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Impact mapping: Как повысить эффективность программных продуктов и проектов по их разработке
Impact mapping: Как повысить эффективность программных продуктов и проектов по их разработке

Автор: Гойко Аджич

Impact Mapping – практическое пособие по картам влияния, простому, но очень эффективному методу разработки программного обеспечения. Он помогает еще на стадии стратегического планирования организовать сотрудничество различных специалистов и в результате создавать эффективные программные продукты.

Исполнители: Андрей Троммельман

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 9785961434361


Impact mapping: Как повысить эффективность программных продуктов и проектов по их разработке
Impact mapping: Как повысить эффективность программных продуктов и проектов по их разработке

Автор: Гойко Аджич

Impact Mapping – практическое пособие по картам влияния, простому, но очень эффективному методу разработки программного обеспечения. Он помогает еще на стадии стратегического планирования организовать сотрудничество различных специалистов и в результате создавать эффективные программные продукты.

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 9785961448405


Innovation and Export
Innovation and Export

Автор: Manon Enjolras

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119881537


Innovation in Clusters
Innovation in Clusters

Автор: Estelle Vallier

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119881445


Innovations in Satellite Communications and Satellite Technology
Innovations in Satellite Communications and Satellite Technology

Автор: Daniel Minoli

Surveys key advances in commercial satellite communications and what might be the implications and/or opportunities for end-users and service providers in utilizing the latest fast-evolving innovations in this field This book explores the evolving technical options and opportunities of satellite networks. Designed to be a self-contained reference, the book includes background technical material in an introductory chapter that will serve as a primer to satellite communications. The text discusses advances in modulation techniques, such as DBV-S2 extensions (DVS-S2X); spotbeam-based geosynchronous and medium earth orbit High Throughput Satellite (HTS) technologies and Internet applications; enhanced mobility services with aeronautical and maritime applications; Machine to Machine (M2M) satellite applications; emerging ultra HD technologies; and electric propulsion. The author surveys the latest innovations and service strategies and the resulting implications, which involves: Discussing advances in modulation techniques and HTS spotbeam technologies Surveying emerging high speed aeronautical mobility services and maritime and other terrestrial mobility services Assessing M2M (machine-to-machine) applications, emerging Ultra HD video technologies and new space technology Satellite communication is an integral part of the larger fields of commercial, television/media, government, and military communications, because of its multicast/broadcast capabilities, mobility, reliability, and global reach. High Throughput Satellites) are expected to revolutionize the field during this decade, providing very high speed, yet cost-effective, Internet access and connectivity anywhere in the world, in rural areas, in the air, and at sea. M2M connectivity, enabled by satellite communications, connects trucks on transcontinental trips, aircraft in real-time-telemetry aggregation, and mercantile ships. A comprehensive analysis of the new advances in satellite communications, Innovations in Satellite Communications Technology is a reference for telecommunications and satellite providers and end-users, technology investors, logistic professionals, and more.

Цена: 13056.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118984062


Innovative Approaches towards Ecological Coal Mining and Utilization
Innovative Approaches towards Ecological Coal Mining and Utilization

Автор: Jiuping Xu

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9783527825103


Instructor s Guide and Solutions Manual to Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra, Instructor s Guide and Solutions Manual
Instructor's Guide and Solutions Manual to Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra, Instructor's Guide and Solutions Manual

Автор: H. L. Li

The text Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra contains a graded set of structural problems employing 2D-NMR spectroscopy. The Instructors Guide and Solutions Manual to Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra is a set of step-by-step worked solutions to every problem in Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra. While it is absolutely clear that there are many ways to get to the correct solution of any of the problems, the instructors guide contains at least one complete pathway to every one of the questions. In addition, the instructors guide carefully rationalises every peak in every spectrum in relation to the correct structure. The Instructors Guide and Solutions Manual to Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra: Is a complete set of worked solutions to the problems contained in Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra. Provides a step-by-step description of the process to derive structures from spectra as well as annotated 2D spectra indicating the origin of every cross peak. Highlights common artefacts and re-enforces the important characteristics of the most common techniques 2D NMR techniques including COSY, NOESY, HMBC, TOCSY, CH-Correlation and multiplicity-edited C-H Correlation. This guide is an essential aid to those teachers, lecturers and instructors who use Organic Structures from 2D NMR as a text to teach students of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biochemistry and those taking courses in Organic Chemistry.

Цена: 7102.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119027263


Integrale Br?cken
Integrale Br?cken

Автор: Roman Geier

Integrale Brucken erfordern weniger Aufwand in Wartung und Instandhaltung als konventionelle Brucken. Daher wird diese Bauweise sowohl im Neubaubereich als auch bei der Umrustung bestehender Bauwerke immer popularer. Insbesondere die Planung, aber auch die Ausfuhrung integraler Brucken, erfordert in einigen Bereichen besondere Aufmerksamkeit und Kenntnisse. Zwangsschnittgro?en sowie die Auswirkungen der Bauwerk-Baugrund-Interaktion mussen in der Bemessung und der konstruktiven Durchbildung entsprechend beachtet werden. Allerdings ermoglicht die Bauweise auch eine besondere Gestaltung, die dem integralen Tragverhalten Rechnung tragt und dieses in geeigneter Weise auch asthetisch umsetzen kann. Das Handbuch stellt das dafur notwendige Ingenieur-Know-how umfassend bereit und ist damit eine wertvolle Arbeitshilfe fur Entwurf, Ausfuhrung und Uberwachung integraler Brucken.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783433606469


