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Laser Surface Modification and Adhesion
Laser Surface Modification and Adhesion

Àâòîð: Mittal K. L

The book provides a unique overview on laser techniques and applications for the purpose of improving adhesion by altering surface chemistry and topography/morphology of the substrate. It details laser surface modification techniques for a wide range of industrially relevant materials (plastics, metals, ceramics, composites) with the aim to improve and enhance their adhesion to other materials. The joining of different materials is of critical importance in the fabrication of many and varied products.

Öåíà: 22197.85 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118831656


Laser. Grundlagen und Anwendungen in Photonik, Technik, Medizin und Kunst
Laser. Grundlagen und Anwendungen in Photonik, Technik, Medizin und Kunst

Àâòîð: Dieter Bauerle

Der erste Laser wurde bereits Anfang 1960 als Laborger?t gebaut. Erst in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren ist es aber gelungen, Laser zuverl ?ssiger, stabiler, kompakter und billiger zu erzeugen. Seither schreitet der Siegeszug von Lasern unaufhaltsam voran. Viele «technische Errungenschaften», insbesondere in der Produktionstechnik, basieren auf dem Einsatz von Lasern. Die Lasertechnik ist heute ein eigenst?ndiges Fachgebiet. Mit der Entwicklung langlebiger stabiler und billiger Halbleiterlaser in Kombination mit moderner Optik sowie einer leistungsf?higeren Elektronik und der.

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527661640


Lasers, Molecules, and Methods
Lasers, Molecules, and Methods

Àâòîð: Ilya Prigogine

Based on a symposium on lasers, molecules, and methods held at the Los Alamos Center for Nonlinear Studies held in July 1986. Contributors present recent advances in theoretical and experimental research on a diversity of dynamical and optical phenomena resulting from the interactions of laser beams with molecules. They describe the predictive results of sophisticated mathematical models, the equipment involved in experiments, and reveal new insights into molecular structure and behavior.

Öåíà: 70145 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470141830


Launch a WordPress.com Blog In A Day For Dummies
Launch a WordPress.com Blog In A Day For Dummies

Àâòîð: Lisa Sabin-Wilson

Let this 96-page e-book show you the quick and easy way to launch your blog WordPress is among the most popular blogging platforms. If you're ready to start your WordPress blog, this handy e-book will get you going. It gets right to the point, showing you how to create a WordPress.com account, navigate WordPress.com and use the Dashboard, customize blog settings, use themes, organize your blog, and dress it up with widgets and upgrades. A special link to dummies.com provides additional information, including video tutorials that boost your blog IQ. Read it today and have your blog up and running tomorrow! This highly focused e-book gives you the straight line on setting up a blog using WordPress.com Walks you through creating your account, navigating WordPress.com and using the Dashboard, choosing a theme for your blog, customizing settings, and organizing your blog by categories Provides further materials, including video tutorials on establishing settings and privacy controls, plus step-by-step instructions for setting up your blog Launch a WordPress.com Blog In A Day For Dummies is the quick and easy way to join the blogosphere with WordPress.com.

Öåíà: 643.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118379752


Lava, Magma, Sternenstaub. Chemie im Inneren von Erde, Mond und Sonne
Lava, Magma, Sternenstaub. Chemie im Inneren von Erde, Mond und Sonne

Àâòîð: Prof. Georg Schwedt

Mehr als 9000 Meter tief im Erdinneren Genau 9101 Meter schaffte der Tiefbohrer in Windischeschenbach, dann versagte er aufgrund der gro?en Hitze von mehr als 300 Grad. Welche Schichten im Erdinneren stecken und wie diese beschaffen sind, das analysiert Georg Schwedt hier hochst anschaulich. Er reist entlang der «Deutschen Vulkanstra?e», und ganz nebenbei erfahren die Leser zum Beispiel, dass sie sich bei einer Hornhautbehandlung mit Bims die Fu?e mit dem Vulkangestein Magma schrubben. Unendliche Weiten oder die Chemie der Planeten Wie setzt sich der Schweif eines Kometen zusammen oder welche chemischen Bestandteile finden sich auf Sonne und Mond? Die Chemie der Planeten ist zwar schwer zu erforschen, aber dafur spannend und faszinierend – ranken sich doch um Venus, Saturn oder Mars Mythen aus alter Zeit und verbanden doch schon die Babylonier die Venus, den hellsten Wandelstern, mit den Gottinnen. Aristoteles und Galileo Galilei: Wie alles anfing Dieses Buch bietet die neusten Erkenntnisse uber Erde und Universum, gleichzeitig aber auch einen sehr unterhaltsamen Ruckblick auf die Anfange der Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Von Aristoteles, der um 334 v. Chr. eine Theorie uber die Kugelgestalt der Erde entwickelte, bis zu Galileo Galilei, der 1616 wegen seines Eintretens fur das heliozentrische Weltbild von der Inquisition angeklagt wurde, entsteht hier ein buntes, spannendes Bild, das gro?e Lust auf Wissenschaft macht.

