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Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25

Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission
Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission

Àâòîð: Giovanni Mazzanti

The only book on the market that provides current, necessary, and comprehensive technical knowledge of extruded cables and high-voltage direct-current transmission This is the first book to fully address the technical aspects of high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) link projects with extruded cables. It covers design and engineering techniques for cable lines, insulation materials, and accessories, as well as cable performance and life span and reliability issues. Beginning with a discussion on the fundamentals of HVDC cable transmission theory, Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission: Advances in Research and Development covers: Both the cable and the accessories (joints and terminations), each of which affects cable line performance The basic designs of HVDC cables—including a comparison of mass insulated non-draining cables with extruded HVDC cables The theoretical elements on which the design of HVDC cables is based—highlighting the differences between HVAC and HVDC cables Space charge-related problems that have a critical impact on extruded insulation for HVDC application Recent advances in extruded compounds for HVDC cables such as additives and nano-fillers The improved design of extruded HVDC cable systems—with emphasis on design aspects relevant to accessories Cable line reliability problems and the impact on cable system design Including more than 200 illustrations, Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission fills a gap in the field, providing power cable engineers with complete, up-to-date guidance on HVDC cable lines with extruded insulation.

Öåíà: 13991.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118590430


F?hrung f?r F?hrungshasser
F?hrung f?r F?hrungshasser

Àâòîð: Devora Zack

Ñåðèÿ: Dein Business

Öåíà: 2070.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783956230110


F?sica para ciencias m?dicas
F?sica para ciencias m?dicas

Àâòîð: Pablo Olmos

Este libro trata de forma amena las principales ?reas de la f?­sica que debiera conocer un profesional de la salud. Temas de mec?nica, termodin?mica, electricidad y magnestismo, f?­sica ondulatoria, f?­sica nuclear y f?­sica de l?ser se explican en el contexto de las ciencias m?dicas, incluyendo un gran n?mero de problemas resueltos y ejemplos. Pensado para estudiantes, es tambi?n material de referencia para aquellos profesionales con conocimientos b?sicos de c?lculo que deseen profundizar o recordar algunos t?picos de f?­sica que sean de su inter?s.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Ñîôüÿ Øàìàåâà

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789561426009


Facebook For Dummies
Facebook For Dummies

Àâòîð: Carolyn Abram

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119782117



Àâòîð: Catalina Ortiz Laguado

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588843353


Fantasy Football For Dummies
Fantasy Football For Dummies

Àâòîð: Martin A. Schulman

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119883333


Feigenblatt oder Baum der Erkenntnis?
Feigenblatt oder Baum der Erkenntnis?

Àâòîð: Kathrin Jehle

Ñåðèÿ: Schriftenreihe der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft f?r Gesundheitspolitik / Cahiers d'?tude de la Soci?t? suisse pour la politique de la sant?

Öåíà: 2859.71 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961898978


Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Female genital plastic surgery has become an increasingly sought-after option for women seeking ?improvement? in genital appearance, relief from discomfort, and increased sexual pleasure. These surgeries are a combination of gynecologic, plastic, and cosmetic procedures. Every year sees a higher demand for physicians properly trained and able to perform them. This unique text from the acknowledged experts in the field covers; the anatomy of the area the specific surgical procedures and all their variations patients? rationales for surgery training guidelines and ethical issues outcome statistics sexual issues patient selection potential risks and complications. Examining the issues from individual patient?s perspectives, it is written in an academic but easy-to-read style with understandable and unambiguous drawings and photographs. It contains a step-by-step surgical approach, how to best select the right surgical candidates, how to treat this select group of patients, the sexual issues involved, how to individualize techniques for each specific patient, how to deal with criticism from colleagues or journalists, psychosexual issues, and patient protection.

Öåíà: 19052.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118848470


Financial Management of Health Care Organizations
Financial Management of Health Care Organizations

Àâòîð: Marci S. Thomas

Öåíà: 13151.31 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119553908


Finanzen im Fluss- so geht es bei mir
Finanzen im Fluss- so geht es bei mir

Àâòîð: Ina Nitschmann

Wie kann man sich als Normalverdiener ein wenig finanziellen Freiraum schaffen? Wo kann man sparen, wie kann man zus?tzlich Geld einnehmen und kann man auch kleine Betr?ge gewinnbringend anlegen? Die Antwort lautet: Ja, das kann man!
Die Autorin gibt Antworten auf all diese Fragen aus ihrem pers?nlichen Erfahrungsschatz und damit eine gute Basis f?r das pers?nliche Finanznmanagement.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783753160382


Fisioterapia en salud mental
Fisioterapia en salud mental

Àâòîð: Claudia Liliana Guar?n Espinosa

Öåíà: 936.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587844610


Fisioterapia para ni?os/ni?as, una propuesta desde el Sur
Fisioterapia para ni?os/ni?as, una propuesta desde el Sur

Àâòîð: Aydee Luisa Robayo Torres

Esta obra recoge los legados de profesionales en Fisioterapia de pa?ses de Am?rica del Sur y est? orientada a un p?blico de kinesi?logos/as, fisioterapeutas, estudiantes de estas profesiones y del ?rea de rehabilitaci?n; quienes encontrar?n aportes teorizados y descritos desde una experiencia cl?nica espec?fica que van desde los marcos epistemol?gicos y la morfolog?a de ni?os y ni?as, hasta la interacci?n propia con la epilepsia, la hemofilia, pacientes con quemaduras, la prescripci?n del ejercicio y la neurofisioterapia, entre otras. En pocas oportunidades, en habla hispana se encuentra un texto que proponga evidencias en la interacci?n propia del fisioterapeuta/kinesi?logo/a con, para y por los ni?os y ni?as de la regi?n, convirti?ndose as? este libro en un espacio de acercamiento a este campo investigativo.