Integrated Care
Integrated Care

Автор: J?rgen Un?tzer

An integrated, collaborative model for more comprehensive patient care Creating Effective Mental and Primary Health Care Teams provides the practical information, skills, and clinical approaches needed to implement an integrated collaborative care program and support the members of the care team as they learn this new, evidence-based, legislatively mandated care delivery system. Unique in presenting information specifically designed to be used in an integrated, collaborative care workflow, this book provides specific guidance for each member of the team. Care managers, consulting psychiatrists, primary care providers, and administrators alike can finally get on the same page in regard to patient care by referring to the same resource and employing a common framework. Written by recognized experts with broad research, clinical, implementation, and training experience, this book provides a complete solution to the problem of fragmented care. Escalating costs and federal legislation expanding access to healthcare are forcing the industry to transition to a new model of health care delivery. This book provides guidance on navigating the changes as a team to provide the best possible patient care. Integrate physical and behavioral care Use evidence-based treatments for both Exploit leading-edge technology for patient management Support each member of the collaborative care team Strong evidence has demonstrated the efficacy of a collaborative care approach for delivering mental health care to patients in a primary care setting. The field is rapidly growing, but few resources are available and working models are limited. This book provides a roadmap for transitioning from traditional methods of health care to the new integrated model. Providers ready to move to the next level of care will find Creating Effective Mental and Primary Health Care Teams an invaluable resource.

Цена: 5764.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118900048


Integrative Cluster Analysis in Bioinformatics
Integrative Cluster Analysis in Bioinformatics

Автор: Asoke K. Nandi

Clustering techniques are increasingly being put to use in the analysis of high-throughput biological datasets. Novel computational techniques to analyse high throughput data in the form of sequences, gene and protein expressions, pathways, and images are becoming vital for understanding diseases and future drug discovery. This book details the complete pathway of cluster analysis, from the basics of molecular biology to the generation of biological knowledge. The book also presents the latest clustering methods and clustering validation, thereby offering the reader a comprehensive review of clustering analysis in bioinformatics from the fundamentals through to state-of-the-art techniques and applications. Key Features: Offers a contemporary review of clustering methods and applications in the field of bioinformatics, with particular emphasis on gene expression analysis Provides an excellent introduction to molecular biology with computer scientists and information engineering researchers in mind, laying out the basic biological knowledge behind the application of clustering analysis techniques in bioinformatics Explains the structure and properties of many types of high-throughput datasets commonly found in biological studies Discusses how clustering methods and their possible successors would be used to enhance the pace of biological discoveries in the future Includes a companion website hosting a selected collection of codes and links to publicly available datasets

Цена: 12180.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118906569


Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems
Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

INTELLIGENT RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS This collection of papers on artificial intelligence and other methods for improving renewable energy systems, written by industry experts, is a reflection of the state of the art, a must-have for engineers, maintenance personnel, students, and anyone else wanting to stay abreast with current energy systems concepts and technology. Renewable energy is one of the most important subjects being studied, researched, and advanced in today’s world. From a macro level, like the stabilization of the entire world’s economy, to the micro level, like how you are going to heat or cool your home tonight, energy, specifically renewable energy, is on the forefront of the discussion. This book illustrates modelling, simulation, design and control of renewable energy systems employed with recent artificial intelligence (AI) and optimization techniques for performance enhancement. Current renewable energy sources have less power conversion efficiency because of its intermittent and fluctuating behavior. Therefore, in this regard, the recent AI and optimization techniques are able to deal with data ambiguity, noise, imprecision, and nonlinear behavior of renewable energy sources more efficiently compared to classical soft computing techniques. This book provides an extensive analysis of recent state of the art AI and optimization techniques applied to green energy systems. Subsequently, researchers, industry persons, undergraduate and graduate students involved in green energy will greatly benefit from this comprehensive volume, a must-have for any library. Audience Engineers, scientists, managers, researchers, students, and other professionals working in the field of renewable energy.

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119786283


Intelligent Testing, Control and Decision-making for Space Launch
Intelligent Testing, Control and Decision-making for Space Launch

Автор: Yi Chai

A comprehensive exposition of the theory and techniques of fault identification and decision theory when applied to complex systems shows how modern computer analysis and diagnostic methods might be applied to launch vehicle design, checkout, and launch the space checkout system is a specialized area which is rarely explored in terms of the intelligent techniques and approaches involved an original view combining modern theory with well-established research material, inviting a contemporary approach to launch dynamics highlights the advanced research works in the field of testing, control and decision-making for space launch presented in a very well organized way and the technical level is very high

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118890004


Intelligent Transport Systems
Intelligent Transport Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

The book provides a systematic overview of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). First, it includes an insight into the reference architectures developed within the main EU research projects. Then, it delves into each of the layers of such architectures, from physical to application layer, describing the technological issues which are being currently faced by some of the most important ITS research groups. The book concludes with some end user services and applications deployed by industrial partners. This book is a well-balanced combination of academic contributions and industrial applications in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems. The most representative technologies and research results achieved by some of the most relevant research groups working on ITS, collated to show the chances of generating industrial solutions to be deployed in real transportation environments.

