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Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25

Healthcare Systems
Healthcare Systems

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

This book is centered around the development of agile, high-performing healthcare institutions that are well integrated into their environment. The aim is to take advantage of artificial intelligence, optimization and simulation methods to provide solutions to prevent, anticipate, monitor and follow public health developments in order to intervene at the right time, using tools and resources that are both appropriate and effective.

The focus is on the people involved – the patients, as well as medical, technical and administrative staff – in an effort to provide an efficient healthcare and working environment that meets safety, quality and productivity requirements.

Heathcare Systems has been written by healthcare professionals, researchers in science and technology as well as in the social sciences and humanities from various French-speaking countries. It explores the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technology in our practices, organizations and management techniques.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119902607


Healthy Desserts
Healthy Desserts

Àâòîð: Daniel Wurm

Welcome to my Healthy Desserts!
Desserts haben oft einen schlechten Ruf. Aufgrund ihrer Hauptbestandteile wie Zucker, Sahne, Mascarpone und Butter gelten sie als sehr ungesund. Sie werden sogar als wahre Kalorienbomben bezeichnet.
Mit meinen Rezepten und den darin enthaltenen Zutaten m?chte ich zeigen, dass sie diesen Ruf absolut nicht verdient haben und Desserts auch gesund und trotzdem sehr lecker und n?hrstoffreich sein k?nnen.
Herk?mmliche Desserts haben aufgrund ihrer hohen Kalorienanzahl oft keinen Platz in einer gesunden und ausgewogenen Ern?hrung.
Deshalb habe ich das Ganze umgeworfen und die nachfolgenden Rezepte f?r euch kreiert und zusammengestellt.
Meine Rezepte erm?glichen es euch, zu naschen, zu schlemmen und euch etwas zu g?nnen – egal, wie ihr es nennen m?chtet – ohne ein «schlechtes» Gewissen zu haben.
Meine 20 besten Rezepte habe ich hier gesammelt, um diese mit euch zu teilen. Ich m?chte euch von einer ausgewogenen und gesunden Ern?hrungsweise ?berzeugen und euch zeigen, dass es nicht schwierig ist, sich gesund zu ern?hren. Ganz im Gegenteil, es kann sogar sehr einfach und lecker sein!
In diesem E-Book steckt wahnsinnig viel Aufwand, Energie und meine ganze Leidenschaft. Selbstverst?ndlich habe ich jedes einzelne Rezept mehrmals f?r euch ausprobiert und immer wieder optimiert, so dass ihr die perfekten Rezepte erhaltet.
Ich habe die Rezepte auch auf meinem Instagram Account (@wurmdan) geteilt und daf?r ?berw?ltigendes Feedback bekommen. Das hat mich unglaublich motiviert und deshalb habe ich keine Kosten und M?hen gescheut und dieses E-Book verfasst.
Meine Rezepte decken alle Geschm?cker und verschiedene Ern?hrungsformen wie Low Carb, Low Fat, Low Calorie und High Protein, sogar glutenfrei, ab.
Viel Spa? beim Nachbacken und beim Dessert genie?en! Gerne k?nnt ihr eure nachgebackenen Meisterwerke auch auf Instagram posten und mich nat?rlich gerne auch mit meinem Account (@wurmdan) markieren.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752960792


Hechizo t?rtaro
Hechizo t?rtaro

Àâòîð: Javed Khan

Un ingeniero espa?ol, entrado en a?os, llega a una ciudad situada en los Urales (Rusia) para instalar una l?nea de producci?n de Linoleum. Se enamora profundamente de su traductora, una joven t?rtara veintid?s a?os m?s joven que ?l. Inician un t?rrido romance que perdura veintinueve a?os, hasta que un acontecimiento inesperado trunca, tr?gicamente, su idilio.

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788418996719



Àâòîð: Hanspeter Hemgesberg

Nat?rlich gesund mit …
Hei?t in keinem Falle, dass die «Natur» der bessere Arzt ist! [so «Scheuklappen-Sicht-beengt» darf selbst der konservativste 'Natur-Therapeut nicht sein!] Hei?t aber in jedem Falle, dass wir mit den uns von «Mutter Natur» zur Verf?gung gestellten Heilpflanzen und Heilkr?utern aber auch mit Mineralien und nicht zuletzt mit Wirkstoffen von Tieren gegen vielerlei Beschwerden und Befindlichkeitsst?rungen – vielmals als alleinige Behandlungsma?nahme – und bei manifesten Krankheiten – oftmals mithelfend – im Sinne einer 'sanften Medizin' wirkungsvoll eine gesundheitliche Stabilisierung und Verbesserung erreichen k?nnen.
Leider – auch bei der stetig steigenden 'Nachfrage' nach einer naturheilkundlich-biologischen Behandlung – besteht hinsichtlich des Wissens um die Einsatzm?glichkeiten und die Inhaltsstoffe z.B. von Heilpflanzen noch immer eine 'Kenntnisl?cke – bei den Laien wie insbesondere auch bei vielen ?rzten, zumal reinen 'Schulmedizinern'.
Nicht anders ist es um die Heidelbeere/Blaubeere bestellt. Gerade Heidelbeeren enthalten ein gro?es 'Wirkstoff-Sortiment' – am bekanntesten sind die enthaltenen Sekund?ren Pflanzenstoffe –. Aufgrund dieser zahlreichen Inhaltsstoffe stellen die Blau- oder Heidelbeeren eine "sanfte wie wirkungsvolle Hilfe' dar bei und gegen vielerlei Befindlichkeitsst?rungen und Beschwerden einerseits und andererseits ein bew?hrtes Additiv bei manifesten Erkrankungen. In diesem Sinne: "Medicus curat – natura sanat!" [Hippokrates von Kos]
Der ber?hmte Pfarrer Sebastian Anton Kneipp (1821-1897 / kathol. Geistlicher / Hydrotherapeut und Naturheilkundler / Begr?nder der 'Kneipp-Therapie') hatte eine Frage gestellt und sich sogleich die Antwort darauf gegeben: "Alles, was wir brauchen, hat uns die Natur reichlich geschenkt.

