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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

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Mommy Under Cover
Mommy Under Cover

Àâòîð: Delores Fossen

Agent Tessa Abbot: This take-no-prisoners, tough-as-nails operative of a top secret U.S. security agency was prepared for anything…except a surprise pregnancy.Agent Riley McDade: His sexy yet deadly smile had seen him through dangerous missions around the world…except the one that mattered most – and cost him his heart. Mission: Posing as man and wife, apprehend Dr. Barton Fletcher, aka the Baby Maker.He has killed before and won't hesitate to do so again – see memo on Agent McDade's past broken heart. Avoid complications at all costs – such as an unexpected pregnancy or falling in love with your partner.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408962725


Mon Comte, Pour Toujours
Mon Comte, Pour Toujours

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

L'Amour V?ritable est du domaine des contes de f?es Le V?ritable Amour est du domaine des contes de f?es. Du moins, c'est ce que croit Mlle Hannah Knight. Ses ann?es de formation furent parsem?es de difficult?s, mais elle porte toujours avec elle un souvenir, m?me dans les moments les plus sombres. L'?t? qu'elle passa au ch?teau de Manchester o? elle commen?a ? r?ver d'une vie heureuse dans les bras de l'homme qui tient son cœur. La guerre avait rendu Garrick Edwards cynique. Il ne s'attendait pas ? h?riter du titre et ? devenir le comte de Manchester, mais son fr?re ?tait mort r?cemment, laissant derri?re lui une fille et une montagne de dettes. A contrecœur, il retourna dans sa maison ancestrale. Quand il arriva, il y trouva Hannah. Ses lettres pendant la guerre lui avaient donn? de l'espoir quand il n'y en avait pas, mais il ne croyait pas qu'il m?ritait son amour. En renouant leur amiti?, ils retrouv?rent leur espoir perdu. Au fond de leur cœur, ils pers?v?rent dans cette esp?rance et commenc?rent ? se demander si certains r?ves pouvaient devenir r?alit?. La question ?tait de savoir s'ils seraient assez courageux pour les attraper....

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893987783


Mon Vicomte Pour Toujours
Mon Vicomte Pour Toujours

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Et si les contes de f?es ?taient r?els ? Et si les contes de f?es ?taient r?els ? Donovan Turner, Vicomte de Warwick, est un s?duisant d?prav?. C'est devenu tout un art de cacher les lambeaux de son cœur bris?. Le brandy fran?ais est son plus proche ami et il fait toujours en sorte d'en avoir ? port?e de main. Lady Estella Simms a ?t? contrainte ? l'exil par son diabolique beau-p?re sans aucun moyen de subsistance. A l'aide de ses maigres ressources, elle se lance dans une aventure qu'aucune demoiselle ne prendrait en compte pour sa survie… la contrebande. Ironie du sort, Donovan ?choue comme passager clandestin ? bord de son navire… trop saoul pour se rappeler comment il est arriv? l?, et choqu? de tomber sur la seule femme qu'il ait jamais aim?e et qui a ?galement failli le d?truire. Le danger est proche et ils doivent compter l'un sur l'autre pour survivre. Lord Warwick et Lady Estella doivent apprendre ? se faire confiance ? nouveau, et d?cider si l'amour est assez puissant pour conqu?rir le mal qui contrecarre leur happy-end.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835415572


Monarch of the Sands
Monarch of the Sands

Àâòîð: Øýðîí Êåíäðèê

An impossible love affair – with a sheikh! Francesca is shocked when family friend Zahid Al Hakam turns up on her doorstep. After all, he’s now the Sheikh of Khayarzah – England’s surburbia is hardly his regular stomping ground! But he is as achingly gorgeous as ever…and she’s certainly tempted by his invitation to come to the desert and work for him.Zahid finds the geeky, gauche teenager he once knew is now an understated beauty. Embarking on a secret affair is bittersweet – but, however all-consuming their passion, Zahid’s duty to his kingdom must surely come first?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408926024


Money in the Morgue: The New Inspector Alleyn Mystery
Money in the Morgue: The New Inspector Alleyn Mystery

Àâòîð: Stella Duffy

Roderick Alleyn is back in this unique crime novel begun by Ngaio Marsh during the Second World War and now completed by Stella Duffy in a way that has delighted reviewers and critics alike.Shortlisted for the CWA Historical Dagger Award 2018.It’s business as usual for Mr Glossop as he does his regular round delivering wages to government buildings scattered across New Zealand’s lonely Canterbury plains. But when his car breaks down he is stranded for the night at the isolated Mount Seager Hospital, with the telephone lines down, a storm on its way and the nearby river about to burst its banks.Trapped with him at Mount Seager are a group of quarantined soldiers with a serious case of cabin fever, three young employees embroiled in a tense love triangle, a dying elderly man, an elusive patient whose origins remain a mystery … and a potential killer.When the payroll disappears from a locked safe and the hospital’s death toll starts to rise faster than normal, can the appearance of an English detective working in counterespionage be just a lucky coincidence – or is something more sinister afoot?

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008207120


Monologhi Scherzosi
Monologhi Scherzosi

Àâòîð: Marco Fogliani

Tutti i racconti, tra quelli scritti dall'autore, che possono considerarsi ”monologhi”. In pi? indovinelli, barzellette e giochi di parole. La raccolta include i seguenti racconti (qui elencati in ordine alfabetico): AGENTI MOLTO SPECIALI ALL'AMANTE SEGRETA DAL NOSTRO INVIATO SPECIALE DUE BARZELLETTE SPECIALI DUE STORIE TELEGRAFICHE HO IMPARATO A VOLARE IL CHICCO DI RISO GIALLO IL REGATANTE (OVVERO I NUMERI IN CAMPO) LA MADRE DI TUTTE LE BATTAGLIE LE STORIE DEGLI ITALIANI COMUNI LETTERA A BABBO NATALE MI HAI CONVINTO! PIACERE: COMMISSARIO SGAMON UN LUMINARE PSICOLOGO UN MONDO NUOVO VECCHI LIBRI E GRANDI SPAZI Si avverte che alcuni di questi racconti potrebbero essere presenti anche in altre raccolte tematiche dello stesso autore.

