биографии и мемуары (страница 364)

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Skin Deep: All She Wanted Was a Mummy, But Was She Too Ugly to Be Loved?
Skin Deep: All She Wanted Was a Mummy, But Was She Too Ugly to Be Loved?

Автор: Casey Watson

Rejected by her mother and excluded by her school, Flip is a little girl desperate to be loved.‘Am I ugly, Mummy?’ are the first words that little Phillipa says to Mike and Casey as she stomps into their lives on a hot August afternoon. She has a Barbie doll in one hand and a pink vanity case in the other and the bemused Watsons can only stare in amazement at this tiny eight year old girl who is being guided into the room by her social worker.Phillipa, known as Flip has Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and life with her single mother has come to an abrupt end after a fire burned the house down. When Casey meets Flip, the child seems remarkably unfazed by what has happened and the thing that seems to worry her is that Casey might find her ugly.Casey has come across children with FAS in her previous job in a high school behaviour unit, but is now realising that fostering Flip is going to be full of challenges which will test her and Mike’s skills to the limit.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007595105


Skizze zu einem ?lteren Herrn
Skizze zu einem ?lteren Herrn

Автор: Max Oban

Gegen Abend trifft Georg Dohle in der verschneiten Stadt Madberg ein, wo er einen Termin bei der Manufaktur Ramses hat. Viele entbehrungsreiche Jahre liegen hinter ihm, in denen er an seiner Erfindung gearbeitet hat. Nun ruht seine ganze Hoffnung auf der Firma, in der er am n?chsten Tag seine Erfindung pr?sentieren wird. Beklemmende Dinge gehen in dem m?chtigen Unternehmen Ramses vor sich, in dem Dohle um Erfolg und Anerkennung k?mpft, jedoch auf eine un?berwindliche Mauer aus Ignoranz und Ablehnung st??t. Verzweifelt klammert er sich an jeden Strohhalm und biedert sich wahllos Personen an, die seinen Weg kreuzen. Anfangs voll Ehrgeiz und Zuversicht f?hlt sich Dohle zunehmend ohnm?chtig angesichts der bedrohlichen und undurchschaubaren Organisation der Firma.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783960088295


Slash. Демоны рок-н-ролла в моей голове
Slash. Демоны рок-н-ролла в моей голове

Автор: Сол Слэш Хадсон

Обладатель премии Guitar International Magazine, человек, вошедший в Топ-100 величайших гитаристов всех времен по версии журнала Rolling Stone… Он свел с ума миллионы, щеголяя по сцене в черном цилиндре и солнцезащитных очках. Он стал живой легендой и самим олицетворением рок-музыки. Но его творческий путь был отнюдь не простым. Окунувшись в честную и безумную историю Слэша, вы узнаете: Как пятеро парней сколотили легендарную группу Guns N’ Roses? Как «ганзы» стали легендами рока, которые до сих пор собирают целые стадионы? Почему в одночасье рухнуло все: слава, деньги и карьера? Как живется самому отвязному рок-музыканту с кардиостимулятором в груди? Станьте свидетелями рождения легенды хард-рока! В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Серия: Подарочные издания. Музыка

Цена: 519 руб.
Год: 2007
ISBN: 978-5-04-113910-0


Slash: The Autobiography
Slash: The Autobiography

Автор: Anthony Bozza

It seems excessive…but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.The mass of black curls. The top hat. The cigarette dangling from pouty lips. These are the trademarks of one of the world’s greatest and most revered guitarists, a celebrity musician known by one name: Slash.Saul “Slash” Hudson was born in Hampstead to a Jewish father and a black American mother who created David Bowie’s look in The Man Who Fell to Earth. He was raised in Stoke until he was 11, when he and his mother moved to LA. Frequent visitors to the house were David Bowie, Joni Mitchell, Ronnie Wood and Iggy Pop.At this time Slash got into BMX bikes and would eventually turn professional, winning major awards and money, but at 15 his grandmother gave him his first guitar. Sessions with numerous local LA rock bands followed until a fateful meeting with singer W Axl Rose…and the rest was rock history. Guns N’ Roses spent two years builiding their reputation before Appetite for Destruction was unleashed on an unsuspecting world.Chart success and global domination followed but with it came the inevitable fall – addicted to heroin, booze and cigarettes the band imploded in a rift between Axl and Slash that is as deep today as ever. But with a new wife, kids and new band Velvet Revolver, Slash is back on track. As raucous and edgy as his music, Slash sets the record straight and tells the real story as only Slash can.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007481033


Slavia Cyrillomethidiana: Источниковедение истории и культуры южных славян и Древней Руси. Межславянские культурные связи эпохи средневековья
Slavia Cyrillomethidiana: Источниковедение истории и культуры южных славян и Древней Руси. Межславянские культурные связи эпохи средневековья

Автор: А. А. Турилов

Книга представляет собой сборник статей по истории средневековой культуры православных славянских стран, связанных общностью книжно-письменной традиции, восходящей к эпохе Кирилла и Мефодия. В работах, входящих в сборник, на большом фактическом материале (во многом представляющем результаты собственных разысканий автора) рассматривается судьба кирилло-мефодиевского наследия в разных странах и регионах славянского мира с X по XVI в., ее общие черты, специфика и закономерности трансформации. Особое внимание уделено в книге межславянским культурным связям, их причинам, ходу и механизмам осуществления в периоды сближения национально-региональных традиций на рубеже XII—XIII («первое восточнославянское влияние») и в XIV—XV вв. («второе южнославянское влияние»). Книга представляет интерес для широкого круга историков, лингвистов, литературоведов и богословов.

Цена: 300 руб.
Год: 2010
ISBN: 978-5-9551-0450-8


Slavia Orthodoxa. Литература и язык
Slavia Orthodoxa. Литература и язык

Автор: Риккардо Пиккио

Настоящее издание является первым выходящим в России сборником научных трудов выдающегося слависта, специалиста в области культуры славянского Средневековья Р. Пиккио. В книгу вошли работы Р. Пиккио разных лет, отражающие основные направления его исследований. Первая часть знакомит русского читателя с концепцией духовной общности православных славян – Slavia Orthodoxa. Вторая часть включает статьи, в которых отражено представление о церковнославянском языке как наднациональном литературном языке общности Slavia Orthodoxa. В третью часть вошли работы Р. Пиккио по поэтике древнерусской литературы. Книга адресована филологам, историкам, всем, кто интересуется вопросами славянской культуры, историей и поэтикой славянской и, в частности, древнерусской литературы.

