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Ñîðòèðîâêà: Íàèìåíîâàíèå, Öåíà, Àâòîð

Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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Un Bacio Audace
Un Bacio Audace

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

A volte certi inizi sono contrastanti A volte certi inizi sono contrastanti. Nel 1814, un giovane mette in salvo una donna durante una bufera di neve e scatta subito il colpo di fulmine. Ma la donna sta fuggendo da un matrimonio di convenienza con un uomo malvagio. Riusciranno ad affrontare il pericolo o il loro amore appena nato svanir? prima ancora di sbocciare?

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893986137


Un Baiser Malicieux
Un Baiser Malicieux

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Certains d?buts sont aigres-doux Certains d?buts sont aigres-doux. En 1814 un jeune homme sauve une femme lors d'une temp?te de neige, et exp?rimente le coup de foudre. Mais elle fuit un mariage arrang? avec un homme diabolique. Peuvent-ils surmonter le danger, ou leur amour naissant disparaitra-t-il avant qu'il ait une chance de prendre racine. **Ceci est le prologue d'un Comte en difficult? et NE FINIT DONC PAS sur un HEP*

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893988438


Un Beso Perverso
Un Beso Perverso

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Algunos principios son agridulces. En 1814, un joven rescata a una mujer durante una tormenta de nieve y experimenta el amor a primera vista. Pero ella est? huyendo de un matrimonio arreglado con un hombre malvado. ?Podr?n superar el peligro, o su incipiente amor se desenmara?ar? antes de que tenga la oportunidad de echar ra?ces? Esta es una precuela de 'Earl en problemas'.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835400172


Un Rastro de Muerte: Un Misterio Keri Locke – Libro #1
Un Rastro de Muerte: Un Misterio Keri Locke – Libro #1

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

«Una historia din?mica que te atrapa desde el primer cap?tulo y no te deja ir». –-Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (en torno a Una Vez Desaparecido) Del autor de misterio #1 en ventas, Blake Pierce, viene una nueva obra maestra del suspense psicol?gico. Keri Locke, detective de Personas Desaparecidas en la Divisi?n de Homicidios del Departamento de Polic?a de Los ?ngeles, contin?a acechada por el secuestro, a?os antes, de su propia hija, a la que nunca han encontrado. Todav?a obsesionada por hallarla, Keri oculta su pena de la ?nica manera que conoce: meti?ndose de lleno en los casos de personas extraviadas en Los ?ngeles. Una llamada telef?nica rutinaria, realizada por la preocupada madre de una estudiante de secundaria, desaparecida hace apenas dos horas, deber?a ser ignorada. Sin embargo, algo en la voz de la madre le toca la fibra sensible y Keri decide investigar. Lo que descubre le impacta. La hija desaparecida —de un prominente senador— ha estado escondiendo secretos que nadie conoc?a. Cuando todas las pruebas apuntan a una fuga de casa, Keri recibe la orden de dejar el caso. Sin embargo, a pesar de las presiones de sus superiores y de los medios, a pesar de todas las pistas que se caen, la brillante y obsesionada Keri se niega a abandonar. Sabe que solo dispone de 48 horas si quiere tener alguna posibilidad de traer a la chica de vuelta, sana y salva. Un oscuro thriller psicol?gico con un suspense que acelera los latidos, UN RASTRO DE MUERTE marca el debut de una nueva serie que te atrapar? —y de un nuevo y adorable personaje— que te dejar? leyendo hasta altas horas de la noche. «?Una obra maestra de suspense y misterio! El autor hizo un trabajo magn?fico desarrollando personajes con un lado psicol?gico tan bien descrito que percibimos el interior de sus mentes, seguimos sus miedos y aplaudimos sus ?xitos. La trama es muy inteligente y te mantendr? entretenido a lo largo del libro. Lleno de giros, este libro te mantendr? despierto hasta llegar a la ?ltima p?gina». –-Libros and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (en torno a Una Vez Desaparecido) El libro #2 en la serie Keri Locke pronto estar? disponible.

Ñåðèÿ: Un Misterio Keri Locke

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî
ISBN: 9781640291065


Un Rito De Espadas
Un Rito De Espadas

Àâòîð: Ìîðãàí Ðàéñ

En UN RITO DE ESPADAS (A RITE OF SWORDS) – (Libro #7 de El Anillo del Hechicero – The Sorcerer’s Ring), Thor debate con su legado, luchando para asimilar qui?n es su padre, si revela su secreto y qu? medidas debe tomar. De vuelta a casa en el Anillo, con Mycoples a su lado y la Espada del Destino en la mano, Thor est? decidido a vengarse del ej?rcito de Andr?nico y liberar a su patria – y finalmente proponerle matrimonio a Gwendolyn. Pero se da cuenta de que hay fuerzas a?n mayores que la de ?l, que podr?an interponerse en su camino. Gwendolyn regresa y se esfuerza por convertirse en la gobernante elegida, usando su sabidur?a para unir las fuerzas dispares y expulsar a Andr?nico para siempre. Reunida con Thor y sus hermanos, ella est? agradecida por la pausa en la violencia y por la oportunidad de celebrar su libertad. Pero las cosas cambian r?pidamente – demasiado r?pido – y antes de darse cuenta, su vida se torna de cabeza otra vez. Su hermana mayor, Luanda, en una gran rivalidad con ella, est? decidida a arrebatar el poder, mientras que el hermano del rey MacGil llega con su propio ej?rcito para hacerse del control del trono. Con esp?as y asesinos por todos lados, Gwendolyn, asediada, aprende que ser reina no es tan seguro como ella pensaba. El amor de Reece por Selese finalmente tiene la oportunidad de prosperar, pero al mismo tiempo, aparece su viejo amor, y se encuentra indeciso. Pero los tiempos de inactividad pronto son superados por la batalla y Reece, Elden, O'Connor, Conven, Kendrick, Erec e incluso Godfrey deben enfrentar y superar juntos las adversidades, para sobrevivir. Sus batallas los llevar?n a todos los rincones del Anillo, que se convierte en una carrera contra el tiempo para derrocar a Andr?nico y salvarse de la total destrucci?n. Igual de poderosas, fuerzas inesperadas luchan por el control del Anillo; Gwen se da cuenta de que ella debe hacer todo lo necesario para encontrar a Argon y traerlo de vuelta. En un giro final impactante, Thor se entera que aunque sus poderes son supremos, tambi?n tiene una debilidad oculta – una que s?lo puede traer consigo su ca?da final. ?Thor y los dem?s liberar?n el Anillo y derrotar?n a Andr?nico? ?Gwendolyn ser? la reina que todos necesitan que sea? ?Qu? ser? de la Espada del Destino, de Erec, Kendrick, Reece y Godfrey? ?Y cu?l es el secreto que esconde Alistair? Con su sofisticada construcci?n del mundo y caracterizaci?n, UN RITO DE ESPADAS es un relato ?pico de amigos y amantes, de rivales y pretendientes, de caballeros y dragones, de intrigas y maquinaciones pol?ticas, de llegar a la mayor?a de edad, de corazones rotos, de decepci?n, ambici?n y traici?n. Es una historia de honor y valor, de suerte y destino, de hechicer?a. Es una fantas?a que nos lleva a un mundo que nunca olvidaremos, y que gustar? a personas de todas las edades y g?neros.

