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Electric Vehicle Technology Explained
Electric Vehicle Technology Explained

Автор: John Lowry

Fully updated throughout, Electric Vehicle Technology, Second Edition, is a complete guide to the principles, design and applications of electric vehicle technology. Including all the latest advances, it presents clear and comprehensive coverage of the major aspects of electric vehicle development and offers an engineering-based evaluation of electric motor scooters, cars, buses and trains. This new edition includes: important new chapters on types of electric vehicles, including pickup and linear motors, overall efficiencies and energy consumption, and power generation, particularly for zero carbon emissions expanded chapters updating the latest types of EV, types of batteries, battery technology and other rechargeable devices, fuel cells, hydrogen supply, controllers, EV modeling, ancillary system design, and EV and the environment brand new practical examples and case studies illustrating how electric vehicles can be used to substantially reduce carbon emissions and cut down reliance on fossil fuels futuristic concept models, electric and high-speed trains and developments in magnetic levitation and linear motors an examination of EV efficiencies, energy consumption and sustainable power generation. MATLAB® examples can be found on the companion website www.wiley.com/go/electricvehicle2e Explaining the underpinning science and technology, this book is essential for practicing electrical, automotive, power, control and instrumentation engineers working in EV research and development. It is also a valuable reference for academics and students in automotive, mechanical, power and electrical engineering.

Цена: 12541.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118361139


Electrochromic Materials and Devices
Electrochromic Materials and Devices

Автор: Группа авторов

Electrochromic materials can change their properties under the influence of an electrical voltage or current. Different classes of materials show this behavior such as transition metal oxides, conjugated polymers, metal-coordinated complexes and organic molecules. As the color change is persistent, the electric field needs only to be applied to initiate the switching, allowing for applications such as low-energy consumption displays, light-adapting mirrors in the automobile industry and smart windows for which the amount of transmitted light and heat can be controlled. The first part of this book describes the different classes and processing techniques of electrochromic materials. The second part highlights nanostructured electrochromic materials and device fabrication, and the third part focuses on the applications such as smart windows, adaptive camouflage, biomimicry, wearable displays and fashion. The last part rounds off the book by device case studies and environmental impact issues.

Цена: 25562.79 руб.
ISBN: 9783527679881


Emergency Management of the Hi-Tech Patient in Acute and Critical Care
Emergency Management of the Hi-Tech Patient in Acute and Critical Care

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 11121.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119262954


Emergency Management of the Hi-Tech Patient in Acute and Critical Care
Emergency Management of the Hi-Tech Patient in Acute and Critical Care

Автор: Группа авторов

Emergency Management of the Hi-Tech Patient in Acute and Critical care helps practitioners stabilize and care for pediatric and adult patients who have specialized medical devices such as prosthetic valves, cochlear transplants, insulin pumps, orthopedic hardware, and ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts. Using a step-by-step approach to acute presentations of patients with clinical hardware, this concise yet comprehensive guide provides specific instructions for the initial evaluation and management of numerous clinical scenarios including device malfunctions, infections, trauma, surgical complications, and more. Encompassing management of both the patient and the device, the guide enables emergency and critical care clinicians to rapidly make appropriate treatment decisions without the immediate need for extensive research, extended discussions with subspecialists, or recalling complex diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms. Clear, concise, and easy-to-follow chapters—written by a panel of highly experienced experts across specialties—include numerous algorithms, figures, tables, diagrams, and color illustrations and clinical images. An invaluable resource for improving the quality of care for the unique hi-tech patient population, this advanced practical manual: Provides algorithms for the most common clinical scenarios of device malfunction and related complications Covers management of patients who have undergone major operations such as organ transplantation or complex congenital heart disease repair Presents detailed management plans for a wide range of hardware types and medical conditions Offers expert guidance to practitioners in settings where not all specialties are readily available, such as rural and remote areas or community hospitals Features contributions from a team of experts in various areas of adult and pediatric emergency and critical care medicine Emergency Management of the Hi-Tech Patient in Acute and Critical Care is a must-have clinical reference and guide for pediatric and adult emergency medicine physicians, general pediatricians, internists, general practitioners, critical care specialists, and allied health practitioners.

Цена: 11121.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119262985


Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services

Автор: Группа авторов

The two-volume Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight delivers a thorough foundation upon which to succeed as an EMS medical director and prepare for the NAEMSP National EMS Medical Directors Course and Practicum. Focusing on EMS in the ‘real world’, the book offers specific management tools that will be useful in the reader’s own local EMS system and provides contextual understanding of how EMS functions within the broader emergency care system at a state, local, and national level. The two volumes offer the core knowledge trainees will need to successfully complete their training and begin their career as EMS physicians, regardless of the EMS systems in use in their areas. A companion website rounds out the book’s offerings with audio and video clips of EMS best practice in action. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to the history of EMS An exploration of EMS airway management, including procedures and challenges, as well as how to manage ventilation, oxygenation, and breathing in patients, including cases of respiratory distress Practical discussions of medical problems, including the challenges posed by the undifferentiated patient, altered mental status, cardiac arrest and dysrhythmias, seizures, stroke, and allergic reactions An examination of EMS systems, structure, and leadership

Цена: 13103.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119756262


Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook
Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 6688.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119633914


Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound

Автор: Группа авторов

Featuring contributions from internationally recognized experts in point-of-care sonography, Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Second Edition combines a wealth of images with clear, succinct text to help beginners, as well as experienced sonographers, develop and refine their sonography skills. The book contains chapters devoted to scanning the chest, abdomen, head and neck, and extremities, as well as paediatric evaluations, ultrasound-guided vascular access, and more. An entire section is devoted to the syndromic approach for an array of symptoms and patient populations, including chest and abdominal pain, respiratory distress, HIV and TB coinfected patients, and pregnant patients. Also included is expert guidance on administering ultrasound in a variety of challenging environments, such as communities and regions with underdeveloped healthcare systems, hostile environments, and cyberspace. Each chapter begins with an introduction to the focused scan under discussion and a detailed description of methods for obtaining useful images. This is followed by examples of normal and abnormal scans, along with discussions of potential pitfalls of the technique, valuable insights from experienced users, and summaries of the most up-to-date evidence. Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Second Edition is a valuable working resource for emergency medicine residents and trainees, practitioners who are just bringing ultrasound scanning into their practices, and clinicians with many years of sonographic experience.

