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Los Secretos De La Mente Y El Cuerpo
Los Secretos De La Mente Y El Cuerpo

Автор: Gianluca Pistore

Цена: 768.44 руб.
ISBN: 9788873045908


Lost in London
Lost in London

Автор: Laura Herges

Ich werde euch finden.
Meine Augen sind ?berall.
Ihr k?nnt mir nicht entkommen.

Eigentlich h?tte es nur ein kleiner Spaziergang am Abend werden sollen, doch pl?tzlich wird Phoebe verfolgt. Der Cyborg, ein psychopathisches Genie ist hinter ihr her, und will sie tot sehen. Gemeinsam mit dem jungen Obdachlosen Blake muss sie versuchen, aus London zu entkommen, um sich selbst und das Leben ihrer Eltern zu retten. Der atemlose Thriller kann in Echtzeit gelesen werden, und l?dt durch Spannung und Geschwindigkeit zum Mitfiebern ein. Empfohlen ab 15 Jahren.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783752903676


Loving Someone Who Has Dementia. How to Find Hope while Coping with Stress and Grief
Loving Someone Who Has Dementia. How to Find Hope while Coping with Stress and Grief

Автор: Pauline Boss

Research-based advice for people who care for someone with dementia Nearly half of U.S. citizens over the age of 85 are suffering from some kind of dementia and require care. Loving Someone Who Has Dementia is a new kind of caregiving book. It's not about the usual techniques, but about how to manage on-going stress and grief. The book is for caregivers, family members, friends, neighbors as well as educators and professionals—anyone touched by the epidemic of dementia. Dr. Boss helps caregivers find hope in «ambiguous loss»—having a loved one both here and not here, physically present but psychologically absent. Outlines seven guidelines to stay resilient while caring for someone who has dementia Discusses the meaning of relationships with individuals who are cognitively impaired and no longer as they used to be Offers approaches to understand and cope with the emotional strain of care-giving Boss's book builds on research and clinical experience, yet the material is presented as a conversation. She shows you a way to embrace rather than resist the ambiguity in your relationship with someone who has dementia.

Цена: 1744.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118077252


LSAT For Dummies
LSAT For Dummies

Автор: Amy Hackney Blackwell

A detailed study guide that guarantees a high LSAT score If you thought you left standardized tests back in high school, think again. LSAT For Dummies, 2rd Edition is an all-inclusive study guide arming you with tips and know-how for your next career move. This updated edition includes three full-length practice tests, a review of foundational concepts for every section, thorough explanations, and additional practice problems for all question types. Whether you're taking the LSAT for the first time or the third time, this book will provide the guidance and skill set you need to obtain a score that reflects your abilities. Instead of facing the process alone, turn to the trusted For Dummies brand for proven test-taking strategies and ample practice opportunities. Ideal for those who want to break into this increasingly competitive field, in which a high score on the LSAT lends prospective lawyers an undeniable advantage Examines every topic and common pitfalls covered in the test, which consists of five 35-minutes sections of multiple-choice questions and a 35-minute writing sample For aspiring law school students, LSAT For Dummies is the most advantageous guide to increasing your score on a test that can make or break your legal aspirations.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118678206


L’utopie Pragmatique
L’utopie Pragmatique

Автор: Domenico Villano

Цена: 768.44 руб.
ISBN: 9788873046516


M?chtest du fliegen, Mari-Luis?
M?chtest du fliegen, Mari-Luis?

Автор: Karin J?rger

Das kleine Luisli… nein, sie hei?t Mari-Luis, ist erst 5 Jahre alt, doch eine unbeschwerte und gl?ckliche Kindheit hat sie nie kennengelernt. Auf dem kleinen Schweizer Hof ihrer despotischen Eltern, deren Kindeserziehung sich durch Schl?ge und Dem?tigungen kennzeichnet, muss sie kochen, waschen und putzen – wie es sich f?r eine Frau ziemt. W?ren da nicht Klara, die liebevolle Magd, und ihre 3 ?lteren Br?der, h?tte ihr Leben wohl kaum Sonnenseiten. 1790 macht sie eine schicksalhafte Begegnung, die alles ver?ndern sollte – da k?nnen selbst die st?rksten und mutigsten Br?der nicht helfen …

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783991073741


M?tley Cr?e. Один год из жизни падшей рок-звезды
M?tley Cr?e. Один год из жизни падшей рок-звезды

Автор: Никки Сикс

Книга лидера и бас-гитариста американской глэм-рок группы M?tley Cr?e. Никки Сикса состоит из его дневниковых записей 1986-1987 годов, а также комментариев к ним, сделанных 20 лет спустя самим музыкантом и многими участниками тех событий. Дневники Сикса зафиксировали время создания группой альбома Girls, Girls, Girls, тур в его поддержку, но в первую очередь – сложный период в жизни самого музыканта, когда он тщетно пытался завязать с наркотиками. Даже в то мрачное время, когда наркотики вот-вот могли совсем вытеснить музыку из его жизни, музыкант остался верен своей цели – закрепить успех группы. И это ему вскоре удалось – в 1989 году группа записала свой самый успешный альбом Dr. Feelgood и достигла пика популярности.

Серия: Music Legends & Idols

Цена: 619 руб.
Год: 2007
ISBN: 978-5-17-120723-6


Maigret in der Liberty Bar (Ungek?rzt)
Maigret in der Liberty Bar (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Georges Simenon

Einer seiner zwielichtigsten F?lle: Auch an der C?te d'Azur findet Maigret keine Erholung. Maigret wird an die C?te d'Azur bestellt, um den Mord an einem reichen Australier aufzukl?ren. William Brown arbeitete f?r den franz?sischen Geheimdienst, lebte mit zwei Frauen zusammen und unterhielt Verbindungen zu der dubiosen Kneipe Liberty Bar. Als Maigret ein Foto des Toten sieht, beginnt er, sich f?r den Fall zu interessieren: Denn der sieht ihm selbst verbl?ffend ?hnlich … Maigrets 17. Fall spielt in Antibes und Cannes an der C?te d'Azur.

