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Oru?la Gelen Sa l k
Oru?la Gelen Sağlık

Àâòîð: Jimmy Moore

Bug?ne dek yazılan diyet kitaplarının pek ?oğu bilinen en eski, basit ve etkili y?ntem olan orucu genelde g?z ardı etti. İnsanlık tarihi boyunca uygulanmış ve iyileştirici g?c? kanıtlanmış olan oru? beden kadar zihni de arındıran, onaran, yaşlanma hızını yavaşlatan, Tip 1 ve Tip 2 diyabetten obeziteye, kilo problemlerinden kronik yorgunluğa etkili olduğu bilinen bir yaşam disiplini. Oru?la Gelen Sağlık ’ta yer alan Aralıklı, G?naşırı ve Uzun oru? y?ntemlerinden biri mutlaka size uyacaktır. Nefroloji uzmanı Dr. Jason Fung ve sağlık podcast’leriyle ?nl? Jimmy Moore bu kadim geleneğin t?m y?nlerine ışık tutarak ?eşitli uygulama bi?imlerini en son bilimsel ?alışmalarla anlatıyor. Tek yapmanız gereken, temelde bir şey yapmamak. Bedeninizi dinlemek ve dengede kalmak. Oru? bu kadar basit… “Yemek yemeyi d?ş?nmekten kurtulmak olağan?st? ?zg?rleştirici bir şey.” – Jimmy Moore

Öåíà: 371.89 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-605-70076-4-3


Os Dois C?es
Os Dois C?es

Àâòîð: Rotimi Ogunjobi

Öåíà: 442.91 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835427865


Oscurita’ Perversa
Oscurita’ Perversa

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

OSCURITA' PERVERSA ? il libro #3 nella serie thriller di successo dei misteri di Riley Paige, che comincia con IL KILLER DELLA ROSA (Libro #1)! Quando delle prostitute vengono trovate morte a Phoenix, non viene prestata molta attenzione. Ma scoperta una scia di omicidi inquietanti, la polizia locale presto realizza che c’? un serial killer a piede libero, ed ? vicino. Data la natura peculiare dei crimini, l’FBI, di cui viene richiesto l’intervento, ? consapevole di aver bisogno della mente pi? brillante per risolvere il caso: l’Agente Speciale Riley Paige. Riley, che si sta riprendendo dal suo ultimo caso e sta provando a rimettere insieme i pezzi della sua vita, ? inizialmente riluttante. Ma quando nota la natura seriale dei crimini e si rende conto che il killer presto colpir? di nuovo, si lascia convincere. Comincia la sua caccia al killer sfuggente, che porter? la donna molto lontano—forse davvero troppo, per tornare indietro. La ricerca di Riley la condurr? nel mondo inquietante fatto di prostitute, famiglie divise e sogni infranti. Quando un’adolescente viene rapita, Riley, in una frenetica corsa contro il tempo, lotta per esplorare la mente del killer. Ma quello che scopre, la conduce ad una svolta che si rivela persino pi? scioccante di quanto lei stessa immaginava. Un thriller psicologico caratterizzato da una suspense mozzafiato, OSCURITA' PERVERSA ? il libro #3 in una nuova serie affascinante—con un nuovo amato personaggio—che vi terr? attaccati alle pagine fino a tardi. Il libro #4 nella serie di Riley Paige sar? presto disponibile.

Ñåðèÿ: Un Mistero di Riley Paige

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Caterina Bonanni

Öåíà: 358.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094300108


Ostersonntag (gek?rzt)
Ostersonntag (gek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Harriet K?hler

Linda ist 36 und Kolumnistin bei einer Tageszeitung. In den N?chten kokst sie zu viel, tags?ber gibt sie die erfolgreiche Single-Frau. Ihr j?ngerer Bruder Ferdinand hat keinen festen Wohnsitz, daf?r aber viele Freundinnen, bei denen er mal wohnt und mal rausfliegt, zwischendurch sein Studium schmei?t und sich durch Berlin treiben l?sst. Heiner, der Vater, war mal Professor f?r Insektenkunde, heute tut er beim F?hst?ck nur noch so, als ob er die Zeitung lesen w?rde, in Wahrheit verschwimmen die W?rter in seinem Kopf. Das Ende, in Form von Alzheimer, hat l?ngst begonnen. Ulla, die Mutter, bek?mpft das ?lterwerden im Fitnessstudio und mit einem Liebhabder, der sich in Hotelbetten von ihrer Brustkrebsnarbe erregen l?sst. Ihr eigenes Spiegelbild widert sie an. Harriet K?hler: «Ich wollte erkunden, was uns eigentlich jeden Morgen aus dem Bett treibt. Wir besch?ftigen uns die ganze Zeit irgendwie manisch. Was treibt uns in unser Leben? Und ich glaube, dass es viel mehr etwas ist, wovon wir fliehen, als was, wonach wir suchen.»

Èñïîëíèòåëè: David Nathan

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838776514


Ostrich Country
Ostrich Country

Àâòîð: David Nobbs

David Nobbs’ classic is now available in ebook format.' « A change of environment will bring you new business and personal interests,» said Cousin Percy. Pegasus was glad to hear this.' Whether Pegasus Baines would have been so glad had he foreseen the outcome of his hasty decision to abandon the career of potential Nobel-prize winning nutrition scientist in favour of that world famous chef is less certain. The change of environment from North London with its deafening traffic to East Anglia with its menacing power stations brings new nightmares and new problems into his life.The 'ostrich country' of David Nobbs' novel lies somewhere between modern Britain and cloud cuckoo-land. Pegasus Baines is an innocent idealist, a self-deceiver. The tale of his tangles which gradually involve mistresses old and new, long-suffering family and several more-or-less innocent bystanders, modulates from honours melancholy to hilarious farce.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007427871


