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Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty
Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 38495.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119187110


Age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration

Автор: Christopher Sch?tze

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic disease leading to severe visual deterioration and impairment of daily life. Two types of AMD are distinguished: Wet or neovascular AMD and dry AMD. Dry AMD is characterized by drusen (small yellowish retinal deposits) and atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE); causal treatment is currently not available. Wet AMD is marked by abnormal growth of blood vessels within the macular area (spot of sharpest sight) leading to fluid accumulation (edema) and retinal bleeding as well as scar formation. If the disease is not treated severe irreversible visual impairment will result. Treatment with new agents that are administered intravitreally and act against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are now available, impeding disease progression in many cases. The present book gives a comprehensive overview about all aspects of AMD, useful for affected patients and interested readers and covers causes, epidemiological facts, diagnostics (emphasizing the topic optical coherence tomography-OCT) and treatment strategies of the disease, based on extensive literature research.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783748508885


Agile Organisation – Methoden, Prozesse und Strukturen im digitalen VUCA-Zeitalter
Agile Organisation – Methoden, Prozesse und Strukturen im digitalen VUCA-Zeitalter

Автор: Группа авторов

Vor dem Hintergrund unserer immer dynamischeren und komplexeren Welt, entwickelt sich die F?higkeit zur schnellen Anpassung und Entwicklung zunehmend zu dem entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor von Unternehmen. Gefordert ist ein schnelles, kreatives, flexibles und kundenorientiertes Denken und Handeln – kurzum Agilit?t. In diesem praxisorientierten Herausgeberbuch erl?utern renommierte Praktiker, Wissenschaftler und Berater vielf?ltige Umsetzungskonzepte, Methoden, Beispiele und praktische Erfahrungen f?r eine agile(re) Ausgestaltung von Methoden, Prozessen und Strukturen. Das Buch m?chte die Leser bef?higen, kritisch ?ber Ans?tze f?r mehr – oder auch weniger – Agilit?t zu entscheiden. Durch seine reflektierte und undogmatische Ausrichtung unterscheidet es sich von anderen Agilit?ts-B?chern und liefert einen entscheidenden Mehrwert.
Das Buch richtet sich prim?r an klassisch ausgebildete bzw. sozialisierte Manager und Menschen, die nach Strukturierung und Systematik im zunehmend wichtigeren, aber auch extrem gehypten „Agilit?ts-Kosmos“ suchen. Diesen erfahrenen Praktikern, aber auch in die Praxis strebenden Studierenden und ihren Dozenten bietet das Buch ein – an die klassische Organisationslehre anschlussf?higes – Ordnungsger?st f?r die zentralen Begriffe und Konzepte einer agilen Organisationsgestaltung.
Inhalte: – Grundlagen und Charakteristika agiler Organisation – Agile Prozess- und Projektmethoden – Agile Skalierungsframeworks – Agile Strukturmodelle – Beispiele agiler Organisationen (z. B. Alois Heiler, B. Braun, ibo, NRW.BANK, R+V Versicherung, //SEIBERT/MEDIA, Siemens, TELE Haase) – Agile F?hrung und Kultur – Beidh?ndiges Zusammenspiel von klassisch-hierarchischen und agilen Ans?tzen – Vertiefungen wichtiger Themen.
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Petry lehrt Unternehmensf?hrung an der Hochschule RheinMain. Als Berater, Coach, Referent und Trainer hilft er Unternehmen bei der Bew?ltigung der Managementherausforderungen des Digitalzeitalters.
Christian Konz begleitet als Trainer, Berater und Agile Coach seit vielen Jahren Unternehmen und Menschen in ihrer Entwicklung. Neben seiner Rolle als Gesch?ftsf?hrer der ibo Akademie ist er leidenschaftlicher Organisationsentwickler, Speaker und Buchautor.

Цена: 4044.43 руб.
ISBN: 9783945997284


AI in Healthcare
AI in Healthcare

Автор: Robert Shimonski

Цена: 5060.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119680055


AIDS Activist - Michael Lynch and the Politics of Community (Unabridged)
AIDS Activist - Michael Lynch and the Politics of Community (Unabridged)

Автор: Ann Silversides

Исполнители: Rosyln Herst

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781771136044


Akupunktur und TCM lernen und verstehen
Akupunktur und TCM lernen und verstehen

Автор: Claudia Kuhly

Цена: 2958.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783741835384


Akupunktur und TCM verstehen
Akupunktur und TCM verstehen

Автор: Ulrich M?rz

Alle wichtigen Themen aus dem Bereich Akupunktur werden allgemeinverst?ndlich beschrieben und mit Fotos und Grafiken veranschaulicht. Hinzu kommen Hinweise zu wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und eine Liste mit Krankheiten und den Erfolgsaussichten ihrer Besserung mit TCM.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783844298222



Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Es gibt Hunderte von Ressourcen ?ber Allergien, vielleicht haben Sie ein paar B?cher gelesen oder vielleicht ist dies das erste Buch ?ber Allergien.
Wenn dies der Fall ist, werden Sie erfreut sein zu wissen, dass ich mein vertrautes Wissen ?ber Allergien sowie traditionelle und unkonventionelle Ans?tze zur Diagnose, Behandlung und Vorbeugung in diesem einzigartigen, leicht verst?ndlichen Ratgeber zusammengestellt habe.
Seit meiner Kindheit litt ich an Allergien – Heuschnupfen war f?r mich als Kind am schlimmsten., obwohl ich mit zunehmenden Alter auch an Nahrungsmittelallergie litt.
So k?nnen Sie sagen, dass ich mit Allergien vertraut bin.
Allergien, sagen sie, neigen dazu, in Familien zu laufen. Ich glaube es. Einige Menschen entwickeln jedoch aus verschiedenen Gr?nden Allergien. Sie k?nnen zum Beispiel Allergien aufgrund eines Geschw?chten Immunsystems oder eines chronischen Krankheitszustandes entwickeln. Oft verliert unser K?rper die F?higkeit, Reizstoffe abzuwehren, wenn unser Immunsystem nicht zu 100 Prozent ist.
In diesem Fall finden Sie die Informationen in diesem Handbuch von unsch?tzbarem Wert, wenn Sie durch die Welt der Allergien navigieren. Sie erfahren alles ?ber konventionelle Allergien (wie Allergien gegen Pollen, Staub und mehr) und Nahrungsmittelallergien.
Sie werden herausfinden, welche der gebr?uchlichsten Diagnosetools f?r die Messung Ihrer Sensitivit?t sind und Sie werden Wege finden, um h?ufige Ausl?ser zu vermeiden, damit Sie das Leben so bequem (und Symptom frei) wie m?glich leben k?nnen.
Sie erhalten sogar Zugriff auf die umfangreichsten FAQs und Ressourcen zu Allergien. Sie k?nnen das, was Sie aus diesem Buch lernen, nehmen und Ihre eigenen Allergien noch weiter erforschen, indem Sie in diesem Handbuch enthaltene Werkzeuge verwenden.
Und wenn Sie jemand sind, der dieses Buch liest, weil Sie Allergien verhindern wollen, dann wissen Sie, wie wertvoll dieses Buch ist und wie wichtig es ist, den Leitfaden von oben nach unten zu lesen.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783742767530


Als Gott dem Unternehmensberater R. begegnete
Als Gott dem Unternehmensberater R. begegnete

Автор: Petra St?dter

Das Leben des Unternehmensberaters R. wird im Jenseits beleuchtet. Streitgespr?che mit einem Superbewusstsein ?ber Themen wie Toleranz, Verf?hrung, falsche Vorstellungen, ?ngste etc. spiegeln unsere t?gliche Welt und verwandeln R. letztendlich vom Grunde auf.
Mit Sprachwitz und einf?hlsam geschrieben h?lt dieses Buch manche ?berraschung f?r den Leser bereit.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783941435704


Alteraciones del desarrollo dental
Alteraciones del desarrollo dental

Автор: Jos? Nayib Radi

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9789588843605


Alternative Healthcare and Medicine Encyclopedia
Alternative Healthcare and Medicine Encyclopedia

Автор: Heinz Duthel

Therapies,Information Acupressure Acupuncture Alexander,Technique, Anthroposophical,Medicine Aromatherapy, Art,therapy, Aura,Soma, Autogenic,Training Ayurveda Bach,flower,remedies, Bates,method, Biochemic,Tissue,Salts Biofeedback, Biorhythms, Bowen,technique, Buteyko Chiropractic Cognitive,and,Behaviour,Therapies Colonic,irrigation Colour,therapy Cranial,Osteopathy Cranio-sacral,therapy, Do,In,, Ear,acupuncture, Emotional,Freedom,Technique,(EFT) Feldenkrais,Method, Feng,Shui Healing, Hellerwork Herbal,medicine Holographic,repatterning Homoeopathy, Hopi,ear,candles, Hypnotherapy, Indian,Head,Massage Iridology Johrei Kahuna,Bodywork Kanpo Kinesiology Life-coaching Manual,Lymph,Drainage Massage,therapy, McTimoney,Chiropractic Medau,Movement Meditation Metabolic,Typing Metamorphic,Technique Naturopathy NLP Norris,Technique Nutritional,therapy, Osteopathy,, Pilates Polarity,therapy, Psychotherapy Qigong, Radionics Reflexology Reiki,healing Rolfing Seichem,/,Seichim,/,Sekhem Seiki Shiatsu, Sound,Therapy Thai,Foot,Massage Thai,Yoga,Massage The,Journey Thought,Field,Therapy, Toyohari Trager,Work Tuina Yoga Zero,Balancing

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783742738165


Alternatives to Blood Transfusion in Transfusion Medicine
Alternatives to Blood Transfusion in Transfusion Medicine

Автор: Группа авторов

Meeting the needs of patients while minimizing blood transfusions requires special expertise, precise monitoring and innovative techniques. This cutting-edge resource covers all the important clinical aspects of transfusion medicine in diverse clinical settings, with a special emphasis on alternatives to transfusion. Edited by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a transfusion specialist, an anesthesiologist and an intensive care specialist this book is endorsed by the Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives. The contributors review the appropriate use of fluids and of blood products, and describe the latest treatment options available to decrease the need for allogeneic blood products including: Argon beam Cell saver Harmonic scalpel Normovolemic haemodilution Synthetic erythropoietin Antifibrinolytics Recombinant factor VIIa Advanced monitoring of hemostasis Intravenous iron The new edition is a key reference source for all those involved in the practice of blood management and conservation.