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893980036


Montana Midwife
Montana Midwife

Àâòîð: Cassie Miles

Rushing to the aid of a pregnant woman, midwife Tab Willows arrives at the scene of a horrifying murder.Then her sexy teenage crush Aiden Gabriel lands his rescue chopper – he’s only got better with age – and now he’s determined to protect Tab from a serial killer. But can he also reignite their spark?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472006905


Montana Red
Montana Red

Àâòîð: Genell Dellin

Haunted by heartache, cowboy Jake Hawthorne has taken a job catching wild horses in Montana. But his quest to bring in a magnificent thoroughbred pits him against an unusual rustler. Having escaped her vengeful ex-husband, Clea Mathison is trying to live life on her own terms. Then her beloved mare runs off, setting her on a journey far from the privileged world she knows ; and on the run from the law.Forced to depend on each other, Jake and Clea discover a strength together that they've never known alone. But when faced with an impossible choice, will Jake give up everything for the woman he's grown to love?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408913536


Monte Kristo Kontu
Monte Kristo Kontu

Àâòîð: Àëåêñàíäð Äþìà

“Bu d?nyada ne saadet vardır ne de bedbahtlık. Sadece bu h?lin ?tekisi ile mukayesesi vardır. Yalnız en b?y?k ?mitsizliği tadan bir kimse en b?y?k saadeti hissetmeye muktedir olabilir. Yaşamanın ne kadar g?zel bir şey olduğunu anlayabilmek i?in ?l?m? istemiş olmak lazımdır.” *** “Kendimi, lanetlenmiş bir şehri mahvetmek i?in g?kten inmiş bir ateş bulutu gibi g?rmeye başladım. Tehlikeli bir sefere ?ıkacak maceracı bir kaptan gibi hazırlıklarımı yaptım, silahlarımı doldurdum, her t?rl? h?cum ve savunma tedbirini aldım, bedenimi en ağır hareketlere, ruhumu en şiddetli sarsıntılara alıştırdım. Koluma ?ld?rmeyi, g?zlerime ızdırabı seyretmeyi, dudaklarıma en m?thiş h?llerde bile g?l?msemeyi ?ğrettim. Bir zamanlar olduğum gibi iyi, inanan ve affeden insandan; kinci kurnaz ve zalim yahut sağır gibi duygusuz ve kader gibi k?r bir insan meydana getirdim. Sonra ?n?mde uzanan yola koyuldum; karşıma ?ıkanları felaket i?inde bırakarak hedefime ulaştım.” Merc?d?s, “Yeter Edmond!” dedi. “Seni tanıyan tek kadının, aynı zamanda seni anlayan tek kimse olduğunu s?ylersem inan bana. Beni yolunda ezseydin bile sana yine hayran olacaktım Edmond. Benimle ge?miş arasında nasıl geniş bir u?urum varsa seninle ?b?r erkeklerin arasında da ?yle geniş bir u?urum var. Benim i?in en b?y?k işkence, seni başkaları ile karşılaştırmak olmuştur, inan bana ??nk? d?nyada senin gibi olan ve sana benzeyen hi? kimse yoktur. Artık bana ‘Hoş?a kal!’ de Edmond ve ayrılalım…”

Öåíà: 94.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-54-9


Mood Swing
Mood Swing

Àâòîð: Jane Graves

NICE GIRLS DON'T JUST GET MAD…Meet «Nice Girl» SUSAN Roth: A hardworking E.R. nurse and mother, she's starting to resent putting other people's needs above her own….TONYA Rutherford: A savvy businesswoman, this Texas gal knows a lot about cheating husbands…but trust?And MONICA Saltzman: Poised and professional, this executive assistant has relied on her beauty to get ahead….Stressed to the max, these women have one thing in common–they've reached the breaking point. And when they flip out, the women land in an anger-management class. Now they can either follow their arrogant instructor's agenda–or take matters into their own hands. Because these women are about to discover that sometimes you need more than deep breathing to fix your problems….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472086952


Moon Dance
Moon Dance

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Devon ist ein Werjaguar, ein wenig grob an den Kanten und einer der Besitzer von Moon Dance. Seine Welt kippt um ihre Achse, als er eine verf?hrerische F?chsin mit rotem Haar ersp?ht, die in seinem Club tanzt, bewaffnet mit einem zynischen Herzen und einer Elektroschockpistole. W?hrend ein Vampirkrieg um Envys Leben war gro?artig. Gro?artiger Bruder, gro?artiger Freund und der beste Job, den sich eine Frau w?nschen kann… Barfrau in den beliebtesten Clubs der Stadt. Zumindest war es gro?artig, bis sie einen Anruf von einem ihrem besten Freunde bekam, ?ber ihren Freund, der auf der Tanzfl?che im Moon Dance einen vertikalen Limbo tanzte. Ihre Entscheidung, ihn damit zu konfrontieren, setzt eine Kette von Vorf?llen in Gang, die sie in eine gef?hrliche, paranormale Welt, die unter der Langeweile des t?glichen Lebens verborgen liegt, einf?hren. Eine Welt, in der sich Menschen in Jaguare verwandeln k?nnen, lebensechte Vampire durch die Stra?en wandern, und gefallene Engel unter uns gehen. Devon ist ein Werjaguar, ein wenig grob an den Kanten und einer der Besitzer von Moon Dance. Seine Welt kippt um ihre Achse, als er eine verf?hrerische F?chsin mit rotem Haar ersp?ht, die in seinem Club tanzt, bewaffnet mit einem zynischen Herzen und einer Elektroschockpistole. W?hrend ein Vampirkrieg um sie tobt, schw?rt Devon, dass er diese Frau sein eigen machen wird… und bis zum Tode um sie k?mpfen wird.

Ñåðèÿ: Blutsbundnis

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873043690


Moon Dance
Moon Dance

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Devon ? un uomo-giaguaro dai modi un po' grezzi e uno dei soci del Moon Dance. Il suo mondo entra in bilico quando nota un'affascinante femmina dai capelli rossi nel suo club, armata di un cuore cinico e un taser. Con una guerra tra vampiri che infuriava intorno a loro, Devon giura di fare sua questa donna… e combatter? l'inferno per averla. La vita di Envy era fantastica. Un fratello perfetto, un fidanzato perfetto, e il lavoro migliore che una ragazza potesse chiedere… gestire il bar in uno dei locali pi? popolari della citt?. O almeno era fantastica finch? non ricevette una telefonata da uno dei suoi migliori amici, riguardante il suo fidanzato che stava ballando il limbo sulla pista da ballo al Moon Dance. La sua decisione di affrontarlo da inizio ad una serie di eventi che la porteranno in un pericoloso mondo paranormale, celato nella monotonia quotidiana. Un mondo in cui le persone possono trasformarsi in giaguari, i vampiri in carne ed ossa vagano per le strade, e gli angeli caduti camminano in mezzo a noi. Devon ? un uomo-giaguaro dai modi un po' grezzi e uno dei soci del Moon Dance. Il suo mondo entra in bilico quando nota un'affascinante femmina dai capelli rossi nel suo club, armata di un cuore cinico e un taser. Con una guerra tra vampiri che infuriava intorno a loro, Devon giura di fare sua questa donna… e combatter? l'inferno per averla.

