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Entrevistas Del Siglo Corto
Entrevistas Del Siglo Corto

Автор: Marco Lupis

Цена: 946 руб.
ISBN: 9788873044109


Entwurf einer vollstandigen Historie der Kezereien, Spaltungen und Religionsstreitigkeiten, bis auf die Zeiten der Reformation. T. 1
Entwurf einer vollstandigen Historie der Kezereien, Spaltungen und Religionsstreitigkeiten, bis auf die Zeiten der Reformation. T. 1

Автор: Christian Wilhelm Franz Walch

Полный вариант заголовка: «Entwurf einer vollstandigen Historie der Kezereien, Spaltungen und Religionsstreitigkeiten, bis auf die Zeiten der Reformation. 1 Theil / Christian Wilhelm Franz Walchs».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1762


Epitaph for the Ash: In Search of Recovery and Renewal
Epitaph for the Ash: In Search of Recovery and Renewal

Автор: Lisa Samson

Inspired by her uncle, Lisa Samson has communed with trees since her childhood. Tragically, a disease from mainland Europe now poses a very serious threat to the ash tree’s survival. Epitaph for the Ash explores how barren our landscape could become without the ash’s familiar branches protruding from limestone scars and chalky cliff faces.The trees’ grave prognosis takes on a personal resonance when, in the course of writing this book, Lisa is diagnosed with a brain tumour. While she receives treatment, and learns to walk and talk again, Lisa finds solace once more in the natural world. She continues to research her beloved forests, which once sheltered a wealth of flora and fauna, seeking out the possibilities that modern science might provide for their survival.Taking us from the lowlands of Norfolk to northernmost reaches of the British Isles, Lisa's book is a celebration of the deep cultural and historical significance of the ash. As Lisa contemplates her own mortality, and the trees’ likely fate emerges, Epitaph for the Ash offers up a rallying cry to treasure these remarkable woodlands while we still can, before it is too late.

Цена: 1318.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780007544622


EQ. Эмоциональный интеллект на практике
EQ. Эмоциональный интеллект на практике

Автор: Джастин Барисо

Эта книга – настоящий путеводитель по миру эмоций. Она не только поможет разобраться с собственными деструктивными состояниями и обрести самоконтроль, но и научит тонко чувствовать окружающих и выстраивать с ними глубокие, здоровые отношения. Это практическое руководство по EQ для всех, кто хочет, чтобы их эмоции помогали, а не разрушали. Пять причин прочитать эту книгу: • Эмоциональный интеллект – главный soft skill в современном мире. • 85% читателей поставили книге высшую оценку на Amazon.com. • Права на книгу уже проданы в 9 стран. • Соцсеть LinkedIn признала Джастина Барисо «главным голосом в сфере менеджмента и корпоративной культуры». • Книга содержит много практических рекомендаций и кейсов из реальной жизни.

Серия: Книги-драйверы

Исполнители: Михаил Золкин

Цена: 549 руб.
Год: 2018


Er hatte mich gebrochen
Er hatte mich gebrochen

Автор: Lara B

Die junge Lara kommt alleine aus Russland und lernt im Wohnheim den Inder Prakash kennen. Schnell steht f?r ihn fest, er will Lara heiraten und ein Kind mit ihr. Obwohl sie das nicht will, erliegt sie irgendwann seinen gekonnten Liebesschw?ren. Als sie kurze Zeit sp?ter schwanger ist, zeigt Prakash sein wahres Gesicht. Mit Gewalt und Manupulation bricht er ihren Willen und niemand glaubt ihr …

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783959249409


Erinnerungen eines Langensalzaer sechsten Ulanen an den Deutsch-Franz?sischen Krieg 1870/71
Erinnerungen eines Langensalzaer sechsten Ulanen an den Deutsch-Franz?sischen Krieg 1870/71

Автор: Heinrich Ziehn

Taschenbuch, Autor Heinrich Ziehn, 130 Seiten, wortgetreue Transkription der Ausgabe von 1911. Nachwort und Zeittafel von Harald Rockstuhl. Autor Heinrich Ziehn gab das heute sehr seltene Buch 1911 im Eigenverlag heraus. In seiner Einleitung schreibt er:
„Die kriegsgeschichtliche Literatur ?ber die K?mpfe des deutsch-franz?sischen Krieges 1870/71 ist au?erordentlich reichhaltig. Und nun noch ein neues Werkchen?Der freundliche Leser m?ge nicht kriegsgeschichtliche Kritik, Aeu?erungen ?ber strategische Aufm?rsche oder geschlagene Schlachten in vorliegendem Heftchen erwarten. Nur die Erlebnisse eines einzelnen, damals noch gemeinen Soldaten, werden in ungeschm?ckter, erz?hlender Form wiedergegeben. Schon lange hatte ich die Absicht meine Erinnerungen niederzuschreiben, ich tat dies erst jetzt, im 40. Jubil?umsjahre der gro?en geschichtlichen Ereignisse. Unter Zuhilfenahme der Aufzeichnungen meines Kameraden Albin Hotzler aus Dienstedt, der mit mir bei demselben Truppenteile die gro?en K?mpfe erlebte, sowie der herausgegebenen Geschichte des Th?ringer Ulanenregiments Nr. 6 von Freiherr v. Langermann, wurde es mir leichter gemacht, meine pers?nlichen Erlebnisse ziemlich genau wiedergeben zu k?nnen. Das urspr?nglich nur zu m?ndlichen Vortr?gen geschriebene Werkchen gab ich in Druck insbesondere auf Anregung Anderer. Ein eventl. Reinertrag soll Kriegerwaisenh?usern und milit?rischen Unterst?tzungskassen zuflie?en. Wenn aber der freundliche Leser mit einigem Interesse das Werkchen durchliest und wenn in seinem Herzen die Liebe zu Kaiser und Reich, die Wertsch?tzung unserer deutschen Armee und der Geist soldatischer Kameradschaft tiefer Wurzel schlagen, dann ist dankbar befriedigt – der Verfasser.“