Öåíà: 541.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752927665


Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Infektionslehre)
Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Infektionslehre)

Àâòîð: Stefan Lackermeier

Mit diesem ebook erwerben Sie spezielle, praxiserprobte Lernhilfen f?r die Vorbereitung auf die sog. Heilpraktiker Pr?fung. Mit diesen Lernhilfen in Form von Mindmaps k?nnen Sie den Pr?fungsstoff deutlich schneller und leichter lernen.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738034967


Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Sinnesorgane)
Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Sinnesorgane)

Àâòîð: Stefan Lackermeier

Mit diesem ebook erwerben Sie spezielle, praxiserprobte Lernhilfen f?r die Vorbereitung auf die sog. Heilpraktiker Pr?fung. Mit diesen Lernhilfen in Form von Mindmaps k?nnen Sie den Pr?fungsstoff deutlich schneller und leichter lernen.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738035001


Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Untersuchung)
Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Untersuchung)

Àâòîð: Stefan Lackermeier

Mit diesem ebook erwerben Sie spezielle, praxiserprobte Lernhilfen f?r die Vorbereitung auf die sog. Heilpraktiker Pr?fung. Mit diesen Lernhilfen in Form von Mindmaps k?nnen Sie den Pr?fungsstoff deutlich schneller und leichter lernen.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738034998


Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Urogenitaltrakt)
Heilpraktiker Pr?fung bestehen und Heilpraktiker werden (Lernhilfen Urogenitaltrakt)

Àâòîð: Stefan Lackermeier

Mit diesem ebook erwerben Sie spezielle, praxiserprobte Lernhilfen f?r die Vorbereitung auf die sog. Heilpraktiker Pr?fung. Mit diesen Lernhilfen in Form von Mindmaps k?nnen Sie den Pr?fungsstoff deutlich schneller und leichter lernen.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738034981


Heimarbeit online
Heimarbeit online

Àâòîð: Kurt Maffay

Lieber Freund,
wie oft wurde Ihnen eingetrichtert, dass Arbeit das einzige Mittel zum ?berleben ist?
Diejenigen, die vor dem Internet-Zeitalter lebten, hatten weniger Auswahl in Ihrem Leben. Auch heute arbeiten Menschen viele Stunden sehr hart, um ihre laufenden Rechnungen zu bezahlen. Kinder studieren und spezialisieren sich auf Fachgebiete in der Hoffnung, dass sich ihre Chancen auf ein gutes Leben erh?hen, wenn sie sp?ter arbeiten. Aber einen gut bezahlten Job zu finden, ist ein ganz anderes Thema.
Sie m?ssen nicht nur schauen, wie sie ihre Studiengeb?hren bezahlen, sie m?ssen sich anschlie?end intensiven Konkurrenten stellen, die alle den gleichen Job haben wollen – ja, die Zeiten sind hart geworden, und man muss sich nach einem zus?tzlichen Einkommen umschauen, um ?ber die Runden zu kommen!
Doch dank des Internet-Zeitalters, in dem wir jetzt leben, sind mehr M?glichkeiten f?r uns alle vorhanden.

Ohne Internet…
w?re Amazon kein multinationaler Ecommerce Konzern, wo Menschen weltweit Milliarden f?r K?ufe ausgeben? w?re der Gr?nder des Social Media Giganten Facebook nicht milliardenschwer. w?ren Prominente nicht in der Lage, mit ihren Fans via Twitter zu kommunizieren. w?ren Menschen nicht in der Lage, Videos auf einer Plattform wie YouTube anzuschauen und zu teilen.
Die Liste lie?e sich fortsetzen…

Heute ist mehr m?glich als jemals zuvor.

Wunder wie diese machen es wahrscheinlicher, ein gewisses Einkommen jenseits der normalen Arbeitswelt zu verdienen. Nat?rlich ist nicht jede Arbeit schlecht und nicht jeder Boss ein Monster, aber es ist auch beruhigend zu wissen, dass man selbst ohne einen realen Job noch seine Rechnungen und seine Hypothek bezahlen k?nnte, und zwar in einer Welt, in der die Konkurrenz immer gr??er wird.
Falls Sie noch unsicher sind ?ber die Chancen, einen Online-Einkommensstrom zu kreieren, dann ist diese kleine Anleitung einer der wichtigsten K?ufe, die Sie jemals gemacht haben!
Er wendet sich speziell an Neulinge, die noch wenig Erfahrung haben in Bezug auf Internet Marketing. Sie werden die Power der Onlinewelt entdecken, wo schon viele Unternehmer ihr Gl?ck machten und wo Millionen Menschen ihren Lebensunterhalt durch eine Vielzahl von profitablen Systemen verdienen.