Öåíà: 738.85 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587947281


Flavin-Based Catalysis
Flavin-Based Catalysis

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 15388.57 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527830121



Àâòîð: Stefanie Widmann

Das Flipchart ist das ideale Pr?sentationsmedium f?r Teambesprechungen und Workshops, aber auch f?r viele Seminare, Pr?sentationen oder Vortr?ge. Sein kompetenter Einsatz tr?gt entscheidend zur Einpr?gsamkeit von Inhalten bei und f?rdert Motivation und Arbeitsklima. Elke Meyer und Stefanie Widmann vermitteln Ideen und Anregungen f?r alle Nutzer dieses Mediums, vom Einsteiger bis zum erfahrenen Trainer. Sie zeigen, wie jeder von uns Flipcharts ansprechend und motivierend gestalten kann. Die Vorbereitung von Seminaren oder Besprechungen wird damit vereinfacht, der Zeitaufwand reduziert. Mit mehr als 200 Bildern bietet das Buch eine F?lle konkreter Beispiele zur Gestaltung von Flipcharts und eine Palette von Gestaltungsm?glichkeiten, aus denen jeder Anwender mit wenig Aufwand seinen individuellen Stil ableiten kann. Au?erdem stellt es einen Katalog mit Symbolen zur Verf?gung, die jeder f?r sich modifizieren und einsetzen kann. Die 4. Auflage enth?lt wieder etliche neue Flipcharts, zum Beispiel zum Figurenzeichnen und zur Darstellung von Perspektiven. Dieses Buch geh?rt in jeden Moderatorenkoffer, in jedes Trainergep?ck.

Öåíà: 3681.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783895789120



Àâòîð: Roland Kreutzer

Alle Anlagen Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt – 31 Flossinganlagen, 45 Beschwerdebilder und Sportverletzungen, 45 Eigen?bungen
"Flossing" gibt einen systematischen ?berblick ?ber die Einsatzm?glichkeiten und positiven Effekte dieses Verfahrens: • rasch wirksame Schmerzlinderung • effektiver Muskelaufbau bei geringen Widerst?nden
Flossing wurde in den letzten Jahren unter dem etwas obskuren Namen Voodoo-Flossing popul?r. Zun?chst galt das Flossing als Geheimtipp ambitionierter Kraftsportler und Cross Fitter. Nach und nach wurde es einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit zug?nglich. In seinem Buch «Werde ein geschmeidiger Leopard» stellte der amerikanische Physiotherapeut Dr. Kelly Starrett verschiedene Anwendungsm?glichkeiten vor. Schon l?nger war jedoch das Flossing als effektives Mittel zum Muskelaufbau bekannt: 2004 beschrieben die Japaner Takarada und Tsuruta den positiven Zusammenhang von Flossing und Muskelaufbau bei leichtem Widerstandstraining.
Wie entfaltet Flossing seine Wirkung? Flossing bewirkt unter anderem ?ber eine Beeinflussung der Faszien bzw. des Fasziensystems eine rasche Schmerzlinderung ohne medikament?se Belastung des Organismus. Die M?glichkeiten und Grenzen sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen werden in diesem Buch ausf?hrlich beschrieben. Flossing als praktische Anwendung wird vornehmlich bei folgenden Beschwerdebildern demonstriert und dabei Schritt f?r Schritt erkl?rt:
• Schmerzen im Bereich der Schulter • Arme und H?nde • Tennisellenbogen • Golferellenbogen • Schmerzzust?nde der Wirbels?ule und des Kreuzbeins • Beschwerden im H?ft-, Bein- und Fu?bereich • rasch wirksame Schmerzlinderung • effektiver Muskelaufbau bei geringen Widerst?nden

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868675443


Forensic Ballistics in Court
Forensic Ballistics in Court

Àâòîð: Brian J. Heard

Forensic Ballistics in Court: Interpretation and Presentation of Firearms Evidence is an accessible introduction to firearms and ballistics evidence and how this is analysed and presented as evidence in a court of law. The book approaches the subject in terms of the realities of case work, opening with a clear and illustrated explanation of the correct nomenclature for various weapon types and their parts. Ammunition is also extensively covered, again with annotated illustrations. Basic external and terminal ballistics, wounding capabilities are likewise covered to give an overview of the subject. A key aspect of the book covers the theory and philosophy behind striation matches and the associated statistics, how positive matches should be peer reviewed and the importance accreditation has on this subject. Gunshot residue formation and identification and the various methods used in its analysis are reviewed in depth. This includes a critical examination of the pros and cons of each type of examination and the evidential weight which can be applied to each method. Accessible and reader-friendly introduction to firearms and ballistics. Clarifies the limitations of firearms evidence. Extensive use of global case-studies throughout. Focus on the interpretation and assessment of the weight of firearms/ballistics evidence presented at court. Covers the importance of witness and accused statements and their interpretation in relation to the investigation under review. Includes coverage of gunshot residue collection, examination and interpretation and the potential for contamination of GSR samples. Includes numerous real life case studies that the author has dealt with over the past 45 years. Takes an applied approach to the subject.

