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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Weniger Verbote! Mehr Genuss
Weniger Verbote! Mehr Genuss

Àâòîð: David Signer

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783942989497


Wenn der Acker brennt
Wenn der Acker brennt

Àâòîð: Brigitte Marker

Ñåðèÿ: Landkrimi

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783863582821


Wenn der Omega-Wolf erwacht
Wenn der Omega-Wolf erwacht

Àâòîð: N.J. Lysk

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783960892144


Wenn Futter krank macht
Wenn Futter krank macht

Àâòîð: Dr. Martin Bucksch

Ñåðèÿ: Ern?hrung und Gesundheit

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783840460616


Wer ist der Richtige?
Wer ist der Richtige?

Àâòîð: Mara Trevek

"Es gibt viele nette M?nner", sagt Carlotta und ihre beste Freundin Rebecca ist ganz ihrer Meinung. Da w?ren zum Beispiel J?r?me Bertaud, Deutschlehrer an einem Gymnasium in Metz, wo Becky ein Jahr als Fremdsprachenassistentin verbringt, oder Timo, Beckys Verflossener, der zerknirscht auf eine zweite Chance hofft. Nicht zu vergessen Carlottas Br?der: der charmante Peer, auf den die Frauen fliegen, Rasmus, der sensible K?nstler, und Thorben, Volont?r bei einer Tageszeitung. Ja, es gibt viele nette M?nner, denen Becky alles andere als gleichg?ltig ist. Doch wer ist der Richtige f?r sie?

Öåíà: 146.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783847616245


Wer zuletzt lacht, denkt zu langsam - Heute schon antworten, was Ihnen morgen erst einf?llt
Wer zuletzt lacht, denkt zu langsam - Heute schon antworten, was Ihnen morgen erst einf?llt

Àâòîð: Sascha Korf

Wer zuletzt lacht, denkt zu langsam Heute schon antworten, was Ihnen morgen erst einf?llt gelesen von Sascha Korf In der Disco. Ein abwegig aussehender Mensch steuert Sie an. Sein unorigineller Opener: «Naaaa! Auch hier?» Ihnen f?llt dazu nichts ein? Sagen Sie doch: «Nein, bin ich nicht. Ich bin nur ein Hologramm und komme vom Planeten Manga 8. Wir studieren das seltsame Anmachverhalten der menschlichen Rasse. Du hast es gerade auf Platz eins geschafft.» Vom Flirtdesaster ?bers Vorstellungsgespr?ch bis zum Arztbesuch: Sascha Korfs Geheimtipps machen Sie spontan!

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Sascha Korf

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838766416


Werde ich wirklich gerne alt? - Gedanken zum Altern
Werde ich wirklich gerne alt? - Gedanken zum Altern

Àâòîð: J?rgen Ruszkowski

Ñåðèÿ: gelbe Buchreihe bei J?rgen Ruszkowski

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738087864


Werden wir auf dem Mars leben?
Werden wir auf dem Mars leben?

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Ob wir bald auf dem Mars leben werden, ist es eine der Zukunftsfragen, die die Menschheit seit Jahrzehnten besch?ftigt. Bei Weitem nicht die einzige: Vielleicht werden uns Roboter schon bald s?mtliche Arbeit im Haushalt abnehmen? Was werden wir dann in unserer Freizeit tun? Und f?hrt diese Entwicklung nicht auch zum Verlust unserer Arbeitspl?tze? Wenn dem so ist, wie wird unsere Gesellschaft darauf reagieren? Werden wir in einer demokratischen, gerechten und friedlichen Gesellschaft leben? Werden durch den Klimawandel g?nzlich neue Herausforderungen auf uns zukommen? Vielleicht gelingt es uns, alle Krankheiten zu kurieren und ewig zu leben? Diese und andere Fragen ?ber unseren Alltag, unsere Gesellschaft und Umwelt werden von prominenten WissenschaftlerInnen beantwortet. Ausgehend von ihren jeweiligen Forschungsperspektiven geben sie Einblicke in die Welt von morgen.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783710602368


What is Medieval History?
What is Medieval History?

Àâòîð: John H. Arnold

Since its first publication in 2007, John H. Arnold’s What is Medieval History? has established itself as the leading introduction to the craft of the medieval historian. 

