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Ñîðòèðîâêà: Íàèìåíîâàíèå, Öåíà, Àâòîð

Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
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By Royal Command
By Royal Command

Àâòîð: Robyn Donald

The only way Lauren can escape from the war-torn island of Sant'Rosa is to marry Guy, a sexy stranger, in a fake ceremony.But reunited with Guy under safer conditions, Lauren is overwhelmed by their mutual feelings of explosive desire! And he has news for her: their marriage vows are legal! What's more, he's really a prince, and Lauren is obliged to marry him again–by royal command!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472030559


By Royal Demand
By Royal Demand

Àâòîð: Robyn Donald

For Gabe Considine, Grand Duke of Illyria and a ruthless billionaire businessman, it's payback time! He believes his ex-fianc?e, Sara Milton, stole a priceless family heirloom and betrayed him with another man. Now Gabe wants his pride – and his property – returned!He'll lure Sara to his remote castle – and keep her there until she gives him everything he wants, even if he has to seduce her into submission.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408940921


By the Pricking of My Thumbs
By the Pricking of My Thumbs

Àâòîð: Àãàòà Êðèñòè

An old woman in a nursing home speaks of a child buried behind the fireplace…When Tommy and Tuppence visited an elderly aunt in her gothic nursing home, they thought nothing of her mistrust of the doctors; after all, Ada was a very difficult old lady.But when Mrs Lockett mentioned a poisoned mushroom stew and Mrs Lancaster talked about ‘something behind the fireplace’, Tommy and Tuppence found themselves caught up in an unexpected adventure involving possible black magic…

Öåíà: 534.65 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007422180


C bh d n c bh y
Cəbhədən cəbhəyə

Àâòîð: Ãàñàí Ìåõòè îãëû Ñåèäáåéëè

Bu detektiv romanda faşizmə qarşı m?haribə illərindən bəhs edilir. Cəbhədən yarım?ıq qayıdan Teymurun Bakıdakı sonrakı həyatı oxucunun g?zləri qarşısında canlanır. D?vlət təhl?kəsizlik orqanlarında işə girən Teymur dəfələrlə cinayətkarlarla ?z-?zə dayanır və qalib gəlir. Əsərin fonunda Teymurun Ləman ilə məhəbbəti əsas planda verilib.

Ñåðèÿ: Milli ədəbiyyat

Öåíà: 246.83 ðóá.


C h nn m

Àâòîð: İsa Muğanna

Yazı?ı ?z əsərini “fantastikasız fantastika” kimi xarakterizə edir. O, bu əsərində varlığı elm adamları tərəfindən hələ də s?buta yetirilməyən, sadəcə mif olaraq bilinən “Cəhənnəm” məfhumuna yazı?ı ustalığı ilə yanaşır və o, ?z qəhrəmanlarını Kosmosa səyahət etdirir. Bu əsərdə OdƏrlərin əsrlərlə yaşayan irsindən, onların qoruyub-saxladığı sistemdən də s?z a?ılır.

Ñåðèÿ: Milli ədəbiyyat

Öåíà: 123.42 ðóá.


C?l Zero
C?l Zero

Àâòîð: Äæåê Ìàðñ

V knize navazuj?c? na prvn? d?l (AGENT ZERO) špion?žn? s?rie Agent Zero, kter? nese n?zev C?L ZERO (kniha 2.), se vyd?me na dalš? divokou j?zdu plnou akce např?č Evropou spolu s elitn?m agentem CIA Kentem Steelem. Tentokr?t mus? ochr?nit svět před biologickou zbran? – a během toho se vypoř?dat s vlastn? ztr?tou paměti. Kentův život se na prchav? okamžik vr?t? do star?ch kolej?, než ho opět povol? CIA a pověř? ho ?kolem dopadnout teroristy a zabr?nit tak dalš? mezin?rodn? krizi – tentokr?t dokonce potenci?lně ještě v?c zničuj?c?, než byla předchoz?. Znovu se setk?v? s ne?spěchy, když po něm jde zabij?k, mus? se vypoř?dat s vlastn?mi konspiracemi, všude kolem jsou podvojn? agenti a sv? milence může sotva věřit. Přesto však se mu vzpom?nky rychle vracej? a spolu s nimi z?blesky tajemstv? toho, k?m kdysi byl, na co přišel – a proč po něm jdou. Uvědom? si, že jeho vlastn? identita může v tomhle boji b?t t?m nejnebezpečnějš?m tajemstv?m.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305431


C?mo Realizar F?cilmente Cualquier Deseo
C?mo Realizar F?cilmente Cualquier Deseo

Àâòîð: Áåðàðäèíî Íàðäåëëà

Manual con un ensayo pr?ctica que ense?a t?cnicas para obtener la realizaci?n de los deseos propios ?Celas deseos ocultos en tu coraz?n? ?Te gustar?a que se realizasen? ?Quieres saber c?mo he conseguido realizar los m?os? Si no los tienes, este libro no es para ti. Piensa que si existiese un modo para que se realizasen los deseos propios c?mo podr?a mejorar tu vida. Si t?, al igual que yo, tienes deseos que nunca has conseguido realizar, si tambi?n t? est?s cansado de vivir tu vida sin sorpresas ni alegr?a, en este manual extremadamente pr?ctico encontrar?s las sencillas y necesarias t?cnicas para llevarlo a cabo. Tanto si en tu vida no has obtenido el ?xito, como si lo has hecho pero sientes un vac?o indefinible, con este manual encontrar?s potentes medios para realizar, de manera concreta, tus deseos y vivir la vida que siempre has so?ado.

