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Mathe f?r Biologen
Mathe f?r Biologen

Автор: Alan Cann J

Um ein biologisches Experiment richtig planen, durchfuhren und auswerten zu konnen, muss man uber fundierte Kenntnisse grundlegender mathematischer und statistischer Operationen verfugen. Mathe fur Biologen bietet einen leicht verstandlichen Zugang zur Mathematik, Statistik und Datenverarbeitung. Ob in Form von Exponentialrechnungen, Logarithmen oder bei der Berechnung von Molaritaten, Verdunnungen und Volumina – ohne Mathematik geht im Labor gar nichts. Die Kenntnis aller relevanten Ma?einheiten und Umrechnungsverhaltnisse ist ebenso unverzichtbar wie eine sichere Beherrschung der wichtigsten statistischen Methoden und der Prinzipien der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. All dies vermittelt Mathe fur Biologen. Besonders junge Wissenschaftler, Diplomanden, Doktoranden und Angehorige des technischen Personals durften die einfuhlsame Didaktik, den klaren Aufbau und die verstandliche Sprache des Bandes zu schatzen wissen. Jedes der elf Kapitel enthalt Kontrollfragen, anhand derer der Leser seine Lernfortschritte uberprufen kann. Die Losungen werden im Anhang ausfuhrlich hergeleitet und erlautert. Das umfangreiche Glossar erschlie?t die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe. So empfiehlt sich der Band sowohl als Begleiter bei der taglichen Laborarbeit als auch zum Nachschlagen beim Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783527662609


Mathematical Analysis of Evolution, Information, and Complexity
Mathematical Analysis of Evolution, Information, and Complexity

Автор: Wolfgang Arendt

Mathematical Analysis of Evolution, Information, and Complexity deals with the analysis of evolution, information and complexity. The time evolution of systems or processes is a central question in science, this text covers a broad range of problems including diffusion processes, neuronal networks, quantum theory and cosmology. Bringing together a wide collection of research in mathematics, information theory, physics and other scientific and technical areas, this new title offers elementary and thus easily accessible introductions to the various fields of research addressed in the book.

Цена: 25075.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783527628032


Mathematical Geoenergy. Discovery, Depletion, and Renewal
Mathematical Geoenergy. Discovery, Depletion, and Renewal

Автор: Paul Pukite

A rigorous mathematical problem-solving framework for analyzing the Earth’s energy resources GeoEnergy encompasses the range of energy technologies and sources that interact with the geological subsurface. Fossil fuel availability studies have historically lacked concise modeling, tending instead toward heuristics and overly-complex processes. Mathematical GeoEnergy: Oil Discovery, Depletion and Renewal details leading-edge research based on a mathematically-oriented approach to geoenergy analysis. Volume highlights include: Applies a formal mathematical framework to oil discovery, depletion, and analysis Employs first-order applied physics modeling, decreasing computational resource requirements Illustrates model interpolation and extrapolation to fill out missing or indeterminate data Covers both stochastic and deterministic mathematical processes for historical analysis and prediction Emphasizes the importance of up-to-date data, accessed through the companion website Demonstrates the advantages of mathematical modeling over conventional heuristic and empirical approaches Accurately analyzes the past and predicts the future of geoenergy depletion and renewal using models derived from observed production data Intuitive mathematical models and readily available algorithms make Mathematical GeoEnergy: Oil Discovery, Depletion and Renewal an insightful and invaluable resource for scientists and engineers using robust statistical and analytical tools applicable to oil discovery, reservoir sizing, dispersion, production models, reserve growth, and more.

Цена: 26505.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781119434306


Mathematical Mindsets. Unleashing Students Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching
Mathematical Mindsets. Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching

Автор: Джо Боулер

Banish math anxiety and give students of all ages a clear roadmap to success Mathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are convinced that they are bad at math, that they can enjoy and succeed in math. Jo Boaler—Stanford researcher, professor of math education, and expert on math learning—has studied why students don't like math and often fail in math classes. She's followed thousands of students through middle and high schools to study how they learn and to find the most effective ways to unleash the math potential in all students. There is a clear gap between what research has shown to work in teaching math and what happens in schools and at home. This book bridges that gap by turning research findings into practical activities and advice. Boaler translates Carol Dweck's concept of 'mindset' into math teaching and parenting strategies, showing how students can go from self-doubt to strong self-confidence, which is so important to math learning. Boaler reveals the steps that must be taken by schools and parents to improve math education for all. Mathematical Mindsets: Explains how the brain processes mathematics learning Reveals how to turn mistakes and struggles into valuable learning experiences Provides examples of rich mathematical activities to replace rote learning Explains ways to give students a positive math mindset Gives examples of how assessment and grading policies need to change to support real understanding Scores of students hate and fear math, so they end up leaving school without an understanding of basic mathematical concepts. Their evasion and departure hinders math-related pathways and STEM career opportunities. Research has shown very clear methods to change this phenomena, but the information has been confined to research journals—until now. Mathematical Mindsets provides a proven, practical roadmap to mathematics success for any student at any age.

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118418277


Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Автор: Kai Velten

This concise and clear introduction to the topic requires only basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra – all other concepts and ideas are developed in the course of the book. Lucidly written so as to appeal to undergraduates and practitioners alike, it enables readers to set up simple mathematical models on their own and to interpret their results and those of others critically. To achieve this, many examples have been chosen from various fields, such as biology, ecology, economics, medicine, agricultural, chemical, electrical, mechanical and process engineering, which are subsequently discussed in detail. Based on the author`s modeling and simulation experience in science and engineering and as a consultant, the book answers such basic questions as: What is a mathematical model? What types of models do exist? Which model is appropriate for a particular problem? What are simulation, parameter estimation, and validation? The book relies exclusively upon open-source software which is available to everybody free of charge. The entire book software – including 3D CFD and structural mechanics simulation software – can be used based on a free CAELinux-Live-DVD that is available in the Internet (works on most machines and operating systems).

