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Автор: Richard Coico

Цена: 8878.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781119551454


Implant Restorations
Implant Restorations

Автор: Carl Drago

The fourth edition of Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide provides a wealth of updated and expanded coverage on detailed procedures for restoring dental implants. Focusing on the most common treatment scenarios, it offers concise literature reviews for each chapter abd easy-to-follow descriptions of the techniques, along with high-quality clinical photographs demonstrating each step. Comprehensive throughout, this practical guide begins with introductory information on incorporating implant restorative dentistry in clinical practice. It covers diagnosis and treatment planning and digital dentistry, and addresses advances in cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT), treatment planning software, computer generated surgical guides, rapid prototype printing and impression-less implant restorative treatments, intra-oral scanning, laser sintering, and printing/milling polymer materials. Record-keeping, patient compliance, hygiene regimes, and follow-up are also covered. Provides an accessible step-by-step guide to commonly encountered treatment scenarios, describing procedures and techniques in an easy-to-follow, highly illustrated format Offers new chapters on diagnosis and treatment planning and digital dentistry Covers advances in cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT), computer generated surgical guides, intra-oral scanning, laser sintering, and more An excellent and accessible guide on a burgeoning subject in modern dental practice by one of its most experienced clinicians, Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide, Fourth Edition will appeal to prosthodontists, general dentists, implant surgeons, dental students, dental assistants, hygienists, and dental laboratory technicians.

Цена: 18217.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781119538134


In der Matrix der digitalen Raumzeit
In der Matrix der digitalen Raumzeit

Автор: Gesa Lindemann

Gesa Lindemann nimmt uns in ihrem Beitrag zu Kursbuch 177 mit in die Matrix der digitalen Raumzeit. In dieser hinterlassen wir stetig individuelle Signaturen, die f?r jedermann einsehbar sind. Was das f?r unser Selbstverst?ndnis und unsere Selbstbestimmung bedeutet und wie sich dieser Trend auf unser gesellschaftliches Miteinander auswirkt, stellt Gesa Lindemann in ihrem Essay dar.

Цена: 146.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783867743709


In Silico Dreams
In Silico Dreams

Автор: Brian S. Hilbush

Цена: 3797.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119745648


In wenigen Tagen ein Ratgeber-eBook schreiben
In wenigen Tagen ein Ratgeber-eBook schreiben

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Dieses E-Book zeigt Ihnen, dass wenn Sie sich an die Arbeit machen, Ihnen innerhalb von wenigen Tagen ein gutes Ratgeber-EBook gelingen wird. Es ist nicht schwer, einen Ratgeber herzustellen. Die meisten Menschen z?gern und finden Ausreden und so erreichen Sie ihr Ziel nat?rlich nicht. Allerdings ben?tigen Sie Zeit, Lust und Durchhalteverm?gen. Vor allem wenn es um den Verkauf des E-Books geht.
Ein Ratgeber ist ein Produkt, das ein spezifisches Bed?rfnis erf?llt oder ein bestimmtes Problem l?st. Ein Beispiel ist, Menschen zu helfen, Gewicht zu verlieren oder zu verstehen, wie sie einen Ratgeber erstellen, usw. Normalerweise erstellen Sie einen Ratgeber zur L?sung eines Problems.
Ich werde in diesem EBook Schritt f?r Schritt zeigen, wie Sie Ihren eigenen Ratgeber erstellen. Wie Sie nah Ideen suchen, bis hin zur Schaffung des Produkts, um Umsatz zu erzielen und wie und wo Sie Ihr Werk verkaufen k?nnen. Ich zeige Ihnen, wie Sie einen Verkaufstext erstellen, wie Sie Werbung f?r Ihr Produkt machen und wie Sie es schaffen, Traffic f?r Ihr Produkt zu generieren.
Es wird empfohlen, am Anfang des Kurses zu beginnen und sich in der vorgegebenen Reihenfolge durchzuarbeiten. Jedes Kapitel zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie ein bestimmtes Teil Ihres Produkts herstellen. Sehen Sie sich ein Kapitel an und f?hren dann jeweils den Schritt aus, damit Sie die Erfahrung verst?rken und sicherstellen, dass Sie Ihr eigenes Produkt herstellen k?nnen.
Dieses EBook wird Ihnen helfen, ein selbstbewusster Autor von profitablen Ratgeber-EBooks zu werden.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783754107898


