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Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance
Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance

Автор: Rob Anderson

First Prize in Public health in the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance is a highly visual introduction to the key concepts and major themes of population health. With comprehensive coverage of all the core topics covered at medical school, it helps students understand the determinants of health and their study, from personal lifestyle choices and behaviour, to environmental, social and economic factors. This fully updated new edition features: • More coverage of audit and quality improvement techniques • Brand new sections on maternal and child health, and health of older people • New chapters on social determinants of health and guideline development • Expanded self-assessment material This accessible guide is an invaluable resource for medical and healthcare students, junior doctors, and those preparing for a career in epidemiology and public health

Цена: 4379.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781118999332


Puls des Lebens
Puls des Lebens

Автор: Robert Fulford

Robert Fulford z?hlt zu den ganz gro?en der Kranialen Osteopathie. Zusammen mit Rollin Becker, Harold Magoun Sr. und Viola Fryman z?hlte er zu den bedeutendsten Sch?lern William Garner Sutherlands, dem Begr?nder der Kranialen Osteopathie (Kraniosakralen Therapie).
In mehr als 50 erfolgreichen Jahren widmete sich Fulford der Behandlung von Patienten, bei denen die konventionelle Medizin versagt hatte. In Dr. Fulfords «Puls des Lebens» (Touch of Life) zeigt dieser weise Arzt dem Leser Strategien zum Erreichen und Erhalten ein Optimum an Gesundheit. Zudem bietet er bahnbrechende Ratschl?ge zur Integration nat?rlicher Heilmethoden in das moderne Gesundheitswesen.
* Warum gute Gesundheit unsen nat?rlichen Zustand darstellt und wie man ihn pflegen kann.
* Die vitale Rolle der Atmung im Bezug auf den Erhalt einer guten Gesundheit.
* Warum uns Traumen negativ ber?hren – selbst noch Jahre sp?ter.
* Wie negative Gedankenmuster den K?rper beeinflussen k?nnen – und wie man es ?berwindet.
* Die Verbindung zwischen Spiritualit?t und guter Gesundheit- und wie man das erreicht.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783941523456


Qualitative Methods in Public Health
Qualitative Methods in Public Health

Автор: Elizabeth E. Tolley

Qualitative Methods in Public Health: A Field Guide for Applied Research, 2nd Edition provides a practical orientation to conducting effective qualitative research in the public health sphere. With thorough examination and simple explanations, this book guides you through the logic and workflow of qualitative approaches, with step-by-step guidance on every phase of the research. Students learn how to identify and make use of theoretical frameworks to guide your study, design the study to answer specific questions, and achieve their research goals. Data collection, analysis, and interpretation are given close attention as the backbone of a successful study, and expert insight on reporting and dissemination helps you get your work noticed. This second edition features new examples from global health, including case studies specifically illustrating study design, web and mobile technologies, mixed methods, and new innovations in information dissemination. Pedagogical tools have been added to help enhance your understanding of research design and implementation, and extensive appendices show you how these concepts work in practice. Qualitative research is a powerful tool for public health, but it's very easy to get it wrong. Careful study design and data management are critical, and it's important to resist drawing conclusions that the data cannot support. This book shows you how to conduct high-quality qualitative research that stands up to review.

Цена: 8499.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118834671


Qualitative Research in Health Care
Qualitative Research in Health Care

Автор: Группа авторов

Provides the essential information that health care researchers and health professionals need to understand the basics of qualitative research Now in its fourth edition, this concise, accessible, and authoritative introduction to conducting and interpreting qualitative research in the health care field has been fully revised and updated. Continuing to introduce the core qualitative methods for data collection and analysis, this new edition also features chapters covering newer methods which are becoming more widely used in the health research field; examining the role of theory, the analysis of virtual and digital data, and advances in participatory approaches to research. Qualitative Research in Health Care, 4 th Edition looks at the interface between qualitative and quantitative research in primary mixed method studies, case study research, and secondary analysis and evidence synthesis. The book further offers chapters covering: different research designs, ethical issues in qualitative research; interview, focus group and observational methods; and documentary and conversation analysis. A succinct, and practical guide quickly conveying the essentials of qualitative research Updated with chapters on new and increasingly used methods of data collection including digital and web research Features new examples and up-to-date references and further reading The fourth edition of Qualitative Research in Health Care is relevant to health care professionals, researchers and students in health and related disciplines.

