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Эффективное антикризисное управление. Практика. 1 (5) 2018
Эффективное антикризисное управление. Практика. № 1 (5) 2018

Автор: Группа авторов

«Эффективное антикризисное управление. Практика» – журнал, посвященный вопросам непрерывности бизнес-процессов, профилактике возникновения и урегулирования кризисных ситуаций на предприятии. Ранее издавался как раздел «Практика» научного журнала «Эффективное антикризисное управление» (с 2018 года – «Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент»). Материалы журнала представляют интерес как для практиков, так и исследователей, работающих в направлениях выявления, анализа и оценки факторов кризиса; стратегии противодействия кризисам; технике и технологии антикризисного управления и других смежных областях. Читайте в номере: – В фокусе внимания – цели и ценности – «Гайдаровский форум-2018»: глобальная трансформация неизбежна – Государство должно стать платформой – Риск-менеджмент для теоретиков и практиков – Как вывести экономику из депрессивной ловушки и многое другое

Серия: Журнал «Эффективное антикризисное управление. Практика» 2018

Цена: 150 руб.
Год: 2018


Юность Подмосковья 7 (82) 2015
Юность Подмосковья №7 (82) 2015

Автор: Группа авторов

«Юность Подмосковья» – ежемесячный молодежный журнал для читателей с активной жизненной позицией. Охватывает весь спектр жизни молодого поколения: интервью с интересными личностями и знаменитостями, рецензии на новые книги и кинофильмы, наиболее волнующие вопросы, музыка, образование, спорт, мода. Читайте в номере: – Курс на завтра. Летние школы: от Женевы до Крыма – Чем госслужба и опасна, и трудна? Памятка будущему чиновнику – Прямо в небосклон. Вся правда о зацепинге – Где та молодая шпана?.. «Нашествие-2015» в фокусе и многое другое

Серия: Журнал «Юность Подмосковья» 2015

Цена: 39.9 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 2073-1361-15007


Я дрался на Т-34. Третья книга
Я дрался на Т-34. Третья книга

Автор: Артем Драбкин

НОВАЯ КНИГА ведущего военного историка. Продолжение супербестселлеров, разошедшихся суммарным тиражом более 100 тысяч экземпляров. Воспоминания советских танкистов, воевавших на легендарном Т-34. «Только я успел крикнуть: „Пушка справа!“, как болванка пробила броню. Старшего лейтенанта разорвало на части, и вся кровь с него, оторванные куски тела… все это на меня! Мне достался в ногу мелкий осколок от брони, который я потом сам смог вытащить, а механику-водителю осколок попал в плечо. Но танк еще оставался на ходу, и тот, одной рукой переключая рычаг скоростей, вывел „тридцатьчетверку“ из-под огня…» «Я принял решение контратаковать с фланга прорвавшиеся немецкие танки. Сам сел на место наводчика. Расстояние до них было метров четыреста, да к тому же они шли бортами ко мне, и я быстро поджег два танка и два самоходных орудия. Брешь в нашей обороне была ликвидирована, положение стабилизировалось…» «В бою за село Теплое прямым попаданием снаряда заклинило ведущее колесо одного из атакующих „Тигров“. Экипаж бросил фактически исправный новейший танк. Командир корпуса поставил нам задачу вытащить „Тигр“ в расположение наших войск. Быстро создали группу из двух танков, отделения разведчиков, саперов и автоматчиков. Ночью двинулись к „Тигру“. Артиллерия вела беспокоящий огонь по немцам, чтобы скрыть лязг гусениц „тридцатьчетверок“. Подошли к танку. Коробка стояла на низкой передаче. Попытки переключить ее не удались. Подцепили „Тигр“ тросами, но они лопнули. Рев танковых двигателей на полных оборотах разбудил немцев, и они открыли огонь. Но мы уже накинули на крюки четыре троса и потихоньку двумя танками потащили „Тигр“ к нашим позициям…»

Серия: Война и мы

Исполнители: Алексей Березнёв

Цена: 199 руб.


Я иду искать
Я иду искать

Автор: Макс Фрай

Это аудиокнига о любви, в которой следует быть нерасчетливым и беззащитным, о смерти, с которой надо уметь правильно обращаться, о силе отчаяния, горьком вкусе счастья и ослепительной харымурде всевластия. А еще о ботанике, музыке, географии и международной политике, как же без нее. В идеале эту аудиокнигу следует прослушать дважды: наяву и во сне, потому что некоторые ее эпизоды не могут быть пересказаны словами, зато присниться могут каждому; другой вопрос, удастся ли вспомнить их наутро, но надо стараться. © Макс Фрай, текст, 2015 © ООО Издательство «АСТ», 2016 © & ℗ ООО «Аудиокнига», 2016 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта

Серия: Сновидения Ехо

Исполнители: Воронецкий Станислав

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-17-095334-9


Я помню, любимая, помню…
Я помню, любимая, помню…

Автор: Сергей Есенин

Сергей Есенин – русский поэт, тонкий лирик, мастер психологического пейзажа, представитель новокрестьянской поэзии, а позднее имажинизма – писал пронзительные стихи о любви. «…земля русская не производила ничего более коренного, естественно уместного и родового, чем Сергей Есенин…» – писал Борис Пастернак. В книге представлены самые популярные, любимые многими, почти народные, стихи поэта.

Серия: Народная поэзия

Исполнители: Наталья Волохина

Цена: 159 руб.