Ñåðèÿ: Legami Di Sangue

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873040439


Moon Dance
Moon Dance

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Envy's life was great. Great brother, great boyfriend, and the best job a girl could ask for… tending bar at the most popular clubs in the city. At least it was great until she got a call from one of her best friends about her boyfriend doing the vertical limbo on the dance floor at Moon Dance. Her decision to confront him begins a chain of events that will introduce her to a dangerous paranormal world hidden beneath the everyday humdrum. A world where people can transform into jaguars, real life vampires roam the streets, and fallen angels walk among us. Devon is a werejaguar, a little rough around the edges and one of the joint owners of Moon Dance. His world is tilted on its axis when he spies an alluring vixen with red hair dancing in his club, armed with a cynical heart and a taser. With a vampire war raging around them, Devon vows to make this woman his… and will fight like hell to have her.

Ñåðèÿ: Blood Bound Book

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873041351



Àâòîð: John Falkner Meade

First published in 1898, and now a major TV series, Moonfleet is a riveting adventure story full of drama, mystery, revenge, pursuit, smuggling, pirates, and romance, sharing its literary canon with Treasure Island and Kidnapped.The tiny village of Moonfleet is nestled along the English coast, and every one of its inhabitants lives off the sea in one way or another. When local young man John Trenchard accidentally stumbles upon treasure stashed in the local crypt, he unknowingly enters the murky world of the smuggling trade and the local secret of Colonel John Mohune’s treasure.Trenchard is soon forced to flee England with a price on his head, leaving behind his beloved Grace and the life he hoped for. But the adventures, trials, and tribulations that befall him on his personal journey back to Moonfleet and ultimately redemption are written with such intensity and hope, as well as love for the history and landscape of Dorset, that the story never loses pace or power on its epic journey.Moonfleet is a classic adventure story to be read again and again.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007502783


Moonglow, Texas
Moonglow, Texas

Àâòîð: Mary McBride

She hated molasses-paced Moonglow, Texas. She hated her new homespun identity.And she didn't know whether to strangle or kiss the handsome Hawaiian-shirt-clad handyman who ruined more than he repaired. But for all that "Molly Hansen” missed her old life, making memories with Dan Shackelford didn't seem so bad….Sure, his sudden return home had the gossips talking and the women flocking. But Dan seemed interested in her alone…something that both terrified and titillated her. Because she was no dummy, and Dan was no Mr. Fix-It.Was he the enemy she'd gone underground to avoid? Or was he the man who would make it possible to love Moonglow and being Molly – so long as he was part of the package?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946947


Moonlight Road
Moonlight Road

Àâòîð: Ðîáèí Êàðð

With her beloved younger siblings settled and happy, Erin Foley has empty nest syndrome.At age thirty-five. So she's hitting the pause button on her life and holing up in a secluded (but totally upgraded—she's not into roughing it) cabin near Virgin River. Erin is planning on getting to know herself…not the shaggy-haired mountain man she meets.In fact, beneath his faded fatigues and bushy beard, Aiden Riordan is a doctor, recharging for a summer after leaving the navy. He's intrigued by the pretty, slightly snooty refugee from the rat race—her meditating and journaling are definitely keeping him at arm's length.He'd love to get closer…if his scruffy exterior and crazy ex-wife don't hold him back. But maybe it's something in the water—unlikely romances seem to take root in Virgin River…helped along by some well-intentioned meddling, of course.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408900116



Àâòîð: Stephen Baxter

Venus has exploded. Showering Earth with radiation and bizarre particles that wipe out all the crops and half the life in the oceans. Suddenly, the ground itself begins melting into pools of dust that grow larger every day. For what has demolished Venus, and now threatens Earth itself, is part machine, part life-form – a nano-virus, dubbed Moonseed. Four scientists are all that stand between Moonseed and Earth’s extinction, four brilliant minds that must race to cut off the virus and save what’s left of the planet.

Öåíà: 988.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007392353


Moord in het landhuis
Moord in het landhuis

Àâòîð: Ôèîíà Ãðåéñ

MOORD IN HET LANDHUIS (EEN LACEY DOYLE COZY MYSTERY – BOEK 1) is het eerste boek in een aantrekkelijke, nieuwe cozy mystery-serie van Fiona Grace. Lacey Doyle, negenendertig jaar en pas gescheiden, is toe aan een ingrijpende verandering. Ze gaat haar baan opzeggen, haar vreselijke baas en New York City verlaten en het snelle leven de rug toekeren. Om haar belofte aan zichzelf uit haar jeugd waar te maken, besluit ze om alles achter zich te laten en een geliefde vakantie uit haar kindertijd in de schilderachtige Engelse kustplaats Wilfordshire opnieuw te beleven.Wilfordshire is nog precies zoals Lacey het zich herinnert, met zijn tijdloze architectuur, keienstraatjes en met de natuur op een steenworp afstand. Lacey wil niet terug naar huis en ze besluit spontaan om te blijven en haar droom uit haar kindertijd een kans te geven: ze gaat haar eigen antiekwinkel openen.Lacey voelt eindelijk dat haar leven een stap in de goede richting gaat, totdat een van haar belangrijkste klanten dood gevonden wordt.Als de nieuwkomer in de stad zijn alle ogen op Lacey gericht en is het aan haar om zelf haar naam te zuiveren.Een eigen bedrijf runnen, met een buurvrouw als grote vijand, een flirterige banketbakker aan de overkant en een misdaad die moet worden opgelost: is dit nieuwe leven alles wat Lacey dacht dat het zou zijn?Boek 2 in de serie – DOOD EN EEN HOND – kan nu al vooruit besteld worden!