Серия: Studia philologica

Цена: 290 руб.
Год: 2003
ISBN: 5-94457-025-3


Slowly Down the Ganges
Slowly Down the Ganges

Автор: Eric Newby

‘Slowly Down the Ganges’ is seen as a vintage Newby masterpiece, alongside ‘A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush’ and ‘Love and War in the Apennines’. Told with Newby's self-deprecating humour and wry attention to detail, this is a classic of the genre and a window into an enchanting piece of history.On his forty-forth birthday, Eric Newby sets out on an incredible journey: to travel the 1,200-mile length of India's holy river. In a misguided attempt to keep him out of trouble, Wanda, his life-long travel companion and wife, is to be his fellow boatwoman. Their plan is to begin in the great plain of Hardwar and finish in the Bay of Bengal, but the journey almost immediately becomes markedly slower and more treacherous than either had imagined – running aground sixty-three times in the first six days.Travelling in a variety of unstable boats, as well as by rail, bus and bullock cart, and resting at sandbanks and remote villages, the Newbys encounter engaging characters and glorious mishaps, including the non-existence of large-scale maps of the country, a realisation that questions of pure 'logic' cause grave offense and, on one occasion, the only person in sight for miles is an old man who is himself unsure where he is. Newby's only consolation: on a river, if you go downstream, you're sure to end up somewhere…

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007508211


Smell of Summer Grass: Pursuing Happiness at Perch Hill
Smell of Summer Grass: Pursuing Happiness at Perch Hill

Автор: Adam Nicolson

The Smell of Summer Grass is based partly on the long out of print 'Perch Hill'. It is the story of the years spent in finding and building a personal Arcadia, sometimes a dream, sometimes a nightmare, by writer Adam Nicolson and his wife, cook and gardener, Sarah Raven.Adam Nicolson was determined to leave metropolitan life but the rundown farm in the Sussex Weald was not quite what he bargained for. The scenery was breathtaking and the rural neighbours charming but the hard end of real farming life was another matter – mud, cold, planning regulations and unco-operative livestock.But for the reader the whole enterprise is full of delight thanks to Adam Nicolson's writing: frank, witty and touching, it is a testament to the importance of holding on to your dreams and turning them into reality.

Цена: 1236.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780007335589


Smlouva o Vypo ?d?n?. Prove te repost
Smlouva o Vypoř?d?n?. Proveďte repost

Автор: Лим Ворд

Vždy žije v biografi?ch slavn?ch osobnost?. Co byste se jich zeptali, co vysvětlit? Proč jsou v nejbohatš?m Rusku tolik chud?ch lid?? Co nem?me k tomu, abychom postavili raj na zemi? Byla nalezena spr?vn? odpověď.

Цена: 56 руб.
ISBN: 9785449077004


Snowbound Seduction
Snowbound Seduction

Автор: Helen Brooks

Sensible…but ripe for seduction! Sensible Rachel Ellington is used to being invisible to men, and that’s fine. One run-in with male deceit in the past was enough to put her off for life! Now she’s being pursued by millionaire businessman Zac Lawson – what could this dazzlingly handsome man see in her? It’s with trepidation that Rachel accepts Zac’s invitation to a Christmas country house party.And when they end up stranded by the wintry weather she suddenly knows exactly why she was so nervous… This is the perfect setting for slow, sweet seduction, though she’s as pure as the driven snow!

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

Цена: 297.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781408919378


So I Have Thought of You: The Letters of Penelope Fitzgerald
So I Have Thought of You: The Letters of Penelope Fitzgerald

Автор: Penelope Fitzgerald

A fascinating collection of letters from the great English novelist – and prolific correspondent – Penelope FitzgeraldAcclaimed for her exquisitely elegant novels – including the Booker Prize-winning ‘Offshore’ – and superb biographies, Penelope Fitzgerald was one of the most admired authors in Britain during the last century. ‘So I Have Thought Of You’ is an invaluable addition her distinguished oeuvre.Penelope Fitzgerald was one of the most distinctive voices in British literature. The prizewinning author of nine novels, three biographies, and one collection of short stories, she died in 2000.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007379590


So let it be written: подлинная биография вокалиста Metallica Джеймса Хэтфилда
So let it be written: подлинная биография вокалиста Metallica Джеймса Хэтфилда

Автор: Марк Эглинтон

Джеймс Хэтфилд известен нам как бессменный лидер легендарной Metallica. Однако в этой книге мы увидим не только рок-звезду, но и простого человека с эмоциональными ранами и разбитым сердцем. Пережив в юности сразу две трагедии – сначала из семьи ушел отец, а через пару лет умерла мать, – Джеймс остался один на один со своими внутренними демонами, которых победил, но не сразу. Прежде же юный Джеймс нашел утешение в музыке и загорелся желанием играть в рок-группе. Мало кто из его друзей верил в то, что он добьется своей цели, а сегодня они стоят в километровой очереди, чтобы попасть к нему на концерт. Забитый молчаливый прыщавый подросток стал истинным первопроходцем жанра, голосом целого поколения, олицетворением Америки 80-х, кумиром миллионов, идолом и настоящим авторитетом среди коллег. При написании этой книги Марк Эглинтон провел множество эксклюзивных интервью с известными рок-звездами и ключевыми фигурами в жизни Хэтфилда, чтобы представить нам самый реалистичный портрет культового музыканта. [i]Книга содержит нецензурную брань.[/i] В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Серия: Подарочные издания. Музыка

Цена: 379 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-04-113607-9


So let it be written: подлинная биография вокалиста Metallica Джеймса Хэтфилда
So let it be written: подлинная биография вокалиста Metallica Джеймса Хэтфилда

