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Birds Art Life Death: The Art of Noticing the Small and Significant
Birds Art Life Death: The Art of Noticing the Small and Significant

Автор: Кио Маклир

‘Now when I hear birdsong, I feel an entry to that understory. When I am feeling too squeezed on the ground, exhausted by everything in my care, I look for a little sky. There are always birds flying back and forth, city birds flitting around our human edges, singing their songs.’One winter, Kyo Maclear became unmoored. Her father had recently fallen ill and she suddenly found herself lost for words. As a writer, she could no longer bring herself to create; her work wasn’t providing the comfort and meaning that it had before.But then Kyo met a musician who loved birds. The musician felt he could not always cope with the pressures and disappointments of being an artist in a big city. When he watched birds and began to photograph them, his worries dissipated. Intrigued, Kyo found herself following the musician for a year, accompanying him on his birdwatching expeditions; the sounds of birds in the city reminded them both to look outwards at the world.Intricate and delicate as birdsong, Birds Art Life Death asks how our passions shape and nurture us, and how we might gain perspective, overcome our anxieties and begin to cherish the urban wild spaces where so many of us live.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780008210014


Bischof Reinhold Stecher
Bischof Reinhold Stecher

Автор: Martin Kolozs

Reinhold Stecher (1921–2013), von 1981 bis 1997 Bischof der Di?zese Innsbruck, galt kirchenintern als ein „Unbequemer“, war aber trotzdem oder gerade deshalb bei den Gl?ubigen ?u?erst beliebt. Das Wirken des begeisterten Bergsteigers, Autors und Malers pr?gt das Land Tirol bis heute. Mit diesem Buch liegt die erste umfassende Biografie des Tiroler Bischofs vor. Autor Martin Kolozs widmet sich Biografischem – Stechers schwerer Kindheit und seiner Verfolgung w?hrend der NS-Zeit – ebenso wie seiner seelsorgerischen und theologischen T?tigkeit. Meilensteine seiner Amtszeit wie die Abschaffung des Kults um das „Anderle von Rinn“ finden ebenso Erw?hnung wie sein Engagement in sozialen Fragen, seine kritischen ?u?erungen zu innerkirchlichen Themen und sein steter Einsatz f?r eine Erneuerung der Kirche im Sinn des Zweiten Vatikanums. Zahlreiche private Fotos und Schriften erg?nzen die fundiert recherchierte Lebensbeschreibung.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783990403563


Bisschen Pech gehabt
Bisschen Pech gehabt

Автор: Michael Wiechmann

Vor f?nf Jahren hatte Bruno, Sohn eines Bauern aus Schliekum, mit seinem Kumpel Olaf eine Bank ?berfallen. Sie teilten sich die Beute von hunderttausend Euro. F?nfzigtausend Euro wurden bei der Festnahme von Bettina Gebauer, der Frau, die Olaf erschlagen hatte, sichergestellt. Brunos Anteil bleibt verschwunden. Aber wer hat das Geld? Er wird aus der Haft entlassen und erpresst. Die Gangster versuchen alles, um an das Geld zu kommen. Henry und seine Freundin Kathrin kennen die Vorgeschichte und bieten ihre Hilfe an. Doch die Zeit ist knapp.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783961450046


Black Sam - Prince of Pirates (Unabridged)
Black Sam - Prince of Pirates (Unabridged)

Автор: James Lewis

The War of Spanish Succession is over, many sailors are out of work, and the thriving American colonies are quickly becoming the place of opportunity. For Sam Bellamy it is the opportunity to become the captain of his own ship. When he falls in love with a rebellious New England debutante, he finds out very quickly that he needs more than a dream to win over her socialite parents. After a failed treasure salvaging expedition, Sam makes one last desperate attempt to change his economic standing and unwittingly becomes the captain of the pirate ship Mary Anne. As a self-proclaimed «Free Prince», Sam wages war on greedy merchantmen, slave traders, and Mother Nature in a bid not only for the love of his life but for life itself.

Исполнители: Susan Hanfield

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 4251703546098



Автор: Хелен Браун

«Я кажусь милой, но внутри я не такая», – поет Дженни в первых строчках песни «Ddu-Du Ddu-Du». Эти слова относятся к каждой участнице группы: не только потрясающей красотой, но огромным талантом и упорной работой BLACKPINK покорили мир. Узнай больше о любимой группе! Пройди вместе с ними путь от стажеров до первых строчек мировых чартов! Не забудь проверить себя – в конце книги тебя ждет большой тест. Готова ли ты стать одной из Blinks?

Серия: K-POP. Главные книги о корейской культуре

Цена: 379 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-04-106445-7


Blind Date - Die Welt mit meinen Augen sehen
Blind Date - Die Welt mit meinen Augen sehen

Автор: Joana Zimmer

Von Geburt an blind: Joana Zimmer stellt sich dennoch mutig jeder Herausforderung. Mit ihrer einzigartigen Stimme erz?hlt sie in ihren Songs kraftvoll und feinf?hlig Geschichten, die im Herzen lange nachklingen. In diesem H?rbuch l?sst sie uns teilhaben an ihren Abenteuern, Erfolgen, Zielen, Sehns?chten und an ihrem sozialen Engagement. Ein H?rbuch ?ber Grenzen, die keine sein m?ssen, und wie man das Beste aus seinem Leben macht.

Исполнители: Joana Zimmer

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783838776293


Blood Line: Sometimes Tragedy Is in Your Blood
Blood Line: Sometimes Tragedy Is in Your Blood

Автор: Julie Shaw

Previously published as My Uncle Charlie.If you lived on the notorious Canterbury Estate in the ‘40s and ‘50s, then you knew there was one man you did not want to cross: Charlie Hudson.A solitary man, feared and respected by the gangsters of the time, Charlie was a boxer who never lost a fight, in or out of the ring – the most infamous of The Canterbury Warriors.Blood Line, the second title in the explosive series unravels a story of debauchery, crime and self-destruction. Charlie Hudson was a born leader. The eldest of eight brothers and four sisters and with a boxer for a father, fighting was in his blood. And as the young prot?g? of local Italian gangster, Mr Cappovanni, Charlie not only learned to knock every opponent out, he also learned the tools of the crime and extortion trade well; emerging into adulthood in the middle of the war years as a natural heir: running cons, illegal books and a band of prostitutes.But when Charlie met Betty, a sweet, caring girl, he was determined to be a better man for her. He’d still deal with ‘business’ but no more would he bed his working girls, and the birth of their baby girl, Elizabeth, sealed it: he knew life could not get any better. But for a man who had only ever lived in the belly of the Canterbury Estate underworld, it could definitely get worse…Gritty and engrossing, book two of the Hudson family saga delves deeper into history of the infamous Canterbury Warriors; the true story of one man’s ascendancy to power, and the tragedy that brought it all crashing down.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007542277


