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Ñîðòèðîâêà: Íàèìåíîâàíèå, Öåíà, Àâòîð, Ãîä

Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

La Historia M?s Larga
La Historia M?s Larga

Àâòîð: Rotimi Ogunjobi

La peque?a Minnie Makepiece deseaba ganar un viaje de vacaciones a Disneyland contando la historia m?s larga, por lo que se dirigi? a hablar con su abuelo Makepiece.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835420392


La Inteligencia Emocional
La Inteligencia Emocional

Àâòîð: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Si de algo se ha hablado en los ?ltimos a?os en el campo de la Psicolog?a ha sido con respecto a la Inteligencia Emocional, al principio como un desarrollo m?s del ?rea de estudio de las emociones humanas y sus implicaciones en la vida, para luego adquirir un papel predominante en ?reas tan importantes como la educaci?n o la empresa, y todo ello gracias a los beneficios que se ha observado que provoca tanto en el rendimiento como en la satisfacci?n con la vida por parte de quien cultiva la Inteligencia Emocional. En este ebook se trata de ofrecer una aproximaci?n a las ?ltimas investigaciones realizadas en el ?mbito de la Inteligencia Emocional, donde acercarse tanto a su definici?n y consecuencias, pero sobre todo a c?mo este puede aplicarse en la vida cotidiana para poder obtener los mayores beneficios posibles. Un camino necesario, el de cultivar la Inteligencia Emocional que se ver? como imprescindible una vez hayas finalizado la lectura de este ebok.

Öåíà: 235.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873046615


La Marcia Dei Re
La Marcia Dei Re

Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

LA MARCIA DEI RE ci porta avanti lungo il viaggio epico di Thor nell’umanit?, mentre inizia a capire di pi? su se stesso e sui suoi poteri, intraprendendo la sua carriera da guerriero. Dopo essere fuggito dalle segrete, Thor ? sconvolto dal sentire di un altro tentativo di assassinio contro Re MacGil. Quando MacGil muore, il regno ? in pieno subbiglio. Mentre tutti competono per ottenere il trono, la Corte del Re ? pi? occupata che mai con i suoi drammi familiari, lotte di potere, ambizioni, gelosia, violenza e tradimento. ? necessario che un erede venga scelto tra i figli, e l’antica Spada della Dinastia, la fonte di tutto il loro potere, avr? un’altra occasione di essere sollevata da un nuovo pretendente. Ma tutto viene ribaltato: viene rinvenuta l’arma del delitto e il cappio si stringe attorno alla ricerca dell’assassino. Allo stesso tempo i MacGil devono affrontare una nuova minaccia da parte dei McCloud, che sono gi? pronti ad attaccare di nuovo dall’interno dell’Anello. Thor lotta per riconquistare l’amore di Gwendolyn, ma purtroppo non c’? tempo: ? obbligato a fare i bagagli e prepararsi con i suoi compagni d’armi per il Cento, un centinaio di estenuanti giornate d’inferno alle quali i membri della Legione devono sopravvivere. La Legione dovr? oltrepassare il Canyon andando al di l? della protezione dell’Anello, addentrandosi nelle Terre Selvagge e salpando attraverso il Mar Tartuvio verso l’Isola della Nebbia, che si dice sia sorvegliata da un drago. Questa sar? la loro iniziazione per diventare uomini. Ce la faranno a tornare? L’Anello sopravviver? durante la loro assenza? E Thor capir? finalmente il segreto del suo destino? Con la sua sofisticata strutturazione del mondo e la sua caratterizzazione dei personaggi, LA MARCIA DEI RE ? un racconto epico di amici e innamorati, di rivali e saguaci, di cavalieri e draghi, di intrighi e macchinazioni politiche, di crescita, di cuori spezzati, di inganno, ambizione e tradimento. ? un racconto di onore e coraggio, di fato e destino, di stregoneria. ? un fantasy capace di trasportarci in un mondo che non dimenticheremo mai, e che affasciner? ogni et? e ogni genere di persona. ? un libro di 60.000 parole. Della stessa serie sono anche gi? stati pubblicati i libri dal 3 al 12.

Ñåðèÿ: L’Anello Dello Stregone

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Edoardo Camponeschi

Öåíà: 238.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094300177


La Mitoman?a
La Mitoman?a

Àâòîð: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Öåíà: 117.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873047087


La Principessa E Il Cavaliere
La Principessa E Il Cavaliere

Àâòîð: Carlos Us?n

Una principessa triste e sola va alla ricerca dell'unica cosa che le manca: un uomo che la ami. Una principessa, triste e abbandonata dal marito, trascorre la sua vita ad occuparsi dei figli Vive in un paese freddo e anela a ci? che non pu? comprare con il denaro e che invece non manca alle donne comuni. e pi? povere di lei: un uomo onesto e premuroso, che le voglia bene. Decide di fare di tutto per averlo. Cos? chiede l'aiuto a un parente.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835431879


La Proposta Del Miliardario
La Proposta Del Miliardario

Àâòîð: Jambrea Jo Jones

Remington sa di non dover uscire con i dipendenti, ma tutto cambia quando suo padre gli lancia un ultimatum. Elros vuole solo fare altri straordinari, ma ottiene molto di pi?… Remington non vuole un fidanzato. ? contento dello stile di vita libero e stravagante che conduce, ma suo padre vuole a tutti i costi che si sistemi. Quando uno dei suoi dipendenti si rivolge a lui chiedendogli altri straordinari, decide di prendere due piccioni con una fava. Pu? avere cos? un finto fidanzato che render? felice suo padre, e in questo modo Remington sar? in grado di mantenere il fondo fiduciario e lo stile di vita che ne consegue. Cosa potrebbe andare storto? ? disposto a scoprirlo. Elros ha bisogno di soldi, e in fretta. Il suo capo gli propone di essere il suo finto fidanzato in cambio di una bella somma di denaro. Elros non ? sicuro che vivere una soap opera nella vita reale faccia per lui, ma i soldi che gli vengono offerti sono troppi per lasciarsi sfuggire un'occasione del genere, non con sua madre malata di cancro e i conti che si accumulano in fretta. Forse fingere potrebbe essere la soluzione migliore per entrambi. Translator: Sara Coccimiglio