Lernen Sie einige der popul?rsten und profitabelsten Geldverdiensysteme kennen…

Affiliate Marketing Artikel Marketing Email Marketing Blog Marketing Pay Per Click
Zus?tzlich werden Sie von Methoden zur Traffic-Generierung erfahren wie SEO (Suchmaschinen-Optimierung). Es ist allen bekannt, dass Traffic das Herzblut eines Online- wie Offline-Gesch?ftes ist. Wenn niemand Burger kaufen w?rde, k?nnte dann McDonald?s gedeien? Wenn niemand Macs oder iPhones kaufen w?rde, w?re Apple dann so erfolgreich?

Öåíà: 936.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783754170144



Àâòîð: Lotte Kinskofer

Öåíà: 886.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783954750832


Hendee s Physics of Medical Imaging
Hendee's Physics of Medical Imaging

Àâòîð: Ehsan Samei

Öåíà: 20241.89 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118671061


Heridas, ?lceras y Ostom?as
Heridas, ?lceras y Ostom?as

Àâòîð: Leopoldo Marin? M

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789561423138


Herrn Eugen D?hrings Umw?lzung der Wissenschaft
Herrn Eugen D?hrings Umw?lzung der Wissenschaft

Àâòîð: Friedrich Engels

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783955015411


Heterocyclic Chemistry in Drug Discovery
Heterocyclic Chemistry in Drug Discovery

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Enables researchers to fully realize the potential to discover new pharmaceuticals among heterocyclic compounds Integrating heterocyclic chemistry and drug discovery, this innovative text enables readers to understand how and why these two fields go hand in hand in the effective practice of medicinal chemistry. Contributions from international leaders in the field review more than 100 years of findings, explaining their relevance to contemporary drug discovery practice. Moreover, these authors have provided plenty of practical guidance and tips based on their own academic and industrial laboratory experience, helping readers avoid common pitfalls. Heterocyclic Chemistry in Drug Discovery is ideal for readers who want to fully realize the almost limitless potential to discover new and effective pharmaceuticals among heterocyclic compounds, the largest and most varied family of organic compounds. The book features: Several case studies illustrating the role and application of 3, 4, 5, and 6+ heterocyclic ring systems in drug discovery Step-by-step descriptions of synthetic methods and practical techniques Examination of the physical properties for each heterocycle, including NMR data and quantum calculations Detailed explanations of the complexity and intricacies of reactivity and stability for each class of heterocycles Heterocyclic Chemistry in Drug Discovery is recommended as a textbook for organic and medicinal chemistry courses, particularly those emphasizing heterocyclic chemistry. The text also serves as a guide for medicinal and process chemists in the pharmaceutical industry, offering them new insights and new paths to explore for effective drug discovery.

Öåíà: 16797.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118354421


Heterogeneous Networks in LTE-Advanced
Heterogeneous Networks in LTE-Advanced

Àâòîð: Joydeep Acharya

A comprehensive summary of theoretical and practical developments in LTE Heterogeneous Networks The last decade has witnessed the proliferation of mobile broadband data and the trend is likely to increase in the coming years. Current cellular networks are ill equipped to deal with this surge in demand. To satisfy user demand and maximize profits, a new paradigm to operate networks is needed. Heterogeneous networks, that deploy an overlay of small cells with limited coverage and transmit power, over a macro coverage area is the solution by providing capacity and coverage where it is needed. This book presents a comprehensive overview of small cell based heterogeneous networks within the framework of 3GPP LTE-Advanced which is the major enabler of current and future heterogeneous networks. The book first establishes the basics of LTE standards 8 -10. Wherever relevant, the underlying theory of wireless communications is explained and the signaling and protocol aspects of LTE Releases 8-10 are presented. Next the book presents a systematic study of the inter cell interference (eICIC and FeICIC) mechanisms that have been standardized in LTE releases 10 and 11 to mitigate the interference arising in heterogeneous networks. From simple blank subframe design and implementation, the book discusses more advanced transceiver signal processing and carrier aggregation (CA) based mechanisms to improve performance. Besides data, control channel enhancements such as enhanced PDCCH (ePDCCH) are also discussed. Subsequently the book discusses the possibility of base stations being allowed to coordinate to manage interference. This technique, called CoMP, has the potential of vastly improving network performance. However several practical challenges first have to be overcome before this potential can be realized. The book presents the different CoMP categories introduced in LTE release 11, the required signal processing and the changes that were introduced in Release-11 for supporting CoMP. The book then presents the state of the art developments in heterogeneous networks that are currently taking place in 3GPP with the initiation of Release 12. A whole array of new technologies have been introduced such as dynamic switching of small cells, new carrier types with reduced control signaling, dynamic reconfiguration of TDD-LTE, joint configuration of TDD and FDD via carrier aggregation and lastly advanced MIMO signal processing with three dimensional beamforming. All these technologies will work in unison leading to efficient operations of small cells. The authors thus comprehensively summarize the advances in heterogeneous networks over the last couple of years as reflected in various LTE releases and then look ahead at what to expect in the future. Fully illustrated throughout and with an accompanying website including Matlab code for simulating heterogeneous networks, LTE channel models, and References to 3GPP specifications, contributions, and updates on recent standardization activities. The authors, being involved in LTE standardization, are well placed to give an excellent view on this topic, including valuable background and design rationale. A comprehensive summary of wireless communications theory and practical developments in LTE heterogeneous networks. Authors are experts in this field and are active members in standardization proceedings, enabling up-to-date coverage of current developments Multiple case studies explain network design optimization of various heterogeneous network deployments. Accompanying website includes Matlab code for simulating heterogeneous networks, LTE channel models, and References to 3GPP specifications, contributions, and updates on recent standardization activities Essential reading for Engineers and practitioners in wireless industry.

