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Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing
Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing

Автор: Michael Lieberman A

A Thorough Update of the Industry Classic on Principles of Plasma Processing The first edition of Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing, published over a decade ago, was lauded for its complete treatment of both basic plasma physics and industrial plasma processing, quickly becoming the primary reference for students and professionals. The Second Edition has been carefully updated and revised to reflect recent developments in the field and to further clarify the presentation of basic principles. Along with in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of plasma physics and chemistry, the authors apply basic theory to plasma discharges, including calculations of plasma parameters and the scaling of plasma parameters with control parameters. New and expanded topics include: * Updated cross sections * Diffusion and diffusion solutions * Generalized Bohm criteria * Expanded treatment of dc sheaths * Langmuir probes in time-varying fields * Electronegative discharges * Pulsed power discharges * Dual frequency discharges * High-density rf sheaths and ion energy distributions * Hysteresis and instabilities * Helicon discharges * Hollow cathode discharges * Ionized physical vapor deposition * Differential substrate charging With new chapters on dusty plasmas and the kinetic theory of discharges, graduate students and researchers in the field of plasma processing should find this new edition more valuable than ever.

Цена: 21098.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780471724247


Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services. Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance, Revised and Updated
Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services. Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance, Revised and Updated

Автор: Ikenberry Stanley O

Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services Revised and Updated Increasing economic concerns make the new edition of this best-selling classic an invaluable resource for those who want and need to implement a proven step-by-step approach to reallocating resources in tough times. Thoroughly revised and updated, Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services includes new recommendations from the field, communication strategies for more successful campus implementation, a new section on the sources of hidden costs, and a Prioritization Process and Implementation workbook designed to help administrators avoid costly mistakes. This book includes access to additional content online, including models for prioritization from a variety of campuses. Based on the author's extensive consulting experience, this necessary and timely resource offers the best advice for addressing the current economic concerns affecting most colleges and universities. Praise for Prioritizing Academic Programs and ServicesFor more than a decade, higher education leaders have turned to Dickeson's practical guide to academic program assessment. These newly expanded approaches are just in time for today's competitive environment." —Suzanne Shipley, president, Shepherd University Dickeson provides a compelling rationale for program prioritization as well as a practical planning structure that promotes alignment between programs, resources, and university mission. Presidents and provosts can use his approach to frame campus discussions around the future of the institution and away from legacy programs whose time has passed." —Kyle R. Carter, provost and senior vice chancellor, Western Carolina University Dickeson's approach ensures that critical decisions regarding academic programs and resource allocation are aligned with strategic goals and institutional mission. As one of the early adopters of the process that he proposes, I am convinced that it is a powerful and practical tool for any college or university committed to remaining focused, resilient, vital, and relevant in a dynamic and increasingly challenging environment." —David Maxwell, president, Drake University Robert C. Dickeson is a higher education consultant, president emeritus of the University of Northern Colorado, and former senior vice president of Lumina Foundation for Education.

Цена: 5302.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470588086


Private Equity Operational Due Diligence. Tools to Evaluate Liquidity, Valuation, and Documentation
Private Equity Operational Due Diligence. Tools to Evaluate Liquidity, Valuation, and Documentation

Автор: Jason Scharfman A

A step-by-step guide to develop a flexible comprehensive operational due diligence program for private equity and real estate funds Addressing the unique aspects and challenges associated with performing operational due diligence review of both private equity and real estate asset classes, this essential guide provides readers with the tools to develop a flexible comprehensive operational due diligence program for private equity and real estate. It includes techniques for analyzing fund legal documents and financial statements, as well as methods for evaluating operational risks concerning valuation methodologies, pricing documentation and illiquidity concerns. Covers topics including fund legal documents and financial statement analysis techniques Includes case studies in operational fraud Companion website includes sample checklists, templates, spreadsheets, and links to laws and regulations referenced in the book Equips investors with the tools to evaluate liquidity, valuation, and documentation Also by Jason Scharfman: Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence: Understanding the Risks Filled with case studies, this book is required reading for private equity and real estate investors, as well as fund managers and service providers, for performing due diligence on the noninvestment risks associated with private equity and real estate funds.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118224168


Private Equity. Fund Types, Risks and Returns, and Regulation
Private Equity. Fund Types, Risks and Returns, and Regulation

Автор: Douglas Cumming

A comprehensive look at the private equity arena With private equity differing from other asset classes, it requires a whole new approach for those trained in more traditional investments such as stocks and bonds. But with the right guidance, you can gain a firm understanding of everything private equity has to offer. This reliable resource provides a comprehensive view of private equity by describing the current state of research and best practices in this arena. Issues addressed include the structure of private equity funds and fundraising, the financial and real returns of private equity, and the structure of private equity investments with investees, to name a few. Discusses the role of private equity in today's financial environment Provides international perspectives on private equity Details the regulation of private equity markets Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this book will provide you with a better understanding of private equity structures and put you in a better position to measure and analyze their performance.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9780470579534


Private Equity. History, Governance, and Operations
Private Equity. History, Governance, and Operations