Öåíà: 354.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873043409


C?rka czarownicy
C?rka czarownicy

Àâòîð: Anna Klejzerowicz

Mroczny sekret, kt?ry położył się cieniem na jej życiu. Małgosia, już jako dorosła kobieta, przyjeżdża na wakacje do swoich przybranych rodzic?w. Nawet nie przypuszcza, że pobyt u nich będzie r?wnież powrotem do smutnych i przykrych wydarzeń z dzieciństwa. Przeszłości nie da się wymazać ani zamknąć jej na klucz i Małgosia ponownie będzie musiała się z nią zmierzyć. Odnajdzie w niej pewien mroczny sekret, kt?ry położył się cieniem na jej życiu i tylko od będzie zależeć, czy potrafi sobie z nim poradzić… Powieść wciągająca i “czarująca” od pierwszej strony. Mamy morderstwo, tajemnice, niewyjaśnione sprawy z przeszłości, a chwilami nawet nastr?j grozy. Dostajemy też dużą dawkę ciepła, miłości, życzliwości, mądrości, wzruszeń i humoru. Wspaniała, wciągająca, magiczna powieść. (Grażyna Strumiłowska, Książka zamiast kwiatka) C?rkę czarownicy, pochłonęłam dosłownie w trzy wieczory… Polecam nie tylko osobom preferującym wsp?łczesną powieść obyczajową. Znajdziecie w niej sporo bardzo ciekawych wątk?w, począwszy od psychologicznego, a skończywszy na kryminalnym. Ta lektura jest jak magnes – przyciąga i nie chce puścić! (Ewa Formella Książki Idy)

Ñåðèÿ: Czarownica

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Wojciech Stagenalski

Öåíà: 1026.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789179958978


C?zzam ve A k
C?zzam ve Aşk

Àâòîð: Nikolay Yakutskay

Öåíà: 80.89 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6494-22-0



Àâòîð: Êëàéâ Áàðêåð

A fabulous journey through the mind of the master of dark imaginative fiction, Clive Barker. The nightmare had begun…. Boone knew that there was no place on this earth for him now; no happiness here, not even with Lori. He would let Hell claim him, let Death take him there. But Death itself seemed to shrink from Boone. No wonder, if he had indeed been the monster who had shattered, violated and shredded so many others’ lives. And Decker had shown him the proof – the hellish photographs where the last victims were forever stilled, splayed in the last obscene moment of their torture. Boone’s only refuge now was Midian – that awful, legendary place in which gathered the half-dead, the Nightbreed…

Öåíà: 246.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007369041


Cacer?a Cero
Cacer?a Cero

Àâòîð: Äæåê Ìàðñ

“No dormir?s hasta que hayas terminado con AGENTE CERO. El autor hizo un excelente trabajo creando un conjunto de personajes que est?n muy desarrollados y que los disfrutar?s mucho. La descripci?n de las escenas de acci?n nos transporta a la realidad, que es casi como sentarse en el cine con sonido envolvente y 3D (ser?a una incre?ble pel?cula de Hollywood). Dif?cilmente esperar? por la secuela”.–Roberto Mattos, Books and Movie ReviewsEn CACER?A CERO (Libro #3), cuando el Agente Cero de la CIA descubre que sus dos hijas adolescentes han sido secuestradas y est?n destinadas a una red de traficantes en Europa del Este, se embarca en una persecuci?n de alto octanaje a trav?s de Europa, dejar un rastro de devastaci?n es su camino, ya que rompe todas las reglas, arriesga su propia vida y hace todo lo que puede para recuperar a sus hijas.Kent, ordenado por la CIA a retirarse, se niega. Sin el apoyo de la agencia, con topos y asesinos en todos lados, con un amante en quien apenas puede confiar, y siendo ?l mismo el objetivo, el Agente Cero debe luchar contra m?ltiples enemigos para recuperar a sus hijas.Contra la red de tr?fico m?s mort?fera de Europa, con conexiones pol?ticas que llegan hasta lo m?s alto, es una batalla casi imposible – un hombre contra un ej?rcito – y una que s?lo el Agente Cero puede librar.Y, sin embargo, se da cuenta, de que su propia identidad puede ser el secreto m?s peligroso de todos.CACER?A CERO (Libro #3) es una emocionante serie de suspenso y espionaje que te mantendr? pasando p?ginas tarde en la noche.“Escritura de suspenso en su esplendor”.–Midwest Book Review (con respecto a Por Todos Los Medios Necesarios)“Una de las mejores series de suspenso que he le?do este a?o”.–Books and Movie Reviews (con respecto a Por Todos Los Medios Necesarios)Tambi?n est? disponible la serie #1 mejor vendida de Jack Mars, las series de SUSPENSO DE LUKE STONE (7 libros) que comienzan con Por Todos Los Medios Necesarios (Libro #1), ?en descarga gratuita con m?s de 800 calificaciones de 5 estrellas!