Автор: Марк Эглинтон

Джеймс Хэтфилд известен нам как бессменный лидер легендарной Metallica. Однако в этой книге мы увидим не только рок-звезду, но и простого человека с эмоциональными ранами и разбитым сердцем. Пережив в юности сразу две трагедии – сначала из семьи ушел отец, а через пару лет умерла мать, – Джеймс остался один на один со своими внутренними демонами, которых победил, но не сразу. Прежде же юный Джеймс нашел утешение в музыке и загорелся желанием играть в рок-группе. Мало кто из его друзей верил в то, что он добьется своей цели, а сегодня они стоят в километровой очереди, чтобы попасть к нему на концерт. Забитый молчаливый прыщавый подросток стал истинным первопроходцем жанра, голосом целого поколения, олицетворением Америки 80-х, кумиром миллионов, идолом и настоящим авторитетом среди коллег. При написании этой книги Марк Эглинтон провел множество эксклюзивных интервью с известными рок-звездами и ключевыми фигурами в жизни Хэтфилда, чтобы представить нам самый реалистичный портрет культового музыканта. Внимание! Аудиозапись содержит нецензурную брань

Серия: Подарочные издания. Музыка

Исполнители: Максим Гамаюнов

Цена: 519 руб.
Год: 2017


So sind wir
So sind wir

Автор: Christian Hafenecker

Die Ibiza-Aff?re hat die ?sterreichische Innenpolitik im Jahr 2019 nachhaltig aufgewirbelt. Alexander Van der Bellens Aussage «So sind wir nicht» galt bald nach Beginn des Untersuchungsausschusses und den Ermittlungen der WKStA gegen die ?VP als ?berholt. Es offenbarte sich ein tiefer Staat, errichtet von der t?rkisen ?VP, der nur Eines zum Ziel hatte: Sebastian Kurz und seine Pr?torianer ins Bundeskanzleramt zu bringen und auch dort zu halten. Letzteres ist bekannterma?en vorerst gescheitert, die t?rkise Familie ist in Aufl?sung begriffen. Welchen Beitrag der Untersuchungsausschuss dazu leisten konnte, beschreibt dieses Buch.

Исполнители: Мария Фортунатова

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783903236530


Social Psychology 101 - How to Understand People and Social Situations (Unabridged)
Social Psychology 101 - How to Understand People and Social Situations (Unabridged)

Автор: Nathan DeWall

Исполнители: Nathan DeWall

Цена: 3254.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781632519320


Software Project Management For Dummies
Software Project Management For Dummies

Автор: Joseph Phillips

The increase in project outsourcing has forced traditional programmers to take on the role of project managers and quickly learn how to manage software projects The author discusses all of the essentials in widely accepted project management methodology, from managing programmers to assessing and eliminating risk The book covers the iterative development model, using Microsoft Project 2003, as well as a variety of methodologies including eXtreme, open source, SQA testing, software life cycle management, and more The companion Web site contains tools, case studies and other resources to help even novices get up and running

Цена: 4196.72 руб.
ISBN: 9780470085134


Sola ante el Le?n
Sola ante el Le?n

Автор: Simone Arnold-Liebster

Alsacia, a?os treinta. Ante los ojos de Simone, una ni?a alegre y vivaz, comienza a aflorar con toda su crudeza el deterioro alarmante de la pobreza, as? como la injusticia e intolerancia que la angustia de la guerra enciende. Una angustia acrecentada por continuos arrestos e interrogatorios. Tanto en la escuela como en la ciudad, Simone va encontr?ndose cada vez m?s aislada frente a un 'l?on' ?vido de presas: la Gestapo.
Constanza, 8 de julio de 1943. La puerta de la instituci?n Wessenberg se cierra pesadamente. Con ins?lita brutalidad, Simone es arrancada de su madre e internada en un centro de reeducaci?n nazi. Desgajada de lo que hab?a sido un entorno familiar feliz, queda Sola ante el le?n.
Simone Arnold narra con estilo ?gil y no exento de humor, c?mo logr? sobrevivir en un mundo endurecido y tr?gico, c?mo una ni?a normal, vulnerable, venci? al 'le?n'. Su autobiograf?a pone ojos y cara a las v?ctimas desconocidas del nacionalsocialismo, perfila su identidad. Su experiencia tambi?n es prueba concluyente de que hay en la conciencia humana fuerza suficiente para resistirse a cualquier intento de manipulaci?n, aun bajo las presiones m?s extremas.
Es forzoso leer este relato – que por su estilo narrativo recuerda en algo al Diario de Ana Frank – para informarse sobre la suerte cruel, hasta hoy desconocida, que vivieron los hijos de los testigos de Jehov?, una comunidad religiosa que rechaz? desde un principio la ideolog?a nazi. Tal vez as?, como indic? Albert Camus, nunca olvidemos que 'si en la pol?tica se introduce cualquier forma de desprecio, se habr? abonado el terreno para el fascismo'.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9782879531670


Solar Wind. Book one
Solar Wind. Book one

Автор: Oleg Krasin

He grew up during the time of two emperors who were people, and then became Gods. He taught rhetoric and philosophy, not martial art. He was preparing to rule Rome in civilian life, but he had to fight. MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS The emperor-philosopher, for a moment, thanks to him, the world was governed by the best and greatest man of his age.

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2018


Solovkid g?rd?kl rim
Solovkidə g?rd?klərim

Автор: Ağa oğlu

Kitaba 1923-1929-cu illərdə siyasi baxışlarına g?rə həbs edilərək Ağ dənizdəki Solovki adalarına g?ndərilmiş soydaşlarımızı acı taleyindən bəhs edən xatirələr və bir ne?ə ki?ik qəzet məqaləsi daxil edilmişdir. Şəxsiyyətini m?əyyənləşdirə bilmədiyimiz m?əllif vətənin və millətin azadlığı yolunda savaşa atılan insanların başına bolşeviklərin a?dığı m?sibətləri təsvir etməklə adlarını eşitmədiyimiz və ya son illərdə eşitməyə başladığımız qəhrəmanlara s?zdən bir abidə qoymuşdur.

