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Автор: Manuel Mart?nez-Selles

Серия: Claves

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788432151965


Evaluating Family Support
Evaluating Family Support

Автор: John Pinkerton

The delivery of effective family support is a key global child welfare issue, yet there is little consensus on what constitutes family support or what the best ways are to evaluate it. Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically offers a full review of the conceptual and operational problems involved in this complex and topical field. Ilan Katz and John Pinkerton have brought together a team of experienced child care policy analysts and evaluators to present the current state of critical thinking alongside detailed international case studies. The chapters offer revealing glimpses into the nature of family support across the world, as well as an overview of the challenges facing both practitioners and researchers.

Цена: 25290.86 руб.
ISBN: 9780470864685


Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies
Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies

Автор: Michael Alexander

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119844402



Автор: Kim Humphery

Over-consumption is one of the key issues of our time, especially in the Western world. Over the past decade, in the face of historically unprecedented levels of consumer spending in the West – and the more recent impact of recession – a vigorous politics of anti-consumerism has emerged in a range of wealthy nations. This timely and original new book provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of what has come to be called the 'new politics of consumption'; a politics embodied in movements such as culture jamming, simple living, slow food and fair trade. The book offers an examination of anti-consumerism at a time when the idea of 'consumer excess' is being re-framed by a global economic downturn, and crucially explores what this means for the future of political debate. Drawing on interviews with activists across three continents, and offering a refreshingly accessible discussion of contemporary commentary and theory, Kim Humphery sympathetically explores anti-consumerism as cultural interpretation, lifestyle change, and collective action. Whilst analysing the positive advances of the anti-consumerist movement, Excess also challenges contemporary critical thinking on consumption, taking issue with the return to theories of mass culture in contemporary anti-consumerist polemic. Alternatively, Humphery begins to forge a politics of anti-consumerism that addresses the complexity of material acquisition and which avoids treating consumers as mere dupes in the logic of capitalism, viewing them instead as active participants in a culture which is capable of transformation.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745675428


Excluding the Jew Within Us
Excluding the Jew Within Us

Автор: Jean-Luc Nancy

Цена: 4687.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781509543144


Exclusi? social
Exclusi? social

Автор: Anna Jolonch Anglada

En la societat actual, ning? no queda exempt del risc d'exclusi? i tothom pot acabar sense sostre. Pot semblar un advertiment, per? ?s una de les moltes conclusions cient?fiques de l'autora d'aquest llibre. Pobresa, inclusi?, exclusi?, integraci?, marginaci?… S?n mots per dir la mateixa cosa amb diferents significants. En el fons, per?, persones que pateixen i persones que miren com pateixen altres persones. Infants, dones, avis, joves, immigrants, v?dues, desnonats, aturats, solitaris… una llista cada vegada m?s gran en una societat cada vegada m?s benestant. La paradoxa pot ser la mirada, perqu? mirar-se un mateix hauria de ser, tamb?, mirar els altres. I m?s enll? de la ci?ncia, la condici? humana ?s sovint generosa, sovint miserable.

Серия: Observatori de valors

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788472269354


Excursi?n al hombre violento
Excursi?n al hombre violento

Автор: Timoteo Marquez

Luego de observar durante muchos a?os el accionar de los hombres violentos y comprobar el da?o que ocasionan a sus v?ctimas, se transforma en una necesidad esencial reeducar a estas personas. S?lo personas de buen coraz?n y con actitud generosa pueden limitar o hacer retroceder este flagelo de la violencia, que produce sufrimiento a millones de mujeres, ancianos y ni?os, desde hace much?simos a?os.

Исполнители: Александр Тарасов

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9789878706597


Exhibitionisten: Keine Scheu vor nackter Haut
Exhibitionisten: Keine Scheu vor nackter Haut

Автор: J?rgen Prommersberger

Exhibitionismus ist, wenn man es als lustvoll erlebt, von anderen (meist fremden) Personen nackt oder bei sexuellen Aktivit?ten beobachtet zu werden. Die sich entbl??enden Personen erfreuen sich dabei an den Reaktionen der anderen und m?gen den Reiz des ungew?hnlichen, gesellschaftlich anst??igen Verhaltens. Viele ziehen daraus eine Best?tigung f?r sich und ihren K?rper, da sie den Mut dazu aufbringen sich so zu zeigen dass sie die Blicke anderer auf sich ziehen.
In diesem Bildband geht es um Freizeitaktivit?ten, bei der jegliche Kleidung (fast) ?berfl?ssig ist. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt mit viel nackter Haut. Wo Menschen es wagen, Tabus zu brechen. Ob sie ihre masochistische Ader in der ?ffentlichkeit ausleben, ob sie sp?rlich bekleidet Schlammb?der nehmen. Oder ob sie nur mit Farbe auf der Haut an sogenannten Nude-Bike-Rides teilnehmen. Bewundern sie all diese exhibitionistischen jungen Frauen in diesen Bildband.

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9783738087314


Expectativas y espejos
Expectativas y espejos

Автор: Alejandro Trap?

