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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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Im Bann des Erl?sers - Edgar Wallace - Neue Abenteuer, Band 3 (Ungek?rzt)
Im Bann des Erl?sers - Edgar Wallace - Neue Abenteuer, Band 3 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Edgar Wallace

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Thomas Jahn

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783990867969



Àâòîð: Robert Blake Whitehill

IM FADENKREUZ – der spannende 2. Teil der BLACKSHAW-Serie
In seinem kalten Versteck in einem New Yorker Keller erh?lt Ben Blackshaw von einem fr?heren Vorgesetzten einen codierten Notruf. Die anschlie?ende Jagd nach einem mysteri?sen Scharfsch?tzen f?hrt Blackshaw einmal um die ganze Welt, von den chilenischen W?sten bis hin zu den eisigen Ein?den Kanadas. Blackshaw ?berlebt den Absturz mit einer Drohne, ger?t in Los Angeles ins Visier des Scharfsch?tzen, und zusammen mit seinem alten Freund Knocker Ellis Hogan versucht er, den Todessch?tzen in eine Falle zu locken. Aber dieser ist ihnen wie ein Geist immer eine Nasenl?nge voraus.
Es dauert nicht lange, bis Blackshaw Verbindungen zu einer weitaus gr??eren und gef?hrlicheren Verschw?rung aufdeckt, die nicht weniger als einen profitablen Krieg in S?dafrika plant. Doch es gibt einen Ort, an dem Blackshaw gegen?ber seinem Widersacher im Vorteil sein k?nnte …
(Neuauflage von NITRO EXPRESS)

Ñåðèÿ: Blackshaw

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783958356184


Im Nebel kein Wort
Im Nebel kein Wort

Àâòîð: Frank Hebben

Hitze, kein Wind geht. Laut und hart klingt die Eisenspitze, wenn Dostya ihren Schirm aufsetzt. Und sie laufen – im R?cken ein Bauerndorf im Dunst eines Nachmittags im Jahre des Herrn.
Eine Welt ohne Krieg. Eine Welt ohne Maschinen, ohne Strom. Eine Frau und ein M?dchen auf der Suche nach den Steinen … Und ein Himmel voller Sterne.
„Im Nebel kein Wort ist genau hundert Jahre nach der Katastrophe von Verdun so nah und so einleuchtend, dass es einem kalt den R?cken hinunterl?uft.“ – Karsten Kruschel, Nachwort

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783957770981


Im Rausch der Elemente - Die Chroniken der Seelenw?chter, Band 27 (ungek?rzt)
Im Rausch der Elemente - Die Chroniken der Seelenw?chter, Band 27 (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Nicole B?hm

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jan Langer

Öåíà: 981.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260158976428


Im Reich der hungrigen Geister
Im Reich der hungrigen Geister

Àâòîð: Gabor Mate

Um den S?chtigen zu heilen, muss man zum Anfang zur?ckkehren…
Dr. Gabor Mat? geh?rt zu den weltweit anerkanntesten Experten der Suchtpsychologie. Seine einschneidenden Erkenntnisse, die er durch seine jahrzehntelange Arbeit als Arzt in der Drogenszene Vancouvers erwarb, ver?ndern unsere Sicht auf menschliche Entwicklung, Trauma und Entwurzelung.
In seinem internationalen Bestseller Im Reich der hungrigen Geister n?hert er sich mit ganzheitlichem und mitf?hlendem Blick der Sucht – sei es nach Alkohol, Heroin, Sex, Tabak oder Gl?cksspiel. Dabei widerspricht er g?ngigen Annahmen, Suchtverhalten sei ein Ph?nomen willensschwacher Menschen oder eine genetische Disposition. Ganz im Gegenteil: Es durchzieht unsere gesamte Gesellschaft und l?sst sich nur als komplexes Zusammenspiel von pers?nlicher Geschichte, emotionaler Entwicklung und neurochemischen Prozessen verstehen.
Auf seine fesselnde Art verwebt Mat? die aktuellsten Erkenntnisse der Neurowissenschaften und umfangreiche Sozialstudien mit authentischen Patientengeschichten und gesellschaftlichen Debatten. Dabei bezieht er klare Positionen, beispielsweise zur Legalisierung von Drogen und zur Entkriminalisierung von S?chtigen.
Mit Mat? lernen wir, dass der erste Schritt zur Heilung in einf?hlsamer Selbsterkenntnis liegt. Seine hungrigen Geister werden unseren Blick auf uns selbst, auf unsere Mitmenschen und auf die Welt f?r immer ver?ndern.
„Ein bewegender, kontroverser und vielschichtiger Blick auf die Hintergr?nde von Suchtverhalten. Im Reich der hungrigen Geister liest sich nicht nur als lebhafte Analyse der k?rperlichen und seelischen Ursachen von Drogensucht, sondern f?hrt auch direkt ins Herz des Autors selbst.“ The Globe and Mail