Цена: 156.26 руб.


Some Sunny Day
Some Sunny Day

Автор: Dame Vera Lynn

The remarkable autobiography of the last great wartime icon.Born Vera Welch on 20 March, 1917 in the East End of London, Dame Vera Lynn’s career was set from an early age – along with her father, who also did a ‘turn’, she sang in Working Men’s Clubs from just seven years old. She had a successful radio career with Joe Loss and Charlie Kunz in the 1920s and ‘30s, but it was with World War II that she became the iconic figure that captured the imagination of the national public.Her spirit and verve, along with her ability to connect with the men fighting for their country and those left behind praying for their loved ones, made her the ‘Forces’ sweetheart’. Performing the songs that she will always be associated with, such as ‘We’ll Meet Again’ and ‘Yours’, Vera toured Egypt, India and Burma to entertain the troops and bring them a sense of ‘back home’.Her career after the war flourished, with hits in the US and the UK, but Vera was never able to leave behind her wartime role and was deeply affected by what she had seen. Still heavily involved with veteran and other charities, this is Dame Vera’s vivid story of her life and her war – from bombs and rations to dance halls and the searing heat of her appearances abroad. Epitomising British fortitude and hope, Dame Vera gives a vivid portrait of Britain at war, and a unique story of one woman who came to symbolize a nation.

Цена: 737.68 руб.
ISBN: 9780007343362


Some Sunny Day
Some Sunny Day

Автор: Dame Lynn Vera

The remarkable autobiography of the last great wartime icon.Born Vera Welch on 20 March, 1917 in the East End of London, Dame Vera Lynn’s career was set from an early age – along with her father, who also did a ‘turn’, she sang in Working Men’s Clubs from just seven years old. She had a successful radio career with Joe Loss and Charlie Kunz in the 1920s and ‘30s, but it was with World War II that she became the iconic figure that captured the imagination of the national public.Her spirit and verve, along with her ability to connect with the men fighting for their country and those left behind praying for their loved ones, made her the ‘Forces’ sweetheart’. Performing the songs that she will always be associated with, such as ‘We’ll Meet Again’ and ‘Yours’, Vera toured Egypt, India and Burma to entertain the troops and bring them a sense of ‘back home’.Her career after the war flourished, with hits in the US and the UK, but Vera was never able to leave behind her wartime role and was deeply affected by what she had seen. Still heavily involved with veteran and other charities, this is Dame Vera’s vivid story of her life and her war – from bombs and rations to dance halls and the searing heat of her appearances abroad. Epitomising British fortitude and hope, Dame Vera gives a vivid portrait of Britain at war, and a unique story of one woman who came to symbolize a nation.

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780007343362


Someone to Love Us: The shocking true story of two brothers fostered into brutality and neglect
Someone to Love Us: The shocking true story of two brothers fostered into brutality and neglect

Автор: Terence O’Neill

The harrowing true story of the young boy who captured the heart of the nation when he testified in court, to find justice against those responsible for his brother’s death.Terry O’Neill was just ten years old when he stood up in court to testify against his brutal foster parents, accused of the manslaughter of his twelve-year-old brother, Dennis.Terry and his brother had been taken into care and moved through many foster homes until they came to live on the Shropshire farm owned by Reginald and Esther Gough in 1945. There they were to suffer brutal beatings and little care or love – they survived as best they could, looking out for each other, until the terrible morning when Terry couldn’t wake Dennis.In a time when the country was united by war and struggle, the case shocked the nation and made headlines around the world. Terry, a small figure in the courtroom, captured the hearts of mothers and families everywhere, and the public outcry against the foster services led to the instigation of the first provisions to protect other vulnerable children from neglect and cruelty.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007350193


Son m nzili X z r oldu
Son mənzili Xəzər oldu

Автор: Qumral Sadıqzadə

“Xatirə ədəbiyyatı” silsiləsində işıq ?z? g?rən bu kitab 1-ci hissəsi 1991-ci ildə “Gənclik” nəşriyyatında, 2-ci hissəsi isə 1998-ci ildə “Boz Oğuz” nəşriyyatında ?ap edilmiş ikihissəli kitab əsasında ?apa hazırlanıb. Janr etibarilə bədii memuar kimi d?ş?n?lm?ş bu roman g?rkəmli nasir və tənqid?i, Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı, mətbuatı və təhsilinin inkişafında x?susi xidmətləri olmuş Seyid H?seyn Sadiqə (H?seyn Mir Kazım oğlu Sadıqzadə) həsr olunub. Romanın m?əllifi – yazı?ının qızı Qumral Sadıqzadə təsdiq edir ki, insan bir şəxsiyyət kimi ailədə formalaşır, valideynlərinin n?munəsi əsasında tərbiyə alır. Seyid H?seynin ailəsinin tarix?əsi səmimi və nəcib keyfiyyətlər, saxtakarlığa qarşı d?z?lməzlik haqqında nəsillərə ?rnək olacaq ?ox maraqlı bir hekayətdir. Əsərdə Seyid H?seynin 1920-ci ildən repressiya olunduğu ilə qədər – 1937-ci ilə qədər həyat və fəaliyyətindən bəhs edilir. Kitab elmişəxsi arxiv materialları əsasında işlənmiş, milli adətənənələrimizi və etnoqrafiyamızı sənətkarlıqla əks etdirir.

Серия: Xatirə ədəbiyyatı

Цена: 369.26 руб.
ISBN: 978-995-255-748-0


Sonst noch was?!
Sonst noch was?!

