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Media Selling
Media Selling

Àâòîð: Warner Charles Dudley

Öåíà: 4142.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119477464


Mediated Death
Mediated Death

Àâòîð: Johanna Sumiala

How do the dead live among us today? Approaching death from the perspective of media and communication studies, anthropology, and sociology, this book explains how the all-encompassing presence of mediated death profoundly transforms contemporary society. It explores rituals of mourning and the livestreaming of death in hybrid media, as well as contemporary media-driven practices of immortalization. Sumiala draws on examples ranging from the iconic deaths of Margaret Thatcher and David Bowie to those of ordinary people ritualized on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. In addition, this book examines digital mourning of global events including the  Charlie Hebdo  attacks, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the Coronavirus pandemic. Mediated Death is a must-read for scholars and students of communication studies, as well as general readers interested in exploring the meaning of mediated death in contemporary society.

Öåíà: 2414.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509544554



Àâòîð: Meenakshi Gigi Durham

Öåíà: 6628.92 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509547784


Nature s Evil
Nature's Evil

Àâòîð: Alexander Etkind

This bold and wide-ranging book views the history of humankind through the prism of natural resources – how we acquire them, use them, value them, trade them, exploit them. History needs a cast of characters, and in this story the leading actors are peat and hemp, grain and iron, fur and oil, each with its own tale to tell. The uneven spread of available resources was the prime mover for trade, which in turn led to the accumulation of wealth, the growth of inequality and the proliferation of evil. Different sorts of raw material have different political implications and give rise to different social institutions. When a country switches its reliance from one commodity to another, this often leads to wars and revolutions. But none of these crises goes to waste – they all lead to dramatic changes in the relations between matter, labour and the state. Our world is the result of a fragile pact between people and nature. As we stand on the verge of climate catastrophe, nature has joined us in our struggle to distinguish between good and evil. And since we have failed to change the world, now is the moment to understand how it works.

Öåíà: 3349.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509547609


News 2.0
News 2.0

Àâòîð: Ahmed Al-Rawi

Offers fresh insights and empirical evidence on the producers, consumers, and content of News 2.0     The second generation of news—News 2.0—made, distributed, and consumed on the internet, particularly social media, has forever changed the news business. News 2.0: Journalists, Audiences and News on Social Media examines the ways in which news production is sometimes biased and how social networking sites (SNS) have become highly personalized news platforms that reflect users’ preferences and worldviews. Drawing from empirical evidence, this book provides a critical and analytical assessment of recent developments, major debates, and contemporary research on news, social media, and news organizations worldwide. Author Ahmed Al-Rawi highlights how, despite the proliferation of news on social media, consumers are often confined within filter “bubbles.” Emphasizing non-Western media outlets, the text explores the content, audiences, and producers of News 2.0, and addresses direct impacts on democracy, politics, and institutions. Topics include viral news on SNS, celebrity journalists and branding, “fake news” discourse, and the emergence of mobile news apps as ethnic mediascapes. Integrating computational journalism methods and cross-national comparative research, this unique volume: Examines different aspects of news bias such as news content and production, emphasizing news values theory Assesses how international media organizations including CNN, BBC, and RT address non-Western news audiences Discusses concepts such as audience fragmentation on social media, viral news, networked flak, clickbait, and internet bots Employs novel techniques in text mining such as topic modeling to provide a holistic overview of news selection News 2.0: Journalists, Audiences and News on Social Media is an innovative and illuminating resource for undergraduate and graduate students of media, communication, and journalism studies as well as media and communication scholars, media practitioners, journalists, and general readers with interest in the subject.

Öåíà: 3797.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119569626


Peak Libido
Peak Libido

Àâòîð: Dominic Pettman

Öåíà: 6688.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509545797


Plant Biotechnology and Genetics
Plant Biotechnology and Genetics

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Focused on basics and processes, this textbook teaches plant biology and agriculture applications with summary and discussion questions in each chapter. Updates each chapter to reflect advances / changes since the first edition, for example: new biotechnology tools and advances, genomics and systems biology, intellectual property issues on DNA and patents, discussion of synthetic biology tools Features autobiographical essays from eminent scientists, providing insight into plant biotechnology and careers Has a companion website with color images from the book and PowerPoint slides Links with author's own website that contains teaching slides and graphics for professors and students: plantsciences.utk.edu/pbg/