Öåíà: 199 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305158


Moord met een hoger doel
Moord met een hoger doel

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

Een bijzonder meeslepend verhaal waarvan je vanaf het eerste hoofdstuk volledig in de ban raakt.” – Recensie Midwest Book, Diane Donovan (over Once Gone) Een nieuwe psychologische thriller van de hand van beststeller auteur #1 Blake Pierce. Avery Black, moorddetective, is door de hel gegaan. Ooit was ze een top strafpleitster, maar raakte uit de gratie toen ze een briljante Harvard professor ten onrechte vrijpleitte. Toen hij weer moordde, kon Avery enkel schaamtevol toekijken. Ze verloor haar man en dochter en haar leven viel in een klap in duigen. Langzaam tracht Avery er terug bovenop te komen, dit keer echter aan de andere kant van de balie. Ze werkt zich weer op en wordt moorddetective, tot grote minachting van haar collega’s, die zich nog steeds herinneren wat destijds is gebeurd en dit haar nog steeds niet hebben vergeven. Wanneer Boston opgeschrikt wordt door een seriemoordenaar die het heeft gemunt op meisjes van elitescholen, moeten zij echter toegeven dat Avery over briljante gaven beschikt en roepen zij haar hulp in. Dit is Avery’s ultieme kans om zichzelf te bewijzen en zo haar schuld uit het verleden af te lossen. Avery zal echter al snel ondervinden dat zij het moet opnemen tegen een moordenaar die even slim is als zij. In dit psychologische kat en muis spel, slaat de moordenaar ongenadeloos en op mysterieuze wijze toe. In een spannende race tegen de klok krijgt Avery te kampen met een aantal schokkende en onverwachte wendingen die uiteindelijk naar een verrassende climax zullen leiden die zelfs Avery zich niet had kunnen voorstellen. Deze bloedstollende, duistere psychologische thriller, met een bijzonder populaire Avery in de hoofdrol, zal je tot laat in de nacht wakker houden. Het is de eerste thriller in een nieuwe reeks spannende moordmysteries. Boek #2 uit de serie Avery Black zal weldra verschijnen. “Een meesterwerk in het thriller en mysterie genre. Pierce heeft met duidelijk psychologisch inzicht levensechte karakters ontworpen. De lezer kruipt meteen in de huid van de personages en leeft op bijzonder realistische wijze mee met de gebeurtenissen en met de ontwikkelingen die zij doormaken. Een bijzonder spannende verhaallijn en onverwachte wendingen zorgen ervoor dat het boek je tot in de vroege uurtjes wakker zal houden.” –Recensies Boeken en Films, Roberto Mattos (over Once Gone).

Ñåðèÿ: Een Avery Black Mysterie

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Sophie Hoeberechts

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî
ISBN: 9781094301112


Mord i slottet
Mord i slottet

Àâòîð: Ôèîíà Ãðåéñ

MORD I SLOTTET (EN MYSDECKARE OM LACEY DOYLE—BOK 1) ?r debutromanen i en ny charmig och mysig bokserie av Fiona Grace.Lacey Doyle, 39 ?r och nyskild, beh?ver en drastisk f?r?ndring. Hon m?ste s?ga upp sig fr?n sitt jobb, l?mna sin hemska chef och New York City och kliva undan fr?n det hektiska livet. F?r att fullf?lja det l?fte hon gav sig sj?lv som barn, beslutar hon sig f?r att l?mna allt bakom sig och ?teruppleva sin ?lskade barndomssemester i den pittoreska, engelska havsstaden Wilfordshire.Wilfordshire ?r precis som Lacey minns det, med sin tidl?sa arkitektur, sina kullerstensgator och med naturen vid tr?skeln. Lacey vill inte ?terv?nda hem—och helt spontant best?mmer hon sig f?r att stanna och ge sin barndomsdr?m ett f?rs?k: hon ska ?ppna sin egen antikvitetsaff?r.Lacey k?nner ?ntligen att hennes liv ?r p? v?g ?t r?tt h?ll—tills hennes nya stj?rnkund hittas d?d.Som stadens nykomling f?r Lacey allas blickar mot sig och det ?r upp till henne att rentv? sitt eget namn.Med en aff?r att sk?ta, en granne som blivit hennes ?rkefiende, en flirtig bagare p? andra sidan gatan och ett mordfall att l?sa—?r detta nya liv allt som Lacey hade hoppats p??Bok #2 I serien—D?DEN OCH HUNDEN—finns ocks? tillg?nglig att f?rbest?lla!

Öåíà: 199 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305172


Mord im Herrenhaus
Mord im Herrenhaus

Àâòîð: Ôèîíà Ãðåéñ

MORD IM HERRENHAUS (ein Lacey Doyle Cozy-Krimi – Buch 1) ist der erste Roman einer zauberhaften, neuen Romantikthriller-Reihe rund um die Heldin Lacey Doyle, geschrieben von der Neuentdeckung Fiona Grace. Lacey Doyle ist 39 Jahre alt und braucht nach ihrer gerade ?berstandenen Scheidung dringend einen Tapetenwechsel. Also k?ndigt sie ihren Job und l?sst sowohl ihre nervige Chefin als auch ihr schnelles Leben im umtriebigen New York hinter sich. Sie entschlie?t sich dazu, zum ersten Mal seit ihren Kindertagen ihrem damaligen Lieblingsferienort, dem malerischen, an der englischen K?ste gelegenen Badeort Wilfordshire, einen Besuch abzustatten, um dort zur Ruhe zu kommen und ihre Wunden zu lecken. Tats?chlich ist Wilfordshire immer noch so, wie Lacey es in Erinnerung hatte. lebt es doch immer noch vom Charme seiner h?bschen H?uschen und seiner mit Kopfsteinen gepflasterten Gassen sowie von seiner wundersch?nen Umgebung. So ist es kein Wunder, dass Lacey sich spontan dazu hinrei?en l?sst, einen alten Traum aus Kindertagen wahr werden zu lassen und einfach dortbleibt. Um ihren Lebensunterhalt in Wilfordshire zu verdienen, er?ffnet sie dort kurzerhand einen Antiquit?tenladen. Doch dann – gerade als Lacey dabei ist, ihr Leben langsam wieder in den Griff zu bekommen – kommt ihre beste Kundin unter ungekl?rten Umst?nden zu Tode. Und da Lacey nun einmal neu im Ort ist, richtet sich der Verdacht der Einheimischen schnell gegen sie und sie sieht sich dazu gezwungen, sich von diesem Verdacht reinzuwaschen. So stellt dieses neue Leben, in dem Lacey nicht nur einen Laden f?hren und mit den Besitzern der benachbarten L?den – einer biestigen Boutiquebesitzerin und einem ?berraschend netten und gutaussehenden Konditor – zurechtkommen, sondern auch noch ein Verbrechen aufkl?ren muss, Lacey auch vor neue Probleme. Auch das zweite Buch der Serie – DER TOD UND EIN HUND – kann bereits vorbestellt werden!