Цена: 13843.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118894750


International Virtual Teams
International Virtual Teams

Автор: Pam Estes Brewer

Dr. Brewer presents a complete guide to international virtual team communication with the most up-to-date research developments in the engineering workplace on a global scale, and a problem-solving approach to using and communicating in virtual teams. Presents guidelines heavily based on empirical data Application of virtual team communication guidelines to the field of engineering Provides strategies and sample projects for teaching

Цена: 5267.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781119063957


Internet of Things
Internet of Things

Автор: Группа авторов

The development of connected, communicating objects is showing no signs of slowing down. With an increasing number of objects available on the market, the evolution of the Internet of Things is leading to more and more fields being explored via information and communication sciences. This book analyzes the ecosystem of the Internet of Things by retracing the historical and technological context of the Internet's evolution from traditional to dynamic, social and semantic, and then towards this ecosystem of connected objects. The evolution of concepts surrounding the Internet of Things is explored via real-life examples of connected objects; both those used for specific functions and for more general everyday objects. Numerous issues associated with these new technological and digital transformations in a «hyperconnected» world, as well as the impact of the massive influx of connected objects, are discussed. The crucial questions of potential intrusion into the private lives of users as well that of security are then studied.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119476535


Introducing Social Research Methods
Introducing Social Research Methods

Автор: Janet M. Ruane

Introducing Social Research Methods: Essentials for Getting the Edge is a concise and student-friendly introduction to research methods that uses examples from around the world to illustrate the centrality of social science research in our everyday lives. Explains complex, multi-faceted concepts and methodologies in straightforward prose Designed for students who are new to or skeptical of social science research methods as useful tools for approaching real-world challenges Persuasively argues that social scientific proficiency unlocks an array of personal and professional opportunities beyond the realms of academia A supplementary website features a glossary, test bank, Power Point presentations, a comprehensive list of web resources, a guide to relevant TED lectures and much more

Цена: 3906.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118874202


Introduction to AC Machine Design
Introduction to AC Machine Design

Автор: Thomas A. Lipo

The only book on the market that emphasizes machine design beyond the basic principles of AC and DC machine behavior AC electrical machine design is a key skill set for developing competitive electric motors and generators for applications in industry, aerospace, and defense. This book presents a thorough treatment of AC machine design, starting from basic electromagnetic principles and continuing through the various design aspects of an induction machine. Introduction to AC Machine Design includes one chapter each on the design of permanent magnet machines, synchronous machines, and thermal design. It also offers a basic treatment of the use of finite elements to compute the magnetic field within a machine without interfering with the initial comprehension of the core subject matter. Based on the author’s notes, as well as after years of classroom instruction, Introduction to AC Machine Design: Brings to light more advanced principles of machine design—not just the basic principles of AC and DC machine behavior Introduces electrical machine design to neophytes while also being a resource for experienced designers Fully examines AC machine design, beginning with basic electromagnetic principles Covers the many facets of the induction machine design Introduction to AC Machine Design is an important text for graduate school students studying the design of electrical machinery, and it will be of great interest to manufacturers of electrical machinery.

Цена: 14725.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119352198


Introduction to Differential Calculus
Introduction to Differential Calculus

Автор: Ulrich L. Rohde

Enables readers to apply the fundamentals of differential calculus to solve real-life problems in engineering and the physical sciences Introduction to Differential Calculus fully engages readers by presenting the fundamental theories and methods of differential calculus and then showcasing how the discussed concepts can be applied to real-world problems in engineering and the physical sciences. With its easy-to-follow style and accessible explanations, the book sets a solid foundation before advancing to specific calculus methods, demonstrating the connections between differential calculus theory and its applications. The first five chapters introduce underlying concepts such as algebra, geometry, coordinate geometry, and trigonometry. Subsequent chapters present a broad range of theories, methods, and applications in differential calculus, including: Concepts of function, continuity, and derivative Properties of exponential and logarithmic function Inverse trigonometric functions and their properties Derivatives of higher order Methods to find maximum and minimum values of a function Hyperbolic functions and their properties Readers are equipped with the necessary tools to quickly learn how to understand a broad range of current problems throughout the physical sciences and engineering that can only be solved with calculus. Examples throughout provide practical guidance, and practice problems and exercises allow for further development and fine-tuning of various calculus skills. Introduction to Differential Calculus is an excellent book for upper-undergraduate calculus courses and is also an ideal reference for students and professionals alike who would like to gain a further understanding of the use of calculus to solve problems in a simplified manner.

Цена: 16951.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118130124


Introduction to Impact Dynamics
Introduction to Impact Dynamics

Автор: T. X. Yu

Fundamental guidance—including concepts, models, and methodology—for better understanding the dynamic behavior of materials and for designing for objects and structures under impact or intensive dynamic loading This book introduces readers to the dynamic response of structures with important emphasis on the material behavior under dynamic loadings. It utilizes theoretical modelling and analytical methods in order to provide readers with insight into the various phenomena. The content of the book is an introduction to the fundamental aspects, which underpin many important industrial areas. These areas include the safety of various transportation systems and a range of different structures when subjected to various impact and dynamic loadings, including terrorist attacks. Presented in three parts—Stress Waves in Solids, Dynamic Behaviors of Materials Under High Strain Rate, and Dynamic Response of Structures to Impact and Pulse Loading—Introduction to Impact Dynamics covers elastic waves, rate dependent behaviors of materials, effects of tensile force, inertial effects, and more. The book also features numerous case studies to aid in facilitating learning. The strength of the book is its clarity, balanced coverage, and practical examples, which allow students to learn the overall knowledge of impact dynamics in a limited time whilst directing them to explore more advanced technical knowledge and skills. Considers both the dynamic behavior of materials and stress waves, and the dynamic structural response and energy absorption, emphasizing the interaction between material behavior and the structural response Provides a comprehensive description of the phenomenon of impact of structures, containing both fundamental issues of wave propagation and constitutive relation of materials, and the dynamic response of structures under impact loads Based on the authors’ research and teaching experience as well as updated developments in the field Introduction to Impact Dynamics is the perfect textbook for graduate and postgraduate students, and will work as a reference for engineers in the fields of solid mechanics, automotive design, aerospace, mechanical, nuclear, marine, and defense.