Öåíà: 12145.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118819913


Polymer Electrolytes
Polymer Electrolytes

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

A comprehensive overview of the main characterization techniques of polymer electrolytes and their applications in electrochemical devices Polymer Electrolytes is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the characterization and applications of polymer electrolytes. The authors ? noted experts on the topic ? discuss the various characterization methods, including impedance spectroscopy and thermal characterization. The authors also provide information on the myriad applications of polymer electrolytes in electrochemical devices, lithium ion batteries, supercapacitors, solar cells and electrochromic windows. Over the past three decades, researchers have been developing new polymer electrolytes and assessed their application potential in electrochemical and electrical power generation, storage, and conversion systems. As a result, many new polymer electrolytes have been found, characterized, and applied in electrochemical and electrical devices. This important book: -Reviews polymer electrolytes, a key component in electrochemical power sources, and thus benefits scientists in both academia and industry -Provides an interdisciplinary resource spanning electrochemistry, physical chemistry, and energy applications -Contains detailed and comprehensive information on characterization and applications of polymer electrolytes Written for materials scientists, physical chemists, solid state chemists, electrochemists, and chemists in industry professions, Polymer Electrolytes is an essential resource that explores the key characterization techniques of polymer electrolytes and reveals how they are applied in electrochemical devices.

Öåíà: 15388.57 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527805433


Robert s Rules For Dummies
Robert's Rules For Dummies

Àâòîð: C. Alan Jennings

Öåíà: 1686.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119824596



Àâòîð: Armin Thurnher

Armin Thurnher, Herausgeber der Wiener Wochenzeitung FALTER, schreibt seit 1984 die Kolumne „Seinesgleichen geschieht“. Darin beleuchtet er den polit-medialen Komplex und sein Personal kritisch, satirisch und literarisch. Anl?sslich seines 70. Geburtstags hat Armin Thurnher 49 seiner „Seinesgleichen-Geschieht“-Kommentare aus 20 Jahren ausgew?hlt, die zeigen, wie sehr sich ?sterreichs Politik ver?ndert und wie sie sich dabei doch gleich bleibt. Das Buch startet mit politischen Komentaren aus dem Jahr 1998, in dem sich abzeichnete, was man in ?sterreich f?r undenkbar gehalten hatte: die Wende, das Ende der rot-schwarzen Nachkriegspolitik. Der Aufstieg J?rg Haiders schien unaufhaltsam. Wolfgang Sch?ssel von der ?VP verlor die Nationalratswahl 1999, bildete aber Anfang 2000 mit der Haider-FP? die Regierung. Sanktionen von 14 EU-Staaten folgten und erwiesen sich als Schlag ins Wasser. Sie machten die Regierung Sch?ssel nur popul?rer. Dennoch kam es 2006 zur Abwahl Sch?ssels und zum Wiederaufleben von Rot-Schwarz. Bis 2017 die erneute Wende erfolgte. Der junge Kanzler Sebastian Kurz putschte seine Jugendorganisation in der ?VP entschlossen an die Macht und f?hrt das Land in eine neue Richtung.

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783854396529


Setting the Agenda
Setting the Agenda

Àâòîð: Maxwell McCombs

News media strongly influence how we picture public affairs across the world, playing a significant and sometimes controversial role in determining which topics are at the centre of public attention and action.  Setting the Agenda , first published in 2004, has become the go-to textbook on this crucial topic. In this timely third edition, Maxwell McCombs – a pioneer of agenda-setting research – and Sebasti?n Valenzuela – a senior scholar of agenda setting in Latin America – have expanded and updated the book for a new generation of students. In describing the media's influence on what we think about and how we think about it,  Setting the Agenda  also examines the sources of media agendas, the psychological explanation for their impact on the public agenda, and their consequences for attitudes, opinions and behaviours. New to this edition is a discussion of agenda setting in the widened media landscape, including a full chapter on network agenda setting and a lengthened presentation on agenda melding. The book also contains expanded material on social media and the role of agenda setting beyond the realm of public affairs, as well as a foreword from Donald L. Shaw and David H. Weaver, the co-founders of agenda-setting theory. This exciting new edition is an invaluable source for students of media, communications and politics, as well as those interested in the role of news in shaping and directing public opinion.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Ìàêñèì Êîðîáèöûí

