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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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Schwarze Saat, Dunkelwelten - Perry Rhodan 1 (Ungek?rzt)
Schwarze Saat, Dunkelwelten - Perry Rhodan 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Michael Marcus Thurner

?ber das Volk der Onryonen ist nicht viel bekannt, da sie auf weit verstreuten Dunkelwelten leben, wo sie vor dem Zugriff Fremder gesch?tzt sind. Doch nun wollen die Onryonen des Planeten Jolyona die Beziehungen zur Erde verbessern, und Perry Rhodan ?bernimmt die Verhandlungen. Auf der Dunkelwelt haben sich noch andere, seltsame Lebensformen entwickelt, die in den Tiefen des Planeten existieren. Es stellt sich heraus, dass es jahrzehntausende alte Verbindungen zur Erde gibt, und Perry Rhodan st??t auf eine Gefahr, die er selbst vor langer Zeit durch eine Zeitreise ausgel?st hat …

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Peter Lontzek

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838792095


Scrivener’s Tale
Scrivener’s Tale

Àâòîð: Fiona McIntosh

An action-packed standalone adventure moving from present-day Paris to medieval Morgravia, the world of Fiona McIntosh's bestselling QUICKENING series. In the bookshops and cafes of present-day Paris, ex-psychologist Gabe Figaret is trying to put his shattered life back together. When another doctor, Reynard, asks him to help with a delusional female patient, Gabe is reluctant until he meets her. At first Gabe thinks the woman, Angelina, is merely terrified of Reynard, but he quickly discovers she is not quite what she seems. As his relationship with Angelina deepens, Gabe’s life in Paris becomes increasingly unstable. He senses a presence watching and following every move he makes, and yet he finds Angelina increasingly irresistible. When Angelina tells Gabe he must kill her and flee to a place she calls Morgravia, he is horrified. But then Angelina shows him that the cathedral he has dreamt about since childhood is real and exists in Morgravia. Soon, Gabe’s world will be turned upside down, and he will learn shocking truths about who he is… and who he can or cannot trust. A fantastic, action-packed adventure starting in Paris and returning to Morgravia this is a page turning, epic adventure.

Öåíà: 1153.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007503940



Àâòîð: Óèëüÿì Óîðòîí

A joyous novel of art, love, and one man’s unquenchable thirst for life, from one of America’s best loved authors.Sixty-year-old American painter Scumbler (‘Scum’ to his friends) makes a living by creating rentable apartments out of the most unlikely Parisian spaces. He spends his days jaunting around the Left Bank in Paris, stopping regularly to paint, and revelling in the art of creation and the remarkable characters he meets along the way: students, prostitutes, and craftsmen, like him. At night he returns to his wife and children. He is an undeniable success. He should be happy.And yet, Scumbler is pestered by the unavoidable symptoms of his age: the grey hair, the aches, the increasing waistline. Scumbler knows he must face up to the fact of his mortality, but he is adamant about doing so in his own inimitable way.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007458165


Se fosse fuggita
Se fosse fuggita

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del thriller e del genere giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto cos? bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terr? svegli fino all’ultima pagina.”–Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito del Killer della rosa) SE FOSSE FUGGITA (un giallo di Kate Wise) ? il 5° volume di una nuova serie di thriller psicologici dell’autore di best-seller Blake Pierce, il cui primo libro Il killer della rosa (1° volume) (scaricabile gratuitamente) ha ricevuto pi? di mille recensioni a cinque stelle. Quando un’altra donna di cinquant’anni viene trovata morta a casa sua in un agiato quartiere periferico – la seconda vittima di questo tipo in appena due mesi – l’FBI non sa come muoversi. Si deve rivolgere alla sua mente pi? brillante, l’agente Kate Wise, cinquantacinque anni, ormai in pensione, perch? torni al lavoro per risolvere il caso.Che cos’hanno in comune queste due donne di mezz’et?? Sono state prese di mira?Quanto tempo passer? prima che il killer colpisca di nuovo?E Kate, non pi? nel fiore degli anni, sar? ancora in grado di risolvere casi impossibili per chiunque?Thriller pieno di azione e di suspense al cardiopalma, SE FOSSE FUGGITA ? il 5° volume di un’affascinante nuova serie che vi terr? svegli tutta la notte, fino all’ultima pagina. Il 6° volume della serie gialla di Kate Wise sar? presto disponibile.

