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Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong – and the New Research That’s Rewriting The Story
Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong – and the New Research That’s Rewriting The Story

Автор: Angela Saini

‘Inferior is more than just a book. It’s a battle cry – and right now, it’s having a galvanising effect on its core fanbase’ ObserverAre women more nurturing than men?Are men more promiscuous than women?Are males the naturally dominant sex?And can science give us an impartial answer to these questions?Taking us on an eye-opening journey through science, Inferior challenges our preconceptions about men and women, investigating the ferocious gender wars that burn in biology, psychology and anthropology. Angela Saini revisits the landmark experiments that have informed our understanding, lays bare the problem of bias in research, and speaks to the scientists finally exploring the truth about the female sex.The result is an enlightening and deeply empowering account of women’s minds, bodies and evolutionary history. Interrogating what these revelations mean for us as individuals and as a society, Inferior unveils a fresh view of science in which women are included, rather than excluded.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780008172046


Informaci?n, participaci?n ciudadana y democracia
Informaci?n, participaci?n ciudadana y democracia

Автор: Estela Morales Campos

Relacionar la informaci?n con los ciudadanos y la ciudadan?a es fundamental tanto en nuestro entorno local como global, considerando que la categor?a de ciudadano se refiere a un hombre o una mujer que pertenece a un grupo social estructurado pol?ticamente, lo que le permite participar en asuntos econ?micos, sociales o de gobierno, entre otros, de su Estado o de su pa?s, y para lograrlo de forma asertiva necesitamos informarnos y tener los conocimientos requeridos.Informaci?n, participaci?n ciudadana y entre palabra e imagen es un esfuerzo en ese sentido, pues re?ne las ideas de m?s de diez acad?micos nacionales e internacionales que son coordinados por la doctora Estela Morales para pensar c?mo es que la ciudadan?a puede empoderarse por medio de la informaci?n.

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9786073027021


Informational Tracking
Informational Tracking

Автор: Sylvie Leleu-Merviel

“What is colour?”, “What is the precise meaning of the statement ‘the stock exchange closes at a 5% drop this evening’?”, “How are TV viewers defined?”, or “How can images produce meaning?” Such everyday questions are examined in this book. To make our analysis intuitive and understandable, numerous concrete examples illustrate our theoretical framework and concepts. The examples include gaming, fictional skits in leisure entertainment, and enigmas. The golden thread running through the text revisits the informational process and places the datum as its pivot. The epistemological perspective of our novel approach is that of “radical relativity”. This is based on the precept that a perceptual trace carries with it the spectrum of the process that has engendered it. Given this, the informational tracking endeavour tracks the meaning-making process, notably through interpretive scaffoldings that leads to plausible realities.

Цена: 16017.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781119522539


Innere Kraft Meditationen f?r Kinder
Innere Kraft Meditationen f?r Kinder

Автор: Laura Malina Seiler

Исполнители: Laura Malina Seiler

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4251888704375


Innovaci?n y desarrollo de los cibermedios en Espa?a
Innovaci?n y desarrollo de los cibermedios en Espa?a

Автор: Jos? Alberto Garc?a Avil?s

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788431355616


Innovaci?n y periodismo
Innovaci?n y periodismo

Автор: Группа авторов

Серия: Textos de Ciencias Humanas

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9789587389487


Innovaci?n: una actitud
Innovaci?n: una actitud

Автор: Javier L?pez Casar?n

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9786075242583


Inside the Brotherhood
Inside the Brotherhood

Автор: Hazem Kandil

This is the first in-depth study of the relationship between the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and its own members. Drawing on years of participant observation, extensive interviews, previously inaccessible organizational documents, and dozens of memoirs and writings, the book provides an intimate portrayal of the recruitment and socialization of Brothers, the evolution of their intricate social networks, and the construction of the peculiar ideology that shapes their everyday practices. Drawing on his original research, Kandil reinterprets the Brotherhood’s slow rise and rapid downfall from power in Egypt, and compares it to the Islamist subsidiaries it created and the varieties it inspired around the world. This timely book will be of great interest to students and scholars of the politics of the Middle East and to anyone who wants to understand the dramatic events unfolding in Egypt and elsewhere in the wake of the Arab uprisings.

Цена: 5978.89 руб.
ISBN: 9780745682938


Insider Anthropology
Insider Anthropology

Автор: E. Cerroni-Long L

NAPA Bulletin is a peer reviewed occasional publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. peer reviewed publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods most editions available for course adoption

Цена: 3529.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781444306828


Insolvencia empresarial, derecho concursal y pandemia
Insolvencia empresarial, derecho concursal y pandemia

Автор: Juan Jos? Rodr?guez

Este libro analiza las reglas expedidas por el Gobierno Nacional para el manejo de la crisis empresarial generada como consecuencia de la pandemia Covid-19, en una visi?n que acompasa la teor?a con la practica y que identifica sus bondades, retos, problemas, y propone soluciones para estos. Adicionalmente, el trabajo recoge las decisiones de la Corte Constitucional sobre los decretos legislativos, las cuales constituyen un precedente necesario en esta materia, as? como los pronunciamientos de la Superintendencia de Sociedades como operador natural de los procesos concursales en Colombia.
La regulaci?n que se analiza introduce reformas que pretenden dinamizar el r?gimen concursal con miras a darle efectividad frente a la crisis generada por la pandemia, consagrando nuevas instituciones y procedimientos, que se caracterizan por su flexibilidad, el favorecimiento al otorgamiento de recursos frescos y a la inversi?n con miras a facilitar la recuperaci?n de las empresas

Исполнители: Александр Большаков

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9789587905878


Inspector Bradford und der fiese Friese
Inspector Bradford und der fiese Friese

Автор: Marion Griffiths-Karger

Серия: Inspector Bradford

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9783960413141



Автор: Tama Leaver

Instagram is at the heart of global digital culture, having made selfies, filters and square frames an inescapable part of everyday life since it was launched in 2010.

