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Lost Children Archive
Lost Children Archive

Автор: Валерия Луиселли

The moving, powerful and urgent English-language debut from one of the brightest young stars in world literatureSuppose you and Pa were gone, and we were lost. What would happen then?A family in New York packs the car and sets out on a road trip. A mother, a father, a boy and a girl, they head south west, to the Apacheria, the regions of the US which used to be Mexico. They drive for hours through desert and mountains. They stop at diners when they’re hungry and sleep in motels when it gets dark. The little girl tells surreal knock knock jokes and makes them all laugh. The little boy educates them all and corrects them when they’re wrong. The mother and the father are barely speaking to each other.Meanwhile, thousands of children are journeying north, travelling to the US border from Central America and Mexico. A grandmother or aunt has packed a backpack for them, putting in a bible, one toy, some clean underwear. They have been met by a coyote: a man who speaks to them roughly and frightens them. They cross a river on rubber tubing and walk for days, saving whatever food and water they can. Then they climb to the top of a train and travel precariously in the open container on top. Not all of them will make it to the border.In a breath-taking feat of literary virtuosity, Lost Children Archive intertwines these two journeys to create a masterful novel full of echoes and reflections – a moving, powerful, urgent story about what it is to be human in an inhuman world.

Цена: 1649.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780008290030


Love from Paddington
Love from Paddington

Автор: Michael Bond

Sealed with a sticky paw! First class correspondence from the nation's favourite bear, Paddington – now a major movie star!Dear Aunt Lucy,I expect this will come as a great surprise to you, but not only have I arrived in England, but I have an address! I’m staying at number 32 Windsor Gardens and it isn’t at all like the Home for Retired Bears…This delightfully engaging series of letters from Paddington to his Aunt Lucy in Peru, follows his new experiences in London while showcasing his uniquely charming and hilarious take on the world. From stowing away on a ship, to working as a barber, there is certainly never a dull moment!

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007594207


Love Hurricane
Love Hurricane

Автор: Victory Storm

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835407409


Love is Hell
Love is Hell

Автор: Melissa Marr

Sure, love is hell. But it’s totally worth it.In these supernatural stories by five of today’s hottest writers including Melissa Marr and Scott Westerfeld, love may be twisted and turned around, but it’s more potent than ever on its quest to conquer all.From two students who let the power of attraction guide them to break the hard-and-fast rules of their world to the girl who falls hard for a good-looking host with a score to settle, the clever, quirky characters in this exciting collection will break your heart, then leave you believing in love more that ever.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007551057



Автор: Морган Райс

""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"" –Vampirebooksite.com (Turned) LOVED is Book #2 in the #1 Bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which begins with Book #1, TURNED! In LOVED (Book #2 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb embark together on their quest to find the one object that can stop the imminent vampire and human war: the lost sword. An object of vampire lore, there is grave doubt over whether it even exists. If there is any hope of finding it, they must first trace Caitlin’s ancestry. Is she really the One? Their search begins with finding Caitlin’s father. Who was he? Why did he abandon her? As the search broadens, they are shocked by what they discover about who she really is. But they are not the only ones searching for the legendary sword. The Blacktide Coven wants it, too, and they are close on Caitlin and Caleb’s trail. Worse, Caitlin’s little brother, Sam, remains obsessed with finding his Dad. But Sam soon finds himself in way over his head, smack in the middle of a vampire war. Will he jeopardize their search? Caitlin and Caleb’s journey takes them on a whirlwind of historic locations—from the Hudson Valley, to Salem, to the heart of historic Boston—the very spot where witches were once hung on the hill of Boston Common. Why are these locations so important to the vampire race? And what do they have to do with Caitlin’s ancestry, and with who she’s becoming? But they may not even make it. Caitlin and Caleb’s love for each other is blossoming. And their forbidden romance may just destroy everything they’ve set out to achieve…. “LOVED, the second book in the Vampire Journals series, is just as great as the first book, TURNED, and jam packed with action, romance, adventure, and suspense. If you loved the first book, get your hands on this one and fall in love all over again.” –Vampirebooksite.com “THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS series has had a great plot, and LOVED especially was the kind of book you will have trouble putting down at night. The ending was a cliffhanger that was so spectacular that you will immediately want to buy the next book, just to see what happens. As you can see, this book was a huge step up in the series and receives a solid A.” –The Dallas Examiner Books 1-11 now available online!

Серия: The Vampire Journals

Исполнители: Brianna Knickerbocker

Цена: 238.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781640295667


Lucifer’s Tears
Lucifer’s Tears

Автор: James Thompson

His previous case left Kari Vaara with a scarred face, chronic insomnia and a full body count's worth of ghosts. A year later, in Helsinki, and Kari is working the graveyard shift in the homicide unit.Kari is drawn into the murder-by-torture case of Isa Filippov, the philandering wife of a Russian businessman. Her lover is clearly being framed and while Ivan Filippov's arrogance is highly suspicious, he's got friends in high places. Kari is sucked ever deeper and soon the past and present collide in ways no one could have anticipated…Discover the hottest new voice in Scandinavian crime-writing – if you love Jo Nesbo and Stieg Larsson you’ll love James Thompson.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781847563033


Lucila En Las Nubes
Lucila En Las Nubes

Автор: Massimo Longo

Serie: Estoy escribiendo esto para vosotros. Massimo y Maria Grazia son pareja, tanto en la vida real como en la literaria, y les encanta escribir ficci?n para todo el mundo, independientemente de su edad. Esta idea naci? con el objetivo de convertir en libros las historias que hab?an inventado para sus hijos.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835418207


Lucilla In The Clouds
Lucilla In The Clouds

Автор: Massimo Longo

Series: I’m writing this for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple both in real and literary life, and they love writing fiction for everyone, regardless of their age. This idea was born with the idea of turning the tales they had made up for their children into books.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835417064


Lumina Nop ii (Leg turi De S?nge Cartea 2)
Lumina Nopții (Legături De S?nge Cartea 2)