Öåíà: 2643.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783962572174


Im Schatten des Wolfes
Im Schatten des Wolfes

Àâòîð: H.E. Otys

Robyn, Tochter des angels?chsischen Gelehrten Ath of Abingdon, wird w?hrend einer Reise mit ihrem Vater von Nordm?nnern entf?hrt. Doch das Schiff der Peiniger ger?t in einen Sturm und sinkt.
Wulf Eilafson, Ziehsohn des K?nig eines abgespaltenen kleinen Reiches im Nordland, kehrt nach 15 Jahren aus den Diensten des Kaisers von Byzanz in sein Heimatland zur?ck. Zwietracht beherrscht das geteilte K?nigreich, welches Wulf jedoch nicht aufgeben will. Sein Ziel: ein vereintes K?nigreich.
Robyn, die von Wulf gerettet und mit ihm zwangsverheiratet wird, bemerkt eine seltsame Verbundenheit zum Land der Nordm?nner. Durch eine Verschleppung des rivalisierenden Wiglif, dem wahren Herrscher des Landes, kehren Robyns Erinnerungen an ihre Kindheit zur?ck: Sie ist die Tochter und somit einzige Erbin von Wiglif. Von nun an wird sie von allen Herrschern, die das K?nigreich f?r sich beanspruchen, gejagt.
K?nnen sich Robyn und Wulf in Sicherheit bringen? Wird sich ihr Schicksal erf?llen und das K?nigreich vereinigt?
Im Schatten des Wolfes verbindet historische Begebenheiten mit fiktiven und realen Charakteren und erschafft so ein Lesevergn?gen f?r alle, die gerne in historische Welten eintauchen und sich verzaubern lassen.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783964260468


Im Wandel - Die Chroniken der Seelenw?chter, Band 16 (Ungek?rzt)
Im Wandel - Die Chroniken der Seelenw?chter, Band 16 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Nicole B?hm

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jan Langer

Öåíà: 981.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260158976305



Àâòîð: Êëàéâ Áàðêåð

A book of revelations. A seamless tapestry of erotic passion, thwarted ambition and mythic horror. Clive Barker takes us on a voyage to worlds beyond our knowledge, but within our grasp.John Furie Zacharias, known as Gentle, a master forger whose life is a series of lies. Judith Odell, a beautiful woman desired by three powerful men, but belonging to none of them. Pie’oh’pah, a mysterious assassin who deals in love as well as death. These three are united in a desperate search for the heart of a universal mystery, and will find the truth that lies in a place as mysterious as the face of God, and as secret as the human soul. They discover the Imajica.Imajica is many things: an epic novel of vast panoramas and intimate, obsessive passions, embracing ghosts and reflections as well as the human and the divine.

Öåíà: 1649.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007355402


Immerw?hrend Mein Marquess
Immerw?hrend Mein Marquess

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Manche M?rchen sind verzwickt. Manche M?rchen sind verzwickt. Als Tochter eines Herzogs sollte Lady Annalise Palmer ein bezauberndes Leben f?hren. Aber der Anschein kann t?uschen—ihr Vater hat sichergestellt, dass ihr ganzes Leben mit nichts als Herzschmerz und Elend erf?llt gewesen ist. Gl?ck ist eine tr?gerische Emotion und Liebe existiert nicht. Sie hat keinen Grund zu glauben, dass sie eines davon finden wird. Ryan Simms, der Marquess of Cinderbury, ist beinahe sein ganzes Leben lang allein gewesen. Nachdem sein Vater starb, wurde er von seinem Gro?vater aufgegeben und in der Obhut seiner b?sartigen Stiefmutter gelassen. Von jungem Alter an hat er gelernt einer Dame nicht zu vertrauen und vor allem sich nie zu verlieben. Sie sind zwei verlorene Seelen auf der Suche nach Erl?sung. Wenn sie an die M?glichkeit des Gl?cks glauben und der Qual entfliehen, welche sie beide erlitten haben, k?nnen sie sich gegenseitig helfen zu heilen und auf dem Weg immerw?hrende Liebe entdecken.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835406259


Imminent Affair
Imminent Affair

Àâòîð: Sheri WhiteFeather

Allie Whirlwind is well versed in the arts of the unexplained and has been known to see ghosts.But when she comes home to find a warning in red paint: This Is For Daniel, she knows she's dealing with a flesh-and-blood predator. Daniel Deer Runner was a military man and Allie's best friend–until the injury he incurred saving her life left him with amnesia–and no memory of their attraction.As they search for clues to her stalker, forgotten memories surface…and unstoppable passion sparks. Yet someone out there will kill to keep Daniel from falling for Allie again….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408962060


Immortal Bride
Immortal Bride

Àâòîð: Lisa Childs

Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.For generations, local residents have whispered about an evil menace lurking near the shore of the Lake of Tears.The recent murder of landowner Damien Gray's bride, Olivia, confirms the worst. Now, confused and heartbroken, Olivia's spirit survives death and seeks vengeance upon the man she desired more than life itself, the man she now suspects was her killer–Damien.But an angry shaman has his own vicious agenda, one that will bring Damien to understand his Native ancestry. Steamy passion and ancient vendettas will draw them ever deeper into a drama of a family's legacy, murder and a love so strong it can withstand even death.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408938591