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527670062


Le?on D Ordinateur Et Informatique
Le?on D'Ordinateur Et Informatique

Àâòîð: Professor Wilfred

Dans le livre 1, les enfants sont initi?s aux composants de l'informatique et des technologies de l'information ? travers des activit?s amusantes, tels que l'ombrage de diff?rentes couleurs; dessin et tra?age; comptage et num?rotation, diff?rentes activit?s de correspondance de m?moire; remplir les blancs; et bien d’autres. Certains des ?l?ments couverts dans les 3 cahiers d’exercices du Livre 1 sont la souris, le clavier, l'ordinateur portable, le CD, le moniteur, l'appareil photo, la montre, la radio, le microphone, l'imprimante, le haut-parleur, le scanner, le projecteur, l'horloge, le moniteur, portable, disque dur, DVD, Play Station, ?couteurs, ?couteurs, iPhone, etc. Le livre 1 est con?u pour ?tre utilis? par des ?l?ves de 3 ? 5 ans et garantit que l’?l?ve soit en mesure d'identifier, de nommer, de compter, de colorer et de nuancer les diff?rentes parties de Informatique et Technologies de l’information. Nous vivons ? l'?re de l'?lectronique. Divers articles ?lectroniques font d?sormais partie int?grante de notre vie quotidienne. Alors que des appareils, telle que la t?l?vision, sont principalement utilis?s pour le divertissement, l'ordinateur est devenu un proche compagnon de l'homme sur son lieu de travail. Au point que les postes de travail o? les ordinateurs ne sont pas utilis?s sont devenus tr?s rares. Les r?sultats de la recherche indiquent que les difficult?s rencontr?es par un bon nombre de personnes pour comprendre les concepts de la technologie informatique sont dues au manque d'exposition aux concepts d?s l’enfance. Des recherches plus pouss?es indiquent que la plupart des ?coles, qui ont mis en place des cours d'informatique pour les jeunes apprenants, manquent de mat?riel p?dagogique ad?quat et de programmes ? suivre. Cette s?rie de cahiers d'exercices intitul?e « Apprendre l'informatique et les technologies de l'information » a ?t? d?velopp?e avec l’objectif de fournir et d'enrichir les connaissances des enfants et des adultes en « Informatiques et technologies de l'information ». Ils visent ? am?liorer les comp?tences li?es aux technologies de l'information pour les enfants et les adultes. Ces livres pr?sentent des informations enti?rement illustr?es sur les ordinateurs et ses diverses applications, qui aident une personne ? acqu?rir une bonne connaissance sur le sujet. La s?rie de livres couvre des informations sur les applications de base des ordinateurs, ses fonctionnalit?s, le mat?riel informatique et les logiciels, le traitement de texte, les feuilles de calcul, les bases de donn?es et les pr?sentations, etc. Mise en r?seau, r?paration et maintenance, etc. Ces livres ont ?t? con?us de telle mani?re ? ce qu’ils soient utilisables m?me dans des zones rurales o? les ordinateurs n’existent pas. Avec les d?veloppements technologiques constants, il est imp?ratif que les enfants (d?s 3 ans) soient dot?s des connaissances et de la compr?hension n?cessaires ? notre ?re num?rique. Chaque famille, ?l?ve, parent, ?cole ou enseignant doit poss?der des exemplaires de ces cahiers, car ils permettent aux ?l?ves d'apprendre progressivement par eux-m?mes avec une supervision minimale du parent ou de l'enseignant. Chaque livre contient 3 cahiers d'exercices, chaque cahier contenant un certain nombre de feuilles d’exercices qui peuvent ?tre imprim?es et distribu?s aux ?l?ves pour apprendre progressivement par eux-m?mes. Chaque Livre de la s?rie contient plus de 150 feuilles d’exercices. Le livre 1 est con?u pour ?tre utilis? par les ?l?ves de 3 ? 5 ans et garantit qu'un apprenant est capable d'identifier, de nommer, de compter, de colorer et de nuancer les diff?rentes parties de l’Informatique et des Technologies de l’information.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835408772


Lead Optimization for Medicinal Chemists. Pharmacokinetic Properties of Functional Groups and Organic Compounds
Lead Optimization for Medicinal Chemists. Pharmacokinetic Properties of Functional Groups and Organic Compounds

Àâòîð: Florencio D?rwald Zaragoza

Small structural modifications can significantly affect the pharmacokinetic properties of drug candidates. This book, written by a medicinal chemist for medicinal chemists, is a comprehensive guide to the pharmacokinetic impact of functional groups, the pharmacokinetic optimization of drug leads, and an exhaustive collection of pharmacokinetic data, arranged according to the structure of the drug, not its target or indication. The historical origins of most drug classes and general aspects of modern drug discovery and development are also discussed. The index contains all the drug names and synonyms to facilitate the location of any drug or functional group in the book. This compact working guide provides a wealth of information on the ways small structural modifications affect the pharmacokinetic properties of organic compounds, and offers plentiful, fact-based inspiration for the development of new drugs. This book is mainly aimed at medicinal chemists, but may also be of interest to graduate students in chemical or pharmaceutical sciences, preparing themselves for a job in the pharmaceutical industry, and to healthcare professionals in need of pharmacokinetic data.

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527645664


Lead Yourself to Success. Ordinary People Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Self-leadership
Lead Yourself to Success. Ordinary People Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Self-leadership

Àâòîð: Alan Chambers

Let your lifelong adventure begin today Lead Yourself to Success is your personal guidebook to greatness. Alan Chambers has led many expeditions to the North and South poles but you don't have to lead a national team or a multinational corporation to be successful, as long as you can lead yourself. The desire to learn is human nature, and lessons from those who have been where you want to go are extraordinary opportunities. You gain the insight and guidance you need to get there, and learn how to lead your own expedition down the path to success. Like any adventure, good preparation is key. You don't take off for the North pole on a whim, and you don't just leap into leadership without understanding the responsibilities it entails. This book shows you how to develop the leadership mindset to get wherever you want to go in life, trust your own judgement and come out on top of the world. Uncover your inner leadership potential Learn how others succeed Find the adventure in everyday life Lead yourself on an expedition to greatness Alan helps thousands of people every year unlock the door to higher performance. Every single one of those people was a leader waiting to happen, even if they didn't know it – but once they truly realised where their potential could take them, they became unstoppable. Let yourself become unstoppable with Lead Yourself to Success.

Öåíà: 2872.08 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780857087003


Lead-free Solders. Materials Reliability for Electronics
Lead-free Solders. Materials Reliability for Electronics

Àâòîð: K. Subramanian

Providing a viable alternative to lead-based solders is a major research thrust for the electrical and electronics industries – whilst mechanically compliant lead-based solders have been widely used in the electronic interconnects, the risks to human health and to the environment are too great to allow continued widescale usage. Lead-free Solders: Materials Reliability for Electronics chronicles the search for reliable drop-in lead-free alternatives and covers: Phase diagrams and alloy development Effect of minor alloying additions Composite approaches including nanoscale reinforcements Mechanical issues affecting reliability Reliability under impact loading Thermomechanical fatigue Chemical issues affecting reliability Whisker growth Electromigration Thermomigration Presenting a comprehensive understanding of the current state of lead-free electronic interconnects research, this book approaches the ongoing research from fundamental, applied and manufacturing perspectives to provide a balanced view of the progress made and the requirements which still have to be met.

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119966210


Leadership in the Creative Industries. Principles and Practice
Leadership in the Creative Industries. Principles and Practice

Àâòîð: Karen Mallia L

Öåíà: 5958.64 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119335788


Leading for Learning
Leading for Learning

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Written by acclaimed school reform advocate Phillip C. Schlechty, Leading for Learning offers educators the framework, tools, and processes they need to transform their schools from bureaucracies into dynamic learning organizations. Schlechty explains how to move beyond some of the deeply ingrained and negative conceptions of schooling that guide so much of their practice. He shows educators how they can take advantage of new learning technologies by increasing their organization's capacity to support continuous innovation. «Clearly not for the fainthearted, Schlechty's engrossing appraisal of American education calls for a bold, truly fundamental transformation of how we run our public schools. Some books are thought-provoking; this one is action-provoking.» —W. James Popham, professor emeritus, UCLA «Dr. Schlechty has once again written an insightful book that educational leaders can use as a road map in transforming our schools into learning organizations designed to serve twenty-first century students.» —Dr. Randy Bridges, superintendent, Alamance-Burlington School System, NC «Because education is ultimately a community responsibility, Schlechty's proposal to shift school systems from bureaucracies to learning organizations can open doors to citizens who are frustrated by the bureaucracy in their efforts to reclaim their role in education. This book is as much for them as it is for professional educators.» —David Mathews, president, Kettering Foundation «Anyone in a school leadership position—from the board room to the classroom—should read this engaging and thought-provoking book. It's a must?-read for all immersed in or contemplating the transformation of public education.» – Claudia Mansfield Sutton, chief communications and marketing officer, American Association of School Administrators

Öåíà: 3755.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470636275


Leading for the Future: Alignment of AACC Competencies with Practice. New Directions for Community College, Number 159
Leading for the Future: Alignment of AACC Competencies with Practice. New Directions for Community College, Number 159

Àâòîð: Pamela Eddy L

The AACC competencies were initially developed to help provide guidance in developing community college leaders because of predictions of a leadership crisis in the two-year college sector. Since their creation, the competencies have been used to direct topics in leadership development programs and to guide future leaders about what skills are critical to master. Yet scant research exists on the use of the competencies in practice or on analysis of the competencies within the changing higher education climate. This issue provides a review of the research on the competencies in the field and posits several strategies for the future use of the competencies and potential changes to the competencies. This is the 159th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other leaders in today's open-door institutions, New Directions for Community Colleges provides expert guidance in meeting the challenges of their distinctive and expanding educational mission.