Öåíà: 13920.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118504994


Forensic Ecology Handbook
Forensic Ecology Handbook

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The analysis of plants, insects, soil and other particulates from scenes of crime can be vital in proving or excluding contact between a suspect and a scene, targeting search areas, and establishing a time and place of death. Forensic Ecology: A Practitioner’s Guide provides a complete handbook covering all aspects of forensic ecology. Bringing together the forensic applications of anthropology, archaeology, entomology, palynology and sedimentology in one volume, this book provides an essential resource for practitioners in the field of forensic science, whether crime scene investigators, forensic science students or academics involved in the recovery and analysis of evidence from crime scenes. Forensic Ecology: A Practitioner’s Guide includes information not only on the search, location, recovery and analysis of evidence, but includes sampling strategies for diatom analysis, pollen and soils samples and entomology and provides guides for good practice. Each chapter provides background information on each discipline and is structured according to pre-scene attendance (what questions should the scientist ask when receiving a call? What sort of preparation is required?), scene attendance (including protocols at the scene, sampling strategies, recording), scientific examination of analysis of the evidence up to the stages and guidelines for witness statement and presenting evidence in court. The book is written by specialists in all fields with a wealth of experience who are current forensic practitioners around the world. It provides an essential and accessible resource for students, academics, forensic practitioners and police officers everywhere.

Öåíà: 9700.71 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118374054


Forensic Odontology
Forensic Odontology

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Forensic odontology refers to the science and practice of dentistry which may be applied to help solve litigation in both criminal and civil cases. It is a specialist branch of dentistry that assists the legal system in the handling, analysis and interpretation of dental evidence. Forensic Odontology: Principles and Practice pulls together the very latest research findings and advice on best practice and essential skills, including aspects of forensic science that provide a well-rounded educational experience for the reader. Chapters provide coverage of anatomy and morphology, mortuary techniques, physical anthropology, applied forensic sciences, child and elder abuse, and facial approximation. The text introduces the various topics and discusses underpinning philosophies without being an exhaustive historical treatise. Appropriate case studies are used to highlight issues, and references to current research are provided to stimulate further reading and research. Written by experienced practitioners in the field, this informative introductory text is invaluable to graduate and undergraduate students, as well as experienced dentists, wishing to gain experience or pursue a career in forensic odontology. This text will be a welcome addition to the forensic odontological libraries of all practicing forensic odontologists.

Öåíà: 15737.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118864388


Forensic Reports and Testimony
Forensic Reports and Testimony

Àâòîð: Randy K. Otto

Forensic Reports & Testimony: A Guide to Effective Communication for Psychologists and Psychiatrists provides a roadmap for the mental health professional who wants to provide consistently accurate, defensible, and useful reports and testimony to the legal system. Authors Randy K. Otto, Richart L. DeMier, and Marcus Boccaccini, recognized experts in the field, cover all aspects of the process, including preparing affidavits and reports, preparing for depositions, and testifying. Every written or spoken communication for the courts must be clear and precise, and distinguish between facts, inferences, and opinions. This book uniquely: •Shows the critical differences between forensic psychological reports and the clinical reports psychologists and psychiatrists are accustomed to writing •Includes and explains important maxims of forensic report writing, including separating facts from inferences, focusing on offering expert opinions, explaining why you think what you think, and connecting the dots between facts and conclusions •Provides numerous examples of experts’ testimony, affidavits, reports-with commentary and critiques Expert forensic work deserves to be presented in a clear, precise, and understandable way so that it is useful to attorneys, judges, and juries. Forensic Reports & Testimony provides the guidelines and models forensic psychologists and forensic psychiatrists need to make that happen.

Öåíà: 7362.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118419045


Forensic Science Education and Training
Forensic Science Education and Training

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

A comprehensive and innovative guide to teaching, learning and assessment in forensic science education and practitioner training Includes student exercises for mock crime scene and disaster scenarios Addresses innovative teaching methods including apps and e-gaming Discusses existing and proposed teaching methods

Öåíà: 10440.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118689165


Fortschritte der Zahnerhaltung
Fortschritte der Zahnerhaltung

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 4733.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783868670929