Otuz Ya ndaki Kad n
Otuz Yaşındaki Kadın

Àâòîð: Îíîðå äå Áàëüçàê

Bu eserde de her Balzac romanında olduğu gibi kadın duygularının en ince bi?imde ele alınışı ve m?kemmel doğa tasvirleri, yazarın, g?zlem g?c?n?n ve realist romanın en b?y?k kalemlerinden biri oluşunun nişanesidir. Otuz yaşında bir kadının gen? bir adam i?in dayanılmaz ?ekici yanları vardır. (…) Ger?ekten, bir gen? kızın sayısız hayalleri vardır, ?ok toydur, seks konusu da sevgisine ?ok yakından su? ortaklığı eder; onun i?in bir delikanlı b?yle bir sevgiyle de ?v?nemez. Oysa bir kadın, yapılacak fedak?rlıkların b?t?n kapsamını bilir. Gen? kızın merak y?z?nden, sevgilisininki ile ilgisi olmayan ?ekicilikler y?z?nden s?r?klendiği bir durumda kadın, vicdani bir duyguya boyun eğer. Biri kendini bırakır, ?teki ise se?er. Bu se?iş bile ?ok ?v?n?lecek bir şey değil midir? Mutsuzluklar y?z?nden hemen her zaman pahalıya mal olmuş bir bilgiye sahip tecr?beli kadın, kendini verirken benliğinden fazlasını verir sanki. Oysa cahil ve hemencecik inanan, hi?bir şey bilmeyen gen? kız, hi?bir şeyin kıyaslamasını yapamaz; hi?bir şeyin değerini veremez. Sevgiyi kabul eder ve inceler. İnsanın y?netilmekten hoşlandığı, s?z dinleyip boyun eğmenin zevk olduğu yaşta kadın bize ?ğretir, ?ğ?t verir; gen? kız ise her şeyi ?ğrenmek ister ve kadının şefkatli olduğu yerde o, toyluğunu g?sterir. Kadın tek bir zafer sunar size, gen? kız ise sizi bitmez t?kenmez savaşlar vermeye zorlar. Birincisinde g?zyaşlarından, zevklerden başka şey yoktur; ikincisinde ise keyifler, pişmanlıklar vardır. (…) Gen? kızın tek bir şuhluğu vardır ve soyundu mu her şeyi s?ylemiş olduğuna inanır fakat kadının sayısız şuhlukları vardır ve binlerce ?rt? altında gizlenir. Son olarak kadın b?t?n gururları okşar, toy gen? kız ise yalnız bir tanesini. Zaten erkek, otuz yaşındaki kadının kararsızlıklarından, korkularından, ?ekingenliklerinden, heyecanlarından ve ?fkelerinden etkilenir ki bunlara bir gen? kızın sevgisinde rastlanmaz hi?bir zaman. O yaşa geldi mi kadın; gen? adamdan, uğrunda feda ettiği saygıdeğerliliği kendisine geri vermesini ister, yalnız onun i?in yaşar, geleceği ile uğraşır, g?zel bir yaşantısı olsun ister, bu yaşantının ?nl?, şanlı olmasına zorlar onu. Boyun eğer, yalvarır ve h?kmeder, al?alır ve y?kselir; gen? kızın ağlayıp sızlamaktan başka şey yapamadığı durumlarda o, erkeğini bin vesile ile avutmasını bilir. Son olarak, durumunun b?t?n ?st?nl?kleri dışında otuz yaşındaki kadın, gen? kız h?line girebilir, b?t?n rolleri oynayabilir, utanga? olabilir ve bir felaket y?z?nden g?zelleşebilir hatta. İkisi arasında beklenenle beklenmeyenin, g??le g??s?zl?ğ?n arasındaki o ?l??lemez ayrılık, uzaklık vardır. Otuz yaşındaki kadın her arzuyu giderir, gen? kız ise hi?bir arzuyu giderememek durumundadır, b?yle yaptı mı yok olmaya mahk?mdur

Öåíà: 66.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-99850-4-6


Our Fragile Hearts
Our Fragile Hearts

Àâòîð: Buffy Andrews

‘a very well written story which will tug at your heartstrings.’ – Fiona WilsonThree lives. Three broken hearts…Piper loved her mommy. So when she loses her, her world is confused and sad. But she has Rachel now. She won’t leave her as well, will she?Rachel finds out she has a 5-year-old sister on the same day that she is told her mother has died. Having been in foster care for years, she never really knew her mom, but she knows for sure she doesn’t want the same thing for Piper. She knows she has to take care of her – but how?Mary never even got to see her baby. They took it away as soon as she gave birth. And the hole in her heart has never healed. So when she meets Rachel and Piper, two lost girls looking for a family, her broken heart skips a beat…What readers are saying about Our Fragile Hearts‘a lovely, heartwarming story about second chances’ – For the Love of Books‘Buffy Andrews has hit a homerun with Our Fragile Hearts and I just loved it!!’ – Sharon Kirchoff (Goodreads)‘This story is full of hope and love, and eventual peace. It is one to remember for a long time to come.’ – Jennifer (Goodreads)

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474054881


Our Little Secret: a gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist from bestselling author Darren O’Sullivan
Our Little Secret: a gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist from bestselling author Darren O’Sullivan

