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Campesinos, ind?genas y migrantes?
Campesinos, ind?genas y migrantes?

Автор: Julieta Mart?nez Cuero

En este libro se analiza a profundidad el marco de contradicciones que resulta de la articulaci?n-confrontaci?n de diversos modos de producci?n en la regi?n de Los Altos de Chiapas, M?xico. El n?cleo de la investigaci?n se centra en establecer un constante di?logo entre la teor?a y la evidencia emp?rica con el fin de explicar las transformaciones del sector rural, atendiendo cuestiones como: pobreza, marginaci?n, exclusi?n, migraci?n y crisis agr?cola. Todo ello en un entorno de articulaci?n-confrontaci?n entre las econom?as campesinas e ind?genas y la econom?a global.

Исполнители: Вячеслав Душин

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9786077116301


Canaris Abwehrchef unter Hitler
Canaris Abwehrchef unter Hitler

Автор: Walter Brendel

Zu den undurchsichtigsten Figuren der Epoche Hitlers geh?rt sein Geheimdienstchef Admiral Wilhelm Franz Canaris. Wo er politisch stand, blieb im Zwielicht. Wenige f?hrende Pers?nlichkeiten des NS-Regimes sind so faszinierend und zugleich so umstritten wie Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, Hitlers legend?rer Abwehrchef. Die tats?chlichen und die vermeintlichen Erfolge des deutschen Geheimdienstes im Zweiten Weltkrieg lie?en ihn auch im Ausland zum Mythos werden. Nachdem der Fund von Geheimakten des Widerstands das Ausma? der von ihm gedeckten Aktivit?ten gegen das Hitler-Regime offenbart hatte, wurde Canaris noch kurz vor Kriegsende im Konzentrationslager Flossenb?rg hingerichtet. "Ich war kein Vaterlandsverr?ter. Ich habe als Deutscher meine Pflicht getan." Diese letzten Worte sind von Admiral Wilhelm Canaris ?berliefert, bevor man ihn am 9. April 1945 um sechs Uhr morgens im KZ Flossenb?rg zum Galgen f?hrte. Bis heute ranken sich Legenden um diesen Mann, der in Hitlers milit?rischer Hierarchie jahrelang das Vertrauen des «F?hrers» genoss, als Geheimdienstchef brillante Arbeit leistete, halb Europa mit einem dichten Netz von Agenten ?berzog – und doch anscheinend nichts anderes im Sinn hatte, Deutschland von diesem Diktator zu befreien.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783754947340


Cane Nero - Un Racconto Della Justice Security
Cane Nero - Un Racconto Della Justice Security

Автор: T. M. Bilderback

Il libro trae ispirazione dalla famosa canzone dei Led Zeppelin e costituisce la dodicesima storia della Justice Security, venendo subito dopo il libro LE CAMPANE DELL'INFERNO. La storia si apre con Jessica Queen, Percival ”King Louie” Washington e Dexter Beck alle prese con incubi ricorrenti. Terrore, colpi di scena, una trame intricata e la perdita di un altro socio sono gli aspetti salienti di BLACK DOG.. Ispirato dalla famosa canzone dei Led Zeppelin e dodicesima storia della Justice Security, Cane Nero segue gli eventi de Le Campane dell'Inferno. La storia si apre con Jessica Queen, Percival ”King Louie” Washington e Dexter Beck alle prese con incubi ricorrenti. I sogni sono cos? brutti che tutti e tre si consultano con il dottor Caleb Mitchell, lo psichiatra del personale della Justice Security. Caleb scopre un filo conduttore tra tutti gli incubi e prescrive due cose per risolverli: un forte sedativo per aiutare i soci a dormire, e prendere coscienza dei motivi alla radice degli incubi. Pi? facile a dirsi che a farsi. Jessica deve rielaborare con se stessa un caso precedente: il cane geneticamente manipolato della storia MAMMA MI HA DETTO DI NON ANDARE. Malgrado le rassicurazioni dei proprietari dei fratelli del cane demoniaco, Jessica non crede che i cuccioli siano davvero tutti morti. Louie, dal canto suo, deve rielaborare il tradimento della sua ex ragazza, Donna. Dato che Donna era un agente che lavorava per Esteban Fernandez, Louie ormai ha paura di uscire con altre donne. Deve superare le sue paure e convincersi che non tutte le donne tradiscono le persone che dicono di amare. Anche Dexter deve riuscire a superare il dolore della perdita della moglie, e potr? farlo solo scavando a fondo nella sua anima, Nel frattempo, Carly Stewart-Li ? tornata dalla clinica in cui si ? disintossicata e ha fatto una scelta di vita inaspettata: ha rinunciato completamente a Hollywood e ha deciso di diventare un agente in borghese per la Justice Security! Paura, colpi di scena, una trama intricata e la perdita di un altro socio..Cane Nero ti permetter? di conoscere nell'intimo la vita privata di alcuni dei soci della Justice Security!