Este libro aborda el problema de la evoluci?n econ?mica argentina en los ?ltimos ciento veinte a?os, compar?ndola con la de otras naciones de diferentes lugares del planeta y con diferentes grados de desarrollo. Ilustra desde distintos puntos de vista el deterioro comparado, indaga en los culpables internos y externos y pone fechas a los principales hitos de ca?da. Al final, indaga sobre las causas y elabora un inventario incompleto, sujeto a revisi?n y discusi?n. Tal vez no sea una lectura agradable para los argentinos, porque habla de decadencia econ?mica, de deterioro y de culpas. Destila cierta angustia y desencanto porque est? hablando de nosotros mismos. Cierta pena por nuestra incapacidad de generar proyectos comunes que definan una identidad nacional, m?s all? de los tenues y pasajeros acuerdos que queremos encontrar en la m?sica, la comida, la literatura o el deporte. Contiene muchas expectativas pero tambi?n muchos espejos, por eso puede no resultar placentero. A pesar de todo, el ?ltimo cap?tulo pretende sembrar alguna semilla de optimismo, por lo menos contribuyendo a la identificaci?n de las causas del deterioro econ?mico que se describe. Por eso espero que resulte ?til y contribuya a hacernos pensar en la diferencia entre lo que creemos ser y lo que en realidad somos.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9789878710754


Experiencia del proceso de dise?o, del aula a la praxis y de la praxis al aula
Experiencia del proceso de dise?o, del aula a la praxis y de la praxis al aula

Автор: Cecilia Ram?rez Le?n

El presente trabajo registra la sistematizaci?n de una experiencia de dise?o de producto, con el prop?sito de extraer aprendizajes que faciliten, en el aula, la comprensi?n y la explicaci?n de las l?gicas y las particularidades del proceso de dise?o de producto. Este prop?sito, supone atender las pautas de la transposici?n did?ctica, entendida como la necesaria transformaci?n que sufre el saber especializado para poder ser ense?ado; e igualmente, supone atender pautas de la vigilancia epistemol?gica, entendida como la mirada atenta, ante la eventual distancia entre el saber especializado y el saber ense?ado. Con esta orientaci?n, la recuperaci?n y la reconstrucci?n de la experiencia mencionada, pretendi? responder los interrogantes ?C?mo reducir las distancias entre el saber a ense?ar y el saber ense?ado, referido al proceso de dise?o de producto? ?C?mo reducir las distancias entre la teor?a y la pr?ctica, en la ense?anza del proceso de dise?o? Los resultados de este estudio, pueden ser ?tiles para estudiantes de dise?o industrial, para semilleros de investigaci?n e investigadores, para docentes de otras ?reas del saber y para la academia misma. A los estudiantes, les ilustra una opci?n para llevar a cabo un proyecto de su disciplina fuera de la academia; a los semilleros de investigaci?n e investigadores, les sugiere una ruta para la aplicaci?n de la metodolog?a de sistematizaci?n de experiencias; a los docentes de otras ?reas del saber, les sugiere una posibilidad en la b?squeda de la aproximaci?n de la teor?a con la pr?ctica. Al programa acad?mico, le proporciona elementos de vigilancia epistemol?gica, cuyos resultados contribuyen en la aproximaci?n del saber a ense?ar con el saber ense?ado y, con ello igualmente, le suministra elementos para prevenir irregularidades en la transposici?n did?ctica, concretamente en la ense?anza del proceso de dise?o. En s?ntesis, este estudio puede contribuir en la calidad acad?mica de un programa de estudios.

Серия: Investigaci?n

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789586605472


Experiencias de salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial
Experiencias de salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial

Автор: Hilario Topete Lara

Серия: P?blica Social

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9786078450138


Experimental Methods in Survey Research
Experimental Methods in Survey Research

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 12145.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119083757


Experiments in Holism. Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropology
Experiments in Holism. Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropology

Автор: Otto Ton

Experiments in Holism: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropologypresents a series of essays from leading anthropologists that critically reexamine the relevance of holism as a foundational tenet of anthropology, and its theoretical and methodological potential in today's world. Represents the first volume to consider the modern role of holism as a central anthropological concern across a wide range of anthropological traditions Critically examines the past and present predicament of holism and its potential for the renewal of future practice Features contributions from leading anthropologists which discuss how anthropology should be re-designed in the context of a changing world Challenges many of contemporary anthropology's central methods, theory, and functions

Цена: 15901.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781444324433


Explaining the Normative
Explaining the Normative

Автор: Stephen Turner P

Normativity is what gives reasons their force, makes words meaningful, and makes rules and laws binding. It is present whenever we use such terms as ‘correct,' ‘ought,' ‘must,' and the language of obligation, responsibility, and logical compulsion. Yet normativists, the philosophers committed to this idea, admit that the idea of a non-causal normative realm and a body of normative objects is spooky. Explaining the Normative is the first systematic, historically grounded critique of normativism. It identifies the standard normativist pattern of argument, and shows how this pattern depends on circularities, assumptions about the unique correctness of preferred descriptions, problematic transcendental arguments, and regress arguments that end in mysteries. The book considers in detail a paradigm case: legal normativity as constructed by Hans Kelsen. This case exemplifies the problems with normativist arguments. But it also shows how normativism was constructed as an alternative to ordinary social science explanation. The normativist argument is that social science explanations themselves are forced to rely on normative concepts?minimally, on normative rationality and on a normative view of ‘concepts' themselves. Empathic understanding of the reasoning and meanings of others, however, can solve the regress problems about meaning and rationality that are central to the appeal of normativism. This account has no need for a parallel normative world, and has a surprising and revealing lineage in the history of philosophy, as well as a basis in neuroscience.