Àâòîð: Darren O’Sullivan

‘Immensely talented new author.’ John Marrs, author of The One and When You Disappeared‘Engrossing, compelling and twisty from the first page to the shocking ending. This book grabbed me and didn't let go.’ Michele Campbell author of It’s Always the Husband'Unique and utterly compelling. This twisty psychological thriller will chill you to the bones.' Gemma Metcalfe author of Trust Me‘A stellar and original concept, brilliantly executed. The final chapters had my heart in my throat! O’Sullivan is certainly one to watch.’ Phoebe Morgan, author of THE DOLL HOUSEA deserted train station: A man waits. A woman watches.Chris is ready to join his wife. He’s planned this moment for nearly a year. The date. The time. The train. But he hadn’t factored in Sarah.So when Sarah walks on to the platform and sees a man swaying at the edge she assumes he’s just had too much to drink. What she doesn’t expect is to stop a suicide.As Sarah becomes obsessed with discovering the secrets that Chris is clearly hiding, he becomes obsessed with stopping her, protecting her.But there are some secrets that are meant to stay buried…Pre-order Close Your Eyes… Darren’s thrilling second book, coming May 2018!Perfect for fans of Clare Mackintosh, BA Paris and Holly Seddon.Praise for Our Little Secret’Darren O’Sullivan keeps the reader on the edge of their seat in this dark, clever look at what drives people to the edge and how quickly a life can change.’ Phoebe Morgan author of The Doll House‘This is one of the best books I have ever read. It was nail-biting and had me on edge from start to finish… a must buy!’ Greta Halliday‘An absolutely phenomenal debut.’ Rebecca Pugh‘One of the best books of its genre.’Julia Beales‘The only thing unbelievable about this thriller is that it's the authors debut.’ Jennifer Kelly‘Gripping from the moment you start reading it.’ Emily Charlton‘Incredibly well-written debut.’ Susan Anne Burton‘One of the best novels I've read in a long time.’ Paul Lane

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008257637


Out of Exile
Out of Exile

Àâòîð: Carla Cassidy

She'd haunted Matthew Delaney–the shy, awkward boy he'd been, the hard, unyielding man he'd become–for more years than he cared to remember. Now Lilly Winstead was back, and he once again had to struggle with his unwelcome, undying desire for her.And he had another, even more dangerous, fight on his hands. Somebody was trying to kill her–and he damn sure meant to keep her safe. Because even if he couldn't have her, nobody was going to harm the only woman he'd ever loved.But when this was over, could he really let her walk away from him again…?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077639


Out Of Nowhere
Out Of Nowhere

Àâòîð: Beverly Bird

The beautiful Philadelphia socialite with the drop-dead attitude wasn't exactly the kind of murder suspect Fox Whittington was used to.He couldn't figure out whether he should haul her off to jail – or just take her in his arms and kiss her senseless…. Tara Cole had to find out who wanted her most precious family heirloom badly enough to kill for it.Just one thing stood in her way – a disturbingly handsome policeman with a soft Southern drawl and a steel-trap mind. And the trouble was, she couldn't keep her mind – or her hands – off him….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946268


Out of Sight
Out of Sight

Àâòîð: Michelle Celmer

Special Agent Will Bishop had a mission to track down the one woman who could put a brutal killer in jail. After four years of hard work, he finally had a lead that took him to a Colorado retreat.The founder of Healing Hearts was his target and nothing would stand in his way. Until he met counselor Abigale Sullivan, and their instant attraction rose to fever pitch. Will soon realized that the witness he sought lived right under his nose…and he had to convince her to come out of hiding. Would their newfound love stand in the way of the most dangerous journey of their lives?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077646


Out of the Ashes: A DI Maya Rahman novel
Out of the Ashes: A DI Maya Rahman novel

Àâòîð: Vicky Newham

Praise for Vicky Newham’Remarkable’Paul Finch;‘Impressive’Daily Mail;A terrible accident – or a fire set to kill?When a flash mob on Brick Lane is interrupted by a sudden explosion, DI Maya Rahman is called to the scene. A fire is raging through one of the city’s most infamous streets – and it’s soon clear that it was a deliberate act of violence.The discovery of two charred bodies in the burnt-out shell of the building transforms an arson attack into a murder case. And, with witnesses too caught up in the crowd to have seen a thing, Maya is facing an investigation without a single lead.The possible motives are endless: money, vandalism, revenge. And, when reports of a second and even more horrifying crime lands on Maya’s desk, she knows she doesn’t have long to find answers – before all of East London goes up in flames.

Öåíà: 1649.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008240738


Out Of The Blue
Out Of The Blue

Àâòîð: Jill Shalvis

HE'D GET MORE THAN A MINT ON HIS PILLOW!For Hannah Novak, running a bed-and-breakfast with her two best friends was adventure enough. But they didn't feel that way. They wanted to devote the summer to serious manhunting – loser cleans toilets! Fine for them, but Hannah was, uh…inexperienced. How could she seduce anyone?Then out of the blue came Zach Thomas, looking for a bed…and breakfast. Hannah had always thought the rugged cop was the sexiest man alive, and, bet or no bet, she wanted him. So she checked him in – to her own room – with every intention of checking him out!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474050197


Out Of The Night
Out Of The Night

Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.Stranded in a border-hills snowstorm, Emily Blacklaw had to accept the handsome stranger's offer of help – even though it meant sharing the warmth of Matt Slater's sleeping bag. It was a turning point for Emily, and the desires and passions they'd shared haunted her through the days and months that followed.Now Matt was back – and living in the same house. And Emily found it difficult to reject Matt's demands, especially since they were the same demands she secretly harboured…

Öåíà: 451.79 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408998359


Out on a Limb
Out on a Limb

Àâòîð: Rachelle McCalla

When Elise McAlister's hang glider is shot down, she survives the fall to find her troubles have followed her to the ground. There's a gunman chasing her and, worst of all, he runs her right into Henry «Cutch» McCutcheon's arms.With the generations-old feud between their families, depending on any McCutcheon is difficult. And depending on Cutch, the man who loved her but left her, seems disastrous. But Cutch won't lose this chance to win Elise back–and keep her safe. Together, they take to the skies again to find the source of the deadly secret, little knowing someone's already setting them up for a fall….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472023698


Out With The Old, In With The New
Out With The Old, In With The New

Àâòîð: Nancy Thompson Robards

Ask your husband what he's been doing all those nights he claimed to be at the hospital…The aforementioned suggestion would never be welcomed by any woman who'd been married for the better (well, mostly) part of twenty years. But for Kate Hennessey, who was celebrating turning forty by taking a fabulous vacation with her two best friends, the timing was not the best.Does she go, or does she stay?She'll get the answer soon enough. And though her world may be rocked, maybe she can cope better than we think. Because design is her business, after all. You know, changing things around and putting the pieces together in a whole new way….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472089168


Outer Red - Off the Given Path (Unadbridged)
Outer Red - Off the Given Path (Unadbridged)

Àâòîð: Jeff Walker

A fantastic new science fiction/fantasy spin on a classic fable. Enter a world where a young female ship captian is sent to retrieve information vital to the Galactic Kingdom; a new threat has emerged and the galaxy is in danger – Can she and her computer companion – GRIMM – get back onto the charted path and return home? Or will they be hunted down and killed before the mission can be completed?

