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Ñîðòèðîâêà: Íàèìåíîâàíèå, Öåíà, Àâòîð

Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Albert muss nach Hause - Die irgendwie wahre Geschichte eines Mannes, seiner Frau und ihres Alligators (Ungek?rzt)
Albert muss nach Hause - Die irgendwie wahre Geschichte eines Mannes, seiner Frau und ihres Alligators (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Homer H. Hickam

"Ich oder der Alligator!" Keinen Tag l?nger will Homer Hickam der ?ltere sein Badezimmer mit einem bissigen Reptil namens Albert teilen. Als der Bergwerksarbeiter seiner Frau ein Ultimatum stellt, muss Elsie lange ?berlegen. Schlie?lich ist ein Leben ohne Alligator doch sinnlos. Wie alles hier in Coalwood, West Virginia. Die ganze trostlose Stadt liegt unter einer schwarzen Staubschicht begraben. Und selbst vor ihrer Ehe hat die Gro?e Depression keinen Halt gemacht. Trotzdem f?llt Elsie die Entscheidung – unter einer Bedingung: Sie m?ssen Albert nach Hause bringen. Zur?ck nach Florida. In einem alten Buick. Mit Alligator auf dem R?cksitz – «Liebevoller kann man eine verr?ckte Geschichte nicht erz?hlen.» – Elke Heidenreich

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Michael-Che Koch

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961090013


Am Anfang ist das Ei
Am Anfang ist das Ei

Àâòîð: Rebecca Fett

Die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse ver?ndern die Art und Weise, wie wir ?ber Fruchtbarkeit denken. Rebecca Fett analysiert in Am Anfang ist das Ei das gesamte Spektrum und pr?sentiert einen bahnbrechenden neuen Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Eiqualit?t und Fruchtbarkeit. Die Autorin verfolgt dabei eine konkrete Strategie: – Minimierung der Exposition gegen?ber Toxinen wie BPA und Phthalaten – Ern?hrungsplan mit den entscheidenden Lebensmitteln – Auswahl der richtigen Vitamine und Nahrungserg?nzungsmittel Mit einem Aktionsplan in drei Stufen bietet dieses Buch praktische L?sungen, um schneller schwanger zu werden und ein gesundes Baby zur Welt bringen. Rebecca Fett erkl?rt dazu auch komplexe biologische und biochemische Prozesse in einer leicht verst?ndlichen und nachvollziehbaren Sprache. Somit gibt Am Anfang ist das Ei auch Hoffnung f?r Frauen, die sich auf dem langen Weg von Fruchtbarkeitsbehandlungen und fehlgeschlagenen In-vitro-Fertilisationen (IVF) befinden oder bereits mehrere Fehlgeburten erlitten haben. Speziell geht die Autorin auf das polyzystische Ovarialsyndrom (PCOS) ein, das die h?ufigste Ursache f?r Unfruchtbarkeit ist. «Rebecca Fetts herausragende Kombination aus eigener Erfahrung und wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund k?nnte unsere derzeitige weltweite Debatte, unser Verst?ndnis und unsere Praktiken in Bezug auf Fruchtbarkeit revolutionieren. Der Einfluss, den dieses Buch auf das Leben so vieler Menschen hat, sollte nicht untersch?tzt werden.» – Dr. Claudia Welch, Autorin von Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life.

Öåíà: 2070.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783962571221


Applied Medical Statistics
Applied Medical Statistics

Àâòîð: Jingmei Jiang

Öåíà: 13660.32 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119716778


Are You Coming? - A Vagina Owner s Guide to Orgasm (Unabridged)
Are You Coming? - A Vagina Owner's Guide to Orgasm (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Laura Hiddinga

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Samantha Prescott

Öåíà: 2169.19 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781624617904


Are You the One for Me?
Are You the One for Me?

Àâòîð: Barbara Angelis De

From Barbara De Angelis, author of 14 bestselling relationships titles and internationally-recognised relationship psychologist, comes the definitive book on compatibility. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationships you deserve.Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationship you deserve.World-renowned relationship counsellor Barbara De Angelis reveals everything you need to know about compatibility. You’ll learn:• Why you’ve chosen the partners you have – and how to make better choices,• How much sexual chemistry you and your partner really have,• The ten types of relationships that won’t work,• How your childhood memories may be affecting your love life,• The six essential qualities to look for in a mate,• How to spot fatal flaws in a partner,• Why you may be falling in love for the wrong reason.If you’re single or divorced: read this book to understand why your past choices weren’t right for you and how to get it right this time.If you’re in love: learn how to be 100% certain that this relationship is the one for you.If you’re married: discover how to understand and balance your differences so that you can live happily together every day.Repackaged and redesigned for the modern reader with an iconic new cover, Are You The One For Me? is the last word in finding the right type of companionship for you.

Öåíà: 1153.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007378531


Aromamischungen f?r Mutter und Kind
Aromamischungen f?r Mutter und Kind

Àâòîð: Ingeborg Stadelmann

Das Beste aus der Natur f?r Mutter und Kind
Dieses praktische Handbuch ist die ideale Erg?nzung zur „Hebammen-Sprechstunde“ von Ingeborg Stadelmann. Es bietet Ihnen eine Fülle von Tipps und Empfehlungen, wie Sie die Original-Stadelmann®-Aromamischungen aus der Bahnhof-Apotheke Kempten w?hrend der Schwangerschaft,Geburt und Stillzeit sowie beim S?ugling sicher anwenden k?nnen.
Die naturbelassenen Mischungen werden so zu wertvollen Begleitern für die K?rperpflege und bei allt?glichen Beschwerden. Sie haben sich ganz besonders bew?hrt für Massagen und B?der, Wickel und Einreibungen, zur Raumbeduftung und als Naturparfüm. Die übersichtliche Gliederung in 4 Anwendungsbereiche hilft Ihnen, von Angst bis Zahnungsproblemen alle Themen schnell zu finden.

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783943793956


Asthma-Free Naturally: Everything you need to know about taking control of your asthma
Asthma-Free Naturally: Everything you need to know about taking control of your asthma

Àâòîð: Patrick McKeown

This is a highly effective programme for adults and children which incorporates the revolutionary Buteyko breathing method.Patrick McKeown is a former chronic asthmatic who went on to become one of the very few accredited Buteyko practitioners in Britain. The Buteyko breathing method is the single most effective self-help treatment for asthma and can be used by adults and children.With the programme, asthma sufferers can:• stop persistent attacks and coughing• reduce their dependency on medication• unblock nose naturally with a simple exercise• prevent attacks during sports• explain breathing exercises to a child• learn about diet, sleeping and other lifestyle factors

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007368150


Baby Signing For Dummies
Baby Signing For Dummies

Àâòîð: Jennifer Watson

Have you thought about signing with your baby or toddler? Parents and caregivers are discovering the benefits of using American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate with children long before they can speak. Some studies show that signing babies talk sooner, have larger vocabularies, and have fewer tantrums! Baby Signing For Dummies gives you the skills to connect in a meaningful way with your hearing baby or toddler. Packed with more than 150 illustrated signs, this friendly, easy-to-follow guide shows you how to use simple hand gestures and baby-specific signing techniques to start interacting with your baby. Every sign is accompanied by step-by-step directions and an illustration—from meeting and greeting, people, and mealtime signs to clothes, animals, outdoor signs, and, of course, bath time and bedtime. You’ll discover how to: Introduce signs to your baby Incorporate signing into daily life Make everyday events easier with signs Overcome stumbling blocks Decrease fussing and crying through signing Help your baby sign combinations of words Keep your baby safe with signing Get the whole family involved Find outside help (Web sites, videos, and signing schools and courses) Complete with illustrations of the entire ASL alphabet, signing dos and don’ts, and ten songs to sign along with, Baby Signing For Dummies is the key to enhancing communication with your child and increasing his/her intelligence in a simple, fun, and rewarding way!

