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12022 / 2023 ASVAB For Dummies2535.17Angie Papple Johnston 9781119870197

2022 / 2023 ASVAB For Dummies
Lock down the score you need to get the job you want!  The bestselling  ASVAB For Dummies  is back with an updated and expanded annual edition. Joining the military? Want to maximize your score and your job flexibility? Dummies to the rescue! With  2022/2023 ASVAB For Dummies , you’ve got access to an insane amount of test prep and study material, including 7 online practice tests, flashcards, hundreds of practice questions right in the book, and a lot more. Military recruiters trust the #1 Bestselling ASVAB study guide on the market to help their prospective enlistees score high on the test.  Check out these insider tips and tricks for test-day-success from an expert author, and practice with example problems until you feel confident. Learn at your own pace. It’s all possible. Next stop: basic training.  Learn what the ASVAB is all about, including all 10 test sections Practice with 7 online practice tests and countless more questions Identify the score you need to get the job you want—then get that score Work through at your own pace and emphasize the areas you need  ASVAB For Dummies  is a reliable study guide with proven results. You don’t need anything else. Get studying, recruit!


23D Printing of Foods21401.95C. Anandharamakrishnan 9781119669753
3Большая книга подготовки к школе399К. В. Шевелев2020978-5-17-116683-0

Большая книга подготовки к школе
Подготовка ребёнка к школе – ответственное и сложное дело. От того, насколько естественно и легко малыш включится в образовательный процесс, во многом зависит его будущее. Зачастую родителям приходится самостоятельно решать эту непростую задачу, так как образовательные услуги недешёвые. А современные школьные программы рассчитаны на базовые знания детей. В этой книге собраны две авторские, проверенные временем методики обучения дошкольников с подсказками для родителей. Системы упражнений по формированию навыков смыслового чтения Г. Абдуловой и элементарных математических представлений К. Шевелева помогли добиться отличных результатов уже многим поколениям дошкольников. Методики прошли общественную экспертизу, пособия, созданные на их основе, издаются большими тиражами. Авторы не только дают готовую систему подготовки к школе по чтению и математике, но и объясняют, как правильно организовать занятия, чтобы добиться максимальных результатов и сохранить здоровье детей. Настольная книга для родителей, воспитателей, гувернёров.

Серия: Полный курс занятий в одной книге


4Рабочая программа по английскому языку. 4 класс157Группа авторов2020978-5-408-04929-5

Рабочая программа по английскому языку. 4 класс
Пособие содержит рабочую программу по английскому языку для 4 класса к УМК «Английский в фокусе» Н.И. Быковой, Дж. Дули и др. (М.: Просвещение), составленную с опорой на материал учебника и требования Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (ФГОС). В программу входят пояснительная записка, требования к знаниям и умениям учащихся, учебно-тематический план, включающий информацию об эффективных педагогических технологиях проведения разнообразных уроков: «открытия» нового знания, общеметодической направленности, рефлексии, развивающего контроля. А также сведения о видах индивидуальной и коллективной деятельности, ориентированной на формирование универсальных учебных действий у школьников. Настоящее электронное издание пригодно как для экранного просмотра, так и для распечатки. Предназначено для учителей-предметников, завучей, методистов, студентов и магистрантов педагогических вузов, слушателей курсов повышения квалификации.

Серия: Рабочие программы (Вако)


5Хлебное прозрение49.9Александр Деревяшкин2023 

Хлебное прозрение
Хлеб, чего только не содержится в нём, узнайте и удивитесь! Это важно всем знать!


6A Mid-Ordovician Brachiopod Evolutionary Hotspot in Southern Kazakhstan10440.56Leonid E. Popov 9781119781905
7Abdominal-Pelvic MRI27829.64Группа авторов 9781119012962

Abdominal-Pelvic MRI
This fourth edition of Abdominal-Pelvic MRI provides the reader with a significant update on earlier works. Modern diagnostic MRI relies on the practitioner's ability to distinguish between diseases through pattern recognition and experience, and this landmark reference provides the most complete coverage of magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, with particular emphasis on illustrating benign, malignant and inflammatory lesions An established best-seller in this field updated with multiple brand new case figures supplying the reader with high quality examples of diagnoses and anatomy Includes discussion of new sequences, such as diffusion-weighted imaging and a new chapter on MR/PET Describes techniques and tips for controlling motion, including radial acquisition and shorter breath hold acquisition using techniques of multigradient parallel imaging in order to achieve high quality images Offers practice advice and recommendations for contrast agents taking into account patient safety, efficacy, and cost Accompanying digital edition offers rapid search and easy figure download


8Abriss der Bierbrauerei7362.84Ludwig Narziss 9783527696727

Abriss der Bierbrauerei
Das Lehrbuch zur Bierbrauerei von Ludwig Narzi? ist seit vielen Jahren das Standardwerk auf diesem Gebiet. Die neue, achte Auflage wurde komplett uberarbeitet und aktualisiert. Fur Studenten ist das Buch ein kurz gefasster Leitfaden, der jedoch alle wesentlichen Aspekte abdeckt. Der bereits im Betrieb tatige Praktiker erhalt eine Fulle von Anregungen und einen umfassenden Uberblick uber den heutigen Stand der Brauereitechnologie sowie der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Bierbrauerei. Neu in dieser Auflage: * das Kapitel «Die Deutschen Biertypen» * das Kapitel «Malze aus anderen Getreidearten und deren Verarbeitung» * weiterfuhrende Literatur ab Kapitel 3 Das Autorenteam ist um drei hervorragende Fachleute auf dem Gebiet der Bierbrauerei erweitert worden. Werner Back, Martin Zarnkow und Martina Gastl (alle Technische Universitat Munchen, Weihenstephan) stehen fur die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung dieses Lehrbuches.


9Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development24970.92Группа авторов 9781119149316

Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development
Written primarily for directors and managers of food design and development, food scientists, technologists, and product developers, this book explains all the necessary information in order to help meet the increasing demands for innovation in an industry that is providing fewer resources. This updated edition, by a group of seasoned food industry business professionals and academics, provides a real-world perspective of what is occurring in the food industry right now, offers strategic frameworks for problem solving and R&D strategies, and presents methods needed to accelerate and optimize new product development. Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development, Second Edition features five brand new chapters covering all the changes that have occurred within the last decade: A Flavor Supplier Perspective, An Ingredient Supplier Perspective, Applying Processes that Accelerate New Product Development, Looking at How the University Prepares Someone for a Career in Food, and Innovative Packaging and Its Impact on Accelerated Product Development. Offers new perspectives on what really goes on during the development process Includes updated chapters fully describing the changes that have occurred in the food industry, both from a developer’s point of view as well as the consumer requirements Features a completely rewritten chapter covering the importance of packaging which is enhanced through 3D printing All of this against the impact on speed to market Filled with unique viewpoints of the business from those who really know and a plethora of new information, Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development, Second Edition will be of great interest to all professionals engaged in new food product design and development.


10Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials II, Volume 29, Issue 910831.19Группа авторов 9780470456217

Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials II, Volume 29, Issue 9
This volume provides a one-stop resource, compiling current research on advanced processing and manufacturing technologies for structural and multifunctional materials. It is a collection of papers from The American Ceramic Society s 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008. Topics include advanced processing and manufacturing technologies for a wide variety of non-oxide and oxide based structural ceramics, ultra-high temperature ceramics and composites, particulate and fiber reinforced composites, and multifunctional materials. This is a valuable, up-to-date resource for researchers in the field.


11Advances in Fisheries Science23781.26Группа авторов 9781444302660

Advances in Fisheries Science
This timely book brings readers up to date on the wide range of advances made in fisheries science since the publication in 1957 of On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations (Beverton and Holt), regarded by many fisheries scientists as one of the most important books on fisheries yet published. Traditional fishery subjects covered include historic declines and changes in fishing fleets, fisheries management and stock assessments, data-poor situations, simulation and modelling of fished stocks, fisheries economics, assessing reproductive potential and dispersal of larvae, fisheries for sharks and rays, and use of marine technology. Additionally, related subjects of increasing importance now that ecological approaches to management are coming to the fore are presented. They include benthic ecology, ecosystem changes linked to fishing, life history theory, the effects of chemicals on fish reproduction, and use of sounds in the sea by marine life. Several chapters offer stimulating philosophical discussion of the many controversial areas still existing. This significant book, edited by Andy Payne, John Cotter and Ted Potter and containing contributions by world-renowned fisheries scientists, including many based at Cefas (where Beverton and Holt's original work was carried out) is an essential purchase for fisheries managers and scientists, fish biologists, marine scientists and ecologists. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where fisheries and biological sciences are studied and taught are likely to need copies of this landmark publication.


12Advances in Food Science and Nutrition, Volume 220750.9Группа авторов 9781118865538

Advances in Food Science and Nutrition, Volume 2
Advances in Food Science and Nutrition covers topics such as food safety objectives, risk assessment, quality assurance and control, good manufacturing practices, food processing systems, design and control, and rapid methods of analysis and detection, as well as sensor technology, environmental control, and safety. The thirteen chapters are written by prominent researchers from industry, academia, and government/private research laboratories around the world. The book details many of the recent technical research accomplishments in the areas food science, including: • Potato production, composition, and starch processing • Milk and different types of milk products • Processing and preservation of meat, poultry, and seafood • Food ingredients including additives and natural plant-based ingredients • Fruits and fruit processing • Antioxidant activity of phytochemicals and their method of analysis • The effect of food processing on bioactive compounds • Food safety regulations including foodborne pathogens, probiotics, genetically modified foods, and bioavailability of nutrients • Trends in sensory characterization of food products • Ultrasound applications in food technology • Transformations of food flavor including aroma compounds and chemical reactions that influence flavor • Storage technologies for fresh fruits


13Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Energy Technologies IV18418.93Группа авторов 9781119190141

Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Energy Technologies IV
This proceedings contains a collection of 20 papers from the following five 2014 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T'14) symposia: Materials Issues in Nuclear Waste Management in the 21st Century Green Technologies for Materials Manufacturing and Processing V Nanotechnology for Energy, Healthcare and Industry Materials for Processes for CO2 Capture, Conversion, and Sequestration Materials Development for Nuclear Applications and Extreme Environments


14Against the Grain. Lessons in Entrepreneurship from the Founder of Cobra Beer2073.51Karan Bilimoria 9781906465483

Against the Grain. Lessons in Entrepreneurship from the Founder of Cobra Beer
'Every bit as good as the beer itself.' Sir Richard Branson From selling the first cases of Cobra out of the back of a battered old Citroen 2CV along the streets of West London to exporting to over 40 countries around the world, Karan Bilimoria's vision of a less gassy beer has travelled a long way. Starting out with a heap of student debt, a complete lack of industry experience and parents desperate for their son to get a proper job, it could all so easily have gone wrong. But Karan's single-minded determination to succeed and his ability to inspire those around him to buy into his vision, turned Cobra, sip-by-sip, into the multi-million pound business it is today. Karan's story bottles the very essence of entrepreneurship: vision, drive, creativity and a relentless battle against all odds, to make the idea you so passionately believe in work. Against the Grain is packed with insights into finance, strategy, planning, luck, discipline, and generally doing the unexpected to build your own business, from someone who's been there and done it… and all with just a little less gas. 'Essential reading.' Richard Reed, Co-founder, Innocent Drinks 'An inspirational story.' Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer WPP 'Karan Bilimoria is one of the great entrepreneurs…' Jo Malone, founder of Jo Malone 'Inspiring! … worth the cover price for the «Financing Cobra» chapter alone.' Professor John Mullins, London Business School '… His story should inspire youth everywhere who are fired by the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.' Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group


15Anatomy at a Glance4261.45Simon Blackburn 9781118297087

Anatomy at a Glance
Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, and in full-colour, this new edition provides an accessible introduction and revision aid for medical, nursing and all health sciences students. Thoroughly updated and now fully supported by a set of web-based flashcards, Anatomy at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of anatomy to encapsulate all that the student needs to know. Anatomy at a Glance: Addresses the basic concepts of anatomy in an highly visual, easy-to-remember way Features two new chapters outlining anatomical terminology and basic embryology Includes more coverage of imaging techniques such as CT and MRI Offers free online flashcards for self-assessment and revision at www.wiley.com/go/anatomyataglance This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store. To find out more about the at a Glance series, please visit www.ataglanceseries.com


16Applied Food Protein Chemistry18099.33Группа авторов 9781118860595

Applied Food Protein Chemistry
Food proteins are of great interest, not only because of their nutritional importance and their functionality in foods, but also for their detrimental effects. Although proteins from milk, meats (including fish and poultry), eggs, cereals, legumes, and oilseeds have been the traditional sources of protein in the human diet, potentially any proteins from a biological source could serve as a food protein. The primary role of protein in the diet is to provide the building materials for the synthesis of muscle and other tissues, and they play a critical role in many biological processes. They are also responsible for food texture, color, and flavor. Today, food proteins are extracted, modified, and incorporated into processed foods to impart specific functional properties. They can also have adverse effects in the diet: proteins, such as walnuts, pecans, almonds, and cashews, soybean, wheat, milk, egg, crustacean, and fish proteins can be powerful allergens for some people. Applied Food Protein Chemistry is an applied reference which reviews the properties of food proteins and provides in-depth information on important plant and animal proteins consumed around the world. The book is grouped into three sections: (1) overview of food proteins, (2) plant proteins, and (3) animal proteins. Each chapter discusses world production, distribution, utilization, physicochemical properties, and the functional properties of each protein, as well as its food applications. The authors for each of the chapters are carefully selected experts in the field. This book will be a valuable reference tool for those who work on food proteins. It will also be an important text on applied food protein chemistry for upper-level students and graduate students of food science programs.


17Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 216702.52Группа авторов 9781119821625

Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2
BIG DATA, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA ANALYSIS SET Coordinated by Jacques Janssen Data analysis is a scientific field that continues to grow enormously, most notably over the last few decades, following rapid growth within the tech industry, as well as the wide applicability of computational techniques alongside new advances in analytic tools. Modeling enables data analysts to identify relationships, make predictions, and to understand, interpret and visualize the extracted information more strategically. This book includes the most recent advances on this topic, meeting increasing demand from wide circles of the scientific community. Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2 is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians, working on the front end of data analysis and modeling applications. The chapters cover a cross section of current concerns and research interests in the above scientific areas. The collected material is divided into appropriate sections to provide the reader with both theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models and techniques, along with appropriate applications.


18Aquaculture and Behavior7860.01Группа авторов 9781444354584

Aquaculture and Behavior
Modern aquaculture is faced with a number of challenges, including public concern about environmental impacts and the welfare of farmed fish. A fundamental understanding of fish biology is central to finding ways to meet these challenges and is also essential for maintaining the industry's sustainability. Furthermore, the behaviour of fish under culture situations has long been ignored despite heavy commercial losses that can result from fish stressed and hence disease-prone, due to bad husbandry techniques. This important book summarises the current understanding of the behavioural biology of farmed species and illustrates how this can be applied to improve aquaculture practice. Informative and engaging, Aquaculture & Behavior brings the reader up-to-date with major issues pertaining to aquaculture. Everyone from fish farmers to upper level students will find this book a valuable and practical resource. Libraries in universities and research establishments where animal behavior, aquaculture, veterinary and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this work on their shelves.


19Atomistic Simulations of Glasses19732.89Группа авторов 9781118940235
20Ausf?hrung von Stahlbauten12713.33Christian Kammel 9783433604106
21Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications9469.89Группа авторов 9781118988039

Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications
Complications from dental procedures are inevitable and encountered by all dental professionals. Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications: Best Practices in Dentistry is designed to address proper management of these situations in everyday practice. Covers a range of dental issues and complications found in daily practice Written by experts in each specialty Features tables and charts for quick information Includes clinical photographs and radiographs


22Bakery Products Science and Technology31126.35Группа авторов 9781118791936

Bakery Products Science and Technology
Baking is a process that has been practiced for centuries, and bakery products range in complexity from the simple ingredients of a plain pastry to the numerous components of a cake. While currently there are many books available aimed at food service operators, culinary art instruction and consumers, relatively few professional publications exist that cover the science and technology of baking. In this book, professionals from industry, government and academia contribute their perspectives on the state of industrial baking today. The second edition of this successful and comprehensive overview of bakery science is revised and expanded, featuring chapters on various bread and non-bread products from around the world, as well as nutrition and packaging, processing, quality control, global bread varieties and other popular bakery products. The book is structured to follow the baking process, from the basics, flour and other ingredients, to mixing, proofing and baking. Blending the technical aspects of baking with the latest scientific research, Bakery Products Science and Technology, Second Edition has all the finest ingredients to serve the most demanding appetites of food science professionals, researchers, and students.


23Baking Technology and Nutrition19525.73Stanley P. Cauvain 9781119387121
24Bio-pigmentation and Biotechnological Implementations21046.83Группа авторов 9781119166177

Bio-pigmentation and Biotechnological Implementations
Recent technological advances have provided unique opportunities for the exploration of alternatives to the industrial use of chemically produced synthetic colors. The most promising developments in this area have been in bio-pigmentation derived from microorganisms. This groundbreaking book reviews the current state of the science of bio-pigmentation, providing important insights into the molecular mechanisms of microbial biosynthesis of industrial pigments. Featuring contributions by leading researchers from both industry and academe, it explores the latest advances in the use of bio-pigments as safe, sustainable alternatives to chemically synthesized pigments, and provides extensive coverage the most promising sources of bio-pigments within the food, feed, and pharmaceutical industries. • Proposes microbial uniqueness of coloration in variety of food, feed and pharmaceuticals • Covers the basic science behind bio-pigmentation as well as the latest advances in the field • Describes detection strategies for screening and identifying color producing microorganisms under varying environmental conditions • Provides an exhaustive review of the literature on color producing extremophiles and offers fascinating insights into color production as a stress response in extremophiles • Explores microbial molecular mechanisms of color production, with special coverage of color production as secondary metabolites under environmental stress Bio-pigmentation and Biotechnological Implementations is required reading for professionals and post-doctoral students of microbiology, applied microbiology, food microbiology, food science, and food biochemistry. It is a valuable working resource for scientists working in color-dependent food, feed, and pharmaceuticals.


25Bioactive Natural Products17389.09Goutam Brahmachari 9783527684410

Bioactive Natural Products
Natural compounds, which have evolved their function over millions of years, are often more efficient than man-made compounds if a specific biological activity is needed, e.g. as an enzyme inhibitor or as a toxin to kill a cancer cell. This book comprising of sixteen technical chapters, highlights the chemical and biological aspects of potential natural products with an intention of unravelling their pharmaceutical applicability in modern drug discovery processes. Key features: Covers the synthesis, semi-synthesis and also biosynthesis of potentially bioactive natural products Features chemical and biological advances in naturally occurring organic compounds describing their chemical transformations, mode of actions, and structure-activity relationships 40 expert scientists from around the world report their latest findings and outline future opportunities for the development of novel and highly potent drugs based on natural products operating at the interface of chemistry and biology Forward-looking: Addresses opportunities and cutting-edge developments rather than well-documented basic knowledge, pinpoints current trends and future directions in this rapidly-evolving field Application-oriented: Throughout the book, the focus is on actual and potential applications in pharmacology and biotechnology This book is an essential resource for natural products chemists, medicinal chemists, biotechnologists, biochemists, pharmacologists, as well as the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries.