What is it that medieval historians do? How – and why – do they do it? Arnold discusses the creation of medieval history as a field, the nature of its sources, the intellectual tools used by medievalists, and some key areas of thematic importance from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Reformation. The fascinating case studies include a magical plot against a medieval pope, a fourteenth-century insurrection, and the importance of a kiss exchanged between two tenth-century noblemen. Throughout the book, readers are shown not only what medieval history is, but the cultural and political contexts in which it has been written. 

This anticipated second edition includes further exploration of the interdisciplinary techniques that can aid medieval historians, such as dialogue with scientists and archaeologists, and addresses some of the challenges – both medieval and modern – of the idea of a ‘global middle ages’. 

What is Medieval History? continues to demonstrate why the pursuit of medieval history is important not only to the present, but to the future. It is an invaluable guide for students, teachers, researchers and interested general readers.

Öåíà: 2142.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509532582


What is Sexual Capital?
What is Sexual Capital?

Àâòîð: Eva Illouz

This book does to sex what other sociologists did to culture: it shows that sex, no longer defined by religion, now plays a role in the economy and can yield tangible benefits in the realms of money, status, and occupation. How do people accumulate sexual capital, and what are the returns for investing money, time, knowledge, and energy in establishing and enhancing our sexual selves? Dana Kaplan and Eva Illouz disentangle the current cultural politics of heterosexual life, arguing that sex – that messy amalgam of sexual affects and experiences – has increasingly assumed an economic character. Some may opt for plastic surgery to beautify their face or body, while others may consume popular sex advice or attend seduction classes. Beyond particular practices such as these, the authors trace an emerging form of “neoliberal” sexual capital, which is the ability to glean self-appreciation from sexual encounters and to use this self-value to foster employability, as exemplified by Silicon Valley sex parties. This highly original book will appeal to students and scholars in sociology, anthropology, gender studies, and cultural studies and to anyone interested in the nature of sex and how it is changing today.

Öåíà: 1337.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509552337


What You Can Learn From 10,000 Ants
What You Can Learn From 10,000 Ants

Àâòîð: Peter Miller

Collins Shorts – insight in an instant.The swarm behaviour of ant colonies has inspired computer programs for streamlining factory processes, telephone networks, and truck routes – find out how in this enlightening short that introduces a new take on the concept of collective intelligence and how it can be used to solve some of our most complex problems in business, science and technology.Collins Shorts are a fresh look at the ebook short, with the emphasis on vibrant design, animated content and expert authors who can provide accessible insight. They satisfy your thirst for knowledge without the need for time commitment.This ebook will work on all e-readers but delivers its full punch on devices that support colour and animation. Please note the extent is between 20 to 40 pages, depending on your settings.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007506859


What s Wrong with the World
What's Wrong with the World

Àâòîð: G. K. Chesterton

What's Wrong with the World by Gilbert Keith Chesterton libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742916594


When I m 1964
When I'm 1964

Àâòîð: Karl Bruckmaier

Öåíà: 146.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783867744072


Whipping girl
Whipping girl

Àâòîð: Julia Serano

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788412128550


Whiteness in America
Whiteness in America

Àâòîð: Monica McDermott

When Americans think about race, “white” is often the furthest thing from their minds. Yet whiteness colors so much of social life in the United States, from the organization and maintenance of social structures to an individual’s sense of self. 

White has long been the invisible default category against which other racial and ethnic groups are silently compared and marked out as “different.” At the same time, whiteness is itself an active marker that many bitterly fight to keep distinctive, and the shifting boundaries of whiteness reflect the nation’s history of race relations, right back to the earliest period of European colonization. One thing that has remained consistent is that whiteness is a definitive mark of privilege. Yet, this privilege is differentially experienced across a broad and eclectic spectrum, as is white identity itself. In order to uncover the ways in which its rigid structures and complicated understandings permeate American life, this book examines some of the many varieties of what it means to be white – across geography, class, and social context – and the culture, social movements, and changing demographics of whiteness in America.