Ñåðèÿ: El Anillo del Hechicero

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Fabio Arciniegas

Öåíà: 478.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094301990


Un Vicino Silenzioso
Un Vicino Silenzioso

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del thriller e del mistero. Blake Pierce ha creato con maestria personaggi dalla psiche talmente ben descritta da farci sentire dentro la loro mente, a provare le loro stesse paure e fare il tifo per loro. Questo libro ? ricco di colpi di scena e vi terr? svegli fino all’ultima pagina.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (su Il Killer della Rosa) UN VICINO SILENZIOSO (Un Mistero di Chloe Fine) ? il libro #4 di una nuova serie thriller di Blake Pierce, autore del best-seller Il Killer Della Rosa (Libro #1, download gratuito), che ha ottenuto pi? di 1000 recensioni da cinque stelle.Quando una nuova, appariscente vicina ostenta la sua ricchezza in una citt? di periferia, non passa molto tempo prima che venga trovata uccisa. Che sia stato il suo atteggiamento a turbare i vicini invidiosi?O la fortuna del marito nasconde forse un segreto pi? oscuro?Chloe Fine, 27 anni, agente speciale della sezione VICAP dell’FBI, si ritrova immersa in una piccola comunit? fatta di menzogne, pettegolezzi e tradimenti, mentre cerca di distinguere la verit? dalle bugie.Ma qual ? l’unica verit??Riuscir? a risolvere il caso mentre deve si occupare anche del padre ormai libero di prigione e della sorella tormentata?Thriller psicologico dall’intensa carica emotiva, personaggi ben costruiti, un’ambientazione intima e una suspense mozzafiato, UN VICINO SILENZIOSO ? il libro #4 in una nuova, avvincente serie che vi terr? incollati alle sue pagine fino a tarda notte.Il libro #5 nella serie di CHLOE FINE sar? presto disponibile.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094311883


Una Brezza Sottile
Una Brezza Sottile

Àâòîð: Bailey Bradford

Ezekiel Matthers e Brendon Shanahan stanno per scoprire che a volte basta una brezza sottile per spostare i venti del destino. Ezekiel Matthers ? un uomo solitario, costretto all'esilio nel suo ranch dopo essere rimasto ferito in una violenta aggressione. Mentre le cicatrici all'esterno sono sbiadite, il danno all'interno ? molto pi? difficile da superare. Zeke si rassegna a un'esistenza solitaria, a parte sua sorella Enessa e, naturalmente, le visite occasionali di sua madre. Brendon Shanahan ha una cugina molto intrigante, Gloria, che ? la migliore amica di Enessa Matthers. Quando le due donne convincono Brendon che dovrebbe frequentare il solitario Zeke, viene escogitato un piano che mette in moto una serie di eventi, con conseguenze potenzialmente mortali. Riuscir? Ezekiel a vincere le sue paure e ad accettare ci? che Brendon gli sta offrendo? O Brendon se ne andr?, rinunciando all'amore che ha sempre aspettato? Ezekiel Matthers e Brendon Shanahan stanno per scoprire che a volte basta una brezza sottile per spostare i venti del destino. Ezekiel Matthers ? un uomo solitario, costretto all'esilio nel suo ranch dopo essere rimasto ferito in una violenta aggressione. Mentre le cicatrici all'esterno sono sbiadite, il danno all'interno ? molto pi? difficile da superare. Zeke si rassegna a un'esistenza solitaria, a parte sua sorella Enessa e, naturalmente, le visite occasionali di sua madre. Brendon Shanahan ha una cugina molto intrigante, Gloria, che ? la migliore amica di Enessa Matthers. Quando le due donne convincono Brendon che dovrebbe frequentare il solitario Zeke, viene escogitato un piano che mette in moto una serie di eventi, con conseguenze potenzialmente mortali. Riuscir? Ezekiel a vincere le sue paure e ad accettare ci? che Brendon gli sta offrendo? O Brendon se ne andr?, rinunciando all'amore che ha sempre aspettato? E le visite della mamma di Zeke, morta ormai da quattro anni, aiuteranno i due uomini a ritrovarsi? Solo il tempo lo dir?, e questa potrebbe essere l'unica cosa che manca agi amanti, perch? qualcuno vuole distruggere tutto ci? che Zeke e Brendon hanno di pi? caro … e questa volta, il cattivo potrebbe riuscirci.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781802500608


Una Lezione Tormentata
Una Lezione Tormentata

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del giallo e del mistero! L’autore ha svolto un magnifico lavoro, sviluppando i personaggi con un approfondito lato psicologico, descritto con tale cura da farci sentire all’interno della loro mente, provare le loro paure e gioire del loro successo. La trama ? molto avvincente e vi catturer? per tutta la durata del libro. Ricco di colpi di scena, questo libro vi terr? svegli fino all’ultima pagina.”–Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (su Il Killer della Rosa) UNA LEZIONE TORMENTATA ? un racconto breve che accompagna la serie bestseller di thriller psicologici de I misteri di Riley Paige, che inizia col bestseller IL KILLER DELLA ROSA (Libro #1)– gratuito, ha ricevuto oltre 1.000 recensioni da cinque stelle!L’esperta Agente Speciale dell’FBI Riley Paige, una degli agenti pi? brillanti e decorati, ha dedicato la sua vita alla caccia ai serial killer. Soffrendo di DPTS, adesso trascorre il suo tempo a insegnare agli altri agenti dell’FBI, offrendo una finestra nella mente dei serial killer. Combattendo i suoi stessi demoni, assillata dai ricordi, ? pronta a passare il testimone e ritirarsi. Oppure no? La serie de I misteri di RILEY PAIGE ? una nuova coinvolgente serie, con un amato personaggio, che vi terr? incollati alle pagine fino a notte tarda.16 libri della serie di Riley Paige sono disponibili in versioni ebook, cartacea e audiolibri.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094312880


Una Luce Nel Cuore Dell Oscurit?
Una Luce Nel Cuore Dell'Oscurit?

