биографии и мемуары (страница 355)

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Money and power. Биография Кендрика Ламара
Money and power. Биография Кендрика Ламара

Автор: Майлз Маршалл Льюис

Биография Кендрика Ламара, одного из главных рэперов XXI века, пестрит событиями, которые повлияли на культуру хип-хопа в новом столетии: эпохальные альбомы, значимые треки и исторические концерты. Настоящий новатор, совместивший в своем творчестве гангстерскую эстетику черных кварталов, мощные политические высказывания и коммерческий рэп, играющий на вечеринках по всей планете. Все это сделало Ламара тем, кто он сейчас есть, – живой легендой музыки. Пройдите этот путь вместе с самим Кендриком и вспомните, как это было: от Комптона до стадионных туров. От нищеты до статуса одного из богатейших темнокожих людей в мире. Все еще не верите в то, что такое возможно? История Кендрика Ламара вас переубедит. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Серия: Иконы мировой музыки: жизнь по ту сторону сцены

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-04-192189-7


Money and power: биография Кендрика Ламара
Money and power: биография Кендрика Ламара

Автор: Майлз Маршалл Льюис

Всю свою жизнь он хотел денег и власти… И он их получил! Биография одного из самых известных рэперов XXI века впервые на русском языке. Узнайте, каким был путь рэпера от комптонских трущоб до вершины музыкального Олимпа и за счет чего Кендрик перевернул всю индустрию: ввел моду на политизированную музыку и дал новое дыхание принципу концептуальных альбомов с историей. Биография Кендрика Ламара – идеальный подарок для каждого поклонника рэп-музыки. Из нее вы сможете увидеть другую сторону индустрии: через личную историю одного из ее главных представителей. Деньги, социальная несправедливость, слава – об этом Кендрик рассказывает в своих треках, и это находит отражение в его биографии.

Серия: Иконы мировой музыки: жизнь по ту сторону сцены

Исполнители: Константин Романенко

Цена: 419 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-04-193510-8


Moongazing: Beginner’s guide to exploring the Moon
Moongazing: Beginner’s guide to exploring the Moon

Автор: Royal Greenwich Observatory

An in-depth guide for aspiring astronomers and Moon observers. Includes detailed Moon maps and covers the history of lunar observation and exploration, the properties of the Moon, its origin and orbit.Optimised for colour tablets, the images in this ebook are not best-suited for viewing on black and white devices.This is the ideal book for Moon observers covering essential equipment, and the key events to look out for.Detailed advice is given on how to choose a telescope and how to capture the Moon in sketches.Discover all you need to know about eclipses, blue moons, supermoons, conjunctions and occultations.A comprehensive section covers astrophotography using lenses, telescopes, Smartphones, including video and how to process your images.Comes with a photographic atlas of lunar features with plates and annotated maps.A glossary of key terms, index of lunar features and software references are also provided.

Цена: 1324.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780008313920


Mord auf der Messe
Mord auf der Messe

Автор: Uwe Schimunek

Es geht wirtschaftlich aufw?rts in Sachsen – ganz besonders in der Messestadt Leipzig. Doch die Freude auf die Fr?hjahrsmesse 1926 erstirbt bei dem Reporter Konrad Katzmann und dem Photographen Heinz Eggebrecht j?h: Am Vorabend der Er?ffnung finden sie vor dem Redaktionsgeb?ude der Leipziger Volkszeitung eine Leiche. Als Katzmann zu recherchieren beginnt, st??t er auf eine mysteri?se Bande, die die Messe nutzt, um massenhaft Falschgeld unter die Leute zu bringen – und sich skrupellos jener Mitglieder entledigt, die nicht spuren. Einige omin?se Leipziger Gesch?ftsleute geraten in Verdacht, aber auch Bernadette La Belle, die aparte S?ngerin aus dem Krystall-Palast, in die sich Eggebrecht bei Photoaufnahmen so furchtbar verguckt hat … Es geschah in Sachsen ist ein Kettenroman um den jungen Dresdner Journalisten Konrad Katzmann, der in fiktiven Kriminalf?llen die Zeit der Weimarer Republik wieder lebendig werden l?sst. Der Leipziger Autor und Journalist Uwe Schimunek f?hrt den Leser im f?nften Band in die florierende Leipziger Gesch?ftswelt der nur ?u?erlich so goldenen 20er Jahre.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9783955520540


Mordsacker (Gek?rzt)
Mordsacker (Gek?rzt)

Автор: Cathrin Moeller

Tragische Umst?nde haben Klara Himmel samt Familie ins mecklenburgische Mordsacker verschlagen. Doch hier liegt nicht nur der sprichw?rtliche Hund begraben! W?hrend die chaotische Gro?st?dterin sich noch als brave Hausfrau versucht wird ihr Mann, der neue Dorfpolizist, zu seinem ersten Fall gerufen: Bauer Schl?nkamp liegt tot in der G?llegrube. Leider erkrankt Klaras G?ttergatte und sie wittert ihre gro?e Chance auf etwas Nervenkitzel. Kurzerhand ermittelt Klara auf eigene Faust – und bringt sich damit schon bald selbst in Gefahr …

Исполнители: Julia Nachtmann

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783961090396


More Blood, More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea
More Blood, More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea

Автор: Tom Reynolds

What happens behind closed (ambulance) doorsMeet Tom, an Emergency Medical Technician for the London Ambulance service. It is Tom who shows up to pick up the drunk tramp, the heart attack victim and the pregnant woman who wants to go to hospital in an ambulance because she doesn't want to call a taxi. Tom is also a man who rails against the unfairness of it all, who bemoans the state of the NHS and who ridicules the targets that state that if the ambulance arrives within eight minutes and the patient dies it is a success and if the ambulance arrives in nine minutes and the patient's life is saved it is a fail.Welcome to the topsy-turvy world of the emergency services. From the tragic to the hilarious, from the heart-warming to the terrifying, Blood, Sweat and Tea 2 is packed with fascinating anecdotes that veer from tragic to hilarious; heart-warming to terrifying and Tom deftly leads the reader through a rollercoaster of emotion.In the brilliant and bestselling Blood Sweat and Tea Tom gives a fascinating – and at times alarming – picture of life in inner-city Britain and the people who are paid to mop up after it.Captures the thrills, heartbreak and frustrations of medicine in a way that resonates with readers around the world.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007332694


More Tea, Jesus?
More Tea, Jesus?