Автор: Kai Magnus Sting

Исполнители: Kai Magnus Sting

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 4032127000867


Sor Juana In?s de la Cruz, Benito Ju?rez, Francisco I. Madero, Father Miguel Hidalgo, Carmen Serd?n A, Josefa Ortiz de Dom?nguez, Jos? Hern?ndez, Guillermo Gonz?lez Camarena, Mario Molina - A Short Biography Of Great People In History, Vol. 1 (Unabridged)
Sor Juana In?s de la Cruz, Benito Ju?rez, Francisco I. Madero, Father Miguel Hidalgo, Carmen Serd?n A, Josefa Ortiz de Dom?nguez, Jos? Hern?ndez, Guillermo Gonz?lez Camarena, Mario Molina - A Short Biography Of Great People In History, Vol. 1 (Unabridged)

Автор: Jorge Alfonso Sierra Quintero

Исполнители: Bill Quinn

Цена: 483.36 руб.
ISBN: 9786079602437



Автор: Александра Воробей

В книге представлены моменты и чувства автора, выраженные в письменном виде. Каждая фотография, как кадр из фильма, наполнена любовью.

Цена: 488 руб.
ISBN: 9785005656698


Sour: My Story: A troubled girl from a broken home. The Brixton gang she nearly died for. The baby she fought to live for
Sour: My Story: A troubled girl from a broken home. The Brixton gang she nearly died for. The baby she fought to live for

Автор: Tracey Miller

They call me Sour. The opposite of sweet. Shanking, stabbing, steaming, robbing, I did it all, rolling with the Man Dem. I did it because I was bad. I did it because I had heart. And the reason I reckon I got away with it for so long? Because I was a girl.SOUR is the true story of a former Brixton gang girl, drug dealer and full-time criminal. A member of the Younger 28s, a notorious gang that terrorised the postcodes around Brixton in the 90s, Sour escapes a troubled family life to immerse herself in the street life of likking and linking. She never leaves her house without a knife. At the age of fifteen, she stabs an innocent man in the street, earning her unrivalled respect and ‘Top-Dog’ status amongst her crew. She believes she is invincible.But the consequences of her actions are soon to catch up with her. Waking for the second time in two weeks in a hospital bed, to the news that she is pregnant, she realises it’s time to turn her life around. Motherhood will be a rude awakening, but it may also be her saving grace.Told with raw emotions and ferocious honesty, this is the real, on-the-record, story of one woman’s descent down the rabbit hole of gangland, and her efforts, as a daughter, mother and girlfriend, to claw herself out.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007565054


South and West: From A Notebook
South and West: From A Notebook

Автор: Joan Didion

From one of the most important chroniclers of our time, come two extended excerpts from her never-before-seen notebooks–writings that offer an illuminating glimpse into the mind and process of a legendary writer.Joan Didion has always kept notebooks: of overheard dialogue, observations, interviews, drafts of essays and articlesHere is one such draft that traces a road trip she took with her husband, John Gregory Dunne, in June 1970, through Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. She interviews prominent local figures, describes motels, diners, a deserted reptile farm, a visit with Walker Percy, a ladies' brunch at the Mississippi Broadcasters' Convention. She writes about the stifling heat, the almost viscous pace of life, the sulfurous light, and the preoccupation with race, class, and heritage she finds in the small towns they pass through.And from a different notebook: the «California Notes» that began as an assignment from Rolling Stone on the Patty Hearst trial of 1976. Though Didion never wrote the piece, watching the trial and being in San Francisco triggered thoughts about the city, its social hierarchy, the Hearsts, and her own upbringing in Sacramento. Here, too, is the beginning of her thinking about the West, its landscape, the western women who were heroic for her, and her own lineage.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780008257187


Southey on Nelson: The Life of Nelson by Robert Southey
Southey on Nelson: The Life of Nelson by Robert Southey

Автор: Richard Holmes

LIVES THAT NEVER GROW OLDA radical new series – edited by Richard Holmes – that recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Every book is a biographical masterpiece, still thrilling to read and vividly alive.This short, brilliant, action-packed biography appeared only eight years after Nelson’s death at the Battle of Trafalgar (a scene unforgettably described). It helped transform Nelson into the most popular wartime hero that Britain has ever placed on top of a column.It first gave currency to the proverbial stories of his courage and exhibitionism, from the ‘blind eye’ at Copenhagen, to ‘Kiss me, Hardy’ and the scandal of ‘Beloved Emma’ at Naples. It was written by the romantic poet and historian Robert Southey, a one-time radical who was converted to patriotism by Nelson’s shining (though not ‘untarnished’) example.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007375349


Souvenirs d ?gotisme
Souvenirs d'?gotisme

Автор: Стендаль

Цена: Бесплатно


Sp?tes Gl?ck in Kanada
Sp?tes Gl?ck in Kanada

Автор: Manfred Wiedemann

Bei der »Beichte« geht es um die katholische Kirche und den Z?libat. Doch bis es soweit ist, wird ein junger Priester durch viele Irrungen und Wirrungen gef?hrt, um letztlich doch ein gutes(?) Ende zu finden. Spannend und ?berraschend erz?hlt. Sp?tes Gl?ck findet ein Mann in Kanada. Bis es aber dazu kommt, geht unser Held ?ber manche H?rde. Er bleibt auch nicht vor Gericht und Gef?ngnis verschont. Und seine gro?e Liebe wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt. Aber es gibt ein »Happy End«. Die dritte Geschichte ist authentisch. Es handelt sich um eine Autobiografie der Kindheit des Autors. Auch sie steckt voller ?berraschungen dieses Optimisten.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783961450404


Space Troopers, Folge 1: Hell s Kitchen
Space Troopers, Folge 1: Hell's Kitchen

Автор: P. E. Jones

Das Jahr 2134: Die Erde steht vor dem Untergang – und mit ihr die gesamte Menschheit. Hunger und Armut, Kriminalit?t, Gewalt und Terror beherrschen den Alltag. Die einzige Rettung der Menschheit scheint in der Kolonisierung neuer Welten zu bestehen. Die Space Troopers, K?mpfer einer speziell ausgebildeten milit?rischen Einheit, sollen die Kolonisten besch?tzen. Doch im Kassiopeia-Sektor wartet ein fremder Feind, dessen Brutalit?t die Menschheit kaum etwas entgegenzusetzen hat. Die Serie Space Troopers ist packende und actionreiche Military Science Fiction. Im Kampf gegen die Aliens entscheidet sich das Schicksal der gesamten Menschheit. Folge 1: Hell?s Kitchen John Flanagan, aufgewachsen in einem der unz?hligen namenlosen Slums, schl?gt sich als Kleinkrimineller durchs Leben. Doch sein letzter Deal ging gr?ndlich daneben, und John muss vor seinem Auftraggeber Aziz und dessen Schergen fliehen. Als er in einer Ruine Zeuge eines Mordes wird, dr?ckt ihm der sterbende Zacharias McClusky eine Ledermappe in die Hand – brisante Informationen, von deren Gef?hrlichkeit John nichts ahnt. Auf seiner Flucht landet John ausgerechnet in einem Rekrutierungsb?ro der Space Troopers. Als Zacharias McClusky wird er als Rekrut aufgenommen und findet sich schon bald auf einem fremden Planeten wieder: Hell?s Kitchen.