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783867776080



Автор: A.K. Bender

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783948453084


Es ist kompliziert
Es ist kompliziert

Автор: Rachel Held Evans

Irgendwann f?llt es Rachel immer schwerer, sich in ihrer Gemeinde zu engagieren. In der Schulzeit als brennende Missionarin unterwegs, kommen ihr irgendwann Zweifel: Politisch fragw?rdige Ansichten, verurteilende und ausgrenzende Haltungen gegen?ber Randgruppen, religi?ser Starrsinn und die Scheu, sich offensichtliche Wahrheiten einzugestehen – Kirche scheint so weit von dem entfernt, was Jesus gelebt und gepredigt hat. Also macht sich Rachel auf die Reise, um zu verstehen, was sie eigentlich noch festh?lt – und wo sie vielleicht doch einen Platz in der Gemeinschaft der (Schein)Heiligen finden k?nnte …

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783865069146


Escape to the Riviera: The perfect summer romance!
Escape to the Riviera: The perfect summer romance!

Автор: Jules Wake

**Lose yourself in the south of France this summer in this fabulously feel-good beach read!**Carrie Hayes has a job she enjoys and a perfectly nice boyfriend. She’s sorted. Isn’t she?But Carrie’s life wasn’t always like this. As a young,wild drama student, she married fellow actor, RichardMaddox, after a whirlwind romance. Life back then wasfull of possibilities, but when Hollywood beckonedRichard, Carrie was left behind.Now an A-list superstar, Richard’s life couldn’t be moredifferent to Carrie’s, so when their paths cross in glamorousSt Tropez, she can’t help but wonder what might have been.But with lovely, sensible Alan in tow, Carrie knowsshe needs to do the right thing. The only problem is,Carrie and Richard never quite got round to getting a divorce…Lose yourself this summer on the French Riviera,the perfect read for fans of Lucy Diamond and Jane Costello.

Цена: 1324.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780008185305


Escaping Daddy
Escaping Daddy

Автор: Maria Landon

The sequel to Daddy’s Little Earner tells Maria’s story as she tries to rebuild her life.Determined to escape from her past and be the best wife and mother she could possibly be, Maria throws herself into her marriage. But it is never that easy to escape from such a traumatic start in life.Maria tells the story of her marriage into the gypsy community and the emotional demons that rise up from her childhood to haunt her as she becomes the victim of violence once more. She leads the reader through her own personal and inspiring journey out of a nervous breakdown, through two marriages and on to becoming a personal development teacher, helping many others to overcome their pasts, and a strong, empowered single mother of two boys.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007341023


Escaping the Cult: One cult, two stories of survival
Escaping the Cult: One cult, two stories of survival

Автор: Kristina Jones

The bestselling “Not Without My Sister”, detailing the incredible story of three siblings battling to escape the infamous Children of God cult, is for the first time combined with “Born Into The Children of God”, the shocking but inspiring account of Natacha Tormey, who underwent similar horrors.Follow the true stories of Juliana, Celeste and Kristina in “Not Without My Sister” as they struggled to flee from a community which denied them formal schooling, mercilessly beat them for unpredictable crimes and even forced them to watch and mimic orgies. When the girls’ mother manages to escape with Kristina, she is determined to return to the place of torture to free her remaining sisters – but will they all make it out together?In “Born Into the Children of God”, Natacha Tormey is exposed to similar terrors, torn away from her parents to be beaten daily and forced to sing and dance for entertainment in prisons and malls. When Natacha managed to escape at the age of 18, she found herself struggling to come to terms with the world she had left behind, yet unable to fit into the life she had run to. Shocking, moving, but ultimately inspiring, this is Natacha’s full story; both a personal tale of trauma and recovery, and an expos? of the secret world of abuse hidden behind commune walls.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007577170


Espiritualidad hind?
Espiritualidad hind?