Цена: 7273.07 руб.
ISBN: 9780745673486


Explorando nuevos paradigmas en Econom?a Pol?tica
Explorando nuevos paradigmas en Econom?a Pol?tica

Автор: Rafael Cardoso

El autor de este libro, el Licenciado Rafael Cardoso, consciente de su condici?n de ciudadano del mundo, dominado y hegemonizado por el Sistema Capitalista, que tiene actualmente en jaque al planeta y a la Humanidad, ha tomado el desaf?o de editar este libro cuyo contenido versa sobre los resultados de un trabajo de exploraci?n de nuevas redefiniciones de nuestra realidad social, y de nuevos paradigmas que la conceptualicen. La evoluci?n del pensamiento humano hist?ricamente desarrollado, y la impronta del sistema capitalista sobre las relaciones sociales, en su af?n de dominio y enriquecimiento infinito, ha deformado, parcializado, y ocultado tanto la realidad de estas relaciones, mintiendo, enga??ndonos, y confundi?ndonos tanto sobre ella, que actualmente se ha tornado un imperativo hist?rico, volver a las fuentes en la observaci?n de esa realidad, escudri??ndola como con un microscopio y un telescopio, tanto en su elegante simplicidad como en su extrema complejidad, a fin de obtener un conocimiento m?s preciso, profundo y acabado de la misma, que nos permita marchar sobre el filo de la dial?ctica del movimiento hist?rico de nuestro mundo, en lo que hace a la ecolog?a de lo social imbricada con lo natural, y protagonizar un mundo nuevo y una vida m?s arm?nica, m?s digna, y m?s feliz.

Исполнители: Елена Калиниченко

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9789878718002



Автор: Rudolf Hermann Meyer

The unrivaled, definitive reference for almost 40 years, this classic work on explosives is now in its seventh, completely revised and updated edition. Some 500 monographic entries, arranged alphabetically, consider the physicochemical properties, production methods, and safe applications of over 120 explosive chemicals. In addition, 70 fuels, additives, and oxidizing agents are discussed as well as the corresponding test methods. Trade, company, and military short names are provided for many of the materials listed, while further key features include a combined index and glossary with terms and abbreviations in English, French, and German, as well as conversion tables and many literature references. Finally, this indispensable source also contains safety data and transport regulations.

Цена: 21774.83 руб.
ISBN: 9783527689590


Expos?, Drehbuch & Shooting Script
Expos?, Drehbuch & Shooting Script

Автор: Andreas Reil

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783937708553


Extra Time
Extra Time

Автор: Camilla Cavendish

‘An inspirational call to arms’ DAILY MAIL‘This book is so sensible, so substantially researched, so briskly written, so clear in its arguments, that one wishes Baroness Cavendish was still whispering into the prime ministerial ear’ THE TIMES‘A thoughtful handbook to help societies age gracefully’ FINANCIAL TIMES‘This bold, visionary book is a wake-up call to governments. It is a wake-up call to us all’ SUNDAY TIMESFrom award-winning journalist, Camilla Cavendish, comes a profound analysis of one of the biggest challenges facing the human population today.The world is undergoing a dramatic demographic shift. By 2020, for the first time in history, the number of people aged 65 and over will outnumber children aged five and under. But our systems are lagging woefully behind this new reality. In Extra Time, Camilla Cavendish embarks on a journey to understand how different countries are responding to these unprecedented challenges.Travelling across the world in a carefully researched and deeply human investigation, Cavendish contests many of the taboos around ageing. Interviewing leading scientists about breakthroughs that could soon transform the quality and extent of life, she sparks a debate about how governments, businesses, doctors, the media and each one of us should handle the second half of life. She argues that if we take a more positive approach, we should be able to reap the benefits of a prolonged life. But that will mean changing our attitudes and using technology, community, even anti-ageing pills, to bring about a revolution.

Цена: 1727.2 руб.
ISBN: 9780008295189


F?hrung, Steuerung und Aufsicht von ?ffentlichen Unternehmen
F?hrung, Steuerung und Aufsicht von ?ffentlichen Unternehmen

