семейная психология (страница 17)

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When I grow up. Пособие для взрослых девочек из дисфункциональных семей
When I grow up. Пособие для взрослых девочек из дисфункциональных семей

Автор: Екатерина Алексеевна Соколова

«Книга Екатерины Соколовой – пронзительная и нагая – заставит каждого задуматься о многом… Годы уходят на то, чтобы женщины поняли, изменили себя, зажили полноценно… Вы вживую познакомитесь со всеми персонажами, увидите путь их трансформации, а иногда – падения. Вы увидите первопричины их не всегда логичного поведения и саморазрушительного характера». Если такие слова, как «созависимость», «дисфункциональная семья», «токсичные отношения» не являются для вас пустым звуком, добро пожаловать в мир моих рассказов, чьи героини так не похожи друг на друга, имеют разный уровень образования и жизненный опыт, но всех их объединяет одно – они учатся жить.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-532-92153-5


Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improve Your Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress
Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improve Your Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress

Автор: Джон Грэй

From John Gray, author of the phenomenal multi-million copy bestseller Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, comes the definitive book for men and women seeking lasting love in the face of modern pressures.Why Mars and Venus Collide is the most important relationships manual since Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus redefined the boundaries of male and female relationships.Men and women are different – we all know that. But if our genes have stood still then social changes have not. Overworked, stressed-out and time-poor, we can barely keep up with the frenzied pace of our lives – and our relationships are breaking down as a result.In Why Mars and Venus Collide, John Gray, the best-selling relationships author of all time, shows how everyone can strengthen their relationships and make them last.He explains:• Why couples fight – the physiological reasons why females and males behave differently under stress,• How to stop fighting,• How to seek support – and find it,• How to lower your stress levels in everyday life,• How to communicate equably and amicably, even when you’re raging inside.Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, Why Mars And Venus Collide proves why John Gray is known as the greatest living authority on how men and women relate.

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007481675


Why Talking Is Not Enough. Eight Loving Actions That Will Transform Your Marriage
Why Talking Is Not Enough. Eight Loving Actions That Will Transform Your Marriage

Автор: Susan Page

Why Talking Is Not Enough, written by Susan Page, author of the acclaimed bestseller If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? presents a novel relationship strategy based on subtle, powerful changes in your own actions. This method shows you the magic of “Keep your mouth out of it!” Page’s pioneering eight-step program invites you to give up problem solving and move directly to a warmer, more loving and fun relationship, based on universal spiritual principles. In this book you will learn how to transform your relationship into a Spiritual Partnership by adopting these Eight Loving Actions: Adopt a Spirit of Good Will Give Up Problem Solving Act as If Practice Restraint Balance Giving and Taking Act on Your Own Practice Acceptance Practice Compassion

Цена: 1761.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780787984830


Wie das Leben zu zweit vielleicht besser gelingt
Wie das Leben zu zweit vielleicht besser gelingt

Автор: Angelika Franzisi

Was unterscheidet dieses Buch von so vielen anderen, die Paaren eine Hilfestellung geben wollen auf dem Weg zu einer gl?cklicheren Beziehung?
Es kommt aus der Praxis: aus meinen therapeutischen und paartherapeutischen Erfahrungen mit den Problemen, die in leicht ver?nderter Form in vielen Beziehungen auftreten und uns das Leben schwer machen, weil uns einige der Hintergr?nde menschlichen Verhaltens und Handelns nicht bewusst sind und uns so am Immer-Gleichen scheitern lassen.
Niemand bereitet uns – in bewussten Worten – auf unser Beziehungsleben vor und doch stehen wir st?ndig in Beziehung zu anderen Menschen.
In fiktiven, aber der tats?chlichen Praxis entnommenen und etwas pointiert formulierten Dialogen werden verschiedene Situationen des „Lebens zu zweit“ kurz skizziert und mit Erkl?rungen und Kommentaren versehen, die Ihnen vielleicht helfen werden, sich diesen Hintergr?nden des Beziehungslebens auf neue Weise zu n?hern.
Es ist vor allem ein Perspektivenwechsel – eine Ver?nderung unserer gewohnten Sichtweise, um die es hier geht, eine Ver?nderung auch der Haltung zu unseren Beziehungspartnern – auf welcher Ebene auch immer – und eine Einladung dazu, im fortw?hrenden Dialog miteinander zu bleiben.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783957163608


Wikis For Dummies
Wikis For Dummies

Автор: Dan Woods

Corporations have finally realized the value of collaboration tools for knowledge sharing and Wiki is the open source technology for creating collaborative Web sites, as either a public site on the Internet or on a private intranet site Shows readers how to set up Wikis in a corporate setting or on a personal site so that users can retrieve information, post information, and edit the content Covers everything from choosing a Wiki engine to administration and maintenance Discusses the advantages of using Wiki in a corporate environment, which companies such as Microsoft, Boeing, Disney, and Motorola have already discovered

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780470189832


Windows 7 For Seniors For Dummies
Windows 7 For Seniors For Dummies

Автор: Mark Hinton Justice

This easy-to-understand guide helps seniors get started with Windows 7! Many seniors use a home computer to stay connected to family and friends. This fun and friendly guide shows how to use Windows 7, the most popular operating system pre-loaded onto personal computers and laptops, to write e-mails, connect with family via Windows Live Messenger, download pictures with Photo Gallery, and listen to music using Windows Media Player. Windows 7 For Seniors For Dummies uses a large font for the text that makes the book easier to read and it features magnified screen shots to help make the subject matter less intimidating. For Dummies author Mark Justice Hinton walks you through the basics of Windows 7, shows you how to customize the desktop so that it accommodates your needs, and explains how to use the webcam and instant messenger to keep in contact with family and friends. Plus, you'll get critical insight for protecting your personal information. Shows seniors how to stay connected to family and friends using the features of Windows 7 Explains how to use the Internet, send and receive e-mail, upload and download photos, view video, listen to music, play games, use webcam and instant messenger, and more Discusses the important topic of keeping data and personal information safe and secure Uses a larger font for text and includes more than 150 enlarged screen shots For seniors interested in getting started using the exciting features of Windows 7, Windows 7 For Seniors For Dummies is the ideal beginner guide!