Японский язык. Речевой тренажер
Японский язык. Речевой тренажер

Автор: Елена Усманова

Елена Усманова – дипломированный специалист по японскому языку и литературе, автор справочных и учебных пособий. В данном пособии представлены самые распространенные японские речевые конструкции и мини-диалоги, которые показывают использование выражений в контексте; большое количество упражнений позволяет проработать каждую конструкцию на практике и выработать устойчивые навыки использования в речи. Данное издание подходит для всех, кто учит японский язык.

Серия: Суперпупертренажер

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 978-5-17-158186-2


A Companion to American Women s History
A Companion to American Women's History

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22485.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781119522621


A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture
A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 18063.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119692607


A Companion to Public Art
A Companion to Public Art

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to Public Art is the only scholarly volume to examine the main issues, theories, and practices of public art on a comprehensive scale. Edited by two distinguished scholars with contributions from art historians, critics, curators, and art administrators, as well as artists themselves Includes 19 essays in four sections: tradition, site, audience, and critical frameworks Covers important topics in the field, including valorizing victims, public art in urban landscapes and on university campuses, the role of digital technologies, jury selection committees, and the intersection of public art and mass media Contains “artist’s philosophy” essays, which address larger questions about an artist’s body of work and the field of public art, by Julian Bonder, eteam (Hajoe Moderegger and Franziska Lamprecht), John Craig Freeman, Antony Gormley, Suzanne Lacy, Caleb Neelon, Tatzu Nishi, Greg Sholette, and Alan Sonfist.

Цена: 17756.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118475355


A Companion to Social Geography
A Companion to Social Geography

Автор: Paul Cloke

This volume traces the complexity of social geography in both its historical and present contexts, whilst challenging readers to reflect critically on the tensions that run through social geographic thought. Organized to provide a new set of conceptual lenses through which social geographies can be discussed Presents an original intervention into the debates about social geography Highlights the importance of social geography within the broader field of geography

Цена: 24854.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781444395198


A Foreign Exchange Primer
A Foreign Exchange Primer

Автор: Shani Shamah

Цена: 7197.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780470864210


A Foreign Exchange Primer
A Foreign Exchange Primer

Автор: Shani Shamah

This book will provide a thorough introduction to the foreign exchange markets, looking at the main products through to the techniques used, coverage of the main participants, details of the various players, and an understanding of the jargon used in everyday dealings. Written in a concise and accessible manner, it will be an ideal introduction for anyone looking to become involved in the FX markets, from dealing rooms or sales perspectives, to novice investors. The new edition has been updated to reflect the changes that have taken place in the industry over the past few years. Most chapters have been enhanced and this new edition now features new material on the psychology of trading, the psychology of price movement and online trading.

Цена: 7798.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470741368


A History of China
A History of China

Автор: Morris Rossabi

Цена: 4468.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781119604211


A Practical Guide to Autism
A Practical Guide to Autism

Автор: Fred R. Volkmar

Цена: 4048.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781119685791


Abriss der Bierbrauerei
Abriss der Bierbrauerei

Автор: Ludwig Narziss

Das Lehrbuch zur Bierbrauerei von Ludwig Narzi? ist seit vielen Jahren das Standardwerk auf diesem Gebiet. Die neue, achte Auflage wurde komplett uberarbeitet und aktualisiert. Fur Studenten ist das Buch ein kurz gefasster Leitfaden, der jedoch alle wesentlichen Aspekte abdeckt. Der bereits im Betrieb tatige Praktiker erhalt eine Fulle von Anregungen und einen umfassenden Uberblick uber den heutigen Stand der Brauereitechnologie sowie der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Bierbrauerei. Neu in dieser Auflage: * das Kapitel «Die Deutschen Biertypen» * das Kapitel «Malze aus anderen Getreidearten und deren Verarbeitung» * weiterfuhrende Literatur ab Kapitel 3 Das Autorenteam ist um drei hervorragende Fachleute auf dem Gebiet der Bierbrauerei erweitert worden. Werner Back, Martin Zarnkow und Martina Gastl (alle Technische Universitat Munchen, Weihenstephan) stehen fur die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung dieses Lehrbuches.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783527696727


Abrupt Climate Change
Abrupt Climate Change

Автор: Группа авторов

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 193. Abrupt Climate Change: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Impacts brings together a diverse group of paleoproxy records such as ice cores, marine sediments, terrestrial (lakes and speleothems) archives, and coupled ocean-atmosphere climate models to document recent advances in understanding the mechanisms of abrupt climate changes. Since the discovery of the Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Greenland ice cores and the subsequent discovery of their contemporary events in the marine sediments of the North Atlantic, the search for these abrupt, millennial-scale events across the globe has intensified, and as a result, the number of paleoclimatic records chronicling such events has increased. The volume highlights include discussions of records of past climate variability, meridional overturning circulation, land-ocean-atmosphere interactions, feedbacks in the climate system, and global temperature anomalies. Abrupt Climate Change will be of interest to students, researchers, academics, and policy makers who are concerned about abrupt climate change and its potential impact on society.

Цена: 13459.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118672280


Activity Based Costing for Construction Companies
Activity Based Costing for Construction Companies

Автор: Yong-Woo Kim

Activity Based Cotsting for Construction Companies provides guidelines on how overhead costs can be managed for using Activity Based Costing (ABC), providing gains in contractor competiveness. Illustrated with a range of case studies and examples it also presents a map that shows construction contractors how to implement ABC to calculate overhead costs accurately, identifying non or low-value added operations which can then be improved.

