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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172

Extreme Measures
Extreme Measures

Àâòîð: Brenda Harlen

Colin McIver is back in town, and the only person who isn't thrilled by the return of the hometown hero is his ex-wife, Nikki Gordon. She just wants to know when he's leaving. Because Colin always leaves. And this time, she hopes he'll be gone before he can discover the secret she's kept hidden for five long years…their daughter, Carly!A murderous stalker is after Colin, who is seeking only solitude and anonymity. Learning about his little girl only makes him more determined to stay and win Nikki's trust again. But when danger strikes too close to home, Colin has to risk everything he holds dear to protect his family. Will his attempt cost him the woman and child he loves–forever?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076755


Extremely loud & Incredibly close / Æóòêî ãðîìêî è çàïðåäåëüíî áëèçêî. Êíèãà äëÿ ÷òåíèÿ íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå
Extremely loud & Incredibly close / Æóòêî ãðîìêî è çàïðåäåëüíî áëèçêî. Êíèãà äëÿ ÷òåíèÿ íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå

Àâòîð: Äæîíàòàí Ñàôðàí Ôîåð

Òðîãàòåëüíàÿ èñòîðèÿ ðàññêàçàíà îò ëèöà 9-ëåòíåãî ìàëü÷èêà, îòåö êîòîðîãî ïîãèá âî âðåìÿ òåðàêòà 11 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2001 ãîäà â îäíîé èç áàøåí-áëèçíåöîâ.  íåé åñòü è èíòðèãà, è ïî÷òè ÷òî äåòåêòèâíûé ñþæåò, è íåîæèäàííàÿ ðàçâÿçêà. Àòìîñôåðíàÿ, îðèãèíàëüíàÿ, ïî-äåòñêè íåïîñðåäñòâåííàÿ è ïî-âçðîñëîìó ãëóáîêàÿ êíèãà íàéäåò îòêëèê â ñåðäöå êàæäîãî, êòî å¸ ïðî÷ò¸ò.

Ñåðèÿ: Modern Prose

Öåíà: 488 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2005
ISBN: 978-5-9925-1434-6


Eye Of A Hunter
Eye Of A Hunter

Àâòîð: Sylvie Kurtz

PROTECTING HER WAS HIS JOBIn the click of a shutter, heiress Abrielle Holbrook's life was changed forever when she captured her father's murder on film. But trying to stay alive long enough to testify against his ruthless partner only brought her face-to-face with the past.LOVING HER WAS HIS LIFE'S MISSIONSpecial agent Gray Reed–Abbie's childhood pal from Echo Falls–looked as brave and handsome as she remembered. Except for the knowing look in his eyes that betrayed what they once shared. Now, with an assassin licking at their heels, dodging bullets almost seemed safer than facing the feelings stirred up by seeing each other again….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472033475


Eye of the Beholder
Eye of the Beholder

Àâòîð: Ingrid Weaver

TRUST ME, GLENNA….One look into Master Sergeant Rafe Marek's piercing blue eyes and Glenna Hastings knew she would survive. He was one of the best commandos in the legendary Delta Force, and it was his duty to protect her. As they fled from their hidden jungle prison, nothing could keep Glenna from giving her heart to the wounded soldier.Rafe was sure that Glenna's passion wasn't real. How could this beautiful woman desire a man so badly scarred both inside and out? Rafe had never opened his soul to anyone before, yet he burned for Glenna, and his carefully constructed barriers came crashing down. But could he prove to himself that he deserved Glenna's love?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472076762


Eye Of The Storm
Eye Of The Storm

Àâòîð: Delilah Devlin

One year ago, Marcus healed Janie's broken heart with his love. Now she has returned to Jamaica to see if their passion is as strong as before. Then Marcus's friend Cade shows up, too. Janie never really liked Cade, but when Marcus asks her to take them both to her bedroom, Janie soon learns that the two men know exactly what she needs. . . .

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408915028



Àâòîð: Carol Ericson

Four years in an Afghan prison couldn't erase beautiful Devon Reese from Kieran O'Roarke's damaged memory. So when they are reunited on a beach back in Coral Cove and she begs for help, the wounded hero doesn't hesitate.He just responds. And when he learns Devon's little boy–a son he hadn't known existed–may have witnessed a brutal murder, the seasoned warrior refuses to let Devon live in fear. Struggling to recall the intimacies they once shared, Kieran is desperate to keep his new family from becoming a killer's latest victims. He lost them once–he won't lose them again.Even if he has to die fighting.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472035752



Àâòîð: Mehmet Rauf

Suat, Necip, S?reyya ve diğerleri; Hacer, Fatin, dadı. Boğazi?i?nde bir yalıda ge?irilen upuzun bir yaz mevsimi. Eyl?l, esas itibariyle Necip?in, yakın arkadaşı S?reyya?nın karısı Suat?a olan "yasak" aşkından ve Suat?ın da giderek bu aşka karşılık verişinden ibaret g?r?nse de, onu sıradan bir aşk romanı olmaktan ?ıkaran asıl ?zellik, karakterlerin ruh tahlillerinin derinliğinde kendini g?sterir. Bu ?zelliğinden dolayıdır ki edebiyatımızda "ilk psikolojik roman" olan Mehmed Rauf?un bu ?lmez eseri, orijinalitesini bozmayacak seviyede bir sadeleştirmeye tabi tutulmuş olarak, okuyuculara sunulmaktadır.

Öåíà: 94.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-605-121-937-0


F rqan

Àâòîð: Seymur Baycan

Seymur Baycan (Seymur XXX), yazı?ı, publisisit. 1976-cı ildə Bakı şəhərində anadan olmuş, Qafqaz Universitetini bitirmişdir. Hekayələri rus, g?rc?, erməni, ukrayna, qazax və s. dillərə ?evrilmiş və ?ap olunmuşdur. ""Ət və ət məhsulları"" romanı ilə D?nya ədəbiyyatına skelet-roman anlayışını gətirmişdir. Publisistik fəaliyyəti d?nəmində ""Reytinq"", ""Xalq"", ""Milli yol"", ""G?ndəlik Azərbaycan"" və digər qəzetlərlə əməkdaşlıq etmişdir.