Цена: 14912.72 руб.
ISBN: 9783527627615


Mathematical Modelling. A Graduate Textbook
Mathematical Modelling. A Graduate Textbook

Автор: Majid Jaberi-Douraki

An important resource that provides an overview of mathematical modelling Mathematical Modelling offers a comprehensive guide to both analytical and computational aspects of mathematical modelling that encompasses a wide range of subjects. The authors provide an overview of the basic concepts of mathematical modelling and review the relevant topics from differential equations and linear algebra. The text explores the various types of mathematical models, and includes a range of examples that help to describe a variety of techniques from dynamical systems theory. The book’s analytical techniques examine compartmental modelling, stability, bifurcation, discretization, and fixed-point analysis. The theoretical analyses involve systems of ordinary differential equations for deterministic models. The text also contains information on concepts of probability and random variables as the requirements of stochastic processes. In addition, the authors describe algorithms for computer simulation of both deterministic and stochastic models, and review a number of well-known models that illustrate their application in different fields of study. This important resource: Includes a broad spectrum of models that fall under deterministic and stochastic classes and discusses them in both continuous and discrete forms Demonstrates the wide spectrum of problems that can be addressed through mathematical modelling based on fundamental tools and techniques in applied mathematics and statistics Contains an appendix that reveals the overall approach that can be taken to solve exercises in different chapters Offers many exercises to help better understand the modelling process Written for graduate students in applied mathematics, instructors, and professionals using mathematical modelling for research and training purposes, Mathematical Modelling: A Graduate Textbook covers a broad range of analytical and computational aspects of mathematical modelling.

Цена: 10476.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781119484028


Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics

Автор: Erik Westwig A

What sets this volume apart from other mathematics texts is its emphasis on mathematical tools commonly used by scientists and engineers to solve real-world problems. Using a unique approach, it covers intermediate and advanced material in a manner appropriate for undergraduate students. Based on author Bruce Kusse's course at the Department of Applied and Engineering Physics at Cornell University, Mathematical Physics begins with essentials such as vector and tensor algebra, curvilinear coordinate systems, complex variables, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms, differential and integral equations, and solutions to Laplace's equations. The book moves on to explain complex topics that often fall through the cracks in undergraduate programs, including the Dirac delta-function, multivalued complex functions using branch cuts, branch points and Riemann sheets, contravariant and covariant tensors, and an introduction to group theory. This expanded second edition contains a new appendix on the calculus of variation – a valuable addition to the already superb collection of topics on offer. This is an ideal text for upper-level undergraduates in physics, applied physics, physical chemistry, biophysics, and all areas of engineering. It allows physics professors to prepare students for a wide range of employment in science and engineering and makes an excellent reference for scientists and engineers in industry. Worked out examples appear throughout the book and exercises follow every chapter. Solutions to the odd-numbered exercises are available for lecturers at www.wiley-vch.de/textbooks/.

Цена: 14139.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783527618149


Mathematical Tools for Physicists
Mathematical Tools for Physicists

Автор: George Trigg L

Mathematical Tools for Physicists is a unique collection of 18 carefully reviewed articles, each one written by a renowned expert working in the relevant field. The result is beneficial to both advanced students as well as scientists at work; the former will appreciate it as a comprehensive introduction, while the latter will use it as a ready reference. The contributions range from fundamental methods right up to the latest applications, including: – Algebraic/ analytic / geometric methods – Symmetries and conservation laws – Mathematical modeling – Quantum computation The emphasis throughout is ensuring quick access to the information sought, and each article features: – an abstract – a detailed table of contents – continuous cross-referencing – references to the most relevant publications in the field, and – suggestions for further reading, both introductory as well as highly specialized. In addition, a comprehensive index provides easy access to the vast number of key words extending beyond the range of the headlines.

Цена: 28831.25 руб.
ISBN: 9783527607259


Mathematics for Dyslexics
Mathematics for Dyslexics

Автор: Steve Chinn

Mathematics for Dyslexics: Including Dyscalculia, 3rd Edition discusses the factors that contribute to the potential difficulties many dyslexic learners may have with mathematics, and suggests ways of addressing these difficulties. The first chapters consider the theoretical background. The later chapters look at practical methods, which may help dyslexic learners. The book is designed to be comprehensive and to help teachers, support assistants, and parents understand the learner and to learn a range of skills and thus develop confidence and competence in working with dyslexic pupils.

Цена: 7616.53 руб.
ISBN: 9780470035047


Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und ?konomen
Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation. Eine Einf?hrung f?r Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und ?konomen

Автор: G?nther Marco

Diese fur Studierende ebenso wie fur Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Praktiker geeignete Einfuhrung in mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation setzt nur einfache Grundkenntnisse in Analysis und linearer Algebra voraus – alle weiteren Konzepte werden im Buch entwickelt. Die Leserinnen und Leser lernen auf der Grundlage vieler Beispiele aus unterschiedlichsten Gebieten (Biologie, Okologie, Okonomie, Medizin, Landwirtschaft, Chemie, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Prozesstechnik usw.), sich kritisch mit mathematischen Modellen auseinanderzusetzen und anspruchsvolle mathematische Modelle selbst zu formulieren und zu implementieren. Das Themenspektrum reicht von statistischen Modellen bis zur Mehrphasen-Stromungsdynamik in 3D. Alle im Buch besprochenen Modellklassen konnen mit kostenloser Open-Source-Software simuliert werden. Grundlage ist das eigens fur dieses Buch entwickelte Computerbetriebssystem Gm.Linux («Geisenheim-Linux»), das ohne Installationsaufwand auch z.B. auf Windows-Rechnern genutzt werden kann. Ein Referenzkartensystem zu Gm.Linux mit einfachen Schritt-fur-Schritt-Anleitungen ermoglicht es, auch komplexe statistische Berechnungen oder 3D-Stromungssimulationen in kurzer Zeit zu realisieren. Alle im Buch beschriebenen Verfahren beziehen sich auf Gm.Linux 2.0 (und die darin fixierten Versionen aller Anwendungsprogramme) und sind damit unabhangig von Softwareaktualisierungen langfristig funktionstuchtig. Aus dem Inhalt: – Grundlagen mathematischer Modellbildung und Simulation – Phanomenologische und mechanistische Modelle – Statistik und Differentialgleichungen (ODE?s und PDE?s) – Open Source Software, u.a. OpenFOAM (3D CFD), R (ODE?s und statistische Analysen), Gm.HYDRA (Reproducible Research), Six Sigma, – Prozessoptimierung, Qualitatsmanagement, Datenbanken, Versuchsplanung, Random-Forest, Entscheidungsbaume, gemischte Hauptkomponenten-/Korrespondenzanalysen, Klassifikation, Big Data – mit Crashkursen R und Maxima – Eigenes Betriebssystem Gm.Linux fur Modellbildung und Simulation – Mit Gastbeitragen aus Industrie und Forschung