In the first book-length examination of Instagram, Tama Leaver, Tim Highfield and Crystal Abidin trace how this quintessential mobile photography app has developed as a platform and a culture. They consider aspects such as the new visual social media aesthetics, the rise of Influencers and new visual economies, and the complex politics of the platform as well as examining how Instagram's users change their use of the platform over time and respond to evolving features. The book highlights the different ways Instagram is used by subcultural groups around the world, and how museums, restaurants and public spaces are striving to be 'Insta-worthy'. Far from just capturing milestones and moments, the authors argue that Instagram has altered the ways people communicate and share, while also creating new approaches to marketing, advertising, politics and the design of spaces and venues.

Rich with grounded examples from across the world, from birth pictures to selfies at funerals, Instagram is essential reading for students and scholars of media and communication.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781509534401


Instagram Werbeanzeigen
Instagram Werbeanzeigen

Автор: Karl Lagerheld

Es ist an der Zeit, dass Sie auf Instagram richtig werben!
1 Milliarde aktive Benutzer an Ihren Fingerspitzen. Unternehmen aller Art erzielen damit hervorragende Ergebnisse. Es funktioniert, Sie m?ssen nur wissen, wie Sie es richtig machen.
Viele Online-Vermarkter wissen um die Macht von Instagram und dass es verwendet werden kann, um ihre Zielgruppe zu erreichen. Aber viele gehen das nicht richtig an und behaupten dann, dass Werbung auf Instagram nicht funktioniert. Es funktioniert – Sie m?ssen nur wissen, was Sie zu tun ist.
– lernen Sie, Ihre Zielgruppe richtig zu identifizieren. – werden Sie verstehen, warum Engagement bei Social Media das Wichtigste ist. – werden Sie lernen, Ihr Engagement mit all Ihren Instagram-Anzeigen zu steigern. – werden Sie lernen, die richtige Art von Instagram-Anzeige auszuw?hlen, um die beste Verbindung zu Ihrem Publikum herzustellen. – lernen Sie, erfolgreich auf Instagram zu werben.
Um es Ihnen einfach zu machen, habe ich eine Schritt-f?r-Schritt-Anleitung zusammengestellt, die Ihnen genau zeigt, wie es gemacht wird…

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783753198033


Instalaci?n de muebles de cocina. MAMR0408
Instalaci?n de muebles de cocina. MAMR0408

Автор: Alfonso Roncal Los Arcos

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788417343071


Instrucciones para hacer de la ciencia un drama (?o una comedia!)
Instrucciones para hacer de la ciencia un drama (?o una comedia!)

Автор: David Price

Para confeccionar este libro se reuni? un grupo de amigos especialistas en alguna de las ramas de las artes esc?nicas (teatro, improvisaci?n, mon?logos, danza, etc?tera) y que tienen un profundo inter?s por las ciencias. Actores, directores, escritores, bailarines, monologuistas, entre otros, escribieron sus propias Instrucciones para hacer de la ciencia un drama (?o una comedia!). Desde el principio, la intenci?n era romper con las condiciones de una publicaci?n acad?mica, y por eso la invitaci?n fue a escribir una historia in?dita, que los autores no hubieran podido contar en ning?n otro medio, y tambi?n evitar la censura, porque, para fines educativos, las experiencias «fracasadas» fueron altamente valoradas. El resultado es una divertida y variopinta colecci?n de historias que conversan unas con otras y se completan, que invitan a una exploraci?n m?s honda de las relaciones entre las artes esc?nicas y las ciencias. Se enuncian preguntas como: ?cu?l es la «mejor» manera en la que las artes y las ciencias pueden ponerse en relaci?n para construir juntos una nueva forma de conocimiento que las enriquezca a las dos? ?C?mo evitar la instrumentalizaci?n de uno de los campos del conocimiento por el otro? ?De qu? hablamos cuando hablamos de teatro-ciencia? Este libro no contiene «la respuesta correcta», pero s? muchas inolvidables exploraciones.

Серия: Gabinete de curiosidades

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9786075712840



Автор: Mira Lobe

Серия: El Barco de Vapor Roja

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788467567533


Integrated Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering
Integrated Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering

Автор: Группа авторов

This book acts as a self-contained resource for understanding the current technological advancement of biomaterials towards tissue engineering applications. It covers impact of biomaterials at different length scales such as macro/micro/nano/ level and offers extensive discussion on cell-biomaterial interactions with illustrative examples. This resource offer a multi-disciplinary approach for the adaptability of integrated biomaterials in tissue repair and reconstruction.

Цена: 19685.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781118371190


Integratori Di Vitamine E Minerali. Scienza O Marketing?
Integratori Di Vitamine E Minerali. Scienza O Marketing?

