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Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Cold War Icon, Gulag Author, Russian Nationalist?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Cold War Icon, Gulag Author, Russian Nationalist?

Автор: Elisa Kriza

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was one of the Cold War's most iconic writers. This book offers an in-depth analysis of his reception in the US, UK, and Germany before and after 1991. Elisa Kriza skillfully explores how Solzhenitsyn's work can be understood with the paradigm of witness literature and uncovers the dynamics behind the politicized reception of his writing.

From the mid-1980s onwards, Solzhenitsyn's popularity dwindled—was this for ideological reasons? What about the rumors linking him with Russian nationalism? This study does not shy away from stretching beyond anti-communism and touching more contentious subjects—such as anti-feminism, anti-Semitism, and revisionism—in Solzhenitsyn's work and reception.

Bringing Solzhenitsyn back from his 'critical exile' and redefining his work as memory culture, Kriza's book is a crucial scholarly intervention, unveiling the mechanism that can transform a controversial figure into a moral icon.

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783838266893


Alice in Wonderland. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Alice in Wonderland. Книга для чтения на английском языке

Автор: Льюис Кэрролл

«Алиса» для тех, кто учит английский язык или просто любит читать книги в оригинале. Суть наших книг – частичный перевод текста на русский язык и его комментарии от преподавателя английского языка Романа Зинзера. Оригинальный текст, рекомендуемый уровень знания английского языка – не ниже Pre-Intermediate.

Цена: 99.9 руб.
Год: 2020


Alice in wonderland. Through the looking-glass. Алиса в стране чудес. Алиса в зазеркалье
Alice in wonderland. Through the looking-glass. Алиса в стране чудес. Алиса в зазеркалье

Автор: Льюис Кэрролл

В книге представлены известные сказки Л. Кэрролла «Путешествие Алисы в Стране чудес» и «Сквозь зеркало, и Что там нашла Алиса». Оба произведения даны на языке оригинала. Знакомство с оригиналами творений классиков зарубежной литературы, науки, искусства поможет сегодняшним студентам составить более точное представление о неповторимой стилистике каждого автора, а также расширит словарный запас, знания об истории языка, фразеологии.

Серия: Читаем в оригинале

Цена: 589 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 9785534053319


All in the Mind
All in the Mind

Автор: Adrian Furnham

All in the Mind: Psychology for the Curious, Third Edition covers important, topical, and sometimes controversial subjects in the field of Psychology in an engaging alternative or supplement to traditional student textbooks. The third edition of a successful and uniquely readable textbook – includes more than two thirds brand new material, with all retained material thoroughly revised and updated. All in the Mind, 3rd Edition offers a new and engaging way to consider key theories and approaches in psychology; providing an original alternative or supplement to traditional teaching textbooks.

Цена: 9742.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119161660


Alles andere als ein Held
Alles andere als ein Held

Автор: Rudolf Lorenzen

Цена: 1873.26 руб.
ISBN: 9783943167894


Allgemeine Weltgeschichte f?r Kinder. T. 3
Allgemeine Weltgeschichte f?r Kinder. T. 3

Автор: Johann Matthias Schr?ckh

Примечание: Всемирная история для детей. Полный вариант заголовка: «Allgemeine Weltgeschichte f?r Kinder. T. 3 : Fortsetzung der neuern Geschichte. Geschichte der Deutschen / von Johann Matthias Schr?ckh».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1781


Allgemeine Weltgeschichte f?r Kinder. T. 4, Abt. 2
Allgemeine Weltgeschichte f?r Kinder. T. 4, Abt. 2

Автор: Johann Matthias Schr?ckh

Примечание: Всемирная история для детей. Полный вариант заголовка: «Allgemeine Weltgeschichte f?r Kinder. T. 4, Abschnitt 2 : Fortsetzung der neuern Geschichte / von Johann Matthias Schr?ckh».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1783


Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems
Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

A comprehensive reference and guide on the usage of the alternative dielectric fluids for transformer insulation systems Liquid-filled transformers are one of the most important and expensive components involved in the transmission and distribution of power to industrial and domestic loads. Although petroleum-based insulating oils have been used in transformers for decades, recent environmental concerns, health and safety considerations, and various technical factors have increased the need for new alternative and biodegradable liquids. Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems is an up-to-date reference and guide on natural and synthetic ester-based biodegradable insulating liquids. Covering the operational behavior, performance analysis, and maintenance of transformers filled with biodegradable insulating liquids, this comprehensive resource helps researchers and utility engineers expand their knowledge of the benefits, challenges, and application of ester-filled transformers. In-depth chapters written by experienced researchers addresses critical topics including transformer condition monitoring, high voltage insulation testing, biodegradable insulating material processing and evaluation, and more. A unique and significant contribution to existing literature on the subject, this authoritative volume: • Covers condition monitoring, diagnostic testing, applications, maintenance, and in-service experiences • Explores current challenges and future prospects of ester-filled transformers • Discusses significant research progress and identifies the topics in need of further emphasis • Compares the differences and similarities between mineral oils and ester liquids • Includes in-depth behavioral observations and performance analysis of ester-based insulating liquids Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems: Performance Analysis and Applications is a must-have reference for utility engineers, electrical power utilities, transformer owners, manufacturers, and researchers.