Öåíà: 199 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305608


Mord unter Pinien - Bom Dia, Morte!, Teil 3 (Ungek?rzt)
Mord unter Pinien - Bom Dia, Morte!, Teil 3 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Mina Giers

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jenny Laura Bischoff

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783754009550


Morderstwo na dworze
Morderstwo na dworze

Àâòîð: Ôèîíà Ãðåéñ

“Bardzo wciągająca! Ta książka powinna znaleźć się w bibliotece każdego czytelnika, kt?ry docenia dobrze napisany kryminał: o ciekawej fabule i pełen zwrot?w akcji. Nie rozczaruje was! Świetny spos?b na spędzenie pochmurnego weekendu!” —Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (na temat Morderstwa na dworze) MORDERSTWO NA DWORZE (PRZYTULNE KRYMINAŁY Z LACEY DOYLE – CZĘŚĆ 1) to debiutancka powieść Fiony Grace i początek nowej serii przytulnych kryminał?w. Lacey Doyle, świeżo rozwiedziona 39-latka, potrzebuje drastycznej zmiany. Rzuca pracę, zostawia za sobą swoją potworną szefową, Nowy Jork i jego szybkie życie. Postanawia spełnić obietnicę, kt?rą złożyła sobie jako dziecko i wr?cić do uroczej nadmorskiej miejscowości w Anglii, doWilfordshire, gdzie spędziła niesamowite wakacje jako dziecko. Wilfordshire jest takie, jak pamiętała, z jego starą architekturą, brukowanymi ulicami i dziką przyrodą na wyciągnięcie ręki. Lacey nie chce wracać do domu – i spontanicznie postanawia zostać, żeby spełnić kolejne ze swoich dziecięcych marzeń: zamierza otworzyć własny sklep z antykami. Lacey w końcu czuje, że zmierza we właściwym kierunku – do czasu, kiedy jej znamienita klientka traci życie. Nowoprzybyła do miasta Lacey staje się obiektem podejrzeń całego miasteczka i postanawia na własną rękę oczyścić swoje imię. Nowa firma, arcywr?g w sąsiednim sklepie, zniewalający cukiernik po drugiej stronie ulicy i zagadka do rozwiązania – czy tak właśnie Lacey wyobrażała sobie swoje nowe życie? Część 2 serii – ŚMIERĆ I PIES – r?wnież dostępna w przedsprzedaży!

Öåíà: 199 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094306018



Àâòîð: Gerd Hans Schmidt

Hauptkommissar Wolff Schmitt trainiert im Fitnessstudio in Erlangen. Und nebenan auf dem Altst?dter Friedhof liegt eine Leiche. Eiskalt ermordet. Schmitt muss in einem komplizierten Fall ermitteln und gleichzeitig erf?hrt sein Liebesleben ungeahnte H?hepunkte …

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783969405314


More Than a Cowboy
More Than a Cowboy

Àâòîð: Susan Hornick

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408964538


More Than Just Mum
More Than Just Mum

Àâòîð: Rebecca Smith

The perfect antidote to a chaotic world, More Than Just Mum will have you crying with laughter Hannah Thompson loves her family beyond words… but sometimes she wishes they would recognise her as more than just ‘mum’. Eldest son Dylan is soon to be flying the nest, sixteen-year-old Scarlet keeps asking about penalties for worryingly specific crimes, they’ve forgotten world book day and Benji absolutely will not be Where’s Wally again, and it’s at least two days before she and hubby Nick can sit down for Wine Wednesdays… and even longer until Fizzy Friday. Determined to find herself a job that she loves, earn a whole lot of money and to have her teenagers respect her as ‘Hannah’ as well as ‘mum’; it might sound like a tall order, but she’s a mum on a mission. A laugh-out-loud read of self-discovery, family chaos and love. Perfect for fans of Gill Sims, Fiona Gibson and Nick Spalding. What readers are saying about More Than Just Mum: ‘Funny, realistic and totally relatable, I raced through this book as I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next!’ Reader review ‘I absolutely adored this book! Hannah has got to be one of my top favourite fictional characters in the world… a book that makes you fall in love with reading all over again. ’ ‘A great light-hearted lively read that many women will relate to!’ Reader review ‘I absolutely loved this funny, easy to read, feel good book… a book that left you with a smile and great feeling of well being. ’ Reader review ‘This book was so funny and had me laughing so much that my dog was woken up and was not impressed. ’ Reader review ‘A highly enjoyable read that had me laughing out load more often than not… hysterical, and Hannah's engaging voice will have you rooting for her until the very end. ’ Reader review ‘Loved it!! The people are believable in such a way that they could be you or your neighbours. So many good things with this book!!’ Reader review ‘Enjoyed from beginning to end’ Reader review

Öåíà: 257.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008370169


More Than You Know
More Than You Know

Àâòîð: Matt Goss

Matt Goss recounts his unbelievable life story in emotional detail. From financially deprived but emotionally rich beginnings, Matt sees his fortunes literally turned upside-down, with all the fame, glamour and money he could hope for violently snatched away from him.Matt Goss has been a staple part of British tabloid life for years – yet, the general public has had no idea of the astounding life that he has led – and still lives – behind the headlines and sound-bites. Here, for the first time, he takes them into his confidence and reveals the true extent of his own astounding tale.Matt was brought up in a proudly close but financially frustrated south London family with twin brother Luke and his mother. Fortunes changed rapidly for Matt when, alongside his brother Luke and school friend Craig, he created Bros – a band that sold sixteen million records in an intensely chaotic and record-breaking reign over the world's pop charts. By the end of his teens, Matt could boast eleven Top 40 hits, number ones in nineteen countries, a Brit Award and the record for being the youngest band to headline Wembley Stadium.Bros became a by-word for mercurial celebrity extravagance, hysterical fan stories, financial scandal, personal tragedy, tortuous upset and glorious triumph. Yet after those bizarre and insane times, Matt's life became even more tempestuous, crammed with inner fear, personal revelation and unforeseen challenges.He is now back with a vengeance after spells on TV's Hell's Kitchen, finding a new audience through his acclaimed solo music career, which has already included chart-topping soundtracks and further Top 40 hits, plus his appearance in 2013’s Strictly Come Dancing Christmas contest.Here he finally tells the true story of his life, revealing a litany of private torment, personal revelations and celebrity anecdotes.This is the account of a man who can truly say that he has experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, to have held the world in his hand and seen it snatched away from him in the blink of an eye, yet has the strength of character and personal insight to continue to claim to be 'truly blessed'.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007564828