Исполнители: Walter Kreye

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783742410801


Make your dream come true in 1 day
Make your dream come true in 1 day

Автор: Natalya Diyak

The book is the journey from complete shut-down into my personal freedom.This was a 30-day challenge, arranged by my friend, and it inspired me so much that I decided to make it into a book. I hope you will also enjoy reading it, and, who knows, probably, you might decide to try some of the ideas for yourself. I know one thing for sure – the journey is transformative, after you have accomplished it, you will definitely be a better version of yourself. Have fun!

Цена: 280 руб.
ISBN: 9785449898470


Making Hostile Words Harmless
Making Hostile Words Harmless

Автор: Группа авторов

Infused with wisdom and a strong dose of humor, Making Hostile Words Harmless offers therapists and their clients a unique collection of effective exercises and bully-busting responses guaranteed to diffuse difficult exchanges. Filled with helpful tools, the book uses the martial art of Aikido, or the 'way of harmony' to teach the 'verbal arts' of confirming, inquiring, understanding, and evoking.

Цена: 4418.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780470292570


Malabarismo ? M?gico!
Malabarismo ? M?gico!

Автор: Pavel Artemiev

Malabarismo ? uma arte misteriosa! Este ? um jogo e ao mesmo tempo – o desenvolvimento de habilidades motoras e intelig?ncia. Esta ? uma salva??o da depress?o e uma cura para um grande n?mero de doen?as. Neste livro, o autor fala sobre a hist?ria do malabarismo, descreve o impacto dessa atividade no c?rebro humano e em sua sa?de, compartilha sua experi?ncia no dom?nio das combina??es mais populares, revela os segredos do malabarismo com a ajuda de ilustra??es.

Цена: 200 руб.
ISBN: 9785005942692


Managing Aggressive Behaviour in Care Settings. Understanding and Applying Low Arousal Approaches
Managing Aggressive Behaviour in Care Settings. Understanding and Applying Low Arousal Approaches

Автор: Andrew McDonnell A

A practical guide for health professionals and trainers, offering evidence-based low arousal approaches to defusing and managing aggressive behaviours in a variety of health care settings. Provides both an academic background and practical advice on how to manage and minimize confrontation Illustrates low arousal approaches and offers clear advice on physical restraint and the reduction of these methods Describes the evidence base for recommended approaches Includes a wide range of valuable case examples from a variety of care settings

Цена: 13303.22 руб.
ISBN: 9780470986332


Managing Aggressive Behaviour in Care Settings. Understanding and Applying Low Arousal Approaches
Managing Aggressive Behaviour in Care Settings. Understanding and Applying Low Arousal Approaches

Автор: Andrew McDonnell A

A practical guide for health professionals and trainers, offering evidence-based low arousal approaches to defusing and managing aggressive behaviours in a variety of health care settings. Provides both an academic background and practical advice on how to manage and minimize confrontation Illustrates low arousal approaches and offers clear advice on physical restraint and the reduction of these methods Describes the evidence base for recommended approaches Includes a wide range of valuable case examples from a variety of care settings

Цена: 14133.94 руб.
ISBN: 9780470986332


Mandolin Exercises For Dummies
Mandolin Exercises For Dummies

Автор: Don Julin

Practice makes perfect with this hands-on resource for mandolin players of all skill levels If you're looking for an accessible practice-based book to improve your playing, you've come to the right place. Mandolin Exercises For Dummies focuses on the skills that players often find challenging and provides tips, tricks and plenty of cool exercises that will have you picking with the best of them—or at least much better than before! Mandolin Exercises For Dummies is packed with instruction—from hundreds of exercises to drills and practice pieces. And it gets better. You'll also have online access to downloadable audio files for each exercise, making this practice-based package a complete mandolin companion. Puts an overview of the fundamentals in perspective, helps you to use exercises to limber up, and much more Dives into the major and minor arpeggios with triad patterns, then moves on to major 7th and minor 7th patterns Details the major scales, then moves on to mastering the minor scales with practice exercises Contains tips to help you practice better, including using a metronome, playing with recordings, and more Master the basics and sharpen your mandolin-playing skills with this reliable resource.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118769492


Manual of Dietetic Practice
Manual of Dietetic Practice

Автор: Joan Gandy

Since publication of its first edition, Manual of Dietetic Practice has remained an essential guide to the key principles of dietetics and a core text for healthcare professionals looking to develop their expertise and specialist skills. Published on behalf of the British Dietetic Association, the UK professional body for dietitians, it covers the entire dietetics curriculum and is also an ideal reference text for qualified practitioners. The book has been extensively restructured for its fifth edition and is now divided into two parts to make it easier to locate key topics. The first part covers professional practice, nutrition in specific groups, nutritional status and non-clinical areas of dietetic practice, while the second focuses on clinical dietetic practice, including nutrition support, and dietetic practice in individual areas of disease, from respiratory and renal disorders to mental health and palliative care.

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118760581


Marvel vs DC. Великое противостояние двух вселенных
Marvel vs DC. Великое противостояние двух вселенных

Автор: Рид Таккер

Первая полная книга о великом противостоянии двух гигантов индустрии комиксов и кино ‒ Marvel и DC. Помимо увлекательного рассказа в книге вы найдете много комментариев и историй от знаменитых людей ‒ Уилла Смита, Зака Снайдера, Дуэйна «Скалы» Джонсона, Себастиана Стэна и, конечно, Стэна Ли. История многолетнего соперничества, взлеты и падения, громкие ссоры и тихие информационные войны, создание величайших героев и закулисье вселенной ‒ все это и многое другое вы найдете на страницах этой книги! Кто победит: Бэтмен или Капитан Америка? У кого воровали персонажей? Зачем Стэн Ли читал все письма фанатов? Как DC украли лучшего художника у Marvel?