Цена: 16690.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781444316537


American Politics and Society
American Politics and Society

Автор: David McKay

Now in its ninth edition, this popular introduction tackles the most recent trends in American politics and society through explanation, analyses, and interpretations of government processes – adding valuable context for students by considering these procedures and developments from an international perspective. Fully updated to take account of the many recent developments in American politics and society – exploring developments characterized by the deepest ideological divisions in recent memory Features new chapters on the performance of the Obama presidency and the polarization of American politics Focuses on the divisive ideological climate that now dominates American politics and which was exemplified by the bitter and polarized 2016 presidential election campaign Benefits from a student-friendly style and design with numerous illustrations and a range of helpful pedagogical features, including chronologies, biographies, and definition boxes highlighting key concepts and controversial issues Offers thought-provoking insights into the social background to contemporary politics in America, while fully embracing the latest developments and considering these from a non-U.S. perspective

Цена: 3752.44 руб.
ISBN: 9781119167556


Amerikanische Schlampen 3
Amerikanische Schlampen 3

Автор: Tricia Williams

Amerikanische Schlampen ist meine neueste Buchreihe. Es ist eine Sammlung erotischer Kurzgeschichten. Dabei geht es jeweils um eine fiktive Frau, die sexuelle Abenteuer erlebt.
Im dritten Teil geht es um die Geschichte der Nina Heart aus der N?he von Denver, Colorado. Eine 42 j?hrige Ehefrau deren Mann bei einem Autoumfall ums Leben gekommen war.
W?hrend sie den Nachlass ihres Mannes durchforstet, st??t sie auf ein geheimes Darlehen das ihr Mann aufgenommen hat. Der Gl?ubiger ist ihr sehr wohl bekannt. Es ist ein erfolgreicher, junger Unternehmer und Freund der Familie.
Nina versucht sich mit ihm zu arrangieren. Doch hat sie ihm bei weitem untersch?tzt.

Серия: Amerikanische Schlampen

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783752915365


Amor y sangre
Amor y sangre

Автор: Luis Javier Moreno B

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788417799526


An die R?nder der Erde
An die R?nder der Erde

Автор: Anna Gyger

Diese wundersame Geschichte erz?hlt sich am Leben eines jungen, gew?hnlichen Europ?ers, der von einem Tag auf den anderen eingeholt wird von einer vergessen gehofften, alten Begebenheit. An einem Herbstmorgen wird er aus seinem ruhigen, gut eingerichteten Leben herausgerissen, um sich den qu?lenden Fragen seiner Herkunft endlich zu stellen. Eine mysteri?se Begegnung am Fluss, eine wirre Seereise und einen leeren Umschlag laden ihn auf eine Reise ein, die ihn bis zum geistigen Rand der Erde und weit ?ber die Verstandeskraft hinaus f?hrt. Aus dem wohligen Komfort des heutigen Europas herausgerufen, st?sst er auf unbekannte Spuren, die letztendlich zu seinen Wurzeln und zu der seiner Kultur f?hren. Auf dieser Reise begegnen ihm Menschen und Menschheitsfragen und am Ende st?sst er auf jenes alte, in Vergessenheit geratene Geheimnis, welches so bedeutsam mit ihm und Europa verkn?pft ist. Eine alte Geschichte, erz?hlt auf ganz fremdem Boden. Und eine tief ersehnte, lang gesuchte und umk?mpfte Heimreise.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783750221147


An Illustrated Guide to Oral Histology
An Illustrated Guide to Oral Histology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13607.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781119669548


An Introduction to Intermediate and Advanced Statistical Analyses for Sport and Exercise Scientists
An Introduction to Intermediate and Advanced Statistical Analyses for Sport and Exercise Scientists

Автор: Группа авторов

Ntoumanis and Myers have done sport and exercise science researchers and students a tremendous service in producing An Introduction to Intermediate and Advanced Statistical Analyses for Sport and Exercise Scientists. This book has an outstanding compilation of comprehensible chapters dealing with the important concepts and technical minutia of the statistical analyses that sport and exercise science scholars use (or should be using!) in their efforts to conduct meaningful research in the field. It is a resource that all sport and exercise scientists and their students should have on their book shelves. Robert Eklund, School of Sport, University of Stirling, UK Motivating, to have a statistics text devoted to enabling researchers studying sport and exercise science to apply the most sophisticated analytical techniques to their data. Authors hit the mark between using technical language as necessary and user-friendly terms or translations to keep users encouraged. Text covers traditional and well-used tools but also less common and more complex tools, but always with familiar examples to make their explanations come alive. As a dynamic systems theorist and developmentalist, I would love to see more researchers in my area create study designs that would enable the use of tools outlined here, such as multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) or mediation & moderation analyses, to uncover cascades of relations among subsystems contributing to motor performance, over time. This text can facilitate that outcome. Beverly D. Ulrich, School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan, USA The domain of quantitative methods is constantly evolving and expanding. This means that there is tremendous pressure on researchers to stay current, both in terms of best practices and improvements in more traditional methods as well as increasingly complex new methods. With this volume Ntoumanis and Myers present a nice cross-section of both, helping sport and exercise science researchers to address old questions in better ways, and, even more excitingly, to address new questions entirely. I have no doubt that this volume will quickly become a lovingly dog-eared companion for students and researchers, helping them to continue to move the field forward. Gregory R. Hancock, University of Maryland and Center for Integrated Latent Variable Research (CILVR), USA

