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Geschr?pft und zur Ader gelassen
Geschr?pft und zur Ader gelassen

Автор: Roy Porter

Исполнители: Sibiryak

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783908778684



Автор: Группа авторов

Der Band vermittelt den State of the Art der gestalttherapeutischen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Menschen: Grundlagen, Methoden und Praxis der Traumatherapie, u.a. Kriegstraumatisierung, Armut und Trauma, Traumafolgest?rungen, Dissoziative Fugue, Traumabehandlung von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Albtr?ume, Genderperspektiven.

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9783897975347


Gesti?n y control del presupuesto de tesorer?a. ADGN0108
Gesti?n y control del presupuesto de tesorer?a. ADGN0108

Автор: Francisco Javier Monta?o Hormigo

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificaci?n profesional y adquisici?n de certificados de profesionalidad. Manual imprescindible para la formaci?n y la capacitaci?n, que se basa en los principios de la cualificaci?n y dinamizaci?n del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempe?o del trabajo.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491983811


Gesund und Schmerzfrei
Gesund und Schmerzfrei

Автор: Dr.med.Willi Hornung

Dieses Buch widmet sich allt?glichen Schmerzen des Bewegungsapparates, die jeden von uns treffen und qu?len k?nnen, ohne dass es sich dabei um eine schwere Erkrankung handelt.Eines der potentesten Schmerzmittel gibt uns die Natur kostenfrei an die Hand – das Fasten. Dies k?nnte so gut wie jeder von uns 3, 4, oder sogar 6 Wochen durchf?hren, ohne organischen Schaden zu nehmen. Ein Kilogramm Fettgewebe enth?lt 7.000 kcal. Damit kann ein Mensch gut drei Tage leben, wenn er ausreichend Wasser zu trinken bekommt. Ein weiteres potentes Schmerzmittel liegt in einer artgerechten Ern?hrung. Darunter verstehe ich eine, ?berwiegend auf pflanzliche Kost ausgerichtete Ern?hrung. Die Betonung liegt auf ?berwiegend – was nicht hei?t ausschlie?lich. Die negativen Folgen einer ?berwiegend aus tierischen Nahrungsmittel bestehenden Ern?hrung sehen sie in den rasant um sich greifenden «Zivilisationskrankheiten». Im Buch finden Sie eine Vielzahl von wissenschaftlich begr?ndeten Hinweisen die es Ihnen erm?glichen, sich optimal zu ern?hren.Ein dritter Baustein zur Schmerzfreiheit, auf den ich in diesem Buch eingehe, ist das Fasziendistorsionsmodell von Stephen Typaldos. Der amerikanische Arzt Stephen Typaldos (1957-2006) entwickelte ab 1991 eine faszinierende Art, die unbewussten Handzeichen, mit denen ihm seine Schmerzpatienten zeigten, wo sie Schmerzen versp?rten, in eine erfolgreiche Therapie einflie?en zu lassen. Ich kenne keine wirksamere Therapie f?r Schmerzen am Bewegungsapparat. Die Faszie spielt bei der Schmerzwahrnehmung eine ganz entscheidende Rolle.

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783738090277


Gesundmacher Herz
Gesundmacher Herz

Автор: Markus Peters

Unser Herz «klopft bis zum Hals», es «rast» und manchmal «stolpert» es sogar. Und obwohl wir all das sp?ren und wissen, dass unser Herz unabl?ssig mit uns kommuniziert, wurde es in der Vergangenheit zur blo?en «Pumpe» degradiert, die von unseren Gef?hlen abgekoppelt ist. Markus Peters vermittelt ein v?llig neues Verst?ndnis vom menschlichen Herzen: Das Herz hat sogar sehr viel mit unseren Gef?hlen zu tun: Es ist das zentrale Wahrnehmungs- und Verarbeitungsorgan daf?r. Wir k?nnen unsere Gef?hle daher «nutzen», um Einfluss auf das Herz auszu?ben – auf das vegetative Nervensystem und auch auf alle anderen Rhythmen des Organismus. Denn aus der Chronobiologie wei? man, dass s?mtliche Prozesse in unserem K?rper rhythmisch gesteuert werden. Das Herz ist daf?r der entscheidende zentrale Impulsgeber. Je harmonischer und «schwingender» unser Herz schl?gt – als Ma? daf?r gilt die Herzratenvariabilit?t – desto besser ist dies f?r unsere Gesundheit. Wenn wir lernen, auf unser Herz zu «h?ren», dann k?nnen wir bewusster mit unseren Emotionen umgehen. ?ber das elektromagnetische Herzfeld, das weit ?ber den eigenen K?rper hinausreicht und -wirkt, stehen wir zudem in Kontakt mit unserer Umwelt. Der erfahrene Arzt beleuchtet typische kardiovaskul?re Erkrankungen, zeigt aber auch die Verbindung zu anderen Erkrankungen wie Burn-Out und Krebs auf. Zahlreiche anschauliche Fallbeispiele aus seiner Praxis zeigen, wie wir die Kraft des Herzens f?r unsere Gesundheit nutzen k?nnen. Dar?ber hinaus bietet er auch eine naturwissenschaftliche Verst?ndnisgrundlage f?r spirituelle Heilweisen und meditative Erfahrungen. An jedes Kapitel schlie?en sich praktische Tipps und spezielle ?bungen an, die jeder leicht anwenden kann.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783954841349