Автор: Raimon Panikkar

Серия: Sabidur?a Perenne

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9788472457669


Esprit de Mme de Genlis, ou Portraits, caract?res, maximes et pens?es
Esprit de Mme de Genlis, ou Portraits, caract?res, maximes et pens?es

Автор: St?phanie F?licit? de Genlis

Полный вариант заголовка: «Esprit de Mme de Genlis, ou Portraits, caract?res, maximes et pens?es / extraits de tous ses ouvrages publ. jusqu'? ce jour par m. Demonceaux».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1806


Essai d un systeme pour servir de guide dans l etude des operations militaires
Essai d'un systeme pour servir de guide dans l'etude des operations militaires

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1824


Essai sur la danse antique et moderne
Essai sur la danse antique et moderne

Автор: Elise Voiart

Полный вариант заголовка: «Essai sur la danse antique et moderne / par M-me Elise Voiart».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1823


Essays and treatises on several subjects. Vol. 1
Essays and treatises on several subjects. Vol. 1

Автор: David Hume

Полный вариант заголовка: «Essays and treatises on several subjects : Containing essays, moral, political, a. literary, to which are added, dialogues concerning natural religion: In 2 vol. Vol. 1».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1822



Автор: Грег МакКеон

Have you ever found yourself struggling with information overload? Have you ever felt both overworked and underutilised? Do you ever feel busy but not productive? If you answered yes to any of these, the way out is to become an Essentialist. In Essentialism, Greg McKeown, CEO of a Leadership and Strategy agency in Silicon Valley who has run courses at Apple, Google and Facebook, shows you how to achieve what he calls the disciplined pursuit of less. Being an Essentialist is about a disciplined way of thinking. It means challenging the core assumption of 'We can have it all' and 'I have to do everything' and replacing it with the pursuit of 'the right thing, in the right way, at the right time'.By applying a more selective criteria for what is essential, the pursuit of less allows us to regain control of our own choices so we can channel our time, energy and effort into making the highest possible contribution toward the goals and activities that matter. Using the experience and insight of working with the leaders of the most innovative companies and organisations in the world, McKeown shows you how to put Essentialism into practice in your own life, so you too can achieve something great.

Исполнители: Грег МакКеон

Цена: 1149.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780753552025


Estaciones. Ciclos del alma
Estaciones. Ciclos del alma

Автор: Ana Teresa Tatis M?ndez

Estaciones, Los ciclos del alma, son las letras de un recorrido por el que todos pasamos en nuestra vida. El recorrido de primavera, verano, oto?o e invierno que evoca el llamado que nos hace nuestra madre tierra d?a tras d?a: Reconoce en tu interior que lo ?nico que permanece realmente en tu vida es el movimiento y el cambio. Aprende a fluir seg?n los latidos de tu coraz?n, sum?rgete en el sentir.
Estaciones es un compendio de escritos recopilados a lo largo de aproximadamente 15 a?os, que muestran momentos grises y brillantes, momentos de v?ctima y hero?na que dan cuenta de la intimidad de un alma que se expresa en tono po?tico al ritmo de letras y palabras.
Permite que Estaciones te muestre los ciclos de un alma, que en alg?n surco puede encontrarse con la tuya.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9789585258884


Etti yot begona
Etti yot begona

Автор: Адина Дали

Bu yetti savol bilan, bu etti tilag bilan, yasharkan yetti yot begona inson. «Yetti yot begona» bergan so'zni bilar har bir inson dunyoda, – ha, bu – achchik hakqiqat va hayot, har zamonda eshitarsan har kimdan. Bir odam, ming marta shukur qilib «yetti yot begona qo'l berib qolladi meni» – «jigarim bo'ldi» desa, boshqasi o'z jigariga atab «уetti yot begona qilmagan gapni va ishni sendan ko'rdim» derkan, va o'z qon jigarina itarar ekan nariga. Bu faqat so'zlar lekin, men bugun bu voqiyani sizlarga yozib deyman – yana bir bu faqat so'zlar, ular kechirimli. Bu so'zlarni va hikоyani hayotni haqiqati deyman va shu vaqtlar bo'lgan voqiyalardan sizlarga aytib beraman. Bu hikoyani ichida faqat meni boshimdan o'tkan va ichimda saqlangan achchik kunlar bo'lsa, sizlar uchun faqat kichkinagina hayotdan parchadir. Lekin va balki – chuqur va manolig voqiy bo'lsin deyman, negaki bu so'z bo'lsin, lekin hech qаchоn, hеch kiм uchun hayotini yo'li bo'lmasin deyman va tilamiman.

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2022


Etwas Russland
Etwas Russland

Автор: Gerd Heinecke

Die Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen eines Projekt-Ingenieurs und Bauleiters aus den 1990er Jahren, die ihn mit dem Auto durch Russland und die damaligen GUS-Staaten wie Kasachstan, Moldawien und Ukraine f?hrten, werden einfach, aber lebhaft dargestellt. Episoden, die vor allem die Kuriosit?t von kulturellen Unterschieden unterstreichen. Seine Hauptziele galten der Republik Tatarstan, dem Deutsch-Nationalen Rajon in der Region Novosibirsk, der Ukraine, der Republik Moldawien und der Republik Kasachstan. Es werden Eindr?cke geschildert ?ber die Sch?nheiten von Landschaften und ihrer Menschen auch w?hrend seiner Ausfl?ge an den Baikal und Issyk-Kol, aber auch ?ber Probleme und Schwierigkeiten bei der Bew?ltigung des Alltags, haupts?chlich mit beh?rdlicher Demokratie und als Leidtragender von Reibungspunkten zwischen Auftraggebern, geleitet durch weit auseinander liegende wirtschaftliche Interessen.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783961455928


