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Be Less Zombie
Be Less Zombie

Автор: Elvin Turner

Цена: 1450.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088246


Becoming a Student-Ready College
Becoming a Student-Ready College

Автор: Nicole Mcdonald

Boost student success by reversing your perspective on college readiness The national conversation asking «Are students college-ready?» concentrates on numerous factors that are beyond higher education's control. Becoming a Student-Ready College flips the college readiness conversation to provide a new perspective on creating institutional value and facilitating student success. Instead of focusing on student preparedness for college (or lack thereof), this book asks the more pragmatic question of what are colleges and universities doing to prepare for the students who are entering their institutions? What must change in an institution's policies, practices, and culture in order to be student-ready? Clear and concise, this book is packed with insightful discussion and practical strategies for achieving your ambitious student success goals. These ideas for redesigning practices and policies provide more than food for thought—they offer a real-world framework for real institutional change. You'll learn: How educators can acknowledge their own biases and assumptions about underserved students in order to allow for change New ways to advance student learning and success How to develop and value student assets and social capital Strategies and approaches for creating a new student-focused culture of leadership at every level To truly become student-ready, educators must make difficult decisions, face the pressures of accountability, and address their preconceived notions about student success head-on. Becoming a Student-Ready College provides a reality check based on today's higher education environment.

Цена: 4048.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781119119531


Begegnungen mit der Wirklichkeit (E-Book)
Begegnungen mit der Wirklichkeit (E-Book)

Автор: Dorothee Wieser

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Es muss nicht immer das Klassenzimmer sein – auch im Museum, im Wald oder im Zoo kann einiges gelernt werden. Denn hier finden die Begegnungen mit der Wirklichkeit statt. Aber wie k?nnen Sie solche au?erschulischen Lernorte sinnvoll f?r den Unterricht nutzen? Und wie sieht ein offener Unterricht aus, der auch ?ber die schulischen F?chergrenzen hinausreicht?
In diesem Studienbuch werden die theoretischen Grundlagen dargestellt und daraus abgeleitete schul- wie hochschuldidaktische Anregungen vorgebracht. So k?nnen Sie die Herausforderung, passende Lehr-Lern-Formate f?r au?erschulische Lernorte zu gestalten, optimal meistern.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783035516241


Beispielhafte Fragen aus dem Fachgespr?ch der Ausbildereignungspr?fung
Beispielhafte Fragen aus dem Fachgespr?ch der Ausbildereignungspr?fung

Автор: Michael Steffens

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783936137019


Bel canto  калейдоскоп ощущений
Bel canto — калейдоскоп ощущений

Автор: К. И. Плужников

Автор даёт общую характеристику явления bel canto, описывает педагогические воззрения его виднейших представителей: М. А. Дейша-Сионицкой, Ф. В. Литвин, И. П. Прянишникова, А. Ф. Мишуги, Камилло Эверарди, Умберто Мазетти. Книга предназначается для певцов, педагогов по вокалу, студентам специальных учебных заведений, а также тем, кто работает над голосом самостоятельно.

Цена: 436 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-5212-5



Автор: Alfred Broi

Bevor die Genesis-Saga in ihr episches Doppelfinale geht… …kommt der Broi hier einmal ganz anders -
Ben Riley ist Architekt und geschieden … und ein m?rrischer, wortkarger Egoist. Er lebt allein in einer gro?en Wohnung, in die er sich gern zur?ckzieht, um Kontakten und Konflikten aus dem Weg zu gehen. Sie ist seine Festung und er der uneingeschr?nkte Herr darin. Nach einer Phase des Selbstmitleids ist Ben mittlerweile sehr zufrieden mit diesem Leben, das ihm Kontinuit?t und Sicherheit gibt. Bis zu dem Tag, an dem sein Kollege und eigentlich einziger Freund Derek Foreman, vollkommen aufgel?st vor der T?r steht. Obwohl sein Inneres Ich ihm sagt, er solle ihn wieder wegschicken, l?sst er ihn ein – ohne zu ahnen, dass sich sein Leben dadurch grundlegend ?ndern wird. Jetzt muss er reden, wird nach seiner Meinung gefragt, soll Ratschl?ge geben und die Probleme seines Freundes auch noch verstehen! Und nicht nur das: Auch seine ungeliebte Chefin Allyson benimmt sich pl?tzlich vollkommen merkw?rdig. Und als ob all das noch nicht reicht, versucht seine Exfrau Sophia offensichtlich, ihn wieder einmal schamlos zu manipulieren. Und so findet sich Ben nicht entspannt auf seiner Couch wieder, sondern mittendrin in genau dem chaotischen Wirrwarr, dem er eigentlich entsagt hatte: Dem Leben!
Ben…ist ein am?santer, bunter Blick auf das Leben voller ?berraschungen und Windungen – direkt, offen und…wie gewohnt…tabulos, dabei aber immer ehrlich und echt…jedoch auch mit einem geh?rigen Augenzwinkern…

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783752933406


Berufsabschluss f?r Erwachsene in der Schweiz
Berufsabschluss f?r Erwachsene in der Schweiz

Автор: Markus M?urer

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
In der Schweiz sind mehr als eine halbe Million Erwachsene gering qualifiziert oder haben keinen zeitgem?ssen Abschluss. Es existieren nur wenige Angebote, um einen Abschluss nachzuholen oder bereits erworbene Kompetenzen anerkennen zu lassen. Dies verwundert insofern, als die Berufsbildung f?r Erwachsene auf der bildungs- wie sozialpolitischen Agenda steht. Sie gilt als Instrument zur Linderung des Fachkr?ftemangels und als Mittel zur Armutspr?vention und -bek?mpfung.
Autorin und Autoren dieses Buches analysieren bestehende und pr?sentieren neue Vorschl?ge, wie die berufliche Grundbildung vermehrt auf Erwachsene ausgerichtet werden kann. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Abschl?ssen der formalen beruflichen Grundbildung (EFZ/EBA) in der Schweiz, doch werden auch nichtformale Abschl?sse in die Analyse einbezogen. In einem separaten Kapitel werden Erfahrungen aus Deutschland, ?sterreich, Frankreich und Schweden diskutiert.