More Tuge
More Tuge

Àâòîð: Charley Brindley

Čovek se vraća na Tajland nakon 50 godina odsustva. Dok je boravio u Bagkoku, na odsustvu oz Vijetnamskog rata, upoznao je devojku i zaljubio se. Nakon povratka na bojno polje bio je životno ranjen i prevežen u bolnicu u San Dijegu. Čovek se vraća na Tajland nakon 50 godina odsustva. Dok je boravio u Bagkoku, na odsustvu oz Vijetnamskog rata, upoznao je devojku i zaljubio se. Nakon povratka na bojno polje bio je životno ranjen i prevežen u bolnicu u San Dijegu. Nakon oporavka pd povreda, vraća se u Bangkok, tražeći Čajan, ali je ne uspeva pronaći. Godinu dana kasnije ponovo dolazi i ostale devojhke mu kažu da je Čajan umrla tokom epidemije tifusa. Uništen, vraća se u SAD, upisuje medicinsku školu i konačno zasniva porodicu. Sada, pedeset godina kasnije, ponovo dolazi u Bangkok, ali, umesto Čajan, otkriće da je njegova prošlost nastavila da živi bez njega.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835415817


Morecambe and Wise (Text Only)
Morecambe and Wise (Text Only)

Àâòîð: Graham McCann

The dual biography of the great British comedy double-act and the rise and fall of mass audience television by the respected biographer of Cary Grant .Following the success of Cary Grant – A Class Apart, Graham McCann has now created an intricate portrait of Eric Morcambe and Ernie Wise, possibly the most famous Bristish comedy double-act of all time. This book charts the progress of the duo from a conventional working class music hall act to a mass-audience television team to a national institution. From northern working men’s clubs at the beginning of their career to the 1977 Christmas special that had an audience of 28 million, Morecambe and Wise were a double act continually changing the dynamics of their relationship to reflect their influences and their times. Their shows were like nostalgic reflections on a century of popular entertainment, an entertainment that was inclusive to a wide audience and paid homage to the past.McCann’s study is also an investigation in the background of mass audience entertainment from which Morecambe and Wise rose. Morecambe & Wise is the definitive biography of one of the most-loved double acts as well as a history of their times.

Öåíà: 1214.19 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008187552


Morgan s Secret Son
Morgan's Secret Son


As far as Morgan was concerned, Jodie's visit was worrying. According to the baby's birth certificate, Jodie was the child's next of kin but Morgan knew he was the baby's real father. Unless Morgan acted, Jodie would get custody and he would lose his precious son….But the attraction between Jodie and Morgan was overwhelming…the passion explosive. Perhaps there was a way for Morgan to keep his son: marriage!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408941287


Mortal Sins
Mortal Sins

Àâòîð: Penn Williamson

1920s New Orleans: a city of bootleg gin, hot jazz, gangsters and voodoo. Slave shacks and swamps form the backdrop for gritty crime and dark, dark secrets…On a summer night in 1927, in a slave shack on his family estate, infamous lawyer Charles St Claire has been found brutally murdered. In the big house stands his wife. Remy Lelourie is a hometown girl made good – a glamorous Hollywood filmstar and one of the most beautiful women in America. She is covered in bruises and soaked in her husband’s blood.As in any small town, suspects, lawyers and the police all know each other – and all of them know the prime suspect. Many, including the investigating detective, are her former lovers. As each works to his own agenda, the layers of deceit, entangled relationships and false pretensions build into a delicious and dark portrayal of unforgettable people, in a time and place like no other.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007441211


Most Wanted Woman
Most Wanted Woman

Àâòîð: Maggie Price

TO: LIEUTENANT JOSHUA MCCALLSUBJECT: PROBATIONARY PERIODYour reputation for bending the rules nearly cost you your badge, so we suggest you use your time off to think about how much being a cop means to you–and to your family. This time, McCall, try to keep yourself out of trouble.Since you've gotten involved with the mysterious beauty tending bar in sleepy Sundown, Texas, we've investigated her–and discovered she's a murder suspect. Romancing a fugitive isn't a good career move, McCall. And you may be forced to choose between the job you live for–and the woman you can't live without.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077448


Moth To The Flame
Moth To The Flame

Àâòîð: Ñàðà Êðåéâåí

Mills & Boon proudly presents THE SARA CRAVEN COLLECTION. Sara’s powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades making her an international bestseller.uliet soon learned: never love an enemy!Juliet went to Italy to check on her sister, Jan. According to Jan, she'd arrived just in time. Wealthy, powerful Santino Vallone was trying to prevent Jan from marrying his young brother, Mario.With courage and determination, schoolteacher Juliet came to the rescue. Bravely she led Santino down a false trail by pretending to be Jan.But Juliet only had one side of the story. When Santino kidnapped her, taking her to his castle by the sea, she realized the path she'd chosen led to danger–and heartbreak!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474055734


Mother: A gripping emotional story of love and obsession
Mother: A gripping emotional story of love and obsession

Àâòîð: Hannah Begbie

‘Brilliant! Cuts to the heart yet powerfully uplifting’ Jane CorryHer love for her daughter is everythingHer love for him is deadlyCath had twenty-five perfect days with her newborn daughter before Mia's deadly illness was diagnosed.As her life implodes, Cath’s despair drives her to a parental support group where she meets a father in a similar situation, the dangerously attractive Richard – charming, handsome and adamant that a cure for their children lies just over the horizon: everything Cath wants to believe.Their affair – and the chance to escape reality – is unavoidable, but carries catastrophic consequences: the nature of Mia’s illness means that Cath’s betrayal endangers not just her marriage but the life of her baby.Can she stop herself before it’s too late?