Öåíà: 2414.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509535811


Sie senden den Wandel
Sie senden den Wandel

Àâòîð: Viviana Uriona

Altbekannt ist, welch wichtige Rolle Medien bei der Konsolidierung oder aber auch bei der Transformation einer Gesellschaft spielen. Was aber geschieht, wenn Medien von unten aus agieren und dies in gro?er Zahl geschieht, unter Einbindung vieler gesellschaftlicher Akteure sowie gegen?ber einem umfassenden Publikum?
In Argentinien hat sich eine faszinierende Radiolandschaft gebildet, die kollektiv, partizipativ und progressiv arbeitet: Die Community-Radios.
Viviana Uriona nimmt uns mit auf eine ethnografische Reise durch die Geschichte dieser Radios, analysiert ihre Arbeitsweise und sucht nach den Gr?nden ihres Erfolges. Am Ende der Lekt?re bleibt eine Frage nicht mehr offen: K?nnte hierzulande in gleicher Weise gelingen, was dort geschah?

Öåíà: 1675.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838274645


SQUID Readout Electronics and Magnetometric Systems for Practical Applications
SQUID Readout Electronics and Magnetometric Systems for Practical Applications

Àâòîð: Yi Zhang

Öåíà: 11121.2 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527816507


Start-Up Secure
Start-Up Secure

Àâòîð: Chris Castaldo

Add cybersecurity to your value proposition and protect your company from cyberattacks Cybersecurity is now a requirement for every company in the world regardless of size or industry. Start-Up Secure: Baking Cybersecurity into Your Company from Founding to Exit covers everything a founder, entrepreneur and venture capitalist should know when building a secure company in today’s world. It takes you step-by-step through the cybersecurity moves you need to make at every stage, from landing your first round of funding through to a successful exit. The book describes how to include security and privacy from the start and build a cyber resilient company. You'll learn the basic cybersecurity concepts every founder needs to know, and you'll see how baking in security drives the value proposition for your startup’s target market. This book will also show you how to scale cybersecurity within your organization, even if you aren’t an expert! Cybersecurity as a whole can be overwhelming for startup founders. Start-Up Secure breaks down the essentials so you can determine what is right for your start-up and your customers. You’ll learn techniques, tools, and strategies that will ensure data security for yourself, your customers, your funders, and your employees. Pick and choose the suggestions that make the most sense for your situation—based on the solid information in this book. Get primed on the basic cybersecurity concepts every founder needs to know Learn how to use cybersecurity know-how to add to your value proposition Ensure that your company stays secure through all its phases, and scale cybersecurity wisely as your business grows Make a clean and successful exit with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your company's data is fully secure Start-Up Secure is the go-to source on cybersecurity for start-up entrepreneurs, leaders, and individual contributors who need to select the right frameworks and standards at every phase of the entrepreneurial journey.

Öåíà: 3373.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119700753


Startup CXO
Startup CXO

Àâòîð: Matt Blumberg

One of the greatest challenges for startup teams is scaling because usually there's not a blueprint to follow, people are learning their function as they go, and everyone is wearing multiple hats. There can be lots of trial and error, lots of missteps, and lots of valuable time and money squandered as companies scale. Matt Blumberg and his team understand the scaling challenges—they've been there, and it took them nearly 20 years to scale and achieve a successful exit. Along the way they learned what worked and what didn’t work, and they share their lessons learned in Startup CXO. Unlike other business books, Startup CXO is designed to help each functional leader understand how their function scales, what to anticipate as they scale, and what things to avoid. Beyond providing function-specific advice, tools, and tactics, Startup CXO is a resource for each team member to learn about the other functions, understand other functional challenges, and get greater clarity on how to collaborate effectively with the other functional leads. CEOs, Board members, and investors have a book they can consult to pinpoint areas of weakness and learn how to turn those into strengths. Startup CXO has in-depth chapters covering the nine most common functions in startups: finance, people, marketing, sales, customers, business development, product, operations, and privacy. Each functional section has a «CEO to CEO Advice» summary from Blumberg on what great looks like for that CXO, signs your CXO isn't scaling, and how to engage with your CXO. Startup CXO also has a section on the future of executive work, fractional and interim roles. Written by leading practitioners in the newly emergent fractional executive world, each function is covered with useful tips on how to be a successful fractional executive as well as what to look for and how to manage fractional executives. Startup CXO is an amazing resource for CEOs but also for functional leaders and professionals at any stage of their career." —Scott Dorsey, Managing Partner, High Alpha

Öåíà: 2525.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119774068


Successes and Setbacks of Social Media
Successes and Setbacks of Social Media

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 3373.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119695196