Исполнители: Uve Teschner

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783838775210


Spare Hours
Spare Hours

Автор: Brown John

Цена: Бесплатно


Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Автор: Coleridge Samuel Taylor

Цена: Бесплатно



Автор: Robert A. Webster

Un'avventura emozionante, imprevedibile, e a volte esilarante. Vi porta da un ristorante elegante di Londra alle giungle selvagge dei Monti Cardamomi, dove un pasticcere inglese e un rifugiato cambogiano cercano una famiglia scomparsa e tentano di trovare una pianta mitica, fonte di una spezia incredibile e unica. Ben Bakewell ? un Maestro Pasticcere presso uno dei ristoranti pi? pregiati di Londra. Meglio noto come Cake, stringe amicizia con Ravuth, un rifugiato cambogiano fuggito dai campi di sterminio in Cambogia e scappato in Inghilterra negli anni 70 dagli Khmer Rossi che hanno depredato il suo paese. Da ragazzino Ravuth incapp? in una pianta sconosciuta, la fonte di una spezia incredibile e unica. Venne separato dalla propria famiglia a causa degli Khmer Rossi, e trascorse la maggior parte della propria vita a cercarla, facendo ritorno in Cambogia insieme a Cake per mettersi sulle tracce della pianta rara e dei propri cari sperduti. Una volta giunti in Cambogia trovano un alleato in uno sventurato ex agente della DEA deciso a vendicarsi, il quale deve trovare la pianta per scopi ben pi? sinistri. Si addentrano nei meandri pi? remoti della spietata giungla dei monti Cardamomi, da dove ne escono vivi per miracolo. Troveranno la famiglia di Ravuth e la fantastica Spezia?

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835419099


Sporting Club Victoria: Su biograf?a
Sporting Club Victoria: Su biograf?a

Автор: Jose Alberto Sosa

Los or?genes del Sporting Club Victoria, en sus primeros pasos hist?ricos, contextualizado en el sector oeste de la Ciudad de San Luis en el a?o 1918, denominado como «Club Obrero» y su vinculaci?n social con una corriente de damas inmigrantes, que llegan a la Provincia de San Luis, a principios del siglo XX, llamadas con el tiempo como «Junta de la Victoria», siendo este espacio, el que colabora en su denominaci?n como Instituci?n Deportiva en el a?o 1920. Su desarrollo hist?rico en cuanto a su participaci?n deportiva, social e institucional y a la contextualizaci?n en la Pol?tica Provincial – Nacional. Siendo los sectores obreros protagonistas en la historia, y la participaci?n del sector femenino como caracter?stica esencial en la vida del Club del Oeste Puntano. Sus dirigentes, jugadores/as e Hinchas populares significativos que participaron a lo largo de los 100 a?os, dejando sus huellas en el Club Albinegro. Sus inicios como sede deportiva en casas de familias, hasta llegar a su sede tradicional en Ayacucho y Av. Lafinur y el acceso de terrenos que le van dando cumplimiento a su sue?o de su estadio propio. Su reinauguraci?n e innovaci?n de su nuevo Estadio deportivo llamado «el Parque Victorioso».

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9789878712598


Sri Aurobindos Humor
Sri Aurobindos Humor

Автор: Nirodbaran

Dieses Buch zeigt einen neuen und der Allgemeinheit recht unbekannten Wesenszug Sri Aurobindos – seinen Humor.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783963870828


St. Agnes’ Stand
St. Agnes’ Stand

Автор: Thomas Eidson

Set in New Mexico, St Agnes’ Stand is a classic story of the American West.Nat Swanson is on the run from a mob of Texas cowboys. He has killed a man in a fair fight, but the man’s friends believe he was shot in the back and set out to string Swanson up for murder. A bullet in his leg slows him down and with the posse closing in, his chances of survival look dim. Trying desperately to get to sanctuary in California, he comes upon two freight wagons besieged by Apaches, and, against his better judgment, stops to help. He kills one of the Indians with his grandfather's antique crossbow, buying time for whoever survives behind the wagons. Thinking he's done his good deed, he continues his flight. One of those trapped, however, is 76-year-old Sister Agnes, who prays to God for a man to deliver her, her fellow nuns and the seven orphans they are transporting.Sister Agnes is convinced that Nat Swanson has been sent by God to rescue them. Swanson is equally convinced that the best they can hope for is not to be taken alive. And for five gruesome days in the blazing heat and dust, faith fights with humanity for the simple right to exist.

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007293025


Stabat Mater. Клавир
Stabat Mater. Клавир

Автор: Джованни Баттиста Перголези

«Stabat Mater» – средневековая секвенция, состоящая из двух частей: первая посвящена страданиям Девы Марии по Иисусу Христу, вторая – обращению к ней грешника, молящего спасительного рая. Среди самых известных сочинений на этот текст – «Stabat Mater» для сопрано, альта соло и струнного квартета с органом итальянского композитора Дж. Перголези (1710–1736). Кантата состоит из 13 частей. Перголези смело подошел к трактовке жанра и первым ввел в «Stabat Mater» мажорные части. Издание адресовано профессиональным музыкантам, студентам музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также любителям.