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008283247


Motive: Secret Baby
Motive: Secret Baby

Àâòîð: Debra Webb

His son was in danger – and the curse was far from over… Nicholas had returned to Raven’s Cliff with one goal: reverse the curse and finally put the townspeople’s anguish to rest. But his plan was interrupted when mysterious Camille arrived on his doorstep claiming he was a father – and that their baby was missing.As he and Camille scoured the village looking for the infant, Nicholas made every effort to push aside the heated attraction that neither time nor circumstance could extinguish. After all, finding his son and ending the curse was his priority. Giving in to passion could be his undoing…THE CURSE OF RAVEN’S CLIFF – A small town with sinister secrets…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408908860


Mountain Ambush
Mountain Ambush

Àâòîð: Hope White

MARKED FOR MURDERA search-and-rescue mission turns deadly when Dr. Kyle Spencer is nearly killed by an assailant in the mountains. And when EMT Maddie McBride saves the doctor just in time, they’re both targeted—but no one knows why. One thing’s clear, though—from the moment Maddie finds Echo Mountain’s most eligible bachelor left for dead, she can’t stop thinking about him. But she’s always been wary of the town’s Dr. Dreamboat. And Spence’s scarred heart’s been shuttered since a childhood tragedy. As someone stalks the injured doctor’s every move, though, Spence realizes that he needs the determined Maddie in his corner. However he can’t be sure their partnership will be enough to save them…especially against a seemingly all-knowing foe who’s got them both in his deadly sights.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474065054


Mountain Bodyguard
Mountain Bodyguard

Àâòîð: Cassie Miles

HER ROCKY MOUNTAIN BODYGUARDNannying six children was supposed to be the toughest part of Lexie DeMille’s new job. Then their massive Aspen residence was attacked and it was clear someone had a very personal vendetta to settle. A job that required TST Security and its best bodyguard, Mason Steele. His focus should only have been on securing the remote mountain hideaway. But unraveling Lexie’s secrets became critical to the case and to his own private agenda. Under a veneer of domesticity was a Marine brat with more survival skills than your average nanny. Something about her had driven her assailant into a violent rage. And that same thing blurred the parameters of Mason’s detail–and would test his every survival instinct.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474039680


Mountain Investigation
Mountain Investigation

Àâòîð: Jessica Andersen

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472057693


Mountain Peril
Mountain Peril

Àâòîð: Sandra Robbins

According to an anonymous message, a young woman is going to be murdered in the North Carolina mountains. When a body is found, Danielle Tyler is shocked to learn it's her student–the third person in her life to meet an untimely death.Is she next? From disturbing notes and roses left in her office to cold-blooded murder, someone means deadly business. Detective Jack Denton–the stalwart lawman who makes her pulse race–vows to find the deranged madman, but Danielle doesn't dare let him too close. Especially when death seems to be the destiny of anyone she cares about…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472023643


Mountain Ranger Recon
Mountain Ranger Recon

Àâòîð: Carol Ericson

Ian Dempsey knew he'd have a lot to answer for when he bumped into Meg, the wife he'd left behind to complete an undercover mission. Nearly three years had passed since he'd last seen her, but she was as beautiful as ever–and as angry.Before he could explain his reasons for temporarily walking away, shots rang out and Ian quickly went from husband to bodyguard. Investigating his enemies would take time. And whether Meg liked it or not, he wouldn't leave her side until he could guarantee her safety. One step back into her life, though, and Ian knew the stakes were even higher. She had a two-year-old son. And he looked exactly like Ian….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472035950


Mountain Retreat
Mountain Retreat

Àâòîð: Cassie Miles

Her fiance, a Marine held captive for months in a war torn country, is back on American soil . . . with secrets. For six agonizing months, Sidney Parker had no idea if her beloved fiance, a U.S. Marine Captain, was alive or dead. Held captive in a South American dictatorship, Nick Corelli is suddenly back home in Texas. But instead of the romantic reunion Sidney expects, Nick is working with the CIA—and another mysterious agency—on a covert mission. One that places Sidney’s life in jeopardy. When even the safe house meant to protect them is compromised, Nick rushes Sidney to a mountain retreat and this time she wants answers. Yet their greatest enemy is lying in wait for the ultimate showdown.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474004978


Mountain Shelter
Mountain Shelter

Àâòîð: Cassie Miles

A mountain hideaway is all that stands between a bodyguard and the killer after his beautiful client…As a highly skilled cyber security expert and bodyguard, there are few dangers Dylan Timmons can't handle. But his next assignment brings unexpected risks. Hired to protect brilliant–but socially reclusive–neurosurgeon Jayne Shackleford, Dylan seeks answers in what he suspects was a foiled kidnapping attempt. As the daughter of an oil tycoon, Jayne is the perfect target for ransom so retreating to the mountains is the first step in keeping her safe. The second step is remaining vigilant in their secluded surroundings–and resisting the beautiful brunette with a target on her back.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474040020


Mr Bowling Buys a Newspaper
Mr Bowling Buys a Newspaper

Àâòîð: Martin Edwards

In Raymond Chandler’s favourite novel, Mr Bowling buys the newspapers only to find out what the latest is on the murders he's just committed…Mr Bowling is getting away with murder. On each occasion he buys a newspaper to see whether anyone suspects him. But there is a war on, and the clues he leaves are going unnoticed. Which is a shame, because Mr Bowling is not a conventional serial killer: he wants to get caught so that his torment can end. How many more newspapers must he buy before the police finally catch up with him?Donald Henderson was an actor and playwright who had also written novels as D. H. Landels, but with little success. While working for the BBC in London during the Second World War, his fortunes finally changed with Mr Bowling Buys a Newspaper, a darkly satirical portrayal of a murderer that was to be promoted enthusiastically by Raymond Chandler as his favourite detective novel. But even the author of The Big Sleep could not save it from oblivion: it has remained out of print for more than 60 years.This Detective Club classic is introduced by award-winning novelist Martin Edwards, author of The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books, who reveals new information about Henderson’s often troubled life and writing career.