Автор: Harry Cendrowski

An authoritative guide to understanding the world of private equity (PE) investing, governance structures, and operational assessments of PE portfolio companies An essential text for any business/finance professional's library, Private Equity: History, Governance, and Operations, Second Edition begins by presenting historical information regarding the asset class. This information includes historical fundraising and investment levels, returns, correlation of returns to public market indices, and harvest trends. The text subsequently analyzes PE fund and portfolio company governance structures. It also presents ways to improve existing governance structures of these entities. A specific focus on portfolio company operations, including due diligence assessments, concludes the text. Seamlessly blends historical information with practical guidance based on risk management and fundamental accounting techniques Assists the book's professional audience in maximizing returns of their PE investments Highly conducive to advanced, graduate-level classroom use Purchase of the text includes access to a website of teaching materials for instructional use Learn more about PE history, governance, and operations with the authoritative guidance found in Private Equity: History, Governance, and Operations, Second Edition.

Цена: 10125.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118225424


Privileged Chiral Ligands and Catalysts
Privileged Chiral Ligands and Catalysts

Автор: Qi-Lin Zhou

Catalytic asymmetric synthesis has been one of the most active research areas in chemistry (Nobel Prize in 2001). The development of efficient chiral catalysts plays a crucial role in asymmetric catalysis. Although many chiral ligands/catalysts have been developed in the past decades, the most efficient catalysts are derived from a few core structures, called «privileged chiral catalysts». This ultimate «must have» and long awaited reference for every chemist working in the field of asymmetric catalysis starts with the core structure of the catalysts, explaining why a certain ligand or catalyst is so successful. It describes in detail the history, the basic structural characteristics, and the applications of these «privileged catalysts». This novel presentation provides readers with a much deeper insight into the topic and makes it a must-have for organic chemists, catalytic chemists, chemists working with/on organometallics, chemists in industry, and libraries. From the contents: * BINAP * Bisphosphacycles – From DuPhos and BPE to a Diverse Set of Broadly Applied Ligands * Josiphos Ligands: From Discovery to Technical Applications * Chiral Spiro Ligands * Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands * PHOX Ligands * Chiral Salen Complexes * BINOL * TADDOLate Ligands * Cinchona Alkaloids * Proline Derivatives

Цена: 21209.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527635221


PRO Антиматерию
PRO Антиматерию

Автор: Виктор де Касто

Антиматерия – одна из любимых тем писателей-фантастов. Тем не менее она реальна, и ученые уже научились ее получать. Материя и антиматерия появились в результате Большого Взрыва в равных количествах. Но материя осталась, а антиматерии в нашей Вселенной нет или почти нет. Почему так получилось? Что происходило почти четырнадцать миллиардов лет назад? Есть ли другие вселенные, состоящие из антиматерии? Как можно использовать антиматерию на Земле? Автор отвечает на все эти вопросы и рассказывает о большом интересе к антиматерии различных специалистов – как альтернативному источнику энергии, как возможному топливу для межгалактических космических кораблей и как основе самого страшного оружия, которое только может изобрести человечество.

Серия: Просто… (Страта)

Цена: 220 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-906150-47-9


PRO ботанику
PRO ботанику

Автор: Ральф Винслоу

Автор этой книги знает о садоводстве не понаслышке. Он проходил обучение в Ботаническом саду Оксфордского университета. Книга рассказывает о науке ботанике и двух выдающихся исследователях – Карле Линнее и Джозефе Бэнксе. В XVIII веке ботаника еще не утвердилась в обществе и умах людей так, как физика и математика. Из книги вы узнаете о фактическом становлении этой науки и о том, как и почему все больше людей по всему миру стали ею интересоваться. Швед Карл Линней классифицировал растения, животных и минералы, его система «выжила» благодаря тому, что выбранные признаки оказались очень наглядными и удобными для применения на практике. Созданной им системой наименования видов пользуются до сих пор во всем мире. Джозеф Бэнкс описал невероятное количество растений и способствовал распространению их по миру – по английским колониям с похожим климатом. Автор завершает книгу рассказом об истории садоводства в Англии и самых знаменитых садах этой страны. Издание будет полезно всем, интересующимся растениями, историей географических открытий и садоводством.

Серия: Просто… (Страта)

Цена: 250 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-6040399-4-6


Pro темную материю
Pro темную материю

Автор: Виктор де Касто

Почему 22 % материи во Вселенной называют темной? Потому что ее не видно в традиционном смысле и даже в оптическом диапазоне длин волн, как видно обычную, светящуюся материю. Темная материя не принимает участия в электромагнитном взаимодействии. При этом она однозначно существует. Еще большую долю, 74 %, в составе Вселенной занимает темная энергия, предположение о существовании которой было высказано после наблюдений за сверхновыми и расширяющейся Вселенной. Свойства этой субстанции оказались очень странными… По мнению ряда ученых, без темной материи и темной энергии невозможно возникновение и существование самих галактик, звезд в галактиках, звездных систем, планет и жизни. Автор увлекательно рассказывает об истории изучения Вселенной, о великих астрономах, астрофизиках и космологах, их попытках узнать или, скорее, рассчитать судьбу Вселенной.