Цена: 12512.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119072881


Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems
Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

The emergence of the discipline of encapsulation and controlled release has had a great impact on the food and dietary supplements sectors; principally around fortifying food systems with nutrients and health-promoting ingredients. The successful incorporation of these actives in food formulations depends on preserving their stability and bioavailability as well as masking undesirable flavors throughout processing, shelf life and consumption. This second edition of Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems serves as an improvement and a complement companion to the first. However, it differentiates itself in two main aspects. Firstly, it introduces the reader to novel encapsulation and controlled release technologies which have not yet been addressed by any existing book on this matter, and secondly, it offers an in-depth discussion on the impact of encapsulation and controlled release technologies on the bioavailability of health ingredients and other actives. In common with the first edition the book includes chapters written by distinguished authors and researchers in their respective areas of specialization. This book is designed as a reference for scientists and formulators in the food, nutraceuticals and consumer products industries who are looking to formulate new or existing products using microencapsulated ingredients. It is also a post-graduate text designed to provide students with an introduction to encapsulation and controlled release along with detailed coverage of various encapsulation technologies and their adaptability to specific applications.

Цена: 18797.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118946886


Endlich leben - statt gelebt zu werden
Endlich leben - statt gelebt zu werden

Автор: Chuck Spezzano

Dieses Buch ist deshalb so au?ergew?hnlich, weil es aus moderner spiritueller Sicht systematisch die wahren Ursachen ergr?ndet f?r das, was wir Menschen als unser gr??tes Ungl?ck erfahren. Doch damit nicht genug. Es zeigt auch f?r jeden nachvollziehbar auf, dass es nur an uns liegt, in unserem Leben wahrhaftiges Gl?ck zu erlangen. Was f?r eine Botschaft! Lernen Sie zu erkennen, dass alles, wonach Sie sich sehnen, in Ihrem Leben schon vorhanden ist und dass Sie durch vollkommene Selbstverantwortung und Neuausrichtung Ihrer Wahrnehmung tiefste Heilung und wahre Freiheit erreichen k?nnen. Dies ist eine absolut empfehlenswerte Lekt?re f?r jeden wirklich Suchenden – die essenziellen Erkenntnisse aus 45 Jahren Praxis, Lehrt?tigkeit und Lebenserfahrung des weltbekannten Weisheitslehrers und Bestsellerautoren Chuck Spezzano.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783866164970


Endlich Schlu? mit Bl?hungen
Endlich Schlu? mit Bl?hungen

Автор: Jochen Krinsken

Ob Pups, Furz oder Bl?hung – es sind die gleichen Begriffe, die f?r sehr unangenehme Momente stehen, mit denen Betroffene zu k?mpfen haben. Es stinkt und knallt; die Umgebung dreht sich entsetzt um und r?mpft die Nase.
Die Betroffenen selbst m?ssen dem Geschehen tatenlos gew?hren lassen, weil die Luft wie von selbst v?llig unkontrolliert aus dem Darm entweicht. Flatulenz (flatus = Wind) hei?t die Krankheit im ?rzte-Latein.
Bl?hungen sind ein ernstes Problem und k?nnen im beruflichen wie auch im privaten Umfeld sehr unangenehme, negative Folgen nach sich ziehen. Nur ist man Bl?hungen wirklich v?llig hilflos ausgeliefert?
Dieses Ratgeber-eBook sagt eindeutig «NEIN» und erteilt wertvolle Ratschl?ge dazu, wie man das Problem in den Griff bekommen kann. Sollten Sie von Bl?hungen betroffen sein, vielleicht sogar so stark, so dass Sie hierdurch in Ihrem Leben psychisch oder sozial beeintr?chtigt werden, dann wird es h?chste Zeit zu diesem genialen Ratgeber zu greifen.
L?sen Sie jetzt und in aller Stille Ihr l?stiges Problem mit dem Ratgber-eBook «Endlich Schlu? mit Bl?hungen»!

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783752930993


Energetisch gesch?tzt
Energetisch gesch?tzt

Автор: David Corby

Berater und Therapeuten f?hlen sich am Ende eines Arbeitstages h?ufig ersch?pft oder ausgelaugt. Ihre Energiereserven sind aufgebraucht. Im Extremfall kann das dazu f?hren, dass sie sich demotiviert und ausgebrannt f?hlen oder sogar selbst krank werden. Das muss nicht sein! David Corby liefert hier «Energiehygiene» f?r Berater und Therapeuten: Er erl?utert die Ursachen f?r den Energieverlust und bietet Strategien, die eigene Energie auf hohem Niveau zu halten – und so energetisch und voller Motivation die Arbeit zu tun. Dazu gibt es zahlreiche praxiserprobte ?bungen, mit denen sich Berater und Therapeuten auch noch nach einem anstrengenden Arbeitstag vital und energetisiert f?hlen k?nnen. David Corby vermittelt dar?ber hinaus «gesunde» Einstellungen zur therapeutischen und beraterischen Arbeit, die daf?r sorgen, die Fallstricke zu vermeiden, die in helfenden Berufen typisch sind. Voller Energie in Beratung und Therapie! Ein unentbehrlicher Begleiter f?r alle, die mit Menschen arbeiten!