Цена: 377 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-8114-8657-1


Stan: Tackling My Demons
Stan: Tackling My Demons

Автор: Stan Collymore

The searingly honest and at times harrowing autobiography of the former Liverpool, Aston Villa and England striker. Exposes the dark and often seedy world hidden behind the glamorous facade of professional football.‘I was a mess. I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t structure my day properly. I couldn’t face having a shower or getting dressed. Those all seemed like major events I didn’t want to confront.’Once the most charismatic and expensive player in the new Premiership flooded with cash, Stan Collymore had, by the age of 28, booked himself into The Priory to treat his depression, close to self-destruction and unable to get his head round playing at all.Along the way, he had been the goalscorer nobody wanted to congratulate, the centre-forward no one knew how to manage, a deeply reluctant star in a tabloid culture that saw him make the front pages as often as the back, and that waited for him to crack up or lash out. When he eventually did, it was, infamously, inevitably, at his then celebrity girlfriend, Ulrika Jonsson.But then retired from football in 2001 and finding himself in the commentary box, he proved he did care about the game, rather too much perhaps, sounding like a fan as much as an ex-player – and at a stroke he had more in common with the rest of the nation. He knew it was all so much more than a game, and what happened on the field was only a reflection of what was going on inside players’ heads.The contradictions remain. A man, who had a steady stream of celebrity women falling at his feet, shamed by his voyeurism in a Cannock car park; a star with everything who was once discovered by his wife tightening a belt around his neck; a loving dad of two whose own father walked out of the marital home and who Collymore continues to blot from his memory to this day; a footballer who abstains from drugs, yet who needs therapy at Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous; the loner slated for his aloofness who found critical acclaim as a football pundit on national prime-time radio.This is Stan Collymore’s own life story, the real person on his flawed character and personal demons, telling it like you have never seen before – raw and uncut.

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007551019


Stand Tall Leadership
Stand Tall Leadership

Автор: Steven A. Bollar

Stand out like you’re 7 feet tall – how to think and act differently as a K-12 leader   Tall people stand out in a crowd. Tall people think and act differently: people like author Steven Bollar. He has spent his career as a principal and administrator creating school cultures that make students excited to learn and achieve their goals. In Stand Tall Leadership , Steven shows you that it doesn't matter what your natural height really is—you can stand tall in everything you do by thinking and acting differently from those around you. Designed for K-12 leaders, this unique and engaging book helps you overcome challenges in your school, manage effectively, inspire your staff, build strong relationships, communicate clearly, and much more. The Stand Tall Leadership philosophy is all about creating the best possible environment at your school. Strong leadership skills are essential for making better decisions, maintaining your focus and priority, and maximizing outcomes with students, staff, parents, and the entire community. The principles and techniques in this book will strengthen your own leadership skills and assist you in developing effective leaders within your school. Providing hands-on tools and real-world guidance, this valuable resource will help you: Connect with staff, understand their needs, and set them up for success Keep your best employees and leaders right where they are, not chasing other opportunities Assessyour leadership skills and make immediate, meaningful improvements Maintain focus in any situation to increase productivity and get outstanding results Repair damaged relationships that slow down progress and impede success Stand Tall Leadership: Stand Tall to Think Differently and Lead Successfully is a must-read for all K-12 leaders and administrators, as well as K-12 educators looking to develop their leadership skills.

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119638919


Standard of Honour
Standard of Honour

Автор: Jack Whyte

The story of the rise and fall of the powerful and mysterious Knights of the Temple: the Third Crusade under Richard the Lionheart.It is sixty years since the secret Brotherhood of Sion, founders of the Knights Templar, uncovered the treasure vouchsafed them beneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Now the ambitious and ruthless Plantagenet King Richard the Lionheart leads the Third Crusade against Saladin, and both the honour of the Templars and the mission of the Brotherhood are at risk.Andrew Sinclair is one of the few survivors of the Battle of Hattin in 1187. As a member of the clandestine Brotherhood he was taught Arabic before being sent to the Holy Land on a mission that neither the Order of Templars nor the leaders of the Pope’s armies can know of. Sinclair’s captivity following the battle led to his friendship with the infidel and threatened to divide his loyalty. One of the great secrets of the Brotherhood is that they are not Christians, unlike the Templars.Sinclair’s cousin and fellow member of the Brotherhood, Sir Andre St Clair, arrives with Richard from Cyprus. The secret mission they must pursue will lead them into the desert and the lair of the fearsome Assassins. And meanwhile Saladin’s clever tactics in battle, including the butchery of the magnificent destriers, the massive horses that carry armoured Frankish knights, bring reversals to the Christian cause from start of the Crusade.But it is Richard the Lionheart’s treachery and deceit that convince both cousins that the Crusade is a sham, and that all men are venal and greedy, driven by the lust for power. Only their knowledge of the Order of Sion saves them from despair: their secret mission becomes more vital than ever before.This glorious epic tells the true and truly astonishing story of the Knights of the Black and White.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007283354



Автор: Лена Ленина

Чтобы написать эту книгу, Лене Лениной – автору пятнадцати книг на русском и французском языках, из которых три бестселлера, пришлось познакомиться со звездами мировой величины и не только познакомится, но и попасть к ним домой. Ведь всем хочется знать, каковы звезды в жизни, с кем они спят, где и как живут, что едят и какого цвета у них туалетная бумага. Итак, герои этой книги: Пьер Ришар, Жерар Депардье, Клод Лелуш, Соня Рикель, Кристофер Ламберт, Патрисия Каас, Роберто Кавалли, Дима Билан, Гарик Мартиросян, «Гости из будущего», Игорь Николаев и другие.