Öåíà: 1876.98 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470107782


Bastis Welt
Bastis Welt

Àâòîð: Moni Rehbein

Was tun, wenn ein Kind sich v?llig r?tselhaft verh?lt, neue Kleidung ablehnt und keine Geschenke haben m?chte? Was tun, wenn das Kind hochintelligent ist, ihm jedoch der »gesunde Menschenverstand« zu fehlen scheint und es in unpassenden Momenten aggressive Anf?lle bekommt? Moni Rehbein beschreibt hochinteressante, am?sante und tiefsinnige Begebenheiten aus dem Alltag mit ihrem Sohn, der anders tickt und in seiner eigenen Welt lebt. Teilweise kommt der Leser aus dem Schmunzeln nicht mehr heraus, wird aber feststellen, dass all die Episoden ein gro?e Spannung und Herausforderung darstellen. In all den geschilderten Lebenssituationen erf?hrt der Leser, dass es immer einen liebevollen Umgang mit jedem Chaos gibt, daher: Schachmatt dem Chaos – Die Liebe siegt!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783960080329


Beekeeping For Dummies
Beekeeping For Dummies

Àâòîð: Howland Blackiston

The fast and easy way to start and maintain a hive Beekeeping For Dummies is a practical, step-by-step beginner's guide to beekeeping. It gives you plain-English guidance on everything you need to know to start your own beehive, from buying the right equipment, sourcing bees, and locating your hive to maintaining a healthy colony and harvesting honey. Plus, you'll get the latest information on the causes and effects of bee disease, colony collapse disorder, and the impact the sudden disappearance of the honeybee has on our environment and economy. Here, you'll get trusted information on beekeeping in the UK, specifically written to address climate, buying equipment, locating hives, the local impact of colony collapse disorder and ways to avoid or minimise the risk to your hive, seasonal beekeeping tasks, local beekeeping associations, and updated content on urban beekeeping. Understand the anatomy of your bees Learn techniques and tips for harvesting, bottling, packaging, and selling honey Discover the benefits of beekeeping Learn techniques on obtaining and hiving your bees If you're a beginner beekeeper, taking a beekeeping course, or just have an interest in the plight of the honeybee, Beekeeping For Dummies has you covered!

Öåíà: 1893.98 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119975670


ber Zivilisationen und die Goldenen Regeln
ber Zivilisationen und die Goldenen Regeln

Àâòîð: Reinhard Matern

Die Er?rterung ?ber Zivilisationen und die Goldenen Regeln ist zentral ein sprachliches Projekt, das dazu dienen soll, eine angemessen Bedeutung und mittels dieser einen m?glichen Bezug zu finden. Reinhard Matern sucht und entwickelt ein Kriterium, um zivilisierte von unzivilisierten Gesellschaften zu differenzieren und nutzt dabei die weltweit entstanden Goldenen Regeln, die er im Plural anf?hrt, weil sich die ?berlieferten Formulierungen konkret unterscheiden. Es sind jedoch nicht die Unterschiede, sondern es ist das Gemeinsame, das ihn auf dem Weg zu einem allgemeinen Kriterium interessiert.
Prim?r im ersten Jahrtausend vor unserer Zeitrechnung werden Spruchweisheiten notiert, ?ber deren Urspr?nge nichts bekannt ist. Die Goldenen Regel erlauben gegen?ber dem formalisierten Vergeltungsrecht eine grunds?tzlich andere Herangehenweise an menschliches Verhalten, ist auf Gleichbehandlung ausgerichtet. Diese vergleichsweise moderne Haltung erm?glicht es, ein allgemeines Kriterium zu bilden. Empirisch ist Gleichbehandlung in heutigen Gesellschaften jedoch immer noch nicht vollzogen, eine Zivilisation deshalb noch nicht erlangt.
Zum Abschluss findet sich ein Ausblick, der eine Erweiterung der Perspektive aufgrund zuk?nftiger Entwicklungen anstrebt: die Integration von humanoiden Robotern.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783929899917


Beyond Reason. Eight Great Problems That Reveal the Limits of Science
Beyond Reason. Eight Great Problems That Reveal the Limits of Science

Àâòîð: A. Dewdney K

A mind-bending excursion to the limits of science and mathematics Are some scientific problems insoluble? In Beyond Reason, internationally acclaimed math and science author A. K. Dewdney answers this question by examining eight insurmountable mathematical and scientific roadblocks that have stumped thinkers across the centuries, from ancient mathematical conundrums such as «squaring the circle,» first attempted by the Pythagoreans, to G?del's vexing theorem, from perpetual motion to the upredictable behavior of chaotic systems such as the weather. A. K. Dewdney, PhD (Ontario, Canada), was the author of Scientific American's «Computer Recreations» column for eight years. He has written several critically acclaimed popular math and science books, including A Mathematical Mystery Tour (0-471-40734-8); Yes, We Have No Neutrons (0-471-29586-8); and 200% of Nothing (0-471-14574-2).

Öåíà: 3534.87 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471652427


Bibla E Investimit N? Kriptomonedh?
Bibla E Investimit N? Kriptomonedh?