Blood on the Tongue
Blood on the Tongue

Автор: Stephen Booth

Guilt, sacrifice and redemption in a freezing Peak District winter in this tense psychological thriller from the acclaimed author of Black Dog: ‘A dark star may be born!’ Reginald HillIt wasn’t the easiest way to commit suicide. Marie Tennent seemed to have just curled up in the freezing snow on Irontongue Hill and stayed there until her body was frosted over like a supermarket chicken. And hers isn’t the only death the police have to contend with either – not after the discovery of a baby in the wreckage of an old Airforce bomber, and the body of a man dumped by a roadside.As if three bodies on her hands isn’t enough, snow and ice have left half of ‘E’ Division out of action and Diane Fry is forced to partner DC Gavin Murfin. She and Ben Cooper were never a match made in heaven, but next to Murfin, working with Ben starts to look like a dream.He’s on a trail of his own, though – and one as cold as the Peak District January. In an equally bitter winter in 1945 an RAF bomber crashed on Irontongue Hill killing everyone except the pilot, who walked away and disappeared. Now his grand-daughter, Alison Morrissey, is in Derbyshire desperate to clear his name, and Ben can’t help taking an interest.But is a fifty-year-old mystery really the best use of police time? Or does a vicious attack in the dark Edendale backstreets prove that the trail’s not quite as cold as he’d thought? Could the past be the only clue to present violence as an icy winter looks set to get even chillier?

Серия: Cooper and Fry Crime Series

Цена: 175.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780007372874


Blood Sisters: Part 2 of 3: Can a pledge made for life endure beyond death?
Blood Sisters: Part 2 of 3: Can a pledge made for life endure beyond death?

Автор: Julie Shaw

It’s 1983 and best friends Vicky and Lucy swear that they will always be there for each other, that they’ll never let anyone come between them. But fast forward 4 years and life on the Canterbury Estate has gotten very messy.Lucy has fallen for local policeman’s son, Jimmy. And Vicky is madly in love with Paddy, the charming but ruthless local bad boy. The boys are bitter enemies and determined to keep the two girls apart. But then Vicky is accused of murder, and even her drug-dealer boyfriend wants her mouth shut, permanently. Maybe Lucy is the only one who can save her…Love, murder, revenge. Who can you really trust when there’s blood on your hands?

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780008142766


Blood Sisters: Part 3 of 3: Can a pledge made for life endure beyond death?
Blood Sisters: Part 3 of 3: Can a pledge made for life endure beyond death?

Автор: Julie Shaw

It’s 1983 and best friends Vicky and Lucy swear that they will always be there for each other, that they’ll never let anyone come between them. But fast forward 4 years and life on the Canterbury Estate has gotten very messy.Lucy has fallen for local policeman’s son, Jimmy. And Vicky is madly in love with Paddy, the charming but ruthless local bad boy. The boys are bitter enemies and determined to keep the two girls apart. But then Vicky is accused of murder, and even her drug-dealer boyfriend wants her mouth shut, permanently. Maybe Lucy is the only one who can save her…Love, murder, revenge. Who can you really trust when there’s blood on your hands?

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780008142780


Blood Sisters: The Hidden Lives of the Women Behind the Wars of the Roses
Blood Sisters: The Hidden Lives of the Women Behind the Wars of the Roses

Автор: Sarah Gristwood

A fiery and largely unexplored history of queens and the perils of power and of how the Wars of the Roses were ended – not only by knights in battle, but the political and dynastic skills of women.The events of the Wars of the Roses are usually described in terms of the men involved; Richard, Duke of York, Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III and Henry VII. The reality though, argues Sarah Gristwood, was quite different. These years were also packed with women's drama and – in the tales of conflicted maternity and monstrous births – alive with female energy.In this completely original book, acclaimed author Sarah Gristwood sheds light on a neglected dimension of English history: the impact of Tudor women on the Wars of the Roses. She examines Cecily Neville, the wife of Richard Duke of York, who was deprived of being queen when her husband died at the Battle of Wakefield; Elizabeth Woodville, a widow with several children who married Edward IV in secret and was crowned queen consort; Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry VII, whose ambitions centred on her son and whose persuasions are likely to have lead her husband Lord Stanley, previously allied with the Yorkists, to play his part in Henry's victory.Until now, the lives of these women have remained little known to the general public. In ‘Blood Sisters’, Sarah Gristwood tells their stories in detail for the first time. Captivating and original, this is historical writing of the most important kind.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007309320


Blood Ties: Family is not always a place of safety
Blood Ties: Family is not always a place of safety

Автор: Julie Shaw

Family is not always a place of safety.Kathleen was just eight years old when her mother was tragically killed in a car accident. And when her father remarries it is to the bitter and resentful Irene who has two children of her own and no space in her heart for another. Irene goes out of her way to make Kathleen's life as miserable as possible and will stop at nothing to get her out of their lives…When Kathleen is sixteen, a shocking incident rocks the family, and life takes a darker turn.Among this darkness, Kathleen finds a glimmer of hope in an older man, but Irene is ruthless in her mission to destroy her.Can Kathleen find happiness or is she destined for tragedy?

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008142872


Blood Ties: Part 3 of 3: Family is not always a place of safety
Blood Ties: Part 3 of 3: Family is not always a place of safety

Автор: Julie Shaw

Family is not always a place of safety.Kathleen was just eight years old when her mother was tragically killed in a car accident. And when her father remarries it is to the bitter and resentful Irene who has two children of her own and no space in her heart for another. Irene goes out of her way to make Kathleen's life as miserable as possible and will stop at nothing to get her out of their lives…When Kathleen is sixteen, a shocking incident rocks the family, and life takes a darker turn.Among this darkness, Kathleen finds a glimmer of hope in an older man, but Irene is ruthless in her mission to destroy her

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008142902


Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures
Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures

Автор: Vincent Lam

An astonishing literary debut, this collection of mature and intricate stories introduces a powerful new voice in fiction.‘A STUNNING DEBUT’ Margaret Atwood‘IRRESISTIBLE’ Alice MunroIn this beautifully written collection, Vincent Lam weaves together black humour, investigations of both common and extraordinary moral dilemmas, and a sometimes shockingly realistic portrait of today's medical profession. Twelve interlinked stories introduce us to a group of medical students over ten years, as they make the transition from medical school to hospital life.The stories span the unique challenges faced by young, inexperienced doctors – having to decide during a first human dissection whether it is more important to follow the anatomy textbook or keep a tattoo intact – but also delve into their private lives, their relationships and family histories, their fears and motivations.Riveting, convincing and precise, ‘Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures’ looks with rigorous honesty at the specificities of the lives of doctors and their patients and brings us to a deeper understanding of the challenges and temptations that surge around us all.