Цена: 5799.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783527686506


Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6
Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6

Автор: Wolfram J?ger

Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 36 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2012: Eurocode 6 with its German National Annexes

Цена: 2906.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783433604922


Mauerwerk Kalender 2011. Schwerpunkt - Nachhaltige Bauprodukte und Konstruktionen
Mauerwerk Kalender 2011. Schwerpunkt - Nachhaltige Bauprodukte und Konstruktionen

Автор: Wolfram J?ger

Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 35 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2011: Sustainable building products and structures

Цена: 2906.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783433604953


Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach
Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach

Автор: Latchford Gary

Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy critiques Evidence-Based Practice and describes other approaches to improving the effectiveness of therapy, such as Practice-Based Evidence and the use of client feedback. The authors include a summary of key research findings and an accessible guide to applying these ideas to therapeutic practice. Puts forward a critique of existing research claiming that certain psychotherapy programmes are more effective than others in treating specific disorders Includes an accessible summary of key research findings, a practical introduction to a practice-based evidence approach, and a series of detailed case studies Offers a timely alternative to the prevailing wisdom in the mental health field by challenging the practical logic of the Evidence-Based Practice approach Reviews the empirical evidence examining the effects of client feedback on psychotherapy outcomes

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781119967583


Maxwell s Equations
Maxwell's Equations

Автор: Paul Huray G

An authoritative view of Maxwell's Equations that takes theory to practice Maxwell's Equations is a practical guide to one of the most remarkable sets of equations ever devised. Professor Paul Huray presents techniques that show the reader how to obtain analytic solutions for Maxwell's equations for ideal materials and boundary conditions. These solutions are then used as a benchmark for solving real-world problems. Coverage includes: An historical overview of electromagnetic concepts before Maxwell and how we define fundamental units and universal constants today A review of vector analysis and vector operations of scalar, vector, and tensor products Electrostatic fields and the interaction of those fields with dielectric materials and good conductors A method for solving electrostatic problems through the use of Poisson's and Laplace's equations and Green's function Electrical resistance and power dissipation; superconductivity from an experimental perspective; and the equation of continuity An introduction to magnetism from the experimental inverse square of the Biot-Savart law so that Maxwell's magnetic flux equations can be deduced Maxwell's Equations serves as an ideal textbook for undergraduate students in junior/senior electromagnetics courses and graduate students, as well as a resource for electrical engineers.

Цена: 15465.04 руб.
ISBN: 9780470549902


Maya Studio Projects. Game Environments and Props
Maya Studio Projects. Game Environments and Props

Автор: Michael McKinley

Use Maya to create realistic environments and props for digital games Weapons, vehicles, tools, buildings, trees, plants, walls, ceilings, and floors-these items may seem secondary to the game environment, but they are integral parts of the game and they all need to be created. Maya Studio Projects: Game Environments and Props is a step-by-step project guide to creating some of the most popular game art. Author Michael McKinley shares techniques for getting the most out of Maya to create realistic, vivid, and compelling worlds and otherworldly props. Along the way, he provides notes and FYIs that give readers depth and breadth for bringing both reality and creativity to their game art. A bonus DVD features step-by-step videos to help drive home concepts. The Studio Projects series offers projects that start from nothing, just as they do in the studio; these books provide you with a step-by-step guide to software attributes and tools that encompass multiple disciplines so that you can create a finished, renderable object Many games have only a few characters, and multiple levels and environments, and hundreds of props-this book focuses on projects and techniques for creating everything but the character Maya is the top 3D app for creating console and computer games such as: Rock Band, Gears of War, James Bond: Quantum of Solace, Fallout 3, and Far Cry 2 Learn effective Maya studio techniques with this handy, step-by-step, full-color book. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 4601.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470609316


McMillan on Options
McMillan on Options

Автор: Lawrence McMillan G

Legendary trader Larry McMillan does it-again-offering his personal options strategies for consistently enhancing trading profits Larry McMillan's name is virtually synonymous with options. This «Trader's Hall of Fame» recipient first shared his personal options strategies and techniques in the original McMillan on Options. Now, in a revised and Second Edition, this indispensable guide to the world of options addresses a myriad of new techniques and methods needed for profiting consistently in today's fast-paced investment arena. This thoroughly new Second Edition features updates in almost every chapter as well as enhanced coverage of many new and increasingly popular products. It also offers McMillan's personal philosophy on options, and reveals many of his previously unpublished personal insights. Readers will soon discover why Yale Hirsch of the Stock Trader's Almanac says, «McMillan is an options guru par excellence.»

Цена: 11046.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780471700142


Meaningful Workplaces. Reframing How and Where we Work
Meaningful Workplaces. Reframing How and Where we Work

Автор: Neal Chalofsky E

Anyone who has a position of leadership in your organization should read Meaningful Workplaces. From the CEO to the front-line manager, this book will change the way people think about work. It is truly a must read for people creating the workplace of the future. – Paul Butler, Managing Director and Founder of GlobalEdg (recently retired – Director Global Learning and Organizational Development, Proctor &Gamble/Gillette) «Meaningful Workplaces is a must-read for today's workforce. It sagely advises organizations how to create cultures that provide a sense of belonging, a feeling of trust, caring, and shared celebration.» – Dr. Peggy Dolet, Director of Human Resources, American Society for Engineering Education «Chalofsky's Meaningful Workplaces models do a great job of reframing the discussion about work and values. He provides excellent examples of organizations that have made measurable and sustainable strides in achieving „integrated wholeness“ in today's competitive environment. I found it both practical and insightful.» – Kimo Kippen former Vice President, Center of Excellence, Marriott International, former Chair, ASTD Board of Governors, and Executive in Residence at Catholic University «Dr. Chalofsky captures the essence of what motivates people to work beyond material gain. Grounded in decades of organizational research and practice, it is a source that can be trusted. I highly recommend this book to students of organizational studies, company leaders, and people seeking answers to the questions of what it takes to create and sustain meaningful work and humane workplaces.» – Dr. Susan Gayle, Chief Administrative Officer, Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC «Chalofsky's experience and expertise shine through as he takes readers on a journey about how?humanistic organizations lead to increased joy, passion, learning, personal growth, high performance, and bottom-line success. This excellent text ties years of concepts into a coordinated whole?culture, learning, engagement, motivation, community, and work-life integration. Chalofsky provides concepts, practical approaches, and realistic examples for?students, leaders, practitioners, and educators.» – Dr. Virginia Bianco-Mathis Chair, Department of Management, School of Business, Marymount University, Managing Partner, Strategic Performance Group