Increasing Persistence
Increasing Persistence

Автор: Wesley R. Habley

Praise for Increasing Persistence "What a gem! This is a requisite text for enrollment practitioners, higher education scholars, and progressive public policy makers dedicated to understanding the processes involved in increasing student retention and success rates. The authors' data-focused approach identifies many of the best practices and fundamental efforts that can make a positive impact at most colleges and universities. Increasing Persistence provides an ideal organizational framework for developing student retention plans. —Jay W. Goff, vice president of enrollment and retention management, Saint Louis University «Because community colleges have made student persistence to graduation or career certification a national priority, they will find this book an invaluable resource for identifying and implementing practices that have a documented impact on student success.» —James Hudgins, president emeritus, South Carolina Technical/Community College System; director, Community College leadership Alliance, University of South Carolina «The authors have crafted a highly-readable and much-needed synthesis of the complex literature on college student persistence and completion, and present a fresh model for student success that will be of interest to applied practitioners. This book is not only critical reading for all stakeholders in higher education, but also an easily accessible required text for graduate students of the discipline.» —Toni Strollo Holbrook, associate dean of the college, Rollins College «The authors provide a focused and contextualized view of college student success that tells us not only what matters but also reminds us why it matters to individual students, educators, and society as whole.» —Margot Saltonstall, associate director for assessment enrollment management and student affairs, Northern Arizona University

Цена: 6072.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118221082


Industrial Moisture and Humidity Measurement
Industrial Moisture and Humidity Measurement

Автор: Roland Wernecke

Moisture analysis covers a variety of methods for measuring high levels of moisture, as well as trace amounts, in solids, liquids, or gases. There are many applications where trace moisture measurements are indispensable for manufacturing and for process quality assurance. Trace moisture in solids must be controlled for plastics, pharmaceuticals and heat treatment processes. Measurement applications in gases and liquids include, for example, drying processes, hydrocarbon processing, pure gases in the semiconductor industry, natural gas pipeline transport, the conditioning of food and other products. Written by experts with over 20 years of experience in the field, this one-stop guide covers all aspects of these measurements, including both the theory and a wealth of practical know-how. As such, it includes guidelines on installation, on the realization of standards for absolute and relative humidity, verification and traceability measurements, equipment calibration methods and the latest research developments. Backed by numerous case studies, this practical book serves the needs of those working in the industry tasked with performing or developing new techniques and processes for moisture and humidity measurement. As a result, the scientist or engineer has all the information required for accurate, reliable, economically viable and efficient moisture measurement.

Цена: 16051.47 руб.
ISBN: 9783527652440


Infectolog?a pr?ctica para el pediatra
Infectolog?a pr?ctica para el pediatra

Автор: Xavier S?ez Llorens

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9789588813622


Innovation and Creativity in SMEs
Innovation and Creativity in SMEs

Автор: Claudine Gay

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119649144


Integrated Vehicle Dynamics and Control
Integrated Vehicle Dynamics and Control

Автор: Wuwei Chen

A comprehensive overview of integrated vehicle system dynamics exploring the fundamentals and new and emerging developments This book provides a comprehensive coverage of vehicle system dynamics and control, particularly in the area of integrated vehicle dynamics control. The book consists of two parts, (1) development of individual vehicle system dynamic model and control methodology; and (2) development of integrated vehicle dynamic model and control methodology. The first part focuses on investigating vehicle system dynamics and control according to the three directions of vehicle motions, including longitudinal, vertical, and lateral. Corresponding individual control systems, e.g. Anti-lock Brake System (ABS), Active Suspension, Electric Power Steering System (EPS), are introduced and developed respectively. Particular attention is paid in the second part of the book to develop integrated vehicle dynamic control system. Integrated vehicle dynamics control system is an advanced system that coordinates all the chassis control systems and components to improve the overall vehicle performance including safety, comfort, and economy. Integrated vehicle dynamics control has been an important research topic in the area of vehicle dynamics and control over the past two decades. The research topic on integrated vehicle dynamics control is investigated comprehensively and intensively in the book through both theoretical analysis and experimental study. In this part, two types of control architectures, i.e. centralized and multi-layer, have been developed and compared to demonstrate their advantages and disadvantages. Integrated vehicle dynamics control is a hot topic in automotive research; this is one of the few books to address both theory and practice of integrated systems Comprehensively explores the research area of integrated vehicle dynamics and control through both theoretical analysis and experimental study Addresses a full range of vehicle system topics including tyre dynamics, chassis systems, control architecture, 4 wheel steering system and design of control systems using Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Method