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Per Kyoko, le creature mitiche sono qualcosa da guardare in TV il sabato sera con gli amici. Quando un misterioso persecutore trasforma le ombre intorno a lei in angoli bui con letali spigoli taglienti, sar? in grado di nascondersi dal passato? L’oscurit? ? piombata di nuovo sul mondo e i guardiani attendevano la risurrezione. Anche se vengono definiti come creature mitologiche, in questa dimensione sono molto pi? veri di quanto la gente pensi. Solo quando la luna ? alta nel cielo, queste creature, questi guardiani, combattono il male che cerca di conquistare il mondo e la ragazza che detiene il potere ultimo… la luce nel Cuore dell’Oscurit?.

Öåíà: 1577.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835406044


Una Luz En El Coraz?n De Las Tinieblas
Una Luz En El Coraz?n De Las Tinieblas

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873042754


Una morte e un cane
Una morte e un cane

Àâòîð: Ôèîíà Ãðåéñ

UNA MORTE E UN CANE (UN GIALLO INTIMO E LEGGERO DI LACEY DOYLE—LIBRO 2) ? il secondo libro di un’affascinante nuova serie di ‘cozy mystery’ firmata Fiona Grace. Lacey Doyle, 39 anni e fresca di divorzio, ha fatto un cambio drastico: ha abbandonato la sua frenetica vita newyorkese e si ? stabilita in una pittoresca cittadina inglese sul mare: Wilfordshire.La primavera ? nell’aria. Dopo essersi messa alle spalle il caso di omicidio del mese precedente, una nuova migliore amica e una salda relazione con lo chef che lavora dall’altra parte della strada, pare che tutto finalmente abbia preso il suo posto nella vita di Lacey. Lei ? molto entusiasta durante i preparativi della prossima asta, soprattutto dopo l’arrivo nel suo catalogo di un misterioso artefatto.Tutto sembra procedure senza intoppi, fino a che due misteriosi potenziali acquirenti arrivano da fuori citt?, e uno dei due finisce morto.Con la piccola cittadina di nuovo nel caos, e con la reputazione del suo negozio nuovamente in ballo, riusciranno Lacey e il suo fidato cane e risolvere il crimine e a salvare la propria reputazione?Anche il libro numero #3 della seria—CRIMINE AL BAR—? disponibile per pre-ordinazioni!

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305301


Una Nuova Chance
Una Nuova Chance

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

In UNA NUOVA CHANCE (Un Mistero di Mackenzie White —Libro 2), l’agente dell’FBI in addestramento Mackenzie White lotta per lasciare il segno all’Accademia FBI di Quantico, dopo il suo trasferimento dal Nebraska, cercando di affermarsi come donna. Con la speranza di avere la stoffa per diventare un’agente dell’FBI e di lasciarsi definitivamente alle spalle la vita nel Midwest, Mackenzie desidera soltanto fare una buona impressione ai suoi superiori tenendo un profilo basso. Ma tutto cambia quando il cadavere di una donna ? rinvenuto in una discarica. L’omicidio presenta sconvolgenti analogie con il caso del Killer dello Spaventapasseri – il caso che ha reso Mackenzie famosa in Nebraska – e nella corsa frenetica per fermare il nuovo serial killer, l’FBI decide di infrangere il protocollo e dare a Mackenzie l’opportunit? di lavorare al caso. ? una grande occasione per Mackenzie di fare bella figura con l’FBI—ma la posta in gioco non ? mai stata cos? alta. Non tutti vogliono che si occupi del caso, e tutto quello che tocca sembra finire male. Mentre la pressione sale e il killer colpisce ancora, Mackenzie si ritrova una voce solitaria circondata da agenti esperti, e presto capisce di essere nei guai. Il suo futuro nell’FBI ? a repentaglio. Mackenzie ? tenace e determinata, un genio nella caccia agli assassini. Eppure, stavolta il nuovo caso sembra un enigma senza soluzione, qualcosa fuori dalla sua portata. E forse non ha nemmeno il tempo per svelare il mistero, mentre tutto nella sua vita inizia ad andare a rotoli. Thriller-noir psicologico dalla suspence mozzafiato, UNA NUOVA CHANCE ? il libro #2 in una nuova, avvincente serie—con un nuovo, irresistibile personaggio— che vi terr? incollati alle pagine fino a tarda notte. Il libro#3 della serie Mistero di Mackenzie White White sar? presto disponibile.

Ñåðèÿ: Un Mistero di Mackenzie White

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Virginia Alba

Öåíà: 358.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094300795


Una Oportunidad Para Amar
Una Oportunidad Para Amar

Àâòîð: Brower Dawn

?Qu? pasa cuando un duque que se enamora de un patito feo? Lady Lenora St. Martin es t?mida y un patito feo. Ella no tiene idea de c?mo interactuar en sociedad, as? que cuando Julian Everleigh, el duque de Ashley le pide un baile, ella se enamora perdidamente de ?l. Despu?s de ese encuentro, el duque parece ignorarla. Lenora tiene que descubrir una manera de salir de su caparaz?n y promete no volver a enamorarse jam?s. Mientras Lenora florece y deja atr?s su timidez, Julian se da cuenta de sus sentimientos por ella y decide conquistar su amor, pero es posible que ya haya perdido la oportunidad de alcanzarlo.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835403487


Una Ragione per Morire
Una Ragione per Morire

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Una trama dinamica che ti afferra dal primo capitolo e non ti lascia pi? andare.” –Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (su Il killer della rosa)Dall’autore #1 di gialli best seller Blake Pierce arriva un nuovo capolavoro di tensione psicologica— UN MISTERO DI AVERY BLACK —che continua qui con UNA RAGIONE PER MORIRE (Libro #6), un romanzo standalone. La serie inizia con UNA RAGIONE PER MORIRE (Libro #1)—disponibile come download gratuito con pi? di 200 recensioni a cinque stelle!Una donna viene ritrovata morta nel suo appartamento, chiusa in un guardaroba, ricoperta da ragni velenosi, e la polizia di Boston ? in difficolt?. Gli indizi non portano a niente e tutti temono che l’assassino colpisca di nuovo. Disperata, la polizia non pu? fare altro che rivolgersi alla detective pi? brillante e controversa, Avery Black. Ormai ritirata, Avery, che sta vivendo un momento difficile, accetta con riluttanza di aiutare con il caso. Ma quando cominciano a trovare altri corpi, assassinati in modi grotteschi e inusuali, non pu? evitare di chiedersi: che si tratti di un serial killer in libert?? Tra l’intensa pressione dei media e lo stress di ritrovarsi con una nuova partner senza esperienza, Avery ? spinta al limite cercando di risolvere il bizzarro caso, e di evitare di precipitare nell’abisso. Pu? solo cadere sempre pi? a fondo nella mente perversa dell’assassino, che contiene pi? segreti di quanti ne possa immaginare. Il libro pi? appassionante e scioccante della serie, un thriller psicologico di una suspense mozzafiato, UNA RAGIONE PER MORIRE vi terr? incollati alle pagine fino a notte fonda. “Un capolavoro del mistero e del giallo. Pierce ha fatto un lavoro magnifico sviluppando personaggi con un lato psicologico, descritti tanto bene che ci sembra di essere nelle loro teste, a provare le loro paure e applaudendo i loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e vi terr? con il fiato sospeso per tutto il libro. Pieno di svolte inaspettate, questo libro vi terr? svegli fino a quando non avrete girato l’ultima pagina.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (su Il killer della rosa)