Getting Started in Health Research
Getting Started in Health Research

Автор: David Bowers

By the time you've read this book, you'll be ready to design your own research project Not everyone in clinical research is a scientific investigator. In fact, a large proportion of health professionals undertaking a research project are working in clinical care, as junior doctors, nurses or allied health professionals. For them a book that begins with the basics of study design and takes them through all the stages to data collection, analysis, and submission for publication is vital. Getting Started in Health Research is the answer. It provides fundamental information on: Framing the research question Performing the literature search Choosing the study design Collecting data Getting funding Recruiting participants Writing your paper Lively case studies provide a continuous narrative, addressing the pitfalls and problems that can occur. Calling upon their vast experience of teaching health research methodology, these authors have turned a seemingly daunting task into a challenging and enjoyable prospect. The companion of Understanding Clinical Papers www.wiley.com/buy/9780470091302 Reviews of Understanding Clinical Papers «…an excellent basis for all who intend to write scientific texts as well as those reading, evaluating, and trying to understand the results…» Clinical Chemistry, May 2007 «What makes this book unique is that each point presented is illustrated with excerpts from actual papers, often three or four per chapter…this is a very effective teaching device.» Journal of the American Medical Association, December 26, 2006 «What strikes the reader … straight away is clarity … promises to become a recommended text for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.» Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, September 2006 "This book should be an essential addition to the personal libraries of all health care workers . . . " Oncology, 2002

Цена: 5421.51 руб.
ISBN: 9781118292983


Gewichts-Management: Quintessenz und Pr?vention
Gewichts-Management: Quintessenz und Pr?vention

Автор: Dr. med. Jan-Dirk Fauteck

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783955776169


Gl?nze, Gespenst!
Gl?nze, Gespenst!

Автор: Steven M. Brown

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783942989671


Global Climate Change and Human Health
Global Climate Change and Human Health

Автор: Группа авторов

Learn the foundations of climate science and human health Global Climate Change and Human Health examines the environmental crisis from a public health and clinical health perspective, giving students and clinicians the information they need to prepare for the future of health care. Edited by George Luber, associate director for climate change at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Jay Lemery, associate professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and section chief of Wilderness and Environmental Medicine in the Department of Emergency Medicine, and including chapters written by luminaries in the field, this landmark book provides a comprehensive introduction to climate change and health. Students will learn about climate changes direct effect on health, including extreme weather events, altered and degraded ecosystems, and threats to human security and welfare. Discussions on mitigation and adaptation strategies, including disease surveillance, communications, and greening health care, as well as a primer on the core concepts of climate change science are presented. Each chapter has a specific section on the clinical correlations of the impact of climate change on health. Informative illustrations depict increasing aeroallergens, shifting vector habitats, emergent risks, and more. Visual teaching materials broken down by chapter (including PowerPoint lecture slides) are available for instructors. This book shows how human health will be —and already has been – affected and how health care practitioners need to start preparing. Understand the science behind climate change and climate variability Learn how the availability of food and clean water will affect public health Consider the diseases that will surge as vector populations swell Discover mitigation strategies targeted toward the health care community Understanding how climate change affects human rights and how international institutions are responding Increased temperatures bring algal blooms that threaten clean water. Degraded air quality brings allergies, asthma, and respiratory diseases. Ground pollutants lower the nutritional value of food crops. It's clear that climate change is very much a public health concern, and Global Climate Change and Human Health helps those preparing to be on the front lines of health care.

Цена: 8960.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118603574


Gr?ne Seelen. ?ber die Weisheit der Natur
Gr?ne Seelen. ?ber die Weisheit der Natur

Автор: Thomas Lambert Sch?berl

In unserer Leistungsgesellschaft hat sich der moderne Mensch weit von seinen Wurzeln entfernt. Chronische Erkrankungen und psychosomatische Beschwerden haben sich mehr und mehr zu Volksleiden entwickelt. Ist das wirklich unser Schicksal?
Thomas Lambert Sch?berl kennt einen anderen Weg: Um nachhaltig und mit neuer Kreativit?t Herausforderungen unserer Zeit anpacken zu k?nnen, empfiehlt er, den Wundern der Natur und der ganzheitlichen Betrachtung der Welt und des Menschen wieder Raum zu geben und uns ihrer Bedeutung f?r K?rper, Geist und Seele bewusst zu werden. Viele Menschen sp?ren immer deutlicher die Sehnsucht nach der Natur, nach mehr Urspr?nglichkeit in ihrem Leben und einer neuen Definition des Lebenssinns.
Auf poetische und doch ganz unmittelbare Weise erz?hlt der Autor von seinem eigenen Weg der Genesung und dem Prozess seiner Pers?nlichkeitsentwicklung. Als Heilpraktiker, Musiker und Kunstwissenschaftler entf?hrt er uns einf?hlsam in eine l?ngst vergessene Bildsprache, die uns den immateriellen Reichtum und die unz?hligen Perspektiven eines ganzheitlichen Weltbildes aufzeigt. Dass der Beruf des Heilpraktikers und das alte Wissen der Naturheilkunde sch?tzenswerte und kostbare Kulturg?ter sind, veranschaulicht er mit Erfahrungen aus seiner Naturheilpraxis.
"Ja, wir sind wie B?ume mit starken Wurzeln, wir sind die Melodien eines kosmischen Reigens und die Gebete einer fortw?hrenden Sch?pfung. Diesen Wurzeln, diesen inneren Ges?ngen, diesen kraftvollen Funken der Hoffnung sollten wir folgen – auch ins Ungewisse, in die tiefe Erde … bis in unsere Seelen."
– Die eigene Geschichte: Lebensweg und Berufung zum Therapeuten – Die Wiederentdeckung der Natur: Vom immateriellen Reichtum und den Perspektiven der Ganzheitlichkeit – Sch?tzenswert und kostbar: Ein Pl?doyer f?r den Berufsstand des Heilpraktikers – Extra: Nat?rliche Empfehlungen f?r die Gesundheit

