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Publics and the City
Publics and the City

Автор: Kurt Iveson

Publics and the City investigates struggles over the making of urban publics, considering how the production, management and regulation of ‘public spaces’ has emerged as a problem for both urban politics and urban theory. Advances a new framework for considering the diverse spatialities of publicness in relation to the city Argues that a city’s contribution to the making of publics goes beyond the provision of places for public gathering Examines a series of detailed case studies Looks at the relationship between urbanism, public spheres, and democracy

Цена: 10599.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781405181365


Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft

Автор: Heinz P?rer

Ein Lehr- und Handbuch, das den Gegenstandsbereich der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft umrei?t und in ihre Grundbegriffe, n?mlich Kommunikation, Massenkommunikation und computervermittelte Kommunikation einf?hrt. Breiten Raum nehmen dann die wichtigsten Lehr- und Forschungsfelder ein. Abschlie?end wird ein ?berblick ?ber die wichtigsten Methoden der empirischen Kommunikationsforschung wie Befragung, Inhaltsanalyse, Beobachtung und Experiment gegeben.

Цена: 2761.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783846385333


Puertas adentro
Puertas adentro

Автор: Godofredo Olivares

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9786079046422


Puerto de Ideas de la A a la Z
Puerto de Ideas de la A a la Z

Автор: Группа авторов

Puerto de Ideas de la A a la Z conmemora 10 a?os desde el primer Festival Puerto de Ideas de Valpara?so. Para eso, 29 destacadas voces chilenas definen 29 conceptos clave para pensar la cultura, la curiosidad y el conocimiento.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9789569058363


Pure Erotik und hei?e Lust
Pure Erotik und hei?e Lust

Автор: Silvana Hoch

Auf den Geschmack gekommen? Wollust und Gier, verpackt in fesselnde, humorvolle und brisante Storys mit interessanten Wendungen. Das Buch enth?lt erotische Szenen mit sehr deutlicher Wortwahl. Nur f?r erwachsene Leser! Wie alles im Leben kann auch Sex schrecklich langweilig werden, wenn man sein Liebesleben niemals variiert. Trotzdem hindert es manche Frauen und M?nner nicht daran Tag f?r Tag das gleiche zu tun.

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9783750218635


Qu? es la corrupci?n?
Qu? es la corrupci?n?

Автор: Leslie Holmes

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9786079836948


Qu? fue de la modernidad?
Qu? fue de la modernidad?

Автор: Gabriel Josipovici

Серия: Noema

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9788415427612


Qu? pasa con Kansas?
Qu? pasa con Kansas?

Автор: Thomas Frank

Серия: Acuarela & A. Machado

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9788491140948


Qu? se puede hacer con el Per?
Qu? se puede hacer con el Per?

Автор: Piero Ghezzi

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9789972572722


Qualle im Tierheim
Qualle im Tierheim

Автор: Lena Raubaum

Max Kallinger, genannt «Qualle», w?nscht sich einen Hund. Schon immer. Schon seit er «Hund» sagen kann. Aber leider sind seine Eltern ?ber beide Ohren und Nasenl?cher dagegen. Seine Schwester Mia wei? Rat. Sie schl?gt vor, dass er sich doch im Tierheim um Hunde k?mmern k?nnte. Dort erf?hrt der Qualle nicht nur jede Menge ?ber Hunde, wie sie sich verhalten oder wie er das ideale Spielzeug f?r sie basteln kann. Als die H?ndin Barka dringend Hilfe braucht, kommt dem Qualle die rettende Idee und daf?r braucht es vor allem B?cher … «Qualle im Tierheim» – Eine Geschichte mit Wau-Effekt! Nach dem Buch «Qualle im Krankenhaus» folgt hier ein weiteres Qualle-Abenteuer – geschrieben von Dixi-Kinderliteraturpreistr?gerin Lena Raubaum.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783991280323