Öåíà: 3014.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118567548


Leading for the Future: Alignment of AACC Competencies with Practice. New Directions for Community College, Number 159
Leading for the Future: Alignment of AACC Competencies with Practice. New Directions for Community College, Number 159

Àâòîð: Pamela Eddy L

The AACC competencies were initially developed to help provide guidance in developing community college leaders because of predictions of a leadership crisis in the two-year college sector. Since their creation, the competencies have been used to direct topics in leadership development programs and to guide future leaders about what skills are critical to master. Yet scant research exists on the use of the competencies in practice or on analysis of the competencies within the changing higher education climate. This issue provides a review of the research on the competencies in the field and posits several strategies for the future use of the competencies and potential changes to the competencies. This is the 159th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other leaders in today's open-door institutions, New Directions for Community Colleges provides expert guidance in meeting the challenges of their distinctive and expanding educational mission.

Öåíà: 3203.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118567548


Leading in a Culture of Change
Leading in a Culture of Change

Àâòîð: Michael Fullan

"At the very time the need for effective leadership is reaching critical proportions, Michael Fullan's Leading in a Culture of Change provides powerful insights for moving forward. We look forward to sharing it with our grantees." –Tom Vander Ark, executive director, Education, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation «Fullan articulates clearly the core values and practices of leadership required at all levels of the organization. Using specific examples, he convinces us that the key change principles are equally critical for leadership in business and education organizations.» –John Evans, chairman, Torstar Corporation «In Leading in a Culture of Change, Michael Fullan deftly combines his expertise in school reform with the latest insights in organizational change and leadership. The result is a compelling and insightful exposition on how leaders in any setting can bring about lasting, positive, systemic change in their organizations.» –John Alexander, president, Center for Creative Leadership «Michael Fullan's work is remarkable. He masterfully captures how leaders can significantly improve their learning and performance, even in the uncontrollable, chaotic circumstances in which they practice. A tour de force.» –Anthony Alvarado, chancellor of instruction, San Diego City Schools «Too often schools and businesses are seen as separate and foreign places. Michael Fullan blends the best of knowledge from each into an exemplary template for improving leadership in both.» –Terrence E. Deal, coauthor of Leading with Soul Business, nonprofit, and public sector leaders are facing new and daunting challenges–rapid-paced developments in technology, sudden shifts in the marketplace, and crisis and contention in the public arena. If they are to survive in this chaotic environment, leaders must develop the skills they need to lead effectively no matter how fast the world around them is changing. Leading in a Culture of Change offers new and seasoned leaders' insights into the dynamics of change and presents a unique and imaginative approach for navigating the intricacies of the change process. Michael Fullan–an internationally acclaimed expert in organizational change–shows how leaders in all types of organizations can accomplish their goals and become exceptional leaders. He draws on the most current ideas and theories on the topic of effective leadership, incorporates case examples of large scale transformation, and reveals a remarkable convergence of powerful themes or, as he calls them, the five core competencies. By integrating the five core competencies–attending to a broader moral purpose, keeping on top of the change process, cultivating relationships, sharing knowledge, and setting a vision and context for creating coherence in organizations–leaders will be empowered to deal with complex change. They will be transformed into exceptional leaders who consistently mobilize their compatriots to do important and difficult work under conditions of constant change.

Öåíà: 2535.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118622995


Leading Out Loud. A Guide for Engaging Others in Creating the Future
Leading Out Loud. A Guide for Engaging Others in Creating the Future

Àâòîð: Terry Pearce

The newest edition of the bestselling guide to authentic leadership communication Much has changed in the world since the original publication of Leading Out Loud, Terry Pearce's book on authentic leadership communication. Now, more than ever, the development of a leader's message is as crucial to success as the delivery of that message. In the third edition of his classic book, Terry Pearce shows leaders in all sectors how to communicate their values and vision to inspire commitment. In this important resource, Pearce continues to broaden the application of core principles, putting the spotlight on every day, spontaneous communication. New examples, covering the range of today's multi-faceted communication, show the application of the sage advice Pearce offers. Readers will see how to develop a Personal Leadership Communication Guide that supports any venue, through any media and in multiple cultures. This completely revised and updated version of the bestselling classic is designed to meet the communication needs of today's leaders. Pearce expands his exploration of the internal work necessary to create an honest and compelling vision. He emphasizes the deepening of emotional awareness necessary to inspire others This edition demonstrates how readers can find their authentic voices and articulate their messages with increasing confidence and empathy Some examples carry through across chapters, clarifying how one develops and strengthens the Personal Leadership Communication Guide over time The work presents new models that are applicable to the multi-cultural world in which we live. Readers, leaders of any organization, and teachers at any level will find practical illustrations of how differences can be bridged with universal principles Foreword by Randy Komisar, General Partner of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and author of The Monk and The Riddle This new edition offers information, stories and experiences that demonstrate success in authentic leadership communication, in any technology, whatever the field or venue, local or global.

Öåíà: 3217.28 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118418376


Lean for Systems Engineering with Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering
Lean for Systems Engineering with Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering

Àâòîð: Bohdan Oppenheim W

Bohdan W. Oppenheim has pulled together experience-based insights of experts across industry, government, and academia into a comprehensive sourcebook for lean systems engineering principles and practices. This book can educate those new to lean engineering, as well as provide new insights and enablers that best-in-class organizations will want to adopt. —Dr. Donna H. Rhodes, Principal Research Scientist, SEAri and LAI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology «Lean for Systems Engineering is targeted at the practitioner who is trying to make systems engineering more effective in her or his organization or program, yet its scholarly underpinnings make the text very suitable for teachers. Educators and trainers who wish to weave lean thinking into their systems engineering curriculum will find this an invaluable text.» —Earll M. Murman, Ford Professor of Engineering Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "At last, a book that distills years of research and scholarly inquiry into a concise and coherent form for both the student and practitioner. This book will become the favored guide and 'must read' for any engineer and manager trying to establish and maintain lean practices and principles in their systems engineering/product development processes. —J. Robert Wirthlin, PhD, Lt. Col., USAF, Program Director of the Graduate Research and Development Management Program, Air Force Institute of Technology Visiting Faculty, U.S. Air Force Center for Systems Engineering «A vital contribution to linking lean practices to systems engineering. I will definitely use it as a reference for my course and writings on a value approach to product and system development.» —Dr. Stanley I. Weiss, Consulting Professor, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University «Taking the opportunity to develop and refine the Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering provided clear direction for Lean Engineering Accelerated Planning at Rockwell Collins. The Lean Enablers form a solid basis for Lean Product Development. Following this checklist and methodology promotes Lean value and waste elimination—and commonsense best practices.» —Deborah A. Secor, Principal Project Manager and Lean Master, Rockwell Collins «Bo Oppenheim has been at the forefront of lean systems engineering for the better part of the last decade…An ardent advocate of lean systems engineering, the author has offered an honest appraisal of where lean systems engineering stands today. Practitioners interested in lean systems engineering will find the Lean Enablers especially useful.»– Azad M. Madni, PhD, Professor and Director, SAE Program, Viterbi School of Engineering; Professor, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California