Цена: 4492.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781119410881


Quality and Safety in Nursing
Quality and Safety in Nursing

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 8297.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119684244


Quentin Durward
Quentin Durward

Автор: Walter Scott

Im Beginn des 15ten Jahrhunderts bereitete eine Reihe von Ereignissen vor, die Frankreich zu jener gewaltigen Macht verhalfen, die seither von Zeit zu Zeit das Hauptobjekt der Eifersucht der anderen europ?ischen Nationen war. Vor dieser Zeit musste Frankreich mit den Engl?ndern, die bereits die sch?nsten Provinzen besa?en, um seine Existenz k?mpfen, w?hrend die gr??ten Anstrengungen seines K?nigs und die Tapferkeit seines Volkes den Rest kaum vor einem fremden Joch sch?tzen konnten. Dies war auch nicht die einzige Gefahr. Die F?rsten, die die gro?en Lehnsg?ter der Krone besa?en, insbesondere die Herz?ge von Burgund und der Bretagne, trugen ihre Lehnsverpflichtungen mit solcher Leichtigkeit, dass sie keine Skrupel hatten, die Fahne gegen ihren Lehnsherrn und souver?nen Herrn, den K?nig von Frankreich, auch nur zum Schein zu erheben. In Friedenszeiten regierten sie als absolute F?rsten in ihren eigenen Provinzen, und das Haus Burgund, das den so genannten Distrikt zusammen mit dem sch?nsten und reichsten Teil Flanderns besa?, war selbst so reich und m?chtig, dass es der Krone weder an Pracht noch an St?rke etwas zu bieten hatte.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783754172261


Die Stunde des Jaguars
"Die Stunde des Jaguars"

Автор: Jens Petersen

Der unerkl?rliche Mord ist nur der Ausl?ser. Wer sich auf die Suche macht nach dem Mysterium dahinter ger?t unversehens in dampfende Urw?lder, auf rei?ende Str?me und unberechenbare Vulkane. Er findet sich wieder in ?berw?ltigend sch?ner Natur, auf rauschenden Fiestas, aber auch bei indianischen Hexern oder dem Wahn verfallenen Diktatoren. Es verschl?gt ihn in versunkene St?dte l?ngst vergangener Kulturen, in das besser zu meidende Gebiet der Schrumpfkopfj?ger aber auch in die angeblich unauffindbare Stadt der legend?ren Amazonen. Unversehens enth?llt sich dabei immer mehr das Gesuchte.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783742770639


Genesung ist Arbeit
"Genesung ist Arbeit"

Автор: Monika Vazzaz

Серия: Schriftenreihe der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft f?r Gesundheitspolitik / Cahiers d'?tude de la Soci?t? suisse pour la politique de la sant?

Цена: 2859.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783857071287


Radiation Biology of Medical Imaging
Radiation Biology of Medical Imaging

Автор: Charles A. Kelsey

This book provides a thorough yet concise introduction to quantitative radiobiology and radiation physics, particularly the practical and medical application. Beginning with a discussion of the basic science of radiobiology, the book explains the fast processes that initiate damage in irradiated tissue and the kinetic patterns in which such damage is expressed at the cellular level. The final section is presented in a highly practical handbook style and offers application-based discussions in radiation oncology, fractionated radiotherapy, and protracted radiation among others. The text is also supplemented by a Web site.

Цена: 11257.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118517116



Автор: Pradip R. Patel

Цена: 5208.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781119550334


Rank-Based Methods for Shrinkage and Selection
Rank-Based Methods for Shrinkage and Selection

Автор: A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119625414


Rapid Adult Nursing
Rapid Adult Nursing

Автор: Andr?e le May

Rapid Adult Nursing is an essential read for all adult nursing students, as well as a refresher for qualified adult nurses, and a ‘dip into text’ for other healthcare professionals. Designed for quick reference, it maps on to the essential clinical skills and knowledge required for pre-registration adult nurses, and captures the essentials of adult nursing care in an easy to read, and highly accessible format. Covering all the key topics in adult nursing, this concise and easy-to-read title is the perfect quick-reference book for student adult nurses.

Цена: 2911.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119117124


Rapid Cardiac Care
Rapid Cardiac Care

Автор: Emma Menzies-Gow

Rapid Cardiac Care is an indispensable resource for all frontline staff working with acutely ill patients. Offering easy access to the knowledge base needed to provide rapid, safe and effective cardiac care, it is ideal for newly qualified healthcare professionals including, nurses, paramedics, cardiac technicians, junior medics, and physiotherapists. Key features include: Essential information to support the assessment of the cardiac patient including focused history taking and physical assessment, rhythm interpretation and 12-lead ECG assessment Practical guidance on how to care for patients with cardiac emergencies, including acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias, heart failure and cardiac arrest A quick reference A-Z section that explores a wide range of conditions affecting the heart, each with a comprehensive overview of patient presentation and strategies to guide patient assessment and management Diagrams and images are provided to facilitate learning

Цена: 4373.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119220282


Rapid Medicines Management for Healthcare Professionals
Rapid Medicines Management for Healthcare Professionals

Автор: Paul Deslandes

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119397755


Rapid Mental Health Nursing
Rapid Mental Health Nursing

Автор: Grahame Smith

A concise, pocket-sized, A-Z rapid reference handbook on all the essential areas of mental health nursing, aimed at nursing students and newly qualified practitioners. Covers a broad range of mental health disorders, approaches interventions and conditions Easy to locate practical information quickly in a pocket sized, rapid reference format The topics and structure are mapped on to the NMC’s (2010) Standards for Pre-registration Nursing Education and their required essential skills and knowledge.