Цена: 6959.27 руб.
ISBN: 9780470618622


Measuring Colour
Measuring Colour

Автор: Pointer M. R

The classic authority on colour measurement now fully revised and updated with the latest CIE recommendations The measurement of colour is of major importance in many commercial applications, such as the textile, paint, and foodstuff industries; as well as having a significant role in the lighting, paper, printing, cosmetic, plastics, glass, chemical, photographic, television, transport, and communication industries. Building upon the success of earlier editions, the 4th edition of Measuring Colour has been updated throughout with new chapters on colour rendering by light sources; colorimetry with digital cameras; factors affecting the appearance of coloured objects, and details of new CIE colour appearance models. Key features: Presents colour measurement, not simply as a matter of instrumentation and engineering, but also involving the physiology and psychology of the human observer. Covers the principles of colour measurement rather than a guide to instruments. Provides the reader with the basic facts needed to measure colour. Describes and explains the interactions between how colour is affected by the type of lighting, by the nature of the objects illuminated, and by the properties of the colour vision of observers. Includes many worked examples, and a series of Appendices provides the numerical data needed in many colorimetric calculations. The addition of 4th edition co-author, Dr. Pointer, has facilitated the inclusion of extensive practical advice on measurement procedures and the latest CIE recommendations.

Цена: 14139.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119975731


Measuring the Real World
Measuring the Real World

Автор: Heiner Thiessen

Offers an introduction in Applied Statistics focusing on some of the statistics of today's society–world wide population growth, economic developments, international trade and energy consumption, global maldistribution of income and absorption of resources, depletion of species and resources, environmental changes, and human problems.

Цена: 16564.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118708071


Mechanical and Electromagnetic Vibrations and Waves
Mechanical and Electromagnetic Vibrations and Waves

Автор: Tamer Becherrawy

Dealing with vibrations and waves, this text aims to provide understanding of the basic principles and methods of analysing various physical phenomena. The content includes the general properties of propagation, a detailed study of mechanical (elastic and acoustic) and electromagnetic waves, propagation, attenuation, dispersion, reflection, interference and diffraction of waves. It features chapters on the effect of motion of sources and observers (both classical and relativistic), emission of electromagnetic waves, standing and guided waves and a final chapter on de Broglie waves constitutes an introduction to quantum mechanics.

Цена: 21761.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118586549


Mechanical Behavior of Organic Matrix Composites
Mechanical Behavior of Organic Matrix Composites

Автор: Marco Gigliotti

The book focuses on the effect of ageing (thermo-oxidation, humid ageing) on the mechanical properties of organic matrix composite materials, covering: Bibliographic issues and a detailed state-of-the-art; phenomenological and experimental issues; modelling issues and models parameter identification; illustration and interpretation of experimental tests and proposal for novel test design in the light of the model predictions.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119388852


Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion
Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion

Автор: Yvon Chevalier

Dynamic tests have proven to be as efficient as static tests and are often easier to use at lower frequency. Over the last 50 years, the methods of investigating dynamic properties have resulted in significant advances. This book explores dynamic testing, the methods used, and the experiments performed, placing a particular emphasis on the context of bounded medium elastodynamics. The discussion is divided into four parts. Part A focuses on the complements of continuum mechanics. Part B concerns the various types of rod vibrations: extensional, bending, and torsional. Part C is devoted to mechanical and electronic instrumentation, and guidelines for which experimental set-up should be used are given. Part D concentrates on experiments and experimental interpretations of elastic or viscolelastic moduli. In addition, several chapters contain practical examples alongside theoretical discussion to facilitate the reader?s understanding. The results presented are the culmination of over 30 years of research by the authors and as such will be of great interest to anyone involved in this field.

Цена: 33470.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780470394274


Mechanical Engineering Education
Mechanical Engineering Education

Автор: J. Davim Paulo

Mechanical Engineering is defined nowadays as a discipline “which involves the application of principles of physics, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems”. Recently, mechanical engineering has also focused on some cutting-edge subjects such as nanomechanics and nanotechnology, mechatronics and robotics, computational mechanics, biomechanics, alternative energies, as well as aspects related to sustainable mechanical engineering. This book covers mechanical engineering higher education with a particular emphasis on quality assurance and the improvement of academic institutions, mechatronics education and the transfer of knowledge between university and industry.

Цена: 11482.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781118568729


Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Fatigue Damage
Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Fatigue Damage

Автор: Christian Lalanne

Fatigue damage in a system with one degree of freedom is one of the two criteria applied when comparing the severity of vibratory environments. The same criterion is also used for a specification representing the effects produced by the set of vibrations imposed in a real environment. In this volume, which is devoted to the calculation of fatigue damage, Christian Lalanne explores the hypotheses adopted to describe the behavior of material affected by fatigue and the laws of fatigue accumulation. The author also considers the methods for counting response peaks, which are used to establish the histogram when it is not possible to use the probability density of the peaks obtained with a Gaussian signal. The expressions for mean damage and its standard deviation are established and other hypotheses are tested.