Серия: hep praxis

Цена: 2761.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783035503548


Berufsbildung in der Schweiz - Gesichter und Geschichten
Berufsbildung in der Schweiz - Gesichter und Geschichten

Автор: Christoph Gassmann

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Die Berufsbildung steht mehr als auch schon im Fokus der ?ffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. In einigen Branchen droht ein Fachkr?ftemangel – oder er ist schon Tatsache. Nach Jahren der Lehrstellenknappheit kommen den Betrieben vor allem leistungsstarke Jugendliche abhanden. Viele entscheiden sich f?r den gymnasialen Weg. Dabei wird das duale System der Schweiz oft ?ber allen Klee gelobt: Ihm verdanke das Land seine tiefe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. Einige vermuten darin sogar ein Rezept, das weltweit wirtschaftliche Probleme l?sen k?nnte, und m?chten es deshalb exportieren. In all den Debatten kommen die eigentlichen Helden der Berufsbildung, die das System in erster Linie tragen, kaum zu Wort: die Lehrpersonen und Ausbildner/-innen. Insofern betritt die Publikation unbekanntes Territorium: 16 Berufsbildungs- Profis reden im pers?nlichen Gespr?ch ?ber ihren Werdegang, ihren Ausbildungsalltag, ihre Positionen, Visionen und Tr?ume. Vertreten sind alle drei Lernorte: die Betriebe, vom Kleingewerbe bis zum internationalen Konzern, der schulische Bereich, von der Berufsfachschule bis zur Fachhochschule, aber auch der «dritte Lernort», die Ausbildungs- und Kurszentren. Das Spektrum der angesprochenen Berufe reicht vom Kaufm?nnischen und Verkauf ?ber die Maler/-in oder Gipser/-in, die Berufe der Maschinen-, Elektronik- und Metallindustrie und der Pharmabranche bis zur Pflegefachperson und Hebamme.

Исполнители: Анна Сказко

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9783035502763


Betreuung selbst?ndigen Lernens im Sportunterricht
Betreuung selbst?ndigen Lernens im Sportunterricht

Автор: Jonas Wibowo

Die vorgelegte Arbeit umfasst einen Forschungsbericht, der seinen Ausgangspunkt in der Fra-gestellung nimmt, wie Lehrkr?fte selbst?ndige Arbeitsprozesse von Sch?lern1 im Sportunter-richt betreuen. Gesucht wurden Strukturen, die das Lehrerhandeln systematisieren und Zusammenh?nge zwischen Lehrer- und Sch?lerhandeln aufzeigen. Die Fragestellung ergibt sich aus einem komplexen Herausforderungsprofil f?r Lehrkr?fte im Kontext der Betreuung selbst?ndigen Lernens im Sportunterricht. Einerseits soll die Sportlehr-kraft Sch?lern helfen fachliche Fortschritte zu machen, indem die Sch?ler bewegungsbezo-gene Problemstellungen l?sen, andererseits sollen diese Problemstellungen so gel?st werden, dass die Sch?ler so viel Verantwortung wie m?glich f?r ihren eigenen Lernprozess ?bernehmen – sie also m?glichst selbst?ndig agieren. Solche Forderungen – wie auch weitere z.B. nach einer demokratieorientierten Einbettung von Sportunterricht – leiten sich aus Anspr?chen eines erziehenden Sportunterrichts ab wie ihn bspw. Prohl formuliert (Prohl, 2010). Als Antwort auf diesen Fragehorizont und Ergebnis der Untersuchung wird eine Systematik vorgestellt, die das Lehrerhandeln hinsichtlich seiner Adaption an die Probleml?seprozesse der Sch?ler und an das Verantwortungs?bernahmepotential der Sch?ler kategorisiert. Gemes-sen an den beiden oben genannten Zielen von Sportunterricht – fachlicher Fortschritt und Verantwortungs?bernahme der Sch?ler – wird angenommen, dass adaptiertes Verhalten der Lehrkraft dazu f?hrt, dass erstens Sch?ler gr??ere Fortschritte in ihrem Probleml?seprozess erzielen und zweitens soviel Verantwortung f?r ihren Lernprozess ?bernehmen wie es ihnen zu diesem Zeitpunkt m?glich ist.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783737575867


Bettina in der Bahn, auf dem Tisch und Bettina f?r alle
Bettina in der Bahn, auf dem Tisch und Bettina f?r alle

Автор: Annett Lesall

Серия: Erotik Short Stories

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9783955018863


Beyond Foundations
Beyond Foundations

Автор: Группа авторов

Sharpen advising expertise by exploring critical issues affecting the field Beyond Foundations, a core resource for experienced academic advisors, gives practitioners insight into important issues affecting academic advising. In addition to gaining understanding of foundational concepts and pressing concerns, master advisors engage with case studies to clarify their roles as educators of students, as thought leaders in institutions, and as advocates for the profession. Pillar documents—the NACADA Core Values, NACADA Concept of Academic Advising, and CAS Standards—serve as sources of both information and inspiration for those seeking to improve advising. New strategies inform advisors helping a diverse student population delineate meaningful educational goals. Each chapter prompts productive discussions with fellow advisors interested in cultivating advising excellence. To promote advisor influence in higher education, experienced contributors explain new trends—including the impact of external forces and legal issues on postsecondary institutions—and the evolution of advising as a profession and a field of inquiry. Expert insight and practical focus contribute to the development of experienced advisors. Use existing resources in new ways to master advising roles and encourage student success Apply theory to advance advising practice Create and optimize professional development opportunities Establish recognition for the contributions of academic advisors to the institution and higher education Face challenges created by the changing higher education landscape Advisors must meet the expectations of students, parents, faculty members, administrators, and outside agencies, all while navigating an increasingly complex range of issues presented by a student population unlike any that has come before. Beyond Foundations provides the insight and clarity advisors need to help students achieve their educational goals and to advance the field.

