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La figura en el tapiz - Partes 1, 2 & 3 (Completo)
La figura en el tapiz - Partes 1, 2 & 3 (Completo)

Автор: Henry James

Исполнители: Mariana Godward

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 4066004646657


La Historia De Irlanda
La Historia De Irlanda

Автор: History Nerds

Una mirada breve, divertida y concisa a la historia de Irlanda. Desde el principio de los tiempos, los irlandeses siempre han fascinado al mundo. Desde su comportamiento alegre y feliz hasta sus conflictos con Inglaterra y la tensa divisi?n Norte-Sur. Ad?ntrese en esta concisa gu?a y aprenda todo lo que necesita saber para su pr?xima visita a la Isla Esmeralda.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835425915


Laser. Grundlagen und Anwendungen in Photonik, Technik, Medizin und Kunst
Laser. Grundlagen und Anwendungen in Photonik, Technik, Medizin und Kunst

Автор: Dieter Bauerle

Der erste Laser wurde bereits Anfang 1960 als Laborger?t gebaut. Erst in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren ist es aber gelungen, Laser zuverl ?ssiger, stabiler, kompakter und billiger zu erzeugen. Seither schreitet der Siegeszug von Lasern unaufhaltsam voran. Viele «technische Errungenschaften», insbesondere in der Produktionstechnik, basieren auf dem Einsatz von Lasern. Die Lasertechnik ist heute ein eigenst?ndiges Fachgebiet. Mit der Entwicklung langlebiger stabiler und billiger Halbleiterlaser in Kombination mit moderner Optik sowie einer leistungsf?higeren Elektronik und der.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783527661640


Leader in Me
Leader in Me

Автор: Стивен Кови

From the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen R. Covey illustrates how his principles of leadership can be applied to children of all ages. In today's world, we are inundated with information about who to be, what to do, and how to live. But what if there was a way to learn not just what to think about, but how to think? A program that taught young people how to manage priorities, focus on goals, and be a positive influence in their schools? The Leader in Me is that program. In this bestseller, Stephen R. Covey took the 7 Habits that have already changed the lives of millions of readers and showed that even young children can use them as they develop. These habits are being adapted by schools around the country in leadership programs, most famously at the A.B Combs Elementary school in Raleigh. Not only do the programs work, but they work better than anyone could have imagined. This book is full of examples of how the students blossom under the programfrom the classroom that decided to form a support group for one of their classmates who had behavioral problems to the fourth grader who overcame his fear of public speaking and took his class to see him compete in a national story telling competition. Perfect for individuals and corporations alike, The Leader in Me shows how easy it is to incorporate these skills into daily life so kids of all ages can be more effective, goal-oriented, and successful.

Исполнители: Стивен Кови

Цена: 1028.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780743583091


Leilas Welt
Leilas Welt

Автор: Martina Breier

Die kleine H?ndin Leila tapst durchs frische Gras und spielt sich mit ihrem rotgr?n gepunkteten Spielball in die Herzen ihrer neuen Besitzer. Sie erz?hlt uns ihr Leben – der aufregende Einzug bei ihren neuen »Eltern«, ihre spannenden Abenteuer in der Hundeschule, der turbulente Hausbau mit tollem Garten und ihre erlebte Aufregung, als auf einmal Nachwuchs in ihrer Familie einzieht! Aber … das kleine Baby entwickelt sich bald vom lauten Neuank?mmling zu ihrem allerbesten Freund auf dieser Welt!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783960085454


Leonardo and the Death Machine
Leonardo and the Death Machine

Автор: Robert J. Harris

Adventure thriller set in Renaissance Italy starring Leonardo da Vinci as a young apprentice who witnesses a murder and becomes involved in a plot to take over the city.LEONARDO AND THE DEATH MACHINE is first and foremost a thriller, set against the background of Renaissance Italy. However, the Leonardo of the title is in fact Leonardo da Vinci. This is a totally fictional adventure, but it COULD have happened.When we first meet Leonardo we find him apprenticed to a successful artist in Florence. But although he yearns to be a great artist himself, he's rather disillusioned with his apprenticeship, which has made him more of an errand boy than an art student. Then, when an impromptu street football match ends in an arm injury for his friend Sandro (whom history will know as Botticelli), Leonardo leaps at the opportunity to help out the unfortunate painter who has been commissioned to paint a portrait for the rich Medici family. Little does our young hero know that soon he will be dragged into murder and intrigue, and will be fleeing for his life!

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007375318


Ljubica Perkmans Farben des Lebens
Ljubica Perkmans Farben des Lebens

Автор: Ljubica Perkman

Mit betonender Emotionalit?t beschreibt Ljubica Perkman in ihren Versen eigene Gef?hle und Erlebnisse, als ob sie sich der Meinung von Oskar Wilde anschlie?en wollte. Diesem sagt man nach, dass er Menschen immer dann langweilig fand, wenn sie ?ber andere erz?hlten, jedoch niemals, wenn sie ?ber sich selbst sprechen. Diese Kombination aus Einfachheit und nostalgischen Emotionen, ruft eine au?ergew?hnliche ?sthetik hervor. In einer mittellosen, ungeduldigen Zeit und der Leere des modernen Lebens, gibt es eine reichhaltige F?lle von interessanten Themen f?r Autoren wie Ljubica Perkman.Sie ist eine Autorenpers?nlichkeit mit h?chstpers?nlichem Temperament, starken Gef?hlen und einer modernen Sensibilit?t. Mit unbeirrter Treffsicherheit in der Melodie und einer Leichtigkeit im Wortverst?ndnis. Ihre Verse verbleiben nicht an der Oberfl?che, sondern dringen tief ein in das allt?gliche und immerw?hrende Leben mit wertvollen und inhaltlich wichtigen Themen, welches das allt?gliche Leben ausmacht. Das Leben sollte man leben und erleben und sie ist der Meinung, dass auch das m?glich ist. Ljubica Lyrik ist ein unmittelbar aus dem Inneren heraus entstehendes Bed?rfnis und unterscheidet sich kaum vom Erlebten oder Erz?hlten. Sie f?hrt langsam vom Vision?ren und Ekstatischen zum Konkreten, Bodenst?ndigen. Von einer Erhabenheit, gleichzeitig aber mit einfachen und allt?glichen betonten Subjektiven und Adjektiven. Ljubica Perkmans Gedichte sind bildhaft und metaphorisch, sie entwickeln sich mit sanften T?nen, einer fr?hlingshaften Sonne ?ber verschlafenen Wiesen entlang des Vrbanja; als Ziel sich w?nschend, dass es dem Leser gef?llt! (Prof. Momcilo Spasojevic)

