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Az rbaycan s f vil r d?vl ti
Azərbaycan səfəvilər d?vləti

Автор: Октай Абдулкерим оглы Эфендиев

Oqtay Əfəndiyevin «Azərbaycan Səfəvilər d?vləti» kitabı Osman-lıların «M?htəşəm y?z il» adlandırdıqları XVI əsri (1500-1600-c? illəri) əhatə edir. M?əllif xronoloji qaydada addımbaaddım tarixi hadisələri təqib edərək o zamanın tarixini indiki oxucu ???n asan dildə xarakterizə etməyə ?alışıb. Kitabda I Şah İsmayıl Xətayinin yaratdığı Səfəvilər (Qızılbaşlar) d?vlətinin zəfər və eniş illəri ardıcıl əks etdirilib. Kitab fəsillərə, başlıqlar və yarımbaşlıqlara b?l?nd?y?ndən asan qavranır. M?əllif həm fars həm də Avropa mənbələrindən məharətlə istifadə edərək Səfəvilər (Azərbaycan) d?vlətinin təşəkk?l?, etnik, ictimai-siyasi quruluşu, idarəetmə sistemi, ordu quruculuğu və hətta vergi sistemi kimi məsələləri şərh etmiş, Səfəvilərin d?nya tarixində rolunu a?ıb g?stərmişdi. Kitab tək tarix?ilər deyil, həm də geniş oxucu k?tləsi ???n faydalıdır.

Цена: 182 руб.
ISBN: 978-9952-8052-1-4



Автор: Олжас Сулейменов

?ağdaş t?rk d?nyasının tanınmış şəxsiyyəti Oljas S?leymenovun "Az-Ya"sı hadisələrə və əsərlərə yanaşma tərziylə se?ilən kitabdır. Yazıldığı d?vr ???n qadağa qoyulmuş m?vzuların toxunulduğu əsərdə o vaxtacan t?rkologiyada və Hind-Avropa dil?iliyində s?ylənilənlərə b?sb?t?n yeni g?zlə baxılır. Yəni m?əllifə g?rə, "İqor polku dastanı" nadir abidədir, burada bir ?ox t?rk s?zləri ?z ilkin mənalarında qalmışdır. Rusca yazılmasına baxmayaraq, "Az-Ya" əsəri t?rk xalqlarında milli ş?urun oyanışına təsir g?c? baxımından ana dilində yazılan y?zlərcə kitabdan daha b?y?k əhəmiyyət daşımışdır.

Цена: 175.17 руб.


B?rnenes tegnerb?ger: S?dan tegnes planter
B?rnenes tegnerb?ger: S?dan tegnes planter

Автор: Tina Sun

B?rnenes tegnerb?ger: S?dan tegnes planter er en maleribog der er egnet til b?rn. Det er mest velegnet til b?rn i alderen 3 til 8 ?r. Gennem trinvis nedbrydning af maleri er det let og behageligt at forst? f?rdighederne i linje og linjekombination af maleri.Denne bog inkluderer trin-for-trin maleri og kreativitet og farveudvikling.Kreativitet og FarveFarven i b?rnenes ?jne er meget vigtig. Deres kreativitet er mere dyrebar end selve maleriet.Planter har ikke kun en farve. Hvad er farven i deres ?jne? Hvordan udtrykker du farven i dine ?jne? Denne bog fort?ller dem en anden verden af maleri.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9783969178959


Bachelor 40plus. Pl?doyer f?r ein neues Bildungskonzept
Bachelor 40plus. Pl?doyer f?r ein neues Bildungskonzept

Автор: Peter K?rner

Nahezu unser gesamtes Bildungsbudget wird in die ersten Lebensphasen investiert, obwohl die hier vermittelten F?higkeiten und das fachliche Wissen nach zehn oder 20 Jahren ?berholt sind. Die deutsche Wirtschaft braucht Menschen ?ber 40, die ausschlie?liche Konzentration auf die Aus- und Weiterbildung junger Menschen ist ein Indiz gesellschaftspolitischen Versagens. Wir ben?tigen ein bedarfsorientiertes Bildungssystem mit einem neuen, quart?ren Sektor, der sich an ?ltere Teilnehmer richtet, die bereits 15 bis 20 Jahre Berufst?tigkeit hinter sich und mindestens noch eine solche Spanne vor sich haben. Der neue Sektor erf?llt aber noch weitere Zwecke. Die l?ngeren Lebensarbeitszeiten mit vielf?ltigen Neuorientierungen und die geringere Anzahl klassischer Karrieren werden dazu f?hren, dass viele Menschen ihr Leben anders als bisher gestalten wollen. Ausstieg, Umstieg und Neueinstieg werden k?nftig weniger als Krise denn als Perspektive verstanden, mit den bisher gewonnenen Erfahrungen nochmals neu anzufangen. Zum Beispiel mit einem Bachelor 40plus. Es ist h?chste Zeit, alters-, qualifikations- und motivationsentsprechende Bildungsformen und -inhalte zu entwickeln. Dieses Buch stellt Wege f?r Unternehmen, Hochschulen, private Business Schools, Staat und Gesellschaft vor, auf denen ?ltere und berufserfahrene Besch?ftigte ihre Employability sichern und erweitern k?nnen.