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783863746001


Grant Writing For Dummies
Grant Writing For Dummies

Автор: Beverly A. Browning

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119868088


Green Petroleum
Green Petroleum

Автор: M. R. Islam

Can «green petroleum» reverse global warming and bring down high gasoline prices? Written in non-technical language for the layperson, this book investigates and details how the oil and gas industry can «go green» with new processes and technologies, thus bringing the world's most important industry closer to environmental and economic sustainability.

Цена: 17353.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118444108


Grundkurs Existenzsicherungsrecht f?r die Soziale Arbeit
Grundkurs Existenzsicherungsrecht f?r die Soziale Arbeit

Автор: Markus Fischer

Die Begleitung und Unterst?tzung von Menschen, die von Armut betroffen sind, ist eine der zentralen Aufgaben in der Sozialen Arbeit. Das Existenzsicherungsrecht sichert dabei jedem Hilfebed?rftigen die materiellen Voraussetzungen, die f?r seine physische Existenz und ein Mindestma? an Teilhabe am gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen und politischen Leben unerl?sslich sind. Systematisch und leicht verst?ndlich werden in diesem Buch die wichtigsten und f?r die Soziale Arbeit relevanten Regelungen des Existenzsicherungsrechts dargestellt. Studierende erhalten so ein Grundlagenwissen ?ber das Existenzsicherungsrecht und die einschl?gigen Sozialleistungen. F?lle und Musterl?sungen bereiten auf Modulpr?fungen vor.

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783846357392


Grundwissen Sportmanagement
Grundwissen Sportmanagement

Автор: Norbert Sch?tte

Einst war Sport hierzulande nur eine Freizeitbesch?ftigung f?r Wenige, heute ist es eine wahre Massenbewegung. In der Folge w?chst die ?konomische Bedeutung des Sports ebenso wie die Herausforderungen an das Sportmanagement. Dieses Buch stellt die Geschichte und die Grundlagen des Sportmanagements im Detail vor und zeigt die vielf?ltigen Aufgaben eines Sportmanagers auf.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783846344231


Grundwissen Sportmanagement
Grundwissen Sportmanagement

Автор: Norbert Sch?tte

Der Sportsektor boomt und die Bedeutung des Sportmanagements f?r gro?e und kleine Vereine, Verb?nde und Sportunternehmen w?chst. Das notwendige sport?konomische Grundwissen f?r zuk?nftige Sportmanager*innen vermittelt Norbert Sch?tte in diesem Buch. Er geht auf die Besonderheiten des Sportmanagements ein, erkl?rt allgemeine Managementprinzipien und deren Bedeutung f?r den Sport. Neu in der 2., ?berarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage sind ein Kapitel zum Krisenmanagement und zum Agilen Management. Daneben hat der Autor die Abschnitte zur Kontingenztheorie und zum strategischen Management vertieft. Der perfekte Einstieg f?r alle, die sich der wirtschaftlichen Seite des Sports widmen wollen.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783846355121


Gu?a de pr?ctica cl?nica SEPTGIC-NP para prevenci?n, diagn?stico y tratamiento de las lesiones precursoras de c?ncer de cuello uterino
Gu?a de pr?ctica cl?nica SEPTGIC-NP para prevenci?n, diagn?stico y tratamiento de las lesiones precursoras de c?ncer de cuello uterino

Автор: Edgar Rivera Ruiz

La Gu?a de pr?ctica cl?nica para prevenci?n, diagn?stico y tratamiento de las lesiones precursoras del c?ncer de cuello uterino, es un instrumento confiable, que cuenta con la m?s alta calidad metodol?gica, de consulta r?pida, en el que podr?n encontrar informaci?n actualizada rigurosamente escogida y calificada para brindar contenido respaldado en la mejor evidencia disponible al momento.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9789978775912


Gu?a para el entrenamiento auditivo en sorderas unilaterales y asim?tricas en ni?os y adultos
Gu?a para el entrenamiento auditivo en sorderas unilaterales y asim?tricas en ni?os y adultos

