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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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Between the Head and the Hands - A Novel (Unabridged)
Between the Head and the Hands - A Novel (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: James Chaarani

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Ishan Dav?

Öåíà: 2563.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781778523175


Between The Lines
Between The Lines

Àâòîð: Lauren Hawkeye

'I want you to warm me up. ' Jo Marchande writes about sexy adventures. Only Jo hasn't experienced anything remotely naughty. A moment of illicit voyeurism reunites her with Theo Laurence, the boy she once loved. Now their ‘unfinished business’ is her chance to experience the wickedness she so craves…

Öåíà: 418.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474087049


Between the Sunset and the Sea: A View of 16 British Mountains
Between the Sunset and the Sea: A View of 16 British Mountains

Àâòîð: Simon Ingram

‘I watched the mirror for a last view, for now, of the frozen mountains of Glen Coe. As the road bent and the outline of Buachaille Etive Mor slid into sight, I did what I always did, and always would. I felt for that flutter of awe and that indefinable, unmistakable quickening of the pulse.’In the late 18th century, mountains shifted from being universally reviled to becoming the most inspiring things on earth. Simply put, the monsters became muses – and an entire artistic movement was born. This movement became a love affair, the love affair became an obsession, and gradually but surely, obsession became lifestyle as mountains became stitched into the fabric of the British cultural tapestry.In his compelling new book, Simon Ingram explores how mountains became such a preoccupation for the modern western imagination, weaving his own adventures into a powerful narrative which provides a kind of experiential hit list for people who don’t have the time nor the will to climb a thousand mountains.For some of these mountains, the most amazing thing about them might be the journey they’ve taken to get here. Others, the tales of science, endeavour and art that have played out on their slopes. The mythology they’re drenched in. The history they’ve seen. The genius they’ve inspired. The danger that draws people to them. The life that clusters around them, human and otherwise. The extreme weather they conjure. The adventure they fuel. The way that some raise the hairs on the back of your neck, and trigger powerful, strange emotions. And moreover, what they’re like to be amidst, under, on – just what that indefinable quality is that the British mountains wield which takes possession of you so powerfully, and never goes away.Ingram takes us high into the rafters of Britain’s most forbidding, unflinching and unchanging wild places through all the seasons of the year – from the first blush of spring to the deepest, darkest bite of the mountain winter. From Beinn Dearg to Ben Nevis, he takes us on a journey spanning sixteen of Britain’s most evocative mountainous landscapes, and what they mean to us today.

Öåíà: 661.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007547890


Bevor Er Braucht
Bevor Er Braucht

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

"The Scarlet Letter is generally considered to be Nathaniel Hawthorne’s masterpiece. Set in 17th century Boston, it follows the plight of Hester Prynne, a young woman who bears a child out of wedlock, refuses to name the father, and is condemned to wear a scarlet ‘A’ for the rest of her life. With The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne reaches back to America’s Puritan roots to probe themes of lust, sin, guilt and redemption. This Essential Classics edition includes a new introduction by Professor Vivian Heller, Ph.D. in literature and modern studies from Yale University. Born in 1804, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote at the forefront of dark romanticism. His renderings of colonial America reflect the strictures of New England Puritanism and give voice to characters who try to extricate themselves from social conventions. Vivian Heller received her Ph.D. in English Literature and Modern Studies from Yale University. She is author of Joyce, Decadence, and Emancipation(University of Illinois Press) and of The City Beneath Us (W.W. Norton & Company), a history of the building of the New York City subway system. She is an associate at Columbia’s School of Professional Studies and is the writing tutor for the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. She is also a long-standing member of the non-fiction committee of the PEN Prison-Writing Committee, which awards prizes to inmates from across the country. Essential Classics publishes the most crucial literary works throughout history, with a unique introduction to each, making them the perfect treasure for any reader’s shelf.

Ñåðèÿ: Ein Mackenzie White Krimi

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Melissa Durbin

Öåíà: 478.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094301518


Bevor Er Sieht
Bevor Er Sieht

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

Von Blake Pierce, der Bestsellerautorin von VERSCHWUNDEN (einem #1 Bestseller mit mehr als 600 F?nf-Sterne-Bewertungen), erscheint nun Buch #2 einer spannenden neuen Krimireihe. In BEVOR ER SIEHT (ein Mackenzie White Krimi—Buch 2), k?mpft die in der Ausbildung zu FBI Agentin steckende Mackenzie White darum, sich in der FBI Academy in Quantico einen Namen zu machen und sich gleichzeitig sowohl als Frau als auch als Neuank?mmling aus Nebraska zu beweisen. In der Hoffnung, dass sie das Zeug dazu hat, eine FBI Agentin zu werden, und ihr Leben im Mittleren Wesen f?r immer hinter sich zu lassen, will Mackenzie sich zur?ckhalten und ihre Vorgesetzten beeindrucken. Aber alles ?ndert sich, als die Leiche einer Frau in einer M?lltonne gefunden wird. Der Mord hat gro?e ?hnlichkeit mit dem Fall des Vogelscheuchen-M?rders, durch den Mackenzie in Nebraska ber?hmt wurde. Im hektischen Kampf gegen die Zeit, um einen neuen Serienkiller zu stoppen, beschlie?t das FBI, sein Protokoll zu brechen und Mackenzie den Fall zu ?bertragen. F?r Mackenzie ist es ihre Chance, das FBI zu beeindrucken, doch die Erwartungen waren noch nie so hoch. Nicht jeder will, dass sie den Fall leitet, und alles, was sie in Angriff nimmt, scheint schief zu gehen. Als der Druck am h?chsten ist und der M?rder wieder zuschl?gt, findet sich Mackenzie alleine in einem Heer erfahrener Agenten, und schon bald erkennt sie, dass sie bereits viel zu tief in der ganzen Sache verwickelt ist. Ihre gesamte Zukunft beim FBI steht auf dem Spiel. So hart und entschlossen Mackenzie auch ist, so brillant sie M?rder auch jagen kann, dieser neuer Fall entpuppt sich als unl?sbares R?tsel, etwas, dem sie nicht gewachsen ist. Wom?glich hat sie nicht einmal genug Zeit, es zu entschl?sseln, da ihr eigenes Leben ?ber ihrem Kopf zusammenbricht. Als dunkler Psychothriller mit kaum auszuhaltender Spannung ist BEVOR ER SIEHT der zweite Teil einer fesselnden neuen Krimireihe – mit einem neuen, liebenswerten Charakter – das Sie bis sp?t in die Nacht fesseln wird. Buch #3 der Mackenzie White Krimireihe wird bald verf?gbar sein.