Цена: 2906.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786952


Bacterial and Eukaryotic Porins
Bacterial and Eukaryotic Porins

Автор: Группа авторов

This first book dedicated to the topic relates the known physiological functions of porins to their molecular structure and mechanism, as documented by various in vitro and in vivo methods, including the generation of null mutants in mice. For the first time, it brings together biophysical evidence with studies performed in a cellular context, presenting a unified picture of the fundamental importance of porins for cellular function. With 16 contributions by an interdisciplinary team of leading porin researchers, this reference is essential reading for every molecular or structural biologist with an interest in this essential protein family.

Цена: 23749.88 руб.
ISBN: 9783527604227


Bacterial Episomes and Plasmids
Bacterial Episomes and Plasmids

Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Цена: 11377.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470715031


Bacterial Signaling
Bacterial Signaling

Автор: Kirsten Jung

Providing a comprehensive insight into cellular signaling processes in bacteria with a special focus on biotechnological implications, this is the first book to cover intercellular as well as intracellular signaling and its relevance for biofilm formation, host pathogen interactions, symbiotic relationships, and photo- and chemotaxis. In addition, it deals in detail with principal bacterial signaling mechanisms – making this a valuable resource for all advanced students in microbiology. Dr. Kramer is a world-renowned expert in intracellular signaling and its implications for biotechnology processes, while Dr. Jung is an expert on intercellular signaling and its relevance for biomedicine and agriculture.

Цена: 21866.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783527629244


Bacterial Toxins
Bacterial Toxins

Автор: Klaus Aktories

This is a survey of well characterized and recently discovered bacterial protein toxins. Leading investigators of the respective toxins review the various molecular mechanisms of action, ranging from toxin-induced ADP-ribosylation up to membrane perforation by pore-forming toxins. Thy also describe the consequences on host physiology before focusing on potential applications as cell biological and pharmacological tools for research and medical applications. Detailed descriptions of the methodology include the engineering and use of modified and chimeric toxins for better performance. A solid introduction to toxin structure and functions, as well as a valuable source of methodology for researchers in molecular biology, pharmacology and experimental medicine.

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9783527614608


Bad Haircut
Bad Haircut

Автор: Tom Perrotta

The literary debut from the author of ‘Little Children’, ‘Election’ and ‘The Abstinence Teacher’.Tom Perrotta's first novel takes readers to semi-fictional 'Cranwood', in small-town New Jersey. Set between fall 1969 and the summer of 1980, ‘Bad Haircut’ consists of ten tales; reflecting a coming-of-age in the 'kitsch' era of platforms and disco.The novel charts the struggles of a boy called Buddy with the timeless mysteries of sex, death, parents – and, of course, bad haircuts – as he grows from Cub Scout to college kid. A touching collection of tales, ‘Bad Haircut’ is Perrotta's perfect observation of the tribulations and tenderness of adolescence.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007319428


Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting, Volume 2. Forms and Exhibits
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting, Volume 2. Forms and Exhibits

Автор: Grant Newton W

With the rise in the number of mergers and acquisitions taking place in today's business environment, there will undoubtedly be a rise in the number of bankruptcies. Completely updated, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting, Seventh Edition, Volume 2 updates the most recent forms and exhibits as a result of the new Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA). The process of turning around a troubled business and restructuring its financial aspects is thoroughly described for controllers, CEOs, CFOs and CPAs with small businesses as clients.

Цена: 19883.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780470615676


Basement Membranesand Cell Movement
Basement Membranesand Cell Movement

Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Цена: 11377.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470718599


Basic Bioscience Laboratory Techniques. A Pocket Guide
Basic Bioscience Laboratory Techniques. A Pocket Guide

Автор: Hargreaves Alan J

This unique, practical, pocket-sized guide and reference provides every first year bioscience student with all they need to know to prepare reagents correctly and perform fundamental laboratory techniques. It also helps them to analyse their data and present their findings, in addition to directing the reader, via a comprehensive list of references, to relevant further reading All of the core bioscience laboratory techniques are covered including: basic calculations and the preparation of solutions; aseptic techniques; microscopy techniques; cell fractionation ; spectrophotometry; chromatography of small and large molecules: electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids and data analysis. In addition the book includes clear, relevant diagrams and worked examples of calculations. In short, this is a 'must-have' for all first year bioscience students struggling to get to grips with this vitally important element of their course.

Цена: 5301.38 руб.
ISBN: 9780470972052


Basic Concepts of X-Ray Diffraction
Basic Concepts of X-Ray Diffraction

Автор: Emil Zolotoyabko

Authored by a university professor deeply involved in X-ray diffraction-related research, this textbook is based on his lectures given to graduate students for more than 20 years. It adopts a well-balanced approach, describing basic concepts and experimental techniques, which make X-ray diffraction an unsurpassed method for studying the structure of materials. Both dynamical and kinematic X-ray diffraction is considered from a unified viewpoint, in which the dynamical diffraction in single-scattering approximation serves as a bridge between these two parts. The text emphasizes the fundamental laws that govern the interaction of X-rays with matter, but also covers in detail classical and modern applications, e.g., line broadening, texture and strain/stress analyses, X-ray mapping in reciprocal space, high-resolution X-ray diffraction in the spatial and wave vector domains, X-ray focusing, inelastic and time-resolved X-ray scattering. This unique scope, in combination with otherwise hard-to-find information on analytic expressions for simulating X-ray diffraction profiles in thin-film heterostructures, X-ray interaction with phonons, coherent scattering of Mossbauer radiation, and energy-variable X-ray diffraction, makes the book indispensable for any serious user of X-ray diffraction techniques. Compact and self-contained, this textbook is suitable for students taking X-ray diffraction courses towards specialization in materials science, physics, chemistry, or biology. Numerous clear-cut illustrations, an easy-to-read style of writing, as well as rather short, easily digestible chapters all facilitate comprehension.