Цена: 14169.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119800187


Alternative Petersburg. Guide Book
Alternative Petersburg. Guide Book

Автор: Марина Жданова

Hundreds of guidebooks about St. Petersburg begin exactly the same way: «On the 16th of May 1703, Peter the Great… blah blah blah.» Hundreds of marvellous, excellent and comprehensive books… Tell about St. Petersburg like they think they should, like the city’s story is being told for visitors or schoolchildren on an obligatory tour. And at the same time, just like every every city, St. Petersburg has as many different sides as there are passers-by on Nevsky Prospect in the weekend. And in order to get to know a house it is not enough to admire it from the outside – you have to step inside. With the help of this guidebook you will find out about the places that are significant or cult for the Peterburgians. Why are they special? Who knows… Perhaps that’s where the city’s spirit is.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-496-00410-7


Altium Designer. Проектирование функциональных узлов РЭС на печатных платах
Altium Designer. Проектирование функциональных узлов РЭС на печатных платах

Автор: В. Ю. Суходольский

Книга посвящена проектированию радиоэлектронных функциональных узлов в среде Altium Designer. Описаны состав, настройка и основные приемы работы в среде Altium Designer. Подробно освещены вопросы формирования и редактирования электрической схемы, разработки печатной платы, а также трассировки печатного монтажа. Отдельно рассмотрены особенности реализации проекта на основе микросхем ПЛИС. Значительное внимание уделено схемотехническому моделированию. Приведены необходимые сведения о работе с библиотеками, взаимодействии с внешними базами данных, системе контроля версий, а также экспорте результатов. Особенность книги – изложение материала с позиций сквозного проектирования изделия, начиная от создания нового проекта и заканчивая выпуском конструкторской документации по ЕСКД. Для студентов вузов радиоэлектронного профиля, а также разработчиков, использующих Altium Designer.

Серия: Учебное пособие (BHV)

Цена: 295 руб.
Год: 2010
ISBN: 978-5-9775-0542-0


Am Ei erkl?rt
Am Ei erkl?rt

Автор: Gisela L?ck

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Warum ist Eischnee so stabil? Warum muss man beim Zubereiten der Sauce b?arnaise aufpassen, dass sie nicht gerinnt? Es lohnt sich, einen genaueren Blick unter die Eierschale zu werfen und den Geheimnissen des Eis auf die Spur zu kommen. Neben Daten und Fakten zum H?hnerei hat Gisela L?ck Experimente rund ums Ei zusammengestellt, die sich ohne grossen Aufwand realisieren lassen und neue Einsichten in naturwissenschaftliche Zusammenh?nge erm?glichen. Die H?hnerzeichnungen von Peter Gaymann illustrieren den Inhalt auf unterhaltsame Art.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783035512168


Am Fenster
Am Fenster

Автор: City

Mit dem Titel «Am Fenster» erreichte die Band City aus Ost-Berlin, im Jahr 1978, ihren Durchbruch. In der DDR avancierten sie mit diesem Hit innerhalb k?rzester Zeit zur Band mit Kultstatus. Aber auch in der BRD erhielten City, f?r «Am Fenster», die goldene Schallplatte. Diese Ausgabe enth?lt die Klaviernoten im Violin- und Bassschl?ssel, inklusive dem Text.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783737802024


Amerika Prezidentl ri
Amerika Prezidentləri

Автор: Elşən Bayramzadə

Kitab ABŞ-ın prezidentlik institutu, prezidentlərin tərc?meyi-halı və onların siyasi fəaliyyətindən bəhs edir. ABŞ-ın superd?vlətə ?evrilməsində, Konstitusiya və demokratiya prinsiplərinə sadiqlik b?y?k rol oynayıb. Bu prinsiplərin pozulması bəzi prezidentlərin impi?mentinə gətirmişdir. Kitabda bu haqda da geniş məlumat verilmişdir. Əhatəli şəkildə ABŞ-ın siyasi quruluşu və onun birinci şəxslərinin fəaliyyətinə həsr olunmuş, maraqlı faktlar və məlumatlarla zəngin, ill?strasiyalı belə bir kitab Azərbaycan dilində ilk dəfədir nəşr olunur. Kitab geniş oxucu k?tləsi ???n nəzərdə tutulmuşdur.