Öåíà: 12145.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118063972


Lean Six Sigma Business Transformation For Dummies
Lean Six Sigma Business Transformation For Dummies

Àâòîð: John Morgan

Öåíà: 1376.2 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118844885


Learn Bookkeeping in 7 Days. Don t Fear the Tax Man
Learn Bookkeeping in 7 Days. Don't Fear the Tax Man

Àâòîð: Rod Caldwell

Do you struggle with keeping your books? Do you dread facing your finances? Do you constantly fear that the tax man will come knocking? Learn Bookkeeping in 7 Days is your step-by-step guide to taking the stress out of keeping your books! This small business guide covers all of the basics, from setting up a general ledger through to confidently conquering your BAS, and all that's in between. In 7 quick and easy steps this book arms you with the knowledge you need to move to more advanced systems and will free up your time to focus on your business. Packed full of taxation tips, tricks and traps, this is essential reading for all small business owners and anyone wanting to easily and quickly learn bookkeeping. *Bonus resources can be downloaded from the author's website at www.tpabusiness.com.au.

Öåíà: 3498.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781742469409


Learning Analytics in Higher Education
Learning Analytics in Higher Education

Àâòîð: Huzefa Rangwala

Learning analytics (or educational big data) tools are increasingly being deployed on campuses to improve student performance, retention and completion, especially when those metrics are tied to funding. Providing personalized, real-time, actionable feedback through mining and analysis of large data sets, learning analytics can illuminate trends and predict future outcomes. While promising, there is limited and mixed empirical evidence related to its efficacy to improve student retention and completion. Further, learning analytics tools are used by a variety of people on campus, and as such, its use in practice may not align with institutional intent. This monograph delves into the research, literature, and issues associated with learning analytics implementation, adoption, and use by individuals within higher education institutions. With it, readers will gain a greater understanding of the potential and challenges related to implementing, adopting, and integrating these systems on their campuses and within their classrooms and advising sessions. This is the fifth issue of the 43rd volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.

Öåíà: 3203.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119478461


Learning Disability
Learning Disability

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

This is an updated version of a comprehensive a resource for health professionals working with people (primarily adults) who have learning disabilities (intellectual disabilities). It will provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse approaches to treatment and management issues, as well as methods to help them achieve the rehabilitation aims – including the usage of non-healthcare facilities. Split into three sections, the book covers 1: Underlying theory; 2: Assessment; 3: Practical methods of physical treatment and management. Combines history and the theory underlying learning disability and its associated conditions; assessment, and practical physical treatment. Achieves carefully assessed aims through methods appropriate to the individual client. Funding suggestions for working in non-healthcare situations. Features a breadth of content that also appeals to non-physiotherapists.

Öåíà: 9389.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470319185


Learning English as a Foreign Language For Dummies
Learning English as a Foreign Language For Dummies

Àâòîð: Gavin Dudeney

Do you know a bit of English, and want to improve without a teacher? Whether you're a student, a traveller, or you just want to learn basic English, this plain-speaking guide will help you pick up the essentials so you'll be understanding and speaking English in no time. Improve your grammar, speech, vocabulary and pronunciation at your own pace, and prepare yourself to get around in any English-speaking country comfortably – and without embarrassment! Learning English as a Foreign Language For Dummies includes: Part I: Getting Started Chapter 1: You Already Know a Little English Chapter 2: Basic English Grammar Chapter 3: Greetings and Introductions Part II: English in Action Chapter 4: Shopping and Numbers Chapter 5: Eating Out Chapter 6: Out on the Town Chapter 7: Hobbies and Free Time Chapter 8: Talking on the Phone Chapter 9: At the Office and Around the House Chapter 10: Written English – Newspapers and Signs Part III: English on the Go Chapter 11: Money Chapter 12: Checking into a Hotel Chapter 13: Asking Directions and Getting Around Chapter 14: Handling Emergencies Part IV: The Part of Tens Chapter 15: Ten Ways to Speak English Quickly Chapter 16: Ten Favourite English Expressions Chapter 17: Ten Holidays to Remember Chapter 18: Ten Phrases That Make You Sound Fluent in English Part V: Appendices Appendix A: Phrasal verbs explained Appendix B: Common Verbs [Agree, Can / be able, Come, Do, Go, Have, Make , Need, Put, Think] English Irregular Verbs Appendix C: On the CD Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Öåíà: 3128.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470685877


Learning for Life in the 21st Century
Learning for Life in the 21st Century

Àâòîð: Gordon Wells

United by the belief that the most significant factor in shaping the minds of young people is the cultural setting in which learning takes place, the twenty eminent contributors to this volume present new thinking on education across the boundaries of school, home, work and community.

Öåíà: 18331.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470752081


Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds
Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Jossey-Bass Guides to Online Teaching and Learning Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds Strategies for Online Instruction Clark Aldrich Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds The infusion of games, simulations, and virtual worlds into online learning can be a transforming experience for both the instructor and the student. This practical guide, written by education game expert Clark Aldrich, shows faculty members and instructional designers how to identify opportunities for building games, simulations, and virtual environments into the curriculum; how to successfully incorporate these interactive environments to enhance student learning; and how to measure the learning outcomes. It also discusses how to build institutional support for using and financing more complex simulations. The book includes frameworks, tips, case studies and other real examples, and resources. Praise for Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds «Clark Aldrich provides powerful insights into the dynamic arena of games, simulations, and virtual worlds in a simultaneously entertaining and serious manner as only he can. If you are involved with educating anyone, from your own children to classrooms full of students, you need to devour this book.» – Karl Kapp, assistant director, Institute for Interactive Technologies, Bloomsburg University «At a time when the technologies for e-learning are evolving faster than most people can follow, Aldrich successfully bridges the perceptual gap between virtual worlds, digital games, and educational simulations, and provides educators with all they really need to use this technology to enhance and enrich their e-learning experiences.» – Katrin Becker, instructor, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Mount Royal College, and adjunct professor of education, University of Calgary «I consider this a must-read for anyone engaged in or contemplating using these tools in their classrooms or designing their own tools.» – Rick Van Sant, professor of learning and technology, Ferris State University