Цена: 11151.4 руб.
ISBN: 9783527681143


Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing
Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing

Автор: Nicola Rogers

Sedation is a procedure that makes use of sedative medications to produce a relaxed experience for the patient. The central nervous system (CNS) is affected through the use of drugs, including tranquilizers and anxiolytics, that can be administered to the patient in several ways. Sedation dentistry has several benefits, both for dentists and patients. For patients, it can mean freedom from anxiety or fear during dental procedures. In cases where a patient has not been able to undergo dental treatment for many years because of this fear, sedation dentistry allows him to have several years' worth of dental treatment in just a few sessions. For dentists, sedation dentistry facilitates the easy performance of dental procedures. Patients are likely to be more cooperative under the relaxing effects of sedation. Treatments can also be quicker, because a number of procedures can be performed in a single session. Dental nurses play a vital role in assisting the dentist in the routine sedation of patients. In acknowledgement of this, the NEBDN run a post-qualification certificate in Dental Sedation Nursing that provides the dental nurse with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to carry out their role safely and competently. The ‘Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing' is a must have book for all dental nurses seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of this core area of clinical practice. Written in a clear and accessible style, chapters reflect the Certificate in Dental Sedation Nursing syllabus with chapters on such key topics as legal aspects, anatomy, equipment, patient assessment, types of sedation, medical emergencies and resuscitation. Illustrated in full colour throughout Handy format for easy reference and portability Evidence-based

Цена: 4638.59 руб.
ISBN: 9781444342420


Basic Guide to Dental Instruments
Basic Guide to Dental Instruments

Автор: Carmen Scheller-Sheridan

Basic Guide to Dental Instruments provides a working inventory of dental instrumentation in common use in dental surgeries. A clear photograph of each instrument is included, and described according to name, usage, any relevant features and varieties. Each section is dedicated to a specific discipline or division of dentistry. Complete set-ups have been included at the end of most sections for various procedures. The coverage reflects instrumentation and accessory items used in general dental practice, routine hospital dental procedures and selected specialist settings. The author adopts a flexible approach which recognises that some instruments are multi-functional, and their names and usage can vary across dental surgeries. This approach, coupled with the range of instruments covered, makes the book an ideal 'portable' resource across general practice, hospital and a range of specialist settings. The book also highlights instruments which can be easily confused. In addition to detailing the classic sets of dental instruments, the importance of instrument care and sterilisation regimes is acknowledged. This second edition contains an expanded chapter on instruments used in conjunction with dental implants, and illustrations have been updated throughout. FEATURES Best-selling title Brand new chapter on instruments used in dental implantology Expanded chapter on dental burs Illustrations revised throughout

Цена: 4859.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118713587


Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing
Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing

Автор: Fiona Grist

The Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing is a must-have introduction for those seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of this core area of clinical practice. Written in a clear and accessible format, with colour illustration throughout, the book is a guide for all dental nurses with an interest in orthodontics. It is designed to reflect sections of the syllabus of the Certificate in Orthodontic Dental Nursing. Chapters cover such key topics as tooth eruption patterns, removable and fixed appliances, de-bonding, and retention. There are also sections on care prior to treatment, including the requirements for a first appointment, and there is helpful guidance on maintaining motivation – particularly for young patients and their parents. Published in a compact format for portability and easy reference, this is a valuable addition to the Basic Guides series.

Цена: 5964.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781444325539


Basics of Biomedical Ultrasound for Engineers
Basics of Biomedical Ultrasound for Engineers

Автор: Haim Azhari

A practical learning tool for building a solid understanding of biomedical ultrasound Basics of Biomedical Ultrasound for Engineers is a structured textbook that leads the novice through the field in a clear, step-by-step manner. Based on twenty years of teaching experience, it begins with the most basic definitions of waves, proceeds to ultrasound in fluids and solids, explains the principles of wave attenuation and reflection, then introduces to the reader the principles of focusing devices, ultrasonic transducers, and acoustic fields, and then delves into integrative applications of ultrasound in conventional and advanced medical imaging techniques (including Doppler imaging) and therapeutic ultrasound. Demonstrative medical applications are interleaved within the text and exemplary questions with solutions are provided on every chapter. Readers will come away with the basic toolkit of knowledge they need to successfully use ultrasound in biomedicine and conduct research. Encompasses a wide range of topics within biomedical ultrasound, from attenuation and eflection of waves to the intricacies of focusing devices, transducers, acoustic fields, modern medical imaging techniques, and therapeutics Explains the most common applications of biomedical ultrasound from an engineering point of view Provides need-to-know information in the form of physical and mathematical principles directed at concrete applications Fills in holes in knowledge caused by ever-increasing new applications of ultrasonic imaging and therapy Basics of Biomedical Ultrasound for Engineers is designed for undergraduate and graduate engineering students; academic/research engineers unfamiliar with ultrasound; and physicians and researchers in biomedical disciplines who need an introduction to the field. This book is meant to be “my first book on biomedical ultrasound” for anyone who is interested in the field.