Автор: Alicia Huarte

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9788431355067


Gu?aBurros: El arte de la guerra
Gu?aBurros: El arte de la guerra

Автор: Sun Tzu

El arte de la guerra data del siglo VI antes de J.C., y se debe al maestro SunTzu, un general al servicio del rey Wu en la ?poca de los «Reinos Combatientes».Este libro ha sido durante los ?ltimos a?os una obra de referencia imprescindible para el mundo de la pol?tica y de la empresa por el profundo conocimiento que muestra sobre la naturaleza humana, la estrategia y la resoluci?n de conflictos. Por ello, su lectura es pr?cticamente obligatoria para cualquier persona involucrada en tareas de gesti?n, bien sea de recursos humanos o econ?micos y, sobre todo, para aquellos con responsabilidades de direcci?n.Este volumen incluye una clarificadora introducci?n que sit?a al lector en los correctos contextos hist?ricos, sociales y filos?ficos en los que se elabor? el texto y una traducci?n que, respetando el original, est? perfectamente adaptada al lenguaje actual.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788418429729


Gu?as de Desarrollo de Sistemas de Trauma y Cuidados Esenciales de Trauma para Am?rica Latina
Gu?as de Desarrollo de Sistemas de Trauma y Cuidados Esenciales de Trauma para Am?rica Latina

Автор: Felipe Vega

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9789588813509


Guidelines for Analysis and Description of Soil and Regolith Thin Sections
Guidelines for Analysis and Description of Soil and Regolith Thin Sections

Автор: Georges Stoops

Цена: 7090.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780891189930


Guidelines for Reporting Health Research
Guidelines for Reporting Health Research

Автор: Группа авторов

Guidelines for Reporting Health Research is a practical guide to choosing and correctly applying the appropriate guidelines when reporting health research to ensure clear, transparent, and useful reports. This new title begins with an introduction to reporting guidelines and an overview of the importance of transparent reporting, the characteristics of good guidelines, and how to use reporting guidelines effectively in reporting health research. This hands-on manual also describes over a dozen internationally recognised published guidelines such as CONSORT, STROBE, PRISMA and STARD in a clear and easy to understand format. It aims to help researchers choose and use the correct guidelines for reporting their research, and to produce more completely and transparently reported papers which will help to ensure reports are more useful and are not misleading. Written by the authors of health research reporting guidelines, in association with the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network, Guidelines for Reporting Health Research is a helpful guide to producing publishable research. It will be a valuable resource for researchers in their role as authors and also an important reference for editors and peer reviewers.

Цена: 5202.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118715628



Автор: Anita L?sch

Seit dem Erscheinen der ersten Auflage 1994 ist das Lehrbuch „H?matologie” nicht mehr aus dem Ausbildungsangebot f?r Medizinisch-Technische Assistenten wegzudenken. Die dritte Auflage integriert nicht nur den neuesten Stand der MTA-Ausbildung, sondern pr?sentiert sich mit mehr didaktischen Merkmalen und einem ?bersichtlicheren Layout. Dar?ber hinaus wurden die folgenden Themen erweitert bzw. eingef?hrt: • H?matologische Cytogenetik • H?matologische Molekulargenetik • Antik?rper-Diff erenzierung • Nachweis von K?lte-Agglutininen • S?ure-Elution • Interne und externe Qualit?tskontrolle in der Blutgruppenserologie.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783527681266



Автор: Deborah Hay

As the science and practice of haematology continues to advance at a considerable rate, Haematology Lecture Notes remains a comprehensive guide to this diverse subject, and provides support in understanding the pathogenesis and management of haematological disorders. Successfully integrating the physiological, pathological, and clinical aspects of haematology, this new edition includes new material on molecular and cellular diagnostics, expanded coverage on haemostasis, malignant haematology and transplant, and features self-assessment questions at the end of each chapter. Thoroughly revised and updated, Haematology Lecture Notes provides the core subject knowledge required by students and junior doctors to excel in this specialty.

Цена: 4616.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119264262



Автор: Barbara J. Bain

Haematology Diagnostic haematology requires the assessment of clinical and laboratory data together with a careful morphological assessment of cells in blood, bone marrow and tissue ­fluids. Subsequent investigations including flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cytogenetics and molecular studies are guided by the original morphological findings. These targeted investigations help generate a prompt unifying diagnosis. Haematology: From the Image to the Diagnosis presents a series of cases illustrating how skills in morphology can guide the investigative process. In this book, the authors capture a series of images to illustrate key features to recognize when undertaking a morphological review and show how they can be integrated with supplementary information to reach a final diagnosis. Using a novel format of visual case studies, this text mimics ‘real life’ for the practising diagnostic haematologist – using brief clinical details and initial microscopic morphological triage to formulate a differential diagnosis and a plan for efficient and economical confirmatory investigation to deduce the correct final diagnosis. The carefully selected, high-quality photomicrographs and the clear, succinct descriptions of key features, investigations and results will help haematologists, clinical scientists, haematology trainees and haematopathologists to make accurate diagnoses in their day-to-day work. Covering a wide range of topics, and including paediatric as well as adult cases, Haematology: From the Image to the Diagnosis is a succinct visual guide which will be welcomed by consultants, trainees and scientists alike.