Цена: 22860.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781118931196


Mechanically Responsive Materials for Soft Robotics
Mechanically Responsive Materials for Soft Robotics

Автор: Группа авторов

Offers a comprehensive review of the research and development of mechanically responsive materials and their applications in soft robots Mechanically Responsive Materials for Soft Robotics offers an authoritative guide to the current state of mechanically responsive materials for the development of soft robotics. With contributions from an international panel of experts, the book examines existing mechanically responsive materials such as crystals, polymers, gels, and composites that are stimulated by light and heat. The book also explores the application of mechanical materials to soft robotics. The authors describe the many excellent mechanical crystals developed in recent years that show the ability to bend, twist, rotate, jump, self-heal, and shape memory. Mechanical polymer materials are described for evolution into artificial muscles, photomobile materials, bioinspired soft actuators, inorganic-organic hybrid materials, multi-responsive composite materials, and strain sensor materials. The application of mechanical materials to soft robots is just the beginning. This book reviews the many challenging and versatile applications, such as soft microrobots made from photoresponsive elastomers, four-dimensional printing for assembling soft robots, self-growing of soft robots like plants, and biohybrid robots using muscle tissue. This important book: -Explores recent developments in the use of soft smart materials in robotic systems -Covers the full scope of mechanically responsive materials: polymers, crystals, gels, and nanocomposites -Deals with an interdisciplinary topic of advanced smart materials research -Contains extensive descriptions of current and future applications in soft robotics Written for materials scientists, polymer chemists, photochemists, physical chemists, solid state chemists, inorganic chemists, and robotics engineers, Mechanically Responsive Materials for Soft Robotics offers a comprehensive and timely review of the most recent research on mechanically responsive materials and the manufacture of soft robotics.

Цена: 18578.74 руб.
ISBN: 9783527822195


Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids
Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids

Автор: Olivier Coussy

Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids addresses the mechanics and physics of deformable porous materials whose porous space is filled by one or several fluid mixtures interacting with the solid matrix. Coussy uses the language of thermodynamics to frame the discussion of this topic and bridge the gap between physicists and engineers, and organises the material in such a way that individual phases are explored, followed by coupled problems of increasing complexity. This structure allows the reader to build a solid understanding of the physical processes occurring in the fluids and then porous solids. Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids offers a critical reference on the physics of multiphase porous materials – key reading for engineers and researchers in structural and material engineering, concrete, wood and materials science, rock and soil mechanics, mining and oil prospecting, biomechanics.

Цена: 17122 руб.
ISBN: 9780470710395


Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids
Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids

Автор: Olivier Coussy

Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids addresses the mechanics and physics of deformable porous materials whose porous space is filled by one or several fluid mixtures interacting with the solid matrix. Coussy uses the language of thermodynamics to frame the discussion of this topic and bridge the gap between physicists and engineers, and organises the material in such a way that individual phases are explored, followed by coupled problems of increasing complexity. This structure allows the reader to build a solid understanding of the physical processes occurring in the fluids and then porous solids. Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids offers a critical reference on the physics of multiphase porous materials – key reading for engineers and researchers in structural and material engineering, concrete, wood and materials science, rock and soil mechanics, mining and oil prospecting, biomechanics.

Цена: 16115.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780470710395


Mechanics of Solid Interfaces
Mechanics of Solid Interfaces

Автор: Braccini Muriel

The growing occurrence of heterogeneous materials such as composites or coated substrates in structural parts makes it necessary for designers and scientists to deal with the specific features of the mechanical behavior of solid interfaces. This book introduces basic concepts on mechanical problems related to the presence of solid/solid interfaces and their practical applications. The various topics discussed here are the mechanical characterization of interfaces, the initiation and growth of cracks along interfaces, the origin and control of interface adhesion, focusing in particular on thin films on substrate systems. It is designed and structured to provide a solid background in the mechanics of heterogeneous materials to help students in materials science, as well as scientists and engineers.

Цена: 17668.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781118588208


Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik
Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik

Автор: Matthias Bohnet

Auf dem neuesten Stand – die Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik. Die Gliederung des Buches: – Charakterisierung disperser Systeme, – Feststoff/ Fluid-Stromungen, – Mechanische Trennverfahren, – Zerkleinern, – Agglomerieren, – Mischen, – Lagern von Schuttgutern, – Hydraulischer und pneumatischer Transport, – Moderne Behandlung und Betrachtung der wichtigsten Gebiete der Partikeltechnik. Die Besonderheit dieses Fachgebietes liegt darin, dass in fast allen Verfahren der stoffwandelnden Industrie mechanische Prozesse mit Partikelsystemen eine herausragende Rolle spielen. Und dies bei einer au?ergewohnlichen Heterogenitat der Stoffsysteme und Partikelgro?en, die acht Zehnerpotenzen umfassen. In Anbetracht der Komplexitat und Spannbreite des Gebietes finden Praktiker in der Industrie, Studenten und Dozenten der Technischen Chemie, der Verfahrenstechnik und des Chemieingenieurwesens in dieser Auskoppelung aus Winnacker-Kuchler, Band 1 (Wiley-VCH, 2004), eine kompetente Einfuhrung aus der Feder von Experten.

Цена: 11046.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783527663590


Mechanisms and Biological Significance of Pulsatile Hormone Secretion
Mechanisms and Biological Significance of Pulsatile Hormone Secretion

Автор: Jamie Goode A

This exciting book brings together an international and interdisciplinary group of experts to discuss the importance of pulsatile signalling in the induction of biological responses. Coverage includes the basic mechanisms involved in hormone pulsatility, the significance of pulsatility in normal and disease conditions, the relevance of circadian rhythms, changes with ageing, and detailed consideration of specific peptide hormone systems. This book includes contributions from professionals working in both basic and clinical research and reveals much new and exciting work in this area and promises new research directions.

Цена: 24964.99 руб.
ISBN: 9780470870785


Mechanisms in Plant Development
Mechanisms in Plant Development

Автор: Ottoline Leyser

Intended for undergraduate and graduate courses in plant development, this book explains how the cells of a plant acquire and maintain their specific fates. Plant development is a continuous process occurring throughout the life cycle, with similar regulatory mechanisms acting at different stages and in different parts of the plant. Rather than focussing on the life cycle, the book is structured around these underlying mechanisms, using case studies to provide students with a framework to understand the many factors, both environmental and endogenous, that combine to regulate development and generate the enormous diversity of plant forms. New approach to the study of plant development and a refreshing look at this fast-moving area. Authors focus their discussion on the basic mechanisms which underpin plant development, tackling the fundamental question of how a single cell becomes a complex flowering plant from a cellular perspective. An up-to-date, modern text in plant development for advanced level undergraduates and postgraduates in plant science. Thought-provoking treatment of a difficult subject, the text will satisfy the needs of advanced level undergraduates and postgraduates in plant science. Experimental case studies throughout. The artwork from the book is available at www.blackwellpublishing.com/leyser