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783954841431


Energie & Power: Quintessenz und Pr?vention
Energie & Power: Quintessenz und Pr?vention

Автор: Dr. med. Jan-Dirk Fauteck

Серия: Quintessenz und Pr?vention

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783955776671


Engineering Acoustics
Engineering Acoustics

Автор: Malcolm J. Crocker

A comprehensive evaluation of the basic theory for acoustics, noise and vibration control together with fundamentals of how this theoretical material can be applied to real world problems in the control of noise and vibration in aircraft, appliances, buildings, industry, and vehicles. The basic theory is presented in elementary form and only of sufficient complication necessary to solve real practical problems. Unnecessary advanced theoretical approaches are not included. In addition to the fundamental material discussed, chapters are included on human hearing and response to noise and vibration, acoustics and vibration transducers, instrumentation, noise and vibration measurements, and practical discussions concerning: community noise and vibration, interior and exterior noise of aircraft, road and rail vehicles, machinery noise and vibration sources, noise and vibration in rapid transit rail vehicles, automobiles, trucks, off road vehicles, and ships. In addition, extensive up to date useful references are included at the end of each chapter for further reading. The book concludes with a glossary on acoustics, noise and vibration

Цена: 15856.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118693827


Engineering Justice
Engineering Justice

Автор: Jon A. Leydens

Shows how the engineering curriculum can be a site for rendering social justice visible in engineering, for exploring complex socio-technical interplays inherent in engineering practice, and for enhancing teaching and learning Using social justice as a catalyst for curricular transformation, Engineering Justice presents an examination of how politics, culture, and other social issues are inherent in the practice of engineering. It aims to align engineering curricula with socially just outcomes, increase enrollment among underrepresented groups, and lessen lingering gender, class, and ethnicity gaps by showing how the power of engineering knowledge can be explicitly harnessed to serve the underserved and address social inequalities. This book is meant to transform the way educators think about engineering curricula through creating or transforming existing courses to attract, retain, and motivate engineering students to become professionals who enact engineering for social justice. Engineering Justice offers thought-provoking chapters on: why social justice is inherent yet often invisible in engineering education and practice; engineering design for social justice; social justice in the engineering sciences; social justice in humanities and social science courses for engineers; and transforming engineering education and practice. In addition, this book: Provides a transformative framework for engineering educators in service learning, professional communication, humanitarian engineering, community service, social entrepreneurship, and social responsibility Includes strategies that engineers on the job can use to advocate for social justice issues and explain their importance to employers, clients, and supervisors Discusses diversity in engineering educational contexts and how it affects the way students learn and develop Engineering Justice is an important book for today’s professors, administrators, and curriculum specialists who seek to produce the best engineers of today and tomorrow.

Цена: 5267.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781118757437


Entgiften & Entschlackung: Quintessenz und Pr?vention
Entgiften & Entschlackung: Quintessenz und Pr?vention

Автор: Dr. med. Jan-Dirk Fauteck

Серия: Quintessenz und Pr?vention

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783955777289


Environmental Microbiology
Environmental Microbiology

Автор: Eugene L. Madsen

New and expanded for its second edition, Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to Biogeochemistry? Second Edition, is a timely update to a classic text filled with ideas, connections, and concepts that advance an in-depth understanding of this growing segment of microbiology. Core principles are highlighted with an emphasis on the logic of the science and new methods-driven discoveries. Numerous up-to-date examples and applications boxes provide tangible reinforcement of material covered. Study questions at the end of each chapter require students to utilize analytical and quantitative approaches, to define and defend arguments, and to apply microbiological paradigms to their personal interests. Essay assignments and related readings stimulate student inquiry and serve as focal points for teachers to launch classroom discussions. A companion website with downloadable artwork and answers to study questions is also available. Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to Biogeochemistry, Second Edition, offers a coherent and comprehensive treatment of this dynamic, emerging field, building bridges between basic biology, evolution, genomics, ecology, biotechnology, climate change, and the environmental sciences.

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118439586


Environmental Toxicants
Environmental Toxicants

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 25296.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119438908


Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine and Public Health
Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine and Public Health

Автор: Yoav Ben-Shlomo

Translating the evidence from the bedside to populations This sixth edition of the best-selling Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine and Public Health Lecture Notes equips students and health professionals with the basic tools required to learn, practice and teach epidemiology and health prevention in a contemporary setting. The first section, ‘Epidemiology’, introduces the fundamental principles and scientific basis behind work to improve the health of populations, including a new chapter on genetic epidemiology. Applying the current and best scientific evidence to treatment at both individual and population level is intrinsically linked to epidemiology and public health, and has been introduced in a brand new second section: ‘Evidence-based Medicine’ (EBM), with advice on how to incorporate EBM principles into your own practice. The third section, 'Public Health', introduces students to public health practice, including strategies and tools used to prevent disease, prolong life, reduce inequalities, and includes global health. Thoroughly updated throughout, including new studies and cases from around the globe, key learning features include: Learning objectives and key points in every chapter Extended coverage of critical appraisal and data interpretation A brand new self-assessment section of SAQs and ’True/False’ questions for each topic A glossary to quickly identify the meaning of key terms, all of which are highlighted for study and exam preparation Further reading suggestions on each topic Whether approaching these topics for the first time, starting a special study module or placement, or looking for a quick-reference summary, this book offers medical students, junior doctors, and public health students an invaluable collection of theoretical and practical information.

Цена: 3752.44 руб.
ISBN: 9781118463550


Equine Science
Equine Science

Автор: Zoe Davies

From genetics to functional anatomy, cell biology to the equine digestive system, Equine Science, Third Edition covers all the essential scientific knowledge you need for your equine programme. Thoroughly updated, this new edition features a clear, systematic presentation, stunning full-colour photographs and illustrations, chapter summary points and self-assessment questions throughout. Describes the structure and function of the various body systems of the horse Explains the scientific rationale behind modern equine training practices Features new chapters on exercise physiology and the evolution of the horse Reflects the latest scientific advances and changes in the student curriculum Includes new information on circadian rhythms and sleep patterns, the immune system, and hindgut microbiology. A powerful teaching and learning aid, Equine Science, Third Edition is an essential text for students on higher education equine studies and equine science programmes, as well as those studying for BHS qualifications up to BHSII Stage 4 Horse Knowledge and Care.