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781802500752


La Senda De Los H?roes
La Senda De Los H?roes

Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

“EL ANILLO DEL HECHICERO (THE SOURCERER’S RING) tiene todos los ingredientes para ser un ?xito inmediato: tramas, tramas secundarias, misterio, caballeros aguerridos y relaciones que florecen, llenos de corazones heridos, decepci?n y traici?n. Lo mantendr? entretenido durante horas y satisfar? a las personas de cualquier edad. Recomendado para la biblioteca habitual de todos los lectores de fantas?a”. –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos El Bestseller #1! De la autora del Bestseller #1, Morgan Rice, llega una nueva saga deslumbrante de fantas?a. LA SENDA DE LOS H?ROES (A QUEST OF HEROES) (LIBRO #1 DE EL ANILLO DEL HECHICERO) que gira en torno a la historia ?pica de un muchacho especial, de 14 a?os, que cumple la mayor?a de edad, proveniente de una peque?a aldea en las afueras del Reino de los Anillos. Thorgrin, el m?s joven de los cuatro, el menos favorito de su padre, que es odiado por sus hermanos, siente que es diferente a los dem?s. ?l sue?a con convertirse en un gran guerrero, de unirse a los hombres del rey y proteger el Anillo de las hordas de criaturas que est?n al otro lado del barranco. Cuando cumple la mayor?a de edad y su padre le proh?be hacer una prueba para la Legi?n del rey, se niega a aceptar un “no” por respuesta: ?l viaja por su cuenta, decidido a abrirse paso en la Corte del Rey y ser tomado en serio. Pero la Corte del Rey est? repleta de dramas familiares, lucha de poder, ambiciones, celos, violencia y traici?n. Se debe elegir un heredero entre los hijos; y la antigua Espada del Destino, fuente de todo su poder, tendr? la oportunidad de ser blandida por alguien nuevo; permanece sin tocar, esperando a que llegue el elegido. Thorgrin llega como forastero y lucha por ser aceptado, y unirse a la Legi?n del Rey. Thorgrin aprende que tiene poderes misteriosos que no entiende, que tiene un don especial, y un destino especial. Contra toda probabilidad, se enamora de la hija del rey, y mientras florece su relaci?n prohibida, descubre que tiene rivales poderosos. Mientras lucha por entender sus poderes, el hechicero del rey lo toma bajo su protecci?n y le habla de una madre que ?l nunca conoci?, de una tierra lejana, m?s all? del Barranco, m?s all?, incluso, de la tierra de los dragones. Antes de que Thorgrin pueda aventurarse y convertirse en el guerrero que ans?a ser, debe completar su entrenamiento. Pero ?ste puede ser corto, ya que se encuentra impulsado al centro de tramas y tramas secundarias de la realeza, que podr?an amenazar su amor y echarlo por tierra—y a todo el reino junto con ?l. Con su sofisticada construcci?n de un mundo imaginario y caracterizaci?n, LA SENDA DE LOS H?ROES, (A QUEST OF HEROES) es una historia ?pica de amigos y amantes, de rivales y pretendientes, de caballeros y dragones, de intriga y maquinaciones pol?ticas, de llegar a la mayor?a de edad, de corazones destrozados, de decepci?n, de ambici?n y traici?n. Es una historia de honor y valor, de muerte y destino, de hechicer?a. Es una fantas?a que nos lleva a un mundo que nunca olvidaremos y que le gustar? a gente de todas las edades y g?neros. Contiene 82,000 palabras. Libros #3–#13 de la saga ?ya est?n ahora disponibles! “Me llam? la atenci?n desde el principio y no dej? de leerlo… Esta historia es una aventura incre?ble, de ritmo r?pido y llena de acci?n desde su inicio. No hay un momento aburrido”. –Paranormal Romance Guild {referente a Regreso (Turned)} “Lleno de acci?n, romance, aventura y suspenso. Ponga sus manos en ?l y vuelva a enamorarse”. –vampirebooksite.com (referente a Turned) “Tiene una trama estupenda y este libro en particular, le costar? dejar de leer en la noche. El final en suspenso es tan espectacular, que inmediatamente querr? comprar el siguiente libro, solamente para ver qu? sigue”. –The Dallas Examiner {referente a Loved}

Ñåðèÿ: El Anillo del Hechicero

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Fabio Arciniegas

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî
ISBN: 9781094300689


La Storia Pi? Lunga
La Storia Pi? Lunga

Àâòîð: Rotimi Ogunjobi

La piccola Minnie Makerpiece voleva vincere un viaggio a Disneyland raccontando la storia pi? lunga, cos? and? a parlare con il nonno Makepiece.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835420286


La Storia Pi? Lunga
La Storia Pi? Lunga

Àâòîð: Rotimi Ogunjobi

La piccola Minnie Makerpiece voleva vincere un viaggio a Disneyland raccontando la storia pi? lunga, cos? and? a parlare con il nonno Makepiece.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835420606


La Traici?n Del Carbono
La Traici?n Del Carbono

Àâòîð: Dionigi Cristian Lentini

Del autor del bestseller: “El hombre que sedujo a la Gioconda”, otra extraordinaria novela. Dedicada a todos aquellos que creen firmemente que quien ama no traiciona y que, quien traiciona no ha amado jam?s. Se puede traicionar cuando se ama de verdad? Dicen que quien ha amado, no ha traicionado jam?s y que, quien ha traicionado no ha traicionado jam?s…. PERO ES REALMENTE AS?? Volviendo a casa, Alejandro encuentra a su peque?a, ahora mujer, llorando en su habitaci?n (ha descubierto que su novio la traicionaba). As?, saca de su portafolios una vieja foto y, sent?ndose en su cama, comienza a contarle una historia incre?ble, una historia de amores, traiciones y, sobre todo, de… qu?mica.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835423003


La vie simple
La vie simple

Àâòîð: Ðèõàðä Âàãíåð

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî


Lady Friday
Lady Friday

Àâòîð: Ãàðò Íèêñ

Friday is here! The race is on to find the secret of the Middle House. The fifth eagerly awaited installment in Garth Nix’s best selling fantasy series,The Keys to the Kingdom.Arthur Penhaligon’s adventures in the House get ever more perilous as the week unfolds. On the fifth day, there was fear…Four of the seven Trustees have been defeated and their Keys taken, but for Arthur, the week is still getting worse. Suzy Blue and Fred Initial Numbers Gold have been captured by the Piper, and his New Nithling army still controls most of the Great Maze. Superior Saturday is causing trouble wherever she can, including turning off all the elevators in the House and blocking the Front Door.Arthur can't even find out what is happening back home. All he knows is that Leaf isn't on earth any more. She's missing and so are hundreds of other people who were transferred from regular hospitals to a private institution run by a 'Doctor Friday'. From there they have been taken somewhere else in the Secondary Realms, for Lady Friday's own horrible purposes.Amid all this trouble, Arthur’s mother is also missing, and he must weigh up an offer from Lady Friday that is either a cunning trap for the Rightful Heir or a golden opportunity he must seize – before Superior Saturday or the Piper beats him to it.