Цена: 246.61 руб.
ISBN: 9780007283187


Bloody Brilliant Women: The Pioneers, Revolutionaries and Geniuses Your History Teacher Forgot to Mention
Bloody Brilliant Women: The Pioneers, Revolutionaries and Geniuses Your History Teacher Forgot to Mention

Автор: Cathy Newman

‘A litany of fresh heroes to make the embattled heart sing’ Caitlin Moran‘Newman is a brilliant writer’ ObserverA fresh, opinionated history of all the brilliant women you should have learned about in school but didn’t.For hundreds of years we have heard about the great men of history, but what about herstory?In this freewheeling history of modern Britain, Cathy Newman writes about the pioneering women who defied the odds to make careers for themselves and alter the course of modern history; women who achieved what they achieved while dismantling hostile, entrenched views about their place in society. Their role in transforming Britain is fundamental, far greater than has generally been acknowledged, and not just in the arts or education but in fields like medicine, politics, law, engineering and the military.While a few of the women in this book are now household names, many have faded into oblivion, their personal and collective achievements mere footnotes in history. We know of Emmeline Pankhurst, Vera Brittain, Marie Stopes and Beatrice Webb. But who remembers engineer and motorbike racer Beatrice Shilling, whose ingenious device for the Spitfires’ Rolls-Royce Merlin fixed an often-fatal flaw, allowing the RAF’s planes to beat the German in the Battle of Britain? Or Dorothy Lawrence, the journalist who achieved her ambition to become a WW1 correspondent by pretending to be a man? And developmental biologist Anne McLaren, whose work in genetics paved the way for in vitro fertilisation?Blending meticulous research with information gleaned from memoirs, diaries, letters, novels and other secondary sources, Bloody Brilliant Women uses the stories of some extraordinary lives to tell the tale of 20th and 21st century Britain. It is a history for women and men. A history for our times.

Цена: 1649.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780008241698


Blue And The Heartless Little Girl
Blue And The Heartless Little Girl

Автор: Blake B. Blink

«Blue?» «What’s the matter?» «Why do men fire?» «Because they are unsatisfied.» «And why are they unsatisfied? «They don’t mean anything to anyone.» ‘Blue and the Heartless Little Girl’ is a dark fairy tale with pure white hues and brilliant sensitivity contents. This is the story of Blue, the blue eyes big boar, and of Cotton Ball, a transparent lovely heartless little girl. This is the story of an unbreakable friendship and of a bond that goes beyond the apparent diversity. This is a story about the importance of creating indelible memories, because anyone is taken for granted, and about the certainty of a pure and unconditional affection that blows up in the heart, even if one of them doesn’t have it anymore.

Цена: 472.51 руб.
ISBN: 9788873043973


Blue Nights
Blue Nights

Автор: Joan Didion

From one of America’s greatest and most iconic writers: an honest and courageous portrait of age and motherhood.Several days before Christmas 2003, Joan Didion’s only daughter, Quintana, fell seriously ill. In 2010, Didion marked the sixth anniversary of her daughter’s death. ‘Blue Nights’ is a shatteringly honest examination of Joan Didion’s life as a mother, a woman and a writer.Recently widowed, and becoming increasingly frail, ‘Blue Nights’ is Didion’s attempt to understand our deepest fears, our inadequate adjustments to ageing and to put a name to what we refuse to see and as a consequence fail to face up to, ‘this refusal even to engage in such contemplation, this failure to confront the certainties of ageing, illness and death. This fear.’ This fear is tied to what we cherish most and fight to conserve, protect, and refuse to let go, for, ‘when we are talking about mortality we are talking about our children.’ To face death is to let go of memory, to be bereft once more, ‘I know what it is I am now experiencing. I know what the frailty is, I know what the fear is.’The fear is not for what is lost.The fear is for what is still to be lost.You may see nothing still to be lost.Yet there is no day in her life on which I do not see her.A profound, poetic and powerful book about motherhood and the fierce way in which we continue to exalt and nurture our children, even if they only live on in memory.‘Blue Nights’ is an intensely personal, and yet, strangely universal account of how we love. It is both groundbreaking and a culmination of a stunning career.

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780007432912


Blue рейв Innocent
Blue рейв Innocent

Автор: Анна Бондарева

Автобиографическая новелла «Blue рейв Innocent» об эпохе девяностых, о времени, когда пришла новая музыка и с ней новые реалии; неизведанный дух свободы, который пронёсся флуоресцентной стрелой над серыми буднями постсоветской молодёжи.

Цена: 129 руб.
Год: 2023


Blutregen - Die Templer im Schatten, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)
Blutregen - Die Templer im Schatten, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Stefan Burban

Исполнители: Stefan Lehnen

Цена: 1967.96 руб.
ISBN: 9783985710010



Автор: Armin Peter Faust

Der heilige Lukas meinte noch im ersten Jahrhundert nach Christus, naiv, wie K?nstler sind, dass die Steine schreien w?rden, um auf die Untaten von Menschen an Menschen hinzuweisen.Diese Hoffnung erwies sich vor allem im blutigen zwanzigsten Jahrhundert als Illusion. Die Steine schwiegen konsequent.Hier soll der Versuch gemacht werden, diese Illusion fahren zu lassen, die Stimme zu erheben und auf ein Menschenschicksal hinzuweisen, das uns zu ersch?ttern und nachdenklich zu machen vermag. Das M?dchen, von dem hier die Rede ist, durfte nur neunzehn Jahre alt werden, denn ihr Leitstern war rot. Diese politische Orientierung musste in der ersten H?lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts in die Emigration f?hren und schlie?lich auf den Blutsteinen im KZ Oranienburg enden. Auf d?rftiger Faktenbasis soll der Versuch gemacht werden, den Lebensweg dieses jungen Menschen inmitten der organisierten Unmenschlichkeit des 3. Reiches zu rekonstruieren: den Toten zum Ged?chtnis den Lebenden zur Mahnung.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783898018265