Серия: Гик-культура. Лучшие книги про вселенную комиксов

Исполнители: Олег Булдаков

Цена: 409 руб.
Год: 2017


Mastering the Art of Solution-Focused Counseling
Mastering the Art of Solution-Focused Counseling

Автор: Jeffrey Guterman T

The most current trends in solution-focused counseling are explored in the latest edition of this updated and expanded text. Dr. Guterman provides a comprehensive and straightforward discussion of solution-focused theory and describes how the model can be used throughout the therapeutic process. Clinical techniques and detailed case studies illustrate counseling with clients experiencing a range of problems, including depression, substance abuse, grief, morbid jealousy, and trichotillomania. New chapters and sections in this edition address anxiety, eating disorders, migraine headache, psychosis, spiritual and religious problems, self-injurious behavior, and suicide. Additional features include excerpts of dialogue from actual counseling sessions, sample forms and supplementary materials, and troubleshooting tips for getting unstuck in difficult cases. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

Цена: 6511.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119026167


Mastering NLP
Mastering NLP

Автор: Nishant Baxi

The NLP systems provides for the circumstances to develop the individual excellence levels while also establishing the empowering belief of a particular system.

Цена: 488 руб.
ISBN: 9785005026989


Material Politics. Disputes Along the Pipeline
Material Politics. Disputes Along the Pipeline

Автор: Andrew Barry

In Material Politics, author Andrew Barry reveals that as we are beginning to attend to the importance of materials in political life, materials has become increasingly bound up with the production of information about their performance, origins, and impact. Presents an original theoretical approach to political geography by revealing the paradoxical relationship between materials and politics Explores how political disputes have come to revolve not around objects in isolation, but objects that are entangled in ever growing quantities of information about their performance, origins, and impact Studies the example of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline – a fascinating experiment in transparency and corporate social responsibility – and its wide-spread negative political impact Capitalizes on the growing interdisciplinary interest, especially within geography and social theory, about the critical role of material artefacts in political life

Цена: 10488.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118529102


Materials for Interior Environments
Materials for Interior Environments

Автор: Corky Binggeli

Organized by types of materials and applications, this guide helps designers successfully address material evaluation and selection of interior components. Engagingly written, highly detailed, and helpfully illustrated with more than 550 color illustrations, Materials for Interior Environments is a comprehensive guide to everything a designer needs to know about the materials available for interiors—from aesthetic qualities to manufacturing and fabrication, applications, installation and maintenance, and specifications for materials used in commercial and residential applications.

Цена: 10935.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118419908


«Mavzu ishlanmasi» tayyorlashning innovatsion xarakterga ega bo’lgan metodi. Monografiya
«Mavzu ishlanmasi» tayyorlashning innovatsion xarakterga ega bo’lgan metodi. Monografiya

Автор: Salim Madraximovich Otajonov

Ushbu risola O’zbyokiston Respublikasi Xalq ta’limi vazirligining 2021 yil 17-dekabrdagi «Umumiy o’rta ta’limning Davlat Ta’lim Standarti» asosida tayyorlangan «Texnologiya ta’limi metodikasi» fan dasturi bo’yicha mavzu ishlanmasi bo’yicha «Mavzu ishlanmasi» tayyorlashning innovatsion xarakterga ega bo’lgan metodi» monografiyasi tex. ta’lim yo’nalishida tadqiqot olib boruvchi, bo’lajak tex. ta’lim yo’nalishi bakalavri, magistri va umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktablari pedagoglari uchun mo’ljallangan.

Цена: 112 руб.
ISBN: 9785005918666


Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach
Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach

Автор: Latchford Gary

Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy critiques Evidence-Based Practice and describes other approaches to improving the effectiveness of therapy, such as Practice-Based Evidence and the use of client feedback. The authors include a summary of key research findings and an accessible guide to applying these ideas to therapeutic practice. Puts forward a critique of existing research claiming that certain psychotherapy programmes are more effective than others in treating specific disorders Includes an accessible summary of key research findings, a practical introduction to a practice-based evidence approach, and a series of detailed case studies Offers a timely alternative to the prevailing wisdom in the mental health field by challenging the practical logic of the Evidence-Based Practice approach Reviews the empirical evidence examining the effects of client feedback on psychotherapy outcomes

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781119967583


Mean Girls Grown Up. Adult Women Who Are Still Queen Bees, Middle Bees, and Afraid-to-Bees
Mean Girls Grown Up. Adult Women Who Are Still Queen Bees, Middle Bees, and Afraid-to-Bees

Автор: Cheryl PhD Dellasega

Almost every woman has experienced bullying. Whether her role was that of victim, aggressor, or bystander, the pain of relational aggression (female bullying) lasts long after the incident has passed. In Mean Girls Grown Up, Cheryl Dellasega explores why women are often their own worst enemies, offering practical advice for a variety of situations. Drawing upon extensive research and interviews, she shares real-life stories from women as well as the knowledge of experts who have helped women overcome the negative effects of aggression. Readers will hear how adult women can be just as vicious as their younger counterparts, learn strategies for dealing with adult bullies, how to avoid being involved in relational aggression, and more. Dellasega outlines how women can change their behavior successfully by shifting away from aggression and embracing a spirit of cooperation in interactions with others.