Öåíà: 616.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007279159


Laravel – ãàéä ïî âûæèâàíèþ
Laravel – ãàéä ïî âûæèâàíèþ

Àâòîð: Nulls

Ïî÷åìó ýòà êíèãà? Íà ñàìîì äåëå, ýòî íå ñîâñåì êíèãà. Ýòî áîëüøåïîõîæå íà ðóêîâîäñòâî – ðóêîâîäñòâî, ÷òîáû óáåðå÷ü âàñ è äðóãèõ îòïðåâðàùåíèÿ â «çîìáè-ðàçðàáîò÷èêîâ». ×òî òàêîå «çîìáè-ðàçðàáîò÷èê»? Ýòîðàçðàáîò÷èê, ïîõîæèé íà íàñ, êîòîðûé áåçðàçäåëüíî çàíèìàåòñÿ ñîçäàíèåìïðèëîæåíèé íà PHP, ïîâòîðÿÿ îäíè è òå æå çàäà÷è ñíîâà è ñíîâà. Ýòèïîâòîðÿþùèåñÿ çàäà÷è ìîãóò áûòü óòîìèòåëüíûìè è ïðèâåñòè êðàñïëàâëåíèþ ìîçãà. Êîãäà ýòî ïðîèñõîäèò, ðàçðàáîò÷èêè ïîâñþäóïðåâðàùàþòñÿ â áåçìîçãëûõ çîìáè, æàæäóùèõ êðîâè è ïîðûâàþùèõñÿóáèâàòü.Îäíàêî åñòü ëåêàðñòâî: ôðåéìâîðê Laravel, ðàçðàáîòàííûé äëÿ áûñòðîéðàçðàáîòêè ïðèëîæåíèé. Îñâîèâ Laravel, âû ñìîæåòå çàíîâî îòêðûòü â ñåáåñòðàñòü ê êîäèíãó è ïîáîðîòü «çîìáè». Ýòî ðóêîâîäñòâî ïðèçâàíî ñîõðàíèòüâàøå çäðàâîìûñëèå, ñäåëàâ êîäèíã ñíîâà ïðèÿòíûì çàíÿòèåì. È äà, ýòîìîæåò ñïàñòè æèçíü!Îñâîèâ îñíîâû Laravel, âû ñìîæåòå óáåðå÷ü ñåáÿ è, âîçìîæíî, äðóãèõîò ïðåâðàùåíèÿ â áåçäóìíîãî çîìáè-ðàçðàáîò÷èêà.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Àâòî÷òåö ËèòÐåñ

Öåíà: 99.9 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2023


Las dos caras de m?
Las dos caras de m?

Àâòîð: Jaime Iradier

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788468537078


Last Stand of Dead Men
Last Stand of Dead Men

Àâòîð: Derek Landy

The eighth instalment in the biggest, funniest, most thrilling comedy-horror-adventure series in the universe – and the follow-up to 2012’s number-one bestseller, Kingdom of the Wicked…War has finally come.But it's not a war between good and evil, or light and dark – it's a war between Sanctuaries. For too long, the Irish Sanctuary has teetered on the brink of world-ending disaster, and the other Sanctuaries around the world have had enough. Allies turn to enemies, friends turn to foes, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie must team up with the rest of the Dead Men if they're going to have any chance at all of maintaining the balance of power and getting to the root of a vast conspiracy that has been years in the making.But while this war is only beginning, another war rages within Valkyrie herself. Her own dark side, the insanely powerful being known as Darquesse, is on the verge of rising to the surface. And if Valkyrie slips, even for a moment, then Darquesse will burn the world and everyone in it.

Öåíà: 772.98 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008266431


Le Avventure Di Alex E Alvaro
Le Avventure Di Alex E Alvaro

Àâòîð: Javier Salazar Calle

Racconti interattivi sulle avventure di due topolini che scoprono il mondo e volano sulle ali della fantasia. Piacevoli storie che incanteranno i vostri bambini, insieme a piccole attivit? che li avvicineranno ai protagonisti della favola e nello stesso tempo li aiuteranno ad imparare: colorando, contando degli oggetti, unendo dei puntini o con degli indovinelli. Pedagogicamente raccomandato per bambini dai 5 agli 8 anni. Una fantastica avventura per tutta la famiglia!

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835410201


Le Chapeau Et Les Chaussures Magiques
Le Chapeau Et Les Chaussures Magiques

Àâòîð: Massimo Longo

S?rie : J'?cris pour toi Massimo et Maria Grazia sont un couple dans la vie et dans l'?criture. Ils aiment ?crire ensemble des histoires fantastiques destin?es aux lecteurs de tous ?ges. Cette s?rie est n?e de l'id?e de transformer en livres les contes de f?es et les fables qu'ils ont invent?s pour leurs enfants. Translator: Simona Casaccia

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835429555


Le Monstre Fain?ant
Le Monstre Fain?ant

Àâòîð: Massimo Longo

S?rie : J'?cris pour toi. Massimo et Maria Grazia ?crivent ? quatre mains des histoires fantastiques pour tous les lecteurs, quel que soit leur ?ge. Cette s?rie est n?e d'une volont? de coucher sur le papier les fables et les contes invent?s pour leurs propres enfants.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835423423


Le Monstre Fain?ant
Le Monstre Fain?ant

Àâòîð: Massimo Longo

Serie : Scrivo per te Massimo e Maria Grazia sono una coppia nella vita e nella scrittura. Amano scrivere insieme storie fantastiche dedicate a lettori di tutte le et?. Questa serie nasce dall’idea di trasformare in libri le favole e le fiabe che hanno inventato per i loro bambini.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835421023


Le Petit Dragon Des Nuages
Le Petit Dragon Des Nuages

Àâòîð: Daniele Lippi

C'est une histoire de courage, de respect, d'amiti?, un conte de f?es pour petits et grands qui donnera un peu de joie et d'?tonnement dans sa simplicit? ? tous. C'est l'histoire d'un dragon, ou plut?t d'un petit dragon : le petit dragon des nuages. Un dragon qui aime sauter mais ne peut pas le faire sur son nuage tout mou. C'est l'histoire d'une petite fille qui se lie d'amiti? avec lui. Une petite fille qui trouve un compagnon de jeu dans le dragon. C'est une histoire sur la beaut? de donner et la joie de recevoir. C'est une histoire de courage, de respect et d'amiti?. Une fable pour petits et grands qui vous procurera un peu de joie et d'?tonnement dans sa simplicit?. L'histoire parfaite pour endormir vos enfants un sourire aux l?vres et de l'?merveillement dans les yeux (en tout cas, sur ma fille, l'histoire a toujours fait cet effet).