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783961455508


Love Hurricane
Love Hurricane

Автор: Victory Storm

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835407409


M?rderisches Bayreuth
M?rderisches Bayreuth

Автор: Werner Rosenzweig

Benno Behringer, Hauptkommissar mit Leidenschaft f?r die Nibelungensage und f?r deftiges fr?nkisches Essen, hat noch zwei Jahre bis zum wohlverdienten Ruhestand. Da kommt der Mord an einem jungen Investmentberater, der im Park der ?rtlichen Eremitage niedergestochen wurde, mehr als ungelegen. Als sich herausstellt, dass das Mordopfer zuletzt in h?chst zweifelhafte Aktiengesch?fte verwickelt war, wittern Behringer und sein Team einen schnellen Ermittlungserfolg. Aber pl?tzlich stehen sage und schreibe neun Verd?chtige auf der Rechnung, alle mit eindeutigem Motiv – und alle ohne Alibi. Behringer sticht in ein Nest aus Intrigen, Eifers?chteleien, Halbwahrheiten, Neid und der ewigen Gier nach Geld, mitten darin die umtriebigen Manager des Hotels „Richard Wagner“. Die F?den scheinen heillos verworren, da gibt es einen zweiten Mordanschlag …

Цена: 976.58 руб.
ISBN: 9783862223695


Magic of Positive Parenting
Magic of Positive Parenting

Автор: Larry Iverson

Listen to the experts as they weigh in with time-tested advice on preparing your children for a brilliant future.Parenting great kids doesn't happen by accident, and with the proper training, anyone can raise positive, motivated children. In today's fast-paced culture, vast amounts of information bombard our children from all sides, competing for their attention. Nevertheless, research demonstrates that a parent's involvement is the number-one contributing factor to the ultimate respectfulness and motivation of kids.So the question is, how do you structure your communications and activities with your children to create a positive attitude with a bright future? In The Magic of Positive Parenting, you will learn modern child-rearing techniques from doctors, psychologists, parenting experts, and bestselling authors. In this easy-to-digest program, leading professional speakers offer quick, thirty-minute segments that you can listen to while in the car, working out, or relaxing at home.

Исполнители: Брайан Трейси

Цена: 2752.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781483091365


Mama, wir sind dann mal Gott suchen!
Mama, wir sind dann mal Gott suchen!

Автор: Frank Bonkowski

Als der achtj?hrige Lukas seinem Vater Frank Bonkowski verk?ndet, nicht mehr an Gott glauben zu wollen, geht es dem Pastor durch Mark und Bein. Es ist weniger der Schock ?ber den Unglauben seines Sohnes, sondern vielmehr die Tatsache, dass er selber gerade durch eine tiefe Glaubens- und Lebenskrise gegangen ist, die ihn bei Lukas‘ Worten so betroffen macht. Statt seinen Sohn zum Glauben zu ?berreden, wagt er ein ungew?hnliches Experiment: Er schl?gt ihm vor, gemeinsam nach Afrika zu reisen. Schlie?lich ist Jesus da zu finden, wo Schwache und Hilfsbed?rftige sind. In autobiografischer Form berichtet Frank Bonkowski vom Erlebten: von der aufw?hlenden Begegnung mit Armut und Krankheit auf dem Kontinent, aber noch viel mehr davon, wie die unb?ndige Lebensfreude und das durch nichts zu ersch?tternde Gottvertrauen der Menschen dort beginnen, das Herz seines Sohnes zu erreichen und zu ver?ndern.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783865065681


Maschinelles Lernen In Aktion
Maschinelles Lernen In Aktion

Автор: Alan T. Norman

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Einsteigerbuch, um sich mit den grundlegenden Konzepten des maschinellen Lernens vertraut zu machen? Mein Buch erkl?rt Ihnen die grundlegenden Konzepte auf einfach verst?ndliche Weise. Wenn Sie dieses Buch gelesen haben, werden Sie ein solides Verst?ndnis f?r die Grundprinzipien haben, das Ihnen den Schritt zu einem fortgeschritteneren Buch erleichtert, wenn Sie mehr dar?ber lernen m?chten. Translator: Bianca Balzer

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835429395


Master and Apprentice (Star Wars)
Master and Apprentice (Star Wars)

Автор: Клаудия Грей

Random House presents the audiobook edition of Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray, read by Jonathan Davis.An unexpected offer threatens the bond between Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi as the two Jedi navigate a dangerous new planet and an uncertain future.A Jedi must be a fearless warrior, a guardian of justice, and a scholar in the ways of the Force. But perhaps a Jedi's most essential duty is to pass on what they have learned. Master Yoda trained Dooku; Dooku trained Qui-Gon Jinn; and now Qui-Gon has a Padawan of his own. But while Qui-Gon has faced all manner of threats and danger as a Jedi, nothing has ever scared him like the thought of failing his apprentice.Obi-Wan Kenobi has deep respect for his Master, but struggles to understand him. Why must Qui-Gon so often disregard the laws that bind the Jedi? Why is Qui-Gon drawn to ancient Jedi prophecies instead of more practical concerns? And why wasn't Obi-Wan told that Qui-Gon is considering an invitation to join the Jedi Council-knowing it would mean the end of their partnership? The simple answer scares him: Obi-Wan has failed his Master.When Jedi Rael Aveross, another former student of Dooku, requests their assistance with a political dispute, Jinn and Kenobi travel to the Royal Court of Pijal for what may be their final mission together. What should be a simple assignment quickly becomes clouded by deceit, and by visions of violent disaster that take hold in Qui-Gon's mind. As Qui-Gon's faith in prophecy grows, Obi-Wan's faith in him is tested-just as a threat surfaces which will demand that Master and Apprentice come together as never before, or be divided forever.