Автор: Amy Blankenship

Kat Santos nu-l mai văzuse pe proprietarul Night Light de ani de zile. Asta p?nă c?nd Quinn decide brusc să o răpească și să o acuze că i-a ?nscenat uciderea vampirilor. D?ndu-și seama că inamicul ?i joacă pe degete, cele două familii ?și unesc forțele pentru a opri vampirii să le terorizeze orașul. Quinn Wilder a urmărit-o cu ochii flăm?nzi ai unei pume ?ncă din ziua ?n care s-a născut. C?nd a devenit adolescentă, tentația de a o pretinde ca partenera sa, s-a transformat instant ?ntr-o prăpastie ?ntre el și frații ei supraprotectori. C?nd părinții lor s-au ucis reciproc ?n luptă, legăturile dintre cele două familii au fost ?ntrerupte iar ea a fost luată ?n siguranță ?n afara ariei lui de ?ntindere. Urmărind-o de la distanță, Quinn constată că războiul vampirilor are punctele sale bune atunci c?nd ea uită să stea deoparte. Kat Santos nu-l mai văzuse pe proprietarul Night Light de ani de zile. Asta p?nă c?nd Quinn decide brusc să o răpească și să o acuze că i-a ?nscenat uciderea vampirilor. D?ndu-și seama că inamicul ?i joacă pe degete, cele două familii ?și unesc forțele pentru a opri vampirii să le terorizeze orașul. Pe măsură ce războiul subteran escaladează, la fel o fac și flăcările dorinței deoarece, ceea ce a ?nceput ca o răpire se transformă rapid ?ntr-un joc periculos de seducție.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835425779


Lustige M?rchen
Lustige M?rchen

Автор: Marco Fogliani


Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835421948


M likm mm din na l
Məlikməmmədin nağılı

Автор: Народное творчество

“Azərbaycan nağılları” silsiləsində xalqımızın qədim d?nyag?r?ş?, ?mumiləşdirilmiş qəhrəman obrazları, ibrətamiz əhvalatlar, xeyirlə şərin əbədi-əzəli m?barizəsi və s. kimi m?vzulara rast gələ bilərsiniz. Bu kitabda "Məlikməmmədin nağılı" və "G?loğlanın nağılı" yer alıb.

Серия: Uşaq ədəbiyyatı

Цена: 61.71 руб.


M?moires d un ?l?phant blanc
M?moires d'un ?l?phant blanc

Автор: Gautier Judith

Цена: Бесплатно


M?scaras De Cristal
M?scaras De Cristal

Автор: Terry Salvini

Una noche de pasi?n causa estragos en la vida y en la carrera de la hermosa Loreley, joven abogada de New York que est? lidiando con un delicado proceso judicial con un desenlace en apariencia evidente. Con tal de descubrir la verdad la mujer decide infiltrarse en un ambiente ambiguo y poco recomendable. Alrededor de la protagonista se mueve diversos personajes: un antiguo amor, la familia, los amigos, los compa?eros de trabajo pero, sobre todo Sonny, un pianista y compositor todav?a legado a su propio pasado. Algunos de ellos permanecen fieles a s? mismos, otros se esconden detr?s de m?scaras de cristal que la r?pida y acelerada sucesi?n de acontecimientos acabar? por romper.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835413295


Ma y Smok Chmurek
Mały Smok Chmurek

Автор: Daniele Lippi

Jest to opowieść o odwadze, szacunku i przyjaźni. Jest to bajka dla dzieci i dorosłych, kt?ra sprawi wszystkim odrobinę radości i zachwyci swoją prostotą. To jest historia o smoku, a raczej o małym smoku: Małym Smoku Chmurku, kt?ry uwielbia skakać, ale nie może tego robić na miękkim obłoku, na kt?rym mieszka. To jest historia o małej dziewczynce, z kt?rą Chmurek się zaprzyjaźnia i o tym, jak ci dwoje stają się kompanami zabaw. To jest opowieść o pięknie dawania i radości z otrzymywania, a także o odwadze, szacunku i przyjaźni. Bajka ta, swoją prostotą zachwyci zar?wno dzieci jak i dorosłych oraz sprawi wszystkim odrobinę radości. Jest to idealna zasypianka, dzięki kt?rej dzieci usną z uśmiechem na twarzy i zachwytem w oczach (tak przynajmniej działa na moją c?rkę).

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835420101


Mach dir Umsatz auf!
Mach dir Umsatz auf!

Автор: Hubertus Kuhnt

Weitgehend unbemerkt von der breiten ?ffentlichkeit erlebte Coca-Cola Deutschland ab Januar 2003 die gr??te Herausforderung seiner Geschichte. Was war geschehen? Die Einf?hrung des sogenannten Dosenpfands am 1. Januar 2003 lie? den Umsatz massiv einbrechen – und erwischte das erfolgsverw?hnte Unternehmen eiskalt.
Das Dosenpfand betrifft Sie nicht? Mag sein. Aber erinnert es nicht an etwas, das jedes Unternehmen derzeit umtreibt und ein viel gravierenderes Umdenken erfordert? Richtig: die Digitalisierung. Jedes Unternehmen steht aktuell vor der Herausforderung, sich dem Wandel zu stellen, und doch machen viele einfach weiter wie bisher, in der Hoffnung, der Kelch m?ge an ihnen vor?berziehen. Warum auch nicht? Es l?uft f?r viele ja immer noch pr?chtig! Coca-Cola Deutschland ging es 2003 auch pr?chtig. Die Herausforderung kam wie aus dem Nichts. Obwohl die Vorzeichen klar erkennbar gewesen waren.
F?r jede Branche, f?r jedes Unternehmen gibt es ein «Dosenpfand»: einen Ausl?ser, der erst offenkundig macht, woran das Unternehmen eigentlich krankt: unflexible Organisationsstrukturen aus dem Industriezeitalter. Was das Topmanagement von Coca-Cola nach schmerzhaften Verlusten verstanden hat ist, dass nur ein radikaler Umbau aller F?hrungs-, Vertriebssteuerungs- und IT-Prozesse den Turnaround bringen konnte. Es folgten ein beispielloser Umbau der Strukturen und ein radikaler Wandel der Unternehmenskultur. Das Unternehmen ist heute ein Leuchtturm der Digitalisierung. Es ist agil aufgestellt, die Mitarbeiter ziehen an einem Strang und setzen neueste digitale und mobile Technologien effektiv ein. Der Vertrieb wurde um 20 Prozent produktiver.
Thorsten Jekel und Hubertus Kuhnt haben den Turnaround bei Coca-Cola entscheidend mitgestaltet. In ihrem Buch zeichnen sie diese Geschichte aus der Insider-Perspektive mit spannenden Storytelling-Elementen nach und halten eine F?lle von Praxistipps f?r F?hrungskr?fte jeder Branche bereit. Sie zeigen, wie Schnelligkeit und Agilit?t die Basis f?r den dauerhaften Erfolg werden k?nnen. Exzellenz im Management und in der Kommunikation, Exzellenz im Vertrieb sowie Exzellenz im Einsatz von digitalen Technologien – darum geht es im Buch. Und daran kommt heute niemand vorbei.