Frag dein Tier
Frag dein Tier

Àâòîð: Marta Williams

Frag dein Tier ist ein praktischer Ratgeber, wie wir durch intuitive Kommunikation mit den kleinen und gro?en Macken unserer geliebten tierischen Begleiter umgehen k?nnen und ihre Gef?hle, Gedanken und Bed?rfnisse klar verstehen. Verhaltensst?rungen wie Dauerbellen unseres Hundes oder die Scheu unseres Pferdes vor dem Transport lassen sich dadurch genauso beseitigen, wie wenn unsere Katze den Nachbarn die W?sche von der Leine klaut. Die Autorin bietet hierf?r neue Techniken u. a. die Coachmethode, die sie humorvoll erkl?rt. So l?sst sich auch Ihr Hund davon ?berzeugen, dass in der Rosenecke nicht gebuddelt werden muss, aber hinten im Garten noch eine Unkrautstelle ist, die dringend umgegraben werden sollte… Authentische, mit Fotos illustrierte Erlebnisse und detaillierte ?bungen in jedem Kapitel helfen, das Wunder, mit Tieren zu sprechen, selbst zu erleben. Sogar in schwierigen Situationen: Wer die Techniken von Marta Williams anwendet, kann das Problem sofort angehen – und l?sen.

Öåíà: 1675.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783941435681


Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco

Àâòîð: Heinz Duthel

?Viva Espa?a ?nica! ?Viva Espa?a Grande! ?Viva Espa?a Libre! 1 de octubre de 1936 – 20 de noviembre de 1975 PredecesorMiguel Cabanellas (bando sublevado) Jos? Miaja Menant (bando republicano) SucesorAlejandro Rodr?guez de Valc?rcel (Pte. Consejo de Regencia) Juan Carlos I (Rey de Espa?a) Presidente del Gobierno de Espa?a 30 de enero de 1938 – 8 de junio de 1973 VicepresidenteFrancisco G?mez-Jordana Sousa (1938-1939) Agust?n Mu?oz Grandes (1962-1967) Luis Carrero Blanco (1967-1973) PredecesorFrancisco G?mez-Jordana Sousa (bando sublevado) Juan Negr?n L?pez (bando republicano) SucesorLuis Carrero Blanco Datos personales Nacimiento 4 de diciembre de 1892 Ferrol (La Coru?a), Espa?a Fallecimiento 20 de noviembre de 1975 (82 a?os) Madrid, Espa?a PartidoFET y de las JONS C?nyugeCarmen Polo Hijos Carmen Franco Profesi?nMilitar Alma m?terAcademia de Infanter?a de Toledo Religi?nCat?lica Residencia Palacio Real de El Pardo (oficial) Pazo de Meir?s, Sada (privada) Firma Francisco Franco Bahamonde (Ferrol, La Coru?a, 4 de diciembre de 1892 – Madrid, 20 de noviembre de 1975), conocido como Francisco Franco, el Caudillo, el General?simo o simplemente Franco, fue un militar y dictador espa?ol, golpista integrante del pronunciamiento militar de 1936 que desemboc? en la Guerra Civil Espa?ola. Fue investido como jefe supremo del bando sublevado el 1 de octubre de 1936, ejerciendo como jefe de Estado de Espa?a desde el t?rmino del conflicto hasta su fallecimiento en 1975, y como jefe de Gobierno entre 1938 y 1973. L?der del partido ?nico Falange Espa?ola Tradicionalista y de las JONS, con un r?gimen fascista en sus comienzos, y m?s tarde en una dictadura, conocida como franquismo, de tipo conservador, cat?lico y anti-comunista. Este cambio se debi? a la derrota del fascismo en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aglutin? en torno al culto a su persona, a diferentes tendencias del conservadurismo, del nacionalismo y del catolicismo opuestas a la izquierda pol?tica y al desarrollo de formas democr?ticas de gobierno.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752901443


Frontier Road
Frontier Road

Àâòîð: Sim?n Uribe

Frontier Road uses the history of one road in southern Colombia—known locally as “the trampoline of death”—to demonstrate how state-building processes and practices have depended on the production and maintenance of frontiers as inclusive-exclusive zones, often through violent means. Considers the topic from multiple perspectives, including ethnography of the state, the dynamics of frontiers, and the nature of postcolonial power, space, and violence Draws attention to the political, environmental, and racial dynamics involved in the history and development of transport infrastructure in the Amazon region Examines the violence that has sustained the state through time and space, as well as the ways in which ordinary people have made sense of and contested that violence in everyday life Incorporates a broad range of engaging sources, such as missionary and government archives, travel writing, and oral histories

Öåíà: 8025.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119100195


Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly
Functional Materials from Colloidal Self-assembly

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 21401.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527828715


Functional Polymer Coatings
Functional Polymer Coatings

Àâòîð: Limin Wu

Focusing on a variety of coatings, this book provides detailed discussion on preparation, novel techniques, recent developments, and design theories to present the advantages of each function and provide the tools for better product performance and properties. • Presents advantages and benefits of properties and applications of the novel coating types • Includes chapters on specific and novel coatings, like nanocomposite, surface wettability tunable, stimuli-responsive, anti-fouling, antibacterial, self-healing, and structural coloring • Provides detailed discussion on recent developments in the field as well as current and future perspectives • Acts as a guide for polymer and materials researchers in optimizing polymer coating properties and increasing product performance