Quantile Regression. Estimation and Simulation
Quantile Regression. Estimation and Simulation

Автор: Marilena Furno

Contains an overview of several technical topics of Quantile Regression Volume two of Quantile Regression offers an important guide for applied researchers that draws on the same example-based approach adopted for the first volume. The text explores topics including robustness, expectiles, m-quantile, decomposition, time series, elemental sets and linear programming. Graphical representations are widely used to visually introduce several issues, and to illustrate each method. All the topics are treated theoretically and using real data examples. Designed as a practical resource, the book is thorough without getting too technical about the statistical background. The authors cover a wide range of QR models useful in several fields. The software commands in R and Stata are available in the appendixes and featured on the accompanying website. The text: Provides an overview of several technical topics such as robustness of quantile regressions, bootstrap and elemental sets, treatment effect estimators Compares quantile regression with alternative estimators like expectiles, M-estimators and M-quantiles Offers a general introduction to linear programming focusing on the simplex method as solving method for the quantile regression problem Considers time-series issues like non-stationarity, spurious regressions, cointegration, conditional heteroskedasticity via quantile regression Offers an analysis that is both theoretically and practical Presents real data examples and graphical representations to explain the technical issues Written for researchers and students in the fields of statistics, economics, econometrics, social and environmental science, this text offers guide to the theory and application of quantile regression models.

Цена: 13918.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118863640


Quantitative Methoden kompakt
Quantitative Methoden kompakt

Автор: Nicole Burzan

Befragung, Inhaltsanalyse oder Beobachtung – quantitative Methoden sind ein zentrales Werkzeug der empirischen Sozialforschung.
Mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen stellt Nicole Burzan diese Methoden vor. Gleichzeitig ordnet sie sie in den Forschungsprozess von der Operationalisierung des Themas ?ber die Fallauswahl und Datenerhebung bis zur Datenauswertung ein.
So erhalten die Leser/innen einen ?berblick ?ber die Methoden der Sozialforschung und k?nnen Forschungsergebnisse empirischer Studien kritisch hinterfragen.
Ein Buch f?r BA-Studierende, die keine dicken W?lzer lesen, aber trotzdem alles Wichtige ?ber quantitative Sozialforschung wissen wollen.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783846337653


Question Evaluation Methods
Question Evaluation Methods

Автор: Gordon B. Willis

Insightful observations on common question evaluation methods and best practices for data collection in survey research Featuring contributions from leading researchers and academicians in the field of survey research, Question Evaluation Methods: Contributing to the Science of Data Quality sheds light on question response error and introduces an interdisciplinary, cross-method approach that is essential for advancing knowledge about data quality and ensuring the credibility of conclusions drawn from surveys and censuses. Offering a variety of expert analyses of question evaluation methods, the book provides recommendations and best practices for researchers working with data in the health and social sciences. Based on a workshop held at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), this book presents and compares various question evaluation methods that are used in modern-day data collection and analysis. Each section includes an introduction to a method by a leading authority in the field, followed by responses from other experts that outline related strengths, weaknesses, and underlying assumptions. Topics covered include: Behavior coding Cognitive interviewing Item response theory Latent class analysis Split-sample experiments Multitrait-multimethod experiments Field-based data methods A concluding discussion identifies common themes across the presented material and their relevance to the future of survey methods, data analysis, and the production of Federal statistics. Together, the methods presented in this book offer researchers various scientific approaches to evaluating survey quality to ensure that the responses to these questions result in reliable, high-quality data. Question Evaluation Methods is a valuable supplement for courses on questionnaire design, survey methods, and evaluation methods at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. it also serves as a reference for government statisticians, survey methodologists, and researchers and practitioners who carry out survey research in the areas of the social and health sciences.