Öåíà: 11209.98 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118693940


Hierbas M?gicas
Hierbas M?gicas

Àâòîð: Janice Wicka

Lo bueno de las «Hierbas M?gicas», nos relata Janice Wicka, es que las tenemos al alcance de la mano, ya sea en nuestros propios jardines o en el mercado m?s cercano, y sus resultados son maravillosos tanto en el campo de la salud como en el campo de la magia.Ruda, romero y lavanda, por ejemplo, limpian por dentro y por fuera tanto a las personas como a las casas, alejando los males y atrayendo la abundancia. Las recetas para conseguirlo son sencillas y directas. Por supuesto, hay hierbas que es mejor no tratar si no es de modo profesional o bajo supervisi?n, como la belladona, la mandr?gora o la ayahuasca, y no porque sean hierbas malignas o del Diablo, sino por sus efectos y su toxicidad.La magia de las hierbas est? al alcance de su mano, aprenda f?cilmente a utilizarlas en su favor y bienestar.

Ñåðèÿ: Colecci?n Nueva Era

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788418211065


High Ten
High Ten

Àâòîð: Martin Rooney

Harness the power of Martin Rooney's acclaimed «Culture Coach» philosophy to build the culture of your dreams  Building a great team culture doesn't happen overnight. Culture is hard to create, and even harder to change. Great culture is a key component for success at home, on the sports field, and at the workplace. In a time when people seem to be more divided than ever, leaders who can build strong and lasting cultures are essential. No one knows this better than internationally-renowned coach, in-demand speaker, and bestselling author Martin Rooney—dedicating his life to coach elite athletes, Fortune 500 executives, military leaders, and every kind of team imaginable to their highest level of performance.  In  High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture , Martin draws from his extensive experience developing top-level teams around the world to help leaders of all kinds foster and sustain winning cultures. This engaging, easy-to-read parable shows you that every business, sports team, and family has a culture. Whether you deliberately created it or not, it's always there and it didn’t come with a manual. That's where  High Ten  comes in. This must-have book is your personal leadership manual. Stop spending your day unhappy or complaining about a dream that hasn’t come true.  High Ten  will help you:  Create an environment where your people work towards common goals with friends they trust—have fun doing it Develop clarity about the culture you want and put the processes in place to make it happen Ensure your culture reflects core values and aligns with your organization’s mission and vision Transform your culture into the «immune system» for your team or business Learn about the «3 Cornerstones of Culture» and eliminate the «5 Culture Killers»  High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture  is an invaluable resource for all coaches and leaders striving to achieve the highest level of culture—one where everyone feels like a valuable part of the team and consistently produces exceptional results.

Öåíà: 1943.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119806172


Highly Sensitive
Highly Sensitive

Àâòîð: Luke Eisenberg

Highly Sensitive: The Practical Manual For Dealing With High Sensitivity And Highly Sensitive People (High Sensitivity Guide: Including Many Tips And Tricks For Private And Professional Everyday Life).
Highly sensitive living: Calm through all everyday situations without sensory overload!
The phenomenon of high sensitivity is becoming more and more well-known. Not least because it seems to be an increasingly frequent phenomenon – even if too many highly sensitive people are still not really aware of their own special characteristics. But many have meanwhile recognized their special sensitivity and thus laid the foundation for a less irritating, stress-free, need-oriented and ultimately happier life. High sensitivity can be a great challenge for those affected – but it is not only a curse but also a blessing.
This guide addresses the topic of «high sensitivity» and is therefore suitable for people who are affected themselves, as well as for relatives, parents of highly sensitive children or people who simply want to look more closely at the topic.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783748512127


Historia de la atenci?n prehospitalaria en Latinoam?rica
Historia de la atenci?n prehospitalaria en Latinoam?rica

Àâòîð: H?ctor Topete

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789588813271


Historia de Roma. Libro IV
Historia de Roma. Libro IV

Àâòîð: Theodor Mommsen

Ñåðèÿ: Biblioteca Turner

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788415427513


Hoffbrand s Essential Haematology
Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology

Àâòîð: A. Victor Hoffbrand

British Medical Association Book Award Winner – Student Textbook of the Year 2016 The definitive haematology textbook of choice for medical students Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology has built a reputation as the flagship haematology textbook for both students and junior doctors, providing an authoritative introduction to the subject. Now in its 7th edition, this classic text provides up-to-date knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory features, treatment of blood and bone marrow disorders, in its concise and user-friendly style. Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology outlines the basic principles of clinical and laboratory haematology and shows how manifestations of blood diseases can be explained by new knowledge of the disease processes. It is an indispensable resource for students and trainees and an essential read for all specialists who are interested in updating their knowledge. Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology: Provides up-to-date knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory features and treatment of all blood disorders Features detailed information on the new genetics of leukaemia and lymphoma Includes a new chapter on thrombosis, focussing on the new oral anticoagulants Is beautifully presented, with over 300 colour illustrations Comprehensively covers both theory and treatment regimes Includes a companion website at www.wileyessential.com/haematology featuring all the figures and tables from the book, and over 300 interactive multiple choice questions. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Öåíà: 6392.18 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118408643


Hom?opathie bei Erk?ltungen
Hom?opathie bei Erk?ltungen

Àâòîð: Dr. med. Johannes Sch?n

Öåíà: 936.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783958493605


Hom?opathie f?r S?uglinge
Hom?opathie f?r S?uglinge

Àâòîð: Dr. med. Johannes Sch?n

Öåíà: 1182.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783958493698


Home Recording For Dummies
Home Recording For Dummies

Àâòîð: Jeff Strong

Öåíà: 2535.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119711636


Homo Sapiens 404 Band 5: Hinter dir
Homo Sapiens 404 Band 5: Hinter dir

Àâòîð: Claudia Kern

Ñåðèÿ: Homo Sapiens 404

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783956620058


Honorio Delgado und die Fr?hgeschichte der Psychoanalyse in Peru
Honorio Delgado und die Fr?hgeschichte der Psychoanalyse in Peru

Àâòîð: Mario Scheib

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783844244007


Hospitalists Guide to the Care of Older Patients
Hospitalists' Guide to the Care of Older Patients

Àâòîð: Brent C. Williams

The first book designed specifically for hospitalists and other hospital-based staff who need concise, evidence-based guidance on the vital topic of caring for older hospitalized patients Hospitalists' Guide to the Care of Older Patients is an up-to-date, practical reference in geriatric medicine for hospitalists, as well as other physicians and nurses working in the hospital setting. The book uses numerous tables, figures, and images to highlight the areas of geriatric medicine that are most relevant to hospitalists. Written by nationally recognized experts, chapters broadly follow the course of hospitalization, from admission through daily care and active management of the transition to post-hospital settings, providing practical, evidence-based guidance at each point. Contents include: A systematic approach to the care of older patients, emphasizing clinical skills and daily activities that can be implemented in today's hospital environment Techniques for effective communication with patients and their caregivers Tools and «pearls» for quickly and accurately assessing the whole patient, including risk for in-hospital complications, function, decision-making capacity, and home support Best practices for prevention and management of the complications of hospitalization, including delirium, falls, pressure ulcers, and hip fractures Specific recommendations in areas with wide practice variation, such as psychopharmacology and nutrition in older hospitalized patients Practical guidance on complex issues, such as establishing goals of care, managing patients who lack decision-making capacity, and managing the discharge transition Methods to improve the daily work and communication of the whole hospital team, including physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers As the population ages, hospitalists are caring for an increasing number of older patients. This book helps hospitalists expand their knowledge, incorporate key clinical skills into daily practice, build more efficient patient care teams, and teach more effectively in today's fast-paced, complex hospital environment.

Öåíà: 10097.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118674956


How to Assess Doctors and Health Professionals
How to Assess Doctors and Health Professionals

Àâòîð: Mike Davis

This important book offers an introduction to the theory and the varying types of assessment for health care professionals. The book includes information on such topics as Where have work based assessments come from?; Why do we have different parts to the same exam like MCQs and OSCEs?; How do colleges decide who has passed or not?; Why can people pick their own assessors for their MSF?; The role of formative assessment Portfolios and their value. The book avoids jargon, is clear and succinct, and gives the pros and cons of the different assessment processes.

Öåíà: 3882.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118523445


How to Assess Students and Trainees in Medicine and Health
How to Assess Students and Trainees in Medicine and Health

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Do you want to improve standards of practice? Do you know how to construct examinations so that they are fit for purpose? Can you give constructive feedback to aid development? How to Assess Students and Trainees in Medicine and Health will help you develop these vital skills and much more. This brand new title is an ideal resource for those keen to promote best practice in assessment, evaluation and feedback. From the theoretical basics of medical education to the various types of assessment used today, the book considers the practical issues surrounding assessment, with ‘trouble shooting’ help for those designing and writing assessments. With hints and tips drawn from experienced medical educators, How to Assess Students and Trainees in Medicine and Health is fully supported by a companion website at www.wiley.com/go/assesshealth containing worked examples and sample exemplar assessments that can be modified for personal use, making this the ultimate guide to mastering assessment, evaluation and development of students and trainees.

Öåíà: 3882.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118568057


How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader
How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader

Àâòîð: David Ashton

How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader is an indispensable guide for all nurses and midwives who wish to develop and improve their practice as leaders. Written in collaboration with the NHS Leadership Academy, this practical book draws on the real experience of over 10,000 nurses and midwives to bring leadership dilemmas to life in specific situations. Key learning features include: How to develop your self-awareness How to develop your personal impact and presence How to survive and thrive How to get your message across How to get the best out of others How to work with and lead other professionals and patients How to have courageous conversations How to balance conflicting demands and needs Containing exercises and reflective questions to help apply theory to leadership practice, How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader is an ideal companion for all nurses and midwives, whether you are newly qualified, or stepping into a team leader role.