Bob Marley: The Untold Story
Bob Marley: The Untold Story

Автор: Chris Salewicz

What was it about Bob Marley that made him so popular in a world dominated by rock’n’roll?How is that he has not only remained the single most successful reggae artist ever, but has also become a shining beacon of radicalism and peace to generation after generation of fans across the globe?On May 11, 1981, a little after 11.30 in the morning, Bob Marley died. The man who introduced reggae to a worldwide audience, in his own lifetime he had already become a hero figure in the classic mythological sense. From immensely humble beginnings and with talent and religious belief his only weapons, the Jamaican recording artist applied himself with unstinting perseverance to spreading his prophetic musical message.And he had achieved it: only a year earlier, Bob Marley and The Wailers' tour of Europe had seen them perform to the largest audiences a musical act had up to that point experienced. Record sales of Marley's albums before his death were spectacular; in the years since his death they have become phenomenal, as each new generation discovers afresh the remarkable power of his music.Chris Salewicz, who had a sequence of adventures with Bob Marley in Jamaica in 1979, offers us a comprehensive and detailed account of Bob Marley's life and the world in which he grew up and came to dominate. Never-before-heard interviews with dozens of people who knew Marley are woven through a narrative that brings to life not only the Rastafari religion and the musical scene in Jamaica, but also the spirit of the man himself.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780007440061


Bojardo ed Ariosto. Vol. II
Bojardo ed Ariosto. Vol. II

Автор: Antonio Panizzi

Полный вариант заголовка: «Bojardo ed Ariosto : Vol. II. Orlando Innamorato di Bojardo ; Orlando Furioso di Ariosto : containing life of Bojardo : cantos 1 to 8 of book 1 / with an essay on the Romantic narrative poetry of the Italians memoirs and notes by Antonio Panizzi».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1830


Bones: A Story of Brothers, a Champion Horse and the Race to Stop America’s Most Brutal Cartel
Bones: A Story of Brothers, a Champion Horse and the Race to Stop America’s Most Brutal Cartel

Автор: Joe Tone

Two brothers live parallel lives on either side of the US-Mexico border. This is the dramatic true story of how their worlds collided in a major criminal conspiracy.Jos? Trevi?o was raised in Nuevo Laredo, a Mexican border town and major smuggling gateway. He grew up loving the sprawling countryside and its tough, fast quarter horses, but in search of opportunity he crossed the border into Texas.While Jos? built a modest living laying bricks, his younger brother Miguel ascended to the top of the infamously bloody Los Zetas cartel. As Jos? settled down with a wife and kids, his brother was said to be burning rivals alive, eating victims’ hearts and launching grenades at the US consulate.Then one day Jos? showed up at a quarter-horse auction and bid close to a million dollars for a horse. The bricklayer suddenly became a major player on the scene, catching the attention of FBI agent Scott Lawson. Lawson enlisted Tyler Graham, the young American rancher breeding Jos?’s champion horse – nicknamed Huesos, or Bones – to infiltrate what he suspected was a major money laundering operation.The goal: capture Miguel Trevi?o.Set against the high-stakes world of horseracing, Bones takes you deep into a violent drug cartel, the perilous lives of American ranchers and the Sisyphean work of drug cops, revealing how greed and fear mingle with race, class and violence along the vast Southwest border. At its heart, this riveting crime drama is a gripping story of brotherhood, family loyalty and the tragic cost of a failed drug war.

Цена: 1566.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780008204822



Автор: Olivia Siegl

A Real Mum’s Hilariously Honest Tales of Motherhood, Mayhem and Mental Health ‘A wonderful book all mums should read!’ Gemma Atkinson’A book to be shared the world over.’ ’ I do believe this book will save lives!’ ’This book made me proud to be a woman’‘You see, pre-motherhood I had this image of the sort of motherhood I was going to have. Happy, confident and in total control, breezing through my perfect new mum life, clad in white linen with a smiley easy-going baby attached to my hip. But then, something happened.’A moving, inspirational and at times hilarious book from best-selling author Olivia Siegl. Part-memoir, part guide, Bonkers follows Olivia's story of motherhood as she juggles two babies under two alongside two harrowing battles with Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Psychosis.Olivia’s refreshingly honest approach leaves no area of motherhood uncovered in her bid to empower women to be able to talk about all areas of motherhood – NO judgement! Throughout the book, this engaging and straight talking author shares her story of motherhood and how she has since overcome what she bills as “the most harrowing times of her life” to prove that suffering with a mental health illness is by no means the end of the story. A must read for anyone in need of hope that they can get through even the darkest of times.For every mum out there feeling lost in the wilderness. For every mum feeling pressure to be perfect. For every mum questioning if they are good enough. You are magnificent.

Цена: 1121.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780008214869


Boost up your English
Boost up your English

Автор: Александр Чумаков


Исполнители: Александр Чумаков

Цена: 488 руб.
ISBN: 9785006042605


Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside
Born into the Children of God: My life in a religious sex cult and my struggle for survival on the outside

Автор: Natacha Tormey

Natacha Tormey was born into the infamous religious cult known as The Children of God. Abused, exploited, and brainwashed by ‘The Family’, Natacha’s childhood was stolen.Born to French hippy parents attracted to the religious movement by the unusual mix of evangelical Christianity, free love and rejection of the mainstream, from an early age Natacha was brainwashed to believe she had a special destiny – that she was part of an elite children’s army bestowed with superpowers that would one day save the world from the Anti-Christ.Torn away from their parents, Natacha and her siblings were beaten on a daily basis and forced to sing and dance for entertainment in prisons and malls. Natacha never expected to live to adulthood.At the age of 18 Natacha escaped, but quickly found herself hurtling through a world she had no understanding of. Alone, and grappling to come to terms with an unbelievable sense of betrayal, she was stuck in a kind of limbo – confused and unable to feel part of either way of life.Natacha is one of the lucky ones; not all of her family survived the battle to shed the shame and pain of their past. To date over 40 ex-Children of God members of Natacha’s generation have committed suicide.All Natacha ever wanted was to feel normal, but escaping the cult was only the beginning. Shocking, moving, but ultimately inspiring, this is Natacha’s full story; it is both a personal tale of trauma and recovery, and an expos? of the secret world of abuse hidden behind commune walls.