Цена: 9789.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118036983


Quiche de puerro
Quiche de puerro

Автор: Bianca Pinheiro

Las mujeres deciden resolver sus problemas con sangre y plomo.Se tardan unos 40 minutos en preparar una buena quiche de puerro. La receta lleva agua, harina, mantequilla, nata, huevos, sal y, claro, puerros.Es importante que, para que la masa quede crujiente, se sigan las leyes del reposo, y para incrementar el sabor del relleno se a?ada una pizca de indignaci?n, resentimiento y venganza.A medio camino entre el c?mic gastron?mico y el de reflexi?n social, Quiche de puerro plantea un dilema de lo m?s subversivo que se recomienda leer en fr?o. ?Buen provecho!En Quiche de puerro, Bianca Pinheiro, demuestra una vez m?s su maestr?a y versatilidad al plantear un pol?mico dilema ?tico de una manera aparentemente sencilla.El guion y el dibujo de Quiche de puerro merecieron los galardones en el Trof?u HQ Mix de Brasil, el certamen de c?mic m?s prestigioso de Brasil.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788412460834


Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?
Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?

Автор: Ernesto Penas Lado

Цена: 25444.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781119576877


A la lucha he venido
"A la lucha he venido"

Автор: Juli?n David Romero Torres

Серия: Ciencia pol?tica

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9789587841398


Ein Pflanzenextrakt ist gigantisch komplex
"Ein Pflanzenextrakt ist gigantisch komplex"

Автор: Michael Popp

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783961961177


Genesung ist Arbeit
"Genesung ist Arbeit"

Автор: Monika Vazzaz

Серия: Schriftenreihe der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft f?r Gesundheitspolitik / Cahiers d'?tude de la Soci?t? suisse pour la politique de la sant?

Цена: 2859.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783857071287


R? nice Pomi dzy M czyzn A Kobiet
R?żnice Pomiędzy Mężczyzną A Kobietą

Автор: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

W rozmowie na temat płci trzeba mieć na uwadze i r?znice, i podobieństwa między mężczyzną a kobietą. Niestety jednak, w momencie kiedy jedno chce przewyższyć drugie, może ona nabrać odcienia sporu. Co do nauki, nie wdaje się w tego typu dyskusje, a raczej skupia na zgromadzeniu danych i wszelkich informacji na temat r?żnic i podobieństw między mężczyzną a kobietą. Niniejsza praca odkrywa przed czytelnikiem wyniki ostatnich badań nad tymi r?żnicami, przeprowadzonych przez naukowc?w z całego świata. Poznaj najnowsze odkrycia w zakresie tego, co r?żni mężczyznę i kobietę!

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835401643


R?pido, violento y muy cercano
R?pido, violento y muy cercano

Автор: Eduardo Villanueva

R?pido, violento y muy cercano presenta los acontecimientos que siguieron a la vacancia presidencial de noviembre de 2020: la respuesta popular a los usurpadores y, sobre todo, la manera como los medios y la cultura digital influyeron en dicha reacci?n. Luego de contextualizar este componente y revisar la literatura sobre similares situaciones en la ?ltima d?cada, el autor plantea que lo acontecido fue una respuesta social que logr? organizarse y acelerarse mediante un uso intenso y novedoso de esos recursos digitales, pero que, al mismo tiempo, esa organizaci?n fue contingente y, finalmente, ef?mera.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9786123176815


R?ume digitaler Kommunikation
R?ume digitaler Kommunikation

Автор: Группа авторов

Серия: Neue Schriften zur Online-Forschung

Цена: 2859.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783869625546


Race. Are We So Different?
Race. Are We So Different?

Автор: Alan H. Goodman

Perspectives on race today Featuring new and engaging essays by noted anthropologists and illustrated with full color photos, RACE: Are We So Different? is an accessible and fascinating look at the idea of race, demonstrating how current scientific understanding is often inconsistent with popular notions of race. Taken from the popular national public education project and museum exhibition, it explores the contemporary experience of race and racism in the United States and the often-invisible ways race and racism have influenced laws, customs, and social institutions.