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Dana Dae

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 4251703539311


Over the Moon
Over the Moon

Àâòîð: Jean Ure

More comedy, calamity and cool characters from Jean Ure, the queen of tween.Scarlett is finding out that life is full of ups and downs. One minute she's over the moon and the next she's down in the dumps.She's bright, attractive and twelve years old, but she has to rely on more than just her looks to get her the grades she needs to qualify for the Founder's Day dinner and dance.And what’s she going to do when her eyes mysteriously puff up? Who's going to want to take her to the dance in that state, least of all a dish like golden-haired Sun God Matt?

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007402540


Overheard in a Dream
Overheard in a Dream

Àâòîð: Torey Hayden

Bestselling author Torey Hayden's novel is a fascinating study of a fractured family, a troubled child, and a psychiatrist’s attempts to rescue them.Conor, aged nine, arrives in the play therapy room of child psychiatrist James Innes with the diagnosis «autistic». His mother Laura, an aloof, enigmatic novelist, can't handle him. His rancher father, embroiled in divorcing Laura, does not feel there is anything wrong with Conor.His six year old sister Morgana insists he really does see ghosts.As James becomes convinced Conor is not autistic, he is drawn first into Conor's strange world of «things the cat knows» and then into Morgana's stories of her friend the «Lion King».James is pulled most deeply, however, into Laura's world; at first that of a lonely, rather difficult woman and then, eventually, into the world of her imagination, an enthralling world that seems almost real – and that hides a terrible secret.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007370832


Overnight Male
Overnight Male

Àâòîð: Elizabeth Bevarly

Is there any mission more dangerous than a hot one-night stand?In the world of international espionage, Lila Moreau is as tough as they come. But she’s finally ready to trade in her secret double life for domestic bliss. That is, after she takes care of one last vendetta: to bring in rogue agent Adrian Padgett before he unleashes disaster.But to find him and his band of merry hackers, Lila must infiltrate small, snooty Waverly College. All while breaking in her sexy new partner, Joel Faraday. Sounds like a challenge – even for a superspy.Soon Joel starts to distract her in more ways than just the professional. And he’s determined to lure Lila into the most impossible mission of all…love.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408914175


Overwhelming Force
Overwhelming Force

Àâòîð: Janie Crouch

He lost her once. He won't lose her again.Despite an illustrious career as a top hostage negotiator, Joe Matarazzo is haunted by the past. It was a year ago that three innocent lives were lost under his watch. But Joe isn't the only one who remembers that day. When Joe's exes begin to fall victim to a violent stalker, Joe seeks the help of Laura Birchwood–a lawyer and the woman he once loved. Despite old wounds, Laura agrees to help Joe find out who's framing him. And while they expect to be met with danger, they're unprepared for passion that still burns strong. And their determination to give what was between them a second chance.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474040013


Oz Diyar : Teneke Woodman
Oz Diyarı: Teneke Woodman

Àâòîð: Ëàéìåí Ôðýíê Áàóì

Amerikan edebiyatının ?nde gelen isimlerinden L. Frank Baum, ?ocuklar i?in itinayla kaleme aldığı "Oz Diyarı"nda oluşturduğu hayal? d?nyayla Teneke Woodman’i nefes kesen bir yolculuğa ?ıkarıyor ve okuyucuyu etkisi altına almayı başarıyor. "Oz Diyarı", yazılmasının ardından ge?en onca seneye rağmen bir d?nya klasiği olma ?zelliğini hi? kaybetmemiştir. Teneke Woodman, ge?mişte ?şık olup izini kaybettiği Nimmie Amee’yi bulmak i?in yola koyulur. Dostu Gezgin Woot ve arkadaşları da ona bu yolculuğunda eşlik eder. Fakat dostlarımızın yolu, Dev Kadın’ın evi ile kesişecek ve onlar hi? de hoşlarına gitmeyen bir d?n?şt?r?lme b?y?s?ne maruz kalacaklardır. Bu eğlenceli kahramanlarımız ve nefes kesici ser?venleriyle "Oz Diyarı"na doğru macera dolu bir seyahate ?ıkmanın tam sırası! " 'Y?ce Tanrı’m!' diyerek haykırdı Teneke Woodman. Hayretler i?erisindeydi. 'Eğer sen Nick Chopper’ın kafasıysan o zaman sen bensin! Ya da ben senim! Ya da ya da… Aramızdaki bağ nedir?' "

Öåíà: 158.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6486-16-4


P.I. Daddy s Personal Mission
P.I. Daddy's Personal Mission

Àâòîð: Beth Cornelison

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472058188


P?ril De La Course
P?ril De La Course

Àâòîð: January Bain

La vengeance. L'avidit?. Le meurtre. Et une passion insatiable… Silk O'Connor d?cide de se faire justice elle-m?me sur les marches d'un palais de justice de Los Angeles. L'ordure qui a tu? sa sœur tient une conf?rence de presse, lib?r? par une justice corrompue achet?e par son riche p?re. Inconcevable. Elle ne peut pas le laisser s'en tirer comme ?a. Jake Marshall est un h?ros de guerre d?cor? en permission, qui remplace un ami ? Sterling Security et prot?ge l'homme qui a utilis? sa voiture comme une arme et assassin? la seule famille de Silk. La guerre l'a laiss? avec des troubles de stress post-traumatique, il se bat pour sauver sa sant? mentale, et un sniper est la derni?re chose dont il a besoin. Les deux hommes s'affrontent lorsque Jake d?couvre que Silk s'appr?te ? rendre sa propre justice depuis le toit du palais de justice… et que le monde du trafic sexuel, riche en adr?naline et en enjeux, dans lequel ils sont pris au pi?ge, les met ? rude ?preuve. Et lorsque Silk p?n?tre dans cet antre de la d?pravation, elle n'est s?re que d'une chose : elle pourrait ne jamais en sortir vivante…