Àâòîð: Alan T. Norman

Kriptomonedha, Bitcoin, ICO, regjistri elektronik i transaksioneve, verifikimi… Kur i d?gjonin k?to fjal? vet?m disa vite m? par?, njer?zit thoshin: ?sht? nj? mashtrim, fllusk? financiare! Nuk ka kuptim t? investosh, ?mimi ?sht? shum? i ul?t! Asnj? vend nuk do ta njoh? ndonj?her? kriptomonedh?n! ?sht? nj? skem? piramidale e dukshme! ?sht? nj? lloj arg?timi p?r t? fiksuarit pas teknologjis?! Deri koh?t e fundit, kriptomonedha ishte par? si nj? lloj arg?timi p?r nj? pjes? njer?zish t? zgjedhur, t? cil?t blenin dhe shisnin di?ka dhe besonin se nj? monedh? e re do t? zbulohej nj? dit?! Nuk ?sht? serioze, ajo do t? bjer? n? kolaps p?r disa vjet. Kriptomonedha, Bitcoin, ICO, regjistri elektronik i transaksioneve, verifikimi… Kur i d?gjonin k?to fjal? vet?m disa vite m? par?, njer?zit thoshin: ?sht? nj? mashtrim, fllusk? financiare! Nuk ka kuptim t? investosh, ?mimi ?sht? shum? i ul?t! Asnj? vend nuk do ta njoh? ndonj?her? kriptomonedh?n! ?sht? nj? skem? piramidale e dukshme! ?sht? nj? lloj arg?timi p?r t? fiksuarit pas teknologjis?! Deri koh?t e fundit, kriptomonedha ishte par? si nj? lloj arg?timi p?r nj? pjes? njer?zish t? zgjedhur, t? cil?t blenin dhe shisnin di?ka dhe besonin se nj? monedh? e re do t? zbulohej nj? dit?! Nuk ?sht? serioze, ajo do t? bjer? n? kolaps p?r disa vjet. Me siguri q? keni qen? edhe mes atyre njer?zve q? nuk i mor?n seriozisht Bitcoin dhe kriptomonedh?n, por ngjarjet aktuale b?n? q? edhe skeptik?t m? t? m?dhenj t? gabonin. ?mimi aktual i Bitcoin ?sht? 40,644 $* ?mimi i kriptomonedh?s m? t? njohur vazhdimisht thyen t? gjitha rekordet e pamendueshme. Akumulimi i kapitalit ?sht? rreth 742 miliard? dollar?. Njohja bot?rore Ekonomit? m? t? m?dha n? bot? – India dhe Japonia – e njoh?n Bitcoin si monedh?n zyrtare. Autoritetet amerikane e njoh?n kriptomonedh?n si aset. Dhe ky ?sht? vet?m fillimi. Verifikimi n? shkall? industriale Tregu i kriptomonedh?s ndryshon jasht?zakonisht shpejt dhe ?sht? pothuajse e pamundur t? monitoroni situat?n dhe t? merrni vendimet e duhura vet?. Shumica e njer?zve nuk kan? p?rvoj? t? duhur, koh? dhe para p?r k?t?. Libri im jep informacione elementare por mjaft t? gjera p?r ata njer?z q? nuk ndjekin nj? ylber, por duan t? nd?rtojn? nj? biznes fitimprur?s p?r nj? koh? t? gjat? n? nj? nga zonat e kriptomonedh?s: nga verifikim n? investim. Pra, ky lib?r nuk ka t? b?j? me: – M?nyrat e paligjshme t? fitimit t? parave – Lavd?rimi i kriptomonedh?s dhe nxitja p?r t? investuar n? t? deri n? qindark?n e fundit – Teknikat e mashtrimit dhe fitimi i ca parave shpejt e shpejt – Teori e m?rzitshme dhe e pakuptimt? – M?nyrat p?r t? fituar miliona pa investime dhe rreziqe Ky lib?r do t'ju ndihmoj? p?r t? m?suar sa vijon: – Cila m?nyr? ju shkon m? p?r shtat p?r t? fituar para n? tregun e kriptomonedh?s. – Ku duhet t? filloni n?se keni vet?m 500 dollar?. – ?far? informacioni n? lidhje me kriptomonedh?n e mbajn? t? fsheht? ekspert?t (Shikoni vet?m an?n pozitive t? tij!). – Si t? p?rpunoni nj? strategji personale, t? krijoni biznesin tuaj t? kriptomonedh?s dhe t? fitoni 3.000-10.000 dollar? tuaj t? par? q? n? vitin 2021. Gjithashtu mund t? garantoj q? ju: – T? merrni parasysh prirjen kryesore t? monedh?s s? sotme, edhe n?se nuk keni asnj? ide p?r p?r ekonomin?, financ?n dhe teknologjin?. – T? kuptoni n?se v?rtet d?shironi t? investoni n? kriptomonedh? (ndoshta, ky lloj biznesi nuk ju p?rshtatet aspak dhe do t? kurseni koh?n tuaj) – T? m?soni se si t? kontrolloni rreziqet dhe t? mos investoni n? monedh?n e par? n? dispozicion – T? merrni n? konsiderat? p?rvoj?n time, t? mbroheni nga d?shtimet e mundshme dhe derdhja e parave n? lum?, q? do t? ndodh? n? m?nyr? t? pashmangshme n?se ju erren syt?. K?shtu, q?llimi im ?sht? mjaft i thjesht?: – t'ju ndihmoj t? krijoni dhe t? zhvilloni biznes n? nj? nga zonat e kriptomonedh?s. – Gjeni 7 strategji t? investimit n? kriptomonedh? + 2 strategji t? p?rsosura sot!

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835425304


Borderline - Quando Sua M?e Tem Transtorno De Personalidade Borderline
Borderline - Quando Sua M?e Tem Transtorno De Personalidade Borderline

Àâòîð: Linsy B

Esse livro foi escrito para crian?as jovens que presencialmente precisam conviver com uma m?e que n?o os entende. O livro os mostra dicas, truques e modos de lidar com v?rias situa??es. Ele tamb?m ? escrito para adultos que cresceram em lares onde sofreram v?rios tipos de abusos por parte de suas m?es enquanto cresciam. Esse livro os ajudar? a libertar aqueles momentos tensos reprimidos e seguramente recome?ar a se recuperar da ansiedade que podem ter sofrido como resultado de sua educa??o. Ele ajudar? aos leitores aprender v?rias formas de n?o aceitar que s?o os culpados pela situa??o e fornecer? orienta??o como n?o se colocar mentalmente no papel de v?tima e que n?o fa?a inconscientemente com que seus pr?prios filhos passem pela mesma experiencia. Crian?as criadas por m?es com Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline (TPB) perdem o relacionamento saud?vel, est?vel e amoroso que os filhos de m?es regulares t?m com suas m?es. Embora seja verdade que h? muitos motivos pelos quais uma crian?a pode ter um relacionamento doentio com a m?e, uma poss?vel explica??o tamb?m poderia ser: voc? estava morando com uma m?e que tinha transtorno de personalidade lim?trofe. Os adultos que crescem com m?es com TPB t?m grande dificuldade em manter relacionamentos est?veis. ? dif?cil, muito dif?cil viver com uma m?e com TPB, porque esse transtorno de personalidade ? conhecido por seu padr?o r?gido de padr?es de pensamento e comportamentos prejudiciais ? sa?de e anormais e ? caracterizado por instabilidade cr?nica de humor, comportamento, relacionamentos e auto- imagem. Este livro foi escrito para crian?as que atualmente precisam viver com uma m?e que parece n?o entend?-las. Ele mostra v?rias dicas, truques e maneiras de lidar com v?rias situa??es. Tamb?m foi escrito para adultos que cresceram em lares onde sofreram v?rias formas de abuso de suas m?es enquanto cresciam. Este livro os ajudar? a liberar aqueles momentos de tens?o reprimidos e a come?ar a se recuperar com seguran?a da ansiedade que podem ter sofrido como resultado de sua educa??o. Ajuda os leitores a aprenderem v?rias maneiras de n?o aceitar que s?o os culpados pela situa??o e fornece orienta??o sobre como n?o se rebaixar mentalmente a uma v?tima, para que tamb?m n?o fa?am inconscientemente seus filhos passarem pela mesma experi?ncia que eles. Crian?as criadas por m?es com Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline (BDP) perdem o relacionamento saud?vel, est?vel e amoroso que os filhos de m?es regulares t?m com suas m?es. Eles desenvolvem uma ampla gama de problemas emocionais que tornam dif?cil para eles superar sua educa??o disfuncional. Essas crian?as podem lutar contra a baixa autoestima, raiva ou depress?o e descobrir que t?m dificuldade em se relacionar com as m?es. Se voc? ? uma dessas crian?as e est? se perguntando o que poderia ter acontecido, o que deu errado e se voc? ? o culpado por tudo isso, ent?o, este livro ? para voc?. Este livro mostra como pode ser dolorosa a experi?ncia de uma crian?a com transtorno de personalidade lim?trofe. A instabilidade, a volatilidade emocional, a automutila??o e as tentativas de suic?dio podem ser muito exaustivas e devastadoras para as emo??es da crian?a e deix?-la se sentindo perdida, desamparada e sozinha. Eles descobrem que praticamente t?m que viver suas vidas caminhando com cautela, planejando evitar o que ? a pr?xima raiva inevit?vel e nunca sendo capazes de prever qual ser? o pr?ximo gatilho. Este livro vai falar sobre tudo isso e ajud?-lo a reconhecer que voc? n?o ? o culpado pelo comportamento de sua m?e, ele o ajudar? a curar algumas de suas feridas.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835432654