Автор: Roland Muller

Die Steuerung, F?hrung und Kontrolle von ?ffentlichen Unternehmen – auch bekannt unter dem Begriff «Public Corporate Governance» – ist ein aktuelles und wichtiges Thema. Dies zeigt schon die Tatsache, dass die Kantone der Schweiz rund 1000 Beteiligungen an 600 Unternehmen halten. Wie sollen diese Beteiligungen beaufsichtigt und kontrolliert werden, ohne ihre unternehmerische Autonomie ?berm?ssig einzuschr?nken? Wie k?nnen die Vorteile einer Verselbst?ndigung genutzt werden, ohne den politischen Einfluss aufzugeben? Literatur und Studien zur Public Corporate Governance enthalten nur selten konkrete Angaben, wie die in der Praxis auftauchenden Probleme gel?st werden sollen. Mitglieder des Parlaments, der Exekutive und Kadermitarbeiter in der Verwaltung finden deshalb oft keine Antworten auf ihre Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Corporate Governance von ?ffentlichen Unternehmen.
Das Buch nimmt alle relevanten Fragen auf und gibt konkrete Antworten dazu. Es wird nicht nur erl?utert, welche theoretischen Sachverhalte gelten, sondern es werden auch Praxistipps zur Umsetzung gegeben. Mit zahlreichen praktischen Empfehlungen, Checklisten und konkreten Mustern wird dieses Buch ein unentbehrliches Arbeitsinstrument f?r alle, die sich mit der F?hrung, Steuerung und Kontrolle ?ffentlicher Unternehmen in Parlament, Exekutive, strategischer und operativer F?hrung und Beratung besch?ftigen.

Серия: Public Management (PM)

Цена: 6410.92 руб.
ISBN: 9783258479590


Fabricar al hombre nuevo
Fabricar al hombre nuevo

Автор: Jean-Pierre Durand

Fabricar al hombre nuevo plantea la modelizaci?n de hombres y mujeres que se adaptan a las necesidades cambiantes del trabajo y nos abren interrogantes sobre la integraci?n de las normas que emanan del sistema productivo y de la esfera del consumo. El autor analiza con detalle la conversi?n desde el lugar de trabajo, donde nuevas cualidades y competencias son requeridas en los(as) trabajadores(as), pero tambi?n en el ?mbito de consumo, espacio en el que se observa una extensi?n de la l?gica del capital. Al escudri?ar en el Lean Management, Jean-Pierre Durand ofrece una lectura m?s acabada sobre las fuentes de «malestar en el trabajo», advirti?ndonos en no quedar atrapados en perspectivas que atomizan los s?ntomas del malestar en las causas ps?quicas, lo que constituye una invitaci?n a pensar de manera articulada en los procesos globales, en la reorganizaci?n de la producci?n de los bienes y los servicios, as? como en las situaciones sociales que se construyen dentro y fuera del lugar de trabajo.

Серия: Akad?mica

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9786078683543



Автор: Taina Bucher

Facebook has fundamentally changed how the world connects. No other company has played a greater role in the history of social networking online. Yet Facebook is no longer simply a social networking site or social media platform. Facebook is Facebook. Taina Bucher shows how Facebook has become an idea of its own: something that cannot be fully described using broader categories. Facebook has become so commonplace that most people have a conception of what it is, yet it increasingly defies categorization. If we want to understand Facebook's power in contemporary society and culture, Bucher argues, we need to start by challenging our widespread conception of what Facebook is. Tracing the development and evolution of Facebook as a social networking site, platform, infrastructure and advertising company, she invites readers to consider Facebook anew. Contrary to the belief that nobody uses Facebook anymore, Facebook has never been more powerful. This timely book is important reading for students and scholars of media and communication, as well as anyone seeking to understand the Facebook phenomenon.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781509535187


Facing Gaia
Facing Gaia

Автор: Bruno Latour

The emergence of modern sciences in the seventeenth century profoundly renewed our understanding of nature. For the last three centuries new ideas of nature have been continually developed by theology, politics, economics, and science, especially the sciences of the material world. The situation is even more unstable today, now that we have entered an ecological mutation of unprecedented scale. Some call it the Anthropocene, but it is best described as a new climatic regime. And a new regime it certainly is, since the many unexpected connections between human activity and the natural world oblige every one of us to reopen the earlier notions of nature and redistribute what had been packed inside. So the question now arises: what will replace the old ways of looking at nature? This book explores a potential candidate proposed by James Lovelock when he chose the name 'Gaia' for the fragile, complex system through which living phenomena modify the Earth. The fact that he was immediately misunderstood proves simply that his readers have tried to fit this new notion into an older frame, transforming Gaia into a single organism, a kind of giant thermostat, some sort of New Age goddess, or even divine Providence. In this series of lectures on 'natural religion,' Bruno Latour argues that the complex and ambiguous figure of Gaia offers, on the contrary, an ideal way to disentangle the ethical, political, theological, and scientific aspects of the now obsolete notion of nature. He lays the groundwork for a future collaboration among scientists, theologians, activists, and artists as they, and we, begin to adjust to the new climatic regime.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745684352


Factores que limitan la acci?n colectiva de las v?ctimas del desplazamiento forzado
Factores que limitan la acci?n colectiva de las v?ctimas del desplazamiento forzado

Автор: Jenniffer Vargas Reina

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9788468543161



Автор: Omar Rinc?n

Miles de noticias falsas circulan a diario por redes sociales. Pero ?qu? pasa cuando son utilizadas para comprar voluntades en campa?as electorales y en la comunicaci?n de los gobiernos? ?De qu? manera la utilizaci?n de noticias falsas explica la situaci?n pol?tica actual de Am?rica Latina? La respuesta a estas preguntas est? en este libro. Ya no queda tiempo para comprender si algo es cierto o no, el ?nfasis est? en que la informaci?n, y especialmente el mensajero, nos seduzcan. Las noticias falsas se mueven r?pidamente, penetran grupos de WhatsApp, cuentas de Twitter, Facebook e Instagram, y as? afectan los criterios que utilizamos para tomar decisiones en democracia.