Successes and Setbacks of Social Media
Successes and Setbacks of Social Media

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Discover the real-life impacts of social media use through a collection of fascinating academic perspectives   Successes and Setbacks of Social Media: Impact on Academic Life  rigorously explores the positive and negative impacts of social media as a communication tool. The book incorporates a diverse group of opinions and perspectives, all of which reflect on how social media might influence academic success, relationships, self-worth, and engagement with virtual networks.  Accomplished academic and editor Dr. Cheyenne Seymour delivers an insightful examination of the different ways that social media can catapult people into success or failure. Four key areas are explored: academics, authenticity, relationships, and self-worth. Each area contains a synthesis of the latest research, supplemented with contributions that explore the negative and positive aspects of each area. The editor also includes perspectives that discuss emerging technologies, the impact they have on social media, and the impacts they might have in the future.  The book offers readers a wide variety of benefits, including:  An informative synthesis of peer-reviewed research about the impact of social media on individuals today Chapters that investigate both positive and negative aspects of social media across multiple demographics and usage scenarios Illuminating reports on experiences with several social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat An analysis of potential future developments and emerging technologies in social media and the coming social and ethical concerns that might arise Perfect for advanced undergraduate and graduate level students across a variety of disciplines, but particularly in courses on social media, mass communication, relational communication, and strategic communication,  Successes and Setbacks of Social Media  also belongs on the bookshelves of anyone with even a passing interest in the real-world impacts of social media usage.

Öåíà: 3373.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119695219


Sustainable Futures
Sustainable Futures

Àâòîð: Raphael Kaplinsky

Long before the pandemic, economies across the world were in trouble, with growth slowing across the board. This downturn coincided with growing inequality and social exclusion. Rising political dissatisfaction with ruling elites fuelled the rise of populism. Add to this the alarming environmental emergency and few can deny we live in a time of multiple sustainability crises. While this conclusion can lead to despair, in this broad-ranging book Raphael Kaplinsky, a leading development policy analyst, argues that the future is not necessarily bleak. Interrogating the causes and nature of the systemic crises we are living through, he shows how the challenges which we now face mirror previous historical epochs, in which dominant ‘techno-economic’ paradigms flourish, mature and run into crisis. In each case, decisive action is required to move to a more economically and socially sustainable world. In our time, we are witnessing the exhaustion of the Mass Production paradigm. How we herald and manage the transition to the next paradigm – that of Information and Communications Technologies – will determine our capacity to build a more prosperous, equitable and environmentally sustainable world. This book sets out an integrated agenda for action by multiple stakeholders to achieve this end.

Öåíà: 2545.03 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509547845


The Architect in Practice
The Architect in Practice

Àâòîð: David Chappell

Throughout its many editions, The Architect in Practice has remained a leading textbook used in the education of architects. While the content of the book has developed, the message and philosophy has remained constant: to provide students of architecture and young practitioners with a readable guide to the profession, outlining an architect's duties to their client and contractor, the key aspects of running a building contract, and the essentials of management, finance and drawing office procedure. The eleventh edition follows in that tradition. The text has been brought up to date to ensure it follows the new RIBA Plan of Work 2013 as the guide to the architect’s workflow. In addition, a number of changes to standard forms of contract were made with the publication of the JCT 2011 suite of contracts, and the RIBA Standard Form for the Appointment of an Architect 2010 (2012 Revision). These new forms are fully covered. In addition, the opportunity has been taken to reorganise the layout so that the content flows in a way that is more consistent with current architectural practice, and to deal with the increasing use of BIM. The eleventh edition of The Architect in Practice continues to provide the guidance and advice all students and practising architects need in the course of their studies and in their profession.

Öåíà: 6510.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118907719


The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication
The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication

Àâòîð: Wolfgang Donsbach

This concise volume presents key concepts and entries from the twelve-volume ICA International Encyclopedia of Communication (2008), condensing leading scholarship into a practical and valuable single volume. Based on the definitive twelve-volume IEC, this new concise edition presents key concepts and the most relevant headwords of communication science in an A-Z format in an up-to-date manner Jointly published with the International Communication Association (ICA), the leading academic association of the discipline in the world Represents the best and most up-to-date international research in this dynamic and interdisciplinary field Contributions come from hundreds of authors who represent excellence in their respective fields An affordable volume available in print or online