Цена: 198 руб.
ISBN: 978-9952-8451-1-4


Amokdrohungen und School Shootings
Amokdrohungen und School Shootings

Автор: Armin Himmelrath

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Tausende von Amokdrohungen gab es seit 2005 gegen Schulen in Deutschland, ?sterreich und in der Schweiz – meist inspiriert von School Shootings in den USA und im nicht deutschsprachigen Teil Europas. F?r Schulen und Lehrpersonen ist es oft schwierig, die Bedeutung solcher Drohungen einzusch?tzen, vage Ger?chte von echten Alarmsignalen zu unterscheiden und dann in angemessener Weise aktiv zu werden, ohne entweder zu verharmlosen oder aber in Hysterie zu verfallen. Die Psychologin Sarah Neuh?user und der Bildungsjournalist Armin Himmelrath haben erstmals fl?chendeckend die School-Shooting-Drohungen der letzten Jahre im deutschsprachigen Raum analysiert. Welche Regelm?ssigkeiten gibt es bei denen, die drohen? Was treibt sie an? Wie und was planen sie, wen weihen sie ein? Die Autorin und der Autor zeigen, dass es im Vorfeld h?ufig wiederkehrende Muster gibt, und vermitteln in ihrem Buch das Wissen, das Lehrpersonen brauchen, um sich in Pr?ventionsteams auf konkrete Bedrohungsszenarien an der eigenen Schule vorbereiten zu k?nnen. Das Buch kann als Leitfaden gelesen werden. Seine Botschaft ist klar: Gerade, weil es sich bei School Shootings in aller Regel nicht um spontane Amokl?ufe, sondern um vorbereitete Aktionen handelt, kann rechtzeitig pr?ventiv interveniert werden. Die Chancen fr?hzeitiger Einflussnahme ergreifen und die Spreu vom Weizen trennen – dazu will dieses Buch einen entscheidenden Beitrag leisten.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783035501018


Amor por sorpresa
Amor por sorpresa

Автор: Lourdes Miquel

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783129090626


An Executive Guide to IFRS. Content, Costs and Benefits to Business
An Executive Guide to IFRS. Content, Costs and Benefits to Business

Автор: Peter Walton

A comprehensive and invaluable guide to IFRS which users will find indispensable in correctly applying the complex and onerous requirements of IFRS and IAS. Steve Collings FMAAT FCCA, Leavitt Walmsley Associates and author of Interpretation and Application of International Standards on Auditing International Financial Reporting Standards have been mandatory in the EU since 2005 and are rapidly being adopted by countries throughout the world. In this environment it is increasingly important for managers, executives and CEOs to understand the background of the IFRS and their main requirements. In An Executive Guide to IFRS: Content, Costs and Benefits to Business, Peter Walton provides a concise and accessible guide to the principal features of IFRS, explains why they are useful, looks at their impact on businesses, and provides some of the context to help define their global role. The book is divided into three sections. Part one deals with the convergence process and its costs and benefits, and gives background on the story so far. Part two contains the main technical content of the book and provides an analysis of the main issues under IFRS reporting, including: • The content of financial statements • Investments in other companies • Income Statement and Balance Sheet items • IFRS for SMEs • A comparison with US GAAP Part three covers the creation of the IFRS, provides details of the IASB's standard-setting process, and describes how people outside the IASB can participate in the process and lobby effectively. It also examines the history of the IASB, and includes a chapter based on the author's observation of the standard setters in action. An Executive Guide to IFRS is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand the essentials of International Financial Reporting Standards.

Цена: 4050.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781119974475


An Introduction to Behavior Analysis
An Introduction to Behavior Analysis

Автор: Gregory J. Madden

Цена: 10038.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781119126553


An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation
An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation

Автор: Mark Levene

This book is a second edition, updated and expanded to explain the technologies that help us find information on the web. Search engines and web navigation tools have become ubiquitous in our day to day use of the web as an information source, a tool for commercial transactions and a social computing tool. Moreover, through the mobile web we have access to the web's services when we are on the move. This book demystifies the tools that we use when interacting with the web, and gives the reader a detailed overview of where we are and where we are going in terms of search engine and web navigation technologies.

Цена: 10709.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780470872703


An Introduction to Social Psychology
An Introduction to Social Psychology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 7457.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781119486343


Anger Management For Dummies
Anger Management For Dummies

Автор: Laura Smith L

Your one-stop guide to anger management Anger is a completely normal, healthy human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—at work, in personal relationships, and in the overall quality of life. Anger Management For Dummies provides trusted and authoritative information on anger management methods, skills, and exercises that will help you or a loved one identify sources of anger and release them healthily. Anger has become one of the most intimate issues in today's world – as life, in general, has become increasingly stressful. . Anger Management For Dummies shows you how anger is often a bi-product of other more primitive emotions, such as fear, depression, anxiety, and stress, and arms you with the strategies that can help you conquer them. Inside, you'll discover how to overcome obstacles to change, rethink rage, confront anger head-on with healthier responses, and much more. Features new and updated coverage on road rage, air rage, office rage, and dealing with angry children Introduces you to new cognitive strategies for changing angry thinking Explains the difference between anger and aggression Shows you how to effectively and safely deescalate difficult people and situations With the tools, tips, and strategies provided in this hands-on guide, you'll find everything you need to overcome anger and live a happier, more productive life.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119030034


Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff
Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119618492


Animal Signaling and Function
Animal Signaling and Function

Автор: Группа авторов

The diversity of animal signals has been widely documented, and the generality of animal signals also tantalizingly suggests that there are common mechanisms that have selected for their origin. However, while much progress has been made on some fronts, we still lack a general theory about why the diversity of signaling structures exist. Our compilation will directly address this gap by focusing on an exciting new arena of sexual selection, namely using functional approaches to understand signaling. This approach is rooted in the idea that many signals are designed to transmit important functional imformation that is both important for issues of male quality (and hence male competition), and female choice. The increasing use of technology in sexual selection studies has enabled researchers to test whether signaling is either constrained by, or accurately transmits information about functional capacities. Further, in animals that fight vigorously, functional capacities such as endurance or strength may make the difference between winning and losing. This volume brings together a diverse collection of researchers who are actively investigating how function and signaling are related. These researchers use both a variety of methods and taxa to study animal signaling, and we believe that this integrative view is important to open up fresh vistas for why animal signals have evolved.