Цена: 1651.45 руб.
ISBN: 9780471784739


Measures of Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment, Mental Health and Job related Well-being
Measures of Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment, Mental Health and Job related Well-being

Автор: Chris Stride

Promoting the satisfaction, commitment, mental health and well-being of employees is important not only in itself, but also because evidence shows that those who are positive in these respects respond better to change and are more productive. Measures of Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment, Mental Health and Job-related Well-being is a unique source of benchmarking data across four widely used questionnaire methods, that provides up-to-date data drawn from 60,000 respondents in 170 organisations across a wide range of industries and occupations. The data is split by sector and occupational group, with the latter broken down further by age and gender, creating a must-have for those using these scales and seeking to benchmark their progress.

Цена: 10930.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780470723913


Meditazione Per Principianti
Meditazione Per Principianti

Автор: Timothy Willink

Vi sentite ansiosi e stressati? Sapete nel vostro subconscio che la meditazione vi aiuter? e non sapete o non avete il coraggio di cominciare? Continuate a leggere… La meditazione ? nata in India. Un luogo dove la spiritualit? ha assunto un nuovo significato prendendo molte forme e configurazioni. Sta diventando sempre pi? popolare nella cultura occidentale e le persone stanno scoprendo ora gli infiniti benefici della meditazione. Se siete curiosi sulla meditazione e sentite l’urgenza di provare a meditare per conto vostro, questo libro 'Meditazione per principianti' sar? perfetto per voi! Praticare ogni giorno la meditazione vi cambier? la vita immediatamente! Non siete d’accordo che la nostra mente ? la risorsa pi? potente che ci sia? Pensateci. Pensateci. Noi creiamo le guerre, creiamo la pace, creiamo la luce, costruiamo citt?, sviluppiamo nazioni e creiamo culture. Tutto con la forza della nostra mente. Non ? questione di risorse ma della nostra intraprendenza. Vi sentite ansiosi e stressati? Sapete nel vostro subconscio che la meditazione vi aiuter? e non sapete o non avete il coraggio di cominciare? Continuate a leggere… La meditazione ? nata in India. Un luogo dove la spiritualit? ha assunto un nuovo significato prendendo molte forme e configurazioni. Sta diventando sempre pi? popolare nella cultura occidentale e le persone stanno scoprendo ora gli infiniti benefici della meditazione. Se siete curiosi sulla meditazione e sentite l’urgenza di provare a meditare per conto vostro, questo libro 'Meditazione per principianti' sar? perfetto per voi! Praticare ogni giorno la meditazione vi cambier? la vita immediatamente! Non siete d’accordo che la nostra mente ? la risorsa pi? potente che ci sia? Pensateci. Noi creiamo le guerre, creiamo la pace, creiamo la luce, costruiamo citt?, sviluppiamo nazioni e creiamo culture. Tutto con la forza della nostra mente. Non ? questione di risorse ma della nostra intraprendenza. Si tratta di lavorare sulla forza definitiva che abbiamo. Si tratta di scavare e avere la pace INTERIORE. Ci sono molte ricerche che sottolineano i molteplici benefici che provengono dalla meditazione. Le persone diventano meno stressate e ansiose (fino alla sua scomparsa); la possibilit? di avere il cancro ? ridotta del 55% e le malattie coronariche dell’87%. Una volta che cominciano a praticare la meditazione giornalmente, le persone con problemi di sonno possono addormentarsi facilmente in venti minuti (e la maggior parte delle volte anche in meno tempo). ? incredibile! Non c’? nulla di sorprendente che un crescente numero di aziende stanno introducendo dei programmi di meditazione per i loro impiegati per aumentare la loro produttivit? (fino al 120%), riducendo il loro stress e gli infortuni e stimolando la loro creativit? e il loro livello di energia. La meditazione pu? essere fatta da tutti, tutti i giorni. Ha la vera capacit? di cambiare le vite. ”La cosa principale della meditazione ? che diventate sempre pi? voi stessi” – David Lynch Passo dopo passo questo libro vi aprir? la porta del subconscio invitandovi a guardarvi dentro e a trovare il vostro vero 'voi'. Guarderete la vita da un’altra prospettiva, e vi far? riflettere sul modo in cui agite con voi stessi e con gli altri. Troverete tutti trucchi e imparerete come meditare efficacemente. Non lasciare che lo stress controlli la vostra vita, voi siete pi? forti! Noi controlliamo i nostri pensieri o i nostri pensieri ci controllano. Voi potete avere il controllo. Agite ora cliccando sul pulsante 'Compra ora' o ”Aggiungi al carrello. P.S. Cosa vi sta trattenendo? Nella vita, la maggior parte delle persone sono bloccate o dalla paura o dalla pigrizia. Ricordate, il miglior investimento che potete fare ? su voi stessi. Investite tempo e meno del costo di un caff? per fare un salto epocale nella vostra vita, ricchezza, amore e felicit?. Agite ora!

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835404118


Meet and Grow Rich. How to Easily Create and Operate Your Own Mastermind Group for Health, Wealth, and More
Meet and Grow Rich. How to Easily Create and Operate Your Own "Mastermind" Group for Health, Wealth, and More

Автор: Joe Vitale

Praise for MEET & GROW RICH «I'm a big fan of mastermind groups. I've used them for over thirty years and know the power they provide everyone in such a group. I'm delighted to see this inspiring, easy-to-follow manual. Read it and follow what it suggests.» –Jack Canfield co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and bestselling author of The Success Principles «Absolutely the best practical guide to creating, profiting, and growing your business with your own mastermind group. A must-read for anyone who wants to succeed in ANY business!» –Jim Edwards author and speaker (www.ebookfire.com) «I have been part of various mastermind groups for over twenty years that have easily made me millions. Without a doubt this book is the most advanced definitive guide to why and how any serious human should be a part of one.» –John Assaraf cofounder, OneCoach (www.onecoach.com)

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470056240


Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von ?bermorgen
Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von ?bermorgen

Автор: Rolf Frobose

Renowned science journalist Rolf Frob?se illustrates using numerous examples how our modern world will change in the years to come and how technical revolutions large and small are announcing themselves by way of exciting and inventive discoveries.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783527640874


Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von ?bermorgen
Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von ?bermorgen

Автор: Rolf Frobose

Renowned science journalist Rolf Frob?se illustrates using numerous examples how our modern world will change in the years to come and how technical revolutions large and small are announcing themselves by way of exciting and inventive discoveries.