Ñåðèÿ: Ein Mackenzie White Krimi

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Brianna Knickerbocker

Öåíà: 358.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094300191


Beyaz Di
Beyaz Diş

Àâòîð: Äæåê Ëîíäîí

Yabanın i?inden melez bir kurt olarak yaşama atılan Beyaz Diş’in, vahşilik ile evcilliğin arasında gidip gelen maceralı ?yk?s?ne, eserde onun g?z?yle d?hil olunur. Beyaz Diş, beyaz duvarı aşarak yabancı olduğu vahşi doğaya ilk adımını atar ve tecr?belerini k?h acı k?h zafer ile edinir. Ancak bu yalnız yaşantı ?demoğlunun ?adırında son bulur. Beyaz Diş’in tabiriyle “insan tanrı”nın h?km?ne girer ve kendisine bir yurt edinir. Burada yasalar ve g?revler vardır. Hen?z adapte olmuşken kıtlık aylarında yaşanan sıkıntılar onu vahşi doğasına d?nmeye zorlar ve bir kez daha yalnızlığı tadar. Bir insan kadar aitlik hissine ?zlem duyan Beyaz Diş, sahibine ?zlemle koşar. Eski yaşantısında zorluklar olsa da bir yere ait olmanın verdiği g?venle burada kalmanın vazge?ilmez olduğunu kendine dikte eder. Ancak sonraki yaşantısı ona g?venden ?ok zul?m ve acı verir. Beyaz Diş, kahramanı ile tanışana dek mutsuz ve kederli yaşamına boyun eğer. Ancak ona ger?ek bir ev sunacak asıl tanrısı sahip ?ıkana kadar. M?thiş i?g?d?leri ve keskin zek?sı sayesinde sahibi ile sarsılmaz bir bağ kuran Beyaz Diş, bundan sonra bir kurt-k?pekten ?ok yoldaş olmuştur, tanrıya. Sahibine ?l?m?ne sadık olan Beyaz Diş’in adı, artık Kutsal Kurt olmuştur.D?nya, şaşırtıcı bir yerdi. İ?inde hayatın kıpırdanışını hissetmek, kaslarının hareketini fark etmek, sonsuz bir mutluluk kaynağıydı. Bu artık Beyaz Diş i?in sonun başlangıcıydı. Nefretin h?kimiyetindeki eski hayatının sonuydu. Yeni ve anlaşılmaz bir şekilde g?zel olan bir hayat yaklaşıyordu.

Öåíà: 167.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6865-15-0


Beyond the Rules
Beyond the Rules

Àâòîð: Doranna Durgin

RULE #1: FAMILY COMES FIRSTRULE #2: IF YOU BELONG TO KIMMER REED'S FAMILY, IGNORE RULE #1She'd never planned to see her so-called family again. But that didn't help Hunter Agency operative Kimmer Reed when her brother showed up on her doorstep, men with guns just minutes behind. Seemed he'd gotten in over his head and had decided to give his former mob «business partners» a new target: Kimmer.Not so fast. Because Kimmer is no longer a scared teen–she's a highly trained covert agent with things worth fighting for. A job she loves. A house that's truly a home. A sexy man who loves her and believes that family is sacred…uh-oh. It's time for…RULE #3: WHEN YOUR LIFE, LOVE AND MANGY BROTHER ARE AT STAKE, THERE ARE NO RULES….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472091703


Beyond The Silver Threads
Beyond The Silver Threads

Àâòîð: Lara Biyuts

Set in St-Petersburg, Beyond the Silver Threads is a story of one student’s night adventures and subsequently his first time, both lip-smacking good and uncanny. Set in St-Petersburg, the city quite cosmopolitan, Beyond the Silver Threads is about one youth of the name of Vadim who gets his uncle’s apartment at his disposal for the time of the winter holidays. Languor of Youth urges him to go out, on the clear night. In the street, he meets his old friend, and later, on the night, he gets his first time. Time of the story is the same as the Regency in England. Historical romance. Soft erotic. Paranormal adventure. The fairy, winter nightlong tale has got some reviews. “Woven with the aid of the rich and enchanting combination of history and human emotions, this literary tapestry is the best history fiction and paranormal adventure ever.” (Vlad Anghel, goodreads.com)

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893988599


Bibil r

Àâòîð: Cyriel Buysse

“Bibilər” Bel?ikalı b?y?k yazı?ı Cyriel Buyssenin (1859 -1932) dahiyanə əsəridir. Romanda hadisələr XX əsrin əvvəllərində cərəyan edir və ki?ik m?lkədar Dufour’un faciəvi taleyindən s?hbət a?ılır. Klemens bibi, Estel bibi və Viktoriya bibi ?oxlu var-d?vlət sahibi olduqlarına g?rə ailədə h?kmranlıq edirlər və ?zlərinin əxlaq dəyərləriylə ata Dufoura və oğlu Maksa təzyiq g?stərirlər. Qızları Klara, Adriana və Esme də bibilərin əsarəti altındadır və gələcəkdə onlar kimi əfi ilan olmanın bir addımlığındadırlar. Romanda Cyriel Buyssenin flamand cəmiyyətinə qarşı g?cl? ittihamının şahidi olacaqsınız. Ustalıqla qələmə alınmış dialoqlar, yazı?ının incə yumor hissi və lirik təsvirlər “Bibilər” romanını bu g?nədək sevilərək oxunan əsərlər sırasına ?ıxarmışdır. Yazı?ının pula g?rə əyilən, yaltaqlanan insanları g?l?ş hədəfinə ?evirməsi bu g?n?n ?z?nədək aktuallığını qoruyub saxlayır. X?susən Azərbaycan oxucuları burada ?z cəmiyyətimizə xas olan tanış səhnələrlə qarşılaşacaqlar.