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305455



Àâòîð: H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar

“Bug?n en uygar ve gelişmiş ulusların y?netimleri, bayrakları altında toplanmış insanlar h?l? iki kısımdır. Egemenler, baskı altında olanlar. İşte kanunlar da bu temele g?re yapılır. Ahlak kitapları da bu ama? g?zetilerek yazılır. Ve b?yle olmak da insan yığınlarının bug?nk? bilgi, g?rg? ve eğitimlerine g?re zorunlu gibidir.” “Ni?in?” “??nk? bug?n insanlar kendilerine bağışlanmış gibi g?r?nen eşitlik, adalet, kardeşlik haklarından b?sb?t?n yararlanabilecek bir bilgi ve eğitim d?zeyine y?kselmemişlerdir.” “Efendi, ne s?yl?yorsunuz? Kendi haklarını tanır, başkalarınınkine saygı g?sterir bunca bilgin, bunca erdemli insanlar var…” “Bunlar her ?ağda azın azı bir kısımdır ki zorbalarla bilgisizler arasında ezilen, rahatsız yaşayan zavallılardır. Azınlıktan bir şey ?ıkmaz. ?oğunluğu yola getirmeli, iyileştirmeli…” “Bug?nk? uygarlığı ?yle anlatıyor, ?yle nitelendiriyorsunuz ki bana Orta ?ağ’a d?nm?ş?z sanısı geliyor.” “Bence iki ?ağ arasında pek de b?y?k bir ayrılık yok gibidir.” Edebiyatımızda doğalcılığın ve ger?ek?iliğin en ?nemli kilometre taşlarından biri olan H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar, sanatı, halkı y?celtmek i?in bir ara? olarak g?rm?ş bu nedenle ?zerine gitmediği, eleştirip alay etmediği hi?bir toplumsal kurum bırakmamış, sanat yaşamı boyunca hep aklın ve mantığın yanında olmuş, eserleriyle toplumun ?ağdaşlaşması yolunda yobazlığa, gericiliğe, bağnazlığa, s?m?r?c?l?ğe karşı savaşmıştır; bunu yaparken mizah ?gesini ustaca kullanmış, İstanbul’un kenar semtlerinde, mezarlıklarında, ?ingene mahallelerinde, k?şklerinde, Şirket-i Hayriye vapurlarında, gazinolarında, sayfiyelerinde dolaşmış, okurlarını da dolaştırmıştır. Eserlerinde yapmacıksız bir yerlilik vardır; konak hanımefendisinden g?ndelik?iye, mirasyedilerden i? g?veyilere, dilencilerden dadılara, kalfalara, ?ingenelerden Rumlara, Ermenilere, Yahudilere kadar kimi ve neyi konu almışsa onu yerli renkleriyle betimlemesini bilmiştir.

Öåíà: 188.41 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-61-7


Calamity Mum
Calamity Mum

Àâòîð: Diana Palmer

A mum for all calamities . . . that was what Faulkner Scott's young son wanted.The motherless twelve-year-old was determined to appoint Shelly Astor his new mom after she saved his life. Then she met his dad! Who was going to save Shelly's heart from a new accident waiting to happen – like falling in love with the boy's gorgeous father?

Öåíà: 197.29 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474051095


Calculated Revenge
Calculated Revenge

Àâòîð: Jill Nelson Elizabeth

It's been eighteen years since Laney Thompson's sister was abducted and killed, but the pain Laney feels has never faded. And now the murderer is back, taunting Laney with mementos of her sister and threatening Laney's young daughter.School principal Noah Ryder is her best hope for protecting her daughter–if she can convince the former investigator to take the case. As the threats accelerate, a string of clues leads Laney to uncover old secrets. But without Noah's help, how can she piece together the puzzle before her child–like her sister–is lost to a killer's revenge?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472023391


Calculated Vendetta
Calculated Vendetta

Àâòîð: Jodie Bailey

KILLER STORYWhen army journalist Casey Jordan’s attacked, she’s convinced it’s a random mugging—until a killer comes after the military team she’s interviewing. But who’s the real target: Casey or her ex—Staff Sergeant Travis Heath. Despite an attraction that still lingers, Travis had pushed Casey away months ago, convinced military life leaves no room for attachments. But when the attacks grow increasingly personal, Travis begins to question his chosen path. As the targets of a killer’s vendetta, though, it could be too late to make up for lost time…because he and Casey may not have a future to share.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474067034


Calico Christmas at Dry Creek
Calico Christmas at Dry Creek

Àâòîð: Janet Tronstad

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408937785


Caliriel - City of Angels and Demons, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)
Caliriel - City of Angels and Demons, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Ralph Edenhofer

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Omid-Paul Eftekhari

Öåíà: 1376.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 4251888708625


Call Me Cowboy
Call Me Cowboy

Àâòîð: Judy Duarte

HE WASN'T THE «RIDE OFF INTO THE SUNSET» TYPE…T. J. «Cowboy» Whittaker wasn't looking to be anyone's hero, but when vulnerable Priscilla Richards turned her tear-filled blue eyes on him and asked, «Can you help me uncover the secrets in my past?»…well, how could the sexy P.I. say no?His job was simple: escort the sheltered city girl to Texas to meet the mom she'd never known, then hightail it out of there as fast as his boots could carry him. Temptation wasn't on the agenda—especially with a prim New Yorker who most definitely was not his type. But Prissy made him hotter than Dallas in July…and made him want things he'd given up on long ago….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472089908


Call Me Evil, Let Me Go: A mother’s struggle to save her children from a brutal religious cult
Call Me Evil, Let Me Go: A mother’s struggle to save her children from a brutal religious cult

Àâòîð: Sarah Jones

Sarah had lived in fear for over a decade. Humiliated, ostracised and brainwashed, her spirit had been crushed. But as the realisation of what she was subjecting her children to began to sink in, she found new strength and determination – the strength to try to escape the world that had consumed her for so long.Sarah was never a troublesome child. She smoked and drank a bit when she was underage, and shoplifted once, but she was generally well-behaved and didn’t mean to upset her mum and dad. But Sarah’s parents had seen first hand what could happen when a teenager went off the rails. Scared the same would happen to Sarah, they sent her away, many miles from home, to a church school that would put a stop to her bad behaviour.They had no idea they were sending Sarah to a place where she would be forced into obedience – a place that sanctioned force-feeding and beating in order to smash a child’s will. They had no idea she would end up marrying a boy from the cult, and cutting the rest of her family out of her life. Or that she would begin to treat her own children in the same way – believing there was no other option, and that everyone in the outside world was evil.But she did. And the day they sent Sarah away to the little church school miles from home was the last time they saw their real daughter for over a decade. Until one day when Sarah found the courage to fight back, the strength to protect her children and bravely venture into the world she believed was full of evil.This is Sarah’s story – the shocking but ultimately inspiring true story of her struggle to save her children from the suffering she was forced to endure.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007433575