Цена: 13376.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781118380017


Integrative Medizin und Gesundheit
Integrative Medizin und Gesundheit

Автор: Группа авторов

Die Integrative Medizin kombiniert die moderne, evidenzbasierte Naturheilkunde und Komplement?rmedizin mit den etablierten Verfahren der konventionellen Medizin – erg?nzt durch aktuelle Entwicklungen wie St?rkung der Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung, Gesundheitsf?rderung und Pr?vention. Dabei ist sie zunehmend eigenst?ndig, durch Forschung breit abgesichert und heute weit mehr als „Schulmedizin plus Komplement?rmedizin“. Nachdem die Integrative Medizin in Nordamerika l?ngst anerkannt und in Wissenschaft, Ausbildung und Gesundheitsversorgung etabliert ist, entstehen in Europa immer mehr Professuren und akademische Institute, die sich mit der „Naturheilkunde“ oder „Integrativen Medizin“ bzw. „Integrativen Gesundheitsversorgung“ auseinandersetzen.
Die Integrative Medizin ist ein ungemein spannendes, inspirierendes und innovatives Feld, das mittlerweile auch in Europa in der praktischen Medizin und beim Patienten angekommen ist. Hier besteht eine lange Tradition der Naturheilkunde. Die Therapieangebote werden, parallel zu Verfahren der konventionellen Medizin, mit ?berw?ltigendem und zunehmendem Interesse in Anspruch genommen.
Integrative Medizin ist bisher nicht eindeutig und klar genug definiert, und es ist erforderlich, die Erkenntnisse, Angebote, Nachfragen sowie die divergierenden – oder auch synchronen – Str?mungen zusammenzutragen und geb?ndelt aufzuzeigen. Daf?r sorgt dieses Buch: Es entschl?sselt den Wissens- und Erfahrungsstand in der ganzen Pluralit?t der aktuellen Diskussion. Heute haben verschiedene medizinische und therapeutische Fachgebiete einen engen Bezug zur Integrativen Medizin, aber auch ?bergeordnete Kontexte wie k?nstlerische Therapieverfahren. Pflege- und andere Medizinsysteme (wie etwa die Anthroposophie) finden ebenfalls exemplarisch Ber?cksichtigung.
Das aktuelle Standardwerk b?ndelt alle Aspekte der Integrativen Medizin: medizinisches Fachwissen, Versorgungsstrukturen, Theoriebildung, Menschenbild und wissenschaftliche Grundlagen einer empathischen, kommunikativen und hoch effektiven Medizin im digitalen Zeitalter.

Цена: 9863.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783954666416


Intelligent IoT for the Digital World
Intelligent IoT for the Digital World

Автор: Yang Sun Yang

Цена: 14909.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119593553


Intelligent Security Systems
Intelligent Security Systems

Автор: Leon Reznik

Цена: 11209.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781119771555


Interface of Ceramic-Matrix Composites
Interface of Ceramic-Matrix Composites

Автор: Longbiao Li

The book «Interfaces of Ceramic-Matrix Composites» demonstrates the definition, function and type of the interface of ceramic-matrix composites and gives comprehensive investigations on the interface design, interface characterization, interface assessment, and interface damage law of both C/SiC and SiC/SiC ceramic-matrix composites subjected to tensile and fatigue loading at different testing conditions. Thereby, it helps material designers and engineers to better design ceramic-matrix composite components for applications.

Цена: 18578.74 руб.
ISBN: 9783527828050


Interference Mitigation in Device-to-Device Communications
Interference Mitigation in Device-to-Device Communications

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14323.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781119788805


Intermittent Fasting For Dummies
Intermittent Fasting For Dummies

Автор: Janet Bond Brill

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119724032


International Practice Development in Health and Social Care
International Practice Development in Health and Social Care

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 6628.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781119698494


International Specialization Dynamics
International Specialization Dynamics

Автор: Didier Lebert

This book deals with the dynamics of international specializations during the present period of trade globalization. It discusses international trade as a network linking countries, and uses structural techniques to analyze the evolving structure of this network. It offers a new approach to address the economic emergence of countries. Using these structural methods, the book also explains knowledge exchange. Indeed, the structure transformation of the international trade is partly due to an exchange of competencies between regions. Many concrete examples are proposed.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119388067


Interpreting Evidence
Interpreting Evidence

Автор: Bernard Robertson

This book explains the correct logical approach to analysis of forensic scientific evidence. The focus is on general methods of analysis applicable to all forms of evidence. It starts by explaining the general principles and then applies them to issues in DNA and other important forms of scientific evidence as examples. Like the first edition, the book analyses real legal cases and judgments rather than hypothetical examples and shows how the problems perceived in those cases would have been solved by a correct logical approach. The book is written to be understood both by forensic scientists preparing their evidence and by lawyers and judges who have to deal with it. The analysis is tied back both to basic scientific principles and to the principles of the law of evidence. This book will also be essential reading for law students taking evidence or forensic science papers and science students studying the application of their scientific specialisation to forensic questions.