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781119777526


Haematology, eTextbook
Haematology, eTextbook

Автор: Robin Fo?

With over 20 real patient cases and outcomes, this title in the Clinical Cases Uncovered series is designed to help students and junior doctors learn how to recognise and understand significant diseases in haematology. Each case covers the history taking, examination, investigations and management of a particular disease, with question and answer sections to tie in the underlying basic and clinical science and help build further knowledge and understanding. At the end of each case there is a review to consolidate learning with a self-assessment section containing MCQs, EMQs and SAQs. Including colour blood films, haematology slides and patient photos throughout to reinforce learning, understanding and investigative skills, Haematology: Clinical Cases Uncovered helps prepare for life on the wards. Haematology CCU is now available as a mobile app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Download it for FREE http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/haematology-clinical-cases/id425126264?mt=8 to access the basic science, recommendations on how to approach your patient, and the first clinical case. There are a further 22 cases available separately as in-app purchases.

Цена: 4450.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781444392937



Автор: Группа авторов

Dieses umfassende Lehrbuch zur HNO-Heilkunde enth?lt das zur Pr?fungsvorbereitung notwendige Wissen. Gleichzeitig dient es auch als Lehrbuch f?r weiterf?hrenden Studien. In knapper, straffer Form wird ein ?berblick ?ber das gesamte Fachgebiet gegeben.
Diese Themen werden behandelt: Erkrankungen des Ohres, der Sch?delbasis, des Kleinhirnbr?ckenwinkels, des Gesichtes und der Nase, des Pharynx, des Kehlkopfes, der Trachea, des Oesophagus, des Halses und der Halswirbels?ule.

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783844218237


Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 2
Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 2

Автор: Rhea Paul

The latest and most comprehensive resource on autism and related disorders Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter-century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders has been the most influential reference work in the field. Volume 2 of this comprehensive work includes a wealth of information from the experts in their respective specialities within the larger field of autism studies: Assessment, Interventions, and Social Policy Perspectives. Within the three sections found in Volume 2, readers will find in-depth treatment of: Screening for autism in young children; diagnostic instruments in autism spectrum disorders (ASD); clinical evaluation in multidisciplinary settings; assessing communications in ASD; and behavioral assessment of individuals with autism, including current practice and future directions Interventions for infants and toddlers at risk; comprehensive treatment models for children and youth with ASD; targeted interventions for social communication symptoms in preschoolers with ASD; augmentative and alternative communication; interventions for challenging behaviors; supporting mainstream educational success; supporting inclusion education; promoting recreational engagement in children with ASD; social skills interventions; and employment and related services for adults with ASD Supporting adult independence in the community for individuals with high functioning ASD; supporting parents, siblings, and grandparents of people with ASD; and evidence-based psychosocial interventions for individuals with ASD Special topic coverage such as autism across cultures; autism in the courtroom; alternative treatments; teacher and professional training guidelines; economic aspects of autism; and consideration of alternative treatments The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118286838


Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis
Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis

Автор: Группа авторов

A valuable handbook containing reviews, practical methods and standard operating procedures. A valuable and practical working handbook containing introductory and specialist content that tackles a major and growing field of environmental, microbiological and ecotoxicological monitoring and analysis Includes introductory reviews, practical analytical chapters and a comprehensive listing of almost thirty Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) For use in the laboratory, in academic and government institutions and industrial settings

Цена: 19472.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119068723


Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics
Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics

Автор: Группа авторов

The Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics brings together the cutting-edge theory, research and methodology that contribute to our current scientific understanding of the role of genetics in the developmental system. • Commemorates the historically important contributions made by Gilbert Gottlieb in comparative psychology and developmental science • Includes an international group of contributors who are among the most respected behavioral and biological scientists working today • Examines the scientific basis for rejecting the reductionism and counterfactual approach to understanding the links between genes, behavior, and development • Documents the current status of comparative psychology and developmental science and provides the foundation for future scientific progress in the field

Цена: 5291.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781444327649


Handbook of Meat, Poultry and Seafood Quality
Handbook of Meat, Poultry and Seafood Quality

Автор: Группа авторов

A great need exists for valuable information on factors affecting the quality of animal related products. The second edition of Handbook of Meat, Poultry and Seafood Quality, focuses exclusively on quality aspects of products of animal origin, in depth discussions and recent developments in beef, pork, poultry, and seafood quality, updated sensory evaluation of different meat products, revised microbiological aspects of different meat products. Also, included are new chapters on packaging, new chapters and discussion of fresh and frozen products, new aspects of shelf life and recent developments in research of meat tainting. This second edition is a single source for up-to-date and key information on all aspects of quality parameters of muscle foods is a must have. The reader will have at hand in one focused volume covering key information on muscle foods quality.