Серия: Star Wars

Исполнители: Jonathan Davis

Цена: 1149.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781473571365


Maya Studio Projects. Game Environments and Props
Maya Studio Projects. Game Environments and Props

Автор: Michael McKinley

Use Maya to create realistic environments and props for digital games Weapons, vehicles, tools, buildings, trees, plants, walls, ceilings, and floors-these items may seem secondary to the game environment, but they are integral parts of the game and they all need to be created. Maya Studio Projects: Game Environments and Props is a step-by-step project guide to creating some of the most popular game art. Author Michael McKinley shares techniques for getting the most out of Maya to create realistic, vivid, and compelling worlds and otherworldly props. Along the way, he provides notes and FYIs that give readers depth and breadth for bringing both reality and creativity to their game art. A bonus DVD features step-by-step videos to help drive home concepts. The Studio Projects series offers projects that start from nothing, just as they do in the studio; these books provide you with a step-by-step guide to software attributes and tools that encompass multiple disciplines so that you can create a finished, renderable object Many games have only a few characters, and multiple levels and environments, and hundreds of props-this book focuses on projects and techniques for creating everything but the character Maya is the top 3D app for creating console and computer games such as: Rock Band, Gears of War, James Bond: Quantum of Solace, Fallout 3, and Far Cry 2 Learn effective Maya studio techniques with this handy, step-by-step, full-color book. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 4601.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470609316


Memory of the World: The treasures that record our history from 1700 BC to the present day
Memory of the World: The treasures that record our history from 1700 BC to the present day


From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, priceless documentary heritage records the diversity of languages, peoples and knowledge that has influenced humanity from the early days of human history to the present. This heritage documents important events, discoveries or inventions that have transformed the world.The UNESCO Memory of the World programme was created to preserve these recorded treasures of humanity and mobilize resources so that future generations can enjoy this legacy which is preserved in the major libraries, archives and museums across the globe.This book is a full listing of all entries on the official UNESCO Memory of the World international register:• Unique list of documentary heritage from around the world• Photographs and descriptions for 244 precious documents• All entries identified by the UNESCO International Advisory Committee and endorsed by the Director-GeneralEntries include:• 42-line Gutenberg Bible, printed on vellum• Archives of the International Prisoners of War Agency, 1914-1923• Bayeux Tapestry• Magna Carta, issued in 1215• Philippine Paleographs (Hanunoo, Buid, Tagbanua and Pala’wan)• The Endeavour Journal of James Cook• The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming 1939)• Russian posters of the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries• The Battle of the Somme documentary• The Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007507535


Mesa n? ?smev
Mesačn? ?smev

Автор: Klaus Zambiasi

P?tav? a doj?mav? rom?n, z prostredia Južn?ho Tirolska 70-tych, 80-tych a 90-tych rokov, vyrozpr?van? podľa skutočn?ho pr?behu. Joe, ktor?ho už od malička fascinuje Mesiac, dok?že vn?mať v?ne a pocity, ktor? nie s? pr?stupn? všetk?m. Ako dospieva, zač?na ch?pať, že veci okolo neho nie s? vždy tak?, ak?mi sa javia.So svojou rodinou v hor?ch, žije šťastn? detstvo, ale osud mu stavia do cesty r?zne prekvapenia a pomaly mu odhaľuje tajomstv?, ktor? ho prived? k hľadaniu pravdy, a ďalšie, ktor? m? sledovať a vyriešiť. Nechce sa vzdať, ch?pe hodnoty života, pomocou svojej inteligencie a ir?nie sa pok?ša zmeniť nepriazne osudu v niečo pozit?vne, premeniť ich v mal? radosti. Nakonieci pochop?, že l?ska, priateľstvo a mesačn? ?smev s? veci veľmi d?ležit?.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788873041115


Microstructured Devices for Chemical Processing
Microstructured Devices for Chemical Processing

Автор: Albert Renken

Faster, cheaper and environmentally friendly, these are the criteria for designing new reactions and this is the challenge faced by many chemical engineers today. Based on courses thaught by the authors, this advanced textbook discusses opportunities for carrying out reactions on an industrial level in a technically controllable, sustainable, costeffective and safe manner. Adopting a practical approach, it describes how miniaturized devices (mixers, reactors, heat exchangers, and separators) are used successfully for process intensification, focusing on the engineering aspects of microstrctured devices, such as their design and main chracteristics for homogeneous and multiphase reactions. It adresses the conditions under which microstructured devices are beneficial, how they should be designed, and how such devices can be integrated in an existing chemical process. Case studies show how the knowledge gained can be applied for particular processes. The textbook is essential for master and doctoral students, as well as for professional chemists and chemical engineers working in this area.

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9783527685196


Moby Dick (Gek?rzt)
Moby Dick (Gek?rzt)

Автор: Herman Melville

Gemeinsam mit dem Harpunier Queequeg heuert der Ich-Erz?hler, der Matrose Ismael, auf dem Walf?nger Pequod an. Dort erkl?rt Kapit?n Ahab der Mannschaft das Ziel der Fahrt: Er will den wei?en Wal «Moby Dick», der ihm einst das Bein abriss, jagen und erlegen. Die Mannschaft, aufgeheizt durch den charismatischen und wahnsinnigen Kapit?n, schw?rt sich auf Ahab und dessen Ziel ein. Ahabs Gegenpart ist der erste Maat, Starbuck, ein k?hner und erfahrener Seemann. Es kommt zu mehreren Konfrontationen zwischen Ahab und Starbuck. Nach langer Fahrt begegnet die Pequod ?stlich von Japan endlich dem Wei?en Wal. Die Jagd auf ihn dauert drei Tage …

Исполнители: Patrick Imhof

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783868470406


Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 2
Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 2

Автор: Группа авторов

This book – comprised of three separate volumes – presents the recent developments and research discoveries in structural and solid mechanics; it is dedicated to Professor Isaac Elishakoff. This second volume is devoted to the vibrations of solid and structural members. Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 2 has broad scope, covering topics such as: exact and approximate vibration solutions of rods, beams, membranes, plates and three-dimensional elasticity problems, Bolotin's dynamic edge effect, the principles of plate theories in dynamics, nano- and microbeams, nonlinear dynamics of shear extensible beams, the vibration and aeroelastic stability behavior of cellular beams, the dynamic response of elastoplastic softening oscillators, the complex dynamics of hysteretic oscillators, bridging waves, and the three-dimensional propagation of waves. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119831846


Morbus Dei: Infierno
Morbus Dei: Infierno

Автор: Matthias Bauer

Серия: Morbus Dei (Espa?ol)