Öåíà: 3755.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470596494


Leaving Reality Behind: Inside the Battle for the Soul of the Internet
Leaving Reality Behind: Inside the Battle for the Soul of the Internet

Àâòîð: Regula Bochsler

A’ NO LOGO’ for the net Generation – a no-holes barred story of the battle for the control of the internet, that reads like a thriller.In November 1999, at the height of the e-commerce gold rush, an extraordinary hearing took place in a Los Angeles courtroom. On one side, the billion-dollar darling of Wall Street, eToys.com, the brain child of Toby Lenk, one of the hottest entrepreneurs of his generation. On the other side, etoy.com, a group of cutting-edge European artists, hungry for fame, who used the Internet as their canvas.The ensuing battle sharply focused attention on the conflict at the very heart of the Internet: was it for the joy of the many or the exponential profit of the few? Was cyberspace a revolutionary public space or was the new frontier an extension of the shopping mall?Through the story for the Toywar, Adam Wishart and Regula Bochsler weave the history of the seven years that changed the world forever. In 2000, as the on-line world went into melt down, what would be more valuable and enduring, a ten billion dollar corporation created by the best American entrepreneurs or a chaotic art project by a group of anarchic European rebels?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007394111


Lecture Notes: Dermatology
Lecture Notes: Dermatology

Àâòîð: Graham-Brown Robin

Lecture Notes: Dermatology provides all the necessary information, within one short volume, to achieve a thorough understanding of skin structure and function, and the practical aspects of disease management. Presented in a user-friendly format, combining readability with high quality illustrations, this tenth edition has been revised to reflect recent advances in knowledge of skin diseases and developments in therapy, and features a brand new chapter on Dermatological Emergencies. Key features include: Numerous figures and tables help distil the information you need for revision purposes MCQs and 15 new clinical case studies for self assessment Glossary of dermatological terms Whether you need to develop or refresh your knowledge of dermatology, Lecture Notes: Dermatology presents 'need to know' information for all those involved in treating skin disorders.

Öåíà: 4744.45 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118293584


Lectures on Language, as Particularly Connected with English Grammar
Lectures on Language, as Particularly Connected with English Grammar

Àâòîð: William Stevens Balch

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî



Àâòîð: James Steel

Alex Devereux, former cavalry Major and hardened mercenary takes on a mission to raise a private army and attack a diamond mine in Africa – and in doing so, comes face to face with an ancient prophecy with earth-shattering implications.1501 – A medieval Knight encounters an object of awesome power – The Nubian Deathstone. Filled with terrifying visions of what the future might bring, he embarks on a quest to discover its secret.1941 – Himmler orders an elite SS Officer on an expedition to resolve the centuries-old enigma, but his discovery will have dire consequences.Working for a diamond cartel and operating outside of international law, Alex comes face-to-face with the Dark Heart Prophecy.Past and present collide – but can Alex redeem himself and prevent the prophecy from coming true?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007412235


Leitfaden f?r die Zell- und Gewebekultur
Leitfaden f?r die Zell- und Gewebekultur

Àâòîð: Hans Boxberger J?rgen

Nowadays cell culture is part of the tools used in all bio-professions, whether in research, industry or clinics. The author, the manager of a cell culture company, explains the main aspects in a clear and readily comprehensible manner. An overview of the most important instruments, materials and nutrients, the basic rules of sterile working, as well as a description of the most common problems and how to solve them quickly equip trainees, students and specialists (again) for the cell laboratory. Includes a glossary of all important technical terms.

Öåíà: 5523.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527662005


Lepidoptera and Conservation
Lepidoptera and Conservation

Àâòîð: T. New R

The third in a trilogy of global overviews of conservation of diverse and ecologically important insect groups. The first two were Beetles in Conservation (2010) and Hymenoptera and Conservation (2012). Each has different priorities and emphases that collectively summarise much of the progress and purpose of invertebrate conservation. Much of the foundation of insect conservation has been built on concerns for Lepidoptera, particularly butterflies as the most popular and best studied of all insect groups. The long-accepted worth of butterflies for conservation has led to elucidation of much of the current rationale of insect species conservation, and to definition and management of their critical resources, with attention to the intensively documented British fauna ‘leading the world’ in this endeavour. In Lepidoptera and Conservation, various themes are treated through relevant examples and case histories, and sufficient background given to enable non-specialist access. Intended for not only entomologists but conservation managers and naturalists due to its readable approach to the subject.

Öåíà: 9389.49 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118409237


Lessons in IT Transformation. Technology Expert to Business Leader
Lessons in IT Transformation. Technology Expert to Business Leader

Àâòîð: Larry Bonfante

Important insights into the true purpose of IT?from a CIO's perspective Focusing on the qualities required to transform an organization through the lens of the CIO, this book provides practical advice on how to address key issues, as well as create a context for the type of leadership qualities required to broaden the CIO's impact in every aspect of the corporation. Provides practical advice on key issues for leadership qualities Looks at the differences between leadership and management and the need for effectiveness in both disciplines Explores relationship management, communication skills, change management, developing human capital, sustainability, alignment, and qualities of great leaders A timely look at how the IT function can become totally aligned with the strategies and operational direction of the business enterprise, Lessons in IT Transformation reveals how CIOs can?and should?evolve from managers of utility services to business leaders who can drive revenue, value, and process redesign.

Öåíà: 4598.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118075395


Letters of Helena Roerich. 1929–1938. Volume I
Letters of Helena Roerich. 1929–1938. Volume I

Àâòîð: Åëåíà Ðåðèõ

A Facsimile Edition Reprint of the Original Book Published in the United States of America by Agni Yoga Society in 1954

Öåíà: 349 ðóá.
Ãîä: 1929
ISBN: 978-5-86988-242-4


Leverage Leadership. A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools
Leverage Leadership. A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools

Àâòîð: Paul Bambrick-Santoyo

Paul Bambrick-Santoyo (Managing Director of Uncommon Schools) shows leaders how they can raise their schools to greatness by following a core set of principles. These seven principles, or «levers,» allow for consistent, transformational, and replicable growth. With intentional focus on these areas, leaders will leverage much more learning from the same amount of time investment. Fundamentally, each of these seven levers answers the core questions of school leadership: What should an effective leader do, and how and when should they do it. Aimed at all levels of school leadership, the book is for any principal, superintendent, or educator who wants to be a transformational leader. The book includes 30 video clips of top-tier leaders in action. These videos bring great schools to you, and support a deeper understanding of both the components of success and how it looks as a whole. There are also many helpful rubrics, extensive professional development tools, calendars, and templates. Explores the core principles of effective leadership Author's charter school, North Star Academy in Newark, New Jersey, received the highest possible award given by the U.S. Department of Education; the National Blue Ribbon Print version includes an instructive DVD with 30 video clips to show how it looks in real life. E-book customers: please note that details on how to access the content from the DVD may be found in the e-book Table of Contents. Please see the section: «How to Access DVD Contents» Bambrick-Santoyo has trained more than 1,800 school leaders nationwide in his work at Uncommon Schools and is a recognized expert on transforming schools to achieve extraordinary results.