Цена: 5676.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118492468


Interprofessional Rehabilitation
Interprofessional Rehabilitation

Автор: Группа авторов

Interprofessional Rehabilitation: a Person-Centred Approach is a concise and readable introduction to the principles and practice of a person-centred interprofessional approach to rehabilitation, based upon a firm scientific evidence base. Written by a multi-contributor team of specialists in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, psychology and rehabilitation medicine, this text draws together common themes that cut across the different professional groups and the spectrum of health conditions requiring rehabilitation, and sets out a model of practice that is tailored to the specific needs of the client. Showing interprofessionalism at work in a range of clinical contexts, the book argues that effective rehabilitation is best conducted by well-integrated teams of specialists working in an interdisciplinary way, with the client or patient actively involved in all stages of the process. This book will be essential reading for students preparing for practice in an increasingly interprofessional environment, and will be of interest to any health care practitioner keen to understand how an integrated approach to rehabilitation can benefit their clients.

Цена: 4450.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118351406


Interviews 1996-2010
Interviews 1996-2010

Автор: Eberhard Bosslet

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783958491342


Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel and R
Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel and R

Автор: Robert P. Hirsch

Цена: 18004.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781119722625


Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel, Workbook
Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel, Workbook

Автор: Robert P. Hirsch

Workbook to accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel—practical and methodological approach to the statistical logic of biostatistics in the field of health research.

Цена: 3645.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119090014


Introduction to Global Health Promotion
Introduction to Global Health Promotion

Автор: Группа авторов

Introduction to Global Health Promotion addresses a breadth and depth of public health topics that students and emerging professionals in the field must understand as the world's burden of disease changes with non-communicable diseases on the rise in low- and middle-income countries as their middle class populations grow. Now more than ever, we need to provide health advocacy and intervention to prevent, predict, and address emerging global health issues. This new text from the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) prepares readers with thorough and thoughtful chapters on global health promotion theories, best practices, and perspectives on the future of the field, from the individual to the global level. The world's biggest health care challenges—including HIV, malaria, heart disease, smoking, and violence, among others—are explored in detail in Introduction to Global Health Promotion. The state of the science, including the latest empirical data, is distilled into 19 chapters that update readers on the complex issues surrounding a variety of illnesses and conditions, and disease epidemics and individual, social, institutional, and governmental barriers to preventing them. Expert authors bring to the fore human rights issues, new uses of technology, and practical application of theory. These perspectives, along with the book's multidisciplinary approach, serve to create a well-rounded understanding of global health today. Learn more from the Editors of Introduction to Global Health Promotion here.

Цена: 9505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781118897881


Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges
Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges

Автор: Bernard J. Healey

A comprehensive guide to the structure, synergy, and challenges in U.S. health care delivery Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges offers new insights into the most important sectors of the United States' health care industry and the many challenges the future holds. Designed to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the system, this textbook covers the many facets of health care delivery and details the interaction of health, environments, organizations, populations, and the health professions. Written by authors with decades of experience teaching and working in health care administration and management, the book examines the current state and changing face of health care delivery in the United States. Each chapter includes learning objectives and discussion questions that help guide and engage deeper consideration of the issues at hand, providing a comprehensive approach for students. Cases studies demonstrating innovations in the delivery of health care services are also presented. Health care administration requires a thorough understanding of the multiple systems that define and shape the delivery of health care in the United States. At the same time, it is important for students to gain an appreciation of the dilemma confronting policy makers, providers, and patients in the struggle to balance cost, quality, and access. Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges is an in-depth examination of the major health care issues and policy changes that have had an impact on the U.S. health care delivery system. Includes information on U.S. health care delivery, from care to cost, and the forces of change Focuses on major industry players, including providers, insurers, and facilities Highlights challenges facing health care delivery in the future, including physician shortages, quality care, and the chronic disease epidemic The U.S. health care system is undergoing major reform, and the effects will ripple across every sector of the industry. Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges gives students a complete introduction to understanding the issues and ramifications.

Цена: 9505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781118450154


Introduction to Meta-Analysis
Introduction to Meta-Analysis

Автор: Julian P. T. Higgins

Цена: 7173.44 руб.
ISBN: 9781119558385


Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography
Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography

Автор: Joseph J. Kirkland

The latest edition of the authoritative reference to HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is today the leading technique for chemical analysis and related applications, with an ability to separate, analyze, and/or purify virtually any sample. Snyder and Kirkland's Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography has long represented the premier reference to HPLC. This Third Edition, with John Dolan as added coauthor, addresses important improvements in columns and equipment, as well as major advances in our understanding of HPLC separation, our ability to solve problems that were troublesome in the past, and the application of HPLC for new kinds of samples. This carefully considered Third Edition maintains the strengths of the previous edition while significantly modifying its organization in light of recent research and experience. The text begins by introducing the reader to HPLC, its use in relation to other modern separation techniques, and its history, then leads into such specific topics as: The basis of HPLC separation and the general effects of different experimental conditions Equipment and detection The column—the «heart» of the HPLC system Reversed-phase separation, normal-phase chromatography, gradient elution, two-dimensional separation, and other techniques Computer simulation, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and method validation and quality control The separation of large molecules, including both biological and synthetic polymers Chiral separations, preparative separations, and sample preparation Systematic development of HPLC separations—new to this edition Troubleshooting tricks, techniques, and case studies for both equipment and chromatograms Designed to fulfill the needs of the full range of HPLC users, from novices to experts, Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition offers the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and accessible survey of HPLC methods and applications available.

Цена: 16086.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470508176


Introduction to the US Food System
Introduction to the US Food System

Автор: Группа авторов

A public health approach to the US food system Introduction to the US Food System: Public Health, Environment, and Equity is a comprehensive and engaging textbook that offers students an overview of today's US food system, with particular focus on the food system's interrelationships with public health, the environment, equity, and society. Using a classroom-friendly approach, the text covers the core content of the food system and provides evidence-based perspectives reflecting the tremendous breadth of issues and ideas important to understanding today's US food system. The book is rich with illustrative examples, case studies, activities, and discussion questions. The textbook is a project of the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF), and builds upon the Center's educational mission to examine the complex interrelationships between diet, food production, environment, and human health to advance an ecological perspective in reducing threats to the health of the public, and to promote policies that protect health, the global environment, and the ability to sustain life for future generations. Issues covered in Introduction to the US Food System include food insecurity, social justice, community and worker health concerns, food marketing, nutrition, resource depletion, and ecological degradation. Presents concepts on the foundations of the US food system, crop production, food system economics, processing and packaging, consumption and overconsumption, and the environmental impacts of food Examines the political factors that influence food and how it is produced Ideal for students and professionals in many fields, including public health, nutritional science, nursing, medicine, environment, policy, business, and social science, among others Introduction to the US Food System presents a broad view of today's US food system in all its complexity and provides opportunities for students to examine the food system's stickiest problems and think critically about solutions.

Цена: 9008.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118913062


Introductory Linguistics for Speech and Language Therapy Practice
Introductory Linguistics for Speech and Language Therapy Practice

Автор: Jan McAllister

This practical introduction to linguistics is a must-have resource for all speech and language therapy students, providing you with the fundamental theory needed as a foundation for practice. Written by authors with extensive experience in both research and teaching, Introductory Linguistics for Speech and Language Practice equips you with a practical understanding of relevant linguistic concepts in the key language areas of morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse and pragmatics. Each chapter opens by explaining why the information is of relevance to the speech language therapist, and this integrated approach is emphasised via reference to relevant clinical resources. Exercises throughout each chapter also allow you to test your understanding of key principles and apply this knowledge to other areas of your study. This concise, readable guide is a core text for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of speech and language therapy, and is also ideal for qualified therapists wanting to enrich their understanding of the linguistic assessments they use in practice.

Цена: 4971.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118571958


Introductory Modern Algebra
Introductory Modern Algebra

Автор: Saul Stahl

Praise for the First Edition «Stahl offers the solvability of equations from the historical point of view…one of the best books available to support a one-semester introduction to abstract algebra.» —CHOICE Introductory Modern Algebra: A Historical Approach, Second Edition presents the evolution of algebra and provides readers with the opportunity to view modern algebra as a consistent movement from concrete problems to abstract principles. With a few pertinent excerpts from the writings of some of the greatest mathematicians, the Second Edition uniquely facilitates the understanding of pivotal algebraic ideas. The author provides a clear, precise, and accessible introduction to modern algebra and also helps to develop a more immediate and well-grounded understanding of how equations lead to permutation groups and what those groups can inform us about such diverse items as multivariate functions and the 15-puzzle. Featuring new sections on topics such as group homomorphisms, the RSA algorithm, complex conjugation, the factorization of real polynomials, and the fundamental theorem of algebra, the Second Edition also includes: An in-depth explanation of the principles and practices of modern algebra in terms of the historical development from the Renaissance solution of the cubic equation to Dedekind's ideals Historical discussions integrated with the development of modern and abstract algebra in addition to many new explicit statements of theorems, definitions, and terminology A new appendix on logic and proofs, sets, functions, and equivalence relations Over 1,000 new examples and multi-level exercises at the end of each section and chapter as well as updated chapter summaries Introductory Modern Algebra: A Historical Approach, Second Edition is an excellent textbook for upper-undergraduate courses in modern and abstract algebra.