Исполнители: Лика Длугач

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783709937112


Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect

Автор: Lori Gottlieb

Lori Gottlieb suggests the unthinkable: what if she, and single women everywhere, need to stop chasing the elusive Mr Perfect and instead opt for Mr Good Enough?Embarking on her own journey to find the ideal partner, Lori explores a prevalent issue facing women today – how do you reconcile a strong desire for a husband and family without wanting to settle for anything less than the perfect package…?After interviewing a range of people from behavioural therapists to marriage counsellors, neuropsychologists to divorce lawyers, as well as single and married men and women from their twenties right up to their sixties, Lori is well placed to offer an answerMr Good Enough is this year's intelligent, eye-opening insight into modern relationships – a fast, funny read which 'might just be a formula for marital bliss' The TimesNote that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780007437474


New Human Rights Movement
New Human Rights Movement

Автор: Peter Joseph

Society is broken. We can design our way to a better one.In our interconnected world, self-interest and social-interest are rapidly becoming indistinguishable. If current negative trajectories remain, including growing climate destabilization, biodiversity loss, and economic inequality, an impending future of ecological collapse and societal destabilization will make &quote;personal success&quote; virtually meaningless. Yet our broken social system incentivizes behavior that will only make our problems worse. If true human rights progress is to be achieved today, it is time we dig deeper-rethinking the very foundation of our social system.In this engaging, important work, Peter Joseph, founder of the world's largest grassroots social movement-the Zeitgeist Movement-draws from economics, history, philosophy, and modern public-health research to present a bold case for rethinking activism in the twenty-first century.Arguing against the long-standing narrative of universal scarcity and other pervasive myths that defend the current state of affairs, The New Human Rights Movement illuminates the structural causes of poverty, social oppression, and the ongoing degradation of public health, and it ultimately presents the case for an updated economic approach. Joseph explores the potential of this grand shift and how we can design our way to a world where the human family has become truly sustainable.The New Human Rights Movement reveals the critical importance of a unified activism working to overcome the inherent injustice of our system. This book warns against what is in store if we continue to ignore the flaws of our socioeconomic approach, while also revealing the bright and expansive future possible if we succeed. Will you join the movement?

Исполнители: Peter Joseph

Цена: 2639.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781538438831


P?nktlich wie die deutsche Bahn?
P?nktlich wie die deutsche Bahn?

Автор: Johann-G?nther K?nig

Ab 1835 entwickelte sich die Eisenbahn in Deutschland zu einem unverzichtbaren Verkehrsmittel. Sie blieb es bis zu Beginn der 1960er Jahre, als die Massenmotorisierung die »gute alte Zeit« der Eisenbahn beendete. Ihr Anteil im Personenverkehr ist seitdem auf nicht einmal ein Zehntel geschrumpft. Inzwischen konkurriert sie zudem mehr schlecht als recht mit Billigfliegern und Fernbussen und kann mangels politischer Weichenstellungen ihre System- und Umweltvorteile nicht ausspielen. Johann-G?nther K?nig erz?hlt die Geschichte der zunehmend krisenhaften Beziehung von Mensch, Politik und Eisenbahn. Dabei ist Kritik an der Bahn nicht erst ein heutiges Ph?nomen. Bereits 1836 hie? es etwa: »Der Tritt zum Wagen ist zu hoch, um auf und ab zu gehen.« Gegenw?rtig sind es nicht nur Versp?tungen, Zugausf?lle und Betriebsst?rungen aller Art, die den den Ruf des Marktf?hrers Deutsche Bahn sch?digen. K?nig zeigt die Probleme und M?glichkeiten des immer komplexeren Eisenbahngeschehens auf und fragt, wie und inwieweit ?berhaupt noch die Weichen f?r einen Neuanfang gestellt werden k?nnen.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783866747128


Parenting For Dummies
Parenting For Dummies

Автор: Brown Helen Dawes

Having a baby is an incredible experience, and the ultimate responsibility! Parenting is a job that you start with no training at all – and friends and family always seem to be the first to tell you how best to bring up your children. But there's no sure-fire formula for raising kids. Maybe that's because every child, like every parent, is an individual, and no two parent-child relationships are ever the same. So, you can give up any notions of being a perfect parent. But, you can learn to keep the big mistakes to a minimum and make the parenting experience easier and more rewarding for your children and yourself. Which is where this book comes in. Covering information for newborns to pre-teens, Parenting For Dummies gives you the essentials of parenting basics. From dealing with a crying baby and potty training, to building self-esteem and dealing with sibling rivalry, it offers a gold mine of up-to-date advice.

Цена: 2439.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119997078


Pieces of Me - Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters (Unabridged)
Pieces of Me - Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters (Unabridged)

Автор: Lizbeth Meredith

Исполнители: Suzie Althens

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624615337


Playboy 4/2021
Playboy №4/2021

Автор: Группа авторов

Playboy (Плейбой) – имя, ставшее легендой. Популярнейший во всем мире глянцевый мужской журнал появился в России в 1995 году и очень быстро стал самым востребованным изданием в своей категории. Playboy охватывает очень широкий тематический спектр: самые красивые женщины мира, эффектные пикториалы и эксклюзивные съемки знаменитостей, увлекательные путешествия по всему миру, престижные автомобили, эффектная мужская мода. Интеллектуальная проза, интервью с известными мужчинами – о бизнесе, увлечениях и отношении к жизни. Получать удовольствие, уметь находить во всем приятные стороны – эти жизненные ценности актуальны для мужчин во все времена. Playboy – это стильные фото и публикации о музыке, спорте, автомобилях, аудиовидеоновинках, сексе, карьере. В номере: Алфавит Главные буквы алфавита сексуального удовольствия Искусство Мировая культура в твоем смартфоне Здоровье Мировые лидеры с необычным подходом к коронавирусу Интерьер Главные новинки миланской мебельной выставки Мода Как вписать розовый в свой гардероб, а главное – зачем? Путешествие Чем заняться на Сахалине: 20 обязательных пунктов и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Playboy 2021