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640298217


Una Vez A?orado
Una Vez A?orado

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“?Una obra maestra del g?nero de thriller y misterio! “El autor hizo un buen trabajo desarrollando a los personajes psicol?gicamente. Los describe tan bien que crees que est?s en sus mentes, sientes sus temores y te alegras por sus ?xitos. La trama es muy inteligente y el libro te mantendr? entretenido de principio a fin. Este libro te mantendr? pasando p?ginas hasta bien entrada la noche debido a sus giros inesperados. –Opiniones de libros y pel?culas, Roberto Mattos (Una vez desaparecido) UNA VEZ A?ORADO es el libro #6 de la serie exitosa de misterio de Riley Paige, que comienza con UNA VEZ DESAPARECIDO (Libro #1). Hombres y mujeres est?n apareciendo muertos en las afueras de Seattle, envenenados por una sustancia misteriosa. Cuando se descubre un patr?n, y queda claro que un retorcido asesino en serie est? a la caza, el FBI llama a su mejor agente: Riley Paige. Riley es exhortada a regresar a su deber, pero est? reacia a volver, a?n conmovida por los ataques a su familia. Sin embargo, cada vez hay m?s asesinatos, y cada vez son m?s inexplicables, as? que Riley sabe que no tiene otra opci?n. El caso lleva a Riley al inquietante mundo de asilos, hospitales, cuidadores sin rumbo y pacientes psic?ticos. Cuando Riley se adentra m?s en la mente del asesino, se da cuenta que est? cazando al asesino m?s terrible de todos: uno cuya locura no tiene l?mites, y que sin embargo puede parecer una persona com?n y corriente. Un thriller psicol?gico oscuro con suspenso emocionante, UNA VEZ A?ORADO es el libro #6 de una nueva serie fascinante, con un nuevo personaje querido, que te dejar? pasando p?ginas hasta bien entrada la noche. El Libro #7 de la serie de Riley Paige estar? disponible pronto.

Ñåðèÿ: Un Misterio de Riley Paige

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Adriana Rios Sarabia

Öåíà: 478.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094301860


Una Vez Atra?do
Una Vez Atra?do

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

?Una obra maestra del g?nero de thriller y misterio! El autor hizo un buen trabajo desarrollando a los personajes con un lado psicol?gico. Los describe tan bien que sientes que est?s en sus mentes, sigues sus temores y te alegras por sus ?xitos. La trama es muy inteligente y el libro te mantendr? entretenido de principio a fin. Este libro te mantendr? pasando p?ginas hasta bien entrada la noche debido a sus giros inesperados. –Opiniones de libros y pel?culas, Roberto Mattos (Una vez desaparecido) UNA VEZ ANHELADO es el libro #3 de la serie exitosa de misterio de Riley Paige, que comienza con UNA VEZ DESAPARECIDO (Libro #1), ?una descarga gratuita! Nadie se preocupa mucho cuando prostitutas aparecen muertas en Phoenix. Pero cuando se descubre un patr?n preocupante de asesinatos, la polic?a local pronto se da cuenta que un asesino en serie est? haciendo de las suyas y saben que no pueden con esto. Dada la naturaleza ?nica de los cr?menes, el FBI sabe que necesita a su mente m?s brillante para resolver el caso, saben que necesitan a la agente especial Riley Paige. Riley, recuper?ndose de su ?ltimo caso y tratando de lidiar con las consecuencias, est? renuente al principio. Pero cuando se entera de la naturaleza grave de los cr?menes y entra en cuenta que el asesino pronto atacar? de nuevo, se ve obligada. Comienza su caza para encontrar al asesino huidizo y su naturaleza obsesiva la lleva demasiado lejos—esta vez quiz?s demasiado lejos como para no caer en el abismo. La b?squeda de Riley la lleva al inquietante mundo de prostitutas, hogares desestructurados y sue?os rotos. Aprende que, incluso entre estas mujeres, hay destellos de esperanza, esperanza que est? siendo robada por un psic?pata violento. Cuando una adolescente es secuestrada, Riley, en una carrera fren?tica contra el tiempo, lucha para navegar en las profundidades de la mente del asesino. Pero lo que descubre la lleva a un giro que es demasiado impactante para siquiera imaginarlo. Un thriller psicol?gico oscuro con suspenso emocionante, UNA VEZ ANHELADO es el libro #3 de una nueva serie fascinante—con un nuevo personaje querido—que te dejar? pasando p?ginas hasta bien entrada la noche. El Libro #4 en la serie de Riley Paige estar? disponible pronto.

Ñåðèÿ: Un Misterio de Riley Paige

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Adriana Rios Sarabia

Öåíà: 358.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094301495


Una Vez Tomado
Una Vez Tomado

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

Mujeres est?n siendo asesinadas en el norte del estado de Nueva York, sus cuerpos encontrados misteriosamente colgando en cadenas. El FBI est? en el caso. Dada la naturaleza bizarra de los asesinatos y la falta de pistas, s?lo hay una agente a la que pueden recurrir—la Agente Especial Riley Paige. Riley, recuper?ndose de su ?ltimo caso, se muestra renuente a tomar uno nuevo, ya que todav?a est? convencida de que un ex asesino en serie sigue por ah?, acech?ndola. Sin embargo, sabe que su habilidad para entrar en la mente de un asesino en serie y su car?cter obsesivo es lo que se necesita para resolver este caso, y simplemente no puede negarse—incluso si la llevar? al extremo. La b?squeda de Riley la lleva a las profundidades de la mente enga?ada de un asesino y a orfanatos, manicomios y prisiones en un esfuerzo para entender su psicosis. Sabe que el asesino atacar? pronto, luego de entrar en cuenta que se est? enfrentando a un verdadero psic?pata. Pero con su propio trabajo en riesgo, su propia familia un blanco y su fr?gil psique descomponi?ndose, quiz?s sea demasiado para ella—y tambi?n demasiado tarde. Un thriller psicol?gico oscuro con suspenso emocionante, UNA VEZ TOMADO es el libro #2 de una nueva serie fascinante—con un nuevo personaje querido—que te dejar? pasando p?ginas hasta bien entrada la noche. El Libro #3 en la serie de Riley Paige estar? disponible pronto.