Öåíà: 3906.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119187004


How to Complete a PhD in the Medical and Clinical Sciences
How to Complete a PhD in the Medical and Clinical Sciences

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

How to Complete a PhD in the Medical and Clinical Sciences provides fresh insight into the PhD process and a concise framework to aid current and prospective students undertaking research in the medical and clinical sciences. Filled with useful hints, tips, and practical guidance, the book covers key topics relevant to a PhD researcher such as publishing and presenting, core principles and techniques in medical science, dealing with common pitfalls, and how to write up and move on. Featuring contributions from authors with experience across the PhD research career spectrum, How to Complete a PhD in the Medical and Clinical Sciences is an invaluable resource for those undertaking their doctoral studies.

Öåíà: 3480.19 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119189619


How to Pass the FRACP Written Examination
How to Pass the FRACP Written Examination

Àâòîð: Jonathan Gleadle

How to Pass the FRACP Written Examination  is an indispensable review and study guide for anyone preparing for the challenging Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) exam. This up-to-date resource fully aligns with the current FRACP core training curriculum, containing a wealth of traditional multiple-choice questions (MCQs) as well as extended-matching questions (EMQs). There are hundreds of questions for every major topic of the written examination, including critical care medicine, cardiology, infectious diseases, immunology and allergy, neurology, and pharmacology.  More than a simple practice exam, this guide provides clear and complete explanations of each answer, a mini-review of the subject, and links to the most recent or relevant articles on the topic. Complementing the main body of questions are a number of ‘teaching’ and two-step questions—designed to strengthen clinical reasoning skills, highlight important issues, and expand knowledge of contemporary ‘hot’ topics. Written by an experienced team of physicians and educators, this must-have book:  Provides a thorough review of the latest FRACP basic training syllabus Features QR codes embedded in the text to enable quick access to all references Offers tips, hints, advice, and examination strategies from previous candidates Provides numerous questions grounded in clinically relevant cases Covers of areas of medicine that are new, contemporary, and evolving Covering both the ‘Basic Sciences’ and ‘Clinical Practice’ of the latest exam , Passing the FRACP Written Examination  is an essential companion for FRACP candidates as well as those looking to refresh, improve, or update their knowledge of the FRACP syllabus.

Öåíà: 8096.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119599548


How to Pass the RACP Written and Clinical Exams
How to Pass the RACP Written and Clinical Exams

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Surviving the journey through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) examinations requires grit, courage and hard work. The second edition of How To Pass the RACP Written and Clinical Exams is fully updated to help candidates – and those who teach them – dig deep to maximise their chances of success. This insider’s guide takes the candidate through the whole process, from preparing for the Written Exam, through to presenting short and long cases in the Clinical Exam. The authors’ experiences are combined with tips from recent candidates, wisdom from RACP examiners and advice from specialist contributors. Additional chapters for post-exam registrars and supervisors include career planning, providing feedback, preparing for interviews, and organising the Clinical Exam. As well as comprehensive guidance for adult medicine candidates, this new edition includes ‘Paeds Points’ for paediatrics trainees. Containing a wealth of information, pearls of wisdom, real-life examples and practical advice, this light-hearted insider’s guide makes the path through the grueling RACP exams far easier.

Öåíà: 6273.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118895917


How to Promote Wellbeing
How to Promote Wellbeing

Àâòîð: Rachel K. Thomas

Öåíà: 4498.2 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119614395


How to Read a Paper
How to Read a Paper

Àâòîð: Trisha Greenhalgh

Öåíà: 4853.32 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119484738


How to Succeed at E-learning
How to Succeed at E-learning

Àâòîð: Paul Lafler Kirk

A basic guide to getting the best from e-learning for medical students, teachers and all healthcare professionals How to Succeed at e-Learning answers the needs of all healthcare professionals either starting or continuing their studies but not knowing where to begin with e-learning. It is a valuable guide for learners in undergraduate and postgraduate medicine as well as related health professionals and essential for teachers of medicine who are beginning to transfer from print to electronic teaching and need to understand effective methods of presentation.

Öåíà: 4652.08 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118308486


How to Succeed at Interprofessional Education
How to Succeed at Interprofessional Education

Àâòîð: Peter Donnelly

Öåíà: 3349.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118558799


How to Succeed at Revalidation
How to Succeed at Revalidation

Àâòîð: Peter Donnelly

Öåíà: 4285.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119650362


How to Succeed at Revalidation
How to Succeed at Revalidation

Àâòîð: Peter Donnelly

Doctors in the UK are required to provide evidence of their fitness to practice—all doctors registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) need to revalidate to maintain their registration.  How to Succeed at Revalidation  contains up-to-date information on the current regulatory framework and step-by-step guidance to the entire revalidation process. Offering expert advice on how to undertake the process from the perspective of the appraisee, the appraiser, and the employer, this practical, quick-reference guide covers each of the Good Medical Practice (GMP) domains: Knowledge, Skills and Performance; Safety and Quality; Communication, Partnership and Team Work; and Maintaining Trust.  Throughout the text, numerous examples describe different models of appraisal and reflection, identify activities that map to each domain, and demonstrate how revalidation requirements can be achieved in the course of daily practice. This much-needed guide:  Covers regulatory processes in medicine and healthcare from both UK and international perspectives Reviews the background that led to the implementation of revalidation Discusses the new GMP requirements for all doctors in the UK Explores the possible future of revalidation How to Succeed at Revalidation  is essential reading for all qualified and trainee doctors, undergraduate and postgraduate learners, tutors and trainers seeking to navigate the revalidation process in the UK.