Цена: 5563.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118741177


Erkenntnisse aus Atlantis
Erkenntnisse aus Atlantis

Автор: Frank Alper

Dieses Buch besteht aus einer Reihe spiritueller gechannelter Vortr?ge von Dr. Frank Alper. Es besch?ftigt sich zum gr??ten Teil mit der Anwendung von Kristallen, wie sie zur Zeit von Atlantis zum Heilen benutzt wurden. Es werden zahlreiche Legemuster f?r viele Krankheiten beschrieben, was eine wertvolle Erg?nzung zu alternativen Heilmethoden ist. Ferner sind in diesem Buch die spirituellen, sozialen, moralischen und sexuellen Gewohnheiten der alten Atlanter beschrieben.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783941435384


Erkrankungen im Bewegungsapparat
Erkrankungen im Bewegungsapparat

Автор: Dr. Hanspeter Hemgesberg

"Ich habe Kreuz" ist mittlerweile hierzulande fast schon zu einem 'gefl?geltem Wort' geworden; nicht nur f?r Beschwerden direkt in der Kreuzregion, sondern eigentlich f?r den gesamten R?cken. Dabei wird kein Unterschied gemacht, was die Ursachen & Ausl?ser f?r diese Beschwerden sind, ob auf dem Boden einer realen St?rung bzw. Erkrankung oder durch Fehlhaltung oder durch mangelnde Bewegung verursacht. * Neben und au?er den St?rungen und auch Erkrankungen im Bereich Schulter- & Beckeng?rtel und gesamte Wirbels?ule sind aber auch noch etliche Krankheiten zu nennen, die u.a. Beschwerden/Schmerzen im «Kreuz» ausl?sen k?nnen wie Erkrankungen in den Gelenken von H?fte & Knie, Erkrankungen im gesamten «Rheumatischen Formenkreis» – entz?ndlich wie nicht-entz?ndlich = degenerativ -, aber auch Osteoporose. Und keineswegs & keinesfalls eine ausschlie?liche St?rung bei verunfallten Seniorinnen + Senioren: die «Knochenbruch-Heilungsst?rungen»! Immer mehr zu einem physischen wie auch psychischen Problem werden Knochenbruch-Heilungsst?rungen – von verminderter Kallusbildung bis zum GAU, der Falschgelenk-Bildung (Pseudarthrose) – zwar ?berwiegend bei Senioren/Seniorinnen, aber auch zunehmend bei j?ngeren Menschen.

Цена: 738.85 руб.
ISBN: 9783742757746


Erleuchtet ...und nix dazugelernt!
Erleuchtet ...und nix dazugelernt!

Автор: Swami Desastah

Andy ist Student der Geowissenschaften und hat keinen rechten Plan vom wahren Leben, und erst recht nicht von «dem, was Frauen wollen». Er studiert konzeptlos vor sich hin und stolpert seiner frisch geschiedenen Mitbewohnerin ?ber die F??e, die in subtil zum Esoteriker umbauen will.
Sie verschleppt ihn nach ?bersee, allerdings bekommt es Andy auch da nicht gebacken und kehrt allein in die alte Welt zur?ck. Mit einem mittelm??igen Job, ambitionierten, aber eindrucksvoll vergeblichen Versuchen zur Schriftstellerei und dem immer innewohnenden Wunsch, doch noch so etwas wie ein Held zu werden, hangelt er sich von Lebensjahr zu –Jahr in unersch?tterlicher Mittelm??igkeit und begegnet irgendwann der Frau, die sogar den notorischen Versager liebt.
Aber auch sie schafft es nicht, den Loser auf die Stra?e zum Erfolg zu f?hren. Nach einem von vielen weiteren Tiefpunkten seines Lebens m?chte Andy mal mit sich alleine sein und wird dabei erleuchtet. Und in der Tat, ab diesem Zeitpunkt ?ndert sich einiges:
Denn zuvor hat sich Andy stets um den Erfolg bem?ht, danach ist es ihm egal, ob er erfolgreich ist oder nicht: «die Welt ist perfekt, so wie sie ist». In einem lichten Moment erkennen seine Frau und er die Nutzlosigkeit von Erleuchtung und Andy beschlie?t, «die Welt vor Erleuchtung zu warnen». Er nennt sich forthin «Swami Desastah».
Eine irrwitzig lustige und politisch nicht immer ganz korrekte Satire ?ber den «netten Loser von nebenan», der mehr zuf?llig als beabsichtigt erleuchtet wird.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783752926774


Erna im Schlaraffenland
Erna im Schlaraffenland

Автор: Martina Leseberg

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783742745217


Erstellen eines Online-Gesch?fts
Erstellen eines Online-Gesch?fts

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Es erfordert in vielen F?llen kein Fachwissen, keine besonderen F?higkeiten und sogar keine Produkte!
Online-Unternehmen erm?glichen es Ihnen als Eigent?mer, in einem Umfeld erfolgreich zu sein, in dem alle gleich sind, unabh?ngig von ihren Vorkenntnissen. Sie m?ssen keine physischen Produkte haben, was bedeutet, dass es leicht von einer einzelnen Person bedient werden kann (das hei?t, dass Sie sich nicht um Mitarbeiter Sorgen m?ssen).
Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die Freiheit, wann un wie viel Sie arbeiten m?chten.
Im Gegensatz zu einem normalen Job oder Gesch?ft k?nnen Online-Gesch?fte von Ihrem Zu Hause betrieben werden…und Sie k?nnen jederzeit daran arbeiten. Sie m?ssen nicht einsteigen, Sie m?ssen sich keine Sorgen machen, dass Sie zu sp?t kommen…und das Beste ist, Sie bestimmen, wann und wie viel Freizeit Sie haben!
Hier ist nur ein kleiner Vorgeschmack darauf, was Sie in diesem ultimativen Ratgeber lernen werden.
Was Sie als Erstes tun sollten, wenn Sie mit Ihrem Online-Gesch?ft beginnen. In diesem Kapitel werden wir uns mit der richtigen Planung befassen. Es kann Sie ?berraschen, wie viele Menschen nicht richtig planen…und das Ergebnis dieser Nicht Planung kann katastrophal sein!
Was f?r ein Gesch?ft Sie starten sollten. Es mag etwas seltsam zu verstehen sein, aber jeder Bereich, der Experten hat, hat normalerweise einen Bereich, in dem Experten ein Produkt vermarkten k?nnen. Aber worauf sollten Sie genau achten?
Was um Himmels Willen ist Affiliate-Marketing? Manche Leute bevorzugen es, sich nicht mit normalen Problemen wie dem Umgang mit Kunden, dem Erf?llen von Auftr?gen oder sogar dem Entgegennehmen von Zahlungen zu befassen. K?nnte Affiliate-Marketing die perfekte L?sung f?r Sie sein?
Wie Sie Zahlungen von Kunden vornehmen, wenn Sie sich f?r eine Richtung entschieden haben. Wie sehen uns 6 g?ngige Zahlungsmethoden an und zeigen die jeweiligen Vorteile auf. Ben?tigen Sie ein eigenes H?ndler Konto oder w?rde eine Drittanbieter L?sung gut funktionieren?
Und vieles mehr!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783750212305


Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes
Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes

Автор: Richard I. G. Holt

Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes  provides the accurate and up-to-date knowledge required for treating all areas of endocrinology and diabetes, covering the latest research, clinical guidelines, investigational methods, and therapies. This classic text explains the vital aspects of endocrine physiology in a succinct and easy-to-use format, with full-colour illustrations, clinical images, and case studies to assist readers in applying theory to practice.  The text covers the principles of endocrinology, clinical endocrinology, and clinical diabetes and obesity, and has been revised throughout to present the most recent developments in the field. The seventh edition includes new and updated material on the latest molecular techniques, approaches to clinical investigation and diagnostics, next generation sequencing technology, and positron emission tomography (PET). The treatment of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes has been updated with clinical algorithms and reflects significant advances such as incretin-based therapies, SGLT2 inhibitors, the development of better insulins, and technologies that support self-management.  Provides students and practitioners with comprehensive and authoritative information on all major aspects of endocrine physiology Covers diagnosis, management, and complications of clinical disorders such as endocrine neoplasia, and type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes Explains the core principle of feedback regulation, which is vital for the correct interpretation of many clinical tests Features case histories, learning objectives, ‘recap’ links to chapter content, cross-referencing guides, key information boxes, and chapter summaries  Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes ,  Seventh Edition  is the ideal textbook for medical and biomedical students, junior doctors, and clinicians looking to refresh their knowledge of endocrine science.

Цена: 5989.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781118764121


Essential Forensic Medicine
Essential Forensic Medicine

Автор: Peter Vanezis

Provides an invaluable distillation of key topics in forensic medicine for undergraduate, masters, and postgraduate students Essential Forensic Medicine covers the broad area of the forensic medical sciences, delivering core knowledge in the biomedical sciences, and the law and ethics surrounding them. Concise, accessible chapters cover a wide range of topics from basic forensic identification and examination techniques to forensic toxicology and psychiatry. Written by internationally-recognized experts in the field, this authoritative guide offers complete chapter coverage of the legal system, courts, and witnesses; investigation of the deceased and their lawful disposal; and the duties of a registered medical practitioner and the General Medical Council. It instructs readers on the general principles of scene examination and the medico-legal autopsy including how to interpret the many kinds of injuries one can suffer—including those from blunt impact and sharp force, firearms and explosives, asphyxia and drowning. Further chapters cover sexual offences, child abuse, and using DNA in human identification, mental health, alcohol and drug abuse. A fresh, accessible, up to date textbook on forensic medicine Written by a well-known experts with decades of experience in the field Includes numerous figures and tables, and detailed lists of key information Features numerous case studies to reinforce key concepts and ideas explored within the book Helps students to prepare for examinations and enables practitioners to broaden their understanding of the discipline Part of the “Essential Forensic Science” series, Essential Forensic Medicine is a highly useful guide for advanced undergraduate students, master’s students, and new practitioners to the field.

Цена: 10647.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781119186885


Essential Medical Genetics
Essential Medical Genetics

Автор: Edward S. Tobias

Adopted at Cambridge University Essential Medical Genetics provides students, clinicians, counsellors and scientists with the up-to-date information they need regarding the basic principles underlying medical genetics. It also provides guidance on how to apply current knowledge in clinical contexts, covering a wide variety of topics: from genome structure and function to mutations, screening and risk assessment for inherited disorders. This sixth edition has been substantially updated to include, for instance, the latest information on the Human Genome Project as well as several new molecular genetic and chromosome analysis techniques. In full colour throughout, it includes a number of brand new features, including: a large number of self-assessment questions; 'Essentials' chapter summaries; further reading suggestions; and case study scenarios introducing clinical situations. An invaluable new section gives illustrated practical advice regarding how to choose the best available online genetic databases and also, importantly, how to most easily and most efficiently use them, for a wide range of purposes. Essential Medical Genetics is the perfect resource for a course on medical genetics, and is now accompanied by a regularly updated website and the FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (upon purchase of the book). The companion website at www.wiley.com/go/tobias features figures from the book in PowerPoint format and a link to the authors' website with regularly updated links to genetic databases and additional self-test questions. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 6273.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118293713


Essential Travel Medicine
Essential Travel Medicine

Автор: Jane N. Zuckerman

This 1st edition of Essential Travel Medicine provides an excellent concise introduction to the specialty of Travel Medicine. This core text will enable health care practitioners particularly those new to the clinical practice of Travel Medicine, to gain a fundamental understanding of the diverse and complex issues which can potentially affect the health of the many millions of people who undertake international travel. Jane N Zuckerman is joined by Gary W Brunette from CDC and Peter A Leggat from Australia as Editors. Leading international specialists in their fields have contributed authoritative chapters reflecting current knowledge to facilitate best clinical practice in the different aspects of travel medicine. The aim of Essential Travel Medicine is to provide a comprehensive guide to Travel Medicine as well as a fundamental knowledge base to support international undergraduate and postgraduate specialty training programmes in the discipline of Travel Medicine. The 1st edition of Essential Travel Medicine offers an indispensable resource of essential information for travel health practitioners, infectious disease specialists, occupational health specialists, public health specialists, family practitioners, pharmacists and other allied health professionals. This core text will appeal similarly to those training in Travel Medicine and to those who want a concise introduction to the subject or an ideal revision companion.

Цена: 9031.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118597392


Essentials of MRI Safety
Essentials of MRI Safety

Автор: Donald W. McRobbie

Essentials of MRI Safety is a comprehensive guide that enables practitioners to recognise and assess safety risks and follow appropriate and effective safety procedures in clinical practice. The text covers all the vital aspects of clinical MRI safety, including the bio-effects of MRI, magnet safety, occupational exposure, scanning passive and active implants, MRI suite design, institutional governance, and more. Complex equations and models are stripped back to present the foundations of theory and physics necessary to understand each topic, from the basic laws of magnetism to fringe field spatial gradient maps of common MRI scanners. Written by an internationally recognised MRI author, educator, and MRI safety expert, this important textbook: Reflects the most current research, guidelines, and MRI safety information Explains procedures for scanning pregnant women, managing MRI noise exposure, and handling emergency situations Prepares candidates for the American Board of MR Safety exam and other professional certifications Aligns with MRI safety roles such as MR Medical Director (MRMD), MR Safety Officer (MRSO) and MR Safety Expert (MRSE) Contains numerous illustrations, figures, self-assessment tests, key references, and extensive appendices Essentials of MRI Safety is an indispensable text for all radiographers and radiologists, as well as physicists, engineers, and researchers with an interest in MRI.