Цена: 159 руб.
Год: 2021


Please, Daddy, No: A Boy Betrayed
Please, Daddy, No: A Boy Betrayed

Автор: Stuart Howarth

Stuart just wanted his father to love him, but he was made to believe he was too naughty to be loved. Finally David Howarth was sent to prison for abusing Stuart's young sisters. Nobody knew the truth about Stuart's abuse until one fateful day when his father tried it again and Stuart fought back in the only way he knew how.Stuart Howarth spent the first thirty years of his life in mental and physical hell. After years of emotional torment and despair, at the age of 32 Stuart felt an overwhelming urge to see his father (who he now knows was actually his stepfather), then living in Wales. Seeking reconciliation, Stuart was only to be met by the same old abusive man. The rage, pain and confusion boiled over in Stuart and he fought back, killing his stepfather.When Stuart's story came to light in the courtroom, it was so terrible that he received the minimum possible sentence for his crime and only served thirteen months in Strangeways prison in Manchester. But while in prison, the cruel system compounded the crimes of his evil abuser, and he suffered at the hands of the prison guards. What happened to him during those months led to him suing the Home Office and Strangeways on his release and winning his case.This is the story of a sweet-natured boy who grew into a brave young man and refused to allow himself to be a victim any longer.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007279975


Politics, Economy, and Society
Politics, Economy, and Society

Автор: Paul Ricoeur

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781509548682


Posseduta Dagli Alfa
Posseduta Dagli Alfa

Автор: Jayce Carter

Ci vuole pi? di un alfa per mettere in ginocchio un’omega. Claire ha giurato di rinunciare a tutti gli alfa, ma quando le indagini sull’omicidio della sua amica la pongono nel mirino di non uno ma tre di loro, la sua determinazione ? messa alla prova. Pur desiderando il loro tocco, si rifiuta di innamorarsi. Possono avere il suo corpo, ma protegger? il suo cuore a ogni costo. Bryce, Joshua e Kaidan non desiderano un’omega tutta per loro, ma non possono resistere alla misteriosa donna che si ? introdotta nel loro ufficio. Sono attratti dal suo profumo, le sue curve e il suo sapore, ma bramano pi? del suo corpo. Saranno necessari gli sforzi di tutti e tre per batterla al suo stesso gioco e convincerla a dare loro una possibilit?. Mentre esplorano la loro complicata relazione, la ricerca di Claire dell’alfa assassino li mette tutti in pericolo. Riusciranno a collaborare per affrontare insieme la minaccia o i loro segreti e le loro paure distruggeranno tutto ci? che hanno trovato? Ci vuole pi? di un alfa per mettere in ginocchio un’omega. Claire ha giurato di rinunciare a tutti gli alfa, ma quando le indagini sull’omicidio della sua amica la pongono nel mirino di non uno ma tre di loro, la sua determinazione ? messa alla prova. Pur desiderando il loro tocco, si rifiuta di innamorarsi. Possono avere il suo corpo, ma protegger? il suo cuore a ogni costo. Bryce, Joshua e Kaidan non desiderano un’omega tutta per loro, ma non possono resistere alla misteriosa donna che si ? introdotta nel loro ufficio. Sono attratti dal suo profumo, le sue curve e il suo sapore, ma bramano pi? del suo corpo. Saranno necessari gli sforzi di tutti e tre per batterla al suo stesso gioco e convincerla a dare loro una possibilit?. Mentre esplorano la loro complicata relazione, la ricerca di Claire dell’alfa assassino li mette tutti in pericolo. Riusciranno a collaborare per affrontare insieme la minaccia o i loro segreti e le loro paure distruggeranno tutto ci? che hanno costruito?

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781802500387


Poup?es Sexuelles: Un Mal Ou Un Bien?
Poup?es Sexuelles: Un Mal Ou Un Bien?

Автор: Gabriel Agbo

Les vendeurs de gadgets sexuels engrangent des milliards de dollars chaque ann?e. Leurs produits sont tr?s diversifi?s et disponibles aujourd’hui partout dans le monde. Maintenant l’on a l’impression que ce commerce de gadgets de stimulation et satisfaction artificielles ou technologiques de d?sirs sexuels est tr?s en vogue. Les c?libataires, mari?s, vieux, jeunes fr?quentent tous aujourd’hui les magasins de gadgets sexuels et les confections deviennent de plus en plus attrayantes et sophistiqu?es. L’ing?niosit? cr?atrice des fabricants semble ?tre sans limite dans l’invention de ces nouveaux instruments de plaisirs sexuels. Aujourd’hui certains de ces gadgets agissent ou se comportent comme de parfaits partenaires de sexe oppos?. Cela est vrai. L’objet de la pr?sente analyse est de rechercher les origines, le but et les effets de ces gadgets sur les utilisateurs, particuli?rement leurs implications psychologiques et spirituelles. Les vendeurs de gadgets sexuels engrangent des milliards de dollars chaque ann?e. Leurs produits sont tr?s diversifi?s et disponibles aujourd’hui partout dans le monde. Maintenant l’on a l’impression que ce commerce de gadgets de stimulation et satisfaction artificielles ou technologiques de d?sirs sexuels est tr?s en vogue. Les c?libataires, mari?s, vieux, jeunes fr?quentent tous aujourd’hui les magasins de gadgets sexuels et les confections deviennent de plus en plus attrayantes et sophistiqu?es. L’ing?niosit? cr?atrice des fabricants semble ?tre sans limite dans l’invention de ces nouveaux instruments de plaisirs sexuels. Aujourd’hui certains de ces gadgets agissent ou se comportent comme de parfaits partenaires de sexe oppos?. Cela est vrai. L’objet de la pr?sente analyse est de rechercher les origines, le but et les effets de ces gadgets sur les utilisateurs, particuli?rement leurs implications psychologiques et spirituelles. Les gadgets sexuels ne datent pas d'aujourd’hui. Leur histoire remonte loin en arri?re au temps de l'usage des objets taill?s en forme de p?nis. Les Romains, Grecs, Chinois, Asiatiques, Indiens des temps anciens faisaient tailler ces objets dans des pierres, du fer, de l'or, du bois ou autres mat?riaux et s'en servaient pour se masturber. Certains parmi eux (notamment les Grecs) vouaient ?galement un culte aux dieux et d?esses du sexe; l? o? ces objets ?taient exhib?s et utilis?s, d’autres orgies notamment des rapports sexuels avec des d?mons ou esprits impurs ?taient abondamment d?velopp?es. L'on peut donc affirmer sans ambages que les gadgets sexuels tirent leur origine des plaisirs ''illimit?s'' et de l'adoration des dieux d?moniaques. Cette invention a pris plusieurs formes et le 20?me si?cle a vu l'apparition du premier vibrateur ?lectrique. Depuis ce temps, l'on assiste ? un d?luge de ces instruments de plaisir sexuel, qui au d?part manuels sont au fil du temps devenus de plus en plus sophistiqu?s. Certains d'entre eux clignent des yeux et parlent! Wow! . Les gadgets sexuels font-ils partie du plan original de Dieu? Et les rapports sexuels ?tant un contact physique, ?motionnel et spirituel, produisent-ils des effets secondaires sur le plan spirituel et ?motionnel? Tout d'abord les gadgets sexuels ne font pas partie du plan de Dieu. Quel lien existe-t-il entre l'usage de gadgets sexuels et la rencontre avec les d?mons sexuels, incubes et succubes, esprits de maris et femmes de nuits, attaques de d?mons dans les songes, probl?mes conjugaux? Ce livre abordera ces points.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788893987509