Callej?n Sin Salida
Callej?n Sin Salida

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

«Una obra maestra de misterio y suspenso. Pierce desarroll? muy bien a los personajes psicol?gicamente, tanto as? que sientes que est?s en sus mentes, vives sus temores y aclamas sus ?xitos. Este libro te mantendr? pasando p?ginas hasta bien entrada la noche debido a sus giros inesperados.» –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (sobre Una vez desaparecido) CALLEJ?N SIN SALIDA (Un misterio de Chloe Fine) es el libro #3 de una nueva serie de suspenso psicol?gico del autor bestseller Blake Pierce, cuyo libro exitoso Una vez desaparecido (Libro #1) ha recibido m?s de 1.000 opiniones de cinco estrellas. La agente especial del programa ViCAP del FBI Chloe Fine debe sumergirse en un mundo suburbano de camarillas, chismes y mentiras para tratar de resolver el asesinato de una esposa y madre aparentemente perfecta en la noche de su 20a reuni?n de secundaria.Viejos amigos de la escuela secundaria, ahora treinta?eros, han regresado al mismo pueblo suburbano para criar a sus hijos, y eso ha resucitado las mismas camarillas que los dividieron hace 20 a?os. Su reuni?n 20a de secundaria evoca viejos recuerdos, resentimientos, traiciones y secretos. La misma noche de esa reuni?n, la antigua abeja reina de la escuela secundaria aparece asesinada en su casa.En este pueblo aparentemente perfecto, el pasado acecha al presente, y todos y cada uno de ellos es sospechoso.?Puede Chloe Fine resolver el asesinato, mientras lucha con los demonios de su propio pasado y la posible liberaci?n de la c?rcel de su propio padre?Un thriller lleno de acci?n con suspenso emocionante y personajes multi-fac?ticos, CALLEJ?N SIN SALIDA es el libro #3 de una nueva serie fascinante que te dejar? pasando p?ginas hasta bien entrada la noche. El Libro #4 de la serie de CHLOE FINE estar? disponible pronto.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094304076



Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Damon se mud? con sus hermanos por una raz?n … la chica que lo hab?a estacado y le hab?a abandonado por muerto viv?a all? y bajo la protecci?n del vampiro. Cuando terminan salvando la vida de Alicia m?s veces de lo que le importaba contar, Damon decide que alguien tiene que controlarla antes de que el peque?a gata finalmente encuentre una manera de escapar de ?l al hacerse matar. Los celos se convierten en un juego peligroso cuando ella entra en calor y comienza a atraer m?s que s?lo monstruos. Alicia Wilder est? cansada de ser protegida del mundo por sus hermanos protectores. Tratando de demostrar que ella puede manejar la guerra de vampiros consigue ser mutilada, mordida, besada, disparada, y curiosamente, viviendo con tres vampiros muy sexys, uno de los cuales comenz? la guerra de vampiros en primer lugar. Cuando se encuentra entrando en calor , Alicia se da cuenta de que su red de seguridad puede ser su deshacer. Damon se mud? con sus hermanos por una raz?n … la chica que lo hab?a estacado y le hab?a abandonado por muerto viv?a all? y bajo la protecci?n del vampiro. Cuando terminan salvando la vida de Alicia m?s veces de lo que le importaba contar, Damon decide que alguien tiene que controlarla antes de que el peque?a gata finalmente encuentre una manera de escapar de ?l al hacerse matar. Los celos se convierten en un juego peligroso cuando ella entra en calor y comienza a atraer m?s que s?lo monstruos.

Ñåðèÿ: Vinculo De Sangre

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873044901



Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Damon si era unito ai suoi fratelli per un motivo… la ragazza che gli interessava e che lo credeva morto viveva l? e sotto la protezione dei vampiri. Quando finiscono per salvare la vita di Alicia, pi? volte di quanto lui riuscisse a ricordare, Damon decide che qualcuno doveva tenerla sotto controllo, prima che la piccola gatta finalmente trovasse un modo per sfuggirgli, facendosi uccidere. La gelosia diventa un gioco pericoloso quando lei va in calore ed inizia ad attrarre pi? di semplici mostri. Alicia Wilder ? stanca di essere protetta dal mondo dai suoi fratelli iperprotettivi. Cercando di dimostrare di poter gestire la guerra tra vampiri, finisce per essere maltrattata, morsa, baciata, picchiata, e, cosa ancora pi? incredibile, vivere con tre vampiri molto sexy, uno dei quali aveva iniziato per primo la guerra tra vampiri. Quando capisce di essere in calore, Alicia realizza che la sua rete protettiva potrebbe essere la sua rovina. Damon si era unito ai suoi fratelli per un motivo… la ragazza che gli interessava e che lo credeva morto viveva l? e sotto la protezione dei vampiri. Quando finiscono per salvare la vita di Alicia, pi? volte di quanto lui riuscisse a ricordare, Damon decide che qualcuno doveva tenerla sotto controllo, prima che la piccola gatta finalmente trovasse un modo per sfuggirgli, facendosi uccidere. La gelosia diventa un gioco pericoloso quando lei va in calore ed inizia ad attrarre pi? di semplici mostri.

Ñåðèÿ: Legami Di Sangue

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873041306


Camas gemelas (Completo)
Camas gemelas (Completo)

Àâòîð: Paola Caballero Daza

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Laura Acero

Öåíà: 986.45 ðóá.
ISBN: 4066004692876


Camel Travel
Camel Travel

Àâòîð: Volha Hapeyeva

Mit unglaublicher Leichtigkeit erz?hlt das autobiografisch gef?rbte «Camel Travel» von einer Kindheit und Jugend in der zerfallenden UdSSR Ende der 1980er- und Anfang der 1990er-Jahre.
Aufzuwachsen in einem Land, in dem mit Belarusisch und Russisch zwei Sprachen gesprochen werden, kann in manchen Situationen geh?rig f?r Verwirrung sorgen. Und den ganz gew?hnlichen Alltag zu meistern, auch da treten so einige Hindernisse zutage und es geschehen noch mehr besondere und ungew?hnliche Begebenheiten. Als da beispielsweise w?ren: Klavierlernen ohne Klavier zu Hause? Mit ein bisschen Fantasie und Einfallsreichtum l?sst sich auch das l?sen. In wie vielen Momenten man sich – und das alles nur f?r eine erfolgreiche Sportlerinnenkarriere – dehnen kann, davon wei? die Erz?hlerin Volha ein Lied und Leid zu singen.
In kurzen Kapiteln n?hert sich Volha Hapeyeva kleinen und gro?en Themen, die in Schule, Familie und ?ffentlich ausgefochten werden. Ihre Schilderungen zeigen so manche T?cken und Macken aus dem Minsk der (post)sowjetischen Zeit auf – aber auch ihre Entwicklung zu einer kritischen, feministisch-politischen Frau im heutigen Belarus.