Цена: 5575.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781118923085


Beyond the Bubble Test
Beyond the Bubble Test

Автор: Linda Darling-Hammond

Performance assessment is a hot topic in school systems, and educators continue to analyze its costs, benefits, and feasibility as a replacement for high-stakes testing. Until now, researchers and policymakers have had to dig to find out what we know and what we still have to learn about performance assessment. Beyond the Bubble Test: How Performance Assessments Support 21st Century Learning synthesizes the latest findings in the field, and not a moment too soon. Statistics indicate that the United States is in danger of falling behind if it fails to adapt to our changing world. The memory and recall strategies of traditional testing are no longer adequate to equip our students with the skills they need to excel in the global economy. Instead teachers need to engage students in deeper learning, assessing their ability to use higher-order skills. Skills like synthesizing information, understanding evidence, and critical problem-solving are not achieved when we teach to multiple-choice exams. Examples in Beyond the Bubble Test paint a useful picture of how schools can begin to supplement traditional tests with something that works better. This book provides new perspectives on current performance assessment research, plus an incisive look at what’s possible at the local and state levels. Linda Darling-Hammond, with a team of leading scholars, bring together lessons learned, new directions, and solid recommendations into a single, readily accessible compendium. Beyond the Bubble Test situates the current debate on performance assessment within the context of testing in the United States. This comprehensive resource also looks beyond our U.S. borders to Singapore, Hong Kong, and other places whose reform-mindedness can serve as an example to us.

Цена: 3740.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118889329


Bibi Blocksberg - Bibi und Herr Fu
Bibi Blocksberg - Bibi und Herr Fu

Автор: Doris Riedl

Bibi und Herr Fu
Was f?r ein Ereignis! Auf dem Futuristenkongress in Neustadt soll der Roboterhund Herr Fu vorgestellt werden. Da d?rfen Bibi und Florian nat?rlich nicht fehlen. Doch als es soweit ist, ist der Hund verschwunden. Bibi entdeckt ihn und Herr Fu gesteht, dass er f?rchterliche Angst hat, von seinen beiden chinesischen Erfindern auf den Mars geschossen zu werden. Es beginnt eine turbulente Flucht. Bibi beschlie?t, Herrn Fu in Manias altem Schuppen zu verstecken. Nat?rlich dauert es nicht lange, bis die Althexe den Roboterhund entdeckt. Wider Erwarten ist die altmodische Hexe von dem futuristischen Hund begeistert. Aber wird sie Bibi und Herrn Fu bei seiner Flucht vor den Wissenschaftlern helfen? Und was ist mit seiner Angst vor Au?erirdischen?

Серия: Bibi Blocksberg

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783959180269


Bio-Based Plastics
Bio-Based Plastics

Автор: Группа авторов

The field of bio-based plastics has developed significantly in the last 10 years and there is increasing pressure on industries to shift existing materials production from petrochemicals to renewables. Bio-based Plastics presents an up-to-date overview of the basic and applied aspects of bioplastics, focusing primarily on thermoplastic polymers for material use. Emphasizing materials currently in use or with significant potential for future applications, this book looks at the most important biopolymer classes such as polysaccharides, lignin, proteins and polyhydroxyalkanoates as raw materials for bio-based plastics, as well as materials derived from bio-based monomers like lipids, poly(lactic acid), polyesters, polyamides and polyolefines. Detailed consideration is also given to the market and availability of renewable raw materials, the importance of bio-based content and the aspect of biodegradability. Topics covered include: Starch Cellulose and cellulose acetate Materials based on chitin and chitosan Lignin matrix composites from natural resources Polyhydroxyalkanoates Poly(lactic acid) Polyesters, Polyamides and Polyolefins from biomass derived monomers Protein-based plastics Bio-based Plastics is a valuable resource for academic and industrial researchers who are interested in new materials, renewable resources, sustainability and polymerization technology. It will also prove useful for advanced students interested in the development of bio-based products and materials, green and sustainable chemistry, polymer chemistry and materials science. For more information on the Wiley Series in Renewable Resources, visit www.wiley.com/go/rrs

Цена: 17986.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118676783



Автор: Группа авторов

The new edition of the classic collection of key readings in bioethics, fully updated to reflect the latest developments and main issues in the field   For more than two decades, Bioethics: An Anthology has been widely regarded as the definitive single-volume compendium of seminal readings on both traditional and cutting-edge ethical issues in biology and medicine. Acclaimed for its scope and depth of coverage, this landmark work brings together compelling writings by internationally-renowned bioethicist to help readers develop a thorough understanding of the central ideas, critical issues, and current debate in the field. Now fully revised and updated, the fourth edition contains a wealth of new content on ethical questions and controversies related to the COVID-19 pandemic, advances in CRISPR gene editing technology, physician-assisted death, public health and vaccinations, transgender children, medical aid in dying, the morality of ending the lives of newborns, and much more. Throughout the new edition, carefully selected essays explore a wide range of topics and offer diverse perspectives that underscore the interdisciplinary nature of bioethical study. Edited by two of the field’s most respected scholars,  Bioethics: An Anthology: Covers an unparalleled range of thematically-organized topics in a single volume Discusses recent high-profile cases, debates, and ethical issues Features three brand-new sections: Conscientious Objection, Academic Freedom and Research, and Disability Contains new essays on topics such as brain death, life and death decisions for the critically ill, experiments on humans and animals, neuroethics, and the use of drugs to ease the pain of unrequited love Includes a detailed index that allows the reader to easily find terms and topics of interest Bioethics: An Anthology, Fourth Edition  remains a must-have resource for all students, lecturers, and researchers studying the ethical implications of the health-related life sciences, and an invaluable reference for doctors, nurses, and other professionals working in health care and the biomedical sciences.