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835410546


Le Sceptre De Feu
Le Sceptre De Feu

Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

« Un tome d’ouverture intense pour une s?rie qui promet un m?lange de protagonistes fougueux et de situations ?prouvantes pour attirer non seulement les jeunes adultes, mais aussi les fans de fantasy plus ?g?s ? la recherche d’histoires ?piques aliment?es par de grandes amiti?s et de puissants adversaires. »– Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan) (? propos d’Un Tr?ne pour Deux Sœurs)Par l’auteure de fantasy n°1 Morgan Rice, une nouvelle s?rie pour les adolescents – et les adultes aussi ! Fans de Harry Potter et de Percy Jackson, ne cherchez pas plus loin !Dans LE SCEPTRE DE FEU (OLIVER BLUE A L’?COLE DES PROPHETES – TOME 4), Oliver Blue, 12 ans, est envoy? pour une mission urgente afin de sauver l’?cole des Proph?tes. Il doit retourner dans le temps, se rendre dans la Florence de 1592 pour trouver l’unique artefact qui peut les sauver tous.Cependant, le secret n’est gard? par nul autre que Galil?e lui-m?me.Tout en cherchant l’un des plus grands scientifiques et inventeurs de tous les temps, l’homme qui a invent? le t?lescope et d?couvert des plan?tes, Oliver doit se poser la question : est-il un Proph?te lui aussi ? Et quels autres secrets d?tient-il ?Son fr?re Chris, plus puissant que jamais, reste d?cid? ? tuer Oliver une bonne fois pour toutes. Oliver r?alise rapidement qu’il est engag? dans une course contre la montre, tandis que le sort de l’?cole – et celui du monde – est en jeu.Œuvre de fantasy exaltante, LE SCEPTRE DE FEU est le tome 4 d’une s?rie captivante pleine de magie, d’amour, d’humour, de chagrin, de trag?die, de fatalit?, et de rebondissements stup?fiants. Elle vous fera tomber amoureux d’Oliver Blue, et tourner les pages jusque tard dans la nuit.Le tome 5 sera bient?t disponible !« Les pr?misses de quelque chose de remarquable sont l?. »– San Francisco Book Review (? propos de La Qu?te des H?ros)

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094310701



Àâòîð: Êýòðèí Ëàñêè

Now a major motion picture!Enter the world of the owls and meet the heroes who keep it safe…Born in the forest of the barn owls, Soren loves life’s little pleasures, like the feel of a centipede pattering down his throat. But evil lurks in the owl world, and threatens to change the course of Soren’s life forever.One terrifying night the strangers come. They capture Soren and fly him to a deep canyon, where the destruction of all owls is being planned. Now Soren will have to do something he has never done before: he will have to fly…

Öåíà: 857.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008226848



Àâòîð: Julie Kagawa

The legions will be unleashed. No-one can stand against the coming horde.After witnessing a powerful sacrifice, Ember Hill knows that nothing she was taught by dragon organisation Talon is true. About humans, about rogue dragons, about herself and what she’s capable of doing and feeling.In the face of great loss, Ember vows to stand with rogue dragon Riley against The Order of St. George and against own twin brother Dante—the heir apparent Talon, who will soon unleash the greatest threat dragonkind has ever known.Talon is poised to take over the world, and the abominations they have created will soon take to the skies, darkening the world with the promise of blood and death to those who will not yield.

Öåíà: 740.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474050791


LEGO Âîåííàÿ òåõíèêà. 14 ìîäåëåé èç LEGO® äëÿ ëþáèòåëåé âîåííîãî êîíñòðóèðîâàíèÿ
LEGO Âîåííàÿ òåõíèêà. 14 ìîäåëåé èç LEGO® äëÿ ëþáèòåëåé âîåííîãî êîíñòðóèðîâàíèÿ

Àâòîð: Íãîê Õàí Òðóîí

Ýòà íåîáû÷íàÿ êíèãà ïîìîæåò òåáå âîññîçäàòü 14 áîåâûõ ìàøèí â òî÷íûõ êîïèÿõ, ðàçðàáîòàííûõ ñïåöèàëüíî äëÿ ñîáèðàòåëåé LEGO®, ëþáèòåëåé ìîäåëèçìà è âîåííîé èñòîðèè! – Âñå ñàìûå èçâåñòíûå ìàøèíû Âòîðîé ìèðîâîé âîéíû è èõ èñòîðèÿ â êàðòèíêàõ, ñõåìàõ è òåõíè÷åñêèõ ïàñïîðòàõ. – Ïîøàãîâûå èíñòðóêöèè â êàðòèíêàõ äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ íåâåðîÿòíî ðåàëèñòè÷íîé âîåííîé òåõíèêè LEGO®. – Ïîäðîáíûå ñïèñêè íåîáõîäèìûõ äåòàëåé, ðåêîìåíäàöèè ïî èõ ïîèñêó è ñîâåòû ïî èñïîëüçîâàíèþ çàïàñíûõ êóáèêîâ.

Ñåðèÿ: LEGO Êíèãè äëÿ ôàíàòîâ

Öåíà: 389 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-04-166807-5


Lemonade Sky
Lemonade Sky

Àâòîð: Jean Ure

A poignant, heart warming and beautifully written standalone novel from the best-loved and original Queen of Tween, whose books are described by Jacqueline Wilson as “funny, funky, feisty – and fantastic reads!”.Ruby, Tizz and Sam are sisters. At 12, Ruby is the oldest but with all the stuff she has to worry about right now, sometimes she feels more like the mum of the family.And speaking of mums, the sisters do have one, and she loves her three girls to the moon and back, butshe suffers from something called bipolar disorder which can sometimes make life very difficult…A poignant, moving and uplifting story about family and friendship by the original Queen of Tween, Jean Ure.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007431656


Leonardo and the Death Machine
Leonardo and the Death Machine

Àâòîð: Robert J. Harris

Adventure thriller set in Renaissance Italy starring Leonardo da Vinci as a young apprentice who witnesses a murder and becomes involved in a plot to take over the city.LEONARDO AND THE DEATH MACHINE is first and foremost a thriller, set against the background of Renaissance Italy. However, the Leonardo of the title is in fact Leonardo da Vinci. This is a totally fictional adventure, but it COULD have happened.When we first meet Leonardo we find him apprenticed to a successful artist in Florence. But although he yearns to be a great artist himself, he's rather disillusioned with his apprenticeship, which has made him more of an errand boy than an art student. Then, when an impromptu street football match ends in an arm injury for his friend Sandro (whom history will know as Botticelli), Leonardo leaps at the opportunity to help out the unfortunate painter who has been commissioned to paint a portrait for the rich Medici family. Little does our young hero know that soon he will be dragged into murder and intrigue, and will be fleeing for his life!