Цена: 14691.79 руб.
ISBN: 9780470561461


Basin Analysis. Principles and Application to Petroleum Play Assessment
Basin Analysis. Principles and Application to Petroleum Play Assessment

Автор: Allen John R

Basin Analysis is an advanced undergraduate and postgraduate text aimed at understanding sedimentary basins as geodynamic entities. The rationale of the book is that knowledge of the basic principles of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the lithosphere, the dynamics of the mantle, and the functioning of sediment routing systems provides a sound background for studying sedimentary basins, and is a pre-requisite for the exploitation of resources contained in their sedimentary rocks. The third edition incorporates new developments in the burgeoning field of basin analysis while retaining the successful structure and overall philosophy of the first two editions. The text is divided into 4 parts that establish the geodynamical environment for sedimentary basins and the physical state of the lithosphere, followed by a coverage of the mechanics of basin formation, an integrated analysis of the controls on the basin-fill and its burial and thermal history, and concludes with an application of basin analysis principles in petroleum play assessment, including a discussion of unconventional hydrocarbon plays. The text is richly supplemented by Appendices providing mathematical derivations of a wide range of processes affecting the formation of basins and their sedimentary fills. Many of these Appendices include practical exercises that give the reader hands-on experience of quantitative solutions to important basin analysis processes. Now in full colour and a larger format, this third edition is a comprehensive update and expansion of the previous editions, and represents a rigorous yet accessible guide to problem solving in this most integrative of geoscientific disciplines. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/allen/basinanalysis.

Цена: 17668.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781118450444


Battery Systems Engineering
Battery Systems Engineering

Автор: Wang Chao-Yang

A complete all-in-one reference on the important interdisciplinary topic of Battery Systems Engineering Focusing on the interdisciplinary area of battery systems engineering, this book provides the background, models, solution techniques, and systems theory that are necessary for the development of advanced battery management systems. It covers the topic from the perspective of basic electrochemistry as well as systems engineering topics and provides a basis for battery modeling for system engineering of electric and hybrid electric vehicle platforms. This original approach gives a useful overview for systems engineers in chemical, mechanical, electrical, or aerospace engineering who are interested in learning more about batteries and how to use them effectively. Chemists, material scientists, and mathematical modelers can also benefit from this book by learning how their expertise affects battery management. Approaches a topic which has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years Topics covered include: Electrochemistry; Governing Equations; Discretization Methods; System Response and Battery Management Systems Include tables, illustrations, photographs, graphs, worked examples, homework problems, and references, to thoroughly illustrate key material Ideal for engineers working in the mechanical, electrical, and chemical fields as well as graduate students in these areas A valuable resource for Scientists and Engineers working in the battery or electric vehicle industries, Graduate students in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering.

Цена: 14691.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781118517062


Bauphysik-Kalender 2011. Brandschutz
Bauphysik-Kalender 2011. Brandschutz

Автор: Nabil A. Fouad

Fire protection in construction requires a high degree of expert knowledge about the current state of all relevant codes and products. The 2011 Building Physiscs Yearbook offers a reliable aid in planning for new and existing structures according to Eurocodes.

Цена: 2906.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783433605615


Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS
Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS

Автор: Ioannis Ntzoufras

A hands-on introduction to the principles of Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS provides an easily accessible introduction to the use of WinBUGS programming techniques in a variety of Bayesian modeling settings. The author provides an accessible treatment of the topic, offering readers a smooth introduction to the principles of Bayesian modeling with detailed guidance on the practical implementation of key principles. The book begins with a basic introduction to Bayesian inference and the WinBUGS software and goes on to cover key topics, including: Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms in Bayesian inference Generalized linear models Bayesian hierarchical models Predictive distribution and model checking Bayesian model and variable evaluation Computational notes and screen captures illustrate the use of both WinBUGS as well as R software to apply the discussed techniques. Exercises at the end of each chapter allow readers to test their understanding of the presented concepts and all data sets and code are available on the book's related Web site. Requiring only a working knowledge of probability theory and statistics, Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS serves as an excellent book for courses on Bayesian statistics at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in the fields of statistics, actuarial science, medicine, and the social sciences who use WinBUGS in their everyday work.

Цена: 17784.79 руб.
ISBN: 9780470434543


Be Expert with Map and Compass
Be Expert with Map and Compass

Автор: Bjorn Kjellstrom

The classic map and compass navigation guide-revised for the age of GPS GPS devices are great, but they can break, get lost, or easily be hampered by weather conditions, making basic map and compass skills essential for anyone who spends time outdoors. This popular, easy-to-use orienteering handbook has been helping people find their way for more than fifty years. Now updated to include information on GPS as well as current Web sites, references, sources, and photographs, it remains the book of choice for professional outdoorsmen, novice orienteers, and outdoor organizations as well as teachers, scout leaders, recreational hikers, hunters, and others around the world. Coverage includes understanding map symbols; traveling by map alone, by compass alone, or by map and compass together; finding bearings; sketching maps; and traveling in the wilderness. Explains basic map and compass skills clearly Fully updated edition, including information on GPS Includes up-to-date Web site addresses, references, and sources Features a fresh, rugged design Ideal book for beginners If you're looking to feel more comfortable in the wilderness, this updated guide is an indispensable reference.