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9788835424086


Cannabis legal?
Cannabis legal?

Автор: Marc Blizz

Cannabis legal?
Warum ist der Besitz und der Anbau von Cannabis illegal? Stimmen die erhobenen Vorw?rfe oder fusst die Rechtsprechung auf einem Irrtum? In dieser Arbeit wird die als Droge bezeichnete Pflanze n?her betrachtet. Neue Erkenntnisse k?nnten eine neue Zeit einl?uten.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783748565567


Cantos del desterrado ll
Cantos del desterrado ll

Автор: Jos? Vicente Casadiego Le?n

Es la continuaci?n del primer volumen que, para el autor, es uno solo, porque «el escritor est? destinado a escribir durante toda su vida el mismo libro; uno solo con muchas versiones, donde se cuenta –en este caso, mediante el oficio de la poes?a–, una historia». Para el poeta Dar?o S?nchez Carballo: «en Cantos del desterrado II se logra pisar un territorio firme, dando muestra de la existencia, all?, de poes?a. (…) El verbo que revela al hombre frente al universo. Como el canto del que es desterrado e inicia su marcha hacia lo desconocido».

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9789585840782


Care and Capitalism
Care and Capitalism

Автор: Kathleen Lynch

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781509550401


Careers in 21st Century Applied Anthropology. Perspectives from Academics and Practitioners
Careers in 21st Century Applied Anthropology. Perspectives from Academics and Practitioners

Автор: Satish Kedia

The NAPA Bulletin series is dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. NAPA Bulletins are peer reviewed, and are distributed free of charge as a benefit of NAPA membership. The NAPA Bulletin seeks to: facilitate the sharing of information among practitioners, academics, and students be a useful document for practitioners contribute to the professional development of anthropologists seeking practitioner positions support the general interests of practitioners both within and outside the academy

Цена: 3529.51 руб.
ISBN: 9781444306927


Careers in Anthropology. Profiles of Practitioner Anthropologists
Careers in Anthropology. Profiles of Practitioner Anthropologists

Автор: Paula L. W. Sabloff

NAPA Bulletin is a peer reviewed occasional publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. peer reviewed publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods most editions available for course adoption

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781444307160


Casa Tomada
Casa Tomada

Автор: Santiago Vizca?no

En este ensayo, Santiago Vizca?no nos propone entrar en «Casa tomada», el cuento de Julio Cort?zar, «por la parte trasera y por la noche».El autor se ha propuesto huir de la interpretaci?n, para lograr internarse en el relato; o atravesar los m?ltiples intentos hermen?uticos que el cuento ha provocado, para dar con esa casa esencial.Desaf?o especialmente complicado si se asume que el texto del escritor argentino ha sido creado con una estructura perfectamente abierta y, por tanto, dejando a sus lectores en la perpetua duda, en la tentaci?n de buscarle significados. Aqu?, acompa?amos al autor en una intensa experiencia de lectura cuyo devenir, en su entrega total e inevitable, nos dar? herramientas para poder viajar al centro de la creaci?n literaria.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9789978774588



Автор: Gerd Natschinski

Dieses Ebook enth?lt die Notenausgaben bekannter Melodien aus dem Musical Casandra.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783841852458


Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment
Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment

Автор: Craig W. LeCroy

A detailed look at how to apply clinical theories to social work practice Thinking through real-life cases to make connections between theory and practice is a crucial element of social work education. Now in its Second Edition, Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment contains a wide range of cases described in rich detail by practitioners, scholars, and researchers. Chapters represent contexts and approaches across the social work spectrum, so students will get to glimpse into the clinical experience of a full range of professionals. With chapter overviews, case sketches, study questions, and references for further study, this book makes an invaluable reference for social work students. Learning by example is the best way to develop the skill of clinical reasoning. Editors Craig W. LeCroy and Elizabeth K. Anthony—two distinguished scholars in the field of social work—have brought together an impressive roster of contributors who add their unique voices and clinical perspectives into their insightful case descriptions. Organized into five thematic sections, Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment, Second Edition covers the most important areas in social work practice, including: Child welfare and adoption Individual and group treatment School and community settings Family treatment and parent training With the updates in the Second Edition, students will learn the most current lessons in social work practice from a diverse range of scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the field. In contexts ranging from child welfare to homelessness, this book provides the critical thinking skills students need to understand how social work theory applies in clinical environments.