Автор: James Lark

99p OFFER ENDS DECEMBER 10thThe second coming is nigh . . . it just happens to be coming at rather an inconvenient time.It’s been an eventful month for the village of Little Collyweston: Reverend Andy Biddle, still trying to regain his dignity following an ill-advised omelette analogy during a sermon, teeters on the brink of scandal. Opinionated parishioner Sathan Petty-Saphon has spotted an opportunity to seize control of the church. And young Gerard Feehan has, thanks to the Vicar, embarked on a journey of self-discovery that will quite possibly lead his Mother to an act of homicide.It’s hardly surprising that no one has noticed that the new attendant at their church services is Jesus. Who would believe that the almighty would choose their unremarkable village for the second coming? But he has, and it looks like his arrival could clash terribly with the annual parish entertainment.Funny, touching and original, this charming debut will change the status of the English country village forever.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007476244


More Than You Know
More Than You Know

Автор: Matt Goss

Matt Goss recounts his unbelievable life story in emotional detail. From financially deprived but emotionally rich beginnings, Matt sees his fortunes literally turned upside-down, with all the fame, glamour and money he could hope for violently snatched away from him.Matt Goss has been a staple part of British tabloid life for years – yet, the general public has had no idea of the astounding life that he has led – and still lives – behind the headlines and sound-bites. Here, for the first time, he takes them into his confidence and reveals the true extent of his own astounding tale.Matt was brought up in a proudly close but financially frustrated south London family with twin brother Luke and his mother. Fortunes changed rapidly for Matt when, alongside his brother Luke and school friend Craig, he created Bros – a band that sold sixteen million records in an intensely chaotic and record-breaking reign over the world's pop charts. By the end of his teens, Matt could boast eleven Top 40 hits, number ones in nineteen countries, a Brit Award and the record for being the youngest band to headline Wembley Stadium.Bros became a by-word for mercurial celebrity extravagance, hysterical fan stories, financial scandal, personal tragedy, tortuous upset and glorious triumph. Yet after those bizarre and insane times, Matt's life became even more tempestuous, crammed with inner fear, personal revelation and unforeseen challenges.He is now back with a vengeance after spells on TV's Hell's Kitchen, finding a new audience through his acclaimed solo music career, which has already included chart-topping soundtracks and further Top 40 hits, plus his appearance in 2013’s Strictly Come Dancing Christmas contest.Here he finally tells the true story of his life, revealing a litany of private torment, personal revelations and celebrity anecdotes.This is the account of a man who can truly say that he has experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, to have held the world in his hand and seen it snatched away from him in the blink of an eye, yet has the strength of character and personal insight to continue to claim to be 'truly blessed'.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007564828


Morecambe and Wise (Text Only)
Morecambe and Wise (Text Only)

Автор: Graham McCann

The dual biography of the great British comedy double-act and the rise and fall of mass audience television by the respected biographer of Cary Grant .Following the success of Cary Grant – A Class Apart, Graham McCann has now created an intricate portrait of Eric Morcambe and Ernie Wise, possibly the most famous Bristish comedy double-act of all time. This book charts the progress of the duo from a conventional working class music hall act to a mass-audience television team to a national institution. From northern working men’s clubs at the beginning of their career to the 1977 Christmas special that had an audience of 28 million, Morecambe and Wise were a double act continually changing the dynamics of their relationship to reflect their influences and their times. Their shows were like nostalgic reflections on a century of popular entertainment, an entertainment that was inclusive to a wide audience and paid homage to the past.McCann’s study is also an investigation in the background of mass audience entertainment from which Morecambe and Wise rose. Morecambe & Wise is the definitive biography of one of the most-loved double acts as well as a history of their times.

Цена: 1214.19 руб.
ISBN: 9780008187552


Morgoth Uncursed
Morgoth Uncursed

Автор: Christian Krumm

‘Morgoth Uncursed” ist die von der Band erz?hlte und von Christian Krumm niedergeschriebene faszinierende Biographie der gr??ten deutschen Death Metal Band. Neben vielen Anekdoten aus ihrem Privat- und Bandleben ist dieses Buch mit unz?hligen Privatfotos und unver?ffentlichten Material ausgestattet. 1987 als ‚Ultra-Thrash‘-Band gegr?ndet, stiegen sie innerhalb kurzer Zeit zur erfolgreichsten deutschen Death Metal-Band auf, tourten mit Gr??en wie Autopsy, Pestilence, Obituary, Paradise Lost oder Kreator quer durch Europa und USA und waren der neue Stern am Death Metal-Himmel. Mit ihren Alben ‚Odium‘ und ‚Feel Sorry For The Fanatic‘ gingen sie musikalisch anspruchsvollere Wege, jedoch konnten viele Fans diese Entwicklung nicht nachvollziehen. Aufstieg, Fall, Wiederauferstehung – nun zum ersten Mal erz?hlt in der autorisierten Biografie.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783944180625


Mosc?, los a?os 80. Libro 1. Recuerdos
Mosc?, los a?os 80. Libro 1. Recuerdos

Автор: Tatiana Oliva Morales

El libro contiene dos cuentos dedicados a la vida en Mosc? en los a?os ochenta del siglo XX. Estos son mis recuerdos de mi juventud, padres, amigos, escuela y del comienzo de la edad adulta. Sobre c?mo y con qu? viv?amos durante ese tiempo. En este libro trat? de transmitir mis sentimientos y percepciones de los acontecimientos de aquellos a?os.