Цена: 7635.86 руб.
ISBN: 9781118233177


Racismo y lenguaje
Racismo y lenguaje

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9786123173586


Radar Meteorology
Radar Meteorology

Автор: Robert M. Rauber

A comprehensive introduction to the current technology and application of radar in meteorology and atmospheric sciences Written by leading experts in the field, Radar Meteorology, A first Course offers an introduction to meteorological radar systems and applications, with emphasis on observation and interpretation of physical processes in clouds and weather systems. This comprehensive introduction to the subject offers an overview of the quantities essential to radar meteorology including the radar reflectivity factor, and Doppler, dual-polarization, and multi-wavelength radar variables. The authors highlight wind retrieval from single and multiple Doppler radars, precipitation estimation and hydrometeorological applications, with chapters dedicated to interpretation of radar data from warm season mid-latitude severe weather, winter storms, tropical cyclones and more. In addition, Radar Meteorology highlights research applications of this burgeoning technology, exploring dynamic applications such as space-borne and ground-based vertically pointing radar systems, and cloud, airborne and mobile radars. As meteorological radars are increasingly used professionally for weather observation, forecasting and warning, this much-needed text: • Presents an introduction to the technical aspects and current application of radar as used in the meteorology and atmospheric sciences • Contains full-colour illustrations that enhance the understanding of the material presented • Examines the wide-range of meteorological applications of radar • Includes problems at the end of each chapter as a helpful review of the contents • Provides full instructor support with all illustrations and answers to problems available via the book’s instructor website. Radar Meteorology offers a much-needed introductory text to the study of radar as applied to meteorology. The text was designed for a one semester course based on the authors’ own course in Radar Meteorology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Цена: 8759.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118432655



Автор: Andreas S Luksch

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9783961125333


Radical libre
Radical libre

Автор: Manuel Vicent

Исполнители: Михаил Руденко

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788412053265



Автор: Farhad Khosrokhavar

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783863935306



Автор: Hans-J?rgen Krug

Seit 1923 gibt es Radio. Technische, ?konomische, politische und kulturelle Entwicklungen haben Stellenwert und Form der einzelnen Programmbereiche immer wieder ver?ndert. Mal dominierte die Kultur, mal die Musik, die Politik oder die Werbung. Und mit jeder Verlagerung ver?nderten sich auch die Radioprogramme und Radioformate.
Der Autor f?hrt kompakt und verst?ndlich in das Medium ein – in Geschichte, ?konomie, Formate, Programmbereiche und Nutzung.

Серия: utb Profile

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783846333334


Rapport 2020-2021 de la BEI sur l investissement - Principales conclusions
Rapport 2020-2021 de la BEI sur l'investissement - Principales conclusions

Автор: Группа авторов

Les efforts massifs d?ploy?s par l'Union europ?enne pour stimuler la reconstruction apr?s la pand?mie de coronavirus offrent une occasion unique de transformer son ?conomie en la rendant plus verte et plus num?rique – et, en fin de compte, plus comp?titive. Le Rapport 2020-2021 de la BEI sur l'investissement examine les effets n?gatifs de la pand?mie sur les investissements et les projets d'avenir des entreprises europ?ennes, ainsi que les efforts qu'elles consentent pour r?pondre aux imp?ratifs li?s aux changements climatiques et ? la r?volution num?rique. L'analyse pr?sent?e dans le rapport s'appuie sur un ensemble unique de bases de donn?es et de donn?es provenant d'une enqu?te men?e aupr?s de 12 500 entreprises au cours de l'?t? 2020, en plein milieu de la crise du COVID-19. Tout en donnant un aper?u des lourdes cons?quences qu'a eues la pand?mie sur certaines formes d'investissement, le rapport montre qu'il y a aussi des raisons d'esp?rer, soulignant les domaines ?conomiques dans lesquels l'Europe reste forte, tels que les technologies combinant l'innovation verte et num?rique.Les principales conclusions fournissent une synth?se concise et accessible des informations contenues dans le rapport principal.