Цена: 5484.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119635154



Автор: Bernd Hill

Der dritte Band der Reihe stellt die Leichtbauprinzipien der Natur vor und gibt dar?ber Auskunft, wie bei biologischen Konstruktionen mit einem Minimum an Biomaterial ein Maximum an Stabilit?t erreicht werden kann. Vorgestellt werden dabei unter anderem nat?rliche Leichtbauprofile, Prinzipien der Verbundstabilisierung sowie interessante Faltprinzipien und ihre technischen Anwendungen. Methoden des Forschens, Entdeckens und Erfindens f?rdern am Leseinhalt die eigene Kreativit?t und regen zum Konstruieren, Basteln und Bauen einfacher Modelle an. Mit Hilfe spannender Experimente zum Leichtbau k?nnen die angefertigten Modelle getestet und selbstst?ndig Erkenntnisse gewonnen werden.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783944575063


Biophysical Methods for Biotherapeutics
Biophysical Methods for Biotherapeutics

Автор: Группа авторов

With a focus on practical applications of biophysical techniques, this book links fundamental biophysics to the process of biopharmaceutical development. • Helps formulation and analytical scientists in pharma and biotech better understand and use biophysical methods • Chapters organized according to the sequential nature of the drug development process • Helps formulation, analytical, and bioanalytical scientists in pharma and biotech better understand and usestrengths and limitations of biophysical methods • Explains how to use biophysical methods, the information obtained, and what needs to be presented in a regulatory filing, assess impact on quality and immunogenicity • With a focus on practical applications of biophysical techniques, this book links fundamental biophysics to the process of biopharmaceutical development.

Цена: 13589.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118354674


Bitters??er Mord - Poison Bakery-Reihe - Ein britischer Cosy Crime, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)
Bitters??er Mord - Poison Bakery-Reihe - Ein britischer Cosy Crime, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Stefan S. Kassner

Исполнители: Anja Kalischke-B?uerle

Цена: 488.29 руб.
ISBN: 9783987783654


Blackwell s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion

Автор: Группа авторов

The newly revised Third Edition of  Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dentistry  delivers an expertly edited quick-reference guide to all aspects of small animal dentistry. The book comprehensively describes new technologies and techniques as well as updated classifications and terminology. Readers will enjoy fast access to basic knowledge and detailed instructions for a wide variety of techniques in small animal dentistry.  Newer technologies, like digital radiographs and advanced images, and newer techniques, like regional blocks, are combined with the latest in treatment information to provide readers with the most logically organized reference manual in the industry. The book’s companion website offers video clips and client education handouts perfect for use in a busy veterinary practice.  General practitioners will find this book to be a practical and indispensable resource. Readers will also enjoy:  A thorough discussion of small animal dentistry diagnostics, including oral exams and charting, periodontal probing, transillumination, and intraoral radiology and advanced imaging An exploration of small animal dentistry techniques, including dental cleaning, root planing and periodontal pocket therapy, gingival flaps, extraction techniques, and oral pain management Analyses of a wide variety of developmental oral and dental problems, including retained deciduous teeth, dentigerous cysts, and palatal defects Perfect for small animal general veterinary practitioners, veterinary technicians, and veterinary nurses,  Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dentistry  will also earn a place in the libraries of veterinary students who hope to improve their understanding of small animal dentistry with a quick-reference guide containing step-by-step procedures.

Цена: 15175.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119584391


Bleibe Deinem eigenen Weg treu
Bleibe Deinem eigenen Weg treu

Автор: Karlheinz Schudt

Das M?rchen vom Rotk?ppchen ist keinesfalls harmlos, schildert es doch den Weg des Menschen vom Ursprung zu seinen geistigen Wurzeln bzw. dem hohen Ziel. Dass diese geistigen Wurzeln nicht mehr im Bewusstsein und in Vergessenheit geraten sind zeigt, dass gerade die Gro?mutter, die Urmutter alles Urspr?nglichen, nicht mehr im Besitz ihrer Kr?fte ist und dringend neue Nahrung ben?tigt, um wieder zu gesunden und zu wirken. Wie wichtig es dabei ist, seinem ureigenen Weg zu folgen und sich nicht davon abbringen zu lassen, zeigt diese M?rchen-Betrachtung. Sie soll den Leser:innen Anregungen geben, sich selbst immer weiter und tiefer damit zu besch?ftigen und vor allen Dingen das M?rchen von Herzen zu erleben. Diese Betrachtung hat selbstverst?ndlich keinerlei Anspruch auf Vollst?ndigkeit, sie kann aber durchaus den Blickwinkel der Leser:innen auf Dinge richten, die zuvor noch nicht im Bewusstsein waren. Der Autor m?chte in diesem Zusammenhang nochmals besonders darauf hinweisen, wie wichtig es ist, diese erlebnisorientierten M?rchen-Erkundungen von Innen heraus zu vollziehen. Er gibt dazu am Ende jedes Kapitels Empfehlungen, wie dies effektiv, meditativ und individuell getan werden kann.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783969531846


Blown Away
Blown Away

Автор: Rob Biddulph

Come on an unexpected journey with a fearless blue penguin in the most captivating picture book debut of the year! Winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize.             Meet Penguin Blue, in this Waterstones Children's Book Prize winning tale!          It's a windy day, and he has a brand new kite – but where's he going on this maiden flight?          Penguin Blue and his friends go on a gloriously illustrated adventure full of good ideas, homesickness and the perils of kites, from the sparkling new talent Rob Biddulph.

Цена: 190.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780008405144


BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered
BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered

Автор: T. O. Osinowo

Contains over one thousand practice questions – worked examples, quick tests, 2 full BMAT-style sample test papers, and 2 full UKCAT-style sample test papers. With the use of admissions tests becoming an increasingly more common part of the selection process for entrance to medical school, BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the two main tests used by UK medical schools. Written by recent Cambridge graduates, the authors' experience lies in taking these exams themselves and teaching students how to pass them. They combine key strategies for tackling the specific skills tested by the BioMedical Admissions Test and the UK Clinical Aptitude Test, along with practice questions and tests, with worked answers, in the style of the BMAT and UKCAT exams. The simple, informal teaching style, highlighting key practice areas, with the minimal use of jargon, means BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered is an essential tool for all medical school applicants.