26Bioenergy Research17389.09Группа авторов 9781119772101
27Biofilms in the Dairy Industry18099.33Группа авторов 9781118876244

Biofilms in the Dairy Industry
In recent years, the formation and impacts of biofilms on dairy manufacturing have been studied extensively, from the effects of microbial enzymes produced during transportation of raw milk to the mechanisms of biofilm formation by thermophilic spore-forming bacteria. The dairy industry now has a better understanding of biofilms and of approaches that may be adopted to reduce the impacts that biofilms have on manufacturing efficiencies and the quality of dairy products. Biofilms in the Dairy Industry provides a comprehensive overview of biofilm-related issues facing the dairy sector. The book is a cornerstone for a better understanding of the current science and of ways to reduce the occurrence of biofilms associated with dairy manufacturing. The introductory section covers the definition and basic concepts of biofilm formation and development, and provides an overview of problems caused by the occurrence of biofilms along the dairy manufacturing chain. The second section of the book focuses on specific biofilm-related issues, including the quality of raw milk influenced by biofilms, biofilm formation by thermoduric streptococci and thermophilic spore-forming bacteria in dairy manufacturing plants, the presence of pathogens in biofilms, and biofilms associated with dairy waste effluent. The final section of the book looks at the application of modelling approaches to control biofilms. Potential solutions for reducing contamination throughout the dairy manufacturing chain are also presented. Essential to professionals in the global dairy sector, Biofilms in the Dairy Industry will be of great interest to anyone in the food and beverage, academic and government sectors. This text is specifically targeted at dairy professionals who aim to improve the quality and consistency of dairy products and improve the efficiency of dairy product manufacture through optimizing the use of dairy manufacturing plant and reducing operating costs.


28Biofilms in the Food Environment21046.83Anthony L. Pometto III 9781118864067

Biofilms in the Food Environment
In nature, microorganisms are generally found attached to surfaces as biofilms such as dust, insects, plants, animals and rocks, rather than suspended in solution. Once a biofilm is developed, other microorganisms are free to attach and benefit from this microbial community. The food industry, which has a rich supply of nutrients, solid surfaces, and raw materials constantly entering and moving through the facility, is an ideal environment for biofilm development, which can potentially protect food pathogens from sanitizers and result in the spread of foodborne illness. Biofilms in the Food Environment is designed to provide researchers in academia, federal research labs, and industry with an understanding of the impact, control, and hurdles of biofilms in the food environment. Key to biofilm control is an understanding of its development. The goal of this 2nd edition is to expand and complement the topics presented in the original book. Readers will find: The first comprehensive review of biofilm development by Campylobacter jejuni An up-date on the resistance of Listeria monocytogenes to sanitizing agents, which continues to be a major concern to the food industry An account of biofilms associated with various food groups such as dairy, meat, vegetables and fruit is of global concern A description of two novel methods to control biofilms in the food environment: bio-nanoparticle technology and bacteriophage Biofilms are not always a problem: sometimes they even desirable. In the human gut they are essential to our survival and provide access to some key nutrients from the food we consume. The authors provide up-date information on the use of biofilms for the production of value-added products via microbial fermentations. Biofilms cannot be ignored when addressing a foodborne outbreak. All the authors for each chapter are experts in their field of research. The Editors? hope is that this second edition will provide the bases and understanding for much needed future research in the critical area of ?Biofilm in Food Environment?.


29Biological Controls for Preventing Food Deterioration18099.33Группа авторов 9781118533048

Biological Controls for Preventing Food Deterioration
Various biotic factors cause diseases in crops, which result in food losses. Historically pesticide development has been instructive to us in terms of the benefits derived as well as the hazards that accompany their indiscriminate use. The application of fertilizers and pesticides to crops has become a norm in agricultural production, but this has led to resurgence in pests as they have developed resistance to such chemicals. Biological control of plant pests and pathogens is part of the solution to this problem. This is an area that continues to inspire research and development. It is also the foundation on which sustainable, non-polluting pest control for tomorrow’s farms must be built. Biological Controls for Preventing FoodDeterioration provides readers with options of non-chemical, eco-friendly, environmentally safe natural alternatives to prevent food from spoilage at pre- and postharvest stages. It covers the principles behind these techniques and their implementation. By integrating theory and practice, this book discusses the potential and associated problems in the development of non-chemical alternatives to protect food and addresses the common hurdles that need to be overcome to enable commercialization and registration of natural products for combating diseases. Focussing on plant foods, this timely book is unique in scope as it offers an international perspective on food deterioration caused by bacterial, fungal, viral, and mycotoxin contamination. It brings together highly respected scientists from differingyet complementary disciplines in one unified work that is important reading for food safety professionals, researchers and students.


30Biomolecules from Natural Sources19401.43Группа авторов 9781119769613

Biomolecules from Natural Sources
Biomolecules from Natural Sources An up-to-date exploration of new and novel biomolecules In Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications, a team of accomplished researchers delivers up-to-date information on various bioresources, bioprocessing, production, mechanisms of action for selective bioactivity, biochemistry, targeted therapeutic roles and the advancements made on their bioactive potentials of new and novel biomolecules. The book presents recent trends in new and novel biomolecules and their identification, characterization, and potential applications. The selected contributions canvas a variety of breakthroughs in the understanding and applications of naturally derived biomolecules. Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications is an exhaustive collection of research and information, as well as an insightful and interdisciplinary treatment of a rapidly developing field. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to phenolics from natural sources and plant-based natural artemisinin and its biomedical applications Comprehensive explorations of protein structure, function, and specificity and the pharmacological potential of pigments Practical discussions of biomolecules obtained through food biotechnology and the biological activities of natural glycosides In-depth examinations of biomolecules from basil and their pharmacological significance Perfect for biotechnologists, food technologists, and plant biologists, Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of bioprocessing engineers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of biochemistry.


31Biomolecules from Natural Sources19401.43Группа авторов 9781119769590
32Bioorganometallic Chemistry16051.47Группа авторов 9783527673469

Bioorganometallic Chemistry
An up-to-date reference reflecting the significant advances and important breakthroughs made in this emerging discipline over the last decade. As such, the book provides an overview of the latest developments and future trends in the field, focusing on such applications as the development of potentially active organometallic drugs against incurable diseases, as well as in such areas as catalysis, energy, analytical chemistry, and imaging. The renowned editor, who established the term «bioorganometallics», and his international team of experts have put together a valuable resource for researchers in organometallic, inorganic, medicinal, and biochemistry.