Автор: Mar?a I. Tapia

Цена: 768.44 руб.
ISBN: 9788873047667


Inteligencia artificial y bienestar de las juventudes en Am?rica Latina
Inteligencia artificial y bienestar de las juventudes en Am?rica Latina

Автор: Группа авторов

Lo que hoy entendemos por inteligencia artificial est? asociado a la planificaci?n, la comprensi?n del lenguaje, el reconocimiento de objetos y sonidos, la resoluci?n de problemas. Se trata de nuevos algoritmos que conducir?an al aprendizaje acumulativo, emulando de esta manera el aprendizaje a trav?s de la experiencia. En la ?ltima d?cada hemos sido testigos del r?pido progreso de la inteligencia artificial en diversos campos determinantes del quehacer humano. Tal como ocurre con cualquier tecnolog?a, la IA viene acompa?ada de enormes desaf?os y potenciales riesgos para la sociedad, por lo que es imperioso contar con conocimiento relevante que promueva el accionar para reducir o evitar los posibles efectos negativos. Numerosas iniciativas a nivel global dan cuenta de los esfuerzos por establecer formas de gobernanza de la IA para reducir sus potenciales impactos negativos y fortalecer los beneficios que puede brindar a la sociedad en campos como el futuro del trabajo, los sistemas de transporte aut?nomos, la salud, la educaci?n, las finanzas, el comercio, entre otros. Sin duda son muchas las oportunidades que estas tecnolog?as pueden ofrecer, pero sabemos que existe un riesgo real de que, sin una intervenci?n cuidadosa, la IA pueda exacerbar los desequilibrios estructurales, econ?micos, sociales y pol?ticos, y reforzar a?n m?s las desigualdades basadas en diferentes variables demogr?ficas (incluyendo etnicidad, raza, g?nero, identidad sexual y de g?nero, religi?n, nacionalidad, edad y nivel educativo o socioecon?mico) y as? impactar negativamente las vidas de muchos j?venes en el mundo, y en el caso particular que nos ocupa, de la juventud latinoamericana. Es por esto tambi?n que los estudios en la regi?n adquieren suma relevancia, ya que estas tecnolog?as son creadas principalmente en pa?ses como Estados Unidos y China, lo que extiende las brechas no s?lo en lo referente al acceso, sino en c?mo estos sistemas est?n siendo dise?ados, pensados y su consecuente impacto.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9789560012692


Intelligent Data Analysis
Intelligent Data Analysis

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 15737.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119544449


Interacci?n tras el volante de los conductores de taxi en Bogot?:
Interacci?n tras el volante de los conductores de taxi en Bogot?:

Автор: Lorena Galeano

El trabajo de los conductores de taxi va m?s all? de transportar individuos de un lugar a otro. En medio de los recorridos por la ciudad, los conductores de taxi construyen interacciones entre s?, con otros agentes sociales, con el taxi, con el espacio y con el tiempo; es en estas interacciones donde forman los significados sobre el trabajo de conducir taxi. En esta investigaci?n se retoma la teor?a del interaccionismo simb?lico —propuesto por Herbert Blumer— para analizar la construcci?n de significados sociales en la actividad de los conductores de taxi en Bogot?, Colombia. Este an?lisis se complementa con las teor?as del trabajo no cl?sico (De la Garza) y de redes sociales (Lomnitz). Entonces, a partir del an?lisis de los datos y de estas tres teor?as, se evidencia que las interacciones son el medio que permite la creaci?n de significados que tienen los conductores de taxi de su trabajo; adem?s se muestra que esas interacciones permiten la entrada, la permanencia y la supervivencia en este gremio.

Серия: Ciencias Humanas

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9789587848298


Interculturalidad, arte y saberes tradicionales
Interculturalidad, arte y saberes tradicionales

Автор: Bertha Yolanda Quintero Maciel

El tema de la interculturalidad ha cobrado gran relevancia dentro del dise?o de pol?ticas p?blicas educativas. Parte de este auge se debe a la necesidad de garantizar los derechos que el art?culo segundo de la Constituci?n Pol?tica de M?xico otorga a los pueblos ind?genas. Es preciso recordar que nuestra Carta Magna ratifica el car?cter pluricultural de nuestra naci?n, con lo cual se reconoce la lengua, los conocimientos y las tradiciones de la cultura e identidad de los pueblos originarios de nuestras tierras como elementos enriquecedores del mosaico que integra la sociedad mexicana.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9786075474557


Interkulturelle Bildung, Migration und Flucht
Interkulturelle Bildung, Migration und Flucht

Автор: Группа авторов

Die aktuelle Fl?chtlingsdebatte fordert die Wissenschaft zu einem intensiven gesellschaftlichen Dialog auf. Wie k?nnen wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in die Praxis ?ffentlicher R?ume ?berf?hrt werden? Wie ist mit der ver?nderten Lage an Schulen umzugehen? Welche Bildungskonzepte erfordert die kulturelle Vielfalt? Und was f?r eine Schl?sselrolle kann hierbei der Literatur zukommen? Der vorliegende Band nimmt sich dieser und weiterer Fragen interdisziplin?r an, indem er sowohl Forscher als auch Fl?chtlingshelfer unterschiedlicher Kontexte zu Wort kommen l?sst.

Цена: 3935.92 руб.
ISBN: 9783823301905


Internationale Beziehungen
Internationale Beziehungen

Автор: Christian Tuschhoff

Christian Tuschhoff f?hrt anschaulich in die wesentlichen Grundbegriffe Internationaler Beziehungen ein. Im Fokus stehen Kernfragen wie z.B. die Ursachen und Folgen von Krieg und Frieden, Armut und Reichtum oder Handels- und Finanzkrisen. Studierende lernen so, das Musterhafte an Internationalen Beziehungen zu erkennen und zu erkl?ren.