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007560349


Born to Run
Born to Run

Автор: Michael Morpurgo

Discover the beautiful stories of Michael Morpurgo, author of Warhorse and the nation’s favourite storytellerJoy and heartbreak combine in this bittersweet tale of a champion greyhound’s journey through life – and from owner to owner…“The sack wasn't just drifting gently along like everything else, it was turning of its own accord. There was definitely something inside it, struggling against the side of the plastic bag, kicking at it, squeaking and squealing in terror. He had no idea what it might be, only that it was alive and in danger of drowning.”When Patrick saves a litter of greyhound puppies from the canal, he can’t bear to hand them all over to the RSPCA. He pleads with his parents: couldn’t he just keep one of them? But nothing will convince them and Patrick cries himself to sleep – only to be woken by a greyhound puppy licking his face!Patrick christens his puppy Best Mate, and that’s what he becomes. Patrick’s favourite thing is to watch Best Mate running at full stretch on the heath, a speeding bullet, a cheetah-dog. Until one day Best Mate is kidnapped by a greyhound trainer, and begins a new life as a champion race dog. Suzie, the greyhound trainer’s step-daughter, loves Best Mate on first sight and gives him a new name, Bright Eyes. But what will happen when he can’t run any more?Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007369997


Born Trump
Born Trump

Автор: Emily Jane Fox

As a writer at Vanity Fair covering the Trump family, Emily Jane Fox has spent the last year doing a deep dive into the lives of the President’s children. Born Trump is the explosive narrative of her findings as an insider within the most influential family in America.Journalist Emily Jane Fox has developed a personal relationship with Ivanka and has cultivated sources close to Eric, Donald Jr., and Tiffany. She has scoured their Instagram accounts, combed through all their public speeches, spoken to their childhood friends, college acquaintances, business associates, close advisors, and campaign operatives. She’s become the foremost expert on the Trump kids and, now, in this exclusive account, Fox chronicles the experiences of the Trump children, individuals who possess more control than any other First Children in the history of the presidency.Wonderfully gossipy, Born Trump examines what shaped the Trump children into who they are – a shared familial history that will inevitably form American history in the coming years. Born Trump explores what it was like to grow up Trump and what this reveals about living in Trump’s America, in turn painting an intimate portrait of the 45th President of the United States from the perspective of his most inner circle. Given their father’s need to be in the spotlight, his bellicose and litigious nature, and how often his personal life played out in public, it seems astonishing that his children remain so close to him. And yet this is part of the Trump ethos – like royalty, they stand together, encased not in palaces, but in Trump Tower.Fox looks at the childhood privileges and traumas, the individual adolescences and early adulthoods that have been lightly chronicled in the tabloids but never detailed thoughtfully or in depth, the family business that brought them back together and the dynamics therein, the campaign that tested the family in ways the children could not have imagined, and now, the wide-open slate in front of them in Washington, D.C. Full of surprising insights and previously untold stories, Born Trump will quench the ever-increasing desire for a greater understanding of who these people are, how they were raised, and what makes them tick.

Цена: 1534.01 руб.
ISBN: 9780008292478


Born Trump: Inside America’s First Family
Born Trump: Inside America’s First Family

Автор: Emily Fox Jane

As a writer at Vanity Fair covering the Trump family, Emily Jane Fox has spent the last year doing a deep dive into the lives of the President’s children. Born Trump is the explosive narrative of her findings as an insider within the most influential family in America.Journalist Emily Jane Fox has developed a personal relationship with Ivanka and has cultivated sources close to Eric, Donald Jr., and Tiffany. She has scoured their Instagram accounts, combed through all their public speeches, spoken to their childhood friends, college acquaintances, business associates, close advisors, and campaign operatives. She’s become the foremost expert on the Trump kids and, now, in this exclusive account, Fox chronicles the experiences of the Trump children, individuals who possess more control than any other First Children in the history of the presidency.Wonderfully gossipy, Born Trump examines what shaped the Trump children into who they are – a shared familial history that will inevitably form American history in the coming years. Born Trump explores what it was like to grow up Trump and what this reveals about living in Trump’s America, in turn painting an intimate portrait of the 45th President of the United States from the perspective of his most inner circle. Given their father’s need to be in the spotlight, his bellicose and litigious nature, and how often his personal life played out in public, it seems astonishing that his children remain so close to him. And yet this is part of the Trump ethos – like royalty, they stand together, encased not in palaces, but in Trump Tower.Fox looks at the childhood privileges and traumas, the individual adolescences and early adulthoods that have been lightly chronicled in the tabloids but never detailed thoughtfully or in depth, the family business that brought them back together and the dynamics therein, the campaign that tested the family in ways the children could not have imagined, and now, the wide-open slate in front of them in Washington, D.C.Full of surprising insights and previously untold stories, Born Trump will quench the ever-increasing desire for a greater understanding of who these people are, how they were raised, and what makes them tick.

Цена: 1649.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780008292478



Автор: Jeff VanderMeer

A FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARThe dark, dangerous, funny and uplifting new novel from the author of Annihilation, the inspiration for the major motion picture directed by Alex Garland.‘Neither of us had control of our monsters anymore’In a ruined city of the future, Rachel scavenges a strange creature from the fur of a despotic bear.She names him Borne.He reminds her of her homeland lost to rising seas, but her lover Wick is intent on rendering him down as raw material for the special drugs he sells. Nothing is quite what it seems, and if Wick is hiding secrets, so too is Rachel – and Borne most of all.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008159207


Borrowed Finery
Borrowed Finery

Автор: Paula Fox

One of the most powerful memoirs of recent times.Shortly after Paula Fox’s birth in 1923, her hard-drinking Hollywood screenwriter father and her glamorous mother left her in a Manhattan orphanage. Rescued by her grandmother, she was passed from hand to hand, the kindness of strangers interrupted by brief and disturbing reunions with her darkly enchanting parents. In New York, Paula lives with her Spanish grandmother; in Cuba, she wanders about freely on a sugarcane plantation owned by a wealthy relative; in California she finds herself cast away on the dismal margins of Hollywood where famous actors and literary celebrities – John Wayne, Buster Keaton, Orson Welles – glitteringly appear and then fade away.A moving and unusual portrait of a life adrift. Paula Fox gives us an unforgettable appraisal of just how much – and how little – a child requires to survive.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007394500


Boston Belles - Villain - Boston-Belles-Reihe, Teil 2 (Ungek?rzt)
Boston Belles - Villain - Boston-Belles-Reihe, Teil 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: L. J. Shen

Исполнители: Louis Friedemann Thiele

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 4066004503707


Botham: My Autobiography
Botham: My Autobiography

Автор: Ian Botham

Originally published in 2000 and now available as an ebook. The bestselling autobiography of cricketing legend Ian Botham, includes his first-hand insight into the 1999/2000 winter tour to South Africa.Ian Botham’s bestselling autobiography is an intriguing cocktail of sex and drugs allegations, personal upheavals, confrontations with his peers, and remarkable achievements both on and off the field.From his heroic deeds against the Aussies art Headingly in 1981 through to the dark clouds surrounding the court case with Imran Khan, from battling in the mud for Scunthorpe United FC to walking half the length of the country for Leukaemia Research, it’s all here in this unforgettable story of a truly larger-than-life character.In an extra chapter for this revised edition, Botham digs deep to unravel the reasons behind the sorry state of English cricket, and provides a compulsive insight into the 1999/2000 winter tour to South Africa where England attempt to recover from a traumatic year under the new leadership of Nasser Hussain.