Àâòîð: Candace Camp

Loving the enemy is one thing.Trusting the enemy is quite another. In the late 1600s Black Maggie Verrere was engaged to marry Sir Edric Neville in an effort to unite their two families. Instead she eloped to America with another man, and the famed Spanish dowry vanished along with her.The two families—the Verreres and the Nevilles—have hated one another ever since. Now, a hundred and fifty years later, another Verrere woman seeks the dowry. Cassandra Verrere has no hope of providing a future for her younger siblings, or for herself, unless she recovers the treasure.Unfortunately her path to its attainment requires the help of a Neville—the disarming Sir Philip. With an ancient feud marking their lineage, Cassandra cannot imagine trusting him. But the true challenge may be in trusting her heart not to fall for him." is renowned as a storyteller who touches the hearts of her readers time and time again." –RT Book Reviews

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472011626


In a Dark Wood: What Dante Taught Me About Grief, Healing, and the Mysteries of Love
In a Dark Wood: What Dante Taught Me About Grief, Healing, and the Mysteries of Love

Àâòîð: Joseph Luzzi

A story of love and grief. ‘I became a widower and a father on the same day’ says Joseph Luzzi. His book tells how Dante’s ‘The Divine Comedy’ helped him to endure his grief, raise their infant daughter, and rediscover love.When you lose your whole world in a moment, where do you turn? Joseph Luzzi found the answer in Dante’s opening of The Divine Comedy: ‘In the middle of our life’s journey, I found myself in a dark wood.’One cold November morning, Luzzi, a professor and Dante scholar, was told his pregnant wife Katherine had been in a car accident. She did not survive, but their daughter Isabel did, delivered by emergency Caesarean a mere forty-five minutes before her mother died. In one terrible instant, Luzzi found himself both a widower and a father.In the aftermath of an unthinkable tragedy, Luzzi turned to the support of his Italian immigrant family but it wasn’t until he turned to Dante’s epic poem – a poem he had devoted his life to studying and teaching – that he found a way to resurrect his life. Following the same structure as Dante’s epic poem, Luzzi is shepherded out of his own ‘dark wood,’ passing through the grief-stricken Inferno, the Purgatory of healing and learning to be a father to Isabel, and ultimately stepping into the Paradise of rediscovered love.A meditation on the influence of great art and power to give us strength in our darkest moments, ‘In a Dark Wood’ opens the door into the mysteries of Dante’s enduring classic. Beautifully written, poignant and unflinchingly honest, Luzzi’s book is a hybrid of heartrending memoir and meaningful insight into one of the greatest pieces of literature in all history. Drawing us into man’s descent into hell and back, it is Dante’s journey, Luzzi’s and our very own.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008100643


In a Heartbeat
In a Heartbeat

Àâòîð: Rita Herron

A Heartbeat Is All It Takes . . .With that brief, terrifying phone call, Lisa Langley's nightmare began again. Four years ago she was the sole survivor of the Grave Digger, a madman who buried his victims alive. Now a copycat killer is on the loose and she's the only chance Special Agent Brad Booker has of stopping this twisted psycho before more women – including Lisa – die.Hard-edged and always in control, Booker has never forgiven himself for failing to save Lisa from falling victim to the first Grave Digger. Whatever it takes, this time he's not going to let her down. Because almost losing Lisa is not something he can live through twice . . .

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408953457


In Babylon
In Babylon

Àâòîð: Marcel Moring

Winner of two major European prizes, this funny, quirky chronicle of a family of Dutch clockmakers is a bestseller in the Netherlands.Sixty-year-old Nathan Hollander is stranded in a winter blizzard with his young niece, Nina, in the deserted house of his late Uncle Herman. As they wait for the weather to improve, Nathan tells Nina the story of their forefathers – a family of clockmakers who came to the Netherlands from Eastern Europe and then emigrated to America before WWII. An extraordinary and rich family history emerges.An epic family saga, a Gothic novel gone haywire, a very human story and a chronicle of the twentieth century, In Babylon is already set to be a classic European novel. A piece of very solid, traditional storytelling combined with a very funny, sensual magical realism. A brilliant merging of the lightness of popular American writing and the depth of European literature.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007391714


In Bed with Boone
In Bed with Boone

Àâòîð: Linda Winstead Jones

The brutally handsome stranger in the black leather jacket wasn't exactly the kind of man Jayne Barrington encountered in her world of wealth and privilege.But that scarcely mattered now, because he'd just dragged her into his world – at gunpoint! Boone Sinclair claimed she'd stumbled into an undercover investigation of a murderous drug cartel. And the only way he could keep her alive was to convince the real criminals he was keeping her prisoner – for his personal «pleasure.»It wasn't easy playing hostage to this man's passion. But it was even harder pretending – even to herself – that she didn't want to make this deadly masquerade the real thing.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946770