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640297784


Se Fossi Per Me
Se Fossi Per Me

Àâòîð: Rosanna Capursi

M?nica Valentini ? una ragazza di 24 anni che dopo aver subito un terribile incidente si trasforma in un fantasma. Trovandosi in un limbo tra la vita e l'aldil?, un arcangelo le consegna un ciondolo perch? possa apparire mortale, ad una sola condizione: dovr? compiere una missione, che per? M?nica non rispetter? fino in fondo, finendo per innamorarsi di Christopher, un ragazzo di 27 anni, che la far? sentire come se fosse ancora viva. Questa ? un’opera piena di narrativa, dramma e romanticismo. M?nica Valentini ? una ragazza di 24 anni che dopo aver subito un terribile incidente si trasforma in un fantasma. Trovandosi in un limbo tra la vita e l'aldil?, un arcangelo le consegna un ciondolo perch? possa apparire mortale, ad una sola condizione: dovr? compiere una missione, che per? M?nica non rispetter? fino in fondo, finendo per innamorarsi di Christopher, un ragazzo di 27 anni, che la far? sentire come se fosse ancora viva. Questa ? un’opera piena di narrativa, dramma e romanticismo.Quando ero giovane, immaginavo che sarei morta ormai vecchia insieme all’amore della mia vita,dopo un matrimono con figli, la vita che da giovane si idealizza e sogna,per?…Se succede qualcosa nella tua vita che ti f? cambiare il modo di pensare e quello di vedere l’esistenza? Anche se devo ammettere che quando la mia vita ? inaspettatamente finita,una nuova ? cominciata,dove ho potuto capire che la vita e la morte non sono poi cosi diverse come pensavo

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873043904


Se lei sapesse
Se lei sapesse

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del genere thriller e giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto cos? bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terr? svegli anche la notte, finch? non avrete girato l’ultima pagina.”–Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito del Killer della rosa) SE LEI SAPESSE (un giallo di Kate Wise) ? il libro 1 di una nuova serie thriller dell’autore best-seller Blake Pierce, il cui best-seller Il killer della rosa (libro 1) (scaricabile gratuitamente) ha ricevuto pi? di mille recensioni a cinque stelle. La cinquantacinquenne Kate Wise, madre di una figlia ormai grande e agente dell’FBI appena andata in pensione, si ritrova strappata via dalla sua tranquilla vita di periferia quando la figlia della sua amica viene uccisa durante una violazione di domicilio – e la implorano di fornire il suo aiuto.Kate pensava di aver lasciato l’FBI dopo trent’anni come agente di punta, rispettata per la sua mente brillante, le sue abilit? forti in azione e la sua sbalorditiva capacit? di dare la caccia ai serial killer. Per? Kate, annoiata dalla cittadina tranquilla, viene convocata da un’amica che non pu? deludere.Dando la caccia all’assassino, si ritrova presto in prima linea in una caccia all’uomo, a mano a mano che compaiono nuovi corpi – tutte madri di periferia, mogli in matrimoni perfetti – e diventa chiaro che c’? un serial killer che perseguita quella tranquilla cittadina. Disseppellisce segreti dei suoi vicini che non avrebbe mai voluto conoscere, scoprendo che nulla ? come sembra in quel quadretto di citt? e vicini modello. Relazioni e menzogne dilagano, e Kate deve passare al setaccio il ventre della citt? per impedire all’assassino di colpire ancora.Ma questo assassino ? un passo avanti a lei, e potrebbe finire a trovarsi lei in pericolo. Thriller pieno di azione e di suspense, SE LEI SAPESSE ? il libro 1 un’affascinante nuova serie che vi terr? svegli fino a notte fonda, pagina dopo pagina, fino alla fine. Anche il libro 2 della serie di KATE WISE ? gi? ordinabile.

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640295865


Se Lei Scappasse
Se Lei Scappasse

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del genere thriller e giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto cos? bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terr? svegli anche la notte, finch? non avrete girato l’ultima pagina.”–Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito del Killer della rosa) SE LEI SCAPPASSE (Un giallo di Kate Wise) ? il libro numero 3 di una nuova serie thriller psicologica dell’autore best-seller Blake Pierce, il cui primo best-seller Il killer della rosa (libro 1) (scaricabile gratuitamente) ha ricevuto pi? di 1000 recensioni a cinque stelle. La cinquantacinquenne agente dell’FBI Kate Wise deve lasciare la pensione quando viene trovato morto un secondo marito di una benestante periferia: gli hanno sparato alla testa mentre tornava a casa. Pu? essere una coincidenza?C’? stato un caso che ha perseguitato Kate per tutta la sua carriera: quello che non ? riuscita a risolvere.Adesso, dopo dieci anni, un secondo marito viene ucciso nello stesso modo – e nella stessa citt? esclusiva.Qual ? il collegamento?E Kate pu? riscattarsi e risolverlo, stavolta?Thriller pieno di azione e dalla suspense adrenalinica, SE LEI SCAPPASSE ? il libro numero 3 di un’affascinante nuova serie che vi costringer? a girare pagina dopo pagina anche a tarda notte, fino alla fine. Il libro 4 della serie thriller di Kate Wise sar? presto disponibile.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640297128