Цена: 23153.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781118352441


Handbook of Mechanical Nanostructuring
Handbook of Mechanical Nanostructuring

Автор: Группа авторов

Providing in-depth information on how to obtain high-performance materials by controlling their nanostructures, this ready reference covers both the bottom-up and the top-down approaches to the synthesis and processing of nanostructured materials. The focus is on advanced methods of mechanical nanostructuring such as severe plastic deformation, including high pressure torsion, equal channel angular processing, cyclic extrusion compression, accumulative roll bonding, and surface mechanical attrition treatment. As such, the contents are inherently application-oriented, with the methods presented able to be easily integrated into existing production processes. In addition, the structure-property relationships and ways of influencing the nanostructure in order to exhibit a desired functionality are reviewed in detail. The whole is rounded off by a look at future directions, followed by an overview of applications in various fields of structural and mechanical engineering. With its solutions for successful processing of complex-shaped workpieces and large-scale specimens with desired properties, this is an indispensable tool for purposeful materials design.

Цена: 36115.8 руб.
ISBN: 9783527674978


Handbook of MRI Technique
Handbook of MRI Technique

Автор: Catherine Westbrook

Now entering its fourth edition, the market-leading Handbook of MRI Technique has been fully revised and updated to incorporate new technologies and developments essential to good practice. Written specifically for technologists and highly illustrated, it guides the uninitiated through scanning techniques and helps more experienced technologists to improve image quality. The first part of the book considers the main aspects of theory that relate to scanning and also includes practical tips on gating, equipment use, patient care and safety, and information on contrast media. The second half provides step-by-step instruction for examining each anatomical area, beginning with a basic anatomy section followed by sections on indications, patient positioning, equipment, artefacts and tips on optimizing image quality. Written by an international team of technologists from the United States, United Kingdom and Europe Suitable for users for all types of MRI systems Now includes key points throughout for quick reference Companion website at www.wiley.com/go/westbrook/mritechnique with self-assessment and image flashcards Handbook of MRI Technique continues to be the ideal support both for radiographers new to MRI and for regular users looking for information on alternative techniques and suggestions on protocol modifications.

Цена: 6119.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118661604


Handbook of MRI Technique
Handbook of MRI Technique

Автор: Catherine Westbrook

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781119759485


Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine

Автор: S. R. Prabhu

Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine Discover a concise overview of the most common oral diseases in a reader-friendly book Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine delivers a succinct overview of a range of oral diseases. The book contains up-to-date evidence-based information organized by clinical topic and supported by over 300 clinical, radiological, and microscopic images. Each chapter includes topics following universally respected curricula of oral pathology and oral medicine. Divided into seven parts, it covers core topics such as pathology of teeth, pulp, and supporting structures, pathology of jawbones, pathology of the oral mucosa, pathology of the salivary glands, clinical presentation of mucosal disease, orofacial pain, and miscellaneous topics of clinical relevance. Written for undergraduate dental students, dental hygienists and oral health therapists, Handbook of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine is an ideal quick reference and is also useful to dental educators and practitioners.

Цена: 9363.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781119781158


Handbook of Palliative Care
Handbook of Palliative Care

Автор: Группа авторов

A Practical and Comprehensive Introduction to the Field of Palliative Medicine «This is not so much a handbook of palliative care as the handbook of palliative care.» —Palliative Medicine The Third Edition of the BMA's 1999 Medical Book of the Year provides valuable insights into the complex issues that arise in the delivery of palliative care. It is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in palliative care no matter what the setting—be it hospital, hospice, or community. Handbook of Palliative Care, Third Edition provides the what, how, and why of palliative care, helping providers follow best practices developed by specialists and supported by available research. It handily combines clinical practice and theoretical concepts in a succinct format, making the latest knowledge easy to find and apply. The Third Edition provides: Comprehensive and authoritative information as well as thorough detail on how to apply it Guidance from UK and North American clinicians who are experts in their field Up-to-date overviews of medicine management and complementary medicine in palliative care Considerations of audit and ethical issues in palliative medicine New chapters tackling important issues like Choice, Equality, and Diversity; Dementia; and Advance Care Planning A thoroughly revised chapter on cancer complications including the latest on lymphoedema This Third Edition of Handbook of Palliative Care is the book for doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, social workers, family members, and anyone involved with or providing palliative care. The First Edition was the winner of the 1999 BMA Medical Book of the Year Prize.

Цена: 6936.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781118426845


Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology

Автор: Caroline A. Hastings

Цена: 6285.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781119210764


Handbook of Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Handbook of Psychology, Clinical Psychology

Автор: Thomas A. Widiger

Psychology is of interest to academics from many fields, as well as to the thousands of academic and clinical psychologists and general public who can't help but be interested in learning more about why humans think and behave as they do. This award-winning twelve-volume reference covers every aspect of the ever-fascinating discipline of psychology and represents the most current knowledge in the field. This ten-year revision now covers discoveries based in neuroscience, clinical psychology's new interest in evidence-based practice and mindfulness, and new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.

Цена: 20514.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118404430


Handbook of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience
Handbook of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience

Автор: Irving B. Weiner

Psychology is of interest to academics from many fields, as well as to the thousands of academic and clinical psychologists and general public who can't help but be interested in learning more about why humans think and behave as they do. This award-winning twelve-volume reference covers every aspect of the ever-fascinating discipline of psychology and represents the most current knowledge in the field. This ten-year revision now covers discoveries based in neuroscience, clinical psychology's new interest in evidence-based practice and mindfulness, and new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.