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783990590829


Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3: The Ice Princess, The Preacher, The Stonecutter
Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3: The Ice Princess, The Preacher, The Stonecutter

Àâòîð: Êàìèëëà Ëýêáåðã

The first three crime thrillers from worldwide 10 million-copy bestseller Camilla Lackberg, ‘the hottest female writer in Sweden’(Independent).The Ice Princess: The body of crime writer Erica Falck’s childhood friend is discovered, wrists slashed, in an ice cold bath. Was it murder or suicide? The investigation leads her to a community on the brink of tragedy.The Preacher: Twenty years ago, two young women disappeared in Fj?llbacka – now their remains are found, along with a new victim. As Patrik Hedstr?m works to solve these murders, do the dark secrets of a local family hold the key?The Stonecutter: When a little girl is found in a fisherman’s net, the police realize it was no accidental drowning. Patrik Hedstr?m investigates the death of a child both he and Erica knew well.

Öåíà: 1483.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007513314


Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 4-6: The Stranger, The Hidden Child, The Drowning
Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 4-6: The Stranger, The Hidden Child, The Drowning

Àâòîð: Êàìèëëà Ëýêáåðã

Discover the Queen of Scandi-crime Camilla Lackberg with these three thrillers – books 4, 5 and 6 in her 12 million copy international bestselling detective series, featuring Patrik Hedstr?m and Erica Falck.THE STRANGER: A series of tragic road accidents and the murder of a reality TV contestant mark the end to a quiet winter for Detective Patrik Hedstr?m.THE HIDDEN CHILD: The discovery of a Nazi medal in her late mother’s belongings leads Erica Falck to dig into her family’s past, and drag a dark truth from WW2 into the light…THE DROWNING: When a local author and his circle of friends receive death threats, his mentor crime writer Erica Falck investigates. But as the victims conceal evidence, what is the secret they would die to protect?

Öåíà: 1070.29 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007535132


Caminando Hacia El Oc?ano
Caminando Hacia El Oc?ano

Àâòîð: Domenico Scialla

El misterio, la aventura y la probable desaparici?n de St -en esta historia que surge de un viaje on the road y mental- caracterizan los distintos elementos de la narraci?n. Esta novela, donde el elemento visionario-metaf?sico se integra h?bilmente en la vida cotidiana, tiene como tema principal la desaparici?n de un protagonista: ?verdad o ilusi?n? – y naci?, al l?mite de lo incre?ble, de una aventura en la carretera y mental: un viaje que Domenico y Gabriella, esp?ritus libres y curiosos, mochileros y un gran deseo por la naturaleza, han realizado 900 km. Camino mismo luego el oc?ano de Finisterre, pasando por Santiago de Compostela. Bajo el sol abrasador, el viento fuerte y la lluvia fuerte, los dos, que han decidido vivir su vida hasta el final sin que nada los detenga, avanzan, pisoteando la hierba y las piedras, las tierras ?ridas y los caminos fangosos y asfaltados que pasan. a trav?s de pueblos y ciudades. Viven en las situaciones m?s dispares y conocen gente de todo tipo, madurando juntos, en un continuo enfrentamiento paso a paso. Visiones, fantas?as: ?recuerdos de otras vidas?

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835424796


Campfire Ghost Stories - Volume II (Unabridged)
Campfire Ghost Stories - Volume II (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: A.S. Mott

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jan Ryan

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781774510063


Can Pazar
Can Pazarı

Àâòîð: H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar

H?seyin Rahmi, sert eleştirilerinde kalemini esirgemediği "Can Pazarı"nda, d?nemin İstanbul’unda yozlaşmış toplumu g?zler ?n?ne seriyor. G?rpınar; hayatın bir kavga olduğu, g??l?n?n zayıfı ezdiği, adaletin bir t?rl? sağlanamadığı, bu y?zden a? kalmamak i?in ?almanın, aldatmanın, dolandırmanın meşru g?r?lebileceğini savunan Yavuzlar ?etesi ile eşitsizliği irdelerken; Nasıh Bey-Nafia Hanım ?ifti ile İrfan Bey-Hal?vet Hanım ?ifti arasında eşlerin değiştiği bir ilişki yaşantısıyla ahlak ve namus konusu ?zerine dikkat ?ekiyor. “Bu işin bir ‘can pazarı’ olduğunu biliyorum. Size sadakat g?stersem h?k?mete hainlik etmiş olurum. H?k?mete sadakat g?stersem sizi ele vermiş olurum. Hangi tarafa kımıldasam ceza var. ?l?m var. İnsan, kendini şeytana sattıktan sonra artık şeytan kalmalıdır.” Edebiyatımızda doğalcılığın ve ger?ek?iliğin en ?nemli kilometre taşlarından biri olan H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar, sanatı, halkı y?celtmek i?in bir ara? olarak g?rm?ş bu nedenle ?zerine gitmediği, eleştirip alay etmediği hi?bir toplumsal kurum bırakmamış, sanat yaşamı boyunca hep aklın ve mantığın yanında olmuş, eserleriyle toplumun ?ağdaşlaşması yolunda yobazlığa, gericiliğe, bağnazlığa, s?m?r?c?l?ğe karşı savaşmıştır; bunu yaparken mizah ?gesini ustaca kullanmış, İstanbul’un kenar semtlerinde, mezarlıklarında, ?ingene mahallelerinde, k?şklerinde, Şirket-i Hayriye vapurlarında, gazinolarında, sayfiyelerinde dolaşmış, okurlarını da dolaştırmıştır. Eserlerinde yapmacıksız bir yerlilik vardır; konak hanımefendisinden g?ndelik?iye, mirasyedilerden i? g?veyilere, dilencilerden dadılara, kalfalara, ?ingenelerden Rumlara, Ermenilere, Yahudilere kadar kimi ve neyi konu almışsa onu yerli renkleriyle betimlemesini bilmiştir.