Se lei si nascondesse
Se lei si nascondesse

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del thriller e del genere giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto cos? bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terr? svegli fino alll’ultima pagina.”–Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito del Killer della rosa) SE LEI SI NASCONDESSE (un giallo di Kate Wise) ? il 4° volume di una nuova serie di thriller psicologici dell’autore di best-seller Blake Pierce, il cui primo libro Il killer della rosa (1 volume) (scaricabile gratuitamente) ha ricevuto pi? di mille recensioni a cinque stelle. Due genitori vengono trovati morti e le loro gemelle di sedici anni sono scomparse. Con il caso che pare non andare da nessuna parte, l’FBI ? disorientata e deve richiamare il suo agente pi? brillante: la cinquantacinquenne agente Kate Wise, ormai in pensione.Si ? trattato di un omicidio casuale? Del lavoro di un serial killer?Riusciranno a ritrovare le ragazze in tempo?E Kate, perseguitata dal suo passato, ha ancora la capacit? di risolvere casi come un tempo?Thriller pieno di azione e di suspense al cardiopalma, SE LEI SI NASCONDESSE ? il 4° volume di un’affascinante nuova serie che vi terr? svegli tutta la notte, fino all’ultima pagina. Il 5° volume della serie gialla di Kate Wise sar? presto disponibile.

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640297777


Se lei udisse
Se lei udisse

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del genere thriller e giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto cos? bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terr? svegli anche la notte, finch? non avrete girato l’ultima pagina.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito del Il killer della rosa) SE LEI UDISSE (Un giallo di Kate Wise) ? il settimo libro di una nuova serie thriller psicologica dell’autore best-seller Blake Pierce, il cui primo best-seller Il killer della rosa (Libro 1) (scaricabile gratuitamente) ha ricevuto pi? di mille recensioni a cinque stelle. Due teenager, a casa dal college per le vacanze invernali, vengono trovate morte nella loro citt? natale. Si tratta ovviamente della furia omicida di un serial killer, e l’FBI resta di stucco – ma l’agente dell’FBI Kate Wise, una cinquantacinquenne che ancora si sta riprendendo da un parto, riuscir? a entrare nella sua mente malata per fermarlo prima che un’altra ragazza muoia? Thriller pieno di adrenalina dalla suspense al cardiopalma, SE LEI UDISSE ? il libro numero 7 di un’affascinante nuova serie che vi costringer? a restare svegli fino a tarda notte per arrivare all’ultima pagina. Il libro 8 della SERIE GIALLA DI KATE WISE sar? presto disponibile.

Ñåðèÿ: Un giallo di Kate Wise

Öåíà: 399 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781094305936


Se lei vedesse
Se lei vedesse

Àâòîð: Áëåéê Ïèðñ

“Un capolavoro del genere thriller e giallo! L’autore ha sviluppato e descritto cos? bene il lato psicologico dei personaggi che sembra di trovarsi dentro le loro menti, per seguire le loro paure e gioire dei loro successi. La trama ? intelligente e appassiona per il tutto il libro. Pieno di colpi di scena, questo romanzo vi terr? svegli anche la notte, finch? non avrete girato l’ultima pagina.”–Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (a proposito del Killer della rosa)SE LEI VEDESSE (un giallo di Kate Wise) ? il libro 2 di una nuova serie thriller psicologica dell’autore best-seller Blake Pierce, il cui primo best-seller Il killer della rosa (libro 1) (scaricabile gratuitamente) ha ricevuto pi? di 1,000 recensioni a cinque stelle. Quando una coppia viene assassinata e non ci sono apparenti sospetti, Kate Wise, una donna di cinquantacinque anni con una figlia ormai adulta e trent’anni di carriera all’FBI alle spalle, viene richiamata dalla pensione (e dalla sua tranquilla vita di periferia) per tornare a lavorare al bureau. La sua mente brillante e la sua irraggiungibile capacit? di entrare nella mente dei serial killer ? assolutamente indispensabile, e l’FBI ha bisogno di lei per venire a capo di quell’incomprensibile caso. Perch? due coppie sono state assassinate, a cinquanta miglia di distanza e con lo stesso modus operandi? Che cosa possono avere in comune? La risposta, capisce Kate, ? urgente – ? sicura che il killer stia per colpire ancora.Ma nella letale caccia al topo che segue, Kate, entrando negli oscuri canali della contorta mente dell’assassino, potrebbe non riuscire a fare in tempo.Action thriller dalla suspense al cardiopalma, SE LEI VEDESSE ? il libro 2 di un’affascinante nuova serie che vi terr? incollati al libro fino a notte fonda, pagina dopo pagina. Il libro 3 della serie thriller di KATE WISE ? ora preordinabile.

Öåíà: 299 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781640296794


Se?ilmi s rl ri
Se?ilmiş Əsərləri

Àâòîð: Ñóëåéìàí Ñàíè Àõóíäîâ

Ədibin kitabda verilmiş əsərləri zəmanəsinin əyani təsviri və sətiraltı mənalarıyla m?asir oxucu ???n maraqlı olacaqdır.