Цена: 7658.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781118962060


Analytical Modeling of Wireless Communication Systems
Analytical Modeling of Wireless Communication Systems

Автор: Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini

Wireless networks represent an inexpensive and convenient way to connect to the Internet. However, despite their applications across several technologies, one challenge still remains: to understand the behavior of wireless sensor networks and assess their performance in large-scale scenarios. When a large number of network nodes need to interact, developing suitable analytical models is essential to ensure the appropriate coverage and throughput of these networks and to enhance user mobility. This is intrinsically difficult due to the size and number of different network nodes and users. This book highlights some examples which show how this problem can be overcome with the use of different techniques. An intensive parameter analysis shows the reader how to the exploit analytical models for an effective development and management of different types of wireless networks.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119307730


Analytical Techniques in Forensic Science
Analytical Techniques in Forensic Science

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 15856.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119033813


Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases
Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

Автор: Группа авторов

Features modern research and methodology on the spread of infectious diseases and showcases a broad range of multi-disciplinary and state-of-the-art techniques on geo-simulation, geo-visualization, remote sensing, metapopulation modeling, cloud computing, and pattern analysis Given the ongoing risk of infectious diseases worldwide, it is crucial to develop appropriate analysis methods, models, and tools to assess and predict the spread of disease and evaluate the risk. Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases features mathematical and spatial modeling approaches that integrate applications from various fields such as geo-computation and simulation, spatial analytics, mathematics, statistics, epidemiology, and health policy. In addition, the book captures the latest advances in the use of geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS), and other location-based technologies in the spatial and temporal study of infectious diseases. Highlighting the current practices and methodology via various infectious disease studies, Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases features: Approaches to better use infectious disease data collected from various sources for analysis and modeling purposes Examples of disease spreading dynamics, including West Nile virus, bird flu, Lyme disease, pandemic influenza (H1N1), and schistosomiasis Modern techniques such as Smartphone use in spatio-temporal usage data, cloud computing-enabled cluster detection, and communicable disease geo-simulation based on human mobility An overview of different mathematical, statistical, spatial modeling, and geo-simulation techniques Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases is an excellent resource for researchers and scientists who use, manage, or analyze infectious disease data, need to learn various traditional and advanced analytical methods and modeling techniques, and become aware of different issues and challenges related to infectious disease modeling and simulation. The book is also a useful textbook and/or supplement for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in bioinformatics, biostatistics, public health and policy, and epidemiology.

Цена: 14725.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118630037



Автор: V. R. Strong

Na, keine Lust mehr auf langweilige, trockene, unleserliche Texte aus Fachb?chern? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig! Denn mit Anatomica – Project Blood wurde ein Werk in die Welt gesetzt, das sich genau diesem Problem der Trockenheit sachlicher Texte annimmt. In diesem Buch gibt es viele, kleine Kurzgeschichten, die anatomische Themen kreativ und humorvoll aufbereiten – und dabei trotzdem die Richtigkeit der Themen nicht au?er Acht lassen.

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783745023268


Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses

Автор: Robin Sturtz

Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses: A Clinical Approach is a comprehensive resource on the anatomy and physiology of dogs and cats, with comparisons to horses, birds, and ruminants. Organized by body system with a comparative approach, the book follows a unique format by addressing anatomy separately from physiology for clarity and improved comprehension. Each anatomy chapter has a corresponding physiology chapter, complete with illustrations, charts, and boxes to promote understanding. Written specifically for veterinary technicians and nurses, the book applies anatomy and physiology to clinical practice, with case examples demonstrating clinical relevance. The figures from the book, additional questions and answers, labeling quizzes, teaching PowerPoints, and a dissection video are available online at www.wiley.com/go/sturtz. This introduction to body system analysis of normal structure and function is a must-have resource for students of veterinary technology and nursing, as well as a useful quick review for the busy professional.

Цена: 5468.86 руб.
ISBN: 9781118405857


Anatomy at a Glance
Anatomy at a Glance

Автор: Simon Blackburn

Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, and in full-colour, this new edition provides an accessible introduction and revision aid for medical, nursing and all health sciences students. Thoroughly updated and now fully supported by a set of web-based flashcards, Anatomy at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of anatomy to encapsulate all that the student needs to know. Anatomy at a Glance: Addresses the basic concepts of anatomy in an highly visual, easy-to-remember way Features two new chapters outlining anatomical terminology and basic embryology Includes more coverage of imaging techniques such as CT and MRI Offers free online flashcards for self-assessment and revision at www.wiley.com/go/anatomyataglance This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store. To find out more about the at a Glance series, please visit www.ataglanceseries.com

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781118297087


Anatomy for Anaesthetists
Anatomy for Anaesthetists

Автор: Andrew Lawson B

Jubilee edition of the classic text first published in 1963 Anaesthetists require a particularly specialized knowledge of anatomy The anaesthetist must know intimately the respiratory passages, the major veins and the peripheral nerves to deliver safe and effective pain control. As one of the great teachers of anatomy, Professor Harold Ellis is eminently qualified to elegantly provide the anatomical detail required of anaesthetists. Modern approaches to practice, including the use of imaging to guide anaesthetic practice, add further depth to the fine full-colour anatomical illustrations. Designed for anaesthetists, Anatomy for Anaesthetists covers: • The Respiratory Pathway, Lungs, Thoracic Wall and Diaphragm • The Heart and Great Veins of the Neck • The Peripheral Nerves • The Autonomic Nervous System • The Cranial Nerves • The Anatomy of Pain Clinical Notes throughout provide the clinical context for the anatomical detail. Designed for trainees, but of continuing relevance to practicing anaesthetists, and now in its Golden Jubilee edition, Anatomy for Anaesthetists provides a central pillar of anaesthetic knowledge.