Öåíà: 185.13 ðóá.


Big Brother
Big Brother

Àâòîð: Lionel Shriver

The new novel from the Orange Prize-winning author of We Need to Talk About Kevin.When Pandora picks up her older brother Edison at her local Iowa airport, she literally doesn’t recognize him. The once slim, hip New York jazz pianist has gained hundreds of pounds. What happened?Soon Edison’s slovenly habits, appalling diet, and know-it-all monologues are driving Pandora and her fitness-freak husband Fletcher insane. After the brother-in-law has more than overstayed his welcome, Fletcher delivers his wife an ultimatum: it’s him or me.Rich with Shriver’s distinctive wit and ferocious energy, Big Brother is about fat: why we overeat and whether extreme diets ever really work. It asks just how much sacrifice we’ll make to save single members of our families, and whether it’s ever possible to save loved ones from themselves.

Öåíà: 946.99 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007481651


Big City Eyes
Big City Eyes

Àâòîð: Delia Ephron

Second novel by the author of HANGING UP about a woman’s attempt to deal with passion, guilt, murder and motherhood when she moves herself and her teenage son out of Manhattan to what she assumes will be a safer life on Long Island.In a state of near panic because of the night-time activities of her teenage son Sam, Lily Davis decides to uproot him and herself from Manhattan to a small town on the coast of Long Island. She becomes a reporter for the weekly paper, Sam enrolls in high school, and for a while life proceeds as expected. But then through unexpected and unnerving circumstances, with a cop, in a house where she’s not supposed to be, Lily spies a naked woman asleep on a bed. This is a murder. Or is it? And the cop is married, and Lily is guilt-ridden about her own divorce. Friendship and love relationships unravel or threaten to. But are people and events really as they seem, or is Lily just perceiving her small town through big city eyes?

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007571635


Big Sky Cowboy
Big Sky Cowboy

Àâòîð: Jennifer Mikels

A passion fiercer than the Montana heat…When rugged rancher Colby Holmes wanted to solve his aunt's murder, he reluctantly enlisted the help of stunning psychic Tessa Madison. Despite her mysterious beauty, Colby swore that he would never let a woman near his heart again. But it wasn't long before a burning desire tantalized him each time he looked Tessa's way.With a past that proved falling in love only brought pain, Tessa kept her heart under lock and key. But Colby's kiss brought on a sweet emotion that left her enchanted. So when the town's skeptics tried to force her from her home, would the love of one handsome cowboy be enough to make her stay?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Silhouette

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472093455


Big Sky Showdown
Big Sky Showdown

Àâòîð: Sharon Dunn

DANGER ON THE MOUNTAINWhen Heather Jacobs climbs a Montana mountain to pay respects to her late father, the last thing she expects is to be running for her life. But she’s living a real-life cat-and-mouse chase, trying to escape a punishing foe from her guide Zane Scofield’s past. How can a California city girl help outwit a ruthless criminal dead set on scouring the wilderness to kill them? Though Zane knows their pursuer and his nefarious motives far too well, he’s not sure why the man is after him now. Only his wits—and an unlikely partner in the determined woman fighting beside him—can save them. But Zane’s also battling a past that’s threatening to swallow him whole…and take Heather along with him.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474065030


Big Sky Standoff
Big Sky Standoff

Àâòîð: B.J. Daniels

LIKE A SHOWDOWN IN THE OLD WEST…THERE WOULD BE ONLY ONE MAN STANDING WHEN THE DUST CLEAREDThere was a standoff brewing between Dillon Savage and cattle inspector Jacklyn Wilde. Toe to toe, they were an equal match, but together they were an imperfect pair. After four long years, they were hitting the open range again, to bring justice to a lawless land.Attached at the hip until a rustling ring was busted, they had to make the best of a bad situation. But the real trouble was Dillon Savage. The cowboy was as cocksure and adventurous as ever. He had old scores to settle, and Jacklyn was there to make sure he didn't stray from his path. Only she didn't know that she was first in line….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472032393


Biggie (Unabridged)
Biggie (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Derek E. Sullivan

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Matt Godfrey

Öåíà: 1675.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781624616341


Bijna Weg
Bijna Weg

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Een meesterwerk van thriller en mysterie! De auteur heeft fantastisch werk geleverd door personages met een psychologische kant te ontwikkelen, die zo goed beschreven zijn dat we hun gedachten kunnen voelen, hun angsten kunnen volgen en hun succes toejuichen. De plot is erg intelligent en zorgt ervoor dat het boek je bezig blijft houden. Vol met wendingen, dit boek houdt je tot het einde van de laatste pagina wakker." – Boeken en filmrecensies, Roberto Mattos (re Eens weg) BIJNA WEG (DE AU PAIR – BOEK 1) is boek # 1 in een nieuwe psychologische thrillerreeks door # 1 bestsellerauteur Blake Pierce, wiens gratis bestseller EENS WEG (boek # 1) meer dan 1.000 vijfsterrenrecensies heeft ontvangen.Als de 23-jarige Cassandra Vale haar eerste baantje als au pair aanneemt, komt ze terecht bij een rijke familie op een landgoed net buiten Parijs. Het lijkt te mooi om waar te zijn. Al gauw ontdekt ze achter de vergulde poorten een disfunctionele familie, een verzuurd huwelijk, getroebleerde kinderen en geheimen die het daglicht niet kunnen verdragen. Als Cassandra een baantje als au pair aanneemt op het idyllische Franse platteland, is ze ervan overtuigd dat ze eindelijk een frisse start kan maken. Vlak buiten Parijs ligt het historische chateau van de familie Dubois, met de schijnbaar perfecte familie als bewoners. Het is de ontsnapping die Cassandra nodig heeft – tot ze duistere geheimen ontdekt, die bewijzen dat de dingen niet zo glamoureus zijn als ze lijken.Onder alle overdaad ligt een duister, kwaadaardig web, wat Cassandra maar al te bekend voorkomt. Het roept herinneringen op aan haar eigen gewelddadige verleden, waar ze wanhopig voor op de vlucht is. En als er een gruwelijke moord wordt gepleegd, dreigt dat haar kwetsbare geest op te breken. Een meeslepend mysterie vol complexe personages, gelaagde geheimen, dramatische wendingen en bloedstollende suspense. BIJNA WEG is het eerste boek in een serie psychologische thrillers die je tot diep in de nacht zal blijven boeien. Boek 2 – BIJNA VERLOREN – is nu beschikbaar om vooruit te bestellen!