Цена: 5764.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118418970


Case Studies in Social Work Practice
Case Studies in Social Work Practice

Автор: Craig LeCroy W

A practical approach to understanding social work concepts in action that integrates theory and practice In this updated edition of the classic social work text, students and instructors have access to real-world demonstrations of how social work theories and concepts can be applied in practice. The case studies in this book bridge the gap between the classroom and the field by allowing students to discover the when, why, and how of social work principles. Brief but comprehensive topic overviews are brought to life by case studies that apply general theories to the work of social work. Each of the book's nine sections cover an essential area of social work, encompassing the micro, mezzo, and macro levels Highly readable explanations are followed by 3-5 case studies relating theory to the living practice of real social workers Topics include Generalist Practice; Family Therapy, Treatment of Adults; and Diversity Approaching each topic from a variety of different theoretical bases, this essential text allow students to learn by concrete example, experiencing social work concepts as they are applied in the profession today.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781118418994


Casos para la Ense?anza del Derecho
Casos para la Ense?anza del Derecho

Автор: Carlos Frontaura Rivera

El libro presenta diferentes situaciones creadas por diez destacados profesores de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica de Chile y pensadas con diferentes grados de complejidad para contribuir de mejor manera a su objetivo docente. Los casos se tratan bajo un mismo M?todo y se apoyan en gu?­as que facilitan la reflexi?n de los alumnos y sirven de base para dictar contenidos espec?­ficos de cada una de las disciplinas jur?­dicas tratadas. El uso de este texto como apoyo en los cursos de derecho contribuye de manera decisiva en el desarrollo de habilidades cr?­ticas que deben obtener los alumnos de derecho y futuros abogados: pensamiento cr?­tico, trabajo en equipo y resoluci?n de problemas.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9789561426504


Cat Catalog 2022 - Carenina Fashion
Cat Catalog 2022 - Carenina Fashion

Автор: Alina Frey

Der Cat Catalog 2022 befasst sich mit der derzeit g?ngigen Fr?hjahrsmode f?r unsere Samtpfoten. Vorgestellt werden auch Karnevals- und Halloween-Kost?me f?r Spa?v?gel und entz?ckende Hutkreationen aus Naturmaterialien. Die Frage, ob es angebracht ist, sollte jeder f?r sich beantworten – und jetzt viel Vergn?gen…!

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783754177174


Catatumbo resiste cincuenta y tres di as de paro
Catatumbo resiste cincuenta y tres días de paro

Автор: Jairo Hernando Estrada ?lvarez

"El Catatumbo -etimol?gicamente, \'la casa de los truenos\'– es una subregi?n transfronteriza ubicada entre Colombia y Venezuela. Ha sido c?lebre de manera venturosa gracias a la inmortalizaci?n, realizada por las cr?nicas de los tiempos coloniales, de un fen?meno natural maravilloso de tormentas el?ctricas denominado «„el rel?mpago del Catatumbo“». Los bar? lo definieron como «„la concentraci?n de millones de cocuyos“» (luci?rnagas).Fiel a la referencia heredada de este singular paisaje, la cual no solo se revela desde la majestuosidad de la naturaleza, sino que ha sabido, con generosidad, dejar su impronta en la mentalidad de sus pobladores a trav?s de una larga historia de luchas populares, el paro que retumb? desde el Catatumbo entre el 11 de junio y el 4 de agosto del 2013 es, en un caleidoscopio de expresiones desde abajo en tiempos recientes en Colombia, una apuesta por constituir, persistir y resistir, en la que se izan las banderas de la vida digna, las voces nativas de los sujetos y las energ?as inagotables de las v?as plebeyas."

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9789587838640


Cedric Robinson
Cedric Robinson

Автор: Joshua Myers

Cedric Robinson – political theorist, historian, and activist – was one of the greatest black radical thinkers of the twentieth century. In this powerful work, the first major book to tell his story, Joshua Myers shows how Robinson’s work interrogated the foundations of western political thought, modern capitalism, and changing meanings of race. Tracing the course of Robinson’s journey from his early days as an agitator in the 1960s to his publication of such seminal works as Black Marxism , Myers frames Robinson’s mission as aiming to understand and practice opposition to “the terms of order.” In so doing, Robinson excavated the Black Radical tradition as a form of resistance that imagined that life on wholly different terms was possible. In the era of Black Lives Matter, that resistance is as necessary as ever, and Robinson’s contribution only gains in importance. This book is essential reading for anyone wanting to learn more about it.

Цена: 2414.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781509537938


Ceramics for Environmental Systems
Ceramics for Environmental Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

This volume contains a collection of 14 papers submitted from the below five symposia held during the 11th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE-11), June 14-19, 2015 in Vancouver, BC, Canada: Photocatalysts for Energy and Environmental Applications Advanced Functional Materials, Devices, and Systems for the Environment Geopolymers, Inorganic Polymer Ceramics and Sustainable Composites Macroporous Ceramics For Environmental and Energy Applications Advanced Sensors for Energy, Environment, and Health Applications

Цена: 18418.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781119284925


Charles Darwin: Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl
Charles Darwin: Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl

Автор: Charles Darwin

Серия: gelbe Buchreihe

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783754175910


Charles Darwin: Die V?gel und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl
Charles Darwin: Die V?gel und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl

Автор: Carles Darwin

Charles Darwin schreibt in diesem Buch ?ber seine Forschungen ?ber die V?gel und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl: Grunds?tze der geschlechtlichen Zuchtwahl, die Gesetze der Vererbung und die Sekund?re Sexualcharaktere der V?gel, ?ber geschlechtliche Verschiedenheiten. – Gesetz des Kampfes. – Spezielle Waffen. – Stimmorgane. – Instrumentalmusik. – Liebesgeb?rden und T?nze. – Best?ndiger und an die Jahreszeit gebundener Schmuck. – Doppelte und einfache j?hrliche Mauser. – Entfaltung des Schmuckes seitens der M?nnchen. – Rezession: Ich bin immer wieder begeistert von der «Gelben Buchreihe». Die B?nde rei?en einen einfach mit. Inzwischen habe ich ca. 20 B?nde erworben und freue mich immer wieder, wenn ein neues Buch erscheint. oder: S?mtliche von J?rgen Ruszkowski aus Hamburg herausgegebene B?cher sind absolute Highlights. Dieser Band macht da keine Ausnahme. Sehr interessante und abwechslungsreiche Themen aus verschiedenen Zeit-Epochen, die mich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite gefesselt haben! Man kann nur staunen, was der Mann in seinem Ruhestand schon ver?ffentlicht hat. Alle Achtung!

Серия: gelbe Buchreihe

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783754175774


Charles Finch: Ein verst?rter Geist
Charles Finch: Ein verst?rter Geist

Автор: Thomas Riedel

Woodfield, England, 1889:
W?hrend der Suche nach einem vermissten Kind, wird der Arzt Bob Bristow ?ber von der Klippe eines Steilhanges gest?rzt. Als einzig greifbarer Arzt am Ort wird Dr. Finch gerufen, der in Woodfield seinen Urlaub verbringt. Er kann aber nur noch den Tod seines Kollegen feststellen.
Als einer der an der Suche Beteiligen gesteht, Bristow in die Tiefe gest?rzt zu haben, sind alle Anwesenden schockiert. Doch als sich Finch dessen Aussage anh?rt, kommen ihm Zweifel an dessen T?terschaft. In gewohnter Manier sucht er nach den Puzzlesteinen, die ihn auf die Spur des wahren M?rders f?hren …

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783748500001


Chemistry: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Chemistry: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

Автор: Heather Hattori

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119883548


Chern on Dispute Boards
Chern on Dispute Boards

Автор: Cyril Chern

A dispute board is a panel of impartial members, appointed at the outset of the construction contract, whose purpose is to monitor progress, resolve disputes as they arise and provide a forum for discussing difficult matters. This book provides an in depth analysis of dispute board law and detailed, practical explanations of how dispute boards work in construction contracts for those actively involved. as well as for those who need to learn the process. Important features of the book include: Explanation of how a dispute board works: Insider knowledge of board operations: Key documents to run a dispute board: Detailed discussion of dispute board law (covering key jurisdictions worldwide): Forms of practice and procedure, and sample documents Reviews of the previous edition «Chern's book provides an extremely practical guide, covering not only an introduction to the process but also providing check lists and sample documentation.... This book will be welcome by practitioners in the area and newcomers to the dispute board process.» —The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management, November 2009 «This book will provide a very useful, perhaps essential, guide to parties commissioning large capital construction projects, those advising them and those bidding to carry out such works, and importantly, the project funders.» —The Expert & Dispute Resolver «This is a must-have book for grown up contractors» —Tony Bingham, Building «His timely work …concentrating on what may prove to be the primary means of dispute resolution for major international construction projects is to be welcomed.» —HHJ Humphrey Lloyd, QC, The International Construction Law Review «This excellent book on Dispute Boards is a must for every construction lawyer, engineer, architect and contractor who is either involved in Dispute Boards or wants to be» —Herbert Wilson, The Journal of the Dispute Board Federation

Цена: 24191.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781119951988


Cherringham - Landluft kann t?dlich sein, Folge 40: Ein eiskaltes Verbrechen (Ungek?rzt)
Cherringham - Landluft kann t?dlich sein, Folge 40: Ein eiskaltes Verbrechen (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Matthew Costello

Исполнители: Sabina Godec

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783838797885


Child and Family Social Work with Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Child and Family Social Work with Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Автор: Ravi Kohli

A special edition of Child & Family Social Work focusing on the lives and circumstances of refugee and asylum seeking children and families in several countries – Australia, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Predominantly focusing on unaccompanied or separated children who come to these countries without an adult to look after them. But equally importantly, many children are accompanied by adult members who seek asylum, and sometimes achieve their goal of full refugee status. Papers include: The child's or the State's best interests – An examination of the ways immigration officials work with Unaccompanied asylum seeking minors in Norway- Ada Engebrigtsen Asylum, Children's rights and Social Work – Sarah Cemlyn and Linda Briskman How social workers work with African Refugee Children and their families – Toyin Okitikpi and Cathy Amer Promoting psychosocial wellbeing in unaccompanied minors in the United Kingdom – Ravi Kohli and Rosie Mather Unsettling the social in social work: responses to asylum-seeking children in Ireland – Alastair Christie The social services response to unaccompanied children in England – Fiona Mitchell Each paper analyses the strength and weaknesses of the systems and practices in working with Asylum seekers and refugees.