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781802500110


Pack Up Your Troubles
Pack Up Your Troubles

Àâòîð: Pam Weaver

Connie and Eva are best friends but their families are the worst of enemies…During the VE Day celebrations, two women meet completely by chance. As Connie and Eva talk they discover they are from feuding families, the Maxwells and the Dixons. But when they both begin nurses’ training, they can’t deny their natural bond of friendship and become more like sisters.Their lives intertwine as Connie starts courting Eva’s brother, Roger, a bomb disposal expert. In her heart, Connie holds a torch for local artist and freespirit Eugene, but a dark memory from her past makes her wary of trusting any man.The two women are determined to uncover the secrets that have plagued them and kept the two families at war for so long. But can their friendship survive the shocking truth?A moving family drama for fans of Maureen Lee and Katie Flynn.

Öåíà: 439.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007480449


Pages & Co.: Tilly and the Lost Fairy Tales
Pages & Co.: Tilly and the Lost Fairy Tales

Àâòîð: Anna James

A magical adventure to delight the imagination. The curl-up-on-the-sofa snuggle of a series from a uniquely talented author. Tilly Pages is a bookwanderer; she can travel inside books, and even talk to the characters she meets there. But Tilly’s powers are put to the test when fairytales start leaking book magic and causing havoc… On a wintery visit to Paris, Tilly and her best friend Oskar bravely bookwander into the land of fairytales to find that characters are getting lost, stories are all mixed-up, and mysterious plot holes are opening without warning. Can Tilly work out who, or what, is behind the chaos so everyone gets their happily-ever-after? The second enthralling tale in the bestselling PAGES & CO series.

Öåíà: 1433.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008229924


Painted the Other Woman
Painted the Other Woman

Àâòîð: Julia James

Stripped of her glittering fa?ade…Athan Teodarkis knows her type well: women for whom designer dresses and priceless jewellery are paid for only in kind. But he’s never been distracted by one – until now. Suspecting his sister’s husband of having an affair with the dangerously beautiful Marisa Milburne, Athan determines to put a stop to it!Confident the Teodarkis millions will easily divert this gold-digger’s attentions, Athan has a simple plan: seduce, then discard. But, contrary to what the cynical Athan believes, shy Marisa is no home-wrecker, and her innocence is powerless to resist his vengeful seduction…‘A simmering tension which drew me in right from the start – another excellent novel from Julia James.’ – Victoria, Retired, Belfast

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408974513



Àâòîð: Seher Tanidik

İnsanlık bir kere daha korkun? bir salgınla sınanıyordu. Yeni bir salgındı. Gezegenimizin g?rd?ğ? son pandemi. Felaket tellallarının, f?t?ristlerin veya kalbi a?ık iyi adamların, hatta bizzat o laboratuvarların sahiplerinin dediği g?n gelmişti: Maskeli bir katil, hazırladığı vir?slerden şimdilik sadece birini ?ıkarmış, korkun? nefesiyle insanlığın ?st?ne ?flemişti. Şimdi biraz zaman ge?meliydi. İnsanlar iyice korkmalı, i?lerine ?ekilmeli, birbirine d?şmeli, susmalı, beklemeli, yalvarmalı, biri bir aşı bulsun diye dualar etmeliydi. İlk g?nden beri vir?sle aynı soğutucuda bekleyen aşıyı… Ve aşk da vardı. İnsanlığı kurtarmak i?in bekliyordu!

Öåíà: 107.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-8222-56-2


Panorama de la metaficci?n
Panorama de la metaficci?n

Àâòîð: Carmen Dorado Arroyo

El libro Panorama de la metaficci?n tiene la finalidad de identificar y explicar algunas cuestiones b?sicas del t?rmino. Primero, se aborda la problematizaci?n del concepto a trav?s del an?lisis de diversos planteamientos formulados a su alrededor. A?n sin pretensiones exhaustivas, ofrece un panorama general de algunos de los aspectos implicados en la metaficci?n, como su origen, sus antecedentes, la teor?a metaficcional, la autoconsciencia, el acto cr?tico, su car?cter l?dico y, en fin, la «mise en abyme».
Panorama de la metaficci?n ofrece al lector especializado, y al curioso lector, una visi?n clara y completa de uno de los fen?menos m?s representativos de la cultura posmoderna que se manifiesta en literatura y cr?tica; aunque, visto con cuidado, si se comprende adecuadamente la metaficci?n de la mano de este libro, el cine, los videojuegos y las artes visuales cobran nuevos y m?s profundos significados.