Ñåðèÿ: Un Misterio de Riley Paige

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Adriana Rios Sarabia

Öåíà: 358.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094300931


Unbelievers: An Emotional History of Doubt
Unbelievers: An Emotional History of Doubt

Àâòîð: Alec Ryrie

Why have Western societies that were once overwhelmingly Christian become so secular? Looking to the feelings and faith of ordinary people, the award-winning author of Protestants Alec Ryrie offers a bold new history of atheism. We think we know the history of faith: how the ratio of Christian believers has declined and a secular age dawned. In this startlingly original history, Alex Ryrie puts faith in the dock to explore how religious belief didn’t just fade away. Rather, atheism bloomed as a belief system in its own right. Unbelievers looks back to the middle ages when it seemed impossible not to subscribe to Christianity, through the crisis of the Reformation and to the powerful, challenging cultural currents of the centuries since. As this history shows, the religious journey of the Western world was lived and steered not just by published philosophy and the celebrated thinkers of the day – the Machiavellis and Michel de Montaignes – but by men and women at every level of society. Their voices and feelings permeate this book in the form of diaries, letters and court records. Tracing the roots of atheism, Ryrie shows that our emotional responses to the times can lead faith to wax and wane: anger at a corrupt priest or anxiety in a turbulent moment spark religious doubt as powerfully as any intellectual revolution. With Christianity under contest and ethical redefinitions becoming more and more significant, Unbelievers shows that to understand how something as intuitive as belief is shaped over time, we must look to an emotional history – one with potent lessons for our still angry and anxious age.

Öåíà: 2207.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008299835


Unchained Destinies
Unchained Destinies


DESTINY"I know your game and refuse to play it – in fact, you're going to play mine." Mariann loved a challenge, but it seemed that no amount of quick thinking and fast talking could outwit ruthless publisher Vigado G bor. His laser-sharp instincts made him a formidable opponent – and he knew that Mariann's reasons for being in Budapest weren't quite what they seemed.Mariann couldn't allow herself to become intoxicated by Vigado's raw sexuality and brooding charisma. But Vigado played to win, and demanded nothing less than total surrender. How could Mariann resist?DESTINY A captivating trilogy from Sara Wood. Tanya, Mariann and Suzanne – three sister – they each have a date with DESTINY

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408987711


Uncle Sarge
Uncle Sarge

Àâòîð: Bonnie Gardner

Kids aren't my specialty.U.S. Air Force Combat Controller Rich Larsen could parachute into danger in a moment's notice. But being besieged by his convalescing sister's two demanding children was an entirely different matter. Well, desperate means called for extreme measures. So the overwhelmed Uncle Sarge sent out an SOS to the pretty lady who had reunited him with his family.Before long, Jennifer Bishop worked a miracle on Rich's adorable wards–and on his heart. So much so that the rootless loner could almost picture them having a family of their own someday. Trouble was, a love-wary Jennifer had sworn off military men. Good thing Rich never backed away from a challenge!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474022248


Uncovering Her Nine Month Secret
Uncovering Her Nine Month Secret

Àâòîð: Äæåííè Ëóêàñ

You wouldn’t have been able to resist either, believe me!He broke down my defences as if they were paper. One dark, unfathomable glance from Alejandro, the notorious Duke of Alzacar, and I was his. It was only later that I realised why he’d seduced me, and I had no choice but to flee.Nine months on, he’s found me. No matter how my body and my heart react to him, I can never let the Duke take our son away from me. But Alejandro will stop at nothing. I have just one card left to play…Discover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/jennielucas

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472042781


Und die Tage l?cheln wieder
Und die Tage l?cheln wieder

Àâòîð: Susanne Zeitz

Alexandra ist acht Jahre alt, als ihre Welt das erste Mal auseinanderbricht. Ihre Mutter verungl?ckt t?dlich bei einer Wanderung im Hochland von Peru. Beim zweiten Mal ist sie f?nfunddrei?ig und wieder scheint Peru ihr Schicksalsland zu sein. Der Roman einer peruanischen Autorin stellt ihr bisheriges Leben in Frage. Was hat dieser Roman mit ihr zu tun? Alexandra fliegt nach Lima, um dort Antworten auf ihre vielen Fragen zu erhalten und muss erleben, wie sich ihre Vergangenheit und ihre Gegenwart als L?ge entpuppen. Sie verliert ihren Job, der Kontakt zu ihrem Vater bricht ab und ihre Verlobung wird gel?st. Erst eine erneute Reise nach Lima und nach Ostfriesland l?sst sie die fehlenden Puzzleteile finden, die aus ihrem Leben wieder ein Ganzes machen. Die spannende Reise einer jungen Frau auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit und auf der Suche nach sich selbst.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961455058


Under Heaven
Under Heaven

Àâòîð: Guy Gavriel Kay

An epic historical adventure set in a pseudo 8th century China, from the author of the 2008 World Fantasy winner, Ysabel. Under Heaven is a novel of heroes, assassins, concubines and emperors set against a majestic and unforgiving landscape.An epic historical adventure set in a pseudo 8th century China, from the author of the 2008 World Fantasy winner, Ysabel. Under Heaven is a novel of heroes, assassins, concubines and emperors set against a majestic and unforgiving landscape.For two years Shen Tai has mourned his father, living like a hermit beyond the borders of the Kitan Empire, by a mountain lake where terrible battles have long been fought between the Kitai and the neighbouring Tagurans, including one for which his father – a great general – was honoured. But Tai's father never forgot the brutal slaughter involved. The bones of 100,000 soldiers still lie unburied by the lake and their wailing ghosts at night strike terror in the living, leaving the lake and meadow abandoned in its ring of mountains.To honour and redress his father's sorrow, Tai has journeyed west to the lake and has laboured, alone, to bury the dead of both empires. His supplies are replenished by his own people from the nearest fort, and also – since peace has been bought with the bartering of an imperial princess – by the Tagurans, for his solitary honouring of their dead.The Tagurans soldiers one day bring an unexpected letter. It is from the bartered Kitan Princess Cheng-wan, and it contains a poisoned chalice: she has gifted Tai with two hundred and fifty Sardian horses, to reward him for his courage. The Sardians are legendary steeds from the far west, famed, highly-prized, long-coveted by the Kitans.