Etymological dictionary of the latin language
Etymological dictionary of the latin language

Автор: Francis Valpy

Примечание: Этимологический словарь латинского языка. Полный вариант заголовка: «Etymological dictionary of the latin language / by the Rev. F.J. Valpy, A.M.».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1828


Europaeus 1883 (lyhent?m?t?n)
Europaeus 1883 (lyhent?m?t?n)

Автор: Ilkka Huovio

Исполнители: Seppo Pietik?inen

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9789528060116


Eva Brown ?tait juive. Biographie. Faits rares
Eva Brown ?tait juive. Biographie. Faits rares

Автор: Max Klim

Hitler, comme beaucoup d’hommes grands et talentueux, n’?tait pas une personne monogame. Il ?tait entour? de nombreuses femmes. Il s’est permis de sortir ? la lumi?re, d’aller au th??tre. Pour Eva, ce n’?tait pas un secret. Cependant, elle ?tait retenue et patiente, pourtant les ?l?ments de la morale chr?tienne ne lui permettaient pas de se comporter diff?remment. Et le Fuhrer a eu une influence paralysante sur les jeunes filles…

Цена: 196 руб.
ISBN: 9785449311849


Eva Brown era ebrea. Biografia. Fatti rari
Eva Brown era ebrea. Biografia. Fatti rari

Автор: Max Klim

Hitler, come molti uomini grandi e talentuosi, non era una persona monogama. Era circondato da molte donne. Si concesse di uscire alla luce, andando a teatro. Per Eva, questo non era un segreto. Tuttavia, era moderata e paziente, eppure gli elementi della morale cristiana non le permettevano di comportarsi diversamente. E il Fuhrer ha avuto un’influenza paralizzante sulle ragazze…

Цена: 196 руб.
ISBN: 9785449311900


Eva Brown era jud?a. Biograf?a. Datos raros
Eva Brown era jud?a. Biograf?a. Datos raros

Автор: Max Klim

Hitler, como muchos hombres grandes y talentosos, no era una persona mon?gama. ?l estaba rodeado de muchas mujeres. Se permiti? salir a la luz, ir al teatro. Para Eva, esto no era un secreto. Sin embargo, ella fue moderada y paciente, pero los elementos de la moral cristiana no le permitieron comportarse de manera diferente. Y el Fuhrer tuvo una influencia paralizante en las chicas j?venes…

Цена: 196 руб.
ISBN: 9785449311924


Eva Brown war J?din. Biographie. Seltene Fakten
Eva Brown war J?din. Biographie. Seltene Fakten

Автор: Max Klim

Hitler war, wie viele gro?e und talentierte M?nner, keine monogame Person. Er war von vielen Frauen umgeben. Er erlaubte sich, ins Licht zu gehen und ins Theater zu gehen. F?r Eva war das kein Geheimnis. Sie war jedoch zur?ckhaltend und geduldig, doch die Elemente der christlichen Moral erlaubten ihr nicht, sich anders zu verhalten. Und der F?hrer hatte einen l?hmenden Einfluss auf junge M?dchen…

Цена: 196 руб.
ISBN: 9785449311894


Eva Brown was Jewish. Biography. Rare facts
Eva Brown was Jewish. Biography. Rare facts

Автор: Max Klim

Hitler, like many great and talented men, was not a monogamous person. He was surrounded by many women. He allowed himself to go out into the light, going to the theater. For Eva, this was not a secret. However, she was restrained and patient, yet the elements of Christian morality did not allow her to behave differently. And the Fuhrer had a paralyzing influence on young girls…

Цена: 196 руб.
ISBN: 9785449311931


Ever After
Ever After

Автор: Уильям Уортон

William Wharton turns his microscopic gaze on his own life to narrate and scrutinize the untimely deaths of his daughter and her family. A moving story of one man’s rage against death, and spiritual renewal.On August 3rd 1988, field burning caused a 23-car pile-up that claimed the lives of seven people, including William Wharton’s daughter, Kate, her husband, and their two children. In EVER AFTER, William Wharton searches for meaning in this tragedy, and tries to put a stop to a dangerous agriculture practice.Written from the perspective of both father and daughter, EVER AFTER is inspiring and heart-breaking in equal measures.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007458172


Every Woman For Herself: This hilarious romantic comedy from the Sunday Times Bestseller is the perfect spring read
Every Woman For Herself: This hilarious romantic comedy from the Sunday Times Bestseller is the perfect spring read

Автор: Trisha Ashley

First comes marriage. Then comes divorce. Then it’s every woman for herself …When Charlie’s husband Matt tells her that he wants a divorce she has to start from scratch. Suddenly single, broke and approaching 40 she is forced to return to her childhood home in the Yorkshire moors.Living with her father and eccentric siblings could be considered a challenge but soon Charlie finds her new life somewhat refreshing. Now that she’s single she’s got no need to dye her roots nor to be the perfect wife and she can return to her first love- painting.But just as she begins to feel settled, handsome, bad-tempered actor Mace North moves in down the road and starts mixing things up for Charlie in more ways than one …Every Woman for Herself is a hilarious account of divorce and dating from Sunday Times besteller Trisha Ashley. Perfect for fans of Katie Fforde and Carole Matthews,the country setting and rom-com storyline make this the perfect summer read.Praise for Trisha Ashley:‘One of the best writers around!’ Katie Fforde‘Full of down-to-earth humour.’ Sophie Kinsella‘A warm-hearted and comforting read. Trisha at her best’ Carole Matthews‘An absolute delight. Every Woman for Herself is a laugh-out-loud read that leaves you feeling pleased with the world’ Take a Break