Цена: 8333.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119194682


Advanced Hierarchical Nanostructured Materials
Advanced Hierarchical Nanostructured Materials

Автор: Группа авторов

An overview of the recent developments and prospects in this highly topical area, covering the synthesis, characterization, properties and applications of hierarchical nanostructured materials. The book concentrates on those materials relevant for research and development in the fields of energy, biomedicine and environmental protection, with a strong focus on 3D materials based on nanocarbons, mesoporous silicates, hydroxides, core-shell particles and helical nanostructures. Thanks to its clear concept and application-oriented approach, this is an essential reference for experienced researchers and newcomers to the field alike.

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527664979


Advanced Multifunctional Lightweight Aerostructures
Advanced Multifunctional Lightweight Aerostructures

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13518.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781119756729


Advances in DEA Theory and Applications
Advances in DEA Theory and Applications

Автор: Группа авторов

A key resource and framework for assessing the performance of competing entities, including forecasting models Advances in DEA Theory and Applications provides a much-needed framework for assessing the performance of competing entities with special emphasis on forecasting models. It helps readers to determine the most appropriate methodology in order to make the most accurate decisions for implementation. Written by a noted expert in the field, this text provides a review of the latest advances in DEA theory and applications to the field of forecasting. Designed for use by anyone involved in research in the field of forecasting or in another application area where forecasting drives decision making, this text can be applied to a wide range of contexts, including education, health care, banking, armed forces, auditing, market research, retail outlets, organizational effectiveness, transportation, public housing, and manufacturing. This vital resource: Explores the latest developments in DEA frameworks for the performance evaluation of entities such as public or private organizational branches or departments, economic sectors, technologies, and stocks Presents a novel area of application for DEA; namely, the performance evaluation of forecasting models Promotes the use of DEA to assess the performance of forecasting models in a wide area of applications Provides rich, detailed examples and case studies Advances in DEA Theory and Applications includes information on a balanced benchmarking tool that is designed to help organizations examine their assumptions about their productivity and performance.

Цена: 9031.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118946701


Advertising by Design
Advertising by Design

Автор: Robin Landa

Цена: 7587.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119691532


Aeronautical Air-Ground Data Link Communications
Aeronautical Air-Ground Data Link Communications

Автор: Nicolas Larrieu

This book deals with air-ground aeronautical communications. The main goal is to give the reader a survey of the currently deployed, emerging and future communications systems dedicated to digital data communications between the aircraft and the ground, namely the data link. Those communication systems show specific properties relatively to those commonly used for terrestrial communications. In this book, the system architectures are more specifically considered from the access to the application layers as radio and physical functionalities have already been addressed in detail in others books. The first part is an introduction to aeronautical communications, their specific concepts, properties, requirements and terminology. The second part presents the currently used systems for air ground communications in continental and oceanic area. The third part enlightens the reader on the emerging and future communication systems and some leading research projects focused on this scope. Finally, before the conclusion, the fourth part gives several main challenges and research directions currently under investigation.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119006770


Aircraft Fuel Systems
Aircraft Fuel Systems

Автор: Roy Langton

All aspects of fuel products and systems including fuel handling, quantity gauging and management functions for both commercial (civil) and military applications. The fuel systems on board modern aircraft are multi-functional, fully integrated complex networks. They are designed to provide a proper and reliable management of fuel resources throughout all phases of operation, notwithstanding changes in altitude or speed, as well as to monitor system functionality and advise the flight crew of any operational anomalies that may develop. Collates together a wealth of information on fuel system design that is currently disseminated throughout the literature. Authored by leading industry experts from Airbus and Parker Aerospace. Includes chapters on basic system functions, features and functions unique to military aircraft, fuel handling, fuel quantity gauging and management, fuel systems safety and fuel systems design and development. Accompanied by a companion website housing a MATLAB/SIMULINK model of a modern aircraft fuel system that allows the user to set up flight conditions, investigate the effects of equipment failures and virtually fly preset missions. Aircraft Fuel Systems provides a timely and invaluable resource for engineers, project and programme managers in the equipment supply and application communities, as well as for graduate and postgraduate students of mechanical and aerospace engineering. It constitutes an invaluable addition to the established Wiley Aerospace Series.

Цена: 13962.17 руб.
ISBN: 9780470059463


Airport Engineering
Airport Engineering

Автор: Saleh Mumayiz

First published in 1979, Airport Engineering by Ashford and Wright, has become a classic textbook in the education of airport engineers and transportation planners. Over the past twenty years, construction of new airports in the US has waned as construction abroad boomed. This new edition of Airport Engineering will respond to this shift in the growth of airports globally, with a focus on the role of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), while still providing the best practices and tested fundamentals that have made the book successful for over 30 years.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118005293


Alexander s Heirs
Alexander's Heirs

Автор: Edward M. Anson

Alexander’s Heirs offers a narrative account of the approximately forty years following the death of Alexander the Great, during which his generals vied for control of his vast empire, and through their conflicts and politics ultimately created the Hellenistic Age. Offers an account of the power struggles between Alexander’s rival generals in the forty year period following his death Discusses how Alexander’s vast empire ultimately became the Hellenistic World Makes full use of primary and secondary sources Accessible to a broad audience of students, university scholars, and the educated general reader Explores important scholarly debates on the Diadochi