Öåíà: 61.71 ðóá.


F?r Immer Mein Graf
F?r Immer Mein Graf

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Wahre Liebe gibt es nur im M?rchen. Wahre Liebe gibt es nur im M?rchen. Zumindest glaubt das Miss Hannah Knight. Ihre pr?genden Jahre waren von Schwierigkeiten erf?llt, aber sie tr?gt immer eine Erinnerung mit sich—sogar durch die dunkelsten Zeiten. Den Sommer, den sie im Manchester Castle verbrachte, wo sie von einem Gl?cklich-bis-ans-Lebensende in den Armen des Mannes tr?umte, der ihr Herz h?lt. Der Krieg hat Garrick Edwards zynisch zur?ckgelassen. Er hatte nie erwartet den Titel zu erben und der Graf von Manchester zu werden, aber sein Bruder hat sich in ein fr?hes Grab getrunken, dabei eine Tochter und einen Berg Schulden hinterlassen. Widerwillig kehrt er an seinen Familiensitz zur?ck. Als er ankommt, findet er Hannah dort. Ihre Briefe w?hrend des Kriegs hatten ihm Hoffnung geschenkt, wenn es keine gab; jedoch glaubt er nicht, dass er ihre Liebe verdient. Als sie ihre Freundschaft wieder aufleben lassen, finden sie Hoffnung, von der sie beide geglaubt haben sie verloren zu haben. Im Grunde ihres Herzens klammern sie sich an diese Hoffnung und beginnen sich zu fragen, ob manche Tr?ume wahr werden k?nnen. Die Frage ist, werden sie mutig genug sein nach diesen zu greifen…

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893987387


F?r Immer und Ewig
F?r Immer und Ewig

Àâòîð: Ñîôè Ëàâ

“Un capolavoro del genere thriller e giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto cos? bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terr? svegli anche la notte, finch? non avrete girato l’ultima pagina.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito del Killer della rosa) SE LEI SAPESSE (un giallo di Kate Wise) ? il libro 1 di una nuova serie thriller dell’autore best-seller Blake Pierce, il cui best-seller Il killer della rosa (libro 1) (scaricabile gratuitamente) ha ricevuto pi? di mille recensioni a cinque stelle. La cinquantacinquenne Kate Wise, madre di una figlia ormai grande e agente dell’FBI appena andata in pensione, si ritrova strappata via dalla sua tranquilla vita di periferia quando la figlia della sua amica viene uccisa durante una violazione di domicilio – e la implorano di fornire il suo aiuto. Kate pensava di aver lasciato l’FBI dopo trent’anni come agente di punta, rispettata per la sua mente brillante, le sue abilit? forti in azione e la sua sbalorditiva capacit? di dare la caccia ai serial killer. Per? Kate, annoiata dalla cittadina tranquilla, viene convocata da un’amica che non pu? deludere. Dando la caccia all’assassino, si ritrova presto in prima linea in una caccia all’uomo, a mano a mano che compaiono nuovi corpi – tutte madri di periferia, mogli in matrimoni perfetti – e diventa chiaro che c’? un serial killer che perseguita quella tranquilla cittadina. Disseppellisce segreti dei suoi vicini che non avrebbe mai voluto conoscere, scoprendo che nulla ? come sembra in quel quadretto di citt? e vicini modello. Relazioni e menzogne dilagano, e Kate deve passare al setaccio il ventre della citt? per impedire all’assassino di colpire ancora. Ma questo assassino ? un passo avanti a lei, e potrebbe finire a trovarsi lei in pericolo. Thriller pieno di azione e di suspense, SE LEI SAPESSE ? il libro 1 un’affascinante nuova serie che vi terr? svegli fino a notte fonda, pagina dopo pagina, fino alla fine. Anche il libro 2 della serie di KATE WISE ? gi? ordinabile.

Ñåðèÿ: Die Pension in Sunset Harbor

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Birgit Arnold

Öåíà: 358.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094301372


F?r jede L?sung ein Problem (Gek?rzt)
F?r jede L?sung ein Problem (Gek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Êåðñòèí Ãèð

Gerri schreibt Abschiedsbriefe an alle, die sie kennt, und sie geht nicht gerade zimperlich mit der Wahrheit um. Nur dummerweise klappt es dann nicht mit den Schlaftabletten und dem Wodka und Gerris Leben wird von einem Tag auf den anderen so richtig spannend. Denn es ist so eine Sache, mit seinen Mitmenschen klarzukommen, wenn sie wissen, was man wirklich von ihnen h?lt!

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Josefine Preuss

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838760995



Àâòîð: Lucy Hughes-Hallett

Not since Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber have old stories been made to feel so electrically new. Not since Wim Winders’ Wings of Desire have the numinous and the everyday been so magically combined. It's in the nature of myth to be infinitely adaptable. Each of these startlingly original stories is set in modern Britain. Their characters include a people-trafficking gang-master and a prostitute, a migrant worker and a cocksure estate agent, an elderly musician doubly befuddled by dementia and the death of his wife, a pest-controller suspected of paedophilia and a librarian so well-behaved that her parents wonder anxiously whether she’ll ever find love. They’re ordinary people, preoccupied, as we all are now, by the deficiencies of the health service, by criminal gangs and homelessness, by the pitfalls of dating in the age of #metoo. All of their stories, though, are inspired by ones drawn from Graeco-Roman myth, from the Bible or from folk-lore. The ancients invented myths to express what they didn’t understand. These witty fables, elegantly written and full of sharp-eyed observation of modern life, are also visionary explorations of potent mysteries and strange passions, charged with the hallucinatory beauty and horror of their originals.