Öåíà: 15791.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118883037


Fundamentals of Assessment and Care Planning for Nurses
Fundamentals of Assessment and Care Planning for Nurses

Àâòîð: Ian Peate

Öåíà: 5208.43 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119491767


Fundamentals of Big Data Network Analysis for Research and Industry
Fundamentals of Big Data Network Analysis for Research and Industry

Àâòîð: Hyunjoung Lee

Fundamentals of Big Data Network Analysis for Research and Industry Hyunjoung Lee, Institute of Green Technology, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea Il Sohn, Material Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea Presents the methodology of big data analysis using examples from research and industry There are large amounts of data everywhere, and the ability to pick out crucial information is increasingly important. Contrary to popular belief, not all information is useful; big data network analysis assumes that data is not only large, but also meaningful, and this book focuses on the fundamental techniques required to extract essential information from vast datasets. Featuring case studies drawn largely from the iron and steel industries, this book offers practical guidance which will enable readers to easily understand big data network analysis. Particular attention is paid to the methodology of network analysis, offering information on the method of data collection, on research design and analysis, and on the interpretation of results. A variety of programs including UCINET, NetMiner, R, NodeXL, and Gephi for network analysis are covered in detail. Fundamentals of Big Data Network Analysis for Research and Industry looks at big data from a fresh perspective, and provides a new approach to data analysis. This book: Explains the basic concepts in understanding big data and filtering meaningful data Presents big data analysis within the networking perspective Features methodology applicable to research and industry Describes in detail the social relationship between big data and its implications Provides insight into identifying patterns and relationships between seemingly unrelated big data Fundamentals of Big Data Network Analysis for Research and Industry will prove a valuable resource for analysts, research engineers, industrial engineers, marketing professionals, and any individuals dealing with accumulated large data whose interest is to analyze and identify potential relationships among data sets.

Öåíà: 6261.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119015574


Fundamentals of Care
Fundamentals of Care

Àâòîð: Ian Peate

Fundamentals of Care is an accessible introductory textbook for all health care assistants; assistant practitioners and social care support workers who are undertaking the newly introduced, mandatory Care Certificate, as well as offering a resource for providing care and support. Practically focused, each chapter begins with the outcomes associated with each standard, which helps contextualise and focus the reader on the content and relevance to the Care Certificate. The book also includes exercises to encourage the reader to stop, look, listen and act, thinking cap activity promotes further thinking and application to care and support provision along with case studies and resource files. Written to help the reader come to terms with the role and function of the heath and care assistants, Fundamentals of Care offers support to those undertaking the Care Certificate and to assist those who already work as health and care assistants, helping them in their quest to enhance safe and effective care.

Öåíà: 3906.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119212218


Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management
Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management

Àâòîð: Steven Berger

Learn the essentials of finance theory and practice with the tools needed in day-to-day practice In this thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition of Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management, consultant and educator Steven Berger offers a practical step-by-step approach to understanding the fundamental theories and relationships guiding financial decisions in health care organization. Using cases set in a fictional mid-sized hospital, the book takes the reader into the inner workings of the finance executive's office. As in the previous editions, this book introduces students to key practical concepts in fundamental areas of financial management. This innovative introduction to the most-used tools and techniques includes health care accounting and financial statements; managing cash, billings and collections; making major capital investments; determining cost and using cost information in decision-making; budgeting and performance measurement; and pricing. Also covered in depth are the financial implications of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which will increase patient volume, reduce bad debt, factor quality and patient satisfaction into the financial picture, and significantly affect how hospitals and physicians are paid for services. Students focusing on the business side of health care will find Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management: A Practical Guide to Fiscal Issues and Activities, 4th Edition a valuable text for understanding the workings of the health care financial system.

Öåíà: 11127.12 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118801710


Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing
Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing is an accessible evidence-based introduction to the role of the mental health nurse. This comprehensive overview explores concepts of mental health and distress, ethics and accountability, key nursing models to be aware of, and the prevalence, predisposing factors and features of the most commonly occurring mental health problems. KEY FEATURES: Places mental health conditions and interventions within a wider holistic context Situates recovery at the centre of mental health nursing practice Links key concepts to mental health across the lifespan Contains learning outcomes in each chapter and includes vignettes, activities and reflective exercises to root concepts in real life practice Information is placed in a practice context from the outset, making this an essential guide to both the theory and the practice of mental health nursing. It is ideal for students on courses relating to mental health care, as well as for registered nurses and health care practitioners looking to revise their knowledge of key concepts. www.wiley.com/go/fundamentalsofmentalhealth Interactive multiple-choice questions Links to online resources Chapter summary sheets Dr Andrew Clifton is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at De Montfort University. Dr Steve Hemingway is Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing at the University of Huddersfield. Dr Anne Felton is Associate Professor in Mental Health and Social Care and Dr Gemma Stacey is Associate Professor in Mental Health and Social Care, both at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham. For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing publishing, please visit: www.wileynursing.com To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at www.wiley.com/email