Серия: Dein Business

Цена: 2070.55 руб.
ISBN: 9783956239229


Maddrax, Folge 14: Der Tod ?ber Paris - Teil 1
Maddrax, Folge 14: Der Tod ?ber Paris - Teil 1

Автор: Michael J. Parrish

Der Tod ?ber Paris Teil 1 Matthew Drax und Aruula kommen auf der Suche nach Hank Williams in Paris an. Matt ist ersch?ttert, als er erkennt, dass von der einst so sch?nen Stadt nur noch Ruinen ?brig sind. Doch es kommt noch schlimmer. Denn schon kurz nach ihrer Ankunft werden Matt und Aruula von einem Feind angegriffen, mit dem sie es noch nie zu tun hatten....

Исполнители: Wolf Frass

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783838766041


Mademoiselle de Bressier
Mademoiselle de Bressier

Автор: Delpit Albert

Цена: Бесплатно


Magic Ballerina 7-12
Magic Ballerina 7-12

Автор: Darcey Bussell

Return to the magical world of Enchantia in the captivating second series of Magic Ballerina by Darcey Bussell!Rosa knows that her new red ballet shoes are special, but she soon discovers that they are magical when she is whirled into Enchantia!Join Rosa in the second series of Dacy Bussell’s wonderful Magic Ballerina books.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007513550


Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses
Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses

Автор: Gary Eldred W

In the Make Money series, renowned real estate investor and bestselling author Gary W. Eldred shows you how to profit from the safest, most reliable wealth builder in the world-real estate. With coverage of all the fundamentals-from finding the right properties to financing and managing them-Eldred shows you the ropes so you don't have to learn important lessons the hard way. Unlike general guides to investing in real estate, each title in the Make Money series gives you the specialized expertise necessary to fully profit from a select investment strategy. Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses shows homebuyers and investors how to travel the road to real estate wealth-often with little or nothing down. As an affordable investment vehicle, condominiums and townhouses offer numerous advantages over other types of rental property-they require relatively little day-to-day management, they tend to attract more desirable tenants than other rental properties, and they offer low risk and high returns. Full of time-tested techniques and proven money-making strategies, Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses will show you how to: * Relax while you put your money to work * Find properties with high rates of appreciation * Evaluate homeowner association finances * Choose profitable locations * Understand the changing demographics that may affect your investment * Finance your properties with little or no money down * Achieve positive cash flow quickly * Build up equity * Understand by-laws, disclosure statements, and management contracts

Цена: 2025.18 руб.
ISBN: 9780471481171


Making YouTube Videos. Star in Your Own Video!
Making YouTube Videos. Star in Your Own Video!

Автор: Nick Willoughby

The fast and easy way for kids to shoot, edit, and share videos on YouTube Does your child long to create and post videos on YouTube in hopes of becoming the next “YouTube celebrity?” Whether looking to go viral or simply wanting to make videos for their friends, Making YouTube Videos is the place your kid should start. Written by a filmmaking expert who runs camps for wanna-be filmmakers as young as seven, this fun and friendly guide takes your child step by step through the process: from idea creation to production to sharing on YouTube. Written in a language they’ll understand and filled with eye-popping graphics that make the information come to life, Making YouTube Videos takes the intimidation out of working with video technology and offers your child a friendly, trusted source for expressing their creativity. Kids will work through small projects with end-goals that help promote confidence. With content that is accessible and easy to understand, this book is ideal for youngsters who want to go solo or work with you or another adult instructor. Introduces ideas on framing, lighting, and sound Shows kids how to load a video, add transitions, and add effects Provides easy-to-follow instruction on uploading a video to YouTube and setting who can see or not see their video Explains how to grab free software and make simple edits, like cutting out scenes, adding to a timeline, and implementing transitions If you want to encourage your child’s enthusiasm but don’t want to endure a meltdown, Making YouTube Videos makes it easy for your aspiring filmmaker to fulfill his or her dream.

Цена: 916.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119177258


Malab? And The Enchanted Sheep
Malab? And The Enchanted Sheep

Автор: Massimo Longo

Series: I’m writing this for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple both in real and literary life, and they love writing fiction for everyone, regardless of their age. This idea was born with the idea of turning the tales they had made up for their children into books.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835417026


Malab? Dan Bebiri Yang Mempesonakan
Malab? Dan Bebiri Yang Mempesonakan

Автор: Massimo Longo

Siri: Saya menulis ini untuk kamu Massimo dan Maria Grazia adalah pasangan dalam kehidupan realiti dan sastera, dan mereka suka menulis cerita fiksyen untuk semua orang, tidak kira usia mereka. Idea ini lahir dari mengubah kisah-kisah yang mereka ceritakan kepada anak-anak mereka menjadi sebuah buku.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835419853


Malab? Et Le Mouton Magique
Malab? Et Le Mouton Magique

Автор: Massimo Longo

Massimo et Maria Grazia forment un couple dans la vie et dans la litt?rature. Ils aiment ?crire ? quatre mains des histoires fantastiques pour les lecteurs de tout ?ge. Cette s?rie est n?e de l'id?e de transformer en livres les fables et les contes cr??s pour leurs propres enfants. Cette histoire est celle d'un homme arrogant qui rencontre un mage grincheux, que la rencontre avec une jeune femme va rendre plus aimable…

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835420361


Malabu i Oaia Fermecat
Malabu Și Oaia Fermecată

Автор: Massimo Longo

Din Seria cărților scrise pentru tine.Massimo and Maria Grazia sunt un cuplu at?t ?n viața reală, c?t și ?n viața literară și le place să scrie povești de ficțiune pentru toată lumea, indiferent de v?rstă.Această idee le-a venit c?nd au scris povești pentru propriii copii.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835418504


Managing Complex Projects
Managing Complex Projects

Автор: Harold Kerzner, Ph.D

The application of project management techniques is considered standard practice in today's business environment. What is not widely known is that the learning gap separating good project management from exceptional project management is not as great as one might think—yet, the difference in the return on value can be quite significant. Many factors determine how projects are approached, such as rapid shifts in technology, a fluctuating market, changes in a business's organizational structure, and politics. As these forces add to a project's complexity and duration, project managers must develop strategies that allow them to think outside the box and create new on-the-go methodologies. Managing Complex Projects delivers the tools necessary to take on an unpredictable economy with an adaptable battle plan proven to meet the differing needs of an ever-expanding set of partners and stakeholders involved in a project. This book shows how to solve some of the issues facing today's project manager, including: Dealing with multiple virtual teams located around the world Working with partners and stakeholders that may have limited project management tools and experience Adjusting to long-term projects in which the stakeholders may change Managing projects where stated goals and objectives differ among stakeholders This book shows how companies such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, and Siemens are exploring new avenues to aid them in taking on complex projects by combining «hard» skills, such as risk management and scheduling, with «soft» skills that focus on interpersonal communication. Managing Complex Projects serves as a lifesaver for time-crunched project managers looking for new ways to maximize their efforts.