Öåíà: 1346.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008334864


Face It: A Memoir
Face It: A Memoir

Àâòîð: Debbie Harry

‘I was saying things in songs that female singers didn’t really say back then. I wasn’t submissive or begging him to come back, I was kicking his ass, kicking him out, kicking my own ass too. My Blondie character was an inflatable doll but with a dark, provocative, aggressive side. I was playing it up, yet I was very serious. ’ BRAVE, BEAUTIFUL AND BORN TO BE PUNK DEBBIE HARRY is a musician, actor, activist and the iconic face of New York City cool. As the front-woman of Blondie, she and the band forged a new sound that brought together the worlds of rock, punk, disco, reggae and hip-hop to create some of the most beloved pop songs of all time. As a muse, she collaborated with some of the boldest artists of the past four decades. The scope of Debbie Harry’s impact on our culture has been matched only by her reticence to reveal her rich inner life – until now. In an arresting mix of visceral, soulful storytelling and stunning visuals that includes never-before-seen photographs, bespoke illustrations and fan art installations, Face It upends the standard music memoir while delivering a truly prismatic portrait. With all the grit, grime, and glory recounted in intimate detail, Face It recreates the downtown scene of 1970s New York City, where Blondie played alongside the Ramones, Television, Talking Heads, Iggy Pop and David Bowie. Following her path from glorious commercial success to heroin addiction, the near-death of partner Chris Stein, a heart-wrenching bankruptcy, and Blondie’s break-up as a band to her multifaceted acting career in more than thirty films, a stunning solo career and the triumphant return of her band, and her tireless advocacy for the environment and LGBTQ rights, Face It is a cinematic story of a woman who made her own path, and set the standard for a generation of artists who followed in her footsteps – a memoir as dynamic as its subject.

Öåíà: 2207.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008229450


Facing the Fire
Facing the Fire

Àâòîð: Gail Barrett

Never marry a smoke jumper!Jordan Wells adopted that motto after her divorce from Cade McKenzie. She wanted a man who wasn't constantly running to the latest disaster–leaving her behind. Years later, she was finally ready to sell her mountain cabin–the only thing that still connected her to her ex–and move on with her life.Cade had sworn he was long over Jordan, but when a deadly fire threatened her life, he didn't hesitate to lead her on a dangerous race out of a burning Montana forest. Forced to take shelter in each other's arms, old passions were ignited. And desire soon proved to be a greater threat than any wildfire…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408962497



Àâòîð: Christopher Ecker

Georg Fahlmann steht unter Druck. Das Studium, die Ehe, der zerm?rbende Job im Bestattungsunternehmen seines Onkels und insbesondere die Frauen: Es wird ihm alles zu viel. Viel lieber schreibt er an seinem historischen Kriminalroman, der vom K?ferforscher Carl Richard Bahlow auf einer pal?ontologischen Expedition in Deutsch-Ostafrika handelt. Aber je l?nger Fahlmann an seinem Roman arbeitet, desto br?chiger wird das, was er bis dahin f?r Realit?t hielt. Wer erfindet eigentlich Bahlow? Und wer erfindet Fahlmann? Und ?berhaupt: Wer erz?hlt das ganze Buch? Und wieso scheint sich in einem heruntergekommenen Pariser Hotel, dessen R?ume st?ndig ihre Position ver?ndern, das gesamte Romanpersonal versammelt zu haben? Unterhaltsam, komisch, anspielungsreich, vielschichtig und hintersinnig – Christopher Eckers ebenso spannender wie kunstvoller Roman ?ber Toplyriker in Tierkost?men, skandal?se Zwischenf?lle im Bestattungswesen, k?feressende Entomologen, allm?chtige Leierkastenm?nner, durchsichtig werdende Sch?nheiten und einen Botaniker, der das Schicksal des Planeten in den H?nden zu halten meint, l?sst die Welt noch einmal eine gro?e Erz?hlung sein.

Öåíà: 2958.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783954620906



Àâòîð: Jennifer Haigh

One woman's search for the truth after scandal rocks her family, and the explosive family secrets she uncovers, in this complex, moving fourth novel from bestselling and award-winning author Jennifer Haigh.In THE LOST GOSPEL, Jennifer Haigh explores the repercussions of one family's history of silence, when a priest's sex scandal forces his family's untold past to surface. Art, Sheila, and Mike are siblings in a large extended Irish-American family from the Boston suburbs. Though their father is a non-believer, their mother is Lace Curtain Irish-Catholic, having raised her children to keep family secrets just that, secrets, in a home where most subjects are taboo.Sheila is concerned when Art, beloved priest leading a major Catholic parish outside Boston, seems to fall off the grid just days before Easter. Then the news breaks that he has been accused of sexual misconduct. The media coverage shatters the community and pits Art's family members against one another, leaving Sheila determined to uncover the truth and-she hopes-clear his name.Now that Sheila's in town and determined to help prove Art's innocence, she finds herself locking horns with her younger brother, Mike, who cannot shake the feeling that Art might be guilty.By turns disturbed by what Art might have done and furious at the seemingly unfair accusations, the truth remains elusive for readers in this artfully-crafted family drama.

Öåíà: 724.05 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007423651


Faith - The Van Helsing Chronicles, Folge 4: S?nden der Vergangenheit
Faith - The Van Helsing Chronicles, Folge 4: S?nden der Vergangenheit

Àâòîð: Simeon Hrissomallis

Ein Fluch schwebt seit Jahrhunderten ?ber der Familie der McGillians! Andrew McGillian kl?rt seine Geschwister ?ber die unheilige Vergangenheit ihrer Blutlinie auf. Denn Andrew wei?, dass jeder Einzelne von ihnen noch immer in Lebensgefahr schwebt. In seiner Not wendet McGillian sich an den Okkultisten Nathan Pierce. Pierce bittet zwei Freunde, in Irland nach dem Rechten zu sehen und den McGillians im Kampf gegen ihr schreckliches Schicksal beizustehen: Christopher Lane und Faith van Helsing!