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007375318


Les Destin?s
Les Destin?s

Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

« Morgan Rice a recommenc? ! Gr?ce ? un panel impressionnant de personnages, l’auteur nous livre un autre monde magique. LES PLUS M?RITANTS regorge d’intrigues, de trahisons, d’amiti?s inattendues et de tous les bons ingr?dients pour une lecture savoureuse. D?bordant d’action, vous serez captiv?s par ce livre. »—Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto MattosMorgan Rice, l’auteure ? succ?s n°1 de LA QU?TE DES H?ROS (un t?l?chargement gratuit avec plus de 1 000 notes ? cinq ?toiles), nous offre une nouvelle s?rie de fantasy captivante. Dans LES DESTIN?S (Le Fil de l’?p?e, tome 3), Royce, ?g? de 17 ans, doit s'embarquer avec ses amis dans un voyage ?pique ? travers la mer pour trouver la relique magique qui peut le conduire ? son p?re. Le roi rassemblant une arm?e pour attaquer leurs terres, le sort de son peuple d?pend de lui.Genevi?ve, quant ? elle, enfin consciente de la nature mauvaise de ses nobles invit?s, doit prendre une d?cision ?pique qui d?cidera de sa propre vie ou mort.LES DESTIN?S d?peint un conte ?pique qui parle d’amis et d’amants, de chevaliers et d’honneur, de trahison, de destin?e et d’amour. Un conte sur les valeurs nous faisant d?couvrir un monde de fantasy que toutes et tous pourront adorer.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094311401


Les Plus T?m?raires
Les Plus T?m?raires

Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

« Morgan Rice a recommenc? ! Gr?ce ? un panel impressionnant de personnages, l’auteur nous livre un autre monde magique. LES PLUS M?RITANTS regorge d’intrigues, de trahisons, d’amiti?s inattendues et de tous les bons ingr?dients pour une lecture savoureuse. D?bordant d’action, vous serez captiv?s par ce livre. »—Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto MattosMorgan Rice, l’auteure ? succ?s n°1 de LA QU?TE DES H?ROS (un t?l?chargement gratuit avec plus de 1 000 notes ? cinq ?toiles), nous offre une nouvelle s?rie de fantasy captivante. Dans LES PLUS T?M?RAIRES, le tome final ?pique de la s?rie Le Fil de L’?p?e, Royce se retrouve transform? apr?s s’?tre regard? dans le miroir magique. A-t-il gagn? le don de la sagesse ultime ? Ou est-il devenu fou ?Le miroir r?v?le de nombreux secrets et Royce finit par se diriger vers la cachette de son p?re. Va-t-il le rencontrer pour la premi?re fois ? La romance tragique entre Genevi?ve et Royce atteint enfin son paroxysme, prenant un tour surprenant qui changera ? jamais leur vie ? tous les deux.Et survient alors la bataille ?pique contre les arm?es du roi, une bataille d?terminante, scellant le destin des terres et du roi.LES PLUS T?M?RAIRES d?peint un conte ?pique qui parle d’amis et d’amants, de chevaliers et d’honneur, de trahison, de destin?e et d’amour. Un conte sur les valeurs nous faisant d?couvrir un monde de fantasy que toutes et tous pourront adorer.Rendez-vous sur www.morganricebooks.com pour conna?tre les dates de publication de la prochaine s?rie de fantasy de Morgan.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094313016


Let s Get Lost
Let's Get Lost

Àâòîð: Adi Alsaid

One girl could change four lives forever…Mysterious Leila, who is on the road trip of a lifetime, has a habit of crashing into people’s worlds at the moment they need someone the most.There’s Hudson, who is willing to throw away his dreams for love. And Bree, a runaway who seizes every Tuesday—and a few stolen goods along the way. Elliot who believes in happy endings… until his own goes off-script. And Sonia who worries that she’s lost her ability to love.Hudson, Bree, Elliot and Sonia find a friend in Leila. But Leila’s trip could help her discover something bigger – that sometimes, the only way to find what you’re looking for is to get lost along the way…Praise for Let's Get Lost'Reminiscent of John Green’s Paper Towns' School Library Journal‘Balances both the quirky fun and the harsh realities of adolescence’ Entertainment Weekly‘Let's Get Lost is an absorbing, beautiful novel we all need in our lives. Phenomenal!’ Pretty Little Memoirs‘A sweet tale with real heart – get in early before the rest of the reading world catches up’ Heat'For readers of John Green' Fresh Fiction

Öåíà: 906.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472055095


Leyli v M cnun
Leyli və Məcnun

Àâòîð: Íèçàìè Ãÿíäæåâè

Bu kitabda dahi m?təfəkkir Nizami Gəncəvinin “Xəmsə”sinə daxil olan “Leyli və Məcnun” poeması uşaqlar ???n sadələşdirilmiş şəkildə, nəsrlə təqdim olunub. Qədim Şərqin məşhur sevgi dastanı olan “Leyli və Məcnun” Nizaminin qələmində ?lməz əsərə ?evrilib. Sən bu kitabı oxumaqla həm b?y?k şairin yaradıcılığı ilə tanış olacaq, həm də həyati məsələlərdə d?zg?n qərar vermək, d?r?st insanların əhatəsində olmaq, insanpərvərlik və xeyirxahlıq kimi keyfiyyətləri mənimsəyəcəksən. “Leyli və Məcnun” əsəri sənə saf sevgi anlayışının nə qədər həyati əhəmiyyətli olduğunu anladacaq.

Ñåðèÿ: Uşaq ədəbiyyatı

Öåíà: 123.42 ðóá.


Liar s Market
Liar's Market

Àâòîð: Taylor Smith

In Hong Kong a beautiful woman is pushed off a balcony to her death. In London a young American is gunned down outside the U.S. embassy. In Washington a senior CIA official vanishes into thin air. Random, unrelated events? Or pieces of the same puzzle?These events are no accidents, it seems, when it is discovered that the woman in Hong Kong had a CIA lover. That the London murder was a case of mistaken identity, and that the intended target was the wife of CIA senior deputy Drum MacNeil, who has since gone missing.To find MacNeil, investigators are taking a close look at his past actions, public and private. And at his restless wife, Carrie, who is doing her best to play the part of the innocent victim, even though it's increasingly clear that Drum's life has been a carefully constructed lie.Carrie MacNeil is about to learn firsthand about the evil of treachery. And in this business there are no fair-trade rules. It's always a liar's market.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474024495


Libera tu alma
Libera tu alma

Àâòîð: Carlos Arroba D?az

Este libro se define con una sola palabra: M?GICO
Tu alma me hizo entrega de unos mensajes para ti, que van directos a tu coraz?n. D?jame guiarte hacia el prop?sito de tu vida y hacia tu liberaci?n.
Si tu vida dej? de tener sentido, si no encuentras el amor, si tu alma est? herida y dejaste de vivir, aqu? est?n las respuestas que tu alma me entreg?.
En estas p?ginas encontrar?s la soluci?n a todas esas heridas, a tu propia sanaci?n. Tu alma quiere que le des un giro a tu vida y que resurjas del dolor.
Viniste a disfrutar de la vida y esa llave te la doy.
Este es un libro ambivalente que se entiende con la mente, pero se siente con el coraz?n.
Aqu? comienza tu viaje hacia un destino diferente, hacia liberar tu alma y ser coherente con lo que dice tu coraz?n.
Este es s?lo el principio del camino, porque habr? m?s camino de liberaci?n. Liberar?s en un futuro a tu esencia y a tu maestr?a interior.
Primero andemos el camino y liberemos lo que tu alma me solicit?.
Mira la presentaci?n online de «Libera tu alma. Es hora de despertarte» y conoce las opiniones de los lectores.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Âàäèì Ïðîõîðîâ