Серия: Просто… (Страта)

Цена: 275 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-906150-74-5


Probabilistic Reliability Models
Probabilistic Reliability Models

Автор: Igor Ushakov A

Practical Approaches to Reliability Theory in Cutting-Edge Applications Probabilistic Reliability Models helps readers understand and properly use statistical methods and optimal resource allocation to solve engineering problems. The author supplies engineers with a deeper understanding of mathematical models while also equipping mathematically oriented readers with a fundamental knowledge of the engineeringrelated applications at the center of model building. The book showcases the use of probability theory and mathematical statistics to solve common, real-world reliability problems. Following an introduction to the topic, subsequent chapters explore key systems and models including: • Unrecoverable objects and recoverable systems • Methods of direct enumeration • Markov models and heuristic models • Performance effectiveness • Time redundancy • System survivability • Aging units and their related systems • Multistate systems Detailed case studies illustrate the relevance of the discussed methods to real-world technical projects including software failure avalanches, gas pipelines with underground storage, and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) control systems. Numerical examples and detailed explanations accompany each topic, and exercises throughout allow readers to test their comprehension of the presented material. Probabilistic Reliability Models is an excellent book for statistics, engineering, and operations research courses on applied probability at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book is also a valuable reference for professionals and researchers working in industry who would like a mathematical review of reliability models and the relevant applications.

Цена: 11488.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118370773


Probabilistic Search for Tracking Targets. Theory and Modern Applications
Probabilistic Search for Tracking Targets. Theory and Modern Applications

Автор: Kagan Eugene

Presents a probabilistic and information-theoretic framework for a search for static or moving targets in discrete time and space. Probabilistic Search for Tracking Targets uses an information-theoretic scheme to present a unified approach for known search methods to allow the development of new algorithms of search. The book addresses search methods under different constraints and assumptions, such as search uncertainty under incomplete information, probabilistic search scheme, observation errors, group testing, search games, distribution of search efforts, single and multiple targets and search agents, as well as online or offline search schemes. The proposed approach is associated with path planning techniques, optimal search algorithms, Markov decision models, decision trees, stochastic local search, artificial intelligence and heuristic information-seeking methods. Furthermore, this book presents novel methods of search for static and moving targets along with practical algorithms of partitioning and search and screening. Probabilistic Search for Tracking Targets includes complete material for undergraduate and graduate courses in modern applications of probabilistic search, decision-making and group testing, and provides several directions for further research in the search theory. The authors: Provide a generalized information-theoretic approach to the problem of real-time search for both static and moving targets over a discrete space. Present a theoretical framework, which covers known information-theoretic algorithms of search, and forms a basis for development and analysis of different algorithms of search over probabilistic space. Use numerous examples of group testing, search and path planning algorithms to illustrate direct implementation in the form of running routines. Consider a relation of the suggested approach with known search theories and methods such as search and screening theory, search games, Markov decision process models of search, data mining methods, coding theory and decision trees. Discuss relevant search applications, such as quality-control search for nonconforming units in a batch or a military search for a hidden target. Provide an accompanying website featuring the algorithms discussed throughout the book, along with practical implementations procedures.

Цена: 12482.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118597101


Problemzone Ostmann?
Problemzone Ostmann?

Автор: Ellen H?ndler

Wendeverlierer, Abgeh?ngte, Rechtspopulisten – mit diesen Schlagworten sehen sich M?nner aus dem Osten Deutschlands konfrontiert. Ellen H?ndler und Uta Mitsching-Viertel blicken hinter die Klischees und geben den Ostm?nnern eine Stimme. St?ck um St?ck entsteht ein differenziertes, vielschichtiges Bild der Lebenswirklichkeiten in Ostdeutschland vor und nach der Wende. Die Autorinnen nehmen die Leserinnen und Leser mit auf eine Reise durch achtzig Jahre deutscher Geschichte, warmherzig erz?hlt, zuweilen tragisch, immer aber lesenswert.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783838275406


Proceedings of the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR 2013)
Proceedings of the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR 2013)

Автор: Smith Jeffrey D

Proceedings containing 231 manuscripts that were submitted and approved for the 13th biennial worldwide refractories congress recognized as the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories(UNITECR), held September 10-13, 2013.

Цена: 29378.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118837085


Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design
Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design

Автор: Jeffery Odum

Essential information for architects, designers, engineers, equipment suppliers, and other professionals who are working in or entering the biopharmaceutical manufacturing field Biomanufacturing facilities that are designed and built today are radically different than in the past. The vital information and knowledge needed to design and construct these increasingly sophisticated biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities is difficult to find in published literature—and it’s rarely taught in architecture or design schools. This is the first book for architects and designers that fills this void. Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design provides information on design principles of biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities that support emerging innovative processes and technologies, use state-of-the-art equipment, are energy efficient and sustainable, and meet regulatory requirements. Relying on their many years of hands-on design and operations experience, the authors emphasize concepts and practical approaches toward design, construction, and operation of biomanufacturing facilities, including product-process-facility relationships, closed systems and single use equipment, aseptic manufacturing considerations, design of biocontainment facility and process based laboratory, and sustainability considerations, as well as an outlook on the facility of the future. Provides guidelines for meeting licensing and regulatory requirements for biomanufacturing facilities in the U.S.A and WHO—especially in emerging global markets in India, China, Latin America, and the Asia/Pacific regions Focuses on innovative design and equipment, to speed construction and time to market, increase energy efficiency, and reduce footprint, construction and operational costs, as well as the financial risks associated with construction of a new facility prior to the approval of the manufactured products by regulatory agencies Includes many diagrams that clarify the design approach Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design is an ideal text for professionals involved in the design of facilities for manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines, biotechnology, and life-science industry, including architects and designers of industrial facilities, construction, equipment vendors, and mechanical engineers. It is also recommended for university instructors, advanced undergraduates, and graduate students in architecture, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial design, and industrial interior design.