Öåíà: 308.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-99-0



Àâòîð: Katherine Bucknell

This remarkable debut novel is a vibrant tale of beauty and passion, stalked by desolation. Katherine Bucknell captures the tragedy of a marriage on the brink with extraordinary delicacy and insight and draws us into a compelling world glittering with wealth and social prestige.David is an investment banker; Elizabeth, his wife, is a woman of peerless beauty and refinement. They have two children; their marriage seems perfect. Why does she want him to retire and move home to America? One summer evening David, alone in their empty mansion, receives a phone call from a long-lost friend. So begins a tale about friendship, marriage and betrayal that is filled with unexpected reversals.Canarino is a portrait of intimate relationships set in a world of privilege and achievement. Its characters possess personal gifts in dazzling abundance, yet their appetites to succeed, to be exceptional, tempt them to risk everything. How can we recognise love and friendship? Which are the bonds that bind people longest? What is the cost for the heart of seeking perfection?Like the drink of the title – boiling water over a twist of lemon peel – the prose has a sharp, delicate clarity. Beneath its polished surface lie psychological depths both uncanny and haunting. Canarino is a novel that lingers in the mind, long after the final page has been turned.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007285556


Canl heyk l
Canlı heykəl

Àâòîð: Sabit Əhmədov

Heykəlin olduğu otaqdan ?ıxan kimi gənc qız muzey gəzintisini yarım?ıq qoyub tez tələsik muzeyi tərk edərək dayanacağa tərəf ?z tutdu. Heykəldən ?ox təsirlənən gənc qız evə gedib tez bu kitabın vərəqləri arasında itmək və o rəssamın bu heykəli d?zəldərkən yaşadıqlarını, duyduqlarını hiss etmək istəyirdi. Onun h?vsələsi ?atmadı və yavaş addımlarla irərliləyə-irəliləyə kitabın ilk səhifəsini a?dı. Orda belə yazılmışdı.

Öåíà: 153.28 ðóá.


Capable Of Feeling
Capable Of Feeling

Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now."I need a wife, Sophy, but not to share my bed." To Sophy Marley, who believed she was frigid, it seemed the perfect arrangement. Jonathan Phillips, her kind and understanding boss, was offering Sophy a marriage of convenience.He needed someone to help care for his niece and nephew, and Sophy already loved the children as if they were her own. Her feelings for Jon, however, were less clear.In sharing a roof together, Sophy became increasingly aware of her husband and of her growing desire to make their marriage a real one in every sense.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408999165


Captain Blitz und seine Freunde, Folge 11: Alarm f?r Strecke 7
Captain Blitz und seine Freunde, Folge 11: Alarm f?r Strecke 7

Àâòîð: Steffen Kent

Die X-Bande wird immer dreister. Schon wieder haben sie einen Eisenbahnwaggon mit Pelzen ausgeraubt. Die Polizei steht vor einem R?tsel. Kein Wunder, dass Captain Blitz und seine Freunde dieser Fall brennend interessiert. In ihrem Geheimtreff beraten sie, wie man der Bande das Handwerk legen k?nnte. Das wird sicher nicht einfach! Und ehe sie sich's versehen, stecken die vier in einem gef?hrlichen Fall.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Massimo Lombardo

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260507139306


Captain Fawley s Innocent Bride
Captain Fawley's Innocent Bride

Àâòîð: Ýííè Áåððîóç

Öåíà: 246.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408901168


Captain s Call of Duty
Captain's Call of Duty

Àâòîð: Cindy Dees

From tomboy to bombshell?Captain Jim Kelley is thunderstruck. Suddenly Alexandra Mendez has gone from one of the guys, kid sister and tomboy to all woman. Alex is under his command on a dangerous undercover mission, but Jim has to keep reminding himself they’re only pretending to be lovers.Alex has loved Jim all her life, but they’d always been just friends. Now working together to thwart an assassination plot, their cover requires her to unearth her femininity. Jim’s sudden attention is unexpected…and thrilling. But is Jim just infatuated by her looks, or is it her he wants?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408977552



Àâòîð: Lisette Ashton

A hot erotica collection about being in control, or needing to serve.‘Captivated’ includes original erotica stories from Justine Elyot, Lolita Lopez, Charlotte Stein, Aishling Morgan and Lisette Ashton. Another hot short story collection from Mischief Books.Kinky role play is where deeply rooted fantasies come to life, exploring domination and submission.Punishment, discipline and shame all play their part while masters, mistresses and slaves find a thrilling satisfaction in their unique roles. These stories venture into the minds and hearts of sensual servitude.Other hot short story collections from Mischief Books include:Forever Bound: Stories of Seduction and SubmissionConfessions: Tales of Female Misbehaviour

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007479221


Captivated: A Colter Shaw Short Story
Captivated: A Colter Shaw Short Story

Àâòîð: Äæåôôðè Äèâåð

A gripping ebook short story from international bestseller Jeffery Deaver, introducing unique investigator Colter Shaw. A unique investigator. Colter Shaw is a career ‘reward-seeker’, making his living travelling the country and locating missing persons. So when a woman disappears, he quickly takes the case. A missing woman. As he investigates, he suspects that she was fleeing a bad marriage, and he follows her trail to a secret retreat in Indiana. A dangerous case. As events take one surprising turn after another, Shaw begins to wonder if there's more to this mysterious woman than meets the eye.