Bube, Dame, K?nig
Bube, Dame, K?nig

Àâòîð: Fabian Vogt

Korsika im Jahre 1736: Der verarmte deutsche Baron Theodor von Neuhoff wird vom aufst?ndischen korsischen Adel einstimmig zum K?nig von Korsika gew?hlt – doch schon nach einem halben Jahr muss er vor der feindlichen genuesischen ?bermacht fliehen. Seinem Volk hinterl?sst der K?nig das Sinnbild ihrer Freiheit – die Mohrenflagge. London im Jahr 1756: Lord Frederik von Kilmarnoks Kutsche bahnt sich ihren Weg durch den heruntergekommenen Stadtteil Soho. In der Little Chapel Road verschafft er sich Zutritt zu einer einfachen Schneiderwerkstatt im Haus der Tapetenmalerin Isabelle. Dort richtet er seine Waffe auf einen ihm unbekannten Greis, dr?ckt ab – und trifft mit Jizchak, einem messianischen Juden, den Falschen. Im Haus der ehrgeizigen Schneidertochter Isabelle hat der K?nig von Korsika eine letzte Zuflucht gefunden – und noch auf dem Sterbebett diktiert er ihr seine unglaubliche Geschichte.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783865064486


Building Online Learning Communities
Building Online Learning Communities

Àâòîð: Keith Pratt

Building Online Learning Communities further explores the development of virtual classroom environments that foster a sense of community and empower students to take charge of their learning to successfully achieve learning outcomes. This is the second edition of the groundbreaking book by Rena Palloff and Keith Pratt and has been completely updated and expanded to include the most current information on effective online course development and delivery. A practical, hands-on guide, this resource is filled with illustrative case studies, vignettes, and examples from a wide variety of successful online courses. The authors offer proven strategies for handling challenges that include: Engaging students in the formation of an online learning community. Establishing a sense of presence online. Maximizing participation. Developing effective courses that include collaboration and reflection. Assessing student performance. Written for faculty in any distance learning environment, this revised edition is based on the authors many years of work in faculty development for online teaching as well as their extensive personal experience as faculty in online distance education. Rena M. Palloff and Keith Pratt share insights designed to guide readers through the steps of online course design and delivery.

Öåíà: 4860.43 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780787997489


C?mo Conseguir Un Esposo
C?mo Conseguir Un Esposo

Àâòîð: Emmanuel Smith

Para algunas mujeres, la necesidad de un esposo puede ser complementar un estilo de vida, para otras puede ser una mano amiga dentro y fuera de casa, y para otras m?s, puede ser la necesidad de formar una familia, y as? sucesivamente. En este libro no se trata de analizar los motivos, se dan consejos concisos para hacer realidad el sue?o matrimonial de cualquier mujer … en menos de 60 minutos

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835419334


Cara Mendapatkan Seorang Suami
Cara Mendapatkan Seorang Suami

Àâòîð: Emmanuel Smith

Bagi sebagian wanita, kebutuhan akan kehadiran seorang suami mungkin untuk melengkapi suatu gaya hidup, bagi sebagian mungkin tentang adanya uluran tangan di sekitarnya dan di luar rumah, untuk beberapa yang lain, mungkin kebutuhan untuk membangun sebuah keluarga, dan seterusnya. Buku ini bukan tentang menganalisa alasan, melainkan untuk memberi sedikit saran demi mewujudkan pernikahan impian setiap wanita menjadi kenyataan… dalam waktu kurang dari 60 menit

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835419044


Cardiovascular Disease and Health in the Older Patient
Cardiovascular Disease and Health in the Older Patient

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

As improvements in living conditions and advances in modern medicine lead to increased life expectancy and the number of older adults world-wide continues to grow, so the number of older individuals with cardiac and cerebrovascular disease is rising. Over eighty per cent of all cardiovascular disease-related deaths now occur in patients aged sixty five or older. The high prevalence of co-morbidities, frailty and cognitive decline amongst older patients requires that a holistic approach to the management of cardiovascular disease is required. Written and edited by leading experts in the field, ‘Cardiovascular diseases and health in the older patient’ provides scholarly evidence and data which explain why treating an older patient with cardiovascular disease is often different from treating a young or middle-aged patient with the same disease. The chapters have been updated and expanded from the cardiovascular section of the renowned ‘Pathy’s Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine’, edited by Alan J. Sinclair, John E. Morley and Bruno Vellas. The revised chapters contain updated evidence and references to recent clinical practice guidelines in Europe and North America, this book provides complete, authoritative information on this major cause of death, poor health and disability in old age. Covering the epidemiology, pathophysiology and management of cardiovascular disease in the older patient, the book is an excellent reference at all clinical and pre-clinical levels and will appeal particularly to geriatricians, cardiologists, and GPs, as well as cardiac specialist nurses and practice nurses. With a Foreword by Stuart M. Cobbe.

Öåíà: 12038.6 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118447680


Casanova muss sterben - Provinzkrimi - Hummelstich, Folge 2 (Ungek?rzt)
Casanova muss sterben - Provinzkrimi - Hummelstich, Folge 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Katharina Schendel