Цена: 4965.38 руб.
ISBN: 9780470693247


Children who Fail to Thrive
Children who Fail to Thrive

Автор: Dorota Iwaniec

Three to five per cent of children fail to thrive. Without early intervention this can lead to serious growth failure and delayed psychomotor development. Such children typically present difficulties with feeding and sleeping, as well as other behavioural problems. Failure to grow can also involve attachment disorders, emotional maltreatment, neglect, and abuse. Dorota Iwaniec has carried out the longest ever study on failure to thrive, following up on 198 clinical cases after a 20-year period. This extensive practical guide includes: numerous checklists and other instruments for use in assessments four chapters on intervention and treatments, with a particular focus on multidisciplinary approaches a comprehensive literature review alongside original research data case studies drawn from the author's lengthy clinical experience This book is essential reading for social workers, health visitors, nurses, pediatricians, psychologists and child care workers.

Цена: 22750.18 руб.
ISBN: 9780470093986


Children s Speech Sound Disorders
Children's Speech Sound Disorders

Автор: Caroline Bowen

Speaking directly to experienced and novice clinicians, educators and students in speech-language pathology/speech and language therapy via an informative essay-based approach, Children’s Speech Sound Disorders provides concise, easy-to-understand explanations of key aspects of the classification, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of articulation disorders, phonological disorders and childhood apraxia of speech. It also includes a range of searching questions to international experts on their work in the child speech field. This new edition of Children’s Speech Sound Disorders is meticulously updated and expanded. It includes new material on Apps, assessing and treating two-year-olds, children acquiring languages other than English and working with multilingual children, communities of practice in communication sciences and disorders, distinguishing delay from disorder, linguistic sciences, counselling and managing difficult behaviour, and the neural underpinnings of and new approaches to treating CAS. This bestselling guide includes: Case vignettes and real-world examples to place topics in context Expert essays by sixty distinguished contributors A companion website for instructors at www.wiley.com/go/bowen/speechlanguagetherapy and a range of supporting materials on the author’s own site at speech-language-therapy.com Drawing on a range of theoretical, research and clinical perspectives and emphasising quality client care and evidence-based practice, Children’s Speech Sound Disorders is a comprehensive collection of clinical nuggets, hands-on strategies, and inspiration.

Цена: 7339.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781118634004


Chile - Suecia 200 a?os de amistad
Chile - Suecia 200 a?os de amistad

Автор: Varios autores

El libro «Chile Suecia 200 a?os de amistad» es una viva expresi?n de 200 a?os de relaciones entre dos pueblos y naciones que est?n muy distantes entre s? y que los une una rica e intensa historia. Dos siglos de v?nculos entre Suecia y Chile, que se iniciaron con los intercambios comerciales, diplom?ticos y de exploradores, quienes cruzando el oc?ano forjaron amistades, crearon familias y fortalecieron esta comunidad. 200 a?os de historias personales y colectivas, civiles y pol?ticas, relatos hist?ricos que nos invitan a conocer m?s de c?mo naci?, se desarroll? y consolid? una profunda amistad entre estos dos pa?ses, destinados, por la geograf?a, a no saber el uno del otro. El esp?ritu explorador de los suecos y el trato c?lido de los chilenos permitieron que se construyera una s?lida amistad, que floreci? con fuerza en los momentos de mayor dolor y congoja. Este texto nos permite aproximarnos a esta maravillosa historia que chilenos y suecos, m?sicos, acad?micos, historiadores, artistas visuales, estudiantes y, por cierto, pol?ticos y embajadores, nos relatan en estas p?ginas y que dan cuenta de estos dos siglos de estrecha y ?nica relaci?n. El libro est? dividido en varias secciones: El Comienzo, en la que se da el marco hist?rico; Crecen las relaciones pol?ticas y culturales (1970-2021); Nuevas Patrias, Voces de la Diplomacia y al final un collage de fotos que muestran las actividades de dos organizaciones que hacen de puente entre las dos culturas.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9789569454028