Öåíà: 5326.81 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118880234


Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children s Nurses
Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Registered Nurses must have thorough knowledge of pharmacology, medicines administration, and the effects of medicines.  Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses  is written for nurses and allied health professionals involved in the care of children and young people (CYP) to focus exclusively on pharmacology. Filling a gap in current literature on the subject, this much-needed resource develops the competence and confidence required to prescribe, dispense, and administer medicines to children and young people.  Emphasising the importance of patient-centered care to CYP, the text describes the role of the healthcare provider working with CYP and their families; explains how to use pharmaceutical and prescribing reference guides; discusses legal and ethical issues; examines pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, and more. Helping readers respond appropriately and compassionately to the needs of those receiving care and their families, this textbook:  Covers a wide range of medications used in diabetes, cancer, mental health, and other areas Features a wealth of full-colour images and numerous pedagogical tools including learning objectives, self-test questions, and reflective exercises to enable readers to contextualise and assess their knowledge Presents case studies to reinforce learning, and illustrate the application of theory to practice Provides authoritative and practical guidance on formulations, adverse drug reactions, analgesics, antibiotics, immunisations, and the medications most commonly used when providing care to CYP Includes access to a companion website with interactive MCQs, case studies, references, an image bank, and links to further reading and supplemental resources  Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses  is essential reading for undergraduate children’s nursing students, trainee nursing associates, those undertaking healthcare programmes of study, as well as those seeking to better understand pharmacology.

Öåíà: 4285.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119633235


Fundamentals of Pharmacology
Fundamentals of Pharmacology

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

All registered nurses must have a thorough understanding and a strong knowledge of pharmacology, medicines administration, and the ability to recognise and react to the effects of medicines.  Fundamentals of Pharmacology  helps nursing and healthcare students develop the skills and confidence required to apply the fundamental principles of pharmacology and to offer safe, competent and compassionate care. Concentrating on the medicines that students are most likely to encounter in real-world practice, this textbook provides concise coverage of pharmacology, essential medicines management principles, legal and ethical issues, drug formulations, analgesics, immunisations, and much more.  Clinically focused chapters feature defined learning outcomes, multiple-choice questions, practical examples, and full-colour illustrations to aid readers’ comprehension of the complexities of pharmacology and care provision. The book utilises a straightforward, student-friendly approach to present ‘must-have’ information, with contributions from experienced clinicians and academics.  Describes how to use pharmaceutical and prescribing reference guides Stresses the role and importance of compassionate care throughout Contains a full range of pedagogical tools which enhance learning and recall Aligns with current NMC Standards and Proficiencies for Registered Nurses and Nursing Associates Supplemented and supported by a wealth of online extras and resources  Fundamentals of Pharmacology  is essential reading for all nursing students, trainee nursing associates, post-registration nurses taking ‘nurse prescribing’ or ‘non-medical prescribing’ modules, and newly qualified nurses and nursing associates looking to better understand pharmacology.

Öåíà: 4853.32 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119594673


Fundamentals of the Petrophysics of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Fundamentals of the Petrophysics of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Àâòîð: G. V. Chilingar

Written by some of the world’s most renowned petroleum and environmental engineers, Petrophysics: The Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Revervoirs is the first book to offer the practicing engineer and engineering student these new cutting-edge techniques for prediction and forecasting in petroleum engineering and environmental management.

Öåíà: 22313.43 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118472682


Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management
Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management

Àâòîð: Nick E. Christians

The classic turfgrass management handbook, updated with new developments in the field Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management is the bestselling guide with expert coverage of basic turfgrass science and all aspects of practical care. Now in its fifth edition, this industry favorite offers the latest information on growth, nutrition, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, as well as new chapters discussing shade stress and light requirements and the benefits of turf. Though written at an introductory level, this book provides experienced turf managers with the most current thinking and new developments in wide range of topics, such as fertilization, grass selection, pest management, plant growth regulators, sports turf management practices, soil testing, and water quality. For students and experienced professionals alike, this book provides a thorough and well-rounded reference with everyday utility. Today’s turf managers must have detailed knowledge of agronomy, botany, entomology, horticulture, pathology, and business management. This book brings these diverse fundamentals together into a single volume and will help you to: Master the art and science of turfgrass care, cultivation, and management Learn best practices for mowing, fertilizing, soil health, irrigation, and more Identify, manage, and control insect, disease, and weed pests Examine the professional management of sports turf, golf courses, lawns, and sod Turf management is a $70 billion industry that reaches into sports, tourism, land management, real estate, and more. The care and maintenance of high quality turf requires careful consideration and monitoring of many variables, and both strategic planning and quick action are needed to stay ahead of threats from weather, pests, traffic, and more. Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management provides clear guidance and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the industry, with the latest information all turf managers need to know.