Öåíà: 3217.28 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118225387


Lewis Basicity and Affinity Scales
Lewis Basicity and Affinity Scales

Àâòîð: Christian Laurence

The Lewis concept of acids and bases is discussed in every general, organic and inorganic chemistry textbook. This is usually just a descriptive treatment, as it is not possible to devise a single numerical scale suitable for all occasions. However quantitative Lewis acid-base chemistry can be developed by compiling reaction-specific basicity scales which can be used in specific branches of chemistry and biochemistry. Lewis Basicity and Affinity Scales: Data and Measurementbrings together for the first time a comprehensive range of Lewis basicity/affinity data in one volume. More than 2400 equilibrium constants of acid-base reactions, 1500 complexation enthalpies, and nearly 2000 infrared and ultraviolet shifts upon complexation are gathered together in 25 thermodynamic and spectroscopic scales of basicity and/or affinity. For each scale, the definition, the method of measurement, an exhaustive database, and a critical discussion are given. All the data have been critically examined; some have been re-measured; literature gaps have been filled by original measurements; and each scale has been made homogeneous. This collection of data will enable experimental chemists to better understand and predict the numerous chemical, physical and biological properties that depend upon Lewis basicity. Chemometricians will be able to apply their methods to the data matrices constructed from this book in order to identify the factors which influence basicity and basicity-dependent properties. In addition, measured experimental basicities and affinities are essential to computational chemists for the validation, calibration and establishment of reliable computational methods for quantifying and explaining intermolecular forces and the chemical bond. Lewis Basicity and Affinity Scales: Data and Measurement is an essential single-source desktop reference for research scientists, engineers, and students in academia, research institutes and industry, in all areas of chemistry from fundamental to applied research. «The book is a noteworthy piece of work and represents a timely and vast accumulation of knowledge regarding Lewis bases that brings together accurate thermodynamic and spectroscopic data on typical reference Lewis acids. As such, it should serve as a useful and general guide to basicity.» J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2011, 133, 642

Öåíà: 24191.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470681893


Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit
Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit

Àâòîð: Chester Dawson

A behind-the-scenes look at Lexus’s surprising twenty-year success story—in a revised new edition In the 1980s, German brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz dominated the luxury car market and had little reason to fear competition from Japan. But in 1989, Toyota entered the market with the Lexus LS 400, a car that could compete with the Germans in every category but price—it was US$30,000 cheaper. Within two years, Lexus had overtaken Mercedes-Benz in the United States and made a stunning success of Toyota’s brave foray into the global luxury market. Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit reveals why Toyota decided to take on the German automakers and how the new brand won praise and success for its unparalleled quality, unforgettable advertising, and unprecedented customer service. From the first boardroom planning session to Lexus's entry into the mega-luxury supercar market, this is the complete and compelling story of one of the world's most admired brands. Includes a new Foreword by legendary designer Erwin Lui, an Afterword with updates since the first edition, and a new Coda by leading Japanese automotive journalist Hisao Inoue Covers the racetrack triumph—and tragedy—behind the new US$375,000 Lexus LFA supercar Offers important business lessons for brand managers and executives For car enthusiasts, business leaders, and anyone interested in branding and marketing, Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit offers an amazing story of excellence and innovation in the automotive industry.

Öåíà: 2756.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470828069


Licht und Materie. Eine Physikalische Beziehungsgeschichte
Licht und Materie. Eine Physikalische Beziehungsgeschichte

Àâòîð: Oliver Morsch

Dies ist eine Beziehungsgeschichte, deren Hauptpersonen beim Sonnenbaden eine ?u?erst wichtige Rolle spielen: das Licht und die Materie. Dass Sonnenlicht unsere Haut w?rmen und br?unen kann, wissen wir. Doch Licht und Materie k?nnen noch ganz andere Dinge: Wer h?tte gedacht, dass Licht nicht nur w?rmen, sondern auch k?hlen kann? Oder dass man mit geb?ndeltem Licht nicht nur L?cher ins Papier brennen, sondern auch ganz winzig kleine, einzelne Atome festhalten kann? Und was haben Lichtteilchen mit Geheimcodes zu tun? Oliver Morsch, Physiker und Wissenschaftsjournalist, zeigt Ihnen in diesem kurzweiligen und sehr verst?ndlich geschriebenen Buch, dass viele heutige Errungenschaften und zuk?nftige Technologien auf den Erkenntnissen der Atomphysik beruhen. Viel Spa? beim Lesen!

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527641055


Lido Nevoeiro
Lido Nevoeiro

Àâòîð: T. M. Bilderback

Esteban Fernandez contratou Lido Bouvier, um selvagem assassino da Louisiana de descend?ncia francesa, para eliminar Joey Justice e o Tenente Mickey Rooney nessa d?cima terceira hist?ria excitante da Justice Security! Nessa d?cima terceira hist?ria da Justice Security, O Tenente Michelle (Mickey) Rooney do Departamento de Pol?cia de Chicago faz seu retorno, juntamente com o Detetive Sam Tanner e o ex-policial Manny Salazar. Dessa vez, dois deles tem suas cabe?as ? pr?mio, juntamente com Joey Justice, da Justice Security. A recompensa por eles foi estabelecida pelo insano l?der do cartel de drogas mexicano, General Esteban Fernandez. Fernandez contratou Lido Bouvier, um selvagem assassino da Louisiana de descend?ncia francesa, para eliminar todos os tr?s. Bouvier ? conhecido no submundo como Lido Nevoeiro, por causa da ”mistura indetect?vel” de t?cnicas de assassinato… e por causa de sua habilidade em n?o ser capturado. Joey traz Mickey Rooney, Sam Tanner, e Manny Salazar para sua cidade no sul dos Estados Unidos para melhor proteg?-los de Bouvier…mas quem vai proteger Joey e a Justice Security? Descubra na hist?ria de n?mero ”Treze da Sorte” da Justice Security, de T. M. Bilderback, Lido Nevoeiro – Uma Hist?ria da Justice Security!

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835423195


LIEBE (Amour)
LIEBE (Amour)

Àâòîð: Michael Haneke

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783895812996


Life in Europe Under Climate Change
Life in Europe Under Climate Change

Àâòîð: Alcamo Joseph

Life in Europe will indeed go on as the climate changes, but not in the same way as before. The air will be warmer, winds will change, patterns of rainfall and snowfall will alter, and sea level is likely to rise. These phenomena are already being seen. Europe will in the future experience marked changes in vegetation cover, increased floods along rivers and coastlines as well as more frequent droughts and forest fires, often leading to large societal costs. The changes will be minor in some cases, profound in others, but in any case, pervasive. This book uses the most up to date information issued by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and informs readers about these effects, as well as showing how Europe is contributing to attempts to slow the tempo of global climate change, and how it can adapt to the climate change that seems unavoidable. Life in Europe under Climate Change makes essential information on climate impacts in Europe accessible to a broad audience, including students, politicians, planners and members of non-governmental organizations.