Цена: 19331.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781118833650


Process Control Engineering
Process Control Engineering

Автор: Martin Polke

This book surveys methods, problems, and tools used in process control engineering. Its scope has been purposely made broad in order to permit an overall view of this subject. This book is intended both for interested nonspecialists who wish to become acquainted with the discipline of process control engineering and for process control engineers, who should find it helpful in identifying individual tasks and organizing them into a coherent whole. A central concern of this treatment is to arrive at a consistent and comprehensive way of thinking about process control engineering and to show how the several specialities can be organically fitted into this total view.

Цена: 25959.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783527615728


Process Identification and PID Control
Process Identification and PID Control

Автор: Jietae Lee

Process Identification and PID Control enables students and researchers to understand the basic concepts of feedback control, process identification, autotuning as well as design and implement feedback controllers, especially, PID controllers. The first The first two parts introduce the basics of process control and dynamics, analysis tools (Bode plot, Nyquist plot) to characterize the dynamics of the process, PID controllers and tuning, advanced control strategies which have been widely used in industry. Also, simple simulation techniques required for practical controller designs and research on process identification and autotuning are also included. Part 3 provides useful process identification methods in real industry. It includes several important identification algorithms to obtain frequency models or continuous-time/discrete-time transfer function models from the measured process input and output data sets. Part 4 introduces various relay feedback methods to activate the process effectively for process identification and controller autotuning. Combines the basics with recent research, helping novice to understand advanced topics Brings several industrially important topics together: Dynamics Process identification Controller tuning methods Written by a team of recognized experts in the area Includes all source codes and real-time simulated processes for self-practice Contains problems at the end of every chapter PowerPoint files with lecture notes available for instructor use

Цена: 18778.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470824115


Process Intensification Technologies for Green Chemistry. Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing
Process Intensification Technologies for Green Chemistry. Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing

Автор: Boodhoo Kamelia

The successful implementation of greener chemical processes relies not only on the development of more efficient catalysts for synthetic chemistry but also, and as importantly, on the development of reactor and separation technologies which can deliver enhanced processing performance in a safe, cost-effective and energy efficient manner. Process intensification has emerged as a promising field which can effectively tackle the challenges of significant process enhancement, whilst also offering the potential to diminish the environmental impact presented by the chemical industry. Following an introduction to process intensification and the principles of green chemistry, this book presents a number of intensified technologies which have been researched and developed, including case studies to illustrate their application to green chemical processes. Topics covered include: • Intensified reactor technologies: spinning disc reactors, microreactors, monolith reactors, oscillatory flow reactors, cavitational reactors • Combined reactor/separator systems: membrane reactors, reactive distillation, reactive extraction, reactive absorption • Membrane separations for green chemistry • Industry relevance of process intensification, including economics and environmental impact, opportunities for energy saving, and practical considerations for industrial implementation. Process Intensification for Green Chemistry is a valuable resource for practising engineers and chemists alike who are interested in applying intensified reactor and/or separator systems in a range of industries to achieve green chemistry principles.

Цена: 17674.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118498545


Process Plant Design
Process Plant Design

Автор: Frank Helmus Peter

This book describes the fascinating wealth of activities as they occur in the design, construction and commissioning of a chemical plant – a jigsaw puzzle of the work of chemical engineers, chemists, constructors, architects, electrical engineers, process automation engineers, economists and legal staff. The author first takes the reader through the conceptual phase, in which the economic relevance and environmental impact need to be considered and supplemented by accurate estimates of capital requirements and profitability. This phase ends with the choice of an appropriate engineering firm and the conclusion of the contract, after which the reader is guided through all aspects of the implementation phase from the engineering of the chemical plant to commissioning, equipment and material procurement, the erection phase and the successful test run, after which the new facility is handed over to its owner. The book also illustrates many potential sources of errors by means of examples from practice, and how, aside professional skills, teamwork and communication are also absolutely essential to keep such a complex project on track.

Цена: 16017.36 руб.
ISBN: 9783527621576


Process Scale Liquid Chromatography
Process Scale Liquid Chromatography

Автор: Группа авторов

This book provides the industrial chromatographer and production scientist with a comprehensive account of process scale liquid chromatography. The basic theory is presented, guiding the reader through system design, simulation and modelling techniques, giving due consideration to economic aspects, as well as safety and regulatory factors. A thorough, up-to-date survey of current techniques and media does stress their advantages and limitations in such a way as to faciliate their application to real-life problems. In view of rapid rate of development in industrial chromatography one chapter provides an assessment of future developments. The chapters are written by acknowledged experts from Europe and the United States.