In Bed With The Boss
In Bed With The Boss

Àâòîð: Susan Napier

For three years, Kalera has been a model secretary to Duncan Royal, with only one hiccup in their otherwise perfect relationship: a one-night stand that should never have happened, and which both have tried to forget.Or so Kalera thought. But Duncan is haunted by their one night of unbelievable passion, and secretly longs for their relationship to develop after office hours. As a rule, he can have any woman he wants–so he's furious when Kalera announces her engagement to another man!Whatever it takes, Duncan intends to entice her into his bed once more–and this time it will be forever.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408941393


In Blackhawk s Bed
In Blackhawk's Bed

Àâòîð: Barbara McCauley

Passing through a small Texas town, Seth Blackhawk found himself rescuing a set of young twins in trouble.His bravery resulted in an injury that had the lone wolf agreeing to Hannah Michaels's more than generous offer to recuperate inside her home. Seth had spent years going deep under cover, hiding his emotions, but sweet Hannah had his cool composure at the breaking point.Yes, he could show her the passion she so desired, but could he give Hannah the commitment her romance-wary soul demanded? Seth was used to living his life on the edge, but this time it was his heart on the line.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408941867


In Christofides Keeping
In Christofides' Keeping

Àâòîð: Ýááè Ãðèí

Pregnant and alone… When one night with ruthless playboy Rico Christofides leaves her pregnant, Gypsy Butler is determined to spare her unborn baby the heartache of her own neglectful childhood. But a shock meeting is about to change her plans…Captured and claimed!Rico has never forgotten – or forgiven – the one woman who managed to smash through his cast-iron defences. Now he’s discovered he’s a father, nothing will stop him from claiming his child…even if unwilling Gypsy craves her freedom!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408919446


In Close
In Close

Àâòîð: Brenda Novak

Claire O'Toole's mother, Alana, went missing fifteen years ago.That was big news in Pineview, Montana, the kind of town where nothing much ever happens. Then, last year, Claire's husband, David, died in a freak accident—after launching his own investigation into Alana's disappearance. Is Alana dead? Or did she simply abandon her husband and daughters?Claire is determined to find out—and her former boyfriend, Isaac Morgan, wants to help. Although their relationship didn't end well, he still has feelings for her. And yet it isn't until he starts to suspect David's death wasn't an accident that he's drawn back into her life.Together, Claire and Isaac search for answers to the questions that have haunted Pineview all this time. But as they soon discover, someone's prepared to kill so those answers won't be found…

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408968666


In der inneren Welt
In der inneren Welt

Àâòîð: Hero Leander

Dieser Roman erz?hlt eine v?llig andere Variante unserer Erdgeschichte, wie sie vielleicht gewesen sein k?nnte. Dabei gibt er unter anderem Aufschl?sse auf antike Reiche wie Lemuria, Atlantis oder Thule. Das Ganze ist eingebunden in eine etwas am?sante Erz?hlung ?ber einen Besuch in der inneren Erde und die Probleme, die einem dort begegnen k?nnen, wenn man seine gewohnten Denkmuster nicht ablegen kann. Lassen Sie sich in eine Welt entf?hren, die fiktiv oder auch real sein kann. Tauchen Sie in ein Leben ein, wie es in der inneren Erde m?glich sein k?nnte. Lernen Sie dabei eine v?llig friedliche Welt kennen und was der Begriff »bedingungslose Liebe« wirklich bedeutet.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783960086505


In der Pf?tze schwimmt ein Regenbogen
In der Pf?tze schwimmt ein Regenbogen

Àâòîð: Christina Conradin

Dieses Buch erz?hlt die kleinen Abenteuer des Alltags eines M?dchens namens Lena. Zusammen mit ihren Eltern, ihrem gro?en Bruder Ben und ihrem besten Freund Jakob durchlebt sie mit Leichtigkeit die Wartezeit auf ein neues Geschwisterchen. Viele lustige Momente ereignen sich. Dabei sammelt Lena unz?hlige herzergreifende Erinnerungen, die sie besonders mit Ben teilt, der mit winzigen Gesten seine Mitmenschen verzaubert. Selbst die missmutige Brezenverk?uferin oder den sonst so teilnahmslosen Uropa bringt ihr Bruder zum Schmunzeln und bricht somit jedes Eis. Als Ben unerwartet verungl?ckt, schafft es Lena die vielen – auch kleinen – Erlebnisse in ihrem Herzen zu bewahren und dadurch Ben ganz selbstverst?ndlich in sich weiterleben zu lassen.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783960083412


In Harm s Way
In Harm's Way

Àâòîð: Lyn Stone

HE DIDN'T LOOK MUCH LIKE A DETECTIVE….Maybe it was the whole Southern comfort thing–the sinfully rich accent, that lazy smile, his heated touch, kindness that nearly disarmed her. But Robin Andrews knew better than to trust a man…especially this one. Did Detective Mitch Winton really have her best interest in mind? Or was he just toying with his prime suspect?The cosmopolitan beauty hadn't killed anyone. Mitch would stake his badge on it–and, in fact, he did. Because he was going above and beyond the call of duty to figure out who had killed Robin's estranged husband and why the killer was suddenly after her. But it wasn't his badge he was worried about losing…it was his heart.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077165