Цена: 7457.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781119557159


Essentials of MRI Safety
Essentials of MRI Safety

Автор: Donald W. McRobbie

Цена: 7457.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781119557166


Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology
Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology

Автор: Rachel A. Powsner

[b]MANAGING THE GLOBAL WORKFORCE In today’s highly competitive global business environment, organizations need to aggressively compete for new markets, products, services, and top human talent in order to develop and sustain competitive advantage in the global arena. For many years, international firms have effectively managed their financial and material resources globally, leveraging economies of scale, low cost production, currency fluctuations, and the like. Human resources, as all other resources in multinational firms, are now being managed on a global scale. In our ever-increasing knowledge economy, winning in the global arena will largely depend on how well firms can leverage, attract, develop, engage and motivate the strategic capabilities of their human talent globally

Цена: 8700.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119621010


Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology
Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology

Автор: Rachel A. Powsner

Цена: 8700.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119621003


Essentials of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Essentials of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Автор: Группа авторов

Expert teaching in the fundamentals of oral and maxillofacial surgery Essentials of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the key textbook for all undergraduate dentistry students and trainees starting out in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral surgery and surgical dentistry. Condensed and revised from the major reference work Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, all revisions have been made by the editors in order to bring the text up-to-date and accessible for a student audience. The book's coverage extends from basic principles such as patient evaluation, radiographic imaging, and surgical instruments, to specific conditions and procedures, from tooth extraction and endodontic surgery to trauma, implants, dentofacial deformities and orofacial pain. It also offers: A companion website with downloadable figures and MCQs to test your knowledge Over 600 colour photographs, radiographs and explanatory line drawings to illuminate the text Contributions from an international group of authors, distilled by an expert editor team

Цена: 9588.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781118860724


Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia
Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia

Автор: Группа авторов

Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia, Second Edition presents the fundamentals of managing small animal anesthesia patients in a clinically relevant, accessible manual. The bulk of the book is distilled from Lumb and Jones' Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia to provide authoritative information in a quick-reference format, with references to Lumb and Jones' throughout for easy access to further detail. Logically reorganized with an easy-to-use structure and an increased focus on pain management, this new edition features new chapters on equipment and managing specific conditions. The Second Edition has been updated to reflect current practices in anesthesia and analgesia, and a new companion website offers review questions and answers, video clips, and an image bank with additional figures not found in the printed book. Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia, Second Edition provides veterinary care providers and students with key information on anesthetic and analgesic pharmacology, physiology, patient assessment, and clinical case management.

Цена: 8629.44 руб.
ISBN: 9781118688335


Essentials of Treatment Planning
Essentials of Treatment Planning

Автор: Mark E. Maruish

Essentials of Treatment Planning, Second Edition is an updated and easy-to-use guide to the development and use of treatment plans for behavioral health care patients. The book incorporates current research and developments in treatment planning that have occurred since the publication of the first edition. Designed as a nuts-and-bolts guide, the book covers essential material such as the role and benefits of treatment planning in a clinical setting, approaches for conducting comprehensive patient assessments, the use of assessment information to develop individual treatment plans, and strategies for ongoing evaluations and revisions of treatment plans. Essentials of Treatment Planning, Second Edition explores how to develop and use treatment plans to strengthen the entire treatment process. An important component in documentation, accurate treatment plans provide myriad benefits, including: meeting the accountability criteria of insurers and behavioral health care organizations, enhancing efficient coordination of care with other health care professionals, and facilitating better communication with outside reviewers. In addition, behavioral health professionals—psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, mental health and substance use counselors, and others—may gain the added security of protection from certain types of litigation. As part of the Essentials of Mental Health Practice series , the second edition of Essentials of Treatment Planning contains the information busy behavioral health professionals need to practice knowledgeably, efficiently, and ethically in today's behavioral health care environment. Each chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as «Test Yourself» questions that help gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.

Цена: 4048.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781119533276


Essentials of WMS-IV Assessment
Essentials of WMS-IV Assessment

Автор: Lisa W. Drozdick

Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need toconfidently administer, score, and interpret the WMS®-IV Complete coverage of administration, scoring,interpretation, and reporting Expert advice on avoiding common pitfalls Conveniently formatted for rapid reference The most recent revision of one of the most popular memory assessment instruments, the Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition (WMS®-IV) is a widely used measure of memory functioning, which is particularly useful in the assessment of individuals with dementia, traumatic brain injury, and substance abuse problems, among others. Professionals need an authoritative source on administration, scoring, and interpretation in order to use this test properly. Written by the test developers for the WMS®-IV, Essentials of WMS®-IV Assessment is that source. Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book is designed to help busy mental health professionals, and those in training, quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of major psychological assessment instruments. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered. Integrating WMS®-IV data with the WAIS®-IV and other measures of cognitive ability and memory for adults, Essentials of WMS®-IV Assessment now includes four new subtests and a revised index structure. The authors also offer expert assessment of the test's relative strengths and weaknesses, valuable advice on its clinical applications, and several illuminating case studies.

Цена: 5267.63 руб.
ISBN: 9780470946435


Esthetic Implant Restoration in the Edentulous Maxilla
Esthetic Implant Restoration in the Edentulous Maxilla

Автор: Karim Dada

The simplified clinical protocols described in this book represent a revolution in the esthetic rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla that updates the knowledge base and corrects outdated principles deeply rooted in the profession. The treatment strategy is prosthetically driven and tailored to address the anatomical realities of any clinical situation. The authors emphasize use of a comprehensive esthetic analysis and the careful management of the essential preparatory phases, and they outline the esthetic design principles and clinical methodology for different treatment options. They also discuss indications for immediate loading, delivery of a fixed prosthesis shortly after the surgery, flapless surgery, and the all-on-four treatment concept, all of which can be used to limit postoperative difficulties for the patient. By tailoring the prosthetic management to the clinical situation and simplifying the surgical and prosthetic protocols, the authors of this book have developed predictable esthetic treatment strategies that will be applicable to the largest number of patients and the largest number of clinicians.