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118966617



Автор: Yi Huang

Цена: 11044.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781119092339


Anthropology For Dummies
Anthropology For Dummies

Автор: Cameron M. Smith

Study the science of all of us  Anthropology is the organized study of what makes humans human. It takes an objective step back to view homo sapiens as a species and ask questions like: Given our common characteristics, why aren’t all of us exactly the same? Why do people across the world have variable skin and hair color and so many inventive ways to say hello? And how can knowing the reasons behind our differences—as well as our similarities—teach us useful lessons for the future? The updated edition of  Anthropology For Dummies  gives you a panoramic view of the fascinating fieldwork and theory that seeks to answer these questions—and helps you view the human world through impartial, anthropological eyes.  Keeping the jargon to a minimum,  Anthropology For Dummies  explores the four main subdivisions of the discipline, from the adventurous Indiana Jones territory of archaeology and the hands-on biological insights provided by our physical nature to the studious book-cracking brainwork of cultural and linguistic investigation. Along the way, you’ll journey deep into our prehistory where we begin to differentiate ourselves from our primate relatives—and then fast forward into the possibilities of centuries yet to come.  Explore the history of anthropology and apply its methods Get a deep, scientific take on contemporary debates such as identity Excavate the human past through new fossil discoveries Peer into humanity’s future in space Whether you’re studying anthropology for school or just want to know more about what makes us humans who we are, this is the perfect introduction to humanity’s past and present—and a clue to what we need to build a better future.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119784227


Apple Mac для фотографа
Apple Mac для фотографа

Автор: Александр Ефремов

Новая книга известного московского фотографа Александра Ефремова, члена Гильдии рекламных фотографов, Европейской ассоциации профессиональных фотографов и Союза фотохудожников России, предназначена для фотографов, которые хотят работать или работают на Маках. В книге рассказывается о работе с изображениями в таких программах, как Photo Mechanic, RAW Developer, RAW Photo Processor. Почти половина книги посвящена известной программе Aperture. Также вы сможете прочитать о различных браузерах для просмотра фотографий, о съёмке на компьютер при помощи специальных программ и с помощью iPhone, iPod и iPad, о специальных приложениях для получения фотографий с большой глубиной резкости, о каталогизации фотографий и создании фотоархива. В отдельном разделе рассказывается о создании фотокниг в программе Aperture и о том, как эти книги напечатать.

Серия: Мастера фотографии

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-4461-0204-4


Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python
Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python

Автор: Daniel J. Denis

Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python A practical, “how-to” reference for anyone performing essential statistical analyses and data management tasks in Python Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python delivers a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of statistical methods performed using Python in a single, one-stop reference. The book contains user-friendly guidance and instructions on using Python to run a variety of statistical procedures without getting bogged down in unnecessary theory. Throughout, the author emphasizes a set of computational tools used in the discovery of empirical patterns, as well as several popular statistical analyses and data management tasks that can be immediately applied.Most of the datasets used in the book are small enough to be easily entered into Python manually, though they can also be downloaded for free from www.datapsyc.com. Only minimal knowledge of statistics is assumed, making the book perfect for those seeking an easily accessible toolkit for statistical analysis with Python. Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python represents the fastest way to learn how to analyze data with Python.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A review of essential statistical principles, including types of data, measurement, significance tests, significance levels, and type I and type II errorsAn introduction to Python, exploring how to communicate with PythonA treatment of exploratory data analysis, basic statistics and visual displays, including frequencies and descriptives, q-q plots, box-and-whisker plots, and data managementAn introduction to topics such as ANOVA, MANOVA and discriminant analysis, regression, principal components analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, among others, exploring the nature of what these techniques can vs. cannot do on a methodological levelPerfect for undergraduate and graduate students in the social, behavioral, and natural sciences, Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics Using Python will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers and data analysts seeking a quick go-to resource for univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis in Python.

Цена: 12654.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119578185


Applying Theory to Educational Research
Applying Theory to Educational Research

Автор: Группа авторов

Applying Theory to Educational Research provides educational researchers with an accessible introduction to the process of selecting and applying theories in their work. Offers an innovative and accessible approach to educational research by providing practical examples of the application of theory Gives 'hands-on' accounts for the researcher and practitioner Explains and discusses complex ideas in the light of experience in using and applying them Covers the application of major theorists such as Bourdieu, Foucault, Weber, Derrida, and Vygotsky For beginning researchers, theory can be one of the most stimulating – yet intellectually daunting – aspects of academic work. Applying Theory to Educational Research provides new educational researchers with a uniquely accessible introduction to the process of selecting and applying theories in their own work. Written by a team of leading educationalists writing from the perspective of new researchers, clearly structured chapters introduce individual theorists and their ideas, present their applications and limitations, and provide extensive references and suggestion for further reading. Major theorists such as Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Max Weber, Jacques Derrida, and Lev Vygotsky are included, along with many more recent educational theorists. Throughout the text, helpful hints and signposts are provided to alert readers to the potential pitfalls of applying theory. Innovative and illuminating, Applying Theory to Educational Research offers a wealth of practical insights that will point the way for novice researchers struggling to navigate an often daunting intellectual obstacle course.