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Gabriele Blum

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838796857


Cherry Pie
Cherry Pie

Àâòîð: George Saoulidis

Hector formou seu time e ? agora o orgulhoso propriet?rio de duas atletas Cyberpink. Ele ainda n?o tem ideia do que fazer e como avan?ar, e os inimigos que ele j? fez est?o tentando tir?-lo do jogo antes mesmo de ele chegar ? linha de partida. Cherry se acostuma ? sua nova casa, e o passado de Pickle volta para atorment?-la. Ir? o time rec?m-formado conseguir vencer sua primeira partida? Conseguir? Pickle manter seu segredo? Descubra no segundo livro desta emocionante hist?ria onde a popularidade ? soberana e o sangue corre cor-de-rosa. Blood Runs Pink Rollerball encontra GLOW na confus?o sangrenta desta hist?ria esportiva. Hector formou seu time e ? agora o orgulhoso propriet?rio de duas atletas Cyberpink. Ele ainda n?o tem ideia do que fazer e como avan?ar, e os inimigos que ele j? fez est?o tentando tir?-lo do jogo antes mesmo de ele chegar ? linha de partida. Cherry se acostuma ? sua nova casa, e o passado de Pickle volta para atorment?-la. Ir? o time rec?m-formado conseguir vencer sua primeira partida? Conseguir? Pickle manter seu segredo? Descubra no segundo livro desta emocionante hist?ria onde a popularidade ? soberana e o sangue corre cor-de-rosa. Este ? o livro 2 da s?rie Cyberpink. Encontre mais hist?rias e curiosidades em https://cyberpinktournament.com AVISO: ”Cherry Pie” cont?m conte?do expl?cito, uso de drogas, pouca inibi??o, xingamentos em v?rios idiomas, ortografia brit?nica, o 'politicamente correto' europeu, uma tonelada de coisas medidas no sistema m?trico, sangue cor-de-rosa, sangue vermelho, sangue seco, adora??o a deuses corporativos inventados, refer?ncias a partes do corpo masculino e feminino, bebida, abuso, assassinato por esporte, assassinato de aluguel, tentativa de homic?dio, fanboys lascivos diretamente do 4chan, poliamoria, gangsterismo, servid?o por d?vida (o tipo de escravid?o n?o-sexual), transumanismo, cita??es imprecisas do Doctor Who, personagens LGBT, diversidade, sonhos e esperan?as destru?dos, consumo de picles em grandes quantidades, consumo de ouzo (bebida grega a base de anis) em grandes quantidades, coisas mal nomeadas, cenas de banheiro (Hitchcock ficaria orgulhoso) e a hist?ria de um her?i que est? apenas tentando fazer a coisa certa enquanto reclama disso.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893988070


Christian Christian Names: Baby Names inspired by the Bible and the Saints
Christian Christian Names: Baby Names inspired by the Bible and the Saints

Àâòîð: Martin Manser

Are you looking for a baby name with a deeper meaning? Or for a popular and resonant name that has stood the test of time? If so, then Christian Christian Names is the only book you'll need.Are you looking for a baby name with a deeper meaning? Or for a popular and resonant name that has stood the test of time?If so, then Christian Christian Names is the only book you'll need. It includes over 2,000 first names for boys and girls, from Aaron to Zipporah.There are many you'll recognise and some you won't, but all of them have their meaning explained as well as the story of the Biblical character or Saint with the same name.

Öåíà: 439.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008220952


Collected Letters Volume Two: Books, Broadcasts and War, 1931–1949
Collected Letters Volume Two: Books, Broadcasts and War, 1931–1949

Àâòîð: Êëàéâ Ñòåéïëç Ëüþèñ

This three-volume collection brings together the best of C.S. Lewis’s letters – some published for the first time. This second volume covers the years from 1931–1949, charting Lewis’ emergence as a great Christian thinker and apologist.C.S. Lewis was a most prolific letter writer and his personal correspondence reveals much of his private life, reflections, friendships and feelings. This collection, carefully chosen and arranged by Walter Hooper, is the most extensive ever published.In this great and important collection are the letters Lewis wrote to J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy L. Sayers, Owen Barfield, Arthur C. Clarke, Sheldon Vanauken and Dom Bede Griffiths. To some particular friends, such as Dorothy L. Sayers, Lewis wrote over fifty letters alone. The letters deal with all of Lewis’s interests: theology, literary criticism, poetry, fantasy, children’s stories as well as revealing his relationships with family members and friends.The second volume begins with Lewis quietly trying to lead a Christian life and writing his first major work of literary history, The Allegory of Love. He was unknown during the 1930s and at this time wrote some of his finest letters, mainly to his brother Warren and to his boyhood friend Arthur Greeves. Then he is ‘discovered’ by the BBC and the publishers Geoffrey Bles, resulting in the most popular works of Christian apologetics ever written. C.S. Lewis became a household name and from the 1940s onwards some of his greatest theological letters were written.

Öåíà: 3132.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007332663


Coloring the Cosmetic World
Coloring the Cosmetic World

Àâòîð: Edwin B. Faulkner

Öåíà: 13376.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119558118


Colters Woman - Colter s Legacy, Book 1 (Unabridged)
Colters' Woman - Colter's Legacy, Book 1 (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Ìàéÿ Áýíêñ

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Freddie Bates

Öåíà: 1675.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781624610134


Come as You Are
Come as You Are

Àâòîð: Emily Nagoski

***A NEW YORK TIMES BESTELLER*** An essential exploration of why and how womens sexuality worksbased on groundbreaking research and brain sciencethat will radically transform your sex life into one filled with confidence and joy.Researchers have spent the last decade trying to develop a pink pill for women to function like Viagra does for men. So where is it? Well, for reasons this book makes crystal clear, that pill will never be the answerbut as a result of the research thats gone into it, scientists in the last few years have learned more about how womens sexuality works than we ever thought possible, and Come as You Are explains it all. The first lesson in this essential, transformative book by Dr. Emily Nagoski is that every woman has her own unique sexuality, like a fingerprint, and that women vary more than men in our anatomy, our sexual response mechanisms, and the way our bodies respond to the sexual world. So we never need to judge ourselves based on others experiences. Because women vary, and thats normal. Second lesson: sex happens in a context. And all the complications of everyday life influence the context surrounding a womans arousal, desire, and orgasm. Cutting-edge research across multiple disciplines tells us that the most important factor for women in creating and sustaining a fulfilling sex life, is not what you do in bed or how you do it, but how you feel about it. Which means that stress, mood, trust, and body image are not peripheral factors in a womans sexual wellbeing; they are central to it. Once you understand these factors, and how to influence them, you can create for yourself better sex and more profound pleasure than you ever thought possible. And Emily Nagoski can prove it.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Emily Nagoski

Öåíà: 2758.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781442392755


Come Trovare Un Marito
Come Trovare Un Marito

Àâòîð: Emmanuel Smith

Per alcune donne il bisogno di un marito pu? essere un complemento al loro stile di vita, per altre pu? essere un aiuto fuori e dentro casa, per altre pu? essere il bisogno di cominciare una famiglia e cos? via. Questo libro non si occupa di analizzare i motivi, ma d? dei suggerimenti concisi sul far s? che il sogno matrimoniale di qualsiasi donna diventi realt?…in meno di 60 minuti

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835426530


Come Trovare Un Marito
Come Trovare Un Marito

Àâòîð: Emmanuel Smith

Per alcune donne il bisogno di un marito pu? essere un complemento al loro stile di vita, per altre pu? essere un aiuto fuori e dentro casa, per altre pu? essere il bisogno di cominciare una famiglia e cos? via. Questo libro non si occupa di analizzare i motivi, ma d? dei suggerimenti concisi sul far s? che il sogno matrimoniale di qualsiasi donna diventi realt?…in meno di 60 minuti

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835420996


Coming Home for Christmas: Christmas Angel / Unexpected Gift / Navy Joy
Coming Home for Christmas: Christmas Angel / Unexpected Gift / Navy Joy

Àâòîð: Lindsay McKenna

Three stories salute the romance of holiday homecomingsChristmas Angel by Lindsay McKennaWhen Navy SEAL Kyle Anderson gets a call saying Anna Campbell needs him, he doesn't think twice. On the Montana ranch where they grew up, holiday magic permeates every acre, kindling long-awaited love. But will duty trump desire?Unexpected Gift by Delores FossenTailed by a camera crew, Air Force Captain Gabe Brenner returns to Texas to deliver a Christmas message to his best friend's sister Kelly Coburn. But she's had her own delivery: beautiful baby Noel…Gabe's daughter.Navy Joy by Geri KrotowChief Petty Officer Ian Cairne arrives stateside for Christmas with a four-legged friend: his late buddy's military service dog. Fortunately, the beautiful town vet Wendi Cooper is willing to take this odd couple into her home–and her heart.