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780007388844


Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice
Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice

Автор: Matthew Syed

Originally published as BOUNCE: How Champions Are MadeThe ‘Freakonomics of Sport’…What are the real secrets of sporting success, and what lessons do they offer about life in general? Why doesn’t Tiger Woods “choke”? Why are the best figure skaters those that have fallen over the most and why has one small street in Reading produced more top table tennis players than the rest of the country put together.As a three-time Commonwealth table-tennis champion and two-time Olympian, Matthew Syed is perfectly placed to show what it takes to get to the top in any discipline. And as an award-winning writer for the sports and comment pages of the Times – and holder of a prize-winning degree from Oxford University – he knows the facts, the science and the personalities better than anyone.In his book Matt overturns myths and outdated thinking to show “why it is that top sportsmen seem to perceive faster, smarter and deeper than the rest of us.” He draws on the latest in neuroscience and psychology to discover why so many top athletes are superstitious, and meets the Hungarian man who turned his daughters into three of the best chess players in history – and explains how.Along the way, he introduces an extraordinary cast of footballers, cricketers, baseball players, speedskaters, scientists and experts – and interviews the East German athlete who became a man, and her husband. Matthew’s book is crammed full of fascinating stories and telling studies, insights and statistics, all brought together to make a wonderfully thought-provoking read.Matthew’s book is not simply the Freakonomics of sport though – it looks at big questions such as the nature of talent, what kind of practice actually works, how to achieve motivation, drugs in sport (and life) and whether black people really are faster runners. Fresh, ground-breaking and tackling subjects with wide appeal, Matthew’s book is sure to be one of the most talked-about of the year.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007350537


Boutique Trends. Идеи для шитья 12/2022
Boutique Trends. Идеи для шитья №12/2022

Автор: Группа авторов

Boutique Trends – новое издание по лицензии издательства Hepi Press s.r.l. В каждом выпуске – около 40 моделей журнала La Mia Boutique, крупнейшего ежемесячного журнала о моде в Италии. Для моделей, в зависимости от рубрики, предлагаются выкройки размеров – с 38-го по 54-й (размеры IT). Также есть специальный раздел с актуальной модой для детей. Все модели сопровождаются выкройками и подробными инструкциями по шитью. Электронная версия журнала выходит без выкроек. Для приобретения выкроек заходите на сайт burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ . В номере: Абсолютная свобода Ультрамарин и фуксия: 7 вещей в городском стиле. Многогранные образы Модели, которые хочется рассматривать: эффектные пальто, элегантная юбка-брюки с бретелями и кардиган из жаккардового трикотажа. Переосмысленная классика Брюки и жакет из тартана, куртка, блузка, прямой комбинезон и два черных платья. Большие размеры Оверсайз, многослойность и активная полоска: пальто, блузка, платья, кардиган и брюки. и многое другое

Серия: Журнал «Boutique Trends» 2022

Цена: 138 руб.
Год: 2022


Boutique Trends. Идеи для шитья 07/2023
Boutique Trends. Идеи для шитья №07/2023

Автор: Группа авторов

Boutique Trends – новое издание по лицензии издательства Hepi Press s.r.l. В каждом выпуске – около 40 моделей журнала La Mia Boutique, крупнейшего ежемесячного журнала о моде в Италии. Для моделей, в зависимости от рубрики, предлагаются выкройки размеров – с 38-го по 54-й (размеры IT). Также есть специальный раздел с актуальной модой для детей. Все модели сопровождаются выкройками и подробными инструкциями по шитью. Электронная версия журнала выходит без выкроек. Для приобретения выкроек заходите на сайт burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ . В номере: Сила природы Цветочные принты + оборки и воланы. Теплые вечера Микс непринужденной легкости и элегантности: смелый оранжевый и безупречный белый. Пятничный образ Пять стильных нарядов для мини-отпуска. В стиле сафари Семь вещей в природных оттенках для городских образов. Волнующие сочетания Микс текстур и ярких красок – от блузки с асимметричной горловиной до платья с рукавами буф. Стильный лен Комфортная коллекция изо льна + кардиган из вискозного джерси. и многое другое

Серия: Журнал «Boutique Trends» 2023

Исполнители: Александр Ключенко

Цена: 138 руб.
Год: 2023


Boxen: Childhood Chronicles Before Narnia
Boxen: Childhood Chronicles Before Narnia

Автор: Клайв Стейплз Льюис

The lost tales of ‘Animal-land’, written and illustrated by C.S. Lewis and his brother Warnie, which they developed into the chronicles of the kingdom of Boxen, newly published to mark the centenary of the first story.Half a century before the publication of The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis created another imaginary world. The tales of ‘Animal-land’ which eight-year-old Jack (as his family knew him) had shared with his brother Warnie developed into the chronicles of the kingdom of Boxen. In a succession of stories over the next few years, the young Lewis explored its history, geography and the colourful exploits of its inhabitants in vivid detail, writing the last of the papers, his Encyclopedia Boxoniana, in April 1928.This landmark edition marks the centenary of the very first Boxen manuscript. Here are all the stories, some never before seen, sensitively edited and arranged to make the most of the fabulous and inventive fantasy while retaining all the vigour of a child’s imaginative writing. Lavishly and charmingly illustrated by the author, and published for the very first time in colour, together with facsimile pages from the original notebooks, this book will provide a unique insight into one of the most extraordinary minds of our age. For every reader who has been captivated by the magic of Narnia, Boxen will open a window on to another enchanted land.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007386086


Boxiana. Vol. 1
Boxiana. Vol. 1

Автор: Egan Pierce

Примечание: Боксиана. Биографии боксеров. Полный вариант заголовка: «Boxiana, or Sketches of ancient and modern pugilism, from the days of the renowned Broughton and Slack to the championship of Cribb. Vol. 1».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1830


Boy Erased
Boy Erased

Автор: Garrard Conley

NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING LUCAS HEDGES, RUSSELL CROWE AND NICOLE KIDMAN, AND WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY JOEL EDGERTON‘A necessary, beautiful book’ Garth Greenwell, author of What Belongs to You‘A brilliant memoir’ GuardianThe son of a Baptist pastor and deeply embedded in church life in small town Arkansas, as a young man Garrard Conley was terrified and conflicted about his sexuality.When Garrard was a nineteen-year-old college student, he was outed to his parents, and was forced to make a life-changing decision: either agree to attend a church-supported conversion therapy program that promised to “cure” him of homosexuality; or risk losing family, friends, and the God he had prayed to every day of his life. Through an institutionalised Twelve-Step Program heavy on Bible study, he was supposed to emerge heterosexual, ex-gay, cleansed of impure urges and stronger in his faith in God for his brush with sin. Instead, even when faced with a harrowing and brutal journey, Garrard found the strength and understanding to break out in search of his true self and forgiveness.By confronting his buried past and the burden of a life lived in shadow, Garrard traces the complex relationships among family, faith, and community. At times heartbreaking, at times triumphant, this memoir is a testament to love that survives despite all odds.