Цена: 2911.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119045014


Rapid Midwifery
Rapid Midwifery

Автор: Kate Taylor

A concise, pocket-sized, rapid reference handbook on all key areas of midwifery, aimed at students and newly qualified staff. Covers a broad range of midwifery topics which are mapped against the 6Cs essential to compassionate midwifery care Each section is structured around the key criteria used in midwifery examinations Bite-sized information supported by the latest evidence-base, making it the perfect revision tool for OSCEs and written examinations Every chapter includes key points, essentials of midwifery care, professional accountability, and links to further resources

Цена: 2911.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119023371


Rapid Perioperative Care
Rapid Perioperative Care

Автор: Paul Wicker

Rapid Perioperative Care is an essential text for students and practitioners requiring up-to-date fundamental information on the perioperative environment. Covering a wide range of subjects related to perioperative practice and care, each chapter is concise and focused to guide the reader to find information quickly and effectively. This book uses a structured approach to perioperative care, starting with an introduction to the perioperative environment, anaesthetics, surgery and recovery, followed by postoperative problems and finally the roles of the Surgical Care Practitioner (SCP). Covering all the key topics in the perioperative environment, this concise and easy-to-read title is the perfect quick-reference book for students and theatre practitioners to support them in their work in clinical practice, and enable them to deliver the best possible care.

Цена: 4255.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119121244


Reflexiones sobre la gesti?n de la micro, peque?a y mediana empresa en Am?rica Latina
Reflexiones sobre la gesti?n de la micro, peque?a y mediana empresa en Am?rica Latina

Автор: Robert Beltr?n L?pez

Цена: Бесплатно
ISBN: 9786078676521


Reiselust & More - Chiemgau
Reiselust & More - Chiemgau

Автор: Dorothee Haering

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783945379028


Reliability in Biomechanics
Reliability in Biomechanics

Автор: Abdelkhalak El Hami

In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that we have developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied only in biomechanical studies.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119370871


Renewable Energy for Sustainable Growth Assessment
Renewable Energy for Sustainable Growth Assessment

Автор: Группа авторов

RENEWABLE ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH ASSESSMENT Written and edited by a team of experts in the field, this collection of papers reflects the most up-to-date and comprehensive current state of renewable energy for sustainable growth assessment and provides practical solutions for engineers and scientists. [/b] Renewable energy resources (RERs) are gaining more attention in academia and industry as one of the preferred choices of sustainable energy conversion. Due to global energy demand, environmental impacts, economic needs and social issues, RERs are encouraged and even funded by many governments around the world. Today, researchers are facing numerous challenges as this field emerges and develops, but, at the same time, new opportunities are waiting for RERs utilization in sustainable development all over the globe. Efficient energy conversion of solar, wind, biomass, fuel cells, and other techniques are gaining more popularity and are the future of energy. The present book cross-pollinates recent advances in the study of renewable energy for sustainable growth. Various applications of RERs, modeling and performance analysis, grid integration, soft computing, optimization, artificial intelligence (AI) as well as machine and deep learning aspects of RERs are extensively covered. Whether for the veteran engineer or scientist, the student, or a manager or other technician working in the field, this volume is a must-have for any library. This outstanding new volume Assesses the current and future need for energy on a global scale and reviews the role of renewable energy Includes multiple chapters on biomass and bioenergy Also includes multiple chapters on solar energy and PVs Also includes chapters on fuel cells, wind power, and many other topics Covers the design and implementation of power electronics for energy systems Outlines best practices and the state of the art for renewable energy with regard to sustainability Audience:[/b] Engineers, scientists, technicians, managers, students, and faculty working in the field of renewable energy, sustainability and power system

Цена: 27829.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781119785446


Researching Medical Education
Researching Medical Education

Автор: Jennifer Cleland

Researching Medical Education is an authoritative guide to excellence in educational research in the health professions. Presented by the Association for the Study of Medical Education and the Association for Medical Education in Europe, Researching Medical Education includes contributions from a team of international clinicians and non-clinical researchers in health education, representing a range of disciplines and backgrounds. This accessible reference provides readers with the basic building blocks of research, introduces a range of theories and how to use them, illustrates a diversity of methods and their use, and gives guidance on practical researcher development. By linking theory and design and methods across the health profession education research spectrum, this book supports the improvement of quality, capacity building and knowledge generation. Researching Medical Education is the ideal resource for anyone researching health education, from undergraduate, through postgraduate training, to continuing professional development.