In His Safekeeping
In His Safekeeping

Àâòîð: Shawna Delacorte

HER PROTECTOROne by one the government witnesses who'd testified against a mob associate began to die–and now Tara Ford was the last witness remaining. Suddenly with a killer shadowing her every move, she was forced to rely on the protection of U.S. Deputy Marshal Brad Harrison–a man whose take-charge attitude made her temper flare and whose strong sensuality made her heart race.Brad never let emotion interfere with duty. But in close proximity with all-too-sexy Tara, he forgot all the rules. His instinct to keep her safe was as basic as his desire for her. And when he held her tenderly, he couldn't help but wonder who posed the most immediate danger–the killer or Brad's charge.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472033680


In His Sights
In His Sights

Àâòîð: Justine Davis

SHE WAS A SUSPECT IN HIS INVESTIGATIONBut Redstone employee Kate Crawford was also the most captivating woman securities expert Rand Singleton had ever known. Despite the protective feelings she stirred, he couldn't reveal his true identity. He'd been sent to do a job. Getting emotionally involved with the vulnerable beauty wasn't an option.Kate could think of only one reason why an enigmatic, charm-oozing man like Rand was in town–he was up to something. And she had too much at stake–professionally and emotionally–to fall prey to a seductive stranger's schemes. Still, with Rand's knee-weakening caresses wreaking havoc on her heartstrings, would she be able to expose his secrets before he uncovered hers?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077172


In His Wife s Name
In His Wife's Name

Àâòîð: Joyce Sullivan

BACK FROM THE DEAD…?Sexy lawman Luke Calder was honor bound to keep his wife's two-year-old murder case alive. And though evidence would have him believe Mary had returned from the dead, this eagle-eyed cop knew better.Who was the beautiful impostor?Whoever she was,she was in trouble.And Luke vowed to blow her cover before whoever was trying to kill her succeeded. Except, while Luke's protective cop instincts served him well in unraveling this mystery, his physical responses to this stranger were proving problematic. Luke hadn't been able to safeguard his wife two years ago, but he'd be damned before this unsuspecting woman suffered the same fate!

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474022910


In Protective Custody
In Protective Custody

Àâòîð: Beth Cornelison

TWO STRANGERS AND A BABY…. ONE INTENSE ROAD TRIP.Firefighter Max Caldwell promised to care for his sister's newborn son, but he didn't know the first thing about babies. He had to learn fast, especially with ruthless drug smugglers, who wanted control of their «heir,» chasing them.After witnessing a fender-bender, day-care worker Laura Dalton was wary of the baby-toting driver claiming «Elmer» as his son. A woman on a mission, she jumped into his car for the ride of a lifetime. Her noble efforts were to protect the child, but she didn't bargain on a lethal attraction to Max. Could this makeshift family be exactly what she'd always wanted?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472035301


In Pursuit of the English
In Pursuit of the English

Àâòîð: Äîðèñ Ëåññèíã

In the early post-war years, Doris Lessing left her native Southern Africa in search of a grail. But the English she pursued – and found – were living in working-class homes in East London. They were lusty, quarrelsome, unscrupulous and full-blooded – quite unlike what they were supposed to be.In the early post-war years, Doris Lessing left her native Southern Africa in search of a grail – a life of glamour and refinement that she naively believed England offered everyone. A fascinating, hilarious memoir of her first impressions of her adopted country, 'In Pursuit of the English' brilliantly captures Lessing's constant wonder at and growing affection for the people she came to know: the working-class of the East End of London. Lusty, quarrelsome, unscrupulous and full-blooded, they were quite unlike the English she had expected to find…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007381678


In Safe Hands
In Safe Hands

Àâòîð: Linda Conrad

The trail had gone cold in Major Colin Fairfax's highstakes murder investigation. Then danger struck…and he took a bullet for a feisty redhead who had information on his brother's killer. Maggie Ryan assaulted his senses with her potent beauty, yet Colin's hackles rose when he realized the P.I. was keeping secrets. Tainted by dark misfortune, Maggie refused to let Colin's orphaned niece become collateral damage in the Mexican drug trade.However, she was less certain about her feelings for the overprotective Brit who kissed her breathless one minute and roused her Irish temper the next. But nothing would prevent her from bringing Colin home to Texas to face down their enemy….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408961766


In Sarah’s Shadow
In Sarah’s Shadow

Àâòîð: Karen McCombie

Sisters – one of the closest relationships in the world? Megan and Sarah wouldn’t agree…MEGAN'S STORY: Megan is constantly in her big sister's shadow. Prettier, smarter, funnier, Sarah has it all; the adoration of their parents, a great group of friends, talent, and – of course – Conor. Megan struggles to retain her identity as she tries to turn the tables on her lucky, gifted sibling. But is the pecking order ever going to change?SARAH'S STORY: Now we see the sisterly relationship from Sarah's point of view, and slowly, it begins to dawn on the reader that things are not quite as they seem. Could it be that Megan’s perspective is not quite as accurate as originally perceived?