Цена: 4190.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781444300482


Book of Colors, Bugs and Goodies. Книга о Цветах, Букашках и Вкусняшках
Book of Colors, Bugs and Goodies. Книга о Цветах, Букашках и Вкусняшках

Автор: Екатерина Сергеевна Волконская

Двенадцать цветных карандашей и двенадцать букашек, много вкусного и не очень.Больше сорока слов на английском языке.Смотрим, обсуждаем, учим и говорим на английском!

Цена: 56 руб.
ISBN: 9785005518316


Br?ste und Schenkel
Br?ste und Schenkel

Автор: Manuel Figl

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783990480526



Автор: Stefan Zweig

mehrbuch-Weltliteratur! eBooks, die nie in Vergessenheit geraten sollten.
Kein Land liebte er mehr als Brasilien. Stefan Zweig bereiste den Staat und war fasziniert von dessen atemberaubender Sch?nheit und der friedlichen Lebensweise, Toleranz und Offenheit seiner Menschen. Mit gro?er Weitsicht sieht er die heutige Lage Brasiliens voraus, indem er aus Fakten der Geschichte Prognosen f?r die Zukunft herleitet, die gegenw?rtig teilweise nicht nur erf?llt, sondern ?bererf?llt scheinen.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783754177396


Bremen M z kac lar / Бременские Музыканты. Адаптированная сказка для чтения, перевода, аудирования и пересказа
Bremen Mızıkacıları / Бременские Музыканты. Адаптированная сказка для чтения, перевода, аудирования и пересказа

Автор: Братья Гримм

Книга рассчитана на начинающих, и содержит 744 турецких слова. Учебное пособие адаптировано по методике © Лингвистический Реаниматор для чтения, перевода, аудирования и заучивания новых слов. На начальном этапе обучения я рекомендую отрабатывать навыки чтения, выписывать и заучивать новые слова. На более продвинутом этапе обучения (после знакомства с временами турецкого языка) я рекомендую не только учить новые слова, но и пересказывать содержание сказки близко к тексту, абзац за абзацем.

Цена: 64 руб.
ISBN: 9785005375476


Buenos Aires de idiomas extranjeros
Buenos Aires de idiomas extranjeros

Автор: Ekaterina Matveeva

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789878703145


Building Academic Leadership Capacity
Building Academic Leadership Capacity

Автор: Jeffrey L. Buller

A clear, systematic road map to effective campus leadership development Building Academic Leadership Capacity gives institutions the knowledge they need to invest in the next generation of academic leaders. With a clear, generalizable, systematic approach, this book provides insight into the elements of successful academic leadership and the training that makes it effective. Readers will explore original research that facilitates systematic, continuous program development, augmented by the authors' own insight drawn from experience establishing such programs. Numerous examples of current campus programs illustrate the concepts in action, and reflection questions lead readers to assess how they can apply these concepts to their own programs. The academic leader is the least studied and most misunderstood management position in America. Demands for accountability and the complexities of higher education leadership are increasing, and institutions need ways to shape leaders at the department chair, dean, and executive levels of all functions and responsibilities. This book provides a road map to an effective development program, whether the goal is to revamp an existing program or build one from the ground up. Readers will learn to: Develop campus leadership programs in a more systematic manner Examine approaches that have been proven effective at other institutions Consider how these approaches could be applied to your institution Give leaders the skills they need to overcome any challenge The field of higher education offers limited opportunity to develop leaders, so institutions must invest in and grow campus leaders themselves. All development programs are not created equal, so it's important to have the most effective methods in place from day one. For the institution seeking a better way to invest in the next generation of campus leaders, Building Academic Leadership Capacity is a valuable resource.

Цена: 4557.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118989319


Building Blocks for Learning Occupational Therapy Approaches
Building Blocks for Learning Occupational Therapy Approaches

Автор: Jill Jenkinson

Building Blocks for Learning Occupational Therapy Approaches is a resource book for educational staff and pediatric occupational therapists, especially those new to the field. It shows how the implications of physical, psychological, social, and learning difficulties impact upon children’s abilities. This highly practical book will help readers recognize when a student’s poor performance within the classroom is a result of a medical condition or underlying motor and perceptual deficits.

Цена: 8061.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780470986639


Building Wealth All-in-One For Canadians For Dummies
Building Wealth All-in-One For Canadians For Dummies

Автор: Andrew Bell

The comprehensive, six-books-in-one package Canadian investors can trust with their money Designed for those investors who are already familiar with the fundamentals of the investment process and are looking to take their finances to the next level, Building Wealth All-in-One For Canadians For Dummies, is a higher-end title that will make diversifying your portfolio—the key to successful investing—a cinch. Offering readers a wealth of information on investment techniques, along with options ranging from stocks and mutual funds to trading on the Foreign Exchange and buying investment properties, the book is: Fully up-to-date and packed with current content Written by Canadian authors who understand Canadian finances Filled with everything you need to know about investing The ultimate resource for Canadian investors looking to make more profitable investment decisions, Building Wealth For Canadians For Dummies All-in-One is the book you need to take the next step towards increasing your wealth.

Цена: 4141.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118223932


Business Mindset
Business Mindset

Автор: Edin Omerovic

Es ist schwer in der heutigen Zeit ein eigenes Business aufzubauen aber nicht unm?glich. In diesem Buch wird gezeigt was du beachten musst um deine eigene Erfolgsgeschichte zu schreiben. Es wird dir gezeigt was du beachzen musst und welche dinge man machen muss. Das Buch ist wirklich informativ und ein guter Anfang in eine erfolgreiche Karriere.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783750264007


Business Process Mapping. Improving Customer Satisfaction
Business Process Mapping. Improving Customer Satisfaction