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780470564042


Workflows. Expanding Architecture s Territory in the Design and Delivery of Buildings
Workflows. Expanding Architecture's Territory in the Design and Delivery of Buildings

Автор: Richard Garber

Workflows are being rethought and remodelled across the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) spectrum. The synthesis of building information modelling (BIM) platforms with digital simulation techniques and increasing access to data, charting building performance, is allowing architects to engage in the generation of new workflows across multidisciplinary teams. By merging digital design operations with construction activities, project delivery and post-occupation scenarios, architects are becoming instrumental in the shaping of buildings as well as the design process. Workflows expand the territory of architectural practice by extending designers’ remit beyond the confines of the design stage. The implications for the AEC industry and architecture as a profession could not be greater. These new collaborative models are becoming as important as the novel buildings they allow us to produce. Contributors include: Shajay Bhooshan, John Cays, Randy Deutsch, Sean Gallagher, Ian Keough, Peter Kis, Jonathan Mallie, Adam Modesitt, Rhett Russo, Dale Sinclair, and Stacie Wong. Featured architects: Arup, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, GLUCK+, GRO Architects, PLANT, Populous, Young & Ayata, and Zaha Hadid Architects.

Цена: 4314.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781119317838


Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life
Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life

Автор: Penny Palmano

The essential guide to teaching children of all ages manners, respect and the social skills to get ahead in life.This first hand guide filled with humour and anecdotes will explain how to teach your children to behave at home, in restaurants, airports, trains and public places.Even if you think your children's behaviour in public leaves you in need of psychological help, this book explains how to turn bad behaviour into good in a matter of weeks. Imagine actually receiving compliments on your children's behaviour and manners. Yes, it is possible and no, it's not difficult. You will be happier and less stressed and your children will be happier, more respectful, more popular with their friends and teachers (oh yes that helps) and dare I say, exactly what you thought having a family should be like.The good news is it's never too early to start or too late to learn.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780008138394


You and Your New Baby
You and Your New Baby

Автор: Anna McGrail

A book which covers the first hours, weeks and months after birth, giving needed support. ‘Parents share their experiences about what having a baby is really like – a real plus. ’ Penelope Leach So many books cover the months of pregnancy in great detail or child development after birth. Few, however, offer new parents real practical support in the days and weeks following the birth. Many new mothers are suffering from health problems related to a difficult birth and all need reassurance and useful practical advice. The book deals with:• creating a routine • how to get a good night’s sleep and helping your baby sleep • nappy changing and other basics • sex after birth • nursing and first solids • play • bonding • postnatal depression • your needs as a couple In this book, new parents recount their experiences giving useful tips in excellent case studies. The text is designed with clear fact boxes and illustrations.

Цена: 1033.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780008359508


You: On a Diet: The Insider’s Guide to Easy and Permanent Weight Loss
You: On a Diet: The Insider’s Guide to Easy and Permanent Weight Loss

Автор: Michael Roizen F

Drs Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of the million-copy bestseller ‘YOU: The Owner's Manual’, have devised a diet that is so effective you'll notice changes in your body immediately. Starting with a Two-Week Reboot that will help you lose up to two inches around your waist, you will shed your unwanted pounds forever.‘YOU on a Diet’ is not another faddy crash-diet weight loss plan: you will lose weight – and a lot of it – but you will also gain the knowledge, insight and power to keep off the pounds you lose. Knowledge is the most powerful motivator when it comes to making the right food choices: know the ‘why’ and you'll successfully handle the ‘how’.• Find out your ideal shape – and how to reach it• Lose weight without hunger – you need only 100 calories less a day• Enjoy flexibility – you can still indulge in treats• Rebalance body chemicals and hormones – these, not willpower, dictate what you eat• Stop worrying about what you weigh – it's your waist size that countsRoizen and Mehmet's clear plan combined with:• Amazing YOU facts (e.g. 95% of your body's serotonin is found in your intestines – there's only 2-3% in your nervous system)• Eating tips (e.g. eating a small handful of nuts before your meal tricks your body into thinking that you are fuller sooner)• Interactive questionnaires (e.g. are your emotions affecting your food choices?)make this diet one of the most cutting-edge and easy-to-follow of our time. Successful long-term weight loss is only found in one place: YOU.

Цена: 262.39 руб.
ISBN: 9780007280063


Zeit wie Wasser
Zeit wie Wasser

Автор: Christiane H?hmann

Mutter war tot. Man konnte es ihr nicht ?bel nehmen. Das sowieso nicht, dachte Henry. Und trotzdem wirft es ihn aus der Bahn. Einen Sommer lang entflieht Henry dem Alltag, mehr versehentlich als geplant. Einen Sommer lang gewinnt er, der sonst so wenig abenteuerlustig ist, die Zeit f?r sich zur?ck, die ihm ansonsten wie Wasser durch die Finger rinnt. Ein Buch ?ber das Leben und die Kraft des Lachens. Weil nicht nur der Tod, sondern auch das Leben zum Leben geh?rt.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783865066060


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