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781118929858


Introduction to Numerical Electrostatics Using MATLAB
Introduction to Numerical Electrostatics Using MATLAB

Автор: Lawrence N. Dworsky

Readers are guided step by step through numerous specific problems and challenges, covering all aspects of electrostatics with an emphasis on numerical procedures. The author focuses on practical examples, derives mathematical equations, and addresses common issues with algorithms. Introduction to Numerical Electrostatics contains problem sets, an accompanying web site with simulations, and a complete list of computer codes. Computer source code listings on accompanying web site Problem sets included with book Readers using MATLAB or other simulation packages will gain insight as to the inner workings of these packages, and how to account for their limitations Example computer code is provided in MATLAB Solutions Manual The first book of its kind uniquely devoted to the field of computational electrostatics

Цена: 9789.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118755716


Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering

Автор: John R. Fanchi

Presents key concepts and terminology for a multidisciplinary range of topics in petroleum engineering Places oil and gas production in the global energy context Introduces all of the key concepts that are needed to understand oil and gas production from exploration through abandonment Reviews fundamental terminology and concepts from geology, geophysics, petrophysics, drilling, production and reservoir engineering Includes many worked practical examples within each chapter and exercises at the end of each chapter highlight and reinforce material in the chapter Includes a solutions manual for academic adopters

Цена: 10629.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119193647


Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing
Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing

Автор: Jakob J. van Zyl

Цена: 15187.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119523123


IoT Security
IoT Security

Автор: Группа авторов

An up-to-date guide to an overview of authentication in the Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of the countless physical devices that have the possibility to connect and exchange data. Among the various security requirements, authentication to the IoT is the first step to prevent the impact of attackers. IoT Security offers an important guide into the development of the many authentication mechanisms that provide IoT authentication at various levels such as user level, device level and network level. The book covers a wide range of topics including an overview of IoT and addresses in detail the security challenges at every layer by considering both the technologies and the architecture used. The authors—noted experts on the topic—provide solutions for remediation of compromised security, as well as methods for risk mitigation, and offer suggestions for prevention and improvement. In addition, IoT Security offers a variety of illustrative use cases. This important book: Offers an authoritative reference designed for use by all IoT stakeholders Includes information for securing devices at the user, device, and network levels Contains a classification of existing vulnerabilities Written by an international group of experts on the topic Provides a guide to the most current information available on IoT security Written for network operators, cloud operators, IoT device manufacturers, IoT device users, wireless users, IoT standardization organizations, and security solution developers, IoT Security is an essential guide that contains information on security features, including underlying networks, architectures, and security requirements.

Цена: 15027.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119527961


JRuby. Сборник рецептов
JRuby. Сборник рецептов

Автор: Джастин Эдельсон

Интересующемуся языком JRuby вряд ли нужны руководства по Ruby, Rails или Java – требуется лишь узнать, как решить ту или иную конкретную задачу. В этой книге вы найдете практические рецепты по работе с данной реализацией языка Ruby на платформе Java. Специально рассмотрены такие вопросы, как развертывание веб-приложений Rails на Java-серверах, интеграция программ на JRuby с технологиями из мира Java, разработка персональных приложений на JRuby с помощью инструментальных библиотек на Java и многое другое. Интерпретатор JRuby сочетает в себе простоту и легкость использования Ruby с развитыми библиотеками и технологиями Java, и это открывает совершенно новые возможности для применения Ruby, Rails и Java. Эта книга даст вам возможность воспользоваться всем потенциалом языка JRuby.

Цена: 239 руб.
Год: 2009
ISBN: 978-5-94074-589-1


Knipmode Fashionstyle 04/2023
Knipmode Fashionstyle №04/2023

Автор: Группа авторов

Knipmode Fashionstyle – ежемесячный журнал по лицензии издательства New Skool Media B.V. Настоящая европейская мода в разных стилях и на все случаи жизни. В каждом выпуске – более 20 актуальных моделей от голландских дизайнеров. Большой размерный ряд: 34-54 (S-XXXL). Точные выкройки, подробные инструкции по шитью и мастер-классы. В номере: Стильные нюансы Успешное сочетание женственности и брутальности в повседневном гардеробе Дыхание весны Изысканные платья, брюки клеш и плащ на любую погоду Буфы снова в моде! Прелестная блузка из хлопка с ручной отделкой Акцент на плечи Блузка приталенного силуэта с летящими рукавами и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Knipmode Fashionstyle 2023

Цена: 138 руб.
Год: 2023


Launching & Building a Brand For Dummies
Launching & Building a Brand For Dummies

Автор: Amy Will

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119748045


Leading Collaborative Architectural Practice
Leading Collaborative Architectural Practice

Автор: Erin Carraher

The groundbreaking guide to modern leadership in architectural practice Leading Collaborative Architectural Practice is the leadership handbook for today's design and construction professionals. Endorsed by the American Institute of Architects, this book describes the collaborative approach to leadership that is becoming increasingly prevalent in modern practice; gone are the days of authoritative «star» architects— today's practice is a brand, and requires the full input of every member of the team. This book builds off of a two-year AIA research project to provide a blueprint for effective leadership: the ability, awareness, and commitment to lead project teams who work together to accomplish the project's goals. Both group and individual hands-on exercises help facilitate implementation, and extensive case studies show how these techniques have helped real-world firms build exemplary success through collaborative teamwork and leadership. Highly illustrated and accessible, this approach is presented from the practicing architect's point of view—but the universal principles and time-tested methods also provide clear guidance for owners, contractors, engineers, project managers, and students. Build a culture of collaboration, commitment, and interpersonal awareness Adopt effective leadership techniques at the team, project, or practice level Handle conflict and resolve communication issues using tested approaches Learn how real-world projects use effective leadership to drive success The last decade has seen a sea-change in architectural leadership. New practices no longer adopt the name and identity of a single person, but create their own identity that represents the collaborative work of the entire group. Shifts in technology and changing workplace norms have made top-down management structures irrelevant, so what does it now mean to lead? Forefront presents effective contemporary leadership in the architectural practice, and real-world guidance on everyday implementation.