Автор: J. Jacka Mike

Praise For Business Process Mapping: Improving Customer Satisfaction, Second Edition «A must-read for anyone performing business process mapping! This treasure shares step-by-stepapproaches and critical success factors, based on years of practical, customer-focused experience.A real winner!» —Timothy R. Holmes, CPA former General Auditor, American Red Cross «Paulette and Mike make extensive use of anecdotes and real-life examples to bring alive the topic ofbusiness process mapping. From the outset, this book will engage you and draw you into the worldof business process mapping. Who would have thought that reading about business process mapping could make you smile? Well, Mike and Paulette can make it happen! Within each chapter, theauthors provide detailed examples and exhibits used to document a process. Each chapter also includes a 'Recap' and 'Key Analysis Points' which enable the reader to distill the highlights of the chapter.» —Barbara J. Muller, CPA, CFE, Senior Lecturer, School of Accountancy W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University «Keller and Jacka cut through the drudgery of process mapping with a path-breaking approach thatenables the reader to better understand processes, how they work and how they work together toward successful achievement of business objectives. With great style and flair, this book will provide youwith a different way of thinking and new tools to assist you in process analysis and improvement. This book is a must-read for auditors, risk managers, quality improvement management, and businessprocess engineers.» —Dean Bahrman, VP and Internal Audit Director (Retired) Global Financial Services Companies «Mike Jacka and Paulette Keller show their expertise with the application of business process mappingin increasing customer service and satisfaction in this updated and expanded edition of this popular book. With clear, practical examples and applications, this book shows the writing talents of bothauthors, and it will be used over and over by those from all lines of industries and professions. Kudos for a job well done!» —Joan Pastor, PhD, Founding Partner, Licensed Industrial-Organizational Psychologist JPA International, Inc., Beverly Hills, California

Цена: 6443.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470496039


C?mo liberarse de una educaci?n equivocada
C?mo liberarse de una educaci?n equivocada

Автор: Pablo de Jes?s Romero

En esta obra, se demuestra que el papel del subsistema escolar no consiste en centrarse en ense?ar contenidos; por el contrario, el papel central de la escuela es el de formar seres humanos con cultura de la paz, aut?nomos, emancipados, cr?ticos, creativos, emprendedores, con mentalidad cient?fica, en permanente actualidad y capaces de administrar su propio saber.La comprensi?n de s? y del mundo que nos rodea en permanente evoluci?n integral, liberados de prejuicios, racismo, homofobia, xenofobia y miedos innecesarios, es el futuro de la educaci?n.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9789582014193


C?mo prosperar en la econom?a sostenible
C?mo prosperar en la econom?a sostenible

Автор: John Thackara

C?mo Prosperar en la Econom?a Sostenible, Dise?ar Hoy en el Mundo del Ma?ana, es una obra indispensable para comprender la relaci?n entre dise?o e innovaci?n social en el necesario empe?o por construir un futuro sostenible. A partir de toda una vida de viajes en busca de alternativas reales, Thackara describe c?mo todas las comunidades del mundo est?n cambiando hacia una mejor econom?a a partir de cero. Cada cap?tulo trata sobre formas creativas para hacer frente a necesidades importantes como la restauraci?n de la tierra, con la que compartimos hogar, agua, alimentos… La lectura de estos ejemplos habla positivamente de una econom?a sostenible, dejando de lado la obsesi?n con los aspectos materiales. El libro describe las pr?cticas sociales, desde las peque?as cosas a todo lo que nos rodea y nunca reparamos en ello. El crecimiento, en esta nueva econom?a, significa el cuidado del suelo, biodiversidad, cuencas hidrogr?ficas, para generar una econom?a m?s saludable y resistente. Poniendo foco en valores que sostengan la administraci?n y la salud, en lugar de la extracci?n y la decadencia.

Серия: Theoria

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788418049293


Cala Ombriu, 2085
Cala Ombriu, 2085

Автор: Jos? Mar?a Bosch

Finales del siglo XXI. Bajo las cadenas de una sociedad terriblemente desigual, Daniel Trujillo, persona involucrada en quehaceres p?blicos, mantiene abierta, en el verano de 2.085, una investigaci?n sobre las extra?as consecuencias del accidente de un ni?o ocurrido dos a?os antes. Aquel percance provoc? su desgracia al quedar situado en el punto de mira de un Sistema perverso; sistema que, al mismo tiempo, atrapa a otro ni?o, al unir ambos destinos en una espiral de dolor y de muerte. Ahora, en la Cala de Ombriu, el azar re?ne, este mes de Junio, a la mayor?a de personajes de nuestra historia. Daniel Trujillo se pregunta hasta donde puede llegar la ambici?n del Poder… Teme que quiz?s sea capaz de inventar algo todav?a m?s aberrante que el incalificable mercadeo de ?rganos humanos… ?A qu? niveles de deshumanizaci?n puede arrastrar la desigualdad social? La trama de la novela se combina con escenas entra?ables del d?a a d?a, que proponen entrever un resquicio de esperanza. El autor nos traslada a 2.085, sin pretensiones de adivinar, ni establecer, estridencias futuristas ni suposiciones aventuradas; no es el prop?sito que se persigue.

Цена: 146.97 руб.
ISBN: 9788468554525


Calidad docente
Calidad docente

Автор: H?ctor Luis del Toro Ch?vez

Resultados de una investigaci?n que obedece a la necesidad de contar con un an?lisis de la situaci?n de un problema vigente en la educaci?n superior, en este caso, en el Centro Universitario de Ciencias Econ?micas Administrativas de la Universidad deGuadalajara, en torno a la calidad docente y su impacto en el rendimiento acad?mico de los alumnos de Matem?ticas y Estad?stica.

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9786077425311


Call of the wild. White fang. Зов дикой природы. Белый клык
Call of the wild. White fang. Зов дикой природы. Белый клык

Автор: Джек Лондон

В книге представлены произведения Джека Лондона «Зов дикой природы» и «Белый клык». Оба произведения даны на языке оригинала. Знакомство с оригиналами творений классиков зарубежной литературы, науки, искусства поможет сегодняшним студентам составить более точное представление о неповторимой стилистике каждого автора, а также расширит словарный запас, знания об истории языка, фразеологии.