Öåíà: 21153.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118789230


The Corporate Culture Survival Guide
The Corporate Culture Survival Guide

Àâòîð: Ýäãàð Øåéí

Öåíà: 2535.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119212294


The Gender of Latinidad
The Gender of Latinidad

Àâòîð: Angharad N. Valdivia

Presents innovative scholarship on Latina/o visibility in contemporary mainstream media   Latina/os have seen increased visibility in the media in the past several years, especially in feature-length films, network television programs, and various digital platforms. The Gender of Latinidad: Uses and Abuses of Hybridity explores Latina/o visibility—analyzing presence, production, and interpretation throughout various media. An important contribution to the emerging field of Latina/o Media Studies, this unique volume brings together political economy and cultural studies to consider the limitations of cultural politics and explore current issues relevant to Latina/o cultural inclusion. Author Angharad N. Valdivia addresses the concept of hybridity and applies it to contemporary Latinidad, in which hybrid Latina/os lead hybrid lives and consume hybrid media. The text explores strategies for gendered visibility in a range of popular culture media, using the concept of hybridity to connect Latina/o Studies to Feminist Media Studies, Gender Studies, and Ethnic Studies. Throughout the text, the author discusses the inclusion Latina/o scholars and audiences seek and considers if such inclusion is even achievable. Offering intersectional exploration of Latinidad in mainstream media, this volume: Explores the trope of the spitfire in the context of popular media Brings Disney Studies into Latina/o Studies Discusses the dynamic inclusion of Latinidad in awards ceremonies Assesses the implicit utopias of Latina/o representation Presents the only major academic treatment of Charo Presenting an original perspective on Latina/os in media, The Gender of Latinidad: Uses and Abuses of Hybridity is an ideal text for students and scholars in areas including Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, and general Media and Feminist Media Studies.

Öåíà: 2675.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119574972


The Guidebook to Sociolinguistics
The Guidebook to Sociolinguistics

Àâòîð: Allan Bell

The Guidebook to Sociolinguistics presents a comprehensive introduction to the main concepts and terms of sociolinguistics, and of the goals, methods, and findings of sociolinguistic research. Introduces readers to the methodology and skills of doing hands-on research in this field Features chapter-by-chapter classic and contemporary case studies, exercises, and examples to enhance comprehension Offers wide-ranging coverage of topics across sociolinguistics. It begins with multilingualism, and moves on through language choice and variation to style and identity Takes students through the challenges involved in conducting their own research project Written by one of the leading figures in sociolinguistics

Öåíà: 3787.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118593967


The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility
The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

This book represents the definitive research collection for corporate social responsibility communication, offering cross-disciplinary and international perspectives from the top scholars in the field. Addresses a gap in the existing CSR literature Demonstrates the relevance of effective CSR communication for the management of organizations The 28 contributions come from top scholars in public relations, organizational communication, reputation management, marketing and management

Öåíà: 19898.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118078662


The Handbook of Diasporas, Media, and Culture
The Handbook of Diasporas, Media, and Culture

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 21248.07 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119236726


The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research
The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research articulates a broader understanding of crisis communication, discussing the theoretical, methodological, and practical implications of domestic and transnational crises, featuring the work of global scholars from a range of sub-disciplines and related fields. Provides the first integrative international perspective on crisis communication Articulates a broader understanding of crisis communication, which includes work from scholars in journalism, public relations, audience research, psychology, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, and international communication Explores the topic from cross-national and cross-cultural crisis communication approaches Includes research and scholars from countries around the world and representing all regions Discusses a broad range of crisis types, such as war, terrorism, natural disasters, pandemia, and organizational crises

Öåíà: 20514.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118516782


The Handbook of Magazine Studies
The Handbook of Magazine Studies

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 21248.07 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119151555


The Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory
The Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory presents a comprehensive collection of original essays that focus on all aspects of current and classic theories and practices relating to media and mass communication. Focuses on all aspects of current and classic theories and practices relating to media and mass communication Includes essays from a variety of global contexts, from Asia and the Middle East to the Americas Gives niche theories new life in several essays that use them to illuminate their application in specific contexts Features coverage of a wide variety of theoretical perspectives Pays close attention to the use of theory in understanding new communication contexts, such as social media 2 Volumes Volumes are aslo available for individual purchase