Цена: 179 руб.
Год: 2008
ISBN: 978-5-17-056449-1, 978-5-271-22366-2


Sternenschweif, Teil 38: Freunde f?r immer
Sternenschweif, Teil 38: Freunde f?r immer

Автор: Linda Chapman

Исполнители: Anita Hopt

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4066004601151


Sternenschweif, Teil 25: Freundschaftszauber
Sternenschweif, Teil 25: Freundschaftszauber

Автор: Linda Chapman

Исполнители: Anita Hopt

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4066004601267


Sternstunden der Menschheit (Ungek?rzt)
Sternstunden der Menschheit (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Stefan Zweig

Исполнители: Stefan Kaminsky

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783868470864


Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg

Автор: John Baxter

First published in 1996 and now available as an ebook. Please note that this edition does not include illustrations.Steven Spielberg dominated the cinema of the nineties. He is one of the screen's greatest enchanters, with a spellbinding capacity – and a box-office record – matched by very few.His power now exceeds that of the greatest moguls of Hollywood's golden era, and films like 'Jaws, ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind' and 'Jurassic Park' have been seen by billions around the world, and have changed forever the way movies are made. How was it that this 'movie brat', from an unhappy and rootless adolescence on the fringes of American society, became one of the most formidable players on the global entertainment scene?.From 'Duel', which suggested the innate 'film sense' Spielberg would bring to movie-making, to the Oscar-winning 'Schindler's List 'and beyond…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007484966


Still Got It, Never Lost It!: The Hilarious Autobiography from the Star of TV’s Pineapple Dance Studios and Dancing on Ice
Still Got It, Never Lost It!: The Hilarious Autobiography from the Star of TV’s Pineapple Dance Studios and Dancing on Ice

Автор: Louie Spence

Still Got It, Never Lost It! tells the story of Louie Spence, star of Pineapple Dance Studios and ruthless judge on Dancing on Ice.‘I did everything my sisters did, that’s how my dancing days started – they went dancing, I went dancing and I just kept on dancing.’ – Louie SpenceFrom a very early age Louie was a little boy who loved to dance and had high ambitions. He attended every disco dance class he could and excelled each time, with the constant support of his Mum and Dad. Before long Louie’s blue leotard had become a mainstay of the family home, and soon enough he was accepted into the Italia Conti School of Theatre Arts. And he never looked back.From dancing on the Spice Girls World Tour to becoming BFFs with Emma Bunton and hanging out with Take That (not to mention his performances in Cats and Miss Saigon), Louie lived out his dreams. Now a TV personality in his own right, a judge on Dancing on Ice, the star of Pineapple Dance Studios and his own series Showbusiness, he has become a much-loved household name.This hilarious, warm and compellingly-written autobiography takes us back to Louie’s early days in Essex, with a cast of characters that includes Nanny Lock (who lived down the Enfield lock), Nanny Twinkle and Nanny Downer (with whom Louie, as a kid, would swipe cans of Special Brew). Still Got It, Never Lost It! is the story of the real-life Billy Elliot – a tale that proves nothing can stop you when you think big and hold on to your dreams.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007448067


Still Spitting at Sixty: From the 60s to My Sixties, A Sort of Autobiography
Still Spitting at Sixty: From the 60s to My Sixties, A Sort of Autobiography

Автор: Roger Law

The Puppet Master is back with the inside story.Written by one half of the Fluck and Law partnership, which produced Spitting Image for many years, this book will catch up with creative spirit Roger Law to investigate life at sixty through the eyes of the puppet master.Roger Law, the evil genius behind the mocking, caricature puppets of Spitting Image – which lampooned Margaret Thatcher, ridiculed the Royal Family and gave birth to 'The Chicken Song' – unburdens his tormented soul and tells the awful truth of how it all came about.The award-winning series ran for eight years, with Law masterminding the corruption and undermining of an entire generation's respect for authority and institutions, and giving voice to such comedic reprobates as Harry Enfield, Pamela Stephenson and Rory Bremner. He subjected the British public to political outrages – to a reception of delight and indignation in equal measure – every Sunday evening from 1984 to 1992.When the satire bubble finally burst, Law found himself too young for retirement, too old to be retrained and without any discernable talent for domesticity or addressing a golf ball. In short, very thoroughly rinsed up.Confronted with 'one day off after another as far as the eye can see,' Law did what some people thought was the only decent thing he could do, possibly had ever done – he transported himself to Australia.STILL SPITTING AT SIXTY is Roger Law's account of his life in retirement down-under, filled with all the lunacy and flare that one would expect from the co-producer and creator of Spitting Image.

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780008325497


Stolen Voices: A sadistic step-father. Two children violated. Their battle for justice
Stolen Voices: A sadistic step-father. Two children violated. Their battle for justice

Автор: Terrie Duckett

He beat them, he abused them, and he tortured them. He broke their dreams. But they came back stronger.‘Terrie and Paul are two of the bravest people I have ever met. I have only shared the briefest glimpse into the true horrors this brother and sister have endured, but I rarely come across cases this bad. After the unspeakable abuse and shocking betrayals, two incredible human beings came through – to inspire us all.’Sara Payne OBE, co-founder of Phoenix SurvivorsTerrie and Paul’s step-father had been living with them for six months when the abuse and grooming began. What started as innocent conversations and goodnight kisses quickly developed into something far darker and depraved.Everyday Terrie was assaulted and abused; her rapes were photographed, filmed and shared. Paul was regularly taunted and mercilessly beaten. But despite the bruises and the scars, and the desperate pleas for help, no one saw their pain.But through it all they stuck together, battling for their childhoods for over a decade and masterminding creative ways to outwit their stepfather and buy themselves fleeting moments of joy.In March 2013, thirty years on, Terrie and Paul made the brave decision to give up their right to anonymity to tell of the years of abuse they endured at the hands of their recently convicted step-father and raise awareness for the ongoing battle for justice for victims of child abuse. A powerful testament of what can be achieved through courage and love, this is their inspiring story.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007532247


Stonehenge: Neolithic Man and the Cosmos
Stonehenge: Neolithic Man and the Cosmos

Автор: John North

‘The clearest and most detailed account of Stonehenge for a generation.’ Mail on SundayJohn North’s extraordinary book finally solves the riddle of Stonehenge.How? By carefully reassessing the archaeological evidence and reconstructing the heavens as they would have appeared thousands of years ago.As well as considering Stonehenge, John North draws evidence from prehistoric remains throughout Britain and northern Europe – the stone circles at Avebury, the White Horse at Uffington, the Long Man of Wilmington in Sussex and the long barrows which are dotted over southern England.He shows how all these pieces fit together to establish the function of the stones themselves and what we can know of the religion that caused them to be erected in the first place.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780008192167


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