Серия: Читаем в оригинале

Цена: 589 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 9785534055719


Campesinos de los Andes Caucanos
Campesinos de los Andes Caucanos

Автор: Hernando Uribe Castro

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9789586190756


Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease
Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease is the first book to draw together clinically relevant information on the anesthetic management of dogs and cats with existing disease conditions. Providing a detailed reference on avoiding and managing complications resulting from concurrent disease, the book offers a ready reference for handling anesthesia in patients with common presenting diseases. Organized by body system, Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease is designed to allow the reader to quickly find and apply advice for anesthetizing patients with specific conditions. Each chapter presents in-depth, practical information on the special considerations before, during, and after sedation and anesthesia of a patient with a given disease. Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease is a useful reference for general practitioners, veterinary students, specialists in a variety of areas, and veterinary anesthesiologists alike.

Цена: 10831.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118391594


Canon EOS 90D For Dummies
Canon EOS 90D For Dummies

Автор: Robert Correll

Get excited about the Canon EOS 90D and all it can do! An amazing photo begins with a quality camera and the know-how to use it. If you’ve selected the Canon EOS 90D, you now have a digital camera that serves a range of photographers, from novices to professionals. It takes some know-how to take advantage of the camera’s upgrades to its sensor, shutter speed, and video capabilities. Fortunately, Canon EOS 90D For Dummies canhelp you maximize the potential of the camera and its features. Canon EOS 90D For Dummies lets you skip the photography class and start shooting high-quality images right away The book introduces the camera’s settings; explains how to take control of exposure, focus, and color; and shows how to put all this new-found knowledge to work to shoot great portraits or action shots. The book is co-written by a pair of photography pros who share their professional experience on how to apply simple techniques for great shots. Choose the best setting for your situation Manage focus and color Make the most of your lighting Understand camera settings Customize your camera to your needs Create remarkable photos and memories, whether you stick with user-friendly automatic settings or decide to dive into more advanced features. With your Canon EOS 90D and this book at your side, you can shoot quality video and capture moving subjects confidently.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119674696


Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment
Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment

Автор: Craig W. LeCroy

A detailed look at how to apply clinical theories to social work practice Thinking through real-life cases to make connections between theory and practice is a crucial element of social work education. Now in its Second Edition, Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment contains a wide range of cases described in rich detail by practitioners, scholars, and researchers. Chapters represent contexts and approaches across the social work spectrum, so students will get to glimpse into the clinical experience of a full range of professionals. With chapter overviews, case sketches, study questions, and references for further study, this book makes an invaluable reference for social work students. Learning by example is the best way to develop the skill of clinical reasoning. Editors Craig W. LeCroy and Elizabeth K. Anthony—two distinguished scholars in the field of social work—have brought together an impressive roster of contributors who add their unique voices and clinical perspectives into their insightful case descriptions. Organized into five thematic sections, Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment, Second Edition covers the most important areas in social work practice, including: Child welfare and adoption Individual and group treatment School and community settings Family treatment and parent training With the updates in the Second Edition, students will learn the most current lessons in social work practice from a diverse range of scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the field. In contexts ranging from child welfare to homelessness, this book provides the critical thinking skills students need to understand how social work theory applies in clinical environments.

Цена: 5764.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118418970


Catholic High School Entrance Exams For Dummies
Catholic High School Entrance Exams For Dummies

Автор: Scott A. Hatch

A real-world guide to passing the entrance exam for Catholic high school Catholic High School Entrance Exams For Dummies provides students and their parents with an efficient and effective way to prepare for the HSPT, TACHS, and COOP-the three entrance exams used by Catholic high schools. Included are Six full-length practice tests Test-taking tips from the experts Thorough reviews of each test's format With full sample tests, up-to-date questions, and a comprehensive review of the basics in each category, Catholic High School Entrance Exams For Dummies is a family's ticket to education success.

Цена: 1748.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780470622995


Challenge для супердевочки
Challenge для супердевочки

Автор: Анастасия Счастливая

Увлекательная и познавательная книга с заданиями и играми, которая поможет развить у ребенка творческие способности, улучшит память, поднимет настроение и избавит от скуки.

Цена: 80 руб.
ISBN: 9785449359223


Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness
Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness

Автор: Patrick W. Corrigan

Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness offers practical strategies for addressing the harmful effects of stigma attached to mental illness. It considers both major forms of stigma: public stigma, which is prejudice and discrimination endorsed by the general population; and self-stigma, the loss of self-esteem and efficacy that occurs when an individual internalizes prejudice and discrimination. Invaluable guide for professionals and volunteers working in any capacity to challenge discrimination against mental illness Contains practical worksheets and intervention guidelines to facilitate the implementation of specific anti-stigma approaches Authors are highly experienced and respected experts in the field of mental illness stigma research

Цена: 10440.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780470977514



Автор: Gaurav Gupta

Transformieren Sie Ihre Organisation mit Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz! Schrittweise Verbesserungen reichen nicht mehr aus, um Organisationen dabei zu helfen, die Komplexit?t, Unsicherheit und Volatilit?t der heutigen Welt zu bew?ltigen. In «Change» erforschen die Autoren John P. Kotter, Vanessa Akhtar und Gaurav Gupta, wie Sie nicht-lineare, dramatische Ver?nderungen in Ihrer Organisation meistern k?nnen. Sie werden die aufkommende «Wissenschaft des Wandels» entdecken, die uns lehrt, wie man Organisationen aufbaut – von Unternehmen bis hin zu Regierungen -, die sich schnell ver?ndern und anpassen k?nnen. Im Buch erfahren Sie: – warum die F?higkeit von Organisationen, mit Bedrohungen umzugehen und Chancen angesichts immer gr??erer Komplexit?t und Unsicherheit zu nutzen, ernsthaft in Frage gestellt wird. – detaillierte, evidenzbasierte und umsetzbare L?sungen f?r den Umgang mit institutionellem Widerstand gegen Ver?nderungen.  – Fallstudien und Erfolgsgeschichten von Organisationen, die die F?higkeit, sich schnell zu ver?ndern, erfolgreich in ihre DNA eingebaut haben.  – einen allgemeing?ltigen Ansatz, um die Ergebnisse verschiedener Ver?nderungsbem?hungen dramatisch zu verbessern, einschlie?lich: Strategieumsetzung, digitale Transformation, Umstrukturierung und mehr. Kotters neuestes Buch ist perfekt f?r Manager, F?hrungskr?fte und Leiter in Unternehmen aller Arten und Gr??en. Nicht nur f?r sie, sondern auch f?r andere Fachleute, die diese Organisationen betreuen, wird sich «Change» als wertvolle Bereicherung erweisen. Das Buch ist ideal f?r alle, die einen bew?hrten Ansatz f?r die Erreichung von schnellen, nachhaltigen und umfassenden Ergebnissen suchen.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783527837755