Öåíà: 14264.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119205661


Fundamentos de cirug?a. Urolog?a
Fundamentos de cirug?a. Urolog?a

Àâòîð: Juan Fernando Uribe Arcila

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588843148


Fundamentos de Pediatr?a tomo I: generalidades y neonatolog?a, 4a Ed
Fundamentos de Pediatr?a tomo I: generalidades y neonatolog?a, 4a Ed

Àâòîð: Jos? Alberto Correa V

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789589076941


Fundamentos de pediatr?a Tomo V
Fundamentos de pediatr?a Tomo V

Àâòîð: Juan Gomez Antonio

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588843322


Fundamentos te?ricos de la m?sica atonal
Fundamentos te?ricos de la m?sica atonal

Àâòîð: Hebert V?zquez

A pesar de que la teor?a de la m?sica atonal se ha desarrollado de manera ininterrumpida durante los ?ltimos 50 a?os en los pa?ses anglosajones, especialmente en Estados Unidos, y de que ha producido un extenso acervo de literatura anal?tica, en M?xico es a?n pr?cticamente desconocida; de ah? que esta obra trata de contribuir a remediar dicho rezago. Adem?s hay aspectos en que se diferencia de la mayor?a de los textos anglosajones sobre el tema; el m?s relevante es quiz?s la importancia que se le da en el repertorio musical mexicano, tanto en el terreno de la ejemplificaci?n te?rica como en el ?mbito anal?tico, a lo cual se debe agregar una clara inclinaci?n por la m?sica compuesta en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, sobre todo en el transcurso de los ?ltimos 20 a?os.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786073042246


Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass
Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Harnessing fungi’s enzymatic ability to break down lignocellulolytic biomass to produce ethanol more efficiently and cost-effectively has become a significant research and industrial interest. Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass provides readers with a broad range of information on the uses and untapped potential of fungi in the production of bio-based fuels. With information on the molecular biological and genomic aspects of fungal degradation of plant cell walls to the industrial production and application of key fungal enzymes, chapters in the book cover topics such as enzymology of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin degradation. Edited by a leading researcher in the field, Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass will be a valuable tool in advancing the development and production of biofuels and a comprehensive resource for fungal biologists, enzymologists, protein chemists, biofuels chemical engineers, and other research and industry professionals in the field of biomass research.

Öåíà: 23153.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118414507


G Suite For Dummies
G Suite For Dummies

Àâòîð: Paul McFedries

Öåíà: 2535.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119742180


G?tz von Berlichingen
G?tz von Berlichingen

Àâòîð: Barbara Kindermann

G?tz von Berlichingen, der Ritter mit der eisernen Hand, ist durch Goethes Drama weltber?hmt geworden und seine Respektlosigkeit gegen?ber der Obrigkeit l?ngst sprichw?rtlich. Neuerdings aber schwingt der eiserne Ritter die Fackel der Freiheit nicht mehr nur auf der B?hne, sondern entf?hrt schon kleine Leseratten ab 7 Jahre in die faszinierende Welt des Mittelalters. Goethes Klassiker liest sich in der Neufassung von Barbara Kindermann wie eine spannende Abenteuergeschichte – ?ber Freundschaft, Verrat und Intrigen, korrupte Kaufleute, feige F?rsten, tollk?hne Ritter und sch?ne Burgfr?ulein. Bernd M?lck-Tassel hat dazu phantastisch-schr?ge Bilder mit vielen witzigen Details geschaffen.

Ñåðèÿ: Weltliteratur f?r Kinder

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783934029965


Gedanken der Liebe - Teil 2
Gedanken der Liebe - Teil 2

Àâòîð: Stefan Jagusch

Gedanken der Liebe 2 auf 90 Seiten finden Sie Verse rund um die Liebe, Partnerschaft, tiefe Sehnsucht, Verbundenheit, Hochzeit, Trennung, der unerf?llten Liebe und der Hoffnung nach der Liebe des Lebens. Schreiben ist Liebe, tiefe Gef?hle, ein Ausdruck f?r Gedanken, f?r ?ngste, f?r Freude und Sehnsucht. Gedanken der Liebe ist keine Sammlung von Gedichten, Gedanken der Liebe sind Verse, Gedanken, W?rter, Sehns?chte nach Liebe, ausgedr?ckt, wie es unser Herz nicht sch?ner sagen k?nnte. Mal einfach, mal nachdenklich, aber immer aus ganzer Seele und vollem Herzen. Gedanken der Liebe regt an zum Nachdenken, ?ber unsere Sehnsucht nach Liebe. Der Autor Stefan Jagusch schreibt seit seiner Kindheit Kurzgeschichten und Romane, 2016 wurde sein Buch «Gedanken der Liebe» zum Leser-Buchpreis nominiert.

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783741886096


GEGEN UNENDLICH. Phantastische Geschichten – Nr. 12
GEGEN UNENDLICH. Phantastische Geschichten – Nr. 12