Öåíà: 2142.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509531189


Who Owns You? Science, Innovation, and the Gene Patent Wars
Who Owns You? Science, Innovation, and the Gene Patent Wars

Àâòîð: David Koepsell

The 2nd Edition of Who Owns You, David Koepsell’s widely acclaimed exploration of the philosophical and legal problems of patenting human genes, is updated to reflect the most recent changes to the cultural and legal climate relating to the practice of gene patenting. Lays bare the theoretical assumptions that underpin the injustice of patents on unmodified genes Makes a unique argument for a commons-by-necessity, explaining how parts of the universe are simply not susceptible to monopoly claims Represents the only work that attempts to first define the nature of the genetic objects involved before any ethical conclusions are reached Provides the most comprehensive accounting of the various lawsuits, legislative changes, and the public debate surrounding AMP v. Myriad, the most significant case regarding gene patents

Öåíà: 4081.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118948491


Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century
Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century

Àâòîð: Mark Leonard

Those who believe Europe to be weak and ineffectual are wrong. Turning conventional wisdom on its head Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century sets out a vision for a century in which Europe will dominate, not America. This is the book that will make your mind up about Europe.Those who believe Europe is weak and ineffectual are wrong. Turning conventional wisdom on its head, Mark Leonard, one of the UK's most visionary thinkers, argues that Europe is remaking the world in its own image.Europe only looks dead because it is seen through American eyes. But America's reach is shallow and narrow. It can bribe, bully or impose its will anywhere in the world, but when its back is turned its potency wanes. Europe's reach is broad and deep, spreading its values from Albania to Zambia. It brings other countries into its orbit rather than defining itself against them, and once countries come under the influence of its laws and customs they are changed for ever.This book sets up a challenge: to regard Europe not as a tangle of bureaucracy and regulation, but as a revolutionary model for the future. We cannot afford to forget that Europe was founded to protect us against war and that it is now key to the spread of democracy. ‘Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century’ addresses Europe's place in the world, looks to the past and the future and argues, provocatively, that it can and will shape a new and better world order.

Öåíà: 439.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007398393


Why Feminism?
Why Feminism?

Àâòîð: Lynne Segal

This major new book explores the peculiar place of feminism in contemporary culture.

Öåíà: 7727 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781509503650


Why Men Don’t Iron: The New Reality of Gender Differences
Why Men Don’t Iron: The New Reality of Gender Differences

Àâòîð: Anne Moir

Why Men Don’t Iron is an eye-opening, mind-blowing book on how the major sex differences in our brains impact on our daily lives and behaviour.Men are not women and yet for the last decade have been told to get in touch with the feminine side of their nature. Men have in fact been told to connect to parts of their brain that do not exist. So what are the essential, unique qualities of men?In a time when the debate on the ‘feminisation of education’ and the nanny state, ‘the feminisation of the state’, is just beginning, this book is timely and highly controversial.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007468911


Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others
Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others

Àâòîð: James Gilligan

Politicians and the political process, even in ostensibly democratic countries, can be deadly. James Gilligan has discovered a devastating truth that has been «hiding in plain sight» for the past century – namely, that when America's conservative party, the Republicans, have gained the presidency, the country has repeatedly suffered from epidemics of violent death. Rates of both suicide and homicide have sky-rocketed. The reasons are all too obvious: rates of every form of social and economic distress, inequality and loss – unemployment, recessions, poverty, bankruptcy, homelessness also ballooned to epidemic proportions. When that has happened, those in the population who were most vulnerable have «snapped», with tragic consequences for everyone. These epidemics of lethal violence have then remained at epidemic levels until the more liberal party, the Democrats, regained the White House and dramatically reduced the amount of deadly violence by diminishing the magnitude of the economic distress that had been causing it. This pattern has been documented since 1900, when the US government first began compiling vital statistics on a yearly basis, and yet it has not been noticed by anyone until now except with regard to suicide in the UK and Australia, where a similar pattern has been described. This book is a path-breaking account of a phenomenon that has implications for every country that presumes to call itself democratic, civilized and humane, and for all those citizens, voters and political thinkers who would like to help their country move in that direction.