Ñåðèÿ: Vos Acad?mica

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9786079878108


Panther On The Prowl
Panther On The Prowl

Àâòîð: Nancy Morse

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077653



Àâòîð: Andreas H. Apelt

Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg im Jahr 1989. Ein neues Zeitalter k?ndigt sich an. Unaufhaltsam. Die Bewohner eines alten Mietshauses in der N?he der ber?hmten Gethsemanekirche haben sich im real existierenden Sozialismus eingerichtet. Getschmar, der Hausbuchf?hrer, die angepassten Frenzels, die »Hexe« Jankowitz und ihr Liebhaber Stolten, dessen Frau seit dem Krieg ohne Beine im Bett liegt. Ihr Leben in den letzten Monaten vor dem Mauerfall ist symptomatisch f?r ein vom Untergang gezeichnetes Land. Nur drei junge Leute st?ren den vermeintlichen Frieden. Ottmar, der Pfarrersohn aus der Niederlausitz und Theologiestudent, H?lsmann, der Kulissenschieber und Dichter, und Reinhard Voss, der Ausreiseantragsteller. Mit der Hausgemeinschaft sind sie auf mannigfaltige Weise verbunden. Sie halten den Kontakt zur »Au?enwelt« der Hinterh?fe, Kneipen und Szenecaf?s. In diesem Roman spiegelt sich die Dramatik des Revolutionsherbstes in den Seelen der kleinen Leute, deren Mut einen Staat und eine gro?e Mauer zum Einsturz brachte.

Öåíà: 1675.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783954623891


Par?bolas Do Reino E De Sabedoria
Par?bolas Do Reino E De Sabedoria

Àâòîð: Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Como chegar ao reino de Deus?Como nos conduzir na senda do bem?Com contos bem constru?dos e contextualizados,o texto nos mostra a ess?ncia divina em seu mais amplos sentidos.

Öåíà: 235.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873047964


Parabeln Des K?nigreichs Und Der Weisheit
Parabeln Des K?nigreichs Und Der Weisheit

Àâòîð: Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten zum Thema K?nigreich und Weisheiten, die den Leser dazu bringen sollen, die besten Entscheidungen im Leben zu analysieren und zu ?berdenken. Sie sind praktische Beispiele und sehr n?tzlich im Alltag. Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an diejenigen, die den Weg zur Weiterentwicklung und zum Wohlbefinden noch nicht gefunden haben.

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873046684


Paradise City
Paradise City

Àâòîð: Elizabeth Day

An audacious, compassionate state-of-the-nation novel about four strangers whose lives collide with far-reaching consequences.Beatrice Kizza, a woman in flight from a homeland that condemned her for daring to love, flees to London. There, she shields her sorrow from the indifference of her adopted city, and navigates a night-time world of shift-work and bedsits.Howard Pink is a self-made millionaire who has risen from Petticoat Lane to the mansions of Kensington on a tide of determination and bluster. Yet self-doubt still snaps at his heels and his life is shadowed by the terrible loss that has shaken him to his foundations.Carol Hetherington, recently widowed, is living the quiet life in Wandsworth with her cat and The Jeremy Kyle Show for company. As she tries to come to terms with the absence her husband has left on the other side of the bed, she frets over her daughter's prospects and wonders if she'll ever be happy again.Esme Reade is a young journalist learning to muck-rake and doorstep in pursuit of the elusive scoop, even as she longs to find some greater meaning and leave her imprint on the world.Four strangers, each inhabitants of the same city, where the gulf between those who have too much and those who will never have enough is impossibly vast. But when the glass that separates Howard's and Beatrice's worlds is shattered by an inexcusable act, they discover that the capital has connected them in ways they could never have imagined.

Öåíà: 1545.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008221768


Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

Àâòîð: Äæîí Ìèëüòîí

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Greedily she engorged without restraint,And knew not eating death;’Milton’s Paradise Lost is a poem of epic proportions that tells of Satan’s attempts to mislead Eve into disobeying God in the Garden of Eden, by eating from the tree of knowledge. His interpretation of the biblical story of Genesis is vivid and intense in its language, justifying the actions of God to men. In his sequel poem, Paradise Regained, Milton shows Satan trying to seduce Jesus in a similar way to Eve, but ultimately failing as Jesus remains steadfast.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007480609


Paris’te Bir T?rk
Paris’te Bir T?rk

Àâòîð: Àõìåò Ìèäõàò

Tanzimat D?nemi yazarlarından olan Ahmet Mithat Efendi, ?l?m?ne dek iki y?zden fazla eser yayımlamıştır. Eserlerinde akla gelebilecek her t?rl? konuya değinen Ahmet Mithat, ?zellikle Avrupa’nın bilim ve sanayideki gelişmişliğini methederken, Osmanlı toplumunun ahlaki değerlerini koruması gerektiğini vurgulamıştır. “Paris’te Bir T?rk”, eserlerinde g?ze ?arpan bu gibi unsurların yoğun bir şekilde işlendiği romanların başında gelir. Romanın başkahramanı Nasuh’un ağzından giyimden evliliğe, medeniyetten geri kalmışlığa, krallıktan cumhuriyete, Doğu k?lt?r?nden Batı k?lt?r?ne kadar her şey tartışılır ve bu tartışmaların sonucunda bir fikir birliğine varılarak okuyucuya sunulur. Nasuh’un seyahatinde, -onun Paris’teki gezintileri, farklı milletlerden tanıştığı insanlarla sohbetleri, kadınlarla olan ilişkileri boyunca- bu gibi konular Ahmet Mithat’ın sade diliyle tafsilatıyla ele alınır. "Zira tanışmanın hasıl olması yani iki komşunun birbiriyle merhabalaşması i?in ya daireleri kapısından girer veya ?ıkar iken veyahut merdiven ?zerinde tesad?fle boyun eğmekten başlaması lazım gelir. Nasuh bu meseleyi bilir idiyse de tanışma peydası i?in ayların ge?mesine katlanamadığı ve bir haneye yabancı girer gibi girip ?ıkmayı dahi sevmediği cihetle, daha gelişinin ertesi g?n? komşularının birer birer kapısını ?alıp girerek ve 'Hanımlar! Efendiler! Kendimi size yeni komşunuz olmak ?zere takdim ederim ve sizi taciz edecek hi?bir h?l ve hareketim vukuya gelmeyeceğini vaatle hakkımda tevecc?h?n?z? rica ederim.' tarzında girişler yaparak derh?l tanışma m?nasebeti bağına muvaffak olmuştu. Moskoflar Nasuh’un bu hareketinden memnun kaldılar. Zira Avrupa’nın en kibar milleti Moskoflar addedilse şayandır. Zira insanoğluna derh?l temay?l ederek ana, baba, kardeş gibi ısınmakta T?rklerden bile ileridirler. Almanlar, Nasuh’un bu laubalice hareketine şaşırmışlardı. ??nk? onlar İngilizler kadar da sıcak değildirler. Hele Fransız ailelerince Nasuh’un bu hareketi yabancılığına yoruldu. Zira Paris’te ya şehvani bir menfaat veyahut nakd? bir fayda icap etmez ise birbirini bilmeyen iki adam arasındaki m?nasebet pek bayağı bir h?lde kalır gider."