Цена: 64 руб.
ISBN: 9785005074355


Moscow, the 70s. Book 1. Childhood Memories
Moscow, the 70s. Book 1. Childhood Memories

Автор: Tatiana Oliva Morales

The book contains eight stories dedicated to life in Moscow and the USSR in the seventies of the twentieth century. These are my memories of childhood, parents, friends and school. About how children lived in that time, which sank forever. In this book, I tried to convey my childhood sensations and perception of those years.

Цена: 104 руб.
ISBN: 9785005074461


Moscow, the 70s. Book 2. Childhood Memories
Moscow, the 70s. Book 2. Childhood Memories

Автор: Tatiana Oliva Morales

The book contains 5 stories dedicated to the life in Moscow and the USSR in the seventies of the twentieth century. These are my memories of childhood, parents, friends and school. About how children lived in that time. In this book, I tried to convey my childhood sensations and perception of those years.

Цена: 72 руб.
ISBN: 9785005074164


Moscow, the 80s. Book 1. Memories
Moscow, the 80s. Book 1. Memories

Автор: Tatiana Oliva Morales

The book contains two stories dedicated to the life in Moscow in the eighties of the twentieth century. These are my memories of youth, parents, friends, school and the beginning of adulthood. About how and what we lived at that time with. In this book I tried to convey my feelings and perceptions of the events of those years.

Цена: 64 руб.
ISBN: 9785005074386


Mot?rhead. На автопилоте
Mot?rhead. На автопилоте

Автор: Лемми Килмистер

Автобиография одного из самых известных рок‑музыкантов планеты – Лемми Килмистера, вокалиста, бас‑гитариста, основателя группы «Motorhead»! Автобиография одного из самых известных рок-музыкантов планеты – Лемми Килмистера, вокалиста, бас-гитариста, основателя группы Motorhead. Самое удивительное в этой книге – невероятный градус добра и понимания, которым она проникнута. Даже в конченых подонках он старался увидеть живых людей с достоинствами и недостатками, а уж о женщинах он говорил с рыцарственной щедростью. © Ian Kilmister and Janiss Garza, 2002 © ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2017

Серия: Music Legends & Idols

Исполнители: Сергей Баязитов

Цена: 529 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-17-167574-5


Mot?rhead. На автопилоте
Mot?rhead. На автопилоте

Автор: Лемми Килмистер

В своей книге Лемми Килмистер рассказывает о невероятном, бросающем вызов путешествии по миру музыки. Он хотел обмануть смерть, и не один раз. Пожалуй, самый известный случай произошел в 1980 году, когда его врач сказал: «Я не могу сделать тебе переливание крови, потому что обычная кровь тебя просто убьет… И твоя кровь убьет другого человека, потому что это уже другое вещество, настолько токсичное». Но после этого Лемми прожил еще три десятилетия, чтобы рассказать без прикрас о прожитой жизни, которая била через край. Часто возмутительные, и всегда необузданные истории лидера самой громкой рок-группы в мире.

Серия: Music Legends & Idols

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-17-098021-5


Mother, Mother: Psychological suspense for fans of ROOM
Mother, Mother: Psychological suspense for fans of ROOM

Автор: Koren Zailckas

An electrifying debut novel about what happens when the one who should love you the most becomes your worst enemy. Sure to appeal to fans of GONE GIRL and WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVINMeet the Hurst Family.Meet Violet Hurst -16 years old, beautiful and brilliant. So why is she being accused of being a danger to herself and others?Meet her brother Will Hurst – the smartest and sweetest twelve-year old boy around. But does he really need all that medication he is being told to take?Meet oldest sister Rose – the one who got away. She disappeared one night in her final year of school, never to be heard from again.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007547395


Mother’s Day on Coronation Street
Mother’s Day on Coronation Street

Автор: Maggie Sullivan

‘A wonderfully nostalgic tale’ Choice MagazineIt’s 1942 and Annie Walker is the landlady of the Rovers Return on Coronation Street.With her husband, Jack, away fighting for King and Country, Annie must juggle lone motherhood with keeping the regulars happy.Gracie Ashton works behind the bar at the Rovers and thinks all the girls swooning at the American soldiers flooding into Weatherfield are plain daft. But when she meets the handsome GI, Chuck Dawson, Gracie wonders if she has her own head screwed on right.With rationing, air raids and blackouts, the wives and mothers of Coronation Street are determined to count their blessings, but when an unwelcome face from the past turns up at the Rovers it looks like Annie will have more to worry about than Hitler’s bombs…Full of Coronation Street’s trademark humour and warmth, it’s the perfect gift for Mother’s Day.

Серия: Coronation Street

Цена: 643.05 руб.
ISBN: 9780008255169


Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect

Автор: Lori Gottlieb

Lori Gottlieb suggests the unthinkable: what if she, and single women everywhere, need to stop chasing the elusive Mr Perfect and instead opt for Mr Good Enough?Embarking on her own journey to find the ideal partner, Lori explores a prevalent issue facing women today – how do you reconcile a strong desire for a husband and family without wanting to settle for anything less than the perfect package…?After interviewing a range of people from behavioural therapists to marriage counsellors, neuropsychologists to divorce lawyers, as well as single and married men and women from their twenties right up to their sixties, Lori is well placed to offer an answerMr Good Enough is this year's intelligent, eye-opening insight into modern relationships – a fast, funny read which 'might just be a formula for marital bliss' The TimesNote that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780007437474


Mr. Miedoso
Mr. Miedoso

Автор: Roger Hargreaves

?Pobre Mr. Miedoso, tiene miedo de todo, incluso de su propia sombra! Siempre est? temblando como un gran flan. As? que a nadie le sorprende que Mr. Miedoso viva muy, muy lejos de todo el mundo.