Цена: 7102.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118838990


Respiratory Nursing at a Glance
Respiratory Nursing at a Glance

Автор: Группа авторов

From the publishers of the market leading at a Glance series, and in collaboration with the Association of Respiratory Nurses (ARNS), comes this easy-to-read, highly visual guide bringing together key principles of Respiratory Nursing. Highly visual, each topic is covered in a two-page spread, making it easy to quickly read up on key information and grasp the essentials of respiratory care, as well as a focus on preventative measures to prevent, minimise and control respiratory disease. Covers a wide range of topics, including assessment and diagnosis, respiratory health, medication, communication, models and management of care, acute and chronic care, and common respiratory diseases Takes a unique, holistic approach to care across the life course – from childhood to end of life care. Provides need-to-know information in a highly visual, evidence-based, quick-reference format. Respiratory Nursing at a Glance is ideal for nurses and health care students and practitioners at all levels involved in respiratory care.

Цена: 4379.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119048299


Reversible Ligand Binding
Reversible Ligand Binding

Автор: Andrea Bellelli

Presents the physical background of ligand binding and instructs on how experiments should be designed and analyzed Reversible Ligand Binding: Theory and Experiment discusses the physical background of protein-ligand interactions—providing a comprehensive view of the various biochemical considerations that govern reversible, as well as irreversible, ligand binding. Special consideration is devoted to enzymology, a field usually treated separately from ligand binding, but actually governed by identical thermodynamic relationships. Attention is given to the design of the experiment, which aids in showing clear evidence of biochemical features that may otherwise escape notice. Classical experiments are reviewed in order to further highlight the importance of the design of the experiment. Overall, the book supplies students with the understanding that is necessary for interpreting ligand binding experiments, formulating plausible reaction schemes, and analyzing the data according to the chosen model(s). Topics covered include: theory of ligand binding to monomeric proteins; practical considerations and commonly encountered problems; oligomeric proteins with multiple binding sites; ligand binding kinetics; hemoglobin and its ligands; single-substrate enzymes and their inhibitors; two-substrate enzymes and their inhibitors; and rapid kinetic methods for studying enzyme reactions. Bridges theory of ligand binding and allostery with experiments Applies historical and physical insight to provide a clear understanding of ligand binding Written by a renowned author with long-standing research and teaching expertise in the area of ligand binding and allostery Based on FEBS Advanced Course lectures on the topic Reversible Ligand Binding: Theory and Experiment is an ideal text reference for students and scientists involved in biophysical chemistry, physical biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, protein engineering, drug design, pharmacology, physiology, biotechnology, and bioengineering.

Цена: 11138.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119238478


Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 32
Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 32

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 29853.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781119625889



Автор: Dr. med. Hanspeter Hemgesberg

Die Ringelblume – wegen ihrer leuchtend-gelben Bl?ten auch genannt «Goldblume» und mit lateinisch botanischem Doppelnamen «Calendula officinalis L.» – z?hlt inzwischen (wieder) bei uns in Mitteleuropa nicht nur zu den bekanntesten, sondern auch mit am meisten zu gesundheitlichen Zwecken angewendeten Heilpflanzen.
Erfreulicherweise zeichnet sich seit rund eineinhalb Jahrzehnten ein Trend ab, hin in Richtung einer Anwendung von Heilpflanzen & Heilkr?utern zur Stabilisierung der Gesundheit, zur Anwendung als – wie ich es nenne – «Basis-Therapeutika» bei den verschiedensten Befindlichkeitsst?rungen und/oder leichtgradigen Erkrankungen und auch in Kombination mit schulmedizinischen chemisch-definierten Arzneimitteln bei manifesten Erkrankungen.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783748588061


Risk Assessment and Oral Diagnostics in Clinical Dentistry
Risk Assessment and Oral Diagnostics in Clinical Dentistry

Автор: Dena J. Fischer

Many diseases can have an impact upon oral health and/or the safe delivery of dental care. Consequently, oral health care providers need to be comfortable with assessing the risk of providing dental care to their patients with systemic disease as well as the evaluation of oral conditions that may represent manifestations or consequences of systemic disease. Risk Assessment and Oral Diagnostics in Clinical Dentistry aims to enable the dental practitioner to comfortably and capably assess when medical conditions may impact dental care and diagnose oral conditions using routine testing modalities. This clinical guide contains succinct and detailed text with visual aids regarding how to obtain and perform diagnostic tests, how to interpret these tests, and the implications of tests results upon the management of medically complex dental patients and patients with oral conditions. Color photographs show conditions, testing equipment, and test results. An appendix highlights the ten most common oral medicine disorders encountered in dental practice.