33Biopolymer-Based Food Packaging20739.06Группа авторов 9781119702320
34Biorefinery Co-Products13482.76Группа авторов 9780470975596

Biorefinery Co-Products
In order to successfully compete as a sustainable energy source, the value of biomass must be maximized through the production of valuable co-products in the biorefinery. Specialty chemicals and other biobased products can be extracted from biomass prior to or after the conversion process, thus increasing the overall profitability and sustainability of the biorefinery. Biorefinery Co-Products highlights various co-products that are present in biomass prior to and after processing, describes strategies for their extraction , and presents examples of bioenergy feedstocks that contain high value products. Topics covered include: Bioactive compounds from woody biomass Phytochemicals from sugar cane, citrus waste and algae Valuable products from corn and other oil seed crops Proteins from forages Enhancing the value of existing biomass processing streams Aimed at academic researchers, professionals and specialists in the bioenergy industry, Biorefinery Co-Products is an essential text for all scientists and engineers working on the efficient separation, purification and manufacture of value-added biorefinery co-products. For more information on the Wiley Series in Renewable resources, visit www.wiley.com/go/rrs


35Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture15317.55Andy Beaumont 9781444318807

Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Following the extremely well-received structure of the first edition, this carefully revised and updated new edition now includes much new information of vital importance to those working and researching in the fisheries and aquaculture industries. Commencing with chapters covering genetic variation and how it can be measured, the authors then look at genetic structure in natural populations, followed by a new chapter covering genetics in relation to population size and conservation issues. Genetic variation of traits and triploids and the manipulation of ploidy are fully covered, and another new chapter is included, entitled 'From Genetics to Genomics'. The book concludes with a chapter covering the impact of genetic engineering in aquaculture. With the inclusion of a wealth of up-to-date information, new text and figures and the inclusion of a third author, Pierre Boudry, the second edition of Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture provides an excellent text and reference of great value and use to upper level students and professionals working across fish biology, aquatic sciences, fisheries, aquaculture, genetics and biotechnology. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences, fisheries and aquaculture are studied and taught should have several copies of this excellent new edition on their shelves. Completely updated, revised and expanded new edition Subject area of ever increasing importance Expanded authorship Commercially useful information for fish breeders


36Biotechnology in Flavor Production18099.33Daphna Havkin-Frenkel 9781118354049

Biotechnology in Flavor Production
Throughout history, human beings have sought ways to enhance the flavor of the foods they eat. In the 21st century, biotechnology plays an important role in the flavor improvement of many types of foods. This book covers many of the biotechnological approaches currently being applied to flavor enhancement. The contribution of microbial metabolism to flavor development in fermented beverages and dairy products has been exploited for thousands of years, but the recent availability of whole genome sequences of the yeasts and bacteria involved in these processes is stimulating targeted approaches to flavor enhancement. Chapters discuss recent developments in the flavor modification of wine, beer, and dairy products through the manipulation of the microbial species involved. Biotechnological approaches to the production of specific flavor molecules in microbes and plant tissue cultures, and the challenges that have been encountered, are also covered, along with the metabolic engineering of food crops for flavor enhancement – also a current area of research. Biotechnology is also being applied to crop breeding through marker-assisted selection for important traits, including flavor, and the book looks at the application of the biotechnological approach to breeding for enhanced flavor in rice, apple, and basil. These techniques are subject to governmental regulation, and this is addressed in a dedicated chapter. This updated second edition features five brand new chapters, and the topics covered in the book will be of interest to those in the flavor and food industries as well as to academic researchers interested in flavors.


37Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds25189.91Группа авторов 9781118733479

Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds
Bioactive compounds play a central role in high-value product development in the chemical industry. Bioactive compounds have been identified from diverse sources and their therapeutic benefits, nutritional value and protective effects in human and animal healthcare have underpinned their application as pharmaceuticals and functional food ingredients. The orderly study of biologically active products and the exploration of potential biological activities of these secondary metabolites, including their clinical applications, standardization, quality control, mode of action and potential biomolecular interactions, has emerged as one of the most exciting developments in modern natural medicine. Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds describes the current stage of knowledge on the production of bioactive compounds from microbial, algal and vegetable sources. In addition, the molecular approach for screening bioactive compounds is also discussed, as well as examples of applications of these compounds on human health. The first half of the book comprises information on diverse sources of bioactive compounds, ranging from microorganisms and algae to plants and dietary foods. The second half of the book reviews synthetic approaches, as well as selected bioactivities and biotechnological and biomedical potential. The bioactive compounds profiled include compounds such as C-phycocyanins, glycosides, phytosterols and natural steroids. An overview of the usage of bioactive compounds as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, anti-allergic compounds and in stem cell research is also presented, along with an overview of the medicinal applications of plant-derived compounds. Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds will be an informative text for undergraduate and graduate students of bio-medicinal chemistry who are keen to explore the potential of bioactive natural products. It also provides useful information for scientists working in various research fields where natural products have a primary role.


38Bladder Cancer12512.09Группа авторов 9781118674864

Bladder Cancer
Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical Management is a 100% clinically-focused guide to bladder cancer, providing practical, modern and evidence-based guidance to the latest in diagnosis and management of the condition. It differs from other books in its complete clinical focus as opposed to a heavy analysis of pathogenesis or basic science. As a result, practicing urologists and oncologists in the clinical setting will find it an essential resource to consult. In addition to the latest in diagnostic tools and imaging methods, core focus is on the management of each form of cancer at its various stages with up to date genomic data and targeted therapies. Both drug therapies and the range of surgical options are covered, ensuring that this is the perfect tool for clinicians to consult when considering which type of management program is appropriate for each individual patient. A key addition is the final section dedicated to optimizing health care delivery, featuring chapters on highly topical issues such as quality of life, patient advocacy and surgical education. Full color throughout, and packed with excellent images, each chapter contains concise and didactic practical tips and tricks to enrich the reading experience, in addition to management algorithms and the very latest guidelines from the ASCO, AUA, ESMO and EAU concerning clinical management of bladder cancer.


39Blockchain for Distributed Systems Security12654.14Группа авторов 9781119519591
40Cancer Cytogenetics17886.25Группа авторов 9781118795514

Cancer Cytogenetics
The first three editions of this acclaimed book presented a much-needed conceptual synthesis of this rapidly moving field. Now, Cancer Cytogenetics, Fourth Edition, offers a comprehensive, expanded, and up-to-date review of recent dramatic advances in this area, incorporating a vast amount of new data from the latest basic and clinical investigations. New contributors reflecting broader international authorship and even greater expertise Greater emphasis throughout on the clinical importance and application of information about cytogenetic and molecular aberrations Includes a complete coverage of chromosome aberrations in cancer based on an assessment of the 60,000 neoplasms cytogenetically investigated to date Now produced in full color for enhanced clarity Covers how molecular genetic data (PCR-based and sequencing information) are collated with the cytogenetic data where pertinent Discusses how molecular cytogenetic data (based on studies using FISH, CGH, SNP, etc) are fused with karyotyping data to enable an as comprehensive understanding of cancer cytogenetics as is currently possible


41Carotenoids15317.55Группа авторов 9781118622254

Carotenoids are an essential component of the human diet. Bioactive by nature, they are rich in antioxidants, promote vitamin A activity and lower the development of chronic illnesses. As such they are an area of growing interest to researchers and scientists who are working to design, develop and launch new functional food products, dietary supplements and other nutritional solutions. Carotenoids: Nutrition, Analysis and Technology is an up-to-date overview of the key areas of carotenoids in nutrition, therapy and technology. In the first section, the authors present a functional food perspective, outlining the therapeutic applications of the bioactive pigments. The second part is dedicated to the spectroscopic analysis of carotenoids, providing in-depth scientific methods and real research findings. In the final section, various technological applications of carotenoids are considered, including biotechnology and future prospects. Written by international experts in the field, this comprehensive book will be of interest to food scientists and researchers, nutritionists and health food companies. It will be of particular use to anyone involved in the spectroscopic analysis of carotenoids and other related bioactives.