Цена: 4734.95 руб.
ISBN: 9780470927991


Mandela: The Authorised Biography
Mandela: The Authorised Biography

Автор: Anthony Sampson

Widely considered to be the most important biography of Nelson Mandela, Antony Sampson’s remarkable book has been updated with an afterword by acclaimed South African journalist, John Battersby.Long after his presidency of South Africa, Nelson Mandela remained an inspirational figure to millions – both in his homeland and far beyond. He has been, without doubt, one of the most important figures in global history. His death, on 5 December 2013 at the age of 95, resonated around the world.Mandela’s opposition to apartheid and his 27 year incarceration at the hands of South Africa’s all-white regime are familiar to most. In this utterly compelling book, eminent biographer Anthony Sampson draws on a fifty year-long relationship to reveal the man who rocked a continent – and changed its future.With unprecedented access to the former South African president – the letters he wrote in prison, his unpublished jail autobiography, extensive conversations, and interviews with hundreds of colleagues, friends, and family – Sampson depicts the realities of Mandela’s private and public life, and the tragic tension between them. Updated after Sampson’s death with a new afterword by distinguished South African journalist John Battersby, this is the ultimate biography of one of the twentieth century’s greatest statesmen.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007374298


Manifest f?r die Tiere (Ungek?rzte Lesung)
Manifest f?r die Tiere (Ungek?rzte Lesung)

Автор: Corine Pelluchon

Исполнители: Tanja Fornaro

Цена: 986.45 руб.
ISBN: 9783948674526


Manual IPhone 12 Pro Para Ignorantes
Manual IPhone 12 Pro Para Ignorantes

Автор: Джим Вуд

"Este manual est? dise?ado para ayudarte a empezar a utilizar tu iPhone en el menor tiempo posible. Puedes empezar a utilizarlo tan pronto como empieces a usar este libro, pues no necesitas esperar a terminar de leerlo para comenzar a ponerla en pr?ctica. Este manual fue escrito a prop?sito en un lenguaje no demasiado formal y t?cnico, excepto cuando sea imprescindible. De hecho, se ha puesto un mont?n de esfuerzo en asegurar que el lenguaje utilizado en este libro sea un poco m?s informal de lo que se puede esperar de la mayor?a de otros manuales de iPhone. Con este libro, podr?s ahorrarte tiempo y toneladas de energ?a si sigues los consejos, trucos y recomendaciones que encontrar?s en ?l. Tambi?n obtendr?s un inmenso conocimiento detallado paso a paso a lo largo de ?l, en cap?tulos que son f?ciles de seguir. Solo aquellos que tengan este libro podr?n beneficiarse de tener un manual de referencia tan incre?ble que puede hacer frente a cualquier desaf?o que te puedas encontrar. ?De principiante en iPhone a usuario experto! ?Adquirir un iPhone puede ser una experiencia emocionante e intimidante al mismo tiempo! Con un gran tel?fono como el iPhone 12 Pro Max te puedes sentir como si te regalaran el nuevo juguete con el que siempre hab?as so?ado. Como ya te habr?s dado cuenta, tiene un mont?n de caracter?sticas, algunas de las cuales probablemente nunca utilizar?s. Pero para esas caracter?sticas que tienes la intenci?n de utilizar o deber?as utilizar… ?Necesitar?s una gran gu?a como este libro que entiende tus necesidades y que est? lista para llevarte a trav?s de ese proceso gracias a un lenguaje sencillo de entender! Este manual est? dise?ado para ayudarte a utilizar tu iPhone en el menor tiempo posible. Pues no necesitas esperar a terminar de leer la gu?a para comenzar a ponerla en pr?ctica. Adem?s, este manual fue escrito a prop?sito para servir como una gu?a de iPhone en un lenguaje no demasiado formal y t?cnico. De hecho, se ha puesto un mont?n de esfuerzo en asegurar que el lenguaje utilizado en este libro sea un poco m?s informal que lo que se puede esperar de la mayor?a de otros manuales de iPhone. La familia del iPhone 12 utiliza el nuevo iOS 14 que viene con muchas herramientas ?tiles, incluyendo la capacidad de mostrar la c?mara 3D de tres lentes para mejorar el v?deo, los juegos y mucho m?s. El Nuevo dise?o f?sico tambi?n se aleja un poco del iPhone 11, pero viene preparado para manejar la red 5G as? como integrar dos formas de 5G. El iPhone 12 Pro Max es una gran combinaci?n de ingenier?a de hardware de alta calidad, software de calidad y grandes accesorios, todo ello orientado a hacer que tu experiencia de usuario con el iPhone sea excelente. Algunas de las cosas que debes esperar en este libro incluyen: – Gestionar el ID de Apple y los ajustes de iCloud en el iPhone – Formas de utilizar iCloud en el iPhone 12 – Hacer una captura o grabaci?n de pantalla en el iPhone 12- Cambiar los sonidos y las vibraciones del iPhone 12 – Pantalla de inicio y aplicaciones abiertas – Escribir y editar texto en el iPhone 12 – A?adir o cambiar teclados en el iPhone 12 – Usar la aplicaci?n Mapas – Usar y personalizar el Centro de Control en el iPhone 12 – Permitir el acceso a funciones desde la pantalla de bloqueo del dispositivo – C?mo usar clips de aplicaciones en el iPhone – Elegir los ajustes del iPhone 12 para viajar – Configurar el tiempo de pantalla para un Miembro de la familia en el iPhone 12 – Configurar No Molestar en el iPhone 12 – Activar No Molestar mientras se conduce – Cambiar entre aplicaciones en el iPhone 12 – Cambiar entre aplicaciones abiertas… Y mucho m?s. El iPhone es posiblemente el smartphone m?s potente que hay, que adem?s se puede utilizar para tomar grandes fotos y hacer casi cualquier cosa. Sin embargo, aunque algunas personas lo encuentran intuitivamente f?cil de usar, para otras, especialmente para las que nunca lo han usado antes o para las que simplemente quieran sacarle m?s provecho, puede ser un poco complicado. Para esas personas, este libro ser? una gu?a muy valiosa. Con este libro en tus manos, podr?s ahorrarte tiempo y toneladas de energ?a si sigues los consejos y trucos que encontrar?s en ?l. Tambi?n obtendr?s un inmenso conocimiento en los cap?tulos detallados paso a paso y f?ciles de seguir que se utilizan a lo largo de este libro. Solo aquellos que tengan este libro podr?n beneficiarse de tener un manual de referencia tan incre?ble que puede hacer frente a cualquier desaf?o posible. Puedes usar este libro como un regalo para un amigo, hijo, hija, o un ser querido a fin de ayudarles a usar r?pidamente su tel?fono tan pronto como comiencen a explorar las p?ginas de este libro. ?Bono especial! Tenemos un regalo especial para ti, algo que creemos que te encantar?. Haz clic en el bot?n “A?adir a la cesta” para comprarlo en tu cuenta o haz clic en el bot?n “Comprar ahora” para adquirir tu ejemplar ahora mismo.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788835420323