Цена: 19331.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783527615605


Production Scheduling
Production Scheduling

Автор: Pierre Lopez

The performance of an company depends both on its technological expertise and its managerial and organizational effectiveness. Production management is an important part of the process for manufacturing firms. The organization of production relies in general on the implementation of a certain number of basic functions, among which the scheduling function plays an essential role. This title presents recently developed methods for resolving scheduling issues. The basic concepts and the methods of production scheduling are introduced and advanced techniques are discussed, providing readers with a comprehensive and accessible guide to employing this process.

Цена: 26069.64 руб.
ISBN: 9780470393635


Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns
Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns

Автор: Scott Millett

Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns is all about showing you how to use the power of design patterns and core design principles in real ASP.NET applications. The goal of this book is to educate developers on the fundamentals of object oriented programming, design patterns, principles, and methodologies that can help you become a better programmer. Design patterns and principles enable loosely coupled and highly cohesive code, which will improve your code’s readability, flexibility, and maintenance. Each chapter addresses a layer in an enterprise ASP.NET application and shows how proven patterns, principles, and best practices can be leveraged to solve problems and improve the design of your code. In addition, a professional-level, end-to-end case study is used to show how to use best practice design patterns and principles in a real website. Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns is for ASP.NET developers who are comfortable with the .NET framework but are looking to improve how they code and understand why design patterns, design principles, and best practices will make their code more maintainable and adaptable. Readers who have had experience with design patterns before may wish to skip Part 1 of the book, which acts as an introduction to the Gang of Four design patterns and common design principles, including the S.O.L.I.D. principles and Martin Fowler’s enterprise patterns. All code samples are written in C# but the concepts can be applied very easily to VB.NET. This book covers well-known patterns and best practices for developing enterprise-level ASP.NET applications. The patterns used can be applied to any version of ASP.NET from 1.0 to 4.0. The patterns themselves are language agnostic and can be applied to any object oriented programming language. Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns can be used both as a step-by-step guide and as a continuous source of reference to dip into at your leisure. The book is broken into three distinct sections. Part 1 is an introduction to patterns and design principles. Part 2 examines how patterns and principles can be used in the various layers of an ASP.NET application. Part 3 represents an end-to-end case study showcasing many of the patterns covered in the book. You may find it useful to work through the chapters before reading the case study, or you may find it easier to see the patterns in action by reading the case study section first and referring back to Part 2 for a more detailed view on the patterns and principles used. Within those parts the coverage includes: The origins of the Gang of Four design patterns, their relevance in today’s world, and their decoupling from specific programming languages. An overview of some common design principles and the S.O.L.I.D. design principles follows, and the chapter ends with a description of Fowler’s enterprise patterns. Layering Your Application and Separating Your Concerns A description of the Transaction Script pattern followed by the Active Record, with an exercise to demonstrate the pattern using the Castle Windsor project. The Domain Model pattern demonstrated in an exercise with NHibernate and a review of the domain-driven design (DDD) methodology Patterns and principles that can be used construct your objects and how to make sure that you are building your application for scalability and maintainability: Factory, Decorator, Template, State, Strategy, Composite, Specification and Layer Supertype. Design principles that can improve your code’s maintainability and flexibility; these include Dependency Injection, Interface Segregation, and Liskov Substitution Principle Service Oriented Architecture, the Facade design pattern, messaging patterns such as Document Message, Request-Response, Reservatio

Цена: 4601.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470944455


Professional Automated Trading. Theory and Practice
Professional Automated Trading. Theory and Practice

Автор: Eugene Durenard A

An insider's view of how to develop and operate an automated proprietary trading network Reflecting author Eugene Durenard's extensive experience in this field, Professional Automated Trading offers valuable insights you won't find anywhere else. It reveals how a series of concepts and techniques coming from current research in artificial life and modern control theory can be applied to the design of effective trading systems that outperform the majority of published trading systems. It also skillfully provides you with essential information on the practical coding and implementation of a scalable systematic trading architecture. Based on years of practical experience in building successful research and infrastructure processes for purpose of trading at several frequencies, this book is designed to be a comprehensive guide for understanding the theory of design and the practice of implementation of an automated systematic trading process at an institutional scale. Discusses several classical strategies and covers the design of efficient simulation engines for back and forward testing Provides insights on effectively implementing a series of distributed processes that should form the core of a robust and fault-tolerant automated systematic trading architecture Addresses trade execution optimization by studying market-pressure models and minimization of costs via applications of execution algorithms Introduces a series of novel concepts from artificial life and modern control theory that enhance robustness of the systematic decision making—focusing on various aspects of adaptation and dynamic optimal model choice Engaging and informative, Proprietary Automated Trading covers the most important aspects of this endeavor and will put you in a better position to excel at it.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118419021


Professional Heroku Programming
Professional Heroku Programming

Автор: Chris Kemp

A complete guide to building and deploying web apps with Heroku A cloud application platform, Heroku is currently the only approved platform for creating apps within Facebook, and its number of users is growing at rapid pace. However, there are very few books on the market that offer professional-level coverage of this platform, until now. The author duo begins with an introduction to the Heroku platform and its associated core concepts and then goes on to explain how writing for this platform differs from that of traditional development systems. Example applications, additional resources, and advice for your next steps round out this resource, making it a thorough, indispensable guide. Features information not found anywhere else, as both authors work for Heroku Explains the inner workings of Heroku with special emphasis placed on building web and mobile applications Introduces GIT-based development workflow and the process model within the Heroku platform Details coding, building, deploying, and scaling effectively using the Heroku tool base Providing you with fully functional code and downloadable code examples, Professional Heroku Programming is your complete guide to mastering this platform.