Öåíà: 228 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9952-8450-8-7


Se?ilmi s rl ri
Se?ilmiş əsərləri

Àâòîð: Ìèðçà-Ôàòàëè Àõóíäîâ

Kitaba Mirzə Fətəli Məhəmmədtağı oğlu Axundovun (Axundzadə – 1812 Nuxa/Şəki – 1878 Tiflis – Azərbaycan yazı?ı-dramaturqu, materialist filosofu, ictimai xadim, Azərbaycan dramaturgiyasının banisi) nəsr əsərləri, şeirləri, dramları və məqalələri daxil edilmişdir.

Öåíà: 243 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9952-8260-4-3


Se?ilmi s rl ri
Se?ilmiş əsərləri

Àâòîð: Èëüÿñ Ýôåíäèåâ

Nasir, dramaturq, 1940-cı ildən AYB-nin ?zv?, Azərbaycanın Əməkdar incəsənət xadimi (1960), Azərbaycan D?vlət M?kafatı laureatı (1972), Azərbaycanın xalq yazı?ısı (1979) İlyas Məhəmməd oğlu Əfəndiyevin (1914-1996) se?ilmiş əsərlərinə onun hekayələri, povestləri və bir romanı daxil edilmişdir.

Öåíà: 274 ðóá.
ISBN: 978-9952-8202-7-1


Sea Of Sorrows
Sea Of Sorrows

Àâòîð: Charley Brindley

A man returns to Thailand after a fifty-year absence. When he was in Bangkok on leave from the Vietnam War, he met a girl and fell in love. After returning to the battlefield, he was critically wounded and shipped to a hospital in San Diego. A man returns to Thailand after a fifty-year absence. When he was in Bangkok on leave from the Vietnam War, he met a girl and fell in love. After returning to the battlefield, he was critically wounded and shipped to a hospital in San Diego. After recovering from his injuries he goes back to Bangkok looking for Chayan, but she’s not there. A year later he returns and one of the other girls tells him Chayan died during a typhoid epidemic. Devastated, he returns to the States, goes to medical school and eventually starts a family. Now, after fifty years, he goes again to Bangkok, but instead of Chayan, he finds his past had been evolving without him.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835413240


Sea Trial - Sailing After My Father (Unabridged)
Sea Trial - Sailing After My Father (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Brian Harvey

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jason Gray

Öåíà: 2761.07 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781773057507


Sealed and Delivered
Sealed and Delivered

Àâòîð: Jill Monroe

Lust can happen when you least expect it! Hailey has turned her life upside down – on purpose. Always a planner and a nitpicker, she’s left her job and her last failed engagement and joined her sister in the one place she said she’d never return – home. And now she’s back, a passionate kiss with super-hot navy SEAL Nate is the last thing she expected.Yet it seems that fate is opposed to Hailey’s self-imposed celibacy. . . Especially since Nate is determined to have Hailey as his own and won’t stop until she’s in his bed!

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408915417



Àâòîð: Virginie T

A paranormal romance between a shapeshifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) behind a power struggle Connor has finally sheltered Sevana, in the the pack territory . But a doubt assails him. What if her best friend, Ashley, guessed her fatel origins? The sparkling nurse could then be in big danger. It’s Sean who’s sent to investigate and none of the Guardian Angels could have guessed how far the lion will be taken.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835406891


Search And Rescue
Search And Rescue

Àâòîð: Valerie Hansen

DEFENDING HIS OWNNewly sworn-in as Chief of Police, Ryder Hayes is ready to defend the citizens of Desert Valley—especially his five-year-old daughter, Lily—from his wife’s murderer. So when Ryder starts to grow close to K-9 trainer Sophie Williams, he pushes her away to protect her. He can’t let Sophie become the next target of the deranged serial killer who's obsessed with him. But Sophie has secrets of her own, and Ryder’s caution isn’t enough to shield her—from deadly peril or her own feelings. To save everyone he loves, Ryder will have to let Sophie in…and count on his new K-9 partner to help sniff out the killer.Rookie K-9 Unit: These lawmen solve the toughest cases with the help of their brave canine partners.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474057936


Searching For Her Prince
Searching For Her Prince

Àâòîð: Karen Smith Rose

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Silhouette

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472089182


Searching For Her Prince
Searching For Her Prince

Àâòîð: Karen Smith Rose

Sent to America in search of multimillionaire Marcus Cordello, possible heir to the throne of Penwyck, Lady Amira Sierra Corbin found herself entranced by dashing Brent Carpenter. But unbeknownst to her, Brent was in reality Marcus, hiding his identity to steal a few clandestine moments with the violet-eyed beauty.He meant to reveal the truth…except the touch of her hand made his blood rush faster, and left him yearning to hold on forever. But when Amira uncovered Brent's secret, and fled home, would an ocean between them wash away the hurt or only leave the lovely lady longing for the man she left behind?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472089182