Predicting Heart Failure
Predicting Heart Failure

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 17389.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119813026


PRINCE2 For Dummies
PRINCE2 For Dummies

Автор: Nick Graham

Whatever your project – no matter how big or small – PRINCE2 For Dummies, 2009 Edition is the perfect guide to using this project management method to help ensure its success. Fully updated with the 2009 practice guidelines, this book will take you through every step of a project – from planning and establishing roles to closing and reviewing – offering practical and easy-to-understand advice on using PRINCE2. It also shows how to use the method when approaching the key concerns of project management, including setting up effective controls, managing project risk, managing quality and controlling change. PRINCE2 allows you to divide your project into manageable chunks, so you can make realistic plans and know when resources will be needed. PRINCE2 For Dummies, 2009 Edition provides you with a comprehensive guide to its systems, procedures and language so you can run efficient and successful projects. PRINCE2 For Dummies, 2009 Edition includes: Part I: How PRINCE Can Help You – Chapter 1: So What's a Project Method and Why Do I Need to Use One? – Chapter 2: Outlining the Structure of PRINCE2 – Chapter 3: Getting Real Power from PRINCE2 Part II: Working Through Your Project – Chapter 4: Checking the Idea Before You Start – Chapter 5: Planning the Whole Project: Initiation – Chapter 6: Preparing for a Stage in the Project – Chapter 7: Controlling a Stage – Chapter 8: Building the Deliverables – the Work of the Teams – Chapter 9: Finishing the Project – Chapter 10: Running Effective Project Boards Part III: Help with PRINCE Project Management – Chapter 11: Producing and Updating the Business Case – Chapter 12: Deciding Roles and Responsibilities – Chapter 13: Managing Project Quality – Chapter 14: Planning the Project, Stages, and Work Packages – Chapter 15: Managing Project Risk – Chapter 16: Controlling Change and Controlling Versions – Chapter 17: Monitoring Progress and Setting Up Effective Controls Part IV: The Part of Tens – Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Make PRINCE Work Well – Chapter 19: Ten Tips for a Good Business Case – Chapter 20: Ten Things for Successful Project Assurance Part V: Appendices – Appendix A: Looking into PRINCE Qualifications – Appendix B: Glossary of the Main PRINCE2 Terms

Цена: 3865.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780470667316


PRO любовь. Все секреты здоровых отношений
PRO любовь. Все секреты здоровых отношений

Автор: Сатья (Дас)

Вам бы хотелось написать историю любви, вашей любви? Первый взгляд, встреча, улыбки, цветы, ухаживания, заветное колечко, белое платье, мама утирает слезу умиления, детишки, уютный дом, и вы, счастливые, держась за руки, уходите в закат. Заманчиво? Да! Реально? Конечно. Если начать эту историю с этой книги. Она поможет вам не совершить ошибку вначале отношений, найти такого спутника жизни, с которым вы будете действительно счастливы, и создать отношения, защищенные от обид, непонимания, измен и прочих неприятностей. Популярный лектор, ведический психолог, автор и ведущий семинаров «Нескучная семейная психология» и «Очарование женственности» Сатья, как всегда легко и с юмором, поможет вам начать вашу историю любви. Он расскажет, как не броситься в любовь «как в омут» с головой, укажет места, где вас, может быть, давно ждет тот самый, единственный, и поможет не потерять любовь и саму себя, вдохновить вашего мужчину на подвиги и получать его поддержку и любовь.

Цена: 1190 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-98585-240-0


Psicolog?a Del Maltrato
Psicolog?a Del Maltrato

Автор: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Цена: 117.39 руб.
ISBN: 9788873044482


Psicologia Del Maltrattamento
Psicologia Del Maltrattamento

Автор: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Цена: 354.13 руб.
ISBN: 9788893980418



Автор: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Цена: 117.39 руб.
ISBN: 9788873045731


Raise Your Kids to Succeed - What Every Parent Should Know (Unabridged)
Raise Your Kids to Succeed - What Every Parent Should Know (Unabridged)

Автор: Chris Palmer

Исполнители: Greg Tremblay

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624615245


Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?
Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?

Автор: Steve Biddulph

Steve Biddulph, the favourite number one name in parenting psychology – and bestselling author of Raising Boys – examines how different childcare options are likely to affect you and your child in this rivetting and highly topical bookThis topical book tackles a key issue all new parents face. Steve Biddulph looks at childcare choices and the dilemmas that so often arise:– ‘I want to stay at home with my child but don’t know how I can’– ‘I don’t know what is better: nursery, creche or childminder’– ‘if other people look after my child will it affect its development and happiness?’It examines the two-income ‘slaves to work’ culture in the UK and how in the past ten years, the number of babies and toddlers under three who are spending all day (8am to 6pm) in nurseries has quadrupled. Biddulph urges caution and warns that the hurried and disconnected way that families now live their lives could be damaging to a whole new generation’s mental stability and development.The book is an eye-opener in terms of child development and provides useful case studies from parents who are stay-at-home and those using all-day or part-time childcare – groups sociologists have named ‘slammers’ and ‘sliders’ respectively.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007361038


Raising Boys: Why Boys are Different – and How to Help them Become Happy and Well-Balanced Men
Raising Boys: Why Boys are Different – and How to Help them Become Happy and Well-Balanced Men