Цена: 4141.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118509012


Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming
Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming

Автор: Robert Vieira

This book is written for SQL Server 2008. However, it does maintain roots going back a few versions and looks out for backward compatibility issues with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000. These versions are old enough that there is little to no time spent on them except in passing. The book is oriented around developing on SQL server. Most of the concepts are agnostic to what client language you use although the examples that leverage a client language general do so in C#. For those who are migrating from early versions of SQL Server, some “gotchas” that exist any time a product has versions are discussed to the extent that they seem to be a genuinely relevant issue. This book assumes that you have some experience with SQL Server and are at an intermediate to advanced level. The orientation of the book is highly developer focused. While there is a quick reference-oriented appendix, there is very little coverage given to beginner level topics. It is assumed that you already have experience with data manipulation language (DML) statements and know the basics of the mainstream SQL Server objects (views, stored procedures, user defined functions, etc.). If you would like to brush up on your knowledge before diving into this book, the author recommends reading Beginning SQL Server 2008 Programming first. There is very little overlap between the Beginning and Professional books and they are designed to work as a pair.

Цена: 5522.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470508459


Professional Responsibility in Dentistry. A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics
Professional Responsibility in Dentistry. A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics

Автор: Joseph Graskemper P

Professional Responsibility in Dentistry: A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics integrates dental law, risk management, professionalism, and ethics, as all are interrelated in everyday practice. Beyond theory, the fact-based approach of this book shows examples of various situations the dentist may face. Dr. Graskemper addresses a range of topics, from legal concepts and regulation of dentistry to professionalism and ethics. He points out specific issues in the practice of dentistry, particularly those that confront new dentists and dentists with new practices. True Cases throughout the book walk readers through real-world examples of complex situations and discuss the proper way to handle them with attention to the legal, ethical, and practice management ramifications. These include patient charting, professional criticisms, child neglect, associateships, patient refunds, and more.

Цена: 6030.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780470960196


Professional Responsibility in Dentistry. A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics
Professional Responsibility in Dentistry. A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics

Автор: Joseph Graskemper P

Professional Responsibility in Dentistry: A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics integrates dental law, risk management, professionalism, and ethics, as all are interrelated in everyday practice. Beyond theory, the fact-based approach of this book shows examples of various situations the dentist may face. Dr. Graskemper addresses a range of topics, from legal concepts and regulation of dentistry to professionalism and ethics. He points out specific issues in the practice of dentistry, particularly those that confront new dentists and dentists with new practices. True Cases throughout the book walk readers through real-world examples of complex situations and discuss the proper way to handle them with attention to the legal, ethical, and practice management ramifications. These include patient charting, professional criticisms, child neglect, associateships, patient refunds, and more.

Цена: 6406.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470960196


Professional Visual Studio 2013
Professional Visual Studio 2013

Автор: Bruce Johnson

Comprehensive guide to Visual Studio 2013 Visual Studio is your essential tool for Windows programming. Visual Studio 2013 features important updates to the user interface and to productivity. In Professional Visual Studio 2013, author, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and Microsoft Visual C# MVP Bruce Johnson brings three decades of industry experience to guide you through the update, and he doesn't just gloss over the basics. With his unique IDE-centric approach, he steers into the nooks and crannies to help you use Visual Studio 2013 to its maximum potential. Choose from more theme options, check out the new icons, and make your settings portable Step up your workflow with hover colors, auto brace completion, peek, and CodeLens Code ASP.NET faster than ever with new shortcuts Get acquainted with the new SharePoint 2013 environment Find your way around the new XAML editor for Windows Store apps Visual Studio 2013 includes better support for advanced debugging techniques, vast improvements to the visual database tools, and new support for UI testing for Windows Store apps. This update is the key to smoother, quicker programming, and Professional Visual Studio 2013 is your map to everything inside.

Цена: 5522.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118832066


Professional Visual Studio 2012
Professional Visual Studio 2012

Автор: Bruce Johnson

The ultimate developers' guide to Visual Studio 2012 This expert Wrox guide is what you need to get up and running quickly on Visual Studio 2012. Written by a Microsoft Visual C# MVP, it guides you through the integrated development environment (IDE), showing you how to maximize all new tools and improvements. Offers programmers a fast way to IDE-centric programming success Demonstrates new IDE features, including the new Metro style app project templates and Windows 8 app store features Explains each feature, then illustrates the context in which it will help you solve problems Covers timely and essential topics related to rich client app development, web applications, application services, file configuration, debugging and testing, and more Helps advanced users customize and extend Visual Studio through the Automation Model, writing macros, working with the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), and more Provides ample detail for programmers who are new to Visual Studio 2012, as well as for experienced programmers exploring the advanced capabilities of the IDE Professional Visual Studio 2012 uses a unique, IDE-centric approach to help you get up and running quickly on this exciting new release.