Цена: 327.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780007540044


Everyday Madness
Everyday Madness

Автор: Lisa Appignanesi

‘The small translucent bottle of shampoo outlived him. It was the kind you take home from hotels in distant places. For over a year it had sat on the shower shelf where he had left it. I looked at it every day.’After the death of her partner of thirty-two years, Lisa Appignanesi was thrust into a state striated by rage and superstition in which sanity felt elusive. The dead of prior generations loomed large and haunting. Then, too, the cultural and political moment seemed to collude with her condition: everywhere people were dislocated and angry.In this electrifying and brave examination of an ordinary enough death and its aftermath, Appignanesi uses all her evocative and analytic powers to scrutinize her own and our society’s experience of grieving, the effects of loss and the potent, mythical space it occupies in our lives.With searing honesty, lashed by humour, she navigates us onto the terrain of childhood, the way it forms our feelings of love and hate, and steers us towards a less tumultuous version of the everyday.This book may be short, but life, death, madness, love, and grandchildren, are all there – seen through the eyes of a writer who is ever aware of the historical and current vagaries of woman’s condition.

Цена: 1294.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780008300319


Evini d sahmana sal, h yat n da
Evini də sahmana sal, həyatını da

Автор: Мари Кондо

Səliqə-sahman ?zrə tanınmış yapon məsləhət?isi, bu işin mahir bilicisi Mari Kondonun “Səliqə-sahmanın həyatımızı dəyişən m?c?zəsi” kitabı b?t?n d?nyada insanların həyatında və evlərində əsl inqilab yaratdı. İndi isə “Evini də sahmana sal, həyatını da” adlı bu master-klass vəsaitində m?əllif “KonMari metodu”nu ətraflı şəkildə və ill?strasiyalarla təsvir edir, əşyaların kateqoriyalar ?zrə saf-??r?k edilməsi, k?ynəklərdən başlamış corablara qədər b?t?n paltarların qatlanması və onların, həm?inin digər əşyaların siyirmə və rəflərə yerləşdirilməsi ?sullarını izah edir. Mari Kondo bu kitabında həm də tez-tez verilən sualları cavablandırır, o c?mlədən “?ox vacib”, lakin sevinc bəxş etməyən əşyalarla bağlı məsləhətlər verir. Bu hərtərəfli master-klass vəsaiti mətbəx avadanlıqları, təmizlik ləvazimatları, hobbi əşyaları və rəqəmsal fotoşəkillər də daxil olmaqla, hər şeylə bağlı dəyərli t?vsiyələr sayəsində evinizi də sahmana salacaq, həyatınızı da…

Цена: 476.75 руб.
ISBN: 978-9952-532-28-9



Автор: Simon Winchester

SHORTLISTED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE 2018Bestselling author Simon Winchester writes a magnificent history of the pioneering engineers who developed precision machinery to allow us to see as far as the moon and as close as the Higgs boson.Precision is the key to everything. It is an integral, unchallenged and essential component of our modern social, mercantile, scientific, mechanical and intellectual landscapes. The items we value in our daily lives – a camera, phone, computer, bicycle, car, a dishwasher perhaps – all sport components that fit together with precision and operate with near perfection. We also assume that the more precise a device the better it is. And yet whilst we live lives peppered and larded with precision, we are not, when we come to think about it, entirely sure what precision is, or what it means. How and when did it begin to build the modern world?Simon Winchester seeks to answer these questions through stories of precision’s pioneers. Exactly takes us back to the origins of the Industrial Age, to Britain where he introduces the scientific minds that helped usher in modern production: John ‘Iron-Mad’ Wilkinson, Henry Maudslay, Joseph Bramah, Jesse Ramsden, and Joseph Whitworth. Thomas Jefferson exported their discoveries to the United States as manufacturing developed in the early twentieth century, with Britain’s Henry Royce developing the Rolls Royce and Henry Ford mass producing cars, Hattori’s Seiko and Leica lenses, to today’s cutting-edge developments from Europe, Asia and North America.As he introduces the minds and methods that have changed the modern world, Winchester explores fundamental questions. Why is precision important? What are the different tools we use to measure it? Who has invented and perfected it? Has the pursuit of the ultra-precise in so many facets of human life blinded us to other things of equal value, such as an appreciation for the age-old traditions of craftsmanship, art, and high culture? Are we missing something that reflects the world as it is, rather than the world as we think we would wish it to be? And can the precise and the natural co-exist in society?