42CENELEC 50128 and IEC 62279 Standards16702.52Jean-Louis Boulanger 9781119122494

CENELEC 50128 and IEC 62279 Standards
CENELEC EN 50128 and IEC 62279 standards are applicable to the performance of software in the railway sector. The 2011 version of the 50128 standard firms up the techniques and methods to be implemented. This is a guide to its implementation, in order to understand the foundations of the standard and how it impacts on the activities to be undertaken, helping towards better a preparation for the independent evaluation phase, which is mandatory.


43Chemesthesis20354.34Группа авторов 9781118951637

Chemesthesis are the chemically initiated sensations that occur via the touch system. Examples in the mouth include the burn of capsaicinoids in chilies, the cooling of menthol in peppermint, and the tingle of carbonation. It is physiologically distinct from taste and smell, but is increasingly understood to be just as important as these senses for their contribution to flavor, especially with the sustained growth in interest in spicy foods from around the world. Chemesthesis: Chemical Touch in Food and Eating surveys the modern body of work on chemesthesis, with a variety of contributors who are well known for their expertise on the topic. After a forward by John Prescott and an introduction by Barry Green (who originally coined the term chemesthesis 25 years ago), the book moves on to survey chemesthetic spices and address the psychology and physiology of chemesthesis; practical sensory and instrumental analysis; the interaction of chemesthesis with other chemical senses; health ramifications; and the application of chemesthesis in food. The major types of chemesthesis, including pungency/burning, cooling, tingling, nasal irritation, and numbing, are each covered in their own chapter. The book concludes with a look to the future. This is the first comprehensive book on chemesthesis since 1990, when Barry Green and his colleagues edited a volume on the perception of chemical irritants, including those in food. This new book is intended to be a vital resource for anyone interested in the sensory impact of the food we eat, including food scientists, sensory professionals, analytical chemists, physiologists, culinary scientists, and others.


44Chemical Marine Monitoring16690.68Группа авторов 9781119990833

Chemical Marine Monitoring
Wide- scale chemical monitoring programmes are required by international conventions and European Union policies such as the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the new EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This entails all waters, including transitional and coastal waters, sediments and biota. The final volume in the Water Quality Measurement Serieshighlights policy frameworks and analytical trends with an emphasis on laboratory methods and quality control. Within this comprehensive text, the following sections are included: Setting the Scene; monitoring of pollutants Policy Settings; international conventions and EU marine strategy Marine monitored parameters; trace elements, chemical species, organic micropollutants, and nutrients Types of monitoring; classical chemical monitoring, biomonitoring and in-situ methods Quality assurance; certified reference materials for marine monitoring Research and developments; the role of sediments in coastal monitoring, and passive sampling technologies Chemical Marine Monitoring: Policy Framework and Analytical Trends is intended for postgraduates and researchers working in analytical chemistry and its application to environmental and health analyses. Those interested in developing new methods and materials in relation to drinking water regulations with also find this book beneficial.


45Chemical Process Engineering Volume 129853.83A. Kayode Coker 9781119510208
46Chemical Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogues20312.91Группа авторов 9781118498170

Chemical Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogues
Compiles current tested and proven approaches to synthesize novel nucleoside analogues Featuring contributions from leading synthetic chemists from around the world, this book brings together and describes tested and proven approaches for the chemical synthesis of common families of nucleoside analogues. Readers will learn to create new nucleoside analogues with desired therapeutic properties by using a variety of methods to chemically modify natural nucleosides, including: Changes to the heterocyclic base Modification of substituents at the sugar ring Replacement of the furanose ring by a different carbo- or heterocyclic ring Introduction of conformational restrictions Synthesis of enantiomers Preparation of hydrolitically stable C-nucleosides Chemical Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogues covers all the major classes of nucleosides, including pronucleotides, C-nucleosides, carbanucleosides, and PNA monomers which have shown great promise as starting points for the synthesis of nucleoside analogues. The book also includes experimental procedures for key reactions related to the synthesis of nucleoside analogues, providing a valuable tool for the preparation of a number of different compounds. Throughout the book, chemical schemes and figures help readers better understand the chemical structures of nucleoside analogues and the methods used to synthesize them. Extensive references serve as a gateway to the growing body of original research studies and reviews in the field. Synthetically modified nucleosides have proven their value as therapeutic drugs, in particular as antiviral and antitumor agents. However, many of these nucleoside analogues have undesirable side effects. With Chemical Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogues as their guide, researchers have a new tool for synthesizing a new generation of nucleoside analogues that can be used as therapeutic drugs with fewer unwanted side effects.


47Chocolate Science and Technology20354.34Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa 9781118913765

Chocolate Science and Technology
This second edition provides information on recent advances in the science and technology of chocolate manufacture and the entire international cocoa industry. It provides detailed review on a wide range of topics including cocoa production, cocoa and chocolate manufacturing operations, sensory perception of chocolate quality, flavour release and perception, sugar replacement and alternative sweetening solutions in chocolate production, industrial manufacture of sugar-free chocolates as well as the nutrition and health benefits of cocoa and chocolate consumption. The topics cover modern cocoa cultivation and production practices with special attention on cocoa bean composition, genotypic variations in the bean, post-harvest pre-treatments, fermentation and drying processes, and the biochemical basis of these operations. The scientific principles behind industrial chocolate manufacture are outlined with detailed explanations of the various stages of chocolate manufacturing including mixing, refining, conching and tempering. Other topics covered include the chemistry of flavour formation and development during cocoa processing and chocolate manufacture; volatile flavour compounds and their characteristics and identification; sensory descriptions and character; and flavour release and perception in chocolate. The nutritional and health benefits of cocoa and chocolate consumption as well as the application of HACCP and other food safety management systems such as ISO 22,000 in the chocolate processing industry are also addressed. Additionally, detailed research on the influence of different raw materials and processing operations on the flavour and other quality characteristics of chocolates have been provided with scope for process optimization and improvement. The book is intended to be a desk reference for all those engaged in the business of making and using chocolate worldwide; confectionery and chocolate scientists in industry and academia; students and practising food scientists and technologists; nutritionists and other health professionals; and libraries of institutions where agriculture, food science and nutrition is studied and researched.


48Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2 Volumes38820.64Группа авторов 9781119154075

Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2 Volumes
The first comprehensive review of the current and future effects of climate change on the world’s fisheries and aquaculture operations The first book of its kind, Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture explores the impacts of climate change on global fisheries resources and on marine aquaculture. It also offers expert suggestions on possible adaptations to reduce those impacts. The world's climate is changing more rapidly than scientists had envisioned just a few years ago, and the potential impact of climate change on world food production is quite alarming. Nowhere is the sense of alarm more keenly felt than among those who study the warming of the world's oceans. Evidence of the dire effects of climate change on fisheries and fish farming has now mounted to such an extent that the need for a book such as this has become urgent. A landmark publication devoted exclusively to how climate change is affecting and is likely to affect commercially vital fisheries and aquaculture operations globally, Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture provides scientists and fishery managers with a summary of and reference point for information on the subject which has been gathered thus far. Covers an array of critical topics and assesses reviews of climate change impacts on fisheries and aquaculture from many countries, including Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, Chile, US, UK, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, India and others Features chapters on the effects of climate change on pelagic species, cod, lobsters, plankton, macroalgae, seagrasses and coral reefs Reviews the spread of diseases, economic and social impacts, marine aquaculture and adaptation in aquaculture under climate change Includes special reports on the Antarctic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Arctic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea Extensive references throughout the book make this volume both a comprehensive text for general study and a reference/guide to further research for fisheries scientists, fisheries managers, aquaculture personnel, climate change specialists, aquatic invertebrate and vertebrate biologists, physiologists, marine biologists, economists, environmentalist biologists and planners.


49Clinical Nutrition in Practice7457.54Группа авторов 9781444325003

Clinical Nutrition in Practice
An easy-to-use book with questions on clinical nutrition clearly posed and answers based on real-life studies, this is a ready reference for the busy healthcare professional. Clinical Nutrition in Practice opens with introductory chapters on the basis of healthy nutrition, malnutrition and nutritional assessment. These are followed by chapters addressing the nutritional needs of patients with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid and neurologic disorders, as well as diseases of various organ systems, such as the GI tract, renal and pulmonary systems. Special attention is given to describing nutrition in cancer patients and those with HIV/AIDS and the book concludes with a discussion of enteral and parenteral nutrition. Nutritionists, dietitians and other health professionals working with patients with impaired nutrition or special nutritional requirements, such as diabetologists, endocrinologists (especially those treating obesity), cardiologists and oncologists will find this a refreshing approach to an important subject. Nurses, medical students and those working in the food industry will also find this a handy guide. Easy-to-follow style with questions clearly posed and answers based on real-life case studies Outlines the basics of healthy nutrition, malnutrition and nutritional assessment Detailed consideration of the nutritional needs of patients with a variety of chronic diseases, e.g. cardiovascular or rheumatoid disorders, cancer and HIV/AIDS Uses an interesting contemporary approach that health professionals will find a refreshing change


50Clostridial Diseases of Animals15791.04Группа авторов 9781118728307

Clostridial Diseases of Animals
Clostridial Diseases of Animals is the first book to focus on clostridial diseases in domestic and wild animals, offering a comprehensive reference on these common diseases. Provides a single resource for all aspects of clostridial diseases Presents current, comprehensive information with a focus on clinical relevance Covers each disease in depth, including etiology, epidemiology, clinics, gross pathology, histopathology, diagnostics, diagnostic criteria, prophylaxis, control, and treatment Written by the world-leading experts in the field of clostridial diseases in animals Offers photographs and summary tables to support the concepts discussed in the text and aid in recognition


51Coffee24313.95Группа авторов 9781119949862

Coffee: Emerging Health Benefits and Disease Prevention presents a comprehensive overview of the recent scientific advances in the field. The book focuses on the following topics: coffee constituents; pro- and antioxidant properties of coffee constituents; bioavailability of coffee constituents; health benefits and disease prevention effects of coffee; and potential negative impacts on health. Multiple chapters describe coffee's positive impact on health and various diseases: type 2 diabetes; neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's and Alzheimer's); cancer (prostate, bladder, pancreatic, breast, ovarian, colon and colorectal); cardiovascular health; and liver health. Coffee's positive effects on mood, suicide rate and cognitive performance are addressed as are the negative health impacts of coffee on pregnancy, insulin sensitivity, dehydration, gastric irritation, anxiety, and withdrawal syndrome issues. Written by many of the top researchers in the world, Coffee: Emerging Health Benefits and Disease Prevention is a must-have reference for food professionals in academia, industry, and governmental and regulatory agencies whose work involves coffee.


52Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes18501.8Josep Lloret 9781118752791

Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes
This important and informative new book outlines and discusses details of the basic principles and methods that are central to any study of fish condition, from a fish ecology and fisheries biology perspective. Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes describes the potential capacities of condition indicators, providing examples showing the use of these indicators to solve practical problems in connection with fish ecology and fisheries research. By focusing on wild fish populations, the book complements the increasing number of scientific works that are contributing to show how fish condition studies are key to reveal problems in marine aquaculture, the effects of pollution, fish disease, and the importance of fish in human nutrition and medicine. Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of fish condition that will assist advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and professionals, working in marine ecology and biology, fisheries biology, environmental sciences and fish pathology. All universities and research establishments where biological and environmental sciences, fisheries and aquaculture are studied and taught should have copies of this book on their shelves.


53Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering26509.78Ferenc A. Mohos 9781118939765

Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering
Confectionery and chocolate manufacture has been dominated by large-scale industrial processing for several decades. It is often the case though, that a trial and error approach is applied to the development of new products and processes, rather than verified scientific principles. Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering: Principles and Applications, Second edition, adds to information presented in the first edition on essential topics such as food safety, quality assurance, sweets for special nutritional purposes, artizan chocolate, and confectioneries. In addition, information is provided on the fading memory of viscoelastic fluids, which are briefly discussed in terms of fractional calculus, and gelation as a second order phase transition. Chemical operations such as inversion, caramelization, and the Maillard reaction, as well as the complex operations including conching, drying, frying, baking, and roasting used in confectionery manufacture are also described. This book provides food engineers, scientists, technologists and students in research, industry, and food and chemical engineering-related courses with a scientific, theoretical description and analysis of confectionery manufacturing, opening up new possibilities for process and product improvement, relating to increased efficiency of operations, the use of new materials, and new applications for traditional raw materials.