Цена: 3899.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783527640874


Memory and Emotion
Memory and Emotion

Автор: Nobuo Ohta

Memory and Emotion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives is a collection of original articles that explores cutting-edge research in memory and emotion, discussing findings, methodological techniques, and theoretical advances in one of the fastest-growing areas in psychology. contains contributions by leading researchers the field emphasizes cognitive neuroscience, psychopathology, and aging in covering contemporary advances in research on memory and emotion covers many of the current hot topics in the field including: dissociative amnesia and post-traumatic stress disorder; false, recovered and traumatic memories; flashbulb memories; the use of emotional memories in therapy; and the influence of emotion on autobiographical memory.

Цена: 17447.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780470755570


Metabolic Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Metabolic Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Автор: Robert Eckel H

The relationship of metabolic diseases to cardiovascular disease (CVD) is reaching epidemic proportions. This relates mostly to the increasing prevalence of obesity, the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. This book outlines and addresses the metabolic factors and related diseases that contribute to CVD, including brief introductions to metabolic pathways including lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, macronutrient fuel partitioning, insulin action and body weight regulation. Mechanisms that relate to becoming obese, maintenance of the obese state, the dyslipidemias, and glucose intolerance/diabetes are also addressed, and the importance of interventions that reduce metabolic risk factors and CVD are covered.

Цена: 16895.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781444324792


Metabolism of Drugs and Other Xenobiotics
Metabolism of Drugs and Other Xenobiotics

Автор: Anzenbacher Pavel

A practice-oriented desktop reference for medical professionals, toxicologists and pharmaceutical researchers, this handbook provides systematic coverage of the metabolic pathways of all major classes of xenobiotics in the human body. The first part comprehensively reviews the main enzyme systems involved in biotransformation and how they are orchestrated in the body, while parts two to four cover the three main classes of xenobiotics: drugs, natural products, environmental pollutants. The part on drugs includes more than 300 substances from five major therapeutic groups (central nervous system, cardiovascular system, cancer, infection, and pain) as well as most drugs of abuse including nicotine, alcohol and «designer» drugs. Selected, well-documented case studies from the most important xenobiotics classes illustrate general principles of metabolism, making this equally useful for teaching courses on pharmacology, drug metabolism or molecular toxicology. Of particular interest, and unique to this volume is the inclusion of a wide range of additional xenobiotic compounds, including food supplements, herbal preparations, and agrochemicals.

Цена: 27395.21 руб.
ISBN: 9783527630912


Meteorology of Tropical West Africa. The Forecasters Handbook
Meteorology of Tropical West Africa. The Forecasters' Handbook

Автор: Diop-Kane Mariane

Meteorology of tropical West Africa: the Forecasters’ Handbook presents the science and practice of weather forecasting for an important region of the tropics. Connecting basic theory with forecasting practice, the book provides a unique training volume for operational weather forecasters, and is also suitable for students of tropical meteorology. The West African region contains a number of archetypal climatic zones, meaning that the science of its weather and climate applies to many other tropical regions. West Africa also exhibits some of the world’s most remarkable weather systems, making it an inspiring region for students to investigate. The weather of West Africa affects human livelihoods on a daily basis, and can contribute to hardship, poverty and mortality. Therefore, the ability to understand and predict the weather has the potential to deliver significant benefits to both society and economies. The book includes comprehensive background material alongside documentation of weather forecasting methods. Many examples taken from observations of West African weather systems are included and online case-studies are referenced widely.

Цена: 16017.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781118391273


Method of Debt Collection. English version
Method of Debt Collection. English version

Автор: Artem Varfolomey

The book presents methods of debt collection, the complete sequence of actions, standards of “right” communication, psychology, work with objections, the etiquette of business conversation, psycho-physiological peculiarities of perception, persuasion rules prohibited forms of communication, and much more. zakonsib@gmail.com

Цена: 320 руб.
ISBN: 9785448368189


Microaggression Theory
Microaggression Theory

Автор: Derald Sue Wing

Get to know the sociopolitical context behind microaggressions Microaggressions are brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to certain individuals because of their group membership (e.g., race, gender, culture, religion, social class, sexual orientation, etc.). These daily, common manifestations of aggression leave many people feeling vulnerable, targeted, angry, and afraid. How has this become such a pervasive part of our social and political rhetoric, and what is the psychology behind it? In Microaggression Theory, the original research team that created the microaggressions taxonomy, Gina Torino, David Rivera, Christina Capodilupo, Kevin Nadal, and Derald Wing Sue, address these issues head-on in a fascinating work that explores the newest findings of microaggressions in their sociopolitical context. It delves into how the often invisible nature of this phenomenon prevents perpetrators from realizing and confronting their own complicity in creating psychological dilemmas for marginalized groups, and discusses how prejudice, privilege, safe spaces, and cultural appropriation have become themes in our contentious social and political discourse. Details the psychological effects of microaggressions in separate chapters covering clinical impact, trauma, related stress syndromes, and the effect on perpetrators Examines how microaggressions affect education, employment, health care, and the media Explores how social policies and practices can minimize the occurrence and impact of microaggressions in a range of environments Investigates how microaggressions relate to larger social movements If you come across the topic of microaggressions in your day-to-day life, you can keep the conversation going in a productive manner—with research to back it up!