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9789876918176


Faktastisch - Tierwelt - Warum Pandas im Handstand pinkeln (Ungek?rzt)
Faktastisch - Tierwelt - Warum Pandas im Handstand pinkeln (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Faktastisch

Faktastisch: Die Infotainer des Internets! Geballtes Wissen unterhaltsam verpackt. Faktastisch begeistert im Internet mit spannenden Fakten und wissenswertem oder unn?tzem Wissen. So berichten sie beispielsweise ?ber Fische, die Gesichter erkennen k?nnen und stellen die Frage, warum R?dertierchen seit 80 Mio. Jahren keinen Sex haben und trotzdem noch nicht ausgestorben sind. In ihrer neuen Reihe haben die Autoren von Faktastisch ihre beliebtesten Fakten zusammengetragen und diese exklusiv mit Hintergrundinfos und weiteren spannenden Informationen angereichert. Ein echtes Plus f?r alle, die es genau wissen und bei ihren Freunden oder auf Partys mit besonderem Wissen punkten wollen!

Исполнители: Dietmar Wunder

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783838787060


Famiie nach Gottes Plan
Famiie nach Gottes Plan

Автор: H. Wilts

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783892875871


Familias y Menores
Familias y Menores

Автор: M? Carmen Bellver Moreno

Цена: 2366.48 руб.
ISBN: 9788416062621


Familie im Gep?ck
Familie im Gep?ck

Автор: Rosa Rechtsteiner

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783843606868


Family Problems
Family Problems

Автор: Группа авторов

Family Problems: Stress, Risk, and Resilience presents an interdisciplinary collection of original essays that push the boundaries of family science to reflect the increasingly diverse complexity of family concerns in the modern world. Represents the most up-to-date family problem research while addressing such contemporary issues as parental incarceration, same sex marriage, health care disparities, and welfare reform Features brief chapter introductions that provide context and direction to guide the student to the heart of what’s important in the piece that follows Includes critical thinking questions to enhance the utility of the book for classroom use Responds to family problem issues through the lens of a social justice perspective

Цена: 7279.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118352878


Family Theories. Foundations and Applications
Family Theories. Foundations and Applications

Автор: Angela Henderson C

Family Theories: Foundations and Applications presents a comprehensive and accessible approach to the most current perspectives in the field of family theory. Integrates classic and contemporary writings on family theories Features compelling case studies drawn from the authors’ experiences working with thousands of students Represents an integrative use of theory, research, and practice Utilizes the metaphor of “developing your theory app” to translate complex academic ideas into accessible, student-friendly language

Цена: 4881.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781119281283


Far From the Tree
Far From the Tree

Автор: Andrew Solomon

From the National Book Award-winning author of the bravedeeply humaneopen-minded, critically informed, and poetic (The New York Times) The Noonday Demon, comes a game-changer of a book about the impact of extreme personal and cultural difference between parents and children.A brilliant and utterly original thinker, Andrew Solomons journey began from his experience of being the gay child of straight parents. He wondered how other families accommodate children who have a variety of differences: families of people who are deaf, who are dwarfs, who have Down syndrome, who have autism, who have schizophrenia, who have multiple severe disabilities, who are prodigies, who commit crimes, who are transgender. Bookended with Solomons experiences as a son, and then later as a father, this book explores the old adage that says the apple doesnt fall far from the tree; instead some apples fall a couple of orchards away, some on the other side of the world.      In twelve sharply observed and moving chapters, Solomon describes individuals who have been heartbreaking victims of intense prejudice, but also stories of parents who have embraced their childrens differences and tried to change the worlds understanding of their conditions. Solomons humanity, eloquence, and compassion give a voice to those people who are never heard. A riveting, powerful take on a major social issue, Far from the Tree offers far-reaching conclusions about new families, academia, and the way our culture addresses issues of illness and identity.

Исполнители: Andrew Solomon

Цена: 4593.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781442356108


Fashioning Globalisation. New Zealand Design, Working Women and the Cultural Economy
Fashioning Globalisation. New Zealand Design, Working Women and the Cultural Economy

Автор: Larner Wendy

Drastic changes in the career aspirations of women in the developed world have resulted in a new, globalised market for off-the-peg designer clothes created by independent artisans. This book reports on a phenomenon that seems to exemplify the twin imperatives of globalisation and female emancipation. A major conceptual contribution to the literatures on globalisation, fashion and gender, analysing the ways in which women’s entry into the labour force over the past thirty years in the developed world has underpinned new forms of aestheticised production and consumption as well as the growth of ‘work-style’ businesses A vital contribution to the burgeoning literature on culture and creative industries which often ignores the significant roles taken by women as entrepreneurs and designers rather than mere consumers Introduces fashion scholars and economic geographers to a paradigmatic example of the new designer fashion industries emerging in a range of countries not traditionally associated with fashion Takes a fresh perspective on an industry in which Third World garment workers have been the subject of exhaustive analysis but first world women have been largely ignored

Цена: 10267.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118295779


Fass mich nicht an!
Fass mich nicht an!