Öåíà: 4285.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119650348


How to Succeed on Primary Care and Community Placements
How to Succeed on Primary Care and Community Placements

Àâòîð: David Pearson

How to Succeed on Primary Care and Community Placements offers practical advice on how to get the most from your time on community visits, within patient consultations, and with the practice team. It highlights the unique opportunities and challenges you will face on placement, from using clinical information systems, to home visits and long term patient relationships, and how to take advantage of new ways of learning with web-based tools, mobile devices and social networking. Key features include: • Learning outcomes at the start of each chapter with links to web-based learning, case examples, and tasks to undertake whilst on placement • An evidence-based, practical approach to improving learning, teaching, assessment and feedback in community settings Written by a team of experienced community-based medical education specialists, it is ideal for all medical students, whether on early clinical placements or later in training, and for tutors and preceptors looking for novel ways to engage their students.

Öåíà: 3054.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118343425


How to Survive in Anaesthesia
How to Survive in Anaesthesia

Àâòîð: William Mitchell Fawcett

Anaesthesia can be daunting for the novice – not least because they often begin working singlehandedly within a few weeks. How to Survive in Anaesthesia is a pocket sized book written by 3 authors who have nearly 90 years experience of anaesthesia between them. It covers basic aspects of airway and fluid management and equipment, followed by common emergencies. Finally it tackles all the common surgical specialties step by step. It is always practical, ever contemporary, frequently amusing. It provides safe and practical advice to not only help novices survive those first few months – but to enjoy them too. How to Survive in Anaesthesia was written to answer the questions that newly qualified anaesthetists need answers to but may be too embarrassed to ask. Through three editions its popularity has gathered momentum across the globe. Now the fourth edition has been revised and updated, responding to changes in practice and new requirements. New features for this edition include: A new introduction on the theatre environment A new chapter on local anaesthetic toxicity The latest guidelines on intravenous fluids Updated information on airway procedures and equipment Written in an easy, humorous style by leading anaesthetists who have over 90 years’ experience between them, this book is the junior anaesthetist’s gateway to sound authoritative advice on how to perform anaesthetics in real life. It will inspire confidence in any new doctor starting in the specialty.

Öåíà: 6096.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119950431


How to Write Your Nursing Dissertation
How to Write Your Nursing Dissertation

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 3787.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119757740


Human Resources Management for Health Care Organizations
Human Resources Management for Health Care Organizations

Àâòîð: Joan E. Pynes

This book is a comprehensive guide to the essential areas of health care human resources management, and is an immediately useful practical handbook for practitioners as well as a textbook for use health care management programs. Written by the authors of Handbook for the New Health Care Manager and Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, the book covers the context of human resources management in the unique health care business arena from a strategic perspective includes SHRM and human resources planning, organizational culture and assessment, and the legal environment of human resources management. Managing volunteers and job analysis perfor­mance appraisal instruments, training and development programs, and recruitment, targeted selection and hiring techniques are covered. Compensation poli­cies and practices, employer-provided benefits management, implementation of training and organizational development programs, as well as labor-management relations for health care organizations and healthcare human resource information technology are covered, with practical examples and proven strategies amply provided in each chapter.

Öåíà: 9505.4 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118152737


Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 19732.89 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119555636


ICD-10-Symptom-Rating (ISR) - Das Handbuch zum Fragebogen
ICD-10-Symptom-Rating (ISR) - Das Handbuch zum Fragebogen