Season of Fury and Wonder (Unabridged)
Season of Fury and Wonder (Unabridged)

Àâòîð: Sharon Butala

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Nicole Nakoneshny

Öåíà: 2169.19 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781990601552


Season of Secrets
Season of Secrets

Àâòîð: Marta Perry

As a teenager, Dinah Westlake had witnessed the murder of her pregnant cousin, but a concussion blocked her memories of that night.Now, ten years later, her cousin's widower, Marc Devlin, had returned to Charleston to give his young son a true Southern Christmas. It was a chance to make amends in a family torn apart by the tragedy–and the suspicion that Marc was responsible for his wife's demise.But when several dangerous «accidents» occurred amid the colorful holiday celebrations, Dinah's recollections of that past dark night began to resurface. Would she discover a killer inside the man she'd grown to love?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408967546


Season Of Strangers
Season Of Strangers

Àâòîð: Kat Martin

Dedicated, driven real estate agent Julie Ferris is enjoying a day at the beach with her sister Laura when a strange, almost undetectable charge fills the air.Then, under the hot Malibu sun, time stops altogether. Neither sister can explain their «lost day»–nor the blinding headaches and horrific nightmares that follow–but Julie chalks it up to the stress she's been under since her boss's son took over Donovan Real Estate.Patrick Donovan would be a real catch if not for his notorious playboy lifestyle and matching attitude. But when a cocaine-fueled heart attack nearly kills him Patrick makes an astonishingly fast–and peculiar–recovery. Julie barely recognizes the newly sober Patrick as the same man she once struggled to resist.Maybe it's the strange beach experience fueling her paranoia but she can't help sensing something just isn't…right. As Julie's feelings for Patrick intensify she's about to discover how that day at the beach links her newfound happiness with her wildest suspicions….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408954584


Seating Arrangements
Seating Arrangements

Àâòîð: Ìýããè Øèïñòåä

A New York Times bestseller and winner of the 2012 Dylan Thomas Prize, this ebook special edition contains exclusive bonus content.The Van Meters have gathered at their family retreat on the New England island of Waskeke to celebrate the marriage of daughter Daphne to an impeccably appropriate young man. The weekend is full of lobster and champagne, salt air and practiced bonhomie, but long-buried discontent and simmering lust seep through the cracks in the revelry.Winn Van Meter, father-of-the-bride, has spent his life following the rules of the east coast upper crust, but now, just shy of his sixtieth birthday, he must finally confront his failings, his desires, and his own humanity.This ebook edition contains an extended extract of Maggie Shipstead’s second novel, Astonish Me.

Öåíà: 1236.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007425235


Second Chance
Second Chance

Àâòîð: Elizabeth Wrenn

Every woman needs a best friend…And Deena Munger needs one more than most. Faced with an almost empty nest, a marriage that's as stale as week-old bread, and hot flushes that are driving her mad, no wonder she feels running away. Despite her twenty extra pounds, Deena feels invisible and wonders when she started to disappear. And how come she never even noticed.Until the day Heloise enters her life.To the astonishment of her family, Deena volunteers to raise a Guide dog-and suddenly her world is turned upside down. Can this messy, boisterous, playful Labrador puppy show her the way out of the darkness? Seeing really is believing…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007278961


Second Chance With The Surgeon
Second Chance With The Surgeon

Àâòîð: Robin Gianna

Can healing his ex-wife… …also mend their marriage? When occupational therapist, Jillian Keyser, breaks her wrist the last thing she wants is treatment from her ex-husband Conor McCarthy. But as a leading orthopedic surgeon, she knows she needs his help! Forced to live again with the man who broke her heart, they discover a new understanding. With their connection as strong as ever, will the Christmas lights over New York shine on their relationship for a second time?

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474090308


Second To None
Second To None

Àâòîð: Muriel Jensen

The DELANCEY BROTHERSThree very different brothers. Three very different lives. One great opportunity.What's a tough cop doing in a place like this?Mike Delancey was one of the best hostage negotiators in Texas. But he's left that behind to work in the winery he and his brothers inherited.He was ready for a change, but nothing could have prepared him for Veronica Callahan. Because Veronica and her day-care center represent the two things he swore he'd never have anything to do with again–women and children.Veronica's a woman with a very interesting past–and a detailed plan for the future. Coming to Delancey Vineyards and starting a day-care center fulfills the first part of the plan. The bad news for the extremely reluctant Mike Delancey is: The second part–marriage and a family–involves him!