Автор: Reinhold Ruthe

Reinhold Ruthe widmet sich einem gerne verdr?ngten Thema: sexueller Missbrauch. Betroffene Kinder m?ssen im Schnitt acht (!) Erwachsene ansprechen, bis man sie ernst nimmt. Was k?nnen wir tun, um unsere Kinder und Jugendlichen – in Gemeinde und Familie – besser zu sch?tzen? Der Familientherapeut beschreibt Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis, nennt die Merkmale, auf die man bei Kindern achten sollte, gibt Tipps f?r eine gelungene Sexualerziehung und kl?rt auf ?ber Ma?nahmen zur Pr?vention. Der bekannte Familientherapeut Reinhold Ruthe ?ber sexuelle Gewalt. Ein Muss f?r Kinder- und Jugendmitarbeiter sowie alle Eltern.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783865068811


Faszination Geocaching - Meine Sch?nsten Erlebnisse
Faszination Geocaching - Meine Sch?nsten Erlebnisse

Автор: Frank Hillmann

Leseproben und Fotoimpressionen sind auf frankhillmann.de f?r Sie bereit gestellt.
Vom einfachen Traditional-Cache ?ber Multi-Caches bis hin zum Nacht-Cache, Lostplace-Cache und Kletter-Cache, wird der Leser an die Hand genommen und f?hlt sich, als w?re er hautnah dabei.

F?r den interessierten Nicht-Cacher (Muggel) gibt dieses Buch einen umfassenden Einblick und erkl?rt ganz nebenbei einige verschiedene Spielarten dieser High-Tech-Schatzsuche.

F?r den Cache-Neuling sind dar?ber hinaus aufgrund einiger detaillierter Textpassagen interessante Tipps und Tricks zu finden.

Ein erfahrener Cacher wird sich an seine Anf?nge zur?ck versetzt f?hlen, ?hnliche Situationen selbst erlebt haben und kurzweilige Geschichten vorfinden.
Der Autor beschreibt in kurzweiliger, spannender und auch humorvoller Weise seine sch?nsten Erlebnisse, die er mit seiner Familie und Freunden beim Geocachen erlebt hat.
Die interessanten Kurzgeschichten decken dabei eine gro?e Bandbreite dieses faszinierenden Trendsportes ab. Nach der Lekt?re versp?ren Sie wahrscheinlich das dringende Bed?rfnis, selbst einen Cache zu finden.
Sie sind so lange unruhig, bis der erste Found-it geloggt ist.
Danach aber, wird es noch schlimmer, das Cache-Fieber!

Achtung Suchtgefahr!

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783844225822



Автор: Sander Gilman L

The modern world is faced with a terrifying new ‘disease’, that of ‘obesity’. As people get fatter, we have come to see excess weight as unhealthy, morally repugnant and socially damaging. Fat it seems has long been a national problem and each age, culture and tradition have all defined a point beyond which excess weight is unacceptable, ugly or corrupting. This fascinating new book by Sander Gilman looks at the interweaving of fact and fiction about obesity, tracing public concern from the mid-nineteenth century to the modern day. He looks critically at the source of our anxieties, covering issues such as childhood obesity, the production of food, media coverage of the subject and the emergence of obesity in modern China. Written as a cultural history, the book is particularly concerned with the cultural meanings that have been attached to obesity over time and to explore the implications of these meanings for wider society. The history of these debates is the history of fat in culture, from nineteenth-century opera to our global dieting obsession. Fat, A Cultural History of Obesity is a vivid and absorbing cultural guide to one of the most important topics in modern society.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745675282



Автор: Ralph Dutli

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783835323933


Feixisme persistent
Feixisme persistent

Автор: Alba Sidera

Серия: Periodistes

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788417611316


Female Sexual Offenders. Theory, Assessment and Treatment
Female Sexual Offenders. Theory, Assessment and Treatment

Автор: Cortoni Franca

Featuring a collection of essays by leading experts, Female Sexual Offenders: Theory, Assessment and Treatment is the first book to bring together current research, clinical assessment, and treatment techniques of female sexual offenders into one accessible volume. Describes the most recent research data regarding female sexual offenders, covering such issues as female-perpetrated sexual abuse prevalence and juvenile offenders Includes an assessment of the risk of recidivism, international treatment initiatives, and a discussion on the use of the polygraph with female sexual offenders Features practitioner-focused essays which evaluate current assessment strategies, treatment needs, effectiveness, and processes for female sexual offenders

Цена: 13471.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780470666739


Feminine Sentences
Feminine Sentences

Автор: Janet Wolff

This new book integrates material drawn from a variety of sources – feminist theory, cultural and literary analysis, sociology and art history – in an original discussion of women's relationship to modern and post-modern culture. The essays in the book challenge the continuing separation of sociological from textual analysis in cultural (and feminist) theory and enquiry. They address critically the question of women's writing, exploring the idea that women may begin to define their own lives and construct their identities in a patriarchal culture through the very process of writing. They also present a cogent defence of a feminist cultural politics, including a politics of the body.