Автор: Gaurav Gupta

Transform your organization with speed and efficiency using this insightful new resource  Incremental improvement is no longer sufficient in helping organizations navigate the complexity, uncertainty and volatility of today’s world. In  Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times , authors John P. Kotter, Vanessa Akhtar, and Gaurav Gupta explore how to create non-linear, dramatic change in your organization. You’ll discover the emerging science of change that teaches us about how to build organizations – from businesses to governments – that change and adapt rapidly.  In  Change  you’ll discover:  Why the ability of organizations to deal with threats and take advantage of opportunities in the face of ever greater complexity and uncertainty is being severely challenged In-depth, evidence-based, actionable solutions for dealing with institutional resistance to change Case studies and success stories that describe organizations who have successfully built the ability to change quickly into their DNA A universal approach for how to dramatically improve outcomes from various change efforts, including: strategy execution, digital transformation, restructuring, and more Perfect for managers, executives, and leaders at companies of all types and sizes,  Change  will also prove to be a valuable asset to other professionals who serve these organizations. This book is for anyone seeking a proven approach for delivering fast, sustainable and comprehensive results.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119815884


Change Leadership in Higher Education
Change Leadership in Higher Education

Автор: Jeffrey L. Buller

Initiate innovation and get things done with a guide to the process of academic change Change Leadership in Higher Education is a call to action, urging administrators in higher education to get proactive about change. The author applies positive and creative leadership principles to the issue of leading change in higher education, providing a much-needed blueprint for changing the way change happens, and how the system reacts. Readers will examine four different models of change and look at change itself through ten different analytical lenses to highlight the areas where the current approach could be beneficially altered. The book accounts for the nuances in higher education culture and environment, and helps administrators see that change is natural and valuable, and can be addressed in creative and innovative ways. The traditional model of education has been disrupted by MOOCs, faculty unions, online instruction, helicopter parents, and much more, leaving academic leaders accustomed to managing change. Leading change, however, is unfamiliar territory. This book is a guide to being proactive about change in a way that ensures a healthy future for the institution, complete with models and tools that help lead the way. Readers will: Learn to lead change instead of simply «managing» it Examine different models of change, and redefine existing approaches Discover a blueprint for changing the process of change Analyze academic change through different lenses to gain a wider perspective Leading change involves some challenges, but this useful guide is a strong conceptual and pragmatic resource for forecasting those challenges, and going in prepared. Administrators and faculty no longer satisfied with the status quo can look to Change Leadership in Higher Education for real, actionable guidance on getting change accomplished.

Цена: 4557.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118762233


Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems
Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 21774.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781119414032


Charles Perrault. Cendrillon. Книга для чтения на французском языке
Charles Perrault. Cendrillon. Книга для чтения на французском языке

Автор: Светлана Владимировна Клесова

Знаменитая западноевропейская народная сказка, литературно обработанная французским сказочником Шарлем Перро еще в XVII веке наиболее известна в двух своих версиях. В уже названной версии Шарля Перро и в не менее известной версии братьев Гримм. Книга для чтения « Cendrillon » представляет собой дидактизацию текста сказки, с целью развития навыков чтения, понимания прочитанного, обогащения и активизации лексического запаса, формирования грамматических и лексико-грамматических навыков; навыков самостоятельной работы, самоконтроля, работы со справочными материалами. Адресована школьникам и всем, изучающим французский язык и желающим развить свои навыки владения им.

Цена: 99.9 руб.
Год: 2022


Charles Perrault. La Barbe bleue. Книга для чтения на французском языке
Charles Perrault. La Barbe bleue. Книга для чтения на французском языке

Автор: Светлана Владимировна Клесова

« Синяя борода» литературно обработанная Шарлем Перро история о монстре, который убивал своих жён и даже детей. Сказка была написана им ещё в XVII веке. Сразу после её публикации с главным героем сказки ассоциировали самых разных исторических и мифических персонажей. По сюжету сказки созданы балеты, оперы, художественные фильмы. Историю Синей бороды, не единожды повторили уже в XXI веке. Примером может служить роман Амели Нотомб «Синяя борода». Книга для чтения « La Barbe bleue » представляет собой дидактизацию текста сказки, с целью развития навыков чтения, понимания прочитанного, обогащения и активизации лексического запаса, формирования грамматических и лексико-грамматических навыков; навыков самостоятельной работы, самоконтроля, работы со справочными материалами. Адресована всем, изучающим французский язык и желающим совершенствовать навыки владения им.

Цена: 109 руб.
Год: 2022


Charles Perrault. La Belle au bois dormant. Книга для чтения на французском языке
Charles Perrault. La Belle au bois dormant. Книга для чтения на французском языке

Автор: Светлана Владимировна Клесова

«Спящая красавица» – одна из самых популярных сказок французского писателя Шарля Перро. Легенда о спящей красавице известна в Европе задолго до литературной обработки именитого сказочника. Сказка была написана им ещё в XVII веке, а двести лет спустя её переписали братья Гримм. Русский вариант сказки известен под названием «Спящая царевна», и написал её В. А. Жуковский. Сказка и сегодня продолжает учить всех добру, надеяться на лучшее. По сюжету сказки созданы балетные постановки, художественные и мультипликационные фильмы. Книга для чтения «La Belle au bois dormant» представляет собой дидактизацию текста сказки с целью развития навыков чтения, понимания прочитанного, обогащения и активизации лексического запаса, формирования грамматических и лексико-грамматических навыков; навыков самостоятельной работы, самоконтроля, работы со справочными материалами. Книга адресована детям школьного возраста и может быть полезна всем, изучающим французский язык.

Цена: 79.98 руб.
Год: 2022


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