Цена: 14317.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118375969


Anatomy Questions for the MRCS
Anatomy Questions for the MRCS

Автор: Christopher Wood

This is the only revision resource devoted to anatomy at MRCS level with over 200 questions grouped by anatomical region, each with five true/false parts. Anatomy Questions for the MRCS comes in a portable, user-friendly paperback format with answer sections clearly marked to help determine weak areas of knowledge and reinforce learning. Written by authors with first-hand experience of the current MRCS examination format and with experienced senior advisor, this highly original text is a must-have for all MRCS candidates and a useful tool for medical students preparing for surgical examinations.

Цена: 4450.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312515


Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies
Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies

Автор: John Paul Mueller

Цена: 3797.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119660460



Автор: Группа авторов

En su tercera edici?n, este libro mantiene su foco en las tem?ticas de la pr?ctica de la Anestesia que son de utilidad para el m?dico general. Esta versi?n ha actualizado varios de los cap?tulos, cuyos conceptos ser?n fundamentales para lograr objetivos, tales como el manejo de la v?a a?rea, el abordaje para la evaluaci?n y el tratamiento del dolor agudo, el manejo de la volemia en el perioperatorioy la valoraci?n preanest?sica, entre otros. Adem?s, se han incluido nuevos cap?tulos con la participaci?n de todo el equipo de profesores de Anestesiolog?a de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, entre los que se encuentran el manejo inicial de ritmos card?acos anormales, reanimaci?n cardiopulmonar en pediatr?a, la bio?tica de la reanimaci?n cardiopulmonar, el abordaje del dolor cr?nico y los conceptos b?sicos de ultrasonido enfocado, por mencionar solamente algunos de ellos.

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9789587814460


Anesthesia and the Fetus
Anesthesia and the Fetus

Автор: Группа авторов

Anesthesia and the Fetus integrates into one volume the multidisciplinary components of: fetal development fetal pharmacology assessments of fetal and neonatal outcome anesthesia and analgesia during pregnancy anesthesia and analgesia during labor ethics and law Written by an internationally renowned group of clinicians and scientists, Anesthesia and the Fetus provides a contemporary guide and reference to the role of anesthesia, and the anesthesiologist, in protecting the mother and her unborn child during pregnancy.

Цена: 14323.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781118477069


Anesthesia Complications in the Dental Office
Anesthesia Complications in the Dental Office

Автор: Группа авторов

Anesthetic complications, which range from simple annoyances to patient mortality, are inevitable, given the many and complex interactions of doctor, patient, personnel, and facility. Anesthesia Complications in the Dental Office helps dentists minimize the frequency and severity of adverse events by providing concise and clinically relevant information that can be put to everyday use. Anesthesia Complications in the Dental Office presents the most up-to-date information on treating anesthesia complications and medical emergencies. Drs. Bosack and Lieblich and a team of expert contributors discuss patient risk assessment; considerations for special needs and medically compromised patients; routinely administered anesthetic agents; adversities that can arise before, during, and after administration of anesthesia; and emergency drugs and equipment. A must-have reference for every dental office.

Цена: 10523.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118828625


Ansto? in Rom
Ansto? in Rom

Автор: Josef Dirnbeck

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783702232269



Автор: Claire Ewing

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783958492387


Anti-Aging - F?r immer jung auch im hohen Alter
Anti-Aging - F?r immer jung auch im hohen Alter

Автор: Dr. Jan-M. Joven

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783955773557


Antibacterial Agents
Antibacterial Agents

Автор: Rosaleen Anderson

Antibacterial agents act against bacterial infection either by killing the bacterium or by arresting its growth. They do this by targeting bacterial DNA and its associated processes, attacking bacterial metabolic processes including protein synthesis, or interfering with bacterial cell wall synthesis and function. Antibacterial Agents is an essential guide to this important class of chemotherapeutic drugs. Compounds are organised according to their target, which helps the reader understand the mechanism of action of these drugs and how resistance can arise. The book uses an integrated “lab-to-clinic” approach which covers drug discovery, source or synthesis, mode of action, mechanisms of resistance, clinical aspects (including links to current guidelines, significant drug interactions, cautions and contraindications), prodrugs and future improvements. Agents covered include: agents targeting DNA – quinolone, rifamycin, and nitroimidazole antibacterial agents agents targeting metabolic processes – sulfonamide antibacterial agents and trimethoprim agents targeting protein synthesis – aminoglycoside, macrolide and tetracycline antibiotics, chloramphenicol, and oxazolidinones agents targeting cell wall synthesis – β-Lactam and glycopeptide antibiotics, cycloserine, isonaizid, and daptomycin Antibacterial Agents will find a place on the bookshelves of students of pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, drug design/discovery, and medicinal chemistry, and as a bench reference for pharmacists and pharmaceutical researchers in academia and industry.