Öåíà: 94.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-56-3


Parker Pyne Investigates
Parker Pyne Investigates

Àâòîð: Àãàòà Êðèñòè

A collection of short stories featuring the ‘heart specialist’, Parker Pyne.Mrs Packington felt alone, helpless and utterly forlorn. But her life changed when she stumbled upon an advertisement in The Times which read: ‘ARE YOU HAPPY? IF NOT, CONSULT MR PARKER PYNE’.Equally adept at putting together the pieces of a marriage or the fragments of a murder mystery, Mr Parker Pyne was possibly the world’s most unconventional private eye – and certainly its most charming.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007422661


Part of the Bargain
Part of the Bargain

Àâòîð: Linda Miller Lael

Home Sweet Home?Libby Kincaid returned to the ranch where she grew up to heal the wounds left by a broken marriage and the death of her beloved stepson. But instead of the solace she craved, she found Jess Barlowe—sexy, alluring…and mad as hell.For years Jess had been her constant opponent, and now malicious rumors tarnishing her reputation only seemed to enrage him further. But soon these adversarial sparks ignited into a fire of passion, and Jess wouldn't stop until he made her his bride. Unfortunately, Libby knew all too well that being married to a man was no guarantee of his trust…or his love.“Miller tugs at the heartstrings as few authors can….” —Publishers Weekly

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472011008


Parte Indispensable
Parte Indispensable

Àâòîð: Melissa F. Miller

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835434009


Partners in Crime
Partners in Crime

Àâòîð: Àãàòà Êðèñòè

Agatha Christie’s complete Tommy and Tuppence short story collection, reissued with a striking cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.Tommy and Tuppence Beresford were restless for adventure, so when they were asked to take over Blunt’s International Detective Agency, they leapt at the chance.After their triumphant recovery of a pink pearl, intriguing cases kept on coming their way: a stabbing on Sunningdale golf course; cryptic messages in the personal columns of newspapers; and even a box of poisoned chocolates.

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007422678


Party Girl: A Short Story from the collection, Reader, I Married Him
Party Girl: A Short Story from the collection, Reader, I Married Him

Àâòîð: Nadifa Mohamed

A short story by Nadifa Mohamed from the collection Reader, I Married Him: Stories inspired by Jane Eyre.In ‘Party Girl’, ahead of settling down, a woman looks back on her rebellious youth.Edited by Tracy Chevalier, the full collection, Reader I Married Him, brings together some of the finest and most creative voices in fiction today, to celebrate and salute the strength and lasting relevance of Charlotte Bront?’s game-changing novel and its beloved narrator.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008173463


Pasado impredecible
Pasado impredecible

Àâòîð: Carlos Alberto Palacio

Pala es amasador de letras, armador de palabras, llamador de recuerdos. Detr?s de Pasado impredecible hay un artesano que moldea, pule, sopla; y ellas, las palabras, salen a volar por el mundo. Ahora nos llegan en esta bella edici?n de la Editorial EAFIT y podemos sentir a qu? sabe la palabra ron, c?mo se mece la palabra baile, qu? se siente al ver llegar la palabra miedo, cu?nto penetra en los o?dos cuando cae desde muy alto la palabra ruido, c?mo suspiramos cuando el dedo se?ala el punto de la p?gina en el que aparece la palabra adolescencia. Pala ha cosechado un auditorio amplio con sus canciones cargadas de poes?a. Ha sido aplaudido en escenarios y premiado en concursos de prestigio. Menciono el Premio Internacional de Poes?a Miguel Hern?ndez-Comunidad Valenciana 2020. Lo gan? con Abajo hab?a nubes, un libro hermoso y delicado que habla de la calidad de este poeta que recita sin pesta?ear letras de boleros mientras escribe y vive como el m?s contempor?neo de los cantores. Y luego, en la ciudad que habita, Pasado impredecible recibi? el Premio Libro In?dito de Poes?a Alcald?a de Medell?n en 2021. Ya ver?n por qu?.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789587207194


Passion and Peril: Scenes of Passion / Scenes of Peril
Passion and Peril: Scenes of Passion / Scenes of Peril

Àâòîð: Suzanne Brockmann

SCENES OF PASSIONSafe and steady pretty much sums up Maggie Stanton's life. But a chance encounter stirs long-buried desires and urges her to do the unimaginable – take a risk. Shockingly, the man who convinces her to forsake predictability for passion is the full-grown version of her childhood best friend. Only, this Matthew Stone wants more and Maggie almost believes that their whirlwind romance is meant to be. Then she learns that Matthew is keeping a secret… and the consequences could change everything…SCENES OF PERILThe snowstorm forecast says it’s a big one, but wildlife photographer Paige Dawson is prepared. Until a terrible car accident brings a sexy stranger to her remote mountain cabin and the bad weather strands them together… for days. The heat between them is like nothing she’s ever known—incendiary, undeniable. And just as she begins to hope for something real with Colin Reid, after the snow melts, he remembers what caused his accident… and it may be too late for them both.