Цена: 2535.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780745678399


Feminism and Anthropology
Feminism and Anthropology

Автор: Henrietta Moore L

This is the first book which examines the nature and significance of a feminist critique in anthropology. It offers a clear introduction to, and balanced assessment of, the theoretical and practical issues raised by the development of a feminist anthropology. Henrietta Moore situates the development of a feminist approach in anthropology within the context of the discipline, examining the ways in which women have been studied in anthropology – as well as the ways in which the study of gender has influenced the development of the discipline anthropology. She considers the application of feminist work to key areas of anthropological research, and addresses the question of what social anthropology has to contribute to contemporary feminism. Throughout the book Henrietta Moore's analysis is informed by her own extensive fieldwork in Africa and by her concern to develop anthropological theory and method by means of feminist critique. This book will be of particular value to students in anthropology, women's studies and the social sciences.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745677866


Feminism and Ecology
Feminism and Ecology

Автор: Mary Mellor

The relationship between feminism and ecology has grown in importance in recent years. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the ecofeminist movement and its history, as well as an extended analysis of the main perspectives within it. Mellor examines the connections between feminism and the green movement, and outlines the contributions of the major participants, while contextualizing them within a wider range of debates. She re-examines classic feminist texts from an ecofeminist perspective, and explores the relationship between ecofeminism and other ecological movements, such as 'deep' ecology, social ecology and ecosocialism. Mellor discusses the association of women with biology and 'nature', and argues that the relationship between women and the environment can help us to understand the relationship between humanity and the natural world. Against the trends towards radical economic liberalism, global capitalism and postmodernist pluralism, she argues that there is within the feminist and green movements the basis of a new radical movement which draws on the principles of both. A useful and engaging account of feminist perspectives on ecology, the book will be welcomed by students and researchers in feminism and gender studies, sociology and political theory.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745677811



Автор: Lilly Gr?nberg

Um seinem Freund Steffen beizustehen, schl?pft Marvin f?r einen Abend in dessen Rolle. Doch Marvin ist Callboy – und seiner wehrlosen Kundin gel?stet es nach ausgefallenen Spielen.

Серия: Nuancen der Lust

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783945163610


Feuersucher. Die Jagd nach dem Geheimnis der Lebensenergie
Feuersucher. Die Jagd nach dem Geheimnis der Lebensenergie

Автор: Schatz Gottfried

Packend und dennoch wissenschaftlich prazise schildert Gottfried Schatz die leidenschaftlichen Kampfe jener Forscher, die das letzte gro?e Ratsel der Zellatmung losten und die Idee des britischen Biologen Peter Mitchell schlie?lich bestatigten. «Feuersucher» ist aber nicht nur die fesselnde Geschichte einer Jahrhundertentdeckung, sondern auch ein atmospharisch dichtes Panorama der wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Lahmung im Osterreich und Deutschland der Nachkriegszeit, des kometenhaften Aufstiegs der Naturwissenschaften in den USA und der Schweiz und des muhsamen Wiederaufbaus naturwissenschaftlicher Spitzenforschung in Europa. Dabei lasst der Autor viele gro?e Biochemiker des letzten Jahrhunderts in facettenreichen Schilderungen wieder lebendig werden. Die vom renommierten Biophysiker P. Leslie Dutton handgezeichneten Portrats und schematischen Zeichnungen verleihen dem Buch ein besonderes Flair. Eine einmalige Mischung aus literarischem Lesevergnugen, Portrat einer Nachkriegsgeneration und wissenschaftlichem Thriller, der das Wettrennen um eine der gro?ten biologischen Entdeckungen des vorigen Jahrhunderts hautnah miterleben lasst.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9783527673087


ffentliche Stelle in den Sozialen Medien
ffentliche Stelle in den Sozialen Medien

Автор: Robert Krey?ing

Die vorliegende Publikation gibt sowohl Juristen als auch Nicht- Juristen bei der Erschlie?ung der ma?geblichen Fragen – ?ber diverse Rechtsbereiche hinaus – eine praxisorientierte Hilfestellung und liefert L?sungsans?tze. So werden am Beispiel von Facebook elementare datenschutzrechtliche Vorgaben beleuchtet, die ma?geblich f?r die Bestimmung der grunds?tzlichen Zul?ssigkeit von Sozialen Medien in der Arbeit von ?ffentlichen Stellen sind – kurz gesagt: D?rfen Soziale Medien genutzt werden und falls ja, unter welchen Voraussetzungen? Auch die wesentlichen einfachgesetzlichen Regelungen, die sowohl f?r die grunds?tzliche Zul?ssigkeit, aber auch f?r die fortlaufende Nutzung relevant sind, sind f?r die Praxis aufbereitet. Insbesondere f?r die allt?gliche Anwendung werden im letzten Abschnitt die verfassungsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen f?r die Nutzung der Sozialen Medien dargestellt. Wie darf bzw. sollte sich eine ?ffentliche Stelle in den Sozialen Medien verhalten? Welche praktischen Fallstricke gibt es und was muss stets beachtet werden?