Цена: 10831.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118862339


Algorithms for Communications Systems and their Applications
Algorithms for Communications Systems and their Applications

Автор: Nevio Benvenuto

Цена: 17986.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119567974


American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype

Автор: S. D. Humphrey

American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype by S. D. Humphrey libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742901583


American Politics and Society
American Politics and Society

Автор: David McKay

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119578390


Amorphous Semiconductors
Amorphous Semiconductors

Автор: Kazuo Morigaki

Amorphous semiconductors are subtances in the amorphous solid state that have the properties of a semiconductor and which are either covalent or tetrahedrally bonded amorphous semiconductors or chelcogenide glasses. Developed from both a theoretical and experimental viewpoint Deals with, amongst others, preparation techniques, structural, optical and electronic properties, and light induced phenomena Explores different types of amorphous semiconductors including amorphous silicon, amorphous semiconducting oxides and chalcogenide glasses Applications include solar cells, thin film transistors, sensors, optical memory devices and flat screen devices including televisions

Цена: 14619.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781118757949


An Introduction to Probability and Statistics
An Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Автор: A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh

A well-balanced introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics Featuring updated material, An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Third Edition remains a solid overview to probability theory and mathematical statistics. Divided intothree parts, the Third Edition begins by presenting the fundamentals and foundationsof probability. The second part addresses statistical inference, and the remainingchapters focus on special topics. An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Third Edition includes: A new section on regression analysis to include multiple regression, logistic regression, and Poisson regression A reorganized chapter on large sample theory to emphasize the growing role of asymptotic statistics Additional topical coverage on bootstrapping, estimation procedures, and resampling Discussions on invariance, ancillary statistics, conjugate prior distributions, and invariant confidence intervals Over 550 problems and answers to most problems, as well as 350 worked out examples and 200 remarks Numerous figures to further illustrate examples and proofs throughout An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Third Edition is an ideal reference and resource for scientists and engineers in the fields of statistics, mathematics, physics, industrial management, and engineering. The book is also an excellent text for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level students majoring in probability and statistics.

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781118799680


An Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Research
An Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Research

Автор: Kathleen F. Weaver

Provides well-organized coverage of statistical analysis and applications in biology, kinesiology, and physical anthropology with comprehensive insights into the techniques and interpretations of R, SPSS®, Excel®, and Numbers® output An Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Research: With Applications in the Biological and Life Sciences develops a conceptual foundation in statistical analysis while providing readers with opportunities to practice these skills via research-based data sets in biology, kinesiology, and physical anthropology. Readers are provided with a detailed introduction and orientation to statistical analysis as well as practical examples to ensure a thorough understanding of the concepts and methodology. In addition, the book addresses not just the statistical concepts researchers should be familiar with, but also demonstrates their relevance to real-world research questions and how to perform them using easily available software packages including R, SPSS®, Excel®, and Numbers®. Specific emphasis is on the practical application of statistics in the biological and life sciences, while enhancing reader skills in identifying the research questions and testable hypotheses, determining the appropriate experimental methodology and statistical analyses, processing data, and reporting the research outcomes. In addition, this book: • Aims to develop readers’ skills including how to report research outcomes, determine the appropriate experimental methodology and statistical analysis, and identify the needed research questions and testable hypotheses • Includes pedagogical elements throughout that enhance the overall learning experience including case studies and tutorials, all in an effort to gain full comprehension of designing an experiment, considering biases and uncontrolled variables, analyzing data, and applying the appropriate statistical application with valid justification • Fills the gap between theoretically driven, mathematically heavy texts and introductory, step-by-step type books while preparing readers with the programming skills needed to carry out basic statistical tests, build support figures, and interpret the results • Provides a companion website that features related R, SPSS, Excel, and Numbers data sets, sample PowerPoint® lecture slides, end of the chapter review questions, software video tutorials that highlight basic statistical concepts, and a student workbook and instructor manual An Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Research: With Applications in the Biological and Life Sciences is an ideal textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in research methods, biostatistics, statistics, biology, kinesiology, sports science and medicine, health and physical education, medicine, and nutrition. The book is also appropriate as a reference for researchers and professionals in the fields of anthropology, sports research, sports science, and physical education. KATHLEEN F. WEAVER, PhD, is Associate Dean of Learning, Innovation, and Teaching and Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of La Verne. The author of numerous journal articles, she received her PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Colorado. VANESSA C. MORALES, BS, is Assistant Director of the Academic Success Center at the University of La Verne. SARAH L. DUNN, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of La Verne and is Director of Research and Sponsored Programs. She has authored numerous journal articles and received her PhD in Health and Exercise Science from the University of New South Wales. KANYA GODDE, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology and is Director/Chair of Institutional Review Board at the University of La Verne. The author of numerous j

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119299691


An Introduction to Thermogeology
An Introduction to Thermogeology

Автор: David Banks

This authoritative guide provides a basis for understanding the emerging technology of ground source heating and cooling. It equips engineers, geologists, architects, planners and regulators with the fundamental skills needed to manipulate the ground's huge capacity to store, supply and receive heat, and to implement technologies (such as heat pumps) to exploit that capacity for space heating and cooling. The author has geared the book towards understanding ground source heating and cooling from the ground side (the geological aspects), rather than solely the building aspects. He explains the science behind thermogeology and offers practical guidance on different design options. An Introduction to Thermogeology: ground source heating and cooling is aimed primarily at professionals whose skill areas impinge on the emerging technology of ground source heating and cooling. They will be aware of the importance of the technology and wish to rapidly acquire fundamental theoretical understanding and design skills. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover new technical developments and now includes end-of-chapter study questions to test the reader's understanding.