Автор: Alejandro Envila Fisher

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9786075242002


Chinesische Medizin gegen Krebs
Chinesische Medizin gegen Krebs

Автор: Georg Weidinger

Seit ?ber 2.000 Jahren hat sich die Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM) entwickelt und wird immer mehr in die westliche Medizin integriert. Auch in der Krebsbehandlung spielt sie eine immer gr??ere Rolle. Georg Weidinger, einer der renommiertesten TCM-?rzte im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum, b?ndelt in Chinesische Medizin gegen Krebs (OGTCM Verlag, ET: 21.09.2020) dieses wertwolle Wissen. Immer h?ufiger und umfangreicher binden westliche Mediziner die TCM in ihren Praxisalltag ein. Ihre Wirksamkeit wird durch Studien nach westlichem Standard best?tigt, was vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Krebsforschung sichtbar ist. 2019 hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) die TCM als vollwertige Behandlungsmethode anerkannt.Chinesische Medizin gegen Krebs ist im deutschsprachigen Raum das erste Buch seiner Art, welches das gesammelte Wissen nicht nur ?rzt*innen im Westen zur Verf?gung stellt, sondern allen Menschen, die sich f?r TCM interessieren. Im allgemeinen Teil beleuchtet Weidinger detailliert, aber dennoch leicht verst?ndlich, wie Krebs laut westlichen und chinesischen Vorstellungen entsteht. Au?erdem erkl?rt er, wie man Krebs vermeiden, ihn in Kombination mit westlicher Medizin behandeln kann und was nach einer Therapie zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit hilft. Der spezielle Teil widmet sich der Entstehung und Therapie der 20 h?ufigsten Krebsarten wie Brustkrebs, Prostatakrebs, Dickdarmkrebs und Lungenkrebs. Im Anhang finden Leser wichtige Informationen wie Begriffserkl?rungen, die Zusammenstellungen der verschiedenen Rezepturen von Kr?utermischungen sowie auf fast 60 Seiten Studien- und Literaturverweise. Mit seinem umfassenden Werk setzt Weidinger ein klares Signal f?r eine neue respektvolle Form der Krebstherapie, bei der die W?rde und Ganzheit des einzelnen Menschen im Vordergrund steht.

Цена: 1429.36 руб.
ISBN: 9783904098038


Chirality in Supramolecular Assemblies
Chirality in Supramolecular Assemblies

Автор: Группа авторов

Supramolecular chemistry deals with the organisation of molecules into defined assemblies using non-covalent interactions, including weaker and reversible interactions such as hydrogen bonds, and metal-ligand interactions. The aspect of stereochemistry within such chemical architectures, and in particular chirality, is of special interest as it impacts on considerations of molecular recognition, the development of functional materials, the vexed question of homochirality, nanoscale effects of interactions at interfaces, biocatalysis and enzymatic catalysis, and applications in organic synthesis. Chirality in Supramolecular Assemblies addresses many of these aspects, presenting a broad overview of this important and rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. Topics covered include: Origins of molecular and topological chirality Homochirogenesis Chirality in crystallinity Host-guest behavior Chiral influences in functional materials Chirality in network solids and coordination solids Aspects of chirality at interfaces Chirality in organic assemblies Chirality related to biocatalysis and enzymes in organic synthesis. This book is a valuable reference for researchers in the molecular sciences, materials science and biological science working with chiral supramolecular systems. It provides summaries and special insights by acknowledged international experts in the various fields.

Цена: 15992.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781118867327


Christmas Is Here
Christmas Is Here

Автор: Johan Norberg

This work contains the original sheet music of title «Christmas Is Here» performed by Nils Landgren & Friends

Цена: 393.59 руб.


Churchill - A History (Unabridged)
Churchill - A History (Unabridged)


Исполнители: Synthesized Voice

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781838860585



Автор: Ram?n Cotarelo

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9788415731092



Автор: Группа авторов

Серия: P?blicacultura

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9786078348299


Ciriaco de Urtecho, litigante por amor
Ciriaco de Urtecho, litigante por amor

Автор: Fernando de Trazegnies Granda

En 1782, en una ciudad de los Andes del Virreinato del Per?, un espa?ol pobre inicia un juicio contra un comerciante del lugar para obligarlo a venderle su esclava mulata. El argumento en el que funda su petici?n es notable: «Se da el caso, Su Se?or?a -dice al juez- que ?sta su esclava es mi mujer». Queda as? planteada la contienda judicial que enfrentar? irremisiblemente dos instituciones fundamentales de la sociedad colonial: familia y propiedad.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9789585495685


Cities After Socialism
Cities After Socialism

Автор: Ivan Szelenyi

Cities After Socialism is the first substantial and authoritative analysis of the role of cities in the transition to capitalism that is occurring in the former communist states of Easter Europe and the Soviet Union. It will be of equal value to urban specialists and to those who have a more general interest in the most dramatic socio-political event of the contemporary era – the collapse of state socialism. Written by an international group of leading experts in the field, Cities after socialism asks and answers some crucial questions about the nature of the emergent post-socialist urban system and the conflicts and inequalities which are being generated by the processes of change now occurring.