Автор: Steve Biddulph

A word of mouth bestseller which has become one of the best loved and most successful books in the parenting field from Australian writer and lecturer Steve Biddulph, who’s been called ‘a mixture of Billy Connelly and Dr Spock’ by The Times.In this expanded and updated edition, Steve Biddulph shares and gives practical and honest advice to parents so they can recognise the different stages of boyhood and learn how to raise happy, confident and kind young men.Boys need to be parented in a different way from girls with their own very special psychological and physical make-up. Home, society and education have failed boys badly – and these failures lead to unhappy men who cannot fully become happy, responsible, emotionally-confident adults.While it is essential that boys spend more time learning about manhood from their fathers, Biddulph updates his classic to include helpful information for mothers and single mothers with baby boys.This extended edition explores some important topics:.• How ADHD may be caused by stress in the first year of life.• Whether boys should start school later than girls.• Help for single mothers raising sons.• How to choose a sport that does more good than harm.• What we can do about boys and binge drinking.• What science can tell us about teenage boys and driving – and how we can keep our sons safe.Raising Boys offers parents real-life situations, thought-provoking insights, humour and help.

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007519736


Raus mit Euch!
Raus mit Euch!

Автор: Daniel Seiler

In „Raus mit euch!“ versammelt Daniel Seiler 70 Naturspiele f?r Kinder und Jugendliche. Neben viel Spa? und Action bietet er tolle Ideen, um die Wahrnehmung der Kinder f?r die Wunder der Natur zu sch?rfen. Jeweils ein Kapitel zu Fr?hjahr, Sommer, Herbst und Winter zeigen M?glichkeiten f?rs ganze Jahr.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783865068859


Reconnecting. A Self-Coaching Solution to Revive Your Love Life
Reconnecting. A Self-Coaching Solution to Revive Your Love Life

Автор: Joseph Luciani J

Reconnecting A Self-Coaching Solution to Revive Your Love Life «Reconnecting is an extraordinary book that can end needless relationship struggle and frustration. Dr. Luciani's approach is to empower you to become a catalyst for change and healing. Regardless of the nature of your struggle, if you read this book, you will be in a position to direct the love back into your life and reconnect with the relationship potential that you once knew.» -Joe Franklin, legendary TV and radio personality «An enlightening and hands-on approach to exploring change in relationships. This remarkable book gives us all another opportunity to create better partnerships and benefit from the process. Dr. Luciani facilitates personal change in a clear and concise style.» -Janice Grossman, former publisher of Seventeen and New York magazines What kind of animal are you? Are you a tiger or a turtle? How about a peacock? Maybe a little bit of everything? In Reconnecting, you'll find out how your animal personality and your partner's lie at the center of the conflicts that plague your relationship. These animals represent habits of behavior we use to defend ourselves and hide our insecurities in relationships. Understanding them and breaking the habits that are characteristic of your personality type are key to transforming your relationship from a constant series of struggles into a loving partnership. Dr. Joseph Luciani explains how to put Self-Coaching to work to break these habits and make your relationship better, even if you must begin the process on your own with a reluctant partner. With clear, prescriptive advice and analyses as well as stories of Dr. Luciani's work with couples who successfully overcame bitter conflicts and developed loving committed relationships, this unique and invaluable resource is a powerful tool for anyone working through relationship issues. Read Reconnecting and discover how to start rebuilding your relationship today.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470436639


Risking It All - A Naked Men Novel, Book 1 (Unabridged)
Risking It All - A Naked Men Novel, Book 1 (Unabridged)

Автор: Christi Barth

Исполнители: Victoria Mei

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624615627


Rosenstern - Das Haus der sch?nen Stoffe (Ungek?rzt)
Rosenstern - Das Haus der sch?nen Stoffe (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Ulrike Bliefert

Champagner. Charleston. Chiffon. 1926: Mit klopfendem Herzen n?hert sich die junge Elly Preissing der pulsierenden Metropole Berlin, in der sie eine Anstellung als Buchhalterin in einer Boutique gefunden hat. Aber schon bald entwickelt sich alles ganz anders als erwartet. Statt in einer eigenen Wohnung muss sie bei Henriette leben, einer waschechten Berliner G?re. Das schicke Modegesch?ft entpuppt sich als Laden f?r Gebrauchtkleider. Und Joachim, in den sich Elly Hals ?ber Kopf verliebt, scheint einer anderen Frau versprochen. Doch dann lernt Elly Armin kennen, der ihr nicht nur eine Stelle als Vorf?hrdame in dem renommierten Modehaus Goldtstein & Lange besorgt, sondern ihr die Welt zu F??en legt. Hat Elly endlich ihr Gl?ck gefunden?

Исполнители: Sabine Arnhold

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783838790350


Scherzi Dell Amicizia
Scherzi Dell'Amicizia

Автор: Marco Fogliani

Una decina di racconti dell'autore dedicati all'Amicizia. In ordine alfabetico, i racconti inclusi nella raccolta sono i seguenti: IL BRACCIALETTO SMARRITO IL FIGLIO NON ADOTTIVO IL REGALO DI COMPLEANNO IO ED AUGUSTO, I DUE INVISIBILI DELLA CLASSE L’AMICO DI NONNA PINA LA FESTA A SORPRESA PEN FRIENDS SESSANTA! SOLI IN COMPAGNIA SULLA SPIAGGIA Si avverte che, dato il carattere tematico della raccolta, alcuni di questi racconti potrebbero essere inclusi anche in altre raccolte dello stesso autore.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9788835432531