Öåíà: 257.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008346898


Captured By A Sheikh
Captured By A Sheikh

Àâòîð: Jacqueline Diamond

HE'D COME TO CLAIM HIS CHILD…For Holly Rivers, giving her sister's baby a home and a father were her only priorities. So a marriage of convenience seemed the only solution–until a sensual stranger stole her and baby Ben and conquered her body and soul!The red-haired siren raising his son wasn't what Sheikh Sharif Al-Khalil had expected, nor was the white-hot passion that consumed them both. But love was a luxury he couldn't afford–Sharif's enemies had followed him from his homeland, threatening Holly and his child. Now Sharif was in a race against time–but could he save his son at the expense of Holly's life?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474022392


Captured for the Captain s Pleasure
Captured for the Captain's Pleasure

Àâòîð: Ann Lethbridge

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesPredator by name, passionate by nature! Captain Michael Hawkhurst relishes his fearsome reputation, for he lives only to wreak revenge on the Fulton family, who so cruelly destroyed his own. Spirited Alice Fulton knows a ship is no place for a lady, but she is determined to save her father’s business…When fate delivers him Fulton’s virginal daughter as his captive, Michael faces a dilemma – should he live up to his scandalous name and find revenge with sweet Alice, or will his honourable side win out – and win the girl…?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408916322


Capturing Cleo
Capturing Cleo

Àâòîð: Linda Winstead Jones

Wary and weary, detective Luther Malone longed to get away. Until he strolled into Cleo's and thoughts of solitary nights flew away…. Sultry and seductive in her nightclub, alluring and adorable at home, Cleo Tanner was trouble – but Luther couldn't stay away. Although he doubted Cleo had killed her ex-husband, it seemed another had done it for her. And then a second murder occurred. Was someone after people who upset Cleo?Suddenly Luther had an idea. He'd get real close to Cleo, and then she'd spurn him. That should catch the killer's attention. Yet it also meant that Luther would be captured by Cleo. But would that be punishment…or the sweetest reward…?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946787


Capturing the Commando
Capturing the Commando

Àâòîð: Colleen Thompson

Shannon Brandt's mission had failed–spectacularly. Instead of arresting AWOL Ranger Rafe Lyons, the merciless commando had kidnapped her–a tough, experienced FBI agent. Worse, she'd agreed to a deal with the devil and promised to help Rafe recover his abducted niece.Before long, her promise becomes a wrenching ethical dilemma. If she breaks the law to reunite a family, she'll ruin her career and dishonor her family. But if she plays it by the book, an innocent life may be lost. To further complicate her decision, Shannon finds herself falling for the arrogant, abrasive–but undeniably attractive–commando…even though this dangerous mission might lead to both their deaths.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472035578


Caravan to Vaccares
Caravan to Vaccares

Àâòîð: Alistair MacLean

The classic tale of suspense set in Provence, where an English tourist investigates a series of mysterious deaths, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense.From all over Europe, even from behind the Iron Curtain, gypsies make an annual pilgrimage to the holy shrine of their patron saint in the Provence region of southern France. But something is different about this year's gathering, with many suspicious deaths.Cecile Dubois and Neil Bowman decide to investigate. Eavesdropping, Bowman discovers that a man named Gaiuse Strome is financing the gypsies, and his suspicions on the real identity of Strome center on a highly wealthy aristocrat, distinguished folklorist and gastronome, Le Grand Duc Charles de Croytor, whose girlfriend Lila Delafont is a friend of Cecile.As they follow the caravan, Bowman and Cecile find that their lives in danger many times in an effort to uncover the secret the gypsies are so determined to hide, and before long are running for their lives.

Öåíà: 661.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007289240


Cardwell Christmas Crime Scene
Cardwell Christmas Crime Scene

Àâòîð: B.J. Daniels

A conman’s daughter takes refuge with the family she never knew she had in New York Times bestseller B.J. Daniels’s latest addition to the Cardwell family saga.Dee Anna Justice had thought that her convict father was her only living relative. Now Walter Justice, fearing for his daughter’s safety, urges her to seek out her cousins in Montana. Calling in a decades-old debt, he also enlists private investigator Beau Tanner to protect her.Despite their fiery attraction, she resents the bodyguard her dad foists on her. Trust doesn't come easy to DJ. But the warm, embracing family she finds at Cardwell ranch just might begin to soften her suspicious nature, and learning to trust the sexy PI may be the key to saving her life.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474039970



Àâòîð: Diego Maenza

Nell'arco di un anno mi sono impegnato a lavorare con venti caricature che hanno stimolato la mia immaginazione. Intendevo invertire il tradizionale processo di illustrazione dei testi. Ho lavorato sulle illustrazioni ogni giorno. L'obiettivo iniziale era quello di creare dei personaggi comici, ma avevano molto da dirmi. Sono stati i personaggi a sussurrarmi le parole. Hanno sempre avuto una vita propria e non potevo pi? controllarli. Tutte le poesie, i racconti e i monologhi, in un certo senso, sono concatenati, mantengono una visione globale anche se a prima vista appaiono come lampi non collegati in uno spettacolo pirotecnico. Questo libro vuole essere una celebrazione dell'umorismo e dell'ironia, ma allo stesso tempo aspira ad essere un raro invito alla riflessione e alla stranezza. Nell'arco di un anno mi sono impegnato a lavorare con caricature che hanno stimolato la mia immaginazione. Intendevo invertire il tradizionale processo di illustrazione dei testi. Ho lavorati sulle illustrazioni ogni giorno. Come la pittura d'azione, avrei potuto chiamarla ”letteratura in azione”, ma ci? avrebbe snaturato la natura del progetto, che era un work in progress, un'entit? dinamica, un processo in evoluzione, una scrittura al volo, progressiva. Non ho mai avuto un piano predeterminato e la categorizzazione ? stata successiva, ma le invocazioni ai quattro elementi classici hanno influenzato in modo sostanziale la struttura dell'opera. L'obiettivo iniziale era quello di creare dei personaggi comici, ma avevano molto da dirmi. Sono stati i personaggi a sussurrarmi le parole. Hanno sempre avuto una vita propria e non sono pi? riuscito a padroneggiarli. Tutte le poesie, i racconti e i monologhi, in un certo senso, sono concatenati, mantengono una visione globale anche se a prima vista appaiono come lampi non collegati in uno spettacolo pirotecnico. Questo libro vuole essere una celebrazione dell'umorismo e dell'ironia, ma allo stesso tempo aspira ad essere un raro invito alla riflessione e alla stranezza.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835412533