Цена: 2958.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780867156867


Estoy enfermo
Estoy enfermo

Автор: Jos? Carlos Bermejo Higuera

Серия: Humanizar

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788428828345


Estructuras de ?lgebra multilineal
Estructuras de ?lgebra multilineal

Автор: Joaqu?n Olivert Pellicer

En este texto se introduce el ?lgebra a partir de la paradoja de Russell y se construye la teor?a de conjuntos y los distintos tipos de n?meros con estructuras que permiten evitarla. El autor se recrea en el desarrollo de las ?lgebras tensoriales y exteriores introducidas a partir de la estructura de m?dulo, para continuar con las de espacios vectoriales y ?lgebras asociativas. Termina la obra con el estudio de las ?lgebras de Clifford y se obtiene una clasificaci?n de las mismas.

Серия: Educaci?. S?rie Materials

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9788437094168


Estuarine Ecology
Estuarine Ecology

Автор: Группа авторов

Estuaries are among the most biologically productive ecosystems on the planet–critical to the life cycles of fish, other aquatic animals, and the creatures which feed on them. Estuarine Ecology, Second Edition, covers the physical and chemical aspects of estuaries, the biology and ecology of key organisms, the flow of organic matter through estuaries, and human interactions, such as the environmental impact of fisheries on estuaries and the effects of global climate change on these important ecosystems. Authored by a team of world experts from the estuarine science community, this long-awaited, full-color edition includes new chapters covering phytoplankton, seagrasses, coastal marshes, mangroves, benthic algae, Integrated Coastal Zone Management techniques, and the effects of global climate change. It also features an entriely new section on estuarine ecosystem processes, trophic webs, ecosystem metabolism, and the interactions between estuaries and other ecosystems such as wetlands and marshes

Цена: 15057.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118391907


Eterna Espa?a
Eterna Espa?a

Автор: Marco Cicala

Un delicioso recorrido hist?rico y geogr?fico por todas las dimensiones de nuestro pa?s. Marco Cicala explica y celebra Espa?a de la mano de todo tipo de personajes ilustres: desde los enanos de Vel?zquez hasta Almod?var, pasando por Santa Teresa, Unamuno, Dal?, Marisol y una retah?la de anarquistas, golpistas, toreros, poetas, grandes y peque?os artistas y genios malditos del flamenco. Estas cr?nicas, nutridas de entrevistas formales e informales, investigaci?n y recuerdos personales, presentan a Quevedo como «un nerd del siglo XVII», descubren los secretos ocultos en el vino de Jerez o en la poes?a de Jorge Manrique, explican por qu? a los reyes les encantaba rodearse de bufones deformados o c?mo Andaluc?a enamor? por igual a Washington Irving y a los productores de westerns. Marco Cicala hace un retrato de Espa?a desde la admiraci?n, y el resultado parece por momentos una cr?nica de viajes de aventura. En el fondo es un homenaje a la riqueza cultural de esta Espa?a poli?drica y universal, a la belleza de sus pueblos y ciudades, con sus monumentos sublimes y sus humildes posadas y, sobre todo, a sus habitantes.

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9788417623487


Ethics in Social Networking and Business 2
Ethics in Social Networking and Business 2

Автор: Pierre Massotte

This book, the second of two volumes dedicated to ethics in social networking and business, presents the future and changing paradigms related to ethics, and morality in our interconnected society. This volume analyzes advanced topics, including new technologies, transhumanism and uberization, to provide a more complex, shared and collective environment into why business ethics is essential for managing risks and uncertainties. The Ethics in Social Networking and Business series is the result of a cross-integration of real experiences (from IBM, society and the Rotary Club), transdisciplinary works in decision making, and advances at the boundaries of several scientific fields.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119457060


EUROPE-ASIE Moto Aventure
EUROPE-ASIE Moto Aventure

Автор: Alain Beaudouard

Alain Beaudouard a v?cu plusieurs vies. Pilote de ligne, businessman, aventurier, r?alisateur de documentaires, photographe … Ayant parcouru plus de 500.000 kms ? moto ? travers le monde, il a visit? plus de 131 pays ? ce jour. Dans ce livre il nous fait vivre son odyss?e motocycliste qui l'a conduit, en 2019/2020, de St-Tropez (France) ? Bali (Indon?sie). Une travers?e de 41.200 kms dans 25 pays au guidon de sa Royal Enfield.
Alain Beaudouard, it's several lifes. Airline pilot, businessman, adventurer, documentary filmmaker, photographer… Having traveled more than 500,000 km on a motorcycle around the world, he has visited more than 131 countries to date. In this book he explains his motorcycling odyssey which took him, in 2019/2020, from St-Tropez (France) to Bali (Indonesia). A roadtrip of 41,200 km in 25 countries with his Royal Enfield.

Цена: 976.58 руб.
ISBN: 9789403647982


Evidence Informed Nursing with Older People
Evidence Informed Nursing with Older People

Автор: Группа авторов

Evidence Informed Nursing with Older People is an essential text for nursing students and registered nurses working with older people who are seeking to make connections between theory, evidence and value based gerontological practice. The rapidly rising aging global population requires that more attention is given to the needs and requirements of older people. This textbook is a key resource for nursing students and registered nurses working with older people who wish to improve their practice. Evidence Informed Nursing with Older People takes a unique case-study approach, with individual chapters presenting nursing practice-based case studies on some of the most common areas of care faced by nurses working around the world with older people. Each case study illustrates the connections between practice, theory, evidence and values. User-friendly and accessible, this textbook includes key points, reflection activities, test points, and perspectives from older people throughout. Key features An up-to-date treatment of the nursing contribution to key geriatric syndromes International expert contributions from the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia and China An evidence-based, case-study approach to the care of older people

Цена: 4450.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781444340105


Evidence-Based CBT for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents
Evidence-Based CBT for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents

Автор: Ronald M. Rapee

Evidence-Based CBT is the first book to take an explicitly competencies-based approach to the cognitive-behavioural treatment of anxiety and depression in children and young people. It draws on top-name expertise to define and demonstrate the therapist competencies needed to effectively implement CBT.