Цена: 14198.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118447499


An Introduction to TTCN-3
An Introduction to TTCN-3

Автор: Thomas Dei?

This unique book provides a fully revised and up-to-date treatment of the TTCN-3 language TTCN-3 is an internationally standardised test language with a powerful textual syntax which has established itself as a global, universal testing language. Application of TTCN-3 has been widened beyond telecommunication systems to areas such as the automotive industry, internet protocols, railway signalling, medical systems, and avionics. An Introduction to TTCN-3 gives a solid introduction to the TTCN-3 language and its uses, guiding readers though the TTCN-3 standards, methodologies and tools with examples and advice based on the authors' extensive real-world experience. All the important concepts and constructs of the language are explained in a step-by-step, tutorial style, and the authors relate the testing language to the overall test system implementation, giving the bigger picture. This second edition of the book has been updated and revised to cover the additions, changes and extensions to the TTCN-3 language since the first version was published. In addition, this book provides new material on the use of XML, test framework design and LTE testing with TTCN-3. Key Features: Provides a fully revised and up-to-date look at the TTCN-3 language Addresses language standardization, tool implementation and applying TTCN-3 in real world scenarios such as VoIP and LTE testing Explores recent advances such as TTCN-3 core language extensions on type parameterization, behavior types, real time and performance testing Introduces the use of ASN.1 and XML with TTCN-3 Written by experts in the field Includes an accompanying website containing code samples and links to the relevant standards documents (www.wiley.com/go/willcock_ttcn-3_2e) This book is an ideal reference for test engineers, software developers, and standards professionals. Graduate students studying telecommunications and software engineering will also find this book insightful.

Цена: 10310.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780470977910


An Old, Cold Grave - A Lane Winslow Mystery, Book 3 (Unabridged)
An Old, Cold Grave - A Lane Winslow Mystery, Book 3 (Unabridged)

Автор: Iona Whishaw

Исполнители: Marilla Wex

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781771513722


Analog und Digital
Analog und Digital

Автор: Otl Aicher

Otl Aicher (1922 –1991) war einer der herausragenden Vertreter des modernen Designs, er war Mitbegr?nder der legend?ren Hochschule f?r Gestaltung Ulm (HfG). Der heute gel?u_ ge Begriff der visuellen Kommunikation ist auf ihn zur?ckzuf?hren. Was er seit den 1950er Jahren geschaffen hat, erinnert sei z. B. an die Piktogramme f?r die Olympischen Sommerspiele M?nchen 1972, geh?rt zu den ganz gro?en Leistungen der visuellen Kultur unserer Zeit. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt der Arbeiten von Aicher ist deren Verankerung in einer von Denkern wie Ockham, Kant oder Wittgenstein inspirierten „Philosophie des Machens“, die die Voraussetzungen und Ziele sowie die Gegenst?nde und Anspr?che von Gestaltung zum Thema hat. Aichers Schriften zu Fragen des Designs von der visuellen Gestaltung bis hin zur Architektur liegen in diesem Band in geschlossener Form vor. Wenn Aicher das Analoge und Konkrete dem Digitalen und Abstrakten vorzieht, tut er dies mit philosophischer Absicht. Er relativiert die Rolle der reinen Vernunft. Er kritisiert den Rationalismus der Moderne als Ergebnis der Vorherrschaft des blo? abstrakten Denkens. Wer das Abstrakte dem Konkreten vorzieht, missversteht nicht nur die wechselseitige Abh?ngigkeit von Begriff und Anschauung. Er schafft nach Aichers Urteil auch eine falsche Hierarchie, eine Rangordnung, die kulturell verh?ngnisvoll ist. Das digitale, Abstrakte ist nicht h?her, gr??er und wichtiger als das Analoge, Konkrete. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783433605929


Analysis and Control of Electric Drives
Analysis and Control of Electric Drives

Автор: Ned Mohan

A guide to drives essential to electric vehicles, wind turbines, and other  motor-driven systems   Analysis and Control of Electric Drives  is a practical and comprehensive text that offers a clear understanding of electric drives and their industrial applications in the real-world including electric vehicles and wind turbines. The authors—noted experts on the topic—review the basic knowledge needed to understand electric drives and include the pertinent material that examines DC and AC machines in steady state using a unique physics-based approach. The book also analyzes electric machine operation under dynamic conditions, assisted by Space Vectors.  The book is filled with illustrative examples and includes information on electric machines with Interior Permanent Magnets. To enhance learning, the book contains end-of-chapter problems and all topics covered use computer simulations with MATLAB Simulink® and Sciamble® Workbench software that is available free online for educational purposes. This important book:  Explores additional topics such as electric machines with Interior Permanent Magnets Includes multiple examples and end-of-chapter homework problems Provides simulations made using MATLAB Simulink® and Sciamble® Workbench, free software for educational purposes Contains helpful presentation slides and Solutions Manual for Instructors; simulation files are available on the associated website for easy implementation A unique feature of this book is that the simulations in Sciamble® Workbench software can seamlessly be used to control experiments in a hardware laboratory Written for undergraduate and graduate students,  Analysis and Control of Electric Drives  is an essential guide to understanding electric vehicles, wind turbines, and increased efficiency of motor-driven systems.