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788412186741


Libra 2020: Your Personal Horoscope
Libra 2020: Your Personal Horoscope

Àâòîð: Joseph Polansky

Your guide to the year 2020. This fantastic book includes month-by-month forecasts and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead.The only horoscope you’ll ever need.Your essential guide to love, life and career success in 2020.This popular guide contains all you need to know about your personal horoscope for the year 2020. Be prepared for the forthcoming year with monthly predictions for your sign and discover how to maximise your opportunities and potential to make the most of 2020.This bestselling astrological guide contains:• A personality profile• A forecast for the year ahead – what you can expect in terms of wealth, home, health, social and love life• A month-by-month forecast of your best days and worst days – the ideal days to attract love, money or success, and when it’s better to just stay in bed!Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008319380


Licence to Fish
Licence to Fish

Àâòîð: Justin Richards

A hilarious new series for younger readers, following the misadventures of an ordinary boy at an extraordinary school for young spies…SPUD has set up a secret base under the school pond and is using radio-controlled duck-cameras to gather information. But the chief SPUD agent has made the mistake of having his weekly edition of SPUD's Nasty Newsletter redirected to his new base – by Alfie's dad, the local postman! It doesn't take long for the gang to work out what SPUD are up to.Can Alfie and his friends find a way of turning the SPUD infiltration to their advantage? Of course they can – and soon the school is teaching the pupils using even more bizarre methods than usual, all for SPUD's benefit. Will the evil organisation really believe in assassination by daffodil? Or that trained hamsters are used to infiltrate their bases? Of course they will…

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007347360


Life in Rewind
Life in Rewind

Àâòîð: Terry Murphy Weible

‘Time equals progression. Progression equals death.’This is a thought that consumes Ed Zine, a handsome, athletic, twenty-four year old.The victim of a debilitating form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Ed's illogical mind tells him that if going forward in time moves him closer to death, reversing an action will carry him away from it.The youngest of four children, Ed Zine's life was thrown into turmoil when his mother, the centre of his universe, died from ovarian cancer when he was just eleven years old. Not warned by his family that his mother was sick, and beaten and screamed at by his father on the night of his mother's death for leaving the lid off a jam jar, Ed was shell-shocked when his mother died and, for years, kept quiet about the fact that he witnessed his mother's last breath and never truly grieved her death.Ed's trauma over the loss of his mother manifested itself in bizarre physical affectations and as he became less able to articulate his sorrow and his pain he became more and more isolated from other humans.Thirteen years on, Ed Zine lived alone in a basement, meticulously counting and rewinding any action he made in an obsessive and illogical attempt to prevent his loved ones from moving towards death.All efforts to help him, from members of his family, and numerous medical professionals, had been in vain, until Dr Michael Jenike, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and one of the world's leading experts in research and treatment of OCD made the long drive to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This was just the beginning of the extensive and difficult journey the two were to endure together…

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007341504


Linux. Êíèãà ðåöåïòîâ. Âñå íåîáõîäèìîå äëÿ àäìèíèñòðàòîðîâ è ïîëüçîâàòåëåé
Linux. Êíèãà ðåöåïòîâ. Âñå íåîáõîäèìîå äëÿ àäìèíèñòðàòîðîâ è ïîëüçîâàòåëåé

Àâòîð: Êàðëà Øð¸äåð

Êíèãà ðåöåïòîâ îáó÷èò íà÷èíàþùèõ ïîëüçîâàòåëåé è àäìèíèñòðàòîðîâ Linux óïðàâëÿòü ñèñòåìîé, èñïîëüçóÿ êàê ãðàôè÷åñêèå èíñòðóìåíòû, òàê è êîìàíäíóþ ñòðîêó. Íåçàâèñèìî îò òîãî, èñïîëüçóåòå ëè âû Linux âî âñòðîåííûõ èëè íàñòîëüíûõ ñèñòåìàõ, ñåðâåðàõ, îáëà÷íûõ èëè âèðòóàëüíûõ ñðåäàõ, ôóíäàìåíòàëüíûå ïðèåìû îäíè. Öåëü êíèãè – ïîìî÷ü âàì áûñòðî ïðèñòóïèòü ê ðàáîòå íà ïðîñòûõ è íàãëÿäíûõ ïðèìåðàõ. Êàðëà Øð¸äåð ïðèâîäèò ðåöåïòû ñ îáúÿñíåíèÿìè äëÿ êîíêðåòíûõ ñèòóàöèé, à òàêæå ññûëêè äëÿ äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî èçó÷åíèÿ.

Ñåðèÿ: Áåñòñåëëåðû O’Reilly (Ïèòåð)

Öåíà: 699 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-4461-1937-0


Listen to the Moon
Listen to the Moon

Àâòîð: Michael Morpurgo

The stunning novel set during World War One from Michael Morpurgo, the nation’s favourite storyteller and multi-million copy bestseller.May, 1915.Alfie and his fisherman father find a girl on an uninhabited island in the Scillies – injured, thirsty, lost… and with absolutely no memory of who she is, or how she came to be there. She can say only one word: Lucy.Where has she come from? Is she a mermaid, the victim of a German U-boat, or even – as some islanders suggest – a German spy…?Only one thing is for sure: she loves music and moonlight, and it is when she listens to the gramophone that the glimmers of the girl she once was begin to appear.WW1 is raging, suspicion and fear are growing, and Alfie and Lucy are ever more under threat. But as we begin to see the story of Merry, a girl boarding a great ship for a perilous journey across the ocean, another melody enters the great symphony – and the music begins to resolve…A beautiful tour de force of family, love, war and forgiveness, this is a major new novel from the author of PRIVATE PEACEFUL – in which what was once lost may sometimes be found, washed up again on the shore…

Öåíà: 740.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008104856


Little Manfred
Little Manfred

Àâòîð: Michael Morpurgo

Discover the beautiful stories of Michael Morpurgo, author of Warhorse and the nation’s favourite storytellerThe heart-lifting, heartbreaking story by Michael Morpurgo, the nation’s favourite storyteller.In the Imperial War Museum is a wooden Dachshund, carved by a German prisoner of war for the children of the British family with which he stayed after the fighting ended. This is the story of how it got there…When the Bismarck sinks, one of the only German survivors is taken on board a British ship as a prisoner of war. Sent to live with a host family, Walter must adapt to a new way of life, in the heart of an enemy country. Gradually, though, he finds a friend in ten-year-old Grace. So when the time finally comes to go back to Germany, it’s an emotional parting, with Walter leaving Grace with only a carved wooden dog to remember him by. The question is, will Walter and Grace ever meet again? In 1966, with the World Cup coming to Britain, that opportunity may just have come along…

Öåíà: 549.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007453184


Little Secrets: A gripping new psychological thriller you won’t be able to put down!
Little Secrets: A gripping new psychological thriller you won’t be able to put down!