Öåíà: 44188.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118769973


The Handbook of Peer Production
The Handbook of Peer Production

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The definitive reference work with comprehensive analysis and review of peer production Peer production is no longer the sole domain of small groups of technical or academic elites. The internet has enabled millions of people to collectively produce, revise, and distribute everything from computer operating systems and applications to encyclopedia articles and film and television databases. Today, peer production has branched out to include wireless networks, online currencies, biohacking, and peer-to-peer urbanism, amongst others. The Handbook of Peer Production outlines central concepts, examines current and emerging areas of application, and analyzes the forms and principles of cooperation that continue to impact multiple areas of production and sociality. Featuring contributions from an international team of experts in the field, this landmark work maps the origins and manifestations of peer production, discusses the factors and conditions that are enabling, advancing, and co-opting peer production, and considers its current impact and potential consequences for the social order. Detailed chapters address the governance, political economy, and cultures of peer production, user motivations, social rules and norms, the role of peer production in social change and activism, and much more. Filling a gap in available literature as the only extensive overview of peer production’s modes of generating informational goods and services, this groundbreaking volume: Offers accessible, up-to-date information to both specialists and non-specialists across academia, industry, journalism, and public advocacy Includes interviews with leading practitioners discussing the future of peer production Discusses the history, traditions, key debates, and pioneers of peer production Explores technologies for peer production, openness and licensing, peer learning, open design and manufacturing, and free and open-source software The Handbook of Peer Production is an indispensable resource for students, instructors, researchers, and professionals working in fields including communication studies, science and technology studies, sociology, and management studies, as well as those interested in the network information economy, the public domain, and new forms of organization and networking.

Öåíà: 22502.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119537090


The Handbook of Peer Production
The Handbook of Peer Production

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 22502.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119537113


The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications
The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Over the last decade, political economy has grown rapidly as a specialist area of research and teaching within communications and media studies and is now established as a core element in university programmes around the world. The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications offers students and scholars a comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date and accessible overview of key areas and debates. Combines overviews of core ideas with new case study materials and the best of contemporary theorization and research Written many of the best known authors in the field Includes an international line-up of contributors, drawn from the key markets of North and Latin America, Europe, Australasia, and the Far East

Öåíà: 5202.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444395389


The Handbook of Strategic Communication
The Handbook of Strategic Communication

Àâòîð: Carl H. Botan

Öåíà: 18726.71 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118857038


The Handbook of the Psychology of Communication Technology
The Handbook of the Psychology of Communication Technology

Àâòîð: S. Shyam Sundar

The Handbook of the Psychology of Communication Technology offers an unparalleled source for seminal and cutting-edge research on the psychological aspects of communicating with and via emergent media technologies, with leading scholars providing insights that advance our knowledge on human-technology interactions. • A uniquely focused review of extensive research on technology and digital media from a psychological perspective • Authoritative chapters by leading scholars studying psychological aspects of communication technologies • Covers all forms of media from Smartphones to Robotics, from Social Media to Virtual Reality • Explores the psychology behind our use and abuse of modern communication technologies • New theories and empirical findings about ways in which our lives are transformed by digital media

Öåíà: 21046.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118426623


The Leap of Your Life
The Leap of Your Life

Àâòîð: Òîììè Áåéêåð

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119552529


The Media in Arab Countries
The Media in Arab Countries

Àâòîð: Tourya Guaaybess

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119579809


The Media Manifesto
The Media Manifesto

Àâòîð: Des Freedman

Our media systems are in crisis. Run by unaccountable corporations and dominated by agendas and algorithms that are shrouded in mystery, these formerly trusted sources of information and entertainment have lost their way. As consumers, we have plenty of choice, but as citizens we have an abundance of misinformation and misrepresentation.

In this incisive manifesto, four prominent media scholars and activists put forth a roadmap for radical reform of concentrated media power. They argue that we should put media justice, economic democracy and social equality at the heart of our scholarship and our campaigning.

The Media Manifesto delivers a sharp analysis of our communications crisis and a passionate call for urgent change. It provides resources of hope for media reform movements across the globe.

Öåíà: 1337.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509538072


The New Laws of Love
The New Laws of Love

Àâòîð: Marie Bergstr?m

Online dating has become a widespread feature of modern social life. In less than two decades, seeking partners through commercial intermediaries went from being a marginal and stigmatized practice to being a common activity. How can we explain this rapid change and what does it tell us about the changing nature of love and sexuality? In contrast to those who praise online dating as a democratization of love and those who condemn it as a commodification of intimacy, this book tells a different story about how and why online dating became big. The key to understanding the growing prevalence of digital dating lies in what Marie Bergstr?m calls “the privatization of intimacy.” Online dating takes courtship from the public to the private sphere and makes it a domestic and individual practice. Unlike courtship in traditional settings such as school, work, and gatherings of family and friends, online dating makes a clear distinction between social and sexual sociability and renders dating much more discrete. Apparently banal, this privatizing feature is fundamental for understanding both the success and the nature of digital matchmaking. Bergstr?m also sheds light on the persisting inequalities of intimate life, showing that online dating is neither free nor fair: it has its winners and losers and it differs significantly according to gender, age and social class. Drawing on a wide range of empirical material, this book challenges what we think we know about online dating and gives us a new understanding of who, why, and how people go online to seek sex and love.