Автор: Paul Gallico

The brave little Manxmouse is one-of -a-kind creature on a special journey. But everyone knows who awaits him, for the Manxmouse belongs to the Manx Cat…The Manxmouse is one-of-a-kind. He’s the strangest little mouse you’ll ever see, with bright blue fur, huge rabbit ears and a distinct lack of tail. But Manxmouse doesn’t mind being different.He knows that destiny awaits him, and so Manxmouse sets out on an exciting adventure. He meets tigers and hawks and dastardly pet-shop owners, but there’s someone he dreads and desires to meet more than anyone else. The someone who has been waiting for him all along… the Manx Cat.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007457328


Map of the Invisible World
Map of the Invisible World

Автор: Tash Aw

From the author of the internationally acclaimed, Whitbread Award-winning ‘The Harmony Silk Factory’ comes an enthralling new novel that evokes an exotic yet turbulent and often frightening world.Sixteen-year-old Adam is an orphan three times over. He and his older brother, Johan, were abandoned by their mother as children; he watched as Johan was adopted and taken away by a wealthy couple; and he had to hide when Karl, the Dutch man who raised him, was arrested by soldiers during Sukarno’s drive to purge 1960s Indonesia of its colonial past.Adam sets out on a quest to find Karl, but all he has to guide him are some old photos and letters, which send him to the colourful, dangerous capital, Jakarta. Johan, meanwhile, is living a seemingly carefree, privileged life in Malaysia, but is careening out of control, unable to forget the long-ago betrayal of his helpless, trusting brother.‘Map of the Invisible World’ is a masterful novel, and confirms Tash Aw as one of the most exciting young writers at work today.

Цена: 864.13 руб.
ISBN: 9780007337576


Mar ul Regilor
Marşul Regilor

Автор: Морган Райс

„INELUL VRĂJITORULUI are toate ingredientele pentru a deveni un succes imediat: comploturi, contrauneltiri, mister, cavaleri curajoşi şi relaţii ?nfloritoare, pline de inimi zdrobite, decepţie şi trădare. Vă va delecta ore ?n şir şi va satisface cititorii de toate v?rstele. Recomandată pentru biblioteca permanentă a tuturor cititorilor de ficţiune.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos MARŞUL REGILOR ne duce cu un pas mai departe ?n călătoria eroică a lui Thor spre maturitate, pe măsură ce acesta ?ncepe să ?nţeleagă mai bine cine este, ce sunt puterile sale, c?nd se hotărăşte să devină un războinic. După ce scapă din temniţă, Thor este ?ngrozit să afle de o altă tentativă de asasinare a lui MacGil. C?nd MacGil moare, ?ntregul regat intră ?n criză. Cum toată lumea se luptă pentru tron, Curtea Regală este sf?şiată, mai mult ca niciodată, ?n drame de familie, lupte pentru putere, ambiţie, gelozie, violenţă şi trădare. Trebuie ales un moştenitor dintre copii, iar străvechea Sabie a Destinului, sursa ?ntregii lor puteri, va fi m?nuită de un nou venit. Dar totul se complică: arma crimei este recuperată şi laţul care va prinde asasinul se str?nge. ?n acelaşi timp, cei din clanul MacGil ?nfruntă o nouă ameninţare a celor din clanul McCloud, care plănuiesc să ?i atace din nou din interiorul Inelului. Thor luptă să rec?ştige dragostei lui Gwendolyn, dar nu are timp: i se cere să-şi str?ngă lucrurile, să se pregătească, ?mpreună cu camarazii săi de arme, pentru Sută, cele o sută de zile istovitoare de iad, cărora toţi cei din Legiune trebuie să le supravieţuiască. Pentru proba bărbăţiei, Legiunea trebuie să traverseze Canionul, dincolo de protecţia Inelului, ?n Sălbăticie şi să navigheze pe Marea Tartuvian spre Insula Ceţii, despre care se spune că e păzită de un dragon. Oare vor reuşi să se ?ntoarcă? Va supravieţui oare Inelul ?n absenţa lor? Va afla Thor, ?n cele din urmă, secretul destinului său? Cu modul sofisticat ?n care creează şi descrie lumi, CALEA EROILOR este o epopee despre prieteni şi ?ndrăgostiţi, despre rivali şi pretendenţi, despre cavaleri şi dragoni, intrigi şi conspiraţii politice, despre iniţiere, inimi zdrobite, decepţie, ambiţie şi trădare. Este o poveste despre onoare şi curaj, despre soartă şi destin, despre magie. E o ficţiune care ne duce ?ntr-o lume pe care nu o vom uita niciodată şi care cucereşte oameni de toate v?rstele şi sexele. Cărţile 2-13 din serie sunt de asemenea disponibile acum!

Серия: Inelul Vrăjitorului

Исполнители: Catalina Popescu

Цена: 238.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781094301938


Marching to the Mountaintop: How Poverty, Labor Fights and Civil Rights Set the Stage for Martin Luther King Jr s Final Hours
Marching to the Mountaintop: How Poverty, Labor Fights and Civil Rights Set the Stage for Martin Luther King Jr's Final Hours

Автор: Ann Bausum

In early 1968 the grisly on-the-job deaths of two African-American sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee, prompted an extended strike by that city's segregated force of trash collectors.Workers sought union protection, higher wages, improved safety, and the integration of their work force. Their work stoppage became a part of the larger civil rights movement and drew an impressive array of national movement leaders to Memphis, including, on more than one occasion, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.King added his voice to the struggle in what became the final speech of his life. His assassination in Memphis on April 4 not only sparked protests and violence throughout America; it helped force the acceptance of worker demands in Memphis. The sanitation strike ended eight days after King's death.The connection between the Memphis sanitation strike and King's death has not received the emphasis it deserves, especially for younger readers. Marching to the Mountaintop explores how the media, politics, the Civil Rights Movement, and labor protests all converged to set the scene for one of King's greatest speeches and for his tragic death.National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources.Visit www.natgeoed.org/commoncore for more information.From the Hardcover edition.

