”) one and her older sister Rachel (anything but!) arrive in Brighton to spend the summer with their estranged Aunt Jackie, who runs a ballgown hire business from her ramshackle multi-storey home. They have been forced to leave their home in Oxford, where they live with their father, because of threats to their safety, the nature of which only gradually becomes apparent.A perfect summer read and a brilliant study of sisterly devotion and rivalry, coupled with a frisson of mystery and a wonderful dollop of humour.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007378166


Britannica. Детская энциклопедия
Britannica. Детская энциклопедия

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Энциклопедия Britannica издается с 1768 года и все это время пробуждает любопытство и жажду знаний в читателях всех возрастов. Книга, которую вы держите в руках, новая энциклопедия Britannica, продолжает эту традицию. В отличие от старых энциклопедий, составленных от А до Я, эта энциклопедия отправит вас в путешествие от начала времен до наших дней – и даже позволит заглянуть в будущее! Книга разделена на восемь больших глав по темам: Вселенная и космос, планета Земля, наука, происхождение жизни, тело человека, история Древнего мира, а также новое и новейшее время. Над каждой главой новой энциклопедии Britannica трудилось огромное количество экспертов, и каждый факт в ней подтвержден специалистами. Более 1000 уникальных иллюстраций и фотографий были заказаны специально для этой книги и непременно поразят ваше воображение. Для среднего школьного возраста.

Серия: Энциклопедия Britannica для детей

Цена: 749 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-17-138306-0


Broken Promises
Broken Promises

Автор: Summer Waters

Exciting new magical adventure series for girls – will you answer the call of Silver Dolphins?Antonia is a secret Silver Dolphin – she's responsible for helping the creatures of the bay when their environment is threatened, by responding to the call of her magic necklace.When her cousins come to stay, Antonia’s loyalties are divided between family and her dolphin friends. New Sea Watch members are also causing rifts and she can’t help getting swept up in rivalry with Rosie, the latest volunteer. Will Antonia end up breaking the most important promise of all?

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007340750


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