Серия: Mr. Men

Цена: 146.97 руб.
ISBN: 9788413308487


Mr. X
Mr. X

Автор: Peter Straub

The award-winning supernatural thriller from the acclaimed author of Ghost Story, Koko, The Throat and The Talisman.Every year on his birthday, Ned Dunstan has a paralysing seizure in which he is forced to witness scenes of ruthless slaughter perpetrated by a mysterious figure in black whom he calls Mr X. Now, with his birthday fast approaching, Ned has been drawn back to his home town of Edgerton, Illinois, by a premonition that his mother is dying. On her deathbed, she imparts to him the name of his long-absent father and warns him that he is in grave danger. Despite her foreboding, he embarks on a search through Edgerton’s past for the truth behind his own identity and that of his entirely fantastic family. But when Ned becomes the lead suspect in three violent deaths, he begins to realise that he is not the only one who has come home…

Цена: 1318.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780007387977


Mrs Agatha Christie - Starke Frauen im Schatten der Weltgeschichte, Band 3 (ungek?rzt)
Mrs Agatha Christie - Starke Frauen im Schatten der Weltgeschichte, Band 3 (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Marie Benedict

Исполнители: Sabine Arnhold

Цена: 1967.96 руб.
ISBN: 9783965193840


Muckabout School
Muckabout School

Автор: Ian Whybrow

At Muckabout School, pupils are not allowed to behave. IT IS FORBIDDEN. It’s bad to be good and it’s good to be bad. So running in corridors, being rude to teachers, never saying ‘sorry’ and being foul to your friends is the right way to behave.In New Boy at Muckabout, poor Gary Goody is finding it difficult to fit in. He gets to school early, he calls his teacher ‘Sir’, and he combs his hair. He spends ages trying to write neatly and even says sorry when he has done something wrong. When will he ever learn NOT to behave. After several thousand tries at being bad, Gary finally succeeds in the most wicked plan ever. But just as he is about to received his Head Boy’s badge, everything goes horribly wrong.In Muckabout Outing, the local zoo is in danger of closing and Muckabout School are planning their annual outing. But when local reporter Roger Hack records what the children get up to, things don’t quite go according to plan.With his unique sense of humour, familiar to readers of Little Wolf, Ian Whybrow has created another hilarious series of stories, set in the familiar, but not so familiar, world of Muckabout School.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007390625


Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time
Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time

Автор: Karen Armstrong

From the bestselling writer of ‘The History of God’ and the widely acclaimed ‘Islam – A Short History’ comes Karen Armstrong's ‘Muhammad’.Muhammad was born in 570 C.E., and over the following sixty years built a thriving spiritual community, laying the foundations of a religion that changed the course of world history. There is more historical data on his life than on that of the founder of any other major faith, and yet his story is consistently misunderstood, and subject to much distortion and error. This story is more relevant now than ever, offering crucial insight into the true origins of an increasingly radicalized Islam.An acclaimed authority on religious and spiritual issues, Karen Armstrong offers a balanced portrait of this revered figure. Through comparison with other prophets and mystics, she illuminates Muhammad's spiritual ideas; she uses the facts of his life, from which Muslims have drawn instruction for centuries, to make the tenets of Islam clear and accessible for modern readers of all faiths.This is an immaculately researched new biography of Muhammad that dismantles centuries of misconceptions to reveal the man at the heart of Islam.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007347599


Mujeres asombrosas
Mujeres asombrosas

Автор: Saida Ortiz Sedano

?Qu? significa ser una mujer asombrosa? Es elegir los caminos que deseas recorrer, defender tus ideas, caminar a tu ritmo, sentir miedo y hacer de ?l otro motor para desafiarte, transformar lo negativo y disfrutar lo positivo de tu entorno, crear nuevas posibilidades para ti, para nosotras. Mujeres asombrosas recopila las historias de 52 mujeres maravillosas de Colombia que han allanado el terreno para que inventemos nuestros destinos. Muestra c?mo las mujeres de distintas ?pocas se han valido de su rebeld?a y determinaci?n para desafiar aquella que parec?a ser su ?nica forma de vida. A trav?s de sus experiencias, el libro abre las puertas y ventanas de este universo rico para que cualquier mujer, de cualquier rinc?n de Colombia o del mundo, pueda elegir y perseguir sus sue?os sin importar cu?les sean. Mujeres asombrosas es nuestra carta de invitaci?n para que creemos juntas mejores caminos, mejores realidades.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9789585392823


Mujeres en la investigaci?n matem?tica, escenarios de visibilizaci?n
Mujeres en la investigaci?n matem?tica, escenarios de visibilizaci?n

Автор: Nelsy Roc?o Gonz?lez Guti?rrez

Esta investigaci?n muestra formas de participaci?n de las mujeres en avance del desarrollo cient?fico desde sus aportes en matem?tica, especialmente destaca la trayectoria de tres matem?ticas colombianas. Se analizan los factores de mayor incidencia durante el proceso de formaci?n acad?mica en sus logros cient?ficos. Es un an?lisis desde la historia social de la educaci?n, que compara el desarrollo de los estudios en matem?ticas en tres universidades colombianas, as? como la situaci?n relativa a los g?neros, tanto acad?mica como social. Por medio de la historia oral se examina la influencia del entorno familiar en la elecci?n de la carrera profesional de tres matem?ticas colombianas destacadas. La estructuraci?n se basa en los m?todos de la historia social, se acude a la fenomenolog?a para la descripci?n-narraci?n de los hechos y se apoya en la hermen?utica para la interpretaci?n de los datos recolectados. La comparaci?n de la educaci?n de estas tres eminentes matem?ticas nos permite concluir que su avance acad?mico estuvo motivado gracias a su propia iniciativa y a sus vivencias en la formaci?n escolar. Y, por ?ltimo, queremos resaltar que el gran logro acad?mico con su Doctorado en Matem?ticas significa la conquista del desaf?o de ser ejemplos de vida e inspiraci?n para futuras matem?ticas.