Цена: 9600.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781119950851


Aprendiendo a ense?ar
Aprendiendo a ense?ar

Автор: Graciela Edith Ruiz D?az

En este libro encontrar? la teor?a llevada a la pr?ctica sobre algunas formas de ense?ar teniendo en cuenta los modos de aprender. ?Qui?n aprende? ?C?mo ense?o? El neuro-cient?fico Paul MacLane desarroll? el modelo del cerebro triuno. Partiendo del cerebro reptiliano o primitivo se desarroll? sobre ?ste, el cerebro de las emociones, o cerebro l?mbico y por ?ltimo, se suma a los anteriores, el cerebro racional, con la capacidad de pensar y reflexionar, caracter?stico del ser humano. La meta es llegar al cerebro racional, y para ello debemos abrir «las compuertas» tanto del cerebro reptiliano como del cerebro l?mbico, que pueden bloquear el camino del aprendizaje. ?C?mo logramos atravesar esas compuertas? ?C?mo hacer para que el reptiliano «baje la guardia»? ?De qu? manera despertamos al gigante dormido que se halla en el l?mbico? ?C?mo logramos grabar la informaci?n si existen distintas maneras de aprender? Este libro tiene la intenci?n de gestionar nuevas ideas respondiendo estos interrogantes, a partir de teor?as llevadas a la pr?ctica. Lo/a invito a recorrer estas p?ginas para continuar aprendiendo a ense?ar, compartiendo experiencias para alimentarnos mutuamente. La intenci?n es poder revivir los motivos por los cuales estamos en este camino, el de la docencia; observar y observarnos, retomar el «foco» de la tarea docente, revisar lo aprendido, desaprender, animarnos a poner en pr?ctica los nuevos aportes a?n no experimentados volviendo a aprender, guiando a los educandos para que se conviertan en protagonistas de sus aprendizajes. Siempre surgir?n nuevos formatos, nuevas metodolog?as; por ello debemos capacitarnos constantemente, para aprender nuevas formas de ense?ar. P?ngase c?modo/a y a disfrutar de la lectura, con anotador a mano para registrar las nuevas ideas, que con seguridad surgir?n.

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9789878719948


Apuntes De Lat?n
Apuntes De Lat?n

Автор: Ana Gonzalez Martin

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9788468650890


Aquiles y su tigre encadenado
Aquiles y su tigre encadenado

Автор: Gonzalo Alcaide Narvre?n

La semilla estaba sembrada… La inesperada y furtiva experiencia vivida con Alejandro, hab?a puesto a Aquiles frente a la puerta que lo conducir?a a un mundo que, hasta ese momento, le era absolutamente ajeno y desconocido.
Su deseo y la b?squeda de formar una familia junto a Marina, lo llevaran a transitar un estado de voracidad sexual propia del macho semental que busca procrearse y ese sentimiento se confrontar? con la curiosidad y con la inesperada atracci?n que Aquiles comenzar? a sentir por abrir esa puerta.
La distensi?n de las vacaciones en lugares ex?ticos y la interacci?n con parejas que transitan sus vidas de una manera abierta y liberal, lo acercaran cada vez m?s hacia esa puerta que, quiz?, en alg?n momento se anime a abrir.
Solo el temor a un viaje sin retorno y su estructura de macho hetero, mantendr?n encadenado a su tigre interior que ya ha despertado hambriento y deseoso por satisfacer su voracidad.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788468538143


Architectural Graphic Standards
Architectural Graphic Standards

Автор: Keith E. Hedges

The gold-standard design and documentation reference for students Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition condenses key information from the definitive industry reference to provide students with a powerful learning resource. Covering design and documentation for a variety of projects, this book offers extensive visuals backed by expert discussion to prepare students for work in a modern professional practice. This new 12th edition has been significantly updated to provide the latest information on important architectural developments and movements, with detailed coverage of sustainability, economy, technology, and more alongside current building standards and best practices. The companion website features sample curricula, student exercises, and classroom projects to aid the understanding of developing designers, and links to additional resources include professional associations, manufacturers' websites, and architectural articles to help students stay up-to-date as the field continues to evolve. Architectural Graphic Standards is the gold-standard reference for practicing architects, engineers, and builders; this Student Edition introduces key elements in a way that's relevant to the budding designer, along with ancillary materials that facilitate internalization. Delve into the design and documentation process for building materials and elements, as used in today's real-world practice Discover the latest advances in sustainability, digital fabrication, building information modeling, and more Learn the building standards and best practices for a wide variety of architectural details Examine thousands of illustrations, richly detailed graphics, PowerPoint slides, and links to additional resources Simply «knowing» graphic and documentation standards is not enough; future architects and engineers must develop an instinctual understanding and reflexive use of much of this material. Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition provides the depth and breadth of coverage they need, and the expert guidance that will help them succeed.