Öåíà: 14575.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118267295


Life Skills Activities for Special Children
Life Skills Activities for Special Children

Àâòîð: Darlene Mannix

The best-selling book for teaching basic life skills, fully revised and updated This book offers teachers and parents a unique collection of 190 ready-to-use activities complete with student worksheets, discussion questions, and evaluation suggestions to help exceptional students acquire the basic skills needed to achieve independence and success in everyday life. Each of the book's activities focuses on specific skills within the context of real-life situations and includes complete teacher instructions for effective use, from objective and introduction through optional extension activities and methods to assess student learning. The book includes numerous reproducible parent letters which can be sent home to help parents reinforce these lessons while children are away from school. A revised and updated edition of the classic book for teaching basic life skills Includes 190 complete activities with reproducible worksheets, discussion questions, and evaluation suggestions for developing independence Offers ideas for developing practical skills to deal with identity theft, cell phone manners, budgeting, eating healthy meals, using credit cards, time management, and much more Mannix is the best-selling author of Social Skills Activities for Special Children, Writing Skills Activities for Special Children, and Character Building Activities for Kids

Öåíà: 3639.81 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118963456


Lighting Photo Workshop
Lighting Photo Workshop

Àâòîð: Chris Bucher

A rigorous practical guide to photographic lighting techniques, complete with hands-on assignments Offering digital photographers a complete course in photographic lighting, this book covers everything from using flash systems and studio lights to working outdoors in bright or low-light conditions. Full-color examples show how the right lighting can enhance color, improve contrast, and open the door to new creative possibilities.

Öåíà: 3313.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470377406


Lights Out. The Electricity Crisis, the Global Economy, and What It Means To You
Lights Out. The Electricity Crisis, the Global Economy, and What It Means To You

Àâòîð: Jason Makansi

A behind-the-scenes exposure why our electricity system is headed for a state of emergency-and what can be done to head it off Most people don't realize that skyrocketing global energy demand and economic growth severely affect the supply of electricity. Between production (power plants) and delivery is an antiquated, «third-world» transmission grid that is in desperate need of hardening against breakdowns, terrorist attacks, inadequate carrying capacity, and operational obsolescence. And while electricity doesn't hold the headlines or dramatic power of oil, the ability to ensure its uninterrupted supply at a reasonable price is even more essential to global survival and prosperity. Lights Out is today's most detailed, in-depth examination of this largely unreported looming energy crisis. Written by one of the world's top electricity industry experts, this powerful book covers numerous hot button economic and political issues-free markets versus regulation; energy independence versus foreign imports; nuclear power, global warming, and other environmental issues; and much more. Beyond just uncovering and illuminating the problems, however, it proposes a comprehensive road map of technical solutions and regulatory reform from both the production and demand sides of the equation-a framework for rethinking, rebuilding, and enhancing the entire electricity production and delivery infrastructure. Prescriptive and provocative, Lights Out will redefine the simmering debate on how the world can-and must-act now to head off a global catastrophe, one that could eventually wreak even more havoc than the ongoing oil crisis. Jason Makansi is the President of Pearl Street, Inc., a consulting firm; Principal of PS Liquidity Advisors, an advisory service for energy technology companies raising capital; and Executive Director of the Energy Storage Council, a public-policy advocacy organization. A prolific author, respected industry thought leader, and seasoned communicator, Mr. Makansi has been analyzing the technological, business, and regulatory issues in electricity production and delivery for over twenty-five years. He earned a BS in chemical engineering from Columbia University. His earlier books include An Investor’s Guide to the Electricity Economy, also published by John Wiley & Sons, and Managing Steam: An Engineering Guide to Commercial, Industrial, and Utility Systems.

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470174302


Lime and Limestone
Lime and Limestone

Àâòîð: J. A. H. Oates

– Modern uses of traditional materials – 'Lime and Limestone' is a comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of the main scientific and technological aspects of the quarrying, processing, calcining and slaking of lime and limestone products. It places em

Öåíà: 28168.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527612017


Linear and Non-Linear Video and TV Applications. Using IPv6 and IPv6 Multicast
Linear and Non-Linear Video and TV Applications. Using IPv6 and IPv6 Multicast

Àâòîð: Daniel Minoli

Provides options for implementing IPv6 and IPv6 multicast in service provider networks New technologies, viewing paradigms, and content distribution approaches are taking the TV/video services industry by storm. Linear and Nonlinear Video and TV Applications: Using IPv6 and IPv6 Multicast identifies five emerging trends in next-generation delivery of entertainment-quality video. These trends are observable and can be capitalized upon by progressive service providers, telcos, cable operators, and ISPs. This comprehensive guide explores these evolving directions in the TV/video services industry, including worldwide deployment of IPv6, IPTV services, web-produced video content, and the plethora of different screens available, from TV to iPad. It offers practical suggestions as to how these technologies can be implemented in service provider networks to support cost-effective delivery of entertainment, and how new revenue-generating services can be brought to market. Important topics include: Evolving video consumption habits and possible network implications An overview of IPv6 address capabilities, protocols, quality of service (QoS), and more Process descriptions of IP multicast and IPv6 multicast approaches and challenges A detailed overview of IPTV systems and technologies, including architectural requirements, QoE and QoS, security and content protection, networks, and more Internet-based TV technologies: streaming, content distribution networks, P2P networks, and cloud computing Non-traditional video content sources and their implications Linear and Nonlinear Video and TV Applications: Using IPv6 and IPv6 Multicast is indispensable reading for planners, CTOs, and engineers at broadcast TV operations, Cable TV operations, satellite operations, Internet and IS providers, telcos, and wireless providers.

Öåíà: 9273.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118327432


Linear and Nonlinear Waves
Linear and Nonlinear Waves

Àâòîð: G. Whitham B

Now in an accessible paperback edition, this classic work is just as relevant as when it first appeared in 1974, due to the increased use of nonlinear waves. It covers the behavior of waves in two parts, with the first part addressing hyperbolic waves and the second addressing dispersive waves. The mathematical principles are presented along with examples of specific cases in communications and specific physical fields, including flood waves in rivers, waves in glaciers, traffic flow, sonic booms, blast waves, and ocean waves from storms.