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Nana Spier

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260507144096


Fakin Eh - How To Pretend To Be Canadian (Unabridged)
Fakin' Eh - How To Pretend To Be Canadian (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Dan de Figueiredo

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Dana Negrey

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781989209028


Falcon s Prey
Falcon's Prey

Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.Englishwoman Felicia Gordon should be floating on air. After all, she's engaged to a man who is kind, charming, considerate… But he doesn't inspire the least amount of passion in her blood. It isn't until Felicia flies to Kuwait to meet her fianc?'s family that she finds the electricity she's been missing—in her fianc?'s uncle, Sheikh Raschid al Hamid al Sabah!Raschid is hardly the «uncle» she imagined—tall, powerful, unnervingly masculine and shockingly arrogant. But beneath Raschid's contempt lies a passion that burns hotter than the desert sun, a fire Felicia never knew she craved… until now.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408997987


Falcon s Run
Falcon's Run

Àâòîð: Aimee Thurlo

Detective Preston Bowman has a gift for sensing danger and the danger stalking Abby Langdon is undeniable. Alone on her isolated ranch Abby has only Preston to trust and, as the risk intensifies, so does her desire for the strong, silent lawman.But even if he could keep everyone on the ranch safe… she couldn’t say the same for her heart.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472007353


Falidal und die verlorenen Farben
Falidal und die verlorenen Farben

Àâòîð: Rainer M. Osinger

Falidal, ein kleines M?dchen im Lande Farlo, begibt sich mit ihren beiden Freunden Animus und Pius auf eine gef?hrliche und abenteuerliche Reise, um die Farben und das Leben wiederzufinden und die betrogenen B?rger von Farlo zu retten. – Falidal ist ein kleines, zartes M?dchen, das anders als ihre Mitmenschen ist – sie ist als Einzige bunt und farbig. Sie wird f?r ihr Anderssein jedoch oft verachtet und ist viel allein. Ihr einziger Freund ist der sprechende Kater Animus. Eines Tages trifft das Kind aber den alten Farbenfreund Lefa, was so viel bedeutet wie »Lebendige Farben«. Lefa erkl?rt der kleinen Falidal viel ?ber die Zusammenh?nge des Lebens und warum im Lande Farlo alles so farblos geworden ist. Schlie?lich gibt Lefa dem M?dchen einen ganz besonderen Auftrag … Eine Geschichte voller Hoffnung und ?ber den Glauben an die Liebe.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783960086062


Fall or, Dodge in Hell
Fall or, Dodge in Hell

Àâòîð: Neal Stephenson

From the New York Times bestselling author of SEVENEVES ‘One of the great novels of our time’ Wall Street Journal‘Staggering’ New York Times‘Captivating’ Washington Post‘Cutting-edge’ Booklist‘Epic’ Kirkus‘Mind-blowing’ Slate What if we could live forever? What if we did? In Fall or, Dodge in Hell exists a world where we hold the keys to our own mortality, where the limits of survival no longer exist, and the potential to decide our fates lies in our corruptible hands. From one of the greatest speculative writers of our time comes an epic saga of life and death, power and technology, and a future that isn’t as far away as it seems…

Öåíà: 2072.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008168841


Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel

Àâòîð: Andrew Taylor

Like an archaeological dig, The Roth Trilogy strips away the past to reveal the menace lurking in the present: ‘Taylor has established a sound reputation for writing tense, clammy novels that perceptively penetrate the human psyche’ – Marcel Berlins, The TimesThe shadow of past evil hangs over the present in Andrew Taylor's Roth Trilogy as he skilfully traces the influences that have come to shape the mind of a psychopath.Beginning, in The Four Last Things, with the abduction of little Lucy Appleyard and a grisly discovery in a London graveyard, the layers of the past are gradually peeled away through The Judgement of Strangers and The Office of the Dead to unearth the dark and twisted roots of a very immediate horror that threatens to explode the serenity of Rosington's peaceful Cathedral Close.

Öåíà: 661.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007368792



Àâòîð: Neil White

Everyone would kill for their fifteen minutes of fame…A Premiership footballer is shot dead in cold blood on a busy London street, and a country is gripped by terror. Who is behind this apparently motiveless killing – and who’s next in the firing line?Jack Garrett is determined to find out. A small-time journalist who's left behind his Lancashire roots for the glitz and glamour – and seediness and squalor – of the capital, he's convinced this is no celebrity stalker.Aided and abetted by DC Laura McGanity, desperately trying to juggle police life with motherhood and her feelings for Jack, the trail takes them back to Jack's home town of Turner's Fold – and his past.What's the connection between the recent murder and the death of a young girl 10 years before?Conspiracy, revenge and the high price of fame all combine in this stunning debut from a dazzling new voice in crime fiction.

Öåíà: 246.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007278923


Falling for a Father of Four
Falling for a Father of Four

Àâòîð: Arlene James

Four rambunctious children and not a wife in sight. Struggling single father Orren Ellis needed someone to care for his brood, and the only applicant was Mattie Kincaid. Though the beauty could cook, clean and courageously keep his kids in line, Orren considered her simply too young to take the job of his bride.But years were not important to Mattie. She had quickly fallen for the endearing father of four and sensed he felt the same. And no matter how loudly Orren protested, Mattie was determined to make herself part of this ready-made family.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472054340


Falling For Her Bodyguard
Falling For Her Bodyguard

Àâòîð: Amy Vastine

She needs his protection… But can he protect his heart? Radio personality Kelly Bonner isn't convinced she needs a bodyguard, especially one as intensely good-looking as Detective Donovan Walsh. Yet beneath Donovan's tough-guy facade is a man struggling to raise his sister's children. A man Kelly could care about… if he'd let her. Now she'll have to find a way to convince her big, bad bodyguard that his family—and his heart—are safe in her hands.