Öåíà: 7174.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745676227


Wie macht man ein Ebook mit OpenSource Werkzeugen
Wie macht man ein Ebook mit OpenSource Werkzeugen

Àâòîð: Alfred Sabitzer

In diesem Sachbuch werden die Schritte zur Erzeugung eines Ebooks erkl?rt. Es dient als Hilfe und Anleitung f?r Menschen, die ihr erstes Ebook ver?ffentlichen m?chten. Es werden dabei nur die technischen Schritte und Abl?ufe erkl?rt. Inhalt/Form/Gestaltungstipps sucht man in diesem Buch vergeblich, daf?r hilft es einem die technischen H?rden wie Validierung, Formatierung, Konvertierung usw. zu meistern.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783753198057


Wie man eine Wahl gewinnt
Wie man eine Wahl gewinnt

Àâòîð: Quintus Tullius Cicero

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783942989503


Wie Sie gl?cklich sterben
Wie Sie gl?cklich sterben

Àâòîð: Alessandro Dallmann

Sterben muss jeder, es fragt sich nur wie. Der eine wird schlagartig aus allem herausgerissen, ein anderer qu?lt sich, ohne dass ein Ende abzusehen w?re. Nicht von jedem l?sst es sich behaupten, dass er seinen Frieden wohl gefunden h?tte, wenn auf Erden nichts mehr geht. Wie wollen Sie sterben – am liebsten gar nicht, m?glichst schnell oder in der Erkenntnis, dass es Ihnen an kaum etwas gemangelt hat? Das Bewusstsein, ein erf?lltes Leben hinter sich gebracht zu haben, befreit von den Schrecken des Todes. Er muss Sie nicht zwangsl?ufig von Ihren Leiden erl?sen, Sie k?nnen auch ganz gel?st eintreten in ein anderes Reich, dessen Zugang den Menschen verwehrt ist. Sie machen sich ihre eigenen Vorstellungen davon und nehmen sich vor, diese Reise mit dem daf?r geeigneten Gep?ck anzutreten. Es besteht aus dem n?tigen R?stzeug, nicht l?nger beladen mit Schuld, im Idealfall v?llig offen f?r eine ?berirdische Erfahrung und hoffentlich nicht in der bitteren Einsicht, etwas ganz Entscheidendes vers?umt zu haben. Das w?re fatal, denn nachzuholen ist es nicht mehr. Also sorgen Sie besser daf?r, dass andere eines Tages ?ber Sie sagen k?nnen: Damit nehmen wir Abschied von einem erlebnisreichen Dasein.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783741855306



Àâòîð: Martin Selle

Eine schrittweise Anleitung von der ersten Idee bis zum fertigen Manuskript. Schreiben ist erlernbares Handwerk, nicht Talent. Das Praxis-Handbuch vermittelt die Meistertechniken, Erfolgsformeln und Insidergeheimnisse der Bestsellerautoren, wie es diese bisher so nicht ?bersichtlich zusammengestellt gab. Das Buch ist inhaltlich und sprachlich bewusst einfach verst?ndlich abgefasst. Es f?hrt Einsteiger wie Fortgeschrittene behutsam durch den kreativen Prozess des Buchschreibens. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht n?tig.

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738042795


Wie Transfer gelingt (E-Book)
Wie Transfer gelingt (E-Book)

Àâòîð: Andreas Schubiger

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Andreas Schubiger beschreibt den gelungenen Transfer von der Theorie in die Praxis und praxiserprobten M?glichkeiten einer transferorientierten Didaktik und Methodik. Er baut auf einer mehr als dreissigj?hrigen Erfahrung als Ausbildner sowie Ausbildner von Ausbildenden der verschiedensten Stufen auf. Das Buch richtet sich an Ausbildnerinnen und Ausbildner sowie Bildungsverantwortliche aller Bildungsstufen und aller Lernorte. – An alle, die eigene Vors?tze in Handeln umsetzen m?chten.

Öåíà: 2859.71 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783035513639


Wiener Kannibalen
Wiener Kannibalen

Àâòîð: S. A. Baker

Wien im Winter des Jahres 1870. Der Grei?ler Heinrich Volta, beschlie?t seinem langweiligen Dasein ein Ende zu bereiten. Er inseriert in der Zeitung und fordert fremde Menschen auf, ihm ihre pers?nliche Geschichte zu erz?hlen.
Was zu Beginn recht harmlos erscheint entwickelt sich mit der Zeit in eine morbid spannende Reise durch das Wien des 19. Jahrhunderts die f?r Heinrich und seine Freunde zu einem t?dlichen Wettlauf gegen die Zeit wird.