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781426309458



Автор: Marguerite Audoux

Marie-Claire ist ein autobiografischer Roman von Marguerite Audoux (1863 bis 1937). Die Autorin wuchs als Kind einer Tagel?hnerfamilie in der Sumpflandschaft an der Loire auf. Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter und dem Verschwinden ihres Vaters kommt die Dreij?hrige mit ihrer Schwester in das Waisenhaus von Bourges. Ab dem Alter von 12 Jahren verdingt sie sich als Schafhirtin. Ihr Roman, welcher 1910 ein gro?er Erfolg wird, berichtet von Elend und Hoffnungslosigkeit kleiner Arbeiter.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783961186914


Marketing Genius
Marketing Genius

Автор: Peter Fisk

The little black book of marketing is here. Marketing guru Peter Fisk's inspirational manual of marketing shows you how to inject marketing genius into your business to stand out from the crowd and deliver exceptional results. Marketing Genius is about achieving genius in your business and its markets, through your everyday decisions and actions. It combines the deep intelligence and radical creativity required to make sense of, and stand out in today's markets. It applies the genius of Einstein and Picasso to the challenges of marketing, brands and innovation, to deliver exceptional impact in the market and on the bottom line. Marketers need new ways of thinking and more radical creativity. Here you will learn from some of the world's most innovative brands and marketers – from Alessi to Zara, Jones Soda to Jet Blue, Google to Innocent. Peter Fisk is a highly experienced marketer. He spent many years working for the likes of British Airways and American Express, Coca Cola and Microsoft. He was the CEO of the world's largest professional marketing organisation, the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and lead the global marketing practice of PA Consulting Group. He writes and speaks regularly on all aspects of marketing. He has authored over 50 papers, published around the world, and is co-author of the FT Handbook of Management. «Marketers who want to recharge their left and right brains can do no better than read Marketing Genius. It's all there: concepts, tools, companies and stories of inspired marketers.» —Professor Philip Kotler, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and author of Marketing Management «A fantastic book, full of relevant learning. The mass market is dead. The consumer is boss. Imagination, intuition and inspiration reign. Geniuses wanted.» —Kevin Roberts, Worldwide CEO Saatchi & Saatchi, and author of Lovemarks «This is a clever book: it tells you all the things you need to think, know and do to make money from customers and then calls you a genius for reading it.» —Hamish Pringle, Director General of Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, and author of Celebrity Sells «This is a truly prodigious book. Peter Fisk is experienced, urbane and creative, all the attributes one would expect from a top marketer. The case histories in this book are inspirational and Peter's writing style is engaging and very much to the point. This book deserves a special place in the substantial library of books on marketing.» —Professor Malcolm McDonald, Cranfield School of Management, and author of Marketing Plans «Customers, brands and marketing should sit at the heart of every business's strategy and performance today. Marketing Genius explains why this matters more than ever, and how to achieve it for business and personal success» —Professor John Quelch, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and author of New Global Brands «Marketing Genius offers marketers 99% inspiration for only 1% perspiration.» —Hugh Burkitt, CEO, The Marketing Society

Цена: 3534.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781841127323


Marrying Mr. Wrong - Dating Desasters, Band 3 (Ungek?rzt)
Marrying Mr. Wrong - Dating Desasters, Band 3 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Claire Kingsley

Исполнители: Ralph Sommer

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783961056415



Автор: Морган Райс

MARSCH DER K?NIGE nimmt uns mit auf die n?chste Etappe von Thors epischer Reise durch sein Schicksal, auf der er nach und nach mehr dar?ber erf?hrt, wer er ist, was seine Kr?fte sind, und auf der er beginnt, ein Krieger zu werden. Nachdem er den Kerkern entkommt, erf?hrt Thor entsetzt von einem weiteren Mordanschlag auf K?nig MacGil. Der Tod von MacGil versetzt das K?nigreich in Aufruhr. W?hrend alle es auf den Thron abgesehen haben, ist K?nigshof mehr denn je von Familiendramen, Machtk?mpfen, Ehrgeiz, Eifersucht, Gewalt und Verrat erf?llt. Ein Erbe muss aus den Reihen der Kinder ernannt werden, und das uralte Schicksalsschwert, die Quelle all ihrer Macht, erh?lt erneut eine Gelegenheit, von jemandem erhoben zu werden. Doch all dies kann noch umgest?rzt werden: die Mordwaffe wird gefunden, und die Schlinge zieht sich enger, den M?rder ausfindig zu machen. Zugleich droht den MacGils neue Gefahr von den McClouds, die wieder einmal planen, von innerhalb des Ringes anzugreifen. Thor k?mpft darum, Gwendolyns Liebe zur?ckzuerobern, doch m?glicherweise bleibt daf?r keine Zeit: er wird angewiesen, seine Sachen zu packen und sich mit seinen Waffenbr?dern auf die Hundert vorzubereiten, einhundert h?llische, aufreibende Tage, die jeder Legion?r durchleben muss. Die Legion muss zum Eintritt ins Mannesalter den Canyon ?berqueren, den Schutz des Rings verlassen und in die Wildlande reisen. Sie segeln ?ber die Tartonische See zur Insel der Nebel, von der gesagt wird, dass ein Drache sie bewacht. Werden sie es zur?ck nach Hause schaffen? Wird der Ring in ihrer Abwesenheit ?berleben? Und wird Thor endlich das Geheimnis seines Schicksals l?ften? Mit seinen fein ausgearbeiteten Welten und Charakteren ist MARSCH DER K?NIGE eine epische Saga von Freundschaft und Liebe, von Rivalen und Verehrern, von Rittern und Drachen, von Intrigen und politischen Machenschaften, vom Erwachsenwerden, von gebrochenen Herzen, von T?uschung, Ehrgeiz und Verrat. Es ist eine Geschichte von Ehre und Mut, von Schicksal und Bestimmung, von Zauberei. Es ist eine Phantasiegeschichte, die uns in eine Welt entf?hrt, die wir nie vergessen werden, und die Leser jeden Alters und Geschlechts begeistern wird. Die Geschichte umfasst 60.000 W?rter. Band 3-6 der Serie sind auf Englisch bereits erschienen und bald auch auf Deutsch erh?ltlich!