Àâòîð: Michael J. Awe

"Eine Menge origineller Ideen, gro?teils ansprechend bis fantastisch umgesetzt. So sollten Anthologien sein." (standard.at)
Realismus ist etwas f?r Leute, die mit der Phantasie nicht klarkommen, hei?t es. Alle anderen sind Grenzg?nger, die sich auf fremde Welten einlassen. Zu ihnen geh?ren die Leser von «GEGEN UNENDLICH», die hier erneut eine feine, abwechslungsreiche Zusammenstellung phantastischer Geschichten vorfinden. Mit dabei: der Veteran der deutschsprachigen Science-Fiction, Herbert W. Franke. Das Titelbild schuf Stefan B?ttcher.
DIE STORYS Hubert Katzmarz: «Baumschulung» Silke Jahn-Awe: «Miss Louisa und Mr. Kawombel» Joachim Pack: «Generation virtuell» Michael J. Awe: «Buster Keaton l?chelt nicht» Armin M?hle: «Ein perfekter Handel» Uwe W. Appelbe: «Leute eurer Art» Herbert W. Franke: «Ein Kyborg namens Joe» Thomas Franke: «Zone und Null»
AUS DEM INHALT Frischluftpartys der anderen Art auf einer Erde der Zukunft / Housesitting, Babbelschnecken und Exoten / Eins werden mit der digitalen Welt / Leben nach dem Leben / Kuhhandel mit Aliens / Wenn Hybris das Grauen herausfordert / Kybernetik, die den Menschen von sich selbst befreit // Sieben auf einen Streich: skurrile und bizarre Geschichten aus phantastischen Sph?ren

Ñåðèÿ: GEGEN UNENDLICH. Phantastische Geschichten

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742704511


General Practice Cases at a Glance
General Practice Cases at a Glance

Àâòîð: Carol Cooper

General Practice Cases at a Glance is a workbook of clinical scenarios, ideal for those working in general practice, on their GP rotations, or looking to improve their history-taking, diagnostic and management planning skills. Written by practising teaching GPs, it provides an accessible overview of the richness and complexity of general practice. With 50 engaging consultations, covering all age ranges and a broad spread of clinical areas, each symptom-based chapter begins with the clinical presentation of a patient, before going on to uncover the full history and examination. As you work through each true-to-life case, there are red flag symptoms, useful charts and tables, and further resources to deepen your knowledge. General Practice Cases at a Glance: Is suitable for clinical students, Foundation doctors, and those preparing for the MRCGP's CSA Includes 50 case scenarios from across the medical spectrum, from mental health and paediatrics to musculoskeletal and ENT medicine Is comprehensively illustrated Features current clinical guidelines, and charts and tables to accompany each case Is the companion volume to General Practice at a Glance, ISBN 978-0-470-65551-1, (Awarded First Prize in the Primary health care category at the 2013 BMA Medical Book Awards) but is also a stand-alone resource

Öåíà: 4261.45 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119043812


General Practice, eTextbook
General Practice, eTextbook

Àâòîð: Emma Storr

Rehearse for life in clinical practice with this easy-to-use and unique series, which combines cases drawn from real-life experiences with a refreshing approach to presentations as you would see them in day-to-day situations. Get the most from clinical practice, with Clinical Cases Uncovered With more than 30 cases to work through, General Practice: Clinical Cases Uncovered is perfect for medical students and junior doctors to get to grips with what to expect from Primary Care in the UK. Presented in a narrative style with questions and patient background, everything from a chest infection to panic attacks can be investigated in these real-life situations. This is the ideal resource for exam preparation or attachments and provides up-to-date and concise information when students need it most. For further information, visit www.clinicalcasesuncovered.com

Öåíà: 5551.72 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444392968


Generation Sodbrennen
Generation Sodbrennen

Àâòîð: Christoph Eydt

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783945794678


Genes and Behaviour
Genes and Behaviour

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 9363.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119313670


Geometric and Topological Mesh Feature Extraction for 3D Shape Analysis
Geometric and Topological Mesh Feature Extraction for 3D Shape Analysis

Àâòîð: Franck H?troy-Wheeler

Three-dimensional surface meshes are the most common discrete representation of the exterior of a virtual shape. Extracting relevant geometric or topological features from them can simplify the way objects are looked at, help with their recognition, and facilitate description and categorization according to specific criteria. This book adopts the point of view of discrete mathematics, the aim of which is to propose discrete counterparts to concepts mathematically defined in continuous terms. It explains how standard geometric and topological notions of surfaces can be calculated and computed on a 3D surface mesh, as well as their use for shape analysis. Several applications are also detailed, demonstrating that each of them requires specific adjustments to fit with generic approaches. The book is intended not only for students, researchers and engineers in computer science and shape analysis, but also numerical geologists, anthropologists, biologists and other scientists looking for practical solutions to their shape analysis, understanding or recognition problems.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119680956


Geriatric Emergencies
Geriatric Emergencies

Àâòîð: Iona Murdoch

Geriatric Emergencies is a practical guide to the common conditions affecting older patients who present in an emergency to hospital or primary care. Beginning with the essentials of history taking and clinical examination, the book covers a comprehensive range of emergencies, emphasizing the different management approaches which may be required in older patients. Common geriatric presentations such as falls, delirium and stroke, are explored in detail in addition to more diverse topics such as abdominal pain, major trauma and head injury. Ethical considerations such as advanced care planning, palliative care and capacity assessment are discussed with practical tips on communicating with patients and their relatives. Geriatric Emergencies provides concise up-to-date guidance to the emergency management of the older patient. It is a recommended resource for all health professionals working in the acute environment, in which a large proportion of patients are aged over 65.

Öåíà: 5859.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118655672


Geschr?pft und zur Ader gelassen
Geschr?pft und zur Ader gelassen

Àâòîð: Roy Porter

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Sibiryak

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783908778684


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