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780470508541


Beaches and Coasts
Beaches and Coasts

Автор: Richard A. Davis, Jr

Coastlines of the world are as diverse as any geological setting on Earth. Beaches and Coasts is an exciting and unique new textbook that provides an exhaustive treatment of the world's different coasts and details the highly varied processes that have shaped them. Having conducted research on coastlines throughout the world, the authors draw on a wealth of experience that broadens the content of chapters and provides for numerous and varied examples. The book furnishes a basic understanding of the tectonic framework, hydrographic regime, climatic setting, and geologic materials that determine the morphology of a coast. Individual chapters are devoted to major coastal environments such as barriers, tidal inlets, marshes, estuaries, lagoons, deltas, glaciated coasts, rocky coasts and many others. Beaches and Coasts provides the necessary content for teaching a broad coastal geology course. Though designed for introductory students, its comprehensive treatment of coastal topics will make it appropriate for many upper level courses. Exciting and unique textbook that provides an exhaustive treatment of the world's different coasts and details the highly varied processes that have shaped them. The authors draw on a wealth of experience that broadens the content of chapters and provides for numerous and varied examples. Provides a basic understanding of the tectonic framework, hydrographic regime, climatic setting, and geologic materials that determine the morphology of a coast. Individual chapters are devoted to major coastal environments such as barriers, tidal inlets, marshes, estuaries, lagoons, deltas, glaciated coasts, rocky coasts, and many others. Provides comprehensive content for teaching a broad coastal geology course for both introductory and upper level courses.

Цена: 14691.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781444311228


Beacon Lights of History, Volume 3 part 2: Renaissance and Reformation
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 3 part 2: Renaissance and Reformation

Автор: John Lord

Цена: Бесплатно


Beadle s Dime National Speaker, Embodying Gems of Oratory and Wit, Particularly Adapted to American Schools and Firesides
Beadle's Dime National Speaker, Embodying Gems of Oratory and Wit, Particularly Adapted to American Schools and Firesides

Автор: Various

Цена: Бесплатно


Beaumont & Fletchers Works (1 of 10) – the Custom of the Country
Beaumont & Fletchers Works (1 of 10) – the Custom of the Country

Автор: Beaumont Francis

Цена: Бесплатно


Beautiful Split – Croatia
Beautiful Split – Croatia

Автор: Sanja Pokrajac

Guide and Conversations in Croatian I realized this guide wanting to provide not just information about the historical places and the beauties of an unknown Split, but also the linguistic tools necessary to fully enjoy a trip and to know what to say in every situation. I hope I realized a guide useful to the traveler, curious not only about new to him places but also about learning the language. Have a pleasant journey! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788835410058


Become a Franchise Owner!. The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What you Do
Become a Franchise Owner!. The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What you Do

Автор: Joel Libava

The definitive A-to-Z guide to researching, selecting, and starting a viable franchise business With more and more professionals looking for alternatives to traditional corporate employment, Become a Franchise Owner! informs would-be franchise owners of the joys and perils of purchasing a franchise. Authored by a trusted, feisty, tell-it-how-it-is independent franchise industry insider, this book offers straightforward, step-by-step tips and advice on how to properly (and carefully) research and select a franchise business. Get tips on how to locate information about franchises, current industry trends, interviews with franchisors, and hot franchise opportunities. Offers a self-evaluation to discover if you are «franchise material» Describes how to choose the right franchise for your specific situation Lists the 40 crucial questions to ask current franchise owners Owning a franchise isn't for everyone; in fact, as Joel Libava says, «it's really not for most people.» But if it is for you, this book can guide you in starting your own successful franchise business.

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118178379


Beetles in Conservation
Beetles in Conservation

Автор: T. New R

Beetles, the most diverse group of insects, are often abundant in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Many species are under threat from human changes to natural environments, and some are valuable tools in conservation, because they respond rapidly to changes that occur. Knowledge of these responses, of both abundance and composition of assemblages, enable use of some beetles to monitor environmental changes. Beetles impinge on humanity on many ways: as cultural objects, desirable collectables, major pests and competitors for resources need by people, as beneficial consumers of other pests, and by ensuring the continuity of vital ecological processes. This book is the first major global overview of the importance of conservation of beetles, and brings together much hitherto scattered information to demonstrate the needs for conservation, and how it may be approached. It is a source of value to students, research workers, conservation biologists and ecosystem managers as an introduction to the richness and importance of this predominant component of invertebrate life.

Цена: 12918.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781444318630


Beginning ASP.NET Security
Beginning ASP.NET Security

Автор: Barry Dorrans

Programmers: protect and defend your Web apps against attack! You may know ASP.NET, but if you don't understand how to secure your applications, you need this book. This vital guide explores the often-overlooked topic of teaching programmers how to design ASP.NET Web applications so as to prevent online thefts and security breaches. You'll start with a thorough look at ASP.NET 3.5 basics and see happens when you don't implement security, including some amazing examples. The book then delves into the development of a Web application, walking you through the vulnerable points at every phase. Learn to factor security in from the ground up, discover a wealth of tips and industry best practices, and explore code libraries and more resources provided by Microsoft and others. Shows you step by step how to implement the very latest security techniques Reveals the secrets of secret-keeping—encryption, hashing, and not leaking information to begin with Delves into authentication, authorizing, and securing sessions Explains how to secure Web servers and Web services, including WCF and ASMX Walks you through threat modeling, so you can anticipate problems Offers best practices, techniques, and industry trends you can put to use right away Defend and secure your ASP.NET 3.5 framework Web sites with this must-have guide.