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472063878


Secret Admirer
Secret Admirer

Àâòîð: Amanda Stevens

Get ready for a new brand of justice… Born to a legacy of lawman, three brothers sworn to serve and protect will safeguard the women they love.GALLAGHER JUSTICEWith a wickedly sexy smile and reputation to match, detective Tony Gallagher was the Chicago P.D.'s bad boy. Tony had one rule: he always worked alone. Until a murder case pushed him to the edge–and he got a new partner…Working with Tony was Eve Barrett's dream come true–and her worst nightmare. As a girl she'd loved him, but he'd never noticed her. Now she had to find her growing desire, and her real assignment: investigating Tony.With women he knew dying, Tony trusted no one. Eve had to win his confidence–before a clever killer discovered the secrets of his heart…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474022828


Secret Agent Affair
Secret Agent Affair

Àâòîð: Marie Ferrarella

A mysterious man and a dangerous loveDr Marja Pulaski knew she was inviting danger by treating the wounded stranger. But she couldn’t begin to understand how much of a threat Kane really was – or the passion he’d awaken with his very first touch. …A Special Forces agent who put his life on the line every day, Kane Donnelly knew better than to fall for a woman who could compromise his mission. Yet he couldn’t walk away from Marja. But he had to let her go before their growing love plunged them into the greatest peril of all…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408908693


Secret Agent Heiress
Secret Agent Heiress

Àâòîð: Julie Miller

By day these agents are cowboys; by night they are specialized government operatives. Men bound by love, loyalty and the law–they've vowed to keep their missions and identities confidential….THE MISSION: BABY-SIT AN HEIRESSRescue a spoiled heiress who'd gotten herself kidnapped? Agent Vincent Romeo did it single-handed. But instead of the society cream puff Vincent expected, this female seemed to think she was the agent in charge! Whitney MacNair was pure trouble on a shapely set of legs–with a charm as lethal as a loaded gun aimed straight at Vincent's jaded heart.Whitney had felt alone for so long–now a protector as fierce as the Montana mountains refused to leave her side. Falling for the quiet agent was more dangerous than going after the men stalking her, but heartache meant nothing when each kiss might be their last….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472075949


Secret Agent Reunion
Secret Agent Reunion

Àâòîð: Caridad Pineiro

Experience the thrill of life on the edge and set your adrenalin pumping! These gripping stories see heroic characters fight for survival and find love in the face of danger.Back from the dead! Danielle Moore must finish the mission that had nearly cost the undercover agent her life. Then she meets her new partner, Mitch Lama. Her former lover. A man who was supposed to be dead. Years ago, as he lay desperately wounded in her arms, Mitch knew he loved her.Now he’s recovered, it’s time to smoke out a killer within their ranks. But Dani poses a greater danger, rekindling desire that puts them both at risk. Mission: Impassioned Find the traitor…lose your heart.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408901687


Secret Agent Sam
Secret Agent Sam

Àâòîð: Kathleen Creighton

Reporter Cory Pearson's penchant for working in war zones had gotten him into hot water before, but this was uncharted territory, even for him. Because the pilot assigned to fly him into danger was none other than Samantha Bauer.Once she'd been Sammi June, an eighteen-year-old girl who'd looked at him starry-eyed. Now she was Sam, a very competent professional, whose eyes seemed to hold all manner of secrets.If Sam was thrown by learning who her new client was, she couldn't afford to show it–or the fact that her strong feelings for Cory hadn't changed. But if he couldn't accept who she was back then, what would he possibly want with her now–now that her life had taken a direction neither of them could have imagined…and left them both clinging to each other for their very survival?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472077820


Secret Agent, Secret Father
Secret Agent, Secret Father

Àâòîð: Donna Young

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472057754


Secret Baby, Convenient Wife
Secret Baby, Convenient Wife

Àâòîð: Êèì Ëîðåíñ

Dervla was the nurse who'd tended his wounds when he was injured.He was the sexy billionaire who'd seduced her. She refused to be his mistress, so Gianfranco made her his wife. . . . He had only one condition when they wed: no children. . . For a year they were blissfully happy, making lazy love in the mornings, hot passionate love by night. But Dervla was carrying a secret. She was expecting her husband's baby. . . .

Öåíà: 477.44 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408931042


Secret Bodyguard
Secret Bodyguard

Àâòîð: B.J. Daniels

Amanda Crowe's baby girl had been kidnapped! In the shadowy world in which she lived, there was no one to trust except herself. She was going to get her baby back no matter the cost. But she hadn't counted on Jesse McCall getting in her way–a man who was more than he seemed….Posing as Amanda's driver, undercover cop Jesse McCall was assigned to watch the mobster's daughter. But he couldn't ignore Amanda's heart-wrenching effort to bring her child home, nor her siren's call luring him ever closer. As a cop, Jesse had a duty to fulfill. But as Amanda's lover, he would protect her and her baby from all harm–even if it meant breaking the law.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472075956


Secret Contract
Secret Contract

Àâòîð: Dana Marton

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408962336


Secret Fantasy
Secret Fantasy

Àâòîð: Carly Phillips

Juliette Stanton is ten minutes away from vowing to love, honor and cherish a scheming mobster-connected liar. For the rest of her life.And so with the media watching her every move, the high-profile senator's daughter flees her own wedding. Dubbed «Chicago's Runaway Bride,» Juliette needs somewhere to hide out, and heal her broken heart. So she heads to a «fantasy island» and pays big bucks for anonymity and the chance to meet an honest man who'll love her for who she really is. Total fantasy, right?Day one, she falls for tall, dark-haired, ocean-blue-eyed Doug Houston. He's everything she's ever wanted. Except he's not exactly who he says he is, either….