Серия: utb basics

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783846343357


Internationale Migrationspolitik
Internationale Migrationspolitik

Автор: Stefan Rother

Migration geht alle an: Migration ist ein globales Ph?nomen, Migrationspolitik wird aber oft nur im nationalen Kontext gedacht und gemacht. Dr. Uwe Hunger und Dr. Stefan Rother beleuchten die aktuellen Migrationsbewegungen, erkl?ren die Ursachen von Arbeitsmigration und Flucht und zeigen, wie auf nationalstaatlicher und supranationaler Ebene mit Migration umgegangen wird. Kompakte und zugleich umfassende Einf?hrung f?r Studierende und alle, die sich f?r Migration und Migrationspolitik interessieren. Mit vielen Beispielen aus dem eigenen Alltag oder den Medien Mit Infoboxen, Grafiken und Lernkontrollfragen

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783846346563


Internationaler Buchmarkt
Internationaler Buchmarkt

Автор: Corinna Norrick-R?hl

Wer in der Buchbranche und in angrenzenden Bereichen arbeiten m?chte, bewegt sich in einem ?u?erst dynamischen Umfeld. Die beste Grundlage f?r einen erfolgreichen Umgang mit immer neuen Herausforderungen und stetigem Wandel ist eine solide Informationsbasis verkn?pft mit andauernder pers?nlicher Weiterbildung. Die Reihe BRAMANNBasics buch & medien bietet daf?r aktuelles und komprimiertes Wissen. Als Herausgeber fungieren Klaus-Wilhelm Bramann, Verleger f?r Fachthemen der Medienbranche und Anke Vogel, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Gutenberg-Institut f?r Weltliteratur und schriftorientierte Medien an der Universit?t Mainz. Bei den Autor*innen handelt es sich um anerkannte Wissenschaftler*innen und herausragende Praktiker*innen, die ihre Erfahrungen aus Forschung, Lehre und Berufspraxis in ihre Darstellungen einflie?en lassen. Die deutsch-amerikanische Autorin dieses Bandes, Corinna Norrick-R?hl, ist Juniorprofessorin f?r Buchwissenschaft in Mainz. Anglophone Buchm?rkte stellen einen Schwerpunkt in ihrer Lehr- und Forschungst?tigkeit dar. Dar?ber hinaus ist sie in der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Community im Bereich Book Studies hervorragend vernetzt. Das Wissen um die Zusammenh?nge im internationalen Buchgesch?ft gewinnt in einer zunehmend globalisierten Branche immer weiter an Bedeutung. Nicht nur in ?konomischer Perspektive gilt es neue Chancen und Risiken gegeneinander abzuw?gen, sondern auch die kulturellen Auswirkungen eines transnationalen Buchmarktes zu hinterfragen. Der vorliegende Band liefert zahlreiche Zahlen und Fakten, spricht aber auch grunds?tzliche Probleme im internationalen Buchmarkt sowie buchpolitische Fragestellungen an.

Серия: BRAMANNBasics

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783959031035


Internetdemokratie: Mitbestimmung und ihre sozialen Utopien
Internetdemokratie: Mitbestimmung und ihre sozialen Utopien

Автор: Bernd M?ller

Eine Welt des Friedens, in der mehr Gerechtigkeit lebt, braucht es der Mitbestimmung und zwar in vielen Bereichen des Lebens, in der Schule, in der Jugendarbeit, in Ausbildungsorten, in den Kirchen, in der Stadtgemeinde und nat?rlich in der Politik. Bei soviel mitbestimmten Welten kann auch jeder B?rger mit seinen Ideen zum Demokratie-Mitspieler werden.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783748563501


Interpretaci?n en contextos de violencia de g?nero
Interpretaci?n en contextos de violencia de g?nero

Автор: Carmen Toledano Buend?a

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9788416349326



Автор: Patricia Hill Collins

The concept of intersectionality has become a central topic in academic and activist circles alike. But what exactly does it mean, and why has it emerged as such a vital lens through which to explore how social inequalities of race, class, gender, sexuality, age, ability, and ethnicity shape one another? 
In this fully revised and expanded second edition of their popular text, Patricia Hill Collins and Sirma Bilge provide a much-needed introduction to the field of intersectional knowledge and praxis. Analyzing the emergence, growth, and contours of the concept of intersectionality, the authors also consider its global reach through an array of new topics such as the rise of far-right populism, reproductive justice, climate change, and digital environments and cultures. Accessibly written and drawing on a plethora of lively examples to illustrate its arguments, the book highlights intersectionality’s potential for understanding complex architecture of social and economic inequalities and bringing about social justice-oriented change.
Intersectionality will be an invaluable resource for anyone grappling with the main ideas, debates, and new directions in this field.