Цена: 2159.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780008241797


Exactly: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World
Exactly: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World

Автор: Simon Winchester

SHORTLISTED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE 2018 Bestselling author Simon Winchester writes a magnificent history of the pioneering engineers who developed precision machinery to allow us to see as far as the moon and as close as the Higgs boson. Precision is the key to everything. It is an integral, unchallenged and essential component of our modern social, mercantile, scientific, mechanical and intellectual landscapes. The items we value in our daily lives – a camera, phone, computer, bicycle, car, a dishwasher perhaps – all sport components that fit together with precision and operate with near perfection. We also assume that the more precise a device the better it is. And yet whilst we live lives peppered and larded with precision, we are not, when we come to think about it, entirely sure what precision is, or what it means. How and when did it begin to build the modern world? Simon Winchester seeks to answer these questions through stories of precision’s pioneers. Exactly takes us back to the origins of the Industrial Age, to Britain where he introduces the scientific minds that helped usher in modern production: John ‘Iron-Mad’ Wilkinson, Henry Maudslay, Joseph Bramah, Jesse Ramsden, and Joseph Whitworth. Thomas Jefferson exported their discoveries to the United States as manufacturing developed in the early twentieth century, with Britain’s Henry Royce developing the Rolls Royce and Henry Ford mass producing cars, Hattori’s Seiko and Leica lenses, to today’s cutting-edge developments from Europe, Asia and North America. As he introduces the minds and methods that have changed the modern world, Winchester explores fundamental questions. Why is precision important? What are the different tools we use to measure it? Who has invented and perfected it? Has the pursuit of the ultra-precise in so many facets of human life blinded us to other things of equal value, such as an appreciation for the age-old traditions of craftsmanship, art, and high culture? Are we missing something that reflects the world as it is, rather than the world as we think we would wish it to be? And can the precise and the natural co-exist in society?

Цена: 2473.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780008241797


Examen impartial de la vie priv?e et publique de Louis XVI
Examen impartial de la vie priv?e et publique de Louis XVI

Автор: Jean Andr?

Полный вариант заголовка: «Examen impartial de la vie priv?e et publique de Louis XVI».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1797


Excel 2007 без напряга
Excel 2007 без напряга

Автор: Андрей Жвалевский

Вас пугает иностранное слово «Excel»? Зря. Его можно перевести как «калькулятор», или «большой удобный калькулятор», или «калькулятор, который к тому же умеет рисовать красивые графики». Эта книга поможет быстро освоить основные функции Excel. Простые примеры научат использовать этот редактор для оформления прайс-листа, подсчета расходов для вечеринки, ведения семейного бюджета и т.д. И все это весело, с шутками и прибаутками. Для всех, кому лень заниматься скучными расчетами.

Серия: Без напряга

Цена: 79 руб.
Год: 2008
ISBN: 978-5-91180-901-0


Excellent Women
Excellent Women

Автор: Various

Цена: Бесплатно


Extra Time
Extra Time

Автор: Camilla Cavendish

‘An inspirational call to arms’ DAILY MAIL‘This book is so sensible, so substantially researched, so briskly written, so clear in its arguments, that one wishes Baroness Cavendish was still whispering into the prime ministerial ear’ THE TIMES‘A thoughtful handbook to help societies age gracefully’ FINANCIAL TIMES‘This bold, visionary book is a wake-up call to governments. It is a wake-up call to us all’ SUNDAY TIMESFrom award-winning journalist, Camilla Cavendish, comes a profound analysis of one of the biggest challenges facing the human population today.The world is undergoing a dramatic demographic shift. By 2020, for the first time in history, the number of people aged 65 and over will outnumber children aged five and under. But our systems are lagging woefully behind this new reality. In Extra Time, Camilla Cavendish embarks on a journey to understand how different countries are responding to these unprecedented challenges.Travelling across the world in a carefully researched and deeply human investigation, Cavendish contests many of the taboos around ageing. Interviewing leading scientists about breakthroughs that could soon transform the quality and extent of life, she sparks a debate about how governments, businesses, doctors, the media and each one of us should handle the second half of life. She argues that if we take a more positive approach, we should be able to reap the benefits of a prolonged life. But that will mean changing our attitudes and using technology, community, even anti-ageing pills, to bring about a revolution.

Цена: 1727.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780008295189


Extracts From Adam s Diary (Translated From The Original MS)
Extracts From Adam's Diary (Translated From The Original MS)

Автор: Марк Твен

Written at the end of Twain's career, Extracts from Adam's Diary was first published in 1897. Twain's Adam was based on himself.

Исполнители: Евгений Ребров

Цена: 89 руб.


F r h P hl vi: Xatir l r
Fərəh Pəhləvi: Xatirələr

Автор: Фарах Пехлеви

Sonuncu İran şahı Məhəmməd Rza Pəhləvinin xanımı, əslən azərbaycanlı olan Şahbanu Fərəh Pəhləvinin (Diba) xatirələri bu ?lkənin az qala 60 illik tarixinə işıq salır. Bu əsər memuar və tarixi janrda olsa da dramatik bir sevgi dastanını xatırladır, bu baxımından geniş oxucu k?tləsi ???n nəzərdə tutulub. Əsərin tərc?mə və redaktə tərzi tərc?mə?inin təqdim etdiyi qaydada saxlanmışdır.

Цена: 228 руб.
ISBN: 978-9952-8450-7-8


F. Chopin
F. Chopin

Автор: Ференц Лист

Цена: Бесплатно



Автор: Irina Bj?rn?