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408952795


Secret Games
Secret Games

Àâòîð: Jeanie London

Marriage counselor Maggie James has a problem–she doesn't believe in commitment! So when her patients claim that a sexy resort has cured their commitment woes, she decides to uncover the resort's secret–for her patients…and for herself. But to get in she'll need a lover–a pretend lover. And she can't think of a better man for the job than her best friend, Sam Masters.Sam has loved Maggie for years, but he could never bring himself to tell her. Now he has a chance to show her. He'll stimulate her senses…then seduce her senseless! He'll prove to her just how incredible the sex between them can be. Maggie may think this is just a weekend of play, but Sam knows that with the right moves, their sensual game can be for keeps….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472029195


Secret Intentions
Secret Intentions

Àâòîð: Paula Graves

As a man of action, he'd never break protocol. But he'd never been so tempted…Although he was trying to crack a global conspiracy, former soldier Jesse Cooper had an even more important mission: keep new hire and girl-next-door Evie Marsh safe. Shocked to learn Evie could be the key to bringing down this secret plot, the head of Cooper Security had to stifle his attraction to her. After all, the case was on the line–and so were their lives. But between dodging bullets and staying one step ahead of the enemy, temptation became impossible to resist. As a man made for danger, Jesse thought sweet Evie had no place in his world. Then, in the heat of the moment, she proved she'd always have his back–or die trying.…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472036155


Secret Prince s Christmas Seduction
Secret Prince's Christmas Seduction

Àâòîð: Carol Marinelli

Claimed by the Prince For Christmas or for ever? Sicilian chambermaid Antonietta prides herself on her discretion—so she’s mortified by her inappropriate reaction to her hotel’s newest guest! Antonietta has no idea Rafael is the notorious Prince of Tulano. All she knows is that his touch lights her up more brightly than a Christmas tree. Their unexpected connection floors cynical Rafe. All he can offer is a temporary festive seduction before resuming his royal duties. But unwrapping the precious gift of Antonietta’s virginity changes everything. Rafe must choose—his crown or Antonietta…

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474088497


Secret Seduction
Secret Seduction

Àâòîð: Susan Napier

Nina knew she'd lost her memory–because when she met Ryan Flint he clearly recognized her, but Nina had no idea who he was.Had they once been lovers? Ryan was obviously hiding something. He seemed angry with Nina, yet intent on seducing her. The tense sexual attraction between them demanded release, but when passion finally exploded between them, what secrets would be revealed?

Öåíà: 246.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408941416


Secret Surrogate
Secret Surrogate

Àâòîð: Delores Fossen

The last thing this Texas sheriff wanted was to heed a frantic late-night call from the woman who'd destroyed his life.Old wounds were ripped wide-open after Lucas Creed discovered that his former deputy had moved on – and was pregnant to boot. But after rescuing Kylie Monroe from hired guns and taking her under his protection, she repaid him by dropping a bombshell on his world-weary shoulders….Kylie knew that her misstep in the line of duty had cost Lucas everything. Now, as his secret surrogate, she planned to give the gruff lawman the ultimate gift to heal his heart – although it would break her own. When they teamed up to expose the corrupt man behind the threats, would their glacial rift melt beneath an inferno of desire?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408962756


Secret Witness
Secret Witness

Àâòîð: Jessica Andersen

BETWEEN DANGER AND DESIRELab technician Stephanie Alberts was terrified. A crazed killer was threatening her. He'd been in her house, he'd taken her daughter. He wanted her to falsify important DNA evidence–or else. Stephanie could comply with his demands…or she could do what she'd vowed never to do again.She could trust a man.Stephanie knew Detective Reid Peters was hell-bent on rescuing her child and keeping them both safe. But the stolen kisses between Stephanie and the sexy cop were a dangerous distraction. Dare she hope that he could offer her and her lonely little girl what they needed most?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472052087