Цена: 5522.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118463901


Professional WebGL Programming. Developing 3D Graphics for the Web
Professional WebGL Programming. Developing 3D Graphics for the Web

Автор: Andreas Anyuru

Everything you need to know about developing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics with WebGL! As the newest technology for creating 3D graphics on the web, in both games, applications, and on regular websites, WebGL gives web developers the capability to produce eye-popping graphics. This book teaches you how to use WebGL to create stunning cross-platform apps. The book features several detailed examples that show you how to develop 3D graphics with WebGL, including explanations of code snippets that help you understand the why behind the how. You will also develop a stronger understanding of WebGL development from coverage that: •Provides a comprehensive overview of WebGL and shows how it relates to other graphics-related technologies •Addresses important topics such as the WebGL graphics pipeline, 3D transformations, texturing and lighting •Teaches you how to write vertex shaders and fragment shaders for WebGL •Includes a lot of useful guidelines, tips, and tricks for WebGL performance optimizations Professional WebGL Programming is the first book on the market to delve into this fascinating topic and it puts you on your way to mastering the possibilities that exist with WebGL.

Цена: 4141.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119940586


Profit from Property. Your Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Real Estate Development
Profit from Property. Your Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Real Estate Development

Автор: Philip Thomas

Profit from Property is the must-have guide for anyone who wants to make money out of property development. Expert author Philip Thomas will show you step by step how to develop property the smart way—from purchasing the best development opportunity, to financing the development, through to completion and disposal of the property. His fool-proof system will have you buying, managing, developing and selling property like an expert, whether you're a first-time developer or an experienced investor wanting to make more out of your portfolio. Inside you’ll discover: money-making strategies for residential, commercial and industrial properties handy tips and case studies that will save you time, cash and stress a proven development model that you can start using immediately with results how to become a successful property developer without a huge amount of cash behind you. The best time to get into property is now. Read this book today and start profiting from property tomorrow!

Цена: 4050.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781742469478


Program Evaluation in Practice. Core Concepts and Examples for Discussion and Analysis
Program Evaluation in Practice. Core Concepts and Examples for Discussion and Analysis

Автор: Dean Spaulding T

An updated guide to the core concepts of program evaluation This updated edition of Program Evaluation in Practice covers the core concepts of program evaluation and uses case studies to touch on real-world issues that arise when conducting an evaluation project. This important resource is filled with illustrative examples written in accessible terms and provides a wide variety of evaluation projects that can be used for discussion, analysis, and reflection. The book addresses foundations and theories of evaluation, tools and methods for collecting data, writing of reports, and the sharing of findings. The discussion questions and class activities at the end of each chapter are designed to help process the information in that chapter and to integrate the information from the other chapters, thus facilitating the learning process. As useful for students as it is for evaluators in training, Program Evaluation in Practice is a must-have text for those aspiring to be effective evaluators. Includes expanded discussion of basic theories and approaches to program evaluation Features a new chapter on objective-based evaluation and a new section on ethics in program evaluation Provides more detailed information and in-depth description for each case, including evaluation approaches, fresh references, new readings, and the new Joint Committee Standards for Evaluation

Цена: 7180.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781118450215


Programming for Linguists
Programming for Linguists

Автор: Группа авторов

This book is an introduction to the rudiments of Perl programming. It provides the general reader with an interest in language with the most usable and relevant aspects of Perl for writing programs that deal with language. Exposes the general reader with an interest in language to the most usable and relevant aspects of Perl for writing programs that deal with language. Contains simple examples and exercises that gradually introduce the reader to the essentials of good programming. Assumes no prior programming experience. Accompanied by exercises at the end of each chapter and offers all the code on the companion website: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~hammond

Цена: 18552.52 руб.
ISBN: 9780470752227


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

Straight from the frontier of scientific investigation . . . Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry. And the respected Progress in Inorganic Chemistry series has long served as an exciting showcase for new research in this area. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume reports the most recent advances in the field, providing a fascinating window on the emerging state of the science. «This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews.»-Journal of the American Chemical Society. «[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry.»-Chemistry in Britain. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 48: * Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Organic-Inorganic Perovskites and Related Materials (David B. Mitzi, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York). * Transition Metals in Polymeric ?1 -Conjugated Organic Frameworks (Richard P. Kingsborough and Timothy M. Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts). * The Transition Metal Coordination Chemistry of Hemilabile Ligands (Caroline S. Slone, Dana A. Weinberger, and Chad A. Mirkin, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois). * Organometallic Fluorides of the Main Group Metals Containing the C-M-F Fragment (Balaji R. Jagirdar, Eamonn F. Murphy, and Herbert W. Roesky, Universit?t G?ttingen, Germany). * Coordination Complex Impregnated Molecular Sieves-Synthesis, Characterization, Reactivity, and Catalysis (Partha P. Paul, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas). * Advances in Metal Boryl and Metal-Mediated B-X Activation Chemistry (Milton R. Smith III, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan).