Цена: 20514.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118285466


Handbook of Service User Involvement in Nursing and Healthcare Research
Handbook of Service User Involvement in Nursing and Healthcare Research

Автор: Elizabeth Morrow

This book fills an important niche in the market providing practical expert advice on the involvement of service users – patients, carers and the public – in nursing and healthcare research. An invaluable guide for anyone working or involved in nursing and healthcare research, this book provides a step-by-step guide to the principles and process of involvement, including understanding the rationale for involvement, designing involvement, working with service users, and evaluating what has been achieved. With illustrations, worked examples and tool sheets throughout, this evidence-based guide uses real life examples from recent research studies in health and social care research, thus relating theory to practice in a meaningful way. The Handbook of Service User Involvement in Nursing & Healthcare Research introduces a wide range of key issues, including: Why? Why should researchers involve service users? How? How can researchers and service users work together successfully and productively? Who? Who chooses to become involved in research? How are issues of representation and diversity addressed? When? At what stage should service users be involved in the research process?

Цена: 4888.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781444347029


Hanf als Medizin
Hanf als Medizin

Автор: Franjo Grotenhermen

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783037883877


Harmonic Balance Finite Element Method
Harmonic Balance Finite Element Method

Автор: Junwei Lu

The first book applying HBFEM to practical electronic nonlinear field and circuit problems • Examines and solves wide aspects of practical electrical and electronic nonlinear field and circuit problems presented by HBFEM • Combines the latest research work with essential background knowledge, providing an all-encompassing reference for researchers, power engineers and students of applied electromagnetics analysis • There are very few books dealing with the solution of nonlinear electric- power-related problems • The contents are based on the authors’ many years’ research and industry experience; they approach the subject in a well-designed and logical way • It is expected that HBFEM will become a more useful and practical technique over the next 5 years due to the HVDC power system, renewable energy system and Smart Grid, HF magnetic used in DC/DC converter, and Multi-pulse transformer for HVDC power supply • HBFEM can provide effective and economic solutions to R&D product development • Includes Matlab exercises

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118975794


Haupt- und Nebenwirkungen
Haupt- und Nebenwirkungen

Автор: Gabriele Goettle

Wir alle sind – auf Gedeih und Verderb – auf unser Gesundheits- und Sozialsystem angewiesen. Aber wer wei? schon genau, wie die Systeme funktionieren? Wie sie sich ver?ndert haben? Wer begreift noch den Sinn und die Auswirkungen staatlicher Verordnungen, der »Reformen« der letzten Jahre? Ein Nachmittag bei Lobbycontrol in Berlin, ein Besuch bei dem Rentenexperten Otto Teufel, zu Gast bei einer renitenten Putzfrau – das ?ffnet den Blick f?r Zusammenh?nge. Gabriele Goettle gelingt es, in ihren Reportagen sowohl die Haupt- wie auch die Nebenwirkungen der neoliberalen Sozial- und Wirtschaftspolitik kenntlich zu machen, die immer massiver in die Lebensumst?nde der B?rger eingreift. Wie massiv, begreift man mit diesem Buch. Intelligent, empathisch und mit gnadenloser Hellsicht leuchten Goettles Gespr?che unsere Gegenwart und Zukunft aus. »So kann's einfach nicht weitergehen!«, sagt Susanne Neumann, Putzfrau aus Gelsenkirchen. Und wer dieses aufregende Buch gelesen hat, wird ihr aus vollem Herzen zustimmen.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783888979576


Health Care Information Systems
Health Care Information Systems

Автор: Karen A. Wager

Цена: 11127.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781119853886


Health Care Professionalism at a Glance
Health Care Professionalism at a Glance

Автор: Judy McKimm

Health Care Professionalism at a Glance offers accessible coverage of an increasingly important aspect of medical and health professional education. This concise text includes how to identify and develop professional behaviours, how they are assessed, and how to challenge unprofessional behaviours. Health Care Professionalism at a Glance: • Provides a user-friendly and thought provoking overview of health care professionalism • Introduces the main topics, key definitions and explores aspects relevant to learners and novice professionals • Considers fundamental features of professionalism that students are expected to acquire as well as how they are taught, learned and assessed • Includes summary boxes that highlight important points, reflection points, clinical cases and suggested further reading • Includes references relevant to different countries’ accrediting bodies This important new book will assist students in understanding the nature of professionalism, its assessment, and the implications for professional practice.