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119312734


Ardeen – Band 8
Ardeen – Band 8

Автор: Sigrid Kraft

Серия: Ardeen

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783941436336


Assessing and Improving Your Teaching
Assessing and Improving Your Teaching

Автор: Phyllis Blumberg

In order to make appropriate changes to improve your teaching and your students’ learning, first you need to know how you’re teaching now. Figure it out for yourself and invigorate your teaching on your own terms! This practical evidence-based guide promotes excellence in teaching and improved student learning through self-reflection and self-assessment of one’s teaching. Phyllis Blumberg starts by reviewing the current approaches to instructor evaluation and describes their inadequacies. She then presents a new model of assessing teaching that builds upon a broader base of evidence and sources of support. This new model leads to self-assessment rubrics, which are available for download, and the book will guide you in how to use them. The book includes case studies of completed critical reflection rubrics from a variety of disciplines, including the performing and visual arts and the hard sciences, to show how they can be used in different ways and how to explore the richness of the data you’ll uncover.

Цена: 4462.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118419533


Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning

Автор: Sally Goddard Blythe

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice. The package includes tests for children, a developmental movement programme, and information about online access to INPP video training materials. Based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice Expands and revises an INPP manual which has previously only been available to training customers, and which is a foundation stone of the overall INPP approach Places emphasis on children's physical development and how neuro-motor skills provide the foundations for learning success. The package includes batteries of tests for younger and older children, a developmental movement programme This book may be supported and enhanced by INPP video training materials and score sheets, available for download purchase from the INPP website

Цена: 9937.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119945024


Asset Allocation
Asset Allocation

Автор: William Kinlaw

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119817734


ASVAB AFQT For Dummies, with Online Practice Tests
ASVAB AFQT For Dummies, with Online Practice Tests

Автор: Rod Powers

Your mission is an AFQT 99th percentile score – emerge victorious! If you're hoping to enter the military, the ASVAB may be the most important test you'll ever take. Your scores from the AFQT portion of the test determine your placement, and the minimum standards are rising along with increases in enlistment. You need great scores to be an attractive candidate. The AFQT is scored on a percentile basis, so you're competing for rank against a million other potential recruits. If you want to shine, you need to start preparing now. ASVAB AFQT For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the ultimate guide to acing the English and Math sections of the ASVAB. The AFQT score focuses on Word Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge and Arithmetic Reasoning subtest, so you need to buckle down and get up to par. ASVAB AFQT For Dummies has long been the go-to AFQT prep resource, and the Premier version offers you an enhanced prep experience. In addition to the wealth of information in the book, you'll also get access to a host of online content that more closely mimics the actual ASVAB and CAT-ASVAB testing environment. Create your own practice tests to eliminate your weaknesses Expand your vocabulary with interactive flashcards See complete answers and explanations to each question Learn strategies specifically geared toward taking the AFQT Your future in the military starts now. The minute you sit down to take the ASVAB, you're telling recruiters what you're worth. Start preparing now to perform to your full potential. ASVAB AFQT For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your single most valuable resource for AFQT prep. Only you can decide if you're up to the challenge.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118830765


Athletic Scholarships For Dummies
Athletic Scholarships For Dummies

Автор: Pat Britz

Get insider tips on navigating the recruitment process Find the right school, the right program, the right coach, and the most money You're prepared for challenges on the athletic field. But are you prepared for the challenges of winning an athletic scholarship? Let this friendly guide be your coach. It explains what kind of scholarships are out there, how to promote yourself and deal with recruiters, and how to survive possible snags after you've won your scholarship. Discover how to * Get yourself noticed and recruited * Make the most of college visits * Negotiate a contract and make a commitment * Understand redshirting * Know when and how to transfer schools

Цена: 2208.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780471927501


Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Автор: John H. Seinfeld

Expanded and updated with new findings and new features New chapter on Global Climate providing a self-contained treatment of climate forcing, feedbacks, and climate sensitivity New chapter on Atmospheric Organic Aerosols and new treatment of the statistical method of Positive Matrix Factorization Updated treatments of physical meteorology, atmospheric nucleation, aerosol-cloud relationships, chemistry of biogenic hydrocarbons Each topic developed from the fundamental science to the point of application to real-world problems New problems at an introductory level to aid in classroom teaching

Цена: 15779.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781119221166


Attila Kagan of the Huns from the kind of Velsung
Attila Kagan of the Huns from the kind of Velsung

Автор: Сергей Юрьевич Соловьев

The book will not leave anyone indifferent to the history of our country. In this essay, it is consistently proved that the Huns came from Yamal, and this people has repeatedly appeared on the world stage, and moreover, it never disappeared. The Huns were first called the people of the Andronov culture, who reached the Baltic and reached as far as China. It was the Scandinavian sagas that allowed us to explore the history of this people, in the Russian Federation.