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007394876


In Search of Adam
In Search of Adam

Àâòîð: Caroline Smailes

A taut and beautifully written debut novel by an exciting and accomplished new author.Motherless, rootless and unprotected, Jude Williams' childhood is fractured by the horror and experience of sexual abuse, forcing her to exist somewhere and nowhere in-between childhood and adulthood. Caught within the limitations of her own language and trapped within a family secret, Jude becomes the consequence of her mother's tragedy. As she moves through the 1980s, Jude's life is buffeted by choice and destiny and she collects experiences that layer her personal tragedy and plunge her into the darkest of worlds.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007347407


In Sheep s Clothing
In Sheep's Clothing

Àâòîð: Susan Warren May

On the run from the murderer of her best friends, missionary Gracie Benson is all alone in Siberia. What she doesn't know is that she has in her possession a medical secret that will save millions of lives–or cost hers.Trying to keep her alive is an FSB agent, a man pursued by his own demons, including a killer who destroyed his father's life. He and Gracie find themselves in a decades-old mystery of betrayal and Cold War secrets. Only with the help of their friends–a group of Americans and Russians committed to freedom–can they outwit the old guard…and save Gracie's secret, as well as her life.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472091246


In Sight Of The Enemy
In Sight Of The Enemy

Àâòîð: Kylie Brant

Subject: Mother-to-be Cassie Donovan.Family History: Her true heritage won't be found on her Texas ranch.Deepest Secret: She can see into the future.And the future she sees is her own–filled with murder! For Cassie, her power was frightening. To Dr. Shane Farhold, it was a curse, and his skepticism had dampened their torrid affair, leaving Cassie with a broken heart and a baby on the way. But someone saw her ability as a gift worth killing for. When battle-scarred Shane rescued her from a kidnap attempt, Cassie was thrust into his arms once again as they ran for their lives. Determined to protect Cassie and their child at all costs, Shane stayed close–and they soon shared rekindled passion and new understanding. But with danger at their heels, not even Cassie could predict a happy ending….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077189


In Sight Of The Enemy
In Sight Of The Enemy

Àâòîð: Kylie Brant

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077189


In the Approaches
In the Approaches

Àâòîð: Nicola Barker

Nicola Barker’s readers are primed to expect surprises, but her tenth novel delivers mind-meld on a metaphysical scale. From quiet beginnings in the picturesque English seaside enclave of Pett Level, ‘In The Approaches’ ultimately constructs its own anarchic city-state on the previously undiscovered common ground between G.K. Chesterton and Philip K. Dick. On the one hand, this is an old-fashioned romantic comedy of fused buttocks, shrunken heads and Irish-Aboriginal saints; on the other it’s Barker’s wildest and most haunting book since 2007’s Booker Prize-shortlisted ‘Darkmans’.Following previous celebrations of the enduring allure of the posted letter (’Burley Cross Postbox Theft’) and the pre-lapsarian innocence of pre-Twitter celebrity (Booker-longlisted ‘The Yips’), this concluding instalment of Barker’s subliminally affiliated ‘digital trilogy’ imagines a basis for the internet in Catholic theology. Set in a 1984 which seems almost as distantly located in the past as Orwell’s was in the future, ‘In the Approaches’ offers a captivating glimpse of something more shocking than any dystopia – the possibility of faith.

Öåíà: 1070.29 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007583713


In The Arms Of The Enemy
In The Arms Of The Enemy

Àâòîð: Carol Ericson

As a lawman, he knew she had secrets. Ones that could bust his case wide open.Tasked with finding a mysterious murder suspect, DEA Agent Cole Pierson was in Timberline on a mission. He didn’t need distractions like the lovely Caroline Johnson. Though he didn't think she could be his suspect, she was clearly hiding something and her safety became Cole’s top priority.She’d awoken next to a dead man, her memory gone. When “Caroline” had come to the small town looking for answers, she hadn’t counted on meeting Cole. He offered the protection she so desperately needed. But if he found out she’d been lying, that he’d become involved with a suspect, it would mean the end to any future–or happiness–she had imagined.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474039949


In the Blink of an Eye
In the Blink of an Eye

Àâòîð: Julie Miller

The mysterious explosion at the crime lab had cost one man his life, and had pitched Mac Taylor into perpetual darkness. Now, as the evidence mounted against the temporarily dismissed forensic expert, one person had dedicated herself to proving his innocence: the former girl-next-door, Julia Dalton.Before long, Mac's predicament had them racing against time and running for their lives, a life Mac could no longer imagine without the experienced nurse by his side. Suddenly Mac was seeing more with his heart than he ever had with his eyes….