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119420071


Microwave Imaging
Microwave Imaging

Автор: Matteo Pastorino

An introduction to the most relevant theoretical and algorithmic aspects of modern microwave imaging approaches Microwave imaging—a technique used in sensing a given scene by means of interrogating microwaves—has recently proven its usefulness in providing excellent diagnostic capabilities in several areas, including civil and industrial engineering, nondestructive testing and evaluation, geophysical prospecting, and biomedical engineering. Microwave Imaging offers comprehensive descriptions of the most important techniques so far proposed for short-range microwave imaging—including reconstruction procedures and imaging systems and apparatus—enabling the reader to use microwaves for diagnostic purposes in a wide range of applications. This hands-on resource features: A review of the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem formulation, written from an engineering perspective and with notations The most effective reconstruction techniques based on diffracted waves, including time- and frequency-domain methods, as well as deterministic and stochastic space-domain procedures Currently proposed imaging apparatus, aimed at fast and accurate measurements of the scattered field data Insight on near field probes, microwave axial tomographs, and microwave cameras and scanners A discussion of practical applications with detailed descriptions and discussions of several specific examples (e.g., materials evaluation, crack detection, inspection of civil and industrial structures, subsurface detection, and medical applications) A look at emerging techniques and future trends Microwave Imaging is a practical resource for engineers, scientists, researchers, and professors in the fields of civil and industrial engineering, nondestructive testing and evaluation, geophysical prospecting, and biomedical engineering.

Цена: 14691.79 руб.
ISBN: 9780470602478


Mind Healing. Исцеление разума. Как изменить жизнь, изменив мышление
Mind Healing. Исцеление разума. Как изменить жизнь, изменив мышление

Автор: Владимир Юрьевич Шкрадюк

Эта книга может стать вашим путеводителем в счастливую жизнь. В ней я рассказываю о своём личном опыте трансформации мышления. Все описанные методы и упражнения я опробовал лично и могу утверждать – они работают. Даже если вам кажется, что изменения невозможны, Mind Healing позволит взглянуть на себя и окружающий вас мир по-новому.

Цена: 100 руб.
ISBN: 9785005922540


Mindfulness. Living Through Challenges and Enriching Your Life In This Moment
Mindfulness. Living Through Challenges and Enriching Your Life In This Moment

Автор: Richard Sears W

Mindfulness: Living Through Challenges and Enriching Your Life In This Moment shows how the ancient practice of mindfulness can help us live a fuller and more enriching life. Presents material through a balance of clinical case work with the author’s personal stories of the Dalai Lama, ninja, and Zen Buddhism Reveals ways that mindfulness can be applied to modern problems based on psychological principles and evidence-based programs Shows how to apply mindfulness principles to a variety of problems, including stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and more Provides guidelines for readers to conduct their own mindfulness training sessions at home

Цена: 10820 руб.
ISBN: 9781118597552


Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology. Development of the Social Brain
Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology. Development of the Social Brain

Автор: Maria Sera D

Social relationships play a central role in the evolution and development of human culture and cognition. Volume 39 of the Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology (Development of the Social Brain) adresses the ontogeny and phylogeny of the social brain from multiple perspectives and levels of analysis. The chapters in this volume shed light on shared versus unique features of social information processing across different species, and sketch out some of the cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie such processing. A collection of chapters from distinguished contibutors offer new insights into the unique nature of human development. Flexibly and efficiently navigating the complex dynamics of social interaction remains one of the remarkable achievements of human evolution. As life in social contexts evolved, so did information processing abilities that afforded new ways of interacting with others, emerging into what we now refer to as cultural cognition or cultural practices. The primary objective of the current volume was to consider phylogenetic and ontogenetic influence on specialized social information processing capactities. The volume brings together, for the first time, distinguished research scholars to consider central themes and principles associated with the development of the social brain. Readers will take away a fresh perspective on nature of human nature.

Цена: 13347.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781119461753


More Blood, More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea
More Blood, More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea

Автор: Tom Reynolds

What happens behind closed (ambulance) doorsMeet Tom, an Emergency Medical Technician for the London Ambulance service. It is Tom who shows up to pick up the drunk tramp, the heart attack victim and the pregnant woman who wants to go to hospital in an ambulance because she doesn't want to call a taxi. Tom is also a man who rails against the unfairness of it all, who bemoans the state of the NHS and who ridicules the targets that state that if the ambulance arrives within eight minutes and the patient dies it is a success and if the ambulance arrives in nine minutes and the patient's life is saved it is a fail.Welcome to the topsy-turvy world of the emergency services. From the tragic to the hilarious, from the heart-warming to the terrifying, Blood, Sweat and Tea 2 is packed with fascinating anecdotes that veer from tragic to hilarious; heart-warming to terrifying and Tom deftly leads the reader through a rollercoaster of emotion.In the brilliant and bestselling Blood Sweat and Tea Tom gives a fascinating – and at times alarming – picture of life in inner-city Britain and the people who are paid to mop up after it.Captures the thrills, heartbreak and frustrations of medicine in a way that resonates with readers around the world.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007332694


More Than A Game: The Story of Cricket s Early Years
More Than A Game: The Story of Cricket's Early Years