Серия: Colecci?n Investigaci?n

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9789586604222


Mum in the Middle: Feel good, funny and unforgettable
Mum in the Middle: Feel good, funny and unforgettable

Автор: Jane Wenham-Jones

‘Fresh, funny and wise’ Katie Fforde‘I love Jane’s writing!’ Jill Mansell‘feel-good’ Woman and HomeTess has downsized to a lively new town and is ready for “me” time. But her Zen-like calm is tested by her boomerang offspring, who keep fluttering back to the nest (usually with a full bag of dirty washing) and by her elderly mother’s struggle to hold on to her independence.Tess is also surprised to discover that there are dark resentments simmering beneath the vintage charm of her new hometown and a spate of vandalism has exposed the rift between the townsfolk and new arrivals like Tess.Tess enlists the help of gruff newspaper editor Malcolm to get to the bottom of the mystery but when her ex-husband pays an unexpected visit and her mother stages a disappearance, Tess starts to feel her new-found freedom wearing just a little thin…

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008278663


Mummy, Come Home: The True Story of a Mother Kidnapped and Torn from Her Children
Mummy, Come Home: The True Story of a Mother Kidnapped and Torn from Her Children

Автор: Oxana Kalemi

Waking up bleary-eyed and beaten, Oxana wondered how she had got there. Then she remembered: her abusive husband, the dream of a better life, the 'job' that turned into a nightmare….Tricked into prostitution by her best friend, Oxana was torn from her children in Ukraine and trafficked into the UK, where she was imprisoned in a Birmingham sauna and forced to service up to 15 clients a night. Raped, beaten and abused, she was sickened by what she had become.Oxana only had one thing left in the world to live for: the thought of being reunited with her children. But even if she escaped she had no idea how she'd get them back…But where so many women are destroyed forever by such violence and suffering, her unbending love for her children and her unshakeable determination meant that even in her darkest hour, the flame of hope in Oxana's heart was never extinguished.Spurred on by this faith, that one day she would be reunited with her children, Oxana found the strength to break free from prostitution and her captors and continue her fight to be a mother once more.She would hold her children in her arms again.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007330713


Mummy’s Little Helper
Mummy’s Little Helper

Автор: Casey Watson

The fifth book from bestselling author and specialist foster carer Casey Watson.A recent census shows that there are at least 175,000 child carers in the UK, 13,000 of whom care for more than 50 hours a week. Many remain invisible to a system that would otherwise help them. Abigail is one of those children. This is her story.Ten-year-old Abigail has never known her father. Her mother, Sarah, has multiple sclerosis, and Abigail has been her carer since she was a toddler – shopping, cooking, cleaning and attending to her personal needs. When Sarah is rushed to hospital, suddenly this comes to the attention of the social services, and Abigail has nowhere to go.Though she doesn’t fit the usual profile of a child that specialist foster carers Casey and Mike Watson would take on, they are happy to step in and look after Abigail. It’s an emergency, after all – and all that’s needed is a loving temporary home, while social services look into how to support the family so that they can be reunited.But it soon becomes clear that this isn’t going to happen. Sarah’s MS is now at a very advanced stage, and the doctors are certain that there will no longer be periods of remission. Abigail’s emotional state starts to spiral out of control as she struggles to let go of the burden of responsibilities she has carried for so long.Sarah and Abigail insist that they do not need help, but with no other family to contact, social services are left with no choice but to find long-term care for Abigail, against their wishes. But Casey never gives up on a child in need, and she knows there must be another solution…Includes a sample chapter of Sunday Times bestseller Trafficked.

Цена: 603.95 руб.
ISBN: 9780007479580


Mummy’s Little Helper: The heartrending true story of a young girl secretly caring for her severely disabled mother
Mummy’s Little Helper: The heartrending true story of a young girl secretly caring for her severely disabled mother

Автор: Casey Watson

The fifth book from bestselling author and specialist foster carer Casey Watson.A recent census shows that there are at least 175,000 child carers in the UK, 13,000 of whom care for more than 50 hours a week. Many remain invisible to a system that would otherwise help them. Abigail is one of those children. This is her story.Ten-year-old Abigail has never known her father. Her mother, Sarah, has multiple sclerosis, and Abigail has been her carer since she was a toddler – shopping, cooking, cleaning and attending to her personal needs. When Sarah is rushed to hospital, suddenly this comes to the attention of the social services, and Abigail has nowhere to go.Though she doesn’t fit the usual profile of a child that specialist foster carers Casey and Mike Watson would take on, they are happy to step in and look after Abigail. It’s an emergency, after all – and all that’s needed is a loving temporary home, while social services look into how to support the family so that they can be reunited.But it soon becomes clear that this isn’t going to happen. Sarah’s MS is now at a very advanced stage, and the doctors are certain that there will no longer be periods of remission. Abigail’s emotional state starts to spiral out of control as she struggles to let go of the burden of responsibilities she has carried for so long.Sarah and Abigail insist that they do not need help, but with no other family to contact, social services are left with no choice but to find long-term care for Abigail, against their wishes. But Casey never gives up on a child in need, and she knows there must be another solution…Includes a sample chapter of Sunday Times bestseller Trafficked.

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780007479580



Автор: Malik Sajad

A beautifully drawn graphic novel that illuminates the conflicted land of Kashmir, through a young boy’s childhood.Seven-year-old Munnu is growing up in Indian-administered Kashmir. Life revolves around his family: Mama, Papa, sister Shahnaz, brothers Adil and Akhtar and, his favourite, older brother Bilal. It also revolves around Munnu’s two favourite things – sugar and drawing.But Munnu’s is a childhood experienced against the backdrop of conflict. Bilal’s classmates are crossing over into the Pakistan-administered portion of Kashmir to be trained to resist the ‘occupation’; Papa and Bilal are regularly taken by the military to identification parades where informers will point out ‘terrorists’; Munnu’s school is closed; close neighbours are killed and the homes of Kashmiri Hindu families lie abandoned, as once close, mixed communities have ruptured under the pressure of Kashmir’s divisions.Munnu is an amazingly personal insight into everyday life in Kashmir. Closely based on Malik Sajad’s own childhood and experiences, it is a beautiful, evocatively drawn graphic novel that questions every aspect of the Kashmir situation – the faults and responsibilities of every side, the history of the region, the role of Britain and the West, the possibilities for the future. It opens up the story of this contested and conflicted land, while also giving a brilliantly close, funny and warm-hearted portrait of a boy’s childhood and coming-of-age.