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472032546


In The Boss s Bed
In The Boss's Bed

Àâòîð: J. Critch Margot

Hot for the boss…Maya Connor was already embarrassed after a dare—and a shot of vodka—resulted in one seriously sexy kiss with an even sexier stranger. She had no idea that the man she made out with was hotel magnate and reputed playboy Jamie Sellers. Or that she would soon be working for him…Maya won't let anything get in the way of her ambition. And she's determined to be taken seriously as she begins her career—and not give into the heat that's constantly driving her to distraction. Lust, that’s all it is. The more Maya and Jamie ignore it, the stronger it gets. But ending up in the boss's bed won't just be Maya's wickedest fantasies come to life…it'll be the end of her dreams.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474054874


In the Event of My Death
In the Event of My Death

Àâòîð: Emma Page

A Kesley and Lambert novel. Chief Inspector Kesley investigates a murder case that will prove to be one of the most difficult and complex of his career.When Grace Dalton is found dead the morning after celebrating her 70th birthday, she leaves behind a houseful of suspects, all of whom are mentioned in her will, and money seems to be the motive.Could the killer be Esther Milroy, who is discovered to have booked an expensive holiday just prior to the tragedy? Or is Esther’s brother Mathew- facing financial ruin before his stepmother’s death- the more likely suspect? And what about Verity Thorburn, spurned by her lover, firmly believing that if only she had a bigger disposable income the man who got away would come running back to her?DCI Kesley investigates and, this time, it’s personal – the dead woman was a friend. He’ll do everything he can to put her killer behind bars.

Öåíà: 880.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008171834


In The Grip Of The Crime
In The Grip Of The Crime

Àâòîð: Maria Mezzatesta

Öåíà: 117.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788885356696


In The Lawman s Protection
In The Lawman's Protection

Àâòîð: Janie Crouch

AN AGENT WILL DO ANYTHING TO TAKE DOWN A TERRORIST.To locate a terrorist, Ren McClement must find the criminal's ‘dead’ wife Natalie. His plan: use the innocent beauty as bait. But when his duplicity leads them into grave danger, Ren reveals his secret to Natalie…and his passion for her.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474079273


In The Lion s Sign
In The Lion's Sign

Àâòîð: Stefano Vignaroli

Year 2019: once again, the scholar Lucia Balleani and the archaeologist Andrea Franciolini will take us by the hand and guide us through the arcane mysteries of the Renaissance Jesi, among streets, alleys and palaces of a historical centre that, at the gates of the 1920s, begins to regurgitate from the underground ancient and important objects from past eras. The archaeological excavations of Piazza Colocci will in fact reserve unexpected surprises in the eyes of the entire population of Jesi. We begin to follow the events of the characters of the sixteenth century through the discovery of ancient documents and archaeological finds by the young couple of researchers of our time. New winds of war will in fact lead the Captain of Arms of the Royal City of Jesi to the battlefields. After the first two episodes of the series ”The Printer”, here we are at the end, the last episode of the saga dedicated to the Renaissance Jesi. We left Andrea almost at the point of death, helped by his beloved, hidden in disguise. The plot has moved to Urbino, but certainly our two heroes, Andrea Franciolini and Lucia Baldeschi, will have to return to Jesi to fulfill their dream of love. The wedding will have to be a festive and opulent event, and will have to be celebrated by the Bishop of the City of Jesi, Monsignor Piersimone Ghislieri. But are we sure that obscure plots, of destiny and of men, will not be able to hinder for the umpteenth time the union between Andrea and Lucia? The two lovers have found each other again, and for nothing in the world would they want to leave each other again. Andrea finally wants to be a father to his little girl, Laura and, why not, to Lucia's adopted daughter, Anna. The girls are fantastic, they are growing up healthy and lively in the country residence of the Counts Baldeschi, and Andrea is enjoying their closeness. But winds of war will once again lead the Captain of Arms of the Royal City of Jesi to the battlefields. And soon to leave the peace and quiet regained. The Lansquenets press the gates of northern Italy and the Duke of Oak, in a strange alliance with Giovanni De' Medici, better known as Giovanni Dalle Bande Nere, will do his best to prevent German soldiers from reaching Florence and even Rome. Avoiding the sacking of the Eternal City in 1527 will not be an easy task, neither for the Duke Della Rovere, nor for Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, nor for Captain Franciolino de' Franciolini. Let us once again follow the events of the characters of the sixteenth century through the discoveries of ancient documents and archaeological finds of the young couple of researchers of our time. Once again, the scholar Lucia Balleani and the archaeologist Andrea Franciolini will take us by the hand and guide us through the arcane mysteries of the Renaissance Jesi, among streets, alleys and palaces of an old town centre that, at the gates of the 1920s, begins to regurgitate from the underground ancient and important objects from past eras.