Öåíà: 199 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094304755


Bilder Movie
Bilder Movie

Àâòîð: Hoffmann

Wer das Kino der l?ngst vergangenen guten alten Zeit, deren aufw?ndig inszenierten Szenerien und ausdrucksstarken Charaktere liebt, den d?rften diese Foto-Bilder, die an Filmsets erinnern k?nnten, faszinieren. Die Film-Momentaufnahmen verspr?hen Humor oder Spannung, zeigen Liebe oder Arbeit und k?nnen den verschiedensten Genres – Kom?die, Trag?die, Krimi … – zugeordnet werden.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Sonya Kraus

Öåíà: 97.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783869922720


Bill El Vampiro
Bill El Vampiro

Àâòîð: Rick Gualtieri

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835433767


Billie Jo
Billie Jo

Àâòîð: Kimberley Chambers

For Terry, family is everything. But it’s far from perfect…Billie Jo is the adored only child of wealthy villain, Terry, and Michelle, the drunken wife he hates. Knowing how much Billie Jo dreads her parents’ fights, Terry imagines that she’ll understand when he tells her he is going to leave Michelle to marry his pregnant secretary.But fate is about to deal a terrible hand and change everything in a way Terry has not planned for, leaving Billie Jo’s protected world in tatters.Set in a world of villains and chancers, Kimberley Chambers’ brilliant first novel is a rollercoaster read you will not want to put down.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008228590


Billionaire s Mediterranean Proposal
Billionaire's Mediterranean Proposal

Àâòîð: Julia James

His proposal is pure convenience… Their desire is anything but! To convince everyone he’s off limits, Tara Mackenzie agrees to pose as billionaire Marc Derenz’s girlfriend. It’s purely for show, until the Cote d’Azur rumour mill leaves the world convinced they’re engaged! Resisting Marc’s infuriatingly addictive charm was hard enough before, but becoming his fianc?e pushes their desire to new heights. Now Tara’s so deep in their Mediterranean fantasy, dare she believe it could ever be more…?

Öåíà: 414.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474087766


Billur Kalp
Billur Kalp

Àâòîð: H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar

H?seyin Rahmi, Birinci D?nya Savaşı sonrasında toplumda g?r?len yoksulluk, işsizlik, zihniyet değişimi, alafrangalık, eğitim gibi konulara dikkat ?ektiği Billur Kalp’te yalnızca T?rk kadının ?alışma hayatına girmesini anlatmaz; bunu toplumsal konularla harmanlar. ?alışmak zorundan olan gen? kızları tuzağa d?ş?rmek isteyen bir iş yerinde ger?ekleşen olaylar neticesinde M?rvet adındaki bir kızcağız intihar eder. Bir paşanın kızı olan Sema Hanım’ın da bilmeden bu bataklığa yolu d?şer. Bunu g?ren nişanlısı onun da M?rvet gibi intihar edip, adını temizlemesini ister. Ancak Sema Hanım t?m kadınlara ?rnek olacak başka bir yolu se?er. “Oh insan, insan, yaratıkların en canavarı, en d?zencisi insan, yaradılışın en anlaşılmaz, en iğren? bilmecesi sensin… Yalnız kendin i?in, kendi keyfin i?in yaşarsın. Fırsat bulursan her şeyi bu keyif tapınağının ?n?nde kurban edersin… Sonra halkın i?ine ?ıkar, hak ve adalet diye bağırırsın.” Edebiyatımızda doğalcılığın ve ger?ek?iliğin en ?nemli kilometre taşlarından biri olan H?seyin Rahmi G?rpınar, sanatı, halkı y?celtmek i?in bir ara? olarak g?rm?ş bu nedenle ?zerine gitmediği, eleştirip alay etmediği hi?bir toplumsal kurum bırakmamış, sanat yaşamı boyunca hep aklın ve mantığın yanında olmuş, eserleriyle toplumun ?ağdaşlaşması yolunda yobazlığa, gericiliğe, bağnazlığa, s?m?r?c?l?ğe karşı savaşmıştır; bunu yaparken mizah ?gesini ustaca kullanmış, İstanbul’un kenar semtlerinde, mezarlıklarında, ?ingene mahallelerinde, k?şklerinde, Şirket-i Hayriye vapurlarında, gazinolarında, sayfiyelerinde dolaşmış, okurlarını da dolaştırmıştır. Eserlerinde yapmacıksız bir yerlilik vardır; konak hanımefendisinden g?ndelik?iye, mirasyedilerden i? g?veyilere, dilencilerden dadılara, kalfalara, ?ingenelerden Rumlara, Ermenilere, Yahudilere kadar kimi ve neyi konu almışsa onu yerli renkleriyle betimlemesini bilmiştir.