Цена: 811.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780008276997


BrainStorm: Ты не один. От песочницы до стадиона
BrainStorm: Ты не один. От песочницы до стадиона

Автор: Алина Катран-Шиллинг

Эта книга могла бы стать биографией группы, если бы у них был только BrainStorm. Но жизнь длиннее самой любимой песни. И четверо парней из Елгавы говорят с вами о главных вещах – Любви, Дружбе, Призвании, Успехе и всём том, о чём за 45 лет не рассказали даже друг другу. Вы можете не знать их песен, но вы поймёте, о чём они: эта книга про всех нас. Ведь каждому порой надо просто услышать: «Ты не один». В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Серия: Подарочные издания. Музыка

Цена: 479 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-04-113223-1


Branded as Trouble - Rough Riders, Book 6 (Unabridged)
Branded as Trouble - Rough Riders, Book 6 (Unabridged)

Автор: Lorelei James

Исполнители: Rebecca Estrella

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624611643



Автор: Rose McGowan

My life, as you will read, has taken me from one cult to another. BRAVE is the story of how I fought my way out of these cults and reclaimed my life. I want to help you do the same. -Rose McGowanA revealing memoir and empowering manifesto – A voice for generationsRose McGowan was born in one cult and came of age in another, more visible cult: Hollywood.In a strange world where she was continually on display, stardom soon became a personal nightmare of constant exposure and sexualization. Rose escaped into the world of her mind, something she had done as a child, and into high-profile relationships. Every detail of her personal life became public, and the realities of an inherently sexist industry emerged with every script, role, public appearance, and magazine cover. The Hollywood machine packaged her as a sexualized bombshell, hijacking her image and identity and marketing them for profit.Hollywood expected Rose to be silent and cooperative and to stay the path. Instead, she rebelled and asserted her true identity and voice. She reemerged unscripted, courageous, victorious, angry, smart, fierce, unapologetic, controversial, and real as f*ck.BRAVE is her raw, honest, and poignant memoir/manifesto—a no-holds-barred, pull-no-punches account of the rise of a millennial icon, fearless activist, and unstoppable force for change who is determined to expose the truth about the entertainment industry, dismantle the concept of fame, shine a light on a multibillion-dollar business built on systemic misogyny, and empower people everywhere to wake up and be BRAVE.

Цена: 1649.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780008291105



Автор: Rose McGowan

"My life, as you will read, has taken me from one cult to another. BRAVE is the story of how I fought my way out of these cults and reclaimed my life. I want to help you do the same." -Rose McGowanA revealing memoir and empowering manifesto – A voice for generationsRose McGowan was born in one cult and came of age in another, more visible cult: Hollywood.In a strange world where she was continually on display, stardom soon became a personal nightmare of constant exposure and sexualization. Rose escaped into the world of her mind, something she had done as a child, and into high-profile relationships. Every detail of her personal life became public, and the realities of an inherently sexist industry emerged with every script, role, public appearance, and magazine cover. The Hollywood machine packaged her as a sexualized bombshell, hijacking her image and identity and marketing them for profit.Hollywood expected Rose to be silent and cooperative and to stay the path. Instead, she rebelled and asserted her true identity and voice. She reemerged unscripted, courageous, victorious, angry, smart, fierce, unapologetic, controversial, and real as f*ck.BRAVE is her raw, honest, and poignant memoir/manifesto—a no-holds-barred, pull-no-punches account of the rise of a millennial icon, fearless activist, and unstoppable force for change who is determined to expose the truth about the entertainment industry, dismantle the concept of fame, shine a light on a multibillion-dollar business built on systemic misogyny, and empower people everywhere to wake up and be BRAVE.

Цена: 1452.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780008291105


Brave, Not Perfect
Brave, Not Perfect

Автор: Reshma Saujani

Everything from this past election cycle to Beyonc?’s feminist anthem speaks to this problem: women are expected to be “flawless.”Reshma Saujani was no different. She worked her way to top grades, stellar schools and blue chip firms only to realize that the path to perfect was making her miserable. So, she did something brave and risky. She quit her job and became the first Indian-American woman to run for Congress.Fortunately, she failed epically.It was that failure that set Reshma on a journey filled with setbacks, but ultimately, immense rewards. In 2012, she founded the non-profit Girls Who Code, with the goal of teaching 1 million girls to code by 2020 and closing the gender gap in technology. While working closely with young girls and meeting inspiring women through her widening network, she came to understand that there is a fundamental difference between how our culture socialises girls and boys. Namely, boys are taught to be brave – to take risks, speak up, play rough and fall down trying – while girls learn that the road to achievement is paved with diligence and caution. Some may argue that inherent biological traits encode this difference, but the truth is that the directive comes from the outside in.In 2016, Reshma’s TED talk “Teach girls bravery, not perfection” struck a chord around the world, with over 3 million views. Her book, BRAVE, NOT PERFECT, will be a manifesto that enables women to see the roots of this problem and rewire themselves – and future generations of women – for bravery.

Цена: 1649.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780008249540


Bravour?s in die Suppe gespuckt
Bravour?s in die Suppe gespuckt

Автор: Uli Grunewald

Erz?hlt wird die Geschichte von Thomas Grune, einem dreisten Bruchpiloten, der die Maschine seines Lebens nicht auf Kurs bekommt. Schon im ostdeutschen Zoni-Land l?sst er nichts unversucht, H?he zu gewinnen, um verhei?ungsvolle Horizonte zu ersp?hen. Und erst recht sp?ter, als sich dazu alle M?glichkeiten zu bieten scheinen. Grune landet einen riesen Coup und am Ende im Knast.
In bunten, oft deftigen Episoden wird geschildert, wie er unverdrossen Wohlergehen, Gl?ck und Extravaganz sucht. Dass Grune dabei unartig Grenzen ?berschreitet und zudem keine Kapriole scheut, ist unterhaltsam, emp?rend, ?berraschend. Wie die unerlaubte Parisreise und seine R?ckfahrt mit dem Taxi oder die skurril-makabre Beerdigung des Onkels, samt Beseitigung eines unpassenden Testaments. Oder die fast unglaublich zuf?lligen Begegnungen mit Prominenten aus mehreren K?nstlergenerationen, wie Hans-Joachim Kuhlenkampff, Heidi Kabel, Mario Adorf oder Thomas Gottschalk.
Das Buch verspricht ein Leseabenteuer mit merkw?rdigen Begebenheiten voller Widerspr?che. Vom Witz zum Aberwitz, vom H?henflug zum Sturzflug, vom Aufbruch zum Genickbruch treibt es den Erz?hler.
Sie werden dieses Schelmenst?ck mit all seinen Ungeniertheiten hassenlieben und Sie werden es nicht vor der letzten Seite aus der Hand legen. Denn in ihm begegnen Sie auch sich selbst, was Sie erlebten und was Sie in ihrem Leben vers?umten.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783942401807