Цена: 12256.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781444311143



Автор: Группа авторов

An emerging field at the interface of biology and engineering, mechanobiology explores the mechanisms by which cells sense and respond to mechanical signals—and holds great promise in one day unravelling the mysteries of cellular and extracellular matrix mechanics to cure a broad range of diseases. Mechanobiology: Exploitation for Medical Benefit presents a comprehensive overview of principles of mechanobiology, highlighting the extent to which biological tissues are exposed to the mechanical environment, demonstrating the importance of the mechanical environment in living systems, and critically reviewing the latest experimental procedures in this emerging field. Featuring contributions from several top experts in the field, chapters begin with an introduction to fundamental mechanobiological principles; and then proceed to explore the relationship of this extensive force in nature to tissues of musculoskeletal systems, heart and lung vasculature, the kidney glomerulus, and cutaneous tissues. Examples of some current experimental models are presented conveying relevant aspects of mechanobiology, highlighting emerging trends and promising avenues of research in the development of innovative therapies. Timely and important, Mechanobiology: Exploitation for Medical Benefit offers illuminating insights into an emerging field that has the potential to revolutionise our comprehension of appropriate cell biology and the future of biomedical research.

Цена: 15791.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118966150


Media Literacies. A Critical Introduction
Media Literacies. A Critical Introduction

Автор: Hoechsmann Michael

Media Literacies: A Critical Introduction traces the history of media literacy and grapples with the fresh challenges posed by the convergent media of the 21st century. The book provides a much-needed guide to what it means to be literate in today’s media-saturated environment. Updates traditional models of media literacy by examining how digital media is utilized in today’s convergent culture Explores the history and emergence of media education, the digitally mediated lives of today’s youth, digital literacy, and critical citizenship Complete with sidebar commentary written by leading media researchers and educators spotlighting new research in the field and an annotated bibliography of key texts and resources

Цена: 11372.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781444344127


Mediated Cosmopolitanism. The World of Television News
Mediated Cosmopolitanism. The World of Television News

Автор: Alexa Robertson

Media power in the global era has to do with how people understand the world, their place in it, and their relation to the others who populate it. Making connections with distant places and people is the work of cosmopolitan imagination, which involves seeing the world through the eyes of others. In this book, Robertson engages with the growing literature on cosmopolitanism to address these issues, combining theoretical debates with an innovative empirical portal. Based on the analysis of over 2000 news reports broadcast on national and global channels and interviews with journalists and audience members, Mediated Cosmopolitanism illustrates that the same everyday stories about the world can take on different meanings in different cultures. It argues that if we are to understand how media actors may help people to make the connections that underpin a cosmopolitan outlook, attention must be paid to evidence that some actors may not, and that national broadcasters could be more active agents of cosmopolitanism than global channels. Accessibly written, the book will be essential reading for advanced undergraduate and masters students, particularly of media studies, but also of sociology, politics and international relations.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745675664


Mediation Ethics. Cases and Commentaries
Mediation Ethics. Cases and Commentaries

Автор: Ellen Waldman

Mediation Ethics is a groundbreaking text that offers conflict resolution professionals a much-needed resource for traversing the often disorienting landscape of ethical decision making. Edited by mediation expert Ellen Waldman, the book is filled with illustrative case studies and authoritative commentaries by mediation specialists that offer insight for handling ethical challenges with clarity and deliberateness. Waldman begins with an introductory discussion on mediation's underlying values, its regulatory codes, and emerging models of practice. Subsequent chapters treat ethical dilemmas known to vex even the most experienced practitioner: power imbalance, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, attorney misconduct, cross-cultural conflict, and more. In each chapter, Waldman analyzes the competing values at stake and introduces a challenging case, which is followed by commentaries by leading mediation scholars who discuss how they would handle the case and why. Waldman concludes each chapter with a synthesis that interprets the commentators' points of agreement and explains how different operating premises lead to different visions of what an ethical mediator should do in a given case setting. Evaluative, facilitative, narrative, and transformative mediators are all represented. Together, the commentaries showcase the vast diversity that characterizes the field today and reveal the link between mediator philosophy, method, and process of ethical deliberation. Commentaries by Harold Abramson Phyllis Bernard John Bickerman Melissa Brodrick Dorothy J. Della Noce Dan Dozier Bill Eddy Susan Nauss Exon Gregory Firestone Dwight Golann Art Hinshaw Jeremy Lack Carol B. Liebman Lela P. Love Julie Macfarlane Carrie Menkel-Meadow Bruce E. Meyerson Michael Moffitt Forrest S. Mosten Jacqueline Nolan-Haley Bruce Pardy Charles Pou Mary Radford R. Wayne Thorpe John Winslade Roger Wolf Susan M. Yates

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118001325


Medical Biology and Etruscan Origins
Medical Biology and Etruscan Origins

Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Цена: 11377.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470714935


Medical Disorders in Pregnancy. A Manual for Midwives
Medical Disorders in Pregnancy. A Manual for Midwives

Автор: Waugh Jason

Praise for the 1st edition: «This book is a must have for any midwife, particularly those working in the community, clinics and in high-risk areas.... This book is an extremely useful reference tool.» (MIDIRS Midwifery Digest) «The important facts are laid out concisely, primarily focusing on management, using evidence based guidelines for best midwifery practice.» (RCGP Journal) Medical Disorders in Pregnancy: A Guide for Midwives, 2nd edition clearly outlines existing and pre-existing conditions which women can experience during pregnancy. This comprehensive and practical handbook identifies issues for pre-conception care, defines the condition, explores possible complications, outlines recommended treatment and emphasizes specific midwifery care. This fully revised and updated edition of Medical Disorders in Pregnancy: A Guide for Midwives builds on the success of the first edition by covering more subjects. It includes physiology, more illustrations and algorithms and its accessible reference-style text enables information to be quickly and easily found. Special Features A practical guide on medical disorders written specifically for midwives Jointly written by medical and midwifery experts in the field Accessible reference style format makes information easy and quick to find Emphasis on inter-professional working

Цена: 5964.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781118411049


Medical Gases
Medical Gases

Автор: Hartwig M?ller

Covering the entire spectrum of medical gases, this ready reference offers a comprehensive overview of production, medical gas equipment, medical gas verification, and medical gas safety standards. With a clear focus throughout on safety, the text recommends environmentally responsible manufacturing practices during each step of the process: manufacture, storage, transport, distribution, and in applications. It also discusses standards and regulations, in particular those of the European Union. An essential guide for researchers and professionals whose work includes the manufacture, handling, or use of medical gases.