Öåíà: 94.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6486-03-4


Bir eftali Bin eftali
Bir Şeftali Bin Şeftali

Àâòîð: Samed Behrengi

Öåíà: 51.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-605-121-942-4


Bir A k Bir ?lke Bir Gece
Bir Aşk Bir ?lke Bir Gece

Àâòîð: B?lent Tokg?z

İkimiz de bir ?nceki asrın insanı olmakla, son insanlar olmakla bu aşka layık g?r?ld?k. Birbirimizle ?d?llendirildik, ?ağcıl oyuncaklardan uzak durduğumuz i?in. Sosyal medya denen ??pl?kte elimizi ayağımızı kirletmeyişimize hi? girmiyorum bile… Son insanlar. Konuşmak i?in yan yana gelen. Bir k?ğıt alıp vererek bilgiyi paylaşan, toprak ve taş ?zerinde, kendi ayakları ?st?nde buluşan. Bir ırmak kıyısındaydın ilk g?rd?ğ?mde seni. Bir ırmak kıyısına yakışıyordu duruşun. Karşıdaydın, benim ırmağımın kıyısında, tam karşımda. Suyun ?st?nde y?r?yen İsa gibi ge?tin benim yakama, ayakların ıslanmadan. Yere basmadan hi? ayakların. Bir semahta gibiydin, ?ark hareketini zihnim tamamlıyordu, b?y?k bir devran vardı y?r?y?ş?nde, kanın damardaki deveranını andırıyordu. Sen y?r?yordun, kan y?r?yordu yery?z?n?n kuruyan damarlarına, kalbimin aort damarına. Benim yakama ge?iyordun, yakamı ilk defa bırakıyordu yalnızlık. D?ş?yordu yakamdan bin bir ş?phe. Sıyırıyordum yakamı ?l?mc?l endişelerden.

Öåíà: 129.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-8222-52-4


Bir Daha Gelmeyecek
Bir Daha Gelmeyecek

Àâòîð: Reşad Mecid

Öåíà: 152.9 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6853-77-5


Bir Delikanl n n Hik?yesi
Bir Delikanlının Hik?yesi

Àâòîð: Ãþñòàâ Ôëîáåð

1789 Fransız İhtilali’nden sonra Avrupa’da siyasi ve toplumsal ?alkantılar son bulmamıştı. 1848 Devrimleri’ne gelinirken kıtada, protestolara, grevlere, başkaldırılara yol a?an siyasi gelişmeler yaşanıyordu. Avrupa’da Fransa, Fransa da ise gen?ler başakt?r?yd? t?m bu gelişmelerin. Gustave Flaubert’in -kendi hayatından esintileri de taşıyarak- bu d?nem gen?liğinin ayrıntılı bir panoramasını sunduğu “Bir Delikanlının Hik?yesi”, gen? hukuk ?ğrencisi Fr?d?ric’in 1840 yılının Eyl?l ayında yaptığı bir gemi yolculuğu ile başlar. Gen? Fr?d?ric, Avrupa’nın yaşadığı siyasal ve sosyal kargaşalar i?inde kendi kaderini kendi eline almaya ?alışacak, kibar ?lemlere girip ?ıkacak, y?kselme arzusuyla dolup taşacak, kendi gibi gen? arkadaşlarının kimi zaman b?y?k yardımlarını g?recek kimi zaman da ihanetleriyle karşılaşacaktır. T?m sosyal ilişkiler değişirken, b?t?n arkadaşları gibi bir yandan diğer yana savrulurken Fr?d?ric’in kalbinde sadece tek bir şey değişmeden, olduğu gibi kalacaktır: O ilk gemi yolculuğunda g?r?p tutulduğu, kendinden yaş?a b?y?k Madam Arnoux’ya olan aşkı… "Ayrılıklarda ?yle bir an gelir ki sevilen kadın artık bizimle beraber değildir. Sonunda yelkovan yirmi beşi g?sterince Madam Arnoux, şapkasını usulca bağlarından tutup aldı. 'Allah’a ısmarladık dostum, sevgili dostum! Sizi bir daha g?remeyeceğim! Son kadınlık teşebb?s?md? bu! Ruhum hi? yanınızdan ayrılmayacak. Tanrı’dan size rahmet dilerim!' dedi."

Öåíà: 63.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-41-9


Bir g ncin manifesti
Bir gəncin manifesti

Àâòîð: Ìèð Äæàëàë Ïàøàåâ

Mir Cəlalın "Bir gəncin manifesti" romanı 20-ci əsrin əvvəllərində Azərbaycanda baş vermiş hadisələrin bədii təfəkk?r s?zgəcindən ke?irilmiş təsviridir.

Öåíà: 182 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9952-8245-7-5


Bir Noel ark s
Bir Noel Şarkısı

Àâòîð: ×àðëüç Äèêêåíñ

Noel’i yalnız ge?irmek niyetinde olan cimri, merhametsiz ve insanlardan ka?an Scrooge’un evine, Noel arifesinde ?telerden bir misafir gelir. Bu, yedi yıl ?nce ?lm?ş olan ortağının ruhudur… Ortağı, Noel akşamı ?? hayaletin kendisini ziyaret edeceğini s?yledikten sonra ortadan kaybolur. Ge?mişi, geleceği ve şimdiki zamanı temsil eden o ?? hayaletin ziyareti ile Scrooge şaşırtıcı bir değişime uğrayacak ve bir Noel mucizesi yaşanacaktır…

Öåíà: 94.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-625-6485-29-7


Bir t r dd?d?n roman
Bir tərədd?d?n romanı

Àâòîð: Ïåÿìè Ñàôà

Peyami Safanın yazı?ılığının zirvəsini təşkil edən əsərlərinədən biri olan “Bir tərədd?d?n romanı” Birinci D?nya M?haribəsindən sonra inanmaqla inkar, fərdi və ictimai meyllər, ?z-?z?n? məhvetmə eşqi ilə yaradıcı ehtiraslar və sevgilər arasında qalan insanın tərədd?d və ?aşqınlığından bəhs edir. “Roman i?ində roman” motivi və Peyami Safanın ?z həyatından dərin izlər daşıyan “Bir tərədd?d?n romanı” əsəri soyuq m?haribə illərində və m?haribədən sonra doğulan həyati yorğunluq, ictimai dəyərlərin alt-?st olması, ke?mişlə olan bağların qopması, əxlaq b?hranı, maddi və ruhi səfalət, he? bir şeyə tamamilə bağlana bilməmək ağrısı, insanların inanmaqla inkar etmək, yaratmaqla yıxmaq, sevməklə nifrət etmək, yaxşılıqla pislik, ?syan və baş əymək, ?lməklə yaşamaq arasındakı tərədd?dlərinin təcəss?m?d?r.