Цена: 6830.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119169253


Lebensspuren im Stein
Lebensspuren im Stein

Автор: Группа авторов

„Lebensspuren im Stein“ bietet spannende Einblicke in l?ngst vergangene Lebenswelten Mitteleuropas. Jedes Hauptkapitel ist einer Periode der Erdgeschichte zugeordnet und gibt neben einem ?berblick ?ber die Geologie einen fundierten Einblick in die jeweiligen Lebensformen und ihre ?berreste, die bis heute unsere Landschaft formen, als Rohstoffe genutzt werden und Fossiliensammler begeistern. So erfahren wir, dass die Ostseek?sten teilweise aus den ?berresten von Kalkalgen bestehen, wo die ersten S?ugetiere unterwegs waren, welche phantastischen Riesenformen das Karbon bev?lkerten, wie die Urpferde aussahen und wo heute noch versteinerte W?lder zu sehen sind. Exkurse zu Massenaussterben, Eiszeiten und der Entstehung des Menschen erg?nzen das Werk, eine fundierte Einf?hrung erm?glicht es auch Einsteigern, die „Lebensspuren im Stein“ zu verstehen. Das Buch basiert auf einer erfolgreichen Serie des Magazins „Biologie in unserer Zeit“, an der viele bekannte Wissenschaftler mitgearbeitet haben. Es ist sowohl eine ideale Einf?hrung f?r Studenten als auch ein fachkundiger Begleiter f?r alle von der Pal?ontologie Begeisterten – ob Forscher, Mitarbeiter in Museen oder Interessierte anderer Fachbereiche.

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783527675456


Legal Data for Banking
Legal Data for Banking

Автор: Akber Datoo

Цена: 5573.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781119357209


LEOMA and the US Laser Industry
LEOMA and the US Laser Industry

Автор: C. Breck Hitz

This book describes the approaches, both successful and not, to the political and infrastructure issues addressed by the trade association. The intent is to provide guidance to those confronting similar issues, and help them avoid unsuccessful approaches. Includes end-of-chapter summaries Example of documents and approaches that LEOMA used successfully are included and could serve as a guide to other trade associations. Chapter 5 includes figures presenting the unique and effective graphical approach that LEOMA use to improve US national-security export controls

Цена: 9789.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118914328


Liebe auf den zweiten Meerblick - Strandkorbwunder, Band 3 (Ungek?rzt)
Liebe auf den zweiten Meerblick - Strandkorbwunder, Band 3 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Marit Bernson

Исполнители: Lena Tiemann

Цена: 1573.38 руб.
ISBN: 9783987781384


LMW-фактор международной конкурентоспособности национальной образовательной отрасли
LMW-фактор международной конкурентоспособности национальной образовательной отрасли

Автор: С. А. Богачёв

В статье рассматривается вопрос обеспечения и оценки международной конкурентоспособности национальной образовательной отрасли и обосновывается влияние на нее факторов языка, иммиграционного потока и развития рынка труда. При оценке степени влияния трех перечисленных факторов используются методы качественной экспертной оценки и расчет индексированного показателя. Статья содержит рекомендации для органов государственной власти по учету факторов языка, иммиграции и труда при обеспечении конкурентоспособности национальной образовательной системы.

Серия: Современная конкуренция. Научные статьи

Цена: 96 руб.
Год: 2011


LTE - The UMTS Long Term Evolution
LTE - The UMTS Long Term Evolution

Автор: Matthew Baker

"Where this book is exceptional is that the reader will not just learn how LTE works but why it works" Adrian Scrase, ETSI Vice-President, International Partnership Projects Following on the success of the first edition, this book is fully updated, covering the latest additions to LTE and the key features of LTE-Advanced. This book builds on the success of its predecessor, offering the same comprehensive system-level understanding built on explanations of the underlying theory, now expanded to include complete coverage of Release 9 and the developing specifications for LTE-Advanced. The book is a collaborative effort of more than 40 key experts representing over 20 companies actively participating in the development of LTE, as well as academia. The book highlights practical implications, illustrates the expected performance, and draws comparisons with the well-known WCDMA/HSPA standards. The authors not only pay special attention to the physical layer, giving an insight into the fundamental concepts of OFDMA-FDMA and MIMO, but also cover the higher protocol layers and system architecture to enable the reader to gain an overall understanding of the system. Key New Features: Comprehensively updated with the latest changes of the LTE Release 8 specifications, including improved coverage of Radio Resource Management RF aspects and performance requirements Provides detailed coverage of the new LTE Release 9 features, including: eMBMS, dual-layer beamforming, user equipment positioning, home eNodeBs / femtocells and pico cells and self-optimizing networks Evaluates the LTE system performance Introduces LTE-Advanced, explaining its context and motivation, as well as the key new features including: carrier aggregation, relaying, high-order MIMO, and Cooperative Multi-Point transmission (CoMP). Includes an accompanying website containing a complete list of acronyms related to LTE and LTE-Advanced, with a brief description of each (http://www.wiley.com/go/sesia_theumts) This book is an invaluable reference for all research and development engineers involved in implementation of LTE or LTE-Advanced, as well as graduate and PhD students in wireless communications. Network operators, service providers and R&D managers will also find this book insightful.