Автор: Hattie Hartman

Brazil is a country of city dwellers undergoing radical transformation: over 85 per cent of the country’s citizens live in cities and over 40 per cent of the population live in metropolises of more than a million people. Whereas previously urban growth had been ad hoc, preparation for the FIFA World Cup in 12 cities across the country in 2014, and for the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio, changed all that. Several Brazilian cities have proactively invested in infrastructure and the public realm. And a number of projects by international ‘starchitects’ have heightened interest in Brazil from architects and urban practitioners abroad. The failure of public authorities to meet their ambitious aspirations for the sporting mega-events sparked a series of street protests across the country under the banner of ‘the right to the city’, beginning in 2013. For Brazil, this was an entirely new phenomenon, one which has unveiled the potential for bottom-up influences to effect urban change. The focus of this issue, though, is on design projects that contribute a strong sense of place to their respective cities, highlighting also the integration of landscape design in urban planning and community interventions that seek to address the enormous disparity between the lives of the country’s rich and poor. Contributors: Ricky Burdett, Thomas Deckker, Gabriel Duarte, Sergio Ekerman, Nanda Eskes and Andr? Vieira, Alexandre Hepner and Silvio Soares Macedo, Circe Monteiro and Luiz Carvalho, Joana Carla Soares Gon?alves, Jaime Lerner, Ana Luiza Nobre, Justin McGuirk, Francesco Perrotta-Bosch, Maria do Rocio Ros?rio, Fernando Serapi?o, Guilherme Wisnik Featured architects: AECOM, Biselli Katchborian, Brasil Arquitetura, Santiago Calatrava, Studio Arthur Casas, Diller Scofdio + Renfro, Herzog & de Meuron, Vigliecca & Associados

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9781118972489


Breakers o Silence – Разрушители тишины
Breakers o'Silence – Разрушители тишины

Автор: Дарья Конопатова (Dasha Ko)

Обычные рок-группы перестали удивлять публику уже давно. Поэтому один отчаянный менеджер решается на рискованный шаг… И создаёт группу из живых мертвецов – Breakers o’ Silence! «Зомбо-рок» молниеносно становится ведущим направлением на альтернативной сцене, а «Брейкеры» превращаются в идолов современности. Но за любой успех рано или поздно приходится платить. А деньги не всегда могут решить все проблемы… Рокеры, знаменитости, треш, угар и немного бензина! Только на страницах комикса Breakers o’ Silence!

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2018


Breakfast Under A Cornish Sun: The perfect romantic comedy for summer
Breakfast Under A Cornish Sun: The perfect romantic comedy for summer

Автор: Samantha Tonge

Dreaming of the perfect man?Kate Golightly needs to move forward and what better way to do that then with a trip to the Cornish coast with best friend and boss, Izzy.The sea wind is just what Kate needs to finally relax and begin to let go of her past. Except she’s suddenly got one big reason to panic! She RSVP’d ‘yes’ to the Queen Bee of her high school’s wedding saying she’s bringing her boyfriend (she doesn’t have one) who looks just like Ross Poldark!With only two weeks to find the Poldark look-alike of her dreams Kate is under a lot of pressure for the Cornish coast to deliver…A hilarious and moving romantic novel from bestselling author, Samantha Tonge. A must-read this summer!What reviewers are saying about Samantha Tonge‘The perfect book to kick start your summer reading… A gloriously fun read which does not disappoint.’ – Book Addict Shaun on Game of Scones‘It's heart-warming, funny and romantic- filled with great friendships, more complex relationships and topped off with Mikey's wonderful diner that I'd quite like to visit please, as it sounds delicious!’ – Little Northern Soul on How to Get Hitched in Ten Days‘I loved Game of Scones… and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a HEA steeped in friendship, tradition, location, and yummy desserts.’ – Harlequin Junkie‘Samantha Tonge has created another witty story with romance, friendships and community spirit right at its heart’ – Shaz’s Book Boudoir on My Big Fat Christmas Wedding'I was hooked from the start, by this impressive debut novel' – Chicklit Club on Doubting Abbey

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008184841


Brennendes Geheimnis: Erz?hlung
Brennendes Geheimnis: Erz?hlung

Автор: Стефан Цвейг

Цена: Бесплатно


BRICs and Beyond. Lessons on Emerging Markets
BRICs and Beyond. Lessons on Emerging Markets

Автор: Stephanie Jones

BRICs and Beyond is an international business executive text written especially for executive and MBA students. It is based on extensive consulting in emerging economies and several years of experience teaching executive MBA courses around the globe. The author has continually faced the problem that the available textbooks for teaching international business focused almost exclusively on examples of Western multinationals for case illustrations. In the process of preparing cases nearer to the emerging market she worked in, the author realized that the often fascinating, frequently insightful and always different approach to business illustrated by these cases should be required reading for MBA students in typical Western environments too. With its wide range of current case illustrations and concise summaries this is a new-generation text that will welcome today's MBA student to the wider world of 21st century international business. «. . . this book is needed not only because it looks at business from the BRICs points of view; it also looks at business from the point of view of tomorrow's business leaders and the challenges that they will have to cope with.» –Professor Jonathan Gosling, Centre for Leadership Studies, and co-founder, The One-Planet MBA, the University of Exeter, UK «. . . Stephanie Jones advises Western businesses on doing business in emerging economies in a refreshingly straightforward manner, integrating in a novel way her three decades of global, practical experience with the daily barrage of reporting on the BRICs–distilling from these many lessons and principles. . .» –Extracted from the Foreword, by Professor Wim Naud?, Director of Research, Maastricht School of Management

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118351567


Briefe ?ber die Kantische Philosophie. Bd. 2
Briefe ?ber die Kantische Philosophie. Bd. 2

Автор: Karl Leonhard Reinhold

Примечание: Письма о философии И. Канта. Полный вариант заголовка: «Briefe ?ber die Kantische Philosophie. Bd. 2 / von Carl Leonhard Reinhold».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1792


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