Se?ales de paso
Se?ales de paso

Автор: Rodrigo P?rez G

?C?mo ponerle sintaxis a un grito con la mera imaginaci?n de la incapacidad de uno para conformarse, getting no satisfaction? Tal el clamor, aguij?n o pulsi?n original al escri-bir estos cuentos, movido por la punzante urgencia de replicar, con cantidades infinitamente inferiores, a los embates de los que somos presa, sensibles y con los pies de barro, en un medio activo y rico en variadas fuerzas que van contra la vida, que constri?en y obligan con cargas in?tiles desde tiempos inmemoriales y mediante t?cnicas y estrategias cada vez m?s sofisticadas. Se nota aqu? un empe?o –por v?as sinuosas y sin trabas en la lengua, ce?ida, lidiando con las porfiadas resistencias del material– en comprender los hechos, para descargarlos de su gravedad, desmenuzando, en una traves?a por distintos lugares de nuestras cordilleras, una experiencia, un afecto, y el lector, si vence tambi?n ?l las resistencias del material, de cier-ta manera se contagia con estas vivencias y se impregna de la pasi?n del narrador que nos hace compartir estos sentires, estas percepciones, tal como ocurre con el cuento del toro rojo y el devenir animal del hombre, o sea, esta participaci?n con el animal que sufre y que de alguna manera, al sufrir, se humaniza y suscita en nosotros, no la compasi?n sino el afecto. Cosas, animales, plantas, meteoros –rayo, cometa, llovizna, roc?o, arco iris–, de repente est?n dotados de un mana, de un esp?ritu, como creen los indios achuar amaz?nicos, son interlocutores nuestros o son nuestros hermanos, emiten signos, que recibimos si tenemos abiertos los ojos del esp?ritu, y reciben signos de nosotros.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9789587205220


Secrets of Raising Super Kids
Secrets of Raising Super Kids

Автор: Брайан Трейси

Raise happy, healthy, self-confident children who will always love and respect you for doing an exceptional job as their parent! The biggest regrets that parents have later on in life is that they didn't spend enough time with their children and that they feel they didn't do a good enough job.The true measure of how good a parent you are is how well your children turn out. The great news is that it is never too late to become an exceptional mom or dad, and it's actually very simple. I am happy to share the secrets of what I learned many years ago. I will give you the tools that you need to be an absolutely outstanding parent.In this audio, you will learn how to:-Raise children with high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem so they can grow up capable and competent to create a wonderful life for themselves-Guide and correct them with love and sensitivity-Recognize and honor their unique differences-Build bridges of honesty and openness-Keep them off of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco-Make them feel terrific about themselves-Raise children with good health habits to sustain a long, healthy life-Raise children who are leaders, who rise to responsibility and are respected by othersYour children respond to the people who love them most. That is why you must become the greatest single source of love, encouragement, and reinforcement for your child. Become a super parent today.

Серия: Made for Success

Исполнители: Made for Success

Цена: 918.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781483092768


Secrets Of The Rubicon
Secrets Of The Rubicon

Автор: Ivo Ragazzini

Once there was a time when Romagna was named Flaminia and the Rubicon was not only a river. When in 49 BCE Julius Caesar arrived he found waiting for him a wooden palisade coloured ruby red where he deployed his legions for several months on that border defended by the legionaries of Pompeo. But who and for what reason was it built, even before Caesar was born, a red line of defence built even to the sea and what would Caesar and his legions do to breach it? Born out of the historical events that have never before been seen, this book will lead you to discover for the first time what the Rubicon really was, what did the legionaries of Caesar do when they decided to attack Rom and many other unpublished news that you never even suspected and will lead, step by step, to discover for the first time: • What was the Rubicon really? • Who and for what reason was it constructed even before the birth of Caesar? • Why have historians never been able to agree about where the Rubicon was? • What plans and strategies did Caesar employ to cross it? • And Pompeo’s legions in its defence? • Had someone made a curse against whoever dared to cross it armed? • Did Caesar and his legions had nightmare from the ‘Malanotte’ before crossing it? • What was Romagna and what did it symbolise in the time of Caesar? • What was the festival of ‘New Years’ that took place in Roma? • What Latin insults did their legions tell each other? And much other unpublished news that you have never suspected. A book that for the first time will cast on the historical darkness left to fall on these events.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9788835431855



Автор: Christina Brudereck

Schon seine Mutter Priya nannte ihn so: Weltverbesserer. Jaya, dem selbst geholfen wurde, macht sich auf, um ungez?hlten Stra?enkindern in den indischen Slums zu einem Leben mit Hoffnung und Perspektive zu verhelfen. Matt, der Amerikaner, reist mit seinem Sohn Tom nach Indien, um den Widerstand gegen ein Staudammprojekt zu unterst?tzen. Seine Mutter hat ihm noch einen geheimnisvollen Auftrag erteilt. Er soll einen gewissen Jaya und dessen Mutter finden …

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783865064417


Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone. Being and Killing
Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone. Being and Killing

Автор: Fritz Allhoff

Serial Killers – Philosophy for Everyone investigates our profound intrigue with mass-murderers. Exploring existential, ethical and political questions through an examination of real and fictional serial killers, philosophy comes alive via an exploration of grisly death. Presents new philosophical theories about serial killing, and relates new research in cognitive science to the minds of serial killers Includes a philosophical look at real serial killers such as Ian Brady, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and the Zodiac killer, as well as fictional serial killers such as Dexter and Hannibal Lecter Offers a new phenomenological examination of the writings of the Zodiac Killer Contains an account of the disappearance of one of Ted Bundy's victims submitted by the organization Families and Friends of Missing Persons and Violent Crime Victims Integrates the insights of philosophers, academics, crime writers and police officers

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781444324594


Sexual Intelligence
Sexual Intelligence

Автор: Марти Кляйн

Enjoyable sex: its not about technique or a perfect body or being hopelessly, passionately in love. Its about Sexual Intelligence.In his three decades of working with couples and individuals as a sex therapist and marriage counselor, Dr. Marty Klein has continually seen that although most people say what they want from sex is pleasure and closeness, thats not what they focus on during sex. Instead, were preoccupied with how we look, what our partner is thinking, how were performing, and whether were normal. We do more thinking, worrying, and judging than experiencing. Sex like that cant thrill us, cant create intimacy, and cant, well, feel sexy.In Sexual Intelligence, Klein shows how to stop observing ourselves during sex, ending our obsession with sexual performance and sexual normality. I dont help people function better during sex, he says. I teach people how to relax and enjoy sex with the body they have, the partner they have, in the situation they have. Now thats something we all want: fulfilling, exciting sex at every stage of our lives.In Sexual Intelligence, Klein challenges our understanding of sex, love, intimacy, romance, and satisfaction. After all, sex isnt just an activity. Change the way you think about sex, and you can change your sex lifeforever.

Исполнители: Alan Winter

Цена: 1378.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780062301840


Sherlock Holmes in Berlin (Ungek?rzt)
Sherlock Holmes in Berlin (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Исполнители: Tim Schmidt

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783991179603


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