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9783527676040


Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging

Автор: Группа авторов

A must-read for anyone working in electronics in the healthcare sector This one-of-a-kind book addresses state-of-the-art integrated circuit design in the context of medical imaging of the human body. It explores new opportunities in ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine (PET, SPECT), emerging detector technologies, circuit design techniques, new materials, and innovative system approaches. Divided into four clear parts and with contributions from a panel of international experts, Medical Imaging systematically covers: X-ray imaging and computed tomography–X-ray and CT imaging principles; Active Matrix Flat Panel Imagers (AMFPI) for diagnostic medical imaging applications; photon counting and integrating readout circuits; noise coupling in digital X-ray imaging Nuclear medicine–SPECT and PET imaging principles; low-noise electronics for radiation sensors Ultrasound imaging–Electronics for diagnostic ultrasonic imaging Magnetic resonance imaging–Magnetic resonance imaging principles; MRI technology

Цена: 16017.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780470451809


Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds
Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds

Автор: Herv? Fanet

This book describes the different principles and equipment used in medical imaging. The importance of medical imaging for diagnostics is rapidly increasing. A good working knowledge of all the different possible physical principles involved in medical imaging is now imperative. This book covers many of these principles including matter photon interactions, the principles of detectors, detectors and information processing for radiology, X-ray tomography, positron tomography, single photon tomography and optical tomography.

Цена: 17122 руб.
ISBN: 9781118761359


Medical Imaging Physics
Medical Imaging Physics

Автор: E. Ritenour Russell

This comprehensive publication covers all aspects of image formation in modern medical imaging modalities, from radiography, fluoroscopy, and computed tomography, to magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. It addresses the techniques and instrumentation used in the rapidly changing field of medical imaging. Now in its fourth edition, this text provides the reader with the tools necessary to be comfortable with the physical principles, equipment, and procedures used in diagnostic imaging, as well as appreciate the capabilities and limitations of the technologies.

Цена: 27058.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780471461135


Medical Product Regulatory Affairs
Medical Product Regulatory Affairs

Автор: Gary Walsh

Written in a clear and concise style by an experienced author, this attractively-priced book covers regulatory affairs in all major global markets for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, making it the most comprehensive in its field. Following a look at drug development, complete sections are devoted to national and EU regulatory issues, manufacturing license application and retention, and regulation in the USA. Other topics dealt with include CDER, CBER and marketing and manufacturing licenses, the ICH process and Good Laboratory/Clinical/Manufacturing Practices. Everything pharmacologists, bioengineers, pharma engineers, students in pharmacy and those working in the pharmaceutical industry need to know about medical regulatory affairs.

Цена: 14575.8 руб.
ISBN: 9783527623044


Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances
Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances

Автор: Donald Barceloux G

Interest and information in the field of medical toxicology has grown rapidly, but there has never been a concise, authoritative reference focused on the subjects of natural substances, chemical and physical toxins, drugs of abuse, and pharmaceutical overdoses. Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances finally gives you an easily accessible resource for vital toxicological information on foods, plants, and animals in key areas in the natural environment.

Цена: 27284.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470335574


Medicines from Animal Cell Culture
Medicines from Animal Cell Culture

Автор: John Davis

Medicines from Animal Cell Culture focuses on the use of animal cell culture, which has been used to produce human and veterinary vaccines, interferon, monoclonal antibodies and genetically engineered products such as tPA and erythropoietin. It also addresses the recent dramatic expansion in cell-based therapies, including the use of live cells for tissue regeneration and the culture of stem cells. Medicines from Animal Cell Culture: Provides comprehensive descriptions of methods for cell culture and nutrition as well as the technologies for the preservation and characterisation of both the cells and the derived products Describes the preparation of stem cells and others for use in cell-based therapies – an area of burgeoning research Includes experimental examples to indicate expected results Covers regulatory issues from the UK, the EU and the USA and reviews how these are developing around the world Addresses the key issues of standardisation and validation with chapters on GLP and GMP for cell culture processes Delivering insight into the exciting world of biological medicines and directions for further investigation into specific topics, Medicines from Animal Cell Culture is an essential resource for researchers and technicians at all levels using cell culture within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and biomedical industries. It is of value to laboratory managers in these industries and to all those interested in this topic alike.

Цена: 42412.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470723784


Medieval English Drama
Medieval English Drama

Автор: Группа авторов

Medieval English Drama provides a fresh introduction to the dramatic and festive practices of England in the late Middle Ages. The book places particular emphasis on the importance of the performance contexts of these events, bringing to life a period before permanent theatre buildings when performances took place in a wide variety of locations and had to fight to attract and maintain the attention of an audience. Showing the interplay between dramatic and everyday life, the book covers performances in convents, churches, parishes, street processions and parades, and in particular distinguishes between modes of outdoor and indoor performance. Katie Normington aids the reader to a fuller understanding of these early English dramatic practices by explaining the significance of the place of performance, the particularities of spectatorship for each event and how the conventions of the form of drama were manipulated to address its reception. Audiences considered range from cloistered members, congregations and parish members to urban citizens, nobles and royalty. Undergraduate students of literature of this period will find this an approachable and illuminating guide.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745673639


Mediterranean Diet For Dummies
Mediterranean Diet For Dummies

Автор: Rachel Berman

Expert advice on transitioning to this healthy lifestyle The Mediterranean diet is a widely respected and highly acclaimed diet based on the food and lifestyles common to the people of Greece, Cyprus, Southern France, Spain, and coastal Italy. In addition to being a healthy, extremely effective way of losing weight, the Mediterranean diet is considered an effective means of avoiding or reversing many health problems, such as cardiovascular issues, pre-Diabetes, and obesity. This hands-on, friendly guide covers the numerous health benefits of the Mediterranean diet and encourages meals that consist largely of healthy foods such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil and other healthy fats, fish, and foods high in Omega-3 fat content, such as seafood, nuts, beans, and dairy products. Featuring 20 delicious and nutritious recipes and chock-full of tips from consuming the best oils to whether wine is okay with meals (it is), Mediterranean Diet For Dummies serves as the formula for maximizing success in achieving ideal weight and health. Explains how switching to a Mediterranean diet can ward off the risk of many diseases Includes 20 tasty recipes Also available: Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies If you've heard of this highly acclaimed and publicized diet, Mediterranean Diet For Dummies helps you make the switch.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118715338