Цена: 2414.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781509539697


Into the Wardrobe. C. S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles
Into the Wardrobe. C. S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles

Автор: David Downing C

Published in the early 1950s, C. S. Lewis's seven Chronicles of Narnia were proclaimed instant children's classics and have been hailed in The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature as «the most sustained achievement in fantasy for children by a 20th-century author.» But how could Lewis (a formidable critic, scholar, and Christian apologist)conjure up the kind of adventures in which generations of children (and adults) take such delight? In this engaging and insightful book, C. S. Lewis expert David C. Downing invites readers to join his vivid exploration of the Chronicles of Narnia, offering a detailed look at the enchanting stories themselves and also focusing on the extraordinary intellect and imagination of the man behind the Wardrobe. Downing presents each Narnia book as its own little wardrobe – each tale an opportunity to discover a visionary world of bustling vitality, sparkling beauty, and spiritual clarity. And Downing's examination of C. S. Lewis's personal life shows how the content of these classic children's books reflects Lewis's love of wonder and story, his affection for animals and homespun things, his shrewd observations about human nature, along with his vast reading, robust humor, theological speculations, medieval scholarship, and arcane linguistic jokes. A fun glossary of odd and invented words will allow readers to speak with Narnian flair, regaling friends and family with unusual words like cantrips, poltoonery, hastilude, and skirling. A masterful work that will appeal to both new and seasoned fans of Narnia, Into the Wardrobe offers a journey beyond Narnia's deceptively simple surface and into its richly textured and unexpected depths.

Цена: 1376.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780787997908


Introducci? a la hist?ria econ?mica mundial (3a ed.)
Introducci? a la hist?ria econ?mica mundial (3a ed.)

Автор: Gaspar Feliu i Monfort

Esta tercera edici?n revisada y actualizada de la ?Introducci?n a la historia econ?mica mundial?, ha sido preparada con la intenci?n de servir de gu?a a profesores y alumnos de los primeros cursos de los grados de Econom?a y de Administraci?n y direcci?n de empresas. La pretensi?n del libro es presentar una visi?n general de la evoluci?n econ?mica del mundo contempor?neo al alcance de aquellos alumnos que est?n en la fase inicial de su formaci?n. El conocimiento y la reflexi?n sobre la evoluci?n econ?mica en ?pocas pasadas introduce el estudiante en los temas y tipos de razonamiento l?gico m?s caracter?sticos de la ciencia econ?mica, teniendo siempre cuento los factores institucionales que condicionan la acci?n econ?mica. Por otro lado, el conocimiento de c?mo se han transformado a lo largo del tiempo las estructuras econ?micas es fundamental para comprender la econom?a actual.

Серия: Educaci?. S?rie Materials

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788437092096


Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought
Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought

Автор: Mary Evans

This introductory textbook offers a concise and lucid account of the main developments in contemporary feminist thinking, and demonstrates the centrality of feminist thought to all areas of intellectual enquiry. In a wide-ranging discussion, Evans argues that most accounts of the world since the Enlightenment have been constructed in terms of a distinction between the public and the private which excluded women. Using both historical and more recent examples, she examines the breadth and complexity of feminist thinking, focusing on key themes such as the body, representation, engendering knowledge, and the relationship between women and the state. Evans argues that feminist thought seeks less to add to existing theory than to re-theorize the social and symbolic worlds; no contemporary account of these worlds, she suggests, is complete without a discussion of the implications of gender difference. This book offers a clear and coherent guide to contemporary feminism for students of women's studies, gender studies, sociology, social theory and literary theory.

Цена: 9715.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780745677019


Introducing Social Research Methods
Introducing Social Research Methods

Автор: Janet M. Ruane

Introducing Social Research Methods: Essentials for Getting the Edge is a concise and student-friendly introduction to research methods that uses examples from around the world to illustrate the centrality of social science research in our everyday lives. Explains complex, multi-faceted concepts and methodologies in straightforward prose Designed for students who are new to or skeptical of social science research methods as useful tools for approaching real-world challenges Persuasively argues that social scientific proficiency unlocks an array of personal and professional opportunities beyond the realms of academia A supplementary website features a glossary, test bank, Power Point presentations, a comprehensive list of web resources, a guide to relevant TED lectures and much more

Цена: 3906.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118874202


Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Copula Models of Dependence
Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Copula Models of Dependence

Автор: Arkady Shemyakin

Presents an introduction to Bayesian statistics, presents an emphasis on Bayesian methods (prior and posterior), Bayes estimation, prediction, MCMC,Bayesian regression, and Bayesian analysis of statistical modelsof dependence, and features a focus on copulas for risk management Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Copula Models of Dependence emphasizes the applications of Bayesian analysis to copula modeling and equips readers with the tools needed to implement the procedures of Bayesian estimation in copula models of dependence. This book is structured in two parts: the first four chapters serve as a general introduction to Bayesian statistics with a clear emphasis on parametric estimation and the following four chapters stress statistical models of dependence with a focus of copulas. A review of the main concepts is discussed along with the basics of Bayesian statistics including prior information and experimental data, prior and posterior distributions, with an emphasis on Bayesian parametric estimation. The basic mathematical background of both Markov chains and Monte Carlo integration and simulation is also provided. The authors discuss statistical models of dependence with a focus on copulas and present a brief survey of pre-copula dependence models. The main definitions and notations of copula models are summarized followed by discussions of real-world cases that address particular risk management problems. In addition, this book includes: • Practical examples of copulas in use including within the Basel Accord II documents that regulate the world banking system as well as examples of Bayesian methods within current FDA recommendations • Step-by-step procedures of multivariate data analysis and copula modeling, allowing readers to gain insight for their own applied research and studies • Separate reference lists within each chapter and end-of-the-chapter exercises within Chapters 2 through 8 • A companion website containing appendices: data files and demo files in Microsoft® Office Excel®, basic code in R, and selected exercise solutions Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Copula Models of Dependence is a reference and resource for statisticians who need to learn formal Bayesian analysis as well as professionals within analytical and risk management departments of banks and insurance companies who are involved in quantitative analysis and forecasting. This book can also be used as a textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in Bayesian statistics and analysis. ARKADY SHEMYAKIN, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Director of the Statistics Program at the University of St. Thomas. A member of the American Statistical Association and the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Dr. Shemyakin's research interests include informationtheory, Bayesian methods of parametric estimation, and copula models in actuarial mathematics, finance, and engineering. ALEXANDER KNIAZEV, PhD, is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics at Astrakhan State University in Russia. Dr. Kniazev's research interests include representation theory of Lie algebras and finite groups, mathematical statistics, econometrics, and financial mathematics.