Öåíà: 186.12 ðóá.


Birl r

Àâòîð: Rasim Qaraca

Bu kitabda m?əllifin minat?r şeirləri toplanmışdır.

Öåíà: 78.63 ðóá.



Àâòîð: Alan Sillitoe

The sequel to ‘Saturday Night and Sunday Morning’.‘Birthday’ is the sequel to Alan Sillitoe’s classic novel of the 1950s, ‘Saturday Night and Sunday Morning’.Four decades on from the novel which was at the forefront of the new wave of British literature, we rediscover the Seaton brothers: older, certainly; wiser – possibly not.Arthur and Brian Seaton, one with an ailing wife, one with an emotional knapsack of failure and success, are on their way to Jenny’s seventieth birthday party. Jenny and Brian had years ago experimented with sex – semi-clothed, stealthy, with the bonus of fear. Arthur, of course, had cut a winning swathe through the married and unmarried women of Nottinghamshire.Life has changed. But there is still pleasure; and still pain.Alan Sillitoe is undoubtedly one of the greatest English writers of our time, and, indeed, one of the most influential.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007387250


Bitter Betrayal
Bitter Betrayal

Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.It happened all the time… Jenneth told herself she wasn't the only woman in the world to have been let down by the man she loved and expected to marry. She knew people went on to rebuild their lives and find lasting relationships. So why couldn't she put the past behind her?The fact that she still loved him was totally irrelevant now. But Luke Rathby wasn't the sort of man who was easily forgotten.And when he came back into Jenneth's life, he created havoc all over again…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408998298


Black Boxes
Black Boxes

Àâòîð: Caroline Smailes

Julie Myerson meets Ian McEwan in this gripping novel of family breakdown.Ana Lewis is trapped by her own expectations. Her intense relationship with fellow student Alex begins to crack beyond repair when she falls pregnant, and his subsequent withdrawal, emotionally and sexually are hard for Ana to bear. Eventually, following the birth of Pip and then Davie, Alex leaves Ana to a life of question and blame. Locked in her room for much of the time she woefully neglects her children, preferring instead to replay scenes from her life over and over, fighting the urge to blink for fear it should dissipate the memories.Told within the context of two black boxes, one Ana’s and one Pip’s, the story reveals the key factors that have contributed to this catastrophic breakdown of life. In Black Box 01 we meet Ana as she begins to deconstruct her life. She rails against Alex and his inability to love her, or to put her ahead of his domineering mother.Black Box 02 is Pip’s diary which details in a schoolgirl terms the neglect that both Pip and Davie have suffered. Pip talks of her mother’s deterioration, lack of cleanliness and of her mother’s obsessions. Pip and Davie communicate through finger sign language, as their mother demands silence. Davie retreats into his own world, permanently soiled and communicating only by sign, while Pip, fat and desperate, sneaks out of the house at night to have sex with a boy who hates her. Pip and Davie exist in parallel, with only Ana's bedroom door separating her from them. She does not want to see them. They are the present and Ana chooses to live in a past, continually raking over the ashes of a relationship that was never really hers.Accomplished and affecting, Caroline Smailes weaves together a catastrophic tale of mismatched lives.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007303243


Black Mad Wheel
Black Mad Wheel

Àâòîð: Josh Malerman

Black Mad Wheel plunges us into the depths of psychological horror, where you can’t always believe everything you hear.THE DANES, the band once known as the ‘Darlings of Detroit’, are washed up and desperate to have another number one hit.When an agent from the US Army approaches them with an unusual offer, they believe it could be the answer to their inspiration drought. So, under the guidance of their front man, Philip Tonka, the Danes decide to embark on a harrowing journey through scorching African desert to track down the source of a strange and debilitating sound.In a Midwestern hospital, a nurse named Ellen tends to a patient recovering from a near-fatal accident. The circumstances that led to his injuries are mysterious, and his broken body heals at a remarkable rate. Ellen will do the impossible for this enigmatic patient as he reveals more about his accident with each passing day.BLACK MAD WHEEL plunges us into the depths of psychological horror, where you can’t always believe everything you hear.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007530083


Black Ops Bodyguard
Black Ops Bodyguard

Àâòîð: Donna Young

It didn't matter where Calvin West laid his head.No country could keep him under its thumb. No woman could pin him down. Cool and unpredictable, Cal had a dangerous side that grew the more missions he took. And this time, his orders were coming from an old flame…. Julia Cutting may have worked for the president, but she faced a dilemma the executive office couldn't solve.So, despite her better instincts, she turned to her ex-lover—the man she knew had grown distant. But with a gun and a plan, Cal was a man she could trust with everything but the true reason for crossing enemy lines. Like the danger she found herself in, this was one bodyguard who would never leave her side, or stray far from her thoughts…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408972168


Black Silk
Black Silk

Àâòîð: Metsy Hingle

The victim was young, lovely and seduced by the wrong man…Mere hours before her wedding, the fianc?e of real estate mogul JP Stratton is found strangled in her penthouse. New Orleans homicide detective Charlotte “Charlie” Le Blanc views the crime scene, finding a black silk stocking draped casually beside the body – a chilling calling card from the killer. The dramatic clue leads Charlie to a world of privilege and wealth, and before long she singles out a suspect whose identity creates a furore in the city: Cole Stratton, JP’s estranged son.But what she doesn’t know is that Cole has been set up. While she sets out to prove his guilt, a real killer is on the loose – a man who now has Charlie in his sights…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408906767