Цена: 26953.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780470167069


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

Cutting-edge research and innovative science… PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Hailed by professional chemists as an index of the most influential and current research being done in inorganic chemistry, Progress in Inorganic Chemistry has also enjoyed the reputation as an indispensable working reference. Featuring the work of internationally renowned chemists, this newest volume provides a clear, authoritative examination of each critical new advance and innovative development in inorganic chemistry today. «This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews.»–Journal of the American Chemical Society «This series is a valuable addition to the library of the practicing research chemist, and is a good starting point for students wishing to understand modern inorganic chemistry.»–Canadian Chemical News «[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry.»–Chemistry in Britain CONTENTS OF VOLUME 43 * Oxovanadium and Oxomolybdenum Clusters and Solids Incorporating Oxygen-Donor Ligands (M. Ishaque Kahn, Illinois Institute of Technology, and Jon Zubieta, Syracuse University) * The Application of Polychalcogenide Salts to the Exploratory Synthesis of Solid State Multinary Chalcogenides at Intermediate Temperatures (Mercouri G. Kanatzidis and Anthony C. Sutorik, Michigan State University) * Mechanistic and Kinetic Aspects of Transition Metal Oxygen Chemistry (Andreja Bakac, Iowa State University) * The Chemistry of Metal Complexes with Selenolate and Tellurolate Ligands (John Arnold, University of California, Berkeley) * Coordination Chemistry with Sterically Hindered Hydrotris (pyrazolyl) borate Ligands: Organometallic and Bioinorganic Perspectives (Nobumasa Kitajima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and William B. Tolman, University of Minnesota) * Metal Complexes of Calixarenes (D. Max Roundhill, Tulane University)

Цена: 38441.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780470167014


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Volume 56 continues to report recent advances with a significant, up-to-date selection of contributions by internationally-recognized researchers.

Цена: 28831.25 руб.
ISBN: 9780470440117


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 27
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 27

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166789


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166888


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

Capturing today's scientific imagination…PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry experimentation. And the traditional forum for exchanging innovative research has been the respected Progress in Inorganic Chemistry series. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume offers an in-depth, far-ranging examination of the changing face of the field, providing a tantalizing glimpse of the emerging state of the science. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 46 * Anion Binding and Recognition by Inorganic Based Receptors (Paul D. Beer and David K. Smith) * Copper (I), Lithium and Magnesium Thiolate Complexes: An Overview with Due Mention of Selenolate and Tellurolate Analogues and Related Silver (I) and Gold (I) Species (Maurits D. Janssen, David M. Grove, and Gerard van Koten) * The Role of the Pyrazolate Ligand in Building Polynuclear Transition Metal Systems (Girolamo La Monica and G. Attillo Ardizzoia) * Recent Trends in Metal Alkoxide Chemistry (Ram C. Mehrotra and Anirudh Singh). «This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews.» –Journal of the American Chemical Society. «This series is a valuable addition to the library of the practicing research chemist, and is a good starting point for students wishing to understand modern inorganic chemistry.» –Canadian Chemical News. «[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry.» –Chemistry in Britain.

Цена: 38441.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780470167045


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 10
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 10

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166611


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 2
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 2

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166536


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 6
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 6

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166574


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 16
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 16

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166673


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 8
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 8

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166598


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 29
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 29

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166802


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 33802.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166949


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 25
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 25

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166765


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

The cutting edge of scientific reporting . . . PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry experimentation. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry continues in its tradition of being the most respected avenue for exchanging innovative research. This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume offers an in-depth, far-ranging examination of the changing face of the field, providing a tantalizing glimpse of the emerging state of the science. «This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews.» -Journal of the American Chemical Society «[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry.» -Chemistry in Britain CONTENTS OF VOLUME 54 * Atomlike Building Units of Adjustable Character: Solid-State and Solution Routes to Manipulating Hexanuclear Transition Metal Chalcohalide Clusters (Eric J. Welch and Jeffrey R. Long) * Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization, Physical Properties, and Applications (J. Daniel Bryan and Daniel R. Gamelin) * Stereochemical Aspects of Metal Xanthane Complexes: Molecular Structures and Supramolecular Self-Assembly (Edward R. T. Tiekink and Ionel Haiduc) * Trivalent Uranium: A Versatile Species for Molecular Activation (Ilia Korobkov and Sandro Gambarotta) * Comparison of the Chemical Biology of NO and HNO: An Inorganic Perspective (Katrina M. Miranda and David A. Wink) * Alterations of Nucleobase pKa Values upon Metal Coordination: Origins and Consequences (Bernhard Lippert) * Functionalization of Myoglobin (Yoshihito Watanabe and Takashi Hayashi)

Цена: 29494.04 руб.
ISBN: 9780471725558


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 14
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 14

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166659


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 4
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 4

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166550


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 52139.27 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166918


Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 23
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 23

Автор: Группа авторов

This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.

Цена: 19441.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470166741


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