Àâòîð: Anna Snoekstra

To keep little secrets, they tell big lies…‘I am not sick. I just like the little dolls…I think I’ll break one soon.’It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. A tiny porcelain doll appearing on your doorstep. Bright blonde hair, rosy cheeks, even a little blue dress. A perfect replica of your six-year-old daughter.Then anonymous letters from ‘The Doll Collector’ begin to arrive. And in the small town where everyone has their own little secrets, no one is safe from suspicion.Because you can never really trust the people who live just along the street…Big Little Lies meets The Couple Next Door in this fast-paced psychological thriller.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474069250


Little Wolf, Pack Leader
Little Wolf, Pack Leader

Àâòîð: Tony Ross

A fifth novel about this prize-winning wolfcub, illustrated by TONY ROSS.Mum and Dad write to Little Wolf, full of praise for Spoiler, the eldest cub of a neighbour, who has formed The Murkshire RHYWP [Really Harsh Young Wolf Pack]. Determined not to be forced to join their pack, Little and Chums form their own; The Beastshire SPOBBTALOF [Small Pack of Brute Beasts That Have a Load of Fun]. They all pull in different directions and Smells in particular is a pain. Without organisation or real purpose things get messy and they all get a bit snappish. Then comes news that the RHYWP have captured Mr Twister. Stung by this shaming blow, the SPOBBTHALOF elect Little as their pack leader and decide to shape up. Armed with pooled knowledge and camping skills they head off for Murkshire and set up camp. With the aid of a wickerwork Trojan Moose [with Normus inside] and nets, knots, latrine pits, an arksellent communication network, they re-capture Mister Twister for themselves. But in a suprise move, they release their arch-enemy into the wilds. Now Uncle Bigbad is a ghost, they realise that they need one wicked old villain, otherwise they would not have such great adventures.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008140137


Little Wolf’s Diary of Daring Deeds
Little Wolf’s Diary of Daring Deeds

Àâòîð: Ian Whybrow

A new edition of the second novel about much-loved character Little Wolf, as he sets up his Adventure Academy with his cousin Yeller and little brother Smellybreff. From the author of the MEERKAT MADNESS books and HARRY AND THE BUCKETFUL OF DINOSAURS.Little Wolf inherits two things from his Uncle Bigbad – his gold and Cunning College, his school of badness. Little and his cousin Yeller decide that BADNESS is out and that ADVENTURES are in. But their first mistake is thinking that they can buy adventures. Their second mistake is to reply to Mister Marvo’s advert for Instant Adventures [Scary but Safe]. The result is they find themselves caught up in a real adventure. But Little is scared of bangs; snow gives Yeller the trembles; their new friend Stubbs, the crow, is too frit to fly and… Smellybreff gets cubnapped. Will they be able to get through Frettnin Forest and over the Grim Mountains? Will they manage to cross the Perrilus Pass into Grimshire? Can they battle across the White Wildness, the Shivering Seas and conquer Vile Island. YOU BET THEY CAN!Little Wolf’s letters about his daring deeds will delight anyone with a sense of fun, both young or old, especially those who have already enjoyed Little Wolf’s Book of Badness.

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007458578


Little Wolf’s Handy Book of Poems
Little Wolf’s Handy Book of Poems

Àâòîð: Tony Ross

Little Wolf’s ditties – his observations on life told in verse form.Little Wolf is on the move. Following the huge success of Little Wolf's Postbag World Book Day edition which was top of the paperbacks for two weeks, knocking Harry Potter and Delia Smith from the top position, Little Wolf is fast becoming the character of the 21st Century.Little Wolf’s Book of Peoms is a paperback original full of Little Wolf's ditties. Letters home to Mum and Dad start and end this hilarious collection of rhyming observations on life. All Little Wolf's friends and family are featured, including his cuz and best-friend Yeller, his little brother Smellybreff, Stubbs Crow and Normus Bear. Here's a taster:Hello Mister Hedgehog,Can I hold your coat?Then you won't get stuckhalf-way down my throat!.[only kidding not really]Little Wolf's book of peoms is sure to appeal to all his many fans, and tempt new readers into his world. This collection will also appeal to new, younger readers who cannot manage a full length novel. The author has road-tested all the rhymes in schools from nursery to secondary!And look out for Little Wolf, Pack Leader, the new novel coming later this year.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008140144


Little Wolf’s Postbag
Little Wolf’s Postbag

Àâòîð: Tony Ross

A ‘Little Wolf’ special for committed fans and new recruits as Little Wolf becomes ‘agony nephew’ for WolfWeekly.A 64 page paperback original Little Wolf title for all Little Wolf fans and fledglings. Little Wolf is given the job of being ‘agony nephew’, taking on the name Mister Helpful, for Wolf Weekly. Every week his postbag is full of problem letters from many of the brute beasts and little wigglers he has already met in his adventures chronicled in Book of Badness, Daring Deeds and Haunted Hall for Small Horrors. When a certain Akela writes to him looking for a young cub called Little Wolf, Mister Helpful reverts to being Little Wolf and joins the cubscouts at camp. Little Wolf’s answers the readers’ letters with his usual mix of cheek, fun, bad spelling and inkblots.This ‘arkstra spesh’ Little Wolf title will delight his many fans but, more importantly, will serve as an introduction to new readers and have them howling for his three epistolary novels Little Wolf’s Book of Badness; Little Wolf’s Diary of Daring Deeds and Little Wolf’s Haunted Hall for Small Horrors.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008140120


Littlest Dragon Goes for Goal
Littlest Dragon Goes for Goal

Àâòîð: Margaret Ryan

A third title about the little dragon with the big ideas! Although he’s the littlest, he has the biggest and funniest ideas for getting his own way.Two more stories about the Littlest Dragon who is the tenth child in the Dragon family. With nine older brothers, No 10 has to be ever more resourceful to get what he wants.In the first story, it’s Littlest Dragon’s birthday. But he never gets to play with any of his birthday presents because his big brothers get there first. Fed up with this, he and his cousin Emerald hatch a plot to get them out of the way… and, as usual, he wins the day!In the second story the littlest dragon wins Dragon McFeet’s football boots in a raffle – much to his older brothers disgust.Perfect for children who are just reading on their own. There’s plenty of repetition and alliteration, illustrations on every page and a lively story to follow the first two successful books.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007572007


Llama Drama - In It To Win It!
Llama Drama - In It To Win It!