Автор: John Major

The former Prime Minister examines the early history of one of the great loves of his life in a book that sheds new light on the summer game’s social origins.All his life John Major has loved cricket. In ‘More Than a Game’ he examines it from its origins up to the coming of the First World War. Along the way he considers the crucial role of the wealthy patrons who gambled huge sums on early matches; the truth behind the legends that have grown up around the famous Hambledon Club; changes in rules and techniques, including the transition from underarm to overarm bowling; the long-standing, but often blurred, distinction between 'gentlemen' and 'players'; the coming of the MCC and its role as the supreme arbiter of the game; the spread of cricket throughout the British Empire; and the emergence of the county game and international competition.It is a story rich in anecdote and colourful characters. Many of the great names from the 'Golden Age' of cricket – C.B. Fry, Ranjitsinhji, 'Demon' Spofforth and of course the towering figure of W.G. Grace – are still well-known today. But long before then the game already had its stars: men like the Kentish innkeeper's son 'Lumpy' Stevens, who played at the highest level until he was nearly sixty; 'Silver Billy' Beldham, who was taught how to play by a gingerbread baker; the notoriously avaricious and ill-tempered Lord Frederic Beauclerk, a direct descendant of Charles II and Nell Gwynne; and the mighty 'Lion of Kent' Alfred Mynn.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007280117


Motivating and Retaining Online Students. Research-Based Strategies That Work
Motivating and Retaining Online Students. Research-Based Strategies That Work

Автор: Concei??o Simone C.O

Finally, the first research-based book of sound strategies and best practices to help instructors motivate students to complete their online courses. Although studies support the effectiveness of learning online, students often fail to complete online courses. Some studies have found that as many as 50–70% drop out of their online courses or programs. Retention is not only a growing expectation and imperative, but it is also as opportunity for faculty members to take the lead in innovating, researching, and implementing new strategies while demonstrating their effectiveness. Designed for instructors and instructional designers, Motivating and Retaining Online Students is filled with empirical research from the authors’ study of motivation and retention strategies that can reduce online learner dropout. Focusing on the most important issues instructors face, such as course design; student engagement and motivation; and institutional, instructional, and informal student support strategies, the book provides effective online strategies that help minimize student dropout, increase student retention, and support student learning. While helping to improve the overall retention rates for educational institutions, the strategies outlined in the book also allow for student diversity and individual learner differences. Lehman and Concei??o’s proven model gives instructors an effective approach to help students persist in online courses and succeed as learners.

Цена: 3755.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118642122


Multiculturalism and Diversity
Multiculturalism and Diversity

Автор: Группа авторов

Multiculturalism and Diversity focuses on the ways in which history and identity inform each other, and examines the politics of culture as well as the politics of cultural identities within the U.S. Illustrates the basic proposition that each of us is a unique multicultural human being and that culture affects individual self-definition, experience, behavior, and social interaction Moves from early simple definitions of multiculturalism to more complex understandings focused on culture as learned, teachable (shared), and fluid Uses a critical approach to the study of culture and personal identity that is informed by historical and social factors and an appreciation of their interaction Examines the various cultural threads within the mosaic of a person’s multicultural self such as sexual identity, gender, social class, and ethnicity

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781444310207


Music and the Mind
Music and the Mind

Автор: Anthony Storr

Why does music have such a powerful effect on our minds and bodies? It is the most mysterious and most intangible of all forms of art.Yet, Anthony Storr believes, music today is a deeply significant experience for a greater number of people than ever before. In this challenging book, he explores why this should be so. Drawing on a wide variety of opinions, Storr argues that the patterns of music make sense of our inner experience, giving both structure and coherence to our feelings and emotions. It is because music possesses this capacity to restore our sense of personal wholeness in a culture which requires us to separate rational thought from feelings, that many people find it so life-enhancing.

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007383993


Nazar City. Эссе
Nazar City. Эссе

Автор: Сергей Кучерявый

Эссе на тему:Субъективный взгляд на современное общество, политический строй, а также на личность и деятельность Первого Президента Республики Казахстан.

Цена: 28 руб.
ISBN: 9785449635396


Ne Fecs?reldj T?bb Id t, Kezdj MEDIT?LNI!
Ne Fecs?reldj T?bb Időt, Kezdj MEDIT?LNI!

Автор: Celine Claire

Ez az e-book a medit?ci? j?t?kony hat?sai mellett elmagyar?zza a medit?ci? l?nyeg?t ?s k?l?nb?ző medit?ci?s technik?kat mutat be. Stresszmentesen szeretn?l ?lni? Szeretn?d kitiszt?tani az elm?d? Szeretn?l megszabadulni az ?sszes f?lelmedtől? Ha b?rmelyikre igen a v?laszod, akkor a medit?ci? erej?re van sz?ks?ged. A Medit?ci? j?t?kony hat?sai mindenki sz?m?ra k?l?nb?zőek, de egy dolog biztos: rekord sebess?ggel nő a n?pszerűs?ge a nyugati kult?r?kban. Sz?mos j?t?kony hat?sa van.N?h?ny p?lda a teljess?g ig?nye n?lk?l: megn?vekedett teljes?tők?pess?g, stressz,– ?s depresszi? cs?kkent?se, fizikai eredetű f?jdalmak, mint p?ld?ul a fejf?j?s vagy izomf?jdalom cs?kkent?se. A medit?ci? nem ig?nyel ?r?kat! A medit?ci? ugyan lehet egy hossz? ?r?kat ig?nylő cselekv?s, de nem sz?ks?gszerű. M?r egy 10-15 perces gyakorlat is elegendő nyugalmat hozhat. Sokan ink?bb kora reggel, a napi rutinjuk megkezd?se előtt szeretnek medit?lni, az?rt hogy pozit?van induljon a mapjuk. M?sok ink?bb a lefekv?s előtti időszakot v?lasztj?k, hogy levezess?k a napi fesz?lts?get ?s nyugodtan tudjanak aludni. M?g egy dolog, amit szeretn?k veletek megosztani, az az, hogy hogyan sz?letett ez a z e-book. Engedj?tek meg, hogy bemutassam a Ne fecs?relj t?bb időt, kezdj MEDIT?LNI c?mű k?nyvet. Translator: Urb?n Ildik?