Mediterranean Mountain Environments
Mediterranean Mountain Environments

Автор: Ioannis Vogiatzakis

Mediterranean mountains exhibit many similarities in their biotic ecological, physical and environmental characteristics. There are also many differences in terms of their human colonization pattern, historic land uses and current anthopogenic pressures. This book provides an introduction to these environments of mountainous areas in the Mediterranean and their changes in time and space in relation to both natural and cultural factors. Mediterranean Mountain Environments places its emphasis on physical geography while adopting an integrated approach to the whole subject area. The book draws examples from a wide range of environments, demonstrating the interaction between human and physical processes responsible for shaping mountain areas. Risks and conflicts, as well as methods and tools for the conservation and management of both the natural and cultural environment are covered in the light of future challenges for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean mountains. Emphasis on both mainland and island mountain ranges Combines natural and cultural approach in the topic Integrated approach: facing future challenges based on the study and understanding of the historical processes that have shaped the Mediterranean mountains Key references at the end of each chapter

Цена: 17674.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119941163


Meeting the Transitional Needs of Young Adult Learners. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 143
Meeting the Transitional Needs of Young Adult Learners. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 143

Автор: Olson Joann S

This is the first New Directions volume related to young adult learners since 1984. Then, as now, young adults are an important segment of the adult population but have received scant attention in the adult education literature. Increasingly, youths and young adults are enrolling in adult education programs and in doing so are changing the meaning of adulthood. Given the significant demographic, technological, and cultural shifts during the past 30 years, there is an increasing need for practitioners and program planners to reconsider what constitutes “adult” and “adult education.” An understanding of the changing meaning of adulthood is fundamental to developing programs and policies that will address the needs of younger learners, and we believe it is time for an updated discussion among adult educators and scholars in other disciplines. This sourcebook is designed to reignite the discussion related to meeting the educational needs of young adults along with a timely and interdisciplinary discussion that highlights the transitional needs of young adult learners. This is the 143rd volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

Цена: 3203.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781118944219


Membership Essentials. Recruitment, Retention, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources
Membership Essentials. Recruitment, Retention, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources

Автор: Sheri Jacobs

The updated and expanded ASAE guide to membership fundamentals Membership Essentials is the American Society of Association Executives' flagship guide to all aspects of membership development, recruitment, and retention. One of the five core topics for CAE preparation, membership is a fundamental area central to the role of membership director and association leader. This book is a comprehensive exploration of all aspects of membership, from engagement theory, to membership functions, to infrastructure, and much more. This new second edition has been updated with the most current practices, and includes expanded coverage of value proposition, strategic planning, model development, staff leadership, legal considerations, and other important topics that have come to the fore since the book's initial publication. Environmental factors and sustainability, governance, globalization, online communities, and the role of volunteers are discussed in greater depth, alongside foundational concepts that association leaders must understand to fill the role effectively. This book reflects the experience and expertise of thought leaders from a range of associations—small, large, local, regional, national, and global—and represents the ASAE's fundamental body of knowledge on membership topics, and provides an invaluable resource for those preparing for or already in association leadership positions. Engage members more fully in the evolving membership environment Develop models and strategies for relationships, engagement, and affiliation Explore ways in which the web and social media can benefit your membership Examine the implications of globalization and the related relational models The ASAE is comprised of over 21,000 association executives and industry partners from more than 10,000 organizations from around the world. The concepts presented in this book have been proven time and time again, and serve as a global template for membership management. Whether you're preparing for the CAE or striving to provide better association leadership, Membership Essentials is the resource you need at the ready.

Цена: 6758.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118976265


Membrane Technology
Membrane Technology

Автор: Klaus-Viktor Peinemann

Membrane Technology – a clean and energy saving alternative to traditional/conventional processes. Developed from a useful laboratory technique to a commercial separation technology, today it has widespread and rapidly expanding use in the chemical industry. It has established applications in areas such as hydrogen separation and recovery of organic vapors from process gas streams, and selective transport of organic solvents, and it is opening new perspectives for catalytic conversion in membrane reactors. Membrane technology provides a unique solution for industrial waste treatment and for controlled production of valuable chemicals. This book outlines several established applications of membranes in the chemical industry, reviews the available membranes and membrane processes for the field, and discusses the huge potential of this technology in chemical processes. Each chapter has been written by an international leading expert with extensive industrial experience in the field.

Цена: 28499.86 руб.
ISBN: 9783527608591



Автор: Klaus Ohlrogge

Von der Membran zum Verfahren – Der Einsatz von Membranverfahren in der chemischen Industrie weitet sich ungebremst aus. Als saubere und energiesparende Alternative zu herkommlichen Trennverfahren halten die Membranverfahren weiterhin Einzug in vielfaltige industrielle Anwendungen. Fest eingefuhrt sind solche Verfahren u. a. in der Gastrennung und der organophilen Filtration, und neue Perspektiven eroffnen sich fur katalytische Reaktionen in Membranreaktoren. Die Membrantechnik ist die optimale Losung bei der Behandlung von industriellen Abfallen ebenso wie fur die kontrollierte Herstellung wertvoller Chemikalien. Das Buch behandelt die Grundlagen der Membranverfahrenstechnik uber Modulkonfigurationen, Flussig- und Gastrennung bis hin zu Membranen in der Brennstoffzelle, Medizintechnik und der Lebensmittelindustrie. Es ist eine wertvolle Informationsquelle fur Praktiker und Betriebsingenieure ebenso wie fur Neueinsteiger, die ein umfassendes Bild uber die Anwendung von Membranen in der Verfahrenstechnik gewinnen wollen, aber auch fur Planungsburos und Umweltamter.

Цена: 33691.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783527660940


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