Цена: 14773.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781119584551


Analysis and Design of Transimpedance Amplifiers for Optical Receivers
Analysis and Design of Transimpedance Amplifiers for Optical Receivers

Автор: Eduard S?ckinger

An up-to-date, comprehensive guide for advanced electrical engineering studentsand electrical engineers working in the IC and optical industries This book covers the major transimpedance amplifier (TIA) topologies and their circuit implementations for optical receivers. This includes the shunt-feedback TIA, common-base TIA, common-gate TIA, regulated-cascode TIA, distributed-amplifier TIA, nonresistive feedback TIA, current-mode TIA, burst-mode TIA, and analog-receiver TIA. The noise, transimpedance, and other performance parameters of these circuits are analyzed and optimized. Topics of interest include post amplifiers, differential vs. single-ended TIAs, DC input current control, and adaptive transimpedance. The book features real-world examples of TIA circuits for a variety of receivers (direct detection, coherent, burst-mode, etc.) implemented in a broad array of technologies (HBT, BiCMOS, CMOS, etc.). The book begins with an introduction to optical communication systems, signals, and standards. It then moves on to discussions of optical fiber and photodetectors. This discussion includes p-i-n photodetectors; avalanche photodetectors (APD); optically preamplified detectors; integrated detectors, including detectors for silicon photonics; and detectors for phase-modulated signals, including coherent detectors. This is followed by coverage of the optical receiver at the system level: the relationship between noise, sensitivity, optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR), and bit-error rate (BER) is explained; receiver impairments, such as intersymbol interference (ISI), are covered. In addition, the author presents TIA specifications and illustrates them with example values from recent product data sheets. The book also includes: Many numerical examples throughout that help make the material more concrete for readers Real-world product examples that show the performance of actual IC designs Chapter summaries that highlight the key points Problems and their solutions for readers who want to practice and deepen their understanding of the material Appendices that cover communication signals, eye diagrams, timing jitter, nonlinearity, adaptive equalizers, decision point control, forward error correction (FEC), and second-order low-pass transfer functions Analysis and Design of Transimpedance Amplifiers for Optical Receivers belongs on the reference shelves of every electrical engineer working in the IC and optical industries. It also can serve as a textbook for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students studying integrated circuit design and optical communication.

Цена: 14773.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781119263777


Analytische Chemie
Analytische Chemie

Автор: Prof. Georg Schwedt

Alle relevanten Aspekte der Analytischen Chemie werden in diesem Lehrbuch, das gleichzeitig auch als Referenz fur Praktiker dient, umfassend und klar auf den Punkt gebracht. Das Autorenteam wird durch zwei aktive und international bekannte Professoren verstarkt; dies sorgt fur frischen Wind, gleichzeitig wird der didaktisch ausgefeilte Stil der Vorauflagen beibehalten. Von der Analysenstrategie zur Probenvorbereitung, von der Ma?analyse uber spektroskopische und chromatographische Methoden bis zur Automatisierung – DAS Lehrbuch fur alle, die sich mit Analytischer Chemie beschaftigen.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783527698790


Antenna Designs for NFC Devices
Antenna Designs for NFC Devices

Автор: Dominique Paret

Near-field communication (NFC) enables the exchange of information between close devices. The antenna is the indispensable element to transform an electronic device into an NFC system. For both theory and practice, this book presents in detail the design technologies of different antennas. They must meet the NFC ISO 18 092 and 21 481 standards as well as specifications by the NFC Forum for industrial applications, by EMVCo for banking applications and payments, and by CEN for public transport. In a particularly pedagogic way, Antenna Designs for NFC Devices enables designers of communicating object systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) to have access to the mysteries of the design of NFC antennas.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119145318


Antriebsstrangsysteme in Kraftfahrzeugen
Antriebsstrangsysteme in Kraftfahrzeugen

Автор: David Crolla

Energieverbrauch minimieren, globale Emissionen senken – das sind die Herausforderungen, vor denen die Automobilindustrie im 21. Jahrhundert steht. Da das Interesse an Fahrkomfort ungebrochen ist, hangt der kommerzielle Erfolg eines Fahrzeugs davon ab, dass die Balance zwischen diesen Gegensatzen gelingt. Entscheidend dabei ist das Antriebsstrangsystem, das Herzstuck jedes Kraftfahrzeugs. Hier wird die Antriebskraft erzeugt, die Beschleunigung und Geschwindigkeit ebenso bestimmt wie Energieverbrauch und -effizienz. Gut nachvollziehbar stellt diese Einfuhrung die Prinzipien des Antriebsstrangs vor. Studenten gewinnen fur den konventionellen Antriebsstrang ein umfassendes Verstandnis, das fur die Fahrzeugentwicklung unerlasslich ist. Praktiker finden die notwendigen Voraussetzungen fur die Weiterentwicklung spezieller Konzepte wie dem Antriebsstrang in Hybridfahrzeugen und fortgeschrittenen Getriebearten. An zahlreichen durchgerechneten Beispielen sowie Aufgaben kann im Selbsttest das erlernte Wissen vertieft werden, kommentierter MATLAB?-Code erlaubt konkrete, numerische Berechnungen mit unterschiedlichen Parametern. Der systematische Ansatz der Autoren stellt Integration und Interaktionen zwischen samtlichen Komponenten des Antriebsstrangs – vom Verbrennungsmotor uber Getriebe und Achsantrieb bis hin zu Radern und Reifen – in den Fokus. Mit Zusatzmaterial fur Dozenten unter: www.wiley-vch.de