Öåíà: 442.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835427278


In the Lion’s Den: The House of Falconer
In the Lion’s Den: The House of Falconer

Àâòîð: Barbara Bradford Taylor

Don’t miss the second book in the unforgettable House of Falconer series, available to pre-order now!From the bestselling author of A Woman of Substance. London 1889: Victorian London is a place of wealth, privilege and poverty, a city of extremes. For James Falconer, who grew up as a barrow boy on a London market, it is a city of opportunity. Working his way up Henry Malvern’s trading company in Piccadilly, James faces fraud and betrayal. A fierce rivalry develops with Henry’s daughter and heir Alexis – but their animosity masks a powerful attraction. Embarking on a love affair with the daughter of Russian ?migr?s, James’s life begins to transform. But as treachery and danger threaten, a secret comes to light that will change his life forever. James must decide where his future lies – with Henry Malvern or following his own dream…

Öåíà: 1875.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008242480


In the Night Wood
In the Night Wood

Àâòîð: Dale Bailey

A FOREST. A BOOK. A MISSING GIRL.Charles Hayden has been fascinated by a strange Victorian fairy tale, In the Night Wood, since he was a child. When his wife, Erin – a descendant of the author – inherits her ancestor’s house, the couple decide to make it their home. Still mourning the recent death of their daughter, they leave America behind, seeking a new beginning in the English countryside.But Hollow House, filled with secrets and surrounded by an ancient oak forest, is a place where the past seems very much alive. Isolated among the trees, Charles and Erin begin to feel themselves haunted – by echoes of the stories in the house’s library, by sightings of their daughter, and by something else, as old and dark as the forest around them.A compelling and atmospheric gothic thriller, In the Night Wood reveals the chilling power of myth and memory.

Öåíà: 1153.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008329174


In the Shadow of Winter: A gripping historical novel with murder, secrets and forbidden love
In the Shadow of Winter: A gripping historical novel with murder, secrets and forbidden love

Àâòîð: Lorna Gray

‘Absorbing and chilling, yet tempered with echoes of a lost romance…this story is one of the best I've read this year for its imagery and originality’ Jane Hunt ReviewsSet in the bleak winter of 1947, you will love this compelling drama if you love historical dramas.The Cotswolds, 1947A relentless winter holds post-war Britain in its deadly grip, and Eleanor Phillips rides out from her beleaguered Cotswold farm to rescue a stranger lost in the storm. But the near-dead man is no stranger and when she recognises Matthew Croft, the old ties of a failed romance tug deeply. Her sweetheart has returned from the war.Suspicion, the police and the panicked flight of a desperate man beat a path to her door. With a wanted man hidden in her home and stealing back into her heart, Eleanor must be on her guard – for the net is closing in on them both and enemies are all around…Praise for In the Shadow of Winter:‘An enchanting debut’ Romance Junkies‘I now have another author to add to my ever growing list of excellent historical fiction writers!’ BitsnBooks‘I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading this book…sweet, provocatively steamy, and absolutely swoony’ Feminist Reflections

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008122720


In The Sheikh s Marriage Bed
In The Sheikh's Marriage Bed

Àâòîð: Ñàðà Ìîðãàí

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472030870


In The Venetian s Bed
In The Venetian's Bed

Àâòîð: Susan Stephens

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408931240


In Their Footsteps
In Their Footsteps

Àâòîð: Òåññ Ãåððèòñåí

The quiet scandal surrounding her parents' deaths 20 years ago sends Beryl Tavistock on a search for the truth from Paris to Greece.As she enters a world of international espionage, Beryl discovers she needs help and turns to a suave ex-CIA agent. But in a world where trust is a double-edged sword, friends become enemies and enemies become killers.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408928370


In Too Deep
In Too Deep

Àâòîð: Sharon Mignerey

After testifying at a mobster's murder trial, Lily Reditch thought she would finally be able to give her daughter a normal life. She never expected to fall for her new boss, Quinn Morrison, which only made things better. Then an assassin threatened Lily's life, jeopardizing the passion–and safety–she'd found in Quinn's protective arms.As the danger mounted, a devastated Lily realized that the only way to keep her daughter safe was to disappear–alone. But how could she abandon her little girl or the new love she had found? And no matter how far she ran, she couldn't run from the fact that she was carrying Quinn's child….

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077219


In Too Deep
In Too Deep

Àâòîð: Taryn Belle

A Caribbean playground for the rich and famousCome on in. The sin feels divine… Scuba instructor Nicola Metcalfe just saved Alex Stone's life. Her reward? About a zillion megawatts of pure, crackling, sexual tension straight to her naughty bits. Now they have only five days to satisfy this intense craving for each other… before he learns who Nicola really is. And before she discovers that sexy Alex Stone might just be responsible for ruining her life!

Öåíà: 343.64 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474087155


In Your Dreams
In Your Dreams

Àâòîð: Kristan Higgins

Everyone loves Jack Holland, but Emmaline Neal needs him. Her ex-fianc? is getting married in Malibu and, obviously, she can't go to the wedding alone.In Manningsport, New York, tall, blond and gorgeous Jack Holland is practically a cottage industry when it comes to rescuing desperate women. He knows the drill, Em figures, so he won't get the wrong idea.What Jack needs is an excuse to leave town. Ever since rescuing four teenagers from a car wreck, he's been hailed as a hero and the attention is making him itchy, especially since his too-pretty ex-wife is back, angling for a reunion. He's always liked Emmaline. She needs a weekend date? No problem.So when they wind up in bed together, Em chalks it up to red wine and chocolate cake, just one impulsive night not to be repeated. But Jack's pushing for more, and if she lets down her guard, either she'll get her heart crushed again, or discover that Jack's worth more than just dreaming about.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474031523


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