Цена: 15862.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781118325438


Antisemitismus – Heterogenit?t – Allianzen
Antisemitismus – Heterogenit?t – Allianzen

Автор: Katrin Reimer-Gordinskaya

Die j?dische Community Berlins ist so heterogen wie die Bev?lkerung der Stadt insgesamt. J?dische Berlinerinnen und Berliner sind Teil des kulturellen Lebens und der demokratischen Zivilgesellschaft. Zugleich sind sie in der Stadt eine Minderheit, in deren Alltag sich Antisemitismus in unterschiedlichsten Formen niederschl?gt. In diesem Teil des »Berlin-Monitors« wird untersucht, wo und wie j?dische Berlinerinnen und Berliner in ihrem Alltag Antisemitismus erfahren und welche Umgangsweisen sie individuell und kollektiv finden. Auch die Reaktion aus dem nicht-j?dischen Umfeld kommt zur Sprache: Gelingt es, solidarisch gegen Antisemitismus und verkn?pfte Diskriminierung vorzugehen? Nachdem 2019 die erste Repr?sentativerhebung des »Berlin-Monitors« ver?ffentlicht wurde, erscheint hiermit der erste Schwerpunkt des qualitativen Studienteils »Aktivierende Befragung«.

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783866749023


Antropolog?a del dolor
Antropolog?a del dolor

Автор: David Le Breton

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9789569843921


Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Derived Materials
Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Derived Materials

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119651161


Applied Biostatistics for the Health Sciences
Applied Biostatistics for the Health Sciences

Автор: Richard J. Rossi

Цена: 17720.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119722670


Applied Missing Data Analysis in the Health Sciences
Applied Missing Data Analysis in the Health Sciences

Автор: Xiao-Hua Zhou

A modern and practical guide to the essential concepts and ideas for analyzing data with missing observations in the field of biostatistics With an emphasis on hands-on applications, Applied Missing Data Analysis in the Health Sciences outlines the various modern statistical methods for the analysis of missing data. The authors acknowledge the limitations of established techniques and provide newly-developed methods with concrete applications in areas such as causal inference methods and the field of diagnostic medicine. Organized by types of data, chapter coverage begins with an overall introduction to the existence and limitations of missing data and continues into traditional techniques for missing data inference, including likelihood-based, weighted GEE, multiple imputation, and Bayesian methods. The book’s subsequently covers cross-sectional, longitudinal, hierarchical, survival data. In addition, Applied Missing Data Analysis in the Health Sciences features: Multiple data sets that can be replicated using the SAS®, Stata®, R, and WinBUGS software packages Numerous examples of case studies in the field of biostatistics to illustrate real-world scenarios and demonstrate applications of discussed methodologies Detailed appendices to guide readers through the use of the presented data in various software environments Applied Missing Data Analysis in the Health Sciences is an excellent textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level biostatistics courses as well as an ideal resource for health science researchers and applied statisticians.

Цена: 11636.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118573631


Applied Mixed Models in Medicine
Applied Mixed Models in Medicine

Автор: Helen Brown E

A fully updated edition of this key text on mixed models, focusing on applications in medical research The application of mixed models is an increasingly popular way of analysing medical data, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. A mixed model allows the incorporation of both fixed and random variables within a statistical analysis, enabling efficient inferences and more information to be gained from the data. There have been many recent advances in mixed modelling, particularly regarding the software and applications. This third edition of Brown and Prescott’s groundbreaking text provides an update on the latest developments, and includes guidance on the use of current SAS techniques across a wide range of applications. Presents an overview of the theory and applications of mixed models in medical research, including the latest developments and new sections on incomplete block designs and the analysis of bilateral data. Easily accessible to practitioners in any area where mixed models are used, including medical statisticians and economists. Includes numerous examples using real data from medical and health research, and epidemiology, illustrated with SAS code and output. Features the new version of SAS, including new graphics for model diagnostics and the procedure PROC MCMC. Supported by a website featuring computer code, data sets, and further material. This third edition will appeal to applied statisticians working in medical research and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as teachers and students of statistics courses in mixed models. The book will also be of great value to a broad range of scientists, particularly those working in the medical and pharmaceutical areas.

Цена: 10292.59 руб.
ISBN: 9781118778234


Aprendre Flash CS5 amb 100 exercicis pr?ctics
Aprendre Flash CS5 amb 100 exercicis pr?ctics