Цена: 4141.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780470663998


Beginning CSS. Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design
Beginning CSS. Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design

Автор: Richard York

Completely updated material and new examples show you what CSS can do With the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and other browsers released, CSS is more essential than ever. This beginner guide demonstrates how cascading style sheets can be used to define styles to items in Web pages, rather than format each item individually. Each lesson in this full-color book has been methodically revised to be more concise and efficient, making your learning experience as productive as possible. Covers the latest in CSS, including the new features of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome Reviews the vast improvements to mobile browsers and how CSS can work with them Provides helpful examples and walks you through real-world solutions to common hurdles Discusses embedded fonts, compatibility tables, and cross-browser bug scenarios Beginning CSS, Third Edition gets you completely up to date so that you can start using CSS in the newest Web and mobile browsers today!

Цена: 3681.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118121764


Beginning Database Design Solutions
Beginning Database Design Solutions

Автор: Rod Stephens

The vast majority of software applications use relational databases that virtually every application developer must work with. This book introduces you to database design, whether you're a DBA or database developer. You'll discover what databases are, their goals, and why proper design is necessary to achieve those goals. Additionally, you'll master how to structure the database so it gives good performance while minimizing the chance for error. You will learn how to decide what should be in a database to meet the application's requirements.

Цена: 4141.5 руб.
ISBN: 9780470440513


Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies
Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies

Автор: Ed Tittel

Your full-color, friendly guide to getting started with HTML5 and CSS3! HTML and CSS are essential tools for creating dynamic websites and help make your websites even more effective and unique. This friendly-but-straightforward guide gets you started with the basics of the latest versions of HTML and CSS: HTML5 and CSS3. Introducing you to the syntax and structure of the languages, this helpful guide shows you how to create and view a web page, explains ideal usage of HTML5 and CSS3, walks you through the CSS3 rules and style sheets, addresses common mistakes and explains how to fix them, and explores interesting HTML5 tools. Serves as an ideal introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 for beginners with little to no web development experience Details the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3 and how to use both to create responsive, practical, and well-designed websites Helps you understand how HTML5 and CSS3 are the foundation upon which hundreds of millions of web pages are built Features full-color illustrations to enhance your learning process Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies is the perfect first step for getting started with the fundamentals of web development and design.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118690703


Beginning Mobile Application Development in the Cloud
Beginning Mobile Application Development in the Cloud

Автор: Richard Rodger

Learn how to build apps for mobile devices on Cloud platforms The marketplace for apps is ever expanding, increasing the potential to make money. With this guide, you'll learn how to build cross-platform applications for mobile devices that are supported by the power of Cloud-based services such as Amazon Web Services. An introduction to Cloud-based applications explains how to use HTML5 to create cross-platform mobile apps and then use Cloud services to enhance those apps. You'll learn how to build your first app with HTML5 and set it up in the Cloud, while also discovering how to use jQuery to your advantage. Highlights the skills and knowledge you need to create successful apps for mobile devices with HTML5 Takes you through the steps for building web applications for the iPhone and Android Details how to enhance your app through faster launching, touch vs. click, storage capabilities, and a cache Looks at how best to use JSON, FourSquare, jQuery, AJAX, and more Shares tips for creating hybrid apps that run natively If you're interested in having your application be one of the 200,000+ apps featured in the iPhone store or the 50,000+ in the Android store, then you need this book.

Цена: 3220.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118203330


Beginning Perl
Beginning Perl

Автор: Curtis Poe

Everything beginners need to start programming with Perl Perl is the ever-popular, flexible, open source programming language that has been called the programmers’ Swiss army knife. This book introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who are looking to learn a new language. In the tradition of the popular Wrox Beginning guides, it presents step-by-step guidance in getting started, a host of try-it-out exercises, real-world examples, and everything necessary for a Perl novice to start programming with confidence. Introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who want to learn a new language Provides a host of real-world applications for today's environments so readers can get started immediately Covers the new features of Perl but fully applicable to previous editions Beginning Perl provides the information and instruction you need to confidently get started with Perl. For Instructors: Classroom and training support material are available for this book.

Цена: 3681.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118221877


Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Автор: Wallace Wang

So you want to be a programmer? Or maybe you just want to be able to make your computer do what YOU want for a change? Maybe you enjoy the challenge of identifying a problem and solving it. If programming intrigues you for whatever reason, Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies is like having a starter programming library all in one handy, if beefy, book. In this practical guide, you’ll find out about compiling, algorithms, best practices, debugging your programs, and much more. The concepts are illustrated in several different programming languages, so you’ll get a feel for the variety of languages and the needs they fill. Seven minibooks cover: Getting started Programming basics Data structures Algorithms Web programming Programming language syntax Applications Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies shows you how to decide what you want your program to do, turn your instructions into “machine language” that the computer understands, use programming best practices, explore the “how” and “why” of data structuring, and more. You’ll even get a look into various applications like database management, bioinformatics, computer security, and artificial intelligence. Soon you’ll realize that – wow! You’re a programmer! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 3220.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780470386149


Behind the News: Voices from Goa s Press
Behind the News: Voices from Goa's Press

Автор: Various

Цена: Бесплатно


Beispiele zur Bemessung nach Eurocode 2. Band 1 – Hochbau
Beispiele zur Bemessung nach Eurocode 2. Band 1 – Hochbau

Автор: Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein e.V

As an introduction to building design according to Eurocode 2, the German Association for Concrete and Construction Technology is offering a collection of twelve fully calculated examples.