Öåíà: 988.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008265328


Mr Dixon Disappears
Mr Dixon Disappears

Àâòîð: Ian Sansom

Israel Armstrong, one of literature’s most unlikely detectives, returns for more crime solving adventure in this hilarious second novel from ‘The Mobile Library’ series.The second in the ‘The Mobile Library ‘ detective series, ‘Mr Dixon Disappears’ once again features the magnificently hapless Israel Armstrong – the young, Jewish, duffle-coat wearing librarian who solves crimes, mysteries, and domestic problems all whilst driving a mobile library around the coast of Northern Ireland.Dixon and Pickering's, County Antrim's legendary department store, is preparing to celebrate its centenary. But the elderly Mr Dixon – a member of the Ulster Association of Magicians – has gone missing, along with one hundred thousand pounds in cash. It smells, pretty badly, of a kidnap.Israel becomes a suspect in the police investigation and is suspended from his job by his boss, the ever-fearsome Linda Wei. He's having to fight to clear his name.Does Israel's acclaimed five-panel touring exhibition showing the history of Dixon and Pickering's in old photographs and artefacts perhaps hold the key to Mr Dixon's mysterious disappearance? Will romance blossom between Israel and Rosie Hart, the barmaid at the First and Last? Will Linda Wei stick to her diet? And has nobody here heard of Franz Kafka? All will be revealed in this hilarious and endlessly inventive sequel to ‘The Case of the Missing Books’.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007390328


Mr Doubler Begins Again: The best uplifting, funny and feel-good book for 2019
Mr Doubler Begins Again: The best uplifting, funny and feel-good book for 2019

Àâòîð: Seni Glaister

‘A sheer delight – wise and insightful, it will make you laugh and cry in equal measure.’Sunday Times best-selling author Veronica Henry.Not every journey takes you far from home.Baked, mashed, boiled or fried, Mr Doubler knows his potatoes. But the same can’t be said for people. Since he lost his wife, he’s been on his own at Mirth Farm – and that suits Doubler just fine. Crowds are for other people; the only company he needs are his potato plants and his housekeeper, Mrs Millwood, who visits every day.Until the day she doesn’t.With Mrs Millwood missing, Doubler’s routine is plunged into chaos – and, more alone than ever, he begins to worry that he might have lost his way. But could the kindness of strangers be enough to bring him down from the hill?Mr Doubler’s New Beginning is a nostalgic celebration of food, friendship, kindness, and second chances, perfect for fans of Rachel Joyce and Joanna Cannon.

Öåíà: 1318.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008285005


Mr Fairclough s Inherited Bride
Mr Fairclough's Inherited Bride

Àâòîð: Georgie Lee

Facing the past… To build a future together! Silas Fairclough’s new life in America is dramatically changed when he learns his mentor’s dying wish is for him to wed his ward. Silas’s marriage to beautiful, quiet Lady Mary Weddell will be a practical, sensible arrangement. But now his family in England need him – and that means taking his bride back to the land of scandal and ruin she’d left behind…!

Öåíà: 690.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008901172


Mr Serious
Mr Serious

Àâòîð: Danica Winters

Duty and danger bring an alpha hero to Mystery, MontanaWaylon Fitzgerald had a life of adventure all planned out—one that did not include returning to his family's ranch to bring his missing ex-wife into custody for murder. With so much bad blood between them, the sexy military police officer understands why his ex's sister, Christina Bell, hates him. And yet he and Christina spark a sizzling attraction.What changes everything for Waylon is Winnie, Christina's adorable ward…and the startling revelation that he's her father. When she goes missing—her mother a killer at large—Waylon's world is upended. Will he redeploy to follow his passions around the world…or stay where his heart has found an unexpected Christmas present?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474062244


Mr Starlight
Mr Starlight

Àâòîð: Laurie Graham

The novel from the bestselling author of The Future Homemakers of America and The Unfortunates.The Boff brothers live at home with their Mam. They have a lav down the yard and a jerry under the bed and they play bookings at the Birmingham Welsh and the Rover Sports and Social. Cled tinkles on the piano and Sel is the crooner. 'Sel's the one who can lift people out of themselves and send them home feeling grand and you can't argue against that' says Cled.When Sel decides he must try his chances with the brights lights of New York City, he packs up his sequinned suits and enlists his brother as travel companion and accompanist. Things begin to roll and what follows is a tale of high jinx; of mirrored ceilings and heart-shaped tubs; of screaming girls, romancing and No Business Like Show Business. As jealousy starts encroaching on the brothers' relationship, Cled finds that there are more secrets in his family than he had bargained for.With her characteristic wit and wisdom, Laurie Graham brings us a touching celebration of the sparkle and the dust in family life.

Öåíà: 906.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007389087


Mr. Temptation
Mr. Temptation

Àâòîð: Rachael Stewart

Mixing business with pleasure… …has never been more tempting! Career-focussed Zara Anders, an estate agent for the elite, has sworn off men—until gorgeous Swedish billionaire Daniel Lazenby gets under her skin. Their racy affair heats up quickly, but ends in a hurry when Zara learns about Daniel’s womanizing past. Determined to win her back, Daniel offers her a business deal too good to be true…and some out-of-office fun too tempting to turn down!

Öåíà: 418.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474086981


Mr. X
Mr. X

Àâòîð: Peter Straub

The award-winning supernatural thriller from the acclaimed author of Ghost Story, Koko, The Throat and The Talisman.Every year on his birthday, Ned Dunstan has a paralysing seizure in which he is forced to witness scenes of ruthless slaughter perpetrated by a mysterious figure in black whom he calls Mr X. Now, with his birthday fast approaching, Ned has been drawn back to his home town of Edgerton, Illinois, by a premonition that his mother is dying. On her deathbed, she imparts to him the name of his long-absent father and warns him that he is in grave danger. Despite her foreboding, he embarks on a search through Edgerton’s past for the truth behind his own identity and that of his entirely fantastic family. But when Ned becomes the lead suspect in three violent deaths, he begins to realise that he is not the only one who has come home…

Öåíà: 1318.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007387977


Mrs Boots
Mrs Boots

Àâòîð: Deborah Carr

A gripping historical novel inspired by Florence Boot, the woman behind the nation’s favourite chemist! Jersey 1885 On the beautiful island of Jersey, Florence Rowe lives a quiet life working in her father’s bookshop. Life for the Rowe family is good, but Florence can’t help yearning for more… When Jesse Boot, the successful owner of Boots the chemist, arrives on the island, Florence is immediately captivated by his tales of life in a busy, bustling city on the mainland. For the first time ever, Florence imagines a life away from the constraints of Jersey society, of being someone more than just a shopgirl. Until her parents reveal the shocking news they will refuse any marriage proposal from Mr Boot. Can Florence find a way to be with the man she loves and make a new life for herself?

Öåíà: 330.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008363307


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