Серия: Ring der Zauberei

Исполнители: Mike Nelson

Цена: 238.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781094301464


Mary & Elizabeth
Mary & Elizabeth

Автор: Emily Purdy

Two sisters: united by blood, divided by the crown…Mary and Elizabeth is an unforgettable story of a powerful love affair that changed the course of history, perfect for fans of The Tudors and Philippa Gregory.They shared childhood memories and grown-up dreams…Mary was England's precious jewel, the surviving child of the tumultuous relationship between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. However, when Henry fell passionately in love with the dark-eyed Anne Boleyn, he cast his wife and daughter aside.Henry and Anne's union sees the birth of Elizabeth. Mary is soon declared a bastard, stripped of all royal privileges, performing the lowliest tasks. But, there is something about Elizabeth. And Mary soon grows to love her like a sister.After the passage of three years, and Anne Boleyn's execution, Henry can no longer bear the sight of his female heir. With the birth of a son, Edward, both Mary and Elizabeth seem destined for oblivion. But as history will show, fate had something far more elaborate in store…

Цена: 246.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781847562975


Mary George of Allnorthover
Mary George of Allnorthover

Автор: Lavinia Greenlaw

Lavinia Greenlaw’s mesmerising debut novel about growing up in the surreal banality of mid-’70s Essex.Lavinia Greenlaw puts before us the monochrome, immemorial middle England of the 1970s in all its dowdy glory, and has us see through the mercurial, bewitching Mary George’s eyes how a seemingly static landscape is suddenly illuminated by the most vivid bursts of energy, colour and drama. Punk’s torch flares into life and singes the fringes of England. Mary George bears witness and burns brighter still: she is more memorable than even the extraordinary events around her, and the reader will find it devastatingly hard to leave her company at the end of this exceptional debut about growing up under the shadow of an unknowable, inescapable small-town mystery.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007394388


Mary Poppins in the Park
Mary Poppins in the Park

Автор: P. Travers L

Discover the joy and wonder of Mary Poppins in the classic adventures!The original and classic stories available now in all-new luxurious livery in time for the release of the 2018 movie.Whether it’s a lion loose in the park or story-book characters coming to life, when Mary Poppins is in residence in Cherry Tree Lane, you can be sure that wonderful adventures will follow.More than eighty years since we first met Mary Poppins, this original, classic story is still charming readers and transporting new fans into the mysterious world of everyone’s favourite magical nanny.Enjoy the fourth book in the iconic series.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007404322


Mary Poppins: The Original Story
Mary Poppins: The Original Story

Автор: P. Travers L

Discover the joy and wonder of Mary Poppins in the classic adventures!The original best-loved classic about the world’s most famous nanny – Mary Poppins.When the Banks family advertise for a nanny, Mary Poppins and her talking umbrella appear out of the sky, ready to take the children on extraordinary adventures.Mary Poppins is strict but fair, and soon Michael and Jane are whisked off to a funfair inside a pavement picture and on many more outings with their wonderful new nanny!Needless to say, when at last ‘the wind changes’ and she flies away, the children are devastated. But the magic of Mary Poppins will stay with the Banks family forever.The original story of the world’s most famous nanny, Mary Poppins, is a timeless classic that has enchanted generations.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780007372171


Mastering VMware vSphere 5.5
Mastering VMware vSphere 5.5

Автор: Scott Lowe

The 2013 edition of the bestselling vSphere book on the market Virtualization remains the hottest trend in the IT world, and VMware vSphere is the industry's most widely deployed virtualization solution. The demand for IT professionals skilled in virtualization and cloud-related technologies is great and expected to keep growing. This comprehensive Sybex guide covers all the features and capabilities of VMware vSphere, showing administrators step by step how to install, configure, operate, manage, and secure it. This perfect blend of hands-on instruction, conceptual explanation, and practical application is reinforced with real-world examples. Led by Scott Lowe and Nick Marshall, both VMware vExperts, the author team provides expertise that will prepare IT professionals to excel in using this virtualization technology. Virtualization is seen as a «best practice» for high availability and disaster recovery solutions, as well as for applications such as Exchange Server and SharePoint IDC estimates that there are as many as 7 million jobs available worldwide in virtualization and cloud technology Provides hands-on instruction in all the latest features and capabilities of VMware vSphere, with both conceptual explanations and practical applications Author team is lead by Scott Lowe and Nick Marshall, well-known VMware experts and popular bloggers Mastering VMware vSphere provides what every virtualization professional needs to know.

Цена: 5522.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118750230


Mattov Nevjerojatan Tjedan
Mattov Nevjerojatan Tjedan

Автор: Martin Lundqvist

Ludi tjedan u kojem dječak uči o životu. Matt je šestogodišnjak koji živi u Sydneyju sa svojim roditeljima. Proživite s Mattom tjedan pun prijateljstva i nogometa, ali i egzistencijalnih pitanja o životu, poput znanosti naspram religije, gubitka voljene osobe, uz objašnjenja prilagođena djeci. Knjiga je primjerena za djecu od 5 do 9 godina starosti.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9788835416258


Maximus Rex: О.Р.Д.А
Maximus Rex: О.Р.Д.А

Автор: Алекс Делакруз

Возвращаясь с летнего корпоратива, я весьма удивился, когда дорога перед глазами исчезла и машина оказалась на заснеженной поляне, очень неудачно для палачей нарушив ход ритуального жертвоприношения. Выбраться из ледяных пустошей оказалось не самой сложной проблемой. Теперь мне нужно постараться избежать смерти от рук идущих по следу убийц, помирить двух возненавидевших друг друга спутниц, помочь вернуть тело демонической красотке, дух которой теперь поселился у меня в голове, при этом вынужденно лавируя между интересов двух влиятельных групп местной элиты. И это ведь еще недели не прошло.

Серия: Белый отряд

Исполнители: Вячеслав Булавин

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2022


Maybe One Day
Maybe One Day

Автор: Melissa Kantor

Two best friends face the hardest future of all – a future without each other.In the tradition of ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, critically acclaimed author Melissa Kantor masterfully captures the joy of friendship and the agony of loss.Zoe and Olivia have always been best friends. And becoming professional ballerinas has always been their goal. But when they turn sixteen the unthinkable happens as Olivia is diagnosed with leukaemia.Falling in love, coping with school and falling out with each other – everything is thrown into a whole new light.A heartbreakingly bittersweet tragedy that reveals profound truths about loss, love and the friends who mean the world to you.