Цена: 1467.32 руб.
ISBN: 9780007513734


Murder in the Mews: A Hercule Poirot Short Story
Murder in the Mews: A Hercule Poirot Short Story

Автор: Агата Кристи

A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook.Inspector Japp summons Poirot to a London house where Guy Fawkes’ Night fireworks appear to have drowned out the noise of a young widow shooting herself through her left temple. But the pistol is in her right hand and the police are convinced that this must be a case of murder…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007560172


Murray Walker: Unless I’m Very Much Mistaken
Murray Walker: Unless I’m Very Much Mistaken

Автор: Murray Walker

The voice of motor racing and much loved public figure – and the man responsible for introducing millions of viewers to the previously inaccessible world of Formula 1 – tells the story of his incident-packed life, with a brand new chapter on his globetrotting adventures since retirement.Murray Walker is a national treasure. When the man who made famous the catch phrase 'Unless I'm very much mistaken… I AM very much mistaken!!!' announced that he was retiring as ITV's Grand Prix commentator, the media reacted as if the sport itself was losing one of its biggest stars.His reputation for mistakes was the making of Walker. He was the fan who happened to be given the keys to the commentary box – and never wanted to give them back. His high-octane delivery kept viewers on the edge of their seats, while his passion for talking about the sport he loved was matched by an all-encompassing knowledge gained through hours of painstaking research before every race.In his book he writes about his childhood and the influence that his father, British motorcycle champion Graham Walker, had on his career. Failing to match his father's achievements on the track after active service in World War II, he made a successful career for himself in advertising which catapulted him to the top of his profession.An offer from the BBC to take over the commentary seat for their F1 broadcasts was too good to turn down, and it wasn't long before the infamous 'Murrayisms' enlivened a sport which until then had been shrouded in a cloak of unfathomable technical jargon and mind-numbing statistics.He also talks about the biggest changes in the sport over the last 50 years, in particular the safety issues which came to the fore after the tragic death of Ayrton Senna, which he witnessed first hand. His partnership with James Hunt behind the microphone is the subject of some hilarious anecdotes, while his views on drivers past and present such as Stirling Moss, Jackie Stewart, Damon Hill and Michael Schumacher make for fascinating reading.

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007483402


Musik ist King (Ungek?rzt)
Musik ist King (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Martell Beigang

Исполнители: Martell Beigang

Цена: 1474.74 руб.
ISBN: 4016124237129



Автор: Руперт Колли

Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.   'Il Duce', Benito Mussolini, was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism. Famed for his dictatorial style, his political cunning and admired – initially – by Hitler, Mussolini led the National Fascist Party and ruled Italy as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. In so doing, he paved the way towards Italy's defeat in World War Two, and some of the 20th century's most destructive ideologies and practices.   Following expulsion from Italian Socialist Party, Mussolini denounced all efforts of class conflict, and instead later commanded a Fascist March on Rome to become the youngest Prime Minister in Italian history. Thereafter he set about dismantling the apparatus of democracy and initiated what would become known as the one-party totalitarian state. With World War II came defeat, humiliation and his bloody deposing. Explaining his ideologies, policies, actions and flaws, 'Mussolini: History in an Hour' is the concise life of the man whose ideas helped create some of the worst horrors of the modern history.   Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour…

Исполнители: Jonathan Keeble

Цена: 574.04 руб.
ISBN: 9780007574353


Mussolini: History in an Hour
Mussolini: History in an Hour

Автор: Rupert Colley

Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.‘Il Duce’, Benito Mussolini, was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism. Famed for his dictatorial style, his political cunning and admired – initially – by Hitler, Mussolini led the National Fascist Party and ruled Italy as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. In so doing, he paved the way towards Italy’s defeat in World War Two, and some of the 20th century’s most destructive ideologies and practices.Following expulsion from Italian Socialist Party, Mussolini denounced all efforts of class conflict, and instead later commanded a Fascist March on Rome to become the youngest Prime Minister in Italian history. Thereafter he set about dismantling the apparatus of democracy and initiated what would become known as the one-party totalitarian state. With World War II came defeat, humiliation and his bloody deposing. Explaining his ideologies, policies, actions and flaws, ‘Mussolini: History in an Hour’ is the concise life of the man whose ideas helped create some of the worst horrors of the modern history.Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour…

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007554102


Mustafa Kamal Atat?rk
Mustafa Kamal Atat?rk

Автор: Aleksandre Jevaxoff

Fransız m?əllif Aleksandre Jevaxoffun sizə təqdim olunan kitabında Atat?rk?n ?m?r və m?barizə yolu, eləcə də daxili aləmi ətraflı təsvir edilib.