Цена: 5681.93 руб.
ISBN: 9783433602874


Belford s Magazine, Vol. II, No. 3, February 1889
Belford's Magazine, Vol. II, No. 3, February 1889

Автор: Various

Цена: Бесплатно


Belford s Magazine, Vol 2, December 1888
Belford's Magazine, Vol 2, December 1888

Автор: Various

Цена: Бесплатно


Belgrade Charm
Belgrade Charm

Автор: Sanja Pokrajac

Dedicated to Belgrade: I took some of your years and letter by letter I started to join the worlds. Sanja The first guide book made entirely in Cyrillic and Latin characters. Guide to historical and entertaining places, extensive conversations, pronunciation and simplified grammar to better understand the language but also the official Serbian writing, Cyrillic. The great Serbian novelist and painter Momo Kapor said about Belgrade: ”Belgrade is not in Belgrade, because Belgrade is actually not a city, but a metaphor for life.” All you have to do is watch the night slip under the skin of the day and vice versa and explore a Belgrade you would never expect.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788835410690


Belonging. Solidarity and Division in Modern Societies
Belonging. Solidarity and Division in Modern Societies

Автор: Montserrat Guibernau

It is commonly assumed that we live in an age of unbridled individualism, but in this important new book Montserrat Guibernau argues that the need to belong to a group or community – from peer groups and local communities to ethnic groups and nations – is a pervasive and enduring feature of modern social life. The power of belonging stems from the potential to generate an emotional attachment capable of fostering a shared identity, loyalty and solidarity among members of a given community. It is this strong emotional dimension that enables belonging to act as a trigger for political mobilization and, in extreme cases, to underpin collective violence. Among the topics examined in this book are identity as a political instrument; emotions and political mobilization; the return of authoritarianism and the rise of the new radical right; symbols and the rituals of belonging; loyalty, the nation and nationalism. It includes case studies from Britain, Spain, Catalonia, Germany, the Middle East and the United States. This wide-ranging and cutting-edge book will be of great interest to students and scholars in politics, sociology and the social sciences generally.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745678924


Bemessungshilfsmittel f?r Betonbauteile nach Eurocode 2
Bemessungshilfsmittel f?r Betonbauteile nach Eurocode 2

Автор: Torsten M?ller

The daily work of engineers, for preliminary design and to check plausibility, would be inconceivable without them: design aids for reinforced concrete elements in the form of diagrams and tables. Now newly revised to cover Eurocode 2.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783433602119


Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation. A Practical Guide for Academic Leaders
Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation. A Practical Guide for Academic Leaders

Автор: Jeffrey L. Buller

Praise for Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation «Jeffrey Buller, a leading and respected voice in higher education, has written a truly practical and highly useful book on the increasingly important topic of faculty evaluation. This highly readable book is a 'must have/must read' book for every dean, chair, and faculty member in all institutions of higher education.» —Robert E. Cipriano, author, Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education: Strategies for Success; former chair of Southern Connecticut State University's Recreation and Leisure Studies Department «Buller has done it again. This latest book meets a never-ending need of all colleges and universities. It's the best treatment I've ever found of the critical dynamics of faculty evaluations—the associated history and philosophy, but especially how to get it right when conducting pretenure, tenure, and posttenure reviews. Every P&T committee, every chair, every dean will welcome a copy.» —R. Kent Crookston, author, Working with Problem Faculty: A Six-Step Guide for Department Chairs; director of the Academic Administrative Support Program at the Brigham Young University Faculty Center «Finally, a comprehensive volume replete with practical ideas and seasoned advice about how to effectively handle faculty performance evaluations. This author really understands the lack of preparation and confidence that most academic administrators feel when asked to function as both judge and coach. If you need concrete strategies for dealing with all aspects of the evaluation process, this book won't disappoint you. The content and case studies are right on the money.»—Christine Licata, author, Post-Tenure Faculty Review and Renewal; senior associate provost, Rochester Institute of Technology

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118224519


Best Practices in School Neuropsychology. Guidelines for Effective Practice, Assessment, and Evidence-Based Intervention
Best Practices in School Neuropsychology. Guidelines for Effective Practice, Assessment, and Evidence-Based Intervention

Автор: Daniel Miller C

A comprehensive guide to the practice of school neuropsychology It is an exciting time to specialize in school neuropsychology, with countless theoretically and psychometrically sound assessment instruments available for practitioners to use in their evaluations of children with special needs. Yet the field faces the challenges of establishing evidence-based linkages between assessment and interventions and of broadening its approaches to culturally diverse populations. Edited by a leading expert in school neuropsychology, Best Practices in School Neuropsychology: Guidelines for Effective Practice, Assessment, and Evidence-Based Intervention addresses these challenges and their solutions and provides learning specialists and school psychologists with clear coverage and vital information on this burgeoning area of practice within school psychology. This insightful reference features comprehensive discussion of: Current school neuropsychological assessment and intervention models Best practices in assessing cognitive processes An overview of what neuroscience offers to the practice of school neuropsychology How school neuropsychology fits within a Response to Intervention (RTI) model The rationale for the importance of school psychologists' collaboration with parents, educators, and other professionals to maximize services to children Clinical applications of school neuropsychology with special populations, academic disabilities, processing deficits, and medical disorders Unique challenges in working with culturally diverse populations Featuring contributions from internationally renowned school psychologists, neuropsychologists, clinicians, and academics, Best Practices in School Neuropsychology is the first book of its kind to present best practices and evidence-informed guidelines for the assessment and intervention of children with learning disabilities, as well as other issues practitioners working with children encounter in school settings.