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835430759


Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI
Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI

Автор: Elaine Fletcher-Janzen

An insightful look at the role of neuroscience and neuropsychology as it relates to Response to Intervention (RTI) in learning disability diagnosis, treatment, and policy reform Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI is a revolutionary new volume presenting the latest research—in question-and-answer format—from leading scholars about the contributions of neuroscience and neuropsychology as it relates to Response to Intervention (RTI) in learning disability identification, diagnosis, and recommended interventions. This collective work includes contributions from more than thirty neuroscientists, neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, and school psychologists with training in brain-behavior relationships, who explore the answers to questions including: How do you reconcile RTI as a means of diagnosis of learning disability with knowledge from the clinical neurosciences?? What do you think neuroscience has to offer laws and policies associated with learning disability determination? What do you think neuroscience has to offer the assessment and identification of learning disabilities? What role does neurocognitive science play in designing interventions in the context of RTI? What role does neuropsychology have to play in the diagnosis of learning disability? Featuring contributions from leaders in the field of neuropsychology and school psychology, and with a Foreword from Sally Shaywitz, Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI illuminates the contributions of neuro-science and neuropsychology to learning disability identification and current educational reform.

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780470287323


New Perspectives on Aggression Replacement Training
New Perspectives on Aggression Replacement Training

Автор: Bengt Daleflod

Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is a cognitive-behavioural intervention targeted to aggressive adolescents and children, which is being increasingly adopted worldwide. The outcome of the first major conference on the growing status of ART and its future directions, this book's coverage includes the cognitive-behavioural context of ART, the component procedures, various training approaches and program applications, research evaluations and 'extensions and elaborations'.

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9780470856741


NLP techniques in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training process. Study Guide
NLP techniques in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training process. Study Guide

Автор: Marat Kenzhebulatov

A contemporary coach uses state-of-the-art education technology.Marat Kenzhebulatov, the holder of a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; head of the Bars Checkmat Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy, shares his experience in the Study Guide on using the neurolinguistic programming techniques to present educational material. The book will help build the training process in such a way as to help jitsers effectively master fighting techniques.

Цена: 480 руб.
ISBN: 9785005545947


No Regrets. A Ten-Step Program for Living in the Present and Leaving the Past Behind
No Regrets. A Ten-Step Program for Living in the Present and Leaving the Past Behind

Автор: Hamilton Beazley

At last, freedom from burdensome regrets Everyone has regrets. But not everyone can overcome them, even when they interfere with the enjoyment of life. With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to let go of past mistakes, lost opportunities, and failed expectations to live richly in a present filled with hope and new possibilities. This wise, compassionate, and practical guide offers profound insights into the nature of regrets and how to overcome them. Grounded in proven psychotherapeutic and spiritual principles, No Regrets brings together the insights of mental health professionals, spiritual teachers, and self-help experts. In No Regrets, you'll find: * A structured ten-step program for letting go of burdensome regrets * Powerful spiritual and psychological tools for overcoming regret, including creative visualization, journaling, affirmations, thought analysis, meditation, and sharing with others * Insights into toxic thought patterns that create and support regrets * Persistent myths about forgiveness that keep us trapped in our regrets * Inspiring stories of people who have freed themselves from regret No Regrets will show you a way out of the pain, guilt, and shame of the past and how to create a rich and rewarding life in the present. «Hamilton Beazley has the distinct ability to understand the most complex inner workings of the human spirit and mind. No Regrets is destined to take its place alongside the other great self-help guides of our time.» -Howard J. Shaffer, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director Division on Addictions, Harvard Medical School

Цена: 2098.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780471481799


Noises from the Darkroom: The Science and Mystery of the Mind
Noises from the Darkroom: The Science and Mystery of the Mind

Автор: Guy Claxton

Noises from the Darkroom draws psychology, biology and mysticism together into an exciting new theory of human consciousness.Starting from an evolutionary perspective, Guy Claxton shows how the mind has emerged from the brain, and how, along the way, some crucial misapprehensions have slipped into our unconscious models of ourselves. Through its masterly and engaging synthesis of different perspectives, Noises from the Darkroom offers a view of the totality of the human brain-mind that illuminates clearly both its blind alleys and its potentialities.Guy Claxton’s many books include Wholly Human, Beyond Therapy and The Heart of Buddhism.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007502981


Non Chiamarli
Non Chiamarli

Автор: Carlos Ramos

L’obiettivo di questi testi ? ricordare al lettore le sue pi? recondite paure. Ci? che molti anziani tramandano oralmente, ci? che si diffonde di bocca in bocca tra i vari quartieri. A quasi tutti si sono drizzati i peli dalla paura con una di queste storie e di nuovo il dubbio: Sar? possibile? Per alcuni si tratta solo di storie per divertirsi, per spaventare i bambini o per fornire un insegnamento a livello morale, per altri, per alcuni si tratta solo di idolatria, stregoneria e superstizioni. Sar? Lei, cara lettrice e gentile lettore a decidere come avvicinarsi a questi testi. Che, per inciso provengono dal villaggio e cos? vengono tramandate, mischiandosi con ci? che si racconta al di fuori dei nostri confini e i nostri miti e leggende. Questi racconti si pongono nel mezzo tra la ragione e la fantasia, spetter? a Lei decidere. L'autore l'assicura che non si sbilancia verso nessuna delle due opzioni, si limita a raccontare solo ci? che gli hanno riferito.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835425946


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