Серия: Tarixi yaradanlar

Цена: 164.22 руб.
ISBN: 9789952244779


Mutter, Tochter und der Nachbar
Mutter, Tochter und der Nachbar

Автор: Eva van Mayen

Eines Tages kam mir pl?tzlich Sonja, die Kollegin meiner Frau sehr nahe. Wir hatten m?chtigen Spa? miteinander. Auch in den Zeiten danach setzte sich unser Verh?ltnis auf eine sehr 'befriedigende' Weise fort. Selbst als ich Sonja richtig hart ran nahm kam sie sofort angerannt, wenn ich sie zu mir befahl. Bis eines Tages ihre Tochter von der Sache Wind bekam. Und pl?tzlich vor mir stand.
Achtung! FSK18! Sehr detaillierte Beschreibungen der Liebesszenen.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783959246910


Mutterschaft (Ungek?rzte Lesung)
Mutterschaft (Ungek?rzte Lesung)

Автор: Sheila Heti

Was wird gewonnen und was geht verloren, wenn eine Frau sich entschlie?t, ein Kind zu bekommen? In ihren sp?ten Drei?igern, als die Freundinnen sich fragen, wann sie endlich Mutter werden, fragt Sheila Heti sich, ob sie es ?berhaupt werden will. In einer mehrere Jahre umspannenden Selbsterkundung, mal hierhin, mal dorthin gezogen von ihren Mitmenschen, ihrem Partner und den Verpflichtungen gegen?ber ihren j?dischen Vorfahren, versucht sie eine weise und moralische Entscheidung zu treffen. Nachdem Philosophie, ihr K?rper, die Mystik und der Zufall nicht geholfen haben, findet sie die Antwort viel n?her bei sich. «Diese Erkundung der moralischen, gesellschaftlichen und psychologischen Beziehung der modernen Frau zur Mutterschaft ist eine Erleuchtung, eine Provokation und – endlich – eine Antwort auf die neuen Normen der Weiblichkeit», schrieb Bestsellerautorin Rachel Cusk ?ber Mutterschaft, und Elif Batuman: «Ich bin mir sicher, dass dieses Buch vielen verschiedenen Menschen viel bedeuten wird – so, als h?tte Sheila Heti tats?chlich ein menschliches Wesen geboren, wenn auch auf unerkl?rlich andere Weise. Und das ist nur eine der vielen Paradoxien, vor denen dieses mutige, notwendige und vision?re Buch nicht zur?ckscheut.»

Исполнители: Claudia Michelsen

Цена: 1474.74 руб.
ISBN: 4251625906208


My 20+ Years In America. Based on a true story
My 20+ Years In America. Based on a true story

Автор: Tatiana Shymanova

Tatiana Shymanova’s novel My 20+ Years In America includes moving, sometimes joyous, sometimes harrowing stories of her childhood and coming of age in Siberia and Ukraine. Follow her dedication to studying and teaching piano, growing up and falling in love, her marriage and children, and her journey to the United States, in which a fateful decision changed her and her younger son’s lives forever…

Цена: 444 руб.
ISBN: 9785447438449


My Appetite for Destruction: Sex & Drugs & Guns N’ Roses
My Appetite for Destruction: Sex & Drugs & Guns ‘N’ Roses

Автор: Steven Adler

From original Guns N’ Roses drummer Steven Adler comes the inside story of Guns N’ Roses through a new perspective and his own intense struggle with addiction.Guns N' Roses are one of America's most successful rock bands, with estimated sales of 90 million albums worldwide. Steven Adler is the original drummer, with an infamous past of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll that led to his removal from the band.And here, for the first time, Steven Adler tells it all. In My Appetite for Destruction, he reveals his personal struggles with drug addiction, including the financial ruin he faced after being kicked out of Guns N’ Roses and the health problems that almost claimed his life several times – two heart attacks, a suicide attempt, and a debilitating stroke, as well as an epic 20-year addiction to crack and heroin.Now clean and sober under the watchful eye of family friend Dr. Drew Pinsky, Steven wants to set the record straight on his life for all Guns N' Roses fans and anyone else who is interested in discovering what really happened during the rise and collapse of one of the greatest rock bands of all time.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007368495


My BAM. Dusse-Alin, 1980 1982
My BAM. Dusse-Alin, 1980—1982

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Somehow, scolding me on the parade ground before the whole system, the commander of the battalion said: “You, Nevzorov, then you’ll talk everywhere – I served in the BAM, I built BAM, I’m a hero. In fact, you slobber and g… And the medal “For the construction of BAM” you will not get. You are not worthy of it. Completely agree with him. Alexander Nevzorov.

Цена: 96 руб.
ISBN: 9785449038470


My Boy Butch: The heart-warming true story of a little dog who made life worth living again
My Boy Butch: The heart-warming true story of a little dog who made life worth living again

Автор: Jenni Murray

Much beloved broadcaster Dame Jenni Murray recounts her great love affair with Butch the Chihuahua.There was always a dog. If not real, then imagined.As a lonely only child, Dame Jenni Murray longed to have a dog. She had only Timmy her imaginary pooch for company until her fifth birthday when her parents bought her a beautiful little puppy – Taffy the Corgi. This was to be the start of a life-long passion for man's best friend.Having been a small dog owner all her adult life, in her fifties the arrival of Butch the Chihuahua coincided with the devastating discovery that she had breast cancer. Butch proved to be a devoted source of comfort, love and hilarity at the most difficult time in her life. Making her smile when she wanted to cry and laugh when she needed to the most, Butch was an invaluable source of support and the reassuring presence of this special little dog helped Jenni to make a full recovery.Heartwarming, moving and hilarious at turns, My Boy Butch is a tribute to this oft maligned breed, and to a little dog who made life worth living again.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007395323


My Fair Man
My Fair Man

Автор: Jane Gordon

A modern Pygmalion story with a twist, by the bestselling author of STEPFORD HUSBANDS.Hattie George is a woman with a mission. A dedicated socialist, she wants to make the world a better place. Teased by her friends, especially her best friend’s boyfriend, Jon, she bets that she can transform Jimmy, a young Geordie who lives on the streets and sells the Big Issue, into a drop-dead gorgeous, man-about-town – in just a few weeks.With his taste for brown sauce and brown ale, and his very different table manners, Jimmy will never turn the heads of the chattering classes or change Jon’s cynicism. Or will he? As Hattie’s mission is launched, there is more than one transformation taking place, resulting in chaos, hilarity, heartbreak and misunderstanding. Just who is trying to impress who?MY FAIR MAN is a modern fairy tale and a witty portrayal of men, women and contemporary society, in which Jane Gordon explores with humour, sympathy and incisiveness the important issues of gender, class, and different people’s motivations.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007483228