Öåíà: 1112.71 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007342020


Under His Protection
Under His Protection

Àâòîð: Linda Turner

To save her family's claim on the Broken Arrow Ranch, Elizabeth Wyatt must remain on the premises at all times.She's never herded cattle or driven a pickup. But with strong, sexy ranch foreman John Cassidy there to show her the ropes–and kiss her senseless–Elizabeth prays she can keep everything under control. Only, someone wants to make sure she loses her inheritance.Someone who'll stop at nothing to get Elizabeth out of the way. And as the threats to her safety intensify, she'll need to rely on John's strength to keep them both alive.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408961896


Under Lock And Key
Under Lock And Key

Àâòîð: Sylvie Kurtz

SHACKLED HEARTOn a stormy Texas night, Tyler Blackwell awoke from a car crash to find himself in a castle dungeon, bound under lock and key by an ephemeral jailer with haunting eyes and virginal flesh that begged for a man's touch. Mysterious Melissa Carnes–the woman Tyler had been sent undercover to defend from a deadly enemy intent on destroying her life–was more tempting to Tyler than any assignment. And being her «prisoner» had its advantages. But could Tyler penetrate the cold stone wall Melissa had built around her heart before the past emerged like the grim reaper to sentence them both to life terms…?

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472035103


Under Montana Skies
Under Montana Skies

Àâòîð: Darlene Graham

From a luxury home in Dallas, Texas, to a remote mountain cabin in Montana…What's a nice girl like Laura Cresswood doing in a place like this–with a handsome recluse like Adam Scott?She's beginning to regret her decision to take on this new patient. Adam is ungrateful, demanding and unimpressed with Laura's qualifications. He'd expected a male physical therapist. But Laura knows that Adam is hiding a broken heart. His wife and child were killed in the accident that left him injured.Except, as Laura soon learns, it was no accident. Someone was–and apparently still is–out to get Adam.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474019569


Under My Skin
Under My Skin

Àâòîð: Lisa Unger

‘Gripping suspense at its best’ Karin SlaughterHer husband’s killer may be closer than she thinks…It’s been a year since Poppy’s husband, Jack, was brutally murdered during his morning run. She’s trying to move on but what happened that morning is still haunting her. And now she’s sure she is being followed…Sleep deprived and secretly self-medicating, Poppy is unable to separate her dreams from reality. She feels like she’s losing her mind. But what if she’s not? What if she’s actually remembering what really happened? What if her husband wasn’t who he said he was? And what if his killer is still watching her…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474066754


Under Suspicion
Under Suspicion

Àâòîð: Hannah Alexander

A KILLER LURKS IN THE SHADOWS… UNTIL IT'S TIME TO STRIKE AGAIN.When a prominent senator is murdered in his own home, his daughter Shona Tremaine becomes the prime suspect in his death. Only her estranged husband, Geoff, and younger sister, Karah Lee, believe in her innocence–until an attempt on Shona's own life clears her name.Who would want her dead? As Shona and Geoff work together to solve the mystery, they uncover a web of deceit and corruption in her father's life–and discover the love they thought they'd lost. But will their renewed commitment be enough to save Shona's life?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472079398


Under The Agent s Protection
Under The Agent's Protection

Àâòîð: Jennifer Bokal D

In tracking a killer… will he choose duty—or desire? Everly Baker knows her brother’s death was no accident, and its connection to another more sinister case makes it impossible for FBI Agent Wyatt Thornton to turn down—and so does his desire to protect the woman he’s grown to love…

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474094450


Under the Gun
Under the Gun

Àâòîð: ÕåëåíÊåé Äàéìîí

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408977248


Under the Microscope
Under the Microscope

Àâòîð: Jessica Andersen

HIS JOB WAS TO PROTECT THE CLIENT, NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH HER…AGAINMedical expert Raine Montgomery never dreamed the drug she created would be responsible for so many deaths. Suspicions on high alert, Raine was convinced someone was out to destroy her reputation–and her life. Turning to the best for help, Raine knew she and investigator Maximilian Vasek had to put aside their rocky history and focus on who wanted her eliminated….Being around Raine reminded Max of a past he'd tried hard to forget. Still, he couldn't ignore the vulnerability in her brown eyes, or the sizzling tension between them. Keeping her safe he could do. Walking away in the end might not be so easy….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472035127


Under World
Under World

Àâòîð: Reginald Hill

‘Hill is an instinctive and complete novelist who is blessed with a spontaneous storytelling gift’ Frances Fyfield, Mail on SundayYears ago, young Tracey Pedley disappeared in the woods around Burrthorpe. The close-knit mining village had its own ideas about what happened, but the police pinned it on a known child-killer who subsequently committed suicide.Now Burrthorpe comes to police attention again. A man’s body is discovered down a mine shaft and it’s clear he has been murdered. Dalziel and Pascoe’s investigation takes them to the heart of a frightened and hostile community. But could the key to the present-day investigation lie in the past when little Tracey vanished into thin air…?

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007380305


Undercover Connection
Undercover Connection

Àâòîð: Heather Graham

Danger is hiding in the hot Miami night…Much to their mutual annoyance, FBI agent Jacob Wolff and Miami detective Jasmine Adair discover they’re both undercover to bust a notorious organized crime group. But amid a glamorous South Beach nightclub opening, their key informant is killed, leaving Jacob and Jasmine the dangerous job of infiltrating the ring. With desire igniting between them, can they set aside their distrust and work together to bring down the brutal mobsters

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474079549


Undercover Fiance
Undercover Fiance

Àâòîð: Sheryl Lynn

AN EXCEPTIONAL DETECTIVE…AN EXPERT LOVERDaniel Tucker was all man and a threat to the sinister stalker closing in on Janine Duke. Daniel insisted on posing as Janine's fianc? to draw out the madman. A role he relished with Janine as his woman.Daniel was the only one willing to help her, though his methods left Janine trembling with desire. He never left her side and wouln't keep his hands–or mouth–off her. He made her feel liberated, like a real woman, while safe and protected.Something only a lover could do. Which only incited the stalker.Elk River, ColoradoWhere men still stand tall–and know how to treat a woman.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472065056


Undercover Groom
Undercover Groom

Àâòîð: Merline Lovelace

Fortune's Children: The Brides: Meet the Fortune brides – six special women who perpetuate a family legacy greater than mere riches!WHO WAS MASON CHANDLER?Chloe Fortune had no memory of the tall, gray-eyed hunk standing before her, claiming to be her fiance. Actually, she had no memory of anything since the car accident that had left her stranded in Crockett, South Dakota, with no ties to her past but a sapphire ring bearing her first name.Whatever the hidden truth, Chloe wanted to start her life over – with Mason by her side. But something about her handsome hero whispered of untold secrets. Would his mysterious past destroy their love?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408992227


Undercover Husband
Undercover Husband

Àâòîð: Cindi Myers

The marriage is fake. The danger is real.A child is all scientist Hannah Dietrich has left of her late sister…a child possibly kidnapped by the mysterious cult her sister had joined. To discover the truth about Emily's death and find her infant daughter, Hannah turns to BLM Special Agent Walt Riley. Posing as a married couple, they infiltrate the «Family» as devoted followers of the Prophet.But delving into the cult's dark secrets proves harder than expected…while their roles feel disturbingly easy for the fiercely independent Hannah and the no-nonsense lawman. Has their charade become a real relationship? And if they find the infant, how will they escape the Prophet's murderous wrath?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474062060