Серия: Datenschutzberater

Цена: 5721.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783800593033


Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Volume 1
Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Volume 1

Автор: Thomas Koshy

Praise for the First Edition “ …beautiful and well worth the reading … with many exercises and a good bibliography, this book will fascinate both students and teachers.” Mathematics Teacher Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Volume I, Second Edition provides a user-friendly and historical approach to the many fascinating properties of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, which have intrigued amateurs and professionals for centuries. Offering an in-depth study of the topic, this book includes exciting applications that provide many opportunities to explore and experiment. In addition, the book includes a historical survey of the development of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, with biographical sketches of important figures in the field. Each chapter features a wealth of examples, as well as numeric and theoretical exercises that avoid using extensive and time-consuming proofs of theorems. The Second Edition offers new opportunities to illustrate and expand on various problem-solving skills and techniques. In addition, the book features: • A clear, comprehensive introduction to one of the most fascinating topics in mathematics, including links to graph theory, matrices, geometry, the stock market, and the Golden Ratio • Abundant examples, exercises, and properties throughout, with a wide range of difficulty and sophistication • Numeric puzzles based on Fibonacci numbers, as well as popular geometric paradoxes, and a glossary of symbols and fundamental properties from the theory of numbers • A wide range of applications in many disciplines, including architecture, biology, chemistry, electrical engineering, physics, physiology, and neurophysiology The Second Edition is appropriate for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses on the history of mathematics, combinatorics, and number theory. The book is also a valuable resource for undergraduate research courses, independent study projects, and senior/graduate theses, as well as a useful resource for computer scientists, physicists, biologists, and electrical engineers. Thomas Koshy, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Framingham State University in Massachusetts and author of several books and numerous articles on mathematics. His work has been recognized by the Association of American Publishers, and he has received many awards, including the Distinguished Faculty of the Year. Dr. Koshy received his PhD in Algebraic Coding Theory from Boston University. “Anyone who loves mathematical puzzles, number theory, and Fibonacci numbers will treasure this book. Dr. Koshy has compiled Fibonacci lore from diverse sources into one understandable and intriguing volume, [interweaving] a historical flavor into an array of applications.” Marjorie Bicknell-Johnson

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118742068


Ficken heute!
Ficken heute!

Автор: Rhino Valentino

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783864410284


Fidelio - Die ZEIT-Edition Gro?e Oper f?r kleine H?rer (Ungek?rzt)
Fidelio - Die ZEIT-Edition "Gro?e Oper f?r kleine H?rer" (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Bert Petzold

Leonore und Florestan wollen durch die Gassen Sevillas stromern. Als Florestan zur Verabredung nicht erscheint, beginnt Leonore ihn zu suchen. Als Junge verkleidet und unter falschem Namen Fidelio gelangt sie ins dunkle Kellerquartier der Pizarro-Bande. Leonore findet Florestan und befreit ihn.

Исполнители: Luca Zamperoni

Цена: 882.87 руб.
ISBN: 4251234313848


Fight Fire with Fire
Fight Fire with Fire

Автор: Renee Tarun

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119854333


Figures of History
Figures of History

Автор: Julie Rose

In this important new book the leading philosopher Jacques Ranci?re continues his reflections on the representative power of works of art. How does art render events that have spanned an era? What roles does it assign to those who enacted them or those who were the victims of such events? Ranci?re considers these questions in relation to the works of Claude Lanzmann, Goya, Manet, Kandinsky and Barnett Newman, among others, and demonstrates that these issues are not only confined to the spectator but have greater ramifications for the history of art itself. For Ranci?re, every image, in what it shows and what it hides, says something about what it is permissible to show and what must be hidden in any given place and time. Indeed the image, in its act of showing and hiding, can reopen debates that the official historical record had supposedly determined once and for all. He argues that representing the past can imprison history, but it can also liberate its true meaning.

Цена: 4965.38 руб.
ISBN: 9780745681382


Film - Text - Kultur
Film - Text - Kultur

Автор: Heinz-Peter Preu?er

Серия: Schriftenreihe zur Textualit?t des Films

Цена: 2958.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783894728007


Film- und Fernsehanalyse
Film- und Fernsehanalyse

Автор: Lothar Mikos

Die Rezeption von Filmen und Fernsehsendungen ist sowohl vom Wissen und den Emotionen der Zuschauer als auch von sozialen Kontexten abh?ngig. Es reicht daher nicht aus, die «Sprache» von Film und Fernsehen zu analysieren, sondern es m?ssen auch die Form, die Gestaltung, die Dramaturgie und der Inhalt auf die Kontexte der Rezeption bezogen werden.
Dieses Standardwerk von Lothar Mikos ist eine erprobte Anleitung zur Durchf?hrung von Film- und Fernsehanalysen, inklusive aktueller Entwicklungen wie Transmedia Storytelling oder 3D-Film. Mit aufschlussreichen
Beispielanalysen zu «Herr der Ringe», «Terminator», «Game of Thrones», «Germany's Next Topmodel» sowie Filmen des «Marvel Cinematic Universe».
Prof. Dr. Lothar Mikos lehrt Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Filmuniversit?t Babelsberg. Konrad Wolf in Potsdam.

Исполнители: Елена Березина

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783846344675


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