Цена: 3906.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118756348


Health Education and Prevention
Health Education and Prevention

Автор: Frank Pizon

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119611936


Health Geographies
Health Geographies

Автор: Daniel Lewis

Health Geographies: A Critical Introduction explores health and biomedical topics from a range of critical geographic perspectives. Building on the field’s past engagement with social theory it extends the focus of health geography into new areas of enquiry. Introduces key topics in health geography through clear and engaging examples and case studies drawn from around the world Incorporates multi-disciplinary perspectives and approaches applied in the field of health geography Identifies both health and biomedical issues as a central area of concern for critically oriented health geographers Features material that is alert to questions of global scale and difference, and sensitive to the political and economic as well sociocultural aspects of health Provides extensive pedagogic materials within the text and guidance for further study

Цена: 3669.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118738993


Health Program Management
Health Program Management

Автор: Beaufort B. Longest, Jr

Learn how to effectively plan, implement, and evaluate health programs Health Program Management: From Development Through Evaluation, Second Edition is a practical and useful introduction to the management of health programs. While providing an overview of the current best practices in management, the textbook goes beyond simple management techniques, teaching students how to develop, lead, and evaluate their programs to ensure quality outcomes. The focus is on the three core management concepts of strategy, design, and leadership, but time is also devoted to describing facilitative management activities integral to successful programs. Students will learn techniques for communication, decision-making, quality assurance, marketing, and program evaluation within the structure of the book's program management model. Logically organized with a separate chapter for each activity, this resource provides a thorough, systematic overview of the effective development, implementation, and evaluation of health programs. Health Program Management: From Development Through Evaluation, Second Edition provides a comprehensive approach to management throughout all stages of a health program. Learn to develop a strategy that steers the program toward specific goals Discover how to design, market, and lead an effective health program Become familiar with the manager's role in a quality health program Evaluate potential and existing programs for performance and capability Students and aspiring managers and leaders preparing themselves for the challenges of managing health programs will find the information and techniques to develop the skills they need in Health Program Management: From Development Through Evaluation, Second Edition.

Цена: 9505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781118834633


Health Promotion Programs
Health Promotion Programs

Автор: Carl I. Fertman

Comprehensive coverage, real-world issues, and a focus on the practical aspects of health promotion Health Promotion Programs combines theory and practice to deliver a comprehensive introduction to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion programs. Presenting an overview of best practices from schools, health care organizations, workplaces, and communities, this book offers clear, practical guidance with an emphasis on hands-on learning. This new second edition has been updated to include discussion on today's important issues, including health equity, the Affordable Care Act, big data, E-health, funding, legislation, financing, and more. New coverage includes programs for underserved priority populations at a geographically-diverse variety of sites, and new practice and discussion questions promote engagement on highly-relevant topics. Public health is a critical aspect of any society, and health promotion programs play an important role. This book provides clear instruction, practical guidance, and multiple avenues to deeper investigation. Plan health promotion programs from the basis of health theory Gain in-depth insight on new issues and challenges in the field Apply what you're learning with hands-on activities Access digital learning aids and helpful templates, models, and suggestions Designed to promote engagement and emphasize action, this book stresses the importance of doing as a vital part of learning—yet each step of the process is directly traceable to health theory, which provides a firm foundation to support a robust health promotion program. Health Promotion Programs is the essential introductory text for practical, real-world understanding.

Цена: 9505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781119163343


Health Promotion Programs
Health Promotion Programs

Автор: Группа авторов

An incisive, up-to-date, and comprehensive treatment of effective health promotion programs In the newly revised Third Edition of Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice , health and behavior experts Drs. Carl I. Fertman and Melissa Grim deliver a robust exploration of the history and rapid evolution of health promotion programs over the last three decades. The authors describe knowledge advances in health and behavior that have impacted the planning, support, and implementation of health promotion programs. With thoroughly updated content, statistics, data, figures, and tables, the book discusses new resources, programs, and initiatives begun since the publication of the Second Edition in 2016. «Key Terms» and «For Practice and Discussion Questions» have been revised, and the authors promote the use of health theory by providing the reader with suggestions, models, boxes, and templates. A renewed focus on health equity and social justice permeates much of the book, and two significant health promotion and education events- the HESPA ll study and Healthy People 2030- are discussed at length. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to health promotion programs, including the historical context of health promotion, settings and stakeholders for health promotion programs, advisory boards, and technology disruption and opportunities for health promotion. Comprehensive explorations of health equity and social justice, including dicussions of vulnerable and underserved population groups, racial and ethnic disparities in health and minority group engagement. Practical discussions of theory in health promotion programs, including foundational theories and health promotion program planning models. In-depth examinations of health promotion program planning, including needs assessments and program support. Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students studying public health, health administration, nursing, and medical research, Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice is also ideal for medical students seeking a one-stop resource on foundational concepts and cutting-edge developments in health promotion programs.

Цена: 9505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781119770909


Healthcare Simulation at a Glance
Healthcare Simulation at a Glance

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781118871829


Healthcare Systems
Healthcare Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

This book is centered around the development of agile, high-performing healthcare institutions that are well integrated into their environment. The aim is to take advantage of artificial intelligence, optimization and simulation methods to provide solutions to prevent, anticipate, monitor and follow public health developments in order to intervene at the right time, using tools and resources that are both appropriate and effective.

The focus is on the people involved – the patients, as well as medical, technical and administrative staff – in an effort to provide an efficient healthcare and working environment that meets safety, quality and productivity requirements.

Heathcare Systems has been written by healthcare professionals, researchers in science and technology as well as in the social sciences and humanities from various French-speaking countries. It explores the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technology in our practices, organizations and management techniques.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119902607


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