Цена: 12097.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781118959039


Introduction to Bioethics
Introduction to Bioethics

Автор: John A. Bryant

Provides comprehensive, yet concise coverage of the broad field of bioethics, dealing with the scientific, medical, social, religious, political and international concerns This book offers complete information about all aspects of bioethics and its role in our world. It tackles the concerns of bioethicists, dealing with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, and philosophy. The book introduces the various modes of ethical thinking and then helps the reader to apply that thinking to issues relating to the environment, to plants and animals, and to humans. Written in an accessible manner, Introduction to Bioethics, Second Edition focuses on key issues directly relevant to those studying courses ranging from medicine through to biology and agriculture. Ethical analysis is threaded throughout each chapter and supplementary examples are included to stimulate further thought. In addition there are numerous mini-case studies to aid understanding, together with key references and further reading. Topics covered include genetic modification; GM crops, human genetics and genomics; cloning and stem cells; assisted reproduction; end of life issues; human enhancement; transhumanism and more. A concise introduction covering the whole field of bioethics Ethical analysis included throughout Mini case-studies in each chapter place ethics into specific contexts Includes exercises and commentary to further clarify ethical discussions Now fully revised, updated and re-ordered, with new chapters on Biofuels and on Synthetic Biology Introduction to Bioethics, Second Edition is primarily aimed at undergraduate students taking courses in biomedical sciences, biological sciences, and medicine. It will also be useful to anyone with an interested in the ethics of biological and biomedical science, including science journalists and reporters, who want to inform themselves about current developments.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781118719589


Introduction to Homeland Security. Understanding Terrorism Prevention and Emergency Management
Introduction to Homeland Security. Understanding Terrorism Prevention and Emergency Management

Автор: David McEntire A

Introduces readers to the world of homeland security and provides them with up-to-date information on recent attacks, new terrorist threats, visible terrorist organizations, current dilemmas, updated research, and best practices This book provides comprehensive coverage of issues relating to terrorism, terrorist behavior, homeland security policies, and emergency management. It offers a foundation that spans the readily apparent chasm between the homeland security and disaster communities, and covers the stages of emergency management with a focus on terrorism prevention and response. Based on both the academic literature and practical understanding, the book includes research findings, covering theory and principles as well as their application. Introduction to Homeland Security: Understanding Terrorism Prevention and Emergency Management, Second Edition teaches how to define homeland security, understand how it changed after 9/11, and explore its relationship with emergency management; recognize the causes of terrorism and what prompts people to engage in terrorist attacks; assess the trade-offs between security and rights, and understand how terrorism exploits the tension between these two priorities; work to prevent terrorist attacks through intelligence gathering, by promoting laws that prohibit terrorism, and by protecting borders and various sectors of society; prepare for a terrorist attack by creating an advisory council, passing ordinances, acquiring monetary resources, and establishing an EOC; effectively respond to a terrorist attack through the many functions involved, including the protection of first responders and the decontamination of the victims; recover from a terrorist attack through both short-term and long-term measures; anticipate the current challenges faced in homeland security; and comprehend the various types of attacks that might take place in the future. The second edition: Covers the four traditional phases of emergency response, with a focus on terrorism prevention and infrastructure protection Includes new content such as recent domestic and international terrorist attacks including the attacks in Paris and Boston Has a strong «practitioner» approach and draws upon a solid foundation of academic literature in the field Discusses the roles and responsibilities of government agencies, non-government organizations, and individual citizens Introduction to Homeland Security is an excellent book for all scholars, students, and practitioners interested or involved in homeland security and emergency management.

Цена: 8004.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781119430674


Introduction to Sociological Theory
Introduction to Sociological Theory

Автор: Michele Dillon

The extensively revised and updated second edition combines carefully chosen primary quotes with wide-ranging discussion and everyday illustrative examples to provide an in-depth introduction to classical and contemporary sociological theory. Combines classical and contemporary theory in a single, integrated text Short biographies and historical timelines of significant events provide context to theorists' ideas Innovatively builds on excerpts from original theoretical writings with detailed discussion of the concepts and ideas under review Includes new examples of current social processes in China, South Korea, India, Latin America, the Middle East, and other non-Western societies Additional resources, available at www.wiley.com/go/dillon, include multiple choice and essay questions, PowerPoint slides with multimedia links to content illustrative of sociological processes, a list of complementary primary readings, a quotation bank, and other background materials