Цена: 10488.61 руб.
ISBN: 9780470712528


Cities and Society
Cities and Society

Автор: Nancy Kleniewski

This distinctive anthology contains classic and first-rate contemporary writings that have had a major impact on the field of urban studies. The expert and well-known scholars who have written these essays cover central topics that have evolved over the past 25 years. Brings together 20 of the most important classic and contemporary readings on cities and society in one accessible volume Offers an international focus, as well as case studies, all by leading experts in the field Includes an analytical introduction by the editor Provides coverage of current trends, theoretical perspectives, and policy issues Features diverse topics such as space, housing, globalization, the economy, and social inequalities.

Цена: 17447.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781405137331


Cities in Relations
Cities in Relations

Автор: Ola S?derstr?m

Cities in Relations advances a novel way of thinking about urban transformation by focusing on transnational relations in the least developed countries. Examines the last 20 years of urban development in Hanoi, Vietnam, and in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Considers the ways in which a city’s relationships with other places influences its urban development Provides fresh ideas for comparative urban studies that move beyond discussions of economic and policy factors Offers a clear and concise narrative accompanied by more than 45 photos and maps

Цена: 2829.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118632789


Cities of Tomorrow. An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880
Cities of Tomorrow. An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880

Автор: Peter Hall

Peter Hall’s seminal Cities of Tomorrow remains an unrivalled account of the history of planning in theory and practice, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Now comprehensively revised, the fourth edition offers a perceptive, critical, and global history of urban planning and design throughout the twentieth-century and beyond. A revised and updated edition of this classic text from one of the most notable figures in the field of urban planning and design Offers an incisive, insightful, and unrivalled critical history of planning in theory and practice, as well as of the underlying socio-economic challenges and opportunities Comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new research published over the last decade Reviews the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth-century and beyond Draws on global examples throughout, and weaves the author’s own fascinating experiences into the text to illustrate this authoritative story of urban growth

Цена: 6622.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781118456507


Cities, War, and Terrorism
Cities, War, and Terrorism

Автор: Stephen Graham

Cities, War and Terrorism is the first book to look critically at the ways in which warfare, terrorism and counter-terrorism policies intersect in cities in the post Cold-War period. A path-breaking exploration of the intersections of war, terrorism and cities Argues that contemporary cities are the key strategic sites of geopolitical conflict Written by the world’s leading analysts of the intersections of urban space and military and terrorist violence Draws on cutting-edge research from geography, history, architecture, planning, sociology, critical theory, politics, international relations and military studies Provides up-to-date empirical analyses of specific conflicts, including 9/11, the “War on Terrorism”, the Balkan wars, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and urban antiglobalization battles Offers lay readers a sophisticated perspective on the violence that is engulfing our increasingly urbanised world

Цена: 10820 руб.
ISBN: 9780470753026


Ciudad desbordada: asentamientos informales en Santiago de Cali, Colombia
Ciudad desbordada: asentamientos informales en Santiago de Cali, Colombia

Автор: Hernando Uribe Castro

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789588994451


Ciudad y arquitectura de la Rep?blica. Encuadres 1821-2021
Ciudad y arquitectura de la Rep?blica. Encuadres 1821-2021

Автор: Wiley Lude?a

Este libro es una sucesi?n de que se abren para revelar con detalle y profundidad algunos de los fen?menos m?s significativos que lograron transformar la ciudad, el urbanismo y la arquitectura en los doscientos a?os de historia del Per? republicano.

Цена: 2366.48 руб.
ISBN: 9786123176884


Ciudad y fe
Ciudad y fe

Автор: Abraham Gonzalo Paulsen Bilbao

A fines del siglo pasado se inici? una especie de di?spora desde lo geogr?fico hacia otras ?reas disciplinares y, al mismo tiempo, una diversificaci?n de las l?neas de investigaci?n que tradicionalmente abord? la geograf?a. Este libro es un ejemplo de los mencionados esfuerzos de expansi?n del campo de estudio de la disciplina, pese a que la religi?n fue tema de estudio en los inicios de la geograf?a cultural decimon?nica, cuesti?n que se interrumpi? con el advenimiento de la centuria pasada. El siglo XX elev? a la condici?n de santos a una gran cantidad de cat?licos, se crearon nuevas religiones y se internacionalizaron otras, evidencias del vitalismo contempor?neo del hecho religioso. En este contexto, el presente libro analiza la evoluci?n en las regiones metropolitanas chilenas desde una espacialidad unirreligiosa hacia otra plurirreligiosa y aborda la distribuci?n geogr?fica de los once credos m?s relevantes en Chile. Se concluye que, pese a los signos de secularizaci?n imperantes, la clave religiosa sigue siendo un factor relevante en las pr?cticas socioespaciales y cotidianidades de un porcentaje importante de la poblaci?n, y que, pese a todo, los templos siguen participando del paisaje urbano y rural chileno, y se perciben como lejanos los tiempos en los cuales las iglesias alberguen supermercados o discotecas, como acontece en el modelo de secularizaci?n europea.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9789561428300