Цена: 200 руб.
ISBN: 9785449804464


Aufgreifen, begreifen, angreifen Band 3
Aufgreifen, begreifen, angreifen Band 3

Автор: Rudolf Walther

Wie die beiden Vorg?nger enth?lt auch Band 3 historische Essays (Schwerpunkt franz?sische Zust?nde), Portr?ts gegen das Vergessen (von Adorno ?ber Guy Debord bis hin zum Abb? de Saint-Pierre), ins Grunds?tzliche gehende politische Kommentare jenseits des tagespolitischen Handgemenges sowie Verrisse von Sachb?chern – eine Sammlung aus der 18-j?hrigen T?tigkeit des Autors als Publizist, Kolumnist und Sachbuch-Kritiker. Der Titel ist auch dieses Mal geblieben, einen besseren gibt es f?r Walthers Methode nicht: «Aufgreifen, begreifen, angreifen». Nicht um der blo?en Kritik willen, sondern um durch Aufkl?rung zu mehr Humanit?t zu gelangen.

Серия: Essay-Reihe

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783944369082


Aus dieser schweren Zeit
Aus dieser schweren Zeit

Автор: nne Gr?schler

?nne Gr?schler (1888 – 1982) aus der norddeutschen Kleinstadt Jever entkam dem Holocaust durch den «Transport 222». Dieser f?hrte im Jahr 1944 sogenannte Austauschjuden aus dem Konzentrations­lager Bergen-Belsen in das britische Mandatsgebiet Pal?stina. Die beeindruckende Frau zeichnete unmittelbar nach ihrer Rettung trotz aller Dem?tigungen und Verluste ein differenziertes Bild der nationalsozialistischen ?ra. Sie hat uns ein einzigartiges Dokument hinterlassen.
Themen: die Verfolgung der Juden und die Flucht in die Niederlande, der ?berfall Deutschlands 1940, das verratene Versteck, die Haft im Lager Westerbork, die drohende Deportation nach Auschwitz, die Leiden in Bergen-Belsen und die rettende Zugfahrt in die Freiheit.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783862872282



Автор: Andreas Grassi

In der beruflichen Grundbildung ist es seit einigen Jahren zu einem Paradigmenwechsel gekommen: weg von Inhaltskatalogen, hin zu beruflichen Handlungskompetenzen. Eine der zentralen Herausforderungen des Reformprozesses war und ist die Umsetzung der Kompetenzorientierung. Eine Grundbildung zu revidieren, ist jedoch kein Spaziergang. Was bedeutet die Kompetenzorientierung f?r die Lernorte? Welche Ver?nderungen werden durch die neue Ausrichtung verursacht? Welche Faktoren tragen entscheidend zum Gelingen einer Reform bei? Dieses Buch dokumentiert an einem konkreten Beispiel den Reformprozess vom Auftrag der Organisation der Arbeitswelt ?ber die Umsetzung an den drei Lernorten bis zur Neugestaltung des Qualifikationsverfahrens. Erfolgsfaktoren wie auch Stolpersteine bei der Umsetzung eines neuen Bildungsplans werden praxisnah aufgezeigt.

Серия: hep praxis

Цена: Бесплатно
ISBN: 9783035509076


Az rb. dilind i l n n r b v fars s?zl rinin q sa l? ti
Azərb. dilində işlənən ərəb və fars s?zlərinin qısa l?ğəti

Автор: Коллектив авторов

L?ğətə m?asir Azərbaycan dilində işlənən ərəb və fars mənşəli 5000-dək s?z və s?z birləşməsi daxil edilmişdir. Bunlar g?ndəlik həyatda işlədilən s?z və ifadələr, islamiyyətə aid kəlmələr, həm?inin Azərbaycan şəxs adlarıdır. L?ğətdə ərəb və fars s?zləri Azərbaycan dilində tələff?z edildiyi qaydada – m?asir orfoqrafiya prinsiplərinə uyğun verilmişdir. Kitab orta məktəb şagirdləri və m?əllimləri, tələbələr və geniş oxucu k?tləsi ???n nəzərdə tutulmuşdur.

Цена: 121 руб.
ISBN: 978-9954-9876-5-1


B?dertechnik f?r Betrieb und Ausbildung
B?dertechnik f?r Betrieb und Ausbildung

Автор: Dirk Lindemann

Die 11. Neuauflage 2021 beinhaltet die neueste DIN-Norm und wurde mit aktuellen Fotographien und Zeichnungen versehen.
Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wurden die neuesten Informationen zur Fl?chendesinfektion im Schwimmbad anhand der neuesten Empfehlungen eingearbeitet. Diesem Unterrichtswerk liegen neben den neuesten Regeln, Richtlinien und Normen, die Verordnungen des Bundesinnenministers ?ber die Berufsausbildung zum/zur „Fachangestellten f?r B?derbetriebe“ und ?ber die Pr?fung zum anerkannten Abschluss Gepr?fter Meister/in f?r B?derbetriebe zugrunde. In der Neuauflage wurden Berichtigungen nach dem neuesten Stand der Technik und Erg?nzungen der Fachgebiete computergest?tzte Messwerterfassung, Verfahrenskombination nach DIN 19643, Dosierpumpen und UV-Anlagen vorgenommen. ?ber 500 Abbildungen, davon ca. 10 neue Abbildungen) und Zeichnungen erg?nzen die methodisch und p?dagogisch aufbereiteten Stoffabhandlungen, die mit insgesamt 680 zugeordneten ?bungsaufgaben eine optimale Vorbereitung auf die Zwischen und Abschlusspr?fungen darstellen. Durch die Aktualit?t der bau- und betriebstechnischen Erl?uterungen und Hinweise ist diese Ausgabe auch als Nachschlagwerk f?r alle Ausbilder, B?derbetreiber und Planer von schwimmbadtechnischen Einrichtungen zu empfehlen. Die Farbigkeit vereinfacht das Verst?ndnis von technischen Abbildungen und verbessert damit den didaktischen Standard. Ein Quickfinder wurde am Seitenrand eingerichtet, der nun die farblich unterschiedlichen 12 Kapitel des Fachbuches schneller nachschlagen l?sst.
In den Ebookversionen sind die Inhalts, Index und Querverweise technisch verlinkt, so dass ein schnelles nachschauen technisch optimiert wurde.