Цена: 8203.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118483244


River Restoration
River Restoration

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 10700.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781119409991


Rollin Becker - Leben in Bewegung & Stille des Lebens
Rollin Becker - Leben in Bewegung & Stille des Lebens

Автор: Rollin Becker

Es enth?lt die beiden einzigen ver?ffentlichten Monografien von Rollin E. Becker und pr?sentiert sein Wissen und seine Erfahrungen zwischen 1949 und 1987. Leben in Bewegung stellt ohne Beschreibung von Techniken Beckers osteopathische Vorgehensweise und seine damit verbundene tiefgr?ndige Philosophie und praktische Anwendung selbiger vor. Dieser Teil des Buchs liefert all jenen eine didaktische Einf?hrung in die Welt des Autors, die nicht das Privileg hatten, direkt von ihm lernen zu k?nnen. Tats?chlich findet jeder Behandler in diesen Zeilen nicht nur ein tieferes Verst?ndnis der Natur von Gesundheit und Heilung, sondern auch bezogen auf die Rolle des Behandlers. Die Stille des Lebens kann als Begleitlekt?re von Leben in Bewegung betrachtet werden und enth?lt zahlreiche eher pers?nliche Aufzeichnungen und Briefwechsel.
Zusammenfassend kann man zum Inhalt sagen:
Das Buch enth?lt Rollin Beckers gelungenen Versuch, die eigentlich unbeschreibbaren energetischen und spirituellen Aspekte der Osteopathie in Worte zu fassen.

Цена: 5424.47 руб.
ISBN: 9783941523319


Rossi s Principles of Transfusion Medicine
Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine

Автор: Группа авторов

Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine is the most comprehensive and practical reference on transfusion science and medicine available Led by a world class Editor team, including two past-presidents of AABB, a past- President of the American Board of Pathology and members of the FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee , and international contributor team Comprehensive reference resource, considered the gold standard in transfusion Covers current hot topics such as donor care – including the frequency of donation and management of iron deficiency/status), patient blood management, hemovigilance, cstem cell therapies, and global aspects of the organization of transfusion and transplant services New material on molecular immunohematology Companion website includes figures, full text and references

Цена: 26746.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119013006



Автор: Alina Steffen

Langeweile ist out – Spa? und Gehirnjogging ist in!
Egal, ob Sie sich auf Pr?fungen oder Einstellungstests vorbereiten oder einfach nur Ihre Konzentration und Logik verbessern oder wollen: mit diesem E-Book haben Sie in jedem Fall die richtige Wahl getroffen.
In diesem Buch finden Sie 66 mittelschwere Sudoku-R?tsel.
Aller Anfang ist schwer, daher lassen Sie sich nicht entmutigen, wenn Sie nicht gleich auf Anhieb alles wissen.
Lernen Sie Neues dazu und pr?fen Sie Ihr Verst?ndnis f?r Logik und Konzentration.
Werden Sie Experte im L?sen von Sudoku-R?tseln und beeindrucken Sie Freunde und Verwandte!
Ich w?nsche Ihnen viel Spa? und Freude mit diesem Buch.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783847613428


S?hne der Erde 22: Flug der Verlorenen
S?hne der Erde 22: Flug der Verlorenen

Автор: S.U. Wiemer

Серия: S?hne der Erde

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783832852115


S?hne der Erde 8: Sucher der Zukunft
S?hne der Erde 8: Sucher der Zukunft

Автор: S.U. Wiemer

Серия: S?hne der Erde

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783832851972


Sabidur?a, naturaleza y enfermedad
Sabidur?a, naturaleza y enfermedad

Автор: Mauricio Besio Roller

En este texto, los autores buscan abordar filos?ficamente la atenci?n de salud y sus fundamentos, apoyados en su experiencia, su reflexi?n y su amplia trayectoria docente. El libro toca temas variados, como el objeto de la actividad m?dica, la eutanasia, el acto sanador y el alma humana, entre otros. Est? pensado para todas aquellas personas que interact?an con enfermos desde distintas disciplinas y condiciones o bien para los interesados en la reflexi?n ?tica-filos?fica de este tema, pues busca contribuir al desarrollo de una sabidur?­a en la atenci?n de salud.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9789561425453