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474097468


Falling for the Rebel Heir
Falling for the Rebel Heir

Àâòîð: Ýëëè Áëåéê

All she wants is to feel safeNever going beyond the boundaries of her small town, Kendall York craves safety and security since the accident that injured her and claimed her fianc&232 's life. Danger is his middle name Returning from his latest assignment as a war-zone correspondent, risk-taker Hudson Bennington III finds Kendall swimming in the pool at his estate, and is enchanted.Will she say yes to this rebel's proposal? Their lives and ambitions are so different, but he's vowed to ease the pain of her past. Can Kendall trust that he'll be around for her future?

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408945827


Falling Hour (Unabridged)
Falling Hour (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Geoffrey Morrison

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Andre Alexis

Öåíà: 2465.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781770567696



Àâòîð: Fred Pearce

Gek?ndigte Atomabkommen, drohendes Wettr?sten, marode Kernkraftwerke… der Geist der Radioaktivit?t schwebt weiter ?ber uns. Aber was genau wissen wir ?ber die Folgen von Verstrahlung und die Gefahren, die von stillgelegten Meilern ausgehen? Wie leben die Menschen in und um die Sperrzonen? Und wohin mit dem ganzen Atomm?ll? Eine fesselnde Reportagereise durch das nukleare Zeitalter. Hiroshima, Bikini Atoll, Sellafield, Tschernobyl, Fukushima, Gorleben – Namen, die nicht mehr nur Orte bezeichnen, sondern Katastrophen und immense materielle wie immaterielle Kosten. Sie erinnern an das Zusammentreffen von menschlicher Genialit?t, Machtmissbrauch und schlimmstem Versagen. Dabei hat ein jeder dieser Orte seine eigene ern?chternde Geschichte zu erz?hlen. Zusammen ergeben sie die Chronik des nuklearen Zeitalters. In seiner fesselnden und hervorragend recherchierten Reportage untersucht Fred Pearce die gr??ten atomaren Desaster der letzten 70 Jahre und bereist die ikonisch gewordenen Orte. Er besichtigt mit Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren stillgelegte Reaktoren und verlassene Testareale, entdeckt auf verseuchtem Brachland radioaktive W?lfe und mutierte Pflanzen, aber auch eine ?berraschende Widerstandskraft der Natur. ?berlebende, ?rzte und Aktivisten erz?hlen ihm, was staatliche Verschleierungen, T?uschungen durch Konzerne und die Vertuschung medizinischer Erkenntnisse physisch und psychisch angerichtet haben. Mit seinem Buch ruft Pearce uns ins Ged?chtnis, was wir nicht vergessen sollten: das ganze Ausma? und die Folgen der zerst?rerischsten Technologie, die die Menschheit je erfunden hat.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Ñîôüÿ Àíóôðèåâà

Öåíà: 1971.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783956143779


False Family
False Family

Àâòîð: Mary Wilson Anne

Mistletoe and murder…It seemed simple. An eccentric billionaire who didn't trust his heirs had asked Mallory King to pose as his long-lost daughter over the holidays. But she didn't expect the lethal intentions of his greedy relatives–or expect to meet a man like darkly compelling Tony Carella, whose eyes followed her everywhere she went….Tony didn't like gold diggers, and he thought Mallory was bamboozling his elderly business partner. In order to uncover the truth about this mysterious woman, he needed to get close to her, but he never expected to fall under her spell. He was willing to go to any lengths to get Mallory out of the way…including seduction. But murder…?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474025799


False Impressions
False Impressions

Àâòîð: Laura Caldwell

The Art of Murder Chicago attorney Izzy McNeil is ready to take a break from private investigation and focus on her career in criminal law. But as a favor, she agrees to work with Madeline Saga, a beautiful art gallery owner who fears that artwork she has sold is fake. Who in Madeline’s tight circle of artists and gallery owners is guilty of the forgeries? When Madeline's life is threatened, Izzy is suddenly asking a more troublesome question: Who wants the gallery owner dead?As the case spins out of control, there’s only one person who makes Izzy feel safe. Detective Damon Vaughn. But getting close to her former nemesis is full of surprises. Astonishing truths about the glittering Chicago art scene that will introduce Izzy to the deadliest art of deception…."Caldwell combines the best courtroom dramas with the vibe of Sex in the City …Izzy McNeil’s wit and charm compel the reader and the mystery proves intriguing."–RTBook Reviews on Claim of Innocence

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408970157


False Security
False Security

Àâòîð: Elizabeth Goddard

NO SAFE HAVENArriving at her secluded cabin to find her brother missing, Olivia Kendricks follows his trail into the woods—until two shooters take aim at her. She only escapes when ex-detective Zachary Long, her brother’s friend—and Olivia’s first love—comes to her rescue. Now as they run for their lives in the snowbound wilderness, they must search for her brother while figuring out why someone wants them dead. And though Zach’s police force training may be what will save them, it’s also what once drove them apart when he gave Olivia up to chase his dream. In a freezing landscape as deadly as it is beautiful, they’ll have to let go of the past…and face down powerful men willing to kill to keep secrets buried.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474066976


Familiar Oasis
Familiar Oasis

Àâòîð: Caroline Burnes

DESERT CAPTIVEAmelia Corbet rushed into the desert to save her sister and wound up a captive! But not for long. First a strange black cat appeared, followed by a dark rescuer with the eyes of a hawk and a fierce embrace that stirred her deepest longings. But was Harad Dukhan's intent to save her–or to capture Amelia for himself?The city-bred beauty was a thorn in Harad's side–until he held her in his arms. Now he couldn't let her go. Amelia was a pawn in a deadly plot against his family. If keeping her near would save her life, this desert captive might yet become his desert bride!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472033529