Цена: 3944.8 руб.
ISBN: 9783946128243


B?ndnis der Hoffnung - Wendepunkt der Zeiten, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)
B?ndnis der Hoffnung - Wendepunkt der Zeiten, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Sibel Daniel

Исполнители: G?nter Merlau

Цена: 1474.74 руб.
ISBN: 4260158979887


Background Music Office - Soft and Pleasant, Sounds for Work, Stimulating, More Energy and Power, More Balance
Background Music Office - Soft and Pleasant, Sounds for Work, Stimulating, More Energy and Power, More Balance

Автор: Torsten Abrolat

Исполнители: Marlon Lodge

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 4251703516138



Автор: Felix Salten

Als Felix Salten 1923 die Tiergeschichte von Bambi ver?ffentlichte, nannte er sie m Untertitel eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde und er konnte nicht ahnen, dass sein kleines Rehkitz ein Millionenpublikum finden und Generationen von Kinder begeistern w?rde. Walt Disneys Verfilmung im Jahre 1942 ebnete hierf?r den Weg. In seiner Theaterfassung schickt Jan Bodinus die Tiere des Waldes in die Schule zu Meister Eule und erz?hlt uns im Rhythmus der Jahreszeiten, wie Bambi und seine Freunde Stinki, Hoppel, Hopsi und Feline spielerisch mit den Gefahren im Wald umzugehen lernen. Und nat?rlich auch, wozu Freundschaft gut ist und wie sich Bambi gegen den Rothirsch-Rivalen Ronno behaupten kann. Mit zarten Anspielungen aufs Familienleben und die Eigenheiten menschlicher Zeitgenossen entwirft Jan Bodinus ein Waldidyll, in das auch die Gewalt eindringt, wenn schlie?lich zum gro?en Halali geblasen wird. Aber in dieser Fassung f?r kleine und gro?e Kinder ab vier Jahren wird viel gesungen und alles, wirklich alles kommt zu einem guten Ende.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783746747620


Basic Armenian in Dialogues. 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native Armenian Speakers at Home + Audio
Basic Armenian in Dialogues. 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native Armenian Speakers at Home + Audio

Автор: Artsun Akopyan

The teach-yourself book “Basic Armenian in Dialogues: 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native Armenian Speakers at Home + Audio” contains 100 mini-dialogues based on everyday topics. The book consists of the dialogues in English and Armenian, word-for-word transliteration and translation as well as some explanatory notes. Each topic is followed by exercises in the Revision section. The Armenian alphabet is in the last chapter. All the dialogues are available online as audio recordings.

Цена: 80 руб.
ISBN: 9785449831996


Basic English in Dialogues. 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native English Speakers at Home + Audio
Basic English in Dialogues. 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native English Speakers at Home + Audio

Автор: Artsun Akopyan

The English teach-yourself guide “Basic English in Dialogues: 100 Common Questions and Answers Used by Native English Speakers at Home” contains 100 mini-dialogues based on everyday topics.This is a conversational English tutorial for beginners learning English as a second language (ESL) / English as a foreign language (EFL). Teachers can use the handbook to create game situations and make teaching English as a second language more interesting.Audio recordings are available online.

Цена: 80 руб.
ISBN: 9785005070265


Basic Statistics for Social Research
Basic Statistics for Social Research

Автор: Robert A. Hanneman

A core statistics text that emphasizes logical inquiry, not math Basic Statistics for Social Research teaches core general statistical concepts and methods that all social science majors must master to understand (and do) social research. Its use of mathematics and theory are deliberately limited, as the authors focus on the use of concepts and tools of statistics in the analysis of social science data, rather than on the mathematical and computational aspects. Research questions and applications are taken from a wide variety of subfields in sociology, and each chapter is organized around one or more general ideas that are explained at its beginning and then applied in increasing detail in the body of the text. Each chapter contains instructive features to aid students in understanding and mastering the various statistical approaches presented in the book, including: Learning objectives Check quizzes after many sections and an answer key at the end of the chapter Summary Key terms End-of-chapter exercises SPSS exercises (in select chapters) Ancillary materials for both the student and the instructor are available and include a test bank for instructors and downloadable video tutorials for students.

Цена: 9505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781118220559


Be Less Zombie
Be Less Zombie

Автор: Elvin Turner

Цена: 1450.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088246


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