Àâòîð: Diego Maenza

Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. The initial objective was to take the characters in a comical way, but they had a lot to tell me. It was the characters who whispered the words to me. They always had a life of their own and I couldn't dominate them anymore. All the poems, stories and monologues, in a way concatenated, retain a global vision although at first glance they appear as disconnected flashes in an exhibition of fireworks. This book aims to be a celebration of humor and irony, but at the same time it aspires to become a rare invitation to reflection and strangeness. Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I ”texted” the illustrations daily. Like ”action painting”, I could have called it ”literature in action”, but it would have been to distort the nature of the project, which was a work in progress, a dynamic entity, an evolving process, a writing on the go, a progressive writing. I never had a predetermined plan and the categorization was later, but the invocations of the four classic elements influenced underground in the structure of the work.The initial objective was to take the characters in a comical way, but they had a lot to tell me. It was the characters who whispered the words to me. They always had a life of their own and I couldn't dominate them anymore. All the poems, stories and monologues, in a way concatenated, retain a global vision although at first glance they appear as disconnected flashes in an exhibition of fireworks. This book aims to be a celebration of humor and irony, but at the same time it aspires to become a rare invitation to reflection and strangeness.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835404514


Carnal Innocence
Carnal Innocence

Àâòîð: Julie Miller

FBI investigator Sean Maddox needs a woman–badly. His latest assignment has him poised to infiltrate a hedonistic island resort where anything is possible–including murder.But he can't go in alone. So when he discovers that his arranged escort has taken off, he's in trouble. Until he decides to proposition her roommate, Caitlin–and discovers what trouble really is….Caitlin McCormick is a good girl…with a weakness for bad boys. So when Agent Sean Maddox shows up on her doorstep, needing her help, Caitlin can't resist–him or his offer. For the first time, she has the chance to experience excitement, danger…and raw sexual desire. And she's determined that by the end of her adventure, she'll know, firsthand, just how bad Sean really is….

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472028556


Carnivore: The most controversial debut literary thriller of 2017
Carnivore: The most controversial debut literary thriller of 2017

Àâòîð: Jonathan Lyon

He learnt a long time ago that nothing is as intoxicating as blood. But whether it’s his of someone else’s doesn’t matter any more. There’s a mysterious pain in every muscle of his body – and it’s got so bad that he’ll do anything to escape it.Up to now, it’s been his secret. But it’s hard to remain invisible when you leave a trail of destruction everywhere you do go. So, when he comes to the attention of one of London’s most infamous criminals, Leander decides to put his appetite for violence to the ultimate test.Let the villain win.

Öåíà: 661.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008232597


Caroline hat einen Plan (Gek?rzt)
Caroline hat einen Plan (Gek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Peter Barlach

Caroline hat genug von ihrem Job in der Delikatessenabteilung eines gro?en Supermarktes. Viel lieber m?chte sie eine Tapas-Bar in Stockholm er?ffnen. Dummerweise hat Caroline kein Geld – daf?r hat sie einen Plan: Gemeinsam mit ihrem Kollegen und ihrem charmanten, kleinkriminellen Vater will sie einen Fleischtransporter klauen. Der Erl?s der Beute soll ihr Startkapital sein. Doch dann lernt sie den Fahrer des Transporters kennen, und schon ist es um Caroline geschehen. Was nat?rlich kein Grund ist, den Plan zu ?ndern…

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Irina von Bentheim

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961090488


Caroselli s Accidental Heir
Caroselli's Accidental Heir

Àâòîð: Michelle Celmer

Stop the wedding—she’s pregnant! When Lucy Bates caught herself falling too hard for Chicago businessman Tony Caroselli, she ran. How could she measure up to his wealthy family’s standards? But now she’s pregnant and back to tell the truth…only to see Tony marrying another woman before her very eyes! Lucy always had impeccable timing—especially interrupting a wedding Tony never wanted. And if she produces a male heir, Tony stands to inherit a fortune. Plus, the real payoff is having Lucy back where she belongs—with him. But when she finds out about his inheritance, will she feel like a pawn and run again?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472049339


Carousel (Unabridged)
Carousel (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: April Ford

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Sarah Strange

Öåíà: 1873.26 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781771337960


Carrera Turbulenta
Carrera Turbulenta

Àâòîð: January Bain

Alysia ha pasado los ?ltimos diez a?os evitando relacionarse, pero la noche en que su vida se desmorona, conoce a Nick. Ahora se ha quedado sin opciones. Perseguida por su pasado, Alysia est? desesperada por encontrar respuestas. Necesita a Nick y al grupo que ha jurado ayudar a los que no pueden acudir a la ley en busca de ayuda, porque el Grupo de Los Cuatro har? lo que las fuerzas del orden no pueden o no quieren: creerla cuando dice que sabe qui?n la persigue. Me llamo Nick Wheeler y trabajo en el Grupo de Los Cuatro, donde aprovecho mis excepcionales habilidades. Pero lo que no esperaba es involucrarme con una enfermera de traumatolog?a, ni que se convirtiera en algo tan mortal, con lo que est? en juego hora tras hora. Soy Alysia Rossini. Una mirada a Nick Wheeler y s? que es el que me ayudar? a olvidar el pasado. Pero, ?es justo exponerlo a tal peligro? ?Y vivir? lo suficiente para tener la oportunidad de estar con ?l?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781802500035


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