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783710347788



Àâòîð: Holger Vornholt

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868529722


Will & Patrick: Endlose Flitterwochen
Will & Patrick: Endlose Flitterwochen

Àâòîð: Leta Blake

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783960892748


Windows 10 Update - Herbst 2017
Windows 10 Update - Herbst 2017

Àâòîð: Wolfram Gieseke

Im Oktober 2017 legte Microsoft das neueste Feature-Update f?r Windows 10 vor. Auch das Fall Creators Update bringt wieder zahlreiche neue und ver?nderte Funktionen.
Dieses Buch f?hrt Sie durch die neuen Funktionen, ver?nderten Einstellungen und versteckten Neuerungen. Neben den gro?en Themen wie dem Schutz vor Erpressungstrojanern, dem Verbinden Ihres Smartphones mit Windows, besserer Unterst?tzung f?r PDFs und eBooks oder neuen Edge-Funktionen werden auch kleine, aber feine Details wie Optimierungen bei Windows-Updates, Exploit-Schutz, verbesserte Speicherbereinigung, Videooptimierung, die flexiblere Lautst?rkeregelung, ein neuer OneDrive-Modus oder variable Schriften ausf?hrlich behandelt.
So verpassen Sie keine der ?nderungen und k?nnen alle neuen Funktionen gewinnbringend f?r sich nutzen.
Aus dem Inhalt: – Dateien vor Erpressungstrojanern sch?tzen – Ungenutzen Speicher besser freigeben – Wichtige Kontakte direkt in der Taskleiste – Windows 10 mit dem Smartphone verbinden – OneDrive nur nach Bedarf synchronisieren – Windows Update-Dienste optimieren – Emojis jederzeit & ?berall einf?gen – Webseiten und Dokumente vorlesen lassen – PDFs und eBooks im Edge-Browser – Variable Schriften verwenden – Standardprogramme komfortabel einstellen – Den Exploit-Schutz konfigurieren – Das Linux-Subsystem f?r Windows 10 – u.v.m.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742771643


Windows 11 All-in-One For Dummies
Windows 11 All-in-One For Dummies

Àâòîð: Ciprian Adrian Rusen

Get more out of your Windows 11 computer with easy-to-follow advice Powering 75% of the PCs on the planet, Microsoft Windows is capable of extraordinary things. And you don’t need to be a computer scientist to explore the nooks and crannies of the operating system! With  Windows 11 All-in-One For Dumm ies, anyone can discover how to dig into Microsoft’s ubiquitous operating system and get the most out of the latest version. From securing and protecting your most personal information to socializing and sharing on social media platforms and making your Windows PC your own through personalization, this book offers step-by-step instructions to unlocking Windows 11’s most useful secrets.  With handy info from 10 books included in the beginner-to-advanced learning path contained within, this guide walks you through how to:  Install, set up, and customize your Windows 11 PC in a way that makes sense just for you Use the built-in apps, or download your own, to power some of Windows 11’s most useful features Navigate the Windows 11 system settings to keep your system running smoothly Perfect for anyone who’s looked at their Windows PC and wondered, “I wonder what else it can do?”,  Windows 11 All-in-One For Dummies  delivers all the tweaks, tips, and troubleshooting tricks you’ll need to make your Windows 11 PC do more than you ever thought possible.

Öåíà: 3373.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119858713


Windst?rke 13!
Windst?rke 13!

Àâòîð: Stefan Kr?cken

Ñåðèÿ: Ankerherz Stories

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783958982024



Àâòîð: Julia Deck

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783803141927


Wir bauen eine Mittelalterk?che
Wir bauen eine Mittelalterk?che

Àâòîð: Roswitha Gladel

Informationen ?ber das Leben im Mittelalter. Bau einer K?che aus dem Mittelalter im Ma?stabe 1 : 12. Viele ausf?hrliche Bastelanleitungen mit Bildern. Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen wie Modellieren, Herstellung von Bruchsteinmauerwerk, Ziegelmauren, M?beln, Lebensmitteln, Herd mit Drehspie?. Arbeiten mit Pappe, Modelliermasse, Pappmaschee und Filzwolle. Genaue und detaillierte Anleitungen mit Bildern. Viele Anregungen f?r weiterf?hrende Projekte. Mit Schablonen.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783737513579