Цена: Бесплатно
ISBN: 9789286148316


Rassismus - ein Selbstwertproblem
Rassismus - ein Selbstwertproblem

Автор: Anton Wei?

Rassismus und Nationalismus haben ihre Wurzel in einem Selbstwertproblem. Der Mensch f?hlt sich wert, wenn er besser ist als andere, dadurch Anerkennung erf?hrt und sich dadurch anderen ?berlegen f?hlen kann. Die primitivste Form der ?berlegenheit besteht in der Nationalit?t und im Mann-Sein. Aber die Wertsch?tzung durch andere erweist sich als Illusion und f?hrt zu Gier und Unzufriedenheit. Nur wer den Wert in sich selbst entdeckt, findet das, was er durch nichts von Au?en bekommen kann.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783752906073


Ratgeber Stiften, Band 3
Ratgeber Stiften, Band 3

Автор: Ina Epkenhans

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783867931496


Ratgeber Stiften, Band 1
Ratgeber Stiften, Band 1

Автор: Petra Meyer

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783867931472


Rational Design of Solar Cells for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion
Rational Design of Solar Cells for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion

Автор: Alagarsamy Pandikumar

An interdisciplinary guide to the newest solar cell technology for efficient renewable energy Rational Design of Solar Cells for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion explores the development of the most recent solar technology and materials used to manufacture solar cells in order to achieve higher solar energy conversion efficiency. The text offers an interdisciplinary approach and combines information on dye-sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells, polymer solar cells, perovskite solar cells, and quantum dot solar cells. The text contains contributions from noted experts in the fields of chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering. The authors review the development of components such as photoanodes, sensitizers, electrolytes, and photocathodes for high performance dye-sensitized solar cells. In addition, the text puts the focus on the design of material assemblies to achieve higher solar energy conversion. This important resource: Offers a comprehensive review of recent developments in solar cell technology Includes information on a variety of solar cell materials and devices, focusing on dye-sensitized solar cells Contains a thorough approach beginning with the fundamental material characterization and concluding with real-world device application. Presents content from researchers in multiple fields of study such as physicists, engineers, and material scientists Written for researchers, scientists, and engineers in university and industry laboratories, Rational Design of Solar Cells for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion offers a comprehensive review of the newest developments and applications of solar cells with contributions from a range of experts in various disciplines.

Цена: 17950.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781119437468


Re-reading Popular Culture
Re-reading Popular Culture

Автор: Joke Hermes

Re-reading Popular Culture is an entertaining investigation of the meanings and value of popular culture today. It explores the theme of cultural citizenship by combining textual analysis and media reception theory to analyze popular culture. Includes such contemporary issues as the rewriting of masculinity after the success of feminism, and the layers of meaning in semi-public and private talk of multiculturalism and ethnicity Traces its topics across a variety of media forms and texts, including sports; detective fiction and police series; and children’s television and games Clearly and accessibly written for the student, scholar, and general reader.

Цена: 15465.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781405148795



Автор: Nigel Barlow May

What does it take to re-think anything in your life? Sometimes nothing short of turning your whole world upside down. Slow down your thinking for a moment. What is your brain doing? Almost certainly trying to come up with a single right answer because then you can stop thinking about the problem. All too often we are not really thinking, but sleepwalking through life. Fresh angles on familiar problems elude us. Re-thinking is the opposite: it means seeing better or different solutions. In other words, thinking as unusual. Rethink shows you why and how. What if today you were to . . . Buy a new newspaper? Take a different route home? Say ‘yes’ to everything your partner asks? Invent new rituals for your family? Surround yourself with beauty? Try a first take at the creative fantasy sleeping in the attic of your mind? Find a new hero? Discover more about your upbringing? Act as if anything were possible rather than yes-butting the new? You’d be a re-thinker. Why not? There’s always a better or different solution to the way you lead your personal or professional life. Rethink will help you to stop living on autopilot and reawaken your sense of wonder, curiosity, and creativity.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781841127194


Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry
Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry

Автор: Metin Balci

Цена: 10038.08 руб.
ISBN: 9783527834600


Readings in Economic Sociology
Readings in Economic Sociology

Автор: Nicole Biggart Woolsey

These articles, over thirty in total, reflect the best and latest thought in the exciting field of economic sociology. Beginning with the foundation of Smith, Marx, Engels and Polanyi, the volume gathers some of the best writings by economic sociologists that consider national and world economies as both products and influences of society. Contains over twenty articles by classical and contemporary economic social theorists. Covers important topics on economic action, states, and markets. Includes insightful editorial introductions and further reading suggestions.

Цена: 17447.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780470754702


Recoger los pasos
Recoger los pasos

Автор: Miguel Ángel Rubio Jiménez

Серия: La pluralidad cultural en México

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9786073042284


Reconstructing Archaeological Sites
Reconstructing Archaeological Sites

Автор: Paul Goldberg

Цена: 13255.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119016434


Recuperando la Paz Cotidiana
Recuperando la Paz Cotidiana

Автор: Pamina Firchow

Terminar los conflictos armados es dif?cil; restaurar una paz duradera puede ser considerablemente m?s dif?cil a?n. Recuperando la Paz Cotidiana aborda la efectividad y el impacto de las intervenciones a nivel local en las comunidades afectadas por la guerra. Utilizando una metodolog?a innovadora para generar iniciativas participativas, Pamina Firchow encuentra que las comunidades saturadas por intervenciones externas despu?s de la guerra no ostentan niveles sustancialmente mayores de paz de acuerdo con indicadores de paz definidos por las comunidades mismas, que aquellas con menores niveles de intervenci?n. Estos hallazgos sugieren que las iniciativas de construcci?n de paz internacionales no son muy efectivas en alcanzar la paz seg?n est?ndares locales porque se presta una atenci?n desproporcionada a la reconstrucci?n, gobernanza, y asistencia para el desarrollo mientras se presta muy poca atenci?n a los lazos comunitarios y a la sanaci?n. Firchow sostiene que se requiere un abordaje m?s abajo-arriba para medir la efectividad de la construcci?n de paz. Encontrando formas de comunicar efectivamente las necesidades y prioridades de las comunidades locales a la comunidad internacional, las iniciativas destinadas a crear una atm?sfera para una paz duradera se hacen posibles.

Серия: Ciencia pol?tica

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9789587844382


Redes cercanas
Redes cercanas

Автор: Javier D?az-Albertini Figueras

Empleando el concepto de capital social, el autor realiza una investigaci?n en la que comprueba que los lime?os siguen estableciendo sus v?nculos por la proximidad entre ellos. Esto se percibe en el predominio de la confianza de tipo familista, la ausencia de normas que sirvan de hilo conductor entre los espacios transitados por los actores sociales y la supremac?a de las relaciones de cercan?a.

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9789972453809


Redewendungen: Gerade, k?rzere Linie
Redewendungen: Gerade, k?rzere Linie

Автор: Carsten Both

Behandelte Redewendungen: – jemanden auf dem Strich haben – etwas ins Visier nehmen – jemanden abschie?en (wollen) – jemanden/etwas aufs Korn nehmen – jemanden/etwas auf dem Korn/auf der Kimme haben – jemanden/etwas auf dem Kieker haben – auf den Strich gehen – Strichm?dchen – etwas geht gegen/wider den Strich – jemandem einen (dicken) Strich durch die Rechnung machen – gegen den Strich b?rsten – Strich drunter! – einen (dicken) Strich unter etwas machen/ziehen – mit einem Federstrich – einen Schlussstrich unter etwas ziehen – (nur noch) ein Strich in der Landschaft sein – einen Strich (zu viel) haben – keinen Strich (mehr) tun/machen – unterm Strich – unter dem Strich sein/liegen

Цена: 146.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783738029970


Redundant Masculinities?
Redundant Masculinities?