Цена: 12541.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780470978511


LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook
LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook

Автор: Xincheng Zhang

A comprehensive resource containing the operating principles and key insights of LTE networks performance optimization LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook is a comprehensive reference that describes the most current technologies and optimization principles for LTE networks. The text offers an introduction to the basics of LTE architecture, services and technologies and includes details on the key principles and methods of LTE optimization and its parameters. In addition, the author clarifies different optimization aspects such as wireless channel optimization, data optimization, CSFB, VoLTE, and video optimization. With the ubiquitous usage and increased development of mobile networks and smart devices, LTE is the 4G network that will be the only mainstream technology in the current mobile communication system and in the near future. Designed for use by researchers, engineers and operators working in the field of mobile communications and written by a noted engineer and experienced researcher, the LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook provides an essential guide that: Discusses the latest optimization engineering technologies of LTE networks and explores their implementation Features the latest and most industrially relevant applications, such as VoLTE and HetNets Includes a wealth of detailed scenarios and optimization real-world case studies Professionals in the field will find the LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook to be their go-to reference that includes a thorough and complete examination of LTE networks, their operating principles, and the most current information to performance optimization.

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119159001


LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX
LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX

Автор: Hossam S. Hassanein

A concise introduction to IMT-Advanced Systems, including LTE-Advanced and WiMAX There exists a strong demand for fully extending emerging Internet services, including collaborative applications and social networking, to the mobile and wireless domain. Delivering such services can be possible only through realizing broadband in the wireless. Two candidate technologies are currently competing in fulfilling the requirements for wireless broadband networks, WiMAX and LTE. At the moment, LTE and its future evolution LTE-Advanced are already gaining ground in terms of vendor and operator support. Whilst both technologies share certain attributes (utilizing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) in downlink, accommodating smart antennas and full support for IP-switching, for example), they differ in others (including uplink technology, scheduling, frame structure and mobility support). Beyond technological merits, factors such as deployment readiness, ecosystem maturity and migration feasibility come to light when comparing the aptitude of the two technologies. LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX: Towards IMT-Advanced Networks provides a concise, no-nonsense introduction to the two technologies, covering both interface and networking considerations. More critically, the book gives a multi-faceted comparison, carefully analyzing and distinguishing the characteristics of each technology and spanning both technical and economic merits. A “big picture” understanding of the market strategies and forecasts is also offered. Discusses and critically evaluates LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX (Legacy and Advanced) Gives an overview of the principles and advances of each enabling technology Offers a feature-by-feature comparison between the candidate technologies Includes information which appeals to both industry practitioners and academics Provides an up-to-date report on market and industry status

Цена: 10310.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119970453


M2M Communications
M2M Communications

Автор: Группа авторов

A comprehensive introduction to M2M Standards and systems architecture, from concept to implementation Focusing on the latest technological developments, M2M Communications: A Systems Approach is an advanced introduction to this important and rapidly evolving topic. It provides a systems perspective on machine-to-machine services and the major telecommunications relevant technologies. It provides a focus on the latest standards currently in progress by ETSI and 3GPP, the leading standards entities in telecommunication networks and solutions. The structure of the book is inspired by ongoing standards developments and uses a systems-based approach for describing the problems which may be encountered when considering M2M, as well as offering proposed solutions from the latest developments in industry and standardization. The authors provide comprehensive technical information on M2M architecture, protocols and applications, especially examining M2M service architecture, access and core network optimizations, and M2M area networks technologies. It also considers dominant M2M application domains such as Smart Metering, Smart Grid, and eHealth. Aimed as an advanced introduction to this complex technical field, the book will provide an essential end-to-end overview of M2M for professionals working in the industry and advanced students. Key features: First technical book emerging from a standards perspective to respond to this highly specific technology/business segment Covers the main challenges facing the M2M industry today, and proposes early roll-out scenarios and potential optimization solutions Examines the system level architecture and clearly defines the methodology and interfaces to be considered Includes important information presented in a logical manner essential for any engineer or business manager involved in the field of M2M and Internet of Things Provides a cross-over between vertical and horizontal M2M concepts and a possible evolution path between the two Written by experts involved at the cutting edge of M2M developments

Цена: 9872.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781119974048


Machine Learning for Time Series Forecasting with Python
Machine Learning for Time Series Forecasting with Python

Автор: Francesca Lazzeri

Цена: 5060.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119682370


Made in Abyss. Созданный в Бездне. Том 1
Made in Abyss. Созданный в Бездне. Том 1

Автор: Акихито Цукуси

На земле осталось только одно неизведанное место – таинственная пропасть, которую прозвали Бездной. В Бездне не действуют законы физики, и никто не знает, насколько она глубока. В небольшом городке Орф на самом краю Бездны живёт Рико – дочь знаменитой исследовательницы глубин Лайзы по прозвищу «Уничтожительница», пропавшей десять лет назад. Рико хочет стать исследователем, как её мама, и заниматься поиском таинственных древних артефактов. И однажды она находит странного робота, очень похожего на обычного мальчика…

Серия: Made in Abyss. Созданный в Бездне

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-17-115319-9, 978-5-17-115554-4


Managing Measurement Risk in Building and Civil Engineering
Managing Measurement Risk in Building and Civil Engineering

Автор: Peter Williams

Offers quantity surveyors, engineers, building surveyors and contractors clear guidance on how to recognise and avoid measurement risk. The book recognises the interrelationship of measurement with complex contractual issues; emphasises the role of measurement in the entirety of the contracting process; and helps to widen the accessibility of measurement beyond the province of the professional quantity surveyor. For the busy practitioner, the book includes: Detailed coverage of NRM1 and NRM2, CESMM4, Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works and POM(I) Comparison of NRM2 with SMM7 Detailed analysis of changes from CESMM3 to CESMM4 Coverage of the measurement implications of major main and sub-contract conditions (JCT, NEC3, Infrastructure Conditions and FIDIC) Definitions of 5D BIM and exploration of BIM measurement protocols Considerations of the measurement risk implications of both formal and informal tender documentation and common methods of procurement An identification of pre- and post-contract measurement risk issues Coverage of measurement risk in claims and final accounts Detailed worked examples and explanations of computer-based measurement using a variety of industry-standard software packages.