Wir schaffen das - aber so nicht
Wir schaffen das - aber so nicht

Àâòîð: Gerd Pfitzenmaier

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783946390145


WIR. Heimat - Land - Jugendkultur
WIR. Heimat - Land - Jugendkultur

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

"Heimat" ist wieder angesagt – vor allem in l?ndlichen Regionen hat der Wunsch nach Entschleunigung und Wieder?berschaubarkeit der Lebensumwelt Konjunktur: das Dorf als Hort der Sicherheit und Ruhepol inmitten einer sich global immer schneller ver?ndernden Welt. Doch die Prozesse der Individualisierung und Enttraditionalisierung pr?gen l?ngst auch die Lebenswirklichkeiten auf dem Lande. Insofern werden sich Gemeinden f?r die Vorstellungen und Bed?rfnisse der Jugendlichen ?ffnen m?ssen sowie deren Orientierungsmuster und lebensweltliche Praktiken ber?cksichtigen, wollen sie nicht zur jugendfreien Zone werden. Das Projekt «WIR. Heimat – Land – Jugendkultur» erforschte gemeinsam mit einem bunten Strau? aus quantitativen und qualitativen Befragungen, Workshops, Fachtagungen und journalistischen Erkundungen die Lebensperspektiven von Jugendlichen in l?ndlichen Regionen Deutschlands. Denn nachhaltige Ver?nderungen lassen sich heute nur noch erzielen, wenn die Menschen selbst aktiv mitwirken (d?rfen). Das gilt nicht nur f?r Gro?bauprojekte, sondern auch f?r Jugendliche. Identifikation – mit der Schule, dem Jugendhaus, der Gemeinde – entsteht letztlich durch Teilhabe und die Erfahrung von Respekt. Damit das Dorf bleibt, muss es sich wandeln.

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783948675547


Wissenschaft als Beruf. Politik als Beruf
Wissenschaft als Beruf. Politik als Beruf

Àâòîð: Max Weber

Die beiden gro?en Reden Webers ?ber Berufsethik sind gerade heute wieder aktuell.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783934616639


Wo das Meer beginnt
Wo das Meer beginnt

Àâòîð: Bodo Kirchhoff

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783627021153


Wohlstand, Demokratie und weiter?
Wohlstand, Demokratie und weiter?

Àâòîð: Robert Kiauka

Ist direkte Demokratie angesichts komplexer Problematiken ein Luxus, der zurzeit zu gef?hrlich w?re, wie nicht zuletzt der Brexit gezeigt hat? Oder sind es gerade Demokratiedefizite, die Probleme anheizen? Und wie steht es ?berhaupt um die Zukunft der Demokratie? Gelingt es, genug Wachstum als einen Pfeiler zur Sicherung dieser zu erzielen? Oder st??t Wachstum aufgrund begrenzter Ressourcen jetzt doch an seine Grenzen? Und welche Rolle spielt die Pkw-Maut dabei? Das Buch beleuchtet Zusammenh?nge, hinterfragt die herrschenden Zust?nde mit der dazu notwendigen Portion Respektlosigkeit und bietet unkonventionelle L?sungsans?tze.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742791689


Women and Media
Women and Media

Àâòîð: Karen Ross

Women and Media is a thoughtful cross-cultural examination of the ways in which women have worked inside and outside mainstream media organizations since the 1970s. Rooted in a series of interviews with women media workers and activists collected specifically for this book, the text provides an original insight into women’s experiences. Explains the ways that women have organized their internal and external campaigns to improve media content (or working conditions) for women, and established womenowned media to gain a public voice. Identifies key issues and developments in feminist media critiques and interventions over the last 30 years, as these relate to production, representation and consumption. Functions as both a research case study and a teaching text.