Àâòîð: Karin Tritt

Das lizenzfreie «ICD-10-Symptomrating» (ISR) erm?glicht eine schnelle, objektivierte, syndrom?bergreifende Bewertung psychischer Symptomatik durch den Patienten.
Viele Kliniker, Institutionen des Gesundheitssystems und Kostentr?gern sch?tzen das ISR. Es erfasst und dokumentiert f?r jeden Einzelfall die subjektive symptomatische Belastung und liefert wichtige Hinweise auf m?gliche psychische Komorbidit?t des Patienten. Auf diese Weise wird der Diagnose-Prozess f?r psychotherapeutisch t?tige Personen erleichtert und objektiviert. Das ISR ist einfach in der Durchf?hrung und Auswertung. Es ist praxisnah, da es in Zusammenarbeit mit Praktikern entwickelt wurde. Der Einsatz des ISR spart in der Praxis Zeit- und – da lizenzfrei – auch Geld. Inzwischen liegen Erfahrungen von ?ber 60.000 Patienten aus konsiliarischen, ambulanten und station?ren Bereichen vor. Nach den bisherigen Studien scheint der ISR auch in psychometrischer Hinsicht zu den besten Instrumenten zu geh?ren. Es differenziert auch deutlich zwischen den abgefragten Syndromen und bietet eine spezifische Normierung f?r jedes erfasste Syndrom an.
Das ISR-Handbuch enth?lt Hinweise zum Bezug des ISR und des dazugeh?rigen – ebenfalls kostenlosen – Eingabe- und Auswertungsprogramm. Des Weiteren enth?lt es Ausf?hrungen zur Entstehungsgeschichte, Hinweise zur Durchf?hrung, Auswertung, Normierung und eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Studien zur G?te und ?nderungssensitivit?t des Instruments.
Dieses Handbuch ist in erster Linie als E-Book konzipiert. Da die PDF-Version aus technischen Gr?nden als E-Book-Version generiert werden musste und ausschlie?lich ASCII-Zeichen verwendbar waren, fehlen in der PDF-Version verschiedene Sonderzeichen, wie «ist-gleich-gr??er», « ist-gleich-kleiner» oder Zeichen aus dem griechischen Alphabet (z.B. «alpha»). Entsprechend sollte dieses Handbuch bevorzugt mit einem E-Reader (die ja auch lizenzfrei erh?ltlich sind) gelesen werden.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738017564


Iceland Within the Northern Atlantic, Volume 2
Iceland Within the Northern Atlantic, Volume 2

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119850885


Iceland Within the Northern Atlantic, Volume 2
Iceland Within the Northern Atlantic, Volume 2

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The volcanic island of Iceland is a unique geological place due both to its position in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and its repeated glaciations. It has been an accurate recorder of geodynamic and regional climatic evolutions for at least the last 15 million years.

This book studies the Quaternary magmatism associated with the deep Iceland hotspot and, in particular, its distinctive geochemical and volcanological characteristics. It also analyzes that Arctic glacierization as it relates to the opening of the North Atlantic and the appearance of today’s ocean currents. We will also investigate the Quaternary glaciation as it affected Iceland in its oceanic context, particularly on the basis of radiometric dating, looking at the formation of the Greenland and Scandinavian ice sheets and data from marine sediment. Finally, it explores the specific environmental features of the island, from the end of the last ice age to global warming today.

This book brings together the internal and external geodynamics of our planet to understand how Iceland functions and its role as a recorder of the paleoclimatic evolution of the Northern Hemisphere.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119850878


Ich locke dich
Ich locke dich

Àâòîð: Wolf L. Sinak

"Und was sagst du zu meiner geplanten Enthaarung?", fragte sie. Sein Blick war kaltes Licht, k?lter als die Fliesen, auf denen sie standen ….
Haarfetischismus erregt Ansto? in einem Jahrhundert des Epilierens. Das bekommt Zahnarzt Klemmer zu sp?ren, der die Angel nach der sch?nen Mutter seiner Azubi auswirft. Um sie mit auf Reisen zu nehmen, holt er einen Kollegen zur Vertretung in seine Hypnosepraxis. Der Kollege entpuppt sich als Intrigant und verbreitet Dopingpl?ne aus Klemmers ehemaliger Sportkarriere. Es kommt ans Licht, was damals zu Klemmers Pr?gung auf einen abartigen Haarkult f?hrte. Klemmer wird den Kollegen nicht los, der ihn auch in Drogengesch?fte verwickelt. Niemand sieht die Wendung vorher, die Grauenhaftes mit sich bringt. Was ist die verh?ngnisvolle Kraft hinter alledem? Und welche Rolle spielt Klemmers Vorliebe f?r jene K?rperregion, an der Haarfetischisten besonders interessiert sind?
In diesem Thriller erleben Sie, wie Doping und psychische St?rung einen t?dlichen Mix ergeben, sobald Hypnose hinzukommt. Und Sie werden feststellen, dass Spannung und Schmunzeln sich nicht ausschlie?en.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783742758361


Im Kraftstrom des Satan-Seth
Im Kraftstrom des Satan-Seth

Àâòîð: Frater Eremor

Ohne die Okkultisten ?bliche nebul?se Geheimniskr?merei stellt der Autor klare Methoden zur dunklen Einweihung in die uralten Mysterien des Satan-Set vor. In diesem einzigartigen Arbeitsbuch zum magisch-rituellen Gebrauch wird erstmals mit verbreiteten Vorurteilen ?ber schwarze Sexualmagie und Satanismus aufger?umt. Zahlreiche Rituale ?ffnen im Zusammenspiel mit einer umfassenden Darstellung satanischer Philosophie und seltenen ?gyptischen Quellentexten weit die Pforten der Nacht.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783944180021


Im Vorhof zur H?lle
Im Vorhof zur H?lle

Àâòîð: Beatrix Falkenstein

Von heute auf morgen steht die Welt still und man begreift nicht, warum. Der Zufallsbefund Brustkrebs brachte mein Leben und das meiner Familie aus den Fugen und es ist ein langer schwerer Weg zur?ck ins Leben. Die unvorstellbaren Unm?glichkeiten des Gesundheitssystems Brustzentrum, die ich in dieser Zeit erlebte, machte mich sprachlos; aber nur f?r einen Moment. Dann wehrte ich mich!

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783738074406



Àâòîð: Richard Coico

Öåíà: 8878.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119551454


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