Undercover Husband
Undercover Husband

Àâòîð: Rebecca Winters

BACHELOR TERRITORYShe's his clientRoman Lufka is a rough, tough private investigator. He's been hired to protect Brittany Langford. The easiest way to be by her side, twenty-four hours a day, is to go undercover–as Brittany's husband.…and his wife!But if protecting his «wife» is easy, living with her isn't. They're perfect strangers–and for Roman, Brit is all too perfect. It seems this confirmed bachelor is facing his toughest assignment yet–falling in love!"Rebecca Winters writes from the heart…"–Debbi MacomberThere are two sides to every story…and now it's his turn!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472067548


Undercover Nanny
Undercover Nanny

Àâòîð: Wendy Warren

MARY POPPINS–P.I.?Private investigator D.J. Holden lived by the one rule she learned from her boss and foster father: Never go undercover. But when she discovered that his agency was in trouble, she accepted a job to investigate Maxwell Lotorto, the wayward grandchild of a demanding woman and heir to a grocery fortune….And became Daisy June, nanny extraordinaire.What D.J. didn't expect was for her first undercover job to turn into something more–a passion for Max and for his family unlike anything she'd ever known. But when Max learned the truth about his supernanny's true identity, would her duplicity ruin a chance at true love?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472090201


Undercover Twin
Undercover Twin

Àâòîð: Heather Woodhaven

A deadly identity swap…The first exciting Twins Separated at Birth novel Audrey Clark never knew she was a twin—until she stumbled onto a covert operation. Now with her FBI agent sister shot and in critical condition, going undercover with Agent Lee Benson is the only way to protect her newfound twin. And as her pretend husband, Lee must keep Audrey safe…or pay twice the deadly price.

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474097383


Undercover Twin
Undercover Twin

Àâòîð: Lena Diaz

DEA agent Nick Morgan had no choice but to break up with the love of his life, Heather Bannon. He knew that if he was seen anywhere near the gorgeous P.I., he could kiss his career goodbye. But when Heather’s twin is abducted, Nick reconsiders his priorities.As Nick leads Heather on a dangerous undercover mission to rescue her sister and topple an elusive drug lord, he knows he was wrong to end their relationship. Working side by side, Nick realizes his love for her is as strong as ever, and he’ll risk life to prove it.Having Heather pose as her twin – down to her tattoos – could be genius… or a fatal mistake.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472007667


Undercover Wife
Undercover Wife

Àâòîð: Merline Lovelace

Playing the part of Gillian Ridgeway's tourist husband might be OMEGA operative Mike Callahan's toughest assignment yet.Keeping his hands off the too-young, too-innocent, stunning novice field agent while they were supposed to act all lovey-dovey? Right. He'd have to rely on all his torture training and focus on their mission: to track down the source of a potentially deadly virus in Hong Kong.When their job was complicated by pint-sized scam artists who wiggled their way into Mike's heart, Gillian knew her undercover husband wasn't as jaded as he claimed. But to turn their cover into a real-life arrangement, first they'd have to come home alive.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408961988




These weddings are starting with a bang! They never thought a fitting would lead to erotic confessions! But thanks to one very thin wall between the dressing rooms in a bridal shop and a tuxedo boutique, four lucky couples are about to be enlightened-and delightfully satisfied…The bridal shop's assistant manager hears a very suggestive song from the dressing room next door….An arranged marriage isn't always about love. But for one Indian couple, it might be about transcendent sex!A bride-to-be has a flirtatious exchange through the wall…unknowingly with her fianc?'s twin brother….When a groom decides to surprise his busy fianc?e with a romantic escape, he's in for a sexy shock. Because he accidentally kidnaps the wrong woman!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408931875


Undying Laughter
Undying Laughter

Àâòîð: Kelsey Roberts

More Than One Man Had a Date With Destiny…Destiny Talbot, The Rose Tattoo's newest headliner, was head-turningly gorgeous, but her arresting allure brought on more than her share of suitors, including a Wesley Porter, the boss's sexy son. But a second suitor was also vying for her attention–one intent on wooing…and stalking her.As a man, Wesley understood all too well the passion his violet-eyed vixen could inspire. As a psychiatrist, he knew the dark mind of a stalker, and he was determined to protect her with the very body with which he loved her. But one thought haunted Wesley–who would have the last date with Destiny?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472064936


Une Lueur Au C ur Des T?n?bres
Une Lueur Au Cœur Des T?n?bres

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Aux yeux de Kyoko, les cr?atues mythiques sont de ces choses qu'on loue et qu'on regarde un samedi soir avec ses amis. Lorsqu'un individu myst?rieux qui la suit partout transformera les ombres autour d'elle en coins sombres aux ar?tes ac?r?es, sera-t'elle en mesure de se c?cher du pass? ? L'obscurit? s'est abattue sur le monde une fois de plus et les gardiens ont attendu la r?surrection. Bien qu'ils soient consid?r?s comme des cr?atures de mythe, dans cette realit?-ci ils sont bien plus r?els que les gens ne le croient. C'est uniquement lorsque la lune est haut dans le ciel que ces cr?atures, ces gardiens, bataillent contre le mal qui cherche ? submerger le monde et la fille qui d?tient le pouvoir ultime… La lumi?re au coeur de l'obscurit?. Translator: Bella Nazaire