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118471906


Invasion auf Germania
Invasion auf Germania

Автор: Frank Mehler

Wir Deutschen sind dicke da! Platzhirsch in Europa, Welt-Autoverk?ufer, Finanzbestimmer in der Eurozone – man siehe nur Griechenland … Jedoch bei den Geburtenraten in den eigenen Reihen bestimmen und planen wir offenbar nicht. Das deutsche Fundament ist morsch geworden! Es fehlen die Kinder, unser Nachwuchs im Land. Wir sind de facto eine vergreisende Gesellschaft! Da fragt sich doch, wer verteidigt dann 2040 das Land? Und jetzt kommen auch noch die Neuen zu Millionen. Fast mutet es an wie eine Invasion. Falsch! All die Heerscharen von Menschen kommen wie auf Bestellung …

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783960086482


Inversi?n extranjera directa en Am?rica Latina: una revisi?n en los albores del siglo XXI
Inversi?n extranjera directa en Am?rica Latina: una revisi?n en los albores del siglo XXI

Автор: Группа авторов

Серия: P?blicasocial

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9786078450282


Inversiones en renta variable
Inversiones en renta variable

Автор: Diego Agudelo

Inversiones en Renta Variable. Fundamentos y aplicaciones al mercado accionario colombiano representa sin duda un aporte valioso al desarrollo y comprensi?n del mercado accionario colombiano. El libro hace un puente importante entre la teor?a moderna de portafolios, el an?lisis fundamental y t?cnico y la microestructura del mercado accionario. Este an?lisis es de especial relevancia en estos momentos, cuando las inversiones de riesgo parecen estar en una etapa de recuperaci?n significativa luego de la debacle de los mercados entre los a?os 2008 y 2009, Y definitivamente no podemos darnos el lujo de no entender las principales variables que sustentan el precio de un activo de riesgo como son las acciones. Considero que con base en las diferentes aproximaciones de valoraci?n de activos, que hace el doctor Diego Agudelo, tenemos suficientes herramientas para enfrentar financieramente a un mundo que no parece salir de ciclos prolongados de aversi?n al riesgo (activos sub-valorados) y ciclos, igualmente extensos, de propensi?n al riesgo (activos sobrevalorados) .

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789587202441


Investigaci?n en ciencias sociales, humanidades y artes
Investigaci?n en ciencias sociales, humanidades y artes

Автор: Carlo Emilio Piazzini Su?rez

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9789585413610


Investigaci?n en Educaci?n Cient?fica en Chile
Investigaci?n en Educaci?n Cient?fica en Chile

Автор: Ainoa Marz?bal Blancafort

La presente obra apunta a orientar procesos formativos en la investigaci?n en educaci?n cient?fica. Los diferentes cap?tulos podr?n sugerir a acad?micos y estudiantes sobre qu? y c?mo investigar sobre temas como el curr?culo, la diversidad, el aprendizaje, la formaci?n inicial y continua de profesores de ciencias entre otros t?picos. Asimismo, proporciona algunas reflexiones y preguntas que pueden usadas de base para generar nuevos proyectos de investigaci?n a partir de los datos que actualmente emanan de investigadores nacionales en el ?rea. Con este libro queremos invitar a los estudiantes e investigadores noveles y expertos a sumarse a los esfuerzos de construir una comunidad articulada y reconocida en Did?ctica de las Ciencias y savanzar en los enumerables retos de la educaci?n cient?fica. As?, queremos invitar a los lectores y lectoras a imaginar las m?ltiples posibilidades que tambi?n se presentan en una disciplina que se est? inventando a s? misma.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9789561709423


Investigando las migraciones en Chile
Investigando las migraciones en Chile

Автор: Walter Alejandro Imilan

El libro nos invita a desplazar la mirada, una mirada oblicua y descentrada que nos permita comprender que de alg?n modo todos somos migrantes, somos extranjeros en nuestros territorios; las fronteras est?n en nuestros propios cuerpos y miradas.

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9789560014832


Investigar a la intemperie
Investigar a la intemperie

Автор: Carlos Arturo L?pez Jim?nez

El ejercicio contempor?neo de la investigaci?n en las diferentes ciencias sociales implica pensar constantemente en los procesos metodol?gicos, su naturaleza, la supremac?a del problema de investigaci?n sobre los l?mites disciplinares y la incidencia de su trabajo en el presente, esto es, su pol?tica. Estos cuatro planos conforman un volumen que se ajusta, a su vez, en funci?n de las fuentes, las preguntas de investigaci?n, sus objetivos, la situaci?n de quien investiga… As?, pensar el m?todo involucra una combinatoria permanente de elementos que desborda los aspectos procedimentales y, por tanto, una falta de resguardo metodol?gico, disciplinar y ontol?gico, pues ni siquiera las comunidades con que dialogamos o las fuentes con que trabajamos nos garantizan de antemano su forma o su estabilidad a largo plazo.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9789587815603


Investigar y escribir con APA 7
Investigar y escribir con APA 7

Автор: Dennis Arias Ch?vez

El prop?sito de este libro es ayudar a los estudiantes, docentes y profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanas a comunicar los resultados de investigaci?n, y a sea en formato tesis o art?culo cient?fico. Para ello, el texto proporciona un conjunto de pautas formales para la organizaci?n, estructuraci?n y redacci?n de estos dos g?neros.Investigar y escribir con APA 7 toma como base los lineamientos establecidos en la s?ptima edici?n del Manual APA (2020) y desarrolla ejemplos reales y mod?licos que ayudar?n al lector a tener un mejor entendimiento de la forma de presentar estos textos. De esa manera, el libro es una herramienta que ayuda a dinamizar el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado, mejorar los procesos de ense?anza y encaminar las actividades investigativas con miras a publicar los resultados.