Цена: 13145.28 руб.
ISBN: 9780470535745


Bet?rende D?fte, sinnliche Aromen
Bet?rende D?fte, sinnliche Aromen

Автор: Prof. Georg Schwedt

Why do we find some aromas pleasant, sensual or even bewitching, while we turn our nose up at others? Top-selling author Georg Schwedt teaches scientifically-minded readers about scents and perfumes, aromas and spices. In a clever mixture of exact science and entertaining information he describes the manifold facets of the chemistry behind aromas. Topics range from the physiology of smelling, via methods of extracting scents and the creation of ethereal oils right up to such perfume icons as Chanel No. 5 or Tosca. Along the way Schwedt he uncovers fascinating facts from the culture and science of yesteryear and combines these with the latest results from chemistry. As a result, the reader learns about ancient Egyptian methods for making perfume and about the therapeutic use of scents, which can also be experienced in perfume museums.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9783527641192


Beyond Artificial Intelligence. From Human Consciousness to Artificial Consciousness
Beyond Artificial Intelligence. From Human Consciousness to Artificial Consciousness

Автор: Alain Cardon

This book will present a complete modeling of the human psychic system that allows to generate the thoughts in a strictly organizational approach that mixes a rising and falling approach. The model will present the architecture of the psychic system that can generate sensations and thoughts, showing how one can feel thoughts. The model developed into an organizational architecture based on massive multiagent systems. The architecture will be fully developed, showing how an artificial system can be endowed with consciousness and intentionally generate thoughts and, especially, feel them. These results are multidisciplinary, combining both psychology and computer science disciplines.

Цена: 12427.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781119551010


Beyond Oil and Gas
Beyond Oil and Gas

Автор: Alain Goeppert

In this masterpiece, the renowned chemistry Nobel Laureate, George A. Olah and his colleagues discuss in a clear and readily accessible manner the use of methanol as a viable alternative to our diminishing fossil fuel resources. They look at the pros and cons of our current main energy sources, namely oil and natural gas, and varied renewable energies, and new ways to overcome obstacles. Following an introduction, Olah, Goeppert and Prakash look at the interrelation of fuels and energy, and at the extent of our non-renewable fossil fuel resources. Despite the diminishing reserve and global warming, the authors point out the continuing need for hydrocarbons and their products. They also discuss the envisioned hydrogen economy and its significant shortcomings. The main section then focuses on the methanol economy, including the conversion carbon dioxide from industrial exhausts (such as flue gases from fossil fuel burning power plants) and carbon dioxide contained in the atmoshere into convenient liquid methanol for fuel uses (notably in fuel cells) and as a raw material for hydrocarbons. The book is rounded off with a glimpse into the future. A forward-looking and inspiring work regarding the major challenges of future energy and environmental problems.

Цена: 3860.74 руб.
ISBN: 9783527608355


Beyond Oil and Gas. The Methanol Economy
Beyond Oil and Gas. The Methanol Economy

Автор: Alain Goeppert

Completely revised and updated, the third edition of this bestseller discusses the concept and ongoing development of using methanol as a transportation fuel, energy storage medium, and as a raw material to replace oil. The contents have been expanded by 35% with new chapters on energy storage, methanol from biomass and waste products, as well as on carbon dioxide recycling. Written by the late Nobel laureate George Olah and his team, this is an inspiring read for anyone concerned with the major challenge posed by tomorrow's energy and environmental problems.

Цена: 4602.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783527805655


Beyond Temptation
Beyond Temptation

Автор: Lisette Ashton

There’s only so much frustration a girl can take…You’ve been seduced by the ‘Fifty Shades’ trilogy and Sylvia Day’s ‘Bared to You’… now prepare to devour ‘Beyond Temptation’, another hot read from Mischief Books.Art critic Robyn is in an open marriage yet she is challenged to remain monogamous. But, when she finds herself stranded alone at a manor house with an erotic artist, her resolve begins to falter and she realises that she has been placed beyond temptation.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007479214


Beyond the Two-State Solution. A Jewish Political Essay
Beyond the Two-State Solution. A Jewish Political Essay

Автор: Reider Dimi

For over two decades, many liberals in Israel have attempted, with wide international support, to implement the two-state solution: Israel and Palestine, partitioned on the basis of the Green Line – that is, the line drawn by the 1949 Armistice Agreements that defined Israel’s borders until 1967, before Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza following the Six-Day War. By going back to Israel’s pre-1967 borders, many people hope to restore Israel to what they imagine was its pristine, pre-occupation character and to provide a solid basis for a long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this original and controversial essay, Yehouda Shenhav argues that this vision is an illusion that ignores historical realities and offers no long-term solution. It fails to see that the real problem is that a state was created in most of Palestine in 1948 in which Jews are the privileged ethnic group, at the expense of the Palestinians – who also must live under a constant state of emergency. The issue will not be resolved by the two-state solution, which will do little for the millions of Palestinian refugees and will also require the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Jews living across the Green Line. All these obstacles require a bolder rethinking of the issues: the Green Line should be abandoned and a new type of polity created on the complete territory of mandatory Palestine, with a new set of constitutional arrangements that address the rights of both Palestinians and Jews, including the settlers.

Цена: 6622.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780745676111


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