Цена: 12441.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781118837528


Investigando las migraciones en Chile
Investigando las migraciones en Chile

Автор: Walter Alejandro Imilan

El libro nos invita a desplazar la mirada, una mirada oblicua y descentrada que nos permita comprender que de alg?n modo todos somos migrantes, somos extranjeros en nuestros territorios; las fronteras est?n en nuestros propios cuerpos y miradas.

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9789560014832


IoT-enabled Smart Healthcare Systems, Services and Applications
IoT-enabled Smart Healthcare Systems, Services and Applications

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14169.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119816805


iPad Portable Genius
iPad Portable Genius

Автор: Paul McFedries

Цена: 1686.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119765103


Irren ist ?rztlich
Irren ist ?rztlich

Автор: Dr. med. Lothar Zimmermann

Исполнители: Вадим Пугачев

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783945794692


James Allen 21 Books: Complete Premium Collection
James Allen 21 Books: Complete Premium Collection

Автор: Джеймс Аллен

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9782377933945


Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre

Автор: Шарлотта Бронте

Серия: Klassiker bei Null Papier

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783954180660



Автор: Sandra Gernt

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783943678741



Автор: Guadalupe Faraj

«Jaulagrande. Nadie quiere ir». Esta es la sentencia con la que arranca Jaulagrande. Y all? van, sin embargo, sus protagonistas: un militar que ha perdido el honor, su esposa, harta de a?os de lealtad, y un hijo al borde de la adolescencia para quien el mundo es ante todo una gran pregunta. Jaulagrande es una base militar en la que el sol se apaga, los gansos rejuvenecen al comer basura y cada quien encuentra su destino, aun si ese destino no es m?s que un punto final. Lo que sucede all? escapa a los convencionalismos, pero est? atado a leyes t?citas que con extrema destreza Guadalupe Faraj logra establecer como otra l?gica posible. De atm?sfera espesa y un ritmo al que no le sobra ni le falta nada, Jaulagrande es una novela aguda, tierna, exacta y, sobre todo, penetrante.

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9789874178565


Johannes Wiederg?nger
Johannes Wiederg?nger

Автор: Brigitte Pyka-Behrends

Protagonistin ist Klara, die sich tapfer und meist allein durchs Leben schl?gt, aber immer wieder auf der Suche nach ihrem Johannes ist – konkret oder virtuell, und zwar in Zeiten gro?er seelischer Not, wie sie selbst erkennt. Klara ist beruflich erfolgreich, scharfz?ngig und in ihren Freundschaften etwas sperrig, aber gern Gastgeberin und dort, wo sie Zuneigung versp?rt, auch gro?z?gig und liebevoll.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783754186022


Joint Optimization of Maintenance and Production Policies
Joint Optimization of Maintenance and Production Policies

Автор: Nidhal Rezg

This book presents the recent work regarding the different approaches developed in the framework of the joint optimization of intelligent maintenance and production strategies. The originality of these strategies is that they take various constraints into account, including production management, subcontracting environmental degradation, inspection and product quality.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118649251


Journal of Prosthodontics on Dental Implants
Journal of Prosthodontics on Dental Implants

Автор: Группа авторов

The Journal of Prosthodontics has been the official publication of the American College of Prosthodontics for more than 20 years. In excess of 1,000 peer-reviewed articles on a wide variety of subjects are now in print, representing a treasure chest of history and valuable information on a myriad of topics of interest to the specialty of prosthodontics. Journal of Prosthodontics on Dental Implants is a “best of” compilation of the journal’s articles from a number of years, focusing exclusively on the multiple applications of osseointegrated implants: for the management of the partially edentulous patient, management of the completely edentulous patient, and management of patients with maxillofacial defects. Sections also relate to in-vitro studies and general considerations to round out the readership selections. Whether you’re a subscriber who’s looking for implant articles in one convenient collection or a clinician with a focus on implant dentistry looking to improve your knowledge base, Journal of Prosthodontics on Dental Implants is a must-have for your personal library.

Цена: 8440.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781119115380


Justicia transicional y derecho penal internacional
Justicia transicional y derecho penal internacional

Автор: Kai Ambos

Серия: Filosof?a Pol?tica y del Derecho

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9789586655057


K?nig und Meister
K?nig und Meister

Автор: Theresa Hannig

Ada K?nig will herausfinden, was diese wichtige Sache ist, die ihr Vater ihr erz?hlen wollte, kurz bevor er das Lenkrad herumriss und die Welt ins Chaos st?rzte.
Was hat es mit dem ‚Verbrannten Mann‘ auf sich, der Ada seit dem Autounfall verfolgt, und wieso tr?umt sie von Else, der alten Frau aus dem Dorf, die sich an nichts erinnert und doch nie vergisst, die Waln?sse aufzusammeln, die der Meister im Garten des K?nigs fallen l?sst.
„Du glaubst doch nicht, dass so ein Pakt ?ber Leben und Tod ohne Gegenleistung geschlossen wird. Jeder wei? das. Jeder muss bereit sein, den Preis zu zahlen.“