Öåíà: 14796.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781405153164


Women s Human Rights
Women's Human Rights

Àâòîð: Niamh Reilly

Women's Human Rights: Seeking Gender Justice in a Globalising Age explores the emergence of transnational, UN-oriented, feminist advocacy for womens human rights, especially over the past three decades. It identifies the main feminist influences that have shaped the movement liberal, radical, third world and cosmopolitan and exposes how the Western, legalist, state-centric, and liberal biases of mainstream human rights discourse impede the realisation of human rights in womens lives everywhere. The book traces the evolution of the womens human rights movement through an examination of its key issues, debates, and practical interventions in international law and policy arenas. This includes efforts to: Develop global gender equality norms via the UN Womens Convention Frame violence against women as a human rights issue Address gender-based crimes in conflict situations, include women in conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction, and challenge new forms of militarism Highlight the gendered human rights dimensions of widening inequalities in a context of neo-liberal globalisation Develop human rights responses to anti-feminist fundamentalist movements with a focus on reproductive and sexual rights Ultimately, Women's Human Rights reaffirms a commitment to critically reinterpreted universal human rights principles and demonstrates the vital role that bottom-up, transnational movements play in making them a reality in women's lives.

Öåíà: 7727 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745673677


Words of the World
Words of the World

Àâòîð: Abram De Swaan

This bold and accessible study of human languages and communication explores issues which are at the forefront of today's globalized society. The human species is divided into more than five thousand language groups that do not understand each other. And yet these groups constitute one coherent world language system, connected by multilingual speakers in a surprisingly powerful way. The chances of a language thriving depend on its position in the system. There are thousands of small, peripheral languages, each connected to one of a hundred central languages. The entire system is held together by one global language: English. A language is a ‘hypercollective' good: the more speakers it has, the higher its communication value for each one of them. Thus, when people think that a language is gaining new speakers, that in itself is a reason for them to want to learn it too. That is why, in an age of globalization, only a few languages remain for transnational communication and these often prevail even in national societies. This important book discusses a number of specific constellations in detail: India, Indonesia, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa and the European Union. De Swaan concludes by providing a sober but illuminating view of language policy in multilingual societies. This book will be essential reading for those studying sociology, communication studies and linguistics.

Öåíà: 8831.64 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745676982


Work s Intimacy
Work's Intimacy

Àâòîð: Melissa Gregg

This book provides a long-overdue account of online technology and its impact on the work and lifestyles of professional employees. It moves between the offices and homes of workers in the knew «knowledge» economy to provide intimate insight into the personal, family, and wider social tensions emerging in today’s rapidly changing work environment. Drawing on her extensive research, Gregg shows that new media technologies encourage and exacerbate an older tendency among salaried professionals to put work at the heart of daily concerns, often at the expense of other sources of intimacy and fulfillment. New media technologies from mobile phones to laptops and tablet computers, have been marketed as devices that give us the freedom to work where we want, when we want, but little attention has been paid to the consequences of this shift, which has seen work move out of the office and into caf?s, trains, living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. This professional «presence bleed» leads to work concerns impinging on the personal lives of employees in new and unforseen ways. This groundbreaking book explores how aspiring and established professionals each try to cope with the unprecedented intimacy of technologically-mediated work, and how its seductions seem poised to triumph over the few remaining relationships that may stand in its way.

Öåíà: 6753.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745672915


Work s Intimacy
Work's Intimacy

Àâòîð: Melissa Gregg

This book provides a long-overdue account of online technology and its impact on the work and lifestyles of professional employees. It moves between the offices and homes of workers in the knew «knowledge» economy to provide intimate insight into the personal, family, and wider social tensions emerging in today’s rapidly changing work environment. Drawing on her extensive research, Gregg shows that new media technologies encourage and exacerbate an older tendency among salaried professionals to put work at the heart of daily concerns, often at the expense of other sources of intimacy and fulfillment. New media technologies from mobile phones to laptops and tablet computers, have been marketed as devices that give us the freedom to work where we want, when we want, but little attention has been paid to the consequences of this shift, which has seen work move out of the office and into caf?s, trains, living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. This professional «presence bleed» leads to work concerns impinging on the personal lives of employees in new and unforseen ways. This groundbreaking book explores how aspiring and established professionals each try to cope with the unprecedented intimacy of technologically-mediated work, and how its seductions seem poised to triumph over the few remaining relationships that may stand in its way.