54Continuity Model Generation3373.65Justin B. Craig 9781119759294
55Control of Salmonella and Other Bacterial Pathogens in Low-Moisture Foods20869.27Группа авторов 9781119071068

Control of Salmonella and Other Bacterial Pathogens in Low-Moisture Foods
The first and only comprehensive reference/solutions manual for managing food safety in low-moisture foods The first book devoted to an increasingly critical public health issue, Control of Salmonella and Other Bacterial Pathogens in Low-Moisture Foods reviews the current state of the science on the prevalence and persistence of bacterial pathogens in low-moisture foods and describes proven techniques for preventing food contamination for manufacturers who produce those foods. Many pathogens, such as Salmonella, due to their enhanced thermal resistance in dry environments, can survive the drying process and may persist for prolonged periods in low-moisture foods, especially when stored in refrigerated environments. Bacterial contamination of low-moisture foods, such as peanut butter, present a vexing challenge to food safety, and especially now, in the wake of widely publicized food safety related events, food processors urgently need up-to-date, practical information on proven measures for containing the risk of contamination. While much has been written on the subject, until now it was scattered throughout the world literature in scientific and industry journals. The need for a comprehensive treatment of the subject has never been greater, and now this book satisfies that need. Discusses a wide variety of foods and evaluates multiple processing platforms from the standpoint of process validation of all food safety objectives for finished food products Takes a practical approach integrating the latest scientific and technological advances in a handy working resource Presents all known sources and risk factors for pathogenic bacteria of concern in the manufacturing environment for low-moisture/water activity products Characterizes the persistence and thermal resistance of bacterial pathogens in both the environment and most low-moisture food products Control of Salmonella and Other Bacterial Pathogens in Low-Moisture Foods is a much-needed resource for food microbiologists and food industry scientists, as well as managers and executives in companies that produce and use low-moisture foods. It also belongs on the reference shelves of food safety regulatory agencies worldwide.


56Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems14169.32Neil A. Duffie 9781119862857

Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems
Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems Apply the fundamental tools of linear control theory to model, analyze, design, and understand the behavior of dynamic production systems In Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems: Time and Frequency Methods for Analysis and Design, distinguished manufacturing engineer Dr. Neil A. Duffie delivers a comprehensive explanation of how core concepts of control theorical analysis and design can be applied to production systems. Time-based perspectives on response to turbulence are augmented by frequency-based perspectives, fostering new understanding and guiding design of decision-making. The time delays intrinsic to decision making and decision implementation in production systems are addressed throughout. Readers will discover methods for calculating time response and frequency response, modeling using transfer functions, assessing stability, and design of decision making for closed-loop production systems. The author has included real-world examples emphasizing the different components of production systems and illustrating how practical results can be quickly obtained using straightforward Matlab programs (which can easily be translated to other platforms). Avoiding unnecessary theoretical jargon, this book fosters an in-depth understanding of key tools of control system engineering. It offers: A thorough introduction to core control theoretical concepts of analysis and design of dynamic production systems Comprehensive and integrated explorations of continuous-time and discrete-time models of production systems, employing transfer functions and block diagrams Practical discussions of time response, frequency response, fundamental dynamic behavior, closed-loop production systems, and the design of decision-making In-depth examples of the analysis and design of complex dynamic behavior requiring approaches such as matrices of transfer functions and modeling of multiple sampling rates Perfect for production, manufacturing, industrial, and control system engineers, Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems will also earn a place in the libraries of students taking advanced courses on industrial system digitalization, dynamics, and design.


57Correspondence Analysis10766.08Eric J. Beh 9781118762899

Correspondence Analysis
A comprehensive overview of the internationalisation of correspondence analysis Correspondence Analysis: Theory, Practice and New Strategies examines the key issues of correspondence analysis, and discusses the new advances that have been made over the last 20 years. The main focus of this book is to provide a comprehensive discussion of some of the key technical and practical aspects of correspondence analysis, and to demonstrate how they may be put to use. Particular attention is given to the history and mathematical links of the developments made. These links include not just those major contributions made by researchers in Europe (which is where much of the attention surrounding correspondence analysis has focused) but also the important contributions made by researchers in other parts of the world. Key features include: A comprehensive international perspective on the key developments of correspondence analysis. Discussion of correspondence analysis for nominal and ordinal categorical data. Discussion of correspondence analysis of contingency tables with varying association structures (symmetric and non-symmetric relationship between two or more categorical variables). Extensive treatment of many of the members of the correspondence analysis family for two-way, three-way and multiple contingency tables. Correspondence Analysis offers a comprehensive and detailed overview of this topic which will be of value to academics, postgraduate students and researchers wanting a better understanding of correspondence analysis. Readers interested in the historical development, internationalisation and diverse applicability of correspondence analysis will also find much to enjoy in this book.


58Cybersecurity For Dummies2535.17Joseph Steinberg 9781119867197
59Death of a Traveller6523.37Didier Fassin 9781509548071
60Dental Implant Complications21046.83Группа авторов 9781118976487

Dental Implant Complications
Dental implants have become one of the most popular and rapidly growing techniques for replacing missing teeth. While their predictability, functionality, and durability make them an attractive option for patients and clinicians alike, complications can arise at any stage from patient assessment to maintenance therapy. Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment, Second Edition, updates and expands the hallmark first edition, which was the first comprehensive reference designed to provide clinicians of all skill levels with practical instruction grounded in evidence-based research. Featuring cases from a variety of dental specialties, the book covers the most commonly occurring implant complications as well as the unique. Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment, Second Edition, is organized sequentially, guiding the reader through complications associated with the diagnosis, treatment planning, placement, restoration, and maintenance of implants at any stage. Complications associated with various bone augmentation and sinus lift procedures are also discussed in detail with emphasis on their etiology and prevention. Each chapter utilizes a highly illustrated and user-friendly format to showcase key pedagogical features, including a list of “take home tips” summarizing the fundamental points of each chapter. New chapters include discussions of complications from drug prescribing, implant naturalization, cemented restorations, loose implant restoration syndrome, and craniofacial growth. Readers will also find more case presentations to see how complications have been managed in real-world situations. Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment, Second Edition, brings together contributions from leading experts in the field under the superior editorship of Dr. Stuart Froum. With its pragmatic approach to preventing and managing implant complications, this expertly crafted text continues to serve as an indispensable clinical reference and guide for all dentists placing or restoring implants.


61Dictionary of Flavors23313.69Dolf De Rovira, Sr. 9781118856437

Dictionary of Flavors
The third edition of this highly popular scientific reference continues to provide a unique approach to flavors, flavor chemistry and natural products. Dictionary of Flavors features entries on all flavor ingredients granted G.R.A.S. status, compounds used in the formulation of food flavors, and related food science and technology terms. Allergies and intolerances are addressed, along with strategies to avoid allergenic compounds. This latest edition has been fully updated to reflect new ingredients available on the market, as well as developments in safety standards and the international regulatory arena. Dolf De Rovira applies his extensive experience to make this the most comprehensive guide to flavors available.


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