Öåíà: 2142.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509543533


The Numerate Leader
The Numerate Leader

Àâòîð: Thomas A. King

Öåíà: 2525.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119843306


The Podcaster s Dilemma
The Podcaster's Dilemma

Àâòîð: Nolan Higdon

Öåíà: 4048.38 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119789901



Àâòîð: Janos Barberis

Öåíà: 2683.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119362166


The Triumph of Profiling
The Triumph of Profiling

Àâòîð: Andreas Bernard

Until fairly recently, only serial killers and lunatics had profiles. Yet today, almost everyone is profiled through social media, mobile phones, and a multitude of other methods. But where does the idea of “profiling” come from, how has it changed over time, and what are its implications?  In this book, Andreas Bernard examines contemporary profiling’s roots in late-nineteenth-century criminology, psychology, and psychiatry. Data collection techniques previously used exclusively by police or to identify groups of people are now applied to all individuals in society. GPS transmitters and measuring devices are now unconsciously embraced to have fun, communicate, make money, or even find a partner. Drawing perceptive parallels between modern technologies and their antecedents, Bernard shows how we have unwittingly internalized what were once instruments of external control and repression. This illuminating genealogy of contemporary digital culture will be of interest to students and scholars in media and communication, and to anyone concerned about the power technologies hold over our lives.

Öåíà: 2142.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509536313


Theory of the Hashtag
Theory of the Hashtag

Àâòîð: Andreas Bernard

Öåíà: 4687.6 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509539208


This Is Bioethics
This Is Bioethics

Àâòîð: Udo Sch?klenk

Should editing the human genome be allowed? What are the ethical implications of social restrictions during a pandemic? Is it ethical to use animals in clinical research? Is prioritizing COVID-19 treatment increasing deaths from other causes? Bioethics is a dynamic field of inquiry that draws on interdisciplinary expertise and methodology to address normative issues in healthcare, medicine, biomedical research, biotechnology, public health, and the environment. This Is Bioethics is an ideal introductory textbook for students new to the field, exploring the fundamental questions, concepts, and issues within this rapidly evolving area of study. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, this accessible volume helps students consider both traditional and cutting-edge questions, develop informed and defensible answers, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a diverse range of ethical positions in medicine. The authors avoid complex technical terms and jargon in favor of an easy-to-follow, informal writing style with engaging chapters designed to stimulate student interest and encourage class discussion. The book also features a deep dive into the realm of global public health ethics, including the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It considers topics like triage decision-making, the proportionality of society's response to COVID-19, whether doctors have a professional obligation to treat COVID-19 patients, and whether vaccines for this virus should be mandatory. A timely addition to the acclaimed This Is Philosophy series, This Is Bioethics is the ideal primary textbook for undergraduate bioethics and practical ethics courses, and is a must-have reference for students in philosophy, biology, biochemistry, and medicine.

Öåíà: 2949.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118770733


Transcultural Communication
Transcultural Communication

Àâòîð: Andreas Hepp

In Transcultural Communication, Andreas Hepp provides an accessible and engaging introduction to the exciting possibilities and inevitable challenges presented by the proliferation of transcultural communication in our mediatized world. Includes examples of mediatization and transcultural communication from a variety of cultural contexts Covers an array of different types of media, including mass media and digital media Incorporates discussion of transcultural communication in media regulation, media production, media products and platforms, and media appropriation

Öåíà: 10014.41 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118885819


Transnational Media
Transnational Media

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 8513.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119394563


Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The only comprehensive overview of the molecular basis and clinical features of the genetic disorder tuberous sclerosis, which affects approximately 50,000 people in the US alone. Special focus is placed on novel insights into the signal transduction pathways affected by the disease as well as genotype phenotype correlations, while existing and potential therapies are also discussed in depth. The editors are leading experts in research and treatment of the disease as well as the Vice President of the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, the only voluntary health organization for TSC in the US.