Öåíà: 988.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474008228


Coming Home For Christmas
Coming Home For Christmas

Àâòîð: RaeAnne Thayne

Can Christmas heal the past and present a new beginning? Elizabeth Hamilton has been lost. Trapped in a tangle of postpartum depression and grief after the death of her beloved parents, she couldn’t quite see the way back to her husband, Luke and their two beautiful children…until a car accident stole away her memories and changed her life. But now, seven years later, Luke finds her in a nearby town and brings Elizabeth back home to the family she loves, just in time for Christmas. Being reunited with Luke and her children is better than anything Elizabeth could have imagined. As they all prepare for Christmas, Elizabeth and Luke are drawn ever closer. Can the hurt of the past seven years be healed over the course of one Christmas and bring the Hamiltons the gift of a new beginning? • • • Readers love Coming Home for Christmas love forgiveness and second chances. True Christmas Spirit Compelling, emotional, and sure to touch your heart, Coming Home for Christmas is a must-read this Christmas I don't think I've ever read anything quite like this. Unputdownable!!

Öåíà: 918.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474099004


Considera??es Sobre O Uso De Brinquedos Sexuais
Considera??es Sobre O Uso De Brinquedos Sexuais

Àâòîð: Gabriel Agbo

Comerciantes de brinquedos sexuais arrecadam bilh?es de d?lares todos os anos. Os produtos s?o muito diversificados e, hoje em dia, est?o dispon?veis em todos os lugares do mundo. Agora, parece que esse neg?cio de satisfazer desejos sexuais de forma artificial ou tecnol?gica est? em voga. Solteiros, casados, velhos e jovens frequentam lojas de brinquedos sexuais e os fabricantes, de forma inteligente, constantemente lan?am produtos mais atraentes e sofisticados. Parece que n?o h? fim para a genialidade inovadora ao inventar esses novos instrumentos de prazer sexual. Hoje, alguns desses brinquedos agem e comportam-se exatamente como parceiros sexuais no ato. ? verdade. Mas, aqui, queremos discutir a origem, as inten??es e os efeitos desses brinquedos nos usu?rios, especialmente as implica??es espirituais e psicol?gicas. Brinquedos sexuais n?o s?o novos. Eles t?m uma longa hist?ria, que come?ou com o uso de objetos esculpidos que representavam o p?nis. Os romanos, gregos, chineses, Comerciantes de brinquedos sexuais arrecadam bilh?es de d?lares todos os anos. Os produtos s?o muito diversificados e, hoje em dia, est?o dispon?veis em todos os lugares do mundo. Agora, parece que esse neg?cio de satisfazer desejos sexuais de forma artificial ou tecnol?gica est? em voga. Solteiros, casados, velhos e jovens frequentam lojas de brinquedos sexuais e os fabricantes, de forma inteligente, constantemente lan?am produtos mais atraentes e sofisticados. Parece que n?o h? fim para a genialidade inovadora ao inventar esses novos instrumentos de prazer sexual. Hoje, alguns desses brinquedos agem e comportam-se exatamente como parceiros sexuais no ato. ? verdade. Mas, aqui, queremos discutir a origem, as inten??es e os efeitos desses brinquedos nos usu?rios, especialmente as implica??es espirituais e psicol?gicas. Brinquedos sexuais n?o s?o novos. Eles t?m uma longa hist?ria, que come?ou com o uso de objetos esculpidos que representavam o p?nis. Os romanos, gregos, chineses, asi?ticos e indianos da antiguidade esculpiam esses objetos em pedra, ferro, ouro, madeira e outros materiais que eram usados para estimular a masturba??o. Alguns deles, como os gregos, tamb?m adoravam deuses e deusas do sexo, com os objetos sendo exibidos e usados, e outros atos sexuais imorais extensamente promovidos, incluindo sexo com dem?nios e esp?ritos. Portanto, pode-se dizer que a base dos brinquedos sexuais foi o desejo de prazer ”ilimitado” e a adora??o de deuses demon?acos. Essa inven??o se transformou em outros objetos e, no s?culo XX, vimos a inven??o do primeiro vibrador el?trico. Desde ent?o, h? um infinidade desses instrumentos primeiramente manuais e, mais tarde, sofisticados de prazer sexual. Alguns deles piscam e falam! Uau! O brinquedo sexual est? no plano original de Deus? E, como o relacionamento sexual ? uma conex?o f?sica, emocional e espiritual, ele tem qualquer efeito colateral espiritual e emocional? Primeiro, brinquedos sexuais n?o estavam no plano original de Deus. Qual ? a conex?o entre o uso desses brinquedos e os encontros com dem?nios sexuais – ?ncubus e s?cubus, ”esposas e maridos espirituais” demon?acos, ataques sexuais em sonhos, problemas em relacionamentos e na vida etc.? Este livro abrir? seus olhos para tudo isso.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893987493


Controle Da Raiva
Controle Da Raiva

Àâòîð: Owen Jones

Muitas pessoas acreditam que a raiva, como caracter?stica, esta crescendo em um ritmo alarmante na popula??o global. Muitas s?o as raz?es propostas para isto, e algumas s?o: Viol?ncia na televis?o e nos filmes, qu?micos e derivados nos alimentos processados; pulveriza??o de safras, rastros qu?micos provenientes de aeronaves; abuso de ?lcool e outras substancias; queda no auto dom?nio; cren?a em Deus em decl?nio; falta de respeito por figuras de autoridade, e muitos outros. Muitas pessoas acreditam que a raiva, como caracter?stica, esta crescendo em um ritmo alarmante na popula??o global. Muitas s?o as raz?es propostas para isto, e algumas s?o: Viol?ncia na televis?o e nos filmes, qu?micos e derivados nos alimentos processados; pulveriza??o de safras, rastros qu?micos provenientes de aeronaves; abuso de ?lcool e outras substancias; queda no auto dom?nio; cren?a em Deus em decl?nio; falta de respeito por figuras de autoridade, e muitos outros. vale a pena olhar de perto sobre raiva e agress?o, para se obter um entendimento profundo sobre as emo??es e a? sim se esfor?ar para aplicar solu??es de controle da raiva. No entanto, a frustra??o n?o aparece da noite para o dia; na verdade, a frustra??o ocorre quando problemas ocultos, antigos, veem ? tona. Portanto, frustra??o ? um profundo e intenso estado de falta de confian?a, insatisfa??o, que surge de m?goas n?o resolvidas e/ou de desejos e necessidades n?o satisfeitos. Este pequeno livro faz uma considera??o r?pida sobre os estes problemas. Seu prop?sito principal ? revelar estes aspectos sobre raiva e como buscar ajudas. Os artigos podem ser usados nas publica??es futuras de seu comprador.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835419952