Цена: 5794.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118469224


Evidence-based Implant Treatment Planning and Clinical Protocols
Evidence-based Implant Treatment Planning and Clinical Protocols

Автор: Группа авторов

Evidence-based Implant Treatment Planning and Clinical Protocols provides a systematic approach to making treatment decisions and performing restorative procedures. Offers a clinically relevant resource grounded in the latest research Applies an evidence-based approach to all aspects of implant dentistry, including maxillofacial prosthodontics, from planning to surgery and restoration Describes procedures in detail with accompanying images Covers all stages of treatment, from planning to execution Includes access to a companion website with video clips demonstrating procedures and the figures from the book in PowerPoint

Цена: 13908.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781119080046


Evidence-Based Interventional Pain Medicine
Evidence-Based Interventional Pain Medicine

Автор: Группа авторов

Unrelieved chronic pain is a worldwide epidemic Chronic pain has been subject to multiple international initiatives through the World Health Organization. Interventional Pain Medicine, the use of minimally invasive techniques to relieve pain, is the best approach when simpler measures such as physical therapy or medications fail. However, these procedures can be associated with significant risk and expense. Establishing uniformity in diagnostic criteria and procedural performance can reduce both morbidity and unnecessary procedures, and hence healthcare expenditures. While other texts explain how to perform these procedures, little focus has been given to diagnostic considerations: if and when these procedures should be performed. Evidence-Based Interventional Pain Medicine focuses on a balance between effectiveness and safety of interventional management for specific diagnoses, across all areas of chronic pain including: Head, neck and shoulder pain Lower back pain Neuropathic pain syndromes Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Pain in patients with cancer Vascular and visceral pain Evidence-Based Interventional Pain Medicine provides essential knowledge for anyone who uses, or intends to use, interventional pain techniques.

Цена: 14317.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781119968344


Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions
Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions

Автор: Группа авторов

With the aging population ever growing, healthcare for persons suffering from stroke and related illnesses is increasingly important. Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions provides a comprehensive and practical guide for novice, experienced and advanced practice nurses working with patients suffering from stroke and other neurovascular conditions. With a focus specifically on neurovascular disorders, this highly detailed text offers easy-to-find information on evidence-based care guidelines. The book begins with a thorough introduction to normal cerebrovascular anatomy and physiology and common pathologic mechanisms, describing the unique challenges in working with this patient group. Later chapters provide the pathophysiology, diagnostic and current nursing interventions for the care of patients with neurovascular disorders including transient ischemic attacks, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, Moyamoya, Migraines and more. Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions is a must-have resource for practitioners caring for patients enduring stroke and other neurovascular conditions.

Цена: 6960.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118485941


Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography
Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography

Автор: Christopher D. Lloyd

Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography provides a conceptual and practical guide to issues of spatial scale in all areas of the physical and social sciences. Scale is at the heart of geography and other spatial sciences. Whether dealing with geomorphological processes, population movements or meteorology, a consideration of spatial scale is vital. Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography takes a practical approach with a core focus on real world problems and potential solutions. Links are made to appropriate software environments with an associated website providing access to guidance material which outlines how particular problems can be approached using popular GIS and spatial data analysis software. This book offers alternative definitions of spatial scale, presents approaches for exploring spatial scale and makes use of a wide variety of case studies in the physical and social sciences to demonstrate key concepts, making it a key resource for anyone who makes use of geographical information.

Цена: 11138.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118526798


Extreme Tissue Engineering
Extreme Tissue Engineering

Автор: Robert A. Brown

Highly Commended at the BMA Book Awards 2013 Extreme Tissue Engineering is an engaging introduction to Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM), allowing the reader to understand, discern and place into context the mass of scientific, multi-disciplinary data currently flooding the field. It is designed to provide interdisciplinary, ground-up explanations in a digestible, entertaining way, creating a text which is relevant to all students of TERM regardless of their route into the field. Organised into three main sections: chapters 1 to 3 introduce and explain the general problems; chapters 4 to 6 identify and refine how the main factors interact to create the problems and opportunities we know all too well; chapters 7 to 9 argue us through the ways we can use leading-edge (extreme) concepts to build our advanced solutions. Students and researchers in areas such as stem cell and developmental biology, tissue repair, implantology and surgical sciences, biomaterials sciences and nanobiomedicine, bioengineering, bio-processing and monitoring technologies – from undergraduate and masters to doctoral and post-doctoral research levels – will find Extreme Tissue Engineering a stimulating and inspiring text. Written in a fluid, entertaining style, Extreme Tissue Engineering is introductory yet challenging, richly illustrated and truly interdisciplinary.

Цена: 14323.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781119941057


Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission
Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission

Автор: Giovanni Mazzanti

The only book on the market that provides current, necessary, and comprehensive technical knowledge of extruded cables and high-voltage direct-current transmission This is the first book to fully address the technical aspects of high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) link projects with extruded cables. It covers design and engineering techniques for cable lines, insulation materials, and accessories, as well as cable performance and life span and reliability issues. Beginning with a discussion on the fundamentals of HVDC cable transmission theory, Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission: Advances in Research and Development covers: Both the cable and the accessories (joints and terminations), each of which affects cable line performance The basic designs of HVDC cables—including a comparison of mass insulated non-draining cables with extruded HVDC cables The theoretical elements on which the design of HVDC cables is based—highlighting the differences between HVAC and HVDC cables Space charge-related problems that have a critical impact on extruded insulation for HVDC application Recent advances in extruded compounds for HVDC cables such as additives and nano-fillers The improved design of extruded HVDC cable systems—with emphasis on design aspects relevant to accessories Cable line reliability problems and the impact on cable system design Including more than 200 illustrations, Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission fills a gap in the field, providing power cable engineers with complete, up-to-date guidance on HVDC cable lines with extruded insulation.

Цена: 13991.76 руб.
ISBN: 9781118590430


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