My Family and Other Strangers
My Family and Other Strangers

Автор: Jeremy Hardy

Exploring family history is an urge that has gripped the nation, and it has gripped Jeremy Hardy too. In My Family and Other Strangers he sets out on the road and on the world wide web to find out all he can about the Hardy clan. His aim is to prove – or more likely disprove – his grandmother Becky's dubious claims that they are descended from Sir Christopher Wren and that Jeremy's great grandfather was personal bodyguard and confident to the King. Wild stories apart, Jeremy travels as far a field as his local library and the hostile waters around Malta in order to find family traits that go beyond a big nose and IBS.Whatever he finds, how will he know how much is in the blood and how much is coincidence? Might he discover a comedy gene? But perhaps what he will find is more important is to build up a picture of those relatives he knew too fleetingly as a small child, and the people who filled their world. Negotiating the living and the dead, the familiar and the distant, in My Family and Other Strangers Jeremy Hardy takes us on a fascinating and often hilarious journey into the world of family ancestry.

Исполнители: Jeremy Hardy

Цена: 1034.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781407005546


My Favourite Poems in English
My Favourite Poems in English

Автор: Константин Воскресенский

The book of selected poems by Konstantin Dmitrievich Voskresensky, author of five books «„In Your Name“», «„ Tale. About the vaccine from the pocket-the adventures of Roman“», «„In jest seriously“», «„The Adventures of the boy Kesha“», «„The Dreamer“». A collection of the best works of the poet, creatively revised and passed through a picky critical sieve. For a wide audience. © 2021 Aegitas publishing house Executive chief editor: Leah Foden Interpretation by: Lord Muck, Konstantin Voskresenskiy, Elizaveta Suboch, Leah Foden, Peter Svetlichniy English editor (Russian native speaker): Peter Svetlichniy English editor (U.K. native speaker): Leah Foden Reader: Carl Munson Basic for the cover's illustration: Elena Vasil'eva Drawing and design of the cover: Eva Polyanskaya

Исполнители: Carl Munson

Цена: 149 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 9780369405043


My Husband’s Lies: An unputdownable read, perfect for book group reading
My Husband’s Lies: An unputdownable read, perfect for book group reading

Автор: Caroline England

‘I was gripped immediately’ KATERINA DIAMOND, author of THE TEACHER‘Terrific characterisation, great writing and twists to leave you dizzy.’ TERESA DRISCOLL, author of I AM WATCHING YOUDo you really know your friends?** THE TOP 10 KINDLE BESTSELLER**On the afternoon of Nick and Lisa’s wedding, their close friend is found poised on a hotel window ledge, ready to jump.As the shock hits their friendship group, they soon realise that none of them are being as honest with themselves – or with each other – as they think.And there are secrets lurking that could destroy everything.Tense, disturbing and clever, My Husband’s Lies is a breath-taking read, perfect for fans of Lucy Clarke and Erin Kelly.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008215071


My Life As a Medium
My Life As a Medium

Автор: Betty Shine

The inside story of the ‘reluctant medium’, finally available in a mass-market A-format editionBetty Shine was originally an opera singer, but studied all forms of alternative healing, becoming a vitamin and mineral therapist.Guided by spirit voices from the age of two, she became a world-famous medium. This is the story of how she became the best known medium and healer in the UK.Through her books, tapes and absent healing service, she is in touch with thousands of people worldwide.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007378258


My Life. Volume 2
My Life. Volume 2

Автор: Рихард Вагнер

Цена: Бесплатно


My Midsummer Morning
My Midsummer Morning

Автор: Alastair Humphreys

A Financial Times Summer Book of 2019Seasoned adventurer Alastair Humphreys pushes himself to his very limits – busking his way across Spain with a violin he can barely play.In 1935 a young Englishman named Laurie Lee arrived in Spain. He had never been overseas; had hardly even left the quiet village he grew up in. His idea was to walk through the country, earning money for food by playing his violin in bars and plazas.Nearly a century later, the book Laurie Lee wrote – As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning – inspired Alastair Humphreys. It made him fall in love with Spain – the landscapes and the spirit – and with Laurie's style of travel. He travelled slow, lived simply, slept on hilltops, relished spontaneity, and loved conversations with the different people he met along the hot and dusty road.For 15 years, Alastair dreamed of retracing Laurie Lee’s footsteps, but could never get past the hurdle of being distinctly unmusical. This year, he decided to go anyway. The journey was his most terrifying yet, risking failure and humiliation every day, and finding himself truly vulnerable to the rhythms of the road and of his own life. But along the way, he found humility, redemption and triumph. It was a very good adventure.

Цена: 1294.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780008331832


My Psychic Casebook: The amazing secrets of the world’s most respected department-store medium
My Psychic Casebook: The amazing secrets of the world’s most respected department-store medium

Автор: Jayne Wallace

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind closed doors at a psychic reading? Meet ‘Selfridges Psychic’ Jayne Wallace who reads for over 100 international clients every week – from CID officers to media moguls, housewives to royalty and celebrities.Now she opens her client casebook to share the most shocking, touching and simply amazing readings that will make you laugh and cry – and leave you in no doubt that the spirit lives on.Jayne is renowned for getting straight to the point, with no preamble – she has seen spirits since the age of five and connects quickly to a person’s loved ones who have passed, bringing important messages and healing. In My Psychic Casebook, Jayne tells the stories exactly as they happened, and explains the techniques she uses to link with her clients. Just like a good novel, you’ll be instantly engrossed – except that all these stories are true.As the only department store medium in the world, in this short story, Jayne offers a unique insight into the work of a top clairvoyant, as well as shining a light on the remarkable truths behind the questions that concern us all.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780008100148


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