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783527678037


Application of Nanotechnology in Mining Processes
Application of Nanotechnology in Mining Processes

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119865353


Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology
Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology

Автор: Erick Su?rez

A one-stop guide for public health students and practitioners learning the applications of classical regression models in epidemiology This book is written for public health professionals and students interested in applying regression models in the field of epidemiology. The academic material is usually covered in public health courses including (i) Applied Regression Analysis, (ii) Advanced Epidemiology, and (iii) Statistical Computing. The book is composed of 13 chapters, including an introduction chapter that covers basic concepts of statistics and probability. Among the topics covered are linear regression model, polynomial regression model, weighted least squares, methods for selecting the best regression equation, and generalized linear models and their applications to different epidemiological study designs. An example is provided in each chapter that applies the theoretical aspects presented in that chapter. In addition, exercises are included and the final chapter is devoted to the solutions of these academic exercises with answers in all of the major statistical software packages, including STATA, SAS, SPSS, and R. It is assumed that readers of this book have a basic course in biostatistics, epidemiology, and introductory calculus. The book will be of interest to anyone looking to understand the statistical fundamentals to support quantitative research in public health. In addition, this book: • Is based on the authors’ course notes from 20 years teaching regression modeling in public health courses • Provides exercises at the end of each chapter • Contains a solutions chapter with answers in STATA, SAS, SPSS, and R • Provides real-world public health applications of the theoretical aspects contained in the chapters Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology is a reference for graduate students in public health and public health practitioners. ERICK SU?REZ is a Professor of the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Puerto Rico School of Public Health. He received a Ph.D. degree in Medical Statistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He has 29 years of experience teaching biostatistics. CYNTHIA M. P?REZ is a Professor of the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Puerto Rico School of Public Health. She received an M.S. degree in Statistics and a Ph.D. degree in Epidemiology from Purdue University. She has 22 years of experience teaching epidemiology and biostatistics. ROBERTO RIVERA is an Associate Professor at the College of Business at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. He received a Ph.D. degree in Statistics from the University of California in Santa Barbara. He has more than five years of experience teaching statistics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. MELISSA N. MART?NEZ is an Account Supervisor at Havas Media International. She holds an MPH in Biostatistics from the University of Puerto Rico and an MSBA from the National University in San Diego, California. For the past seven years, she has been performing analyses for the biomedical research and media advertising fields.

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119212492


Applied Process Control
Applied Process Control

Автор: Michael Mulholland

Focusing on the practical implementation of the methods of process modelling and control, this book provides readers with rapid access to the methods described, while including the theoretical background necessary. Throughout, the essential knowledge is built up from chapter to chapter, starting with laying the foundations in plant instrumentation and control. Modelling abilities are then developed by starting from simple time-loop algorithms and passing on to discrete methods, Laplace transforms, automata and fuzzy logic. In the end, readers have the means to design simple controllers on the basis of their own models, and to use more detailed models to test them. With its clarity and simplicity of presentation, and illustrated by more than 200 diagrams, this book supports self-study and teaches readers how to apply the appropriate method for the application required, and how to handle problems in process control. Bridging theory and practice, over 200 exercises and solutions can be found in the accompanying «Applied Process Control: Efficient Problem Solving», to develop the problem-solving abilities of process engineers.

Цена: 12713.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783527801619


Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation
Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation

Автор: Группа авторов

The book advances knowledge about climate change adaptation practices through a series of case studies. It presents important evidence about adaptation practices in agriculture, businesses, the coastal zone, community services, disaster management, ecosystems, indigneous populations, and settlements and infrastructure. In addition to 38 case studies across these sectors, the book contains horizon-scoping essays from international experts in adaptation research, including Hallie Eakin, Susanne Moser, Jonathon Overpeck, Bill Solecki, and Gary Yohe. Australia’s social-ecological systems have a long history of adapting to climate variability and change, and in recent decades has been a world-leader in implementing and researching adaptation, making this book of universal relevance to all those working to adapt our environment and societies to climate change.

Цена: 11671.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781118845059


Applying Phonetics
Applying Phonetics

Автор: Murray J. Munro

Цена: 3620.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781119164555


Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry

Автор: Jane Magruder Watkins

Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of Appreciative Inquiry offers OD and HR professionals a user-friendly resource for discovering how they can tap into the power of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process. An innovative process, AI is an effective way to work with a company as an organic system whose success depends on a holistic approach to connect that organization's human, technical, and organizational functions. This new edition meets the challenge of making the AI process accessible and updates three key areas of the process: the theoretical basis, fundamental assumptions and beliefs, and the basic processes. It includes step-by-step guidelines on how to apply AI in a variety of organizational situations and shows how it can be used with a wide range of initiatives, such as coaching, leadership development, strategic planning, and teambuilding. «If there's one book to read on AI, this is it. It provides the context and rationale for this paradigm changing approach to change at any level of system. Buy it, read it, use it and enjoy achieving great results and renewed energy and enthusiasm.» —Barbara Sloan, director, Organizational Development and Learning, New York University, Langone Medical Center «Appreciative Inquiry brings the freedom and creativity of AI together with the 'nuts and bolts' of how to actually do it all. It contains everything I would want to have as a fresh practitioner, from potential designs to sample questions and excellent Case Stories.» —David Shaked, founder and CEO, Almond Insight, United Kingdom «This book serves as a complete roadmap for those interested in the philosophy and practice of Appreciative Inquiry. The Case Stories encourage readers to find their own way on the journey by providing examples of successful interventions.» —Terry Egan, professor, Management Studies, Pepperdine University