Dokumentar-fort?lling om ?st-Ukraine: beretning fra k?lderen i Lugansk, 2014. Krig og mennesker, kaos og orden. Sms-er fra k?lderen i Lugansk, Ukraine.

Цена: 200 руб.
ISBN: 9785005614162


Face It
Face It

Автор: Debbie Harry

‘I was saying things in songs that female singers didn’t really say back then. I wasn’t submissive or begging him to come back, I was kicking his ass, kicking him out, kicking my own ass too. My Blondie character was an inflatable doll but with a dark, provocative, aggressive side. I was playing it up, yet I was very serious.’BRAVE, BEAUTIFUL AND BORN TO BE PUNKDEBBIE HARRY is a musician, actor, activist and the iconic face of New York City cool. As the front-woman of Blondie, she and the band forged a new sound that brought together the worlds of rock, punk, disco, reggae and hip-hop to create some of the most beloved pop songs of all time. As a muse, she collaborated with some of the boldest artists of the past four decades. The scope of Debbie Harry’s impact on our culture has been matched only by her reticence to reveal her rich inner life – until now.In an arresting mix of visceral, soulful storytelling and stunning visuals that includes never-before-seen photographs, bespoke illustrations and fan art installations, Face It upends the standard music memoir while delivering a truly prismatic portrait. With all the grit, grime, and glory recounted in intimate detail, Face It recreates the downtown scene of 1970s New York City, where Blondie played alongside the Ramones, Television, Talking Heads, Iggy Pop and David Bowie.Following her path from glorious commercial success to heroin addiction, the near-death of partner Chris Stein, a heart-wrenching bankruptcy, and Blondie’s break-up as a band to her multifaceted acting career in more than thirty films, a stunning solo career and the triumphant return of her band, and her tireless advocacy for the environment and LGBTQ rights, Face It is a cinematic story of a woman who made her own path, and set the standard for a generation of artists who followed in her footsteps – a memoir as dynamic as its subject.

Цена: 1839.9 руб.
ISBN: 9780008229450


Faces of History, or History in Faces. Учебное пособие
Faces of History, or History in Faces. Учебное пособие

Автор: С. Г. Шишкина

Цена: 125 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-9765-0230-7


Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11
Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11

Автор: MItchell Zuckoff

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER‘The farewell calls from the planes… the mounting terror of air traffic control… the mothers who knew they were witnessing their loved ones perish… From an author who’s spent 5 years reconstructing its horror, never has the story been told with such devastating, human force’ Daily MailThis is a 9/11 book like no other. Masterfully weaving together multiple strands of the events in New York, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Fall and Rise is a mesmerising, minute-by-minute account of that terrible day.In the days and months after 9/11, Mitchell Zuckoff, then a reporter for the Boston Globe, wrote about the attacks, the victims, and their families. After further years of meticulous reporting, Zuckoff has filled Fall and Rise with voices of the lost and the saved. The result is an utterly gripping book, filled with intimate stories of people most affected by the events of that sunny Tuesday in September: an out-of-work actor stuck in an elevator in the North Tower of the World Trade Center; the heroes aboard Flight 93 deciding to take action; a veteran trapped in the inferno in the Pentagon; the fire chief among the first on the scene in sleepy Shanksville; a team of firefighters racing to save an injured woman and themselves; and the men, women, and children flying across country to see loved ones or for work who suddenly faced terrorists bent on murder.Fall and Rise will open new avenues of understanding for everyone who thinks they know the story of 9/11, bringing to life – and in some cases, bringing back to life – the extraordinary ordinary people who experienced the worst day in modern American history.Destined to be a classic, Fall and Rise will move, shock, inspire, and fill hearts with love and admiration for the human spirit as it triumphs in the face of horrifying events.

Цена: 2299.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780008342128


Fallen Universe, Folge 1: Out of Balance - Kollision (Ungek?rzt)
Fallen Universe, Folge 1: Out of Balance - Kollision (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Kris Brynn

Die Erde in naher Zukunft: Alle Versuche, den Klimawandel aufzuhalten, sind gescheitert. Intensive Sonneneinstrahlung, unreines Wasser, verschmutzte Luft und Hungersn?te sind die Folge. Um den Hunger zu bek?mpfen, entwickeln Biotechnologie-Unternehmen genmodifizierte Nahrungsmittel in eigens daf?r gebauten Raumstationen. Es hei?t, die Nahrungsmittel sollen allen zugutekommen – klar aber ist, dass nur diejenigen davon profitieren werden, die am besten zahlen: die First Class. Auf all diesen Raumstationen herrscht die sogenannte Balance-Regel. Schon ein Mensch zu viel sprengt die Kapazit?ten. ?berz?hlige werden auf andere Stationen umgesiedelt, wenn es dort Todesf?lle gegeben hat – wenn es sein muss auch ohne den Rest der Familie. Doch nicht alle folgen blind der gegebenen Ordnung: Im Untergrund bilden sich Unruhen, und eine Rebellion gegen das menschenverachtende Regime bahnt sich an … Folge 1 – Kollision Ein Camp nahe Berlin: Hier sucht die Biotechnologiefirma SpaceSeed neue Feldarbeiter f?r ihre Raumstation Kopernikus. Um seine Schwester vor der Rekrutierung zu retten, meldet Cap Hallberg sich freiwillig. Doch auf halber Strecke zur Kopernikus geraten er und die zwei anderen Rekruten Michael und Larissa in eine Wolke aus Weltraumschrott, der den Frachter schwer besch?digt und sogar ein Loch in die Au?enh?lle rei?t. Und w?hrend die drei um ihr Leben k?mpfen, erwartet Lawrence Huggins den Frachter schon ungeduldig. Der Security Chief der Kopernikus ben?tigt nicht nur dringend die Rekruten f?r die Feldarbeit – an Bord des Frachters befindet sich noch eine ganz besondere Ladung. Denn Huggins hat von oberster Stelle einen Auftrag erhalten, der die Zukunft von SpaceSeed f?r immer ?ndern soll …