Öåíà: 7174.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745672915


Working Lives. Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007
Working Lives. Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007

Àâòîð: Linda McDowell

Full of unique and compelling insights into the working lives of migrant women in the UK, this book draws on more than two decades of in-depth research to explore the changing nature of women’s employment in post-war Britain. A first-rate example of theoretically located empirical analysis of labour market change in contemporary Britain Includes compelling case studies that combine historical documentation of social change with fascinating first-hand accounts of women’s working lives over decades Integrates information gleaned from more than two decades of in-depth research Revealing comparative analysis of the similarities and differences in the lives of immigrant working women in post-war Britain Features real-life accounts of women’s under-reported experiences of migration

Öåíà: 10267.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118349250


Working Lives. Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007
Working Lives. Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007

Àâòîð: Linda McDowell

Full of unique and compelling insights into the working lives of migrant women in the UK, this book draws on more than two decades of in-depth research to explore the changing nature of women’s employment in post-war Britain. A first-rate example of theoretically located empirical analysis of labour market change in contemporary Britain Includes compelling case studies that combine historical documentation of social change with fascinating first-hand accounts of women’s working lives over decades Integrates information gleaned from more than two decades of in-depth research Revealing comparative analysis of the similarities and differences in the lives of immigrant working women in post-war Britain Features real-life accounts of women’s under-reported experiences of migration

Öåíà: 9664.21 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118349250


World at Risk
World at Risk

Àâòîð: Ulrich Beck

Twenty years ago Ulrich Beck published Risk Society, a book that called our attention to the dangers of environmental catastrophes and changed the way we think about contemporary societies. During the last two decades, the dangers highlighted by Beck have taken on new forms and assumed ever greater significance. Terrorism has shifted to a global arena, financial crises have produced worldwide consequences that are difficult to control and politicians have been forced to accept that climate change is not idle speculation. In short, we have come to see that today we live in a world at risk. A new feature of our world risk society is that risk is produced for political gain. This political use of risk means that fear creeps into modern life. A need for security encroaches on our liberty and our view of equality. However, Beck is anything but an alarmist and believes that the anticipation of catastrophe can fundamentally change global politics. We have the opportunity today to reconfigure power in terms of what Beck calls a 'cosmopolitan material politics’. World at Risk is a timely and far-reaching analysis of the structural dynamics of the modern world, the global nature of risk and the future of global politics by one of the most original and exciting social thinkers writing today.

Öåíà: 7727 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745681603


Worlds of Talk
Worlds of Talk

Àâòîð: Martin Malone

This book is about how we present our selves in everyday talk and interaction. Selves and conversations are skilful accomplishments requiring trust, dependency, and co-ordination. They are produced by multiple partners co-operating in the production of social events. The self is a 'performed character' – a 'dramatic effect' in Goffman's terms – which results from shaping our behavior to create a desired impression. Talk is both the means and the product of such events. Selves live in worlds that talk creates. Using the methods of conversation analysis, this book seeks to discover how selves are created and transformed in everyday talk. It examines how pronouns are used to create interactional boundaries, the strategic manipulation of interactional support, talk in dealing with conflict, and stylistic differences associated with gender. Theoretical discussion is combined with fine-grained analysis of ordinary conversations. The book will be of particular interest to students and professionals in sociology, social psychology, sociolinguistics and communication studies.

Öåíà: 7174.67 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745677682


Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War: Some Perspectives
Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War: Some Perspectives

Àâòîð: United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War: Some Perspectives by United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742906359


Wovon tr?umst du? - Howard-Caspar-Reihe, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)
Wovon tr?umst du? - Howard-Caspar-Reihe, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Andrew Holland

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Martin Kuupa

Öåíà: 1474.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 4251888720818


Wurde Udo Ulfkotte ermordet?
Wurde Udo Ulfkotte ermordet?

Àâòîð: David Hofmann

Wurde Udo Ulfkotte ermordet? Fakten und Hintergr?nde zu seinem Tod

Der bekannte Autor Udo Ulfkotte starb am 13. Januar 2017 pl?tzlich durch einen Herzinfarkt. Zuvor wurde er massiv wegen seiner aktuellen Recherchen unter Druck gesetzt. Im Internet wird eine brisante Frage gestellt: Ist er wirklich an einem nat?rlichen Tod gestorben oder wurde er ermordet?

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742799258


Xenophobia, radicalism and hate crime in Europe 2015
Xenophobia, radicalism and hate crime in Europe 2015

Àâòîð: Êîëëåêòèâ àâòîðîâ

The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and Ukraine, as countries who play a significant role in political and economic processes in Europe.

Öåíà: 109 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-00058-460-6


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