Cool Irish Names for Babies
Cool Irish Names for Babies

Àâòîð: Linda Rosenkrantz

A must-have guide for parents-to-be everywhere. Whether you’re Irish, of Irish heritage or you simply love Celtic-inspired names, this book is packed full of the most popular, unusual and creative names around.By the best-selling authors of Cool Names for Babies and Brilliant Book of Baby Names, this collection takes you beyond the straightforward listings of other books and gives opinion on what’s hot and what’s not in the world of Irish baby names.The information given really helps parents to make the right choices and includes loads of original features – pronunciation guides; which names are going up and which down in popularity; which are unisex, which are good as middle but not first names; and which should really be avoided at all costs.Packed full of creative lists such as Names that are Classic But Not Boring, Place Names, Names from Literature, Spiritual Names and Names of Irish Heroes and Heroines this is every new parent’s one-stop guide to selecting the coolest Irish name for their baby.

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007353651


Crop Variety Trials
Crop Variety Trials

Àâòîð: Weikai Yan

Variety trials are an essential step in crop breeding and production. These trials are a significant investment in time and resources and inform numerous decisions from cultivar development to end-use. Crop Variety Trials: Methods and Analysis is a practical volume that provides valuable theoretical foundations as well as a guide to step-by-step implementation of effective trial methods and analysis in determining the best varieties and cultivars. Crop Variety Trials is divided into two sections. The first section provides the reader with a sound theoretical framework of variety evaluation and trial analysis. Chapters provide insights into the theories of quantitative genetics and principles of analyzing data. The second section of the book gives the reader with a practical step-by-step guide to accurately analyzing crop variety trial data. Combined these sections provide the reader with fuller understanding of the nature of variety trials, their objectives, and user-friendly database and statistical tools that will enable them to produce accurate analysis of data.

Öåíà: 16323.72 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118688557


Cruel to Be Kind: Part 3 of 3: Saying no can save a child’s life
Cruel to Be Kind: Part 3 of 3: Saying no can save a child’s life

Àâòîð: Cathy Glass

Cruel To Be Kind is the true story of Max, aged 6. He is fostered by Cathy while his mother is in hospital with complications from type 2 diabetes.Cruel To Be Kind is the true story of Max, aged 6. He is fostered by Cathy while his mother is in hospital with complications from type 2 diabetes. Fostering Max gets off to a bad start when his mother, Caz, complains and threatens Cathy even before Max has moved in. Cathy and her family are shocked when they first meet Max. But his social worker isn’t the only one in denial; his whole family are too.

Öåíà: 439.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008252069


Dad s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies
Dad's Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies

Àâòîð: Sharon Perkins

Practical, hands-on information for fathers-to-be Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies is packed with practical, straightforward information for fathers-to-be, covering all of the logistical, physical, and emotional aspects of pregnancy from a dad’s unique point of view. When it comes to pregnancy, dads’ roles have changed so much in the past few decades that expectant fathers don’t always know where to turn to for guidance and advice on this milestone event. Now they do! Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies covers: What to expect at doctor’s visits Tips for being a supportive partner during pregnancy and preparing for fatherhood Advice on birth plans, labour and delivery, and the first days and weeks of a baby’s life Packed with helpful information on the typical struggles and feelings expectant fathers face, Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies gives first-time fathers and veteran dads alike a wealth of useful information.

Öåíà: 1302.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119977247


Dancing To Happiness
Dancing To Happiness

Àâòîð: Marisa Santi

Dancing to Happiness by Marisa Santi, a novel of love. First chapter of a trilogy. Under the sky of Turin, Isabel lives; a girl with a great dream in her hands, ready to debut on the stage of life. She is a whirlwind of emotions, resolute, brave and with an innate will to always get in the game. The sudden arrival of Matthias disturbs her dedication. The mystery behind the boy becomes an obsessive thought which makes her vulnerable and makes her feel that something is missing in her life… Matthias is resolute to turn his back on the past which is an obstacle for the present and for the future. He can not indulge in distractions, but Isabel is a strong temptation. Since he moved to Turin, seeing Isabel dance has been the most wonderful thing he has ever seen in his entire life. Soon their interest turns into a deeper sentiment, but there are lurking obstacles with which the two young people will have to deal…

Öåíà: 176.57 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873040538


Danzando Verso La Felicit?
Danzando Verso La Felicit?

Àâòîð: Marisa Santi

Danzando verso la felicit?, di Marisa Santi, romanzo d'amore. Primo capitolo di una trilogia… Sotto il cielo di Torino, vive Isabel una ragazza con un grande sogno nelle mani, pronta a debuttare sul palcoscenico della vita. Lei ? un turbinio di emozioni, determinata, coraggiosa e con un’innata voglia di mettersi sempre in gioco. L’arrivo improvviso di Mattia turba la sua dedizione. Il mistero che si cela dietro al ragazzo diventa un pensiero fisso che la rende vulnerabile e le fa percepire che nella sua vita manchi qualcosa… Mattia ? determinato a chiudere con il passato, che ? d’ostacolo per il presente e per il futuro. Non pu? concedersi disattenzioni, ma Isabel ? una forte tentazione. Da quando si ? trasferito a Torino, vedere danzare Isabel ? stata la cosa pi? bella che abbia mai visto in tutta la sua vita. Presto il loro interesse si tramuta in un sentimento pi? profondo, ma in agguato ci sono ostacoli con cui i due giovani dovranno fare i conti…

Öåíà: 176.57 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788885356665


Das Jahr - Zw?lf Monate voller Abenteuer
Das Jahr - Zw?lf Monate voller Abenteuer

Àâòîð: Annett Homann

Das Jahr mit seinen zw?lf Monaten ist vollgepackt mit Abenteuern f?r Jedermann, der neugierig ist und mit offenen Augen durchs Leben geht. Dieses Buch ist gleicherma?en geeignet f?r Kinder und Junggebliebene. Es soll die Fantasie anregen und f?r kurzweilige Stunden sorgen. Jeder Monat erz?hlt eine spannende Geschichte – mal lustig, mal eher nachdenklich, gefolgt von Bastelanleitungen, Spielen, n?tzlichen Tipps und einem Ausmalbild. Annett Homann wurde 1974 im erzgebirgischen Annaberg-Buchholz geboren, wo sie ihre Kindheit und Jugend verbrachte. Nach dem Zerfall der DDR zog sie nach Ostwestfalen.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783957449900