Цена: 6960.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118561508


Managing Research, Development and Innovation
Managing Research, Development and Innovation

Автор: Ravi Jain

Now fully revised and updated—the classic book on effective R&D management «This thoughtful and detailed work outlines what is required in order to achieve the desired end results in a networked world where teamwork and collaboration are increasingly important to globally dispersed workforces.» —John Chambers, Chairman and CEO, Cisco Praise for the Second Edition «This is a superbly written book and could make an excellent reference and text for related university courses.» —E. Lile Murphree, Jr., PhD, former Chairman, Department of Engineering Management, The George Washington University «Provides a superb exposition of the role that social and psychological phenomena play in today's organizations.» —Fred E. Fiedler, Professor of Psychology Emeritus, University of Washington, Seattle As the economy shifts from producing goods to producing information, the role of researchers in shaping the future has become immense. By taking advantage of modern technology, the highly trained and predominantly autonomous researchers from around the globe collect and share information better than ever—yet, there is still a lack of an effective centralized structure for an R&D organization manager to integrate the efforts from many disparate individuals into a unified plan. Managing Research, Development, and Innovation, Third Edition covers the management skills and leadership theories essential to generating products and excelling in today's global economy. Topics of interest include how to design jobs, organize hierarchies, resolve conflicts, motivate employees, and create an innovative work environment. Discover how superior management skills can increase funding, generate profit, and improve the effectiveness of technologically based organizations. This new revised edition: Covers all aspects of the research and development process—with focus on the human management function Includes two new chapters covering the innovation process critical to research and development of new products and services Outlines the challenging issues related to diversity in science and technology organizations and provides insights as to how diversity can be used to enhance creativity Managing Research, Development, and Innovation, Third Edition is the most complete, insightful book of its kind. Useful for professionals and graduate students alike, the text demonstrates in clear, straightforward prose how good management skills will shape the future.

Цена: 15258.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780470914946


Marine Chemical Monitoring
Marine Chemical Monitoring

Автор: Philippe Quevauviller

Combining laboratory experience with research and policy developments, this book provides an insight into the historical background of marine monitoring, its regulatory frameworks and science–policy interactions. With experience in the European Commission, the author draws from practical experience in research and policy implementation to present a concise review of marine monitoring on an international level. The author deals with monitoring and related QA/QC principles, focusing on monitoring types, while describing general features of analytical methods used in marine monitoring. The book concludes with a discussion about how to achieve metrology principles (measurement traceability) in marine monitoring.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119006831


Maschineller Tunnelbau im Schildvortrieb
Maschineller Tunnelbau im Schildvortrieb

Автор: Bernhard Maidl

Das Buch stellt den neuesten Stand der Technik des maschinellen Schildvortriebes und die unterschiedlichen Maschinenarten vor und gibt Berechnungsansatze und Konstruktionshinweise. Weitere Kapitel befassen sich mit den Abbauwerkzeugen, den Fordereinrichtungen, der Tunnelsicherung, der Vermessung und Steuerung sowie der Arbeitssicherheit. Ferner wird ausfuhrlich auf die vertraglichen Aspekte und das Prozess-Controlling eingegangen.

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9783433603031


Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis, Volume 1
Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis, Volume 1

Автор: Jean-Charles Pinoli

Image processing and image analysis are typically important fields in information science and technology. By “image processing”, we generally understand all kinds of operation performed on images (or sequences of images) in order to increase their quality, restore their original content, emphasize some particular aspect of the information or optimize their transmission, or to perform radiometric and/or spatial analysis. By “image analysis” we understand, however, all kinds of operation performed on images (or sequences of images) in order to extract qualitative or quantitative data, perform measurements and apply statistical analysis. Whereas there are nowadays many books dealing with image processing, only a small number deal with image analysis. The methods and techniques involved in these fields of course have a wide range of applications in our daily world: industrial vision, material imaging, medical imaging, biological imaging, multimedia applications, satellite imaging, quality control, traffic control, and so on

Цена: 20111.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118649114


Matusalem: изящное искусство рома
Matusalem: изящное искусство рома

Автор: Группа авторов

Серия: Simple Wine News. Просто о лучших винах

Цена: 300 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-4274-0109-8


Membrane Contactor Technology
Membrane Contactor Technology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9783527831029


Mercury Cadmium Telluride
Mercury Cadmium Telluride

Автор: Группа авторов

Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) is the third most well-regarded semiconductor after silicon and gallium arsenide and is the material of choice for use in infrared sensing and imaging. The reason for this is that MCT can be ‘tuned’ to the desired IR wavelength by varying the cadmium concentration. Mercury Cadmium Telluride: Growth, Properties and Applications provides both an introduction for newcomers, and a comprehensive review of this fascinating material. Part One discusses the history and current status of both bulk and epitaxial growth techniques, Part Two is concerned with the wide range of properties of MCT, and Part Three covers the various device types that have been developed using MCT. Each chapter opens with some historical background and theory before presenting current research. Coverage includes: Bulk growth and properties of MCT and CdZnTe for MCT epitaxial growth Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) growth Metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Alternative substrates Mechanical, thermal and optical properties of MCT Defects, diffusion, doping and annealing Dry device processing Photoconductive and photovoltaic detectors Avalanche photodiode detectors Room-temperature IR detectors

Цена: 22940.81 руб.
ISBN: 9780470669457


Mesoporous Zeolites
Mesoporous Zeolites

Автор: Группа авторов

Authored by a top-level team of both academic and industrial researchers in the field, this is an up-to-date review of mesoporous zeolites. The leading experts cover novel preparation methods that allow for a purpose-oriented fine-tuning of zeolite properties, as well as the related materials, discussing the specific characterization methods and the applications in close relation to each individual preparation approach. The result is a self-contained treatment of the different classes of mesoporous zeolites. With its academic insights and practical relevance this is a comprehensive handbook for researchers in the field and related areas, as well as for developers from the chemical industry.