Автор: Linda McDowell

Redundant Masculinities? investigates the links between the so-called 'crisis of masculinity' and contemporary changes in the labour market through the lives of young working class men. Allows the voices of poorly-educated young men to be heard. Looks at how the labour market is changing. Emphasises the social construction of gender and racial identities. Dispels popular myths about the crisis in masculinity.

Цена: 10599.07 руб.
ISBN: 9780470775356


Reencuentro. La izquierda y el liberalismo pol?tico
Reencuentro. La izquierda y el liberalismo pol?tico

Автор: Jes?s Ortega Mart?nez

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9786075243078


Reflective Practice
Reflective Practice

Автор: Hargreaves Janet

Reflective practice is an essential skill for those working in health and social care, but why is it so vital and how can it be learned? As inter-disciplinary working becomes more common, finding shared ways of reflection on practice are becoming more and more important. How do we share our ideas and thoughts to enrich both professionals and their client base? This book uses stories and exercises to enable readers to develop their skills. Its emphasis is on the practical, from how to construct a reflective essay to the ethical ambiguities of whistleblowing and constructing a professional persona. The book is written with the needs of students of health and social care in mind. For those who want to develop their skills beyond the scope of the book, each chapter ends by with a step-up suggestion enabling them to build on what they have already learned.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745656656


Reflexiones para una crisis
Reflexiones para una crisis

Автор: Mateo Clemente Andrada

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788417011871


Reflexiones sobre el liberalismo
Reflexiones sobre el liberalismo

Автор: Henry Ramos Allup

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9788412145007


Reflexiones sobre la contrataci?n del sector p?blico en Colombia
Reflexiones sobre la contrataci?n del sector p?blico en Colombia

Автор: Marta Nubia Vel?squez Rico

Este texto contiene ensayos sobre el marco de la contrataci?n p?blica en Colombia. La obra se interesa por realizar un estudio transversal de la ley, la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado y la doctrina, con el objetivo de identificar los principales problemas de los temas propios del proceso contractual, tanto en el r?gimen general de contrataci?n como en los reg?menes exceptuados y, adem?s, pretende brindar una soluci?n a los mismos.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9789587837858


Reflexiones sobre lengua, etnia y educaci?n
Reflexiones sobre lengua, etnia y educaci?n

Автор: Carlos Garc?a Tob?n

Серия: Estudios Culturales

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9789586652872


Reforma al sistema financiero mexicano
Reforma al sistema financiero mexicano

Автор: Ricardo Monreal ?vila

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9786075242859


Reforma rural integral: ?Oportunidad que se desvanece?
Reforma rural integral: ?Oportunidad que se desvanece?

Автор: Amanda Alvarado Cort?s

"La paz consagrada en la Constituci?n Pol?tica de 1991 como deber y derecho, ha sido un compromiso asumido e integrado en los Planes Globales de Desarrollo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia que, desde el 2012, ha establecido ejes orientados a apoyar el actual proceso de paz a partir del reconocimiento que se requiere para una soluci?n definitiva al conflicto armado interno. Desde la academia, este compromiso se ha extendido al an?lisis y reflexi?n de diversas problem?ticas debatidas con varios actores involucrados en el conflicto; y, con la firma del Acuerdo Final de paz se ha visto la necesidad de plantear alternativas de soluci?n para el posacuerdo. Este libro, resultado del trabajo de docentes, estudiantes y grupos de investigaci?n de la Universidad, expone varios aspectos para analizar el desarrollo de la Reforma Rural Integral con la participaci?n activa de diferentes voces de las comunidades."

Исполнители: Алла Човжик

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9789587944242


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