Familiar Stranger
Familiar Stranger

Àâòîð: Øàðîí Ñàëà

THE AGENT: SPEAR's top gun, a man deeply shrouded in mystery…THE MISSION: To find his heart again – before he fights his last battle…THE SOUL-WRENCHING REUNION:Once he holds Cara Justice in his arms, will he ever let her go?He was the only man she had ever loved. The father of her child. The soldier Cara Justice believed dead. Now he was back, older, yet just as ruggedly handsome as he'd been years ago, when they'd said goodbye.Passion drove them together again, though duty tore them apart. For he had one final battle, and he would either fight to the death – or return home a hero, ready to claim his woman once and for all….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408947128


Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle
Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Àâòîð: Leah Fleming

Four gripping sagas at a bargain price. Perfect for fans of Call The Midwife and The Village.Pearl, the heroine of Nobody’s Girl, will do anything to survive. She’s escaped from her cruel orphanage and is determined to start living in the real world. But when she gets tangled up in the murky south London underworld she meets the dangerous Kevin and her life is thrown into jeopardy. Can anyone protect Pearl from Kevin and her own heart?In There’s Always Tomorrow, when Dottie’s husband Reg receives a mysterious letter through the post, Dottie has no idea that this letter will change her life forever.Ruby sees former WW2 evacuee, feisty Ruby being forced to fend for herself when she returns to her family in LondonThe Girl From World’s End is a tale of love and heartache in the Yorkshire dales during WW2. When tragedy strikes for Mirren and her handsome husband Jack, there’s only one place for Mirren to go…

Öåíà: 1318.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007532445


Family In The Making
Family In The Making

Àâòîð: Jo Ann Brown

Daddy LessonsArthur, Lord Trelawney, is an expert at carrying coded messages for the government—and a complete amateur in caring for children. Before courting a widowed acquaintance with two babies, he decides to practice with the rescued orphans sheltering at his family estate. A practical idea…until he meets their lovely nurse.Maris Oliver is drawn to the principled, handsome nobleman, even if he's expected to woo another woman. Both have secrets that threaten their safety and their fragile trust. But if Maris's sweet charges have their way, Arthur won't need to venture beyond his own front door to find a woman he'll risk all to protect and love.Matchmaking Babies: Seeking forever families and speeding up the course of true love

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474038201


Family Merger
Family Merger

Àâòîð: Leigh Greenwood

HE NEEDED HER HELPFor the first time, international businessman, local millionaire and widower Ron Egan was faced with a dilemma that he couldn't negotiate his way out of. His teenage daughter was pregnant. Soon Ron was jetting from a boardroom in Geneva back to his home in North Carolina, where he found his daughter seeking shelter and solace at a home for unwed mothers run by wealthy heiress Kathryn Roper.The beautiful Kathryn seemed to be the only bridge between Ron and his daughter. But as Kathryn helped Ron reconnect with his troubled teen, was it possible to ignore their growing feelings for each other? Especially when each day they spent together seemed to be evoking powerful yearnings that neither knew how to resist….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472081070



Àâòîð: Âîëüòåð

Volter ?z?ndən sonra ?ox b?y?k bir ədəbi-fəlsəfi yaradıcılıq irsi qoyub getmişdir. ?l?m?ndən sonra, onun əsərlərinin tam toplusunu yayınlayanda, hər biri 600 səhifəlik 50 cild ortaya ?ıxmışdı. Ana dilimizdə yayınlanan “Fanatizm” kitabı Volter yaradıcılığının yalnız ki?ik bir hissəsidir, ancaq bu ?rnəkləri oxumaqla da Volterin ruhunu duymaq m?mk?nd?r. Kitabın girişində Volterin ?l?m?ndən ke?ən y?z?nc? ildəki mərasimdə Viktor H?qo geniş məzmunlu ?ıxışı verilmişdir. Həmin ?ıxışdan bir par?anı diqqətinizə ?atdırırıq: “Volter qaranlığı aydınlatmaq ???n savaşırdı, təkbaşına hamıya qarşı vuruşurdu, belə bir b?y?k savaşa atılmışdı. Onun bu savaşı, ideyanın qaba materiyaya, məntiqin məntiqsizliyə, d?zg?nl?y?n əyriliyə, əzilənlərin haqları uğrunda əzənlərə qarşı olan savaşı idi, yaxşılıq uğrunda, insanlıq uğurunda aparılan bir savaş idi. Volterin ruhunda, biri-biri ilə yanaşı olan: bir qadın incəliyi ilə, bir igid d?y?şkənliyi vardı. O, olduqca b?y?k bir ağılın, geniş bir ?rəyin yiyəsi idi.”

Öåíà: 232.9 ðóá.


Fangs To My Blood
Fangs To My Blood

Àâòîð: Virginie T

An impossible love story between a vampire and a werewolf After decades of servitude, Dumitru’s werewolf pack wants to be free. To do this, they must convince the vampire king to reveal their origin in order to have hope for the future. Their plan falls apart when they discover Tatjana. In the middle of an endless war between vampires and lycanthropes, will love find its place?