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527673988



Автор: Steven J. Simske

The confluence of cloud computing, parallelism and advanced machine intelligence approaches has created a world in which the optimum knowledge system will usually be architected from the combination of two or more knowledge-generating systems. There is a need, then, to provide a reusable, broadly-applicable set of design patterns to empower the intelligent system architect to take advantage of this opportunity. This book explains how to design and build intelligent systems that are optimized for changing system requirements (adaptability), optimized for changing system input (robustness), and optimized for one or more other important system parameters (e.g., accuracy, efficiency, cost). It provides an overview of traditional parallel processing which is shown to consist primarily of task and component parallelism; before introducing meta-algorithmic parallelism which is based on combining two or more algorithms, classification engines or other systems. Key features: Explains the entire roadmap for the design, testing, development, refinement, deployment and statistics-driven optimization of building systems for intelligence Offers an accessible yet thorough overview of machine intelligence, in addition to having a strong image processing focus Contains design patterns for parallelism, especially meta-algorithmic parallelism – simply conveyed, reusable and proven effective that can be readily included in the toolbox of experts in analytics, system architecture, big data, security and many other science and engineering disciplines Connects algorithms and analytics to parallelism, thereby illustrating a new way of designing intelligent systems compatible with the tremendous changes in the computing world over the past decade Discusses application of the approaches to a wide number of fields; primarily, document understanding, image understanding, biometrics and security printing Companion website contains sample code and data sets

Цена: 10700.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118626702


Metal supply & sales 2012
Metal supply & sales 2012

Автор: Группа авторов

In the special edition of the “Metal Supply & Sales” magazine you will find the analysis of current situation in Russian ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in the context of global production; in depth flat and long-rolled products, pipe, copper and aluminum industry research. English speaking readers of the special edition will be able to acquire information on Russian metallurgy perspectives, market trends and industry innovations. In the “Metal supply & sales” magazine sector’s leading companies – MMK, NLMK, RMK, TMK, OMK, Chelpipe, Uraltrubprom and Ukraine’s Metinvest, present their articles on new production capacities, products and engineering solutions. In addition the Chinese market forecast is published in this issue of the magazine. It is well known, that Russian metallurgy is export-oriented. More than 50% of all production is being exported and Russia is considered to be among the five largest suppliers of metals on world markets. Therefore, export contracts have always been, are, and in the nearest future will be crucial for the national producers of steel products. «Metal Supply & Sales» magazine sees its mission as a bridge between the producers and consumers of metals. Therefore English edition, which aims to promote the domestic steel industry on the international markets, is being published. According to the statistics, each magazine is being read by 15 person, so 8 thousand copies are being read by 120,000 people. Over 100 thousand industry representatives from all around the world will be able to examine the maps of Russian metallurgical assets, get the perspective on the traditional and new types of products, and to establish mutually beneficial commercial relationships.

Серия: Journal «Metal supply & sales»

Цена: 169 руб.
Год: 2012


Metal supply & sales 2014
Metal supply & sales 2014

Автор: Группа авторов

Вышел из печати англоязычный номер журнала «Металлоснабжение и сбыт». Англоязычная версия журнала презентует российскую черную и цветную металлургию, представляет обзор новых металлургических мощностей, появившихся в России за два последних года, дает анализ состояния рынка металлов России и его отдельных сегментов, рассказывает о положении дел в крупнейших компаниях страны. Широкий блок материалов посвящен трубной отрасли и рынку метизов, проанализирован также российский рынок алюминия и меди. Англоязычный выпуск журнала широко распространялся среди участников и посетителей крупнейших отраслевых выставкок Tube&Wire, проходящих в апреле в Дюссельдорфе (Германия). Англоязычная версия журнала будет представлена также на выставке Aluminium'2014 в Дюссельдорфе и других отраслевых экспозициях и конференциях в странах Европы и Юго-Восточной Азии.

Серия: Journal «Metal supply & sales»

Цена: 169 руб.
Год: 2014


Metal-Organic Frameworks. Applications from Catalysis to Gas Storage
Metal-Organic Frameworks. Applications from Catalysis to Gas Storage

Автор: David Farrusseng

An international and interdisciplinary team of leading experts from both academia and industry report on the wide range of hot applications for MOFs, discussing both the advantages and limits of the material. The resulting overview covers everything from catalysis, H2 and CH4 storage and gas purification to drug delivery and sensors. From the Contents: – Design of Porous Coordination Polymers/Metal-Organic Frameworks: Past, Present and Future – Design of Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks by Post-Synthetic Modification – Thermodynamic Methods for Prediction of Gas Separation in Flexible Frameworks – Separation and purification of gases by MOFs – Opportunities for MOFs in CO2 capture from flue gases, natural gas and syngas by adsorption – Manufacture of MOF thin films on structured supports for separation and catalysis – Research status of Metal-Organic Frameworks for on-board cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage applications – Separation of xylene isomers – Metal-Organic Frameworks as Catalysts for Organic Reactions – Biomedical applications of Metal Organic Frameworks – Metal Organic Frameworks for Biomedical Imaging – Luminescent Metal-Organic Frameworks – Deposition of thin films for sensor applications – Industrial MOF Synthesis – MOF shaping and immobilisation A must-have for every scientist in the field.

Цена: 17675.16 руб.
ISBN: 9783527635870


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