Серия: Estudios y ensayos

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9786123183080


Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology
Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology

Автор: Kaspin Deborah

In its new Second Edition, the innovative and ever-popular Investigating Culture has been updated and revised to incorporate new teacher and student feedback. Carol Delaney and Deborah Kaspin provide an expanded introduction to cultural anthropology that is even more accessible to students. Revised and enhanced new edition that incorporates additional material and classroom feedback Accessible to a wider range of students and educational settings Provides a refreshing alternative to traditional textbooks by challenging students to think in new ways and to apply ideas of culture to their own lives Focuses on the ways that humans orient themselves, e.g., in space and time, according to language, food, the body, and the symbols provided by public myth and ritual Includes chapters that frame the central issues and provide examples from a range of cultures, with selected readings, additional suggested readings, and student exercises

Цена: 4854.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781444396904


Investigative Ethics. Ethics for Police Detectives and Criminal Investigators
Investigative Ethics. Ethics for Police Detectives and Criminal Investigators

Автор: Miller Seumas

Investigative Ethics: Ethics for Police Detectives and Criminal Investigators presents applied philosophical analyses of the ethical issues that arise for police detectives and other investigators in contemporary society. Explores ethical issues relating to investigative independence, rights of victims and suspects, use of informants, entrapment, privacy and surveillance, undercover operations, deception, and suspect interviewing Represents the first monograph providing a detailed consideration of ethical issues in police investigations Features authorship by an applied philosopher specializing in police ethics, and a former UK senior police officer Combined authorship ensures the text is anchored in actual police practice as well as providing high quality ethical analysis

Цена: 10820 руб.
ISBN: 9781118328606


Invisible Women
Invisible Women

Автор: Кэролайн Криадо Перес

Исполнители: Кэролайн Криадо Перес

Цена: 1149.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781473569003


Io Sono Il Tuo Uomo Nero - Un Racconto Della Contea Di Sardis
Io Sono Il Tuo Uomo Nero - Un Racconto Della Contea Di Sardis

Автор: T. M. Bilderback

Qualcuno… o una qualche cosa… sta uccidendo delle persone nella contea di Sardis Qualcuno… o qualcosa… sta uccidendo persone in tutta la contea di Sardis. Lo sceriffo Billy Napier e il vice sceriffo Alan Blake stanno facendo del loro meglio per trovare l'assassino prima che qualcun altro cada vittima dello ”Squartatore di Sardis”. Il problema nella ricerca dell'assassino? Non sono stati lasciati indizi che il nucleo della scientifica possa trovare. Katie Montgomery Blake e sua zia, Margo Sardis, stanno cercando di aiutare, ma anche loro non hanno trovato nulla. Anche Carol Grace Montgomery e Mary Smalls hanno fatto una scoperta… e questa scoperta aumenta la magia nella contea di Sardis! E alcuni nuovi arrivati nella Contea di Sardis offrono il loro aiuto per trovare l'assassino, ma hanno un segreto. Il segreto ha qualcosa a che fare con il padre dei figli di Phoebe Smalls Napier? O magari si tratta solo di un'altra magia? Scopritelo nell’eccezionale a tutto campo quarto thriller della contea di Sardis di T. M. Bilderback – Io sono il tuo uomo Nero – Un Racconto della serie sulla contea di Sardis!

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835423935


Ionic and Organometallic-Catalyzed Organosilane Reductions
Ionic and Organometallic-Catalyzed Organosilane Reductions

Автор: Fry James L

Ionic and Organometallic-Catalyzed Organosilane Reductions provides an up-to-date, comprehensive review of reductions with organosilanes. Both ionic and catalyst-mediated reaction types are included, with appropriate reference to reaction mechanisms where they have been elucidated. The text also provides a wide variety of organic functional group reductions by organosilicon hydrides, and includes a substantial discussion of asymmetric reductions. All known examples have been compiled in thirty-four easily scanned, comprehensive tables compiled from 809 original articles. This is a must-have reference book for all synthetic organic chemists working in academic and industrial laboratories.

Цена: 22534.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470572672


iPhone For Dummies
iPhone For Dummies

Автор: Bob LeVitus

My phone, your phone, iPhone—the fully updated guide to the latest models and iOS updates Apple seems to update its iPhone at the speed of light, and Dummies helps you keep up. iPhone For Dummies, 2022 Edition includes the newest features available with iOS 15, released in 2022. This version also covers all iPhone models available in 2022 including the iPhone 12, iPhone 11, iPhone XR, and iPhone SE. Whether you have a new iPhone or an older iPhone, you've got this book to walk you through everything your phone can do. The iPhone is a music player, a gaming system, a computer, and a mobile phone all wrapped up in one pocket-sized package. Your device can keep you connected, help you be productive, and provide endless hours of entertainment. iPhone For Dummies offers the insight of two longtime Apple experts on how to make the most of your iPhone and its updated features. Set up your device and learn about the apps and utilities that can help you get the most out of iPhone Understand important settings, privacy controls, and customizations to make your phone truly yours Snap photos, shoot videos, record audio and discover iPhone's many creativity tools Enter the wild world of apps using the app store, and find out about the latest hot downloads Ring! Ring! Pick up—it's your new iPhone calling.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119837176


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