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835406419


Fantasmas, Chicas Y Otros Espectros
Fantasmas, Chicas Y Otros Espectros

Àâòîð: Stephen Goldin

"FANTASMAS, CHICAS Y OTROS ESPECTROS es una colecci?n amplia de los cuentos de ficci?n individuales de Stephen Goldin, que contiene la mayor?a de los cuentos de su colecci?n previa EL ?LTIMO FANTASMA Y OTROS CUENTOS. (Los cuentos del ”?ngel de negro” se han colocado en un volumen propio.) Estos cuentos cubren el espectro desde el humor al pathos y le garantizamos que lo entretendr?n. FANTASMAS, CHICAS Y OTROS ESPECTROS es una colecci?n amplia de los cuentos de ficci?n individuales de Stephen Goldin, que contiene la mayor?a de los cuentos de su colecci?n previa EL ?LTIMO FANTASMA Y OTROS CUENTOS. (Los cuentos del ”?ngel de negro” se han colocado en un volumen propio.) Incluye algunos de sus mejores sue?os conocidas, tales como ”El ?ltimo fantasma”, cuento finalista del Premio N?bula, y ”Dulces sue?os, Melissa”, incluido frecuentemente en antolog?as. La lista completa del ?ndice incluye: Dulces sue?os, Melissa; Las chicas del USSF 193; Agradable lugar para visitar, Cuando no hay un hombre cerca; Xen?fobo; Cuento macabro; Sobre el amor, el libre albedr?o y las ardillas grises en una tarde de verano; Testarudo; Pero como un soldado, por su pa?s; El mundo en el que los sue?os funcionaban; Apollyon Ex M?quina; Preludio a una sinfon?a de gritos no nacidos; Retrato del artista como un joven dios; El ?ltimo fantasma y Casas embrujadas. Los cuentos de este libro cubren el espectro desde el humor hasta el pathos y demuestran la evoluci?n de un prol?fico escritor en el campo de la ficci?n especulativa. ?Que los disfrute!

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788885356559


Far From the Madding Crowd
Far From the Madding Crowd

Àâòîð: Òîìàñ Õàðäè (Ãàðäè)

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. Here is one of Thomas Hardy’s most popular novels, soon to be released as a major motion picture in May 2015.‘I shall do one thing in this life – one thing certain – that is, love you, and long for you, and keep wanting you till I die’Independent and spirited, Bathsheba Everdene owns the hearts of three men. Striving to win her love in different ways, their relationships with Bathsheba complicate her life in bucolic Wessex – and cast shadows over their own. With the morals and expectations of rural society weighing heavily upon her, Bathsheba experiences the torture of unrequited love and betrayal, and discovers how random acts of chance and tragedy can dramatically alter life’s course.The first of Hardy’s novels to become a major literary success, Far from the Madding Crowd explores what it means to live and to love.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007424818


Far in the Wilds
Far in the Wilds

Àâòîð: Deanna Raybourn

New York Times bestselling author Deanna Raybourn takes readers into Africa during the height of British colonialism, to meet a man as wild as the land he loves in this prequel novella…. Kenya, 1918 Ryder White is Canadian by birth but African by choice. He is more at home in the wilds of the savannah, shooting and sleeping his way across the continent, than amongst the hedonistic colonists of Kenyan society. In a landscape where one false move can cost a man his life, Ryder's skill as a guide is unparalleled, but only the rich or royal can afford his services.When a European prince hires Ryder to help him hunt an elusive leopard Ryder thinks it's just another well-paying job with yet another spoiled voyeur. But this perilous journey is full of dangers that may change Ryder forever….Ryder returns in A Spear of Summer Grass by Deanna Raybourn, where he encounters a woman from a very different world, to explore beauty and darkness and what is truly worth fighting for.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472014924


Fast am Ziel
Fast am Ziel

Àâòîð: Hanno Rinke

?ber 99 Umwege von Hamburg nach Apulien
Hanno Rinke ist fast am Ziel. Zufrieden kann er auf ein erf?lltes Leben zur?ckschauen. Trotzdem – und von Abenteuerlust getrieben – f?hrt er aber noch einmal die Stationen seines Lebens ab. Genauer genommen, er l?sst sich fahren – mal im Mercedes, mal im Rollstuhl. Zusammen mit Silke und Rafal, den Gef?hrten seines Alterns, reist Hanno sieben Wochen lang ?ber 99 Umwege von seiner Heimatstadt Hamburg nach Apulien, seinem Sehnsuchtsort, und wieder zur?ck. Unterwegs macht das Trio an jenen Orten, Gasth?fen und Str?nden halt, die Hanno mit pr?genden Erinnerungen verbindet: an seine Kindheit, an leidenschaftliche N?chte als (junger) Mann, an K?nstler aus seinem Berufsleben und an Albernheiten, die zu sch?n sind, um sie wegzulassen. Der Ausflug in die Vergangenheit, der weniger von Sentimentalit?t bestimmt ist als von Neugier, bietet reichlich Gelegenheit zum Sinnieren ?ber Welt­geschehen, Politik, Religion, Alter und nat?rlich Sex.
Hanno beobachtet, analysiert schonungslos seine Umwelt und sich selbst und pointiert. Ein herrlich subjektiver Reisebericht voller Geschichte und Geschichten, Erlebtem und Erdachtem, Unbequemem und Vers?hnlichem.

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783963114236


Fast And Loose
Fast And Loose

Àâòîð: Elizabeth Oldfield

THIS TIME, FOREVER Seduction – second time around! Darcy Weston knew everything there was to know about humiliation. Seven years ago she'd made a pass at heartthrob Keir Robards in his hotel bedroom. And he'd been tempted but had turned her down flat. Now Darcy was going through a repeat performance – on a Broadway stage, playing Keir's leading lady and lover!To top it all, Keir seemed intent on beginning rehearsals back in his bedroom – where else? Well, Darcy had been here before, but this time she was going to get her own back… .

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408986691


Fatal Memories
Fatal Memories

Àâòîð: Tanya Stowe

She was framed! Or was she? If only she could remember… Border patrol agent Jocelyn Walker has no memory of how she turned up unconscious with a cache of drugs—or why a gang is dead set on killing her. With evidence stacking up against her, Joss takes refuge with driven DEA agent Dylan Murphy, who guards—and suspects—her. But will finally trusting each other lead them into a trap they’ll never escape?