Safety and Biological Effects in MRI
Safety and Biological Effects in MRI

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118821299


Safety and Health for Engineers
Safety and Health for Engineers

Автор: Roger L. Brauer

Safety and Health for Engineers, 3rd Edition, addresses the fundamentals of safety, legal aspects, hazard recognition and control, and techniques for managing safety decisions, as well as: Completely revises and updates all 38 chapters in the book New edition adds more than 110 stories and cases from practice to illustrate various topics or issues New topics on adapting to new safety concerns that arise from technology innovations; convergence of safety, health and environmental departments in many organizations; the concept of prevention through design; and emphasis on safety management systems and risk management and analysis Includes learning exercises and computational examples based on real world situations along with in-depth references for each chapter Includes a detailed solutions manual for academic adopters Covers the primary topics included in certification exams for professional safety, such as CSP/ASP

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119219156


Safety Management for Software-based Equipment
Safety Management for Software-based Equipment

Автор: Jean-Louis Boulanger

A review of the principles of the safety of software-based equipment, this book begins by presenting the definition principles of safety objectives. It then moves on to show how it is possible to define a safety architecture (including redundancy, diversification, error-detection techniques) on the basis of safety objectives and how to identify objectives related to software programs. From software objectives, the authors present the different safety techniques (fault detection, redundancy and quality control). “Certifiable system” aspects are taken into account throughout the book. Contents 1. Safety Management. 2. From System to Software. 3. Certifiable Systems. 4. Risk and Safety Levels. 5. Principles of Hardware Safety. 6. Principles of Software Safety. 7. Certification. About the Authors Jean-Louis Boulanger is currently an Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) in the railway domain focusing on software elements. He is a specialist in the software engineering domain (requirement engineering, semi-formal and formal method, proof and model-checking). He also works as an expert for the French notified body CERTIFER in the field of certification of safety critical railway applications based on software (ERTMS, SCADA, automatic subway, etc.). His research interests include requirements, software verification and validation, traceability and RAMS with a special focus on SAFETY.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118578650


Salitre en la piel
Salitre en la piel

Автор: Mar?a Ben?tez Sierra

A veces, el camino a casa no es f?cil. Y, a veces, huir es la ?nica forma de encontrar algo. Ojal? alguien te quiera tanto como yo quer?a huir. Ojal? esta fuera nuestra historia de amor. Ven, que te llevo cerquita del mar. Ven, que te llevo a un lugar bello, tranquilo, hermoso. Un pedacito de tierra dise?ado para el disfrute del ser humano. Uno de esos lugares que crean recuerdos de sal en la piel y perforan tu memoria sin permiso alguno, haciendo que vuelvas a rescatar el brillo de las olas en cualquier ?poca del a?o. Un lugar al que viajar f?sica o mentalmente cada vez que la realidad venga de visita. Agarra una maleta vieja, un bikini o dos y salgamos pitando a ese lugar, aunque solo sea para hundir una vez m?s tus pies en la arena. Ven. Y qu?date. He hecho caf? para toda la vida.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788418759635


Salivary Gland Pathology
Salivary Gland Pathology

Автор: Eric R. Carlson

Salivary Gland Pathology: Diagnosis and Management, Second Edition, updates the landmark text in this important discipline within oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, and general surgery. Written by well-established clinicians, educators, and researchers in oral and maxillofacial surgery, this book brings together information on the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of all types of salivary gland pathology. Clear and comprehensive, Salivary Gland Pathology: Diagnosis and Management offers complete explanation of all points, supported by a wealth of clinical and surgical illustrations to allow the reader to gain insight into every facet of each pathologic entity and its diagnosis and treatment. Salivary Gland Pathology: Diagnosis and Management offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of this topic. Beginning with the embryology, anatomy and physiology of the salivary glands, the first section of the book discusses radiographic imaging, infections, cystic conditions, sialoadenitis and sialolithiasis, and systemic diseases. The second section of the book is devoted to the classification of salivary gland tumors and devotes individual chapters to the discussion of each type. Additions for this section of the second edition include molecular biology of salivary gland neoplasia, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy and targeted therapy for salivary gland malignancies. The book closes with a discussion of pediatric salivary gland pathology, traumatic injuries of the salivary glands and miscellaneous pathologic processes of the salivary glands and ducts, including a section on saliva as a diagnostic fluid. The book is intended for a very diverse audience, including academic oral and maxillofacial surgeons, otolaryngologists / head and neck surgeons, general surgeons, as well as residents in these disciplines. Private practitioners will want to place this publication on the bookshelves of their offices so as to consult the textbook when evaluating a patient with salivary gland pathology.