Исполнители: Uve Teschner

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838789934


Falling Upwards
Falling Upwards

Автор: Richard Holmes

NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING FELICITY JONES AND EDDIE REDMAYNEA GUARDIAN BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR A NEW STATESMAN BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR A DAILY TELEGRAPH BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR A NEW REPUBLIC BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR A TIME MAGAZINE TOP 10 NONFICTION BOOK OF 2013From ambitious scientists rising above the clouds to analyse the air to war generals floating across enemy lines, Richard Holmes takes to the air in this heart-lifting history of pioneer balloonists.Falling Upwards asks why they risked their lives, and how their flights revealed the secrets of our planet. The stories range from early ballooning rivals to the long-distance voyages of American entrepreneurs; from the legendary balloon escape from the Prussian siege of Paris to dauntless James Glaisher, who in the 1860s flew seven miles above the earth – without oxygen.Falling Upwards has inspired the Major Motion Picture The Aeronauts – in cinemas SOON.In a glorious fusion of history, art, science and biography, this is a book about what balloons give rise to: the spirit of discovery, and the brilliant humanity of recklessness, vision and hope.

Цена: 991.72 руб.
ISBN: 9780007467259


Falling: The Complete Angels Among Us Series
Falling: The Complete Angels Among Us Series

Автор: Linn Halton B

* The complete series – Falling, Forbidden and Forever novellas with bonus content taking the story on beyond THE END. What really happened to Ceri and Alex – can love win, despite what fate has laid out for them? *Ceri thinks she sees angels…everywhere. She struggles to keep separate what feels like two very different sides to her life. As a manager in an advertising company she’s been working with the gorgeous Alex for two years. The have a friendship based upon the image she portrays whilst she’s at work and it helps to keep her sane. One mad, crazy night spent sharing their secrets and a lot of wine result in them ending up in bed together and their relationship changes. When Alex explains that the reason he doesn’t date is because someone broke his heart, how can Ceri admit that she feels a deep connection to him?Ceri knows she’s different. What she doesn’t fully appreciate is that her task in life is to correct a series of incidents that alter the course of many of the people's lives with whom she comes into contact. She’s simply putting right little errors that could ripple outwards and change the course of their destiny. However; when she finds herself getting pulled into things that happen around her, how can she prove that she really has made a difference? Is it all in her head?She's alone for a reason; she's not meant to fall in love in her earthly life. Alex is supposed to cross paths with her and help Ceri during a phase where she begins to question the signs she’s being given. It's meant to be a turning point for them both—but in opposite directions. They are destined to travel very different paths…but Ceri doesn’t know that and neither does Alex…“No one chooses to see angels, why would they?”This is a romance story that explores the possibility of there being something more than just the ‘here and now’. If that were the case, how would it work? What keeps us on the path determined for us, when we have free will? How would the spirit world link with us as we go about our lives? Love is a powerful emotion, but can it change the course of someone’s destiny? Ceri is ‘Falling’…

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008114909


Falscher Fr?hling
Falscher Fr?hling

Автор: Sascha Reh

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783731760597


Familienbriefe (Ungek?rzt)
Familienbriefe (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Maria Theresia

Исполнители: Angelika Gruber

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783990868874


Famous Men of Science
Famous Men of Science

Автор: Bolton Sarah Knowles

Цена: Бесплатно


Fanny Burney: A biography
Fanny Burney: A biography

Автор: Claire Harman

‘Dazzling…full of special delights. Harman excels in the vivid presentation of scenes, the selection of detail…[a] marvellous and beautifully written book.’ Elspeth Barker, Independent on SundayAt the age of fifteen, Fanny Burney made a bonfire of all her works, ‘with the sincere intention to extinguish for ever in their ashes her scribbling propensity’. She was anxious that she might turn into an author, a fate incompatible – for a woman – with respectability.Her hope was in vain. Not only was she to write four novels (‘Evelina’, ‘Cecilia’, ‘Camilla’ and ‘The Wanderer’), all of which are still in print, she also kept a voluminous diary for the next seventy years and was a prolific letter-writer. Daughter of the eminent music historian Dr Charles Burney; friend of Sheridan, Garrick, Burke and Johnson; second keeper of the robes to George III’s Queen Charlotte; wife to a refugee French aristocrat; detained for ten years in revolutionary France; horrified witness of the aftermath of Waterloo; victim of a mastectomy without anaesthetic…Fanny Burney’s life was as eventful as any novel.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007391899


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