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474097406


Fatal Reunion
Fatal Reunion

Àâòîð: Jessica Patch R

Wrongly accusedWhen her beloved grandmother is almost killed during a home invasion, Piper Kennedy isn’t surprised that she’s a suspect—especially since Luke Ransom is on the case. The handsome detective she once loved thinks she knows more than she’s telling about the attack. And given her crooked past and the heartbreaking way she’d been forced to betray Luke years ago, Piper understands why he doesn’t trust her. But when attempts are made on her life, Luke insists on keeping her safe and finding out who wants her dead. And Piper and Luke soon realise a remorseless criminal will do anything to keep them from the truth…or an unexpected second shot at a future.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474047517



Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

""A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!"" –Vampirebooksite.com (regarding Turned) FATED is Book #11 in the #1 Bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which begins with TURNED (Book #1). In FATED, 16 year old Scarlet Paine struggles to understand what’s happening to her, as she wakes and realizes she’s becoming a vampire. Alienated from her parents and her friends, the only person she has left to turn to is Sage, the mysterious boy who has quickly become the love of her life. Yet Sage, whose house she finds boarded up, is nowhere to be found. Scarlet, alone in the world, with nowhere left to turn, seeks out her friends and tries to reconcile with them. All seems to be patched up when they invite her to join them on a trip to an abandoned island in the Hudson—but as things get out of hand and Scarlet’s true powers are revealed, who her friends and enemies are becomes more confusing than ever. Blake, still interested in her, tries to make amends. He seems sincere, and Scarlet is confused as she has to grapple with whether to be with Blake or to wait for Sage, who is nowhere to be found. When Scarlet finally finds Sage, they have the most romantic time of her life; yet it is tinged with tragedy, as Sage is dying, with but a few days left to live. Kyle, meanwhile, turned into the only other vampire left in the world, is on a murderous rampage, seeking Scarlet; Caitlin and Caleb consult with Aiden, and they each embark on different missions—Caleb to stop and kill Kyle, and Caitlin, to the famed Yale University library, to research the ancient relic rumored to both cure and kill vampires for all time. It is a race against time, and it may be too late. Scarlet is changing rapidly, barely able to control what she’s becoming, and Sage is dying with each passing moment. As the book culminates in an action-packed, shocking twist, Scarlet will be left with a monumental choice—one that will change the world forever. Will Scarlet make the ultimate sacrifice to save Sage’s life? Will she risk everything she has for love? “Grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning. There is not a dull moment to be found.” –Paranormal Romance Guild {regarding Turned} “Jam packed with action, romance, adventure, and suspense. Get your hands on this one and fall in love all over again.” –vampirebooksite.com (regarding Turned)

Ñåðèÿ: The Vampire Journals

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Emily Gittelman

Öåíà: 358.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640298651


Father Found
Father Found

Àâòîð: Muriel Jensen

Three identical sisters, three handsome bachelors and one enchanted night–nine months later, one woman is about to become a mother, but WHO'S THE DADDY?Finally, the father is revealed!Augusta Ames woke up in a hospital room with no memory of who she was–or how she'd gotten pregnant! Then one night a handsome stranger came to her, stated they were married and whisked her away. It was for her own good, he'd said. She had to trust him. But trusting him meant giving her heart to a man she didn't remember….Bram Bishop couldn't tell Augusta the truth–he wasn't her husband, but he was her baby's father. Somehow he'd have to remind her of all they'd planned for their future. But if her memory never returned, he had to make her fall in love with him–all over again!

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474020398


Fathers and Other Strangers
Fathers and Other Strangers

Àâòîð: Karen Templeton

Jenna Stanton had raised her niece, Blair, from birth, with nary a clue as to who the child's father was.Until now – when the piece of paper in her hand led her to the inexplicably attractive grouchy ex-cop Hank Logan. How could she tell Hank that her daughter was his? And more important, should she? The former detective in him told Hank that the pretty widow and the smart-mouth kid were in town for more than just the local scenery.But to say he was floored to find out the truth wasn't even close. Because in Blair and Jenna he was offered a chance to assume the two roles in life he'd sworn he would never take on. Father. And husband.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946565


Father’s Music
Father’s Music

Àâòîð: Dermot Bolger

From one of Ireland’s bestselling writers, a literary thriller set in London and Dublin.A combination of family fable and gripping thriller, ‘Father’s Music’ tells the story of Tracey, the troubled twenty-two-year-old daughter of an Englishwoman and a wandering musician from Donegal. She knows very little about her father, who returned to Ireland before Tracey was born, but when she is taken to Ireland by her lover, a Dublin businessman with underworld connections, Tracey at last feels she is coming home – to her father’s land.Caught up in Dublin low-life, tormented by memories of her dead mother and eager to follow up news of her father, Tracey finds her journey home to be a dangerous and extraordinary one…

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007392643



Àâòîð: Reglindis Rauca

Die DDR liegt in den letzten Z?gen und f?r die eigenwillige Marie ist es schwer, ihren Platz zu finden. Als Hilfspflegerin in einer »geschlossenen Anstalt« bei Dresden, die halb Irrenanstalt, halb Pflegeheim ist, hat sie mit fundamentalen Christen, darunter eifrige IMs, und ausbruchswilligen Insassen zu tun. Daneben qu?lt sie das Wissen ?ber ihren Gro?vater, der unter Hitler ein Massenm?rder war. So bleibt ihr oft nur die Flucht in die Dresdner Kulturszene. Doch dann erlebt sie in der Wendezeit, als sie an der Ost-Berliner Schauspielschule ihren Traumjob studiert, unglaubliche Dinge. Nach ihrem aufsehenerregenden Erstling »Vuchelbeerbaamland« erz?hlt Rauca in ihrem neuen Roman von der konfliktreichen Suche einer jungen, unangepassten, lebenshungrigen Frau nach Gl?ck, Liebe und Identit?t.

Öåíà: 1380.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783954622580


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