Цена: 21046.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781118949115


Salivary Gland Pathology
Salivary Gland Pathology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 30351 руб.
ISBN: 9781119730149


Samsung Galaxy S21 For Dummies
Samsung Galaxy S21 For Dummies

Автор: Bill Hughes

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119814368


Sanfte Entgiftung
Sanfte Entgiftung

Автор: Dr. Eleonore Blaurock-Busch PhD

Im Zeitalter der globalen Umweltbelastung sind Menschen aller Altersgruppen tagt?glich vielen Toxinen ausgesetzt. Ist die individuelle Abwehrkraft geschw?cht, oder die k?rpereigene Biochemie ist nicht im Gleichgewicht, so k?nnen Umweltgifte unterschiedlichste Gesundheitssch?den verursachen. Dieses leicht leserliche B?chlein zeigt, welche genetischen Entgiftungsenzyme notwendig sind, damit wir ausreichend k?rpereigen entgiften. Zus?tzlich lernt der Leser mit welchen nat?rlichen N?hrstoffen Umweltgifte abgewehrt und entgiften werden k?nnen. Mit einfachen, nichtinvasiven Tests kann der Erfolg der Sanften Entgiftung nachgewiesen werden.
Menschen, die in umweltverschmutzten St?dten oder Landstrichen leben, zeigen h?here Belastungen mit Umwelttoxinen als Menschen, die weniger belasteten, l?ndlichen Gegenden leben. Dieses B?chlein erkl?rt welche Untersuchungen den Nachweis einer Umweltbelastung erbringen k?nnen und wie diese mit einem einfachen, doch individuellen N?hrstoffprogramm wieder abgebaut werden k?nnen. Der Leser lernt auch, welche genetischen und biochemischen Voraussetzungen daf?r verantwortlich sind, dass gewisse Menschen sehr empfindlich auf Umweltgifte reagieren und andere nicht. Weiterhin wird erkl?rt, welche Tests den Nachweis der Belastung erbringen k?nnen. Dieses Wissen erleichtert uns die k?rpereigene Giftstoffabwehr effektiver zu gestalten, es ist auch wichtig f?r die Gestaltung einer erfolgreichen, sanften Entgiftung mit nat?rlichen N?hrstoffen. Dabei werden nur die N?hrstoffe aufgef?hrt, die wissenschaftlich als nat?rliche Entgiftungssubstanzen best?tigt wurden. Beispiele und N?hrstoffprogramme sind angef?hrt, ebenso wie Fallbeispiele, die den Nachweis der Belastung und erfolgreichen Entgiftung erbrachten.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783738050721



Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119597865



Автор: Группа авторов

SARCOPENIA An in-depth examination of sarcopenia’s underexplored yet widespread impact within the field of gerontology Sarcopenia is common in older men and women, and yet awareness of its clinical relevance is still relatively low. Only formally included in the International Classification of Diseases in 2016, the condition may impact societies with serious health-related and financial consequences unless consistent, effective methods of identification and management are adopted.This second edition of Sarcopenia provides geriatricians and other healthcare professionals with a revised and expanded examination of this understudied and underdiagnosed condition. Edited by two leading authorities on the subject, it covers the epidemiology and diagnosis of sarcopenia, as well as treatment options and possible prevention strategies. Eight newly written chapters build upon existing knowledge with fresh data on topics including sarcopenia’s biomarkers and its impact on the healthcare economy. This important text: Defines sarcopenia and explains its clinical relevanceCovers all recent scientific evidenceOutlines treatment optionsConsiders prevention strategiesDiscusses sarcopenia as a public health priorityFeatures eight new chapters covering topics such as sarcopenia’s clinical management, its biomarkers, and its financial impact Containing vital information for clinicians and other professionals working in geriatric care, nursing homes, nutrition, cancer, endocrinology, surgery, sports medicine and many other specialties, Sarcopenia , second edition, is a groundbreaking and essential new resource.

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119597902


Scheinheilung und Patientenerschaffung - Die heillose Kultur - Band 3
Scheinheilung und Patientenerschaffung - Die heillose Kultur - Band 3