Öåíà: 22037.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118031209


Linguistic Nativism and the Poverty of the Stimulus
Linguistic Nativism and the Poverty of the Stimulus

Àâòîð: Lappin Shalom

This unique contribution to the ongoing discussion of language acquisition considers the Argument from the Poverty of the Stimulus in language learning in the context of the wider debate over cognitive, computational, and linguistic issues. Critically examines the Argument from the Poverty of the Stimulus – the theory that the linguistic input which children receive is insufficient to explain the rich and rapid development of their knowledge of their first language(s) through general learning mechanisms Focuses on formal learnability properties of the class of natural languages, considered from the perspective of several learning theoretic models The only current book length study of arguments for the poverty of the stimulus which focuses on the computational learning theoretic aspects of the problem

Öåíà: 13471.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444390544



Àâòîð: Dominique Sportiche

Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory is a textbook, written for introductory courses in linguistic theory for undergraduate linguistics majors and first-year graduate students, by twelve major figures in the field, each bringing their expertise to one of the core areas of the field – morphology, syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, and language acquisition. In each section the book is concerned with discussing the underlying principles common to all languages, showing how these are revealed in language acquisition and in the specific grammars of the world's languages.

Öåíà: 10709.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118670910



Àâòîð: Hengeveld Kees

Linguistics is a comprehensive crosslinguistic introduction to the study of language, and is ideal for students with no background in linguistics. A comprehensive introduction to the study of language, set apart by its inclusion of cross-linguistic data from over 80 different spoken and signed languages Explores how language works by examining discourse, sentence-structure, meaning, words, and sounds Introduces psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic issues, including language acquisition, neurolinguistics, language variation, language change, language contact, and multilingualism Written in a problem-oriented style to engage readers, and is ideal for those new to the subject Incorporates numerous student-friendly features throughout, including extensive exercises, summaries, assignments, and suggestions for further reading Based on the bestselling Dutch edition of this work, the English edition has been revised and expanded to offer an up-to-date and engaging survey of linguistics for students new to the field

Öåíà: 12808.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444362305


Linker Strategies in Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis
Linker Strategies in Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Linker design is an expanding field with an exciting future in state-of-the-art organic synthesis. Ever-increasing numbers of ambitious solution phase reactions are being adapted for solid-phase organic chemistry and to accommodate them, large numbers of sophisticated linker units have been developed and are now routinely employed in solid-phase synthesis. Linker Strategies in Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis guides the reader through the evolution of linker units from their genesis in solid-supported peptide chemistry to the cutting edge diversity linker units that are defining a new era of solid phase synthesis. Individual linker classes are covered in easy to follow chapters written by international experts in their respective fields and offer a comprehensive guide to linker technology whilst simultaneously serving as a handbook of synthetic transformations now possible on solid supports. Topics include: the principles of solid phase organic synthesis electrophile and nucleophile cleavable linker units cyclative cleavage as a solid phase strategy photocleavable linker units safety-catch linker units enzyme cleavable linker units T1 and T2 –versatile triazene linker groups hydrazone linker units benzotriazole linker units phosphorus linker units sulfur linker units selenium and tellurium linker units sulfur, oxygen and selenium linker units cleaved by radical processes silicon and germanium linker units boron and stannane linker units bismuth linker units transition metal carbonyl linker units linkers releasing olefins or cycloolefins by ring-closing metathesis fluorous linker units solid-phase radiochemistry The book concludes with extensive linker selection tables, cataloguing the linker units described in this book according to the substrate liberated upon cleavage and conditions used to achieve such cleavage, enabling readers to choose the right linker unit for their synthesis. Linker Strategies in Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis is an essential guide to the diversity of linker units for organic chemists in academia and industry working in the broad areas of solid-phase organic synthesis and diversity oriented synthesis, medicinal chemists in the pharmaceutical industry who routinely employ solid-phase chemistry in the drug discovery business, and advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and organic chemists with an interest in leading-edge developments in their field.

Öåíà: 27726.6 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470749050


Linking Leadership to Student Learning
Linking Leadership to Student Learning

Àâòîð: Leithwood Kenneth

Linking Leadership to Student Learning Linking Leadership to Student Learning clearly shows how school leadership improves student achievement. The book is based on an ambitious five-year study on educational leadership that was sponsored by The Wallace Foundation. The authors studied 43 districts, across 9 states and 180 elementary, middle, and secondary schools. In this book, Kenneth Leithwood, Karen Seashore Louis, and their colleagues report on what they found. They examined leadership at each organizational level in the school system—classroom, school, district, community, and state. Their comprehensive approach to investigating school leadership offers a balanced understanding of how the structures within which leaders operate shape what they do. The results within will have significant implications for future policy and practice. Praise for Linking Leadership to Student Learning «Kenneth Leithwood and Karen Seashore Louis offer a seminal new contribution to the leadership field. They provide a rich and authoritative evidence base that demonstrates clearly just why school leadership is so important and how it promotes successful student learning.»—Pamela Sammons, Ph.D., Professor of Education, Department of Education, University of Oxford, Oxford «This ambitious, groundbreaking, and thought provoking treatment of the link between school leadership and student learning is a testament to the outstanding work of these exemplary scholars. This is a 'must read' for academics and practitioners alike.»—Martha McCarthy, President's Professor, Loyola Marymount University, and Chancellor's Professor Emeritus, Indiana University «The question is no longer whether school and district leader's impact student learning, but rather how they do it. The authors provide a convincing answer, one that recognizes the crucial interaction between leader and locality.»—Daniel L. Duke, Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Virginia

Öåíà: 3755.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118132241


Lipid Rafts and Caveolae
Lipid Rafts and Caveolae

Àâòîð: Christopher Fielding J

This keenly awaited first overview of the field represents a complete guide to the structure and function of the most important mammalian cell membrane organelles. Filling a huge gap in the primary literature, this book is the first to cover the subject in detail. Following an introduction by Kai Simons, the discoverer of lipid rafts and the most prominent scientist in the field, chapters include: Historical background Distinct structures and functions Structural basis Signaling Viral entry and virion budding Cholesterol transport Caveolins Lipid shells Cell polarity and intracellular trafficking Cancer cells Of prime importance to molecular and cell biologists, biochemists, membrane scientists, cancer researchers, and virologists.

Öåíà: 27063.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527607501


Lipids and Cellular Membranes in Amyloid Diseases
Lipids and Cellular Membranes in Amyloid Diseases

Àâòîð: Raz Jelinek

Addressing one of the biggest riddles in current molecular cell biology, this ground-breaking monograph builds the case for the crucial involvement of lipids and membranes in the formation of amyloid deposits. Tying together recent knowledge from in vitro and in vivo studes, and built on a sound biophysical and biochemical foundation, this overview brings the reader up to date with current models of the interplay between membranes and amyloid formation. Required reading for any researcher interested in amyloid formation and amyloid toxicity, and possible avenues for the prevention or treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. From the contents: * Interactions of Alpha-Synuclein with Lipids * Interaction of hIAPP and its Precursors with Membranes * Amyloid Polymorphisms: Structural Basis and Significance in Biology and Molecular Medicine * The Role of Lipid Rafts in Alzheimer's Disease * Alzheimer's Disease as a Membrane-Associated Enzymopathy of Beta-Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Secretases * Impaired Regulation of Glutamate Receptor Channels and Signaling Molecules by Beta-Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease * Membrane Changes in BSE and Scrapie * Experimental Approaches and Technical Challenges for Studying Amyloid-Membrane Interactions and more

Öåíà: 21761.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783527634347


Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122