Ciudadan?as, educaci?n y juventudes
Ciudadan?as, educaci?n y juventudes

Автор: Crist?bal Villalobos

"Ciudadan?as, educaci?n y juventudes. Investigaciones y debates para el Chile del futuro" es un libro que busca recopilar evidencia sobre la construcci?n de la ciudadan?a juvenil en Chile y Am?rica Latina, promover discusiones respecto del rol de la escuela en la formaci?n ciudadana y potenciar el debate sobre los desaf?os econ?micos, sociales, culturales y ambientales que vivimos actualmente y que vivir?n las pr?ximas generaciones en este globalizado mundo. A trav?s de 15 cap?tulos -adem?s de 6 relatos de j?venes de distintos lugares, identidades y organizaciones del pa?s-, el libro busca profundizar en un t?pico poco considerado por el sistema escolar y la investigaci?n social: la relaci?n entre ciudadan?a, escuela y juventudes. En contraste con las visiones que han restringido el tema de la ciudadan?a a discusiones curriculares o a an?lisis normativos de lo que la juventud «debiese ser», el libro se desarrolla desde una definici?n amplia de la(s) ciudadan?a(s) y la(s) juventud(es), considerando como un eje central de trabajo la pluralidad de miradas, enfoques conceptuales, sujetos de investigaci?n y metodolog?as. En t?rminos de su organizaci?n, el libro est? estructurado en tres grandes dimensiones. La primera secci?n se focaliza en las actitudes c?vicas, explorando c?mo actitudes identitarias de las juventudes (como la orientaci?n sexual, los prejuicios de g?nero, la etnicidad o la nacionalidad) impactan en la vida escolar. La segunda secci?n se apunta al conocimiento c?vico, analizando el rol de los profesores en la formaci?n ciudadana, las pol?ticas p?blicas sobre la materia, las brechas de conocimiento ciudadano existentes y los factores familiares y escolares que podr?an potenciar este conocimiento. Finalmente, la tercera secci?n profundiza en las acciones ciudadanas, estudiando las protestas juveniles secundarias, las formas de organizaci?n juvenil escolar, las acciones socioambientales o la percepci?n de los j?venes sobre la participaci?n pol?tica dentro o fuera de la escuela. Concebido como un trabajo colectivo, «Ciudadan?as, educaci?n y juventudes. Investigaciones y debates para el Chile del futuro» re?ne a m?s de 50 investigadores e investigadoras, especializados en ?mbitos tan diversos como el curr?culo escolar, la sociolog?a, la psicolog?a, la historia, las ciencias ambientales o la ciencia pol?tica, para promover un debate intergeneracional y activar discusiones centrales en las pr?ximas d?cadas en el pa?s, en un momento que puede considerarse como clave para el futuro de nuestra sociedad.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9789561428836


Ciudades a pie
Ciudades a pie

Автор: Andrea Tammarazio

Серия: Antropolog?as y procesos educativos

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788416467372


Ciudades de vida y muerte
Ciudades de vida y muerte

Автор: Roberto Brice?o Le?n

Серия: Tr?picos

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788416687299


Civilization and Science. In Conflict or Collaboration
Civilization and Science. In Conflict or Collaboration

Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Цена: 11377.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470717509


Clara en la noche, Muriel en la aurora
Clara en la noche, Muriel en la aurora

Автор: Rodrigo Atria

Clara nocte es el posible nombre cient?fico de una imposible criatura vegetal, la rosa negra. Esta ilusoria utop?a bot?nica es uno de los motivos, simb?licos desde luego, que atraviesan esta brillante novela. Lo notable es c?mo a trav?s del mundo vegetal y sus especies, el autor va urdiendo con agudeza y perspicacia cuestiones pertinentes al urbanismo, a la historia de las ciudades, sus edificios p?blicos, de nuestra vida c?vica, de las ideas y ?pocas, y por qu? no, tambi?n sobre el amor oto?al, las filiaciones, las ilusiones y los hechizos de las sublimes rosas negras. Novela profunda y ligera a la vez.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9789569986772


Classical Archaeology
Classical Archaeology

Автор: Osborne Robin

The fully revised second edition of this successful volume includes updates on the latest archaeological research in all chapters, and two new essays on Greek and Roman art. It retains its unique, paired essay format, as well as key contributions from leading archaeologists and historians of the classical world. Second edition is updated and revised throughout, showcasing the latest research and fresh theoretical approaches in classical archaeology Includes brand new essays on ancient Greek and Roman art in a modern context Designed to encourage critical thinking about the interpretation of ancient material culture and the role of modern perceptions in shaping the study of art and archaeology Features paired essays – one covering the Greek world, the other, the Roman – to stimulate a dialogue not only between the two ancient cultures, but between scholars from different historiographic and methodological traditions Includes maps, chronologies, diagrams, photographs, and short editorial introductions to each chapter

Цена: 5628.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781118255155


Classical Sociological Theory
Classical Sociological Theory

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4415.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119527336


Classical Sociological Theory
Classical Sociological Theory

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4415.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119527381


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