Öåíà: 12038.6 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527630080



Àâòîð: Crystal Abidin

Launched in 2007, tumblr became a safe haven for LGBT youth, social justice movements, and a counseling station for mental health issues. For a decade, this micro-blogging platform had more users than either Twitter or Snapchat, but it remained an obscure subculture for nonusers. Katrin Tiidenberg, Natalie Ann Hendry, and Crystal Abidin offer the first systematic guide to tumblr and its crucial role in shaping internet culture. Drawing on a decade of qualitative data, they trace the prominent social media practices of creativity, curation, and community-making, and reveal tumblr’s cultlike appeal and position in the social media ecosystem. The book demonstrates how diverse cultures can – in felt and imagined silos – coexist on a single platform and how destructive recent trends in platform governance are. The concept of “silosociality” is introduced to critically re-think social media, interrogate what kinds of sociality it affords, and what (unintended) consequences arise. This book is an essential resource for students and scholars of media and communication, as well as anyone interested in an influential but overlooked platform.

Öåíà: 2142.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509541102


Understanding Disney
Understanding Disney

Àâòîð: Janet Wasko

Since the 1930s, the Walt Disney Company has produced characters, images, and stories that have captivated audiences around the world. How can we understand the appeal of Disney products? What is it about the Disney phenomenon that attracts so many children, as well as adults?

In this updated second edition, with new examples provided throughout, Janet Wasko examines the processes by which the Disney company – one of the largest media and entertainment corporations in the world – continues to manufacture the fantasies that enthrall millions. She analyses the historical expansion of the Disney empire into the twenty-first century, examines the content of Disney’s classic and more recent films, cartoons and TV programs and discusses how they are produced, considering how some of the same techniques have been applied to the Disney theme parks. She also discusses the reception (and sometimes, reinterpretation) of Disney products by different kinds of audiences. By looking at the Disney phenomenon from a variety of perspectives, she provides an updated and comprehensive overview of one of the most significant media and cultural institutions of our time.

This important book by a leading scholar of the entertainment industries will be of great interest to students in media and cultural studies, as well as a broader readership of Disney fans.

Öåíà: 2414.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745695679


Visual Communication
Visual Communication

Àâòîð: Janis Teruggi Page

Teaches visual literacy, theory, scholarly critique, and practical application of visuals in professional communication careers   Based on years of research,  Visual Communication Insights and Strategies  explores visual imagery in advertising, news coverage, political discourse, popular culture, and digital and social media technologies. It is filled with insights into the role of visuals in our dynamic social environment and contains strategies on how to use them.  The authors teach theoretically-informed literacy and critical analysis of visual communication and show how to assess and apply this knowledge in the fields of advertising, public relations, journalism, organizational communication, and intercultural communication. This important book:  Reveals how to analyze visual imagery Contains a research-based approach to the topic Introduces a 3-step process,  Research-Evaluate-Create,  to apply the knowledge gained Combines research, theory, and professional practice of visual communication Designed for undergraduate and graduate courses in visual communication courses, as well as visual rhetoric, visual literacy, and visual culture,  Visual Communication Insights and Strategies  reveals how to apply rhetorical theories to visual imagery.

Öåíà: 5060.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119227304


Youth on Screen
Youth on Screen

Àâòîð: David Buckingham

Öåíà: 7362.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509548705


Zwischen Bildung und ?konomie
Zwischen Bildung und ?konomie

Àâòîð: Julia Sch?nborn

Das Social Web wird bereits heute intensiv f?r den Austausch, die Pr?sentation und die Vermittlung von Wissen genutzt. Dabei stellt die immer deutlicher in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen r?ckende Kollektivit?t der Prozesse die einschneidendste Neuerung f?r den wissenschaftlichen Betrieb dar. Offene Bildungsformate, interaktive Konzepte und Plattformen f?r den Austausch von Wissenschaftlerinnen entstehen neben dem bisherigen Angebot und bieten den Nutzern verschiedene M?glichkeiten der Partizipation. In diesem Text werden verschiedene Beispiele bereits existierender Konzepte der Wissensvermittlung im Social Web vorgestellt, um sowohl die Besonderheiten und M?glichkeiten, als auch die Grenzen solcher Formate zu beleuchten. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern das Angebot von offenen Bildungsformaten letztlich den wissenschaftlichen Betrieb und unser Konzept von 'Wissen' ver?ndert. Das Bildungsportal 'ununi.tv', der offene Bildungschat '#Edchat', das Buchprojekt 'Das neue Spiel' sowie die Online-Dokumentation 'st_ry' dienen dabei exemplarisch als Ausgangspunkt der Betrachtungen.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783943999389


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