Àâòîð: Rose Impey

The seventh animal in the hilarious AWESOME ANIMALS series – awesome adventures with the wildest wildlife.Lewie the llama and his flock of lambs are off to the County Fair!Farmer Palmer hopes that Lewie and the lambs will win Best in Show with their amazing acrobatic display! But then Lewie and his flock go missing…Have they run away? Have they been kidnapped? And can they be found in time to bring home a medal?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007494804


Lo Que Nos Falta Por Hacer
Lo Que Nos Falta Por Hacer

Àâòîð: Emmanuel Bodin

Svetlana, una joven rusa, se reencuentra con Franck, su antiguo amor de verano al que conoci? en Par?s a?os atr?s. Sin embargo, ?puede el amor renacer f?cilmente tras haber quedado sumido en la indiferencia? Svetlana, una joven rusa, se reencuentra con Franck, su antiguo amor de verano al que conoci? en Par?s a?os atr?s. Sin embargo, ?puede el amor renacer f?cilmente tras haber quedado sumido en la indiferencia? A trav?s de una historia rom?ntica, el autor transforma a un personaje que rompe el cascar?n de la adolescencia y que ahora debe construirse y afianzarse en el mundo de los adultos. En este camino inici?tico y ca?tico plagado de sinsabores sentimentales y de cuestionamientos, la hero?na deber? enfrentarse a sus demonios interiores, a su indecisi?n y a sus dudas para que alguien nuevo pueda renacer de sus errores: una mujer enamorada, una de verdad, en toda su grandeza, su esplendor y su feminidad.

Öåíà: 354.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873047391


Lo Scettro di Fuoco
Lo Scettro di Fuoco

Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

“Un potente inizio per una serie [che] produrr? una combinazione di protagonisti esuberanti e circostanze impegnative che coinvolgeranno non solo i giovani, ma anche gli adulti che amano il genere fantasy e che cercano storie epiche colme di amicizie potenti e tremendi avversari.–Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan) (riguardo a Un trono per due sorelle)“L’immaginazione di Morgan Rice non ha limiti!”–Books and Movie Reviews (riguardo a Un trono per due sorelle)Dall’autrice di best seller numero #1, ecco una nuova serie per giovani lettori, ma anche per adulti! Siete amanti di Harry Potter e Percy Jackson? Non cercate oltre!In LO SCETTRO DI FUOCO: OLIVER BLUE E LA SCUOLA DEGLI INDOVINI (LIBRO QUATTRO), il dodicenne Oliver Blue viene inviato in un’importante missione per salvare la Scuola degli Indovini. Deve tornare nella Firenze del 1592 per trovare l’unico manufatto capace di salvarli tutti.Ma il segreto ? sorvegliato da niente meno che Galileo stesso.Mentre cerca uno dei pi? grandi scienziati e inventori di tutti i tempi, l’uomo che ha inventato il telescopio e che ha scoperto i pianeti, Oliver non pu? fare a meno di chiedersi: ? un indovino anche lui? E quali altri segreti tiene con s??Suo fratello Chris, pi? potente che mai, rimane determinato a uccidere Oliver una volta per tutte. Oliver si rende presto conto che si tratta di una corsa contro il tempo, dato che c’? in ballo il destino della scuola, e di tutto il mondo.Un fantasy edificante, LO SCETTRO DI FUOCO ? il libro #4 di una serie affascinante piena di magia, amore, umorismo, strazio, tragedia, destino e scioccanti colpi di scena. Ti far? innamorare di Oliver Blue, spingendoti a leggere fino a notte fonda.Anche il libro #5 della serie sar? presto disponibile!“Qui ci sono gli inizi di qualcosa di notevole.” –San Francisco Book Review (riguardo a Un’impresa da eroi)

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094310091


Look into My Eyes
Look into My Eyes

Àâòîð: Lauren Child

Hey, buster! Normal life is a total yawn. Break out of boredom with Ruby Redfort, the super-awesome new creation from multi-million-copy bestseller Lauren Child…Want to know more? Of course you do, bozo.Here’s the low-down on Ruby Redfort: she’s a genius code-cracker, a daring detective, and a gadget-laden special agent who just happens to be a thirteen-year-old girl. She and her slick sidekick butler, Hitch, foil crimes and get into loads of scrapes with evil villains, but they’re always ice-cool in a crisis.In this first book, we go right back to Ruby’s beginnings as an agent. When an anonymous caller sets Ruby a challenge, it’s not long before she finds her way into the HQ of the most secret of secret agencies – SPECTRUM. They need her help to crack a code but her desk job soon spirals into an all-out action adventure, as Ruby uncovers the dastardly plans of the formidable Fool’s Gold Gang…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007447428


Lord Loss
Lord Loss

Àâòîð: Darren Shan

The first book in the Demonata, the demonic symphony in ten parts by multi-million-copy bestselling horror writer Darren Shan…When Grubbs Grady first encounters Lord Loss and his evil minions, he learns three things:• the world is vicious,• magic is possible,• demons are real.He thinks that he will never again witness such a terrible night of death and darkness.…He is wrong.

Öåíà: 327.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007435456


Los Seis Ciegos Y El Perezoso Soul?
Los Seis Ciegos Y El Perezoso Soul?

Àâòîð: Rotimi Ogunjobi

Seis ciegos van al zool?gico a descubrir como luce un elefante. Sin embargo, no consiguen ponerse de acuerdo ya que todos lo describen de forma distinta. El flojo y torpe Soul? se vuelve rico cuando un millonario lo premia por su idiotez.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835424369


Lost Children Archive
Lost Children Archive

Àâòîð: Âàëåðèÿ Ëóèñåëëè

The moving, powerful and urgent English-language debut from one of the brightest young stars in world literatureSuppose you and Pa were gone, and we were lost. What would happen then?A family in New York packs the car and sets out on a road trip. A mother, a father, a boy and a girl, they head south west, to the Apacheria, the regions of the US which used to be Mexico. They drive for hours through desert and mountains. They stop at diners when they’re hungry and sleep in motels when it gets dark. The little girl tells surreal knock knock jokes and makes them all laugh. The little boy educates them all and corrects them when they’re wrong. The mother and the father are barely speaking to each other.Meanwhile, thousands of children are journeying north, travelling to the US border from Central America and Mexico. A grandmother or aunt has packed a backpack for them, putting in a bible, one toy, some clean underwear. They have been met by a coyote: a man who speaks to them roughly and frightens them. They cross a river on rubber tubing and walk for days, saving whatever food and water they can. Then they climb to the top of a train and travel precariously in the open container on top. Not all of them will make it to the border.In a breath-taking feat of literary virtuosity, Lost Children Archive intertwines these two journeys to create a masterful novel full of echoes and reflections – a moving, powerful, urgent story about what it is to be human in an inhuman world.

Öåíà: 1649.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008290030


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