Black Winged Angel
Black Winged Angel

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

Öåíà: 472.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873042051



Àâòîð: Ïåííè Äæîðäàí

Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.Another facility's been sabotaged! And PR representative Sadie Thompson is on the case. When she's assigned to investigate the damage to her employer's oil rigs, she knows it's her chance. Finally, she can prove she's left her «bad girl» past behind her. Yet someone wants the evidence to disappear – and is willing to threaten Sadie and Caleb, her recently paroled half-brother, to make it happen.Caleb's parole officer, Jon Garrison, is watching them both closely, waiting for one of them to slip up. He doesn't trust Sadie – can she trust him? She needs Jon's help, and has nowhere else to turn…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408997994


Blackmailed Bride
Blackmailed Bride

Àâòîð: Sylvie Kurtz

Dr. Jonas Shades needed someone to play his wife in order to secure the funds required for his critical research. Cathlynn O'Connell was the perfect candidate. Except with time running out, he had no choice but to blackmail his bride….Each day spent in Jonas's fortress of a home brought Cathlynn one step deeper into the dangerous mystery surrounding his life. And each minute spent in his brooding presence, each second spent in his passionate embrace brought her one step closer to losing control. Her life was on the line, but what Cathlynn really feared was losing her heart…to the husband she hardly knew.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474018951


Blackmailed For Her Baby
Blackmailed For Her Baby

Àâòîð: Elizabeth Power

The Italian's bridal bargain…Libby Vincent wants to tell Romano Vincenzo why she allowed his ruthless family to take her baby from her. But the dark-hearted billionaire isn't in the mood for listening.He needs Libby back in his life and he knows she will do anything to see her child. Even marry her most bitter enemy…. He'll take her as his bride, but Romano doesn't do love….

Öåíà: 246.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408939437



Àâòîð: Conn Iggulden

A dark, chilling psychological thriller from the number one bestselling author of the Emperor series. Blackwater was published as part of the Quick Reads initiative on World Book Day 2006.How do you know when you're in too deep?Davey has always lived in the shadow of his older brother, a smiling sociopath who will stop at nothing to protect himself and his family. But when the shadowy figure of Denis Tanter comes into Davey's life, how far will the bond of brotherhood reach?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007285457


Bleak Water
Bleak Water

Àâòîð: Danuta Reah

Disturbing, atmospheric suspense novel from the author of Only Darkness, Silent Playgrounds and Night Angels:‘Dark, edgy and compelling’ The TimesBeyond the new city centre developments, the old Sheffield canal is overgrown, run-down and deserted. Signs of regeneration creep along its towpaths, including a small, innovative gallery housed in one of the warehouses. But between the renovations it’s a dark and lonely place – the perfect site for an exhibition reworking Brueghel’s The Triumph of Death.For Elisa Eliot, the curator, the chance to show well-known artist Daniel Flynn’s work at the gallery is a coup. But when a young woman’s body is found in the canal, Flynn’s nightmare images begin to spill out into the real world. Still affected by the murder of her friend’s daughter four years earlier, Eliza is drawn deep into the violence that seems to surround the gallery. Is this the work of a psychopath or is there a link between present horrors and the tragedy of four years before?

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007387694


Blind Faith
Blind Faith

Àâòîð: Sagarika Ghose

A stunning and sumptuous tale of the boundaries between love and hate, truth and deception, set against the anticipation for the Kumbh Mela: the biggest festival in India.When Mia, acutely depressed by the suicide of her artist father, meets Karna, a young and mesmeric guru who bears a startling resemblance to a figure in her father’s painting, she feels compelled to follow him all the way from London to India. And if marrying Vik, the suave businessman her mother so approves of, is the way to get there, so be it.Once in India, Mia learns about Vik’s mother, Indi. She is a figure of great power, inordinately beautiful and gifted, but blind. Her rage ensnares and yet rejects anyone who tries to come close. Mia must travel to the Kumbh Mela, the festival on the banks of the Ganges, to make sense of everything: her own confused love for two men, Indi’s anguish, her own family’s history. And yet when she arrives, nothing is as she thought it would be; through a change in perspective, she comes to realise the limitations of vision…This is a remarkable tale of hope, destruction and ultimately of rebirth, as one young woman explores the shifting sands of illusion and truth.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007283675



Àâòîð: Katy Lee

UNDERCOVER RESCUEWhen race car track owner Veronica Spencer discovers stolen cars in a garage on her track, she knows she’s been framed. But before Roni can do anything about it, the criminals kidnap her. Undercover FBI agent Ethan Gunn shouldn’t break his cover to protect Roni, but he won’t watch her die, either. Despite his FBI information that says she’s involved in the crime ring, Ethan knows she's innocent. So he risks it all to help her break free. But now with killers and the FBI on their trail, Ethan must find a way to keep her safe…and clear her name.ROADS TO DANGER: Family Secrets Resurface

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474056267


Bloed Regen
Bloed Regen

Àâòîð: Amy Blankenship

De essentie van Bloed is een mysterie dat vele betekenissen heeft. Bloed is de brenger van leven … maar als het wordt gemorst, kan het het leven in een oogwenk vernietigen. Legendes zeggen dat Bloed ook de schakel is die soulmates samenbindt… zelfs als ??n van die zielen is verbrijzeld. De gemoedsgesteldheid en moraal van het paranormale L.A. worden op de proef gesteld wanneer onschuld, ongeacht de oorsprong, wordt bedreigd. Ze worden eraan herinnerd dat niet alle demonen slecht zijn … soms moeten zelfs demonen worden gered van de dingen die 's nachts rondglibberen. Tijdens openbaringen vol dood, wedergeboorte en acceptatie van het onvermijdelijke, wordt een nieuw wapen gesmeed door het vallen van de bloedregen.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835418702