Цена: 6936.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781118015100


Architectural Acoustics Illustrated
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated

Автор: Michael Ermann

Unite the science of sound and the principles of design to enhance any space Architectural Acoustics Illustrated translates the quantitative and qualitative content of acoustics into the graphic language of architecture. This highly-visual guide includes over 350 illustrations that outline the physics of sound and the best design practices for limiting or mitigating noise in buildings by using the latest in materials and techniques. Each chapter includes a summary checklist of design guidelines to help prevent mistakes and oversights, and the Instructor's website offers video animations demonstrating acoustical concepts. Designed as a «first look» at the interaction of sound and space, the book explains the principles of architectural acoustics and their practical applications, providing a comprehensive guide for designing with acoustics in mind. Architectural acoustics is more than just concert halls – it may determine building placement, division of interior space, exterior construction, and even siting. When addressed early in the design process, the resulting space can be free of unwanted sound and promote good hearing; if left unaddressed, the problems with the space can lead to lawsuits and costly post-construction remediation. Architectural Acoustics Illustrated helps designers solve most acoustical problems in advance, by enabling readers to: Understand the physical science underlying the behavior of sound Consider the interactions of sound and space in the initial design approach Mitigate building sounds such as those produced by HVAC and plumbing with early design planning Design spaces for listening, and incorporate acoustics best practices into every plan The highly visual format of the book helps readers grasp complex concepts quickly, and thorough discussion of each concept's real-world application ties the science directly into the design process. All design professionals need to have a fundamental understanding of acoustics, and Architectural Acoustics Illustrated is a comprehensive, practical guide in an easy-to-read format.

Цена: 8960.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118986899


Architektur und Tragwerk
Architektur und Tragwerk

Автор: Stefan Polonyi

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783433611135


Art Russe Grand Cru: Сент-Эмильон на службе русского искусства
Art Russe Grand Cru: Сент-Эмильон на службе русского искусства

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Simple Wine News – издание, посвященное новостям виноделия, виноторговли и ресторанного бизнеса, культуры потребления вина, винным путешествиям и другим аспектам мира вина и гастрономии. Simple Wine News регулярно проводит собственные дегустации, в которых принимают участие известные винные эксперты, критики и сомелье. Издание предназначено для широкой аудитории ценителей и знатоков вина, а также профессионалов винного рынка. Читайте в выпуске: Нервная Галисия Дефицит йода в организме хорошо восполняет альбариньо. Хорошо бы в Риас-Байшас запретили и дубовые бочки. Разбираем, как усложнилась категория, и пробуем. Сверхчеловек Бернару Магре 81 год, он спит по три часа и обожает давать интервью. Китай для него уже в прошлом. Купит ли он виноградники в Крыму? Горгона Фрескобальди умудрились попасть на Горгону – остров-тюрьму Италии, да ещё и сделать свое лучшее белое вино. Сицилия и Сардиния Хотели как лучше, получилось как всегда: из островов Средиземноморья набралось лишь 74 итальянских. Роэро на тропе неббиоло Новая классификация бросает вызов Бароло и Барбареско. и многое другое

Серия: Simple Wine News. Просто о лучших винах

Цена: 300 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-4274-0045-9


Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment
Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment

Автор: Al Naqvi

Make AI technology the backbone of your organization to compete in the Fintech era The rise of artificial intelligence is nothing short of a technological revolution. AI is poised to completely transform asset management and investment banking, yet its current application within the financial sector is limited and fragmented. Existing AI implementations tend to solve very narrow business issues, rather than serving as a powerful tech framework for next-generation finance. Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment provides a strategic viewpoint on how AI can be comprehensively integrated within investment finance, leading to evolved performance in compliance, management, customer service, and beyond. No other book on the market takes such a wide-ranging approach to using AI in asset management. With this guide, you’ll be able to build an asset management firm from the ground up—or revolutionize your existing firm—using artificial intelligence as the cornerstone and foundation. This is a must, because AI is quickly growing to be the single competitive factor for financial firms. With better AI comes better results. If you aren’t integrating AI in the strategic DNA of your firm, you’re at risk of being left behind. See how artificial intelligence can form the cornerstone of an integrated, strategic asset management framework Learn how to build AI into your organization to remain competitive in the world of Fintech Go beyond siloed AI implementations to reap even greater benefits Understand and overcome the governance and leadership challenges inherent in AI strategy Until now, it has been prohibitively difficult to map the high-tech world of AI onto complex and ever-changing financial markets. Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment makes this difficulty a thing of the past, providing you with a professional and accessible framework for setting up and running artificial intelligence in your financial operations.

Цена: 4221.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119601845


Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Approaches in Security Frameworks
Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Approaches in Security Frameworks

Автор: Группа авторов

Исполнители: Наталья Беляева

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119760443


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