Автор: Dr. Phil. Monika Eichenauer

In den B?chern zur Heillosen Kultur wird nach Erkl?rungen f?r millionenfaches Leid, das sich in unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen in Natur und Mensch pr?sentiert, geforscht. Medien- und Pressemitteilungen bilden den Ausgangspunkt einer Dokumentation von Lebensrealit?ten von 2005 bis 2010. Mitteilungen und Geschehnisse, politische und wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen oder auch die Umsetzung neuer Gesetze, die massive Lebensver?nderungen f?r Millionen von Menschen bedeuten, werden in Beziehung gesetzt zu den vier Konstanten in unserer Kultur. Beleuchtet werden die Auswirkungen des folgenden kulturellen Quartetts auf den Menschen 1. aus der ?konomie, 2. durch die Bevorzugung des m?nnlichen Geschlechts, 3. bez?glich des cartesianischen Wissenschaftsparadigmas und 4. in der Verleugnung von Seele und Psyche jedes einzelnen Menschen, die dazu f?hrt, dass unsere emotionale und damit auch unsere existenzielle Vergangenheit nur bruchst?ckhaft individuell und gesellschaftlich aufgearbeitet ist. Diese letzte Konstante f?hrte in der Vergangenheit und f?hrt gleichfalls in der Gegenwart dazu, dass der psychischen Verarbeitung von traumatischen Ereignissen (z.B. Krieg) und politischen Ver?nderungen in Menschen kaum Bedeutung beigemessenen wurde und wird: Menschen haben mit dem fertig zu werden, was von ihnen verlangt wird. Summa summarum zeigt sich als bedeutsame und gravierende Erkl?rung f?r millionenfaches Leid die Vernachl?ssigung einer Werthaltung f?r das menschliche Wesen. In unserer Kultur wird nur und einzig und allein einem Wert unter allen Umst?nden zugesprochen: Kapital und Geld. Aktuelle Auswirkungen finden in den B?chern anhand von Presse und Medienmitteilungen Darstellung. Der Mensch wird neben dieser ultimativen und ausschlie?lichen Alleinstellung von Kapital und Geld bedeutungslos: Er wird selbst kapitalisiert. Er ist Material. Psyche und Seele haben zu schweigen. Es wurden u.a. neue Begriffe, wie z.B.

Цена: 2761.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783844217759


Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder

Автор: Hannie van Genderen

Цена: 4610.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781119101147


Schiefer er?ffnet spanisch
Schiefer er?ffnet spanisch

Автор: Kai Weyand

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783835326149


Schiff s Diseases of the Liver
Schiff's Diseases of the Liver

Автор: Группа авторов

The most important and reliable resource for treating diseases of the liver For more than 55 years, «Schiff» has been acclaimed as the most outstanding liver book in the world. This new 12th edition brings the field completely up to date and includes a companion website that features a wide-variety of accessory materials. The text is evidence-based to offer hepatologists and gastroenterologists treating patients with liver disease a comprehensive and essential resource. The text highlights clinical practice and covers anatomy, pathology, testing, imaging, and the effects of liver disease on other organs. The book is written in clear and accessible terms and key features include: Treatment guidelines and management algorithms for every disease Full-color attractive design throughout the text Informative section overviews for each section Concise key concepts box in every chapter A full liver transplant section This 12th edition is thoroughly revised with the latest clinical information. The new edition offers: Information on acute and chronic liver failure and infections in cirrhosis Over 100 MCQs Downloads for Powerpoint™ making the content ideal for presentations Schiff's Diseases of the Liver is designed to be a first-stop reference for dealing with today’s demanding clinical situations.

Цена: 30416.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119251255


Schizophrenie: Keine Krankheit?!
Schizophrenie: Keine Krankheit?!

Автор: Andreas Poppe

Der Autor untersucht die M?glichkeit, dass «die Schizophrenie» keine spezielle Krankheit ist, sondern ein St?rungsbild mit sehr verschiedenen Ursachen, die auch psychischer Natur sein k?nnen. Diese M?glichkeit wird wissenschaftskritisch-philosophisch, anhand biologischer Forschungsergebnisse und von einer psychotherapeutischen Perspektive aus er?rtert. "Ich hege im Stillen die Hoffnung, dass dieses Buch eine Kontroverse ausl?st. Vielleicht gibt es Wissenschaftler, die es reizvoll finden, meine ?berzeugung von verschiedenen schizophrenen Krankheiten durch Forschungen zu best?tigen. Vielleicht aber auch gelingt es ihnen, meine ?berlegungen auf wissenschaftlichem Wege als Unsinn zu ?berf?hren und eindeutig zu beweisen, dass «die Schizophrenie» eine einzige Krankheit ist. Wenn mein Buch zu solchen Kontroversen anregen w?rde, dann w?re die Wissenschaft wieder ein St?ck weiter gebracht. Ich muss nicht unbedingt recht behalten. F?r mich w?re es genug, eine Auseinandersetzung anzusto?en, die zu neuem Wissen f?hrt."

Цена: 640.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783748594017


Schlaf-Gesundheit: Quintessenz und Pr?vention
Schlaf-Gesundheit: Quintessenz und Pr?vention

Автор: Imre Kusztrich

Серия: Quintessenz und Pr?vention

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783955777081


Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things
Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119607762


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