Blood and Steel
Blood and Steel

Àâòîð: Harry Sidebottom

From the bestselling author of WARRIOR OF ROME comes the second book in an epic new series set in third century Rome; a dramatic era of murder, coup, counter-rebellions and civil war.In a world of battle and betrayal men will fight – and kill – to sit on the Throne of the Caesars.Rome, AD238Emperor Maximinus’ reign hangs in the balance. At the helm of an empire that is bleeding manpower and money to sustain his wars in the north, rebellions flare in the far reaches of its territories.In Africa, Gordian the Elder and Younger are proclaimed as the new Augusti. A family descending from the imperial bloodline, they represent a chance for the establishment to take back the empire.In Rome, the first blood of the revolt is shed when an assassin murders Maximinus’ prefect and announces to Rome that their ruler is dead and the Gordians have taken the throne. Still bitter at having a soldier from the barracks wearing the imperial purple, the Senate endorses the rebellion: the Gordiani are hailed as Emperors.But as chaos descends on the capital, news reaches Maximinus of the betrayal. A man of war, he acts with decisive brutality and violence. On the dusty plains outside Carthage, bloody battle will determine the fate of the Roman empire.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007499908


Blood Brother
Blood Brother

Àâòîð: J. Kerley A

The spine-chilling serial killer thriller featuring Carson Ryder – the homicide detective with a hidden secret that could destroy his career.These brothers have murder in their veins. Detective Carson Ryder's sworn duty is to track killers down. He's never revealed the fact that his brother, Jeremy, is one of America's most notorious killers – now imprisoned. Secretly, Ryder has used Jeremy's homicidal insight to solve cases. He's made a career out of it. Now his brother's escaped and is at large in New York.With Jeremy the chief suspect in a series of horrifying mutilation-murders, a mysterious video demands Ryder be brought in to help. It looks like a straightforward manhunt. It couldn't be more different – or more terrifying. A dangerous cat-and-mouse game develops between Jeremy and the NYPD, with Ryder in the middle, trying to keep his brother alive and the cops in the dark. But it's a game of life, death and deceit, a game with an unknown number of players and no clear way of winning…

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007302338


Blood Brothers
Blood Brothers

Àâòîð: Josephine Cox

Another page-turning story of tragedy and triumph from the No.1 bestselling author of The Loner and The Journey.Alice Jacobs has finally found the family she always wanted…With her shy smile and kind nature, Alice wins the hearts of the Arnold family. A decent and well respected couple,Tom and Nancy Arnold have raised two very different sons, Frank and Joe.Frank is a devious, brutal man. Seeing Alice as the key to his fortune, he is determined to have her for himself. However, his younger brother Joe has fallen in love with Alice, so when she and Frank become engaged to marry, Joe leaves home, determined to put a distance between himself and temptation. He reluctantly returns when Frank summons him to be his best man.Alice finds herself inexplicably drawn to Joe, but feeling it to be her duty, she goes ahead and marries Frank, not wishing to hurt him. On their wedding night Frank shows his true colours and when he forces Alice to reveal a devastating secret, and his evil nature reaps a shocking revenge.In his blind hatred, intent on punishing those who have crossed him, Frank plans the final, ultimate retribution. An act that could tear apart not only the Arnold family, but shatter the lives of those around them forever. Unless someone can stop him …

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007353231


Blood Calls
Blood Calls

Àâòîð: Caridad Pineiro

The scent of blood lured him… But for vampire Diego Rivera, Ramona Escobar’s sensuality proved even more potent. He had to resist – for there could be no such thing as love for him. Five centuries ago Diego had vowed never to turn another with his bite. When the artist’s life was threatened by a reclusive millionaire who had used Ramona’s skills to build a forgery ring, Diego needed to unleash his inner demon to save her.Then he was faced with a choice – lose the woman he loved…or turn her with a vampire’s kiss.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408907481


Blood is Dirt
Blood is Dirt

Àâòîð: Robert Thomas Wilson

The third powerful and evocative novel in Robert Wilson’s acclaimed West African-set Bruce Medway series.Bruce Medway, fixer and debt collector for anyone in a deeper hole than himself, has heard a few stories in his time. The one that Napier Briggs tells him is patchy, but it doesn’t exclude the vital fact that two million of his dollars have gone missing. Bruce is used to imperfect information – people get embarrassed at their own stupidity and criminality. But for the first time it leads to the gruesome and brutal death of a client.It would all have ended there but for Napier’s daughter, the sexy, sassy and sussed Selina Aguia, a canny commodities broker. She brings money to the game and launches Bruce into a savage world where a power-hungry Nigerian presidential candidate, a rich blow-loving American and a mafia capo are fighting a silent war in which pawns are badly needed. Worse for Bruce, Selina wants revenge, and with the scam she invents she looks as if she’ll get it. This is a world where blood is dirt – nobody really cares. Not even if they love you.

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007393886


Blood Loss
Blood Loss

Àâòîð: Alex Barclay

FBI agent Ren Bryce takes on her most heart-wrenching case yet when a father’s work places his young daughter in terrible danger…OUT OF SIGHTWhen a teenage girl is found beaten and raped in the grounds of a derelict asylum, FBI agent Ren Bryce is called in to assist. But she is soon diverted to a missing persons’ case when an eleven-year-old girl and her teenage babysitter vanish without a trace from their hotel room.OUT OF MINDFaced with conflicting evidence and inconsistent witnesses, Ren works obsessively to unravel the dark family secrets at the heart of the case, before it’s too late…OUT OF CONTROLDetermined to uncover the truth, Ren’s behaviour becomes increasingly reckless. Putting her own safety at risk, she enters a world where innocent lives are ruined for profit … and kidnap, rape and murder are all part of the deal.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007420629


Blood on Copperhead Trail
Blood on Copperhead Trail

Àâòîð: Paula Graves

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472050007


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