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835429043


Une Nouvelle de L’Agent Z?ro
Une Nouvelle de L’Agent Z?ro

Àâòîð: Äæåê Ìàðñ

“Vous ne trouverez pas le sommeil tant que vous n’aurez pas termin? AGENT Z?RO. L’auteur a fait un magnifique travail en cr?ant un ensemble de personnages ? la fois tr?s d?velopp? et vraiment plaisant ? suivre. La description des sc?nes d’action nous transporte dans une r?alit? telle que l’on aurait presque l’impression d’?tre assis dans une salle de cin?ma ?quip?e du son surround et de la 3D (cela ferait d’ailleurs un super film hollywoodien). Il me tarde de d?couvrir la suite.”–Roberto Mattos, auteur du blog Books and Movie ReviewsUNE NOUVELLE DE L’AGENT Z?RO est une nouvelle originale de 6,000 mots ? lire absolument en compl?ment de la s?rie best-seller n°1 des THRILLERS D’ESPIONNAGE DE L’AGENT Z?RO, qui d?bute par L’AGENT Z?RO (Volume #1), t?l?chargeable gratuitement, avec pr?s de 300 avis cinq ?toiles. Elle peut aussi se lire comme une histoire distincte, servant ?galement d’introduction parfaite pour les nouveaux venus dans le monde de l’Agent Z?ro.Cette nouvelle originale nous fait remonter le temps pour nous montrer comment tout a commenc?. Dans un thriller haletant et bourr? d’action ? travers l’Italie, le Danemark, l’Allemagne et la Suisse, on d?couvre les d?buts de la carri?re ? la CIA de l’Agent Z?ro… jusqu’au moment fatidique o? il perd la m?moire. La s?rie de thrillers d’espionnage L’AGENT Z?RO embarque les lecteurs dans un thriller dont l’action se d?roule ? travers l’Europe. L’espion pr?sum? de la CIA Kent Steele, traqu? par des terroristes, par la CIA elle-m?me et par sa propre identit?, doit d?couvrir qui en a pr?s lui, quelle est la cible pr?vue des terroristes et qui est la femme si belle qu’il ne cesse de voir en songe. Kent Steele, 38 ans, brillant professeur d’Histoire de l’Europe ? l’Universit? de Columbia, m?ne une vie paisible dans une banlieue de New York avec ses deux filles adolescentes. Tout va changer quand, un soir vers minuit, il entend frapper ? sa porte. Il est alors enlev? par trois terroristes et se retrouve dans un avion qui traverse l’oc?an, pour ?tre finalement interrog? dans un sous-sol parisien. Ils sont convaincus que Kent est l’espion le plus mortel que la CIA ait connu. Il est persuad? qu’ils se sont tromp?s de personne. Est-ce vraiment le cas ? Victime d’une conspiration ? son sujet, avec des adversaires aussi intelligents que lui et un assassin ? ses trousses, le cruel jeu du chat et de la souris va mener Kent sur une pente glissante qui pourrait bien le ramener ? Langley o? l’attend une r?v?lation choc sur sa propre identit?.La s?rie de thrillers d’espionnage L’AGENT Z?RO est compos?e de livres qui vous feront tourner les pages, encore et encore, jusque tard dans la nuit. “Une ?criture qui ?l?ve le thriller ? son plus haut niveau.”–Midwest Book Review (? propos de Tous Les Moyens N?cessaires)“L’un des meilleurs thrillers que j’ai lus cette ann?e.”–Books and Movie Reviews (? propos de Tous Les Moyens N?cessaires)Jack Mars est ?galement l’auteur de la s?rie best-seller de thrillers LUKE STONE (7 volumes), qui commence par Tous Les Moyens N?cessaires (Volume #1), t?l?chargeable gratuitement, avec plus de 800 avis cinq ?toiles !

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305943



Àâòîð: Jordan Gray

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon M&B

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472052674


Unexpected Family
Unexpected Family

Àâòîð: Jill Kemerer

His Surprise Daughter After five years apart, Tom Sheffield is shocked to find his ex-wife, Stephanie, on his doorstep. The news that they share a child he's never met sends him reeling. Four-year-old Macy has his eyes, his mouth and, from their first encounter, his heart. Things with her mother are much more complicated. He doesn't understand what went wrong between them or why she kept their daughter a secret. And he's afraid of falling in love all over again. Yet he feels a glimmer of hope that somehow he can convince Macy and Stephanie to stay in Lake Endwell–and with him–for keeps.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474036702


Unheimliche Geschichten, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)
Unheimliche Geschichten, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Ýäãàð Àëëàí Ïî

Edgar Allan Poe gilt als Urvater der Kriminal- und phantastischen Literatur und als Meister des Grauens. Die unheimlichen Geschichten des amerikanischen Schriftstellers sind gepr?gt von einem starken Hang zum Makabren und zum ?bersinnlichen, und sie jagen Menschen jeden Alters kalte Schauer ?ber den R?cken. In der genialen ?bersetzung von Arno Schmidt und Hans Wollschl?ger sind diese Ikonen der Weltliteratur geniale Ohrbegleiter. Lebendig Begrabene, unheimliche Ahnungen und qu?lende Gewissheiten: Klassische Schauergeschichten auf h?chstem Niveau – auch dank Sprecher J?rgen Uter. Enth?lt die Geschichten: Berenice Der Fall des Hauses Ascher Das verr?terische Herz Morella Das Eiland und die Fee Das ovale Portrait Der schwarze Kater

Èñïîëíèòåëè: J?rgen Uter

Öåíà: 1430.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783867373203


Unholy Magic
Unholy Magic

Àâòîð: Stacia Kane

The second book in this edgy urban fantasy trilogy.Trying to catch a spectral serial killer with a fondness for his victims’ eyes is distracting Chess from her day job, and her growing attraction to Terrible is making things worse.If you liked the compelling characters in 50 Shades of Grey, you’ll love the Downside Ghosts series.The second book in this edgy urban fantasy trilogy.Trying to catch a spectral serial killer with a fondness for his victims’ eyes is distracting Chess from her day job, and her growing attraction to Terrible is making things worse.Life is getting too complicated and Chess must break the rules to keep her head above water

Öåíà: 740.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007343287


Uni?n De Sangre
Uni?n De Sangre

Àâòîð: Blankenship Amy

Con el hechizo de sangre roto, Kane sali? del suelo y busc? esa alma gemela que lo hab?a liberado solo para descubrir que ella hab?a desaparecido. Sin nada que perder y con la venganza en su mente, comenz? una guerra. Lo ?ltimo que esperaba era encontrar a su esquiva alma gemela en el camino de destrucci?n que hab?a causado. R?pidamente obsesionado, miraba cuando ella no estaba mirando, escucha cuando no ha sido invitado, y acecha cada movimiento… y el demonio que lo atormenta sabe que ella es su debilidad. Para protegerla, Kane promete hacer que lo odie, incluso si tiene que unirse al lado del demonio para hacerlo. Pero, ?c?mo puede protegerla de su mayor enemigo de todos cuando ese enemigo es ?l mismo?

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835403173


Unicornucopia: The Little Book of Unicorns
Unicornucopia: The Little Book of Unicorns

Àâòîð: Caitlin Doyle

Over 200 pages of legends, spells, facts, and rainbow food recipes!Do you need a little more rainbow in your life? What about sparkle? Look no further. Unicornucopia is here!Packed full of over 200 enchanting pages of legends, spells, facts, crafts, and unicorn food recipes, Unicornucopia: The Little Book of Unicorns is the ultimate compendium of all things unicorn.DID YOU KNOW?The existence of unicorns wasn’t disproved until as late as 1825*A recipe for how best to cook unicorn was discovered in a medieval cookbook*Throughout history, unicorns have been described as everything from mice with horns to magical rhinoceros*Unicorn horns were believed to cure fevers, purify poisons, prolong youth, and act as an aphrodisiacFull of gorgeous full-colour illustrations and plenty of joyful whimsy throughout, Unicornucopia includes everything you could ever want to know about these magical creatures, all in a gorgeous, covetable, rainbow-edged package. It’s the perfect gift for every unicorn lover in your life!

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008293123


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