Secretly Married
Secretly Married

Àâòîð: Allison Leigh

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472052094


Secrets and Lies
Secrets and Lies

Àâòîð: Jaishree Misra

The Secret History meets Daddy’s Girls as four old schoolfriends reunite after fifteen years in this sizzling blockbuster.You can't run away from your past…Anita, Zeba, Bubbles and Sam have a friendship that spans 20 years – a friendship born out of their years at a private girls’ school in Delhi in the early Nineties. Beautiful, intelligent and secretive, they were the top clique; the girls that everyone wanted to impress – until the arrival of a newcomer to the school. 15-year-old Lily D'Souza is beautiful, gifted and acerbic and instantly threatens their superiority.Now, Anita, Sam and Bubbles live in London. Bubbles is the pampered but bored wife of a billionaire, Anita is a top journalist working for the BBC, whilst Sam tries hard to be a trophy wife for her corporate lawyer husband. Zeba remained in India, and now lives a life of unimaginable luxury as the world's reigning Bollywood queen.Called back to India for a reunion by their beloved school principal Mrs Lamb, the women must confront a secret that has haunted their adult lives. Lily's body was found on the night of their school prom and, for twenty years, the open verdict has shielded the fact that they may have had a hand in her death.But as they reunite in Delhi to find out the truth about what really happened that night, will their friendship stand the strain? Or are some things better left unsaid…?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007331642


Secrets from the Past
Secrets from the Past

Àâòîð: Barbara Taylor Bradford

Multi-million copy bestseller Barbara Taylor Bradford’s glittering new novel of deeply-buried secrets, passionate love, obsession and redemption.Thirty-year old Serena Stone is a talented war photographer who has followed in her famous father’s footsteps. But when he dies unexpectedly, she steps away from the war zone to reassess her life. At the same time, her former lover, Zachary North, comes out of Afghanistan a broken man in desperate need of a real friend.Serena and Zac inevitably rekindle their passion. But when Serena stumbles across one of her father’s old photographs, her whole world is turned upside down…In search of the truth about her father, her family and her own life, Serena begins a desperate quest to uncover a story from decades earlier.

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007304288


Secrets in Four Corners
Secrets in Four Corners

Àâòîð: Debra Webb

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472057679


Secrets in the Shadows
Secrets in the Shadows

Àâòîð: Hannah Emery

‘One of my favourite reads so far this year.’ HELLO MagazineA must-read for fans of Kate Morton & Barbara Erskine.In 1920s Blackpool, eleven year old Rose wanders away from her parents and has a unique gift bestowed upon her. This gift will leave a haunting legacy, seeping down through the generations…Decades later, Louisa has a vision of her mother walking into the sea. This isn’t the first time it happens and it won’t be the last, but what she sees isn’t always what she wants. The rest of her life is spent trying to change the future that haunts her.In present day Blackpool, Grace is going to be married someday. She knows this because she’s seen it; a vision of a white dress, daisies embroidered on the sleeves, the groom by her side, vowing to love her forever. Except the man in her premonition doesn’t belong to her- he belongs to her twin sister, Elsie.Haunted by what they know and what they are afraid to find out, all three women must make a choice: in the face of certain destiny should you chase the outcome that’s “meant to be”, or throw away fate and choose your own future?

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007568796


Secrets Of An Old Flame
Secrets Of An Old Flame

Àâòîð: Jill Limber

She'd walked away betrayed, brokenhearted…and pregnant. A year later, desperate to protect her infant son, frightened senseless by the bullets lodged in her bedroom wall, Nikki Walker was back in Joe Galtero's life. Back in his house. And hell-bent on staying out of his bed. It was a scandal that still dominated headlines: murder, embezzlement and a missing executive – Joe's prime suspect and Nikki's father.Torn between duty and honor, Joe had lost Nikki, his badge…and three months with a son he didn't know he had. Now, with the threats against Nikki increasing, Officer Galtero raised the stakes. He would settle for nothing less than family – even if it meant losing his badge and his heart all over again.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408946541


Secrets Of His Forbidden Cinderella
Secrets Of His Forbidden Cinderella


Cinderella’s scandalous secret Their forbidden passion had consequences! Overwhelming. Irresistible. Off-limits. Teo de Luz was all those things to innocent Amelia. Until she attends his opulent masquerade ball, and they share a deliciously anonymous encounter! Now Amelia must tell this brooding Spaniard he’s the father of her unborn child. Teo can’t forget his runaway Cinderella, but discovering her true identity stuns him. His loathing of Amelia’s family means he cannot dismiss her deception! He will marry her. He will claim his heir. And he’ll exact a sensual revenge on Amelia, one pleasurable night at a time…

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474097833


Secrets of His Own
Secrets of His Own

Àâòîð: Amanda Stevens

HARBORING DESIREHaunted by a traumatic past, Carrie Bishop exiled herself on the shadowy Cape Diablo island in search of the truth. She never expected to cross paths with a steely-eyed stranger as she combed a crumbling Spanish villa for clues. Nick Draco was as primitive and dangerous as the land he inhabited…and yet his magnetic presence awakened a breathless yearning inside her. An intense premonition of evil on the island left her chilled to the bone, but when they unearthed a menacing thirty-year-old mystery lurking within the estate's dilapidated walls, it was in Nick's arms where Carrie sought protection…and succumbed to seduction. Now, nothing could prepare either of them for the sinister revelations that were about to engulf Cape Diablo….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472034472


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