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780007544257


Mega Sleepover 3
Mega Sleepover 3

Автор: Lorna Read

Join the Sleepover Club: Frankie, Kenny, Felicity, Rosie and Lyndsey, five girls who want to have fun – but who always end up in mischief!The gang decide to form a pop group in The Sleepover Girls go Spice, except their secret rehearsal in the attic doesn’t quite go to plan… The 24-Hour Sleepover Club sees the mates at loggerheads with their dreaded rivals, the M&Ms – and they soon find that revenge can be sickly sweet! And make way for chaos in The Sleepover Club Sleeps Out, when a school trip overnight to a local Egyptian museum provides a perfect excuse for terrifying the M&Ms…

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007439768


Mega Sleepover 5
Mega Sleepover 5

Автор: Louis Catt

Join the Sleepover Club: Frankie, Kenny, Felicity, Rosie and Lyndsey, five girls who want to have fun – but who always end up in mischief!In Sleepover on Friday 13th, Kenny plans some spooky surprises – but suddenly, everything starts getting out of control… In Sleepover Girls Go Camping, it’s the Sleepover Club versus the M&Ms on a massive assault course at summer camp. And in Sleepover Girls Go Detective, Lyndz’s cat disappears. Could it be anything to do with a very suspicious-looking neighbour?Three fantastic Sleepover Club stories in one!

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007482016


Mega Sleepover 6: Winter Collection
Mega Sleepover 6: Winter Collection

Автор: Sue Mongredien

Join the Sleepover Club: Frankie, Kenny, Felicity, Rosie and Lyndsey, five girls who want to have fun – but who always end up in mischief!In Sleepover Girls Go Snowboarding, the gang try staying cool on the slopes – with disastrous results! In Merry Christmas Sleepover Club!, Cinderella is the school panto – who will get the leading role? And in Happy New Year Sleepover Club!, Frankie’s baby sister is born in the middle of the biggest New Year’s eve party ever!Three fantastic Sleepover Club stories in one, all with a special wintery theme!

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007391929


Mega Sleepover 7: Summer Collection
Mega Sleepover 7: Summer Collection

Автор: Нариндер Дхами

Join the Sleepover Club: Frankie, Kenny, Felicity, Rosie and Lyndsey, five girls who want to have fun – but who always end up in mischief!In Sleepover Club Bridesmaids wedding bells are ringing for Fliss’s mum and Fliss and the gang are going to be bridesmaids! In Sleepover Girls and Friends the Spanish students the Sleepover Club met on holiday are coming to stay, and in Sleepover Girls on the Ball the gang sneak into the posh Green Lawns Tennis Club, but what will they do when the M&Ms spot them…?Three fantastic Sleepover Club stories in one, all with a special summery theme!

Цена: 772.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780007390427


Mem?ria Em Verso
Mem?ria Em Verso

Автор: Serna Mois?s De La Juan

H? momentos na vida que temos que agarrar guard?-los com grande carinho e tratar de n?o esquec?-los, mas nunca esperemos que seja sempre igual se a mem?ria nos falha as lembran?as se v?o. por mais que pretendamos tentar recordar ele as levou ”um ar ruim” e n?o as devolver?. Lembran?as e mais Lembran?as j? est?o no esquecimento pois a mem?ria ao falhar as levou, foram embora. Amor H? momentos na vida que temos que agarrar guard?-los com grande carinho e tratar de n?o esquec?-lo, mas nunca esperemos que seja sempre igual se a mem?ria nos falha as lembran?as se v?o. por mais que pretendamos tentar recordar ele as levou ”um ar ruim” e n?o as devolver?.Lembran?as e mais Lembran?as j? est?o no esquecimento pois a mem?ria ao falhar as levou, foram embora. Amor

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835403463


Memory of Water
Memory of Water

Автор: Emmi Itaranta

Some secrets demand betrayal.When Noria Kaitio reaches her seventeenth birthday, she is entrusted with the secret of a freshwater spring hidden deep within the caves near her small rural village. Its preservation has been the responsibility of her family for generations.Apprenticed to her father, one of the last true tea masters, when Noria takes possession of the knowledge, she becomes much more than the guardian of ancestral treasure; soon, she will hold the fate of everyone she loves in her hands.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007529933


Merakli B r Ked n n G?nl? ?
Merakli Bİr Kedİnİn G?nl?ğ?

Автор: R. F. Kristi

Inca’nın ve onun t?yl? arkadaşlarından oluşan ailesinin eğlenceli ve nefes kesici tuhaf maceralarını bir Sibirya Kediciği olan Inca’nın g?z?yle yazılan kalemden okuyun. Inca bir G?nl?k tutmaya karar verir. Detektiflik ser?venlerini kaydederken okuyucuyu s?rekli heyecanlı tutar ve y?rek hoplatan bir efsanenin gizemi aralanır. Inca’nın ve onun t?yl? arkadaşlarından oluşan ailesinin eğlenceli ve nefes kesici tuhaf maceralarını bir Sibirya Kediciği olan Inca’nın g?z?yle yazılan kalemden okuyun. Inca bir G?nl?k tutmaya karar verir. Detektiflik ser?venlerini kaydederken okuyucuyu s?rekli heyecanlı tutar ve y?rek hoplatan bir efsanenin gizemi aralanır. Inca ve ailesi Paris’ten Londra’ya taşındıklarında, mavi bir Rus kedisi olan Monk, d?nyaca ?nl? dedektif olan sahibi Solo’ya maharetle ve cesaretle asistanlık yapan bir Golden Retriever olan Terrence’ın da i?inde olduğu yepyeni bir arkadaş grubu edinirler. Yeni edindiği arkadaşlarının maceralarından esinlenerek, Inca d?nyanın en iyi dedektif kedisi olmayı kendisine hedef koyar ve ser?venlerini bir g?nl?ğe yazmaya başlar. Bir akşam Monk gecenin ilerleyen saatlerinde olacak bir toplantı hakkındaki haberle geldiğinde, Inca heyecanlanır ve bu toplantıya katılmak i?in sabırsızlanır. Ona, gittiği bir seyahattan d?nemeyen bir arkadaşları olan kayıp Raoul’u aramak i?in Himalayalar’a gidecek olan Solo ve Terrence tarafından ?stlenilmesi gereken tehlikeli bir yolculuktan bahsedilir. Terrence’in ayrılığı demek Inca’nın kendisine uygun ilk işi olan Bay Finchley’in vasiyetnamesinin şaşırtıcı bir şekilde kaybolması olayını ?stlenmesi demekti. Peki gen? kedi bu vakayı ??zmek i?in gerekli niteliklere sahip miydi ve işkence g?rm?ş ve ?ok saldırganlaşmış Rottweiler olan Patron’u kurtarabilecek miydi? Ve bunu yaşlı kurnaz Retriever olmadan başarabilecek miydi?

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835406648


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