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783964260628


Kalte Sonne
Kalte Sonne

Автор: Johannes Epple

Ein junger Arzt reist von einem Auslandseinsatz an der t?rkisch-syrischen Grenze heim nach Wien. Er hat ein mulmiges Gef?hl, denn er wird zum ersten Mal seine kleine Tochter Lara sehen, die vor einigen Wochen zur Welt gekommen ist. Doch als er im Morgengrauen ankommt, ist die Wohnung verlassen. Seine Lebensgef?hrtin und das Kind sind spurlos verschwunden. Er macht sich auf die Suche nach seiner Familie. Doch als er die kleine Lara findet, tauchen nur noch mehr Fragen auf. Wo ist ihre Mutter und warum ist sie nicht bei ihrem Kind geblieben? Ein Verwirrspiel beginnt, das in der Szene der Fitnessblogger seine Wurzeln hat. Es f?hrt den Arzt an einen Ort, von dem es f?r ihn kein Zur?ck mehr gibt: in die Tiefen des eigenen Gewissens.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9783903200067


Karl Barth und der Kommunismus
Karl Barth und der "Kommunismus"

Автор: Wolf Kr?tke

Karl Barth beunruhigt auch ?ber 40 Jahre nach seinem Tod noch die Gem?ter in der Schweiz und in Deutschland. Dass er ein Theologe von grossem Format war, m?ssen ihm selbst seine entschiedenen Gegner zubilligen. Aber die ?ble Nachrede, ein «Kommunist» gewesen zu sein, h?lt sich standhaft. Wolf Kr?tke nimmt diese auch j?ngst wieder erneuerte Nachrede zum Anlass darzustellen, wie die Theologie Karl Barths Kirche und Theologie in der DDR motiviert hat, freie Kirche und freie Theologie in einer Diktatur zu sein. Er begr?ndet die Ansicht, dass Karl Barths Theologie zu den geistigen Voraussetzungen der «friedlichen Revolution» in der DDR geh?rt.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783290177218


Kelly Vana s Nursing Leadership and Management
Kelly Vana's Nursing Leadership and Management

Автор: Группа авторов

Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition  provides a comprehensive look at the knowledge and skills required to lead and manage at every level of nursing, emphasizing the crucial role nurses play in patient safety and the delivery of quality health care. Presented in three units, readers are introduced to a conceptual framework that highlights nursing leadership and management responsibilities for patient-centered care delivery to the patient, to the community, to the agency, and to the self. This valuable new edition: Includes new and up-to-date information from national and state health care and nursing organizations, as well as new chapters on the historical context of nursing leadership and management and the organization of patient care in high reliability health care organizations Explores each of the six Quality and Safety in Nursing (QSEN) competencies: Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety, and Informatics Provides review questions for all chapters to help students prepare for course exams and NCLEX state board exams Features contributions from experts in the field, with perspectives from bedside nurses, faculty, directors of nursing, nursing historians, physicians, lawyers, psychologists and more Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition  provides a strong foundation for evidence-based, high-quality health care for undergraduate nursing students, working nurses, managers, educators, and clinical specialists.

Цена: 14086.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119596639



Автор: Christopher Sch?tze

Vernetzung von Kollagen (Corneal Crosslinking) bezeichnet eine relativ neue und therapeutisch einzigartige Behandlungsmethode der Hornhaut (Cornea), und beschreibt die F?higkeit von Kollagenfibrillen, starke chemische Bindungen mit benachbarten Fibrillen einzugehen, was zu einer Verbesserung der Sehleistung und morphologischen Stabilisierung bei betroffenen Patient/innen mit ektatischen Hornhauterkrankungen f?hrt. In der Hornhaut tritt eine nat?rliche Kollagenvernetzung mit zunehmendem Alter aufgrund von oxidativen Reaktionsprozessen auf, die innerhalb der Endketten des Kollagens stattfindet. Diese nat?rliche Vernetzung von Kollagen erkl?rt m?glicherweise, warum sich ektatische Hornhauterkrankungen (Keratokonus, pelluzidale marginale Degeneration) h?ufig in der Adoleszenz oder im fr?hen Erwachsenenalter klinisch manifestieren, sich aber bei Patient/innen in mittlerem Alter tendenziell stabilisieren. Die Technik zeigt durch ihre stabilisierende Wirkung auch Erfolge bei therapieresistenten Keratitiden und bull?ser Keratopathie. Die Grundlagen f?r die derzeit eingesetzten Corneal Crosslinking (CXL) Techniken sind UV-Licht und Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), dessen Anwendung Kollagenvernetzung induziert, und die Hornhaut steifer und gegen?ber enzymatischer Verdauung widerstandsf?higer macht. Die Anwendung eines seit dem Jahr 2003 eingef?hrten Behandlungsprotokolls (Dresdner Protokoll) hat sich klinisch etabliert. W?nschenswerte Therapieergebnisse im Rahmen der Behandlung von ektatischen Hornhauterkrankungen sind beispielsweise eine Verbesserung des Visus, sowie eine deutliche Abnahme der mittleren Keratometrie im 1. Jahr.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783748508878


Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators

Автор: David Parmenter

Цена: 4212.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781119620792


Kickstart zur Gewichtsreduktion
Kickstart zur Gewichtsreduktion

Автор: Andr? Sternberg

Es ist die Saison f?r viele Dinge um in Form zu kommen ist keine Ausnahme. Mit der Hektik der neuen Jahres Vors?tze, konnte es keinen perfekteren Zeitpunkt daf?r geben. Erstellen Sie einen Trainingsplan und legen Sie los!
Es gibt viele Dinge, die uns aufwachen und erkennen lassen, dass der K?rper, in dem wir leben, nicht der ges?ndeste K?rper ist. Stress, insbesondere zu dieser Jahreszeit, kann zu ?berm??igem Essen und erh?hten Cortisol f?hren – beides ist nicht f?rderlich, um fit zu werden oder zu bleiben. ?berw?ltigt sein mit der Balance aller Aspekte de Lebens – Arbeit, Kinder, Zuhause, Schule usw. kann auch dazu f?hren, dass wir zu wenig essen oder eine Durchfahrt ohne nachzudenken durchfliegen.
Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, die unsere Gesundheit beeintr?chtigen k?nnen. Gewohnheiten aus der Bahn oder einfach v?llig aus dem Radar.
Wenn wir nur eine kleine Menge Gewicht verlieren, haben wir eine Menge gesundheitlicher Vorteile. Unsere Entwicklungschance von Krankheiten wie Diabetes und Herzkrankheiten fallen ab. Wir sind weniger anf?llig f?r Schlafapnoe. Unser Blutdruck sinkt und wir f?hlen uns besser. Die Energie steigt, wenn wir aktiver werden und wir mehr Wohlf?hlhormone produzieren, wenn wir trainieren.
Egal wie Sie es schreiben, medizinisch oder physisch, die Vorteile des Trainings und Abnehmens sind reichlich.
Nachdem dies gesagt ist, ist e Zeit, die Reise zu beginnen, die letztendlich dein leben ver?ndern wird…bist du bereit? Lass uns....starten!

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783752934465


Kidney Disease Management
Kidney Disease Management

Автор: Группа авторов

“This informative book has been put together with the support and input of many clinical renal experts, who have been willing to share their knowledge and years of experience and I’m sure it will be an excellent resource for those caring for kidney patients for the first time – as well as for those with some years of experience!” – From the Foreword by Rosemary Macri, Chief Executive of the British Kidney Patient Association Kidney Disease Management has been written to help optimise the care of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) across the healthcare spectrum. It is aimed at a range of professionals, including nurses, junior doctors, general practitioners, pharmacists and dietitians. Specialists in training may also find it useful. It highlights the practical considerations necessary to care for people with kidney problems in situations where a specialist practitioner is not always required or immediately available. This book explores: policy context and CKD overview of CKD and management managing CKD in primary care treatment modalities in CKD psychosocial aspects of living with CKD Acute kidney injury in hospitalised patients surgery and kidney injury medication management in CKD nutrition and CKD support and palliative care for people with CKD Key features: Based on best practice and written in an accessible format aimed at busy practitioners Emphasises the centrality of the patient and family and the need to share information and expertise across traditional boundaries Written by professionals renowned in their field, both generalists and specialists, who have extensive experience of the practicalities of managing complex patients

Цена: 4450.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118490815


Kinder der Liebe...Gott ist in Deiner N?he
Kinder der Liebe...Gott ist in Deiner N?he

Автор: Thomas Wiethe

Ein Buch, dass Ihnen den Zugang zu Gott erleichtern soll. Gott ist Liebe und m?chte Ihnen Nahe sein. Der Weg zu Gott ist einfacher als Sie denken. Viele Religionen versuchen Ihm Nahe zu kommen, doch es gelingt Ihnen nicht. Gott ist nur ein Gebet weit von Ihnen fern.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783737547239


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