Автор: MEDIAactive

Flash CS5 ?s el programa l?der en el sector del disseny gr?fic per crear continguts interactius i animacions d'un atractiu formidable. Amb aquest manual aprendr? a utilitzar aquest impressionant software, millorat i ampliat, amb les seves pr?pies creacions. En aquesta versi? de Flash, Adobe ha incl?s distintes novetats, tant pel que fa a la seva interf?cie, que ara ?s molt m?s senzilla, com a les seves eines i funcions. Amb aquest llibre Aprendr? a crear moviments m?s flexibles, el?stics i reals gr?cies a la nova aplicaci? Muelles, incorporada en l'eina Huesos. Podr? introduir codis d'Action Script amb major facilitat i rapidesa utilitzant l'Editor d'ActionScript millorat que inclou una finalitzaci? i suggeriment de codis de classe personalitzada. A m?s a m?s, gr?cies al nou Panell de fragmentos de c?digo, podr? programar interaccions comunes d'ActionScript sense necessitat de con?ixer el llenguatge de programaci?. Podr? incorporar efectes d'animaci? avan?ada a les seves pel·l?cules de forma r?pida, senzilla i efica? gr?cies a l'eina de dibuix Deco que inclou una gran quantitat d'elements predefinits llestos per aplicar. Controlar? els textos inserits en les seves pel·l?cules de Flash mitjan?ant tipografia d'impressi? gr?cies al nou motor de text Text Layout Framework, el mateix que s'utilitza en els programes m?s avan?ats de maquetaci?.

Серия: Aprendre…amb 100 exercisis pr?ctics

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788426720450


Art History For Dummies
Art History For Dummies

Автор: Jesse Bryant Wilder

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119868682


Artificial Transmission Lines for RF and Microwave Applications
Artificial Transmission Lines for RF and Microwave Applications

Автор: Ferran Mart?n

This book presents and discusses alternatives to ordinary transmission lines for the design and implementation of advanced RF/microwave components in planar technology. This book is devoted to the analysis, study and applications of artificial transmission lines mostly implemented by means of a host line conveniently modified (e.g., with modulation of transverse dimensions, with etched patterns in the metallic layers, etc.) or with reactive loading, in order to achieve novel device functionalities, superior performance, and/or reduced size. The author begins with an introductory chapter dedicated to the fundamentals of planar transmission lines. Chapter 2 is focused on artificial transmission lines based on periodic structures (including non-uniform transmission lines and reactively-loaded lines), and provides a comprehensive analysis of the coupled mode theory. Chapters 3 and 4 are dedicated to artificial transmission lines inspired by metamaterials, or based on metamaterial concepts. These chapters include the main practical implementations of such lines and their circuit models, and a wide overview of their RF/microwave applications (including passive and active circuits and antennas). Chapter 5 focuses on reconfigurable devices based on tunable artificial lines, and on non-linear transmission lines. The chapter also introduces several materials and components to achieve tuning, including diode varactors, RF-MEMS, ferroelectrics, and liquid crystals. Finally, Chapter 6 covers other advanced transmission lines and wave guiding structures, such as electroinductive-/magnetoinductive-wave lines, common-mode suppressed balanced lines, lattice-network artificial lines, and substrate integrated waveguides. Artificial Transmission Lines for RF and Microwave Applications provides an in-depth analysis and discussion of artificial transmission lines, including design guidelines that can be useful to researchers, engineers and students.

Цена: 13683.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119058335



Автор: Kristof Magnusson

Anita Cornelius ist Not?rztin an einem gro?en Berliner Krankenhaus und liebt ihren Beruf. Sich auf unerwartete Situationen einzustellen, entspricht ihrem Temperament. Auch wenn es bei ihren Eins?tzen nicht immer so aufregend zugeht, wie man sich das vorstellt. Anita ist das recht. Sie kann helfen. Und ab und zu sogar jemandem etwas Gutes tun. Adrian, ihr Exmann, ist Arzt am selben Krankenhaus. Sie haben sich erst vor kurzem in bestem Einvernehmen getrennt, und Lukas, ihr vierzehnj?hriger Sohn, lebt bei seinem Vater und dessen neuer Freundin Heidi. H?tte Anita Adrian nicht zuf?llig bewusstlos auf der Krankenhaustoilette gefunden, zugedr?hnt mit einem Narkosemittel, und h?tte Heidi nicht dauernd diese flotten Spr?che losgelassen, dass jeder seines Gl?ckes Schmied ist, dass Arme und Kranke oft genug selbst an ihrem Zustand schuld sind, dann k?nnte sich Anita weiter vormachen: alles ist in bester Ordnung. Ist es aber nicht. Weder privat noch beruflich. Kristof Magnusson erz?hlt mit gro?er Kenntnis aus dem Alltag einer Not?rztin und gleichzeitig aus dem Alltag ihrer Patienten. Vor allem aber erz?hlt er witzig und unterhaltend aus dem Leben einer Frau Anfang vierzig, die mehr will als Routine und 'sch?ner Wohnen'.

Исполнители: Елизавета Богданова

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783888979835


As Cadeiras
As Cadeiras

Автор: Javier P?rez Pont

Como alcan?ar o m?ximo bem-estar e um corpo mais forte e flex?vel. Nesta cole??o, Esperanza Aparicio Romero e Javier P?rez Pont, dirigentes do ?nico centro que difunde os ensinamentos originais do professor de Pilates na Espanha, nos mostram, passo a passo e de forma simples, as chaves para obter os maiores benef?cios deste m?todo, que considera o corpo, a mente e o esp?rito como uma unidade, e tem como principal objetivo coorden?-los com vista a um corpo mais forte e flex?vel, bem como uma figura mais estilizada. ? um aparelho em forma de cadeira com encosto longo, dois postes laterais com al?as para as m?os e um pedal acoplado com duas molas para resist?ncia. ? um excelente aparelho para fortalecer o «centro de energia», quadris, n?degas, pernas, joelhos, p?s, tend?o de Aquiles, bra?os, al?m de aumentar o controle e o equil?brio.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788493934781