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472054586


Passion Becomes You
Passion Becomes You

Àâòîð: Michelle Reid

He Wanted Nothing More Than Her Love…From their first meeting, Jemma had known that forever wasn't in Leon Staphanades's vocabulary. She was inexperienced, but the passion between them was so powerful that she cast her doubts aside and agreed to Leon's demand of a no-strings affair.Soon Jemma was head over heels in love, and couldn't imagine that she'd ever be the one to end the idyll… . Until she found that her love for Leon was to have a lasting price – and it meant having to let him go… .

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408986882


Passion Flower
Passion Flower

Àâòîð: Diana Palmer

As a successful New York interior designer, Jennifer King led a hectic, fast-paced life. So when a sudden illness cost her her job, she jumped at the chance of a working vacation at a Texas ranch.But life with Everett Culhane, the brooding, dark-eyed owner of the Circle C Ranch, was not easy. According to him, their lives were two worlds apart. But when he took her in his arms and branded her lips with his, Jennifer knew that she must make this headstrong cowboy her own.

Öåíà: 616.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474013031


Passion Flower
Passion Flower

Àâòîð: Jean Ure

Another title in Jean Ure’s acclaimed series of humorous and poignant stories. There’s trouble ahead when Steph and Sam’s father embarks on a spot of kidnapping.Of course, Mum shouldn’t have thrown the frying pan at Dad. The day after she threw it, Dad left home…Of course, Mum shouldn’t have thrown the frying pan at Dad. The day after she threw it, Dad left home…Parents! First they’re together, then they’re apart. For Stephanie, a hip fourteen year old, and Samantha, her ten-year-old sister, being stuck in the middle of their parent’s problems is just what they need. Not. When Dad decides that what the girls really need is a summer holiday with him in Brighton, they jump at the chance. No rules, no hassle, no worries. But things never turn out the way you think, and Steph and Sam soon discover there’s a lot more to being a family than they thought…Jean Ure’s diary series includes: Pumpkin Pie, Shrinking Violet, Skinny Melon and Me, The Secret Life of Sally Tomato, Becky Bananas, This is Your Life! and Fruit and Nutcase.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007480357


Passionate Possession
Passionate Possession

Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

He Had Misjudged HerLucy Howard didn't like arrogant men, and Niall Cameron certainly came into that category for her! He didn't even know her, but he quite happily jumped to all the wrong conclusions. She was rich, spoiled, uncaring and just the sort of woman he disliked most.Not that Lucy cared what he thought of her. She wasn't interested in stealing someone who was already committed to a long-term relationship with another woman. But Niall didn't seem to have any such scruples….

Öåíà: 262.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408998519


Passionate Protection
Passionate Protection

Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

Öåíà: 451.79 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408998007


Past Loving
Past Loving

Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

Why Had He Returned?It was over ten years ago since Holly, a naive girl still in her teens, had fallen for Robert Graham and had assumed that his intentions were more long-term than just an affair. She had been bitterly disillusioned. Robert had no intention of marrying before he had made his way in life, and had callously abandoned Holly in search of pastures new.Now he was back in town and apparently willing to pick up their relationship where he had left off. But Holly had other ideas…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408998502


Pastures New
Pastures New

Àâòîð: Julia Williams

Take one sleepy Suffolk villageAdd a young widowThrow in a local vamp and a harassed mumStir it up with a sexy, secretive doctorAnd watch feuds grow, tempers fray and love blossom…Amy Nicholson never expected to leave London for the Suffolk countryside. But she also never expected to be a 33-year-old widow, left alone with a young son. Fleeing her memories, she swaps her heels for wellies and embarks on a new rural life.The big-hearted community of Nevermorewell welcome them with open arms. There's old Harry, offering pearls of advice (fuelled by whisky from his hip flask), Saffron, juggling motherhood with business (whilst searching for her lost libido), and Caroline, the scheming local vamp, who tramples over lives as easily as the allotments backing onto Amy's cottage.But just when Amy thinks she's finally leaving the past behind, Ben Martin crashes into her life. Sexy and enigmatic, Ben is haunted by his own secrets. Will love blossom on the allotments? Or will it be once bitten, twice shy?

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007278954


Patrones 08/2023
Patrones №08/2023

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Patrones – íîâîå èçäàíèå Èçäàòåëüñêîãî äîìà «Áóðäà» ïî ëèöåíçèè èñïàíñêîãî èçäàòåëüñòâà RBA Revistas. Æóðíàë Patrones èñïàíñêîãî èçäàòåëüñòâà RBA Revistas õîðîøî èçâåñòåí ëþáèòåëÿì øèòüÿ êàê â Åâðîïå, òàê è â íàøåé ñòðàíå. Íà ñòðàíèöàõ Patrones ïðåäñòàâëåíû ìîäåëè èç ñåçîííûõ êîëëåêöèé pr?t-a-porte âåäóùèõ åâðîïåéñêèõ äèçàéíåðîâ.  êàæäîì íîìåðå – îêîëî îêîëî 40 æåíñêèõ ìîäåëåé øèðîêîãî ðàçìåðíîãî ðÿäà, ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûå äëÿ ðàáîòû, ïðàçäíè÷íûõ âûõîäîâ, îòäûõà è ïóòåøåñòâèé, à òàêæå ìîäåëè äëÿ äåòåé. Æóðíàë ñîäåðæèò ïîäðîáíûå èíñòðóêöèè ïî øèòüþ.  íîìåðå: Ïëàòüå îò Akris Ñî÷åòàåì äâà îòòåíêà â îäíîì èçäåëèè Òðåíäû ñåçîíà Íåîáû÷íûå êðîé è îáðàçû Îñîáûé ñëó÷àé Ýëåãàíòíûå íàðÿäû äëÿ ïðàçäíèêà Ïîäèóì Áåðìóäû îò ìèðîâûõ äèçàéíåðîâ Äåòñêàÿ Ïëàòüÿ (2–4–6 ëåò) è ìíîãîå äðóãîå

Ñåðèÿ: Æóðíàë «Patrones» 2023

Öåíà: 138 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2023


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