Das Schweigen redet
Das Schweigen redet

Àâòîð: Johannes Czwalina

Das Schweigen pr?gt oft unseren Umgang mit vergangenen Ereignissen. Das gr??te Beispiel f?r gescheiterte Vergangenheitsbew?ltigung ist das Schweigen der Generation des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Der fr?here Pfarrer Johannes Czwalina bricht dieses Schweigen. Der nunmehr als Unternehmensberater t?tige Czwalina l?sst sowohl T?ter (z.B. Hitlers Privatsekret?r Martin Bormann) als auch Opfer zu Wort kommen, die er pers?nlich kennengelernt hat. Auch die T?terkinder (der Sohn Martin Bormanns) und die Opferkinder (z.B. Helen Epstein) wie auch das Schweigen von Kirche und Gott geraten in den Fokus. Noch heute wird verh?ngnisvoll geschwiegen, etwa in Anbetracht des Terrors der RAF und der Stasi. Auch das Erstarken neonazistischer Gruppen geht auf verschwiegene Schuld zur?ck. Czwalina geht auf theologische L?sungsans?tze ein und betrachtet auch au?ereurop?ische Vers?hnungsmodelle wie die s?dafrikanische Wahrheits- und Vers?hnungskommission

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783865065704


Der Klang Deiner Stimme
Der Klang Deiner Stimme

Àâòîð: Tamara Hinz

In 52 Andachten l?dt Tamara Hinz dazu ein, sich in der Stillen Zeit intensiv mit Themen zu besch?ftigen, mit denen sich wohl jede Frau im Laufe ihres Lebens konfrontiert sieht: Wie integriere ich Neues in mein Leben? Wie kann ich besser mit meinen Gef?hlen umgehen? Wie kann ich mir selbt und anderen vergeben lernen? Wie kann ich Ja zu mir uns meiner Geschichte sagen? Wie kann ich Heilung finden? Ihre Andachten umfassen jeweils einen Bibelvers, einen kurzen, inspirierenden Text, eine Anregung f?r die Woche sowie Bibelstellen zum Weiterlesen.

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783865064189


Der Moment zwischen den Zeiten (Ungek?rzt)
Der Moment zwischen den Zeiten (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Marta Orriols

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Funda Vanroy

Öåíà: 1970.92 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783969830208


Der Tag, an dem der Goldfisch aus dem 27. Stock fiel (Ungek?rzt)
Der Tag, an dem der Goldfisch aus dem 27. Stock fiel (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Bradley Somer

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Christoph Wortberg

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838776392


Diagnostic Dermoscopy
Diagnostic Dermoscopy

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 8025.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118932056


Die f?nf Sprachen der Liebe f?r Kinder - Wie Kinder Liebe ausdr?cken und empfangen (Gek?rzt)
Die f?nf Sprachen der Liebe f?r Kinder - Wie Kinder Liebe ausdr?cken und empfangen (Gek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Gary Chapman

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Dominic Kolb

Öåíà: 784.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781628610949


Die gr??ten F?lle des BND, Folge 1: Der unverzichtbare Feind
Die gr??ten F?lle des BND, Folge 1: Der unverzichtbare Feind

Àâòîð: Lars H. Jung

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Florian Clyde

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260507175779


Die kleine Sexfibel
Die kleine Sexfibel

Àâòîð: Susanne Wolff

?ber das Thema Sex existieren auf dem Markt jede Menge unterschiedlicher B?cher. Die meisten bet?tigen sich als Tippgeber f?r ein erf?lltes Sexualleben, besch?ftigen sich mit sexuellen Fantasien und Abgr?nden oder beschreiben voyeuristisch sexuelle Praktiken. Ein gutes Nachschlagewerk ist so gut wie gar nicht zu finden. Mit dieser vorliegenden kleinen und handlichen Fibel zu Begriffen rund um den Sex versuchen die Autoren, verst?ndnisvolle Erl?uterungen aus der riesigen F?lle des Materials komprimiert und leicht auffindbar wiederzugeben.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783954886029


Disaster Mental Health Counseling
Disaster Mental Health Counseling

Àâòîð: Jane Webber M

This timely book provides current research and skill-building information on Disaster Mental Health Counseling for counselors, educators, students, and mental health responders in agencies, schools, universities, and private practice. Recognized experts in the field detail effective clinical interventions with survivors in the immediate, intermediate, and long-term aftermath of traumatic events. This extensively revised edition, which meets 2016 CACREP Standards for disaster and trauma competencies, is divided into three sections: Disaster Mental Health Counseling Foundations, Disaster and Trauma Response in the Community, and Disasters and Mass Violence at Schools and Universities. Real-world responses to violence and tragedies among diverse populations in a variety of settings are presented, and responders share their personal stories and vital lessons learned through an “In Our Own Words” feature. Each chapter contains discussion questions and case studies are interwoven throughout the text.

Öåíà: 7174.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119457442


Distant Love
Distant Love

Àâòîð: Ulrich Beck

Love and family life in the global age: grandparents in Salonika and their grandson in London speak together every evening via Skype. A U.S. citizen and her Swiss husband fret over large telephone bills and high travel costs. A European couple can finally have a baby with the help of an Indian surrogate mother. In their new book, Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim investigate all types of long-distance relationships, marriages and families that stretch across countries, continents and cultures. These long-distance relationships comprise so many different forms of what they call ‘world families’, by which they mean love and intimate relationships between individuals living in, or coming from, different countries or continents. In all their various forms these world families share one feature in common: they are the focal point in which different aspects of the globalized world become embodied in the personal lives of individuals. Whether they like it or not, lovers and relatives in these families find themselves confronting the world in the inner space of their own lives. The conflicts between the developed and developing worlds come to the surface in world families- they acquire faces and names, creating confusion, surprise, anger, joy, pleasure and pain at the heart of everyday life. This path-breaking book will appeal to a wide readership interested in the changing character of love in our times.

Öåíà: 7362.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745679921


Divorce For Dummies
Divorce For Dummies

Àâòîð: John Ventura

Since Divorce For Dummies, 2nd Edition published in 2005, there have been considerable changes in collaborative divorces, common law marriages, same sex marriages, visitation, and even custody laws (from children to pets). Divorce For Dummies, 3rd Edition includes 25 percent new, revised, and refreshed material covering all of the above.

Öåíà: 1840.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470485354


Dog Soldiers: Part 3 of 3: Love, loyalty and sacrifice on the front line
Dog Soldiers: Part 3 of 3: Love, loyalty and sacrifice on the front line

Àâòîð: Isabel George

Dog Soldiers can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts.This is PART 3 of 3.Dog Soldiers tells the story of two brave young ‘dog soldiers’ (Army bomb dog handlers), killed in action in Afghanistan with their dogs by their side, through the inspirational words of their mothers.Lance Corporal Kenneth Rowe and Lance Corporal Liam Tasker were both dog lovers from boyhood and went on to do the job they had always wanted to do. Through the soldiers’ mothers – Lyn Rowe and Jane Duffy – the book will take the reader on a journey and a celebration of the young men’s lives that begins with the two young boys growing up and fulfilling their dream to serve Queen and country as Army dog handlers – Ken Rowe with his dog, Sasha, and Liam Tasker with his canine partner, Theo. Both mothers acknowledge that their sons signed up to do the job they loved best and fell with their loyal and trusted best friend beside them.Jane Duffy said of her son, Liam Tasker: ‘I know my son died doing the job he loved. And he loved that dog as I loved my son, with every ounce of his being. To lose Liam was and still is unbearable. But for Liam to have survived without Theo? Unthinkable.’

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008154387


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