Asymptotic Analyses for Complex Evolutionary Systems with Markov and Semi-Markov Switching Using Approximation Schemes
Asymptotic Analyses for Complex Evolutionary Systems with Markov and Semi-Markov Switching Using Approximation Schemes

Автор: Yaroslav Chabanyuk

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119779742


Atlas of Male Genitourethral Surgery
Atlas of Male Genitourethral Surgery

Автор: Группа авторов

Male genitourethral abnormalities are a source of great concern and distress to those affected. Surgery, when required, is very specialized and often extremely complex requiring expert surgical skills in order to achieve the best outcomes. Atlas of Male Genitourethral Surgery: The Illustrated Guideprovides urological surgeons, at all levels of experience from trainees to established specialists, with a full colour, highly illustrated and step-by-step approach to male genitourethral surgery, enabling complete mastery of surgical techniques in this difficult and challenging area. Full-color throughout and with over 430 high-quality images, this comprehensive atlas covers key areas of urologic surgery including: Surgery for penile curvature Urethral reconstruction and artificial urinary sphincters Penile and scrotal reconstruction Surgery for male infertility Surgery for erectile dysfunction Surgery for penile cancer Each chapter includes an introduction to the condition and its challenge, a step-by step guide to the surgical procedures applicable for that condition with surgical tips and tricks for improved techniques and outcomes. Brought to you by the world’s leading experts in the field of genitourethral surgery, this outstanding book guides you through the most challenging of operations, helping you deliver high quality clinical care to your patients.

Цена: 16211.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781118650936


Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Автор: Группа авторов

Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is an innovative, multidisciplinary, contemporary surgical atlas covering core aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery, head and neck reconstructive surgery and facial cosmetic surgery. The text is constructed as a procedure-based surgical atlas with special emphasis placed on depicting surgical techniques with high-resolution color illustrations and images. Chapters are written by experts in their field and are designed to provide high-yield information pertaining to procedure indications, contraindications, pertinent anatomy, techniques, post-operative management, complications and key points. Each chapter concludes with a detailed photographic case report illustrating pertinent procedure specifics such as locations for incisions, anatomical planes of dissection, key steps in the procedure, radiographs findings and pre- and postoperative photographs. Procedures are organized by sections to include: dentoalveolar and implant surgery, odontogenic head and neck infections, maxillofacial trauma surgery, orthognathic and craniofacial surgery, tempomandibular joint surgery, infections of the head and neck, facial cosmetic surgery, and pathology and reconstructive surgery. The combination of concise text, more than 1,000 color clinical illustrations and images, and case reports makes the Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery a key reference to all oral and maxillofacial surgeons, head and neck surgeons, and facial plastic surgeons and will serve as a foundation for residency training, board certification and the recently implemented recertification examinations.

Цена: 18525.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781118938409


Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews
Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews

Автор: Marjan Askari

Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews offers a comprehensive resource to the treatment of orthodontic malocclusions with a case-based approach. Discusses and illustrates the treatment of orthodontic malocclusions using actual clinical cases Presents more than 800 clinical photographs showing the stages of each treatment, to act as a visual reference Includes a description of each malocclusion, an explanation of the desired treatment outcomes, an account of the changes, and review questions for each case

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119303763


Attrition in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Attrition in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Автор: Dennis A. Smith

With a focus on case studies of R&D programs in a variety of disease areas, the book highlights fundamental productivity issues the pharmaceutical industry has been facing and explores potential ways of improving research effectiveness and efficiency. • Takes a comprehensive and holistic approach to the problems and potential solutions to drug compound attrition • Tackles a problem that adds billions of dollars to drug development programs and health care costs • Guides discovery and development scientists through R&D stages, teaching requirements and reasons why drugs can fail • Discusses potential ways forward utilizing new approaches and opportunities to reduce attrition

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781118819449


Auf den zweiten Blick (E-Book)
Auf den zweiten Blick (E-Book)

Автор: Andrea M?ller

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen. Was tun, wenn eine Sch?lerin sich weigert, einer Klassenkameradin die Hand zu geben, weil sie eine andere Hautfarbe hat Wenn ein Sch?ler mit Fluchterfahrung sich davor f?rchtet, durch einen engen Gang zur Turnhalle zu gehen? Oder wenn fremdsprachige Eltern keinen Dolmetscher beim Elterngespr?ch dabeihaben m?chten? Einen angemessenen Umgang mit migrationsbezogener Vielfalt zu finden, ist f?r Lehrkr?fte eine Herausforderung. Gleichzeitig bildet Vielfalt die Normalit?t, und sie hat grosses Potenzial. Gemeinschaft kann erlebt, Mehrsprachigkeit genutzt und breites Weltwissen in den Unterricht einbezogen werden.
Die Sammlung von F?llen aus dem Schulalltag inspiriert zu einem fruchtbaren Umgang mit Diversit?t und zum Anstreben von Chancengerechtigkeit. Die F?lle werden von Hintergrundinformationen aus der Forschung gest?tzt und mit dem Lehrplan 21 in Bezug gesetzt. Der Fokus liegt auf dem ersten und zweiten Zyklus.

Цена: 2662.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783035514292


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